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Microsoft Word - prospectus 2016 -2017[1160]

Published by g.makinson, 2017-01-07 12:56:54

Description: Microsoft Word - prospectus 2016 -2017[1160]

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RED ROSE SCHOOL 28-30 North Promenade, St Annes on Sea, Lancashire, FY8 2NQ 2016 - 2017 1 of 34

Welcome to Red Rose School 20 Years of Training Eagles Dear Parents, I am pleased to welcome you on behalf of the pupils and staff of the Red Rose School. All of our pupils come to us having failed to thrive within the mainstream setting. Generally, their self-esteem will be at a very low ebb and perhaps they have also been bullied because of their learning difficulties. But you can be assured that we will do everything we can to make the transition into the Red Rose family a happy experience. This prospectus has been designed to help you find out about the School, its Staff and Pupils. I hope you find it informative and that it gives you an insight into our School. We are dedicated to providing a positive and happy learning environment where every child has opportunity to reach his or her true potential whilst feeling loved and safe. Do feel free to ask questions, make comments and above all, come and see me and talk to the staff. We hope that your child will enjoy and benefit from his/her experiences here and that you will join us as part of the Red Rose Family. Yours sincerely, Gill Makinson Head Teacher Ofsted February 2013 Overall Effectiveness Outstanding Pupils’ achievement Outstanding Pupils’ behaviour and personal Outstanding development Quality of teaching Outstanding Quality of curriculum Outstanding Pupils’ welfare, health and safety Outstanding Leadership and management Outstanding 2 of 34

Expertise in Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) including ASD and related Teacher Training Dr. Sionah Lannen and Mr. Colin Lannen are the Co-founders, Directors and Proprietors of Red Rose School Current Expertise: Co-authors and Co-Directors of 2 major European Union Projects. The first was completed July 2013 with the results presented to the European Parliament in October 2013. The second 3-year project started Sep 2014 to develop and implement teacher training e-training throughout Europe in Specific Learning Difficulties. Sionah and Colin remain the School’s SpLD Educational Consultants and Sionah continues to work as a Chartered Educational Psychologist both in the UK and internationally. From January 1997 until July 2016, Colin was the Principal and Sionah was the Head Teacher and Educational Psychologist. Dr. Gavin Reid is our close friend, Co-founder and Director of the Red Rose School. Father of a young man with ASD. He is an international independent educational psychologist with active consultancies in seven countries including the UK, Canada, Middle East and Switzerland. He is chair of the British Dyslexia Association Accreditation Board and an ambassador for the Helen Arkell Dyslexia Centre in the UK. He has written over 30 books in dyslexia, literacy, learning styles and motivation. These are used as core course texts in courses worldwide and some have been translated into Arabic, Polish, French, Italian and Croatian. 3 of 34

Mrs Gill Makinson, Head Teacher Gill, our Head Teacher, does not like to ‘blow her own trumpet’ so it is up to me, Sionah, to explain why I chose Gill to take over from me. I have known Gill for well over 20 years both as a close friend and as a fellow professional. In choosing my replacement I knew exactly the personal qualities and expertise required of the person – Gill meets all these and much, much more! Without doubt her expertise in SpLD is unquestionable. However, although such expertise was obviously required, I needed a person who had the same love and passion for children with learning difficulties. A person who would ensure that our school ethos would carry on almost seamlessly! School Description The Red Rose School is an independent day special school (DfES Registration: 888/6032). It is a special school approved by DfE under Section 41 in England and Wales At Red Rose School we provide for the educational, emotional and social needs of up to 52 boys and girls, aged between 7 and 16 years, who experience SpLD in all its forms or have experiences and needs that cause them to become delicate and vulnerable in a mainstream setting. OUR VALUES STATEMENT Personal development, including the spiritual and moral development, of our pupils is key to their ability to believe in themselves, where their positive self- esteem will enable them to learn and become valuable members of the school and their wider ‘life-circle’ communities. The values and attitudes that we instill in our pupils, including our core British and ‘radicalize-never’ values, the celebration and tolerance of differences and equality will produce ‘rounded’ young persons who are able to take their place as active citizens who have a yearning to become active ‘givers’ to society rather than ‘takers’. ‘DELICATE’ CHILD matter what the diagnoses, the key is what should be done to meet the child’s needs so that he/she can reach his/her true potential 4 of 34

Pupils are placed at Red Rose School by several Local Education Authorities (LEAs) and also privately by parents. There are often multiple diagnoses from various medical, social and educational professionals and associated support agencies. In many cases, the complexities and extended timeframes (some over many years) have made the diagnoses very difficult, resulting in cross-over/s (comorbidity) and linkages between the various diagnoses. The diagram opposite is the ‘reality’ of pupils placed in the school. All have failed (some for several years) in the mainstream educational environment. This situation has made them delicate and vulnerable. The majority of pupils arrive with very low self-esteem. It is important to recognise the additional needs of ‘delicate,’ and vulnerable children and we place a high priority on providing a learning environment that caters for the diversity of emotional and learning needs in order to help children achieve their potential. Our Definition of Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) Children having a Specific Learning Difficulty or Difficulties all show different intellectual and emotional profiles, strengths and weaknesses, learning styles and life experiences. SpLD can be identified as distinctive patterns of difficulties, relating to the processing of information, ranging from very mild to severe. This results in restriction to literacy, language and number skills, in addition to discrepancies in motor function and social and organisational skills. Unfortunately, within nations and professions there are variations in definitions. However, the key is not the precise definition, but what professionals do with the labels to offer appropriate strategies to meet the child’s needs. This is especially true when co-morbidity of learning difficulties is seen to be ‘the rule rather than the exception’. ‘Students’ achievement is outstanding’ Ofsted February 2013 5 of 34

Important Caution An IQ showing MODERATE LEARNING DIFFICULTIES When a full scale IQ is calculated for students who may have a ‘spiky profile’ of strengths and weaknesses (as in SpLD), it often over-rides subtest strengths to give a single overall low score that may be associated with Moderate Learning Difficulties. Where this occurs, it is more relevant to look at individual subtest scores of the IQ test and observe the student in an educational setting. In cases where students have been admitted to Red Rose School with a full scale IQ indicating Moderate Learning Difficulties, such students have successfully integrated and transitioned to College and, in some cases, University. Ethos...Training Eagles! Just as the eagle shields and cares for its young, the school shields and cares for the pupils in its charge. All of our pupils have felt the previous ‘failures’ caused by their learning difficulties, so it is essential that they feel safe and unthreatened in their new school environment. Just as importantly, our pupils must learn to trust again – this can only be done by staff establishing a loving and caring relationship with each child in their charge. When the eaglet reaches maturity the mother eagle ‘stirs up the nest and hovers over her young. In reality, she takes the nest out from under her eaglet. The eaglet tumbles downward but before it hits the ground she catches it and carries it back to safety. This process is repeated until nature takes over and the eaglet spreads its wings and flies for the first time. Soon the young eagle is soaring high above the storms. This analogy shows the challenges we must set for our pupils. Once they feel safe and ‘strong’, we will start to stretch (challenge) them until the time comes when they can ‘fly’ on their own – this done, our job is finished and they can either reintegrate back into mainstream school or go on to College. Our job done…the child find their wings and flies ... 6 of 34

OUR PACKAGE ‘Students state that they feel safe in school; they also identify the high levels of personal help which they receive from the staff. As a result, they develop the self- esteem and confidence which enable them to benefit from the opportunities available to them’ Ofsted February 2013 Take a chartered, highly experienced educational psychologist acknowledged for her expertise in Learning Difficulties, Behaviour Management and ‘delicate’ children. Add experienced SpLD teachers from each class and at least one dedicated assistant from each class. Mix in current research and up to date resources. Season with an ethos of Christian love and care and pour into a multi-sensory container. Cook for a year or two and watch the wonder of ‘self-esteem’ grow each day. These are our ingredients that work to ‘crack the code’ of each child’s problems. Difficulties are overcome, coping strategies and skills are developed and the child learns the values of respect and kindness to others. Then it happens! The under-confident, no eye contact child has gone – now parents have their son or daughter back again – smiles and standing tall: ‘Let me read that to you, Dad’, ‘Mum, I want to go to College.’ Our job done, the child grows wings and flies away in the anticipation of many good tomorrows. That is our package and is what we are dedicated to each day! PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT ‘The excellent relationships between staff and students encourage students to overcome anxieties about school which many have experienced previously’ Ofsted Feb13 7 of 34

PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT IS A FUNDAMENTAL VALUE Personal development in our school is the means by which or pupils are supported in their spiritual, moral, physical, emotional, cultural and intellectual development according to their needs, and regardless of their social and/or economic backgrounds. It promotes their wellbeing and enables them to develop their potential as healthy, enterprising and responsible citizens in our society. It provides our pupils with a sense of identity in a diverse world and informs their academic and Personal Learning and Thinking Skills (PLTS). Within our curriculum the personal, learning and thinking skills of our pupils are also integral to their personal development and the roles they take on in life – as family member, friend, neighbour, partner, parent, employee, employer, citizen and member of communities. Our students understand 'Values', including: ✓ the importance of having a vision for their life and the need for action to make it a reality ✓ love of others is more important than love of self ✓ that life is to be enjoyed and that being unselfish and having a 'giving' heart is better than a 'taking' heart ✓ the importance of being a good citizen with an awareness of ‘British Values’ and what this means in terms of racial harmony, cultural diversity, religious freedom and each person’s right to a full and happy life within this democracy. ✓ ‘radicalize-never’ BEING SAFE We place a high priority on providing a structured, loving and caring learning environment that caters for the diversity of our pupils’ emotional and learning needs. Due to their learning difficulties, all of our students have felt previous 'failure' or may have suffered the effects of bullying. As such, it is essential that they feel safe and unthreatened in their new school environment. 8 of 34

GOALS ‘I really don’t know how to say thank you for everything that youv’e done for me. I never had any belief in myself until I moved into your class and I didn’t think anyone would ever think I was any good for anything ever again. I can’t believe I don’t want to leave.’ The goals of Red Rose School are to help children realise their full potential within a pastoral environment through: ✓ A small school environment. ✓ Small Class numbers (no greater than 9 pupils per class) with at least 2 adults in form rooms. ✓ Individual pupil programmes. ✓ Continuous building of self-esteem and independent learning. ✓ Developing the necessary skills through the application of proven educational strategies. ‘The quality of leadership and management is outstanding. Staff have a shared vision, communicated effectively by senior leaders, of how to meet the needs of students with often complex individual needs. Leaders have set high expectations of what can be achieved for students' personal and academic development, and the school is very successful in making this happen.’ Ofsted February 2013 9 of 34

CURRICULUM ‘The quality of the Curriculum is outstanding and prepares students extremely well for the challenges and opportunities of adult life. Each teaching group takes account of students’ previous levels of learning, their ability to work independently, and their readiness for the challenges of external assessment’ Ofsted February 2013 In all cases, pupils have not been able to thrive in the mainstream curriculum and, as a consequence, have not accessed the broad and balanced education to achieve their potential. Many pupils have also had emotionally damaging experiences that has led to low self-esteem and associated social and emotional difficulties. In many cases, pupils arrive disaffected and with an inability to trust. Emotional factors are often at the heart of pupils’ previous experience. It is essential to build good self-esteem and self-concept so the child is able to deal with their learning difficulties. By reversing the child's perception of failure and subsequent anxiety, it is our experience that success leads to learning. Class sizes are kept small, enabling individual programmes to be suited to the needs of each pupil. Personal well-being together with Citizenship are encouraged; academic skills and gifts are nurtured to allow the development of confident, sensitive and independent young people and citizens. Our aim is to enable all of our pupils to reintegrate into mainstream education at a stage that is suited to their needs. This may be re-entry to mainstream school, further education or the work environment with confidence and a positive 'can-do' attitude. ‘The curriculum is particularly successful at broadening horizons for students so that they are ambitious about their future aspirations.’ Ofsted February 2013 10 of 34

Subjects taught & percentages Initially, pupils are placed in one of our classes by the Head teacher / Educational Psychologist, according to age, maturity / self-concept and /or the level of their needs. Mornings (60% of the curriculum) are generally spent with their class teacher on core areas of Literacy and Numeracy differentiated to pupils’ needs. We recognise the need to re-establish a pupil’s self-esteem therefore, embedded within the morning sessions will be aspects of PSHE and Citizenship. Afternoons (40% of the curriculum) offer specific subjects, including: Science; ICT; History; Geography; Art; Expressive Arts; Music; Design and Technology; Physical Education (PE), Dance & Swimming; Religious Education (RE) and PSHE. The latter includes Citizenship, Sustainability, Sex and Relationships and Drugs education. At Key Stage 4 the timetable and staffing is flexible to ensure that our pupils, who may be working on Functional Skills, BTEC programmes and GCSE where appropriate, receive the required teaching and learning time. Differences for different age groups We provide appropriate education for Key Stages (KS) 2-4. Resources and approaches are modified and ‘I’m going to miss you so much you have pushed me differentiated for age, severity of learning difficulties, and told me never to stop. strengths and maturity. Personal development is And I promise I never will. embedded throughout the curriculum. The curriculum You mean a lot to me and I is designed to embrace a 'top-down' and 'bottom-up' will always temember you.’ flexibility in order to 'crack the code’ i.e what works for one teacher or one child will not necessarily work ‘You make that difference from dream to reality’ for another teacher or child. The majority of afternoon classes are reduced to only ‘Our son says that for the 4 to 5 pupils per class. Classes use Circle Time as a first time in school he knows what having a friend means means of group discussion and conflict resolution. and he enjoys coming to the Where required and / or appropriate, additional one- school each day.’ to-one support is provided for specific aspects of a child’s needs and emotional counselling. Personal as well as academic skills are nurtured to encourage the development of confident, sensitive and independent young people. 11 of 34

Religious Education & Collective Worship The Red Rose School is a school with a religious character, defined as being a Christian School. [Designation of Schools Having a Religious Character (Independent Schools) (England) (No.3) Order 2003, 23rd December 2003.] Full assemblies are held and this includes an act of collective worship. These are broadly, though not exclusively, Christian in nature and sometimes involve local clergy and the community. The Christian aspect is non-denominational. Parents who wish to exercise their right to withdraw their child from religious activities are asked to speak with the Head Teacher. Sex Education The 1994 Education Act requires sex education to be provided as part of the National Curriculum and it is taught with due regard to moral considerations and an emphasis on the value and importance of family life. The programme, is not taught in isolation but within a framework of a personal development programme dealing with the many aspects of growing up. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from sex education lessons and should discuss the Pupil A Prior to Entry matter with the Head Teacher should they wish to do so. They are also welcome to BESD Very fragile emotionally (Emotional); discuss policy matters in this area; to view Sp.L.D. Low self esteem teaching materials; look at the policy Unable to cope in mainstream document. Progress in Red Rose School On Entry On Leaving Careers Advice Reading 7.09 16+ Our Careers Teacher and the Young People's Spelling 7.00 11.9 Service (YPS) Officer are involved with all Number 9.09 11.03 pupils in Year 9 to 11. Once trust in education and relationships re-established quickly flourished Their work includes, but is not limited to, On Leaving: careers guidance, vocational assessment, National Diploma in Graphics - Distinction. establishing taster days at college, assistance BA (Hons) in Wildlife Photography at Blackpool and Fylde in college/work applications and College. participation in all reviews. Photographs published. Pupils in Years 10 and 11 undertake Work Experience for 2 weeks every summer term. Every pupil leaves Red Rose with a ‘Progress File' which focuses on their achievements. 12 of 34

AWARDS AQA Unit Awards The AQA Unit Award Scheme as a recognised National modular certification route for Key Stage 3 & 4. This scheme gives students, some of whom may not otherwise receive external recognition of their achievements, the opportunity to receive formal certification of their success in completion of units. Generally, our 16 year olds have college placements long before their counterparts taking GCSEs. Since 2005 to July 2013 some 4,783 Unit Awards have been achieved. ‘Teachers work extremely well together and intervene sensitively to encourage, advise or challenge students to greater achievement. There is a high level of intellectual challenge in the tasks provided, which takes excellent account of students' different starting points.’ Ofsted February 2013 Functional Skills (Previously known as Adult Literacy & Numeracy) Until 2013 the majority of our Year 11 students gained Adult Literacy and Numeracy (ALAN) at Level 1 or 2. The ALAN awards have been replaced by Functional Skills which now includes ICT. Functional Skills provide pupils with essential knowledge, skills and understanding that will enable them to operate confidently, effectively and independently in life and work. We offer Functional Skills Level 1 (equivalent to GCSE grade D to G) and Functional Skills Level 2 (equivalent to GCSE grade C to A*) to our pupils. Many colleges teach Functional Skills alongside their Level 1 and Level 2 courses. Our aim is for pupils to achieve at least Level 1 Functional Skills in English and Maths to allow them to focus on their chosen study at college. ARTS AWARDS In 2010 we began the National Arts Awards: Bronze Award is a Level 1 National Qualification equivalent to GCSE Grades D-G. The Silver Award is equivalent to GCSE Grade C to A*. The Gold Award is equivalent to A-Level. The Award is accredited by Trinity College London. 13 of 34

BTEC Since 2012 BTEC Awards have been offered as part of our KS4 programme of study. ‘Students are proud of the awards they achieve and recognise their value in helping them to prepare for further education and employment. The school places a strong emphasis on national and international awareness. Students speak warmly about the details of these activities and what they have learned from them. The curriculum is particularly successful at broadening horizons for students so that they are ambitious about their future aspirations.’ Ofsted February 2013 Pupil H Prior to Entry to Red Rose School ASD; Sp.L.D. Poor basic skills - unwilling to read Lacked confidence with maths Unsociable Progress in Red Rose School On Entry On Leaving Reading 6.03 17-19.11 Spelling 7.00 8.09 Number 6.00 15.06 Developed confidence, very popular pupil by time of leaving 46 AQA Unit Awards On Leaving: Preston College – Art & Design ‘Student of the Year’ in the whole college at end first year Degree in games Design at UCLAN Writing a book about Art and Design of the Future Selling his art online 14 of 34

HEALTH AND FITNESS Good health and fitness are promoted at every level at Red Rose. A regular programme of fitness training and leisure activities is provided. This is combined with a healthy diet of freshly and appetising home cooking, to enable the children to engage and enjoy all the opportunities of school life. A varied diet high in whole foods, carbohydrates, protein, fresh fruit, vegetables and salad is offered. Healthy eating is encouraged throughout the school day. HEALTH AND SAFETY and RISK ASSESSMENTS Declaration of Intent The school's responsibility is to ensure as far as is reasonably possible, the health and safety of all who enter the premises. The School makes an unequivocal commitment to high standards of health and safety. The Head teacher sets the safety policy and, as a school, we seek to maintain and improve the environment of the school in order to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all its users. We aim to comply with all relevant legislation. We aim to ensure that everyone has sufficient information and appropriate training to fulfil their responsibilities. We seek to create an environment within the school where everyone: ✓ is aware of their responsibilities to each other; ✓ act in responsible ways, consistent with others' health and safety; ✓ safeguard and promote the health and safety of others. The Health & Safety policy relates specifically to health and safety on the school site and its environs. Employees are, however, expected to take similar precautions and adopt similar practices and procedures, whilst engaged in activities away from the school; they may also need to address Health and Safety policies of other centres or organisations. All employees organising educational visits must comply with the school policy. We undertake to make arrangements for consultation and participation in decision- making in matters relating to health and safety, between governors, teaching and non-teaching staff, representatives of trade unions and professional associations and students. Failure on the part of employees to discharge the obligations placed upon them by this policy may render them liable to: ✓ prosecution under health and safety legislation; ✓ disciplinary action under the school's disciplinary procedures and rules. 15 of 34

Objectives The Head Teacher seeks to promote health and safety by providing, in so far as is reasonably practical: ✓ healthy and safe working practices and conditions; ✓ information, instruction and training in safe working methods and practices; ✓ first aid facilities; and employees trained in first aid; ✓ safe premises, plant and equipment; ✓ safe arrangements for the handling, storage and use of materials and substances ✓ systems for the establishment and maintenance of codes of practice and risk assessments; ✓ safe access and outlet, including evacuation procedures; ✓ appropriate security arrangements; ✓ effective communication systems for issues of health and safety; ✓ periodic checks on the safe operation of tools and equipment. The School Health and Safety will be periodically reviewed to ensure that it complies with legislation and local conditions. Parents will be able to access the full policy online. A paper copy will be provided if requested. ‘The behaviour and personal development of students are outstanding. Their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is given a high priority. The excellent relationships between staff and students encourage students to overcome anxieties about school which many have experienced previously. Relationships within classrooms are warm, good-humoured and involve all students. Students enjoy school and take an interest in their work. Their very good behaviour has a very positive impact on their learning.’ Ofsted February 2013 16 of 34

SAFEGUARDING OUR CHILDREN Our Safeguarding and related policies are available on line. However, a paper copy can be provided where required. Red Rose School fully recognise their responsibilities for child protection. This policy complies with ‘Working together to safeguard children: A guide to inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children; March 2015’ and ‘Keeping children safe in education: Statutory guidance for schools and colleges; March 2015’. Our Designated Senior Leader (DSL): Mrs Carole Dorrance Deputy DSL: Mrs Wendy Jackson Additional Assistant Trained Safeguarding Staff: Mrs Stacey Dee AIMS ✓ To practice safe recruitment in checking the suitability of staff and volunteers to work with children ✓ To raise awareness of child protection issues and equip children with the skills needed to keep them safe ✓ To establish a safe environment in which children can learn and develop ✓ To develop and implement procedures for identifying and reporting cases, or suspected cases, of abuse ✓ To support children who have been abused in accordance with his/her agreed child protection plan The school will create a positive ethos amongst the staff so that we can: ✓ Establish and maintain an environment where children feel secure, are encouraged to talk and are listened to ✓ Ensure children know that there are adults in the school whom they can approach if they are worried ✓ Include opportunities in the PSHE curriculum for children to develop the skills they need to recognise and stay safe from abuse. ‘The school’s arrangements to ensure the safety and welfare of students are outstanding and all requirements are met. Students state that they feel safe in school and they particularly value the high quality of the personal relationships they develop with the staff. Each student is well known as an individual and staff are meticulous in ensuring that their personal needs are met.’ Ofsted February 2013 17 of 34

BEHAVIOUR POLICY AIM The aim of this policy is to create a climate in which excellent teaching and learning can take place, where there is mutual respect and where achievement is valued, encouraged and rewarded. We believe that high-quality teaching promotes effective learning and encourages good behaviour. We expect our pupils to take responsibility for their actions and accept the consequences of their behaviour choices. PRINCIPLES Everyone should: ✓ Treat all others fairly and with respect and act in a safe and responsible manner ✓ Listen to the views and opinions of others ✓ Take care of school’s property and each other’s property ‘The behaviour and personal development of students are outstanding. Their very good behaviour has a very positive impact on their learning. As a result, they develop the self-esteem and confidence which enable them to benefit from the opportunities available to them.’ Ofsted February 2013 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Headteacher The Head Teacher’s role is to put into effect the Statement of Principles for promoting good behaviour and to determine the detail of the standard of behaviour acceptable to the school. The Headteacher will: ✓ Promote self-discipline and proper regard for authority among pupils ✓ Encourage good behaviour and respect for others and strive to prevent all forms of bullying ✓ Ensure that this policy is implemented by staff and students  Ensure that the guidance relating to fixed-term and permanent exclusion is adhered to and that parents and local authority are informed of exclusions accordingly. 18 of 34

Staff Staff should: ✓ Act as role models of good behaviour ✓ Reward good behaviour and achievement ✓ Intervene promptly in any situation where behaviour is inappropriate or dangerous ✓ Apply behaviour management strategies and sanctions consistently and fairly ✓ Ensure that the work they prepare for students is appropriate, stimulating, interesting and challenging. The school will set high standards and will encourage good habits of work and behaviour from the moment a child enters the school. All staff are expected to promote self-discipline amongst students and to deal appropriately with any unacceptable behaviour. Training in behaviour management will be provided as appropriate. It is understood that there will be variations to a degree in staff acceptance and tolerance of a student’s behaviour in class depending on the nature of the class, content of the lesson and the specific nature of a pupil’s difficulties; however, behaviour which does not allow constructive teaching and learning is unacceptable and all staff must ensure that such behaviour is not permitted to affect the learning of others. Students Students should: ✓ Behave well and live up to the expectations of the school ✓ Act in a safe and responsible manner ✓ Allow teaching and learning to proceed without disruption or interference ✓ Report dangerous situations immediately to a member of staff ✓ Co-operate with all members of the school Parents Parents: ✓ Parents will be involved in discipline cases as appropriate. ✓ Parents are expected to support good behaviour and positive habits in their children through the Home-School Agreement and parent meetings. 19 of 34

REWARDS We reward work effort and citizenship: ✓ Work effort is rewarded by pupils receiving points throughout the school day. At the end of each term in each class a pupil is selected for the Work Effort Prize of a £5 gift card. ✓ Citizenship is rewarded for good behaviour and school community service. At the end of each term in each class a pupil is selected for the Citizenship Prize of a £5 gift card. SANCTIONS Inappropriate behaviour is sanctioned as follows: ✓ Minor infringements. Following use of 1-2-3 Magic system and a pupil getting a red card, detention will follow; after 3 reds, a phone call is made to parents; after 6 reds, parents are asked to attend school and the pupil is given a Behaviour Contract. ✓ Major infringements. Following the types of infringements listed in the Behaviour Policy, appropriately levelled sanctions are applied on a sliding scale, from 1-day exclusion up to and including permanent exclusion. The purpose of sanctions will be to show appropriate disapproval, to provide opportunity to discuss and impress on the student that what has been done is wrong; to deter him/her from repeating that behaviour and to show / deter other students the unacceptable nature of the behaviour: ✓ removal from a group, class or particular lesson or activity ✓ withdrawal of break or lunchtime privileges ✓ withholding participation in educational visits, sports events or other activities which are not essential to the curriculum ✓ internal suspension ✓ fixed term and permanent exclusion. See full details of our Policy & Procedures on the School website 20 of 34

Exclusions There are four sets of circumstances in which individual pupils may be required to leave the school site, namely where: There is sufficient evidence that a pupil has committed a disciplinary offence and if allowing the pupil to remain in school would seriously harm the education or welfare of the pupil or others in the school. In these circumstances the pupil may be excluded from school for a fixed period or permanently. Not an Exclusion  Outside School Jurisdiction: A pupil is accused of a serious criminal offence but the offence took place outside the school's jurisdiction. In these circumstances the head teacher may decide that it is in the interests of the individual concerned and of the school community as a whole for that pupil to be educated off site for a certain period, subject to review at regular intervals. This is not an exclusion.  Medical: for medical reasons, a pupil's presence on the school site represents a serious risk to the health or safety of other pupils or school staff. In these circumstances a head teacher/teacher in charge may send the pupil home after consultation with the pupil's parents. This is not an exclusion and may only be done for medical reasons.  Appearance or Uniform: the pupil is given permission by the head teacher/teacher in charge, or person authorised by them, to leave the school premises briefly to remedy breaches of the school's rules on appearance or uniform, where this can be done quickly and easily; this should be for no longer than is necessary to remedy the breach. This is not an exclusion but an authorised absence. However, if the pupil continues to breach uniform rules in such a way as to be sent home to avoid school, the pupil's absence may be counted as unauthorised absence. In all such cases the parent must be notified and the absence should be recorded. When making this decision, the child's age and vulnerability, and the parent's availability, will need to be considered.  Screening: Where a condition of attendance is that pupils should be screened for possession of offensive weapons, and a pupil refuses to undergo such screening, that pupil can be refused entry to the school. This is not an exclusion, but an unauthorised absence. 21 of 34

ANTI-BULLYING Red Rose is totally opposed to bullying in any of its forms and it will not be tolerated in school. We are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all our pupils so they can learn in a relaxed and secure atmosphere. A comprehensive anti-bullying policy operates within school, along with a set of procedures to identify and deal with any such incidents quickly and effectively. Pupils are encouraged to discuss aspects of bullying with any member of staff. In assemblies and as part of the PSHE curriculum pupils are taught that bullying is not acceptable. Pupils are encouraged to discuss any related issues perceived in confidence. If you are worried that your child is bullying or being bullied in school, please do not hesitate to contact school. This policy is an integral part of our Behaviour Policy. PURPOSE & BACKGROUND Red Rose School aims to ensure that all members of the school community feel welcome, safe and happy and so are able to learn and make progress. Bullying of any kind prevents this from happening. As a school, we take bullying seriously. Pupils, parents and carers should understand that to report bullying is essential, and be assured that the school will support them fully whenever bullying is reported. It is the responsibility of all members of the school community to implement the Anti- Bullying Policy. An effective Anti-Bullying policy is fundamental to meeting the expectations of ‘Every Child Matters’. 22 of 34

‘The excellent relationships between staff and students encourage students to overcome anxieties about school which many have experienced previously. Relationships within classrooms are warm, good-humoured and involve all students. Students enjoy school and take an interest in their work.’ Ofsted February 2013 WHAT IS BULLYING? Bullying is the use of aggression with the intention of hurting another person. Bullying results in pain and distress to the victim. It can be a one-off incident but, more commonly, it is repeated over a period of time. It can be carried out by individuals, or by groups. Bullying can be: ✓ Emotional being unfriendly, excluding, tormenting e.g. hiding books, making threatening gestures ✓ Physical pushing, kicking, hitting, punching or any use of violence ✓ Racist racial taunts, nicknames, graffiti, gestures ✓ Sexual unwanted physical contact or sexually abusive comments ✓ Homophobic because of, or focusing on, the issue of sexuality ✓ Verbal name-calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, teasing ✓ Cyber all areas of internet, such as email and internet chat-room misuse; mobile threats by text messaging & calls; misuse of associated technology e.g. camera & video facilities POLICY OBJECTIVES ✓ To build and maintain an anti-bullying ethos in the school ✓ To ensure all staff, pupils and parents and carers have a clear understanding of what bullying behaviour is ✓ To ensure all governors and staff know and understand the school policy on bullying and follow it when bullying is suspected or reported ✓ To ensure that all pupils, parents and carers know the school policy on bullying and feel confident to activate the anti-bullying systems ✓ To challenge attitudes about bullying behaviour ✓ To increase understanding for pupils who are bullied 23 of 34

PRACTICE AND PROCEDURES Preventing Bullying While we acknowledge that bullying cannot be completely eradicated, as a school, we are wholly committed to taking measures to minimise its presence and impact on individuals and the student body. The following strategy gives details of how we hope to achieve this. Red Rose School has an effective pastoral system which takes all allegations of bullying seriously, investigates them and acts upon the findings according to the guidelines in this and the associated behaviour policy. This will always involve discussion with all pupils involved and, as appropriate, their parents. The staffs’ observation of the behaviour of the pupils in their care is often the first indicator of bullying. The PSHE and Citizenship curricula address issues such as bullying, peer pressure, conflict and resolution. Other subject areas such as Drama can also address these issues. Pupils discuss both the impact of such behaviour on others and also look at effective ways of dealing with situations they may experience. Pupils will also be made aware of anti-bullying strategies through assemblies and form periods. The Acceptable Use of ICT Policy (available on line) includes specific measures to tackle cyber bullying through the misuse of digital media, such as images of pupils, both in and out of school. Reporting Bullying Pupils who are bullied, who witness bullying or who have even participated in bullying, should feel confident to report it to a member of the school staff whom they trust enough to tell. Each incident will be dealt with on an individual basis, but all reported incidents of bullying will be taken seriously and investigated. Incidents will be recorded with pupils’ statements and actions taken forming part of this record. If the bullying has a racist element then it will also be treated as a racial incident. Responding to Bullying When an incident of bullying is confirmed, staff will discuss issues relating to the incident with the pupils involved, in such a way as is suitable to their age and level of understanding. We try to make use of a problem-solving approach, centred upon facilitated mediation. Each pupil will be given an opportunity to talk and the discussion will remain focused on finding a solution to the problem and preventing 24 of 34

any recurrence of the bullying. Pupils who have been bullied will receive appropriate support, including help from external agencies or the school Counsellor where needed. Pupils who have bullied will be offered help or mentoring and may be placed on a behaviour contract. If bullying persists, one or a combination of the following actions will be taken: ✓ An official report will be made and filed in the pupil’s personal record ✓ Existing disciplinary sanctions will be used. ✓ Parents or carers will be contacted to discuss the issues. They will be given feedback on progress in dealing with the incident. ✓ Exclusion from the school – this is dependent on the severity and/or persistence of the bullying and will be a final resort. Involvement of parents and carers Where appropriate, the parents or carers of pupils who bully and those who have been bullied will be informed of the incident and will be asked to support the strategies used to resolve the problem. Pupils who bully will be helped to understand the pain this causes to others and reminded of the possible consequences of bullying. The sanctions for repeated incidents will be explained clearly to them. Support will be agreed to ensure bullying behaviours are not repeated and their behaviour may be monitored. Parents and carers will be involved in ensuring the monitoring process runs smoothly and any subsequent actions designed to reduce bullying behaviour. HOME & SCHOOL Mutual co-operation between home and school is key to your child achieving success hence the School motto: Strive Together to Achieve Success We like all parents to visit Red Rose School. It is good that children know their parents are interested in the school and their education. We believe the best team consists of the child, the parent and the teacher working together. With an initial phone call we can arrange for you to visit the school at any time. We will always contact parents immediately if we are concerned about any aspect of their child’s welfare, progress or behaviour and we hope that parents will, in turn, inform us of any problems or anxieties which may be affecting their child. Each child has a Home / School Diary to provide the day-to-day flow of information between School and parents. A detailed Annual Review is undertaken each year for pupils with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC Plan) or Statement of SEN to 25 of 34

which parents and relevant agencies are invited into school. Our parents who have placed their children privately are invited to school to discuss their child’s progress. There are many events in school during the year, for example the Christmas Carol Service, Open Afternoons/ Evenings, to which parents are invited. We are very grateful for our parent’s support. Progress report are sent to parents at Christmas, with the detailed report at the end of the summer term. Regular Newsletters will be sent out as a means of sending updates and information. The school website and Facebook page are also useful for conveying information and offer a window into the day-to-day school life. Admissions Procedures The admissions procedure involves the parents, child and, where appropriate the Local Education Authority [LEA]), viewing the School by arrangement and meeting the Head teacher. Once a place has been offered, the registration form completed and necessary registration fee remitted, parents / LEA are required to confirm their acceptance in writing and enclose the current acceptance fee. Admissions may be made at any time during the year, although many take place in September. Places are offered subject to availability and suitability and if the child and parents are committed to wanting a place within the Red Rose Family. Parents and prospective pupils are invited to sign a Home/School Agreement prior to admission. (See Terms & Conditions of Pupil Placement p.33) Home / School Agreement All pupils and parents are asked to sign a formal home / school agreement. Parental Entitlement All parents connected with the school have a right of access to documentation specifically relating to their child. Parents also have the right of access to: 1. The School Curriculum 2. Ofsted reports which refer expressly to the school 3. Any syllabuses followed (whether for public examinations or otherwise) 4. The arrangements for the consideration of complaints about the school. 5. School policies concerning Religious Education and Sex Education 26 of 34

A MOTHER’S STORY ‘I felt I had to put my story on paper to help other parents in the same situation. Just over a year ago I found I had a daughter in meltdown and on self-destruct. My once happy child had turned into an aggressive, depressive, lying and insolent teenager. I saw it coming but was unable to stop it. After months of risky behaviour, getting into trouble at school and mixing with wrong crowd my daughter said ‘if I was dead perhaps people would understand’. I knew something had to be done. She was dyscalculic with dyslexic problems in year 7 but it did not cause problems till year 10 when she found it harder to cope. I had her tested again to find she had not improved since year 7. She had a maths age of 8 at 15! She was in the top sets but the teachers were not understanding, so she disrupted all her lessons on the basis that if they wouldn’t teach her then they wouldn’t teach anyone. At this point I approached Red Rose School. Almost immediately she calmed down. She had somewhere she fitted in. Where teachers encouraged her to be her own person and not who she had become in order to cope. She began to accept and, with the dedication of the teachers, she flourished. She found a passion for dance. They never gave up on her, believed in her and stood by her. She now believes in herself. She has confidence and aspirations and is going to college. She has come back to us, knows she is clever and is learning to accept her problems.’ Uniform The School reserves the right to send students home if they are not wearing correct uniform or have inappropriate hairstyles or jewellery. NO HOODIES PERMITTED At Red Rose School, we expect a good standard of appearance at all times. In general, clothes should be clean and tidy. The school uniform must be worn correctly i.e. shirts and blouses tucked in, collar buttons fastened, ties worn correctly and no non-school garments to be worn in addition. Apart from a watch, pupils should not wear other accessories or jewellery. Hair should be natural (uncoloured) and of sensible length. Boys hair: no shorter than No.2 and no hair carvings. Girls with long hair should have it tied back with plain blue accessories. Uniform can be purchased through School. Previous items of polo shirts and jumpers may form part of the PE kit. All items of school uniform must be named. Full school uniform must be worn when travelling to and from both school. 27 of 34

Uniform consists of: Red Rose School blue blazer Black trousers or black skirt White closed neck shirt Red Rose School blue V-neck jumper or cardigan Red Rose School tie Black tights or knee high socks Plain black shoes Blue hair accessories PE Kit: Red Rose School polo shirt Red Rose School round neck jumper Red Rose School jogging pants For Year 11 pupils, the following items can be worn: Red Rose School black blazer Red Rose School black v neck jumper or cardigan Year 11 Red Rose School tie Personal Property The School is not responsible for student’s personal property. Mobile Phones Mobile Phones are not to be used in school and are to be handed to the Class Teacher at the start of the school day for return at the end of the school day. Failure to comply will have the student’s phone strictly banned for one half of one term. COMPLAINTS PROCEDURES INTRODUCTION STAGE 1 - INFORMAL RESOLUTION It is hoped that most complaints and concerns will be resolved quickly and informally. The complainant should normally contact the school through the appropriate Class Teacher. In most cases, the matter will be resolved straightaway to the complainant’s satisfaction. If the Teacher cannot resolve the matter, it may be necessary for the complainant to consult the Head teacher. Concerns relating to child protection must be referred directly to the Head Teacher. 28 of 34

The Teacher / Head teacher will make a written record of all concerns and complaints and the date on which they were received. Should the matter not be resolved within 7 working days or in the event that both parties fail to reach a satisfactory resolution then the complainant will be advised to proceed with their complaint to the next stage of this procedure. STAGE 2 - FORMAL RESOLUTION If the complaint cannot be resolved on an informal basis, then the complainant should put their complaint in writing to the Head teacher, who will decide after considering the complaint, the appropriate course of action to take. In most cases, the Head teacher will normally meet with or speak to the complainant concerned within 7 working days of receiving the complaint, to discuss the matter. If possible, an agreement will be reached at this stage. It may be necessary for the Head teacher to carry out further investigations. The Head teacher will keep written records of all meetings and interviews held in relation to the complaint. Once the Head teacher is satisfied that, so far as is practicable, all of the relevant facts have been established, a decision will be made and the complainant will be informed of this decision in writing. The Head teacher will also give reasons for his decision. If the complainant is still not satisfied with the decision, they should proceed to the final stage of this Procedure. STAGE 3 - PANEL HEARING If the complainant seeks to invoke Stage 3 (following a failure to reach an earlier resolution), they will be referred to the Principal, who has been appointed to call hearings of the Complaints Panel. The matter will then be referred to the Complaints Panel for consideration. The Panel will consist of three persons not directly involved in the matters detailed in the complaint, one of whom shall be independent of the management and running of the school. The Panel members will be appointed by the Principal and the Panel will then acknowledge the complaint and schedule a hearing to take place as soon as practicable and normally within working 14 days. If the Panel deems it necessary, it may require that further particulars of the complaint or any related matters be supplied in advance of the hearing. Copies of such particulars shall be supplied to all parties not later than 3 working days prior to the hearing. 29 of 34

Parents/Carers may be accompanied to the hearing by one other person. This may be a relative, teacher or friend. Legal representation will not normally be appropriate. If possible, the Panel will resolve the complainant’s complaint immediately without the need for further investigation. Where further investigation is required, the Panel will decide how it should be carried out. After due consideration of all facts they consider relevant, the Panel will reach a decision and may make recommendations, which it shall complete within 7 working days of the Hearing. The decision of the Panel will be final. A copy of the Panel's findings and, if any, recommendations will be given electronically and in writing to the complainant and, where relevant, the person complained about. A copy of the Panel's findings and, if any, recommendations will be available for inspection on the school premises by the proprietor and the head teacher. The complainant can be assured that all concerns and complaints will be treated seriously and confidentially. Correspondence, statements and records will be kept confidential except in so far as is required of the school by paragraph 6(2)(1) of the Education (Independent Schools Standards) Regulations 2003; where disclosure is required in the course of the school's inspection; or where any other legal obligation prevails. N.B. For the purposes of this document, a 'working day' falls between Monday and Friday inclusive of those days. 30 of 34

The Red Rose Family Dr Sionah Lannen Proprietor, Director, Chartered Educational Psychologist Colin Lannen Proprietor, Director Dr Gavin Reid Director, Chartered Educational Psychologist Gill Makinson: Head Teacher Carole Dorrance: Assistant Head Teacher SENCO, Examinations Officer, Healthy Schools, Food Technology, SL & Linguistics Consultant, Foreign Languages Wendy Jackson: Assistant Head Teacher Cognitive Behavioural Therapist, Music & RE / PSHE Teachers Class 1: Teacher: Mrs Stacey Dee; Team Teacher: Miss K. Plenderleith Class 2: Teacher: Mrs Wendy Jackson; Team Teacher: Mrs B. Saudi Class 4: Teacher: Mr Peter Reed; Team Teacher: Mr C. Kennerley Class 5: Teacher: Mrs Karen Kennerley: Team Teacher: Mrs L Smith Additional team teacher: Miss J Kennerley Subject Specialism teachers / therapists: Mr C Kennerley: Art, Team Teacher Leader Mrs C Dorrance: Speech & Language, MFL, Pastoral Care, DSL Lead Mrs W Jackson: Cognitive Behavioural Therapist (CBT), DSL, PSHE Mrs S Dee: Cognitive Behavioural Therapist (CBT), DSL, First Aid Mrs K Kennerley: Functional Skills Coordinator Mr P Reed: PE, ICT, Construction 31 of 34

Ms S Simpson: Expressive Arts; GCSE Art, Arts Award Mr S Bird: Science Ms M Fawcett: Music Mr B Malone: Counselling & Play Therapy Mr C Jackson: Site Supervisor All Class Teachers are responsible for Circle Time & PSHE; Literacy & Numeracy coordinated as a staff (Literacy and Numeracy Profiles used as a baseline to measure progress) LOCATION, ADDRESS, CONTACTS Location: 2 miles south of Blackpool Main Contact Details: Proprietors: Drysdale, Queens Road, Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland, EH42 1LN Tel: 07966551181 Red Rose School, 28-30 North Promenade, St. Annes on Sea, Lancs, FY8 2NQ Tel: 01253720570 Email: Website: Link: 32 of 34

TERMS & CONDITIONS OF PUPIL PLACEMENT • The following Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between the parties and supersede any previous agreements, warranties, representations, undertakings or understandings between the parties and may not be varied except in writing. • On acceptance of an application to place a pupil in the Red Rose School and the payment of the agreed fees in advance, the pupil can be placed in the school. • Notice to be given by Parents (for Parents also read Guardian) or Placing Authority means (unless the contrary is stated in these terms and conditions) a term’s written notice addressed to and received by the Head Teacher personally or signed for by the Head Teacher’s Administrative Assistant. It is expected that Parents and/or the Placing Authority will consult with the Head Teacher before giving notice to withdraw a pupil. • Fees in lieu of notice means Fees in full for the term of notice at the rate that would have applied had the pupil attended and not limited to the parental contribution in the case of a scholarship, exhibition, bursary or other award or concession. • Note that the majority of independent schools have a term’s notice requirement if a child is to be taken out of their school. Such a notice period can be enforceable if it reflects the losses that could be suffered by the school if you breach your contract. This could include retaining staff for longer than needed or having more staff that necessary, as well as refusing other pupils the chance to join and thus missing out on fees. • It is also agreed that no remission of fees can be made for illness or any cause either for the whole or part of the term. • “A term’s notice” to be given by Parents or Placing Authority means notice given before the first day of a term and expiring at the end of that term. A term’s notice must be given in writing if the Parents or Placing Authority wish to cancel a place which they have accepted, or if Parents wish to withdraw a pupil who has entered the School. • Cancelling Acceptance: The cancellation of a place which has been accepted is normally a breach of contract which can cause long term loss to the School if it occurs after other families have taken their decisions about schooling. If the Parents or Placing Authority cancel a confirmed place less than a term before the entry date (i.e. after the first day of the Summer Term prior to the Pupil’s entry to the School) or the Pupil does not join the School after a place has been confirmed and not cancelled, a term’s fees will be payable and the refundable part of the Registration Fee will be credited to the account. Parents or Placing Authority who 33 of 34

cancel acceptance on more than a full term’s notice before entry will not be required to pay Fees in lieu of notice but the Registration Fee will be retained by the School. • Withdrawal by Parents: If a pupil is withdrawn on less than a term’s notice, or excluded for more than twenty-eight days for non-payment of Fees, Fees in lieu of notice will be immediately due and payable as a debt at the rate applicable to the term in question unless the place is filled immediately and without loss to the School. The charge of a term’s Fees represents a genuine pre-estimate of the School’s loss in these circumstances, and sometimes the actual loss to the School will be much greater. This rule is necessary to promote stability and the School’s ability to plan its staffing and other resources. • Prior Consultation: It is expected that a Parent or Placement Authority will in every case consult personally with the Head Teacher before withdrawal notice is given. • Withdrawal by Pupil: The Pupil’s decision to withdraw from the School shall, for these purposes, be treated as a withdrawal by the Parents or Placing Authority. • Termination by the School: The School may terminate this agreement on one term’s written notice sent by ordinary post or on less than one term’s notice in a case involving expulsion or required removal. The School would not terminate the contract without good cause and full consultation with Parents, Student and Placing Authority (if of sufficient maturity and understanding), and would offer a Review of a decision to terminate. 34 of 34