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Home Explore Fastener News Report September 21 2020 Issue Flip Book

Fastener News Report September 21 2020 Issue Flip Book

Published by mcnulty, 2020-09-16 16:08:46

Description: Fastener News Report September 21 2020 Issue Flip Book


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September 21, 2020 Volume 6, Issue 9 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Semblex Releases Thread Rolling Screw........ 2 Hyperco Celebrates Indy-500 Wins.................2 Fastenal Named as the Official MRO Partner of the NHL Marposs’ New Brankamp Website..................2 Field Fasteners Inc.’s Growth List......................3 Fastenal Company, Winona, MN, USA, and the National Hockey League AFC Acquires Master Distribution....................3 (NHL®) have announced a multiyear global partnership, naming Fastenal the Aerospace Fastener Market Growth: 6%........4 official Maintenance, Repair and Operations (MRO) partner of the NHL through Fastener Fair Italy Postponed...........................4 the 2023-24 season. The partnership is focused on creating an efficient and NN’s Life Science Div & MW to Combine.........5 Lawson Products Acquires Partsmaster.........5 reliable MRO supply chain for ice rinks across North America. Obituaries: Pivarnik, Huff and Rendance........ 5 MRO encompasses the wide-ranging products and services needed to keep NCFA Scholarship Winners...............................6 facilities up and running. In hockey, this includes mechanical, electrical and Cobra Anchors’ Home Depot Agreement.....6 plumbing products used to maintain rinks, sanitation and janitorial supplies Cold Forging Solutions Launched....................6 required to keep facilities clean and safe, and power tools and accessories FDI Moderates to 49.2....................................... 7 used by players and equipment managers to prep gear for game play. Dividend Report................................................. 7 The agreement provides Fastenal a presence at future NHL tentpole events STAFDA Announces Virtual Anaheim.............. 7 Subscribe, read or advertise @ including corner in-ice advertising positions and in-arena branding at the NHL FTI’s Annual Company Profile Issue................. 7 Winter Classic®, NHL® All-Star Weekend, NHL Global Series™ and NHL Stadium MWFA Virtual Meeting on Sept. 24.................. 7 Series™. The NHL will utilize Fastenal’s vast and secure supplier network to FASTENER SHANGHAI 2020 Open Sept. 23.....8 provide a variety of MRO supply needs. Fastenal will offer products used to maintain safe environments includ- Presented by: ing PPE (personal protective equipment), sanitizer and cleaning supplies. The NHL will also leverage Fastenal’s inventory management and procurement expertise to & benefit the entire hockey ecosystem including NHL clubs and facilities. The NHL and Fastenal will work together Initial Publications, Inc. 1741 Akron Peninsula Rd, Akron, OH 44313 USA Tl: +1 330 864 2122 • Fx: +1 330 864 5298 to implement a standardized equipment program that Spotlight on NIFS/WEST Exincludes state-of-the-art tool carts for visiting team locker rooms at all NHL arenas. The partnership will also focus on helping these venues optimize operations by access- Chip Lippincott Publisher ing process improvement tools to simplify procurement, control spending and visualize inventory. / JSMToiamimlklyeMHGMaVuosctoscaNlshtr u iInlntsyVdo uPons lltBtaroisIaontlitdcPhsluSVSG7aaePIs5lsonlnt1te&ibircoscaisEr.aR’ldElesSiduatpoibltreroes srsideM-natantaivgeer Wrentham Fastener Fair USA Rescheduled to June 2021 Bo Wrentham Tool ducing Cold Hea Fastener Fair USA, the only exhibition in the USA dedicated to the full fastener iary JV Tool, can design and for the fastener in supply chain, has been rescheduled and will take place June produce unique plastic fasteners We produce bot 22 to 24, 2021 (Conferaenndcienj:ecJtuionnem2o2ld/eEdxppaortsHthaaltl: Junetooling used to m from simple nails 23 to 24), and will remain in the Huntington Convention Center in Cleveland, OH, UySoAu.need. Our catalog contains screws and bolt our current parts or visit our inventory of tooli “The well being of the fastener community is our first priority,” said Kate Scott, EvenmtaVtePr,iaRlsepeadgeEfxohr iabliitsitoonf sth. e“As weworldwide. Wre bnuesxint eesdsitiaonndopiprnforeselFyccwaimosesineoturnness,enepclocetao-tsrptamoiFclsaayfnamairusetfgeUranslco,SetaurAbnsr.daeinrloefusaJr-ustneeneorfmmtthheaaennrmeucpefoauisnctttatuthdiroeeenpinTefdoOnru continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, the decision to hold the 2021 was made to ensure the highest likelihood that we can get back to industry, in-person.” TORQ-SET®,PHI Since 2018, Fastener Fair USA has been the industry event, from automo- ACR® ribbed PH PHILLIPS II®, MO tive to aerospace, construction to HVAC and furniture TORX® and QUA to appliances, where fastener professionals from all levels of the supply chain come together to find and Volt Industrial Plastics, Inc. www.wren source the latest products from leading suppliers. And 700 Hwy.w2w02wW.vo•lYtpelllavsiltleic,sA.cRo7m2687, USA Fastener Fair USA will be held in Cleveland, one of the Contact: Heidi Volltrauer, COO largest manufacturing hubs in North America. For more Toll-Free: +1 800 844 8024 information and for the latest updates on Fastener Fair Toll-Free Fax: +1 877 453 8707 USA, visit: Web Site: E-Mail: [email protected] Page 1

BUSINESS & MARKET REPORT September 21, 2020 Marposs Announces New Brankamp Website for Cold Forming Process Monitoring Systems Notebook Marposs, Auburn Hills, MI, USA, a Semblex Releases New leader in measurement, inspection and Thread Rolling Screw Semblex releases its newest test technologies, introduces a new product for thread rolling into high-strength steels, the Rolok® website featuring Brankamp, a leading HS®, which utilizes a robust supplier of process monitoring systems thread profile to prevent thread and software for cold forming, sheet bending and collapse in high metal processing and forging. The strength materi- als, overcoming the inherit weak- user-friendly website helps viewers Brankamp, founded in 1977 and ac- ness of traditional 60° thread profiles. A spiral lobe feature re- learn about all Brankamp monitoring quired by Marposs in 2012, is a Mar- duces installation torque and of- fers resistance to vibration loos- products’ benefits and specifications poss Monitoring Solutions GmbH ening. The Rolok HS can fasten into steels with tensile strengths including high-quality, dramatic images brand marketed through the Marposs from 500 to 1200 MPa to support increased use of Advanced High and demonstration videos. Viewers worldwide network. Brankamp systems Strength Steels (AHSS). can download literature to read the execute tasks including analyzing, Hyperco Celebrates 56 Brankamp-Marposs history, news, safeguarding and optimizing produc- Indy-500 Wins by Cars Using Hyperco Springs events, subscribe to the Marposs tion processes to improve productivity, Hyperco suspension springs from MW Industries Inc., Pon- newsletter or complete a form for more quality and reduce production costs. totoc, MS, USA, have been used in the last 56 winning cars of the details on Brankamp products. Indy 500. Also, Hyperco springs will be included in the 2021 re- NAW announces environment. Given the risk of a lease of the new Gen 7 car. Eric Hoplin as new CEO second massive wave of COVID-19 infections worldwide, the outlook for Hyperco continues to prove its The National Association of Q4 remains subject to uncertainty. reputation and legacy as the Wholesaler-Distributors (NAW), SFS plans to expand its Heerbrugg, winningest spring brand in pro- Washington, DC, Switzerland location, to realize fessional motorsports. USA, the largest growth projects, which shows SFS' distribution public good competitive position and in- policy association in the USA that novation leadership. represents wholesaler-distributors and a federation of international, After a significant downturn in national, regional, state and local the second quarter due to the pan- associations and their member demic, business at SFS picked up firms, names Eric Hoplin as Chief during the first two months of the Executive Officer (CEO). Current third quarter. Sales for CEO, Dirk Van Dongen, retires after July and August extend- 41 years leading the organization. ed the recovery that began in June. Business with customers in the Hoplin serves as Head of Exter- automotive industry that had been nal Relations at Wells Fargo & Co. affected most by precautionary measures, saw the most improve- ment. Compared to the previous year, total Group sales for July and SFS confirms upturn August declined by mid-single-digit in business activity percentage figures. While sales in the Fastening Systems and Distri- Business at SFS has picked up in Q3 compared to Q2 levels amid a persisting volatile economic [email protected] • Page 2

BUSINESS & MARKET REPORT bution/Logistics segments almost materials serving construction and September 21, 2020 matched prior-year levels, the industrial markets, to distribute Engineered Components segment across all Canadian provinces. This Notebook was 10% below prior year. Earnings better serves the needs of Würth in all three segments had positive Industry Canada’s customers in the Field Fasteners Appears on development in Q3. commercial transportation, marine Inc. Magazine’s Growth List and general manufacturing mar- Inc. magazine has revealed kets throughout Canada. that Field Fastener is No. 4689 HD Supply Q2 2020 results Würth Industry Canada is a part on its annual Inc. HD Supply Holdings, Inc., Atlanta, of Würth Industry North America 5000 list, the most (WINA), the leading industrial dis- prestigious ranking of the na- GA, USA, one of the tributor of supply chain solutions for tion’s fastest-growing private largest industrial dis- fasteners, MRO and safety equip- companies. Field has made the tributors in North America, reported ment. The agreement to distribute list in eight of the last 10 years. net sales of US$1.6 billion for the Sika’s sealing, bonding, damping, In the history of the list, only 1% second quarter of fiscal 2020, a reinforcing and protecting solutions of companies have made the decrease of US$72 million or 4.4%, supports Würth Industry Canada’s Inc. 5000 eight times. The list as compared to Q2 in fiscal 2019. product mix as part of its industrial focuses on the most successful supply chain solutions for OEMs. firms in America’s most dynamic Gross profit fell US$37 million, or segment—independent small 5.8%, to US$596 million for the sec- businesses. Many well-known ond fiscal quarter, as compared to names got their first national US$633 million last year. Operating TFC boosts VMI presence exposure on the Inc. 5000. income decreased US$13 million in Ireland, post-lockdown (6.2%), to US$198 million in fiscal Q2, as compared to US$211 million for Supplier of fasteners and Vendor AFC Industries Acquires the second quarter of 2019. Managed Inventory (VMI) solutions, Master Distribution TFC, is helping manufacturers in Incline Equity Partners, a Pitts- HD’s net income fell US$4 million, Ireland recover from the effects of burgh, PA, USA-based private or 3.0%, to US$131 million for the lockdown via its new facility in Por- equity firm, announces its portfo- second quarter vs. US$135 million in tadown, Ireland. TFC is embracing lio company, AFC Industries, has 2019. Net income per diluted share new work environment challenges acquired Master Distribution, rose US$0.02 (2.5%), to US$0.81 for with the help of customer video Brunswick, OH, USA, a value- the second quarter, versus US$0.79 conferencing, hygienic product added distributor of channel and for Q2 fiscal 2019. handling and safe VMI installations. pipe fittings, related fasteners and accessories such as nuts, TFC also recruited a new Area clamps, screws, washers, bolts, Sales Manager, Kevin brackets and post bases. Master Würth Industry Canada Basketfield. His 16 years offers a full portfolio of difficult-to- to distribute Sika specialty experience in the con- source products used across di- industrial chemical products struction industry brings verse applications among com- a new perspective to mercial, industrial, infrastructure, Würth Industry Canada, Brant- the TFC Portadown facility. His role utility and energy end markets. ford, Ontario, Can- includes advising customers on ada, has signed a how they can streamline their sup- national agreement with Sika Can- ply chains using VMI. ada Inc., a top supplier of specialty chemical products and industrial Jackie Ventura Fastener Technology International [email protected] Sales Representative (FTI) Phone: 330-467-0102 • Mobile: 216-338-8485 Manufacturers • Distributors Page 3 Fax: 330-467-0108 • Email: [email protected] End Users • 90+ Countries Print & Digital Editions Web: Six Issues/Year News & Notes: www.JackieVentura.Net Fastener Focus (FF) Section Skype: Jackie.Ventura1 Company Profiles Twitter: @JackieVentura1

BUSINESS & MARKET REPORT September 21, 2020 New Employee Rep & Deputy Bufab Group saw clear appointed to Bulten AB Board recovery in July-August 2020 Notebook Joacim Stenberg has been ap- Bufab’s recovery begun toward World Aerospace Fastener pointed new Employee Repre- the end of spring, has picked up Market Growing at 6% Technavio has announced its sentative and Niklas speed in the start of the latest market research report, Malmberg as Deputy third quarter. Bufab or- titled, Global Aerospace Fasten- to the Bulten AB Board. They will ganic sales growth for July-August ers Market 2020-2024. both take on their duties with imme- was about -5%, significantly better Technavio has been monitoring diate effect for a term of three years. than the growth in June (-15%). In the aerospace fasteners market, Stenberg has been employed at August, sales were back at 2019 and it is poised to grow by some Bulten’s Hallstahammar plant from level for the first time since the start US$2.51 billion during the 2020 1987 to 1991 and since 1994, and of the corona crisis. And including to 2024 period, progressing at works as a Surface Finisher. Malm- acquisitions and currency effects, a CAGR of almost 6%. The report berg has been employed at Bulten’s growth in July-August was some offers an up-to-date analysis plant in Hallstahammar since 2018 +10%, compared with 0% in June. regarding the current market, and works as a Tool Maker. The savings measures intro- latest trends and drivers and the duced in Q2 continue to produce overall market environment. good results. They are part of a sav- MSC Industrial Supply names ings program of SEK 100 million pre- According to Technavio, although Kristen Actis-Grande CFO sented in July 2020, and expected COVID-19 continues to transform to reach full effect in January, 2021. the growth of various industries, MSC Industrial Supply Co., a Longer-term demand remains the impact of the outbreak is premier distributor of metalworking uncertain, but thanks to the mea- varied. and MRO supplies to industrial cus- sures taken since March, the Group tomers throughout North America, is well equipped to meet different Fastener Fair Italy Postponed has named Kristen Actis-Grande market scenarios. Mack Brooks Exhibitions an- Executive Vice President and Chief nounced the postponement of Financial Officer. She joins MSC after Fastener Fair Italy, 17 years with Ingersoll Rand where Bossard semi-annual report which was sched- she most recently served as Vice uled to be held at President of Investor Relations and In a market environment impact- Fiera Milano City, Financial Planning and Analysis. ed by COVID-19, the November 11-12, Bossard Group held 2020. The event will now be its own in the first half of 2020 and scheduled to take place Novem- maintained profitability. Noticeably ber 10-11, 2021. Simon Martle appointed lower demand in Q2, along with the to CFO at Doncasters significant appreciation of the Swiss franc, had a commensurate impact Following a time as Interim on the result. Encumbered by these Page 4 Chief Financial Of- conditions, currency-adjusted sales ficer (CFO), Doncast- in the first half of the year fell 7.4% ers Group, Burton Upon Trent, UK, to CHF 399.4 million. The EBIT was has appointed Simon Martle on CHF 41.1 million, corresponding to a a permanent basis. Familiar with 10.3% EBIT margin. Yet inspite of the Doncasters’ corporate finance and challenging market, the EBIT margin IT functions, having led them since remained consistently strong. the successful restructuring of Doncasters in Q1 2020, Martle has Net income for the first half was over 20 years of corporate finance CHF 31.6 million. Proactive measures, experience, held the group financial a diversified customer base, ability controller role at both Kier Group plc to deliver and continuous engineer- and London Stock Exchange Group ing/logistics services were key to plc and held CFO and finance direc- consistent strong profitability. tor roles at Rolls-Royce plc.

BUSINESS & MARKET REPORT Automotive fastener global rior trim segment is anticipated to September 21, 2020 market analyzed to 2026 grow at a significant rate during the forecast period due to rising focus theNotebook The “Global Automotive Fasten- on fuel efficiency. This has led to ers Market Analysis 2020” report a greater adoption of lightweight NN’s Life Science Division to be from, materials where a similar trend is Combined with MW Industries says the global automotive fasten- being seen in the fasteners market ers market is expected to reach for interior trim. All the major auto- MW Industries, a leading provid- US$26.13 billion by 2026 growing at makers are now focusing on plastic er of highly engineered springs, a CAGR of 3.3% from 2019 to 2026. and aluminum fasteners, especially specialty fasteners, bellows and in interior trims, to unravel the re- other precision components, Growth in the semi-autonomous quirement of CAF Standards and EU and NN, Inc., a diversified indus- car area and much growth in the carbon emission reduction targets. trial company, announced a de- global automotive industry drive finitive agreement, under which this growth. While emergence of al- NN, Inc.’s Life Sciences division ternatives for automotive fasteners will be purchased by affiliates of is restraining the market, develop- Optimas: Renewed Strategy to American Securities LLC for the ments in power train innovations Meet Changing Market Needs purpose of being combined with and electric vehicle industry growth MW Industries, one of its portfolio create opportunities in the market. Optimas Solutions, Glenview, companies. IL, USA, offers optimism about the Under terms of the transaction, Based on application, the inte- NN, Inc.’s division will be pur- valued his industry expertise and kind demeanor. chased for some US$825 million Obituaries: He had been in manufacturing management for including US$755 million in cash 44 years, and his commitment and dedication to payable at closing of the trans- Joseph J. Pivarnik All American Threaded Products was an integral action as well as an additional It is with a heavy heart that Lisa part of the company’s success and growth. John US$70 million earnout payable Graham at the North Coast Huff will be missed. in cash based on the 2022 Fastener Association (NCFA) performance of the division. The announces the passing of Jo- William Rendace transaction should be completed seph Pivarnik, who was part of The National Fastener Distributors Associa- in Q4 2020, the industry for many years as tion (NFDA) reports that William “Bill” Rendace well as a big part of the NCFA. passed away suddenly on August 7, 2020. He Back in the day, if the NCFA was is survived by his wife, Maureen, and his four having an event, you’d be sure to see Joe there. children (Melissa, Megan, Jillian and William). Lawson Products He was a great supporter of the Association. He Bill grew up in Brooklyn, NY, USA. At age 17, Acquires Partsmaster served on the Board as President he enlisted in the U.S. Marines and served his Lawson Products, Inc., Chicago, and was also inducted into the country for four years. Bill then moved back home IL, USA, a distribu- NCFA Hall of Fame. He was to New York in 1962. He tor of MRO prod- funny, kind and just an all around then joined the fastener ucts and services, has acquired great guy! He will truly be missed. industry in the year 1972, Partsmaster™, a leading main- Joseph J. Pivarnik, age 91, loving working for Dependable tenance, repair and operations father of three daughters, grandfather of three Fasteners located in Port (MRO) solutions provider with and great-grandfather of four, entered into rest Washington, NY, USA. Bill annual sales of approximately on Sunday August 23, 2020. He was preceded in later started his own rep US$63 million. death by his wife Irene (nee Balitski) Pivarnik. agency, William Rendace Due to COVID, all services will be private. Me- & Associates in Bolton morial contributions may be made to either St. Landing, NY, USA, where Joseph's School Endowment Fund or Cypress he represented many fas- Hospice, 2 Berea Commons, Suite 1, Berea, OH tener manufacturers including Anchor Bolt & 44017. Screw and for the last 21 years, Indux, which he represented until his passing. He also started and John Huff owned Network Rivet & Fastener, St. James, The Pacoific-West Fastener Association NY, USA. Bill had many professions during his (Pac-West) reports that All America Threaded life including being an inventor. Everyone who Products announced knew him was always interested in what he was that its longtime em- currently involved in, which always seemed to suc- ployee and friend John ceed. Bill’s number-one passion was always sales. Huff passed away on William Rendace was a real people person. He Saturday, August 8, was genuine, meticulously organized and always 2020. John was a well received throughout the country. Bill always Sales Manager at All said, “Whatever you do in life, you have to be pas- America Threaded sionate to be successful.” He was true to his word Products – Midwest and truly loved life. Bill made many lifelong friends Division in Indianapo- in the fastener industry and had the personality lis, IN, USA, until his that made it hard not to consider him a friend. Bill retirement in 2018. He was a fixture at fastener conventions for nearly 50 was a friend to many years. He will be missed deeply. in the industry who Page 5

BUSINESS & MARKET REPORT September 21, 2020 Notebook Derek Barnes Launches Cold Forging Solutions Derek Barnes has launched Cold fastener manufacturing activities. NCFA Scholarship Winners Forging Solutions, a consultancy If your cold forming business needs The North Coast Fastener As- aiming to translate a wealth specific support in produc- of hands-on experience in tion organization, heading sociation (NCFA) an- production engineering into machine and ancillary spec- nounces and con- value-added support for fas- ifications, tooling design and development, SPC and gratulates its 2020 tener manufacturers in the maintenance or in people Scholarship Winners: UK, Europe and the USA. development and training, Barnes is passionate about Cold Forging Solutions rep- • Jacob Arnold of Cold Forging and dedicated resents a welcome, talented Brighton Best International to driving improvements in • Lilly Bastian of both processes and operator and scarce resource for the education and understand- fastener industry. • Earnest Machine Products ing. He has a wealth of experience From September 2020, Barnes will also Cogan Davis of in the fastener industry, specifically in dedicate some of his time to support Confederation of British Metalform- BTM Manufacturing production and engineering respon- • Rachel Gray of sibilities, progressing from Machine ing (CBM) fastener members, having Setter to Global Cold Forging Engineer agreed to serve as the confederation’s Buckeye Fasteners Co. for one of the most advanced and in- fastener specialist. • Robert McKee of novative cold forming manufacturers Derek Barnes is based in the UK and can be contacted at: EFC International around. And passing on his knowledge [email protected] has always been at the heart of Barnes’ Cobra Anchors Enters Supply fastener markets with new man- NFDA welcomes CTI Agreement with Home Depot agement and a renewed strategy The National Fastener Distribu- Cobra Anchors, Montreal, Que- to meet market re- bec, Canada, a leading North quirements. The new tors Association (NFDA) announces American anchor manufacturer, strategy addresses the changing Component Technologies Interna- has announced the conclusion supply chain landscape in the tional, Inc. (CTI) as a new member. of another supply agreement wake of COVID-19 and other market CTI is a full-service provider of with the American home renova- dynamics. fasteners and components with a tion giant, The Home Depot Inc., focus on high-volume in all of its 2000 stores across the The strategy focuses on deliv- manufactured per print United States. ering “Manufacturing Solutions” fasteners and compo- for customers looking to gain ef- nents. The company delivers posi- This agreement covers the ficiencies from working with fewer, tive cashflow through increased Parawedge™ line of masonry but better equipped partners for inventory turns on the world’s best anchor products fastener acquisition, inventory man- products. agement and other manufacturing consumables. The Manufacturing Solutions strategy is earmarked by greater Advanced Components & customer intimacy, service innova- ARaymond Partner on Straps tion, a new sourcing approach, ad- vanced manufacturing, and faster Advance Components has part- speed in quote to order. nered with ARaymond Industrial to distribute Face Mask Comfort The architect of the renewed strategy and leading this transformation is industry veteran, Marc Strandquist, President of the Americas for Opti- mas Solutions. Page 6

BUSINESS & MARKET REPORT FasKteeynTaekeraDwaiys: tributor Index (FDI) Moderates to 49.2 September 21, 2020 The Notebookated FsDTlihgI hebtulsyseiadnsueorsinsnagallnAyduagsduejsunttsitm2e0ed2n0Ft,amswtoietdhneera-r DijmsotairngibaFuzatinoserteeInndeditreoxrTeM(cFihDkneI)oMlfoocgrNyAuIlutnygtuetorsntpawrtoiaovsnida4el9.2, implying relatively stable 49.2 rmeaodminegnatuftmer wcoitmhinJuglyin(naeta5r4a.6neinutraflu5rt0herreaandainlygs)is. .Looking at tAohmneetdhrirceivaoenvrsfearosa-fllthinedeoxvF.eTLraIo’lsol kmAin/ngmnfoumrawodlaeCrdrao,ttmihoenpany July, sienatshoenaFDllyI, aaddjuesctreeda.sTehien tFhoerwsarleds inAdceqxuwaianst ythouerbfeigllgoewstNdorrathg LookinFgoIrnwdiacradto-Lro(oFkLiIn) gcoInntdinicuaetsotro(sFiLgIn)awl astreenleartidviestlryibsutteoarsdwy,itshtathyeinFgDiIntotheelp~u5s3f-u5r4- rangePseroenfilceonIssisstueent:lyOocvteorber/ Rtaomop.orWtFeinmua.thlidlBsyFmtiinmhonaaTdoefgsihraitnpcdermoptaoenhfatosaaesesi5ndnttrsio3geavD.fdAletf1yhasius,RstsorgttrettaureohuDedtinenlsboiatoegumovt,rfhtkmiadoiedi.orsPipn/dstniMmltteserhconiTaabsoidresnumenere(ttnsoAhpm1edrcerus5closayig,6uc:vrwu,ktAkewis-vaiemtiutienhsltlge5cun3ost.tcnt.3hod2e)m.iw0rti/d2Twfocea0nwhvks/e.imfnwlasogahwswpiont:wwte.wwhnnw.nwesee.fffwdr/ddFfs.FaDifrcasa-elIfsuselatatraaeesvtrnnniteiveedneyenrrg.sDecFhscroiLtosl.eaIomturabritsbrgioileunigt.tgcyoehortioIhnmnuedstrere,xe.inndsouarftTdNpevhearioeeansvwedyee,vldemiwPnritaereobolsrbcefioiaefrloenlli2esraevi0stncehu2sdettu0ihvaeiAesdnovnef urFtaiaslseCtmeonemen-rt Technology international (FTI) are FASTENER DISTRIBUTION AT A GLANCE August 2020 Rate of September 28, 2020 and Octo- ------------------------- Index Values ---------------------- Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan Dec Direction Change ber 2, 2020, respectively. ISM PMI (Manufacturing) 56.0 54.2 52.6 43.1 41.5 49.1 50.1 50.9 47.2 Growing Faster FDI 49.2 54.6 56.9 45.0 40.0 44.4 53.0 51.4 44.4 Declining Faster FLI 53.1 54.8 52.6 43.9 36.2 33.3 48.9 50.9 46.2 Growing Slower (Other Metrics) 47.6 79.2 69.9 28.9 14.0 34.6 54.9 50.0 34.9 Declining Faster Sales 46.1 44.3 56.6 40.0 26.8 27.0 48.2 56.7 45.3 Declining Slower Employment 60.5 57.1 57.9 67.5 76.8 68.9 66.1 58.3 53.1 Growing Faster Supplier Deliveries 64.5 64.3 69.7 70.0 68.3 64.9 64.3 63.3 65.6 Growing Faster Respondent Inventories 40.8 42.9 47.4 48.8 47.6 48.6 41.1 41.7 43.8 Declining Faster Customer Inventories 52.6 58.6 52.6 47.5 59.8 50.0 50.0 58.3 60.9 Growing Slower Pricing, month-to-month 65.8 67.1 60.5 61.3 67.1 60.8 58.9 70.0 79.7 Growing Slower Pricing, year-to-year Higher Same Lower 6-Month Outlook -August 53% 24% 24% FDI and Pricing are diffusion indexes. At 50, the performance of the category listed met expectations. A reading above 50 suggests the category outperformed expectations,while a reading below 50 suggests the category underperformed expectations. Visit the website below for details and contacts. Source: Baird, FCH Sourcing Network, Institute for Supply Management About the Fastener Distributor Index (FDI). The FDI is a monthly survey of North Awmewrwica.fnasftaesnteenreter STAFDA Announces Virtual AnaheimTD&EshaehlimsviTemitnrr,aGSigbdFmwiDstdnhpuortiuiesdhaeoesrretattrvuwevrorcSkkesiSeiaebdnrtibyTa,rrtsu.haeuAdiltastcoWtAT-toeFslooLyhw.rsdDonrfIsios,sisO,od,TsAroktivUcoibtArViCneiocniooSesbdriniogsrnauiliAdtonntcssuttIiuac,n.vmiogaoitcde&AraroltesninetAsehrc,istdcoaFn(ediuriSotonseaialcobfdnmT.s-hfsryduuAItmae(slttetFFsishsoLenioDeWgInns)efnAhf.FdirieWensoC)ssrd,dus.HbelGadtxioSsnreeaolwrbseseidpuie,wnagprrhvgdoocwdaaetinivinns.lrrgisudegga(eteiceGanmnsNwtftWlcdydoeaeaiaitbWienrrgwc.oeesuhou)cvolfterwrteaaergirvknocdiea5tdnthnn0uaaatitMn.rnvl0identfStpoarsghCaBesi,gegtFraIdnesenaiinpairnsdsdoleetdutefrrcsuswinttbftirsoiavriuenttiulehrnadtiyr(lgou.Fos(tfnsAuMo hntSprra,SwyTpfnwuM)oadhttrraru)idte.lnre-nefdlrodroeoebsm/akxr4tMTFcoodpienhueiaietangmhPtdWcedlgettolMiysanibeooMFtNpbirkerAnoueaCaesrint.ltldeSosilis(o2nvS-wTMRfnaiWfr4moenoaVo5W,rtlmise0nliar2Fet.fsF0otraat0SAtlruhssysvetot2e,a)ieFeegtp0ntnhaFlrnh-eDe,eeatMserorrIlpteeoAnredtestidrntrhgAeasstsso a-t November 9 to 10, 2020, from Thomas Walstrum your office or home. Details of the Federal Re- coming shortly. serve will deliver an STAFDA holds an Annual Convention & Trade Show economic update in each fall for members to take a virtual presentation via Zoom. part in educational programs, seminars and trade show that is always well attended by Straps. Advance Components is quantities and be produced quickly Don't Miss On-Demand Fastener Talk Radio! now stocking and distributing a in large quantities. FTR is talk radio for the fastener industry, featuring new kind of strap that addresses guests, commentary and conversation designed to the discomfort associated with face inform and entertain fastener professionals. Available masks. Face Mask Comfort Straps any time in streaming or download formats. Tune in by ARaymond Industrial were cre- Dividend Reports... ated in response to an ARaymond today! Log on to listen to Fully Threaded Radio: customer’s request for a fastener • Howmet Aerospace, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, that would relieve ear discomfort declared a dividend of US$0.093.75/share caused by the use of face masks, on outstanding US$3.75 Cumulative Preferred work with the existing elastic straps Stock, payable Oct. 1, 2020, to the holders of on masks already procured in mass record on Sept. 11, 2020. • Nucor Corporation, Charlotte, NC, USA, declared a regular quarterly cash dividend of US$0.4025/share on common stock, payable Nov. 10, 2020, to stockholders of record on Sept. 30, 2020. Page 7

EVENTS & OPPORTUNITIES FASTENER SHANGHAI 2020 manufacturing and engineering. September 21, 2020 Opens September 23 EVENTS FASTENER SHANGHAI 2020, the Shanghai Fastener & Tech Show, MAFDA Golf Outing Cancelled September 22, 2020 takes place September 23 to 26, Fundamentals of Fastener 2020, at the Shanghai New Inter- The Mid-Atlantic Fastener Dis- Plating & Coating Webinar national Expo Center (SNIEC) in tributors Association (MAFDA) says • Shanghai, China. that it is with regrets that MAFDA will not be hosting September 23 – 26, 2020 The show provides the gateway this year’s golf FASTENER SHANGHAI 2020, Shanghai, China to the fastener market in China. outing. MAFDA is hopeful that it will be able to host this year’s holiday party on December 17, 2020, but October 8 – 9, 2020 Fundamentals of will keep its members updated. Virtual Fastener Fair Mexico Fastener Plating & Coating MAFDA asks the money that you The Fastener Training Institute might have spent for the golf outing October 13 – 15, 2020 and Industrial Fasteners Insti- be donated to a local charity of your Fundamentals of Threaded fasteners and tute are presenting a live webinar choice, since all of our local chari- Joint Design for Engineers and Designers to cover the fundamentals of plating ties could use the money now more Elmhurst, IL, USA and coating fasteners on Septem- than ever. ber 22, 2020, from 1 to 3 PM ET. TR Fastenings’ Chris Black November 3 – 4, 2020 Along with anyone new to the Presented at NEAA Event Fastener Exhibition & Conference fastener industry, the webinar will be Birmingham, UK beneficial to those in product quality, Chris Black of TR Fastenings materials, new part launch, sales, demonstrated how a UK company with global presence can gener- November 3 – 5, 2020 New England’s ate growth around International Fastener Show China 2020 Premier Manufacturer’s the world at the first Shanghai, China North East Automo- Sales Representative tive Alliance (NEAA) Automotive Export November 9 – 10, 2020 Subscribe, read or advertise @ Tel: 617-240-5326 Week, September 14 to 18, 2020. Virtual Anaheim, the STAFDA Convention & [email protected] Trade Show, [email protected] The NEAA worked with Supply Chain North East and the Depart- December 7 – 11, 2020 ment for International Trade (DIT) wire 2020, Düsseldorf, Germany to ensure the virtual event invited businesses at every stage of the process to explore key automotive April 22 – 23, 2021 markets, learn all aspects of export, Fastener Fair India • New Dlelhi build contacts and more. New Delhi, India Black, the Global Sales Director for Automotive Business Develop- May 18 – 20, 2021 ment at TR, is the industrial lead for Fastener Fair Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany the NEAA’s trade working group. At the event, he explained to NEAA members how TR has developed June 22 – 24, 2021 its automotive customer base in many countries on three continents Fastener Fair USA, Cleveland, OH, USA around the world and how it is continuing to invest and expand in North America, Europe and Asia. June 2021 Fastener Fair Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico September 2021 Taiwan International Fastener Show Kaohsiung, Taiwan September 21 – 23, 2021 International Fastener Expo (IFE 2021) Las Vegas, NV, USA October 5 – 7, 2021 parts2clean, Stuttgart, Germany November 7 – 9, 2021 STAFDA, Charlotte, NC, USA November 10 – 11, 2021 Fastener Fair Italy, Milan, Italy Page 8

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