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NUTRITION & ALLERGEN GUIDE HOLIDAY 2021 Toffee Nut Fudge A Toastie To Be Latte Brownie Hot Thankful For Chocolate Christmas Tree Brownie

Home > Beverages > Food > This guide will provide nutritional and allergen information for Holiday beverages and food. Allergens can be found in BOLD CAPITALS within the ingredient declaration. Please ensure you take extra care to identify all the possible allergens present in our food, if you require support please ask one of our trained baristas. Within this booklet it will provide information on the following 14 allergens: • Cereals Containing Gluten • Fish (Wheat, Rye, Barley, Oats, Spelt, Kamut) • Crustaceans • Sesame • Nuts • Celery (Almond, Hazelnut, Walnut, Cashew, Pecan Nut, Brazil Nut, • Mustard Pistachio Nut, Macadamia Nut, Queensland Nut) • Peanuts • Sulphur Dioxide and Sulphites • Egg • Milk • Soya Cross Contamination All our beverages are hand crafted uniquely for you. Due to the nature of how we create our beverages and how we handle our food items we cannot guarantee that they are free from any allergens. Our beverages and food items are prepared where allergens are handled by our partners, and where equipment and utensils are used for multiple menu items, including those containing allergens. Whilst we try to keep things separate we cannot guarantee any item is allergen free. Please remember to check this information regularly as we’re always working on our recipes. For more allergen information please ask your barista. This information is updated regularly to reflect our procedures instore. Please check for the most up to date information.

Home > Beverages > Food > Beverages Product Ingredients Size Energy (kJ) Egg Nog Latte Energy (kcal) Iced Egg Nog Latte Fat (g) Toffee Nut Latte - Skimmed Milk Of which Toffee Nut Latte - Semi Skimmed Milk saturated (g) Toffee Nut Latte - Whole Milk Carbohydrates Toffee Nut Latte - Soya (g) Toffee Nut Latte - Coconut Of which sugars (g) Fibre (g) Protein (g) Salt (g) Caffeine (mg) Short 753 180 8.0 4.8 21 20 0.4 5.5 0.30 56 Eggnog [water, skimmed MILK, cream (MILK), sugar, skimmed MILK powder, EGG yolk, stabilisers: guar gum, cellulose Tall 1202 287 13 7.6 34 32 0.6 8.9 0.47 113 gum, carrageenan, triphosphates; natural flavourings, salt, spice extract, cinnamon], brewed espresso, ground nutmeg. Grande 1526 364 16 9.7 43 41 0.7 11 0.60 113 Venti 1997 476 21 13 56 54 0.9 15 0.79 169 Short 580 138 6.1 3.7 16 16 0.3 4.3 0.23 56 Eggnog [water, skimmed MILK, cream (MILK), sugar, skimmed MILK powder, EGG yolk, stabilisers: guar gum, cellulose Tall 839 200 8.8 5.2 24 22 0.4 6.3 0.33 113 gum, carrageenan, triphosphates; natural flavourings, salt, spice extract, cinnamon], ice, brewed espresso, ground nutmeg. Grande 1047 250 11 6.6 30 28 0.5 7.8 0.41 113 Venti 1465 349 15 9.2 42 39 0.7 11 0.57 169 Short 523 125 5.9 4.2 12 11 0.0 6.0 0.20 56 Tall 695 166 7.1 5.0 17 15 0.0 8.8 0.27 113 Grande 900 214 8.3 5.8 22 21 0.0 13 0.39 113 Venti 1044 248 8.4 5.8 27 25 0.0 16 0.47 169 MILK, brewed espresso, whipped cream [cream (MILK), sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: Short 622 149 8.6 5.9 12 11 0.0 6.3 0.20 56 mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], toffeenut syrup [water, sugar, Tall 841 201 11 7.5 16 15 0.0 9.3 0.27 113 flavourings, salt, natural flavourings, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulators: citric acid, potassium citrates], toffeenut sprinkles topping [sugar, water, salt, malt extract (BARLEY GLUTEN), vegetable and fruits concentrates: apple, Grande 1115 266 14 9.5 22 20 0.0 13 0.39 113 carrot, hibiscus; natural flavouring, colour: carotenes]. Venti 1313 313 16 10 27 24 0.0 17 0.47 169 Short 714 171 11 7.8 12 11 0.0 5.6 0.20 56 Tall 976 234 15 10 16 14 0.0 8.4 0.27 113 Grande 1313 315 20 14 21 20 0.0 12 0.39 113 Venti 1561 374 23 16 26 24 0.0 15 0.47 169 Soya drink [water, hulled SOYA beans, sugar, fructose, acidity regulators: dipotassium phosphate, monopotassium Short 561 135 8.4 4.6 8.9 8.1 0.8 5.3 0.21 56 phosphate; calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser: gellan gum], brewed espresso, whipped cream [cream Tall (MILK), sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, natural vanilla Grande 751 180 11 5.6 12 11 1.2 7.9 0.30 113 flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], toffeenut syrup [water, sugar, flavourings, salt, natural flavourings, preservative: Venti potassium sorbate, acidity regulators: citric acid, potassium citrates], toffeenut sprinkles topping [sugar, water, salt, 982 235 14 6.7 16 14 1.7 11 0.42 113 malt extract (BARLEY GLUTEN), vegetable and fruits concentrates: apple, carrot, hibiscus; natural flavouring, colour: carotenes]. 1147 275 15 7.0 19 17 2.1 14 0.51 169 Coconut drink [water, coconut milk (10%), sugar, maize dextrin, fava bean flour, stabilisers: gellan gum,xanthan gum, Short 578 139 9.7 7.8 9.6 8.8 2.4 2.2 0.34 56 acidity regulator: sodium hydrogen carbonate, natural flavouring], brewed espresso, whipped cream [cream (MILK), Tall 775 186 13 10 13 12 3.5 3.3 0.48 113 sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], toffeenut syrup [water, sugar, flavourings, salt, natural flavourings, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulators: citric acid, potassium citrates], toffeenut sprinkles topping [sugar, water, salt, malt extract Grande 1018 245 17 14 17 16 5.1 4.4 0.69 113 (BARLEY GLUTEN), vegetable and fruits concentrates: apple, carrot, hibiscus; natural flavouring, colour: carotenes]. Venti 1191 287 19 16 21 19 6.4 5.5 0.86 169 For allergens including cereals containing gluten see ingredients in BOLD CAPITALS. All our beverages are hand crafted uniquely for you. Due to the nature of how we create our beverages we cannot guarantee that they are free from any allergens. Our beverages are prepared where allergens are handled by our partners, and where equipment and utensils are used for multiple menu items, including those containing allergens. Whilst we try to keep things separate we cannot guarantee any item is allergen free. Please remember to check this information regularly as we’re always working on our recipes. For more allergen information please ask your barista.

Home > Beverages > Food > Beverages Product Ingredients Size Energy (kJ) Energy (kcal) Fat (g) Of which saturated (g) Carbohydrates (g) Of which sugars (g) Fibre (g) Protein (g) Salt (g) Caffeine (mg) Almond drink [water, ALMOND, fructose, acidity regulators: dipotassium phosphate, monopotassium phosphate; Short 449 108 7.7 4.3 8.2 7.2 0.5 1.4 0.13 56 calcium carbonate, stabilisers: gellan gum, carrageenan, guar gum; natural flavourings, sea salt], brewed espresso, Tall whipped cream [cream (MILK), sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of Grande 586 141 9.6 5.2 11 9.3 0.7 2.1 0.18 113 fatty acids, natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], toffeenut syrup [water, sugar, flavourings, salt, natural Toffee Nut Latte - Almond flavourings, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulators: citric acid, potassium citrates], toffeenut sprinkles Venti 740 178 12 6.1 14 12 1.0 2.7 0.25 113 topping [sugar, water, salt, malt extract (BARLEY GLUTEN), vegetable and fruits concentrates: apple, carrot, hibiscus; natural flavouring, colour: carotenes]. 843 202 13 6.2 17 14 1.3 3.4 0.30 169 Oat drink [water, OAT (12%), coconut fat, maize dextrin, fava bean flour, acidity regulator: dipotassium phosphate, sea Short 663 159 9.7 7.2 14 9.2 3.3 2.2 0.23 56 Toffee Nut Latte - Oat salt, stabilisers: gellan gum, xanthan gum], brewed espresso, whipped cream [cream (MILK), sugar, propellants: nitrous Tall 901 216 13 9.4 20 12 4.9 3.3 0.32 113 oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], toffeenut syrup [water, sugar, flavourings, salt, natural flavourings, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulators: citric acid, potassium citrates], toffeenut sprinkles topping [sugar, water, salt, malt extract (BARLEY GLUTEN), Grande 1203 289 17 12 27 17 7.2 4.4 0.45 113 vegetable and fruits concentrates: apple, carrot, hibiscus; natural flavouring, colour: carotenes]. Venti 1423 341 19 14 33 20 9.0 5.5 0.56 169 Nut & rice house blend [water, rice (5.3%), CASHEW (1.5%), HAZELNUTS (1.4%), pea protein, flavourings, acidity Short 555 133 8.1 4.5 11 7.3 0.8 3.6 0.35 56 regulators: Potassium phosphates, emulsifier: citric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides, stabilisers: gellan gum, Tall 742 178 10 5.4 15 9.5 1.2 5.3 0.51 113 guar gum, xanthan gum, sea salt, vitamins (B2, B12, E, D2)], brewed espresso, whipped cream [cream (MILK), sugar, Toffee Nut Latte - Original Nut Blend propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], toffeenut syrup [water, sugar, flavourings, salt, natural flavourings, preservative: potassium Grande 969 232 13 6.4 20 13 1.7 7.5 0.73 113 sorbate, acidity regulators: citric acid, potassium citrates], toffeenut sprinkles topping [sugar, water, salt, malt extract Venti 1130 270 14 6.6 25 15 2.1 9.4 0.90 169 (BARLEY GLUTEN), vegetable and fruits concentrates: apple, carrot, hibiscus; natural flavouring, colour: carotenes]. Mini 621 148 5.9 4.2 18 17 0.0 5.7 0.33 56 Iced Toffee Nut Latte - Skimmed Milk Tall 793 189 7.0 5.0 24 22 0.0 7.1 0.44 113 Grande 968 230 8.2 5.7 30 28 0.0 8.8 0.57 113 Venti 1092 259 8.2 5.8 36 33 0.0 10 0.68 169 MILK, ice, brewed espresso, toffeenut syrup [water, sugar, flavourings, salt, natural flavourings, preservative: potassium Mini 714 171 8.4 5.8 18 17 0.0 6.0 0.33 56 sorbate, acidity regulators: citric acid, potassium citrates], whipped cream [cream (MILK), sugar, propellants: nitrous Tall 908 217 10 7.0 24 22 0.0 7.5 0.44 113 Iced Toffee Nut Latte - Semi Skimmed Milk oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], toffeenut sprinkles topping [sugar, water, salt, malt extract (BARLEY GLUTEN), vegetable and fruits concentrates: apple, Grande 1113 265 12 8.3 30 28 0.0 9.3 0.57 113 carrot, hibiscus; natural flavouring, colour: carotenes]. Venti 1256 299 13 8.6 36 33 0.0 11 0.68 169 Mini 801 192 11 7.6 18 16 0.0 5.4 0.33 56 Iced Toffee Nut Latte - Whole Milk Tall 1014 243 13 9.1 24 22 0.0 6.8 0.44 113 Grande 1246 298 16 11 30 28 0.0 8.3 0.57 113 Venti 1407 336 17 12 36 32 0.0 9.6 0.68 169 Soya drink [water, hulled SOYA beans, sugar, fructose, acidity regulators: dipotassium phosphate, monopotassium Mini 657 157 8.3 4.6 15 14 0.7 5.1 0.34 56 phosphate; calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser: gellan gum], ice, brewed espresso, toffeenut syrup [water, sugar, flavourings, salt, natural flavourings, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulators: citric acid, Tall 837 200 9.9 5.5 21 19 0.9 6.4 0.46 113 Iced Toffee Nut Latte - Soya potassium citrates], whipped cream [cream (MILK), sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], toffeenut sprinkles topping [sugar, water, Grande 1024 244 12 6.4 26 24 1.2 7.9 0.59 113 salt, malt extract (BARLEY GLUTEN), vegetable and fruits concentrates: apple, carrot, hibiscus; natural flavouring, Venti 1154 275 12 6.5 31 28 1.3 9.1 0.70 169 colour: carotenes]. For allergens including cereals containing gluten see ingredients in BOLD CAPITALS. All our beverages are hand crafted uniquely for you. Due to the nature of how we create our beverages we cannot guarantee that they are free from any allergens. Our beverages are prepared where allergens are handled by our partners, and where equipment and utensils are used for multiple menu items, including those containing allergens. Whilst we try to keep things separate we cannot guarantee any item is allergen free. Please remember to check this information regularly as we’re always working on our recipes. For more allergen information please ask your barista.

Home > Beverages > Food > Beverages Product Ingredients Size Energy (kJ) Iced Toffee Nut Latte - Coconut Energy (kcal) Fat (g) Of which saturated (g) Carbohydrates (g) Of which sugars (g) Fibre (g) Protein (g) Salt (g) Caffeine (mg) Coconut drink [water, coconut milk (10%), sugar, maize dextrin, fava bean flour, stabilisers: gellan gum,xanthan gum, Mini 672 161 9.5 7.6 16 15 2.2 2.1 0.46 56 acidity regulator: sodium hydrogen carbonate, natural flavouring], ice, brewed espresso, toffeenut syrup [water, sugar, Tall 856 205 11 9.1 22 20 2.7 2.8 0.61 113 flavourings, salt, natural flavourings, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulators: citric acid, potassium citrates], whipped cream [cream (MILK), sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], toffeenut sprinkles topping [sugar, water, salt, malt extract Grande 1047 251 14 11 27 25 3.5 3.3 0.78 113 (BARLEY GLUTEN), vegetable and fruits concentrates: apple, carrot, hibiscus; natural flavouring, colour: carotenes]. Venti 1182 283 14 12 32 29 3.9 3.9 0.91 169 Almond drink [water, ALMOND, fructose, acidity regulators: dipotassium phosphate, monopotassium phosphate; Mini 551 132 7.6 4.3 14 13 0.5 1.3 0.27 56 calcium carbonate, stabilisers: gellan gum, carrageenan, guar gum; natural flavourings, sea salt], ice, brewed espresso, toffeenut syrup [water, sugar, flavourings, salt, natural flavourings, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulators: Tall 708 169 9.0 5.1 20 18 0.6 1.8 0.37 113 Iced Toffee Nut Latte - Almond citric acid, potassium citrates], whipped cream [cream (MILK), sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], toffeenut sprinkles topping Grande 860 206 11 6.0 25 23 0.7 2.1 0.48 113 [sugar, water, salt, malt extract (BARLEY GLUTEN), vegetable and fruits concentrates: apple, carrot, hibiscus; natural Venti 969 231 11 6.0 30 27 0.8 2.6 0.57 169 flavouring, colour: carotenes]. Oat drink [water, OAT (12%), coconut fat, maize dextrin, fava bean flour, acidity regulator: dipotassium phosphate, sea Mini 753 180 9.5 7.0 20 15 3.1 2.1 0.36 56 Iced Toffee Nut Latte - Oat salt, stabilisers: gellan gum, xanthan gum], ice, brewed espresso, toffeenut syrup [water, sugar, flavourings, salt, natural Tall 955 228 11 8.4 27 20 3.8 2.8 0.48 113 flavourings, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulators: citric acid, potassium citrates], whipped cream [cream (MILK), sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], toffeenut sprinkles topping [sugar, water, salt, malt extract (BARLEY GLUTEN), Grande 1172 280 14 10 34 26 4.8 3.3 0.61 113 vegetable and fruits concentrates: apple, carrot, hibiscus; natural flavouring, colour: carotenes]. Venti 1323 316 14 11 40 30 5.5 3.9 0.73 169 Nut & rice house blend [water, rice (5.3%), CASHEW (1.5%), HAZELNUTS (1.4%), pea protein, flavourings, acidity Mini 651 156 8.0 4.5 17 13 0.7 3.4 0.48 56 regulators: potassium phosphates; emulsifier: citric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides; stabilisers: gellan gum, guar gum, xanthan gum; sea salt, vitamins (B2, B12, E, D2)], ice, brewed espresso, toffeenut syrup [water, sugar, flavourings, Tall 830 198 9.6 5.3 23 18 0.9 4.4 0.62 113 Iced Toffee Nut Latte - Original Nut Blend salt, natural flavourings, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulators: citric acid, potassium citrates], whipped Grande 1014 242 11 6.2 29 23 1.2 5.4 0.80 113 cream [cream (MILK), sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], toffeenut sprinkles topping [sugar, water, salt, malt extract (BARLEY GLUTEN), vegetable and fruits concentrates: apple, carrot, hibiscus; natural flavouring, colour: carotenes]. Venti 1144 273 12 6.2 35 27 1.3 6.2 0.94 169 Mini 623 149 7.3 5.2 18 18 0.0 2.7 0.33 0 Toffee Nut Crème Frappuccino® - Tall 856 204 9.1 6.5 27 26 0.0 4.1 0.49 0 Skimmed Milk Grande 1177 281 13 9.1 36 35 0.0 5.2 0.68 0 Venti 1326 316 13 9.1 44 43 0.0 6.0 0.84 0 Ice, MILK, crème frappuccino syrup [water, sugar, salt, natural flavouring, thickener: xanthan gum, preservative: Mini 666 159 8.4 6.0 18 18 0.0 2.9 0.33 0 Toffee Nut Crème Frappuccino® - potassium sorbate, acidity regulator: citric acid], whipped cream [cream (MILK), sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, Tall 922 220 11 7.7 26 26 0.0 4.3 0.49 0 Semi Skimmed Milk nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], toffeenut syrup [water, sugar, flavourings, salt, natural flavourings, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulators: citric acid, potassium citrates], toffeenut sprinkles topping [sugar, water, salt, malt extract (BARLEY GLUTEN), vegetable and fruits Grande 1261 301 15 11 36 35 0.0 5.5 0.68 0 concentrates: apple, carrot, hibiscus; natural flavouring, colour: carotenes]. Venti 1423 339 15 11 44 43 0.0 6.3 0.84 0 Mini 706 169 9.7 6.8 18 17 0.0 2.6 0.33 0 Toffee Nut Crème Frappuccino® - Whole Milk Tall 983 235 13 8.9 26 26 0.0 3.9 0.49 0 Grande 1339 320 17 12 36 35 0.0 5.0 0.68 0 Venti 1513 361 18 13 44 43 0.0 5.6 0.84 0 For allergens including cereals containing gluten see ingredients in BOLD CAPITALS. All our beverages are hand crafted uniquely for you. Due to the nature of how we create our beverages we cannot guarantee that they are free from any allergens. Our beverages are prepared where allergens are handled by our partners, and where equipment and utensils are used for multiple menu items, including those containing allergens. Whilst we try to keep things separate we cannot guarantee any item is allergen free. Please remember to check this information regularly as we’re always working on our recipes. For more allergen information please ask your barista.

Home > Beverages > Food > Beverages Product Ingredients Size Energy (kJ) Toffee Nut Crème Frappuccino® - Soya Energy (kcal) Fat (g) Of which saturated (g) Carbohydrates (g) Of which sugars (g) Fibre (g) Protein (g) Salt (g) Caffeine (mg) Ice, soya drink [water, hulled SOYA beans, sugar, fructose, acidity regulators: dipotassium phosphate, monopotassium Mini 640 153 8.4 5.4 17 16 0.3 2.5 0.34 0 phosphate; calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser: gellan gum], crème frappuccino syrup [water, sugar, salt, natural flavouring, thickener: xanthan gum, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulator: citric acid], whipped cream [cream (MILK), sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, Tall 882 211 11 6.8 25 24 0.5 3.7 0.50 0 natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], toffeenut syrup [water, sugar, flavourings, salt, natural flavourings, Grande 1209 289 15 9.5 34 33 0.7 4.7 0.69 0 preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulators: citric acid, potassium citrates], toffeenut sprinkles topping [sugar, water, salt, malt extract (BARLEY GLUTEN), vegetable and fruits concentrates: apple, carrot, hibiscus; natural flavouring, colour: carotenes.]. Venti 1364 325 15 9.6 41 40 0.8 5.3 0.85 0 Ice, coconut drink [water, coconut milk (10%), sugar, maize dextrin, fava bean flour, stabilisers: gellan gum,xanthan Mini 647 155 8.9 6.8 17 17 1.0 1.1 0.39 0 gum, acidity regulator: sodium hydrogen carbonate, natural flavouring], crème frappuccino syrup [water, sugar, salt, natural flavouring, thickener: xanthan gum, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulator: citric acid], whipped Toffee Nut Crème Frappuccino® - Coconut cream [cream (MILK), sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, Tall 893 214 12 8.9 25 24 1.6 1.6 0.59 0 natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], toffeenut syrup [water, sugar, flavourings, salt, natural flavourings, Grande 1223 293 16 12 34 33 2.0 2.0 0.80 0 preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulators: citric acid, potassium citrates], toffeenut sprinkles topping [sugar, water, salt, malt extract (BARLEY GLUTEN), vegetable and fruits concentrates: apple, carrot, hibiscus; natural flavouring, colour: carotenes.]. Venti 1380 330 17 13 42 41 2.3 2.3 0.97 0 Ice, almond drink [water, ALMOND, fructose, acidity regulators: dipotassium phosphate, monopotassium phosphate; Mini 591 141 8.0 5.3 16 16 0.2 0.8 0.30 0 calcium carbonate, stabilisers: gellan gum, carrageenan, guar gum; natural flavourings, sea salt], crème frappuccino 23 0.3 1.0 0.45 0 syrup [water, sugar, salt, natural flavouring, thickener: xanthan gum, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity 32 0.4 1.4 0.62 0 regulator: citric acid], whipped cream [cream (MILK), sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and Tall 807 193 10 6.6 24 39 0.5 1.5 0.77 0 Toffee Nut Crème Frappuccino® - Almond diglycerides of fatty acids, natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], toffeenut syrup [water, sugar, flavourings, salt, natural flavourings, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulators: citric acid, potassium citrates], toffeenut Grande 1114 266 14 9.2 33 sprinkles topping [sugar, water, salt, malt extract (BARLEY GLUTEN), vegetable and fruits concentrates: apple, carrot, hibiscus; natural flavouring, colour: carotenes]. Venti 1254 299 15 9.3 41 Ice, oat drink [water, OAT (12%), coconut fat, maize dextrin, fava bean flour, acidity regulator: dipotassium phosphate, Mini 684 164 8.9 6.5 19 17 1.4 1.1 0.34 0 sea salt, stabilisers: gellan gum, xanthan gum], crème frappuccino syrup [water, sugar, salt, natural flavouring, Tall 949 227 12 8.5 28 25 2.2 1.6 0.51 0 thickener: xanthan gum, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulator: citric acid], whipped cream [cream (MILK), Toffee Nut Crème Frappuccino® - Oat sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], toffeenut syrup [water, sugar, flavourings, salt, natural flavourings, preservative: potassium Grande 1295 310 16 12 38 34 2.8 2.0 0.70 0 sorbate, acidity regulators: citric acid, potassium citrates], toffeenut sprinkles topping [sugar, water, salt, malt extract Venti 1463 349 17 12 47 41 3.2 2.3 0.87 0 (BARLEY GLUTEN), vegetable and fruits concentrates: apple, carrot, hibiscus; natural flavouring, colour: carotenes]. Ice, nut & rice house blend [water, rice (5.3%), CASHEW (1.5%), HAZELNUTS (1.4%), pea protein, flavourings, acidity Mini 637 152 8.2 5.3 18 16 0.3 1.7 0.40 0 regulators: potassium phosphates; emulsifier: citric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides; stabilisers: gellan gum, guar gum, xanthan gum; sea salt, vitamins (B2, B12, E, D2)], crème frappuccino syrup [water, sugar, salt, natural flavouring, Toffee Nut Crème Frappuccino® - thickener: xanthan gum, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulator: citric acid], whipped cream [cream (MILK), Tall 878 210 11 6.7 26 23 0.5 2.5 0.60 0 Original Nut Blend sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, natural vanilla flavouring, Grande 1204 288 15 9.4 36 32 0.7 3.2 0.81 0 stabiliser: carrageena], toffeenut syrup [water, sugar, flavourings, salt, natural flavourings, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulators: citric acid, potassium citrates], toffeenut sprinkles topping [sugar, water, salt, malt extract (BARLEY GLUTEN), vegetable and fruits concentrates: apple, carrot, hibiscus; natural flavouring, colour: carotenes]. Venti 1357 324 15 9.4 43 39 0.8 3.6 0.99 0 For allergens including cereals containing gluten see ingredients in BOLD CAPITALS. All our beverages are hand crafted uniquely for you. Due to the nature of how we create our beverages we cannot guarantee that they are free from any allergens. Our beverages are prepared where allergens are handled by our partners, and where equipment and utensils are used for multiple menu items, including those containing allergens. Whilst we try to keep things separate we cannot guarantee any item is allergen free. Please remember to check this information regularly as we’re always working on our recipes. For more allergen information please ask your barista.

Home > Beverages > Food > Beverages Product Ingredients Size Energy (kJ) Energy (kcal) Fat (g) Of which saturated (g) Carbohydrates (g) Of which sugars (g) Fibre (g) Protein (g) Salt (g) Caffeine (mg) Mini 657 157 7.3 5.2 21 20 0.0 2.2 0.31 42 Toffee Nut Coffee Frappuccino® - Tall 908 216 9.1 6.5 31 30 0.0 3.2 0.47 64 Skimmed Milk Grande 1251 298 13 9.1 42 41 0.0 4.0 0.64 91 Venti 1421 338 13 9.1 52 51 0.0 4.3 0.79 117 Ice, MILK, coffee frappuccino syrup [water, sugar, fructose, salt, natural flavourings, thickener: xanthan gum, Mini 689 165 8.1 5.8 21 20 0.0 2.3 0.31 42 preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulator: citric acid, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, and molasses], whipped cream [cream (MILK), sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and diglycerides Tall Toffee Nut Coffee Frappuccino® - Semi of fatty acids, natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], coffee [water, FRSC coffee roast soluble], toffeenut 958 228 10 7.4 30 30 0.0 3.4 0.47 64 Skimmed Milk syrup [water, sugar, flavourings, salt, natural flavourings, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulators: citric acid, Grande 1311 313 14 10 42 41 0.0 4.2 0.64 91 potassium citrates], toffeenut sprinkles topping [sugar, water, salt, malt extract (BARLEY GLUTEN), vegetable and fruits Venti 1488 354 15 10 51 51 0.0 4.6 0.79 117 concentrates: apple, carrot, hibiscus; natural flavouring, colour: carotenes]. Mini 719 172 9.1 6.4 21 20 0.0 2.1 0.31 42 Toffee Nut Coffee Frappuccino® - Whole Milk Tall 1004 240 12 8.3 30 30 0.0 3.0 0.47 64 Grande 1367 326 16 11 42 41 0.0 3.8 0.64 91 Venti 1550 369 17 12 51 50 0.0 4.1 0.79 117 Ice, soya drink [water, hulled SOYA beans, sugar, fructose, acidity regulators: dipotassium phosphate, monopotassium Mini 669 160 8.1 5.4 20 19 0.3 2.0 0.32 42 phosphate; calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser: gellan gum], coffee frappuccino syrup [water, sugar, fructose, salt, natural flavourings, thickener: xanthan gum, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulator: citric acid, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, and molasses], whipped cream [cream (MILK), sugar, Tall 927 221 10 6.7 29 29 0.4 2.9 0.47 64 Toffee Nut Coffee Frappuccino® - Soya propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and di glycerides of fatty acids (e471), natural vanilla flavouring, 1274 304 stabiliser: carrageena], coffee [water, FRSC coffee roast soluble], toffeenut syrup [water, sugar, flavourings, salt, natural Grande 14 9.4 40 40 0.5 3.6 0.65 91 flavourings, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulators: citric acid, potassium citrates], toffeenut sprinkles topping [sugar, water, salt, malt extract (BARLEY GLUTEN), vegetable and fruits concentrates: apple, carrot, hibiscus; natural flavouring, colour: carotenes]. Venti 1446 345 14 9.4 50 49 0.5 3.9 0.80 117 Ice, coconut drink [water, coconut milk (10%), sugar, maize dextrin, fava bean flour, stabilisers: gellan gum,xanthan Mini 675 161 8.5 6.4 20 20 0.8 0.9 0.36 42 gum, acidity regulator: sodium hydrogen carbonate, natural flavouring], coffee frappuccino syrup [water, sugar, fructose, salt, natural flavourings, thickener: xanthan gum, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulator: citric acid, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, and molasses], whipped cream [cream (MILK), sugar, Tall 935 223 11 8.3 29 29 1.2 1.3 0.54 64 Toffee Nut Coffee Frappuccino® - Coconut propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, natural vanilla flavouring, 1284 307 15 11 41 40 1.5 1.7 0.73 91 stabiliser: carrageena], coffee [water, FRSC coffee roast soluble], toffeenut syrup [water, sugar, flavourings, salt, natural Grande flavourings, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulators: citric acid, potassium citrates], toffeenut sprinkles topping [sugar, water, salt, malt extract (BARLEY GLUTEN), vegetable and fruits concentrates: apple, carrot, hibiscus; natural flavouring, colour: carotenes]. Venti 1457 348 15 12 50 49 1.6 1.8 0.89 117 Ice, almond drink [water, ALMOND, fructose, acidity regulators: dipotassium phosphate, monopotassium phosphate; Mini 633 151 7.8 5.3 19 19 0.2 0.7 0.29 42 calcium carbonate, stabilisers: gellan gum, carrageenan, guar gum; natural flavourings, sea salt], coffee frappuccino syrup [water, sugar, fructose, salt, natural flavourings, thickener: xanthan gum, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulator: citric acid, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, and molasses], whipped cream [cream Tall 871 208 10.0 6.6 29 28 0.2 0.9 0.44 64 Toffee Nut Coffee Frappuccino® - Almond (MILK), sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], coffee [water, FRSC coffee roast soluble], toffeenut syrup [water, sugar, flavourings, Grande 1205 288 14 9.2 40 39 0.3 1.2 0.60 91 salt, natural flavourings, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulators: citric acid, potassium citrates], toffeenut sprinkles topping [sugar, water, salt, malt extract (BARLEY GLUTEN), vegetable and fruits concentrates: apple, carrot, hibiscus; natural flavouring, colour: carotenes]. Venti 1370 327 14 9.2 49 48 0.3 1.2 0.75 117 For allergens including cereals containing gluten see ingredients in BOLD CAPITALS. All our beverages are hand crafted uniquely for you. Due to the nature of how we create our beverages we cannot guarantee that they are free from any allergens. Our beverages are prepared where allergens are handled by our partners, and where equipment and utensils are used for multiple menu items, including those containing allergens. Whilst we try to keep things separate we cannot guarantee any item is allergen free. Please remember to check this information regularly as we’re always working on our recipes. For more allergen information please ask your barista.

Home > Beverages > Food > Beverages Product Ingredients Size Energy (kJ) Energy (kcal) Fat (g) Of which saturated (g) Carbohydrates (g) Of which sugars (g) Fibre (g) Protein (g) Salt (g) Caffeine (mg) Ice, oat drink [water, OAT (12%), coconut fat, maize dextrin, fava bean flour, acidity regulator: dipotassium phosphate, Mini 703 168 8.5 6.2 21 20 1.1 0.9 0.32 42 sea salt, stabilisers: gellan gum, xanthan gum], coffee frappuccino syrup [water, sugar, fructose, salt, natural flavourings, thickener: xanthan gum, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulator: citric acid, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, and molasses], whipped cream [cream (MILK), sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; Tall 978 234 11 8.0 32 29 1.7 1.3 0.48 64 Toffee Nut Coffee Frappuccino® - Oat emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], coffee [water, FRSC coffee roast soluble], toffeenut syrup [water, sugar, flavourings, salt, natural flavourings, preservative: potassium Grande 1336 319 15 11 43 40 2.0 1.7 0.66 91 sorbate, acidity regulators: citric acid, potassium citrates], toffeenut sprinkles topping [sugar, water, salt, malt extract (BARLEY GLUTEN), vegetable and fruits concentrates: apple, carrot, hibiscus; natural flavouring, colour: carotenes]. Venti 1515 361 15 11 53 50 2.2 1.8 0.81 117 Ice, nut & rice house blend [water, rice (5.3%), CASHEW (1.5%), HAZELNUTS (1.4%), pea protein, flavourings, acidity Mini 667 159 8.0 5.3 20 19 0.3 1.4 0.36 42 regulators: potassium phosphates; emulsifier: citric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides; stabilisers: gellan gum, guar gum, xanthan gum), sea salt, vitamins (B2, B12, E, D2)], coffee frappuccino syrup [water, sugar, fructose, salt, natural flavourings, thickener: xanthan gum, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulator: citric acid, colouring food: Toffee Nut Coffee Frappuccino® - concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, and molasses], whipped cream [cream (MILK), sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, Tall 924 220 10 6.7 30 28 0.4 2.0 0.55 64 Original Nut Blend Gingerbread Latte - Skimmed Milk nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], coffee Grande 1270 303 14 9.3 41 39 0.5 2.5 0.74 91 Gingerbread Latte - Semi Skimmed Milk [water, FRSC coffee roast soluble], toffeenut syrup [water, sugar, flavourings, salt, natural flavourings, preservative: Gingerbread Latte - Whole Milk potassium sorbate, acidity regulators: citric acid, potassium citrates], toffeenut sprinkles topping [sugar, water, salt, Gingerbread Latte - Soya malt extract (BARLEY GLUTEN), vegetable and fruits concentrates: apple, carrot, hibiscus; natural flavouring, colour: carotenes.]. Venti 1442 344 14 9.3 51 48 0.5 2.7 0.90 117 Short 614 146 5.1 3.6 19 18 0.0 5.7 0.20 56 Tall 845 201 6.2 4.3 28 26 0.0 8.5 0.28 113 Grande 1110 263 7.2 5.0 37 35 0.0 12 0.40 113 MILK, brewed espresso, gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, Venti 1317 312 7.3 5.0 46 43 0.0 15 0.49 169 hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity Short regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate], gingerbread whipped cream [whipped cream Tall 713 170 7.8 5.3 19 18 0.0 6.0 0.20 56 [cream (MILK), sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, natural Grande vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate Venti 992 236 10 6.8 27 25 0.0 9.0 0.28 113 of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: Short carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate]], waffle pieces [sugar, wheat flour 1325 315 13 8.7 37 34 0.0 13 0.40 113 (WHEAT flour, calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), raising agent: sodium carbonates; salt, malted BARLEY flour]. 1586 377 15 9.7 45 42 0.0 16 0.49 169 805 193 11 7.2 19 17 0.0 5.4 0.20 56 Tall 1127 269 14 9.6 27 25 0.0 8.0 0.28 113 Grande 1523 364 19 13 36 34 0.0 12 0.40 113 Venti 1834 438 22 15 45 41 0.0 15 0.49 169 Soya drink [water, hulled SOYA beans, sugar, fructose, acidity regulators: dipotassium phosphate, monopotassium Short 652 156 7.7 4.1 16 15 0.8 5.1 0.21 56 phosphate; calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser: gellan gum], brewed espresso, gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate], gingerbread whipped cream [whipped cream [cream (MILK), sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, Tall 901 215 9.9 5.0 23 21 1.2 7.6 0.30 113 nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], gingerbread Grande 1192 284 13 6.0 31 28 1.7 11 0.43 113 flavour syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate]], waffle pieces [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), raising agent: sodium carbonates; salt, malted BARLEY flour]. Venti 1420 338 14 6.2 38 35 2.2 14 0.53 169 For allergens including cereals containing gluten see ingredients in BOLD CAPITALS. All our beverages are hand crafted uniquely for you. Due to the nature of how we create our beverages we cannot guarantee that they are free from any allergens. Our beverages are prepared where allergens are handled by our partners, and where equipment and utensils are used for multiple menu items, including those containing allergens. Whilst we try to keep things separate we cannot guarantee any item is allergen free. Please remember to check this information regularly as we’re always working on our recipes. For more allergen information please ask your barista.

Home > Beverages > Food > Beverages Product Ingredients Size Energy (kJ) Gingerbread Latte - Coconut Energy (kcal) Gingerbread Latte - Almond Fat (g) Gingerbread Latte - Oat Of which Gingerbread Latte - Original Nut Blend saturated (g) Carbohydrates (g) Of which sugars (g) Fibre (g) Protein (g) Salt (g) Caffeine (mg) Coconut drink [water, coconut milk (10%), sugar, maize dextrin, fava bean flour, stabilisers: gellan gum,xanthan gum, Short 669 160 8.9 7.2 17 15 2.4 1.9 0.34 56 acidity regulator: sodium hydrogen carbonate, natural flavouring], brewed espresso, gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium Tall sorbate], gingerbread whipped cream [whipped cream [cream (MILK), sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; 926 222 12 9.6 24 22 3.5 2.9 0.49 113 emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], gingerbread flavour Grande 1228 294 15 13 32 30 5.1 4.0 0.70 113 syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate]], waffle pieces [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), raising agent: sodium carbonates; salt, malted BARLEY flour]. Venti 1464 350 18 15 40 36 6.4 5.1 0.87 169 Almond drink [water, ALMOND, fructose, acidity regulators: dipotassium phosphate, monopotassium phosphate; Short 540 129 6.9 3.8 16 14 0.5 1.1 0.13 56 calcium carbonate, stabilisers: gellan gum, carrageenan, guar gum; natural flavourings, sea salt], brewed espresso, Tall 20 0.7 1.8 0.19 113 gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; Grande 736 176 8.7 4.5 22 26 1.0 2.3 0.26 113 natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric Venti 32 1.3 3.0 0.32 169 acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate], gingerbread whipped cream [whipped cream [cream (MILK), 949 227 11 5.3 29 sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, 1116 266 12 5.4 36 hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate]], waffle pieces [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), raising agent: sodium carbonates; salt, malted BARLEY flour]. Oat drink [water, OAT (12%), coconut fat, maize dextrin, fava bean flour, acidity regulator: dipotassium phosphate, Short 754 180 8.9 6.6 22 16 3.3 1.9 0.23 56 sea salt, stabilisers: gellan gum, xanthan gum], brewed espresso, gingerbread flavour syrup [Water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate], gingerbread whipped cream [whipped cream [cream (MILK), sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: Tall 1051 251 12 8.7 31 23 4.9 2.9 0.33 113 mono and di glycerides of fatty acids (e471), natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], gingerbread flavour syrup 1412 338 31 7.2 4.0 0.47 113 [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: Grande 15 11 42 gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate]], waffle pieces [sugar, WHEAT flour (WHEAT flour, calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), raising agent: sodium carbonates; salt, malted BARLEY flour]. Venti 1696 405 18 13 52 38 9.0 5.1 0.58 169 Nut & rice house blend [water, rice (5.3%), CASHEW (1.5%), HAZELNUTS (1.4%), pea protein, flavourings, acidity Short 646 154 7.4 3.9 18 14 0.8 3.3 0.36 56 regulators: potassium phosphates; emulsifier: citric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides; stabilisers: gellan gum, guar gum, xanthan gum; sea salt, vitamins (B2, B12, E, D2)], brewed espresso, gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium Tall 892 213 9.4 4.7 27 20 1.2 5.0 0.51 113 sorbate], gingerbread whipped cream [whipped cream [cream (MILK), sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, Grande 1178 281 12 5.6 35 27 1.7 7.1 0.74 113 stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate]], waffle pieces [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), raising agent: sodium carbonates; salt, malted BARLEY flour]. Venti 1403 334 13 5.8 44 33 2.2 9.0 0.92 169 For allergens including cereals containing gluten see ingredients in BOLD CAPITALS. All our beverages are hand crafted uniquely for you. Due to the nature of how we create our beverages we cannot guarantee that they are free from any allergens. Our beverages are prepared where allergens are handled by our partners, and where equipment and utensils are used for multiple menu items, including those containing allergens. Whilst we try to keep things separate we cannot guarantee any item is allergen free. Please remember to check this information regularly as we’re always working on our recipes. For more allergen information please ask your barista.

Home > Beverages > Food > Beverages Product Ingredients Size Energy (kJ) Iced Gingerbread Latte - Skimmed Milk Energy (kcal) Iced Gingerbread Latte - Fat (g) Semi Skimmed Milk Of which Iced Gingerbread Latte - Whole Milk saturated (g) Carbohydrates Iced Gingerbread Latte - Soya (g) Of which Iced Gingerbread Latte - Coconut sugars (g) Fibre (g) Protein (g) Salt (g) Caffeine (mg) Mini 601 143 5.1 3.6 19 17 0.0 5.4 0.19 56 Tall 772 184 6.1 4.3 25 23 0.0 6.8 0.23 113 Grande 946 225 7.1 5.0 32 29 0.0 8.4 0.29 113 MILK, ice, brewed espresso, gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, Venti 1072 254 7.1 5.0 38 34 0.0 9.7 0.32 169 carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, Mini 695 166 7.7 5.2 19 17 0.0 5.7 0.19 56 acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate], gingerbread whipped cream [whipped cream Tall 887 211 9.2 6.3 25 23 0.0 7.2 0.23 113 [cream (MILK), sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: Grande 1091 260 11 7.5 31 29 0.0 8.9 0.29 113 carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate]], waffle pieces [sugar, wheat flour Venti 1237 294 12 7.8 37 34 0.0 10 0.32 169 (WHEAT flour, calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), raising agent: sodium carbonates; salt, malted BARLEY flour]. Mini 781 187 10 7.0 18 17 0.0 5.1 0.19 56 Tall 993 237 13 8.5 25 22 0.0 6.4 0.23 113 Grande 1224 292 15 10 31 29 0.0 7.9 0.29 113 Venti 1338 331 16 11 37 34 0.0 9.2 0.32 169 Soya drink [water, hulled SOYA beans, sugar, fructose, acidity regulators: dipotassium phosphate, monopotassium Mini 637 152 7.5 4.0 16 15 0.8 4.8 0.20 56 phosphate; calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser: gellan gum], ice, brewed espresso, gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate], gingerbread whipped cream [whipped cream [cream (MILK), sugar, propellants: Tall 816 195 9.0 4.8 22 20 0.9 6.1 0.25 113 nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and di glycerides of fatty acids (e471), natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: Grande 1002 239 11 5.6 28 25 1.2 7.5 0.31 113 carrageena], gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate]], waffle pieces [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), raising agent: sodium carbonates; salt, malted BARLEY flour]. Venti 1135 271 11 5.7 33 29 1.3 8.7 0.35 169 Coconut drink [water, coconut milk (10%), sugar, maize dextrin, fava bean flour, stabilisers: gellan gum,xanthan gum, Mini 652 156 8.7 7.0 17 15 2.2 1.8 0.32 56 acidity regulator: sodium hydrogen carbonate, natural flavouring., ice, brewed espresso, gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate], gingerbread whipped cream [whipped cream [cream (MILK), sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, Tall 835 200 11 8.5 23 20 2.8 2.4 0.39 113 nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and di glycerides of fatty acids (e471), natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], Grande 1025 245 13 10.2 28 26 3.5 2.9 0.49 113 gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate]], waffle pieces [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), raising agent: sodium carbonates; salt, malted BARLEY flour]. Venti 1162 278 13 11.0 34 31 3.9 3.5 0.56 169 For allergens including cereals containing gluten see ingredients in BOLD CAPITALS. All our beverages are hand crafted uniquely for you. Due to the nature of how we create our beverages we cannot guarantee that they are free from any allergens. Our beverages are prepared where allergens are handled by our partners, and where equipment and utensils are used for multiple menu items, including those containing allergens. Whilst we try to keep things separate we cannot guarantee any item is allergen free. Please remember to check this information regularly as we’re always working on our recipes. For more allergen information please ask your barista.

Home > Beverages > Food > Beverages Product Ingredients Size Energy (kJ) Iced Gingerbread Latte - Almond Energy (kcal) Fat (g) Iced Gingerbread Latte - Oat Of which saturated (g) Carbohydrates (g) Of which sugars (g) Fibre (g) Protein (g) Salt (g) Caffeine (mg) Almond drink [water, ALMOND, fructose, acidity regulators: dipotassium phosphate, monopotassium phosphate; Mini 531 127 6.8 3.8 15 14 0.5 1.1 0.13 56 calcium carbonate, stabilisers: gellan gum, carrageenan, guar gum; natural flavourings, sea salt], ice, brewed espresso, Tall 4.5 21 18 0.6 1.5 0.16 113 gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; Grande 687 164 8.1 5.2 26 24 0.7 1.7 0.19 113 natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric Venti 5.2 32 28 0.8 2.2 0.22 169 acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate], gingerbread whipped cream [whipped cream [cream (MILK), 838 200 9.6 sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, 950 227 10.0 hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate]], waffle pieces [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), raising agent: sodium carbonates; salt, malted BARLEY flour]. Oat drink [water, OAT (12%), coconut fat, maize dextrin, fava bean flour, acidity regulator: dipotassium phosphate, sea Mini 733 175 8.7 6.4 21 16 3.1 1.8 0.22 56 salt, stabilisers: gellan gum, xanthan gum., ice, brewed espresso, gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate], gingerbread whipped cream [whipped cream [cream (MILK), sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: Tall 934 223 11 7.7 28 21 3.9 2.4 0.27 113 mono and di glycerides of fatty acids (e471), natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], gingerbread flavour syrup 1150 13 4.8 2.9 0.33 113 [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: Grande 275 9.3 35 27 gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate]], waffle pieces [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), raising agent: sodium carbonates; salt, malted BARLEY flour]. Venti 1304 311 13 9.9 42 31 5.5 3.5 0.38 169 Nut & rice house blend [water, rice (5.3%), CASHEW (1.5%), HAZELNUTS (1.4%), pea protein, flavourings, acidity Mini 631 151 7.2 3.9 18 14 0.8 3.2 0.34 56 regulators: potassium phosphates; emulsifier: citric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides; stabilisers: gellan gum, guar gum, xanthan gum; sea salt, vitamins (B2, B12, E, D2)], ice, brewed espresso, gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium Tall 809 193 8.7 4.6 24 19 0.9 4.1 0.41 113 Iced Gingerbread Latte - Original Nut Blend sorbate], gingerbread whipped cream [whipped cream [cream (MILK), sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, Grande 992 237 10 5.4 31 24 1.2 5.0 0.52 113 stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate]], waffle pieces [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), raising agent: sodium carbonates; salt, malted BARLEY flour]. Venti 1125 268 11 5.5 36 28 1.3 5.8 0.58 169 For allergens including cereals containing gluten see ingredients in BOLD CAPITALS. All our beverages are hand crafted uniquely for you. Due to the nature of how we create our beverages we cannot guarantee that they are free from any allergens. Our beverages are prepared where allergens are handled by our partners, and where equipment and utensils are used for multiple menu items, including those containing allergens. Whilst we try to keep things separate we cannot guarantee any item is allergen free. Please remember to check this information regularly as we’re always working on our recipes. For more allergen information please ask your barista.

Home > Beverages > Food > Beverages Product Ingredients Size Energy (kJ) Energy (kcal) Fat (g) Of which saturated (g) Carbohydrates (g) Of which sugars (g) Fibre (g) Protein (g) Salt (g) Caffeine (mg) Mini 628 150 6.3 4.5 21 21 0.0 1.8 0.27 42 Gingerbread Coffee Frappuccino® - Tall 874 208 7.9 5.6 32 31 0.0 2.7 0.39 64 Skimmed Milk Gingerbread Coffee Frappuccino® - Grande 1204 287 11 7.9 44 43 0.0 3.3 0.54 91 Semi Skimmed Milk Gingerbread Coffee Frappuccino® - Ice, MILK, coffee frappuccino syrup [water, sugar, fructose, salt, natural flavourings, thickener: xanthan gum, Venti 1375 327 11 7.9 53 52 0.0 3.7 0.66 117 Whole Milk preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulator: citric acid, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, and molasses], gingerbread whipped cream [whipped cream [cream (MILK), sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], gingerbread flavour Mini 660 158 7.2 5.1 21 21 0.0 1.9 0.27 42 syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, Tall 923 220 9.2 6.5 31 31 0.0 2.9 0.39 64 stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate]], coffee [water, FRSC coffee roast soluble], gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, Grande 1265 301 13 8.9 43 42 0.0 3.5 0.54 91 fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, Venti 1442 343 13 9.1 53 52 0.0 3.9 0.66 117 sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate], waffle pieces [sugar, WHEAT flour (WHEAT flour, calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), raising agent: sodium carbonates; salt, malted BARLEY flour]. Mini 690 165 8.1 5.7 21 21 0.0 1.7 0.27 42 Tall 969 231 11 7.4 31 31 0.0 2.6 0.39 64 Grande 1321 315 14 10 43 42 0.0 3.1 0.54 91 Venti 1505 358 15 10 53 52 0.0 3.5 0.66 117 Ice, soya drink [water, hulled SOYA beans, sugar, fructose, acidity regulators: dipotassium phosphate, monopotassium Mini 640 153 7.1 4.7 21 20 0.3 1.6 0.27 42 phosphate; calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser: gellan gum], coffee frappuccino syrup [water, sugar, fructose, salt, natural flavourings, thickener: xanthan gum, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulator: citric acid, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, and molasses], gingerbread whipped cream [whipped cream [cream (MILK), sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, natural Tall 893 213 9.1 5.9 30 29 0.4 2.4 0.40 64 Gingerbread Coffee Frappuccino® - Soya vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate]], coffee [water, FRSC coffee roast Grande 1228 293 13 8.2 42 41 0.5 3.0 0.55 91 soluble], gingerbread flavour syrup [Water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate], waffle pieces [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), raising agent: sodium carbonates; salt, malted BARLEY flour]. Venti 1401 333 13 8.2 51 50 0.6 3.3 0.67 117 Ice, coconut drink [water, coconut milk (10%), sugar, maize dextrin, fava bean flour, stabilisers: gellan gum,xanthan Mini 646 154 7.5 5.7 21 20 0.8 0.6 0.31 42 gum, acidity regulator: sodium hydrogen carbonate, natural flavouring], coffee frappuccino syrup [water, sugar, fructose, salt, natural flavourings, thickener: xanthan gum, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulator: citric acid, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, and molasses], gingerbread whipped cream [whipped cream [cream (MILK), sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, natural Tall 901 215 9.8 7.4 30 30 1.2 0.8 0.47 64 Gingerbread Coffee Frappuccino® - Coconut vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate]], coffee [water, FRSC coffee Grande 1238 295 13 10 42 41 1.5 1.0 0.63 91 roast soluble], gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate], waffle pieces [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), raising agent: sodium carbonates; salt, malted BARLEY flour]. Venti 1412 336 14 10 52 50 1.6 1.1 0.76 117 For allergens including cereals containing gluten see ingredients in BOLD CAPITALS. All our beverages are hand crafted uniquely for you. Due to the nature of how we create our beverages we cannot guarantee that they are free from any allergens. Our beverages are prepared where allergens are handled by our partners, and where equipment and utensils are used for multiple menu items, including those containing allergens. Whilst we try to keep things separate we cannot guarantee any item is allergen free. Please remember to check this information regularly as we’re always working on our recipes. For more allergen information please ask your barista.

Home > Beverages > Food > Beverages Product Ingredients Size Energy (kJ) Energy (kcal) Fat (g) Of which saturated (g) Carbohydrates (g) Of which sugars (g) Fibre (g) Protein (g) Salt (g) Caffeine (mg) Ice, almond drink [water, ALMOND, fructose, acidity regulators: dipotassium phosphate, monopotassium phosphate; Mini 604 144 6.9 4.6 20 20 0.2 0.3 0.25 42 calcium carbonate, stabilisers: gellan gum, carrageenan, guar gum; natural flavourings, sea salt], coffee frappuccino syrup [water, sugar, fructose, salt, natural flavourings, thickener: xanthan gum, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulator: citric acid, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, and molasses], gingerbread whipped cream [whipped cream [cream (MILK), sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and diglycerides Tall 837 199 8.7 5.7 30 29 0.3 0.5 0.36 64 Gingerbread Coffee Frappuccino® - Almond of fatty acids, natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate]], Grande 1159 276 12 8.0 41 40 0.3 0.5 0.50 91 coffee [water, FRSC coffee roast soluble], gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate], waffle pieces [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), raising agent: sodium carbonates; salt, malted BARLEY flour]. Venti 1325 315 12 8.0 51 49 0.3 0.6 0.62 117 Ice, oat drink [water, OAT (12%), coconut fat, maize dextrin, fava bean flour, acidity regulator: dipotassium phosphate, Mini 674 161 7.5 5.5 22 20 1.1 0.6 0.28 42 sea salt, stabilisers: gellan gum, xanthan gum], coffee frappuccino syrup [water, sugar, fructose, salt, natural flavourings, thickener: xanthan gum, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulator: citric acid, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, and molasses], gingerbread whipped cream [whipped cream [cream (MILK), sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: Tall 944 225 9.8 7.1 33 30 1.7 0.8 0.41 64 Gingerbread Coffee Frappuccino® - Oat carrageena], gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate]], coffee [water, FRSC coffee roast soluble], gingerbread flavour Grande 1290 308 13 9.7 45 41 2.0 1.0 0.56 91 syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate], waffle pieces [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), raising Venti agent: sodium carbonates; salt, malted BARLEY flour]. 1470 350 14 9.9 55 51 2.3 1.1 0.68 117 Ice, nut & rice house blend [water, rice (5.3%), CASHEW (1.5%), HAZELNUTS (1.4%), pea protein, flavourings, acidity Mini 638 152 7.0 4.6 21 20 0.3 1.0 0.32 42 regulators: potassium phosphates; emulsifier: citric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides; stabilisers: gellan gum, guar gum, xanthan gum; sea salt, vitamins (B2, B12, E, D2)], coffee frappuccino syrup [water, sugar, fructose, salt, natural flavourings, thickener: xanthan gum, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulator: citric acid, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, and molasses], gingerbread whipped cream [whipped cream [cream (MILK), Tall 890 212 9.0 5.8 31 29 0.4 1.6 0.47 64 Gingerbread Coffee Frappuccino® - sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, natural vanilla flavouring, Original Nut Blend stabiliser: carrageena], gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, Grande 1224 292 12 8.1 43 40 0.5 1.9 0.64 91 acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate]], coffee [water, FRSC coffee roast soluble], gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate], waffle pieces [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium, iron, niacin, Venti 1397 332 13 8.1 53 50 0.6 2.1 0.77 117 thiamin), raising agent: sodium carbonates; salt, malted BARLEY flour]. For allergens including cereals containing gluten see ingredients in BOLD CAPITALS. All our beverages are hand crafted uniquely for you. Due to the nature of how we create our beverages we cannot guarantee that they are free from any allergens. Our beverages are prepared where allergens are handled by our partners, and where equipment and utensils are used for multiple menu items, including those containing allergens. Whilst we try to keep things separate we cannot guarantee any item is allergen free. Please remember to check this information regularly as we’re always working on our recipes. For more allergen information please ask your barista.

Home > Beverages > Food > Beverages Product Ingredients Size Energy (kJ) Gingerbread Crème Frappuccino® - Energy (kcal) Skimmed Milk Fat (g) Gingerbread Crème Frappuccino® - Of which Semi Skimmed Milk saturated (g) Gingerbread Crème Frappuccino® - Carbohydrates Whole Milk (g) Of which Gingerbread Crème Frappuccino® - Soya sugars (g) Fibre (g) Protein (g) Salt (g) Caffeine (mg) Mini 594 142 6.3 4.5 19 18 0.0 2.4 0.28 0 27 0.0 3.6 0.42 0 Tall 822 196 7.9 5.6 28 37 0.0 4.6 0.57 0 44 0.0 5.3 0.70 0 Grande 1131 269 11 7.9 38 18 0.0 2.5 0.28 0 26 0.0 3.8 0.42 0 Ice, MILK, crème frappuccino syrup [water, sugar, salt, natural flavouring, thickener: xanthan gum, preservative: Venti 1281 305 11 7.9 46 36 0.0 4.9 0.57 0 potassium sorbate, acidity regulator: citric acid], gingerbread whipped cream [whipped cream [cream (MILK), sugar, 44 0.0 5.6 0.70 0 propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, natural vanilla flavouring, Mini 637 152 7.5 5.3 19 18 0.0 2.3 0.28 0 26 0.0 3.4 0.42 0 stabiliser: carrageena], gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, Tall 888 212 9.7 6.8 27 36 0.0 4.3 0.57 0 hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity 44 0.0 5.0 0.70 0 regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate]], gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose Grande 1215 290 13 9.3 38 17 0.4 2.1 0.29 0 acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate], waffle Venti 1378 328 14 9.6 46 25 0.5 3.2 0.43 0 pieces [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), raising agent: sodium carbonates; salt, malted BARLEY flour]. Mini 677 162 8.7 6.1 19 34 0.7 4.1 0.59 0 Tall 949 227 12 8.0 27 42 0.8 4.7 0.72 0 Grande 1292 309 16 11 38 Venti 1468 350 17 11 46 Ice, soya drink [water, hulled SOYA beans, sugar, fructose, acidity regulators: dipotassium phosphate, monopotassium Mini 611 146 7.4 4.7 18 phosphate; calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser: gellan gum], crème frappuccino syrup [water, sugar, salt, natural flavouring, thickener: xanthan gum, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulator: citric acid], gingerbread whipped cream [whipped cream [cream (MILK), sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, Tall 847 202 9.6 5.9 26 fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate]], gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, Grande 1163 278 13 8.3 35 molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate], waffle pieces [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), raising agent: sodium carbonates; salt, malted BARLEY flour]. Venti 1318 314 14 8.3 43 Ice, coconut drink [water, coconut milk (10%), sugar, maize dextrin, fava bean flour, stabilisers: gellan gum,xanthan Mini 618 148 8.0 6.1 18 17 1.0 0.7 0.34 0 gum, acidity regulator: sodium hydrogen carbonate, natural flavouring], crème frappuccino syrup [water, sugar, salt, natural flavouring, thickener: xanthan gum, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulator: citric acid], gingerbread whipped cream [whipped cream [cream (MILK), sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, Tall 858 205 10 8.0 26 25 1.6 1.1 0.51 0 Gingerbread Crème Frappuccino® - Coconut fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate]], gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, Grande 1177 281 14 11 36 35 2.0 1.4 0.69 0 molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate], waffle pieces [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), raising agent: sodium carbonates; salt, malted BARLEY flour.]. Venti 1334 319 15 11 44 42 2.3 1.6 0.84 0 For allergens including cereals containing gluten see ingredients in BOLD CAPITALS. All our beverages are hand crafted uniquely for you. Due to the nature of how we create our beverages we cannot guarantee that they are free from any allergens. Our beverages are prepared where allergens are handled by our partners, and where equipment and utensils are used for multiple menu items, including those containing allergens. Whilst we try to keep things separate we cannot guarantee any item is allergen free. Please remember to check this information regularly as we’re always working on our recipes. For more allergen information please ask your barista.

Home > Beverages > Food > Beverages Product Ingredients Size Energy (kJ) Energy (kcal) Fat (g) Of which saturated (g) Carbohydrates (g) Of which sugars (g) Fibre (g) Protein (g) Salt (g) Caffeine (mg) Ice, almond drink [water, ALMOND, fructose, acidity regulators: dipotassium phosphate, monopotassium phosphate; Mini 562 134 7.1 4.6 17 16 0.2 0.4 0.25 0 calcium carbonate, stabilisers: gellan gum, carrageenan, guar gum; natural flavourings, sea salt], crème frappuccino syrup [water, sugar, salt, natural flavouring, thickener: xanthan gum, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulator: citric acid], gingerbread whipped cream [whipped cream [cream (MILK), sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], gingerbread flavour Tall 773 184 9.1 5.7 25 24 0.3 0.6 0.38 0 Gingerbread Crème Frappuccino® - Almond syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, Grande 1068 255 13 8.0 35 33 0.4 0.7 0.52 0 stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate]], gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate], waffle pieces [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), raising agent: sodium carbonates; salt, malted BARLEY flour]. Venti 1209 288 13 8.0 42 41 0.5 0.8 0.64 0 Ice, oat drink [water, OAT (12%), coconut fat, maize dextrin, fava bean flour, acidity regulator: dipotassium phosphate, Mini 655 157 8.0 5.8 20 17 1.5 0.7 0.30 0 sea salt, stabilisers: gellan gum, xanthan gum], crème frappuccino syrup [water, sugar, salt, natural flavouring, thickener: xanthan gum, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulator: citric acid], gingerbread whipped cream [whipped cream [cream (MILK), sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring Tall 915 219 10 7.6 29 25 2.2 1.1 0.44 0 Gingerbread Crème Frappuccino® - Oat food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate]], gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural Grande 1249 298 14 10 40 35 2.8 1.4 0.60 0 flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate], waffle pieces [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), raising agent: sodium carbonates; salt, malted BARLEY flour]. Venti 1418 338 15 11 48 43 3.3 1.6 0.73 0 Ice, nut & rice house blend [water, rice (5.3%), CASHEW (1.5%), HAZELNUTS (1.4%), pea protein, flavourings, acidity Mini 608 145 7.3 4.6 18 16 0.4 1.4 0.35 0 regulators: potassium phosphates; emulsifier: citric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides; stabilisers: gellan gum, guar gum, xanthan gum; sea salt, vitamins (B2, B12, E, D2)], crème frappuccino syrup [water, sugar, salt, natural flavouring, thickener: xanthan gum, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulator: citric acid], gingerbread whipped cream [whipped cream [cream (MILK), sugar, propellants: nitrous oxide, nitrogen; emulsifier: mono and di glycerides of Tall 843 201 9.4 5.8 27 24 0.5 2.1 0.52 0 Gingerbread Crème Frappuccino® - fatty acids (e471), natural vanilla flavouring, stabiliser: carrageena], gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, fructose, Original Nut Blend colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate]], Grande 1157 276 13 8.1 37 33 0.7 2.6 0.71 0 gingerbread flavour syrup [water, sugar, fructose, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, molasses; natural flavourings, stabilisers: gum arabic, sucrose acetate Isobutyrate; colour: carotenes, acidity regulators: citric acid, lactic acid; preservative: potassium sorbate], waffle pieces [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), raising agent: sodium carbonates; salt, malted BARLEY flour]. Venti 1312 313 13 8.2 45 41 0.8 3.0 0.86 0 For allergens including cereals containing gluten see ingredients in BOLD CAPITALS. All our beverages are hand crafted uniquely for you. Due to the nature of how we create our beverages we cannot guarantee that they are free from any allergens. Our beverages are prepared where allergens are handled by our partners, and where equipment and utensils are used for multiple menu items, including those containing allergens. Whilst we try to keep things separate we cannot guarantee any item is allergen free. Please remember to check this information regularly as we’re always working on our recipes. For more allergen information please ask your barista.

Home > Beverages > Food > Beverages Product Ingredients Size Energy (kJ) Energy (kcal) Fat (g) Of which saturated (g) Carbohydrates (g) Of which sugars (g) Fibre (g) Protein (g) Salt (g) Caffeine (mg) Short 654 156 5.8 3.6 20 19 0.0 5.7 0.18 56 Caramel Waffle Latte - Skimmed milk Tall 971 231 7.2 4.4 32 29 0.0 9.6 0.30 113 Grande 1201 285 8.3 5.1 40 38 0.0 12 0.38 113 Venti 1435 340 8.4 5.1 50 47 0.0 16 0.48 169 MILK, brewed espresso, caramel waffle flavour syrup [sugar, water, caramel sugar syrup, natural flavouring, Short 755 180 8.5 5.3 20 18 0.0 6.0 0.18 56 Caramel Waffle Latte - Semi- skimmed milk preservative: potassium sorbate, acid: citric acid.], caramel whipped cream [whipping cream (MILK), caramel flavour Tall 1138 271 12 7.3 31 29 0.0 10 0.30 113 syrup [sugar, water, natural flavouring, preservative: potassium sorbate, acid: citric acid, caramel sugar syrup]], spiced Grande 1415 337 14 8.8 40 37 0.0 13 0.38 113 caramel waffle crunch [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), butter (MILK), palm oil, water, maize starch, natural flavouring, humectant: glycerol; salt, raising agent: sodium carbonates; anti-caking agent: silicon dioxide; emulsifier: lecithin (SOYA)]. Venti 1711 407 16 9.8 50 46 0.0 17 0.48 169 Short 847 203 11 7.2 20 18 0.0 5.4 0.18 56 Caramel Waffle Latte - Whole milk Tall 1291 309 17 11 31 29 0.0 9.1 0.30 113 Grande 1613 386 20 13 39 37 0.0 12 0.38 113 Venti 1965 469 24 15 49 46 0.0 15 0.48 169 Soya drink [water, hulled SOYA beans, sugar, fructose, acidity regulators: dipotassium phosphate, monopotassium Short 693 166 8.4 4.0 17 16 0.8 5.1 0.20 56 phosphate; calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser: gellan gum], brewed espresso, caramel waffle flavour syrup [sugar, water, caramel sugar syrup, natural flavouring, preservative: potassium sorbate, acid: citric acid.], Tall 1035 247 11 5.2 27 24 1.4 8.5 0.33 113 Caramel Waffle Latte - Soya caramel whipped cream [whipping cream (MILK), caramel flavour syrup [sugar, water, natural flavouring, preservative: potassium sorbate, acid: citric acid, caramel sugar syrup]], spiced caramel waffle crunch [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT Grande 1283 306 14 6.0 34 31 1.7 11 0.41 113 flour, calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), butter (MILK), palm oil, water, maize starch, natural flavouring, humectant: glycerol; salt, raising agent: sodium carbonates; anti-caking agent: silicon dioxide; emulsifier: lecithin (SOYA)]. Venti 1541 367 15 6.3 42 39 2.2 14 0.52 169 Coconut drink [water, coconut milk (10%), sugar, maize dextrin, fava bean flour, stabilisers: gellan gum,xanthan gum, Short 709 170 9.6 7.2 18 16 2.4 1.9 0.33 56 acidity regulator: sodium hydrogen carbonate, natural flavouring., brewed espresso, caramel waffle flavour syrup [sugar, water, caramel sugar syrup, natural flavouring, preservative: potassium sorbate, acid: citric acid.], caramel whipped Tall 1063 254 14 11 28 25 4.0 3.3 0.54 113 Caramel Waffle Latte - Coconut cream [whipping cream (MILK), caramel flavour syrup [sugar, water, natural flavouring, preservative: potassium sorbate, acid: citric acid, caramel sugar syrup]], spiced caramel waffle crunch [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium, Grande 1318 316 17 13 35 33 5.2 4.0 0.69 113 iron, niacin, thiamin), butter (MILK), palm oil, water, maize starch, natural flavouring, humectant: glycerol; salt, raising Venti 1586 380 19 15 44 40 6.6 5.3 0.87 169 agent: sodium carbonates; anti-caking agent: silicon dioxide; emulsifier: lecithin (SOYA)]. Coconut drink [water, coconut milk (10%), sugar, maize dextrin, fava bean flour, stabilisers: gellan gum,xanthan gum, Short 709 170 9.6 7.2 18 16 2.4 1.9 0.33 56 acidity regulator: sodium hydrogen carbonate, natural flavouring., brewed espresso, caramel waffle flavour syrup [sugar, water, caramel sugar syrup, natural flavouring, preservative: potassium sorbate, acid: citric acid.], caramel whipped Tall 1063 254 14 11 28 25 4.0 3.3 0.54 113 Caramel Waffle Latte - Coconut cream [whipping cream (MILK), caramel flavour syrup [sugar, water, natural flavouring, preservative: potassium sorbate, acid: citric acid, caramel sugar syrup]], spiced caramel waffle crunch [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium, Grande 1318 316 17 13 35 33 5.2 4.0 0.69 113 iron, niacin, thiamin), butter (MILK), palm oil, water, maize starch, natural flavouring, humectant: glycerol; salt, raising Venti 1586 380 19 15 44 40 6.6 5.3 0.87 169 agent: sodium carbonates; anti-caking agent: silicon dioxide; emulsifier: lecithin (SOYA)]. Almond drink [water, ALMOND, fructose, acidity regulators: dipotassium phosphate, monopotassium phosphate; calcium Short 580 139 7.6 3.7 16 15 0.5 1.1 0.12 56 carbonate, stabilisers: gellan gum, carrageenan, guar gum; natural flavourings, sea salt], brewed espresso, caramel waffle flavour syrup [sugar, water, caramel sugar syrup, natural flavouring, preservative: potassium sorbate, acid: citric acid.], Tall 847 202 10 4.7 25 23 0.8 1.9 0.19 113 Caramel Waffle Latte - Almond caramel whipped cream [whipping cream (MILK), caramel flavour syrup [sugar, water, natural flavouring, preservative: potassium sorbate, acid: citric acid, caramel sugar syrup]], spiced caramel waffle crunch [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, Grande 1040 248 12 5.4 32 29 1.1 2.3 0.24 113 calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), butter (MILK), palm oil, water, maize starch, natural flavouring, humectant: glycerol; salt, Venti 1229 293 13 5.5 40 36 1.4 3.1 0.30 169 raising agent: sodium carbonates; anti-caking agent: silicon dioxide; emulsifier: lecithin (SOYA)]. For allergens including cereals containing gluten see ingredients in BOLD CAPITALS. All our beverages are hand crafted uniquely for you. Due to the nature of how we create our beverages we cannot guarantee that they are free from any allergens. Our beverages are prepared where allergens are handled by our partners, and where equipment and utensils are used for multiple menu items, including those containing allergens. Whilst we try to keep things separate we cannot guarantee any item is allergen free. Please remember to check this information regularly as we’re always working on our recipes. For more allergen information please ask your barista.

Home > Beverages > Food > Beverages Product Ingredients Size Energy (kJ) Energy (kcal) Fat (g) Of which saturated (g) Carbohydrates (g) Of which sugars (g) Fibre (g) Protein (g) Salt (g) Caffeine (mg) Oat drink [water, OAT (12%), coconut fat, maize dextrin, fava bean flour, acidity regulator: dipotassium phosphate, Short 796 190 9.6 6.6 22 17 3.4 1.9 0.21 56 sea salt, stabilisers: gellan gum, xanthan gum], brewed espresso, caramel waffle flavour syrup [sugar, water, caramel sugar syrup, natural flavouring, preservative: potassium sorbate, acid: citric acid.], caramel whipped cream [whipping Tall 1205 288 14 9.4 36 26 5.6 3.3 0.35 113 Caramel Waffle Latte - Oat cream (MILK), caramel flavour syrup [sugar, water, natural flavouring, preservative: potassium sorbate, acid: citric acid, caramel sugar syrup]], spiced caramel waffle crunch [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), Grande 1503 359 17 12 45 34 7.2 4.0 0.45 113 butter (MILK), palm oil, water, maize starch, natural flavouring, humectant: glycerol; salt, raising agent: sodium Venti 1823 436 19 13 57 42 9.2 5.3 0.56 169 carbonates; anti-caking agent: silicon dioxide; emulsifier: lecithin (SOYA)]. Nut & rice house blend [water, rice (5.3%), CASHEW (1.5%), HAZELNUTS (1.4%), Pea protein, flavourings, acidity Short 686 164 8.1 3.9 19 15 0.8 3.3 0.34 56 regulators (Potassium phosphates), emulsifier (Citric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides), stabilisers (gellan gum, guar gum, xanthan gum), Sea salt, vitamins (B2, B12, E, D2)], brewed espresso, caramel waffle flavour syrup [sugar, Tall 1024 244 11 0.9 30 23 1.4 5.6 0.56 113 Caramel Waffle Latte - Original Nut Blend water, caramel sugar syrup, natural flavouring, preservative: potassium sorbate, acid: citric acid.], caramel whipped Grande 1269 303 13 5.7 38 30 1.7 7.1 0.72 113 cream [whipping cream (MILK), caramel flavour syrup [sugar, water, natural flavouring, preservative: potassium sorbate, acid: citric acid, caramel sugar syrup]], spiced caramel waffle crunch [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), butter (MILK), palm oil, water, maize starch, natural flavouring, humectant: glycerol; salt, raising agent: sodium carbonates; anti-caking agent: silicon dioxide; emulsifier: lecithin (SOYA)]. Venti 1523 363 15 5.9 48 36 2.2 9.2 0.91 169 Mini 686 163 7.1 4.4 23 23 0.0 1.8 0.26 42 Tall 32 0.0 2.8 0.40 65 Caramel Waffle Coffee Frappuccino® - Grande 945 225 9.1 5.7 33 44 0.0 3.4 0.54 92 Skimmed milk Venti 54 0.0 3.7 0.65 116 Caramel Waffle Coffee Frappuccino® - Mini 1291 307 12 7.8 46 22 0.0 1.9 0.26 42 Semi- skimmed milk Tall 32 0.0 3.0 0.40 65 Caramel Waffle Coffee Frappuccino® - Ice, MILK, coffee frappuccino syrup [water, sugar, fructose, salt, natural flavourings, thickener: xanthan gum, Grande 1472 350 13 7.8 56 44 0.0 3.6 0.54 92 Whole milk preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulator: citric acid, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, and Venti 54 0.0 3.9 0.65 116 molasses], caramel whipped cream [whipping cream (MILK), caramel flavour syrup [sugar, water, natural flavouring, Mini 718 171 7.9 5.0 23 22 0.0 1.7 0.26 42 preservative: potassium sorbate, acid: citric acid, caramel sugar syrup]], coffee [water, FRSC coffee roast soluble], Tall 32 0.0 2.6 0.40 65 caramel waffle flavour syrup [sugar, water, caramel sugar syrup, natural flavouring, preservative: potassium sorbate, Grande 995 237 10 6.5 33 44 0.0 3.2 0.54 92 acid: citric acid], spiced caramel waffle crunch [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), butter Venti 54 0.0 3.5 0.65 116 (MILK), palm oil, water, maize starch, natural flavouring, humectant: glycerol; salt, raising agent: sodium carbonates; 1352 322 14 8.8 45 anti-caking agent: silicon dioxide; emulsifier: lecithin (SOYA)]. 1539 366 14 8.9 56 748 179 8.9 5.6 23 1041 249 12 7.5 33 1408 336 16 10.0 45 1601 381 16 10 56 Ice, soya drink [water, hulled SOYA beans, sugar, fructose, acidity regulators: dipotassium phosphate, monopotassium Mini 698 167 7.9 4.6 22 22 0.3 1.6 0.26 42 phosphate; calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser: gellan gum], coffee frappuccino syrup [water, sugar, fructose, salt, natural flavourings, thickener: xanthan gum, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulator: citric acid, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, and molasses], caramel whipped cream [whipping cream (MILK), Tall 964 230 10 5.9 32 30 0.4 2.5 0.41 65 Caramel Waffle Coffee Frappuccino® - Soya caramel flavour syrup [sugar, water, natural flavouring, preservative: potassium sorbate, acid: citric acid, caramel sugar Grande 1314 313 14 8.1 44 42 0.5 3.0 0.55 92 syrup]], coffee [water, FRSC coffee roast soluble], caramel waffle flavour syrup [sugar, water, caramel sugar syrup, natural flavouring, preservative: potassium sorbate, acid: citric acid], spiced caramel waffle crunch [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), butter (MILK), palm oil, water, maize starch, natural flavouring, humectant: glycerol; salt, raising agent: sodium carbonates; anti-caking agent: silicon dioxide; emulsifier: lecithin Venti 1498 357 14 8.1 54 52 0.6 3.3 0.66 116 (SOYA)]. For allergens including cereals containing gluten see ingredients in BOLD CAPITALS. All our beverages are hand crafted uniquely for you. Due to the nature of how we create our beverages we cannot guarantee that they are free from any allergens. Our beverages are prepared where allergens are handled by our partners, and where equipment and utensils are used for multiple menu items, including those containing allergens. Whilst we try to keep things separate we cannot guarantee any item is allergen free. Please remember to check this information regularly as we’re always working on our recipes. For more allergen information please ask your barista.

Home > Beverages > Food > Beverages Product Ingredients Size Energy (kJ) Energy (kcal) Fat (g) Of which saturated (g) Carbohydrates (g) Of which sugars (g) Fibre (g) Protein (g) Salt (g) Caffeine (mg) Ice, coconut drink [water, coconut milk (10%), sugar, maize dextrin, fava bean flour, stabilisers: gellan gum,xanthan Mini 704 168 8.3 5.6 22 22 0.8 0.6 0.30 42 gum, acidity regulator: sodium hydrogen carbonate, natural flavouring], coffee frappuccino syrup [water, sugar, Tall fructose, salt, natural flavourings, thickener: xanthan gum, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulator: citric acid, Grande 972 232 11 7.5 32 31 1.2 0.9 0.47 65 colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, and molasses], caramel whipped cream [whipping cream (MILK), Caramel Waffle Coffee Frappuccino® - caramel flavour syrup [sugar, water, natural flavouring, preservative: potassium sorbate, acid: citric acid, caramel sugar Venti 1324 316 15 10.0 44 43 1.5 1.1 0.63 92 Coconut syrup]], coffee [water, FRSC coffee roast soluble], caramel waffle flavour syrup [sugar, water, caramel sugar syrup, natural flavouring, preservative: potassium sorbate, acid: citric acid], spiced caramel waffle crunch [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), butter (MILK), palm oil, water, maize starch, natural flavouring, 1509 360 15 10 54 53 1.6 1.2 0.75 116 humectant: glycerol; salt, raising agent: sodium carbonates; anti-caking agent: silicon dioxide; emulsifier: lecithin (SOYA)]. Ice, almond drink [water, ALMOND, fructose, acidity regulators: dipotassium phosphate, monopotassium phosphate; Mini 661 158 7.6 4.5 22 21 0.2 0.3 0.24 42 calcium carbonate, stabilisers: gellan gum, carrageenan, guar gum; natural flavourings, sea salt], coffee frappuccino syrup [water, sugar, fructose, salt, natural flavourings, thickener: xanthan gum, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulator: citric acid, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, and molasses], caramel whipped cream Caramel Waffle Coffee Frappuccino® - [whipping cream (MILK), caramel flavour syrup [sugar, water, natural flavouring, preservative: potassium sorbate, acid: Tall 907 216 9.9 5.7 31 30 0.3 0.5 0.37 65 Almond citric acid, caramel sugar syrup]], coffee [water, FRSC coffee roast soluble], caramel waffle flavour syrup [sugar, water, 14 7.9 43 caramel sugar syrup, natural flavouring, preservative: potassium sorbate, acid: citric acid], spiced caramel waffle crunch Grande 1245 297 42 0.3 0.6 0.50 92 [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), butter (MILK), palm oil, water, maize starch, natural flavouring, humectant: glycerol; salt, raising agent: sodium carbonates; anti-caking agent: silicon dioxide; emulsifier: lecithin (SOYA)]. Venti 1422 339 14 7.9 53 52 0.4 0.6 0.61 116 Ice, oat drink [water, OAT (12%), coconut fat, maize dextrin, fava bean flour, acidity regulator: dipotassium phosphate, Mini 731 175 8.3 5.4 24 22 1.1 0.6 0.27 42 sea salt, stabilisers: gellan gum, xanthan gum], coffee frappuccino syrup [water, sugar, fructose, salt, natural flavourings, thickener: xanthan gum, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulator: citric acid, colouring food: concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, and molasses], caramel whipped cream [whipping cream (MILK), caramel flavour syrup [sugar, Tall 1016 242 11 7.2 34 31 1.7 0.9 0.41 65 Caramel Waffle Coffee Frappuccino® - Oat water, natural flavouring, preservative: potassium sorbate, acid: citric acid, caramel sugar syrup]], coffee [water, FRSC Grande 1376 328 15 9.6 47 43 2.1 0.6 0.56 92 coffee roast soluble], caramel waffle flavour syrup [sugar, water, caramel sugar syrup, natural flavouring, preservative: potassium sorbate, acid: citric acid], spiced caramel waffle crunch [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), butter (MILK), palm oil, water, maize starch, natural flavouring, humectant: glycerol; salt, raising agent: sodium carbonates; anti-caking agent: silicon dioxide; emulsifier: lecithin (SOYA)]. Venti 1566 373 15 9.8 57 53 2.3 1.2 0.67 116 Ice, nut & rice house blend [water, rice (5.3%), CASHEW (1.5%), HAZELNUTS (1.4%), pea protein, flavourings, acidity Mini 696 166 7.8 4.5 23 21 0.3 1.0 0.31 42 regulators: potassium phosphates; emulsifier: citric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides; stabilisers: gellan gum, guar gum, xanthan gum; sea salt, vitamins (B2, B12, E, D2)], coffee frappuccino syrup [water, sugar, fructose, salt, natural flavourings, thickener: xanthan gum, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulator: citric acid, colouring food: Caramel Waffle Coffee Frappuccino® - concentrate of apple, carrot, hibiscus, and molasses], caramel whipped cream [whipping cream (MILK), caramel flavour Tall 961 229 10 5.8 33 30 0.4 1.6 0.48 65 Original Nut Blend syrup [sugar, water, natural flavouring, preservative: potassium sorbate, acid: citric acid, caramel sugar syrup]], coffee Grande 1310 312 14 8.0 45 42 0.5 1.9 0.64 92 [water, FRSC coffee roast soluble], caramel waffle flavour syrup [sugar, water, caramel sugar syrup, natural flavouring, preservative: potassium sorbate, acid: citric acid], spiced caramel waffle crunch [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), butter (MILK), palm oil, water, maize starch, natural flavouring, humectant: glycerol; salt, raising agent: sodium carbonates; anti-caking agent: silicon dioxide; emulsifier: lecithin (SOYA).]. Venti 1493 356 14 8.0 55 52 0.6 2.1 0.76 116 For allergens including cereals containing gluten see ingredients in BOLD CAPITALS. All our beverages are hand crafted uniquely for you. Due to the nature of how we create our beverages we cannot guarantee that they are free from any allergens. Our beverages are prepared where allergens are handled by our partners, and where equipment and utensils are used for multiple menu items, including those containing allergens. Whilst we try to keep things separate we cannot guarantee any item is allergen free. Please remember to check this information regularly as we’re always working on our recipes. For more allergen information please ask your barista.

Home > Beverages > Food > Beverages Product Ingredients Size Energy (kJ) Energy (kcal) Fat (g) Of which saturated (g) Carbohydrates (g) Of which sugars (g) Fibre (g) Protein (g) Salt (g) Caffeine (mg) Mini 585 140 7.1 4.4 17 17 0.0 1.8 0.26 0 26 0.0 2.8 0.40 0 Caramel Waffle Crème Frappuccino® - Tall 854 204 9.1 5.7 28 36 0.0 3.4 0.54 0 Skimmed milk 44 0.0 3.7 0.65 0 Caramel Waffle Crème Frappuccino® - Grande 1162 277 12 7.8 38 16 0.0 1.9 0.26 0 Semi- skimmed milk 26 0.0 3.0 0.40 0 Caramel Waffle Crème Frappuccino® - Venti 1309 312 12 7.8 46 36 0.0 3.6 0.54 0 Whole milk Mini 44 0.0 3.9 0.65 0 Ice, MILK, crème frappuccino syrup [water, sugar, salt, natural flavouring, thickener: xanthan gum, preservative: Tall 618 148 7.9 5.0 17 16 0.0 1.7 0.26 0 potassium sorbate, acidity regulator: citric acid], caramel whipped cream [whipping cream (MILK), caramel flavour Grande 26 0.0 2.6 0.40 0 syrup [sugar, water, natural flavouring, preservative: potassium sorbate, acid: citric acid, caramel sugar syrup]], caramel Venti 904 216 10 6.5 28 36 0.0 3.2 0.54 0 waffle flavour syrup [sugar, water, caramel sugar syrup, natural flavouring, preservative: potassium sorbate, acid: citric Mini 44 0.0 3.5 0.65 0 acid], spiced caramel waffle crunch [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), butter (MILK), 1223 292 14 8.8 38 palm oil, water, maize starch, natural flavouring, humectant: glycerol; salt, raising agent: sodium carbonates; anti-caking agent: silicon dioxide; emulsifier: lecithin (SOYA)]. 1376 328 14 8.9 46 648 155 8.9 5.6 17 Tall 951 227 12 7.5 28 Grande 1279 306 16 10.0 38 Venti 1438 343 16 10 46 Ice, soya drink [water, hulled SOYA beans, sugar, fructose, acidity regulators: dipotassium phosphate, monopotassium Mini 598 143 7.9 4.6 16 16 0.3 1.6 0.26 0 phosphate; calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser: gellan gum], crème frappuccino syrup [water, sugar, salt, natural flavouring, thickener: xanthan gum, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulator: citric acid], caramel Caramel Waffle Crème Frappuccino® - Soya whipped cream [whipping cream (MILK), caramel flavour syrup [sugar, water, natural flavouring, preservative: potassium Tall 873 209 10 5.9 26 25 0.4 2.5 0.40 0 sorbate, acid: citric acid, caramel sugar syrup]], caramel waffle flavour syrup [sugar, water, caramel sugar syrup, natural Grande 1185 283 14 8.1 36 35 0.5 3.0 0.55 0 flavouring, preservative: potassium sorbate, acid: citric acid.], spiced caramel waffle crunch [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), butter (MILK), palm oil, water, maize starch, natural flavouring, humectant: glycerol; salt, raising agent: sodium carbonates; anti-caking agent: silicon dioxide; emulsifier: lecithin (SOYA)]. Venti 1335 318 14 8.1 44 42 0.6 3.3 0.66 0 Ice, coconut drink [water, coconut milk (10%), sugar, maize dextrin, fava bean flour, stabilisers: gellan gum,xanthan gum, Mini 603 144 8.3 5.6 17 16 0.8 0.6 0.30 0 acidity regulator: sodium hydrogen carbonate, natural flavouring], crème frappuccino syrup [water, sugar, salt, natural Tall Caramel Waffle Crème Frappuccino® - flavouring, thickener: xanthan gum, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulator: citric acid], caramel whipped Grande 882 211 11 7.5 27 25 1.2 0.9 0.47 0 Coconut cream [whipping cream (MILK), caramel flavour syrup [sugar, water, natural flavouring, preservative: potassium sorbate, Venti Caramel Waffle Crème Frappuccino® - acid: citric acid, caramel sugar syrup]], caramel waffle flavour syrup [sugar, water, caramel sugar syrup, natural flavouring, 1196 286 15 10.0 37 35 1.5 1.1 0.62 0 Almond preservative: potassium sorbate, acid: citric acid], spiced caramel waffle crunch [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), butter (MILK), palm oil, water, maize starch, natural flavouring, humectant: glycerol; salt, raising 1346 321 15 10 45 43 1.6 1.2 0.74 0 agent: sodium carbonates; anti-caking agent: silicon dioxide; emulsifier: lecithin (SOYA)]. Ice, almond drink [water, ALMOND, fructose, acidity regulators: dipotassium phosphate, monopotassium phosphate; Mini 561 134 7.6 4.5 16 15 0.2 0.3 0.24 0 calcium carbonate, stabilisers: gellan gum, carrageenan, guar gum; natural flavourings, sea salt], crème frappuccino Tall syrup [water, sugar, salt, natural flavouring, thickener: xanthan gum, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulator: Grande 816 195 9.9 5.7 26 24 0.3 0.5 0.36 0 citric acid], caramel whipped cream [whipping cream (MILK), caramel flavour syrup [sugar, water, natural flavouring, Venti preservative: potassium sorbate, acid: citric acid, caramel sugar syrup]], caramel waffle flavour syrup [sugar, water, 1117 267 14 7.9 36 34 0.3 0.6 0.50 0 caramel sugar syrup, natural flavouring, preservative: potassium sorbate, acid: citric acid], spiced caramel waffle crunch [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), butter (MILK), palm oil, water, maize starch, natural 1259 300 14 7.9 44 42 0.4 0.6 0.61 0 flavouring, humectant: glycerol; salt, raising agent: sodium carbonates; anti-caking agent: silicon dioxide; emulsifier: lecithin (SOYA)]. For allergens including cereals containing gluten see ingredients in BOLD CAPITALS. All our beverages are hand crafted uniquely for you. Due to the nature of how we create our beverages we cannot guarantee that they are free from any allergens. Our beverages are prepared where allergens are handled by our partners, and where equipment and utensils are used for multiple menu items, including those containing allergens. Whilst we try to keep things separate we cannot guarantee any item is allergen free. Please remember to check this information regularly as we’re always working on our recipes. For more allergen information please ask your barista.

Home > Beverages > Food > Beverages Product Ingredients Size Energy (kJ) Energy (kcal) Fat (g) Of which saturated (g) Carbohydrates (g) Of which sugars (g) Fibre (g) Protein (g) Salt (g) Caffeine (mg) Ice, oat drink [water, OAT (12%), coconut fat, maize dextrin, fava bean flour, acidity regulator: dipotassium phosphate, Mini 631 151 8.3 5.4 18 16 1.1 0.6 0.27 0 sea salt, stabilisers: gellan gum, xanthan gum], crème frappuccino syrup [water, sugar, salt, natural flavouring, thickener: xanthan gum, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulator: citric acid], caramel whipped cream [whipping cream (MILK), caramel flavour syrup [sugar, water, natural flavouring, preservative: potassium sorbate, acid: Tall 925 221 11 7.2 29 25 1.7 0.9 0.41 0 citric acid, caramel sugar syrup]], caramel waffle flavour syrup [sugar, water, caramel sugar syrup, natural flavouring, Grande 1248 298 15 9.6 39 35 Caramel Waffle Crème Frappuccino® - Oat preservative: potassium sorbate, acid: citric acid], spiced caramel waffle crunch [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, 2.1 1.1 0.55 0 calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), butter (MILK), palm oil, water, maize starch, natural flavouring, humectant: glycerol; salt, raising agent: sodium carbonates; anti-caking agent: silicon dioxide; emulsifier: lecithin (SOYA)]. Venti 1404 335 15 9.8 48 43 2.3 1.2 0.67 0 Ice, nut & rice house blend [water, rice (5.3%), CASHEW (1.5%), HAZELNUTS (1.4%), pea protein, flavourings, acidity Mini 596 142 7.8 4.5 17 15 0.3 1.0 0.31 0 regulators: potassium phosphates; emulsifier: citric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides; stabilisers: gellan gum, guar Tall 25 0.4 1.6 0.47 0 Caramel Waffle Crème Frappuccino® - gum, xanthan gum; sea salt, vitamins (B2, B12, E, D2)], crème frappuccino syrup [water, sugar, salt, natural flavouring, Grande 870 208 10 5.8 27 34 0.5 1.9 0.63 0 Original Nut Blend thickener: xanthan gum, preservative: potassium sorbate, acidity regulator: citric acid], caramel whipped cream Venti 42 0.6 2.1 0.76 0 [whipping cream (MILK), caramel flavour syrup [sugar, water, natural flavouring, preservative: potassium sorbate, acid: 1182 282 14 8.0 37 citric acid, caramel sugar syrup]], caramel waffle flavour syrup [sugar, water, caramel sugar syrup, natural flavouring, preservative: potassium sorbate, acid: citric acid], spiced caramel waffle crunch [sugar, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, 1331 317 14 8.0 46 calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), butter (MILK), palm oil, water, maize starch, natural flavouring, humectant: glycerol; salt, raising agent: sodium carbonates; anti-caking agent: silicon dioxide; emulsifier: lecithin (SOYA)]. Short 773 184 6.1 3.8 28 27 1.1 3.5 0.21 1 Fudge Brownie Hot Chocolate - Tall 1122 266 7.4 4.5 42 41 1.4 6.9 0.35 1 Skimmed Milk Grande 1379 327 8.6 5.2 53 52 1.8 8.3 0.42 2 MILK, brownie mocha mix [biscuit flavour sauce [sugar, water, caramel sugar syrup, BARLEY malt extract, natural Venti 1599 379 8.9 5.4 64 62 2.2 9.6 0.42 2 flavouring, salt, stabilisers: carageenan, xanthan gum; preservative: potassium sorbate], water, mocha powder sugar, Short 836 199 7.8 4.8 28 27 1.1 3.7 0.21 1 Fudge Brownie Hot Chocolate - cocoa powder, fat-reduced cocoa powder, vanilla extract], chocolate whipped cream [whipping cream (MILK), water, Tall 1248 297 11 6.7 42 41 1.4 7.3 0.35 1 Semi- skimmed Milk mocha powder [sugar, cocoa processed with alkali, vanillin]], fudge sprinkle topping [fudge pieces (50%) [sugar, sweetened condensed skimmed milk (MILK, sugar, lactose), glucose syrup, butter (MILK), cocoa butter, maize starch, thickener: cellulose; salt]; sugar, palm oil, maize starch, natural flavouring, emulsifier: lecithin (SOYA), vegetable and Grande 1531 364 13 7.8 53 51 1.8 8.8 0.42 2 fruits concentrates: apple, carrot, hibiscus; colour: carotenes], mocha sauce [water, mocha powder [sugar, cocoa Venti 1774 422 14 8.4 64 62 2.2 10 0.50 2 processed with alkali, vanillin]]. Short 893 213 9.6 6.0 28 27 1.1 3.3 0.21 1 Fudge Brownie Hot Chocolate - Whole Milk Tall 1365 326 14 9.1 42 41 1.4 6.5 0.35 1 Grande 1670 398 17 11 53 51 1.8 7.8 0.42 2 Venti 1935 461 19 12 63 62 2.2 9.0 0.50 2 Soya drink [water, hulled SOYA beans, sugar, fructose, acidity regulators: dipotassium phosphate, monopotassium Short 797 190 7.7 4.0 26 25 1.6 3.1 0.22 1 phosphate; calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser: gellan gum], brownie mocha mix [biscuit flavour sauce [sugar, water, caramel sugar syrup, BARLEY malt extract, natural flavouring, salt, stabilisers: carageenan, xanthan gum; preservative: potassium sorbate.], water, mocha powder sugar, cocoa powder, fat-reduced cocoa powder, vanilla Tall 1170 279 11 5.1 39 37 2.5 6.1 0.37 1 Fudge Brownie Hot Chocolate - Soya extract], chocolate whipped cream [whipping cream (MILK), water, mocha powder [sugar, cocoa processed with 1437 342 12 5.9 49 alkali, vanillin]], fudge sprinkle topping [fudge pieces (50%) [sugar, sweetened condensed skimmed milk (MILK, sugar, Grande 47 3.0 7.3 0.45 2 lactose), glucose syrup, butter (MILK), cocoa butter, maize starch, thickener: cellulose; salt]; sugar, palm oil, maize starch, natural flavouring, emulsifier: lecithin (SOYA), vegetable and fruits concentrates: apple, carrot, hibiscus; colour: carotenes.], mocha sauce [water, mocha powder [sugar, cocoa processed with alkali, vanillin]]. Venti 1666 396 13 6.2 59 57 3.6 8.4 0.53 2 For allergens including cereals containing gluten see ingredients in BOLD CAPITALS. All our beverages are hand crafted uniquely for you. Due to the nature of how we create our beverages we cannot guarantee that they are free from any allergens. Our beverages are prepared where allergens are handled by our partners, and where equipment and utensils are used for multiple menu items, including those containing allergens. Whilst we try to keep things separate we cannot guarantee any item is allergen free. Please remember to check this information regularly as we’re always working on our recipes. For more allergen information please ask your barista.

Home > Beverages > Food > Beverages Product Ingredients Size Energy (kJ) Fudge Brownie Hot Chocolate - Coconut Energy (kcal) Fudge Brownie Hot Chocolate - Almond Fat (g) Fudge Brownie Hot Chocolate - Oat Of which Fudge Brownie Hot Chocolate - saturated (g) Original Nut Blend Carbohydrates (g) Of which sugars (g) Fibre (g) Protein (g) Salt (g) Caffeine (mg) Coconut drink [water, coconut milk (10%), sugar, maize dextrin, fava bean flour, stabilisers: gellan gum,xanthan gum, Short 807 193 8.5 6.0 27 26 2.6 1.1 0.30 1 acidity regulator: sodium hydrogen carbonate, natural flavouring], brownie mocha mix [biscuit flavour sauce [sugar, Tall 39 38 4.5 2.1 0.53 1 water, caramel sugar syrup, BARLEY malt extract, natural flavouring, salt, stabilisers: carageenan, xanthan gum; Grande 1191 284 12 9.1 50 48 5.4 2.5 0.64 2 preservative: potassium sorbate], water, mocha powder sugar, cocoa powder, fat-reduced cocoa powder, vanilla Venti 60 58 6.3 2.9 0.75 2 extract], chocolate whipped cream [whipping cream (MILK), water, mocha powder [sugar, cocoa processed with 1462 349 14 11 25 1.4 0.6 0.17 1 alkali, vanillin]], fudge sprinkle topping [fudge pieces (50%) [sugar, sweetened condensed skimmed milk (MILK, sugar, 36 2.0 1.1 0.27 1 lactose), glucose syrup, butter (MILK), cocoa butter, maize starch, thickener: cellulose; salt]; sugar, palm oil, maize 1695 4 16 12 46 2.5 1.3 0.33 2 starch, natural flavouring, emulsifier: lecithin (SOYA), vegetable and fruits concentrates: apple, carrot, hibiscus; colour: 56 3.0 1.5 0.39 2 carotenes], mocha sauce [water, mocha powder [sugar, cocoa processed with alkali, vanillin]]. 26 3.2 1.1 0.23 1 39 5.7 2.1 0.39 1 Almond drink [water, ALMOND, fructose, acidity regulators: dipotassium phosphate, monopotassium phosphate; Short 726 173 7.2 3.8 26 49 6.9 2.5 0.47 2 calcium carbonate, stabilisers: gellan gum, carrageenan, guar gum; natural flavourings, sea salt], brownie mocha mix 59 8.0 2.9 0.55 2 [biscuit flavour sauce [sugar, water, caramel sugar syrup, BARLEY malt extract, natural flavouring, salt, stabilisers: 25 1.6 2.0 0.31 1 carageenan, xanthan gum; preservative: potassium sorbate], water, mocha powder sugar, cocoa powder, fat-reduced Tall 1028 245 9.6 4.7 38 36 2.5 3.9 0.55 1 46 3.0 4.7 0.66 2 cocoa powder, vanilla extract], chocolate whipped cream [whipping cream (MILK), water, mocha powder [sugar, cocoa Grande 1267 302 11 5.4 48 56 3.6 5.4 0.78 2 processed with alkali, vanillin]], fudge sprinkle topping [fudge pieces (50%) [sugar, sweetened condensed skimmed milk (MILK, sugar, lactose), glucose syrup, butter (MILK), cocoa butter, maize starch, thickener: cellulose; salt]; sugar, palm oil, maize starch, natural flavouring, emulsifier: lecithin (SOYA), vegetable and fruits concentrates: apple, carrot, hibiscus; colour: carotenes], mocha sauce [water, mocha powder [sugar, cocoa processed with alkali, vanillin]]. Venti 1468 349 12 5.6 57 Oat drink [water, OAT (12%), coconut fat, maize dextrin, fava bean flour, acidity regulator: dipotassium phosphate, sea Short 861 205 8.5 5.6 30 salt, stabilisers: gellan gum, xanthan gum., brownie mocha mix [biscuit flavour sauce [sugar, water, caramel sugar syrup, BARLEY malt extract, natural flavouring, salt, stabilisers: carageenan, xanthan gum; preservative: potassium sorbate], water, mocha powder sugar, cocoa powder, fat-reduced cocoa powder, vanilla extract], chocolate whipped cream Tall 1300 310 12 8.3 45 [whipping cream (MILK), water, mocha powder [sugar, cocoa processed with alkali, vanillin]], fudge sprinkle topping 1592 380 9.7 [fudge pieces (50%) [sugar, sweetened condensed skimmed milk (MILK, sugar, lactose), glucose syrup, butter (MILK), Grande 14 57 cocoa butter, maize starch, thickener: cellulose; salt]; sugar, palm oil, maize starch, natural flavouring, emulsifier: lecithin (SOYA), vegetable and fruits concentrates: apple, carrot, hibiscus; colour: carotenes], mocha sauce [water, mocha powder [sugar, cocoa processed with alkali, vanillin]]. Venti 1845 440 16 11 68 Nut & rice house blend [water, rice (5.3%), CASHEW (1.5%), HAZELNUTS (1.4%), pea protein, flavourings, acidity Short 793 189 7.5 3.9 28 regulators (Potassium phosphates), emulsifier: citric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides; stabilisers: gellan gum, guar gum, xanthan gum; sea salt, vitamins (B2, B12, E, D2)], brownie mocha mix [biscuit flavour sauce [sugar, water, caramel sugar syrup, BARLEY malt extract, natural flavouring, salt, stabilisers: carageenan, xanthan gum; preservative: potassium Tall sorbate], water, mocha powder sugar, cocoa powder, fat-reduced cocoa powder, vanilla extract], chocolate whipped 1162 277 10 4.9 41 cream [whipping cream (MILK), water, mocha powder [sugar, cocoa processed with alkali, vanillin]], fudge sprinkle Grande 1428 340 12 5.7 52 topping [fudge pieces (50%) [sugar, sweetened condensed skimmed MILK (MILK, sugar, lactose), glucose syrup, butter (MILK), cocoa butter, maize starch, thickener: cellulose; salt]; sugar, palm oil, maize starch, natural flavouring, emulsifier: lecithin (SOYA), vegetable and fruits concentrates: apple, carrot, hibiscus; colour: carotenes], mocha sauce [water, mocha powder [sugar, cocoa processed with alkali, vanillin]]. Venti 1655 394 13 5.9 62 For allergens including cereals containing gluten see ingredients in BOLD CAPITALS. All our beverages are hand crafted uniquely for you. Due to the nature of how we create our beverages we cannot guarantee that they are free from any allergens. Our beverages are prepared where allergens are handled by our partners, and where equipment and utensils are used for multiple menu items, including those containing allergens. Whilst we try to keep things separate we cannot guarantee any item is allergen free. Please remember to check this information regularly as we’re always working on our recipes. For more allergen information please ask your barista.

Home > Beverages > Food > Food Suitable for Vegetarian Suitable for Vegan Energy (kJ) Energy (kcal) Fat (g) Of which saturated (g) Carbohydrates (g) Of which sugars (g) Fibre (g) Protein (g) Salt (g) Product Ingredients Sea Salted Caramel & Pecan Swirl Cakes Red Velvet Loaf Cake Toffee Nut Latte Wheat flour [WHEAT flour, calcium carbonate, iron, niacin, thiamin], salted caramel icing (13%) [sweetened condensed MILK (MILK, sugar, lactose (MILK)), Cupcake partially inverted refiners syrup, glucose syrup, palm kernel oil, unsalted butter (MILK), sugar, palm oil, gelling agent: pectin; emulsifiers: rapeseed lecithin, sorbitan tristearate; dried glucose syrup, salt, sea salt, colour: beta carotene; preservative: potassium sorbate], free range EGG, sugar, unsalted butter (MILK), Christmas Tree Y N PECANS (3.4%), palm oil, partially inverted sugar syrup, yeast, dextrose, salt, rapeseed oil, natural flavouring, emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids; 1692 403 14 6 58 19 2.3 10 0.75 Brownie Mince Pie caramelised sugar [caramelised sugar syrup, maltodextrin], colour: carotenes, stabiliser: guar gum; raising agents: disodium diphosphate, potassium hydrogen Cran-Merry carbonate; acid: ascorbic acid. Cheesecake Muffin Sugar, free range pasteurised whole EGG, wheat flour [WHEAT flour, calcium carbonate, iron, thiamin, niacin], ground ALMONDS, BUTTERMILK, icing sugar, rapeseed oil, beetroot juice, salted butter [butter (MILK), salt], soft cheese (MILK), cocoa powder, white chocolate [sugar, cocoa butter, whole MILK powder, emulsifier: SOYA lecithin, vanilla extract], BUTTERMILK powder, vanilla flavouring, glucose syrup, non pareilles [sugar, maize starch, fruit and plant concentrates: Y N radish, carrot, hibiscus, safflower, lemon, apple, blackcurrant; spirulina, coconut oil, tapioca starch, caramelised sugar syrup, glazing agent: beeswax], white 1689 404 20 4.5 46 32 3.2 8.3 0.77 wine vinegar, baking powder [raising agents: disodium diphosphate, sodium hydrogen carbonate; wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium carbonate, iron, niacin, thiamin)], raising agent: sodium bicarbonate, preservative: potassium sorbate, salt. Icing sugar, wheat flour [WHEAT flour, calcium carbonate, iron, thiamin, niacin], vegetable margarine [vegetable oils (palm, rapeseed), salt, emulsifier: polyglycerol esters of fatty acids, natural flavouring, colour: annatto bixin, curcumin], salted butter [butter (MILK), salt], white chocolate [sugar, cocoa butter, whole MILK powder, emulsifier: SOYA lecithin, vanilla extract], free range pasteurised whole EGG, soft brown sugar [sugar, cane molasses, inverted sugar syrup], marshmallow [glucose syrup, sugar, maize starch, dried EGG white, modified potato starch, diphosphates, acetic acid, vanilla flavouring], toffee sauce (6%) [partially inverted refiners syrup, glucose syrup, sugar, salted butter [butter (MILK), salt), sweetened condensed milk (MILK, sugar), maize starch, salt, Y N gelling agent: pectin, emulsifier: SOYA lecithin, preservative: potassium sorbate, natural flavouring], caster sugar, soft cheese (MILK), HAZELNUTS (2%), 1761 422 26 13 42 31 1.7 4.2 0.62 modified starch, BUTTERMILK powder, dark chocolate star (1%) [sugar, cocoa mass, cocoa butter, fat reduced cocoa powder, emulsifier: SOYA lecithin, vanilla extract], cream (MILK), maize starch, baking powder [raising agents: disodium diphosphate, potassium hydrogen carbonate; wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium carbonate, iron, niacin, thiamin)], emulsifiers: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, polyglycerol esters of fatty acids; citric acid], vanilla flavouring, toffee flavouring, coffee, maize starch, preservative: potassium sorbate, salt. Bars and Traybakes Dark chocolate (18%) [sugar, cocoa mass, cocoa butter, fat reduced cocoa powder, emulsifier: SOYA lecithin, vanilla extract], sugar, salted butter [butter (MILK), salt], free range pasteurised whole EGG, wheat flour [WHEAT flour, calcium carbonate, iron, niacin, thiamin], milk chocolate (8%) [sugar, cocoa butter, whole MILK powder, cocoa mass, emulsifier: SOYA lecithin, vanilla extract], rapeseed oil, cocoa mass, white chocolate flavoured compound [sugar, palm oil, whey Y N powder (MILK), wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium carbonate, iron, niacin, thiamin), emulsifier: SOYA lecithin, natural flavouring], cocoa powder, glucose syrup, 1439 345 22 10 32 24 2.2 3.7 0.19 icing sugar, dried EGG white, dried EGG white [WHEAT starch, albumen (EGG), sugar, modified starch, acidity regulator, dextrose, gelling agent: guar gum], vanilla flavouring, preservative: potassium sorbate, baking powder [raising agents: disodium diphosphate, potassium hydrogen carbonate, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium carbonate, iron, niacin, thiamin)], colour: iron oxide. Mincemeat filling (53%) [sultanas, sugar, apple pulp, diced apple, glucose syrup, preservative: spirit vinegar; palm oil, corn starch, raisins, orange zest, coriander, Y N rice flour, sunflower oil, cinnamon, BARLEY malt extract, ginger, orange oil, caraway, nutmeg, clove, preservative: citric acid], wheat flour [WHEAT flour, calcium 1684 401 14 8.6 63 37 2.1 4.5 0.03 carbonate, iron, niacin, thiamin], butter (MILK), sugar, free range pasteurised EGG, dextrose, cornflour, palm oil. Muffin Cheesecake filling (22%) [full fat soft cheese (skimmed MILK, cream (MILK), permeate, salt, modified tapioca starch, stabilisers: locust bean gum, xanthan gum), sugar, mascarpone cheese (MILK), free range EGG, cream cheese (MILK), glucose syrup, free range EGG white, preservative: potassium sorbate; modified maize starch, acid: lactic acid, natural flavouring, emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids; thickener: xanthan gum; salt, antioxidants: tocopherol-rich extract, rosemary extract], wheat flour [WHEAT flour, calcium carbonate, iron, niacin, thiamin], free range EGG, rapeseed oil, sugar, cranberries (10%), white Y N chocolate chunks (4%) [sugar, whole MILK powder, cocoa butter, emulsifier: SOYA lecithin; natural vanilla flavouring], humectant: vegetable glycerine; WHEAT 1716 410 22 5.9 46 22 1.2 6.5 0.52 starch, raising agents: mono calcium phosphate, diphosphates, sodium hydrogen carbonate, potassium carbonates; potato starch, lemon zest, emulsifier: mono and di glycerides of fatty acids; WHEAT gluten, free range EGG white powder, whey powder (MILK), natural flavouring, preservative: potassium sorbate; stabiliser: xanthan gum. For allergens including cereals containing gluten see ingredients in BOLD CAPITALS. Some of our food range is handled by our baristas and whilst we try to keep things separate there is no guarantee these items are allergen free. The allergen information for our packaged products that are not handled by our baristas are detailed within the booklet or alternatively detailed on the label. Please remember to check this information regularly as we’re always working on our products . For more allergen information please ask your barista.

Home > Beverages > Food > Food Product Suitable for Vegetarian Suitable for Vegan Energy (kJ) Energy (kcal) Fat (g) Of which saturated (g) Carbohydrates (g) Of which sugars (g) Fibre (g) Protein (g) Salt (g) Ingredients Cookies Jolly Jammie Cookie Wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium carbonate, iron, niacin, thiamin), salted butter [butter (MILK), salt], raspberry jam (20%) [glucose fructose syrup, raspberry (Christmas Cookie) puree, raspberry juice concentrate, acidity regulators: citric acid, trisodium citrate; gelling agent: pectin, colour: anthocyanins, natural raspberry flavouring], Y N PISTACHIOS (6%), sugar, icing sugar, maize starch, icing powder [dextrose, cornflour, palm oil], raising agents: disodium diphosphate, potassium carbonate; 1528 365 17 8 50 26 1.2 2.3 0.25 thickeners: guar gum, xanthan gum. Wheat flour [WHEAT flour, calcium carbonate, iron, niacin, thiamin], milk chocolate (15%) [sugar, cocoa butter, whole MILK powder, cocoa mass, emulsifier: SOYA lecithin, vanilla extract], sugar, salted butter [butter (MILK), salt], vegetable margarine [vegetable oils (palm, rapeseed), salt, emulsifier: polyglycerol esters of fatty acids, natural flavouring, colours: annatto bixin), curcumin], dark chocolate [sugar, cocoa mass, cocoa butter, fat reduced cocoa powder, South Pole Sam emulsifier: SOYA lecithin, vanilla extract], chocolate beans (6%) [sugar, cocoa butter, dried skimmed MILK, cocoa mass, dried whey (MILK), tapioca starch, Shortbread Y N lactose (MILK), butter oil (MILK), colour: carotenes), emulsifier: SOYA lecithin, vanilla flavour, glazing agent: carnauba wax], white chocolate button (5%) [sugar, 987 236 14 8.2 25 15 <0.5 2.4 0.21 whole MILK powder, cocoa butter, whey powder (MILK), vegetable fat (palm oil, shea butter, mango kernel oil, sal fat), emulsifier: SOYA lecithin, natural flavouring], maize starch, cocoa butter, vanilla flavouring, baking powder [raising agents: disodium diphosphate, potassium hydrogen carbonate; wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium carbonate, iron, niacin, thiamin)], icing sugar, glucose syrup, free range liquid EGG white, glycerine, colour: carbon black. White chocolate (29%) [sugar, cocoa butter, whole MILK powder, emulsifier: SOYA lecithin, vanilla extract], wheat flour [WHEAT flour, calcium carbonate, iron, niacin, thiamin], sugar, vegetable margarine [vegetable oils (palm, rapeseed), salt, emulsifier: polyglycerol esters of fatty acids, natural flavouring, colours: annatto bixin, curcumin], salted butter [butter (MILK), salt], chocolate beans (8%) [sugar, cocoa butter, whey powder (MILK), cocoa powder, whole MILK North Pole Nat Y N powder, emulsifier: sunflower lecithin, glazing agents: gum Arabic, carnauba wax, bees wax; colour: riboflavin, fruit and vegetable concentrates: grape, radish, 1019 244 14 7.9 27 16 <0.5 2.3 0.21 Shortbread blackcurrant], white chocolate button (5%) [sugar, whole MILK powder, cocoa butter, whey powder (MILK), vegetable fat (palm oil, shea butter, mango kernel oil, sal fat), emulsifier: SOYA lecithin, natural flavouring], maize starch, cocoa butter, vanilla flavouring, icing sugar, baking powder [raising agents: disodium diphosphate, potassium hydrogen carbonate], wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium carbonate, iron, niacin, thiamin)], dried EGG white, colour: carbon black. Hot Sandwiches Blitzen's Blue Cheese & Y White bread [wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium carbonate, iron, niacin, thiamin), water, yeast, salt, WHEAT protein, spirit vinegar, emulsifiers: mono and di 12 3.9 20 1.9 Chutney Toastie glycerides of fatty acids, mono- and diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids, rapeseed oil, palm oil, flour treatment agent: ascorbic acid], apple chutney (8%) [apple, sugar, cornflour, yeast extract (yeast extract, salt, sugar), dark brown soft sugar, concentrated lemon juice, white wine N vinegar, onion powder, garlic powder, salt, black pepper], béchamel sauce [MILK, single cream (MILK), salted butter (cream (MILK), salt), wheat flour (WHEAT 2000 476 16 9.8 61 flour, calcium carbonate, iron, niacin, thiamin), cornflour, salt, ground white pepper, ground bay leaf], Blue Stilton® cheese (6%) (MILK), mature Cheddar cheese (MILK), dried cranberries [cranberries, sugar, sunflower oil], mozzarella full fat soft cheese (MILK), Cheddar cheese (MILK), Emmental cheese (MILK), potato starch, cornflour. Ciabatta roll [wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium carbonate, iron, niacin, thiamin), water, yeast, extra virgin olive oil, salt], turkey breast (19%) [turkey breast, salt, cornflour], cranberry gravy [water, cranberries (cranberries, sugar, sunflower oil), plums, sugar, cornflour, turkey stock (concentrated chicken broth (chicken skin, turkey extract (turkey, water), chicken extract (water, chicken, salt), chicken meat, chicken fat), cornflour, salt, sugar, concentrated onion juice), onion, carrot, red wine vinegar, concentrated plum juice, tomato purée, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium carbonate, iron, niacin, thiamin), CELERY, salted Festive Feast Panini N N butter (MILK) (butter, salt), salt, garlic, rosemary, thyme, sage], mature Cheddar cheese (7%) (MILK), beechwood smoked bacon (5%) [pork belly, water, sugar, 2235 530 12 5.2 70 9.1 5 33 2.3 salt, stabiliser: sodium triphosphate), honey, preservative: sodium nitrite], pork, sage and onion stuffing [pork, water, breadcrumbs (wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium carbonate, iron, niacin, thiamin), water, yeast), onion, rapeseed oil, parsley, sage, thyme, salt, pepper, yeast extract, onion powder, bay leaf, rosemary, clove]. Fruit loaf [wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium carbonate, iron, niacin, thiamin), water, sultanas, currants, yeast, partially inverted refiners syrup, WHEAT gluten, salt, SOYA flour, palm oil, palm kernal oil, rapeseed oil, emulsifier: mono-and di-glycerides of fatty acids, flavouring, colour: beta carotene, flour treatment Chocolate & Orange agent: ascorbic acid], chocolate orange sauce [water, dark chocolate (cocoa mass, sugar, fat reduced cocoa powder, emulsifier: SOYA lecithin, glucose syrup, S’mores Toastie Y N sugar, glucose-fructose syrup, fat reduced cocoa powder, concentrated orange juice, cornflour, gelling agent: pectin, salt, orange oil], MILK chocolate chunks 1140 270 4.8 2.4 50 20 2.2 5.6 0.49 (7%) [sugar, cocoa butter, cocoa mass, whole MILK powder, whey powder (MILK), emulsifier: SOYA lecithin], marshmallows (4%) [tapioca syrup, cane sugar, tapioca starch, gelling agent: carrageenan, SOYA protein, dextrose, flavouring]. For allergens including cereals containing gluten see ingredients in BOLD CAPITALS. Some of our food range is handled by our baristas and whilst we try to keep things separate there is no guarantee these items are allergen free. The allergen information for our packaged products that are not handled by our baristas are detailed within the booklet or alternatively detailed on the label. Please remember to check this information regularly as we’re always working on our products . For more allergen information please ask your barista.

Home > Beverages > Food > Food Suitable for Vegetarian Suitable for Vegan Energy (kJ) Energy (kcal) Fat (g) Of which saturated (g) Carbohydrates (g) Of which sugars (g) Fibre (g) Protein (g) Salt (g) Product Ingredients Turkee & Trimmings Toastie Bar-marked sourdough bloomer [wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium carbonate, iron, niacin, thiamin), water, sourdough (WHEATGERM, WHEAT flour), rapeseed oil, yeast, salt, dextrose, WHEAT protein, emulsifiers: mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids, mono- and diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids; flour treatment agent: ascorbic acid, WHEAT flour, WHEAT starch], potato, cabbage, sprout & leek shred (13%) [potato, white onion, savoy cabbage, brussel sprouts, leek, rapeseed oil, salt, thyme, black pepper], seasoned shredded SOYA protein (13%) [SOYA protein, WHEAT gluten, salt, soybean oil Y Y (SOYA), yeast extract, natural flavouring, black pepper, onion powder, carrot extract, sunflower oil, tomato powder], cranberry sauce (11%) [water, cranberries, 1793 426 10 3.4 65 13 5.8 16 2 glucose syrup, sugar, red wine vinegar, cranberry juice concentrate, cornflour, orange juice concentrate, orange zest, gelling agent: pectins], coconut oil alternative to grated Mozzarella cheese (6%) [water, modified potato starch, coconut oil, sea salt, olive extract, natural flavouring, colour: beta carotene], vegan mayonnaise [water, rapeseed oil, cornflour, thickener: pectins, sugar, spirit vinegar, Dijon mustard (water, MUSTARD seeds, spirit vinegar, salt), pea protein, salt, concentrated lemon juice]. Crusty white bread roll [wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium carbonate, niacin, iron, thiamin), water, RYE flour, yeast, salt, durum WHEAT semolina, malted WHEAT flour, flour treatment agent: ascorbic acid, rapeseed oil], Beyond Meat® patty (27%) [water, pea protein, rapeseed oil, refined coconut oil, flavouring, yeast, rice protein, stabiliser: methyl cellulose, apple fibre, smoke flavouring, salt, spices, apple extract, pomegranate extract, maize vinegar, concentrated Very Merry Beyond lemon juice, yeast extract, garlic powder, emulsifier: sunflower lecithin, onion powder, carrot powder], coconut oil alternative to cheese [water, coconut oil, Meat® Sandwich Y Y modified starch, potato starch, sea salt, flavouring, olive extract, colour: beta carotene, vitamin b12, palm oil], tomato, citrus cranberry and plum chutney 1893 451 17 7.6 52 5.8 5 20 1.8 [cranberries, plums, sugar, red wine vinegar, cornflour, lemon zest, orange zest], faba bean alternative to mayonnaise [rapeseed oil, cider vinegar, cornflour, faba bean protein, Dijon mustard (salt, brown MUSTARD seed, spirit vinegar), concentrated lemon juice, gelling agent: pectin], American style mustard [spirit vinegar, MUSTARD flour, yellow MUSTARD bran, cornflour, ground turmeric, salt], Dijon mustard [MUSTARD seeds, spirit vinegar, salt]. Sourdough bloomer [water, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium carbonate, iron, niacin, thiamin), SPELT flour, RYE flour, sourdough (dried sourdough (WHEAT flour, durum WHEAT flour, RYE flour), yeast, antioxidant: ascorbic acid), durum WHEAT semolina, salt], cranberry sauce (12%) [water, cranberries, glucose syrup, sugar, red wine vinegar, cranberry juice concentrate, cornflour, orange juice concentrate, orange zest, gelling agent: pectins], shredded Ayrshire cured A Toastie to be ham hock (9%) [pork, salt, dextrose, stabilisers: diphosphates, triphosphates, antioxidant: sodium ascorbate, preservative: sodium nitrite], potato, cabbage, Thankful for N N sprout and leek shred (9%) [potato, white onion, savoy cabbage, brussel sprouts, leek, rapeseed oil, salt, thyme, black pepper], béchamel sauce [whole MILK, 1720 407 8 3.9 59 14 3.7 23 1.8 single cream (MILK), water, cornflour, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium carbonate, niacin, iron, thiamin), salt, preservative: potassium sorbate], cooked sliced turkey breast (7%) [turkey breast, cornflour, salt], mozzarella cheese (7%) (MILK), medium mature Cheddar cheese (4%) (MILK), sugar infused dried cranberries [sugar, cranberries, sunflower oil]. Cold Sandwiches and Wraps Malted bread [wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium carbonate, iron, niacin, thiamin), water, malted WHEAT flakes, WHEAT bran, salt, yeast, malted BARLEY flour, WHEAT gluten, spirit vinegar, malted WHEAT flour, emulsifiers (mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, mono- and diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids), flour treatment agent: ascorbic acid, palm oil, rapeseed oil], turkey (17%) [turkey breast, salt, cornflour], pork, sage and onion Tis the Season Turkey N N stuffing (12%) [pork, wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium carbonate, iron, niacin, thiamin), onion, rapeseed oil, parsley, sage, thyme, salt, pepper, yeast extract, 2282 543 19 3 68 10 6.1 22 1.5 Sandwich onion powder, bay leaf, rosemary, clove, yeast], citrus cranberry chutney (8%) [cranberries, plums, sugar, red wine vinegar, cornflour, lemon zest, orange zest], mayonnaise [rapeseed oil, free range pasteurised EGG yolk, cornflour, white wine vinegar, salt, MUSTARD flour], smoked bacon (5%) [pork belly, sugar, salt, stabiliser: sodium triphosphate, honey, preservative: sodium nitrite], spinach. For allergens including cereals containing gluten see ingredients in BOLD CAPITALS. Some of our food range is handled by our baristas and whilst we try to keep things separate there is no guarantee these items are allergen free. The allergen information for our packaged products that are not handled by our baristas are detailed within the booklet or alternatively detailed on the label. Please remember to check this information regularly as we’re always working on our products . For more allergen information please ask your barista.

Home > Beverages > Food > Impulse Product Suitable for Vegetarian Trio of Favourites - Suitable for Chocolate Caramel Vegan Shortbread - Energy (kJ) Trio of Favourites Energy (kcal) - Cookies & Cream Fat (g) Brownie Of which Trio of Favourites - saturated (g) Raspberry & White Carbohydrates Chocolate Blondie (g) Trio of Favourites - Of which Average Value sugars (g) Fibre (g) Protein (g) Salt (g) Ingredients Impulse Items YN Salted butter [butter (MILK), salt], white chocolate (13%) [sugar, cocoa butter, whole MILK powder, emulsifier: SOYA lecithin, vanilla extract], sugar, fortified 1122 269 16 9 28 16 0.6 2.9 0.3 wheat flour (WHEAT flour, calcium carbonate, iron, niacin, thiamin), pasteurised free range EGG, milk chocolate (9%) [sugar, cocoa butter, whole MILK powder, cocoa mass, emulsifier: SOYA lecithin, vanilla extract], dark chocolate (5%) [sugar, cocoa mass, cocoa butter, fat reduced cocoa powder, emulsifier: SOYA Y N lecithin, vanilla extract], sweetened condensed milk (MILK, sugar), raspberry jam (3%) [glucose fructose syrup, raspberry puree, sugar, raspberries, gelling 1225 294 18 10 28 21 1.6 4.1 0.36 agent: pectin, acidity regulators: citric acid, sodium citrate; colour: anthocyanins, natural raspberry flavouring], vegetable margarine [vegetable oils (palm, rapeseed), salt, emulsifier: mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids, natural flavouring, colours: annatto bixin, curcumin], ground ALMONDS, partially inverted refiners syrup, mini cookies (1%) [WHEAT flour, sugar, palm oil, rapeseed oil, fat reduced cocoa powder, WHEAT starch, glucose fructose syrup, salt, raising Y N agents: potassium carbonates, sodium carbonates, ammonium carbonates; emulsifiers: SOYA lecithin, sunflower lecithin; vanilla flavouring], full fat soft cheese 1089 261 14 8.6 30 23 1.9 2.7 0.26 (MILK), palm oil, icing sugar, soft light brown sugar, raspberries (1%), cornflour, whey powder (MILK), natural vanilla flavouring, cocoa butter, cocoa powder, cocoa mass, double cream (MILK), rapeseed oil, freeze dried raspberry pieces, raising agents: diphopshates, potassium carbonates; fat reduced cocoa powder, salt, preservative: potassium sorbate, gelling agent: xanthan gum, emulsifiers: SOYA lecithin, mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids. YN 1145 275 16 9.2 29 20 1.4 3.2 0.31 For allergens including cereals containing gluten see ingredients in BOLD CAPITALS. Some of our food range is handled by our baristas and whilst we try to keep things separate there is no guarantee these items are allergen free. The allergen information for our packaged products that are not handled by our baristas are detailed within the booklet or alternatively detailed on the label. Please remember to check this information regularly as we’re always working on our products . For more allergen information please ask your barista.

Home > Beverages > Food > © 2021 Starbucks Corporation. 14-10-2021

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