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Published by mcnulty, 2018-08-24 13:09:43

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SSUUMMMMEERR 22001188Serving Manufacturers of Springs, Wire WWW.WIREFORMINGTECH.COMFormed Parts, Wire Mesh and Rebar ProductsMX 15 Ø 0.010” - 0.067” Trade ShowMX 30 Ø 0.016” - 0.118” Coverage...pages 42, 50, 66 & 72Booth #1005 FORMING & BENDING...P. 60

Visit us at SPRING WORLD 2018 Booth #711YOUR FAVORITE MACHINES JUST GOT BETTERWith the AT Attachment option now available on both CSX and HAX machines, you can start and finish yourpart on one machine, no matter which one you prefer. There’s no need to move a part off the machine to yoursecondary department to complete it, so you can widen your scope with a broader range of wire forms andtorsion springs completed on just one machine. At RK Trading, we don’t just sell machinery—we service it,support it, and carry an extensive tooling and parts inventory, all in the U.S.Improve production rates and increase profits with:CSX Series with removable AT Attachment (2mm and 3.5mm machines)HAX Series with fixed AT Attachment (2mm and 4mm machines)

Flexible wireThe Spring Industry’s first choice for Exotic alloy wireWorking with trusted brands. .827”(21mm) to .001”(0.025mm) diaInconel®, Hastelloy˘, Nimonic®, Monel®, 1-866-482-5569Haynes˘, Phynox†, MP35N* etc. US AT BOOTH #1021 Rosemont, Illinois, USA October 3-5, 2018®Trade name of Special Metals Group of Companies. †Trade name of Aperam Alloys Imphy. ˘Trade name of Haynes International. *Trade name of SPS Technologies.

DESIGNED & BUILT Need a spring?WE’VE GOT A MACHINE FOR THAT.• Constant Force • Single Point Coiling• Compression • Dual Point Coiling• Brush Springs • Constant Force Machines• Torsion • Torsion Winders• Extension • Specialty Machines—• Magazine FENN has been a builder• Slant of custom machines for• Rings over a century. • Upgrades & RetrofitsVisit us at CASMI SpringWorld Booth #1221Torin Spring Coilers | Connecticut, USA | 860.259.6600 | [email protected] |

TablTeabolefoCf Coonntteenntsts FSaullm20m0e7r 2018 Vol. V2o1l., 1N0o, .N3o. 4 FeatuFreeaAturrteic Alertsicles eDmhebyardliitrntol4gegm4weneithntT ri1o4 oWSfeOcFoTrnddI ATenerncsuahlLnWeiicraeadFlo sArmctinohgiTeNevceehnwmoloeSgnyatI nlAetewrsnaaRtirodenascl To–e rcChdnliacaslsAcohifev2e0m0e7nt Awards, given out in spring steel....20 Mark Vearnenalanbtuleeadsllyto-toNeqseupwirpinmcgoemnnttar,akmicnatgste,orrfiaawlssitroedrfeoalrcimvceeinrsygsoianrindedussfdtoreyr mminaadknividnidgufoasrplsrsifneogrrvsmiocarejowsrierteeqcfuoharnmlicheaidlgdpheaevrsetstl.ospamleesntesver. Supplier offers over 60 48 O p1e6 n “HHoouws ReeF-EenagtuinreeedrinEgq uMiyp Wmieren tFDoremminogn strati ons & Educ ation high-performance alloys ...44 C ath y MBonurosein- eEsqsui pSmaevnet dad ivta fnrcoemme nEtxs t&inteccthiononlo”gy firsts, were of high value to attendees. 58 Q u alitDyreBw Gerneecnhblamtt -a Ar mkulPti-purotnsgeWd sitrraetegSy urepsuplteldi einr groownth Fanrdo rnetutrnF too porotfitability. S pr2in0g wHRiriecyhddairrsdotrDgib.euStniisos nEoncm,oJmbr. pr-iaAtntrlyeeviimsewpeoonifstteh doe fpto hSyespnicrtaeilnrmmgea taSjollturerngeyelwof mhyadrrkoegtesnaermoburnitdtletmheenwt oofrld. 60 Wire Fsporirnmg stienelgalo&ngBwiethnaddiisncugssiRonoofumnitidgautiopn methods. E di2to3ri al CDSro.taRmffog-peTorhNse.isWtitaorigtneh- toE-fP-ftfaheretc-6atorstf itinhnew mCiruealtrfi-obpraomrtnins egSriaetnes,deTlbheenSdtrinenggttehcohf nSoteloegl,ydeadnicdaeteqdutiopmtheent. Drum washer for springs8an6d ASTMmWetahlluirtgey oPf saprpingemr:akSingtaannddwairerdforsmeDd epavrtes mloanpumfacetunrintg. wire formed parts...30 E na2b4li ngCmoaantuifnagctsur ifnogri nthnoev a2t1iosnt Canednatcucreylerating commercialization. Kirtan R. Dhami - A look at high-performance and corrosion-resistant fluoropolymer/PTFE Software calculates best bending sequence parameters ...61 Columnscoatings for springs and wire formed parts. Ravni Technologies chamfering machines from coil to the finished product 26 Stress Peening – A Practical Application Compact 32 StressfDorr.FbEoectktreemrhmaruadtleMariüall–leurtTi-lizShatrteeiosnsFv(iisanhhoaitg)lhpeeFreahnaicnrgdtnoceasrnsboreefsuusDlteindegisninimgreadnkiuncgIenadutmteoagtseurrsiiaptleyunsseiodn/recdouilcsepdrinwgesight. mesh R an3d0y DHeFeoartd &- A Sll uThrfinagcseS Tprrinegastment Roundup welding cyl- inder...36 34 PowerEidnitogriaEl Sutarffo- SpueppwlieristhhavRe reesnpeonwdeadbtoleousr ,caEll fUor tAhepsptatreo-oaf-tcheh-arttoin Cheoatnnected & Autoanmd saurtfeacde tDreartimveinnt egq,uiApmuetnot. motive Supplier Business Models K on3r6ad DMDeoonrogrthelee reF-JlEeunuxgrieobbpileolidattny- PAaernarsndpg eeVcoetfivrmesesashtiwlietyld infgomr atchhein eWs iisrbee iWngoofrfekreedr to wire workers, Chamfering operation from 36 DeformandawtihoennseHt uepabtyianwgell–-traPinaedrtwoVrker, the downtime can be less than 30 minutes.coil to finished product ...90This newest model adds to the family of chamfering machines the integration of a D r.3R8o geMr Na.cWhriingehts- fTohre PStrroendguthcoinf gSt eWelire Hangersnumerically controlled feeder –roller straighteners –cutting /chamfering unitequipped with rotating carbide tools (like a lathe). The benefits of this Sonia Vitari - Versatile wire hanger forming and other wire processing machines offeredconfiguration are highest quality cut lengths and chamfered ends, working rangefrom 4mm to 10mm, programming capability of the lengths by means of panel 38 Mechaglnobiacllay wl iTtheasftetri-nsaglesosufpWporitraend&engCinaeebrilneg. Productsinterface from 80mm to 6m. The machine design distinguishes itself as the weldedmachine frames are heavy and rigid to avoid vibrations and assure quality A la3n9T hoCmAasS-MWI iSrecPhroodlaucrtsTheispti nAgwards Reach Total of US$463,000 in 2007production, quick and easy tooling changeovers, fluid or spray lubrication available,chip collection and more. Straus-Artys Corporation, Woodbury, NY, USA Excerpted from the CASMI CONNECTION, a publication of Tech BriefsCASMI (Chicago Association of Spring Manufacturers, Inc.), Naperville, IL, USA. 70 M a4 k4i nIWgtsiS rAetc aRtiionvdilte i&ess sC ionSa tVteienengle DzSuiuaepmlpa lo&ien rCd CoWolunmisroebliiHadaotoeks s for E lectro plating BespoJakcequeCsoAnlcdkaWert e- CldominpagnySintoenldusttiootanp tShetdreevaelmopinligngeroswthTmuabrkeet iPn Lraotidn Aumcetriicoa.n StraighVteenrsinatgileroslylestrem for producingalignment marwkeirer .h..a9n1gers....38 89 45 Company Profiles Industry EventsInformation of value to the international spring and wire formed parts industry....42-43 ...50-57 42 SM I IPnldaunsstr2y0 E19veEnvtsent for Pittsburgh Pre3v7ie wSoftrSaMigI MhettFalrEonmginTehereingSehXopwo™, October 1 to 3, 2019, in Pittsburgh, PA, USA. 50 SpringImWageosralndd®facStsefrtomfowrireRSooustheeamst oASnIAt 2T00h7i, shelOd Occttoobbere1r6-1280, 210807, in Bangkok, Thailand....66-69 Wire DepartPmreveienwtsof SpringWorld®, October 3 tCo h5,i2nN0a1e82,xi0nt1R8Iossetsomuonet, :IL,WUSiAn. ter 2008 Fo.r.m.7i2n-g85Events ..6...6......w...i.r..e....C...h...i.n...a....2..0...1..8....&....T4ube Editorial................................F..e...a..t..u...r.e....E...i.g...h...t...I.n...t.e...r.n6ational PavilioTonps Products of 2007 News Wire ...........................P..r.e..v.i.e..w...o..f..w..i.r.e..C...h.i.n..a..2..0..1..8..&8 Tube China 2018, Sepwteimrebe2r02068to P2r9e, v20ie1w8, in Shanghai, China.bNeenwdesrti.r.r.u7pPA2rdovdeurtcist eSrhso’,whel–d wire 20R1o8undup: Materials April 16Stop2o0t,l2ig01h8t,:i nMDeüsshse Wldoerfl,dGinergmany. Editorial Index...........................................................64 Departments Next Issue: Fall 2018Fall 2007/Wire Forming Technology International 3Wire Forming Events ............................................................4 Company ProfilesEditorial.................................................................................6 wire India 2018 PreviewNews Wire ............................................................................8 Emphasis: Fence MakingProduct Showcase..............................................................90 Roundups: Cleaning & Coating • Spring GrindingAdvertisers’ Index ...............................................................95Editorial Company Index ....................................................96 Spotlight: Testing Summer 2018/Wire Forming Technology International 3

WIRE FORMING EVENTS Table of Contents May 13 – 1F6a,ll 22001079 Vol. 10, No. 4September 26 – 29, 2018 wire China 2018, Shanghai, China wWwFAwS.wpriirnegfaMbreiectaintogD,rhesyAadl.irnootgglweranitghn ta14, FGWeaAFtTu,Ir eTUe AcSrhtAnicicl easl Achievement Aw17aAr4dk1sr oA–n Ck,lraOosnsHoP4fe24n03i0n17s3uUlaSRAd, • embrittlement in springOctober 3 – 5, 2018 SPRING WORLD® ‘18, Rosemont, IL, USA November 27 – 29, 2018 wire India 2018, Mumbai, India Tel: +1 330 864 2122 • Fax: +1 330 864 5298Second Annual Wire Forming Technology International Technical Achievement Awards, given outOctober 16 – 17, 2018 WFA Fall Meeting, Baltimore, MD, USA annually to spring making or wire forming industry individuals for major technical www.wireformingtech.comrelated to equipment, materials or accessories for making springs or wire formed parts.November 27 – 29, 2018 wire India 2018, Mumbai, India 16 “How Re-Engineering My Wire Forming DBruews iGnreeesnsbl aStt a- Av emdul tii-tp rfornogmed sEtrxatteignyc retsioulnted” in gCrowhthi pandL reipturpn itno pcrooftitatbility.January 24 – 26, 2019 20 Hydrogen Embrittlement of SpringP Srteeseildent and PublisherWFA Winter Meeting, San Antonio, TX, USA [email protected] D. Sisson, Jr. - A review of the physical metallurgy of hydrogen embrittlement spring steel along with a discussion of mitigation methods.March 13 – 16, 2019 FENCETECH ‘19, Indianapolis, IN, USA September 17 – 19, 2019 23 Composition Effects in Carbon Steel SMtreinkgteh oMf StceNel,udeldtiycated to theMay 13 – 16, 2019 Dr. Roger N. Wright - Part 6 of the multi-part series, TheInterwire 2019, Atlanta, GA, USA metallurgy of spring making and wire formed partsVmiacneufPacrtuerisnigd. ent and wire Southeast Asia 2019 Drum washer for springs and Bangkok, Thailand wire formed parts...30 24 Coatings for the 21st Century [email protected] Kirtan R. Dhami - A look at high-performance and corrosion-resistant fluoropolymer/PTFE coatings for springs and wire formed parts. Tom Hutchinson Compact 26 SDrt.rEecskesh aPrdeMeünllienr -gS –tre Ass P(shroatc) pteicenainl gAcpanpbliecuGastelidooibnnmalakSinaglaeusto Msusapennasigonecroil springs for better material utilization via higher hardness trlehsu@ltinwg inirreedfuocremd miantegritael cushe.dc/roedmuced weight. mesh welding cyl- September 26, 2019 inder...36 H10amInbtuerrnga, tGioenraml Canoyn gress o f Spri ng Wire th 30 Heat & Surface Treatment Roundup for the sJtaitme-ofM-thea-asrat inrheat Editorial Staff - Suppliers have responded to our call and surface treatment equipment. Senior Editor 36 MDoororthee eFJleunxgiebbilolidtty- Aarnandg eVoef rmseashtiwlietyld infgojmra amtchh@ein eWws iisirrbeee iWfnogoromfrfekrieendrgtotewcirehw.corokemrs, and when set up by a well-trained worker, the downtime can be less than 30 minutes. 38 Machines for Producing Wire Hianntgeersrnational Sales Sonia Vitari - Versatile wire hanger forming and other wire processing machines offered CHINA globally with after-sales support and engineering. October 1 39 CASMI Scholarship Awards ReachR Tinogtaiel roTf UraSd$e4M63e,0d0i0a iLnt d20. 07 SMI Metal Pittsburg, – 3, 2019 CExAcSeMrpIt e(Cdhfriocmagtoh eACssAoScMiaIEtCioaOnsN otNf CESCphrTiiInOngNa M,:aaVnpuuifbvalciictaautnrioenrSso,h fInacn.),gNa+p8er6vi-lle2,1IL,6U2S8A.9-5533, EXT 169 PEAn,gUinSeeAri ng eX po 201 9 Versatile system for producing 4 4 IWtsi rAec Rtiovdit i&es C iona VtiennNge ozSurutephlpa& l&ie SrC oCouolutnhmsvCoibvlhiiaidiananat@e:sMr inaggigeiret rLadiue.+c8o 6m-20 8 732-3 316, www.metalengineeringexpo.orgwire hangers....38Jacques Anckaert - Company intendsEtoXtapTth9e 3de3v2elopmingaggrogwitehlmiuar@ket rininLagtiineArmtrearicdae. .com 45 Company Profiles interHnaotionnagl sKpriongnagn:d MwireikfoermHedapyart+s i8nd5u2stry2. 369 8788, ext 11 Information of value to the [email protected] March 30, 2020 – April 3, 20 2 0In dust ry Events wire 2020, Düsseldorf, Germ3a7 nSytr aigh t From The SSohuothweastTASoImA 20H07u, htcelhd iOncstGoobenEr,1R6G-M1l8o,A2b0aN0l7Y,SinaBlaensgkMok,aTnhaailganedr. Image s and facts from wire [email protected] Departments Next Issue: WINinDtIeAr 2008 Wire Forming Events ..................................................4 Editorial.......................................................................6 Strategise.inToPpv Pt.rLodtdu.c,tAs bohf i2j0at07Sanghvi, Co-Founder News Wire ..................................................................8 Tel : +91-22-w6i5re262300186 5P/r6e6v,ieCwell : +91-98211 27628 Product Showcase....................................................40 REoumnadiul p: :a [email protected] Advertisers’ Index .....................................................63 Spotlight: MeIsThA WLeYlding Editorial Index...........................................................64 Casiraghi Pubblicatá Internazionale DFailel 2g00o7/WCirae FsoirrmaingghTeic,hnOololgiyvIneterrnCatioansail ra3ghi Tel: +39 031 261407 • Fax: +39 031 261380 [email protected] JAPAN Sakura International, Ken Myohdai Tel: +81 6 6264 3900 or +81 3 5646 1160 Fax: +81 6 6264 3901 or +81 3 5646 1161 [email protected] TAIWAN Worldwide Services Co. Ltd. Robert Yu Tel: +886 4 23251784 • Fax: +886 4 23252967 [email protected] Publisher's Notice: We assume no responsibility for the validity of claims in connection with items appearing in Wire Forming Technology International magazine. Ad- dresses are given to facilitate further inquiry. Wire Forming Technology International is published in the months of February, May, August and November by Initial Publications Inc., Chip Lippincott, Pres., 1741 Akron Peninsula Rd, Akron, OH 44313 USA. For subscription info write: Circulation Dept., Wire Forming Technology International, 1741 Akron Peninsula Rd, Akron, OH 44313 USA. For changes of address, visit Wire Forming Technology International is distributed with- out charge to people employed by a company or division of a company engaged in the manufacture of springs, wire formed parts, wire mesh and rebar products and the materials, tooling, machinery and control systems for making those parts. Others may subscribe at US$35/yr in the USA and Canada or US$65/yr elsewhere. Single copy price is US$20 plus shipping. Editorial reprint prices will be furnished upon request.CanadaPostInternationalPublicationsMailProduct (Canadian Distribution) Sales Agreement No. 40025486. Canadian return address: BleuChip International, PO Box 25542, London, Ontario N6C 6B2 Canada. Postmaster: Send address changes to Wire Forming Technology International, 1741 Akron Peninsula Rd, Akron, OH 44313 USA.4 Wire Forming Technology International/Summer 2018

PTC - Pretension Control HIGH SPEED CNC COILERS INTERNATIONAL PATENT MX 15 Ø 0.010” - 0.067” Booth #1005 MX 30 Ø 0.016” - 0.118”MI L AN O - ITA LY NIMSCO LLC North American distributor 5115 B Tremont Ave. Davenport, IA 52807 Ph: 563-391-0400 Fax: 563-391-0403 [email protected]

EDITORIALHanging Tough ruling that the hangers from Thailand were actually from China, the shipments stopped. There were no moreU.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has posted hangers coming in from Thailand.” In August 2017, CBPan interesting case-study article on the plight of one wire issued a final determination: “We found substantialhanger maker’s efforts to fight not only for fair trade, evidence that the wire hangers were imported into thebut for its existence. The article “Hanging Tough” tells U.S. using an evasion scheme. The hangers had beenthe story of how “CBP’s first Enforce and Protect Act transshipped from China through Thailand to evade(EAPA) investigation helped America’s last wire hanger paying antidumping duties.” As a result of this success,manufacturer survive.” in early 2017, M&P filed EAPA allegations on eightM&B Hangers, aka M&B Metal Products, is based in importers from Malaysia. “We’re still waiting on theLeeds, AL, USA, and its wire hanger survival saga takes final determination, but the preliminary findings wereplace over an entire decade. M&B first petitioned the good; CBP’s investigators couldn’t find any wire hangergovernment for help in 2007 to get relief from unfairly- factories in Malaysia.”priced hangers being “dumped” in the USA market byChinese manufacturers. M&B won that case and a simi- I have long thought that there were few good endings tolar one against hanger suppliers based in Taiwan and these dumping cases due to the time and costs involvedVietnam. But soon, its adversaries changed tactics by with fighting them. This case stands out as a nice exam-shipping Chinese-made products from dummy corpora- ple of perseverance and good law enforcement as welltions in Thailand and Malaysia to avoid the payment of as a warning of how far unscrupulous companies willantidumping duties on products shipped to the USA. go to get market share. You can read the whole story at It also containsThis evasion scheme was a new challenge that was not some good M&B images, several which are shown here.being met by existing trade enforcement legislation.Ultimately, through a coalition of steel wire product Zero-Tariff Solutionmanufacturers that were affected by similar dumping,new legislation was proposed with stronger enforce- I read an article by Stephen Moore of The Heritage Foun-ment, greater transparency, stricter time-lines and dation a few months ago that makes the case for a zero-increased affordability. After many years of lobbying tariff solution, which makes the most sense to me evenand an expansion of the coalition into other industries, though implementation, universal buy-in and regula-efforts culminated with the passage of the EAPA in 2016. tion would be difficult to achieve. Moore cites data thatM&P resubmitted its Thailand case, and it became shows that the USA has the lowest overall tariffs, whichCBP’s first EAPA case. Here are a few of the findings: are utimately taxes on consumers, compared to its main“In December 2016, after we received the preliminary trading partners in Asia, Europe and North America. Given the USA’s trading volume and appetite, it should have the most leverage, and it should be the one to seize the high ground by seriously putting “no tariffs and no barriers” on the table. Moore concludes that zero tariffs would be the ultimate victory for free and fair trade. Call me naive, but I agree. Mike McNulty, Editor [email protected] Wire Forming Technology International/Summer 2018

“Bending in a New Dimension”ON DEMONSTRATION CASMI Spring WorldI FUL 26 Compression Spring Coiler with booth 1205 control: In-process-control of spring length Stop by booth 1205 Donald E.Stevens Convention Center and position • interactive machine demonstrations autopitch: Automatic pitch and diameter correction through • learn about the latest innovations in manufacturing technology • talk with our experts, questions answered on the spot transfer of measured values from a measuring device Economical • Versatile • Reliable bestspeed: Automatic optimization of quality and output in the spring coiling processI FMU 25 Torsion Spring Coiler with spring: Collision control and determination of cycle time by simulation and tool arrangementI F3 Compression Spring Coiler with bestspeed: Automatic optimization of quality and output in the spring coiling process BMS 25 Dual Head Wire Bender with smartbend: Enables the operator to optimize the vibration and output of the bent parts bend: reduction of set-up times thru automated optimization of bending sequencesEngineered for What’s Next Spring Coiling & Forming Wire Bending & Forming Wire Straightening, Cutting Tube Bending & Forming Nail, Fastener & Chain Machines Machines & End Working Machines Machines MachinesWAFIOS Machinery Corporation 27 NE Industrial Road, Branford, CT 06405WAFIOS Midwest Technical Center 9830 W. 190th Street, Mokena, IL 60448USA / 203 481 5555 / sales@wafios.usCanada / October 3-5, 2018 Chicago, ILWAFIOS Machinery Corporation is a subsidiary of WAFIOS AG

NEWS WIREBed Maker Invests tablished relationship with British Wire rod being produced at Britishin Drawing lines at Steel—the manufacturer provides Steel in Scunthorpe.British Steel Facility the high-quality wire needed for our innovative spring technology. drawing facility, Rob Waltham Leeds, UK-based luxury bed MBE, leader of North Lincolnshiremaker, Harrison Spinks, has “Partnering with British Steel Council, said, “This is terrificdemonstrated its commitment to to launch our new wire drawing news for North Lincolnshire asBritish manufacturing by investing facility in Scunthorpe not only we welcome another top brand to£1.8 million in a new wire draw- means we can recycle all steel the facility at British Steel’s site waste, creating a closed-loop pro-in Scunthorpe, which will lead duction process, but also allows “I’m delighted the council wasto 22 new jobs. Harrison Spinks us to develop a higher grade wire able to play its part in helping toalready employs over 600 people quality, enabling us to produce facilitate Harrison Spinks’ expan-at its facilities in Leeds. industry-leading springs for our sion plans. The North Lincolnshire mattresses. British Steel Support Fund has The bed maker, which was supported another business tofounded in 1840 and is one of “The investment in this new relocate into the area. Our fantasticGreat Britain’s most established wire drawing facility is part of our location and first-class workforceand innovative bed and mattress wider business strategy to become presents North Lincolnshire as anmakers, is using a 40,000 ft2 British world leaders in sustainable mat- ideal place for potential investors.Steel building to house two new tress and comfort innovation. We The fund provides finance to busi-wire drawing lines. look forward to working with Brit- nesses in North Lincolnshire that ish Steel moving forward in order will create new jobs and develop These two lines draw the ultra- to further expand the new wire business growth and diversifica-fine wire used to manufacture drawing site with the help of addi- tion of existing businesses andHarrison Spinks’ world-leading tional investment, further boosting attract new jobs through inwardpocket springs, utilizing steel rod job creation in the region.” investment.” from British Steel. The invest- ment has created nine jobs with As well as producing wire for more to follow when the bed springs used in mattresses manu-manufacturer installs a further six factured at Harrison Spinks’ fac- Zapp-Group Acquires wire drawing lines at the facility. tory in Leeds, the ultra-fine wire Sandvik’s Stainless These will produce approximately drawn in Scunthorpe will be ex- Wire Business400 tons of fine wire for its springs ported, so lightweight springs caneach week. be used in mattresses in countries The Zapp-Group, with the including the United States. main German production site in Speaking about the new facil- Schwerte-Ergste, has acquiredity, Richard Essery, Managing Richard Sims, British Steel Sandvik’s Stainless Wire Business.Director of Harrison Spinks Com- Managing Director Wire Rod,ponents, said, “We have a long-es- said, “Quality and innovation are The deal includes the produc- cornerstones of both companies’ tion site in Sandviken, along with Harrison Spinks draws its own products so we’re delighted to the global sales organization; in wire in order to make its unique strengthen our partnership with total 145 employees, whereof the Harrison Spinks. majority is in Sandviken. Sandvik springs on-site. Stainless Wire is a leading global “By working together on prod- producer of stainless steel wire uct development and manufac- products for advanced niche ap- turing, we’ll be able to further plications with focus on the medi- improve our wire rod grades and cal, automotive, watch and energy ensure end-users continue receiv- industry. Sandvik Stainless Wire ing the market-leading products synonymous with Harrison Spinks and British Steel.” Part of the £1.8 million invest- ment in the new facility came from a £150,000 grant from the Brit- ish Steel Support Fund at North Lincolnshire Council, which has helped facilitate the move of Harrison Spinks’ wire drawing machines to Scunthorpe. Commenting on the new wire8 Wire Forming Technology International/Summer 2018

NEWS WIREhass annual sales of €30 million. and beyond. Members are candid CEO on June 1, 2018. He has a long The Zapp-Group is a leading in their statements and various experience with the global steel in- points of view are always pre- dustry and he previously has heldproducer and supplier of metal- sented. WFA recommends that several leading positions withinlic materials for demanding ap- this may be your best return on Sandvik Materials Technology. plications and is centered in the time and money anywhere. and distribution ofprecision strip, wire, bar, profile The 2018 WFA Fall Meeting & Southern Springs and and powder metal products with Marlin Steel Wire Products Plant Pressings Celebrates an emphasis on stainless, titanium, Tour takes place at the Lord Balti- 70 Years of Tradingnickel and other special alloys. As more Hotel, Baltimore, MD, USA,a tradition-based, family owned from October 16 to 17, 2018. ​New Milton, Hampshire,company with a history of more UK-based spring manufacturer,than 300 years, the Zapp-Group The 2019 WFA Winter Meeting Southern Springs and Pressingshas 13 production and service- will be held from January 24 to 26, Ltd., is celebrating its 70th anniver-center sites in Europe, the USA 2019 at the Hotel Valencia River- sary of trading.and Asia. walk in San Antonio, TX, USA. In 1948, Southern Springs Ltd. The acquisition of Sandvik The 2019 WFA Spring Meeting opened its doors for the first timeStainless Wire will significantly and Interwire tradeshow takes by founding partners Jack Har-increase Zapp’s competence in place May 13 to 16, 2019 in Atlanta, man and Richard Fletcher-Jones.wire manufacturing working and GA, USA. For more information or They quickly moved the busi-strengthens Zapp’s product and to register, visit: ness to a barn in Old Milton andalloy portfolio for the medical, au- Joseph (Joe) Williams joined thetomotive, energy, watch and other expanding spring sectors. New ISO 9001:2015 Joe and Richard continued to run Certificate Awarded to the spring manufacturing businessUpcoming Winamac Coil Spring over the next 40 years.WFA Meetings The Winamac Coil Spring qual- T​ he spring manufacturing busi- The Wire Fabricators Associa- ity team, lead by Ryan Edge, has ness thrived on being particularlytion (WFA) holds three meetings been recently awarded with the well placed to design and manu-per year—Spring, Fall and Winter. ISO 9001:2015 Quality Certificate. facture specialist coiling machinesThe WFA Spring and Fall Meet- for the production of productsings include a social hour and The effort to comply to the new that could not be made on stan-dinner the night before, a half-day quality standards was a significant dard machines of that era. As themeeting consisting mostly of a undertaking that involved a large business expanded, it becamediscussion on current economic number of Winamac Coil Spring necessary to build a new and moredevelopments and trends in the team members. Everyone from modern factory in its current loca-industry, a luncheon, and a guest the company’s President to the tion in New Milton in 1964.speaker presentation or a member production staff participated inplant tour. moving the company to a process In 1989, and on the retirement flow chart control system, iden- of the two founder members, Tony The WFA Winter Meeting com- tifying the flow and function of Williams took over the running ofmences with a welcome dinner on virtually every department and the business as Chairman. It was atThursday and ends with a group every function. this point that the company wid-dinner on Saturday. Mornings ened its manufacturing capabilityare reserved for meetings and to encompass tool making, thepresentations. One afternoon is Ad Raatgeep Succeeds production of metal pressings anddevoted to golfing, fishing or re- CEO Jan Pieters at wire forms, and the spring manu-laxing. Spouses accompany most Suzuki Garphyttanmembers to the Winter Meeting,which is held in January. Suzuki Garphyttan AB has welcomed Ad Raatgeep as the Probably the most valuable part successor of CEO Jan Pieters whoof the meetings is the Roundtable resigned from Suzuki Garphyttandiscussions. At all meetings, 60 to AB on May 31, 2018.90 minutes is allocated to discusscurrent “hot topics” in the indus- Raatgeep joined the companytry, current economic conditions on March 1, 2018, as Senior Advi-and prospects for the next quarter sor and replaced Jan Pieters as10 Wire Forming Technology International/Summer 2018

A COMPLETE RANGE OF GRINDING MACHINESM1 H50 H100-1 H110-1M3-S M4D H150 MA6-1E MA6-2E HA100-2 MA6-D HA100-2-2 MA9-1E MA9-2E MA10-1E MA16-1E MA16-2E MA10-2E OMD OFFICINA MECCANICA DOMASO SPA22013 Domaso (CO) • Italia • Via Case Sparse, 205 • Tel. +39 0344 97496 • Fax + 39 0344 96093 • E-mail: [email protected]

facturing business also embraced NEWS WIRE sales of Spring Testing devices firstnew CNC technology. patented by LINK in 1936. During and service to its wire rod custom- this busy time, LINK sold a Spring A new board of Directors was ers globally. Tester to an aircraft fuel pumpappointed. In 2015 two long-serv- manufacturer, who used it to testing members of staff took up senior The transaction will be executed many springs in its product line.roles within the company—Tim in two phases, so that Outokum- Through precision design, dura-Page as Managing Director and pu’s ownership will increase to bility of the device and supportSteve Blunt as Quality Director. 90% at the end of June 2018 and from LINK team members, thatUnder their leadership, supported to 100% at the end of 2019. The same device is still in operation toby the new board and 27 dedicated completion of the transaction is this very day, 75 years later.employees, the firm has invested subject to customary closing con-heavily in state-of-the-art, highly ditions. LINK says this machine is acomplex computer-controlled testament of its commitment tomachine tools. The company has North American its customers and the quality ofbeen taken to new heights, win- Spring Tool Moves to its products. Over the years, LINKning major long-term contracts Meet Customer Needs has had multiple employees dedi-ensuring secure employment and cated to development and supportgreater company profitability, far North American Spring Tool of this tester, which has kept it cali-removed from its humble begin- (NAST) recently moved into a brated and in commission for overnings in the late 1940s. new larger space at the Sirois Tool seven decades. With the durability facility to accommodate customer that LINK builds into its Spring Page, Managing Director, said, growth. This move included new Testers, these machines have been“We are delighted to celebrate 70 offices as well as expanded inven- able to withstand the test of time.years of trading, the business has tory and manufacturing areas. The LINK is proud of the durabilitygrown significantly since opening purpose for the move was to create of this tester still in operation andits dors in 1948. The ast few years a more efficient layout with room uses this as a milestone and stan-have seen some huge investment to grow. According to the firm, “At dard for all future the factory environment and NAST we strive to serve our springpurchasing of new machines, We manufacturer customers in the The LINK Spring Tester wasare looking forward to developing most efficient way. It is with them the first testing product that LINKthe business further in 2018 and in mind that we focus our continu- ever manufactured. With basesbeyond.” ous improvement programs.” originally made out of wood, LINK’s Spring Testers have come a long way, later being mass pro-Outokumpu Acquires NAST provides a complete duced through an aluminum cast- line of carbide and steel tooling ing process. LINK Spring TestersFagersta Stainless Wire for the spring industry including have evolved throughout the years special tooling in steel or carbide, to keep up with new technologyRod Mill in Sweden along with engineering assistance, and advancements, and are still reverse engineering and salvage/ being manufactured today. Outokumpu and Sandvik have rework. A world leader in tooling www.linkeng.comsigned an agreement for Outo- for the spring and wire industry,kumpu to purchase full ownership NAST gives its guarantee on all William Hughes Uses of Fagersta Stainless wire rod workmanship and quality assur- Testing to Guarantee mill in Sweden. Fagersta Stainless ance. Parts Enduranceis currently a 50/50 joint ventureowned by Outokumpu and Sand- LINK Spring Tester Still William Hughes has increasedvik Materials Technology. in Use After 75 Years its component endurance testing capabilities with the acquisition Fagersta Stainless is a leader In 1943, Link Engineering of two new compression springin special stainless steel wire rod Company experienced a boom in fatigue testing machines from Ital-serving customers globally. In ian test equipment specialist, Mi-2017, the company’s stainless steel cro Studio. With the investmentdeliveries amounted to 52,000 in these new machines Williamtons. Fagersta’s product offering Hughes can test fatigue on com-complements well Outokumpu’s pression, tension and some torsionASR wire rod mill in Sheffield, UK, springs. There are also facilities forand Outokumpu plans to developboth units further to ensure contin-ued offering of leading products12 Wire Forming Technology International/Summer 2018

Plan now to attend SpringWorld® 2018!Join thousands of your colleagues in Rosemont.SpringWorld provides a unique opportunity to network with other spring manufacturers and wire formers:• The premiere spring show since 1960. • One-on-one discussions with others who share your concerns offering new insights• A global showcase for suppliers to the spring and wire for your business. form industry featuring attendees from 18 countries. • Attend free educational seminars offered by• See the newest technology available to improve your exhibitors and industry experts. productivity, quality and service.We’ll see you at presented by www.casmi-springworld.orgSpringWorld® 2018October 3-5Donald E. Stephens Convention CenterRosemont, IL

NEWS WIREendurance testing of torsion bars has added a new warehouse in Sales Manager. During his tenure,and seat mats. This enables the Commerce, CA, USA, to support he has held the titles of Senior Ex-company to guarantee its springs the demand of the growing off- ecutive Vice President of the wirewill meet customer requirements road and powersports markets. products group, Vice President offor a minimum number of cycles The new California warehouse Sales for the bedding product divi-without breaking. currently stocks 3\" ID E-Series sion, National Product Manager and 3.75\" ID G-Series Coil-Over of bedding, Innerspring Product Springs in different applica- Springs with plans to add addi- Manager and Senior Vice Presi-tions are subject to different levels tional product lines soon. dent of Corporate Developmentof usage—from modest usage in concluding with President of thean automotive seat mechanism to “With the largest off-road and Hickory Springs division.much more demanding duties in powersports market in Californiatypical aeronautical applications and the surrounding states, it “I am very appreciative of hav-—and it can be important to have was clear we had to service local ing the opportunity to work along-data for spring fatigue in these customers with local inventory,” side JB the past three-plus yearsreal-world tasks. stated Kelly Falls, Vice President and for his invaluable contribution of Motorsports and Performance and dedication to our company,” “Fatigue is not just a body Aftermarket. “Hyperco’s products Mark S. Jones, HSM CEO said.function for athletes,” said Wil- are manufactured and stocked in “He will be greatly missed forliam Hughes Technical Director, our Pontotoc, MS, USA plant and his diligent commitment, dailyEmma Burgon. “Any component in Logansport, IN, USA. By open- banter, personal interactions inworking in a dynamic application ing this west coast warehouse, we the office and proud display ofis prone to fatigue. We can—and can ship orders much quicker and Hickory Springs Red or Duke Bluedo—model theoretical lifespan, for less money. That makes our apparel.”and that’s useful information, but customers happy.”practice can differ from theory, so Throughout his 40-year career,the only way to guarantee lifespan Inventory in California is avail- Bush has served the industry asis to test in real life.” able now. a board and executive commit- tee member of the Better Sleep The new machines enable Wil- James “Jimmy” Bush Council, a board, finance andliam Hughes to test large numbers Retires from Hickory executive committee member ofof cycles on compression springs Springs Division ISPA (International Sleep Prod-very quickly, establishing the ucts Association) chair and viceminimum number of operations HSM recently announced the chair of the International Sleepa component or assembly can retirement of James J. “Jimmy” Products Association Supplier’sachieve. Bush, President of the Hickory Council and as past president Springs Division of HSM. Born of AIM (American Innerspring “More and more customers are into the home fur- Manufacturers).demanding within their produc- nishings industry,tion specification that a certain Jimmy made his One of his proudest momentscomponent must be able to achieve career with the pri- was receiving the Russell L. Abolta given number of operations,” vately owned fam- Exceptional Service Award inexplained Burgon. ily business, which 2014, which is ISPA’s has spanned over 40 years. His honor bestowed on a member. early childhood was spent with www.hsmsolutions.comNew Hyperco his brother Bobby helping hisWarehouse to Serve father Bob Bush around the Hick- New Field Rep at GibbsOff-Road/Powersports ory Springs office and his teenage summers spent working in the Gibbs Metals is pleased to in- Hyperco, an MW Industries, warehouses learning the ins and troduce Logan Gibbs as its newInc. company, Chicago, IL, USA, out of springs. Field Sales Representative for the southeast region of the USA. Since 1978, Jimmy has played many critical roles in the company Logan Gibbs grew up in from the factory floor to serving Cheshire, CT, USA, and after high on the Board. After graduating school studied Criminal Justice from Duke University with an at Franklin Pierce University in MBA and BS in Management New Hampshire. An avid sports Science, Jimmy officially joined enthusiast, he also played hockey, Hickory Springs as an Assistant lacrosse, and golf throughout his school years. After college, Logan14 Wire Forming Technology International/Summer 2018

NEWS WIREwas employed in the golf industry to better serve our customers as FOERSTER thanked its em-in both Waterbury, CT, USA and well as developing future leaders ployees, who, with their dedicatedJupiter, FL, USA. for Gerdau.” commitment, are indispensable for the success of the company, with Logan Gibbs joined Gibbs Met- The Long Steel North American this great day. Guests discoveredals in September 2015 as an In- Operation is responsible for 40% of the diverse areas of FOERSTER,side Sales Representative in the the consolidated net sales and 18% from detection and magnetics toCharlotte, NC, USA, facility. He of the EBITDA. nondestructive testing of semi-entered Field Sales in September of finished products and compo-2016 where he calls southeast cus- “It is a great honor to lead the nents. Various hands-on stationstomers in North Carolina, South operation I have been serving for invited to a playful approach ofCarolina, Virginia, Kentucky, the last years. Gerdau has a great work done at FOERSTER and toTennessee, Alabama, Georgia and team and I am confident that we follow in the footsteps of ProfessorFlorida. His territory is diverse can build a path for the company’s Friedrich Fö geography and industries and growth in North America, one ofserves a wide array of markets ours most relevant markets” said The company says it will con-including spring, electronics, oil Wang, who holds a Metallurgi- tinue to provide its customers withand gas, automotive, aerospace, cal Engineering degree from the innovative products and systemmedical, power generation, con- Universidade Federal do Rio solutions in the future and lookssumer goods and more. Grande do Sul (UFRGS – Brazil) forward to more exciting chal- and executive education courses lenges and projects. Gibbs Metals offers seven loca- at Harvard Business School. www.foerstergroup.comtions in three countries including www.gerdau.comthe USA, Canada and Mexico. New Website FOERSTER: 70 Years for Steelgroup Nondestructive TestingGerdau Announces Steelgroup, consisting of theNew President in With a Family Day under four Italian companies, MAB, CB,North America the motto “FOERSTER Rallye”, FAR and ITA, has a new website. FOERSTER celebrated its 70th an- The successfull partnership of Gerdau S.A. announces that niversary on June 16, 2018, on its these companies in the metallur-Chia Yuan Wang, currently the company premises. Employees gical global market is involved inSupply Chain Vice-President in were invited to participate in an the production of wires, strandsNorth America, was recently ap- in-house scavenger hunt to learn and steel bars.pointed as the new President for more about the world of FOER-its North American Long Steel STER at many hands-on stations. Steelgroup says it believes inOperation. Wang is succeeding Various attractions for young and innovation, technologies, changesthe CEO of Gerdau, Gustavo old made for an entertaining and and the people able to drive for-Werneck, who was temporar- eventful day. ward. Digital technologies are be-ily holding the position during coming more and more pervasivethe last three months. The new “Today we can proudly look and strategic in all organization—President for the North American back at what we have achieved companies and institutions—asLong Steel Operation has almost together over the past 70 years,” a powerful driver of innovation30 years experience at Gerdau said President Felix Förster as he and renewal at all levels. For thisand during this time held several lauded his employees and their reason, Steelgroup announces itspositions in Brazil, Canada, China families on the anniversary. new website (listed below).and the USA, with a track recordof successful results. When Professor Dr. Friedrich The new website provides a Förster founded Institut Dr. Foer- clear message of who the Steel- According to CEO Gustavo ster GmbH & Co. KG in 1948, no group is, what it stands for andWerneck of Gerdau, “We see a one imagined that it would one where its value lies when devel-great opportunity to improve the day become a globally operating oping and delivering high-qualityoverall performance of our North company with ten subsidiaries steel products. The website alsoAmerican Long Steel Operation worldwide and a total of almostand Wang has a relevant strate- 600 employees. From one vision,gic vision, ability for business a world-renowned brand wasturnaround and to bring positive created that has been shaping theresults. In his new position, he has nondestructive testing industry toalso the challenge to accelerate our this day. From the finest wire tocultural and digital transformation man-sized tubes, with FOERSTER products, quality becomes visible.16 Wire Forming Technology International/Summer 2018

NEWS WIREboasts a clean design and intuitive Carpenter Technology Carpenter’s 500,000 ft2 Alabamaand consistent site-wide naviga- Plans Emerging manufacturing facility, which be-tion system with improved menu Technology Center gan operations in 2014, producesfunctionality that directs you to high-end specialty alloy products,the information most relevant to Carpenter Technology Cor- primarily for the aerospace andyou. It is also fully responsive with poration, Philadelphia, PA, USA, energy markets. The Athens sitemobile devices, making it easy to has announced plans for adding was later expanded to producenavigate on a wide range of web an Emerging Technology Center super alloy powders used in appli-browsers and portable devices. on its Athens, AL, USA, campus. cations including jet engine The facility will initially focus on and 3-D printed aircraft engine Additive Manufacturing (AM) components and other products.ESF Spring Makers technology development, withConference in Germany future investments slated for soft The Emerging Technology Cen- magnetics and meltless titanium ter is expected to open in approxi- The European Spring Federa- powder. mately 12 months. ir.cartech.comtion will hold the 10th InternationalCongress of Spring Industry on Sep- Over time, Carpenter expects to Betts Company tember 26, 2019, at the Hyperion invest US$52 million in the Emerg- Celebrates 150 YearsHotel Hamburg in Hamburg, ing Technology Center, which willGermany. create approximately 60 jobs over Betts Company hosted a cel- the next five years. This invest- ebratory 150th anniversary event The International Congress of ment is a critical component in on May 10, 2018. The event hostedSpring Industry will feature speak- executing Carpenter’s key growth employees and their families,ers and presentations by spring initiatives and is aligned with its vendor partners and communityindustry professionals and will business strategy of becoming a officials. CEO, Mike Betts, startedalso provide ample networking complete end-to-end solutions the event with a heartfelt messagetime. For more information, visit: provider in the AM area. to the employees, “A special you to all our team members and “By utilizing our metallurgical your families for the commitment and process expertise, the Emerg- you give Betts Company every ing Technology Center is where day.” we will develop and implement future solutions for our custom- Betts Company is the oldest ers ranging from new alloys to revolutionary 3-D printed parts,” said Tony R. Thene, Carpenter’s Chief Executive Officer. “Our re- cent investments in AM and soft magnetics indicate our ongoing commitment to the rapidly chang- ing landscape of our industry.” Within the last 16 months, Car- penter has acquired Puris LLC, a producer of titanium powder for additive manufacturing and advanced technology applications; acquired MB CalRAM LLC, a leader in powder-bed fusion ad- ditive manufacturing technolo- gies; announced a US$100 million investment in soft magnetics ca- pabilities at its Reading, PA, USA, facility; opened an AM Technology Center in Reading; and solidified several AM powder supply agree- ments with various companies to expand its presence in this rapidly expanding market.18 Wire Forming Technology International/Summer 2018

STRAIGHTENING MACHINES FOR THIN WIRE APR 3 Ø 0.004” - 0.040” APR 1000 Ø 0.004” - 0.040” APR 1000 RR Ø 0.012” - 0.063” Booth #1005MI L AN O - ITA LY NIMSCO LLC North American distributor 5115 B Tremont Ave. Davenport, IA 52807 Ph: 563-391-0400 Fax: 563-391-0403 [email protected]

NEWS WIREfamily owned business in Fresno ers worldwide. produce custom wire products.County, CA, USA. Fresno County The future of tooling starts withSupervisor, Sal Quintero, recog- AIM provides equipment to progressive partnerships likenized this incredible accomplish- contract wire fabricators and those between Acme Wire andment by honoring Betts Company manufacturers who form wire as engineers at QCIC. To learn more,with an official Betts Company components for their own product visit the website below. Day. Representatives from Andy lines. AIM equipment is used to www.acmewire.comVidak and Jim Costa’s office also support automotive, aerospace,presented proclamations. medical, point-of-purchase dis- British Steel to Make play, refrigeration, food service, Wire Rod Investment The event boasted family fes- HVAC, storage, agricultural andtivities including a kids zone, local material handling applications. British Steel recently an-food trucks, a photo booth and nounced the biggest investmenton-site tours of the spring manu- With technical sales representa- in its manufacturing operationsfacturing plant. tion in the USA, Canada, Mexico, in a decade. Some £50 million is Europe, South America and Asia, being invested in upgrading theAIM Receives Exporter AIM is seeing exceptional growth company’s Scunthorpe Rod Millof the Year Award and acceptance of its entire line of facility. equipment. On May 24, 2018, at the 2018 Executive Chairman, RolandGovernor’s Export Award recep- Contributing growth factors in- Junck, said, “Our transforma-tion in Union League Club of clude the fastest machine forming tion remains firmly on track andChicago, AIM Inc. (Automated speeds in the market and a reputa- continues with unprecedentedIndustrial Machinery, Inc.) re- tion for the best value and techni- levels of investment going into theceived the prestigious “Exporter cal support. Continuing the quest business.”of the Year” award. to provide the best manufacturing solutions, AIM Inc. provides total To get additional details about AIM Inc. manufactures indus- turn-key integration for complete the investment in the Scunthorpetrial CNC bending machinery. lights-out operations, allowing Rod Mill, visit the British SteelFounded in 1992 by Constantine the customer to achieve new lean website., AIM Inc. has grown to manufacturing capabilities. become a premier CNC bending Arlington Plating is machine supplier, serving custom- ISO 9001:2015 Certified Acme Wire Partnership with QCIC at UCONN Arlington Plating Company (APC), Palatine, IL, USA, has A federally sponsored program received certification to the ISO is helping to forge a partnership 9001:2015 Quality Management between Acme Wire and QCIC System (QMS). NSF International (Quiet Corner Innovation Clus- conducted the independent, third- ter) at the UCONN School of party certification and issued Engineering, finding ways to help Certificate Number C0264287-IS3. improve custom wire manufactur- APC completed the registration ing in the state of Connecticut, process with zero infractions—in USA. The aim is to create innova- essence, a perfect score. tions in this field through new research and testing that will help businesses located within the “Quiet Corner” of the state. The school’s Proof Of Concept ISO 9001:2015 certification center provides access to special- denotes that Arlington Plating ized equipment to help better Company is compliant to the In-20 Wire Forming Technology International/Summer 2018

is pleased to announce our next event October 1 – 3, 2019 Pittsburgh Convention Center Pittsburgh, PASave the Date! Registration begins Spring 2019Learn more at

NEWS WIREternational Standards Organiza- testers, advanced flux leakage in- existing products and solutionstion (ISO) quality management spection, phased array and other reflects our commitment to mak-system and has demonstrated advancements that changed the ing sure that the most advanced,its ability to consistently provide scope of nondestructive testing. latest developments are availableproducts and services focused on for our customers’ NDT applica-enhancing customer satisfaction. It Today, operating on an inter- tions. Our success and longevityis now the only standard in the ISO national scale, MAC continues to are due in part to the advanced9000 family against which third- find innovative ways to help tube, capabilities we have brought toparty certification can be carried. bar, wire and parts producers meet the market for nearly a century.” increasingly demanding specifica- Richard Macary, President of tions for quality.Arlington Plating Company, said, Ryerson to Acquire “This certification tangibly dem- Dudley Boden, MAC’s President Central Steel & Wireonstrates our unrelenting commit- and CEO (above) and 1936 60 Hzment to deliver world-class plating eletromagnet bar tester (below). Ryerson Holding Corporation,solutions that meet customer’s Chicago, IL, USA, a leading value-exacting requirements.” “Using our unique ability and added processor and distributor of experience with multiple tech- industrial metals, has announced Staffed by a team of quality nologies including eddy current, its entry into a definitive mergerengineers, Arlington Plating con- ultrasonic, phased array and flux agreement to acquire Central Steelducts chemical analysis and ma- leakage, we don’t just sell a prod- & Wire Company, a metal serviceterial reliability testing on site. uct, we sell a solution—a test solu- center with six locations across theAdditionally, sample plating tion that is based on the customer’s central and eastern USA. Centraland testing for bath composition product, mill configuration, speci- Steel & Wire has a rich historyanalysis, troubleshooting and fications, applications, budget and and valued brand spanning morecharacterization of plated features other specific needs,” commented than 100 years, offering a wideand deposits are conducted by the Dudley Boden, MAC’s President selection of products and capabili-company on a daily basis. and CEO. “As we celebrate this ties, with a commercial 90-year milestone, we are renew- centered on bar, tube, plate and ing our long-standing dedication sheet products. Central Steel &Magnetic Analysis to customer service, while at the Wire employs approximately 900Celebrates 90 Years same time focusing on an exciting people and has annual revenue future for NDT with new technolo- of approximately US$600 million. Magnetic Analysis Corpora- gies and applications.” Central Steel & Wire will continuetion (MAC), Elmsford, NY, USA, to operate under its current branda leader in nondestructive testing, Joseph Baldauff, MAC’s Vice- name following the closing of theis celebrating 90 years of designing President of Technology, added, transaction.and supplying innovative inspec- “Our continuous upgrading oftion instruments and systems for The transaction values Centralmetal manufacturers throughout Steel & Wire at an enterprise valuethe world. of US$140,000,000 on a cash-free, debt-free basis with a normalized Founded in 1928 in Long Island level of working capital. RyersonCity, NY, USA, at a time when intends to fund the acquisitiontesting usually meant “sampling” through existing and acquiredprocedures that destroyed or sources of liquidity given Ryer-altered the product being tested, son’s strong performance andMAC developed electromagnetic ample liquidity as reported intechniques to “nondestructively” Ryerson’s first quarter financialtest steel bars without modifying results on May 2, 2018. the product. In 1934, MAC intro- www.ryerson.comduced the first successful testerto identify cracks in steel bars in SWD Inc. Begins Work a production mill. Through the on 25,000 ft2 Extensionyears, MAC also developed rotaryeddy current testers, phase gat- On June 7, 2018, SWD Inc.,ing, pulsed eddy current, polar Addison, IL, USA, held a ground-presentation, fully digitized test breaking ceremony to celebrate ainstrumentation with vivid colorpresentations, rotary ultrasonic22 Wire Forming Technology International/Summer 2018

NEWS WIRE26,000 ft2 expansion of its existing its quality control, manufacturing As a result of the USITC’s af-160,000 ft2 facility. In attendance and administrative operations. firmative determinations, Com-were Village of Addison Officials, Newcomb relates that the move merce will issue antidumpingrepresentatives from BMO Har- has no impact on the company's duty orders on imports of thisris Bank and members of Laub workforce regarding jobs. The new product from Italy, Korea, Spain,Construction. With this addition, headquarters is located at 3155 Turkey and the United Kingdom,SWD projects growth of 15% in North Point Parkway, Alpharetta, and countervailing duty orders onyear-over-year sales and expects GA 30005, USA. imports of this product from Italythat anywhere from 12 to 15 new and Turkey.positions will be created. Newcomb Spring has also announced the addition of cus- The Commission also made The current expansion is the tom wire bending to the com- a negative finding concerningsecond phase of a project that pany’s range of manufacturing critical circumstances with regardadded 60,000 ft2 in 2012. The extra capabilities. As a leader in the to imports of this product from26,000 ft2 will help with process manufacture of custom springs, Spain, Turkey and the Unitedflow in this state-of-the-art coat- wire forms and metal stampings, Kingdom. As a result, imports ofing production facility. It has Newcomb Spring has invested in carbon and certain alloy steel wirebeen designed to allow for more CNC manufacturing technologies rod from Spain and the Unitedwarehousing with an automated and advanced quality control sys- Kingdom will not be subject toracking system for part storage tems for wire bending—a unique retroactive antidumping duties,along with new office space for manufacturing specialty. and imports of this product fromcentralized shipping, receiving Turkey will not be subject to retro-and order entry processing. Newcomb Spring’s new wire active countervailing duties. bending services will address the The US$3 million dollar ad- needs of companies in markets The Commission’s public re-dition follows a series of invest- such as transportation and auto- port, Carbon and Certain Alloy Steelments. This expansion is aligned motive, agriculture, retail displays, Wire Rod from Italy, Korea, Spain,with SWD’s mission to “Bring home furnishings, kitchen and Turkey, and the United Kingdomour customers the highest level of bath, appliances and housewares, (Inv. Nos. 701-TA-573-574 and 731-quality and service in the metal medical and veterinary accessories TA-1350-1351, 1354-1355, and 1358finishing industry”. and more. (Final), USITC Publication 4782, April 2018) contains the views of SWD Inc. specializes in Black the Commission and informationOxide, Passivation of Stainless Wire Rod from Italy, developed during the investiga-Steel, Phosphate coatings (Zinc, Korea, Spain, Turkey & tions. The report can be accessedManganese and Iron), Fastener UK Injure USA Industry on the USITC website at: Sorting and licensed application High Corrosion Magni, Dörken The United States Internation- publogs/qry_publication_loglist.aspand Yuken coating systems. Last al Trade Commission (USITC)year, SWD introduced a state-of- has determined that a USA in- MEIS Promotes the-art robotic organic coating line dustry is materially injured by Richard Lynch to with unprecedented production reason of imports of carbon and VP of the Americascapabilities. certain alloy steel wire rod from Italy, Korea, Spain, Turkey and MacDermid Enthone Industri- This project is expected to take the United Kingdom that the U.S. al Solutions (MEIS), Waterbury,six months and should be finished Department of Commerce has CT, USA, a division of MacDer-by November 2018. determined are sold in the United mid Performance Solutions, States at less than fair value and announced that Richard Lynch subsidized by the governments of has been promoted to Vice Presi-Newcomb Spring Italy and Turkey. dent of the Americas. With moreRelocates World HQ; than 30 years in the business,Adds Bending Services Chairman Rhonda K. Lynch brings with him a wealth of Schmidtlein, Vice Chairman experience, expertise and knowl- Newcomb Spring Corp. has David S. Johanson and Commis- edge to the role.relocated its corporate world sioners Irving A. Williamson andheadquarters from Decatur, GA, Meredith M. Broadbent voted in Lynch’s career in the industryUSA to Alpharetta, GA, USA. the affirmative. Commissioner Ja- has seen him hold various roles inNewcomb Spring says that the son E. Kearns did not participate technical, sales and operations—move was instituted to physically in these investigations. most recently holding the positionreorganize and optimize space for24 Wire Forming Technology International/Summer 2018

NEWS WIREof Director of Marketing & Busi- tive industrial research program Material Design for Forged Partsness Development at MEIS. In his in Automotive Technology”, wasnew role as Vice President, Lynch (IGF) of the Federal Ministry for generated in 2015 from the ideawill be responsible for the MEIS competition “Leading Technolo-business in the Americas, leading Economic Affairs and Energy gies for SMEs” of the BMWi andthe commercial strategy to keep the AiF. The goal is to use newthe business at the forefront of the (BMWi). The Research Network steel materials, part designs andindustry. In addition, he will con- production methods to make thetinue to develop the corporate ap- was organized and supported by car powertrain—from the engineproach to sustainable technologies to the transmission and wheelfor the industry such as evolve®, four research associations of the bearings—even lighter, while stillthe chromium-free process for fulfilling the stringent require-Plating on Plastic and the ZinKlad® German Federation of Industrial ments with regard to service life.QA program, to ensure the Ameri- Ten research institutes from fivecas region is fully aligned with the Research Associations “Otto von German federal states are par-wider business to bring enhanced ticipating in six projects. performance with environmental Guericke” (AiF): Heat Treatment www.massiverleichtbau.destewardship. and Material Engineering Asso- ASTM International Launches Platform for “Lightweight Forging” ciation (AWT), Bremen; Research Document DevelopmentResearch Results Now Available Association for Drive Technology W. Conshohocken, PA, USA- based ASTM International has After more than three years (FVA), Frankfurt; Research Asso- launched the ASTM SpecBuilderof intensive research work, the platform, which empowers organi-results of the “Lightweight Forg- ciation of Steel Forming (FSV), zations to streamline collaborationing” Research Network will be and document development forpresented during a comprehensive Hagen; and particularly by the internal documents such as speci-closing event on October 11, 2018, fications, test methods, guidelinesin Düsseldorf, Germany. In six Research Association for Steel and procedures. In an effort tosubprojects, researchers from ten refine the platform, the Plasticsinstitutes have developed new Application (FOSTA), Düsseldorf. Pipe Institute (PPI) and otherssteel and steel hybrid solutions for have tested SpecBuilder over thethe chassis and powertrain. The most important results will past year. The projects focused on ma- be presented to science and indus- According to PPI’s Deboraterial concepts and production Bechtloff, Member Services Co-technologies for high-performance try during the closing event, and ordinator, “ASTM SpecBuildergears, manufactured gears made provides a contemporary solu-of forged parts with different the researchers will be available tion for collaboration, ballotingmaterials as well as sheet stacks, and publishing. Since adoptingnewly designed piston pins and for discussion. The presentation SpecBuilder, the number of PPIforged steering knuckles in a ballots has increased, memberhybrid design. Other important of the results will be carried out involvement in collaboration andaspects of the work included life- balloting efforts has improved,cycle considerations and deter- by researchers from the individual and PPI publishes documentationmining innovation obstacles when more quickly.”implementing new technologies in subprojects, based on the parts an-an industrial context. SpecBuilder provides a single alyzed. The event will be opened platform to ensure organizations’ By means of close collabo- internal drafts, comments, votesration among researchers and with a welcome speech by Direc- and supporting documents arecompanies from the committees uploaded, acted on and archivedthat accompanied the project, tor-General Stefan Schnorr of within a single secure tool. Theanalyses and research were car- tool allows team members to:ried out in the precompetitive BMWi and Dr. Thomas Kathöfer,projects, funded in the collabora- • Manage changes to Managing Director, AiF e. V. documents. “With this event and with the reports on the subprojects that will be available at the beginning of 2019, implementation of the results in an industrial context will be promoted in order to strengthen the position of Germany as a busi- ness location. Another important goal is to ensure that the image of steel continues to improve through the results relating to lightweight design for forged parts,” said Pro- fessor Hans-Wer- ner Zoch, Manag- ing Director of the Leibniz Institute for Materials En- gineering (IWT), Professor of Mate- rials Engineering at the University of Hans-Werner Zoch Bremen and Chair- man of the Research Network. The Research Network, titled, “Lightweight Forging – Innova- tion Network for Technological Progress in Part, Process and26 Wire Forming Technology International/Summer 2018

• Revise multiple documents NEWS WIRE implanting an easy-to-use Prod- simultaneously. uct Quotation and Shopping Cart Dynamo Furnaces System. Dynamo Furnaces will be• Accelerate voting processes. Launches New Website updating users with interesting industry news and users can sub-• On-line communications. Cambridge, Ontario, Canada- scribe to updates. User feedback is based Dynamo Furnaces has also welcomed.• Securely store and restart announced the launch of its new projects, and more. website (listed below). It was Dynamo Furnaces builds a important to the team at Dynamo wide variety of electric or gas melt- For more information or to Furnaces to make a website that ing furnaces, holding furnaces andpurchase a subscription, visit: delivers the best possible user related equipment. The company’ experience. Part of that effort was TIeLncehDDaniodsoueclbrolsgeyvoestalpine Joins with Industry in Aerospace Research voestalpine reports that withan average annual growth of over3% globally, the aerospace sec-tor is taking off. In order to takeadvantage of this potential, anendowed chair has been estab-lished at the Graz University ofTechnology in cooperation withindustry partners voestalpine,Fuchshofer Präzisionstechnik,TCM International and DiamondAircraft Industries. Since March this year, this Jack and Jeff Shoemaker, second and third generationsposition has been officially held continuing the tradition at Anchor Brazilian-born materials scien-tist Sergio Amancio. The aim of Certified to ISO 9001 since 1994.this cooperation between scienceand business is to establish an At Anchor Abrasives we specialize in the design andinternational competence center manufacture of resin, epoxy and oxychloride bonded nut insertedfor the development of pioneer- discs and centerless and materials and productiontechnologies in the aerospace Today, in our modern manufacturing facility, we are ready tosector. voestalpine is the largest continue our tradition of innovative quality products and unmatchedindustrial partner and, with its customer service. For more information contact Anchor Abrasiveshigh-performance materials and Company, 7651 West 185th Street, Tinley Park, IL 60477 U.S.A.special forgings used in extremely Phone: 708-444-4300; Fax: 708-444-1300.high-load-bearing structural, en-gine and undercarriage parts, is www.anchorabrasives.comone of the world’s major suppliersto the aviation industry. To learnmore, visit the website below. www.voestalpine.com145821 ANCHR_DiscTechAd.indd 1 Summer 2018/Wire Forming Technology Internation8/a1l6/17278:37 AM

NEWS WIREfurnaces are reasonably priced and the company expands its presence Obituariesdelivered on time, and have morestandard features than any other in the midwest USA market. A Joseph Pesaresifurnaces on the market. 2017 graduate of the University Joseph P. “Joe” Pesaresi, 71, of Each client’s needs are different, Winamac, IN, USA, passed awayand Dynamo Furnaces under- of Dayton with a Business Mar- surrounded by his family at on Maystands that and can adapt, con- 16, 2018, at home. Joe was born onfigure and build what is needed keting degree, Beebe February 13, 1947, inwithout a hassle. All design and Logansport, IN, USA toengineering is done in-house with has been in the com- the late Walter and The-a quick turnaround. resa Digilio Pesaresi. pany’s training pro- He was a 1966 gradu- Sooner or later all furnaces ate of Winamac Highrequire maintenance and repairs. gram over the last School. On December 31, 1976, heDynamo Furnaces has a strong married Terry Weaver in Ft. Wayne,team of technicians who can eight months learn- IN, USA. Joe was a lifelong memberget users up and running in the of St. Peter’s Catholic Church inshortest time possible. Dynamo ing various facets of Winamac. As one of the family ownersFurnaces’ support staff has over 30 of Winamac Coil Spring in Kewanna,years of customer support experi- the wire and fastener Matt Beebe IN, USA, Joe was currently serving asence, and speaks English, Spanish, CEO. His career there spanned nearlyPolish, Chinese and Italian. Criti- industries. 50 years. Joe was active in nationalcal parts are in stock, which can and regional spring industry associa-be shipped overnight. In addition, “Matt has shown excellent com- tions. Joe was an avid golfer and wasDynamo Furnaces has a network a member of several golf clubs whereof local dealers who are there to munication skills and a real knack he enjoyed the time spent with friendshelp with their own service per- and family. He was a big sports fan,sonnel. for taking the customer’s interest especially of golf and racing. Joe was a loving husband, father, grandfather, Service, flexibility, fast delivery to heart,” said President, Rich Ter- brother and friend. He will be greatlyand a full stock of replacement missed by those whose lives heparts make the company an ideal eba. “He is like a sponge eagerly touched. Memorial Contributions mayindustrial business partner. Dyna- be made to the Dana-Farber Cancermo’s furnaces are adapted to geo- soaking up all the information Institute. Online Condolences maygraphic locations with the correct be offered at: www.frainmortuary.comvoltage and standards. Leveraging about the customers’ needs andstate-of-the-art infrastructure, P. J. CalabreseDynamo Furnaces designs and expectations.”manufactures a complete range of The Grieve Corporation mournsfurnace systems in a very effective Metal Resource Solutions is a the loss of its longtime President,and highly competitive manner. P.J. “Pat” Calabrese, who died onEach manufacturing facility has master distributor of fine quality February 17, 2018, inthe most advanced and sophisti- Lake Forest, IL, USA, atcated machinery and equipment stainless steel, brass and copper the age of 90. Pat wasinstalled, which help conduct the President of Grieve, amanufacturing process easily and wire used in the fastener and wire world leader in indus-quickly. trial ovens and furnaces, forming industries. from 1958 until his retirement in 2008. He worked closely with theMatt Beebe to Inside company’s founder, Price Grieve. Pat’s son Frank is currently the VPSales Rep at Metal Chemetall® Opens of Sales & Marketing, while Price’s son Doug is President/CEO of theResource Solutions New Lab in Mexico company. Pat was born in Chicago, IL, USA, graduated in 1949 from the Metal Resource Solutions The Surface Treatment global University of Illinois with a BS inInc. has promoted Matt Beebe to business unit of BASF’s Coatings Mechanical Engineering and wasInside Sales Representative at the division, operating under the awarded that school’s prestigiousfirm’s McHenry, IL, USA, sales Chemetall brand, opens a new Distinguished Alumni Award in Beebe joins sales veterans state-of-the-art laboratory at its He also held a number of positionsVickie Myers and David Kerr as 38,700 ft2 manufacturing and office with various industrial, business and facility in Querétaro, Mexico. The Catholic charitable organizations. facility joins a global network of During his time as President, Grieve best-in-class technical laboratories grew steadily to become a global sup- for direct customer support and plier of heat processing equipment. continuous innovation, all using advanced process techniques at modern, accredited facilities with highly trained, dedicated and ex- perienced personnel. Chemetall says the new labo- ratory will facilitate cutting-edge simulation and product develop- ment and further strengthen its position as the global supplier of choice for the surface treatment industry. “It is of paramount importance to be close to our valued customers and effectively meet their needs,” commented Ernesto Osorno, who is the Managing Director28 Wire Forming Technology International/Summer 2018

of Chemetall Mexicana. “Our NEWS WIRE 27 to 29, 2018, atresponse time to customers in the the Bombay Exhi-area will benefit from localized wire India 2018 bition Center lo-value-added services.” On-Line Exhibitor cated in Mumbai, Registration Now Open India. New laboratory capabilitiesinclude analytical, application and On-line exhibitor registration wire India 2018corrosion services. The analytical for wire India 2018 is open at the will again be heldlab will offer customer support, website listed below. The deadline concurrently with Tube India,solution and surface analysis, to reserve exhibit space is August Metallurgy India and Welding &manufacturing QC support, met- 31, 2018. Cutting India.alworking coolant management, www.wire-india.comInductively Coupled Plasma (ICP), The wire India 2018 event isIon Chromatography (IC), Scan- scheduled to take place Novemberning Electron Microscope (SEM),Niton X-Ray Fluorescence, Auto- ASM-ADMtitrator and Microtap. wire straightener The new application services INT180labratory will provide process Feeding Pre-straightening Unitsimulations using spray washers,immersion tanks and paint spray GQbooth processes. The corrosion wire guidelab will offer salt spray, paint/filmtesting, cyclical testing, humid- CA CAR CARity testing and more. straightening wire and cable equipmentWire StrandCompaction Units Via Cabella Lattuada 41 - 23841 -from Bar Products Annone di Brianza - Lc - Italy +39-0341-263090 Bar Products & Services Ltd.has supplied three Wire Strand [email protected] Units into the cuntriesof Turkey and Austria during the www.cometo.wsfirst few weeks of 2018, with threefurther units delivered in April of Summer 2018/Wire Forming Technology International 292018. Bar Products and Serviseshas had inquiriesfrom the USA, Eu-rope and Chinathat will likely re-sult in orders asthe benefits of thistechnology gain a higher profilearound the world. The Strand Compaction Unitsprovide easy installation and oper-ation, fast set up and quick-changerollers, and they can achieve rapidrepair of any stranding problemsand resume compacting withminimal down time. High-quality, precision groundrollers for long life and specialroller groove profiles are providedwith the units.

NEWS WIREMesse Düsseldorf l-r: Marco Giacomuzzi, SMS group prestigious awards for his contri-Names Wolfram Diener Vice President Bar & Wire Rod Mills; butions in the field of inductionto Succeed Schäfer Domenico Campanella, Duferco CEO; heating and heat treating. Nicola Redolfi, SMS group General The supervisory board of Messe Rudnev was elected as a Fellow Düsseldorf GmbH, headed by Manager Sales; Giovanni Dugoni, to the IFHTSE in recognition of his Chairman Lord Mayor Thomas Duferco CTO; Filippo Verlezza, SMS outstanding as well as his globally Geisel, has appointed Wolfram recognized contributions to the Diener as the new Operative group Sales Manager. development of heat treatment Managing Director, who succeeds and surface engineering. Rudnev Joachim Schäfer, who will retire four-stand MEERdrive®PLUS was also presented with the ASM in late August 2018. Wolfram Die- block to be installed in the existing International “Best-Paper in Heat ner will take on his new duty on wire rod line at its Caleotto plant. Treating” award for co-authoring October 1, 2018. This will allow the firm to serve an article titled, “Revolution—Not the market with products of the Evolution—Necessary to Ad- Diener will take over the divi- tightest tolerances ever produced, vance Induction Heat Treating.” sions that Schäfer has been re- thanks to the heavy-duty machine The article was published in the sponsible for since 2006 including supplied by SMS group and a September 2017 issue of Advanced the Global Portfolios Health and sophisticated water cooling line Materials & Processes Magazine. Medical Technologies and Metals included in the project, it will for and Flow Technologies, which in- the first time be able to apply the cludes the wire and Tube shows. thermomechanical rolling process. Report: WAI Summit & Expo United Industry Feralpi, producer of rebar and Experts & StrategiesItaly Firms Select SMS wire rod for construction in Italy,Technology for is investing in the four-stand The Wire Association Interna-Rebar & Wire Rod MEERdrivePLUS block in order tional (WAI), Inc., Madison, CT, to increase production and the USA, reports that its WAI Opera- Arlenico SpA and Feralpi Side- rolling speed and be able to ex- tions Summit & Wire Expo captured rurgica SpA, two key Italian wire- tend the size range produced and the interest of 1158 participants rod producers, have each ordered achieve enhanced final mechanical representing 37 states and 17 coun- a four-stand MEERdrive®PLUS properties. tries. The conference and exhibits finishing block from SMS group coincided with the association’s within one week. Both wire-rod 88th Annual Convention. All ac- finishing blocks will be integrated Dr. Valery Rudnev tivities took place at the Gaylord in the companies’ existing plants. Wins Heat TreatAwards Opryland Resort & Convention Center, May 14 to 16, 2018, in Arlenico, owned by 50% each Dr. Valery Rudnev was recog- Nashville, TN, USA. of the Duferco Italia Holding and nized during the opening ceremo- Feralpi Siderurgica SpA, a special ny of the International conference, Remarking on the event, WAI quality wire rod producer located “Thermal Processing in Motion”, 2018 President, Richard Wagner, beside the Lecco Lake, chose the that took place June 4 to 7, 2018, said, “Wire Expo 2018 was a suc- in Spartanburg, SC, USA. This cessful show for the WAI. The l-r: Marco Giacomuzzi, SMS group conference was jointly organizedVice President Bar & Wire Rod Mills; by American Society for Materi- Nicola Redolfi, SMS group General als (ASM Int’l) and International Manager Sales; Maurizio Fusato, Fe- Federation for Heat Treatmentralpi Plant Manager; Filippo Verlezza, and Surface Engineering (IFH- TSE). Dr. Rudnev, Director of SMS group Sales Manager. Science and Technology at In- ductoheat Inc., an Inductotherm Group Company, received two30 Wire Forming Technology International/Summer 2018

NEWS WIREvenue was excellent and there was remarks emphasized the impact Planning Underway for Interwire 2019much enthusiasm expressed about of challenges facing the industry The Wire Association Interna-the content of the training and such as imported steel tariffs, and tional (WAI), Inc., Madison, CT, USA, has reported that planningvarious meetings on the agenda. the significance of attracting new is currently underway for Interwire 2019, the 89th WAI Annual Conven-There is an upbeat vibe for the fu- talent to the wire industry. tion and the 3rd Global Continuous Casting Forum. All three of theseture of the industry that was con- Over 175 exhibiting companies events will be staged concurrently at the Georgia World Congresssistent throughout the event. We presented more than 90 product Center in Atlanta, GA, USA.are excited for the four deserving types including spring making The Convention and the Forum will run from May 13 to 16, 2019,individuals who were recognized and wire forming machinery, and the exhibits for Interwire and the co-located International Fastenerat Wire Expo and appreciative of supplies and ancillary equipment Manufacturing Exposition (IFME) will run from May 14 to 16, 2019the participation of all the hard and industry services. Addition- at the Georgia World Congress Center in Hall A.working volunteers, exhibitors ally, more than 450 people at- www.wirenet.organd sponsors of the convention.” tended WAI’s popular WelcomeCurt Cronin, a former Navy Reception held on May 15 onSEAL, delivered an engaging key- Delta Island within the Gaylordnote address, titled, “Tapping into campus, where entertainment wasYour Potential: Attempting the sponsored by James Monroe WireAbsurd and Achieving the Impos- & Cable Corp. The WAI Operations Summit &sible,” on May 15. John T. John-son, Owner and President, Mid- Wire Expo had the generous sup-South Wire Company, Nashville, port of the many sponsors, includ-and President of the American ing the following wire formingWire Producers Association, fol- industry companies: Insteel Wirelowed the keynote address with a Products; Mid-South Wire Co.;welcome to Nashville. His opening and Vinston US Corp. www.wirenet.orgultimat WIRE FORMING & WELDING MACHINES•••• •AUTOMATIC•STRAIGHTENING•FORMING•WELDING•• • 2D Wire Forming & Welding Machines, suitablefor POP Displays, Shelving, Household goods and many more • Automatic Lines for the production of shelving and air filter frames direct from coil • NEW Automatic Ring Forming & Welding machines with TIG Welding • High Quality Burr-Free welds in mild and stainless steel • Medium frequency and TIG welding options available • Suited for prototypes to low or high volume production runs • Versions available for strip or profiled wire • Automatic Unloading of finished parts • Square Clean-cut wire ends • Unrivalled service support • 2 year parts warranty Ultimate Automation Ltd, 23 Star Road Industrial Estate, Partridge Green, West Sussex, RH13 8RA, U.K. Tel: +44 (0) 1403 710043 Fax: +44 (0) 1403 588084 Email: [email protected] www.ultimat.comUS MAGAZINES HALF PAGE 2017.indd 1 22/11/2017 14:49 Summer 2018/Wire Forming Technology International 31

All Things by: Springs Randy DeFord, Engineering Manager Mid-West Spring & Stamping 105 Etna St. Mentone, IN 46539  USA E-mail: [email protected] www.mwspring.comStress Formula – The Final we will need the force at solid height. To do this, we willFactor of Design Integrity need to know, first, what the solid height is. If the spring is a standard design with each end being ground, theIn the last issue, I gave the example of the math needed formula for solid height is:to determine the rate of a submitted spring sample. Witha few physical dimensions, we were able to calculate Solid Height (SH) = total coils x d the rate. or 9.4 X 0.250\" = 2.350\"Our example had the following dimensions: With solid height known, we can now calculate the total deflection of the spring. d (wire size) = 0.250\" Total Deflection to Solid Height (Fsh) = Mean diameter = 0.980\" FH – SH or 3.300\" – 2.350\" = 0.950\" Total coils = 9.4 We can now use the total deflection to determine the load at solid height. Free length = 3.300\" Load at Solid Height (Psh) = Fsh x R = Material = Chrome Silicon per ASTM A401 0.950\" X 806 #/in = 765.7# Modulus of Elasticity = 11,500,000 PSI (This is a calculated load and does NOT represent the true solid load) Rate = 806 #/inWith this data, we can now determine stress. Stress is Now we can calculate the stress at solid far the most important parameter in spring designbecause it determines at what point a compression Stress at Solid Height (Ssh) = spring is overstressed, which can result in both safety (8 * 765.7# * 0.980) / (3.14159 * 0.250(3)) and life issues. or Ssh = 6003.1 / 0.0491 = 122,263 PSIThe stress formula for a compression spring is: Now that we know the value, what do we compare it to? Well, that would be the tensile strength of the given size S = 8PD / πd3 of the given material. Per ASTM A401, the low range of Chrome Silicon wire is 250,000 PSI. And the yield/With: set point for a compression spring made from Chrome Silicon is 50%. 8 = a constant derived from the originating deflection formulae Therefore, the set point for this design is 50% (0.5) x 250,000 or 125,000 PSI P = a force/load (stress is based on the force produced by a given deflection) Comparing the 125,000 PSI set point to a solid height stress of 122,263 PSI, this spring should not take D = mean diameter a set when pressed to solid height since the solid height stress is LESS than that set point. π = 3.14159 This design is safely stressed and no presetting is d = wire size needed. Also, the spring should not take a set inTo determine the maximum stress the design may see, use. WFTI Randy DeFord is the Engineering Manager at Mid-West Spring & Stamping, a custom spring manufacturer that offers custom spring design, stock springs and metal stamping services. The company is multi-plant spring manufacturer and leadingsupplier of auger springs and metal stampings. For more information, call +1 574 353 7611, Ext. 231, fax to +1 574 353 7388, email [email protected] or visit The company is also the home of Landrum Performance coil and leaf springs for racing applications, call +1 866 703 3154 or visit Wire Forming Technology International/Summer 2018

SEE WHY WE ARE SH-8II VISIT US AT BOOTH 1105WH-16 CLS-16II A DIVISION OF www.oriimec.comFor all your MEC Machine & Tooling needs contact:Rick BrayOriimec Corporation of America1840 Airport Exchange Blvd., Suite #200, Erlanger, KY 41018Email: [email protected]: 859-746-3318 ext. 15Mobile: 859-801-8112

European Perspectives industrial demand side management (DSM) requires invest- ment—such as tools for better monitoring and electrification by: of processes—and hence needs a fair remuneration. Dipl.-Ing. Konrad Dengler Industrial Journalist europe/ Finkenweg 6 D 91091 Grossenseebach EU Approach for Connected & Automated Driving Germany Last June, ministers from the 28 EU member states agreed [email protected] on a range of important actions to facilitate a timely deploy- ment of connected and automated vehicles during the thirdIdeas to Power European high-level meeting on Connected and Automated DrivingIndustry with Renewables (CAD). At the meeting, the European Automotive and Tele-From the perspective of the copper industry, the European com Alliance EATA, underlined the need for coherent policyCopper Institute, Brussels, Belgium, has summarized some making in this domain, with coordination among the EU, itsof the challenges to be faced and opportunities to be seized member states and the United Nations Economic Com-for the scenario to power European industry fully with energy mission for Europe. CLEPA, the European Associationfrom renewable sources. For the copper industry, energy of Automotive Suppliers, Brussels, Belgium, reports thatand climate costs are making up between 25% and 35% of EATA members presented their position on several regula-production costs. As a result, energy efficiency is extremely tory initiatives to the national transport ministers, to the Eu-important, and has been the main driving force enabling the ropean Commission and to all other stakeholders. In react-copper industry to reduce unit energy consumption by 60% ing to the proposed EU cyber security Act, EATA stressedsince 1990. Looking at EU industry as a whole, its final ener- the importance of properly involving industry players in thegy use is 280 million tonnes of oil-equivalent (Mtoe), of which elaboration of future certification schemes and insisted on80 Mtoe is provided by electricity and 200 Mtoe by heat. Of the need for schemes to remain voluntary in nature. Regard-this heat energy component, 50 Mtoe are from bio/renewable ing the draft of specific data protection rules for communi-sources and 150 Mtoe from fossil fuels. An approach needs cations services, the Alliance confirmed its commitment toto be developed and agreed upon for how to decarbonize continue protecting privacy as a core value. In this context,this 150 Mtoe of fossil heat. This could be achieved through EATA called on participants to ensure fair and harmonizeda combustion route, mainly bio energy with some hydrogen rules for all citizens and businesses, in line with applicableand solar, or through an electrification route, which means general data protection rules (GDPR).technologies such as electromagnetic induction, infraredheating and resistance heating, or with heat pumps. EATA stressed the increasing political attention for creatingThe electrification route can reduce the final energy demand cross-border testing sites for CAD across Europe. EATA wel-for thermal energy by a factor of between 1.5 and 8 (typically comed this focus on deployment and urged adequate coordi-2 to 3), which shows this route has the potential to improve nation of testing activities as well as funding opportunities atenergy efficiency in addition to facilitating the integration of both the EU and national level. Members of the Alliance fullyrenewables. Naturally, electrifying a significant portion of this supported the Commission’s proposal to launch a single EU-150 Mtoe of fossil heat will significantly increase electricity wide platform to this end later in 2018, grouping all relevantdemand by approximately 60 Mtoe, or 720 TWh per year. As public and private aside, there is already a small overlap between electricityand heat: up to 20 Mtoe of electricity use is currently applied EATA called for high-level meetings to involve a wider rangefor heat processes through thousands of induction, infrared, of government representatives such as ministers for digitiza-microwave and resistance furnaces. tion and telecommunications, to facilitate necessary coordi-There is interest in flexibility on the demand-side in industry. nation. In EATA’s view, this is essential to swiftly and effec-For example, a survey found strong interest in 21 out of 36 tively overcome obstacles to the achievement of connectedcompanies, representing 13% of load in the Belgian electrici- and automated driving across the EU.ty system. However, demand flexibility can only work for non- processes; the source of flexibility is the presence tors-welcome-comprehensive-approach-to-advance-con-of buffers, or the possibility to modulate processes. nected-and-automated-driving-agreed-today-by-eu-mem-An H2020 project called IndustRE has been exploring how ber-states/the flexibility potential of energy-intensive industries acrossEurope could help them save money, while supporting the Automotive Suppliers Need efficient integration of more variable renewable energy into to Transform their Business Modelsthe European power system. IndustRE results indicate that The growth of automotive industry seems to slow down, par-the energy bill of industry could be reduced by 4% by making ticularly in China, Europe and the USA. Researchers of the15% of its demand flexible. Energy-intensive industries usu- consulting companies Roland Berger, Munich, Germany,ally work with very narrow margins and such a cost-saving and Lazard analyzed performance indicators of approxi-could be very relevant, but all depends on the investment mately 650 suppliers around the globe, examined the chal-required. lenges for them to transform their existing business modelsIndustry could certainly increase its role in providing flexibility and published the findings in the “Global Automotive Supplierto the electricity system, but beyond the low-hanging fruit, Study 2018”. Recent developments point toward an accel- eration of the disruption caused by four megatrends: 1. New mobility business models (such as ride hailing and car sharing), are poised to disrupt car ownership, per-34 Wire Forming Technology International/Summer 2018

sonal mobility and goods logistics. Focusing on peening, Metal Finishing News blasting, cleaning and2. The timeline for fully autonomous driving keeps accelerating as necessary economics, regulations and technology fall into place. vibratory finishing!3. In digitalization, artificial intelligence offers almost limitless possibilities, while Vol. 15 connectivity-enabled technologies are reaching mainstream application. September4. Momentum for electrification is building among regulators and OEMs, and Issue progress on technology is accelerating. Year 2014 Publication for the Peening, Blasting, Cleaning and Vibratory Finishing Industries Nadcap COLUMN: Competency Counts page 58In order to succeed in the new automotive environment, suppliers will have to 14th MFN Asiantransform their existing business models. It is necessary to rethink the overall Shot Peening Workshop &strategy, in order to either capture new growth opportunities or consolidate the Trade Show in Singaporemarket around the existing portfolio. A long-term technology roadmap and stra-tegic positioning in the value chain when it comes to both product and service of- 11th-13th Nov. 2014fering needs to be defined. At the same time, an efficient cost base and sufficient (see page 27)financing for the upcoming transition should be implemented. The organization-al structure and governance model are required to successfully manage new Optional practical evening classesemerging technologies and competencies alongside old declining technologies MFN Shot Peeningunder one roof. It is about creating a new company mindset and culture to fosterinnovation, which is of paramount importance to compete in the new technology Workshop in Germanyareas, and new partnerships need to be built up, in order to start thinking in open 14th-16th October, 2014innovation ecosystems and find new ways to innovate. (see page 65) Dry and Wet Blasting Almen Saturation Curve From A Machines made in India Statistical Perspective (p. 18-20) page 28 MFN INTERNATIONAL is distributed in 67 countries and published 6 times a year www.mfn.liThe “Supplier Industry Outlook 2025” study from Deloitte, London, UK, reaches 第二卷 中similar conclusions. Starting point of this analysis is the breakdown of a vehicle 2015年3月 国into its modules and components. The researchers investigated how electrifica-tion, autonomous driving and other trends evoke changes to the vehicle cost 春季刊 金属表面处理杂志base. The Deloitte AVC (Automotive Value Chain) Industry Model provides out-puts for different scenarios for 2025 and looks specifically at the German, Chi- MFN中国主要内容nese and NAFTA markets. Results from this model shed light on substantial, in 是抛丸、喷丸强化及some cases even burning, needs for change. Modelling results trigger and sup- 成形,抛丸、喷丸、port discussions about re-prioritizing product portfolios and market exposure. 喷砂清理,振动研磨、The study discusses six strategic fields of action, which should be assessed byevery automotive supplier in anticipation of future industry shifts. As a part of this 抛光、工业涂装等—and since many suppliers are and will be faced with large scale transformation 金属表面处理资讯programs—Deloitte simulates an exemplary supplier’s profit and loss statementand highlight long-term challenges on profitability. 5月11-13日,广州国际表面处理展 典型汽车零件的X射线应力 检测技术 (第24-27页) MFN 是 SF Expo 的官方合作伙伴 Nadcap专栏: Nadcap改变了人们的 态度 第10页 科学新讯: 使用载荷控制型弯板 疲劳试验机对空化喷 丸处理不锈钢的裂纹 萌生和扩展进行评估 第6-8页Disruptive change will affect all players along the automotive value chain. In MFN抛喷丸强化order to navigate successfully towards 2025, bold moves are just as neces- 训练课程在中国sary as thorough analysis and constant monitoring of current market trends. 2015年5月15-17日 MFN CHINA is exclusively for the Chinese market and published 4 times a year MFN offers courses for: ▪ Shot & Flap Peening ▪ Industrial Painting ▪ Mass Finishing ▪ Shot Blasting ▪ Residual Stress Measurements WFTIDipl.-Ing. Konrad Dengler is an industrial journalist and Training in 9 languages!specialized translator serving the wire/cable technology, tubetechnology, materials and production technology and quality MFN is a Partner in MFN is an Officialtesting industries. Education in Nadcap Collaboration Partner of FEMSHe can be reached by phone at +49 9135 6982 or email at MFN is a Media Partner of [email protected]. MFN is the Official Cooperation Partner of Metal & Steel MFN Headquarters Switzerland MFN is the Official Cooperation Partner of SF EXPO Summer 2018/Wire Forming Technology International 35

The Strength by: of Steel Dr. Roger N. Wright Roger N. Wright, LLCDeformation Heating – Part V 600 State Street Lawrenceville, IL 62439 USAIn the previous columns we considered the deforma- E-mail: [email protected] heating in simple upsetting, as well as some sub- www.rnwinc.comtleties of deformation heating, particularly the rolesof uniform deformation, redundant deformation and tion (3), an Leq value for the hypothetical aluminumfriction in the well-worked-out case of rod and wire pass of 0.25 cm can be calculated. This is equal todrawing. In so doing, we introduced some formulas five times the wire diameter, but is a small value inthat we will now examine in quantitative detail. First relation to the distance to the subsequent capstanwe will consider a hypothetical aluminum wire draw- contact, or the convective flows of air and pass with values from Table I. The value for thealuminum drawing stress, σd, can be obtained from: The Tables also provide information for a hypotheti- cal carbon steel drawing pass. Using these data,σd = σa [(3.2/∆)+ 0.9](α + µ), (1) ∆ and σd values for the steel drawing pass of 1.08 and 330 MPa, respectively, can be calculated (in thewhere σa is strength, α is die semi-angle in radians, same manner as with aluminum). Thus, using Equa- tion (2), with a T0 value of 20°C, a Teq value of 112°Cµ is friction coefficient, and ∆ ~ (α/r) [1 + (1-r)½]2, with is obtained; that is, the steel wire temperature has increased 92°C in a single pass, going from an ambi-r being the decimal reduction. Thus for wire strength ent value to one greater than boiling water (at am-of 160 MPa; finish diameter of 0.050 cm; reduction bient pressure, of course). With poor lubricant heatof 0.207; die semi-angle of 8°; friction coefficient of transfer (dry soap, etc.), tandem steel drawing has0.10; and drawing speed of 2x103 cm/s, value for the potential to reach extremely high temperatures,the drawing stress, σd, can be calculated as 85 MPa, encumbering lubrication and bringing about undesir-reflecting a ∆ of 2.42. Inserting σd into Equation (2), able metallurgical changes. Thus, temperature con-using the values of C (specific heat) and ρ (density) trol is a major aspect of commercial ferrous drawing.from Table II, and assuming a T0 of 20°C, a valueof Teq of 55°C is obtained. That is, the wire enters Applying the steel data to Equation (3), results in anthe die at a temperature of 20°C and exits the die at Leq estimate of 34 cm, a value about 74 times that ofan average temperature of 55°C, with the work per the diameter. This a much larger value than the oneunit volume of drawing increasing the temperature by calculated for aluminum due to the large difference35°C (average temperature after equilibration). in the squared diameter term. However, it is still less than the distance to the drawing capstan, particularlyTeq ~ T0 + σd /(Cρ). (2) if “dancers” (speed adjustment systems) are used.The increase of 35°C in one pass is significant for a Next time we plan to break down these deformationlower melting point metal such as aluminum. More-over, such a temperature increment may be added to temperature components into the contributions ofthe wire at each pass. Thus considerable heat mustbe removed between passes to avoid a high anduncontrolled drawing temperature. This may not beeasy with the oil-based lubricants generally used withaluminum (water functions much better as a coolantthan oil).The distance downstream from the die exit whereequilibration will occur, Leq, can be estimated frombasic heat transfer theory as:Leq ~ (v C ρd2) / (24K), (3) uniform deformation, redundant work and friction. Inwhere v is drawing speed, d is wire diameter, K is the the meantime, if you are seriously interested in thisthermal conductivity of the wire. Table II shows valuesof C, ρ and K for aluminum (note: 1 MPa = 1 J/cm3). topic, you must confirm the results of the above cal-Placing the values from Tables I and II into Equa- culations on your own. To not do so can invite care- less errors, to say the least. Good luck!!!! WFTIThe WireDrawing 101® short course, presented and developed by Roger N. Wright, LLC., and Wire & Cable Technology International magazine, is the comprehensive two-day course that teaches the fundamentals of wire drawing to manufacturers of ferrous and nonferrous wire. WireDrawing 101 features a unique handbook, with practical process design and trouble-shooting exercises suitable for work-a-day formats and continuing study. WireDrawing 102™ will be offered in the future. / www.rnwinc.com36 Wire Forming Technology International/Summer 2018

Visit us at RK ServiceSPRING WORLD 2018Booth #711 847-640-9771TTOHOE LOYNOLYU’LL CallingEVER NEEDAt RK Trading, we’re here for you, every day, just in case—because your business depends onreliable service. That’s why we start by selling quality Herdon machinery, but we don’t stop there. Our commitment toyou is through the life of the machine. With our U.S.-based service and the extensive tooling and parts inventory youneed, we aren’t across the ocean—we’re just a phone call away, which means less downtime for you. Quality productswith quality customer care mean you will be up and running for years to come. That’s why over 90% of our customersbuy their next machine from us.

Wire by:Product Alan Thomas, Marketing DepartmentTesting Zwick Roell Limited Southern AvenueMechanical Testing of LeominsterWire & Cable Products Herefordshire HR6 0QH United KingdomMost metals can be formed into wire, which is www.zwick.coma common and extensively used metal product.Wires are used in all areas of the manufacturing are directly measured via a tensile test are ulti-industry—in construction engineering, in electri- mate tensile strength, breaking strength, maxi-cal and energy technology, in aircraft and auto- mum elongation and reduction in area. Frommobile manufacture and in medical technology. these measurements the following properties can also be determined: Young’s modulus, yieldWire braided into cables is used in load-bear- strength and strain-hardening applications such as cableways, lifts and Uniaxial tensile testing is most commonly usedcranes, in bridge building, anchoring and fas- for determining the mechanical characteristicstenings. The wide range of applications places of isotropic materials.extremely varied mechanical demands, with theresult that testing material properties is often Tensile tests are performed for several reasons.highly safety-relevant. The results of tensile tests are made use of in selecting the materials for engineering appli-Tensile testing, also known as tension testing, cations. Additionally, tensile properties are fre-is a fundamental materials science and engi- quently included in material specifications inneering test in which a sample is subjected to order to ensure quality.a controlled tension until failure. Properties that The tensile properties are often times meas- ured during the development of new materials and processes, so that different materials and processes can be compared. And finally, the tensile properties can be used to predict the behavior of a material under forms of loading other than uniaxial tension. Testing of Wire Tensile tests performed on wire represent a particular challenge for specimen grip design. The wires can be very thin and at the same time very strong, and as they cannot be machined for testing purposes, cut-off lengths are used and require suitable gripping arrangements. This is so because simply clamping wires be- tween jaws can sometimes cause failure to oc- cur at an unwanted location. Zwick Roell Limited is capable of supplying specimen grips featuring a variety of gripping technologies, which provide for safe and reli- able testing. For strain measurement operations, a variety of extensometers is available. However, some very careful consideration must to be given to38 Wire Forming Technology International/Summer 2018

Zwick Roell wedge Example of Zwick Roell Limited ‘automated‘ screw grips for contacting extensometer. small-diameter wire testing. Zwick Roell hydraulically operated grips for Example of Zwick Roell Limited larger-diameter wire testing. non-contacting laser extensometer.the intended application of these extensometer Testing of Steel Strandinstruments. In steel strand, several wires are wound to-Non-contacting extensometers are probablybest utilized when testing thin wires, because gether, and under tensile loading, these wound-they have no detrimental influence on the testsample, whereas for thicker wires, either optical together wires attempt to unwind.or contact-type extensometers can be success-fully employed. The special clamping technology that can be supplied by Zwick Roell Limited, assists in avoiding premature failure at an unwanted lo- cation on the test sample. continued....Zwick Roell ‘clip-on‘ contacting extensometer. Zwick Roell clamping device for steel strand. Summer 2018/Wire Forming Technology International 39

Wire Product Testing ...continuedThe failure of steel strand generally involves the bending fatigue tests, in which the rapidly rotat-individual wires whipping about at the point of ing (up to 6000 rpm) specimen is additionallyfracture, along with a strong probability of dam- loaded with a force that is perpendicular to theage occurring to contacting-type extensome- axis of rotation.ters. And consequently, the utilization of opticalextensometry is very highly recommended. This flexure, in addition to the rotation force, will result in a tensile-compression loading of the specimen surface. The specimen preparation methodology is es- pecially important here, with an undamaged test sample surface being essential in order to avoid premature specimen failure. For further discussion on the testing of wire products, contact the author at Zwick Roell Limited in the UK or visit: WFTI Typical failure mode of steel strand. Zwick/Roell AG, one of the world’s leading suppliers of materials andAdditionally, safety precautions that include ad- component testing systems, sup-equate guarding must be taken into account in plies both standard and tailor-madeorder to eliminate risks from the test. solutions for the most demanding requirements—in research and de-Rotating Bend Fatigue velopment, production and qualityTest for Wire Samples assurance—across more than 20 industry sectors. Privately held, theIn many applications, the wires are subjected company’s consistent focus on inno-to various cyclic stresses. Fatigue strength can vation and commitment to outstand-be determined quickly and easily in rotating bar ing quality has supported its growth in markets worldwide. Additional information about Zwick/ Roell AG may be found at: Rotating bar bending testing machine.40 Wire Forming Technology International/Summer 2018

VISIT US AT BOOTH 721WIRE DIAMETERCMM-12-236 R 0.60 - 2.30 mmCMM-12-450 R 1.20 - 4.50 mmCMM-12-610 R 2.50 - 6.00 mmCMM-15-660 R 2.50 - 6.00 mmCMM-12-680 R 3.60 - 8.00 mm

SMI Plans 2019 Event for Pittsburghby: SMI Metal Engineering eXpo™ Gary McCoy October 1 to 3, 2019 Managing Editor Pittsburgh, PA, USA Springs Magazine Photographs are views from 2017 SMI Metal Engineering eXpo™ in Hartford, CT, USA.The Spring Manufacturers Institute (SMI) will holdthe 2019 SMI Metal Engineering eXpo™ from October1 to 3, 2019, at the David L. Lawrence ConventionCenter located in Pittsburgh, PA, USA. David L. Lawrence Convention Center.Chris M. Fazio, General Manager, and Kelley L.Christy, Director of Sales/Marketing and I.T., atDiamond Wire Spring in Pittsburgh, will co-chairthe 2019 event with Daniel Pierre III, President of JNMachinery in East Dundee, IL, USA.In addition to the trade show, the 2019 eXpo will featurea technical symposium on a variety of topics surround-ing the design, engineering and production of springs,wireforms and stampings. Six speakers have alreadybeen confirmed as follows:• Wednesday, October 2, 8 AM to 8:50 AM, Business Practices Track—“Tax Reform and Its Impact on Manufacturing”, presented by Michael Devereux II of Mueller Prost.• Wednesday, October 2, 8 AM to 8:50 AM, Materials42 Wire Forming Technology International/Summer 2018

and Testing Track—“Evaluation of Stress Concen-trators and Their Effect on Fatigue Life”, presentedby Jason Sicotte of Associated Spring.• Wednesday, October 2, 9 AM to 9:50 AM, Busi- ness Practices Track—“Breaking Boundaries for Operating Excellence…A Quest for a Higher Performance Organization”, presented by Vince Bovino of Bovino Consulting Group.• Wednesday, October 2, 9 AM to 9:50 AM, Manu- facturing Track—“Crawl-Walk-Run Your Way into Additive Manufacturing”, being presented by Timothy Simpson, Ph.D., of The Pennsylvania State University.• Wednesday, October 2, 9 AM to 9:50 AM, Materi- als and Testing Track—“Bodycote Kolsterising®”, presented by Derek Dandy of Kolsterising.• Thursday, October 3., 9 AM to 9:50 AM, Materials and Testing Track—“Nitinol Shape Memory Al- loy”, presented by Dave Plumley of Fort Wayne Metals.For additional information on exhibiting or attendingthe 2019 SMI Metal Engineering eXpo, WFTISummer 2018/Wire Forming Technology International 43

Trio of Orders Leads to New Sales Recordby: Major new contracts, fast delivery capability and Mark Venables increasing demand for emergency services have Managing Director helped wire supplier break the £10 million barrier Alloy Wire International (AWI) for the first time in its history. Narrowboat Way, Hurst Business Park, Brierley Hill, West Midlands, DY5 1UF UK www.alloywire.comMajor new contracts to supplyalloy wire product into the aero-space, petrochemical and nuclearsector have helped an internationalmanufacturer smash the £10 mil-lion barrier for the first time in its72-year history.UK-based Alloy Wire Internation-al (AWI), which supplies more than60 different “High Performance”alloys, has seen sales increase by£3 million since 2016. The companyattributes this sustained expansionto its capability to offer three-weeklead times as well as to the growingdemand for the firm’s Emergency Alloy Wire’s world class facility in West Midlands, UK.Manufacturing Service feature.Mark Venables, Managing Direc-tor, said: “We currently have 200tons available at any one time — thelargest holding AWI has ever held.“The recovery in the oil and gasindustry has certainly been one ofthe highlights for our company inrecent months. Interestingly, theinterest for our alloy wire materi-als has come from every corner ofthe globe. I believe that at the lastcount, we are exporting to 55 dif-ferent countries.”In order to cope with the increasein sales volumes, AWI has alsotaken on three new people in thesales department and in the drydrawing department, not to men-tion investing in the company’sbespoke machinery and a growinginternational list of sales offices. AWI supplies more than 60 different “High Performance” alloys.Mark continued, “We have a fantastic team whereeach member knows our strategy and works very Expanding Product Rangehard to continually maintain the high standards the Alloy Wire International makes round, flat and shapedAWI name has become synonymous with. While wire wire in a range of material that is growing by themay be our core offer, it’s our people that deliver the month, with more than 60 high performance optionsbiggest competitive advantage.” currently available to choose from. It has recently in-44 Wire Forming Technology International/Summer 2018

vested in another 4000 ft2 of production space, as well as launching its own “Wire Finder App”. This is part of a marketing drive to help customers find the right wire for their applications. In Conclusion... Mark concluded, “It frequently amazes the team at Alloy Wire International just how far our alloy wire products go. We have found out in the last year that our wire is used in space programs, in nuclear reac- tors and in some of the world’s fastest car engines. We believe that this is UK manufacturing at its very best!” For further information on the wire products and se- vices available from Alloy Wire International, please visit our website at: Or follow @alloywire on twitter. WFTI Company Profile: Founded in year 1946, West Midlands, UK-based Alloy Wire International (AWI) is reportedly the world’s preferred manufacturer of nickel alloy round, flat and shaped wire, providing its customers with the as- surance of quality, delivery and ac- curacy—the fundamental principles behind the Alloy Wire International motto: “Manufacturing quality, de- livering reliability”. And why is Alloy Wire International such a success- ful nickel alloy wire specialist? Firstly, the company is completely owned by all of its employees. AWI says that this fact can be seen throughout the organization when you walk around AWI factories, or when you speak with any of the company’s 48 office locations on five different continents. According to the company, smiles and knowledge are in abundance and each staff member shares a desire to ensure his or her individual role, which contributes to the positive experience of the AWI customer. Alloy Wire International’s 200 ton stock of raw material (which is both DFARS and EU compliant), the capability to pro- vide small batch quantities and three-week lead times has seen the company become a global leader, delivering its wire products to more than 55 different countries around the world. Alloy Wire International says that it frequently discuss- es its customers’ individual needs and requirements, and then through a combination of new or existing ma- terial selection, manufacturing flexibility and technical knowledge, it can offer a tailored solution. Alloy Wire International—an employee owned com- pany taking pride in customer satisfaction. To learn more, visit: Or follow @alloywire on twitter. See related sidebar article on the next page: Summer 2018/Wire Forming Technology International 45“AWI Targets Japan As Part of Far Eastern Sales Drive”

AWI Targets Japan As Part “The first step was to forge a relationship with a lo-of Far Eastern Sales Drive cal Japanese company and that was quickly sorted with the appointment of Tomoe Engineering Co., aAlloy Wire International (AWI) is targeting a major US$240 million industrial specialist. This gave us thesales drive in Japan as it looks to boost its presence platform, and from there we have travelled more than 48,000 miles, spending time training their staff and in the Far East. AWI, which creating Japanese marketing material and a website. supplies more than 60 differ- “We have recently returned from M-Tech (Mechani- ent high-performance alloys cal Components & Material Technology) Expo, and to automotive, aerospace, wow, what a show. Nearly 90,000 people visited dur- oil and gas and nuclear cli- ing the three days, and we saw a lot of possible new ents, has invested £100,000 customers, who handled wire samples on display and into establishing a new sales expressed surprise at the extent of the size range partner in Tomoe Engineer- available—from 0.025 to 21.0 mm diameter. ing Co. and launching a “The M-Tech Expo attendees were also impressed to dedicated Japanese website find out how closely AWI works with Tomoe Engineer-and suite of marketing materials. ing Co., and the fact we can get wire to them within three weeks of a client placing an order.”The company has also recently gone one stagefurther by joining its new sales team at its first ever Investment in pursuing new business with Japan isTokyo exhibition, showcasing its unrivalled range ofmaterials and three-week delivery lead times to an paying off with orders up 1000% on this time last yearaudience of nearly 90,000 delegates. It was a ma-jor success, with lots of new enquiries taken and a and website traffic up to 1200 visits per month—com-foothold now established, paving the way for a salespush that could generate £250,000 of new contracts pared to an average of 90 during 2017. WFTIover the next 18 months. www.alloywire.comAngus Hogarth, the Sales Director at AWI, com-mented, “Export orders now account for over half ofour £10 million turnover and we’re continually findingthat our wire, technical expertise and service are indemand all over the globe. Japan, with its high-techindustries and precision engineering, is perfectly suit-ed to our capabilities. Japan offers us massive poten-tial and we made the decision about 18 months agoto make a concerted effort to target customers in thismarketplace. (l-r) Osamu Koiwai, Ryo Hiratsuka, Mark Venables, Angus Hogarth and Hisashi Ohshita.46 Wire Forming Technology International/Summer 2018

Open House Featured EquipmentDemonstrations & Educationby: House, showing the progressive stamping of strip Cathy Monroe components being made at more than 3000 pph. Administrative Assistant OMCG Inc. Also, hundreds of sample parts were available with 857 Industrial Dr. educational videos of parts previously made on the Bensenville, IL 60106  USA OMCG systems. Discussions on forming, cold heading, chamfering,The OMCG Open House, which grooving, coining, punching, coiling, welding, nibs,took place from June 19 to 21, threading and optical part measurement flowed freely.2018, was a great success. Themachine demonstrations, food The OMCG Open House also featured the wire indus-and good weather attracted and try’s first all-electric CNC wire bender from 1986 onpleased many attendees. display in operation.The OMCG equipment demon- Attendees received OMCG literature plus Chapter 34strations and education portion from the Ferrous Wire Handbook on a jump drive.of the event were of high value Chapter 34, rewritten by Bob Sears, provides manyto the many Open House guests. wire manufacturing options to allow companies to be successful. All Open House attendees left the eventWell received was the demon- with more information than when they came, andstration of OMCG’s Mini CNC they were smiling!front feed system incorporatingtorsion control. The system al- For more information on the products and serviceslows for better control of small- available from OMCG Inc., visit the website below. diameter wire when generating www.omcg.comand forming.Also, the Easy Programming(EP4) was demonstrated from a drawing on yourdesk top to the machine, where the EP4 creates theprogram. And then with a couple clicks, the part isshown being made via a simulation on the machinescreen in three dimensions. In this way, the systemprovides a visual confirmation that the part will runwithout interference.The operator axis control pendant advantages werealso shown and explained.At the rear of the CNC, OMCG demonstrated thestraightener flipper advantages for different wire sizesalong with the hand or power wire in-feed. This tech-nology allows the user to input the start of a new coilwithout opening the feed rollers, thereby not losingposition of straightness.Also demonstrated was the CNC31 W10mm wireand tube machine with the eccentric multi-radii bendhead allowing bending out of sequence. The CNC31W10mm wire and tube machines provide great advan-tage in the finishing of difficult parts.The OMCG 2D CNC machine was demonstratedproducing flat parts such as frames, plating hangersand similar parts.Additionally, the OMCG mechanical multislide withthe 20 ton die head was set up for strip at the Open48 Wire Forming Technology International/Summer 2018

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