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Published by mcnulty, 2019-02-15 12:01:40

Description: WFTI WINTER 2019 DIGITAL


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In most single wire processing applications with wire diam- In the case of heating multiple wires or multi-strand cables, eters less than 3 mm, the entire wire is usually heated through efficient heating can be achieved using lower frequencies and the criterion of obtaining surface-to-core temperature or smaller-sized wires compared to the heating of a single uniformity is not an issue unless extremely short heat times wire. Figure 6 reveals that efficiency may increase with the are used. Therefore, when heating multiple wires running in number of wires/strands heated in the same coil (assuming parallel or multi-strand cables, the criterion of providing an relatively tight positioning of wires). In some instances, it is equal temperature in all wires regardless of their position possible to gain an improvement in coil electrical efficiency inside the inductor becomes critical. The former is a result that can approach 15% to 20% compared to the heating of of the fact that external and internal wires of the cable may a single wire. be heated differently because of the electromagnetic prox- imity effect and electromagnetic shielding of the external Since the capital cost of a power supply usually decreases vs. internal wires. with a frequency reduction, the ability to use lower- frequency inverters can result in considerable cost savings Figure 5 shows an example of the Radyne multi-wire or for the user. strand induction heater that offers a high-production and cost-effective solution2,3. System can heat from two to As shown in Figure 6, the minimum frequency for efficient 40 carbon steel wires to Curie temperatures delivering a heating of multiple wires (frequency F3) is shifted toward throughput of 4400 lb/hr (2000 kg/hr). the use of lower frequencies compared to heating of a single wire (frequency F1). Nc Na < Nb < Nc Coil Efficiency Nb Na High coil ef f iciency f or multi-wire cable Fig. 5 — Radyne multi-wire or strand induction heater 0 F3 F1 Frequency F2 that offers high-production and cost-effective operation. Fig. 6 — Minimum frequency for efficient heating Another example is a tire cord diffusion, which may require of multiple wires (frequency F3) is shifted toward simultaneous heating of 10 to 24 wires running in parallel the use of lower frequencies compared to heating and being heated to a temperature up to 600°C to melt the surface alloy coatings (e.g., zinc alloys) that diffuse into the of a single wire (frequency F1). base steel wire to provide a barrier for rust and corrosion. Wire diameters typically range from 0.8 to 2 mm. Metallic materials with high electrical resistivities (ρ) are commonly heated with higher coil efficiency than metals Several process features and physical phenomena distinguish with low ρ (assuming no eddy current cancellation). IH of multiple wires and cables from IH of single solid cylinders, bars and single wire heating. It is often required that the single wire induction heater be able to heat a variety of wire sizes to different target Frequency Selection and Energy Efficiency temperatures using a single frequency. It is imperative to choose a frequency, which would guarantee that for any Coil electrical efficiency is a complex function of several combination of wire sizes, materials and target temperatures, design parameters including the gap between coil copper severe current cancellation would not occur. It is wise to and wire, electro-thermal properties of heated metal, coil remember that while calculating the δ, the values of ρ and μr length, number of wires/strands, and frequency, with the should correspond to their values at the highest temperature former being the most prominent1. expected to be reached during the heating1. In the case of IH of a single wire, there will be higher coil In some cases, it makes economic sense to choose the fre- efficiency when the applied frequency corresponds to a ratio quency based on the so-called big runners (wire sizes that of “wire diameter-to-current penetration depth (δ)” greater represent the highest production). If there is an insignificant than four. If the chosen frequency results in that ratio of less difference in the sizes of the big runners and smaller wires, than 3.2, the coil electrical efficiency will dramatically de- then, in order to minimize the capital cost of the system, the crease or heating can be even halt without reaching needed choice of frequency can be determined by maximizing coil temperatures. This is attributed to the cancellation of induced efficiency when heating the big runners with an accepted mi- eddy currents circulating in the opposite sides of the wire1. nor efficiency reduction while processing the smaller sizes. Continued... Winter 2019/Wire Forming Technology International 49

Intricacies of Induction Heating of Wires, Rods, Ropes & Cables ...continued For some coating lines where gas or electric heating capac- professionals visit the following websites: ity has been reached in a fluidized bed or coating tank, it is desired to preheat various mixed wire diameters prior to their entry into the coating tank. The requirement is for injection of additional thermal energy to maintain overall process Or review a content of newly published the second edition thermal equilibrium. In this case, Radyne has developed of the Handbook of Induction Heating, CRC Press, 20171. and patented a multi-channel inductor that allows for the simultaneous heating of various different wires, adding References: WFTI thermal energy to the process allowing for higher throughput than the original coating tank design. This innovative ap- 1 Rudnev, V., Loveless, D., Cook, R., Handbook of proach allows the wires to be strung above the channel coil Induction Heating, 2nd Edition, CRC Press, 2017. until movement and heating is required at which point the wire is lowered into the heating zone. This technique can 2 simplify changeover and setup for coated wire producers and depending upon the size range, can be similarly efficient for 3 heating ferrous alloys below Curie temperature. Company Profile: Nonferrous wires/cable/ropes such as aluminum, copper, Radyne has developed unmatched skill and facilities tungsten, titanium and their alloys (for example, brass, in the field of induction heating. Radyne maintains a Nitinol, etc.) can also be successfully heated using elec- dynamic, integrated, solutions-driven team equipped tromagnetic induction. However, coil efficiency when with the tools essential for rapidly delivering innova- heating nonferrous wires and particularly those made of tive products, services and engineered solutions. The low-resistance materials is noticeably lower compared to company is a world leading manufacturer and pioneer heating ferromagnetic alloys. in the development of advanced induction and con- trolled atmosphere heating equipment. Offering gen- Space limits to provide an exhausted description of wire eral-purpose to full-turnkey induction systems for al- applications as well as electromagnetic and thermal subtle- most every industry, Radyne offers customers industry ties of applying induction heating. We suggest interested expertise, process engineering, induction equipment, inductor design and development and 24/7 service and support in one location. ANBAO June 3 to 5, 2019 Donald E. Stephens Convention Center Razor Wire & Barbed Wire Rosemont, IL, USA Wire Materials: Galvanized steel wire, PVC coated iron wire in blue, green, yellow and other colors “The Fastener Show produced by the Fastener Industry for the Fastener Industry” Razor type: BTO-10/12/18/22/28/30/36/65 EXHIBITS, SEMINARS & NETWORKING FOR FASTENER Barbed wire: 1PLY AND 2PLY MANUFACTURERS, DISTRIBUTORS & USERS Co-organized by: ANBAO CORP. Producing Fastener Shows in Reporting Fastener News & the Heart of the Industry for Technology for over 40 years Add: No.33 Qinhuangxi Street, Qinhuangdao, P.R.China, 066000 over 30 years Tel: +86-335-3893600 Fax: +86-335-3870760 • Email: [email protected] Website: 50 Wire Forming Technology International/Winter 2019

Mesh Welding Roundup compiled by the Editors at Wire Forming Technology International Suppliers have responded to our call for the state-of-the-art in mesh welding equipment and technology. Modern Mesh Welding Plant for the the cut-outs. Here too, a higher output is possible on Manufacture of Precast Concrete Elements request. Information from mbk Maschinenbau GmbH, “The compact plant system requires very little space, Kisslegg, Germany, says, “Industry demands concepts and the modularity of the system allows for individ- that focus on maximum efficiency and reliability. And ual, customer-specific solutions. Subsequent system mbk, a manufacturer of wire cage welding machines extensions are also easily possible. for the construction, concrete and precast industries, works continuously towards making modern manu- “The stable construction and the low maintenance re- facturing processes possible with innovative machine quirement guarantee convincing everyday suitability. concepts. mbk has long been known in the industry The connection to the Unitechnik CAD-CAM inter- as a global player and partner for system solutions. face enables the uncomplicated and free exchange of More than 1000 welding machines and 1200 machines information inside the precast plant. LAN and WLAN sold in total convince customers in over 60 countries connections satisfy the prerequisites for fast and sim- all over the world. ple troubleshooting as well as the use of updates for production planning. “The automatic production of CAD-based reinforce- “A large range of accessories for automation is offered ment meshes for the manufacture of precast concrete for the MSM-M mesh welding plant, making useful elements with cut-outs for window and door open- extensions possible: ings are gaining increasing importance. To meet these needs, mbk developed the flexible MSM-M mesh • Solutions for mesh handling. welding plant, which welds reinforcing steel meshes off the coil according to individual specifications. • Solutions for mesh deposition for stand-alone Depending on the requirements, the producible mesh plants or in downstream circulation plants. width lies within a range of 400 to 4000 mm, while the mesh lengths range from 1000 to 14,000 mm. Larger • Solutions for further processing in subsequent dimensions are possible on request. bending stations for the bending up and cropping of the bars to produce various bent shapes for “The DRA-M multiple rotor straightening and cutting precast slabs with in-situ topping, solid sandwich machine automatically supplies the longitudinal and walls and double walls. transverse wires for the flexible mesh production off of the coil. And the wire diameters range from 5 to “Mesh buffers for the buffering and supplementing 12 mm, optionally from 5 to 20 mm. The pitch for the of the finished welded meshes can be adapted to suit longitudinal wire is 25 mm, and the spacing of the lon- the specific customer. gitudinal wires depends on their diameter. Minimum spacing of transverse wire is fixed at 50 mm. Infinite “mbk Maschinenbau GmbH develops, designs and adjustability is also possible as an option. manufactures in accordance with a thorough analysis of the customer’s needs as well as in-depth consul- “The average production output is around 160 m2/hr. tation with a highly competent development and However, this depends on the mesh occupancy and technology team on an area of around 10,000 m2 at the Kisslegg site. With all developments, the focus is placed on finding the solution to the customer’s requirements with regard to cost-effectiveness. “Since 1961, mbk Maschinenbau GmbH has set new standards worldwide through technical innovations, future-oriented systems and sustainability. Another point with regard to reliability is the professional and mature after-sales service, which also ensures Wnter 2019/Wire Forming Technology International 51

Mesh Welding Roundup that everything goes smoothly after commissioning. distance is very easy and very fast. Recommended for Customers all over the world value this aspect of frequent changes of wires (thickness and distances) customer orientation and have been benefitting from for small-to-medium batches of mesh in sheets/panels. it for decades.” “Our famous, 200 strokes/minute, Ultra-High speed, Rowel/Fewel Models are for industrial mesh in rolls New Fast, Flexible & or panels. These models utilize the newly developed User-Friendly Mesh Welding Lines Individually Adjustable LW Pitch System. Minimum pitch is 25 mm and wire thickness is from 1.5 mm. Mironas Subotic, Exports Director, Tillos SA, Athens, And LW Distance changing is easy. Recommended Greece, says, “After 30 years of designing and manu- for high-speed, high-output production when special facturing mesh welding machinery, Tillos Group can dimensions are an everyday requirement, for rolls or proudly announce the latest development of the 4F for sheets. line of products. Our new fast, flexible, feasible and friendly mesh welding line, represents a significant “The newly developed, hybrid model, using Mov- breakthrough in the industry. able Electrodes-Modules, works completely off-coil, mechanically, reaching speeds of 160 strokes/minute. “Being 100% client orientated, and following the For wires 1.4 to 3 mm. LW pitch minimum is 40 mm. industry feedback, Til- LW Distance changing is easy and very fast. Recom- los Group recognized mended for medium and high-output production newly formed indus- when special dimensions are a must and changes are try needs and devel- couple of times, per day. oped four completely “All our machines are designed to the exacting client’s new and unique mesh specifications, taking special care to achieve utmost welding machine feasibility. Only the best, commercially available parts models. Each design addresses important unresolved are used. issues and represents almost absolute solutions, in “Tillos Group machinery from the 4F line is com- their industry segment. pletely exclusive and cannot be obtained by any other company in the world. Please, take a look at our “A newly developed version of our special/engineered standard range of mesh welding machines and rebar mesh production plant, Superweld, can make any processing equipment. For more information visit our type of mesh with openings (windows, doors, etc.). website.” It works off-coil and it’s completely modular. And it can be used in the precast industry as well as for engineered mesh production. It is many times faster than the competition, so it can be used for occasional standard mesh production. The starting model can work with just one LW feeding and one CW shooting and works with up to 12 mm wires. “The Fence Panels Welding Machine with Movable New System for Mesh Electrodes—Modules is also new. Easy changing of Widths up to 2700 mm line wires (pre-cut) distance/pitch, comprises our own, renowned off-coil cross wire shooting system Roger Seliner, Marketing, for Schlatter Industries for absolute control over the shape of the mesh. It can AG, located in Schlieren, Switzerland, says, “The be equipped with our up/down shooting system, for newly updated machine, MG950, is an industrial mesh the production of 2D panels (6, 5 and 6 mm). Speed welding system that manufacturers of wire products is standard at 60 to 80 strokes with wires from 3 to 6 have been using successfully for years. Wherever mm. Minimum LW distance is ~ 50 mm. Changing LW great flexibility, speed and premium quality right are required from the first mesh, the MG950 industrial mesh welding system will be your first choice. “We have not only optimized the machine’s qualities, but we have also extended the MG950 system for a mesh width of up to 2700 mm. This extended range will inevitably lead to higher productivity numbers, since this width also allows for double-track produc- 52 Wire Forming Technology International/Winter 2019

Mesh Welding Roundup simulation software. Applying PLC automation control systems with HMI panels for our customers perform operation and maintenance with ease. We also develop specialize lines for customers to fulfill requirements for automated production. “Golden Spot Industry is the one and only spot welder manufacturer in Taiwan, which uses self-developed touch panel microprocessor welding control. Our technology provides low power consumption and high performance with welding current, slope and various timing control for welding machines, to meet customer expectations. tion. Thanks to this new variety in width, production of high-security fences, such as the Securifor®, is no problem. To learn more or for additional technical specifications, visit the company’s website.” A Leading Spot Welding “In order to ensure product quality, we have con- Machine Supplier for 40 Years structed a complete QC system, from Incoming Qual- ity Control (IQC), In-Process Quality Control (IPQC) Information from Golden Spot Industry Inc., Tai- to Final Quality Control (FQC). Based on our spirit chung City, Taiwan, says, “Since 1979, Golden Spot of service, outstanding technologies, strong research Industry has been a leading brand of spot welding and development and diversifying strategies, Golden machines in Asia Pacific. Our strict quality control in Spot Industry provides best customer services and each stage of the production process from design to can always be relied upon to be ‘Your Friend in Weld’ finalized machine lines is accomplished under one creating a brilliant future together. roof. Our excellent research and development team with nearly 40 patents has resulted in our superior technology basis. With CE and ISO-9001 (R&D) cer- tifications, we provide global standard professional services and machines. “Our present machine lines generate mass applica- “The main products offered by Golden Spot Industry tions such as concrete reinforcement mesh, fencing include wire mesh welding machines, spot/butt/flash/ mesh, wire shelving, industrial mesh, furniture and seam welders, automatic welding systems and vari- various metal products for automobile, electrical, ous wire forming machines. The company is an OEM furniture, house hold, hardware, etc. manufacturer serving worldwide markets. “Our brilliant research and development team with “For additional information and technical specifica- outstanding product design capability reduces flaws tions on the Spot Welding Machines and other equip- and interference possibilities with Solid Works 3D ment available from Golden Spot Industries, visit the company’s website.” WFTI Wnter 2019/Wire Forming Technology International 53

Industrial Internet of Things: It All Starts with a Signal by: The advantages and benefits of the Industrial Michael Groll Internet of Things start with communication. In Head of Strategic Marketing industrial applications, a simple event increases WERMA Signaltechnik GmbH + Co. KG the advantages as it goes wireless. Dürbheimer Str. 15 D-78604 Rietheim-Weilheim, Germany Much has been written about the Industrial Internet of Things have become a way of manufacturing life. Another way to (IIoT) or “Industry 4.0” over the last couple of years. It is a put it is there should be stack light indication of a machine’s fair bet that many Factory Managers are still less than clear parameters that would be used to tell its lifetime story. Think about what it is and what it signifies. It is certainly not a of what you would want to know regarding a machine’s specification, which you can go out and buy, nor is it a norm health if you were looking to buy a used piece of equipment? such as ISO, which a company can be audited against to ob- tain a certification. Rather, it is simply becoming a new way With the signalling of the critical machine parameters in of industrial life. It consists of a way of doing and organizing place, next focus on getting the information to the proper things while taking advantages of the benefits of the latest personnel is a must. How is the information to start then technologies that are available. So, it is evolutionary, not flow? Consideration of capitalizing on the benefits of a really an industrial revolution, which is often cited together low-cost, smart, easy-to-install/retrofit process optimization with Industry 4.0. system in your process all starts with communication. You just need to simply get the signal. Regardless of how the industry players classify this period that we are all in, one thing is clear: the process all starts The complexity of technology has advanced to an involved with a signal. By taking advantage of the latest technology to level of sophistication that all starts with an “event”. Fun- digitalize how you can manage aspects of today’s business, damentally these events are nothing more than the simple clever solutions are embracing the spirit of the Industrial closure or opening of a 24 V circuit based on an input. Internet of Things thinking. Increased use of automation Stack lights or “Andon” lights are the product of choice to combined with the latest process improvement tools speed start the process. Whether the input is a manual operation up processes. It can make them more transparent and re- of a pushbutton or an automated action from a sensor, this duce the amount of human errors and inaccuracies often seemingly minor electrical circuit change can trigger a caused by traditional methods of recording certain types chain of problem-solving events when carried out by clever of information—even if it is old school: via clipboard, pen equipment designs. and spreadsheet. You have to wonder if Professor Nick Holonyak, the During the specifying process of acquiring a large capital American scientist at General Electric who accidently expenditure such as a machine, a great deal of thought needs invented LEDs in the early 1960s, could envision back to go into what value it will bring to the company and how then that simply turning on his “mistake” would trigger so it will be employed. It is smart for companies to include the much value in a production environment. As a result two operations and maintenance personnel as decision makers system-type solutions have emerged to solve specific process to add their perspective to the traditional decision makers in issues. Firstly, some automated solutions use conventional both the administration and finance departments. This inclu- Andon lights. With the addition of a wireless transmitter and sion provides a well-rounded justification in the determina- receiver kit to monitor up and down time of machines and tion of the payback period and ultimately the feasibility of other equipment, stack light communication of equipment acquiring such a large capital expenditure. Their inclusion status can become instantaneous. The age-old problem with can prolong the life of the asset if it is well thought out. stack lights has been whether someone is nearby to see or hear the alarm once it is energized. The signal device is A machine feature as simple as a stack light can also extend worthless until someone receives the message that a problem the machine’s life. To meet that objective, enhancing a stack now exists. Receiving this information is paramount in being light design to include communication in addition to signal able to respond. This is why today’s leading-edge solutions notification is now possible. For example, a manufacturing use wireless technology to notify the proper and needed engineer specifying a machine applies a philosophy of what responders. Sending texts and e-mails allows for specific parameters are important enough to warrant an alarm that targeting of the proper people while messages displayed notifies when parts are being produced out of specification. on large screens throughout a facility lend themselves to a However, expecting someone to be present when the alarm broadcast-type of notification. Simply put, transforming a is triggered is not realistic because in today’s manufacturing stack light into a smart stack light enables remote monitor- environment both multitasking and “doing more with less” ing. With this equipment status, the situation allows for a 54 Wire Forming Technology International/Winter 2019

WERMA offers retrofit wireless monitoring systems for machines, manual workstations and logistic workstations. WIN-WIN solution. That is the needed response can now based on a wireless call-for-action system. This solution is be a WIN – WIN solution: proving popular in many on-line retail warehousing opera- tions as well as industrial operations because of the manual Where It’s Needed — When It’s Needed actuation of initiating the communication signal. Not relying on a machine-based sensor, human interaction is required for When used in conjunction with a machine, typical internal starting these processes. The system will identify bottlenecks sensors do the monitoring with their 24 V digital outputs in a warehouse system and speed up response to disruptions at the ready. Data collection systems can also collect and in the production process. Again, notification in the imme- display other relevant data on machine performance includ- diate area is done via a local stack lights being energized. ing: real-time status, changes of that status, historical data, The same benefits of the machine-based, automatically-sent, production performance, summary reports and strength of wireless transmitter signals can be capitalized on. While this communication signals. When more advanced software is system depends on the discipline of starting the process with employed, advantages from higher levels of sophistication manual intervention, stressed employees concurrently run- result. These advantages include, but are not limited to: ning multiple pieces of equipment welcome the opportunity counting parts, scheduling production, maintenance plan- to call for help when it’s needed. ning, signaling a head-of-line status, etc. In summary, simply starting with an electrical circuit change In addition to data collection, often times the more important typically associated with an Andon light, a stack light can benefit from these technologies is the content and meaning of trigger a sequence of events to both notify personnel of the information and the speed of receiving this information. equipment status in real time while storing its data and Keeping a history of key machine parameters is necessary cleverly bringing value-added to improve productivity. With but being made aware of a machine status change as it hap- clever design engineers such a simple concept can provide pens is often critical. This basic need then employs other a stack light that can: technologies when considering the means of transmiting the information. For fast reliable communication, wireless is the • Provide an overall view of all equipment being obvious answer. With its infrastructure in place (e.g., satel- monitored lites, cell towers, hand-held devices being readily available, etc.) wireless technology is here to stay. That is the reason it • Provide transparency of status and responsibilities is designed in as the means for transmitting the signal and sharing the communication of these “events.” From there, • Shorten machine and process downtime clever designs in software can provide additional features such as choice of SMS texts or voicemails or pop-up no- • Ensure and improve productivity tifications for production area video screens or delayed notifications to support a personnel hierarchy, etc. • Display a dashboard of real-time performance information Secondly, other system solutions include stack lights, but are • Allow production scheduling • Notify a hierarchy of remote personnel of status changes Continued... Winter 2019/Wire Forming Technology International 55

Industrial Internet of Things: It All Starts with a Signal ...continued • Count parts being produced collection and transmission system is easy to retrofit and enables analyses of an operation, which in turn will lead to • Alert personnel of nearing the end of a production run untapped growth potential and keeping you one step ahead of the competition. SmartMONITOR is the intelligent machine • Generate production-based reports monitoring system alternative for companies who are look- ing for a quick and uncomplicated way of optimizing their • Maintain a living history of the machine for specified processes. This solution will provide you with all relevant parameters data on the performance of machines, equipment and manual workstations, simply with a couple of mouse clicks. • Schedule preventive maintenance • Provide historical performance data • Become a “head of line” function • Provide notification signal diagnostics AndonSPEED: transforming traditional stack lights wire- lessly into networked call-for-action systems. Not too bad for a mistake in the lab that was applied to a product line that almost slipped into becoming a commodity. AndonSPEED is simple to use, easy to understand, very easy to install and can be expanded based on its modular Intelligent Systems design. Status changes are transmitted wirelessly from the workstation to a central control station and, if needed, can be WERMA’s solutions come in the form of two new smart and sent by automatic e-mail to the appropriate response team. An optional feature of “Head of line” capability provides a intelligent process systems both designed to play their part centralized overview of all workstations statuses. in eliminating HMI related weaknesses in process chains and replacing them with fail-safe automated systems. SmartMONITOR: the smart alternative for machine moni- Advantages include speeding up your team, logistics and toring and data collection. ultimately your process by exposing weak spots, precisely As an optional element to WERMA’s modular stack light documenting nonproductive times thereby reducing down offering, the SmartMONITOR helps to make processers lean, faster and more efficient. The wireless-based data time at the workstations and improving efficiency. For de- tails, visit WFTI WERMA SmartMONITOR is the smart machine monitoring and data collection for industrial companies looking for a way to quickly and easily gather reliable data to optimize their manufacturing processes. Inset, top right: AndonSPEED is the ideal call-for-action system, because it makes permanent time-savings possible. It is the solution for packaging and shipping workstations. 56 Wire Forming Technology International/Winter 2019

Thinking Big? Think All Around Spring Machine Manufacturer Wire and Strip Forming High speed wire forming to 8.0+mm (~ .3218) - Super high speed forming Okuno Machine Co. - Wire or strip Because… - 0.4mm to 8.0+mm (~.0156\" to ~.3218\") One of the most respected names in spring making Wave Springs and Wave Washers and wire forming. With over 45 years supplying Wave Springs and Wave Washers the industry and over 300 to 200mm (~9\") diameter innovative patents. - Patented Okuno forming process - Wave springs - Single and multi-turn wave washers Flat and Round Wire Rings Round, flat and shaped wire rings 300mm² (~ 0.5²) wire to 480mm (~19.0”) ring diameter - Round - Flat and Shaped wire CNC Coiling - Round and oval rings CNC Coiling to 25+mm (~1.0 “) diameter wire - Wire cross section 0.4mm to 300mm2 - High Precision - CNC Coiling from 0.05mm to 25+mm (~.002\" to ~1.0\") - Variety of end cut shapes - Very high production rates - Independent servo control on each axis - High Speed Orchestra Control (Pat.) - New EZ Set controller with self correcting artificial intelligence Outstanding Sales and Service in the Americas: 106 Ninth Street North Okuno Machine Co., LTD Brigantine, NJ 08203 USA 48-2, Sakamoto-cho, Izumi-city Tel: (609) 266-0200 Osaka, Japan 594-0052 Fax: (609) 266-9079 Tel: 81 (725) 43-7111 Fax: 81 (725) 45-3111 [email protected]

SSppotoligthlit gOnhStprOinng CToielinsgting by Mike McNulty, Editor, by Michael McNulty, Editor Wire Forming Technology International Wire Forming Technology International Spring coilers are the heart and soul of any spring Testing of springs, wire formed parts, wire mesh and mcuasktoinmgeorps ewraitthiocno.nTfhideyenqcueicthkalyt panadrtsquarieetblyeicnragnmkaoduet rebar products—both in finished and semi-finished sripgrhint.gFs iixntua rveisrtauraellyalisnofiunsiteefunlumfobr ewr oirfecofomrmbiinnagtioonps- states—needs to be conducted and documented to oerfawtoirres diniatmroeutebrl,e-ssphroinogtindgiaomrepterro,cfersese dleenvgetlho,pnmuemn-t insure proper product quality and performance. befefrorotfs.coils, etc. As the name implies, spring coiling The types of testing needed depends on the finished mAraecahsinwese, bhoatvhe mideecnhtainfiiecdalfaonrdtecsotminpgudteervceolonptrmolelendts, product, the process and the application. Testing of minaclkuedceotihleedfospllroiwnginsgi:n all sorts of sizes, shapes and wire prior to forming is also of value so that you can tell how good wiAr3e4&3i5sDSbToeuRftohArMDeaIiiNnt GiSstrLueLesCted. ma•terAiaulsto. mated testing systems. Companies thaRt opcekrCfroeremk, OaHt 4h4i0g8h4 UleSvAels are usually Th•e fuRneddaumceednttiaml perfoocrecsosnfdorucctoiinligntgesstpsr.ings has not good at the disciplTinele: s+1o4f 4t0es5t6i3ng52a2n7 d documentation, mchaa•nnygSneimdewpdlfrieafiametduartoeicpsaealrnlaydtiocovanperoafbtihtleiestityeinseagarvesa,qiulbaiubptlmethferneortme. are and they conduWcetbrSeigteu: lwawrwe.vadatlruadaitnigollnc.scoamnd upgrades of the testing equipmEemntaial:[email protected] abreast of com• pPaonwieesrtfhualt amnadkeeathsye -stpor-iunsgecsooilfetwrsatrheatapnodpcuolamte- the flpoourtserocfosnptrrionlgs-ymstaekminsg. factories all around the machine developments and techniques is an impor- wo•rld2.DWainthd d3Dozienn-slinoef saunpdpolfife-rlsinoervmisaionnufsaycsttuermerssforf tant part of being good at quality control. Spotlight On Spring CoilingTesting devices used in the wire forming industry Spotlight On Spring Grindingmeasure attributes such as load (tension, compres- sion or torsion), hardness, coating thickness, wire diameter, free length, fatigue life, pitch, torque, springacccouilreartsewgeoorlmdwetirdice, many innovations ava•ilaTbhlee uansedoinf stehrevop-ldarninviensgosntalogaeds, tmesotestrlsy. related ptoro•pvreoTmdouuecncthtisv.sictHryee,erpneesra.froerma afenwcet,hsaettuwpeahnadvqeuoablisteyrvimed- ove•r tGhreelaatsetrfmewacyheinaresf:lexibility. by M Wire Forming T relaxation, number of coils, geometry, inside and outside diameter, weld strength, material integrity • Reduction of time gap between each axis in order Spring and surface quality. These devices are usually off- makin Restoougracinesa higher degree of machine productivity. line, stand-alone products that function manually •ManDuifraectucroenrtsroolfotfessetvineng aexqeus:ipwmireenfteecda,ndiparmovetiedre, Iimn parovvi or automatically, but there are testing and process valuvaebrlteictaelstpinitgchin, fhoormrizaotinotnalanpditcdha,tarerterlactetidngtomthaenir- dwriivresd, s control systems that work in-line with manufacturing equidprmele, nvteratnicdaltemstaindgroefl awnidrec-ubattseerd. products. Ad- toiofncoariles •ditioDneaslkstoouprcmesacohfMitnaeegsstui.nirge iMnfaocrhminaetriyon are the Spring etqraudipems processes. In-line examples include vision systems ••MtSShMpaartInifIIndpannugucittfseeeabcTgsgclueirtrassuacanhshtrteideeenossdrnoistanTlhvFeo-Io4SeBpliong3:fcsrprrhs1i-+yFigCT3moCpoo0trae1aoDiooc6(iaxnlnitnn:nIl8e:ncgutNPtS+ti7rsc+an.sag(,6Sa7:h6)s:r,lBN0o(.2Jmy0piMeTSS9on7iJ9osmisrxItm-eMg2trk0iF2e4aen6r6M8O6,eW99na6mdI2g6TRat04))0ed0egNMe89s3gb2suas70mo,epta0i(in7rrrUUIi3g0terg9nehdn6SSoneag7AcAc6st.maesh)unodeerdfuiatInwTrsnegouasslretrsefireyotamusnritntecteenietmnestogr.tsf--, tuopboctlho ing psprorivnigdsin. EgIt-m1i0na0icl:%liunf+dion1@ess2Mp6ba9egoc6utt7iihr9oeMn3U5aaS5c7nAhidnaecrnyo.dcnotmmroeltorifcsupnriintsg, ttohgerliantd and free-length gages that work in-process on a spring •aISnTdpdRirtiemopdvreuiondcvsteiiiWsIodonEtnenet-eembsssrinaStgnaiieiltnun:te:Ftigid:nahwdwfxseowpe:we@lwo+wrnif.nvs1.ofuMioier2tcmrmasi6megoi9nfbsiunnog,6iergssr7versy9aydstMstoor3uetai5lefmocre6mhiumsr7nisiannsigneencrcr.cccype.hc.oilcronmaaoomgtmnde.iducacptluiopbnali.rctas-, cThhaengfeus coiler to identBifBy SvparriinoguTsescphrninoglogayttrSirblutes. Some of tionismapnrdotveesdtinmgaeinqtueinpamnecne,t.ease of use and greater n•oTthcrhea these even provide VaiuatSoomcraattei,cnfre. 2e7dback control to the wwwp.srmoitheqc.otirogn• owfwewle.icstt.roorgn.iuckcomponents. caspparbin coiling pro2c2e0s7s0d–uCraisnngatepcroondBuecrtniaoten(.CO), Italy WFTI m•aSkperint In the area of wirFeTaexfl::o++r33m99 i00n331g1,2513t7e605s08ti04n1g procedures are sparuintog pretty variablewawsw.tbhbesprrianngtgecehnooflofgiyn.cisohmed products is fa•cImt, pser fairly wide. Quality control fixtures—used in-pro- thaiss iusts cess and on the final part—are helpful to insure that dimensional requirements are met, and they provide W•Ritehdmu tu•Creorosl a fsepwrin stawgheese o•bSsiemrvp tS•iuopnpaRllioien Bm•eahninycImdrpe Die Quip Corporation Forming Systems, Inc. i•nduMstri 5360FEEnNteNrprLisLeCBlvd. P.O. Box 694 m•etaFl aws Be8th0eCl PlaarrkkD, PriAve1,5U1n0i2t 5UDSA CineSticchoLoalcnradfits, MGIr4in90d8i7ngUSCAorp. of sporirn EaTset lB: e+r1lin4,1C2T830360126362USA ManufactuCreonrtsacotf: TGimarWdnebeerr Abrasives iss•nepcrtthiinoec1dgon0ibmi.0 FDaixr:e+ct1: 846102-285395-66457646 Tel:&+1CI8T77C-O727P-rFoOdRuMc(t3s676) ConEWWt-ameecbtba:siSFTli:toiaetdemx:ie::[email protected],0riipPip1n..rc.cecoosommimdent 481 Gardner Str+e1et2, 6S9ou6t7h9B3e5lo5i7t, IL 61080 USA FCaxo:nt+a1ct2: 6D9on67S9ch3l5ie67 E-mail: E-mail: [email protected] Internet: (vi 5508 WWirireeFFoorrmmininggTTeecchhnnoolologgyyIInntteerrnnaattioionnaal/l/FWaliln2te0r028019 S•priHnig Some s t•heirSeimn faciliftoart

and ippt uupttreeorrvccidooEenn-msttrragooilu:ll [email protected]. IST••p22roDDvaaidnneddsIn33ttDDeesrntiinnient--:glliwinnsweewraa.vfnnoicrddmeoosin,ffgffvs--aylliisrnntieoeemuvvssiiinssrciie.ooclonnamtsseyydssttpeeummbssliffcooarr- tionsaaaccnccduurrtaaettseetiggneegooemmqeeuttirrpiiccmtteeenssttii.nngg.. ww••w.sTTmhhieehquu.ossreeg oo•ffwssweewrrvv.ioost--.ddorrrgii.vvueekss oonn llooaadd tteesstteerrss.. WFTI ttpeerssettiitnntygg eveqqauuriiiappbmmleeennattsaatnnhdde pprrraoonccgeeedduuorrfeefssi..nKKiseeheeeppdiinnpggraaobbdrrueeaacsststt ooifsf m•aSkperint mmfaaaircclhhyiinnweeiddeev.veeQlloouppammliteeynnttcssonaanntrddoltteefccixhhtnnuiirqqeuusee—ss uiissseaadnn iinmm-ppoororr--- sparuintogm- ttcaaennstts ppaaanrrdtt oonff bbteehiiennfgginggaooloopddaarattt— that fa•cImt, pser thaiss iustsi SSSSppppoooottttlllliiiigggghhhhttttOOOOnnnnSSSSppprpriirrnniiggnnggGGrrCCiinnooddiilliiiinnnnggggTTdeeimssttiiennnggsiddoneevvailiccreeessquuuissreeeddmiiennntttshhaeerewwmiirreet,ffooanrrmmd iitnnhggeyiinnpddrouuvsstitdrryye •• TToouucchh ssccrreeeennss.. W•Ritehdmu mmeeaassuurree aattttrriibbuutteess ssuucchh aass llooaadd ((tteennssiioonn,, ccoommpprreess-- WWiirree FFatoou•rrmmfsCreipiebbnnowrryyggosiTMTMnloe ss•iioo nn Aoourr tttooomrrssaiitooennd))s,, yhhsaaterrddmnnseeassnss,,dccinooaatettgiinnrgagtittohhniiccwkknniteehssrsso,, bwwoiitrricees•• GGrreeaatteerr mmaacchhiinnee fflleexxiibbiilliittyy.. ddiiaammaeenttdeerro,,thffrreeereesellceeonnnggdtthhar,, yffaafuttiinggcuutieeonlliisffeesu,, cpphiittaccshhh,, ettaootrrtqqruueaeet,,- rreellaaxxiaanttgiio,oanns,,snnemuummblbbyee, rrsooorffticcnoogiillassn,, dggeepooammckeeattgrryyin,, giin.nssiiddee aannddRReessoouurrcceess mSSmso•ptpbaaawSrrskkgiiiemhnniiernneggsvpegg, oo•uu ttssiiCddheeaddniigaaemms eefrttoeermr,, wwrigeehllddt-hssttarrneednnggtotthhl,,efmmt-haattaeenrrdiiaasllpiirnnittneegggcrriiottiyyl- aanndd issnuugrrffcaaaccnee bqqeuumaalliaittdyy..e TTinhheejussseet ddaeefvveiiwcceemss iaanrrueeteuusss.uuaallllyy ooffff--MMaannuuffaaccttuurreerrss ooff tteessttiinngg eeqquuiippmmeenntt ccaann pprroovviiddee tittStdmceIBtimBtScttedIatigfoocSifttBwmiSmSsesiwoutTncmsftWtaso•••tiwoTtuntWfstctaso•••mnni•••••••••oiiooiommnnnhihaahhqquepnunahruhanhurhaoe•r•••••one•••••r•oouoffrptpteaoafbfbopophpdhadahccdgieaiaceaebuaibualahhiicnprcnpgtgadnafhnfmdtwssaaeiSSTIRaawsseiSSTIRCrCrppisivnvppnrrlccnitnrsrsttthtunueiiehnisnasmeadmedrototugtgtpieipiippeelprsukruuskppippiiaaiwiiccacegrenhhopoaraereaeednnppoghohyia,ya,cIRMlcRMInlmemhcihciewoywnsinsiegtdFH(1f(McTuSaccRoSoIdgtrrseeerherlltroslirosrlilterterlarlnaldrrdrumnumrngrrriphifplhnfvvodwvmrdroirotmthdmhdbbssadeoharososentsiieosiiobe0meii,ii,iarfigioigileoplespissihniieibueuvvorvmvrpmwittipnepnecsegerudnudtatnninnmmneieriseersnrslslisnnistnetisaetsmilssanaigmietiinmits.s,,y0isyetetleeigit-ptg-yprnoupgetrnoeraiareirerereewoedstoeparnnchanmhr ccolpapclaoc•••iioooonnrrrrnn nnioioddeellaactctee,,ufufrreeTmMwIrrrroossnttsseehootttltliasscoeeoaroaessmmeeto-r-ennyiyslslerai,ioeeaadd..ssddpebnnnptttt--IIeeoveeiiiggaanrncclntnrmmeeittlleaa--attnthhoocllclyliisstiiinnllffhingangsyyByyttotDeentehhaa,e,eeontggiovtvaabbfp5pheTheeheeteltaa3oeeuurroxxessQerwrw6lalfoo:ttaagiiPd0mtntu+ooddoommmhhyattE1diuuhmhrururaaapnkpudplkk4ssceettcc,et1eCelllehrrtwtwPiites2escrssnneevhoAiipppsshnoop8--irri1ttirraca3llgaprresliihhii5iie3ekkrrennnh’nnonn1aasees1iccrBeee0iiggcttsnnm6allf2rlottmvwwuu6ot--efefaadmt2appiuuddUrsstt.ioiesxttttrrttSnnee.ppnnrrhhiiooiAncincimsurccvbvbmmttoiggeetiiluiuiuecooessssaattemraassiinnnneeoosssnnoossutusnndddmmra.n.nffecinaaSSssaaaaaonppcdcooyymnnngsstrtrmmssuuppoouuttitternhrrrrceceeaeatoiiiiefsemmellnnnnloololssr.oyyggggrsssssff-f.vvaalluuaabbllee tteessttiinngg iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn aanndd ddaattaa rreellaatteedd ttoo tthheeiirr tt•hh eesseeMeeovvdeennulpparrroodvveiiddsieeFgaaanxuu:ctt+ooo1nmm4c1aae2ttpii8tcc3sf5f.ee6ee4dd7bb4 aacckk ccoonnttrrooll ttoo tthheeeMdStaSIiMdeSIaSitnnhShSqqnnMMipipTTggttaaaauuddrriittIInnooiiiippsspipnindpdpnnuupprtrtmmgguiuioaoaffrrppssaallbbvviiccTTeerrnncc4sslliiuuooMnneeiidtd8tooggEssssuvuvcc1ttu-usesaehhsshmhiirr..WsWsaGanreIreIddIeeeeCInnnEnEanEEEccnnaIIssnuttsseeeerrtt-i-itt-treeee--oolteeddmmbenbfsms:dtstsmmaeassssrraTTrlhilhiTnrednanaSSFFnattnnFaeoaeoggIIen44ctotoeSoeSeiiiiBeBSetieililioinonlleleoelcgcg3tnu3rttn:ul:l:::nccif:fttMMc:t:eerr&tFucpsr:psr:lFlr:hhTs1s1Fi-i-ah+S+yFyFigig+:iiiii:t:gtCgCTTuaunnmmnantCnCtCmpepaCoo0wd0wtdlartaotwrereaawewL1ea1dawxii1fCfxrofoffl+ix+iooooeos+d6sd6o(o(iio:aoaongxongxsswowele:ln.enwa:ititww:ninnw:n:nnInIlle8esI8nl8r11:@:@nn@@1te@ctcgng+eueuttcNNululgg+wPwPttSn+Sc+w+Pttt+i7iT7wtswriri7wrc+rc+aitairnn.a.aagsgs.ahege221naniafifi2tit,11a7.1fn7.OnvOvMd7M.1O.nTi1n.CTi11cceoeocc.crrfofcelfoeo6o6MfMf6fp-p-gSioo-ggtttobtt.tb.t8tietibeerb,eri6,.St6Ster8SOa7a72:92:9h6h76))29:::,f,ffascom:cmr,rmraa0llBNB0N0@ss1Boo(.(.2g2go6o6JyJmym2006ymiiruMeeMeDeTTMMMTg6Sg6S0GS6S99oo5wiwi7idon7iun9uG9JiJ79P9o9ossttnnmtmsfcnfiissss7iu7iuio7ixIxtItmxm-In-hiinmh-hMnM3aooi2t2trfgrafgarr3ktk0rg0,r,696F9iFi2n2n69Fiieeeereg4rga4aoeoeg2466e66ssoM6Mr8i8s8rrO7rBrcOv7cvee66O7e,,reeWMsWM9ns93yW3y5s9S9Un9Un3yd66mm9r9rIe2Iem2a9deh6ht69TTaRyaRyaattRy0s0stt5M5M0s4c4i5mdm4))0b0aaenled-d-ce0ss00totgsougNiM5NieMreot8r8SSh3M53589935ssbbsee3r-3bcbtcntneiaabt222seusiuai0ai77l575a7le7il0e0c5no7oAAe,a,atmhmhi,eepmpnooccea5att00eeeeie(i2(,(s6r6mnmn776mrtrrriirrUUtghUtIhUidIi3r36UI30nt0nusituse4sesrrrr7rs7rIs997nnviihhddniAniu6s6sniSa6iSasLSSeeeioSeoaaynynoonnessnCiiggi7s7A7AnrcnrAcnnebendcAdAnnscccc6nnctyy66ttr6rocc...r.rcr...aae.e.1rddhhcccc)cy)yeie.c.),,,,osismiomsssapSd••••nn••eppetffnpreoeeccrrttosspcrttttchihippediiiaannekoonedoF1ceFo1dcfAEmMsrlrlungguoonn.0i0igararfiibbwwxdcnnurmmaii..0os0nsTgguuesstollgga ttiioonnss aanndd tteessttiinngg eeqquuiippmmeenntt.. IcpffcIp••Hnanaoorrii ieierrittllttlliihhsttyynnEMyyteeggoxwwovavartpperrraayiirreeeddnrrooaaiideecaacc..oeboboeeCdmQQssflfleeossuuwwwpnEWddaataal-aiiiessuumellrrrcxiibeeetrratttt:iiyyihhSsTlonnff:opieeootpdggccemrrriee:oorrimmppqMwnraannrraunnwgiaittooitnnprrxwggiddcw@ooggo.eeDouulel,,ndiiloocecliattflfeiJQititeefflqnxxiirss.uoourff,——seeerwr.ddnoouuticcssppreeeeerrddddoofuuoddiirrruunneemcc--ssppttissnaarroorrgiieess--. ftcSoeSwocweftSStt••••hahahhaannofofpphchceelleettddmmlliihhiiiirreellmccrrsggiieeiieedfc(uS(Hd(HSfc(uihhtttnnoowvrwvrnaeaoaeaomimisisiiissggaaimimrrntntiaialclnnggrgiiggppiieeddcmcrmrrroonenk wwwwww..ssmmiihhqq..oorrgg •• wwwwww..iisstt..oorrgg..uukk WWFFTTII ccAeesscsscoaarnndddinoognntttohheeHffoiiwnnaaPll rppoaadrruttc——tsaaArreerehhMeellappdffeuu1ll, ttcoooiiilnnessduusrrpeerttihhnaagtts ddwiimmereeennssdiieoovnneaalllorrpeeeqqduuiiirrneemmtheeennttessaaarrrleeymm1e5ettth,, aacnneddntttuhhreeyyy bppyrroocvvliioddceek 5m0 akWeirresF. oTrmhinegITnecdhunoslotrgyiaInlteRrneavtioonlaul/Ftiaoll n200in8 the 18th and 19th centuries spurred the development of mass-produc- tion techniques including ones for making springs. A British locksmith, Joseph Bramah, is credited with making a spring winding machine by modifying a lathe in which a reel of wire was used in place of a cut- ting head. “Wire from the reel was wrapped around a rod secured in the lathe. The speed of the lead screw, which carried the reel parallel to the spinning rod, ccctfmcuoaoooarrniuimllekslibdne.w”etgibhiTt.cteeohofVlacideiloodseaxriijdCyCilutbewoo,osildnnsErEntWWeBBittpseDD--taa,tesemmeehdrccoiithtwtbbFF5hti5hteeTaTao:o:naaa3te3eeseiiSSTTuhlloQQxx:6:l6plglploo:i:it::ttiPtPd0d0sememueu+r+rcv++iiaae:e:itaE1E1.hiic11anrrhppqMwqMwdnknkLa44r4u4uge,,wtwtiaay1ne1CeaCe1i1isPPsppxxww22rrr22uooAAw@pw@pbts..cga88hDDrrsrr88eheea11ii33feddppses33iiell55teeloll33iiecre55ooeele11JQJQowsoeq1q1rBrBdrr0r066p.u.ufdu6iu6aa,2,24l4lsilivivti6i6apptPtP7a7pepahdd22hii..UUc44..rrdmsc.c.oocceeriouoSoSoonnssoamemtwAAmmiciddgdtthweeeironrnrooiaettfnrowstidmmhsilireanhaetsegsentsmpadpoytrrprerieeindeanlhgrrgotta’’oosss-t SPRING WORLD® were able to see many new spring coilers up close and in operation. The majority of these are computer-controlled, mulitple-axis and do 5500 WWiirree FFoorrmmiinngg TTeecchhnnoollooggyy IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall//FFaallll 22000088 FFoorrmmiinngg SSyysstteemmss,, IInncc.. 44MM8811aaGGnnIICCnnEEaauuitit--rrenenffmmddEEWEEaarrTTnnelelnlanakEke-eEekcceeRSSttMiiee-RRllllbrtrt-GG::i:i:Gmcctt&&mKFucFuca::TTKFFFhKShSr+TS+iiFrFraaaCCnTCnoieCeTaaaCCarorotowtewolLLiaxx11a:CiCeTrrCeflvflxxxotoee++TooivololoTov::ooeee:l:2:ww:xaaxrel2:::l2no:nreInInlnl:e8rn8r:kr11e@e@r:++:3cc:++r3+n3nwnaPwtrPt+++TTtstst7t7at+Vattrrkw5+akVa+a.V.aara5115t22,,aa1f1f1dd7.7.O1OC1i1aC1iidccad1oocc1cinfocfolwni66ffSBSl-l-loBtodt88Biic.t.tltttr8ar8tl8OOi8fi87f72982:9a:fnfa:so:w8so:,o:,8mmrortin0o0nog1B1oB4n4242646:[email protected]@GG66ne55ng7ooGgGg7iir77P7P979etet7Cdn7nioiook7i7oi,ddxIxIhh@mm--n3na3as,,33rgrs6Chgr6rtn6nb696F9bFCC6I6Sbrg24g24ISoo6Ibr86iSr8is4srB4BL4O7aO47LosL44tcnnW5isWo95Ms9SSoM3yd3yd999c90t0sdretde0909dbg0RyRy0r6mr0s06scce55g6dd44mmnlnleee0ie0eclsusuD55otot90h9hMMn8980e3593o5l099eieiebbtg2yto2eyee00ii70pl7lg77t7ic0c5n75nb7ee0ptt7pii7mmxetee5el5btee22,7,0((r7rou70696matmta099ggrrra6U6rUaa334417ss1IsbIss17l7s37733nAA.l6s6LsLniSiSnaa.nnn CCiin77yAAUbbnn.lyeU6yU6cc.ce66ooccnS.t.1r1roSStc)c)..rerAaa00ccmooAAppto8o8ssmm.m0.m0iivvUUeeSSssAA EE--mmaaiill:: ddoonnaalldd..sscchhlliiee@@cciinneettiicc--iinndduussttrriieess..ccoomm IInntteerrnneett:: wwwwww..ggaarrddnneerraabbrraassiivveess..ccoomm 30 Wire Forming Technology International/Winter 2009 50 Wire Forming Technology International/Summer 2007 Gibraltar Corporation EEEE(zllllWkEkEkkEE.RR2iE-R-R.--GeGGGmmS0mmKKSFbKKFFTrrTT0FrFrIaaCTCTooaaaeaoaeoee9SaaMiieTeTCCvvxxxsTTivoliVlvolll8l2l::2:::xxeliel22:::o:o:treren:nt:irrPo:3:3+earr3+3+nanarSr++it+t+aaVVkkn5+k5V+kV3aa:L55tt3U1d1d.1L1ii1i1iididfaa119ccwininllnnE9oBBllGlloBBiiccllttaa88ti8fi8fff88aaw@nn:8:80ooXemototnono0oogig44444:4:gguR4R4n2nr@@wgg@@2nnee-g7g77b7is77eel7C7CddaiooR,.,dd9iaas,s,9sms6Chs6Chn66bb66CC6I6I8SbSbrniIAI8SSbb44rro44LLmd44LLoo44ptctcoioiMoMcc200)tt0s0srrPi002gg00lr6ra6mpm,66eeggemm8Meeee8llDDI90909,9lM0e0e9o9ollx991eeeyoyo1D707p0p71i7titi007br7bpp77lxxexeittbbaa77070l7370909aaa7a9ra9rraaaapn15717a1S1l7s3ls7333n3nn..llnine1p..nnd8r,nnyyUUsiyeyeUUl.dIeeietSStt.aSSttiAAtlAAy itgpSfapSatigf••••••nnhahannprprrrccggeeiiooddrrnnttddiiuuwwggddnniiSTMmaoMomTSauurrnnrriighghbbiiffiiihnhnccccnnmmnnaaooeelleeggrrewewggge 708 Anthony Trail aa••nncceeEEss..xxTTtt tdstttds••hhhhtteeooeeeeppccmmsseekkifAifAttnnnnuouoooffdduurrccgrgrnnooeaekak Northbrook, IL 60062 Contact M. Shapiro 847-383-5442 office 847-769-2099 cell 224-723-5530 fax E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: 55330000 WWWWiiiirrrreeee FFFFoooorrrrmmmmiiiinnnnggggWTTTTieeeencccctehhhhrnnnn2oooo0lllloooo1gggg9yyyy/WIIIInnnnittttreeeeerrrrnnnnFaaaaottttriiiioomoonnnninaaaagllll////SSWWTuueiimmnnctthmmeenrreeo22rrlo0022g0000y9900I77nternational 59

Spotlight On Spring Coiling ...continued not use lathes or mandrels. Many of the machines on display featured the latest spring coiling innovations. Choices VINSTON US There is truly a large range of spring coilers on the mar- ket. There are machines large enough to make automo- Cutting Edge Camless Formers & Benders tive suspension springs and small enough to make tiny 204 Carpenter Ave. springs that can only be seen with a microscope. The choice of a coiler will depend on the volume of prod- Wheeling, IL 60090 USA ucts to be made, the different types of springs to be Contact: Billy Z. Lin made on the machine and the skill levels of the sup- port and operation personnel in the plant. The advan- Office/Fax: 1-847-947-2241 tages of machines incorporating servo technology and Cell: 1-808-227-5189 computer controls are increased machine flexibility, significant reductions in set-up time, incorporation of Web Site: on-line QC functions and high production output. The Email: [email protected] use of electronics and computer controls also allows higher numbers of forming axes. While the trend is WAFIOS Machinery Corporation the use of servos and computers, I think that there is 27 NE Industrial Road still a place for lower-cost mechanical machines. The mechanical units require fewer tools, less training to Branford, CT 06405 USA run and they can approach very high output levels. Midwest Technical Center The common perception is that if a designer can 9830 W. 190th St. Unit D Mokena, IL 60448 USA dream it up, then a spring coiler should be able to Email: [email protected] Web: make it. Given the continual improvements in the Ph: (203) 481-5555 performance and capabilities of spring coilers, this statement rings true. WFTI Reference: 1 How Products Are Made, Springs.html; WFTI Spotlights Articles on Spring Coiling from 2015 and 2017. Visit to siibscribe and read online. 60 Wire Forming Technology International/Winter 2019

PRODUCT SHOWCASE Dual & Single provide software updates and to any changes that might have diagnostic support as well as to possibly occurred during the coil- Point Spring Coilers provide access to machine set-up ing process. With standard & optional features conditions. Equipment supplier provides The company says you can keep the spring manufacturing and The complete Torin Coiling ma- your business competitive and wire formed parts making indus- chine equipment line is currently trust Torin to provide you with try with a variety of standard and available with the optional Spring quality coiling equipment. optional coiling features for both Vision camera gauge system. The its single and dual point Torin Spring Vision camera gauge tech- To obtain additional technical Spring coilers. nology allows the Torin coiling specifications, contact FENN LLC, machine to self-adjust multiple East Berlin, CT, USA, or visit the Torin’s single point coiling dimensions of the spring, relative website below. machines are capable of quick- ly producing a wide variety of Torin R Series Coiling springs and wire forms on a single Machine incorporating machine, while the dual point Spring Vision camera coiling machines create straight compression springs with reduced gauge technology, coiling friction. which allows the Torin coiling machine The variety of benefits in choos- to self-adjust multiple ing a Torin coiler include simpli- dimensions of the fied, state-of-the-art controls as spring produced. well as Spring Shortcut spring program generator and Spring Portal, which allows the equip- ment supplier to remotely access your coiling machine in order to Machine Straightens, Cuts, is 10\" to 80\". Heading stations are also available for Stamps, Chamfers, Drills & upsetting and heading. Inserts Flux Balls for Rebar Continued... Videx Machine Engineering Ltd., Yahud, Israel, of- fers a fully automatic machine for production of weld Winter 2019/Wire Forming Technology International 61 studs from ribbed wire and wire with indented ribs. The machine is straightening wire from coil, cutting to length, chamfering, drilling and optionally inserting flux balls on one side. Operation sequence is as follows: • The machine pulls the wire from a powered turn- table or horizontal uncoiler using two feed boxes. • The rotary straightener feeds the wire to the posi- tive stop, while straightening it. • The wire hits the positive stop and is sheared by the flying shear through a closed quill and open knife. The wire is supported during the cut-off process, to assure square accurate cut. • The cut-to-length blanks accumulate in an inter- mediate magazine. • The parts are clamped and then chamfered and drilled with one tool, on one side. • Parts are stamped with logo on the opposite side. • The finished parts are transferred to the next station, where a flux ball is pushed into the bore. • Finished parts are packed inside carton boxes. The thread range is ½\" to 1\" and the length range

PRODUCT SHOWCASE Spring Testing System and tolerances can be utilized to for a duration. Single or dual test Cost-effective technology determine immediate pass/fail limits may be used and target load Leading global manufacturer results, which can be viewed in or height/length for determining of precision hand tool gages, a graphic or tabular formats. spring rate, spring constant, load broad range of force testing and and length at target limits, initial metrology equipment and more, System software features en- tension and measured free length has introduced a basic, affordable able the use of preconditioning can be specified. spring testing solution designed options to exercise springs prior for compression and extension to testing, the ability to scrag for The system’s statistics view springs. The new S1 Spring Testing a number of cycles or duration or displays key statistical informa- Systems were developed for high- compress to a load set and hold tion for the user’s batch including volume production testing for us- mean, range, standard deviations ers seeking more consistent results and tolerance results. Custom re- over manual testing methods. ports can also be printed out and data can be exported to Microsoft S1 Systems feature easy-to-use Excel or SPC Software such as test templates that enable the user ProLink’s QC CALC application. to create a test setup in seconds L.S. Starrett Co., Athol, MA, USA. using one and two-point meth- ods, with test targets being load or height-based. In addition, the small footprint of the S1 System is ideal for either lean manufacturing environments or in-situ produc- tion areas. Spring rate, spring con- stant, free length, solid height and initial tension can be measured 5-Axis CNC Spring Coiler System Allows Fast, Ergonomic Parts Sorting HTC and Forming Systems Inc. announce the addition for the new HTC 60CL, 5 axes CNC High-speed laser cutting systems call for productiv- spring coiler with a wire range of 2.2 to 6.0 mm ity-enhancing and, at the same time, user-friendly (0.086\" to 0.236\"). This new design replaces the systems for the manual sorting of prefabricated previous 4 axes 60CF machine. Features include parts. With BeltFLEX, material flow expert, Rem- five programmable axes—feed, OD, vertical pitch, mert GmbH of Germany, offers the fitting solution. horizontal pitch and cutter. Touch screen interface With the integrated unloading option, finished parts simplifies programming and advanced coiling point can be sorted easily, quickly and in an ergonomic system simplifies conversion from RH to LH coil- body posture. The BeltFLEX is a conveyor belt ing. Softare is straight forward and easy to use. from which the operator can manually sort finished Camless operation provides fast, efficient setup parts. The belt height is adjustable between 765 and operation. Rotating and straight cutoff are and 875 mm, which enables back-friendly work- standard. Mandrel in/out movement is program- ing. BeltFLEX promotes ergonomic posture on the mable. Machine is also available in 8.0 mm size. one hand and fast manual sorting on the other. An even belt advance cycle ensures a faster unload- ing process than other variants of manual sorting. 62 Wire Forming Technology International/Winter 2019

ADVERTISERS’ INDEX Company Page Website A&D Trading LLC 27 AIM Inc. Back Cover, Alloy Wire International ANBAO (Qinhuangdao) Wire & Mesh Co., Ltd. 1 BB Spring Technology 50 CASMI/SpringWorld 2018 25 Cometo 17 Dörken 19 FASTENER TECH™ ’19 45 FENN LLC 50 15 Forming Systems Inc. 9, Inside • Back Cover Forming Systems Inc. / HTC 9 Gibraltar Corporation/Delta 29 Gibraltar Corporation/Simco 2 Golden Spot Industry Inc. 4 Larson Systems Inc. 37 Maguire Machinery, Inc. 57 • Metal Finishing News (MFN) 64 Okuno Machine Co. 57 OMD - Officina Meccanica Domaso SpA 13 Inside Front RK Trading Cover 5 Simplex Rapid 21, 23 SMI Metal Engineering eXpo 31 Ultimate Automation Ltd. 11 Vinston US Corp. 7 WAFIOS Machinery Corporation 60 Wire Forming Technology International 33 Zhejiang Lisheng Spring Co., Ltd. / Wire Forming Technology International: Spring 2019 Issue Send editorial files to Mike McNulty, Editor, at [email protected] WWIINNTTEERR22001199 INTERWIRE 2019 Preview • wire Russia 2019 Preview SSPPRRIINNGG 22001177 WWW.WIREFORMINGTECH.COM WWW.WIREFORMINGTECH.COM Serving Manufacturers of Springs, Wire Serving Manufacturers of Springs, Wire Formed Parts, Wire Mesh and Rebar Products Formed Parts, Wire Mesh and Rebar Products TOP PRODUCTS OF 2018...PAGE 38 Previews...36 & 66 SPRING COILING..P. 58 STRAIGHTENING & CUTTING...P. 54 MESH WELDING ROUNDUP...P. 51 Straightening & Cutting Roundup • Wire, Strip & Bar Emphasis • WIRE FORMING & BENDING Wire Forming & Tube Bending Spotlight ..P. 34 & 70-73 Editorial deadline: April 1 • Ad closing: April 5 MATERIALS...P. 28-33 Winter 2019/Wire Forming Technology International 63

Focusing on peening, EDITORIAL INDEX blasting, cleaning and Metal Finishing News Companies, organizations & events listed in Wire Form- Joseph H. Goldberg Family Foundation........................... 24 vibratory finishing! ing Events (p. 4) and as advertisers in the Spotlight On Spring Coiling (pp. 58-60) are not indexed here. Keystone Bar Products..................................................... 18 Vol. 15 Keystone Consolidated Industries (KCI).......................... 18 September ABI Research..................................................................... 6 Keystone Steel & Wire..................................................... 18 Advanced Engineering Show........................................... 10 KINECOIL Division........................................................... 42 Issue Advanex........................................................................... 14 Kinefac® Corporation........................................................ 42 Year 2014 AIM Inc....................................................................... 41, 43 Airbus............................................................................... 30 Larson Systems Inc.......................................................... 43 Publication for the Alloy Wire International (AWI)............................................ 8 Lee Spring Company.................................................. 16, 40 Peening, Blasting, American Society for Asset Protection............................. 24 Leggett & Platt.............................................................. 8, 12 Architectural Offices Schmelzle & Partner........................ 23 Lesjofors Group................................................................ 19 Cleaning and Argus Media Company....................................................... 8 Liberty Steel USA............................................................. 18 Vibratory Finishing ASTM International........................................................... 28 Liberty Aluminium............................................................. 18 Aston Martin..................................................................... 30 L.S. Starrett Co................................................................. 62 Industries Axalta Coating Systems................................................... 43 MacDermid Enthone Industrial Solutions......................... 18 Nadcap COLUMN: Bank of America Merrill Lynch.......................................... 18 MacDermid Performance Solutions.................................. 18 Competency Counts BASF................................................................................ 14 mbk Maschinenbau GmbH......................................... 43, 51 Bergandi Machinery Company, Inc................................... 38 McLaren........................................................................... 30 page 58 Bihler................................................................................ 40 Mercy Home for Boys and Girls....................................... 24 Bihler Maschinenfabrik, Otto............................................ 40 Microsoft........................................................................... 62 14th MFN Asian BlackRock Financial Management Inc............................. 18 Mid-South Wire................................................................... 8 Shot Peening Workshop & BlackRock Inc................................................................... 18 Mid-West Spring & Stamping........................................... 26 Trade Show in Singapore BLM GROUP USA Corporation........................................ 36 Minnesota Wire.................................................................. 8 Bloomingdale Golf Club.................................................... 25 MW Industries.................................................................. 39 11th-13th Nov. 2014 BMO Harris Bank (BMO Harris)....................................... 18 (see page 27) Bosch Rexroth.................................................................. 19 National Association of Manufacturers  (NAM)........................................................................... 6, 8 Optional practical evening classes Carlucci............................................................................ 24 New England Spring and Metal Stamping MFN Shot Peening Champlain Cable Corp....................................................... 8   Association (NESMA)..................................................... 10 Chemetall......................................................................... 14 Nexans Energy................................................................... 8 Workshop in Germany Chicago Association of Spring Manufacturers, Inc. Nexeo Solutions, Inc........................................................ 14 14th-16th October, 2014  (CASMI....................................................................... 3, 24 NIMSCO........................................................................... 42 China (Guangzhou) Int’l. Spring Industry Exhibition......... 21 Nissan.............................................................................. 30 (see page 65) China Import and Export Fair Pazhou Complex............... 21 Cimteq Ltd.......................................................................... 8 OSCAM............................................................................ 44 Dry and Wet Blasting Almen Saturation Curve From A CLEPA.............................................................................. 31 Machines made in India Statistical Perspective (p. 18-20) CNBM............................................................................... 12 Pensa & Pensa Labs........................................................ 40 Cometo............................................................................. 42 Plascoat Systems Limited................................................ 43 page 28 Contran Corporation......................................................... 18 PPG.................................................................................. 18 Courthouse News............................................................. 31 ProLink............................................................................. 62 CRC Press........................................................................ 50 Progress Maschinen & Automation AG............................ 44 Credit Suisse.................................................................... 18 Prysmian Group North America.......................................... 8 MFN INTERNATIONAL is distributed in 67 countries and published 6 times a year DDD Group....................................................................... 34 Radyne Corp.................................................................... 46 Dekoron Wire & Cale.......................................................... 8 Remmert GmbH............................................................... 62 Design & Automation Solutions........................................ 19 Reuters............................................................................. 30 Design-2-Part................................................................... 12 Ricardo plc....................................................................... 30 第二卷 中 DHL.................................................................................. 30 Rockford Manufacturing Group (RMG)............................ 41 2015年3月 国 Die Quip Corp................................................................... 39 Rosemont Exposition Services......................................... 24 Dorstener Drahtwerke (DDD)........................................... 34 RQ Ricardo Quarterly Review.......................................... 30 春季刊 金属表面处理杂志 Dorstener Drahtwerke (DDD)   H.W. Brune & Co. GmbH................................................ 34 SAS Testers...................................................................... 44 MFN中国主要内容 DoubleTree by Hilton........................................................ 10 Schlatter Industries AG..................................................... 52 是抛丸、喷丸强化及 Dunkirk............................................................................. 18 siffron................................................................................ 10 SIMCO Spring Machinery Co........................................... 40 成形,抛丸、喷丸、 Engineered Wire Products............................................... 18 SIMPLEX RAPID.............................................................. 42 喷砂清理,振动研磨、 Eurobend GmbH.............................................................. 38 Sjogren Industries............................................................ 16 European Spring Federation............................................ 16 SMS group....................................................................... 22 抛光、工业涂装等 European Springs & Pressings (ESP).............................. 19 Southern New England Design-2-Part Show................... 12 金属表面处理资讯 European Union (EU)................................................... 3, 30 Southwire Co. LLC............................................................. 8 Spring Manufacturers Institute (SMI)................................ 25 5月11-13日,广州国际表面处理展 典型汽车零件的X射线应力 FABTECH 2018................................................................ 20 Spring World® 2020.......................................................... 25 检测技术 (第24-27页) FENN LLC.................................................................. 20, 61 Strand Tech Manufacturing............................................... 18 Fives................................................................................. 12 MFN 是 SF Expo 的官方合作伙伴 Ford.................................................................................. 30 TECHNIKUM 2................................................................. 23 Forming Systems, Inc........................................... 39, 44, 62 Ternium del Atlantico SAS................................................ 22 Nadcap专栏: Franklin Wire Products..................................................... 10 Tillos Group...................................................................... 52 Nadcap改变了人们的 Tillos SA............................................................................ 52 GEMCO Manufacturing Company Inc.............................. 12 Torin.................................................................................. 61 态度 General Electric................................................................ 54 Toyota............................................................................... 30 Georgia World Congress Center.................................. 8, 10 Tri Star Metals.................................................................. 10 第10页 GFG Alliance.................................................................... 18 Global Continuous Casting Forum..................................... 8 Unitechnik......................................................................... 51 科学新讯: Golden Spot Industry Inc.................................................. 53 使用载荷控制型弯板 Valve World Expo............................................................. 10 疲劳试验机对空化喷 Houston Plating & Coatings (HP&C)................................ 20 Videx Machine Engineering Ltd........................................ 61 丸处理不锈钢的裂纹 HSI............................................................................. 39, 44 Volkswagen Group........................................................... 30 萌生和扩展进行评估 HTC.................................................................................. 62 Hyperco............................................................................ 39 WAFIOS AG............................................................... 41, 44 第6-8页 Hyperion Hotel Hamburg.................................................. 16 WAFIOS Machinery Corp................................................. 42 Wells Fargo NA................................................................. 18 MFN抛喷丸强化 Inductotherm Group......................................................... 46 WERMA Signaltechnik GmbH + Co. KG.......................... 54 训练课程在中国 Inductotherm Heating & Welding...................................... 46 Wheelabrator.................................................................... 39 2015年5月15-17日 Insteel Industries, Inc......................................................... 8 Whitford Worldwide Company.......................................... 18 Insteel Wire Products......................................................... 8 Wire Association International (WAI), Inc........................... 8 Institute Dr. Foerster GmbH & Co. KG............................. 22 WireDrawing 101®............................................................ 28 MFN CHINA is exclusively for the Chinese Integer Research................................................................ 8 Wire Fabricators Association (WFA)................................. 10 market and published 4 times a year International Fastener Manufacturing wire Russia 2019................................................................ 3   Exposition (IFME)............................................................. 8 WITELS-ALBERT GmbH.................................................. 39 International Spring Co..................................................... 24 Wright, LC, Roger N......................................................... 28 Interwire.......................................................................... 3, 8 MFN offers courses for: Interwire Conference.......................................................... 8 Zwick/Roell AG........................................................... 32, 33 Zwick Roell Limited.......................................................... 32 ▪ Shot & Flap Peening ▪ Industrial Painting ▪ Mass Finishing ▪ Shot Blasting ▪ Residual Stress Measurements Training in 9 languages! MFN is a Partner in MFN is an Official Education in Nadcap Collaboration Partner of FEMS MFN is a Media Partner of NACE MFN is the Official Cooperation Partner of Metal & Steel MFN Headquarters Switzerland MFN is the Official Cooperation Partner of SF EXPO 64 Wire Forming Technology International/Winter 2019

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