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Published by dawne, 2019-09-26 01:14:42

Description: Healthy Infographic_rev2a

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50 WAYS To Live Naturally Healthier Today Foundation

OPTIONSSo, let’s go through some superb to get healthier and happier. We all sometimes feel that we should modify our lives to improve our health. Once you start searching for tips on the internet, you might get confused and possibly annoyed by the quantity of information available and might end up unable to efficiently make a choice. We are here to help you and to stop you from falling into that deep pit of information about what you should and should not do. You must put in the effort to make changes in your daily habits, and the amount of effort required depends on the frequency and the duration of time that you have been practicing it. Today, read through our list, select few points that you think will be beneficial to you and do it every day or on alternate days depending on whether you have time and energy for it in your daily schedule. Remember, consistency is the key to success and tiny efforts today will yield fruitful results in the long run. Once you imbibe a small change, your reward will be the change in your låife for the better and this will motivate you to push yourself even further! Foundation

Save you money but also reduce your energy, time, and resources. If you have vegetables and fruit that are turning bad, prepare soups or juices 1 using them. If you don’t feel like it, you can always put them in the freezer and alternately choose quicker healthy options to satisfy your hunger. Cook rice or any starchy food that 2 you like in a larger quantity. For the upcoming days, so you don’t have to worry about the effort you put into cooking the starch component of your meal every day for a satisfying lunch or dinner. This can be easily done if you have an Instant Pot. After cooking, sort them into different containers and refrigerate till you need it. Pick up your favorite self- improvement book again and read some tips from it. If you don’t have one at hand, you can try 3 some of our favorites - Thich Nhat Hanh’s ‘Peace in Every Step’, Stephen R. Covey’s ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change’, and Danielle Laporte’s ‘The Desire Map’. Eupterra Foundation | | [email protected]

Make a list. Make a list of everything that you like about yourself, big or small, and stick it on a surface where it will be prominent 4 every day. Repeat them to yourself every time you see the list till you know that no one can convince you otherwise! It is better if you enlist things about the person you are, your soul and the things that are an inseparable part of you. Skip Coffee In The Morning. Replace it with tea, fruit juice or a smoothie of your choice after a few reps of jumping jacks. Your adrenaline 5 gland functions will get back to normal and your body will thank you for keeping the caffeine away. Use this opportunity to provide your body and soul with the best they deserve. Don’t cut down your starch intake. Eat varieties of starchy foods like rice, potatoes, beans or plain bread to obtain 6 energy and to keep you full and to prevent cravings for desserts and meat. After all, our cells need all those carbs! Replace chocolates and desserts. Now, this tip is classic but quite effective. Replace with fruits for 7 snacking. Nature has enough to provide your body with healthy nutrition and hydration along with great taste. The fructose is also a great way to calm those sugar cravings! Eupterra Foundation | | [email protected]

8 This time that you take out just for yourself. Go for a half-hour walk and entertain yourself by natural sounds, meditation, or listen to an inspirational pod-cast such as The Mindset Zone, Rich Roll, or Food For Thought. It is important for relaxing and to keep yourself inspired for the upcoming day.

9 Talk to people. Smile at your neighbors, share a joke with your colleagues, or help someone who needs it. These positive vibes will keep the stress away and keep your mind clear while making decisions.

10 Replace your dairy products with vegan version. Replace your everyday dairy products with vegan versions if you are still using animal-based dairy. When you go grocery shopping the next time, get a few varieties of vegan milk options so you can decide what you like best! The best way to enhance your mood. 11 Dance to your favorite music, jump if you want to, and enjoy yourself. Think about those rebounder’s that you used to love as a child. Such activities are amazing for your heart and lymph. Enhance your mood while reducing your waistline. Sing along if you feel like it; just give in to the moment! 12 Let your mind relax before sleeping. Keep all your electronic devices away a few hours before you go to bed. Doing this will let your mind relax before sleeping. Also, go to bed early and give yourself some quality beauty sleep. I know this is easier said than done but try to stick to the schedule every day and think about it as a much-deserved rest period. Don’t sit continuously for a long time. Sitting for longer than an hour can hamper your life expectancy hugely. 13 Walk around, release the tension in your muscles by stretching, get a glass of water, or just take a short break by your window, be it at work or while watching your favorite show on Netflix. Eupterra Foundation | | [email protected]

Don’t forget to turn away from your computer screen at frequent intervals. 14 Keep your computer and phone aside and relax for a while. If you have enough time to scroll through your Facebook feed, you have a short while to stretch, do some yoga or a short workout, or even meditate. Add green vegetables to your diet for the required daily nutrition. 15 Add a crunchy side to your meal. You can bring out your inner chef and try your hand at wraps or add them to casseroles or sauces. You can also eat steamed vegetables or quickly make a smoothie using them. Some kale chips for your next movie night is a must-try if you like them! Try to make your lunch at home instead of purchasing it at the nearby supermarket. You can take the leftovers of the 16 previous night, or even make a quick sandwich with whole-grain bread, grapes, and nuts. The previous idea of cooking more starch than required can also come handy for this. Save you money but also reduce your energy, time, and resources. If you have vegetables and fruit that 17 are turning bad, prepare soups or juices using them. If you don’t feel like it, you can always put them in the freezer and alternately choose quicker healthy options to satisfy your hunger. Eupterra Foundation | | [email protected]

18 Start your morning with a large mug of warm or cold water (per your preference) with a squeeze of lemon juice. Your body gets dehydrated overnight and this is an excellent way of replenishing the hydration. The lemon juice contains antioxidants that are very good for your body and helps in providing a boost to your cells and digestive system.

19 When you are driving, doing your daily tasks, or even napping, listen to affirmative audios. The strong phrases can bring a great improvement in your outlook and make you positive, clear, calm, and productive. Try to get into the habit of a positive vibe!

Use the breaks you get at work to step outside for a bit. Away from your usual spot for the entire 8 hours of the workday. An alteration 20 of your surroundings can bring back your energy and enthusiasm. It is even better if you eat your home-made lunch outside under the sun! For dull, tired evenings, drink a juice made with green vegetables. 21 This can replenish your lost energy. You can also choose fresh orange juice; stay away from coffee or alcoholic beverages. Improve your mood. 22 If you feel down and sad, make a list of 5 things in your life that you are grateful for. This will remind you that you can deal with anything and it will be perfectly fine if your life remains as it is now. It will calm your anxiety and help you clear your mind. 23 While cooking, try to use as less oil as possible. Use non-stick vessels, and steam or boil your vegetables instead of sautéing or frying them in oil. You can even make hash browns without oil! This will maintain good heart health and aid in weight loss. Eupterra Foundation | | [email protected]

Try filling your kitchen with whole foods instead of unhealthy processed versions of everything. Doing this will make your meal extra 24 nutritious and their fibrous content will prevent hunger for much longer than processed starchy foods. We all need a little TLC sometimes. 25 Talk to someone you are close to, go out with them, and spend quality time with them with motivating conversations. It is even better if you hug them as this is a great boost for your adrenal glands (you can even cuddle animals). Don’t forget to stay hydrated. Get a large bottle (preferably metal, BPA-free plastic, or glass) and make marks it in for every few hours. Buy a 26 marker and make lines on the bottle to indicate your targeted quantity of water intake throughout the day. This will help you visualize your target and you will remember to stay hydrated all day. Refill as and when required. Add Epsom salt in your hot bath. It is great for preventing clots and easing body aches, congestions, and 27 sore muscles. Moreover, it will have amazing effects on your skin. This salty powder is also good for detoxification and alkalizing. Eupterra Foundation | | [email protected]

28 Intermittent fasting and is known to have tremendous benefits for the body. Have your dinner early so that your body goes into a fasting mode for 14 hours. If you have your breakfast at 8 am, your last meal should be at 6 pm. It doesn’t reduce your daily calorie intake but rather adjusting your body to push up the metabolism.

29 Make a list of your goals in life and visualize those targets and achievements each day. This will uplift your mood and push you toward working even harder for it bringing you closer to achieving them. If you feel like it, make a vision board with photos of your goals and stick them on a visible surface to provide constant motivation for yourself.

Sleep for a minimum of 8 hours every night. 30 Aim at hitting your bed before midnight so that your body gets enough rest. If you wake up exhausted, try going to bed 30 minutes earlier than planned until you feel rested enough and have enough energy when you wake up the next day. Reduce your sugar and salt intake. As they can make your taste buds extra sensitive and can increase your appetite 31 to more than what you need. They will also make fresh fruits and vegetables taste bland and unappetizing. Inculcate the habit of eating less artificially flavored and more natural food. Search the Internet for techniques to physically relax the body. 32 You can visit a spa, get a massage, request your partner to do it, or maybe even try it on yourself. Try to take a walk and soak in the sun for at least 10 minutes every day. Depending on the time of the year, this will help you release your anxiety, 33 make you happy and let your skin make enough Vitamin D. You can take a stroll, play, jog, run, or maybe just lay on the grass. After all, you deserve a small break on a tiring day. Eupterra Foundation | | [email protected]

Eat slowly and patiently. Chew at least 20 times and focus on the smell, texture, taste, and flavor of every bite. Try to concentrate and refrain from 34 watching videos or getting into serious conversations while eating. If possible, go to work on your bike. If the distance is more than you can handle you can Merge a train ride in 35 your route. You won’t have to hit the gym and it will be a fun way to go to work while simultaneously burning calories. Keep in mind that this is also eco-friendly, cost-efficient, and very healthy for you. If you get time, visit the nearest farmers markets. Get into conversations with the locals, and purchase fresh fruits and vegetables that are free from harmful pesticides and 36 processing. This will also be a soothing stroll, and interactions with strangers, helping local businesses, and choosing healthy food options will go a long way in your physical and mental health. When you visit your grocery store the next time, try reading the labels of every article that you are planning to purchase. 37 Understand what goes into the preparation of the object in your hand and choose products with common and fewer ingredients. Focus on the chemical additives instead of the calorie count. Eupterra Foundation | | [email protected]

38 Stop weighing yourself every day. Your weight scale can dampen your self-confidence, and make you feel that your weight is what defines the person that you are. This will affect your daily mood and actions. Have you ever started binging on chips or a pizza because your weight was not what you hoped it would be? Release yourself from this unnecessary evil and try to engage yourself in making healthier lifestyle choices.

39 When you are sitting on your couch and watching your favorite Netflix series, stretch your whole body and test your flexibility. You will certainly notice your core strength and flexibility increase gradually. It is good to relax your strained muscles, keep your spine straight, and prevent bad posture habits.

Don’t forget to connect with your inner being every day. You are a unique human being who has different talents and requirements. 40 Listen to your heart and acknowledge the truth. Don’t worry about what is expected of you. Stay aware of the hunger pangs that may seem very difficult to control. Do you need to eat something or 41 are you just dehydrated, exhausted or bored? Don’t forget to take some naps if you need; drink enough water or herbal tea to take good care of your body. Use a body brush every morning in the shower. 42 To promote good circulation of your lymphatic fluids. This is a very rewarding method of elf nurturing and is great for making your skin soft while promoting detoxification of your body. You can apply coconut oil afterward which is a superb natural moisturizer. Buy only foods that are natural, healthy. And make you feel that you can eat them whenever you want without 43 worrying about the harmful side effects. This will be handy when you are bored or hungry but don’t want to binge on unhealthy calorific food. Eupterra Foundation | | [email protected]

44 Quickly remove stress. Earthing or grounding is an easy and very effective method to do it. We are almost always in proximity of electronic devices that release radiation, and this is known to be harmful to the body. When you walk on the ground barefoot, you can dispense this radiation and natural electricity; that is, you can uncharge yourself. Do not drink Diet Coke or any carbonated beverages. 45 YYou might already know this, but if you’re still in the habit of consuming them, it is time to stop. Drink water infused with fruit or herb, or just make a tea or juice if you are bored with regular water. Don’t buy unhealthy snacks like muffins or crackers from the supermarket. 46 Bake or cook a healthy salty or sweet snack for yourself. If you have a few basic ingredients you can prepare almost all your favorite foods, but their healthier versions help you keep an eye on your hunger pangs. Each time you go to your nearest supermarket for grocery shopping, try something new and healthy. 47 It can be anything, ranging from a weird new fruit, a vegetable that you’ve never seen before, or a blend of spices that you’ve never tasted. Refrain from going grocery shopping while you are hungry. Make a list before you leave and try not to buy unnecessary things. Eupterra Foundation | | [email protected]

48 To be honest with yourself and others around you, start saying “no” when you want to. Understand your limitations and be vocal about them to others. You will soon recognize the people who care about you and want the best for you. This may be your perfect way out of damaging relationships.

49 Before you leave your bed in the morning, practice yoga for 10 minutes. You can accompany this with calming music if you want. It doesn’t matter if you are doing it perfectly or if it is tiring enough; it just helps you wake up gently and to connect to your body and soul before you start your day.

50 Stay away from artificial coloring and flavors. Whatever you cook, do it with thoughtfulness and love, and make sure they look appealing to you. Cook at home, use colorful ingredients and increase the variety of vegetables, fresh herbs, and nutrient content.

BEGIN!Time To Once you select the changes that you want to inculcate in your everyday life, don’t forget to notice every time you do it. Add or replace them with something that you normally do, and if you want, keep a list and track it to see if you are regularly following your resolutions. These tiny alterations will have major benefits to your health and life. Someday, in the future, you will look back and realize how these small steps have been extremely helpful and have contributed to the fruition of your long-term goals. Once you start following the list, you will become responsible for yourself and yo can also share them with your loved ones for inspiration and improvement of their lives. Maybe they might plan to join you and make the entire ordeal easier and fun! Keeping a note of your achievements will shift your focus to the good things in life and keep you motivated to stay on your path to bigger successes. Are any of these habits already apart of your daily routine? Which one are you most eager to start with? Comment on Eupterra’s Facebook page and share with us! Eupterra Foundation | | [email protected]

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