August 13, 2018 Subscribe, read or advertise @ • FREE FTI BUYERS’ GUIDE for all paid subscribers Volume 4, Issue 8 INSIDE THIS ISSUE SPIROL Appoints Jones, Cinami & Koehl......... 2 Innovative Components‘ Thread Identifier...... 2G.L. Huyett Acquires AZ Lifting Hardware Bülte Launches New Screws............................2 KLX Acquiring John Hassall’s Lab Ops............3Minneapolis, KS, USA-based G.L. Huyett, has acquired AZ Lifting Semblex’s 50th Anniversary..............................3Hardware, Phoenix, AZ, USA. AZ Lifting Hardware is a privately held lifting Jim Ruetz Wins NFDA Fastener Award............4 Loomis International’s Open House.................4hardware distributor. BECK Fastener Wins Green Product Award....4 G.L. Huyett’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Tim O’Keeffe, explained, “This JIS Division of Jergens Adds Staff:acquisition complements G.L. Huyett’s strategy to grow our business expo- Pesetsky, McCarthy & Kozlowski..................5 nentially through the addition of products and services that Gilchrist Foundation Awards Scholarships.....5add value to our customers. We now have a warehouse HECO Introduces New Interactive Catalog.....6located in the southwest USA, allowing us to reduce freight FDI Jumps to 69.2 in July...................................6costs to the west coast of the USA for G.L. Huyett products as well as plans Obituary: Loris Fontana.....................................6to dispatch lifting hardware to our Tennessee, USA warehouse in order to Boker’s Expands Manufacturing Facility.......... 7 Sales, Net Income & Dividends........................ 7reduce freight costs for customers on the east coast of the USA.”Since 2006, AZ Lifting Hardware has distributed a range of lifting, rig- NCFA Screw Open Golf Outing 2018................8 Fastener Fairs: USA, India & Mexico................8ging and suspension hardware products for shipping, construction and Shanghai Fasteners Show at wire China........ 8architectural industries across North America.“I started this business with a mission to offer high-quality hardware at Presented by:fair pricing and ‘Global Sourcing with Domestic Standards.’It has been a great run, and this acquisition is a perfect fit.I am excited that G.L. Huyett will extend and leverage what &we have built over the past decade,” explained Chuck Smith, AZ LiftingHardware’s President and Founder. Initial Publications, Inc. AZ Lifting Hardware’s primary product lines are now available at: 1741 Akron Peninsula Rd, Akron, OH 44313 Tl: +1 330 864 2122 • Fx: +1 330 864 5298Nucor Teams Up with Trion Coatings & Notre Dame to www.fastenertech.comDevelop Plating Technology & Pilot Facility at Nucor Fastener Chip Lippincott Publisher Nucor Corporation, Charlotte, NC, USA, has purchased a minority equity Mike McNulty VP & Editor position in the parent of Trion Coatings, LLC, which is Jim Masar Senior Editor Tom Hutchinson Global Sales Managerdeveloping environmentally friendly chrome plating technology.As part of its investment, Nucor is working with Trion Coatings to commercialize the technology, and willbe constructing a pilot facility at Nucor Fastener in St. Joe, IN, USA. Nucor also holds an exclusive worldwidelicense agreement for the technology as applied to long steel products.“We are very excited to invest in this cutting-edge technology, working together with Trion Coatings and theUniversity of Notre Dame to create a much safer work environment, and advancing this technology to thecommercial level,” said John Ferriola, Chairman, CEO and President of Nucor Corporation. “We are constantlylooking for ways to increase the sustainability of our business and reducethe impact on our environment.”Trion Coatings, which incubated at the University of Notre Dame’s IDEACenter, was formed for the purpose of developing an environmentallyfriendly alternative to the traditional chrome plating process. Trion Coatingsmakes use of a patent-pending process utilizing Cr(III) salts and a propri-etary ionic liquid solution, which together allows for greater electroplatingspeeds, improved wear resistance as well as overall higher performances,while offering an excellent health and safety profile. Page 1
BUSINESS & MARKET REPORTAugust 13, 2018 SPIROL Appoints Jones, Cinami & KoehlNotebook SPIROL, Danielson, CT, USA, has duction Manager.Innovative Components‘ recently appointed Christie Jones as Additionally, SPIROL announces that Vice President/Marketing and Pamela Jeff Koehl has recently been namedNew Thread Identifier Cinami as Vice President Information to the position of Chief Technology. Executive Officer (CEO)The Lug Thread Detective® from Jones joined SPIROL in 1994. Dur- of SPIROL InternationalInnovative Components Inc. is ing her time at SPIROL, she has Holding. Koehl began hisa precise, portable and easy- worked as an Applica- career with SPIROL asto-use thread identifier for lug tions Engineer, Coiled Pin the Production Manager for Coiled Pins, and was Jeff Koehlnuts and wheel studs. Each General Manager, Opera- then promoted to the position of Vice President for Coiled Pins.steel identifier tions Manager, Field Ap- SPIROL’s core purpose is to helpis laser etched plications Engineer, North its customers reduce their assemblywith the thread costs. The company brings more than The Lug American Sales Manager, Christie a half century of application engineer- Thread Jones Strategic Account Execu-size, and has Detective® tive and Market Develop-an internal fe- ment Manager.male threaded Cinami joined SPIROL in 1986 as ahole accompanied by a male Production Clerk. Since that time, she has heldthreaded stud. The inch and a variety of operational ing experience and success to usersmetric standoffs are easy to dif- roles such as Production of its products and technologies. Standardization is fundamental to theFfOeR IrMeMnEDtIAiaTE tReELE.ASEEach unit comes with Scheduler, Production company’s success.the common lug nut and stud PlanningLeJeune Bolt Company and Inventory Pamela Jeff Greene, Vice President Cinami 3500 WestPHiglhawnayn13ing as well as Pro-identifiers in both inch and metric Burnsville, MN 55337sizes 7/16-20, 1/2-20, 9/16-18, Bolt names Boulons team. She will help Earnest main- LeJeune800.872.2658 (Phone) [email protected], M12x1.5, M12x1.5, Plus exclusive Canadian tain its commitment to excellentLeJeune Bolt Company Names Boulons Plus Exclusive Canadian Distributor ofM14x1.50, and M14x2.0. distributor of TNA system customer relationships as well asTNA® Torque + Angle Fastening System ®Burnsville, MN – July 30, 2018 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE LeJeune Bolt Company Jeff Greene, Vice President 3500 West Highway 13 Burnsville, MN 55337 800.872.2658 (Phone) [email protected] LeJeune Bolt Company Burns- usher in new leads and contacts.LeJeune Bolt Company is please to announce an exclusive partnership with Boulons Plus to become theJared Keipert joins the purchas-authorized Canadian distributor of the TNA® Torque + Angle Fastening System. Boulons Plus andville, MN, USA, hassubsidiary Precision Bolt will begin marketing and selling LeJeune’s patented TNA® Fastening SystemBülte Launches New Screws announced an ex- ing team in the new role of Materialinto the Canadian steel construction market.Made from natural nylon, the Analyst/Buyer. Keipert will manageWith locations in Montreal, Edmonton, and Toronto Boulons Plus is ideally positioned to introdFuOceR tIMhiMs EDIATE RELEASE LeJeune Bolt Companyclusive partnership with Boulonsrevolutionary bolting technology to the Canadian steel construction industry. Jeff GLereJeenue,nVeiceBolt Company Names Boulons Plus Exclusive CaJnefaf Gdrieaenne,DViicsetPrriebsiudetnot r ofnew TORX grub screws range Plus to become the authorized the relationship between EarnestPresident at LeJeune Bolt says, “After our successful launch of this technology in the United States wefrom Bülte Plastiques Franceset our sites on finding a Canadian partner with the proper infrastructure and technical knowledge to TNA® Torque + Angle Fastening SysteB3m5u0rn0sWvileles,tMHiNgh5w5a3y3173and plating suppliers.roll out the product line in the Canadian marketplace. After meeting Maxime Burnsville, MN – July 30, 2018 – 800.872.2658 (Phone)Canadian distributorCousineau, President/CEO of Boulons Plus, and his expert staff it was clearS A S i s l i g h t a n d of the TNA Torque + Jim Dowling joins the sales teamthat this was the right fit. I have a high level of confidence that Boulons Plus [email protected] LeJeune Bolt ComLepJaenuynies pBloealtseCotomapnannoyunNcaemaense®BxcoluusloivnespPalrutnseErxschliupswivitehCBaonualodniasnPlDuissttoribbeuctoomr oefthenonconductive. Veryis ready for this challenge and will do an excellent job educating the Canadian steaeulthmoarrikzeetdaCbaonuatdtihains distributor of thTeNTAN®A®ToTorqrquuee++AAnnggllee FFaasstteenniinnggSSyysstetemm. Boulons Plus andAngle Fastening System. Boulons where his over 10incredible technology.” subsidiary Precision Bolt will begin marketing and selling LeJeune’s patented TNA® Fastening System into the CanadBiaunrnssvteilleel, McoNn–stJruulyc3ti0o,n20m18a–rket. good thermal prop- Plus and subsidiary Precision Bolt years of experienceThe TNA® Fastening System is the revolutionary bolting system that uses the eLxecJleuusniveeBolt Company is please to announce an exclusive partnership with Boulons Plus to become the erties and mechani-144ksi ASTM F3148 single-sided spline drive bolt and the dual fuWnictthiolnocTaotriqounesaaiunnthdMoroiznetdreCaanl,aEdidamn doisnttroibnu,toarnodf tThoerToNnAt®oTBoorquuleon+sAnPglulesFiasstideneianlglySypsotesmit.ioBnoeudlontos Pilnutsraondduce this will begin marketing and selling will help to create the best customerAngle TAE Series installation tools to deliver economical, accurarteevaonludtrioenpeaarytabsbuolbeltsindigartyePcrhenciosiloongByotltowtihllebeCgainnmadairakentisntgeaenldcosenllsintgruLcetJeiounei’nsdpuatsetnryte.dJTeNffA®GFraesetennei,ngVSicyestem c a l s t r e n g t h a l l o wbolting for structural steel construction. To learn more about thPereTsNidAe®nFtaastteLneiinJnetgoutnhee BCaonltadsiaaynss,te“eAlfctoenrsotruucrtsiouncmceasrskefut.l launch of this technology in the United States we LeJeune’s patented TNA Fastening experience possible.System and distribution outlets go to set our sites onWfiitnhdloincagtiaonCsainnaMdoinatnrepaal,rEtdnmeornwtoitnh, atnhdeTporroonpteorBionuflroansstPrulucstius rideeaalnlydptoescithionniecdatlokinnotrwodleucdegtehitsoresistance to shocks and resis- Landon Patten is now part ofroll out the proredvuocluttliionneariynbtohlteinCgatencahdnioalnogmy taortkheetCpalancaedi.anAsftteeerl cmonesettriuncgtioMn ainxdiumstery. Jeff Greene, ViceSystem into the Canadian steelLeJeune Bolt Company, headquartered in Burnsville, MN, with a West Coast officCeoiunsCinheinaou,, CPAre,Psirsiedaseindnetn/tCaEtOLeoJefuBneouBololtnssayPsl,u“sA,ftaenrdouhrisuecxcepsesfrutlslatuanffchitowf tahsisctleecahrnology in the United States wetance to staining. Thanks to its an internship program with Loraininternational distributor of structural grade fastening systems, installation tools,tahnadt trheliastwedasfatshsteeetnroieugrrhsstitfeist.onI hfinadviengaahCiagnhadleiavnepl aorftnceornwfiitdhetnhceeprtohpaetrBinofrualsotrnusctPulruesand technical knowledge to6 point recess, the TORX grub icnoMnsotrnutrcetiaoln, Emdmarokentt.oWn iathndloTcoartoionntos County JVS. His focus is shippingfpRororoddt,huWectecsoldimnScmtluueddrsec;iaaTnlNdstAEe®qeulTaiopnrmqduecenot+n,cIArnendtguelesctFroianassl/tteOrunEciMntigoFSnay,ssbttereinmdeg,resS,btaruuniclddtuiInnrgas,tlaaBlnloadlttisto,rnaAnTnsocphoooiilnssrrtcaraBrenteoiadodldtnEisybqmalfuenoaidprtrekmtTchehehtirtCrssnnhoeo.tcaolaul.htOldosotaiueunhgltderilysetah.wnu”e,gaPpserrteoahsdneiuddrceigtnwhlti/tinlCfeliEtdiO.noIothhafaenBvCoeeuaxanlocahnedisglilahPenllnuemstv,eajaolrnkobedftechpodilsanucefiecxd.apeetAnircfnttegesttrhtamhfafteeiteBCtowianuanglsoaMcndlseaiPaxarlinumsesteel market about thisscrew allows an optimum torque in Canada, Boulons Plus and receiving, along with someFor more information about our company or products, visit TNA® FasteiinnsicrnrTegeahddeiybTlfeoNrteAtch®hisnFcoahlsoatglleyen.n”igneganSdyswtiellmdoisantheexcreellevnotlujotbioendaurcyatbinogltthinegCasnyasdteiamn sttheealtmuasrekesttahbeouetxtchluissivetransfer. The shape avoids slip-System product informationping and distortions. is ideally positioned to in- can be found at Learn more about Boulons P1Alu4ns4gakletsiTAASETSMTehrFeie3Ts1N4iAn8®stsFaianlslgtaeltenioi-nsngidSteoydsotelssmptloiisndteheedlirrveiveveorleubtcoiooltnnaaornmydbioctalhtlien, gadcsuycasutlerfamutnethcaatintoudnserTesopthreqeauetexacblaulnesidve bolting for s1At4nr4ugklcestiTuAArSaETlSMsetrFeie3es1l4inc8sotsnainlslgatltreiuo-sncidttieoodonlss.ptloTinodeeldelirvaiverernebmcooltonaornemdiactbahleo, audcutcautlhrfaeutneTcaNtinoAdn®rTeFopareqsautteeabnalniendg troduce this revolutionary### System andbdoilsttinrgibfuortisotrnucotuurtalel sttsegelocotonswtruwcwtio.nti.gThotelenarringmhto.rceoambo. ut the TNA® Fastening System and distribution outlets go to bolting technology to the CanadianLeJeune Bolt Company, headquartered in Burnsville, MN, with a West Coast office in Chino, CA, is an international dLiesJteruibnuetBoorltoCfosmtrpuacntyu, hraeal dgqruaadretefraesdtiennBiunrgnssvyilslete, MmNs,, winitshtaalWlateisotnCotaosot losf,fiacnedinrCehliantoe,dCAf,aisstaenners for the commefinroctreitarhnleastctioeomenalmladenirsdctiracilbosutnteocerrleoatfnesdtcrcuoocnntcusrrteartluegccrtaoidonesntfr,aubsctrteiiodnnign,egbsrbiydusgtieeldmbinus,iglidn,isantgna,ldlaanttirdoantnrtasonposolpsro,traatnatdtiioorennlammteaadrrkfkeaetsstt.esn.OeuOrrsursteel construction industry.1 www.lejeunebolt.comRod, Weld StudRsoda,nWdeEldqSutiupdms aenndtE, qInuidpumsetnrita, Iln/OduEsMtriaFl/aOsEtMenFearsst,enaenrds, IannsdtaInlslatatliloatnioTnoTooloslsaanndd EEqquuiippmmenetn. t. products includpreo;dTuNctAs ®incTloudrqe;uTeN+A®ATnogrqleueF+asAtnegnleinFgasSteynstinegmSy,sSttermu,cSttururactluBraollBtso,ltAs,nAcnhcohorrBBoollttss aannddTThhreraedaedded Four hired at Earnest MachineFor more inforFmoramtioorneainbfoorumtaotiuorncaobomupt aounrycoomr pparonydourcptsro, dvuiscitts,wviwsitww.lwewje.ulenjeeubnoeblto.lcto.cmom. . TTNNAA®®FFaassteteninnigng System producStysintefmorpmroadtuioctnincfaonrmbaetiofonucnandbaetfwouwndwa.ttiwghwtwe.ntirgihgthent.rcigohmt.c.omLe.aLrenarmn omroereaabboouutt BBoouulolonns sPlPusluast at Earnest Machine, Rocky River, ### OH, USA, announces th#e## addition of four n1 ew employees at the com- p1 any’s corporate office. Dianna Barnes joins the salesPage 2
BUSINESS & MARKET REPORTSherex Taiwan IATF certified tributor members to its industrial August 13, 2018 Sherex Fastening Solutions, lo- & contractor supply division: AFC Notebookcated in Tonanwanda, NY, USA, Industries); Altra Rental & Supply, Inc.; Blackfoot has announced that its Industrial Supply Cen- KLX Acquiring John Sherex Taiwan produc- tre, Inc.; Bradley Tools & Fasteners; Hassall’s Lab Operations tion facility has now re- Cinega Construction Supply, Inc.;ceived IATF 16949:2016 certification. Davis Industrial Packaging and KLX Inc., Wellington, FL, USA, is IATF 16949:2016 certification es- Supply; DES LLC; DNA Tools and acquiring the as-tablishes specific automotive mar- Supplies; Gov Supplies; Mainte- sets of John Has-ket quality management require- nance Supply & Fastener Co., Inc;ments. It replaces and improves on Northwest Industrial Supply LLC; sall, LLC’s laboratory operations.the ISO/TS 16949:2009 standard. Perkins Hardware Enterprises, Inc.; John Hassall is a wholly owned Scorpion Pump and Industrial LLC; division of Novaria Group. Troop Industrial (Kelkar LLC); and KLX will acquire the LaboratoryWürth Group closes 1st half of U-Turn Rentals. Controlled at Source (LCS) lab2018 with sales of €6.8 billion assets and expert technical personnel associated with man- In the first half of 2018, the Würth aging the lab. The acquisitionGroup reported sales of €6.8 billion supports KLX Aerospace Solu-for an increase of tions’ focus on providing engine6.5%. Adjusted and engine-related customersfor foreign currency effects, growth with differentiated and industry-comes to 9.0%. The companies in leading services.Germany achieved sales growth www.KLX.comof 7.9% and total sales of €2.9 bil- The DPA Buying Group is a North Semblex’s 50th Anniversarylion, while sales growth abroad American buying/networking orga-amounted to 5.4%. Würth Group nization of more than 875 distribu- Semblex Corp. commemoratescompanies in eastern and southern tors and 230 preferred suppliers its 50th anniversary this year.Europe report sales growth rates in Founded in Octoberthe double digits. of 1968, in Elmhurst, IL, USA, Semblex hasGmPbaHrSe&nptoCcotol.miKgpGah,ntreyo,pAonrdteNodlIf FaWSnü/erWtwh ESCawaTnaEarxddheiadinbfo&itroURrSAsAM.pP..caAoteinnnsttei nrtued a history as a world- class fastener manufacturer. Thesgm€fDUcDiiro1ePnSPso5nIAnAgtAnn0estl,teBrrihtaxVipmyapiopmahahunaclnourorodyarsatecymooedulrleiytyctdwildwstesmnliinmcdIuorslniJaenusaoesiVwigcjewaVonpederesluurnslenrdcnusPoswtauTaGseetth,.psseipolnnlpecnolOtBi.ltrassleoiortnpcawtnaqroowyisouI-lgesaesopu,poontmlruetulomyvieaJotcicmfdocccPhporuelfeapfioaayston2lluffdnltt,s7adnrnreamrarhaIs€05tsadusedCsiloheddnta1teteodstfi81elrrirueaci.gcct8lnonsipcssc1Wi2.vm1ra,fss’ecita1,ofaca5iigutlors0rtssbnütisumnmrmtonoirtnh.ds1etebtruifnn8naneaattsroooihthieetilneth.uanudllarrohslidwessrreao--tGtI&srinn,rsr,tghodO. tteauhhiHsspnee-t,WmmtWtfWtfwsdiTnhoorhcOuoorvoreaaerecmeerRnntelrriihwlpnmnnenucgSwtiwtspcQdeesrtpenthhggfswhoioo-anKcafumrriSCaasrdnuacagreiitEeaystdrmttnonapuDtsTHettuThetoeelhedhsdlcvndire®h.tdnfeoTeae3Eepa,aWetwnHbePnoppitotbBernUaTomaoHdo3eefoeriaonnidilolOeanoantlltetImwsirdu0nsP,hLddsdnttRost.ttdttsTrLaiedauhghohQnstteoWtktIbra,spehiaogPhdhehteny-strtlnBmneehSrhieS.tuTherogfyrc3iWEseietoacSamrgithdndirf4TaetlsoCQtesrihoeüseetltefag®2lieereeepUsglPaod,hipanainscngoArariavtnnaAtchedeeorvetnrheassqadCanrumReAloddr.lsuxiiibirRlyedncEe,tsnyeatGade5eat®eter-Aserleta0lpnrDaaaaeioroorduntnnustedynisyRcxeflRbGedhrrnpeggaapctsaIadfbfaaatnriaitVteborArntnneegrvrncieoteir®ssddddoggogeeeanrh--a,.yMrrmnlsamGbnnaePitsdeafmoAaitrl--iltulnltontbhicownynHehwgeiaUnpw&wVnibgSIonTndiAhebisCentfeBe.oieooicttnnnsorro.hFnokPnresaeanteBtdsboGyU:shtUYIEilDWceysfckoestoRoEooSe3eetuee’rbfnancghan3vaslyrqeukaietyat0eslrioeuebsolrsit,ranaemar,nShilandlleswiwaieetttim:stihyvvrvwoih,tsieaehbdenuw,fnvalrunees.ectewsmsadumoxmeet’ipelmsmhilxspllarpyspillpbsciyolweanialauOieeyrnnehvnnlrexcmgddsio.dycetcoe’e’issocapvnbdcs,omensrauernoaiudentsrhvsnecttcteitooodacraipwremetdcnohtelsehiepteetss.lahes--rr., APHCIRLs®LtrIrPibaSbIeiIdg®, MPhHOtIRLinTLOIsPRSta®Q,®Al,laCHREt®iXoLrinObbBeeEd,very time. Also, TORtXh® aendnQeUAwDRpEXa®tperondutcetsd. thread provideMasnu2f0a0c7turerVolt Industrial Plastics, Inc. up to 2.5 times faster processingIdineSnytmifibcoaltsion all wood and wood materials. INTERNATIONAL GUIDE700 Hwy.w2w02wW.vo•lYtpelllavsiltleic,sA.cRo7m2687, USA The threaded steel insert is zinc Contact: Heidi Volltrauer, COO wpwlawt.wedrenwthiathmtaoohl.ecoxmdrive and comes Toll-Free: +1 800 844 8024 in a range of different lengths, and www.ndindustries.comToll-Free Fax: +1 877 453 8707 metric and UNC internal threads.Web Site: E-Mail: [email protected] Page 3
BUSINESS & MARKET REPORTAugust 13, 2018 Loomis International to Host Open House in October Notebook Loomis International, Ltd., Byron, IL, USA, will be hosting an Open House Jim Ruetz Wins NFDA from October 9 to 11, 2018. Estab- Fastener Professional Award lished in 1979, Loomis recently moved The NFDA has announced that into a 176,200 ft2 facility on 32 acres. the 2018 recipient of its Currently the second and third gen- Fastener Profession- eration of the family is active in the al of the Year award company. is Jim Ruetz of AIS, Franksville, WI, USA. The award With the Open House, Loomis will will be participating in the upcoming honors individuals/companies Loomis International Open House. that make a substantial positive present new machinery in operation impact on people’s lives. The For additional information, visit: inaugural 2017 award was won incorporating the latest technology. by Robbie Gilchrist of Capital Marketing, High Point, NC, USA. Currently National Machinery, Ruetz won the award for leader- Smart, Nakashimada, RMG, Impax/ ship in the association and his SK, Angor, Dimac, Kadimi Tool, company, where he has been a Kadimi Steel, National Header Die, mentor and role model to many. Loomis tooling (Torx, Torx Plus and Strux), Star Metal and Armor Coated MW Industries signed to be used in high-integrity, BECK Fastener System acquires Amerifex, Inc. high-temperature applications. Wins Green Product Award The BECK LignoLoc® Collated MW Industries, Chicago, IL, USA, UTC Supplier Gold status requires Wooden Nail System has won a a leading provider of highly engi- an unceasing dedication to quality, 2018 Green Product Award. Since delivery and customer satisfac- 2013, the award has presented neered springs, spe- tion. Achieving the award requires innovative, sustainable design cialty fasteners, ma- consistent high-performance and products for sustainable con- chined parts and other product quality, 100% on-time deliv- sumption in 14 categories. components, has announced the ery for 12 months, a high customer acquisition of Ameriflex, Inc., Co- satisfaction score and supplier BECK LignoLoc won first prize in rona, CA, USA, a leading manu- health assessment. the Freestyle category. facturer of precision formed metal bellows and bellows assemblies used in applications supporting the semiconductor, microelectronics MSC update on share Page 4 and aerospace industries. Ameri- repurchase program flex produces bellows, flexible metal hoses and metal flanges MSC Industrial Supply Co., Mel- used in the vacuum electronics in- ville, NY, USA and Davidson, NC, dustry. The company also produces USA, a premier distributor of Metal- custom assemblies. working and Maintenance, Repair and Operations (MRO) products and services to industrial customers Certified Alloy Products wins UTC Supplier Gold Status ...Since 1970 Certified Alloy Products, Inc. Forged Industrial Products (CAPI), Long Beach, CA, USA, has Leader in the Eyebolt Industry been awarded Toll-Free: 888-536-3674 UTC’s Supplier Gold Locally: 440-993-8091 status. Part of Doncasters Group, Fax: 440-992-0360 CAPI is a specialist manufacturer of vacuum-melted superalloys de-
BUSINESS & MARKET REPORTthroughout North America, recently Aerospace and Aviation programs August 13, 2018announced that in connection with including the management of engi-the company’s existing 2.6 million neering operations and personnel. Notebookshare repurchase authorization, it Elverum joins Click Bond from Aero-has entered into a stock purchase vironment where he concurrently JIS Adds Staff: Pesetsky, agreement with the holders of the served as the Director of Programs, McCarthy & Kozlowskicompany’s Class B common stock Advanced Programs Division and JIS, Division of Jergens, Inc.,to purchase a pro rata number of Sr. Director of Engineering Op- Cleveland, OH, USA, has recentlyshares, such that their aggregate erations, Small Unmanned Air announced three additions topercentage ownership in the com- Systems. He will work closely with the company’s staff.pany would remain substantially the engineering department and Nick Pesetsky, hasthe same. The shares will be pur- continue to develop Click Bond’s joined JIS as a Mar-chased each month at a price per R&D capabilities. keting Intern. He isshare equal to the volume weighted a recent graduateaverage market price that the firm Khodnegah has been with Click of Ohio Northernpaid for shares repurchased dur- Bond for just over a year leading the University with aing the previous month from Class Manufacturing Engineering Depart- Bachelor of Science in BusinessA shareholders under its share ment. With 33 years in aerospace Administration in Marketing andrepurchase authorization. fastening systems, he has leader- a Bachelor of Arts in English. ship experience in both Engineering Additionally, Jacqui McCarthy Class B shareholders also have and Operations departments. has joined JIS with more thanagreed to not purchase or sell any eight years of cus-shares on the open market while tomer service ex-the above agreement is in effect. perience. McCarthy Gilchrist Foundation most recently held a The timing and actual number of Awards Scholarships similar service roleshares repurchased will depend on at an automotivea variety of factors including price, The Gilchrist Foundation has and refinish paint conditions and applicable awarded five scholarships from the And Chris Kozlowski has alsolegal and regulatory requirements. 2018 applicants. The Foundation joined the JIS team after two expresses congratulations to the years of experience recipients, wishes them well and in industrial distribu- is pleased to assist them with their tion. His experienceClick Bond hires Director education. has given him anof R&D & Announces a advantage whenPromotion in Engineering The 2018 scholarship recipients working with some are as follows along with their of JIS’ business programs. Ko- Carson City, NV, USA-based Click sponsoring companies: zlowski also maintains a smallBond Inc., has announced that John • Martha Crow, Wurth Revcar, construction business that heElverum has joined the company as works on outside of work.Director of Research and Develop- Frederick, MD, USA JIS is a distributor of industrialment, and Behrouz Khodnegah has • Madeline Bartush, XL Screw, products, representing over 300been promoted to Director, Manu- USA manufacturers.facturing and Process Engineering. Lincolnshire, IL, USA • Michael Byrne, Wurth Adams, Elverum’s previous experienceincludes 35 years of managing R&D McAllen, TX, USA [email protected] • Rachael Edge, Ameribolt, Inc., June 3 to 5, 2019 • Rosemont, IL, USA Sylacauga, AL, USA Page 5 “The Fastener Show produced by the And the final award will be givenFastener Industry for the Fastener Industry” to an applicant from the Mid-West Co-organized by: ...continued on page 7Producing Fastener Shows in Reporting Fastener News &the Heart of the Industry for Technology for over 40 yearsover 30 •
BUSINESS & MARKET REPORTAugust 13, 2018 Fastener Distributor Index (FDI) Jumps to 69.2 in July The FDI set another record last month (July Listen to Fully Threaded Radio episode 131, Notebook 2018) as it launched to 69.2, after June’s with Fastener Technology International, Editor, already strong reading of 62.3, seasonally Mike McNulty and NFDA Board Member and HECO Introduces New adjusted, placing the fastener industry into Trinity Logistics President, Dan Zehnder, Interactive Product Catalog its strongest position since the inception of for further commentary on the July FDI: the index. Whether printed or digital, the The month’s Forward-Looking Indicator (FLI) Thanks for your participation in the FDI. Com- new product catalog from HE- showed that survey participants might be ments & questions welcome: +1 877 332 7836 CO-Schrauben GmbH & Co. beginning to expect a cool down, but only KG provides a wide range of slightly, with a still strong reading of 61.0, after information. The integrated QR June’s 62.0 mark. codes can be used to access clear product and assembly vid- eos on YouTube for a large num- ber of different screws. The new products are specially indicated in the 230-page reference book. The HECO product catalog shows the different application options for the various fasteners, and helps specialist dealers and professional installers to choose the right fasteners. A video sym- bol indicates a video for the item in question. And it’s even quicker in the PDF version, by clicking on the QR code, which takes you directly to the video channel. Obituary: Loris Fontana strategic acquisitions ever broadening the range of the company’s activity inAnother practical feature is the Loris Fontana recently passed away both sectoral and geographical terms.linking of the digital product at the age of 97. The business man, incatalog with the “HECO-Data- With its presence in Europe, the USA,View” on-line service. Clicking on 1952, together with his brother Walter, Brazil and India, the Fontana Gruppo isthe item number in the PDF will created the Fontana Gruppo, Vedug- the absolute global leader in fasteners,open a browser window, and the gio con Colzano, Italy, of which he was with a presence in 29 countries, 19 pro-user will receive comprehensive, duction sites, the employment of moreup-to-date information on the Honorary President to the very end. than 4000 personnel and a turnover inselected item. excess of €800 million. With this sad announcement, Loris Fon- With his entrepreneurial skills, Loris tana leaves behind three sons, Enio, Fontana knew how to push himself further, investing not only in engineer- Luigi and Giuseppe, ing sectors, but also in that of the luxury hotel industry, thanks to the acquisition who currently lead the of the company, Villa d’Este SpA, which employs approximately 500 people in Group as CEOs, to- four locations. gether with nephews A private, reserved man, characterized by uncompromising rigor and incredible who represent the third company leadership, Loris Fontana will also be remembered for the great generation of a multi- care, which he always dedicated to the country through the backing of projects, national company that support and the business of important associations and charitable initiatives. is present in all of the major markets. Loris Fontana For over half of a century of business, Cav. Loris Fontana had transformed a small company that made handles and switches into a colossus of production in the high-strength screws and bolts industry. The firm’s growth was expo- nential from its beginning. Always in charge of industrial management, Loris Fontana focused on expansion throughPage 6
BUSINESS & MARKET REPORTBoker’s Expands Manufacturing Facility August 13, 2018Boker’s, Minneapolis, MN, USA, a –reNcentoly tebookmaker of precision metal stampings, Victory Bolt Supplyingwashers, spacers and shims, is ex- Bolts for Sturgis Rally & Celebrating 30 Yearspanding its manufacturing facilities in Victory Bolt & Specialty, Inc., Indian Trail, NC, USA, is supplyingresponse to growing customer needs. bolts for the 54.6 kW QuadPod™ solar canopy in Sturgis, SD, USA,The expansion project began in March which will keep visitors to the 78th Annual Sturgis® Motorcycle Ral-2018 and is projected to be completed ly™ cool at the Harley-Davidson Rally Point December 2018.Boker’s manufacturing facilities arenow housed in some 100,000 ft2 ofbuildings. The newly acquired building,adjacent to the current facility, will addan additional 66,500 ft2 of manufactur- capacity with the new space as producting space. diversification continues to grow.“We have a diverse customer base “Since 1919, Boker’s has expandedwith a presence in most every indus- its manufacturing space every eighttry,” said Mark Kersey, Vice President years. This new expansion nearlyat Boker’s. “With both industries and doubles our manufacturing space al-customers evolving, we continue to lowing us to design the shop floor foradapt to meet their needs and service the future with new capabilities as ourthem. We will be able to streamline customers’ needs continue to evolve.”our workflow process and add more www.Bokers.comS ales & Net Income Tab le IncomeCompany Sales %∆ (Loss) %∆3M Company 8390 7.4 1857 17Anixter International Inc. 2138 6.8 35 -13 Victory Bolt & Specialty, Inc. is also proud to celebrate 30 yearsArconic 3573 3.7 120 -16 in business. Since 1988, custom- ers have chosen Victory Bolt &Fastenal Company 2454 13.0 386 36 Specialty for fasteners of all types and material as well as pole lineGrainger 2860 9.4 237 42 hardware with a high concentra- tion in stainless steel. Victory BoltIllinois Tool Works Inc. 3831 6.4 666 13 & Specialty, Inc. has customers and shipping locations acrossLawson Products, Inc. 90 20.0 3 -56 the USA, Mexico, Canada, Eu- rope, Poland and Brazil.LISI Group* 835* 3.1 48* -16 Victory Bolt & Specialty is a Certi- fied Woman Owned BusinessMSC Industrial Supply Co. 828 11.0 79 26 that offers a selection of fasten- ers for the construction, marine,Stanley Black & Decker 3644 11.0 293 5.7 public works, utility, solar and medical industries.WESCO 2104 10.0 58 17 www.victorybolt.comLatest Quarterly Sales/Net Income shown in US$ millions (*Millions of Euros, half year results),% ∆ is relative to 2017 quarterly data. Don't Miss On-Demand Fastener Talk Radio! FTR is talk radio for the fastener industry, featuringFastener Association when the Quarterly Dividends Report... guests, commentary and conversation designed toMWFA meets in November 2018. inform and entertain fastener professionals. Available • Arconic, New York, NY, USA, declared a dividend any time in streaming or download formats. Tune in The Foundation invites those of US$0.93.75 per share on its US$3.75 Cumulativewanting to further their education Preferred Class A Stock, payable October 1, 2018, today! Log on to listen to Fully Threaded Radio:to apply for scholarships. Applicants to holders of record, September 14, 2018. can be full time or part time students www.fullythreaded.comworking in the industry or childrenof working fastener people. • Illinois Tool Works Inc., Glenview, IL, USA, autho- Page 7 rized a 28% increase in the dividend payout, and has declared a Q3 dividend on common stock of US$1.00 per share, paid on October 9, 2018, to hold- Jackie Ventura ers of record, September 28, 2018. Sales Representative • Park-Ohio Holdings Corp., Cleveland, OH, USA, Phone: 330-467-0102 • Mobile: 216-338-8485 declared a quarterly cash dividend of US$0.125 Fax: 330-467-0108 • Email: [email protected] per share on common stock, to be paid on August 27, 2018, to shareholders of record on August 13, Web: 2018. News & Notes: www.JackieVentura.Net • Stanley Black & Decker, New Britain, CT, USA, has Skype: Jackie.Ventura1 approved a US$0.03 increase of its quarterly cash Twitter: @JackieVentura1 dividend to US$0.66 per common share, to be paid September 18, 2018 to shareholders of record on September 7, 2018. • W.W. Grainger, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA, has declared a cash dividend of US$1.36 per share payable on September 1, 2018, to shareholders of record on August 13, 2018.
EVENTS & OPPORTUNITIESNCFA Screw Open tions to a highly qualified audience August 13, 2018Golf Outing 2018 of 3316. Most exhibitors were from E VENTSAugust 8 – 11, 2018 Subscribe, read or advertise @ • FREE FTI BUYERS’ GUIDE for all paid subscribers Pac-West 2018 Fall Conference The NCFA ScrewPROESpS ReELnEASGE olf Out- India, but many also Whitefish, MT, USA www.pac-west.orging 2018 takes placeJuly2018 Thursday, came from China, Tai- September 18 – 21, 2018 September 6, 2018, from 12 noon to wan, Germany, South ICNFT 2018, Bremen, Germany www.icnft2018.com7 PM EDT, at the Valleaire Golf Club Korea, Japan and Turkey. Fastener Fair India 2018: Largest New Delhi edition ends with September 26 – 27, 2018 Fastener Fair Italy 2018, Milan, Italy in Hinckley, OH, USA. Proceeds to Compared to the last Fastenerpositive results New Delhi, India’s capital city, hosted Fastener Fair India for the second time from 18-19 May 2018. Over 140 exhibiting companies were present at the two-day event, highlighting September 26 – 29, 2018 Fastener Shanghai – benefit the NCFA Scholarship Fund. Fair India in New Delhi, visitor num-market innovations to a highly qualified audience of 3,316. Shanghai Fastener & Tech Show 2018 Shanghai, China bers rose by over 30%.The majority of exhibitors were India-based companies. However, a lot of exhibitors were non-domestic, namely from China, Taiwan, Germany, South Korea, Japan and Turkey. The exhibitors showcased a comprehensive range of industrial fasteners and fixings, assembly October 21 - 23, 2018 and installation systems, storage and logistics services, fastener manufacturing technology International Fastener Show China 2018 and construction fixings. Shanghai, China, En.Afastener.comExhibit Sales Strong for showcase in an emerging market October 30, 2018 – November 1, 2018 Compared to the last edition of Fastener Fair India held in New Delhi, visitor numbers International Fastener Expo - IFE 2018 increased by over 30%, which was recognised by returning exhibitors and ensured the only Las Vegas, NV, USA www.fastenershows.comFastener Fair USA 2019 Fastener Fair Mexico: exhibition was a truly upbeat networking opportunity. The specialised exhibition for the fastener and fixing industry attracted visitors from many Fastener Fair USA, the lead- Success in New Marketkey industry sectors, including mechanical engineering, automotive industry and hardware retailing. Distributors, wholesalers and retailers were also in attendance. These visitors echoed the current economic trend in India: Forecasts indicate that, as a growing economy,ing fastener and fixing exhibition Fastener Fair Mexico, theIndia has huge potential for businesses from around the the USA for the full event for fastener andIndia’s premier exhibition for the fastener and fixing industry will return to Mumbai in 2019 Following the success of Fastener Fair India 2018, the organiser Inter Ads-Brookssupply chain, is show- fixing technology in Lat-Exhibitions (India) Pvt. Ltd. has announced Fastener Fair India will return to Mumbai in 2019. The ‘Gateway to India’ will host the seventh edition, overall, of this successful event. Fastener Fair India 2019 takes place from 25-26 April 2019 at the Bombay Exhibition Centre,ing strong growth in in America, was heldinMumbai. Once again co-located with Fastener Fair India 2019, BLECH India, Sheet Metal Working Technology Exhibition, takes place for the sixth time from 25-27 April 2019. This highly successful trade fair will once again present machines, tools and systems for the entireexhibit sales. To date, 50% of the June 20 to 21, 2018, for the first timesheet metal manufacturing process, including metal forming and bending solutions,exhibit space has been reserved in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, atwith many companies committing Expo Guadalajara. Over 150 firmsearly. from 10 countries showed fastener “We left Cleveland with nearly technologies to over 1600 qualified October 30 2018 – November 2, 2018 30% of 2018 exhibitors already professionals from the automotive, Korea Metal Week 2018, Korea contracted for Detroit, MI, USA,” said aerospace, construction, metal- www.korea-metal.comJessica Boweak, Exhibition Manag- working and electronics for Fastener Fair USA. “Exhibitors November 28 – 29, 2018 Fastener Fair France 2018, Paris, France increasing space requests and Shanghai Fasteners March 13 – 16, 2019 new companies are coming. We’re & Tech Show at wire China 2019 NFDA/MWFA/Pac-West Joint Meeting tracking ahead in sales versus last San Diego, CA, USA, www.nfda-fastener.orgyear and are set to exceed 2018 wire China 2018 will feature theboth in square footage and number Shanghai Fasteners & Tech Show, a March 19 – 20, 2019 of exhibiting companies.” program of seminars and Fastener Fair Stuttgart 2019, forums covering current Stuttgart, Germany fastener industry topics. These events will be heldFastener Fair India 2018: concurrently at the Shanghai New May 22 – 23, 2019 Largest New Delhi Edition International Expo Center (SNIEC), Fastener Fair USA 2019, Detroit, MI, USA New Delhi, India’s capital city, June 3 – 5, 2019 FASTENER TECH™ ’19, Rosemont, IL, USA • www.mwfa.nethosted Fastener Fair India for the Sept. 26 to 29, 2018. June 19 – 20, 2019 Fastener Fair Mexico 2019, Mexico City, Mexico second time from May 18 to 19, Over 140 exhibiting compa-nies were present at the two-day Delivering the World of Fasteners toevent, highlighting market innova- Manufacturers • Distributors • End Users June/July 2018 AAUUGGUUSSTT//SSEEPPTTEEMMBBEERR 22001188 Fastener August/September 2018 SSeerrvviinngg MMaannuuffaaccttuurreerrss,, DDiissttrriibbuuttoorrss aanndd EEnndd UUsseerrss JJUUNNEE//JJUULLYY 22001188 Fastener SIMULATION & INFORMATION SYSTEMS...P. 54-69 FTI’s Head Guide: JUNE/JULY 2018 SSeerrvviinngg MMaannuuffaaccttuurreerrss,, DDiissttrriibbuuttoorrss aanndd EEnndd UUsseerrss AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2018 Manufacturer Thread Rolling...78-91 WWW.FASTENERTECH.COM Focus WWW.FASTENERTECH.COM Focus Presented by... Identification (ID) Symbols Focused News, Information and Products for Presented by... Focused News, Information and Products for Fastener Distributors, Importers, Manufacturer’s Fastener Distributors, Importers, Manufacturer’s International Guide Representatives, OEMs and End Users. Representatives, OEMs and End Users. Published by 2018 Fastener FASTENER TECHNOLOGY INTERNATIONAL Industry Events: In this issue... FASTENER TECHNOLOGY INTERNATIONAL COMPANY PROFILES...106 In this issue...Manufacturer Reports & Previews... Feeding...80 • Secondary Ops...94Identification Technology 54, 72, 94, 116 & 126 • MWFA’s Annual Fastener Automotive Fasteners...180 • FF News International Expo & Golf Outing Symbols (FTI) magazine SORTING & INSPECTING...P. 44-46 Fastener Industry Events: • Straight From The Show • How to Approach Fastener 12-22, 172-177, 186-191 Report: MWFA’s AnnualINTERNATIONAL GUIDE P. 101 Loosening Issues P. 157 Fastener Expo & Golf Outing • Forging Ahead with Fastener August/September 2018 International Automotive • Driving Fasteners into Fastener June/July 2018 Task Force Certification Metal with Single Impact Tools Focus Presented by... • NFDA 50th Anniversary REBUILD & UPGRADE...88 Focus Presented by... Meeting • Automotive Fasteners Focused News, Information and Products for Focused News, Information and Products for Roundup Fastener Distributors, Importers, Manufacturer’s • Nonthreaded Fastener Fastener Distributors, Importers, Manufacturer’s Innovations • Straight From The Show Representatives, OEMs and End Users. Representatives, OEMs and End Users. Report: Fastener Fair • Wave Springs Save Space Mexico 2018 Vol. XLI, No. 3 In this issue... & Require Less Machining Vol. XLI, No. 4 In this issue... • Tracking Your Fasteners: • MWFA’s Annual Fastener • Staying Where They • FF News Network Adds Master Expo & Golf Outing Belong: Asphalt Anchors Distributor • Straight From The Show • How to Approach Fastener • Will Your Next Phone Report: MWFA’s Annual • FF Products Loosening Issues Have a Metal Screen? Fastener Expo & Golf Outing • Forging Ahead with • Direct Screw Fastening for International Automotive Plastics • Driving Fasteners into Task Force Certification Metal with Single Impact Tools • NFDA 50th Anniversary Meeting • Automotive Fasteners Roundup • Nonthreaded Fastener Innovations • Straight From The Show Report: Fastener Fair • Wave Springs Save Space Mexico 2018 & Require Less Machining • Tracking Your Fasteners: • Staying Where They Network Adds Master Belong: Asphalt Anchors Distributor • Will Your Next Phone • FF Products Have a Metal Screen? • Direct Screw Fastening for Plastics FTI_SPIROL_FastenerFocus_cover_June_2018_all_products.indd 1 5/21/18 9:21 AM FTI_SPIROL_FastenerFocus_cover_June_2018_all_products.indd 1 5/21/18 9:21 AM Buy online at: Visit to start or renew your free 8
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