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History Dissertation Length Sample

Published by Dissertation Length, 2018-03-12 09:37:25

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HISTORYDISSERTATIONLENGTHSAMPLE Facing the Enemies of the United States

AbstractDuring the spring of 1975, the Vietnam War ended in favor of the enemies ofthe United States. Since this part of the history, different historians havebecome busy in explaining why America lost in Vietnam. The Vietnam War hasbeen categorized as a failure on the part of the military. While there is truth tothis, it also ignores the decisive role that media plays. Historians believed thatthere is a lack of theoretical assessment regarding the actual impact thatmedia has on foreign policy.Introduction This study will evaluate why the American media withdrew their supporttowards American intervention while in Vietnam. The 1968 Tet offensive wasdeclared by historians as the event with which the idea of the success of thewards changed. Then, I will assess how the media has impacted thewithdrawal of the Americans, and how much impact the media had on theactual policy making of the government of America (Wyatt, 2003). Another very important question that this dissertation will focus on is howand what other factors have caused failure on the side of the Americans. Anumber of historians have further focused on the failures of the military, and Iwill further assess how this has become an accurate evaluation of theAmerican involvement. By coming to terms with these questions, I will be ableto argue whether or not such failure that happened in Vietnam becameinevitable, becoming the argument for several historians. Further research hasfurther revealed that domestic issues, including the enhancing anti-warmovement, has impacted the withdrawal.

Further research on the particular subject emphasizes that domesticconcerns have affected withdrawal. With this, I would like to evaluate thenature in which media have reported on such groups, and whether the mediahave influenced their growth (Palmer, 2009). For this study, I have utilized theBroadcast Communication Museum, which is considered as an online archivewhich has already stored television and radio broadcasts from the USA.Current research with Vietnam has focused on different newspaper articles.With the use of these broadcasts, I am hoping to find an even greaterunderstanding regarding the role that media played. The advantage of usingthese types of broadcasts is that the actual tone used by the reporters showhow the war was perceived at the time. This will result to a lesser chance oftheir view being misinterpreted. Another criticism that the American troops had to face is that it seemedthat the country never learned anything out of its mistakes from the KoreanWar. The hindsight after such conflicts made it seem as though a specificdecision was needed gravely, or served as a catalyst. However, historiansbelieve that while studying on the Vietnam War, the situation is not assessedbased on a modern-day context, but coming from the position at thatparticular time. Thus, in this dissertation, I will assess how the conflict wasplaced on the international scene during the period of the Cold War, and howit is gauged within the American society at that particular time. The role that media played is also an issue that I needed to take intoconsideration in this research because of all the technological advancementsit has gone through. The nature with which media is used can also change,and thus, its role need to be defined and evaluated effectively. Anotherexample to take into consideration is the events that happened during theFirst World War when photography was then used for purposes of datacollection and reconnaissance.

The military, later on, used the same technology as a type of propaganda,allowing them to recruit new soldiers for the war. This shows that there was achange in the field of photography (Robertson & Fled, 2003).The Role that Media Played in the FailureThe failure of America during the Vietnam War may be accredited to theportrayal of media regarding the conflict. Current discussions andcommunication regarding American intervention and the reason behind thefailure may all be connected with the explosion of media during the period ofinvestigative and critical journalism, forcing the withdrawal of America, andeventually the changes in terms of policymaking. As stated previously, thenature of media coverage changes constantly, increasing the impact on thereports. Coverage of the war was not at a consistent intensity all throughoutthe conflict, which may also explain the reason why America has failed.ReferencesPalmer, D. (2009). The curbs and the irks of the US officers during the Vietnam War. New York Times, 12(2), 12.Robertson, P., & Fled, C. (2003). Misinformation and War. Yesterday’s History, Today, 23(2), 23-34.Wyatt, O. (2003). The role that media played in the Vietnam War. The Historian’s Journal, 23(2), 12-23. For more information on history dissertation length, don't hesitate to visit our website!

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