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Published by mcnulty, 2018-04-27 12:43:56

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SSPPRRIINNGG 22001188 Serving Manufacturers of Springs, Wire WWW.WIREFORMINGTECH.COM Formed Parts, Wire Mesh and Rebar ProductsSPRING COILING...P. 54REBUILD & UPGRADE WIRE HANDLING...P. 64EMPHASIS ARTICLES...P. 30-41STRAIGHTENING & CUTTING..P. 62Nashville Exhibits: pages 42-51

YOUR FAVORITE MACHINES JUST GOT BETTERWith the AT Attachment option now available on both CSX and HAX machines, you can start and finish yourpart on one machine, no matter which one you prefer. There’s no need to move a part off the machine to yoursecondary department to complete it, so you can widen your scope with a broader range of wire forms andtorsion springs completed on just one machine. At RK Trading, we don’t just sell machinery—we service it,support it, and carry an extensive tooling and parts inventory, all in the U.S.Improve production rates and increase profits with:CSX Series with removable AT Attachment (2mm and 3.5mm machines)HAX Series with fixed AT Attachment (2mm and 4mm machines)

High PerformanceExotic alloys in wire and bars .827”(21mm) to .001”(0.025mm) diaWorking with trusted brands.Inconel®, Hastelloy˘, Nimonic®, Monel®,Haynes˘, Phynox†, MP35N* etc. 1-866-482-5569®Trade name of Special Metals Group of Companies. †Trade name of Aperam Alloys Imphy. ˘Trade name of Haynes International. *Trade name of SPS Technologies.


TablTeabolefoCf Coonntteenntsts FSalpl 2ri0n0g7 2018 Vol. 2V1o,l.N1o0,. N2o. 4 www.wireformingtech.comRebWuFildTI&EUMpPgrHaAdeS3IS0:-4e1Dmhebyardliitrntol3gegm0weneitFhnteR ae1tb4uu FriWeSeldeacFAto&TunrdIrt UAeTince pnAlcugerahltrsnWiaciidcrleeaeFsl?o ArmcinhgiTeevcehnmoloegnytI nAtewrnaatirodnasl T–e cChnliacaslsAcohifev2e0m0e7nt Awards, given out in spring ConstanatinnneuGallryatpossapsrin-gMmaankyinqguoerswtiiorensformmuinsgt ibneduasntrsywinedrieviddubaelsfoforer mdaejcoirdtiencghntoicarel dbeuviledlooprmbeunytsnew. steel.3...420 MachirnelaetedStuo epqpuiplimeernt,Omffateerirasls oRr aectcresosfioritetsinforgmaSkiengrvspircinegs or wire formed parts. f or16O v“eHro2w5 RMe-aEcnhgiinneeeTryinpge Msy. .W.Ainred FEoxrmpianngd ing A ndr easBDHrueowss tiGenrree-esRnsbel atSrtot afi- tAvs emfodurl tici-tph raforinnogwmede lsEdtrexarttsei,gnysc trretasiiouglhnteted” ninin ggroswytsht eamnds reatnudrn atoll psrporfiintagbimlitya.chine types. 36 UJ eps2sg0icr aaMHRdiocyehrdgasarrdonaDg-n.BeSdonisos REsotnme,reJbblri.aur-biAitilltirdtleyev,iimnerewgedounfSctteh eoedrfpov hwSyinscpitciermailsnem,gel etaSsllstuermgeyelocfhhayndircoaglepnaermtsb,rhittiglehmeernpt roofduct quality.Torin® mechanical machine rebuild, 38 Rebuislpdriinng gsteSel ealornvgiwcieth afodisrcutshseionOoflmditeigsattionCmNetChodWs. ire Bending Machines before (above), after (below) ...37 D an2i3el e TCoognmi -pCoasteitriiongnt oEtfhfeecfotnsd nines Cs ainrtbhoe nm aSrkteteflor formers in service for 15 years or more. Drum washer for springs4an0d ModermDnre. tiRazloluignregrgyNo.fWWspreriginlhgdt -meParakriCnt g6oaonfndthtweriomreulfslotir-mpaaenrdt dspearrMietsso,mTarhneeufSatcretunrginthg.of Steel, dedicated to the wire formed parts...30 C ar2s4te n CJaonaketin- Agcsr iftiocarl tmhees h21wset ldCeer nuptugrrayde involves the machine controls and its components. 52 ES dpitor riinalgcKSoirtaCtaatiffnno g-RsiT.l fiDhonrehasgspmtraiiR n-tge Aos- olaoufno-ntdkh awdet-i ruaheirgptfohinr-mpseerpdforiprnmagratscn.oceil ianngdt ecocrhronsoiolong-ryesaisntdanet qfluuioprmopeonlytm. er/PTFE Compact 60 H o2w6 CSDort.rEmecskpesha aPnrdeiMeeünsllienCr -gaS –tnre AsGs P(ushraoatrc)dpteiceAnaignl gAacipannpsblietcuFasteridaoiunnmdaking auto suspension coil springs mesh that TfhorrbeeattetremnatseriBal urtailiznadtionInviatehigghreirthyar&dneSssarefseutltying in reduced material used/reduced weight. welding cyl- S . M30ic heHleeFarty &- A Slitutlerftaimcee sTpreenat itnmreesneta rRchoiusnwdoruthpthe effort in fighting trademark and IP fraud. inder...36 62 SpotliEagnddhitostruiarOflaScnteaftSfre- atSrtumapepingliteehrsqtuheiapvnmeeirnnets.gpo&ndeCd tuo totuirncagll for the state-of-the-art in heat Servomotorupgrade ...39 Mike McNulty - Producing feed materials that are optimum in terms of straightness and cut length. 64 W i3r6e HMDoaoronrthede leFiJnleugnxgieRbbiloolidtuty-n Aadrnaundgp eVoef rmseashtiwlietyld infgomr atchhein eWs iisrbee iWngoofrfekreedr to wire workers, Editorial aSntdawff h-eTnhseetsutaptbey-oaf-wtheell--tarartiniendwwiroerkhear,nthdelindgowtenctimhneoclaongybealnedssetqhuanip3m0emnitn. utes. 38 Machines for Producing Wire Hangers Sonia Vitari - Versatile wire hanger forming and other wire processing machines offered Columnsglobally with after-sales support and engineering. 20 C A3S9 MCEIxAcHeSropMtsedIt sfSrocmShtuoheclaCcrAesShsMisIpCf OuANlwNMaECradTrIsOc NRh, eaaapnucbdhlic TaAtoioptnaroilf loEf vUeSn$t4s6,3,000 in 2007 June GCAoSlMfI O(Chuictaignog A,ssSopciartiinong oWf Soprrinldg M®aRnuefagctiusretrrsa, tInico.)n, NNapoervwilleO, ILp, UeSnA. M ic4h4ae l WBainrdey R- CoAdS &M ICNoeawtsin&gE vSeuntpspUlpiedra tCe onsolidates RR aantd ey DFIJetaosFcqro Aumrdecs-utAiAlvnlacliktTia–heeirsnftg o-isCnrSo Vtmphrepianonngesyszienutewendliast ht&o t caCpaothllieupdmeevrbeslioaping growth market in Latin America. 22Versatile system for producingSpring coiler ...w5i1re&ha5n8gers....38 24 E U45E cCIonfoonrmmoapmtioanynoy1f v0PalruYoeeftoialethrsesinLtearntaetiorn,aAl slplriiangnacndewfiroerforEmnedepragrtsyinIdnusntroy.vation, France Tops Electric Car Index, Automotive Suppliers Business Model Ko nra dInDdenugsletrr-yE EurvopeenatnsPerspectivesCoiler for 26 DDre.3Rf7oo gremSImr tNaarg.ateWiisograihnngdthHtfFa-cerTtosahmfetroiSnmTtgrwheiner–egSStPhohuoaotfhrwSetateIsVteAl SIA 2007, held October 16-18, 2007, in Bangkok, 28 The Latest Developments in Spring Testing Technologycomponents ...52 DeparAtmlaneTnhtosmas - Wire Product Testing Next Issue: Winter 2008 EWdiriteorFiaolr.m...i.n..g...E..v..e..n..t.s................I....n......d......u......s....t....r....y........E......v......e......n......t..s.................. 4 6 Top Products of 2007 News Wire ..................4...2......S...t.r..a..t..e..g...i.e...s....t.o....M....a..k...e..8Better Wire wire 2008 Preview PArdovdeurtcist eSrhs..o’.4Iwn2cd-5ae1sxe...............................P....r..e....v..i..e....w......o....f....W....A......I..O......p....e..r....a..t..i..o....n..s..46S03ummit & Wire Expo 20R1o8,uMnadyu1p5:t oM1a6t,e2r0i1a8l,sin Nashville, TN, USA. Spotlight: Mesh Welding Editorial IDndeepx.a...r.t..m....e...n...t..s........................................64 Next Issue: Summer 2018Fall 2007/Wire Forming Technology International 3Wire Forming Events ............................................................4 SPRING WORLD 2018 PreviewEditorial.................................................................................6News Wire ............................................................................8 wire China 2018 PreviewProduct Showcase..............................................................68 Roundup: Wire Forming & BendingAdvertisers’ Index ...............................................................71 Spotlight: Heat TreatmentEditorial Company Index ....................................................72 Spring 2018/Wire Forming Technology International 3

WIRE FORMING EVENTS Table of ContentsMay 15 – 16, 2018 May 13 –F1a6ll,22000179 Vol. 10, No. 4Wire Expo 2018 Interwire 2019 Feature Articles 1741 Akron Peninsula Rd,Nashville, TN, USA Atlanta, GA, USA Dealing with 14 WFTI Technical Achievement AwaArdksr o–n C,laOssHo4f 24030173 USA hydrogen www.interwire19.ceominbmrsitptlreinmgent steel....20 Tel: +1 330 864 2122 • Fax: +1 330 864 5298Second Annual Wire Forming Technology International Technical Achievement Awards, given out annually to spring making or wire forming industry individuals for major technical developments www.wireformingtech.comrelated to equipment, materials or accessories for making springs or wire formed parts. 16 “How Re-Engineering My Wire Forming June 11 – 13, 2018 November 27 – 29, 2018 DBruews iGnreeesnsbl aStt a- Av emdul tii-tp rfornogmed sEtrxatteignyc retsioulnted” in gCrowhthi pandL reipturpn itno pcrooftitatbility.Wire & Cable Guangzhou 2018 wire India 2018, Mumbai, I2n0 dHiayd rog en Embrittlement of SpringP Srteeseildent and Publisher [email protected] D. Sisson, Jr. - A review of the physical metallurgy of hydrogen embrittlement ofGuangzhou, China spring steel along with a discussion of mitigation 23 Composition Effects in Carbon Steel SMtreinkgteh oMf StceNel,udeldtiycated to theSeptember 26 – 29, 2018 Dr. Roger N. Wright - Part 6 of the multi-part series, The metallurgy of spring making and wire formed partsVmiacneufPacrtuerisnigd. ent and Editor Drum washer for springs and wire formed parts...30 24 Coatings for the 21st Century [email protected] September 17 – 19, 2019 Kirtan R. Dhami - A look at high-performance and corrosion-resistant fluoropolymer/PTFE coatings for springs and wire formed parts. Tom Hutchinsonwire China 2018 wire Southeast Asia 2019 26 SDrt.rEecskesh aPrdeMeünllienr -gS –tre Ass P(shroatc) pteicenainl gAcpanpbliecuGastelidooibnnmalakSinaglaeusto Msusapennasigonecroil springs for better material utilization via higher hardness trlehsu@ltinwg inirreedfuocremd miantegritael cushe.dc/roedmuced weight. CompactShanghai, China Bangkok, Thailand mesh welding inder...36 30 Heat & Surface Treatment Roundup for the sJtaitme-ofM-thea-asrat inrheat Editorial Staff - Suppliers have responded to our call and surface treatment equipment. Senior 36 MDoororthee eFJleunxgiebbilolidtty- Aarnandg eVoef rmseashtiwlietyld infgojmra amtchh@ein eWws iisirrbeee iWfnogoromfrfekrieendrgtotewcirehw.corokemrs,October 3 – 5, 2018 and when set up by a well-trained worker, the downtime can be less than 30 minutes. 38 Machines for Producing Wire Hianntgeersrnational Sales October 1 – 3, 2019 Sonia Vitari - Versatile wire hanger forming and other wire processing machines offered globally with after-sales support and engineering. CHINASPRING WORLD® ‘18 39 CASMI Scholarship Awards ReachR Tinogtaiel roTf UraSd$e4M63e,0d0i0a iLnt d20. 07Rosemont, IL, USA SMI Metal Engineering eXpo 2019 ECxAcSeMrpIt e(Cdhfriocmagtoh eACssAoScMiaIEtCioaOnsN otNf CESCphrTiiInOngNa M,:aaVnpuuifbvalciictaautnrioenrSso,h fInacn.),gNa+p8er6vi-lle2,1IL,6U2S8A.9-5533, EXT 169 Pittsburg, PA, USA 44 Wire Rod & Coating Supplier Consvoivliidaant@esr ingiert m www.metalengineeringexpo.orgVersatile system for producing Its Activities in VenNeozurtehla& & SCoouluthmCbhiaina: Maggie Liu +86-20 8732-3316, wire hangers....38 Jacques Anckaert - Company intendsEtoXtapTth9e 3de3v2elopmingaggrogwitehlmiuar@ket rininLagtiineArmtrearicdae. .com 45 Company Profiles Information of value to theMarch 13 – 16, 2019 March 30, 2020 – April 3, 2020 interHnaotionnagl sKpriongnagn:d MwireikfoermHedapyart+s i8nd5u2stry2. 369 8788, ext 11 ‘19 wire 2020 Industry Events [email protected] IN, USA Düsseldorf, Germany 37 Straight From The SSohuothweastTASoImA 20H07u, htcelhd iOncstGoobenEr,1R6G-M1l8o,A2b0aN0l7Y,SinaBlaensgkMok,aTnhaailganedr.Indianapolis, Images and facts from wire [email protected] Departments Next Issue: WINinDtIeAr 2008 Wire Forming Events..................................................4 Strategise.inToPpv Pt.rLodtdu.c,tAs bohf i2j0at07Sanghvi, Co-Founder www.mdna.comEditorial....................................................................... 6 News Wire ..................................................................8 Tel : +91-22-w6i5re262300186 5P/r6e6v,ieCwell : +91-98211 27628 Product Showcase....................................................40 REoumnadiul p: :a [email protected] Advertisers’ Index .....................................................63 Spotlight: MeIsThA WLeYlding Editorial Index...........................................................64 Casiraghi Pubblicatá Internazionale DFailel 2g00o7/WCirae FsoirrmaingghTeic,hnOololgiyvIneterrnCatioansail ra3ghi Tel: +39 031 261407 • Fax: +39 031 261380 [email protected] JAPAN Sakura International, Ken Myohdai Tel: +81 6 6264 3900 or +81 3 5646 1160 Fax: +81 6 6264 3901 or +81 3 5646 1161 [email protected] TAIWAN Worldwide Services Co. Ltd. Robert Yu Tel: +886 4 23251784 • Fax: +886 4 23252967 [email protected] Publisher's Notice: We assume no responsibility for the validity of claims in connection with items appearing in Wire Forming Technology International magazine. Ad- dresses are given to facilitate further inquiry. Wire Forming Technology International is published in the months of February, May, August and November by Initial Publications Inc., Chip Lippincott, Pres., 1741 Akron Peninsula Rd, Akron, OH 44313 USA. For subscription info write: Circulation Dept., Wire Forming Technology International, 1741 Akron Peninsula Rd, Akron, OH 44313 USA. For changes of address, visit Wire Forming Technology International is distributed with- out charge to people employed by a company or division of a company engaged in the manufacture of springs, wire formed parts, wire mesh and rebar products and the materials, tooling, machinery and control systems for making those parts. Others may subscribe at US$35/yr in the USA and Canada or US$65/yr elsewhere. Single copy price is US$20 plus shipping. Editorial reprint prices will be furnished upon request.CanadaPostInternationalPublicationsMailProduct (Canadian Distribution) Sales Agreement No. 40025486. Canadian return address: BleuChip International, PO Box 25542, London, Ontario N6C 6B2 Canada. Postmaster: Send address changes to Wire Forming Technology International, 1741 Akron Peninsula Rd, Akron, OH 44313 USA.4 Wire Forming Technology International/Spring 2018

PTC - Pretension Control HIGH SPEED CNC COILERS INTERNATIONAL PATENT MX 30 Ø 0.40 - 3.00 mm Ø 0.016” - 0.118”MI LA NO - I TA LY NIMSCO LLC North American distributor 5115 B Tremont Ave. Davenport, IA 52807 Ph: 563-391-0400 Fax: 563-391-0403 [email protected]

EDITORIALSimple: Free vs. Protected that the current trade imbalances and unfair situations that do exist are mostly the fruit of government andWhat do the markets for the goods and services depicted corporate cronyism manipulations that have been goingby the red lines below have in common, other than be- on for decades. I know in my small universe of doinging wildly more expensive than they were just 20 years business, I am never inclined to deal with charlatans orago? They are protected, micro-managed and disrupted phony free-market practitioners, but I say let’s put theby elite government geniuses and money grabbers that gloves on when and where they are needed, but proceedgleefully take advantage of the unintended consequenc- with caution and of the social engineering efforts, which are often theby-products of think tanks and blue-ribbon committees. A Mountain of DebtAnd what do the items in blue have in common otherthan becoming more affordable as they naturally move For a solid 10 years through the end of 2016, it was fash-down the product life cycle and attract innovation and ionable in the USA to blame accelerating overspendingmore suppliers? They are the beneficiaries of the natural and massive debt accumulation on the political partyforces of free market competition: quality, access and that embraces the idea of government spending andaffordability all rise together, without the need of ma- control as the way to prosperity. When the so-callednipulation from armies of virtue signalers and emotional “conservatives” took control of both the legislative anddo-gooders. Pretty simple stuff, actually. executive branches of government at the beginning of 2017, many fans of limited government, including me, were hoping to finally see some common sense spending temperance. Instead, the credit binge simply continues in the form of a 2000+ page monster spending bill that will continue to throw giant stacks of money onto the existing mountain of debt that our fearless leaders have accumulated. Furthermore, debt as a percentage of GDP is now approaching World War II levels. Cumulative USA Federal Debt, Millions of US$ 25,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 Data source: After seeing the pullback on federal regulations in 2016 and the implementation of tax breaks in 2017 fueling economic growth and optimism into the beginning of Source: The American Enterprise Institute (AEI) Carpe this year, I was expecting some savvy spending frugal- Diem blog, ity to keep the momentum going. I guess the joke isUnintended Consequences on me. I have a friend that firmly believes that today’sSo now we have trade wars looming on the horizon.This issue can certainly get complicated, emotional politicians fight with one an-and political really quick, but I want to throw my twocents into the mix: I clearly understand the need for other in public and celebratefairness in competition, but whenever governmentsget their fingers involved in management of econom- together like laughing hyenasics and commerce, then there are always unintendedconsequences that can cause damage and even create in private. Unfortunately, he’s WWIINNTTEERR 22001188nefarious opportunities for some. Furthermore, I think probably right. Serving PMaarntsu,faWcitruereMressohf aSnpdriRngebs,aWr Pirreoducts WWW.WIREFORMINGTECH.COM Formed TOP PRODUCTS OF 2017...PAGE 38-43 REBAR PROCESSING...P. 66 MATERIALS...72 • MESH WELDING...32 Pwriervei2e0w:18paTrgaedse4F4-ai6r5 Mike McNulty, Editor [email protected] Wire Forming Technology International/Spring 2018

“FUL speed ahead into Spring” A Special Event Dedicated to Productivity Enhancement... This technology symposium will show you the way to enhancing the competitiveness and profitability of your spring-making and wire bending operations with best-in-class solutions from WAFIOS. Take this unique opportunity to learn about the latest advances in machine control systems, tool technology and automation by participating in proprietary technical presentations with hands-on demonstrations. WAFIOS Midwest Technical Center May 24 Featured Machines iQ Functions on Demonstration F2 + AHT 2 bestspeed spring FSE 15 + AHT 1Upcoming FUL 25 + AHT 2 bend autopitcheventsChicago Area FMU 25 + AHT 2 adaptive control control B3 + AGH 8 smartbend Register FREE by email to Brian Davi : [email protected] Economical • Versatile • ReliableEngineered for What’s Next Spring Coiling & Forming Wire Bending & Forming Wire Straightening, Cutting Tube Bending & Forming Nail, Fastener & Chain Machines Machines & End Working Machines Machines MachinesWAFIOS Machinery Corporation 27 NE Industrial Road, Branford, CT 06405WAFIOS Midwest Technical Center 9830 W. 190th Street, Mokena, IL 60448USA / 203 481 5555 / [email protected] / [email protected] Machinery Corporation is a subsidiary of WAFIOS AG

NEWS WIREMatt Beebe to Inside countervailing duty (CVD) inves- “We are excited to offer theSales Rep at Metal tigations of imports of carbon and most advanced, innovative andResource Solutions alloy steel wire rod from Italy and easy-to-use line of testing solu- Turkey, and AD investigations of tions available,” said Emerson Metal Resource Solutions Inc. imports of carbon and alloy steel Leme, Head of Metrology Equip-has promoted Matt Beebe to the wire rod from Korea, Spain and ment Division at Starrett. “Us-role of Inside Sales Representative the UK. ers across many industries andat the company’s applications will be impressedMcHenry, IL, USA, The petitioners in this case with the features, flexibility andsales office. Beebe were Gerdau Ameristeel US Inc., modern design of the L1 forcejoins sales veterans Nucor Corp., Keystone Con- measurement platform, which isVickie Myers and solidated Industries and Charter unprecedented in the industry.”David Kerr as the expands Starrett L1 systems are easy-to-its presence in the Matt Beebe The International Trade Com- use, computer-controlled testingmidwest USA market. mission (ITC) will make its final systems designed for high-vol- determinations on or about May 3, ume, in-situ production testing. Beebe is a 2017 graduate of 2018. If the ITC makes affirmative They are easy to setup, operatethe University of Dayton with a final determinations that imports and maintain. Six models are avail-Marketing degree in the college of of carbon and alloy steel wire rod able in standard and extendedbusiness. He has been immersed in from these countries materially travels with testing capacities ofthe company’s training program injure, or threaten material injury 110 lbf, 330 lbf and 550 lbf. All L1over the last eight months as he to the domestic industry, Com- Systems feature a small footprinthas been learning various facets merce will issue AD and CVD and are ideal for lean manufactur-of the wire and fastener industries. orders. If the ITC makes negative ing applications. Simple, fill-in- determinations of injury, the in- the-blank templates let users cre- “Matt has shown excellent com- vestigations will end. ate, perform, measure and analyzemunication skills and a real knack their test in seconds and performfor taking the customer’s interest limit testing, break testing, con-to heart,” said President, Rich Ter- New Entry-Level Force stant hold testing, cycle testingeba. “He is like a sponge eagerly Testers from Starrett and more. Touch-screen controlsoaking up all the information simplifies operation and the highabout the customers’ needs and Starrett has introduced a com- resolution display shows resultsexpectations.” prehensive line of innovative, in tabular and graphical formats. entry level computer-based force Tolerances can be applied for im- Beebe is a sports enthusiast and testing solutions for applications mediate pass/fail indication. Rawespecially enjoys playing basket- ranging from load limit and dis- data and results can be exportedball, golf and fishing. When asked tance testing to break limit, time to Excel for reporting and statisti-what he enjoys most about his job, average, cyclic count and dura- cal analysis. Load measurementBeebe summed it up in one word, tion testing, constant hold and accuracy is better than 0.1% while“relationships”. more. Optimized for production distance position accuracy is better and quality control testing, the than 20 microns. Metal Resource Solutions is a versatile, innovative architecturemaster distributor of fine quality of the L1 system is designed for Reason to stainless steel, brass and copper reliable, fast, repeatable and easy Celebrate: Uhing’s wire used in the fastener and wire operation. 75th Anniversaryforming industries, and is homeof the cost saving 4MAX Stainless The Starrett L1 line of force According to Wolfgang We-Steel cold heading wire. The com- solutions consists of systems for ber of Joachim Uhing GmbH &pany is ISO 9001:2015 certified. Computer Controlled Force Mea- Co. KG, Flintbek, Germany, “ surement, Digital Force Gages, do not know if Joachim Uhing, Starrett FMM Digital Force Tester the founder ofDOC Finds Dumping of Motorized Test Stands, Manual Joachim UhingRod from Italy, Korea, Test Stands and Load Cell Sensors. GmbH & Co.Spain, Turkey & UK KG, had ever dreamt of how big the company’s On March 20, 2018, the Depart- success would be. But this is forment of Commerce announced itsaffirmative final determinations inthe antidumping duty (AD) and8 Wire Forming Technology International/Spring 2018

The North American capital of quality coatings. Grass Lake, MI? That’s right. It starts here and carries right through to the customer’s floor throughout North America. Dorken’s team of experts works with OEMs, parts manufacturers and coaters to produce coatings that set new standards in corrosion protection. From springs, brackets and clips to nuts, bolts and screws, the company’s topcoats and basecoats provide best-in-class performance in corrosion protection, consistent torque and tension values as well as resistance to chemical attack. And for you it all starts here in Grass Lake, MI., the capital of quality coatings. Call or go online to learn more. 517.522.4600 • From the start, it’s all about the finish.

NEWS WIREsure—even when he founded the 1998. Research for innovations in a phased shutdown and servicescompany in 1943, the dynamic remains ongoing at the company. will transition to LaGrange by theengineer focused on market niches end of 2018.that should provide the basis fornumerous inventions and long- Optimus to Buy Gerdau Wheelabrator NA Sales andterm success. For 75 years, the Rod Mill Facilities Service Leader, Marty Magill,innovations developed by Joachim commented, “It’s challenging toUhing GmbH & Co. KG have been Gerdau S.A. and Optimus make such a significant changesupporting machine and plant Steel LLC have entered into a de- to our business when it impactsmanufacturers worldwide.” finitive agreement to sell Gerdau’s highly valued employees. We have Beaumont, TX, USA, wire rod mill not taken the decision lightly and On March 23, 1943, Joachim Uh- and two downstream facilities we thank our loyal team for theiring, born at Kattowitz, founded the to Optimus for US$92.5 million, contribution to our success. Theinnovative company as an engi- subject to customary purchase centralization of our Wheelabratorneering office at Holtenauer Straße price adjustments. The transaction NA business allows us to join ourin Kiel. Having close connections is subject to regulatory clearances sales and technology teams underto knitting machine manufactur- and customary closing conditions, one roof. This has become neces-ers, he developed a device to au- and is anticipated to close before sary to ensure we can move swiftlytomate the traversing movements the 2018calendar year-end. to meet customer needs for equip-of the knitting carriage that until ment, parts and service technologythen required manual operation. The agreement includes in an increasingly ‘just-in-time’He devised a housing with rolling Gerdau’s mill in Beaumont and manufacturing landscape.”rings travelling on a plain shaft at downstream locations Beaumonta variable pitch angle. Wire Products and Carrollton The LaGrange facility will Wire Products. The mill has a melt become the headquarters for all This device was to be his in- shop capacity of approximately NA sales and service operations,ternational breakthrough—the 700,000 tons, and is capable of engineering and technology de-rolling ring drive had been in- producing both wire rod and velopment and the Customer Ap-vented. Since then, it is used in an coiled rebar. plication Lab.ever-growing number of variedindustrial applications. Its main According to Gustavo Wer- Wheelabrator will continue toapplication is the winding of neck, CEO of Gerdau, “The strate- leverage its flexible manufactur-wires, cables and ribbon-shaped gy in North America, a key market ing footprint to strengthen thematerial on coils. Recently, it has for us, is to improve our profit- parts and equipment offeringalso been integrated in drip irriga- ability, focus on more value-added and improve both lead timestion systems where it facilitates the products and better serve our and service levels. The companyprocess of laying out and remov- customers, positioning Gerdau as expects to expand its Monterrey,ing tubes and flexible pipes. one of the most innovative steel Mexico, operations in 2018. companies worldwide. We remain As the market leader in the committed to strengthening ourrolling ring drive sector and with position in the USA in the next United Wire Launches many niche products in its portfo- years and we see a great growth New Website for Flat, lio—for example, the noncontact potential in the markets that Square & Shaped Wireflange detection, guide systems, Gerdau will continue to operate.”linear drive nuts and toothed belt United Wire Company, Inc.,drives as well as clamping and has announced the launch of itsretaining elements—the company Wheelabrator to new mobile website. The newhas gained international renown. Consolidate Operations website has been designed to pro-Manufacturers of machines oper- & Expand Georgia Hub vide the company’s visitors withated in many sectors and even in an easier, mobile-friendly way tothe foods industry where special Wheelabrator Group Inc., a learn about United Wire’s manyhygiene requirements must be met Norican Group company, an- quality products and services.appreciate the quality and reliabil- nounces it will be consolidating The site includes helpful updates,ity of Uhing products. its North American operations, blogs, events and company an- centralizing both sales and engi- nouncements. In the first decades of opera- neering by creating a NA Regiontion, the company focused on Hub at its LaGrange, GA, USA fa- United Wire has grown to be-purely mechanical components, cility. The company’s Burlington, come one of the leading specialistsbut mechatronic and/or electronic Ontario, Canada, facility will close in manufacturing flat, square andextensions for rolling ring drives custom-shaped wire. As a third-were added to the portfolio since10 Wire Forming Technology International/Spring 2018

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NEWS WIREgeneration family business, United company’s impeccable expertise in Shinko Machine Tool Wire has over 50 years of experi- slitting and edging, and its diverse & Shinko Machinery ence and it is this experience, along product offerings, Tool King has Have Mergedwith a passion for the business that strong values upon which the busi-has enabled the firm to become one ness is firmly based. Shinko Machine Tool Co., Ltd.of the leaders in the industry. and Shinko Machinery Co., Ltd., Tool King’s strong family-focus of Japan, merged on March 1, 2018. The company says whether carries over into the local commu- Shinko Machinery Co., Ltd. hasyou are looking for ferrous or nity of Wheeling. become the surviving company.nonferrous metals, we at UnitedWire Company can do it all. The The company said it hopes Contact information has re-company is committed to meet- to maintain the Wheeling-based mained unchanged. Contact Ta-ing customer requirements and business that it has established kashi Takumi, President/CEOincreasing customer satisfaction over the long-term. with any questions. through continual improvement its products, services and the Tool King, Inc. said it valuesquality management system. www. creativity and a commitment to Outokumpu Wins a safe and positive work envi- Stainless Steel Contract ronment as well as to the com-Tool King Awarded munity in which it belongs. Outokumpu Long ProductsManufacturer of Year has won a contract to supply more than 2500 metric tons of stainless Tool King, Inc., Wheeling, IL, Southern Springs and steel rebar to the Rodanthe BridgeUSA, has been distinguished as Pressings Updates ISO; project in North Carolina, USA.Manufacturer of the Year by the Boosts Press Capability Deliveries will be started in theWheeling/Prospect Heights Area second quarter of 2018 and willChamber of Commerce & Indus- UK-based Southern Springs continue through 2020.try. With this award going to only and Pressings has updated itsone manufacturer per year, the ISO 9001 accreditation, which The contract is with Harriscompany said it is delighted to ensures the company has quality Rebar to supply domestic fabri-receive it as it acknowledges the management systems in place. The cated stainless steel rebar in gradefirm’s commitment to the commu- standard is based on a number XM-28 in sizes #4 through #9. Thisnity of Wheeling and its economic of quality management systems is the biggest order of domestic-development. including a strong customer focus, made rebar for Outokumpu in the the motivation and implication USA so far. Bjorn and Peter Hestad found- of top management, the pro-ed Tool King in 1976. The enter- cess approach and continual im- This 2.4-mile bridge will ensureprise has since served and em- provement. Conforming to these safe and reliable passage for trav-braced this thriving village. The standards ensures that Southern ellers as well as providing bettercompany has also embraced the Springs and Pressings is manu- traffic flows among Outer Banks’evolution of its brand, products facturing springs for its customers communities, beaches and pro-and services over time. Beyond the using a consistent and good qual- tected areas. The bridge is planned ity approach. to become operational in 2020. Peter Hestad, President and CEO of Tool King, Inc. Also, after installing its first Head of Outokumpu Stainless CNC Power Press last year, a Bar, Bob Beatty, said, “The order further two CNC Power Presses is very significant for Richburg have now been delivered to ensure unit. We are excited to have been Southern Springs and Pressings awarded this project and we are can keep up with its manufactur- fully committed in working closely ing demands. with Harris Rebar to ensure that we meet the quality, time and de- The new 55 ton Chin Fong Power Presses and their ancillary equipment will produce various products at up to 120 ppm. The new machines will also incorpo- rate advanced features such as computer-controlled load moni- tors to increase tool life and safety. Wire Forming Technology International/Spring 2018

livery requirements set by Depart- NEWS WIRE ufacturing and financial manage-ment of Transportation in North ment career at Stone Container/Carolina. Stainless steel is the ideal ler. Drawing from Smurfit-Stone Container Corpo-material for infrastructure projects a diverse manufac- ration where he held positionssuch as the Rodanthe Bridge due turing operations, ranging from internal auditor,to its high corrosion resistance and financial manage- plant controller and assistantlow life-cycle costs.” ment and consulting division controller to plant background, Porter eral manager and area operations brings valuable busi- John C. manager. Before joining NewcombChemetall® Opens ness experience and Porter Spring, Porter served as the inter-New Lab in Mexico robust audit and financial over- nal audit manager and regional sight to Newcomb Spring. The Surface Treatment globalbusiness unit of BASF’s Coatings Porter began building his man-division, operating under theChemetall® brand, has opened a SEARCHING FOR THATnew state-of-the-art laboratory atits 38,700 ft2 manufacturing and Perfect Profile?office facility located in Querétaro,Mexico. Find it with FENN! This new facility joins a global Produce flat and specialty shaped wire on FENN’snetwork of best-in-class technical proven wire shaping equipment. Contact us todaylaboratories for direct customer to discuss how a machine can be customized forsupport and continuous innova- your application requirements.tion. All utilizing the advancedprocess techniques at a modern VSeiseitooFunErdNwisNiprelaafytlatathtteeInnWitnegArw&I EisrxhepaBpooinoBgtohtoe#cth7hn1#1ol4o1gy0and accredited facilities withhighly trained, dedicated and FENN LLC | 80 Clark Drive, Unit 5D | East Berlin, CT 06023experienced personnel. This new [email protected] | +1.860.259.6600 | www.fenn-torin.comand externally certified laboratorywill facilitate cutting-edge simula- Spring 2018/Wire Forming Technology International 13tion and product development,and will further strengthen theposition of Chemetall as globalsupplier of choice for the surfacetreatment industry. “It is of paramount importanceto be close to our valued customersand effectively meet their needs,”said Ernesto Osorno, ManagingDirector of Chemetall Mexicana.“Our response time to customersin the region will benefit fromlocalized value-added services.” The new laboratory capabilitiesinclude analytical, application andcorrosion services. www.chemetall.comNewcomb Spring Hires John C. Porter as Corporate Controller Newcomb Spring Corp., Al-pharetta, GA, USA, has announcedthat John C. Porter has joined thecompany as Corporate Control-

NEWS WIREcontroller for Pratt Industries. long-term sustainable growth, has been appointed as Presi- “We are fortunate to have John provide good-paying jobs and dent, ArcelorMittal, in addition to increase value for shareholders for his current responsibilities. Thison board as the leader of our finan- years to come. Today’s announce- nomination reflects the increas-cial team,” said Robert Jacobson, ment demonstrates the benefits of ing global strategic role AdityaPresident of Newcomb Spring. an effective partnership between has across the group, supporting“John’s unique audit experience public policy and USA business.” the Chairman and CEO, Lakshmiand broad operational manage- Mittal.ment abilities will prove a valuable U.S. Senator Pat Toomey joinedasset for Newcomb Spring as we President/CEO Thene in making Commenting, Lakshmi Mittalcontinue to serve our customers this announcement. said, “Aditya has proved himselfwith the highest levels of qual- an effective and accomplishedity and responsiveness.” “This is exactly the type of capi- manager as Group CFO and tal investment we envisioned as a of our European operations, de- direct benefit of the Tax Cuts and livering results and creating valueCarpenter to Jobs Act,” said Senator Toomey. for the company. He will continueInvest US$100 Million “It’s vitally important for Pennsyl- to work with me in shaping the vania families that local companies future strategic direction of the Carpenter Technology Cor- increase their operations at home group. As President and CFO,poration, Philadelphia, PA, USA, and provide high-paying jobs he will continue to report to thehas announced it will invest some with a stable future. I’m pleased Chairman and CEO.”US$100 million in soft magnetics Carpenter is making such a strongcapabilities and a new, precision commitment to Pennsylvania.” Together, Lakshmi Mittal andstrip hot rolling mill in its Read- Aditya Mittal comprise the Chair-ing, PA, USA, facility to help meet Carpenter estimates the recent man and CEO office. increasing demand for aerospace, legislation will reduce cash taxes corporate.arcelormittal.comconsumer electronics and electric by approximately US$90 millionvehicle manufacturing customers. to US$100 million over the next FENCETECH in 2019 five years and will use the savings “Carpenter’s industry-leading to increase its base level of capital The American Fence As-capabilities in the field of soft investment in USA manufacturing sociation has announced thatmagnetic technology for the aero- operations over the same time- FENCETECH 2019 will take placespace and defense end-use market frame. March 13 to 16, 2019, in India-has created a strong platform for napolis, IN, USA. FENCETECHgrowth over the next several years. The new mill will increase will feature top-notch education,In addition, the value proposition overall capacity and offer greater technology, networking opportu-of our CarTech Hiperco® family flexibility in processing alloys for nities and exhibitors for the bestof soft magnetic alloys provides highly specialized soft magnet- trade show in the industry.customers enhanced electronic ics applications in the aerospace,properties and significant design consumer electronics and electric Booth draw for FENCETECHflexibility to improve perfor- vehicle markets. Soft magnetics 2019 began on April 2, 2018. Ex-mance,” said Tony Thene, Car- are materials that can be easily hibitors are being sent an emailpenter Technology President and magnetized and de-magnetized with a specific date and time ofCEO. “This proven capability and and are indispensable in modern their appointment.product performance also allows electrical engineering and elec-us to differentiate ourselves in key tronics applications. Sophisticated FENCETECH 2019 show hoursconsumer electronics applications equipment, special processes and will be Friday, March 15, 2019,as well as the rapidly evolving highly controlled atmospheric from 10:15 AM to 6:00 PM andelectric vehicle space. conditions are required to pro- Saturday, March 16, 2019, from duce soft magnetic alloys to meet 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. “Given these significant market extremely stringent specifications.opportunities and the benefits as- Exhibitors at FENCETECH 2019sociated with the recently enacted will have the opportunity to con-Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, we have Aditya Mittal nect with purchasers and decisiondecided to accelerate further in- Named President makers. They will reach a gather-vestment into our business. With of ArcelorMittal ing of fencing and ornamental andmore than 90% of our products miscellaneous metals profession-manufactured in the USA, this ArcelorMittal has announced als that is 4500-plus strong, and thetype of capital investment will that Aditya Mittal, Group CFO industry’s largest. Companies canstrengthen our foundation for and CEO of ArcelorMittal Europe, tell the story of their latest product, innovation or solution to profes- sionals looking for new ways to14 Wire Forming Technology International/Spring 2018

optimize efficiency and profits. NEWS WIRE infrastructure. Attendees will gain access to “We have also begun produc- and market trends, to achieve ourinfluential industry leaders who mid-term business plan. tion at our new factories such asvisit the show floor in search of Saitama and Queretaro. Thesefresh ideas and innovations to “Last fiscal year we entered sites are making strong advancesshare. Visitors will also be able to the Carbon Nanotube business to towards generating profits despiteattend industry meetings during expand our future business range. the high initial set-up costs.FENCETECH alongside premier We have developed ‘HEATNEX’,fence companies and installers which is an energy-saving heater “During this fiscal year, wefrom across the nation. To learn that maximizes the characteristics have plans to start the operationsmore, visit the website below. of Carbon Nanotube as a heating of our new factories in element. We’ve expanded this to Republic and India. We are also new markets such as transport andGrainger Names TIeLncehDDaniodsoueclbrolsgeyThomas Okray CFO Grainger, Chicago, IL, USA,the leading broad line supplier ofmaintenance, repair and operat-ing (MRO) productsserving businessesand institutions, hasannounced the ap-pointment of Thom-as Okray as SeniorVice President and ThomasChief Financial Of- Okrayficer (CFO), effective May 2, 2018.Okray will succeed Ron Jadin whowill retire from Grainger after 20years with the company, 10 ofwhich as Senior Vice Presidentand CFO. In addition, Joseph High hasdecided to retire as Grainger'sSenior Vice President and ChiefPeople Officer. Message from the Jack and Jeff Shoemaker, second and third generations continuing the tradition at Anchor Abrasives.President of Advanex Certified to ISO 9001 since 1994. Tsuneo Shibano,President & COO of At Anchor Abrasives we specialize in the design andAdvanex Inc. in the UK manufacture of resin, epoxy and oxychloride bonded nut insertedhas made the following discs and centerless and rollwheels.2018 message to theindustry. Today, in our modern manufacturing facility, we are ready to continue our tradition of innovative quality products and unmatched “The business environment customer service. For more information contact Anchor Abrasivessurrounding us is always chang- Company, 7651 West 185th Street, Tinley Park, IL 60477, such as concentration on pro- Phone: 708-444-4300; Fax: 708-444-1300.tectionism in USA, strengthenedhegemonism in China and trend of www.anchorabrasives.comshifting to EV in the automotive in-dustry. Under such circumstances,we have expanded our businessby analyzing the geopolitical risks145821 ANCHR_DiscTechAd.indd 1 Spring 2018/Wire Forming Technology International 15 8/16/17 8:37 AM

NEWS WIREplanning to transfer our Vietnam than 40 years with Rolls Royce, items. The company’s catalog offactory to a new factory, which is Smith has progressed up the career 25,000-plus items will be availablefour times larger than the current ladder to become a world-class and many spring examples onfactory. This will help us to expand authority in aerospace Engineer- display with expert engineers tocapacity and start production of a ing and Technology. He started discuss your, flat spring. with Rolls Royce in 1974 as un- dergraduate apprentice and took Customers who need a small “Moreover, we have decided to on many consecutive Engineer- batch of specialist springs to solvestart the expansion of our Saitama ing and Technology functions of a long-term problem can evaluatefactory earlier than our original increasingly broader scope and this with engineers at the show—plan due a high volume of enqui- responsibility. He was appointed or establish viability of new mass-ries. We have seen sales increase in Director of Research and Technol- produced items.the automotive, medical and infra- ogy in 2004 and Director of Engi-structure markets. In addition to neering and Technology in 2005, Lee Spring has introducedthat, there is new trend such as an before he became Group President its philosophy of, “the completeincrease for EV related enquiries. of Rolls Royce in 2016. Smith also spring” to make specification sim- built a portfolio of nonexecutive pler with many features such as “Also, we have a good outlook and advisory roles. grinding and plating as standard,on the mass production for probe alongside additional available ser-for inspection equipment used in Among others, he was a Mem- vices such as 1st Article inspection,the precision mechanical equip- ber of the Rolls Royce Power blanket agreements and manyment field. Sales expansion for Systems Supervisory Board in material and finish options. standardized products such as Germany and is Chairman of the® CoilThread® Inserts and Aerospace Growth PartnershipLockOne is expected in infrastruc- Board, a strategic partnership be- Expanded Spring Rangeture and aircraft industries. tween government and industry to & Services at European secure the future of the UK aero- Springs & Pressings “The slogan for the fiscal year space industry. www.bekaert.comof 2018/2019 is ‘Take initiative and A newly opened Huddersfield,action’. Lee Spring Brings UK, logistics center for European “Global Flexibility” Springs & Pressings has enabled “It is becoming increasingly Package to FASTimportant to comply with strict,detailed standards and policies At FAST, this year Lee Springwith the globalization of our prod- will present its theme of “Globalucts. Our core value and culture Flexibility”, which means thatof ‘Acting with your own initia- wherever your design or produc-tive’ and ‘Enjoying your work’ tion is based, Lee Spring can offerremains extremely important as a service package from concept ofwe follow rules and procedures. new products to redesign of legacyPursuing creativity and originalityremain integral to the success and Obituary: P.J. Calabrese Pat was born in Chicago, IL, USA,growth of Advanex. We continue graduated in 1949 from the Universityincreasing added value for our The entire family of The Grieve Corpo- of Illinois with a BS in Mechanical Engi-stakeholders by taking initiative ration mourns the loss of its longtime neering and was awarded that school’sand action.” President, P.J. “Pat” Calabrese, who died prestigious Distinguished Alumni Award on February 17, 2018, in Lake Forest, IL, in 2001. He also held a number of posi-Bekaert Announces USA, at the age of 90. tions with various industrial, businessNomination of Pat was the President and Catholic charitable organizations.New Director of Grieve, a world leader in industrial ovens and Pat began his career at Grieve in 1958 The Board of Directors of NV furnaces, from 1958 until as National Sales Manager, becomingBekaert SA has announced the his retirement in 2008. President in 1968 and Chairman in 2006,nomination of Colin Smith for ap- He worked closely with following the death of Mr. Grieve. Dur-pointment by the Annual General the company’s founder, ing his time as President, the firm grewMeeting of Shareholders of May Price Grieve. Pat’s son Frank is currently steadily to become a global supplier of9,2018. He will replace Alan Begg the VP of Sales & Marketing, while Price’s heat processing equipment for virtuallywhose term of office will expire son Doug is the President and CEO of the every industry in every industrializedand who is not seeking re-election. company, founded by Mr. Grieve in 1949. country. During a career spanning more16 Wire Forming Technology International/Spring 2018

the leading spring manufacturer to NEWS WIRE competitive market.significantly expand its catalogue “This significant investmentrange, launch a new delivery products.service and commit to being one Michael Gibbs, Managing now allows thousands of cata-of the largest suppliers of stock logue items to be made available,springs in the UK. Director of European Springs & placing us back in the heart of this Pressings, said, “The recent de- demanding sector. It’s part of an Purpose-built new premises velopment of the purpose-built ongoing exercise, enabling us theand supporting infrastructure Yorkshire office and warehouse opportunity to grow and deliversystems have enhanced the inven- was instrumental in refining our a one-stop-shop and enhancedtory of catalogue items, expanding business strategy for our stock delivery service. The purpose ofthe volume on the shelves, mak- springs. Previously importing creating a comprehensive range ofing it now possible for European batches of stock springs from our components, now available fromSprings & Pressings to develop its parent company’s factories in our UK distribution center, is toextensive catalog of over 12,000 Europe was directly impacting on simplify the lives of our customerslines of spring and gas spring our customers due to carriage fees and ensure long-term competitive- and courier times and was affect- ness for them and us.” ing our performance in this highly European Springs & Pressings has seen significant growth in recent years and this new offer, afforded through increased capac- ity and leaner logistics, further establishes the 70-year-old busi- ness as a market leader in spring manufacture and supply. To learn more, visit: www.europeansprings.comultimat WIRE FORMING & WELDING MACHINES•••• •AUTOMATIC•STRAIGHTENING•FORMING•WELDING•• • 2D Wire Forming & Welding Machines, suitablefor POP Displays, Shelving, Household goods and many more • Automatic Lines for the production of shelving and air filter frames direct from coil • NEW Automatic Ring Forming & Welding machines with TIG Welding • High Quality Burr-Free welds in mild and stainless steel • Medium frequency and TIG welding options available • Suited for prototypes to low or high volume production runs • Versions available for strip or profiled wire • Automatic Unloading of finished parts • Square Clean-cut wire ends • Unrivalled service support • 2 year parts warranty Ultimate Automation Ltd, 23 Star Road Industrial Estate, Partridge Green, West Sussex, RH13 8RA, U.K. Tel: +44 (0) 1403 710043 Fax: +44 (0) 1403 588084 Email: [email protected] www.ultimat.comUS MAGAZINES HALF PAGE 2017.indd 1 22/11/2017 14:49 Spring 2018/Wire Forming Technology International 17

NEWS WIREFort Wayne facturer of high-quality materials, energy, mining and more. Equip-Metals Acquires precision wire, strands and cables, ment and machinery in theseG&S Titanium and component assemblies for industries often experience heavy medical devices and other de- loads and need specialized, heavy- Fort Wayne Metals has ac- manding applications. duty springs and componentsquired G&S Titanium, a company to handle the extreme forces in-specializing in titanium and spe- And Fort Wayne Metals is an volved in their operation.cialty alloy wire and bar drawing. ISO 9001, ISO 13485 and AS 9100The acquisition will allow Fort registered company with more “Employing state-of-the-artWayne Metals to better support than 1000 employees at its cor- CNC forming technology to largecritical applications in the medical porate headquarters located in diameter materials is the corner-device industry by adding new Fort Wayne, IN, USA as well as stone of the BAM department’sproducts and capabilities to its in Columbia City, IN, USA and capabilities,” said company Presi-portfolio. Castlebar, Ireland. dent, Robert Jacobson. “The au- tomation and precision of CNC “Over the years, we have con- forming allows us to producetinually expanded our range of Newcomb Spring Now long or short runs of heavy-dutyproducts and services in the realm Making Heavy-Duty springs and wire forms with ac-of titanium and specialty alloys,” Springs & Wire Forms curacy and consistency.”stated Scott Glaze, Chairman andCEO of Fort Wayne Metals. “G&S Newcomb Spring Corp., De- With the new BAM department,is helping us increase our footprint catur, GA, USA, introduces its Newcomb Spring Corp. bringseven further, which will allow us BAM department, specifically over a century of spring and wireto serve our customers better—for developed for the manufacturing form manufacturing experienceexample by providing them with of heavy-duty springs and heavy- to the production of heavy-dutylarger diameter materials. We’re gauge wire forms. versions of these components. Thewell familiar with the quality G&S department can produce heavy-provides and the deep technical Newcomb Spring’s new BAM duty compression springs, exten-knowledge of their people, and department combines large-ca- sion springs and torsion springs aslook forward to learning from each pacity CNC forming machines, well as heavy-gauge wire forms,other as we grow together.” specialized engineering and pre- from a wide variety of materi- cision tooling to custom manu- als––up to 0.625\" (15.875 mm) in G&S was founded in Wooster, facture big, heavy-duty springs wire diameter.OH, USA, in 1979. Its product and wire forms for heavy-dutyportfolio includes titanium medi- applications––serving industries To learn more about Newcombcal bar and wire from 0.031\" to such as construction, agriculture, Spring’s new BAM department for0.669\" (2.36 to 25.37 mm), titanium aerospace, defense, energy, min- the manufacture of heavy-dutybeta alloy spring wire, strain hard- ing and more. springs and wire forms, visit theened bar up to 2.5\" (63.5 mm) as website below. well as shaped and clad bars in The BAM department is spe- range of titanium and specialty cifically developed for the manu-alloys. The acquisition took place facturing of heavy-duty springs Jackson Spring Hires on January 2, 2018. The company and heavy-gauge wire forms. Ronald Cushing will remain in its current facilities While the department may have as Sales Managerand operate under the name G&S an amusing name, BAM, whichBar and Wire, LLC. stands for Big A*$ Manufacturing, Jackson Spring Mfg. Co., Inc., it has a serious-minded mission. located in Elk Grove Village, IL, G&S Bar and Wire, LLC is an USA, and a leading supplier ofexpert in titanium and specialty The BAM department combines precision manufactured springalloy wire and bar drawing. G&S large-capacity CNC forming ma- and wire products, recently an-manufactures most grades of Tita- chines, specialized engineering,nium and many other alloys in the and precision tooling to customform of shaped bars, fastener wire, manufacture big, heavy-dutyspring wire, weld wire, medical springs and wire forms for heavy-wire and precision ground medi- duty bar. G&S is ISO 9001:2018 andAS9100C certified. Newcomb Spring’s BAM de- partment addresses the needs of Fort Wayne Metals Research industries such as construction,Products Corp. is a leading manu- agriculture, aerospace, defense,18 Wire Forming Technology International/Spring 2018

nounced that Ronald Cushing has NEWS WIRE machines that have a wire rangejoined the company in the position of 0.006\" to 0.472\". customers to identify areas of op-of Sales Manager. portunity where Jackson Spring Whether a customer’s applica- can offer further service and as- tion is high volume, low volumeAs Sales Manager, Ronald sistance. Additionally, Cushing or somewhere in between, Jackson will lead the efforts to identify new Spring is well equipped to satisfyCushing will be based in Chicago, customers that can benefit from customer requirements, delivering Jackson Spring’s coiling and wire high quality parts on time, prop-IL, USA. forming equipment and technol- erly packaged at a competitive Rob Meyers, Jackson Spring ogy offerings. price. Jackson Spring has been a leading supplier of precisionVP/GM said, “Please join us in Jackson Spring Mfg. Co., Inc. manufactured spring and wire has more than 50 years of expertise products since 1962.welcoming Ronald Cushing to the in the coiling and wire formingJackson Spring team. He is a great business. The company’s experi- Jackson Spring Mfg. Co., Inc. enced design personnel and an says that it is committed to cus-addition, bringing a wealth of sales extensive library of computerized tomers first, quality always and of- design programs allow it to offer fers a systematic problem-solvingexperience and relationship, hav- engineering assistance for custom- approach to find new and bettering spent his entire career in the ers seeking to eliminate a problem ways to meet both current and or reduce cost. future challenges.metal industry.” In addition, Jackson Spring For additional technical speci- Cushing is working to ex- can provide custom designs for fications on the products andpand sales efforts new products. Jackson Spring is services available from Jackson also ISO IATF 1649/ISO 9001: 2015 Spring Mfg. Co., Inc., visit thewith current sales certified, with production lines company’s website. that make use of modern high- www.jacksonspring.comrepresentatives and speed CNC coiling and formingis tasked with hiringnew sales represen-tatives, as JacksonSpring continues Ronaldto grow, with ex- Cushingpanded wire rangesand new equipment. Cushing iscurrently working with existing Spring 2018/Wire Forming Technology International 19

CASMI News & Events Updateby: Chicago Association of Spring Manufacturers, Inc. Michael Bandy Chicago Association of Spring Manufacturers, Inc. (CASMI) 350 S. Poplar Avenue Elmhurst, IL 60126 USA www.casmi-springworld.orgCASMI Hosts Successful All CASMI members, SpringWorld® 2018 exhibitors andMarch and April Events suppliers who are interested in exhibiting at Spring- World are encouraged to attend this great industryApproximately 50 CASMI members attended the event. Prizes will be awarded for several “golf com-organization’s March 15, 2018 dinner meeting at petitions” including prizes for both men and womenPinstripes in Oak Brook, IL, USA. David Boulay, in Longest Drive, Closest to the Pin and Longest Putt.President, IMEC, delivered the presentation on “Our There will also be drawings for several door prizes,Competitive Future and Our Workforce”. A part of and each golfer will receive a complimentary golf towelthe presentation was group table discussions by at- from CASMI with their registration!tendees. The event was so well received that CASMIhas invited Boulay back to moderate further discus- Details are available on the CASMI web site, liste belowsion on the topic for its November 2018 Membership or by calling the office at +1 630 359 4273.Dinner Meeting.On Thursday, April 12, 2018, about 20 CASMI mem- SpringWorld® Registration Is Now Openbers participated in the organization’s annual PlantTour. The event took place at Paradigm Development Join your colleagues in Rosemont, IL, USA, for the 2018Group, Winfield, IL, USA. Paradigm is a full-service edition of the SpringWorld Trade Show! Presented byprototyping and development studio. As a full service the Chicago Association of Spring Manufacturers,rapid prototyping provider, the company’s dedicated Inc. (CASMI), SpringWorld has delivered results sinceand experienced staff of designers, model makers and 1959. SpringWorld provides atechnicians offer value-added solutions every step of unique opportunity to networkthe way. Paradigm Development offers a wide range with other spring manufactur-of industrial rapid prototyping and prototype devel- ers and wire formers includingopment services including Objet 3D printing—Polyjet one-on-one discussions with others who share yourModels and Stereolithography (SLA) models. challenges and are ready to discuss solutions providing you with new insights for your business.CASMI Golf OutingWill Take Place This June On the trade show floor, you will see the latest technol- ogy available to improve your company’s productiv-CASMI will host its Annual Golf Tournament at the ity, quality and service. SpringWorld also offers FREEcompetitive Bloomingdale Golf Club, Bloomingdale, educational seminars presented by our exhibitingIL, USA, on June 19, 2018. The course will welcome the partners on the show floor.average player and will challenge everyone. SpringWorld is renowned for bringing spring-related20 Wire Forming Technology International/Spring 2018

business people together! Manufacturers and attend- Drawing Technology Inc.ees come from five continents. And CASMI makes iteasy to attend with the most convenient location—theDonald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont,just five minutes from O’Hare International Airport,and FREE REGISTRATION (prior to September 10,2018). Convenient housing provides attendees withhotels to choose from—all within walking distance ofthe convention center.The Rosemont area offers a vast array of dining andentertainment options to please everyone.Additionally, CASMI offers FREE registration tospring, stamping, fastener, OEM customers of exhibit-ing companies and wire form manufacturers.Pre-registration deadline is September 10, and day-of- MODELS CAPACITYshow walk-ins are welcome at US$25/person. Visit thewebsite listed below and select the SpringWorld tab for 8M .062 to .312 (1.5 to 8mm)important details and to register. 10M .125 to .375 (3 to 10mm) 14M .312 to .550 (8 to 14mm)Details are available on the CASMI website below, orby calling the office at +1 630 359 WFTI Made in USAMore About CASMI: STRAIGHTEN & CUT MACHINERYCASMI was founded in 1944 as an independ- STRAIGHTEN & CUT TOOLINGent, not-for-profit trade association dedicated tothe development of good business practices, and • Lewis,Wells,Wafios, Shuster,Videx and Pattersonsharing of technical information through ongo- • Cast Iron, Plastic,Tool Steel and Bronze Arbor Diesing communications among the job-shop spring • 0.062 to 1.250 Inch Diametermanufacturers in the greater Chicago, IL, USA • Cutoff Knives and Quillsarea. While membership is predominantly located • Feed Rollsin Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin, the organiza- • Replacement Parts, etc...tion provides support to spring manufacturer andsupplier members throughout the USA. Although 1550 Elmwood Road | Rockford, IL 61103CASMI works closely on several issues with the Phone: 1-815-877-5133 | Fax: 1-815-877-3627Spring Manufacturers Institute (SMI), a na- [email protected] organization, both organizations are inde- www.drawingtechnology.compendent of one another, with unique missions,programs, services, and members. CASMI spon- Spring 2018/Wire Forming Technology International 21sors the SpringWorld® Trade Show every twoyears.

All Things by: Springs Randy DeFord, Engineering Manager Mid-West Spring & Stamping 105 Etna St. Mentone, IN 46539  USA E-mail: [email protected] www.mwspring.comRate Formula – d = 0.250\"for those with calipers O.D. = 1.230\" Many times, I have received samples instead of (Therefore, D = 1.230\" - 0.250\" = 0.980\")a blueprint for quoting purposes. It is commonto slip out to the QA department and have the Total coils = 9.4 spring tested for rate. (Therefore, Na = 9.4 - 2 = 7.4)However, there is another way to calculate the Material is Chrome Silicon alloy, spring rate if you have a set of dial calipers handy. therefore, G = 11,500,000And… you don’t have to be a spring expert touse this method. From all this data, we can now calculate the rate of the spring in pounds/inch.The rate formula is as shown. Rate = 11,500,000 • 0.2504 / 8 • 7.4 • 0.9803 R = Gd4 / 8NaD3 Rate = 44921 / 55.719 Rate = 806.222 pound for every inch of travelThe components of the formula are basically thespring dimensions. Now that the spring rate is known, virtually any needed deflection for a given load can be de-d = round wire diameter termined, or a load for a given deflection can be found.Na = active coils (on a standard compression spring, the total coils minus 2) And, although any spring company can test the spring for rate in a common load tester, this cal-D = mean diameter (outside diameter minus culation requires only a few measurements anda wire size, or inside diameter plus a wire size) a little keypad manipulation if you have calipers and a calculator.“8” is a constant, a remnant from the numbers used in the original deflection What we do not know at this point is what is aformula—a nice round number safe deflection for this design. Any spring can beG = modulus of elasticity in torsion (for carbon steels and chrome alloys use manufactured, but the stresses at a load height11,500,000 PSI—For 300 series stainless steel use 10,000,000 PSI) tells the story if the spring will take a set andSo now, let us assume that you have a compres- require further processing. We will discuss thission spring in front of you. You wield your calipersand yield the following measurements: step in the next issue. WFTI Randy DeFord is the Engineering Manager at Mid-West Spring & Stamping, a custom spring manufacturer that offers custom spring design, stock springs and metal stamping services. The company is multi-plant spring manufacturer and leading supplier of auger springs and metal stampings. For more information, call +1 574 353 7611, Ext. 231, fax to +1 574 353 7388, email to [email protected] or visit The company is also the home of Landrum Performance coil and leaf springs for racing applications, call +1 866 703 3154 or visit Wire Forming Technology International/Spring 2018

European Perspectives of energy, which today more than ever needs research and innovation. The objective is playing a coordination role be- by: tween public and private research, combining research with Dipl.-Ing. Konrad Dengler the needs of companies.” Industrial Journalist Over 80 representatives from research and industry (both Finkenweg 6 SMEs and major companies) have already expressed interest D 91091 Grossenseebach in attending and 15 regions have ensured their support. Germany [email protected] industry-alliance-for-innovation-made-in-italyEU Economy 10 Years After the Start of the Crisis France at the Top of Electric Car IndexThe year 2018 marks 10 years since the start of the financial Using a variety of data to rank each country for its electric ve-crisis. BusinessEurope, a lobby group representing enter- hicle adoption and preparedness—including the market shareprises in the European Union (EU) and some non-EU Eu- of new electric vehicle (EV) sales, the number of governmentropean countries based in Brussels, Belgium, published on incentives on offer to the public and the number of chargingMarch 21, 2018, its “EU Reform Barometer 2018 – The EU points installed in the last 12 months—OSV Ltd. created aeconomy 10 years after the start of the crisis”. The data show metric to provide a definitive index ranking of the top ten coun-that the EU needs to do more to improve competitiveness, with tries. In the new issue of OSV’s Electric Car Index FranceEU output only 9% above pre-crisis levels, compared to 15% takes the top spot for its electric vehicle infrastructure the USA and 18% in Canada. In the country there were installed more than a third more EVWhile the EU is presently growing strongly, at 2.5% in 2017, charging points (11,987) in 2017. This is despite France hav-the underlying capacity for growth remains too low. There is ing a 1.5% of the global market share of new electric car sales.growing evidence of a structural mismatch in EU labor mar- Norway takes second place, with its massive 34.7% EV mar-kets. BusinessEurope President, Emma Marcegaglia, said, ket share. Norway also offered buyers three different incen-“Our 2018 Reform Barometer shows that while the EU has tives to make the move to electric. Along with Switzerland, themany world-class businesses, innovators and skilled work- UK has managed to take joint third place in OSV’s index, withers, much more can be done to help raise growth and living two governmental incentives, 1.7% of the market share andstandards. With the USA having recently put in place a major 2833 new charging points installed in the last year. The full listcorporate tax reform, which will significantly improve its attrac- is below:tiveness as an investment location, the EU needs to use all 1. Francepossible levers to improve its competitiveness. The EU needs 2. Norwayto address growing skill shortages, which despite the relatively 3. UK and Switzerlandrecent recovery, are already at their highest in over 20 years, 4. Germanyposing a real risk that the falls in unemployment seen in recent 5. Belgium and Swedenyears will soon slow.” 6. US 7. Canada and Finlandcrisis-eu-recovery-slower-us-and-canada third-ev-take-and-preparednessreform-barometer-spring-2018-eu-economy-10-years-after- news/2018/01/29/france-beats-uk-for-best-ev-infrastructure- in-electric-car-indexResearch & Industry Alliance for Energy Innovation Automotive Suppliers Need to Transform their Business ModelsENEA, the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, En- The growth of the automotive industry seems to have slowedergy and Sustainable Economic Development based in Rome, down, particularly in China, Europe and the USA. Research-Italy, will act as President and coordinator of a strategic alli- ers of the consulting companies Roland Berger, Munich,ance in the energy sector. Eight major players from industry, Germany, and Lazard analyzed performance indicators ofresearch and innovation—national champions such as the approximately 650 suppliers around the globe, examined theENI, ENEL with e-distribution and Terna, the American giant challenges for them to transform their existing business mod-General Electric with Nuovo Pignone, and the excellence of els and published the findings in the “Global Automotive Sup-the world of research like the CNR, RSE, the inter-university plier Study 2018”. Recent developments point toward an ac-EnSIEL and ENEA—are joining forces to work alongside in celeration of the disruption caused by four megatrends:the “National Technological Energy Cluster” with the objectiveof making technological innovation a factor of cost reduction, 1. New mobility business models (such as ride hailing andincrease of national safety and competitivity of Italian compa- car sharing), are poised to disrupt car ownership, person-nies, starting with SMEs. The first two pilot projects concern al mobility and goods grids, the technologies for renewable sources and en-ergy storage. But the goal is covering the widest range of in- 2. The timeline for fully autonomous driving keeps accelerat-novation issues in the energy field. ing as necessary economics, regulations and technology fall into place.“The Energy Cluster, Prof. Federico Testa, Economist, Presi-dent of ENEA, explained, “was designed to provide advanced 3. In digitalization, artificial intelligence offers almost limit-and coordinated answers on strategic themes in a sector, that less possibilities, while connectivity-enabled technologies are reaching mainstream application.24 Wire Forming Technology International/Spring 2018

4. Momentum for electrification is building among regulators and OEMs, and Focusing on peening, Metal Finishing News progress on technology is accelerating. blasting, cleaning andIn order to succeed in the new automotive environment, suppliers will have to vibratory finishing!transform their existing business models. It is necessary to rethink the overallstrategy, in order to either capture new growth opportunities or consolidate the Vol. 15market around the existing portfolio. A long-term technology roadmap and strate- Septembergic positioning in the value chain when it comes to both product and service of-fering needs to be defined. At the same time, an efficient cost base and sufficient Issuefinancing for the upcoming transition should be implemented. The organizational Year 2014structure and governance model are required to successfully manage new emerg-ing technologies and competencies alongside old declining technologies under Publication for theone roof. It is about creating a new company mindset and culture to foster innova- Peening, Blasting,tion, which is of paramount importance to compete in the new technology areas,and new partnerships need to be built up, in order to start thinking in open innova- Cleaning andtion ecosystems and finding new ways to innovate. Vibratory FinishingThe “Supplier Industry Outlook 2025” study from Deloitte, London, UK, reachessimilar conclusions. Starting point of this analysis is the breakdown of a vehicle Industriesinto its modules and components. The researchers investigated how electrifica-tion, autonomous driving and other trends evoke changes to the vehicle cost base. Nadcap COLUMN:The Deloitte AVC (Automotive Value Chain) Industry Model provides outputs for Competency Countsdifferent scenarios for 2025 and looks specifically at the German, Chinese andNAFTA markets. Results from this model shed light on substantial, in some cases page 58even burning, needs for change. Modeling results trigger and support discussionsabout re-prioritizing product portfolios and market exposure. The study discusses 14th MFN Asiansix strategic fields of action which should be assessed by every automotive sup- Shot Peening Workshop &plier in anticipation of future industry shifts. As a part of this—and since many Trade Show in Singaporesuppliers are and will be faced with large-scale transformation programs—Deloittesimulates an exemplary supplier’s profit and loss statement and highlight long- 11th-13th Nov. 2014term challenges on profitability. (see page 27)Disruptive change will affect all players along the automotive value chain. In orderto navigate successfully towards 2025, bold moves are just as necessary as thor- Optional practical evening classesough analysis and constant monitoring of current market trends. MFN Shot Peening Workshop in Germany 14th-16th October, 2014 (see page 65)Robotics Boom Creates Components Shortage Dry and Wet Blasting Almen Saturation Curve From AAccording to figures published by the International Federation of Robotics, Machines made in India Statistical Perspective (p. 18-20)Frankfurt/Main, Germany, worldwide investment in automation is on the rise.Since 2010, the demand for industrial robots has accelerated considerably. Be- page 28tween 2011 and 2016, robot sales increased by 12% per year. The “2017 WorldRobotics Statistics” highlights the regions in which robot density is highest, cit- www.mfn.liing the world’s most automated countries as South Korea, Singapore, Germany,Japan and Sweden. The global surge in robotics manufacturing, however, has MFN INTERNATIONAL is distributed increated a shortage of common industrial components required for other industries 67 countries and published 6 times a yeartoo such as thin-type precision bearings. WFTI Dipl.-Ing. Konrad Dengler is an industrial journalist and special- 第二卷 中 2015年3月 国 ized translator serving the wire/cable technology, tube technology, 春季刊 金属表面处理杂志 materials and production technology and quality testing indus- MFN中国主要内容 tries. He can be reached by phone at +49 9135 6982 or email at 是抛丸、喷丸强化及 成形,抛丸、喷丸、 [email protected]. 喷砂清理,振动研磨、 抛光、工业涂装等 金属表面处理资讯 5月11-13日,广州国际表面处理展 典型汽车零件的X射线应力 检测技术 (第24-27页) MFN 是 SF Expo 的官方合作伙伴 Nadcap专栏: Nadcap改变了人们的 态度 第10页 科学新讯: 使用载荷控制型弯板 疲劳试验机对空化喷 丸处理不锈钢的裂纹 萌生和扩展进行评估 第6-8页 MFN抛喷丸强化 训练课程在中国 2015年5月15-17日 MFN CHINA is exclusively for the Chinese market and published 4 times a year MFN offers courses for: ▪ Shot & Flap Peening ▪ Industrial Painting ▪ Mass Finishing ▪ Shot Blasting ▪ Residual Stress Measurements Training in 9 languages! MFN is a Partner in MFN is an Official Education in Nadcap Collaboration Partner of FEMS MFN is a Media Partner of NACE MFN is the Official Cooperation Partner of Metal & Steel MFN Headquarters Switzerland MFN is the Official Cooperation Partner of SF EXPO Spring 2018/Wire Forming Technology International 25

The Strength by: Dr. Roger N. Wright of Steel Roger N. Wright, LLC 600 State StreetDeformation Heating – Part IV Lawrenceville, IL 62439  USA E-mail: [email protected] the previous columns, we have considered the de- www.rnwinc.comformation heating in simple upsetting, and some ofthe metallurgical implications of the actual tempera- is equivalent to the drawing stress, sd.tures. We are now going to move on to important sub-tleties of deformation heating, particularly the roles of In start-up drawing or in the drawing of short lengthsuniform deformation, redundant deformation and fric- of wire and rod, the “cold” die may absorb a signifi-tion. While we could do this by expanding the analy- cant fraction of the heat. However, in steady-statesis of upsetting, already introduced in the first columnof this series, it is more instructive to consider the commercial drawing, internal die surface tempera-well-worked-out case of rod and wire drawing. Not tures become quite high, and heat flow from the wireonly is drawn rod or wire a major wire forming feed- into the die has been shown to be minimal. Thus,stock, the drawn product can be significantly impact- simple analyses of heating in commercial drawinged by uniform work, redundant work and particularly assume, as an approximation, that all of the work perfriction work. Also, drawing technology presents the unit volume results in heating of the wire.complications of rapid multi-pass operations. Oncewe have discussed the several elements of heating As the wire exits the die there will be a thermal gradi-in wire drawing, per se, we will apply them to upset- ent owing to the effect of frictional heating. That is,ting and hot and cold forging. the wire will be hotter at the surface than at the cent- er. But this gradient will be short-lived, and shortly theWe will first discuss, in the context of rapid multi-passdrawing, the temperature of the wire entering the die. wire will equilibrate to a relatively uniform tempera-The temperature of the wire just prior to die entry, ture, except for the effect of convective surface cool-or T0, is perhaps the most important consideration ing. Equilibrated temperature, Teq, can be expressed:in drawing temperature analysis, since with tandemdrawing it may reflect a large amount of undissipated Teq ~ T0 + sd /(Cr), (1)heat from previous drawing passes. That is, the wireis unlikely to cool back to ambient temperature in go- where C is the specific heat of the wire, and r is theing from one pass to the next. Beyond this, it maybe desirable to pre-heat or pre-cool the wire before density of the wire.drawing. Of course wire that has been stored at am-bient shop or warehouse temperature will reflect that The distance downstream from the die exit wheretemperature (plus normally modest heating effectsof uncoiling, straightening and surface conditioning) equilibration will occur, Leq, can be estimated fromupon die entry. In any event, all drawing temperatureprojections include a prominent role of T0. basic heat transfer theory as:Now let us consider the overall temperature increase Leq ~ (vCrd2) / (24K), (2) in the drawing pass, particularly once thermal gra-dients equilibrate by heat transfer within the drawn where v is drawing speed, d is wire diameter, and K iswire. The work per unit volume in drawing is nearly all the thermal conductivity of the wire. The Table belowconverted to heat. It may be argued that a small por-tion results in increased crystal defect energy in the provides values of C, r and K for commonly drawnwire (dislocations, high energy dislocation configura-tions, vacancies and other forms of “stored energy”) metals as well as a highly useful conversion factor.and in externally dissipated vibrations and inertial re-sponses. However, most practical drawing analysis  Aluminum  Copper  Carbon Steel  Tungstenignores these possibilities and relates the drawingwork per unit volume directly to increases in wire and Specific Heat, J/(g°C)    0.896    0.385     0.461       0.151die temperature. Moreover, the work per unit volume Density, g/(cm)3     2.7    8.9     7.8 19 Therm. Cond, J/(cm s°C) 2.01    3.85     0.461       1.17 Table. Physical Values for Thermal Calculations for Four Commonly Drawn Metals (for calculation, it is useful to note tha 1 MPa = 1 J/cm3). Our plan for the next column is to provide some il- lustrative calculations of Teq and Leq and discuss their relevance to commercial drawing practice, and the quality of drawn rod and wire. We will then be in a position to estimate the respective roles of uniform work, redundant work and friction work and to discuss the significance of the high surface temperatures that can be developed in the pass, prior to equilibration. As I’ve stated before, you need not wait for the next column to do some calculations. Good luck!!!! WFTIThe WireDrawing 101® short course, presented and developed by Roger N. Wright, LLC., and Wire & Cable Technology International magazine, is the comprehensive two-day course that teaches the fundamentals of wire drawing to manufacturers of ferrous and nonferrous wire. WireDrawing 101 features a unique handbook, with practical process design and trouble-shooting exercises suitable for work-a-day formats and continuing study. WireDrawing 102™ will be offered in the future. / www.rnwinc.com26 Wire Forming Technology International/Spring 2018

See us at WIREEXPO Booth 428 Nashville, TN May 15-16

Wire Product by: Testing Alan Thomas, Marketing Department Zwick Roell LimitedThe Latest Developments in Southern AvenueSpring Testing Technology Leominster Herefordshire HR6 0QH United Kingdom www.zwick.comSprings are a key classical design element used for Uniaxial testing of a typical helical spring.storing and converting energy by exploiting the elas-tic properties of materials. Without springs, many The zwicki-Line single-column testing machine withmechanical or mechatronic systems would not work, testControl electronics, together with the precisionregardless of design. Typical functions of engineering spring compression test kit, is ideally suited for use assprings are: a precision spring testing machine. The device is ex- tremely transverse force-resistant and protects against• Absorbing impacts and vibrations overload.• Distributing and counterbalancing forces The ground, demagnetized compression platens have a parallel alignment of 1 µm/10 mm and the precision• Maintaining pre-tensioning guides allow only exact vertical movement of the com- pression platens. The very stiff load cell, which is not• Maintaining a defined position or attitude affected by transverse force, effectively reduces meas- urement errors caused by deformation or lateral forces• Measuring and regulating forces and moments of the springs.When under test, the typical measurement parameters The different ways in which springs are used necessi-on springs are the spring rate, spring force, the force tate a particular type of quality control. Zwick Roell hasat displacement and displacement at force. Some of responded to these requirements through the devel-the most commonly used springs are compression opment of a multi-channel spring testing device whichsprings, extension springs, torsion springs, constant offers a specialized testing solution.force springs and high rate springs.Rapid technical advances have resulted in a significant Multi-channel test platforms allow the line of action ofincrease in the demands placed on the accuracy and coil compression springs to be determined. Standarddurability of springs. The corollary of this is greater de- testing systems equipped with a six or nine-componentmands on manufacturing accuracy due to ever-smaller force-measurement platform enable specific determi-dimensional, form and positional tolerances, with simi- nation of spring penetration points and the resultinglarly enhanced requirements for testing technology. load from the force components, which occurs whenZwick Roell supplies special testing solutions for an the spring is under compression. One important use ofextensive range of spring systems. these characteristic values is in assessing the qualityIf we first consider the uniaxial testing of helical springs, attributes of friction, wear and durability.some important considerations are:• Force must be applied to the center axis of the test area.• A noncontact incremental measuring system must be aligned with the measurement path.• Load cell deformation must be compensated mechanically.28 Wire Forming Technology International/Spring 2018

Single column test machine with special Zwick Roell universal test machine with spring testing fixture. multi-channel spring test fixture. ducing the total time for testing. The extensive range of Zwick Roell spring testing machines and fixtures provide highly accurate instru- ments for determining quality and performance charac- teristics for compression and extension springs. These systems are easy to use and can be employed on the production floor for quality assurance purposes or in the laboratory for research and development applica- tions. WFTI For further information regarding the company or this article, please contact: Alan Thomas – Marketing Department Email: [email protected] Telephone: +44 (0) 7710 196684 Six-component force measuring platform. Zwick/Roell AG, is one of the world’s leading suppli- ers of materials and component testing systems. TheThe multi-channel spring testing device is installed in company supplies both standard and tailor-made so-a Zwick Roell universal materials testing machine. The lutions to satisfy the most demanding requirements,machine’s two test areas allow for tension and com- in research and development, production and qualitypression tests to be performed using one load frame. assurance, across more than 20 industry sectors.Eliminating the need for re-tooling ensures traceable Privately held, the company’s consistent focus ontest results, as the same arrangement is always used innovation and commitment to outstanding qualityfor testing. The availability of two test areas also rep- has supported its growth in markets worldwide. Ad-resents a considerable savings in time, eliminating the ditional information about Zwick Roell may be foundneed for test equipment changeovers and thereby re- at: Spring 2018/Wire Forming Technology International 29

Rebuild & Upgrade?by: Should I rebuild my old machine? Constantine Grapsas What would be the cost? AIM, Inc. 502 S. Vista Avenue Maybe better to buy a new one? Addison, IL 60101  USA Is it worth it? www.AIMmachines.comMany questions like those above are getting asked tion changes. If you just upgrade to a new controlleralmost every day. With more than a thousand machine and computer, it does not necessarily mean that yourinstallations, we constantly receive such requests on old machine is conforming to the new regulations!a daily basis. Machine before a total rebuild (above) and afterIt is a fact that the technology has evolved tremendous- a total rebuild (both photos below).ly during the past ten years! Can we upgrade oldermachines? Yes, we can. We have been implementingupgrades for the past ten years, but is it really worth it?Rebuild and upgrade doesn’t always mean lower costor savings—age and condition of the machine are inquestion and will determine the feasibility.There is no simple and quick answer.For example: If your machine is 15 to 25 years old,most likely the servo controller installed is no longermanufactured. We will have to replace with a newcontroller. A new controller will need new servo ampli-fiers, which most likely will require new servo motors.Will you keep 15 to 25 year old gearboxes? Probablynot. Since all of the above will be removed, would it bewise to replace all bearings for straighteners, feedersand bender? Are there any badly worn componentsand any old solenoids? The list can quickly grow andthe labor required may be more than building a newmachine since disassembly, investigation and cleanupwill be required (versus assembly only). A 20 year old machine disassembled! More labor than in assembling the new machine next to it.Most of the times, you are better off getting a “trade in”discount and then get a new machine, which conformsto the latest UL, CE, CSA and OSHA standards whilehaving another ten-year usable life.The problem is not only the technology, but the regula-30 Wire Forming Technology International/Spring 2018

WFTI EMPHASIS: Rebuild & Upgrade Examples of old trade-in machines, whichare ready to be scrapped (above and at right). AIM, Inc. technicians involved in rebuild assembly (left two photos) rebuild components (right two photos). Continued... Spring 2018/Wire Forming Technology International 31

Rebuild & Upgrade? ...continuedWe recently had a customer who upgraded to a newcomputer system and shortly after received a heftypenalty from an OSHA inspector because his ma-chine was not compliant with recent safety regulationchanges. According to the inspection, we had to quotea hefty sum to bring the machine into compliance withthe latest safety requirements (this included labor,travel and parts).New Equipment:• Has full warranty.• Requires less upkeep.• Incorporates technological advancements, which offer desirable new features.• Provides safety and compliance. Newer model trade-in, kept by AIM to train new engineers on how to provide support to older customers.• Can improve efficiency. Company Profile:• Has tax incentives for the USA with AIM, Inc. has headquarters in the USA with a second location accelerated depreciation. in Europe. Committed to innovation, top quality and rapid response tech support, the company manufactures the broad-The best source of information is always the original est line of wire bending machines in the world, from below 1 to over 25 mm wire diameters. AIM uniquely qualifies asequipment manufacturer. Our engineers can provide the premier wire automation company. AIM, Inc.—“Forming our future with yours”. www.AIMmachines.comdetailed quotations for upgrades and our sales teamwill offer trade-in discounts for your old equipment.To learn more, visit the AIM, Inc. website. WFTI32 Wire Forming Technology International/Spring 2018

Plan now to attend SpringWorld® 2018!Join thousands of your colleagues in Rosemont.SpringWorld provides a unique opportunity to network with other spring manufacturers and wire formers:• The premiere spring show since 1960. • One-on-one discussions with others who share your concerns offering new insights• A global showcase for suppliers to the spring and wire for your business. form industry featuring attendees from 18 countries. • Attend free educational seminars offered by• See the newest technology available to improve your exhibitors and industry experts. productivity, quality and service.We’ll see you at presented by www.casmi-springworld.orgSpringWorld® 2018October 3-5Donald E. Stephens Convention CenterRosemont, IL

Machine Supplier Offers Retrofitting Servicefor Over 25 Machine Types ...And Expandingby: Retrofits for machine types ranging from chain Andreas Hoster welding and straightening machines up to all WAFIOS AG types of spring machines including compression, Silberburgstrasse 5 torsion, extension and other spring machines. 72764 Reutlingen, Germany www.wafios.comWhen buying a new high-end wire processing machine and of programming systems of older compressionfrom the WAFIOS range of machinery, customers ex- spring coilers of the FUL series. The retrofitting pack-pect to have made a long-term, sustainable investment. age includes the replacement of outdated controlBut especially in the case of long-life, high-quality technology and drives, the conversion to a PC-basedmeans of production, it is inevitable that—as innova- computer system with WAFIOS programming sys-tion and development cycles are becoming shorter— tem WPS 3 and the installation of an optional cameramachines are still in use while technological develop- measuring system.ments have advanced and spare parts are no longeravailable. Frequently, there also exists an extensive It is important to know that retrofitting does not meanstock of matching tools, which makes it economically to renew the machine in the traditional sense, but tosensible to continue production with these machines. upgrade a reliably working machine to state-of-the-art technology, to ensure the availability of spare parts,In this case, retrofitting is the perfect solution for avoid- especially for discontinued electrical components asing the depreciation of the machine and thus a new well as to optimize and modernize mechanical com-investment. Retrofitting may involve the moderniza- ponents of this machine.tion/renewal of entire machines or parts of a machinein order to maintain its value, but also to enhance the Ongoing Development of Servicesoutput, quality and efficiency of the machine. WAFIOS in Reutlingen has offered and continu-The renewal of a machine includes individual com- ously expanded retrofitting services for more than tenponents like drives and controls or the entire elec- years. Currently, there are about 15 employees in thetrical system, the hydraulic system with its pumps, Customer Service department at the headquarters indistributers and valves and also mechanical repairsand modifications of for example bearings, shafts andguides. Recently, the partial retrofitting of control anddrive technology has also been included.The Benefits to be Realized WAFIO machine before (above) and after (below) retrofit.Retrofitting holds the following benefits. The usuallyrobust and valuable machine body is preserved andadditional training is not required or only to a limitedextent, as the machine and its functions are known.The use of already existing, expensive tools is anothervery important aspect. Moreover, there is a warrantyon the new parts installed, and the increase in outputand quality that comes with the modernization alsohas to be considered.Finally, the use of the latest technology significantlyreduces the number of machine breakdowns and alsoeliminates the problem of not available spare partsfor very old machines. Retrofitting solutions fromWAFIOS Customer Service include the replacementof assemblies, the installation of the latest control anddrive technology as well as the use of new materials.Partial Retrofits Also OfferedAs of late, WAFIOS also offers the partial retrofit ofcontrol technology including an upgrade to EtherCat,34 Wire Forming Technology International/Spring 2018

WFTI EMPHASIS: Rebuild & UpgradeA Closer Look... controlled servomotor. This retrofit provides added value for your machine, higher quality and all of theThe WAFIOS AG Customer Service Department same advantages as the WAFIOS Models FUL 103,provides the wire and tube industry with complete FUL 103XL and FUL 175 retrofits.machine retrofits, retrofits of control technology andrepair and replacement services to ensure the avail- Retrofit Model FUL 10.ability of customers’ machines. A partial retrofit of the Model FUL 83 involving control technology includes new motor drives and the latestA retrofit of WAFIOS’ Models FUL 103, FUL 103 XL control technologies, changeover to a PC-basedand FUL 175 includes the addition of a new Xcx control system with WAFIOS programming systemcontrol and WPS 3 programming system, new switch WPS3 and replacement of the control cabinet.cabinet with air conditioning unit and new motors forin-feed, linear drives and mandrel box adjustment.Also included is a new control panel, control panelcarriage and set of cables as well as a new linearamplifier with absolute value detection. The operatinginterface is adapted to the newest WAFIO standards.Benefits of this retrofit incude stabilization of the pro-duction process, higher efficiency, energy savings,lower costs, higher product quality and increasedavailability of spare parts. Retrofit Model FUL 103.A retrofit of the WAFIOS Model FUL 10 consists of Repair and Replacement Service guarantees sparechangeover to a PC-based control system with the parts availability for your aged machine. WAFIOS of-WAFIOS Programming System WPS 3, new control fers repair of mechanical and electronic componentscabinet on exchange base with operation desk and as well as a multitude of already repaired replace-hand operation device, new linear drives for shape ment parts in exchange for your defective part.and pitch on exchange base with servomotor and www.wafios.composition feedback and change from clutch drive toReutlingen responsible for the renewal of existing and feasibility and economic expediency of the retrofitused machinery. planned. WFTIBy now, WAFIOS offers retrofits for a total of 20 differ-ent machine types, from chain welding and straight- Company Profile:ening machines up to all types of spring machines(compression, torsion, extension and other spring WAFIOS AG serves the worldwide wire and tubemachines). industry. WAFIOS AG is one of the globally leading manufacturers of wire and tube working machinesSuccess and an increasing interest in retrofits prove with many activities also in the cold forming indus-the WAFIOS Customer Service right. try. The WAFIOS Group employs approximately 1100 employees all around the world. For more onA further expansion of the retrofitting program is the machines and technologies from WAFIOS AG,planned. Nevertheless, it always depends on the visit: www.wafios.comtechnology the customer currently uses as well as the Spring 2018/Wire Forming Technology International 35

Upgrades and Rebuilding Servicesby: Increase machine reliability, minimize Jessica Morgan downtime, reduce mechanical parts and Marketing Coordinator manufacture higher-quality products. FENN LLC 80 Clark Drive, Unit 5-D East Berlin, CT 06023  USA www.fenn-torin.comFor more than a century, thousands of companies FENN swager with hydraulic table feeder.across the globe have trusted FENN equipment toachieve their metalforming applications. While the systems including manual feeds and door-mountedcompany’s new machines feature the latest in precision and hydraulic table feeds as well as custom solutions.CNC technology and reliability, a new capital invest-ment isn’t possible for every business. As such, FENN Lastly, FENN’s die design experts can create custom-offers rebuild and upgrade programs to its existing ized dies and hammers to suit the unique requirementsequipment owners in order to get the most out of their of each client in order to ensure they get the most ofequipment and extend the machine’s useful life. The out their machine.following offers an explanation on the process of twoof FENN’s most frequently upgraded machines—swa- Spring Coilersgers and spring coilers. As a long-standing and respected brand, FENN has aThe Process large installed base of older Torin® model mechanical spring coilers. These spring coilers are used to create aFENN follows a thorough and comprehensive rebuild multitude of springs across a variety of wire diameters.process for each machine. The process begins with a The company offers both CNC control upgrades andfull mechanical and electrical evaluation of the ma- mechanical retrofits for aging Torin spring coilers.chine. Following the evaluation, FENN experts outline The Torin mechanical retrofit program is designed tocustomized recommendations based on the machine maximize the potential output of older model Torinage, condition and intended application. Upon a cus- spring coilers with the latest Torin CNC technology.tomer agreement, FENN moves forward with the plan Additional mechanical retrofit benefits include:to rebuild and outfit the machine with reliable OEMcomponents by the company’s trained experts. Once • Precise, variable-speed servo control of the camthe machine is upgraded or rebuilt, the mechanics and shaft allowing for adjustments to be made viaelectrics are reevaluated and tested to ensure precise software instead of mechanical cam adjustments.functionality. • Variable-speed and position control of the camSwagers shaft enabling greater flexibility when making complex springs.For decades, FENN has been producing high-qualityswaging equipment for a variety of industries. The • Unlimited accurate feed length provided by pre-swaging process involves metalforming without cut- cise servo control.ting chips, and the practice is used for reducing wire,tube or rod. The company frequently provides upgrade • Integrated probe interface enabling precise clock-and rebuild services for aged swagers to prolong their ing of springs.usable life and provide a greater return on investment.Upgrades and rebuilds enable manufactures to stay FENN also offers CNC control upgrades for older Tor-current with safety standards, and improve accuracy in servo-controlled coilers. The control retrofit includesand repeatability. Machine users find that upgraded a complete replacement of the control system withequipment helps ensure reliable tolerances and part state-of-the-art technology currently implementedconsistency, which allows manufacturers to avoid on new coilers. With this package, eliminate the riskmaterial rework and lost production time. of relying on obsolete components and other issues such as low production rates, poor quality springs andNew and existing FENN swager owners alike are en- worn mechanics. Avoid downtime resulting in reducedcouraged to consider adding feeder systems for safetyand productivity. Feeders help establish a departmenttact time and reduce material rework. In additionto increasing efficiency, feed systems also improveworkplace safety by isolating the operator from thematerial. FENN offers a wide variety of swager feeding36 Wire Forming Technology International/Spring 2018

WFTI EMPHASIS: Rebuild & Upgrade Torin mechanical machine rebuild, before (at left) and after (below).Torin CNC machine rebuild, before (above) and after (below). their retrofit is guaranteed with FENN’s one-year retrofit warranty. And upon retrofit completion, valuable mechanical parts that become obsolete in the retrofit process are crated and shipped back to the client for use on other mechanical machines, if desired. In the end, clients are pleased to find they can save time and labor with reduced set-up time on Torin’s modern CNC program- ming with FENN’s retrofit program for mechanical coilers and FENN’s CNC control upgrades. Applications and production requirements do change for businesses over time, and machines may sometimes no longer prove useful in their original configuration.productivity and profits by getting a CNC control In addition to swagers and spring coilers, upgrades/re-upgrade. At a fraction of the cost of a new machine,owners can increase their machine’s capabilities: builds are available on other FENN products including• Modern, intuitive touch-screen provides ease of rolling mills, wire flattening and shaping equipment use while maintaining Torin spring programming method. and drawbenches. WFTI• All standard FZ series software features including Company Profile: Spring Shortcut spring program generator and Spring Portal, enabling connectivity for remote Over the last century, FENN has grown from a small ma- diagnostics and programming. chine shop to a global supplier of high-precision, high-accura- cy metalforming equipment, and FENN continues to design• Modernized platform ensures your machine can and manufacture the most precise and reliable machines in be supported for years to come. the industry. Product lines include wire flattening and shap- ing equipment, swagers, drawbenches, Turks heads, Torin®• Increase the reliability of your machine. spring coilers and rolling mills. In addition to offering a wide range of customizable machinery, FENN performs upgrades• Minimize future downtime for repairs. or modifications to existing equipment to meet evolving met- alforming requirements. FENN keeps a large inventory ofRetrofitted machines are also beneficial as they become spare parts available for immediate shipment. FENN’s agentssimplified with fewer mechanical parts that need around the globe offer world-class sales and service. potential future replacement. Clients can rest assured Spring 2018/Wire Forming Technology International 37

Rebuilding Service for the OldestCNC Wire Bending Machinesby: There is a fondness in the market for CNC Daniele Togni, Director of Sales & Marketing forming machines that have been operating OMCG successfully for 15 or more years. Via Moronata, 46 23854 Olginate (LC), Italy www.omcg.comSince 1986, OMCG has been suppling CNC forming Rebuilding the machines with the original manufactur-machines to the industry (and that’s a long time). er brings in a lot of advantages such as the following:At OMCG, we know that some customers are very • Old electronics are replaced with state-of-the-artfond of their equipment, especially when they have components based on an industrial PC that com-been successfully operating it for 15 years or more. municates with the CNC and servodrives over high-speed Ethernet network in a full digital loop.When it comes to CNC machines, although superiormechanical engineering still provides excellent reli- • New servo motors have feedback from absoluteability, electronic fixes may become a real nightmare. encoders with no need for axis homing procedureRepairs and replacements may work for a while, but at start-up, allowing for a great reduction of start-then suddenly some other internal component fails up time.and the evil loop starts again—not to mention thatoften repairs of obsolete parts may take much longer • The most up-to-date Human-Machine-Interfacethan expected, and machine downtime increases along “Easy Programming 4” features easy 3D partthe years. drawing along with many tools for optimizing part execution, import-export of 3D files, 3D simu-Compared to new equipment, old CNC machines do lation, collision check, parametric adjustmentsnot offer the level of integration, sharing of informa- and digital connectivity for sharing of processtion, connectivity and tracking of failures and down- parameters to improve production tracking andtime that are common requirements in the wire formed to increase industry today. • The new system can provide a much more efficientFocus on the Oldest CNC Wire Benders control of machine motions, resulting in improve- ments of cycle times up to 25% depending on partTo support our wide customer base, OMCG is provid- shape and type of a rebuilding service for the oldest CNC wire bend-ers for which normal spare parts and repair service is • Remote diagnostic and service is much more de-no longer a wise solution. tailed and accurate, resulting in greatly reduced troubleshooting time.38 Wire Forming Technology International/Spring 2018

WFTI EMPHASIS: Rebuild & UpgradeThe OMCG rebuildingprogram for the oldest CNC wire forming machines can include“EasyProgramming4” with 3D drawing and simulation. At the left is a detail of the servomotors upgrade in OMCG’s rebuilding program for the oldest CNC wire forming machines.• A detailed check of mechanical parts is performed. benders to contact the author at OMCG or to visit the• Equipment downtime due to unexpected failures/ company’s website. WFTI repairs and unpredictable lead times due to obso- lete electronic parts are eliminated. Company Profile:• Less material scrap due to set-ups after failure. Founded by Luigi Maggi in 1963, OMCG “Officine Mec- caniche Costruzioni Generali” (Mechanic's workshops Gen-• The machine comes alive again, and with the new eral Construction) has become a world-leading machine life it generates a superior lifetime ROI. manufacturer for the wire forming industry with equipment installed in over 35 countries. With headquarters in Italy andBased on machine model, age, conditions, different a subsidiary in the USA, OMCG can provide customers withtypes and levels of upgrades, rebuild services are the best quality products and services for their full satisfac-available through OMCG’s facilities in Olginate (LC), tion. OMCG has always been recognized for technological andItaly and Bensenville, IL, USA. innovative leadership, and today is one of the few companies to provide a full range of solutions for wire, strip and tube bend-Mechanics, electrics and controls are checked and ing and forming, through multi-slide, CNC and customizedevaluated to ensure that for each model, it is possible machines for special products. To offer complete solutions,to maximize output, reduce downtime, simplify pro- OMCG has used its 50 years of experience and knowledgegramming and improve connectivity. with hundreds of machines installed around the world, to de- velop accessories including chamfering units, coining, stamp-Additionally, the upgrade and renovation job can be ing, punching, etc. The OMCG mission is always the same:conveniently planned in order to prevent undesired continuous development and innovation to anticipate futureor unexpected production losses. wire forming and bending requirements. www.omcg.comWe invite customers interested in upgrading their CNC Spring 2018/Wire Forming Technology International 39

Modernizing Welder Controls and Moreby: A critical upgrade for welders used in producing Carsten Janke, Customer Services & Upgrades industrial mesh and wire fence involves the machine Schlatter Industries AG control system and its individual components. Brandstrasse 24 CNH-8952, Schlieren, Switzerland www.schlattergroup.comSchlatter welding machines are very robust and de- Schlatter welding machines prior tosigned for a long life cycle. By nature, our welding modernization (above and below).machines are in operation for long periods (up to manymillions of cycles) and are subjected to strong forcesand stress in the process. But even after decades of useand intensive operation, the machines are still in goodmechanical condition.It is a different story where the machine’s associatedelectrical equipment is concerned. Cables, sensors,actuators, input and output devices, drive units andcontroller as well as PCs or entire machine control sys-tems are subject to far more frequent changes causedby comparatively short and increasingly shorterproduct life cycles. As a result, during the first yearscustomer demand is more focused on maintenance,and then controls modernization and refurbishmentbecomes an additional requirement once the machinehas been in operation for some time.Schlatter Industries AG offers a wide range of servicesrelating to maintenance, which enables its customersto maximize the service life of the plants and theircomponents. In the long term, service contracts andtraining are responsible for ensuring this.Upgrading the Control System chines. The requests of the interested parties are ex- amined for their respective requirements and matchedThe modernization of a machine control system is an to the available machines. This takes place centrally, atexample for a machine that is already in an advanced the Schlatter headquarters in Switzerland.state of its product life cycle. However, it is quite likelythat prior to this, sensors, actuators, input and output The machines are equipped with the required extradevices, processing and recording devices will already modules, depending on customer needs and invest-have been discontinued by the manufacturer and no ment possibilities. On request, overhauls are carriedlonger be available after a notice period of a year or out or obsolete technology is replaced with upgrades.less. Schlatter Industries AG is very well prepared to This is performed at Schlatter sites, in a favorable loca-deal with such situations and offers upgrade solutions tion for both seller and buyer, so that other expensesthat can be applied in a variety of plants in order to and transaction costs can be kept as low as possible.reduce the interruption period to a minimum. In general, machines are transferred mainly fromThese solutions can be promptly supplied and imple- industrialized countries to emerging markets. Themented. Extensive upgrades such as drives and their subsidiary, Schlatter South East Asia, is working tocontroller as well as the associated input devices, can capacity in this regard and has expanded its infrastruc-also be brought up to the latest state of technology on ture for the overhaul of mesh welding machines. Thea phased basis, in order to make use of any remaining southeast Asian market is growing for used equip-spare parts inventories. ment, as many users there consider it more attractive to commission Schlatter to overhaul a used machine.Trading-In Used Machines Ensuring QualityAs Schlatter has always sold its machines worldwide,the subject of trading-in used machines must also Plants and systems are becoming increasingly com-be considered in a global context. Schlatter’s various plex. Trouble-free operation can only be ensured whenbranches in Europe, North America and South East all parts of an overall system are coordinated and haveAsia receive offers as well as requests for used ma-40 Wire Forming Technology International/Spring 2018

WFTI EMPHASIS: Rebuild & UpgradeSchlatter welding machines being rebuilt.the same high level of quality. The quality of service with the utmost care and fit smoothly into the overalland spare parts is therefore of crucial importance tothe productivity and operating safety of plants. Schlat- system when fitted as a replacement. They ensure thatter spare parts and their upgrades are manufactured the machine continues operating and producing at a high quality. WFTICompany Profile: baskets or cages are typical products made out of industrial mesh. Also, shopping carts, shopping baskets, goods displays,Schlatter Industries AG industrial mesh systems are used shelves, refrigerator trays, stoves and dishwashers use indus-for the production of dimensionally accurate meshwork for a trial mesh. Schlatter also supplies systems for fence making.wide variety of applications. Industrial mesh may be used to For round or 3D mesh products, Schlatter offers the Systemproduce shop, exhibition and warehouse equipment as well as POSIWELD welding machine. www.schlattergroup.comtrays for domestic appliances. Flat meshes used as gratings, Spring 2018/Wire Forming Technology International 41

Strategies to Make Better Wireby: Preview of WAI Operations Summit & Wire Expo 2018 Janice SwindellsWire Association International, Inc. May 15 to 16, 2018, in Nashville, TN, USA71 Bradley Road, Ste. 9Madison, CT 06443-2662  USA • Data-driven safety—A Leggett & Platt case • Improving safety, quality, productivity & customer serviceThe Wire Association • Manufacturing management workshop: International (WAI), Inc. re- Perfecting your leadership qualitiesturns to Nashville, TN, USA, Also, Mordica lecturer, Gary L. Spence, former VPfor its biennial Operations at Encore Wire, will discuss continuous cast copperSummit & Wire Expo, which will be held in conjunction rod processes. A post-show plant tour of the Nissanwith its 88th annual convention. All of the events are Smyrna Vehicle Assembly Plant takes place May 17.hosted at the Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Additional event highlights will include “Ask theCenter. The Summit runs May 14 to 16, 2018, and the Expert” and “Production Solutions demonstrations”,Wire Expo 2018 exhibits are open May 15 to 16, 2018. which are popular staples to be held in the exhibit hall, on May 15 and 16. Also, the Welcome Reception on May 15, with entertainment sponsored by James Monroe Wire & Cable Corp., will be held on Delta Island within the Gaylord campus. WAI members are also invited to attend the WAI Rewards Breakfast and Annual Meeting, on May 16.Keynote & Opening Remarks Delta Island within the Gaylord campus. Curt Cronin, former Navy SEAL and Event Sponsorskeynote speaker, will present, “Tappinginto Your Potential: Attempting the Ab- The WAI Operations Summit & Wire Expo has thesurd and Achieving the Impossible”, at generous support of the following sponsors:9 AM on Tuesday, May 15. John T. John- • Platinum Sponsor: James Monroe Wire & Cableson, Owner/President, Mid-South Wire • Gold Sponsors: Encore Wire; Nexans; Sonoco ReelsCompany, Nashville, and President ofthe American Wire Producers Associa- Curt Cronin & Spools; and Wire & Plastic Machinery Corp.tion, will also deliver opening remarks. The keynote • Silver Level: Gem Gravure Co. Inc.; and Sikorais open to all conference registrants. • Bronze Level: Carris Reels; NDC/Beta Laser-Exhibits Mike; Fort Wayne Wire Die, Inc.; Insteel Wire Products; Madem-Moorecraft Reels USA; Mid- More than 150 exhibiting companies will be repre- South Wire Co.; Niehoff Endex North America;sented on the Wire Expo exhibit floor. Displays cover Rainbow Rubber & Plastics, Inc.; RichardsApexmore than 90 product types including spring and wire Inc.; S.A.M.P. USA; Southwire Company, LLC;forming machinery, supplies and ancillary equipment T&T Marketing, an M. Holland Company; andand industry services. Wire Expo exhibits are open in Vinston US Corp.The Ryman Convention Hall from 10 AM to 5 PM and • Supporting Sponsors: Baum’s Castorine; Cham-10 AM to 3 PM on May 15 and May 16, respectively. plain Cable; Commission Brokers Inc.; Enkotec Co. Inc.; and Lloyd & Bouvier Inc.Educational Highlights All event information and registration details are The 2018 WAI Operations Summit & Wire Expo, willfeature a variety of educational sessions including: available at: Continued...• Far reaching effects of process automation• Intellectual property profits• Three tools to drive high performance• Employee engagement of wire manufacturing— a Nexans case study42 Wire Forming Technology International/Spring 2018


Wire Expo 2018 PREVIEWEvents Schedule by DayMay 14EVENT/SESSION TIME VENUEEXHIBITS MOVE-IN 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM EXHIBIT HALLREGISTRATION 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM OPS. SUMMIT & WIRE EXPOFUNDAMENTALS OF WIRE MANUFACTURING 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM FUNDAMENTALS COURSEFUNDAMENTALS LUNCHEON 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM FUNDAMENTALS COURSEPLANT MANAGERS MEETING 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM MID-SOUTH WIREFUNDAMENTALS OF WIRE MANUFACTURING (NONFERROUS/ELECTRICAL TRACK) 1:00 PM - 4:15 PM FUNDAMENTALS COURSEFUNDAMENTALS OF WIRE MANUFACTURING (FERROUS TRACK) 1:00 PM - 4:15 PM FUNDAMENTALS COURSEBOD MEETING 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM COMMITTEESFUNDAMENTALS PROBLEM-SOLVING WORKSHOP 4:15 PM - 5:00 PM FUNDAMENTALS COURSEEXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM COMMITTEESCONFERENCE PROGRAMMING COMMITTEE 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM COMMITTEESEXHIBITION PLANNING COMMITTEE 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM COMMITTEESMEMBER RELATIONS COMMITTEE 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM COMMITTEESMEMORIAL AWARDS COMMITTEE 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM COMMITTEESMay 15EVENT/SESSION TIME VENUEASK THE EXPER 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EXHIBIT HALLREGISTRATION 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM OPS. SUMMIT & WIRE EXPOWELCOME RECEPTION 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM DELTA ISLANDCOFFEE SERVICE 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM EXHIBIT HALLASK THE EXPERT 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EXHIBIT HALLEDUCATION COMMITTEE 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM COMMITTEESKEYNOTE 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM OPS. SUMMIT & WIRE EXPOMay 16EVENT/SESSION TIME VENUEMANUFACTURING MANAGEMENT SEMINAR 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM OPS. SUMMIT & WIRE EXPOASK THE EXPERT 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EXHIBIT HALLEXHIBITS OPEN 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM EXHIBIT HALLMEMBER REWARDS BREAKFAST & MORDICA LECTURE 8:30 AM - 9:45 AM OPS. SUMMIT & WIRE EXPO EXHIBIT HALLPRODUCTION SOLUTIONS DEMONSTRATIONS 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM May 17EVENT/SESSION TIME VENUENISSAN PLANT TOUR 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM NISSAN PLANT Exhibitor Booth Descriptions & ListingsAIM Inc. Hear about our new Double Head machines with real independent 3D twin head forming, single head partUSA Booth 208 forming, off-plane bending 2D and 3D bending, and no center clamp length. For more information on theseAIM is proud to announce the new, LMS System products, please visit us in booth 208. Booth Personnel: Loseph Pastore, Mark Hall(Learning Management System). AIM LMS is our on-line virtual platform that offers training and content-rich resources at a click of a button. We packaged ourexpertise in a system that delivers an enhanced userexperience through a library of interactive content, AITMAC Inc.with videos, images, quizzes, workbooks and other Canada Booth 321active learning elements. Stop by and see what else See how our best-in-class equipment and accessoriesAIM is doing to improve the way you bend wire. from world-leader manufacturers will keep you at44 Wire Forming Technology International/Spring 2018

Wire Expo 2018 PREVIEWthe leading edge of technology and maximize your AWT Machineryproductivity. Offered are wire straightening, guidingand feeding equipment; wire and cable cutters/shears, USA Booth 509rod straighteners and flat bar cutters; and a presenta-tion of steel reels for shipping and processing and reel AWT Machinery is a supplier of automated wirehandling equipment. AITMAC Inc., is also the officialsupplier of Lesmo and Eurodraw Energy machine processing machinery, representing well-known ma-Spare Parts and Service requirements. chinery manufacturers, supplying butt welders, wire straightening and cutting machines, reinforcing mesh welders, fencing mesh welders, grating welders, CNC jig welders, wire rolling/drawing lines, rebar stirrup benders and various ancillary equipment. Let us help you figure out the most productive, efficient and cost- effective machinery to meet your needs. Booth Personnel: Clive White, Scott Liebenberg Bekaert USA Booth 803 Whatever industry you’re active in, no matter what your application is, we can offer you a customized wire solution by combining various basic materials, coatings, shapes and added-value services. We offer a fine selection of innovative wire products including coated spring wire, tailor-made flat and shaped wire, ACSR strands, utility strands, barrier cable and PC strand. Visit our booth to learn how our customized steel wire solutions can move your business forward. B & Z Galvanized Wire Idustries USA Booth 526Products available frm AITMAC Inc. Steel, galvanized steel wires, black-annealed, copper- coated wires as well as filter wires and staple wires.Appiani Srl - AITMACItaly/Canada Booth 321 ChemetallAppiani has a worldwide presence in the manufacture USA Booth 505of standard and custom-build steel reels according to Lubricants, chemicals, coatings, cleaning and plating.DIN specifications or to customer requirements. Aleading manufacturer of shipping and process reels Cometo Srl - AITMACsince 1962, A. Appiani will demonstrate its engineering Italy/Canada Booth 321capabilities by presenting a comprehensive selection Cometo, with its North American business, AITMAC,of pressed steel reels and plastic and steel composite Inc., will display its line of wire processing equipmentreels together with reel handling equipment. including wire straightening, guiding and feedingBooth Personnel: Allan Brown, Edwin Pasterk equipment. Measure, feed and cut systems for wire, rod, cable and wire mesh products will be presented to- A. Appiani reel. Cometo technology for processing different material profiles.46 Wire Forming Technology International/Spring 2018

Wire Expo 2018 PREVIEWgether with its upgraded modular structured machine Ace Metal Inc............................................................................ 602design for the processing of different material profiles AIM Inc..................................................................................... 208including the processing and hard stamp marking of AITMAC Inc.............................................................................. 321welding wire. These wire processing machines have Amacoil Inc............................................................................... 503optional wire and rod binding capabilities. American Kuhne....................................................................... 702Booth Personnel: Allan Brown, Edwin Pasterk Anderson Forest Products........................................................ 222 Appleton Manufacturing........................................................... 628Die Quip Corp. Arkema Inc............................................................................... 920 Asaclean - Sun Plastech Inc.................................................... 508USA Booth 601 AW Machinery.......................................................................... 707 AWT Machinery Inc.................................................................. 509Variety of rebar cutting and straightening tools. We Aztech Lubricants..................................................................... 202offer cold-cutting shears in electric-hydraulic, battery- B & H Tool Co. Inc.................................................................... 801 B & Z Galvanized Wire Ind....................................................... 526powered and pneumatic styles. Unlike saws, abrasive Balloffet Die Corp..................................................................... 206 Baum’s Castorine Co. Inc......................................................... 522blades and cutting torches, there are no sparks or flame Bechem Lubrication Technology............................................... 711 Bekaert..................................................................................... 803and no trailing hoses to snare equipment or workers’ Beta LaserMike/an NDC Technologies brand........................... 500 Breyden Products/Saylor Products.......................................... 708feet. These units are a fast, safe, ergonomic and eco- C2G.......................................................................................... 706nomical way to cut rebar on the job or in plant. Cablogic Technologies Inc........................................................ 506 Calmec Precision Limited......................................................... 723ERA Wire Inc. Carris Reels Inc........................................................................ 619 Cavallero Plastics..................................................................... 604USA Booth 703 CBC Metals Processing........................................................... 622 Ceeco Bartell Products, Bartell Machinery Systems................ 600Wire manufacturing, wire formed parts. Chemetall................................................................................. 505 Clinton Instrument Co............................................................. 1002FENN LLC Cometo Srl............................................................................... 422 Commission Brokers Inc.......................................................... 106USA Booth 410 CONDAT................................................................................... 216 Conneaut Industries................................................................. 513FENN looks forward to presenting its full line of wire CTS - Cincinnati Thermal Spray Inc......................................... 429forming and shaping equipment, including wire shap- Die Quip Corp........................................................................... 601 Domeks Makine........................................................................ 525ing lines, Turks Heads, drawbenches, swagers and E-Beam Services Inc................................................................ 626spring coiling machines. FENN offers several wire Ebner Furnaces Inc.................................................................. 511 EJP Maschinen......................................................................... 422flattening and shaping solutions, dependent upon ERA Wire Inc............................................................................ 703 Esteves Group USA................................................................. 615material and application. One of the many methodolo- Eurolls...................................................................................... 509 Eurowire Magazine................................................................... 214gies used to achieve shaped wire is the FENN Turks Fabritex Inc............................................................................... 426Head, a device used for the direct formation of round Fenn LLC.................................................................................. 410 Filtertech Inc............................................................................. 713material to rectangles, squares and special shapes. FMS USA, Inc......................................................................... 1020 Foerster Instruments Inc.......................................................... 806FENN produces two varieties of Turks Heads, the tra- Fort Wayne Wire Die Inc.......................................................... 512ditional, more economical pull-through variety or the Gauder Group Inc..................................................................... 309 Gem Gravure Co Inc................................................................ 519highly efficient power-driven model, which includes GENCA..................................................................................... 414 George Evans Corp.................................................................. 701driven rolls that effectively eliminate the need for a Guill Tool & Engineering........................................................... 405pulling device such as a capstan. Any FENN Turks Hangzhou Dongxing Telecommunication Material Co.............. 427 Hangzhou JR Exhibition Co. Ltd......................... 210/220/423/425Head can be paired with SPC and ACG technology to Heany Industries Inc................................................................. 719 Heatbath Corp.......................................................................... 421ensure precise and consistent production. On display HONTA Inc................................................................................ 504 Houghton International Inc....................................................... 812at the show will be a pull-through Turks Head with Howar Equipment, Inc.............................................................. 910 Huestis Industrial...................................................................... 714fine adjustment. Wedge shaped wire for wellscreens Continued...or rectangle wire for orthodontic devices are just a few Spring 2018/Wire Forming Technology International 47Wire forming and shaping technology from FENN LLC.

Wire Expo 2018 PREVIEWIDEAL Welding Systems.......................................................... 228 examples of applications that can be achieved with aInternational Wire & Cable Symposium (IWCS)....................... 212 FENN Turks Head. FENN will highlight other linesIWE Spools & Handling............................................................ 422 of its metal forming equipment, including its popularIWM International..................................................................... 624 Torin line of single and dual-point spring coilers, which can produce a variety of spring types acrossJoeTools................................................................................... 721 a wide range of wire diameter sizes. Also featuredJoe Snee Associates................................................................ 500 will be FENN’s line of drawbenches, which are used to straight-length die-draw round rod, tube or wire.Kalmark Integrated Systems Ltd.............................................. 528 For those interested in producing straight lengths ofKEIR Manufacturing Inc........................................................... 313 shaped rod or wire, a drawbench can be used in con-Kieselstein GmbH..................................................................... 422 junction with a FENN Turks Head. Finally, FENN willKing Steel Corp........................................................................ 724 also discuss its line of dependable swaging machines, which provide an efficient way to point, reduce andLamnea Bruk AB...................................................................... 407 form rod, tube or wire. Because the metal is formed,LaserLinc Inc............................................................................ 900 not machined, there are no wasteful chips. Together,Leggett & Platt Wire Group...................................................... 411 the FENN product lines work to serve a broad rangeLloyd & Bouvier Inc.................................................................. 815 of industries including medical, aerospace, renewable energy, automotive, military and materials research.Madem-Moorecraft Reels USA................................................. 523 To learn more about how FENN can help improveMagnetic Technologies Ltd....................................................... 800 your business’ production quantities and maximizeMathiasen Machinery Inc......................................................... 406 your machine’s uptime, stop by booth 410.Metal Link Inc........................................................................... 605Metalloid Corporation............................................................... 820 Foerster Instruments Inc.MFL Group............................................................................... 204MGS Manufacturing Inc............................................................ 315 USA Booth 806Micro Products Co.................................................................... 700Microdia SA.............................................................................. 409 Foerster Instruments Inc. offers testing and testingMid South Wire......................................................................... 804Morgan-Koch Corp................................................................... 912 services, automation equipment and materials han-Mossberg Associates Inc........................................................ 1022 dling and storage.Niehoff EndexNorth America Inc..................................................................... 515 Heatbath Corp./DuBois ChemicalsOden Technologies................................................................... 603 USA Booth 421Oklahoma Steel & Wire............................................................ 821OMCG, Inc.... ............................................................................ 424 Chemicals and coatings, cleaning and plating descal-P & R Specialty Inc................................................................... 610 ing, cleaning and lubricants.Pan Chemicals......................................................................... 710Paramount Die Co.................................................................... 814 IDEAL Welding SystemsParkway-Kew Corp................................................................... 704Phifer Incorporated................................................................... 408 USA Booth 228Pittsfield Plastics Eng. Inc........................................................ 813Precision Die Technologies Inc................................................. 712 IDEAL wire welding machines of the DS and AS seriesPremier Wire Die.................................................................... 1014PROGRESS Maschinen & Automation.................................... 509 are specially designed for the effective joining of steel,Properzi International Inc......................................................... 818PWM Ltd................................................................................... 500 aluminum and copper wires. Their strengths lie in theQ8Oils...................................................................................... 722 achievement of precise, repeatable and pull-resistantQED Wire Lines Inc.................................................................. 311QMS America........................................................................... 525 butt welds. The compact and robust machine designQualiChem, Inc......................................................................... 529 with intuitive user guidance is designed for industrialRainbow Rubber & Plastics...................................................... 623Reel Options by Vandor Corporation........................................ 524 use in wire drawing, cable manufacturing and wireRefractron................................................................................. 100RichardsApex Inc..................................................................... 918 processing. Depending on the requirement profile,Rockford Manufacturing Group FELM...................................... 428Rosendahl Nextrom.................................................................. 501 die (DS), flash butt (AS) and double pressure weldingRoteq Machinery Inc................................................................ 510RTD Manufacturing Inc............................................................. 800 (DD) are used.SAI Extrusiontek Inc................................................................. 612 King Steel Corp.SAMP USA Inc......................................................................... 415Schlatter Inc............................................................................. 412 USA Booth 724Schunk Carbon Technology...................................................... 422Sikora International Corp........................................................ 1018 Offered to manufacturers by King Steel Corp. are heatSivaco WIre Grop................................................................... 1004 treated bars, JIT programs, saw cut blanks and steel wire rod. Leggett & Platt Wire Group USA Booth 411 The Leggett & Platt Wire Group provides stainless steel wire for the manufacture of springs and wire formed products.48 Wire Forming Technology International/Spring 2018

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