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Home Explore USAatUFC Yearbook 2014

USAatUFC Yearbook 2014

Published by laura.marks1, 2014-11-24 20:12:47

Description: As Missy and I wrap up our first year as Fulbright English Teaching Assistants at the Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), all I can say is - what a year! This USA@UFC yearbook will help us to remember the time we spent together, the activities and games we played, and all that we learned from each other during this enriching experience.

Keywords: USAatUFC Yearbook 2014, Fulbright, Brazil, Fortaleza, English Teaching Assistants


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1 \" \" USA@UFC 2014!\"\" \" \" \"\"\" \"\"\" My First Yearbook :-)

2\"\" Hey USA@UFC Community! As Missy and I wrap up our first year as Fulbright English Teaching Assistants at the Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), all I can say is - what a year!! \" LAURA MARKS AND MELISSA (MISSY) REIF! FULBRIGHT ENGLISH TEACHING ASSISTANTS! UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO CEARÁ! ACADEMIC YEAR 2014! \"This USA@UFC yearbook will help us to remember the time we spent together, the activities and games weplayed, and all that we learned from each other during this enriching experience. ! \" ROCK ON USA@UFC!!

3\"\"\"\"\" Table of ContentsConversation Clubs…………………………………………………………………….4\"\" Mon/Wed 1:00pm……………………………………………………………….5\"\" Mon/Wed 5:00pm……………………………………………………………….6\"\" Tue/Thur 11:00am………………………………………………………………7\"\" Tue/Thur 1:00pm………………………………………………………………..8\"\"\" Tue/Thur 12:00pm/3:00pm (“Mangueiras”)…………………………………..9\"\"This American Life…………………………………………………………………..…10\"\"American Movie Night…………………………………………………………………11\"\"Activities in the Bosque!………………………………………………………………12\"\"USA@UFC Conference………………………………………………………………13\"\"Superlatives…………………………………………………………………………….14\"\"Laura & Missy Quotes…………………………………………………………………16\"\"Good Times…………………………………………………………………………….17\"\"A Word From the Bosses……………………………………………………………..18\"\"Brazilian Selfie Time…………………………………………………………………..19\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"Thank you!……………………………………………………………………………..20\"

4\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\" CONVERSATION CLUBS!\"\"\" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \"\" Conversations Clubs were fun, weren’t they? With no professor, no grades, and no pressure, Conversation Clubs offered a safe, non-judgmental space to practice English. We played all sorts of games, did lots of different activities, discusseddifferences between Brazil and the US, and so much more! \" \"

5 CONVERSATION CLUB:! Mon/Wed 1:00PM\"Danilo Lima de Freitas! Douglas Lima Oliveira! Eduardo de Aquino Henrique Pereira Douglas Marley\"\"The Game Master\" “If you lose one dollar, \"Neto! \"Mendonsa\" you don’t lose just one“Calmness of mind is dollar. You lose all the “Never a failure, alwaysone of the beautiful money you can produce a lesson.”jewels of wisdom.” \" with that one dollar.”- James Allen\"Igor Dias Vieira! Jadsson Renan \"Marilia Sousa Pereira\" Romulo Cavalcante“Live as if you were to \"Beserra Batista Filho! “The movement you \"Rolím!die tomorrow. Dream as need is on yourif you were to live “The beautiful think shoulder.” - Paul “Don’t worry. He’ll beforever.” -Ghandi about learning is that no McCartney back.” one can take it away from you.” -B. B. KingSamyr Pereira Pontes! Thales Pinheiro\"Mr. Everywhere\" \"Rodrigues!“A world without sounds “Trust me. I’m anis like a black and white engineer!”world - uncolored.” \"

6 CONVERSATION CLUB:! Mon/Wed 5:00PM\"Arthur Voz de Caio Da Silva ! Carolina Filipe Alencar Ítalo Calheiros!Sousa! Araújo\" Policarpo Gomes! Paiva! “The nerds ofArt\" “Brace yourselves, “If your dreams “Whatever the today will be the“This is my very the mormaço don’t scare you, mind can conceive rich guys offirst day but I love (weather so hot) is they are not big and believe, the tomorrow.” - Billit already. Yay!” coming.” mind can achieve.” Gates \"enough.”!João Paulo João Victor Rafael Nunes Renalison Farias Renata PiresSantos Menezes! Pereira! Barbosa!Cavalcante! \"Riveiro Galvino! “You’ve simply “Fight and pushJP\" \"Rafa\" brought this harder for what“I hope that you’ll “Life is just a madness to light you believe in.find all there is that breath in time, so “None yet.” and I should thank You’d be surprised,you want is inside take the deepest you.”! you’re strongerof you.” you can.” ! -Alanis Morissette than you think.”Saulo Vinícius Timoteo Jorge de Ana BeatrizCavalcante! Souza!Chicago Bulls\" Tim\" \"Ripardo Araujo!“Just play. Have “Lights will guidefun. Enjoy the you home.” “Be Brave!”game.”!- Michael Jordan

7 CONVERSATION CLUB:!\" Tue/Thur 11:00AM\"Ana Beatriz Pessoa Clarisse Magno da José Antonio Sousa \"\"Milton Bitu Pinheiro!\"Mesquita! \"Silva! \"Santos! “Always the love. Always the hours.”“Whatever people say I “Things that were hard “Everyone helps eacham.” to bear are sweet to other.” -Precious remember.” -SenecaSilmara Sousa! Weslly Lima dos\"Sil\" \"Santos\"“I only did English “Work hard. Dream big.”Conversation Club allthis time to distractmyself from the fact thatI’ll never be Beyoncé.” \" \" \" \" \"

8 CONVERSATION CLUB:!\" Tue/Thur 1:00PM\"Anne Rodrigues Douglas Lima Francisco \"Gabriel Anagão! GabrielaMartins! Oliveira!“My 49 years have \"Romario Nunes! “Ignorance is a \"Jaguaribe Matos!passed like one \"\"\"Douglas Marley\" venom tonight’s dream. The “True culture is in mankind.” - “It’s gonna beglories of my life the mind.” - Christian Guntner legen…and I hopeare no more than a Flannery O’Connor you’re not lactosecup of sake.” intolerant cuz the second part of this word is….dary!” -João Paulo Juliana Barroso Leticia Rola Lucas Sousa! Manzama MarekSantos Camboim! “Your least happyCavalcante! \"Brandão! “Love is the customers are \"ABT!JP\" answer.” -John your greatest “Why not more Lennon sources of “The real culture is beers?” learning.” in our mind.”Mauricio de Melo Nazareno de Samira Silva da Suzane Gomes Vinicius da Silva Sousa!\"Bezerra Filho! Araújo Freitas! “There is no \"da Cunha! \"Dourado! Leno\" dialogue in the realm of absolute “What doesn’t kill “We are temporary“The man is what “This life is more confidence.” you makes you arrangements.” - stronger.” Alanis Morissettehe thinks is in his than just a readheart.” \" -Bruce Lee through.”

9 CONVERSATION CLUB:!\" Tue/Thur 12:00PM/3:00PM - Mangueiras!\"Átila Monteiro Santos! Camila Holanda! Anna Carolina Carollina Gurgel Silva! Caroll\"“Differences of habit \"Mila\" Cordeiro de Sena! “While we may comeand language are Carol\" from different placesnothing at all if our aims and speak differentare identical and our “Somewhere, something “Who in the world am I? toungues, our heartshearts are open.” beat as one.” incredible is waiting to Ah, that’s the great be known.” -Carl Sagan! puzzle.” -Lewis CarrollDanilo Lima de Freitas \"Ernando Moreira! Francisco Jandeson Francisco Lennon Soares da Silva! Jorge Pessoa! “Winners always do Jand-UH-son\" “A man may die. more, so much more, “My English is the same Nations may rise and than what’s necessary.” as my problems: It only I fall. But an idea lives understand.” on.” João Marcos Ferreira Jardel Lucas Alves Renalison Farias \"Thais Souza Cunha! Lopes! Pereira!\"de Oliveira Dias! “Life is a play that does “And you might try and not allow testing, so hide, and your might try “Find what you love and sing, cry, dance, laugh, and pray, but we all end let it kill you!” and live intensely.” - up the remains of the Charlie Chaplin day.”\"

10\"\" THIS AMERICAN LIFE \" \" \"\"\" \" \" With This American Life, students joined Missy on Wednesdays and Thursdays to learn about American culture through presentations on topics such as Religion, Politics, Holidays, and American\"\"\" Exceptionalism. What a great cultural exchange!\"

11\" AMERICAN MOVIE NIGHT \"\" \" \" \"\" \" \" \" \" \" We watched all sorts of great films this year at American Movie Night. Thanks to all that chose tospend their Friday nights with us at the José Albano Auditorium!\"

12\" ACTIVITIES IN THE BOSQUE \" \" \" \" \" \" \"With Lip Sync Karaoke, American Dance Craze (with Laurinha Loirinha de Nova York), and “Come Chat with Laura in the Bosque” - students knew theycould brush up on their American Culture knowledge in the Bosque! \"

13\" USA@UFC CONFERENCE \"USA@UFC was a two day conference full of cultural workshops (by UFC students and ETAs from other cities in Brazil), games, karaoke, and a Halloween\"\" Party! \"

14SUPERLATIVES! \" \" \" \" \" \" ! Best Dancer:! Best Sitting Positions:!João Paulo Santos Cavalcante & Laura Marks João Paulo Santos Cavalcante \" Best Eyes:! Biggest Early Birds:! \" Lucas Sousa Silmara Sousa & Danilo Lima de Freitas \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" Best Legs:!Melissa “Missy” Reif

SUPERLATIVES CON’T. 15 \" Best Rapper:! Manzama Marek ABT \" \" \" \" \" \" \" Best Singer:! \"Eduardo de Aquino Neto \"\" Most Likely to be on a Reality TV Show:! Gabriela Jaguaribe Matos \" \" \" \" \" ! Best Laugh:! Celebrity Look-a-like:!Gabriela Jaguaribe Matos & Laura Marks João Paulo Santos Cavalcante\" (Abraham Lincoln)

16\" LAURA & MISSY QUOTES Hey guys!! We have some new faces today! Today we have a game! Shoot!\"\" Sucks to suck! Haters gonna hate! Everyone’s a winner - except for the losers!


18\" WORDS FROM THE BOSSES… ! “USA@UFC gave Brazilian students the opportunity to interact with native speakers from different parts of the States. It also helped them improve their English and test their ability to be understood. It is the kind of experience to remember.” -Manolisa Vasconcellos, Letras ! “It was great to experience American culture and to learn so much from this enriching sharing with you, Missy and Laura, our ETAs in 2014. UFC will never be the same.” -Glaucya Gislayne, Ingles Sem Fronteiras ! “Thanks to both Laura and Melissa, learning English has become a lot more fun on the Benfica campus. You guys rock!!!” -Marcos Norelle, Casa de Cultura Britanica


20\"\"\" THANK YOU! \"\" Thank you so much to all who participated in our USA@UFC events for making this year so outstanding! We truly hope that you keep taking advantage of these opportunities next year and in the years to come!\" \" \" \" \" WE <3 UFC!!!!

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