Man Watering Garden Man Watering FlowersPaint over digital painting, 18 x 20” Paint over digital painting, 18 x 20” Garden Party Snake in the Garden 50Paint over digital painting, 18 x 20” Paint over digital painting, 18 x 20”
metal leafI can’t think of a better way to addluminosity and complexity to com-position than metal leaf -- gold,silver, copper and variegated. In allregards, my work with this media isan homage to Klimt, the master ofgold leaf.
Sunset SailAcrylic & Gold Leaf on canvas, 24 x 48” The Native Acrylic & Gold Leaf on canvas, 48 x 30” 52
Gustav’s Girls Sister Marguerite Remembers Her Lovers Acrylic, gold, silver & variegated leaf Acrylic & gold leaf on canvas, 30 x 24” on canvas, 36 x 36”53
Sunset Sail #2 Optic Symphony #1Acrylic & copper leaf on canvas, 36 x 24” Acrylic & gold leaf on canvas, 30 x 30” 54
The Golden Forest Acrylic gold, silver, & copper leaf on canvas, 24 x 48”55
As Morning Awakens The Wishing Tree #2Acrylic & gold leaf on canvas, 36 x 48” Acrylic & gold leaf on canvas, 30 x 36” 56
Before and After Acrylic and gold leaf on canvas, 40 x 30” Woman in Sun (Blue Garden) Acrylic, gold and copper leaf on canvas, 36 x 24”57
ChaosAcrylic and gold leaf on canvas, 30 x 24” 58
still life& figurativeThroughout my life I have been drawnto the stillness of objects, especial-ly flowers and fruits. But in my eyes, Isee the energy underneath the tableau.My “deconstruction” of such images ismeant to emphasis the energy -- thelife -- of what I see.
Joie de VivreAcrylic on canvas, 48 x 36” 60
Pink Three Roses Acrylic on canvas, 36 x 36” Acrylic on canvas, 48 x 24”61
August Flower ArrangementAcrylic on canvas, 30 x 30” Acrylic on canvas, 18 x 20” 62
Autumn Bouquet Still Life with Oranges Acrylic on canvas, 36 x 24” Acrylic on canvas, 48 x 24”63
Dancer in Repose Woman in the WindAcrylic on canvas, 36 x 24” Acrylic on canvas, 36 x 36” 64
sculptureI’ve only recently taken to sculpture,with my present work focused onfound-object creations. For me, likemost of my creative work, the piecesare born from concept and metaphor,and imbued with life through assem-blage. There is little that’s more re-warding than giving new life to objectsthat have been cast aside.
The CoupleGold leaf on found wood scraps 66
Ringo67 Found object sculpture , including antique ciruit boards, springs & taxidermy eyes
Flo: The Moai PrincessGold leaf on found wood 68
STEVE [email protected] | 617.549.1557 | |
Steve Lyons’s work is fast becoming some of the most recognized art in the USA and Europe. He gained recognitionfor beginning his full time career as a painter by selling paintings on scrap lumber pieces off his front porch. In 2012,while doing so, he was “discovered” by an international art critic from Europe for his re-invention of the impastotechnique in which he uses heavy layers of paint to create image itself, such as dunes, water and still life. Today,many cultural writers credit him with developing and making popular what they describe as “sculptural painting.”In 2017, Lyons was named 2nd in the world in Abstract Expressionism for “Women and the Universe”(see page 20). In2016 the American Art Awards named Lyons second place in the world in impressionism for “Seeking Refuge”(page 7) and in thetop five for abstract expressionism. Other awards include being the first American to win the shared exhibition prizeat the Stadtgalerie, Westerland, Germany, and the first American to open the Independence Day Celebrations in La Paz,Mexico. In 2014, he was the first American awarded private mentorship with Finland’s premier living artist and designer,Markku Piri. In March 2015, Lyons made international news when he was the victim of an art heist totaling $100,000.His art was eventually recovered and was recently on display at an art exhibition in Berlin. His work has been exhibitedall over the world including Freising (Munich), Berlin, La Paz, Mexico and Poznan, Poland, as well as New Haven, CT,Boston, MA, Old Greenwich, CT, and Cincinnati, and is held in collections by individuals and institutions.Lyons was born and raised in Portsmouth, Ohio, located on the northern banks of the Ohio River. He began paintingas a child and by age eight had won his first competition, in Canton, Ohio. He earned a B.A. at Eastern Kentucky Uni-versity, and an M.A. at Louisiana State University—where he majored in journalism and minored in art and was a Wal-ter Hitesman scholarship recipient. Lyons lived in New York City for eight years before calling New England home. Hisprimary residency is in Chatham, MA, but he travels extensively to Europe. You can see Steve’s work at his workingGallery, Steve Lyons Gallery, in Chatham, MA. and Naples FL. He has been featured in numerous publications, includ-ing HuffingtonPost, Du Jour magazine and Art of the Times. In November 2017, Chatham Bars Inn, one of the world’sbest luxury resorts, selected Lyons for special presentation as one of American’s Master Contompory artist. Lyons wasalso selected for Art 360. He was recently awarded his first university show which will take place at Iona College in 2018.
STEVE Cover ImageLYONS She Stayed Happy by Remembering the Moon & Stars Acrylic and mixed media on canvas, 30 x 40”2017–2018