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Home Explore Excite PM Catalogue 2019

Excite PM Catalogue 2019

Published by EXCITE, 2019-01-25 05:28:50

Description: Excite PM Catalogue 2019

Keywords: Excite,Promotional Merchandise,Promo,Gifts,Promotional,Merch


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Americano (LE9575) & AmericanoAGmraenridcean(LoE(9L7EAq09ua45)7M5Bl)auck&gsABmlue eriMcidaBlune o GrandeGreen (LEOra 7466 Black 280 Lime 1 300 7481 380 drinkwareLid colours available: Lid colourGsriapvaciolalobulers: availaPbilnek: Purple Red White Yellow Grip colours av 2077 2035 White 225 120 Aqua Black Blue Mid Blue Green Lime OrangeAqua Black Blue Mid Blue Green Lime Orange 7466 Black 280 300 7481 380 158 7466 ABqulaack Bla2c8k0 Bl3u0e0 Mid7B4l8u1e Gre3e8n0 Lim15e8 OrangeAqua Bl 7466 Black 280 300 7481 583 158 7466 Bl The Americano® Collection Pu Purple Yellow Pink Purple Solid body colours available: 20 Pink Red White Red White Yellow Ora Th22e5 origin20a7l7 Amer2i0c35ano® Wfahimte ily of12d0rinkware allows yo22u5 to mPi2ixn0k7a7nd match2035 yoRuWerhditpe rodWuh1ci2tte0andYcelolowlours Stiolvecr reate 1 Pink Purple the perfect piece of drinkware. Product information is includ2e2d5 in th2is07w7 orkb2o03o5k forWthhitee mos1t2p0 opula8r77colour 225 Scoolidmbbodiny acotiloounrss.available: Solid body colours availableA:qua Black Blue Mid Blue Green Lime Black 280 300 7481 380 7466 Step 1 - Choose your tumbler style Aqua Black Blue Mid Blue Green Lime OrangeAqua Black Blue Pink Mid30B0lPu2eu0r7p7le G7r4e8e1n2R0e3d5 L3im80eWWhhiittee Or1a5n8gYee1l2lo0w 7466 Black 280 300 7481 380 158 7466 Black 280 225 Inner & Handle (Grande only): Inner & Handle Pink Purple Red White Yellow Family Mug Colour OAmericano Medio (DR1508) & AmPink PurplWe hite RedWBhlaitcek Yellow White Br2i2t5e-Ame2r0i7c7ano® 2035 AmeWrhiciteano® 120 White 225Brite-A20m77Wehriitecan2o03®5 Americano® WBAhlaimtcek erica1n2o0 ® Americano® AMmidneigrhict ano (LEE9s5pr7es5s)o &LidAcomlouersraiEvcasipalarbneleso:soGrandeCo(rLtaEd9o 704) Mugs Americano Medio (DR1508L)id c&olouArs amvaileaAbrlemi:cearnicoaPnroimMoeAq(duDaioR(1BDla5ckR091)5BM0lue8u)gGM&risipd cBAoluleoumrs aeGvraerielainbclea: nLimoe PrOirmang 7466 Black 280 300 7481 380 158 Aqua Black Blue Mid Blue Green Lime Orange BlueGrip cMoidloBulures Lid colours available: 7466 BlacLkid colo2u8r0s aGvaripla3bc0ol0el:ours av74aP8ii1lnakble: 38P0urple 158Red WAqhuitae BYlealclokw W74h6i6te Bl1a2c0k 280 300 225 2077 2035 Orange Aqua Black Blue Mid Blue Green Pink Purple Red White Yellow 12R508e3d5 7466WWhhiittee Aqua Lim2e25 Ora2n0g7e7 Aqua2035 BlaAckqWuhaite BluBel1a2c0k Mid BBluluee GMreiednBlue LimGereen OranLgimee Pink B7r4it6e6 -AmeBlraicckano® 280 Amer3i0c0ano® 7481 Brite3-8A0merica15n8o® 7466 AmBlea7crk4ic66ano®28B0lack Bri3t0e02-8A0 mer7i4c83a10n0o® Americano387048P12i2n5k 1583P820u0r7p7le® 225 Pink GranPudrpele Red GrWahnitde e Yellow Medio Pink PuMrpeledio Primo PrimoReSdolid bodWyhicteoloursYaelvloawilable (Medio): Solid body colours 2a2v5ailable: 207P7ink 20P3u5rple WhiRteed 12W0hite Yellow Silver 225 2077 2035 White 120 225 2077 2035 White 120 877 Step 2 - Choose your tumbler colour Aqua Black Blue Mid Blue Green Lime Orang SoAlllidmubgosd(eyxcclouldoinugrsBraitveaTMildarbinlekw(Maree)d: io): Aqua BlacSk olid boBlduey cAoSmloerlMuiidcrid3as0bnB0aooluv®deaMyilicadnobiGlg7oer4heu8(7terM14ons6ne6laydv:iaoAi)lm:aL3ibem8rB0leieclaa(cnPkor®im&OoGr1a5)rn:a8gn2ed8e8only: Am3e0r0icano® Cor7t4a8d1o only 38S0olid bod1y58c 7466 Black 280 Inner & Handle (Grande only): Aqua Black Blue Mid Blue Green Lime Orange Aqua Bla7cckW4k6h6ite 2BB27l8uB4Y8e8le1al2lcoP02kwi2n5k Mid SB2illu8vPe8eurrple Gree3n00Red L3im870e48WWCC1llhheeiiaatteerrWWOhhr1iiatt5een83g8eY0e1l2lo0w 158Black 7466 Aqua Black Blue Miidd Blue Green LimPeink OraPnugrpele Aqua Red B4la2c6Wk hite 3008772077 7481 2035 Black F 77446666 BBllaacckk 228888 330000 77448811 338800225 1155280877 74662035 (Lid must match mug) Family Mug ColourFOamptiiloynMsFuagmiClyoMlougr OAmericano Medio (DR1508) & Americano Primo (DR1509) MPink Purple RReedd Our Brite-Americano® Pink Purple Red Whitemugs arYeeallovwailable as Pink 255 2077 2035 White a white1m20ug only 255 Americano (LE9575) & American222255 Whitee YYellow Pink Purple Red White Yellow 22007777 22003355 WWhhiittee 112200 Family Mug Colour OptLid colours available: 225 2077 2035 White 120 Grip colours available: Americano (LE9575) & AmAemriecraicnaonGoAr(amLnEed9rei5c(7aL5nE)o9&7(L0AE4m)9Le5iMdr7ciouc5logua)rssn&avoaAilaGbmler:aenridcean(oLEG9r7a0n4d)eM(LuEgs97 Step 3 - Choose your lid style and colourAqua Black Blue Mid Blue Green Lime Orange Aqua Black Blue Mid Blu 7466 Black 280 300 7481 380 158 7466 Black 280 300 Aqua Black B2Gl8u0reip coPlioMnukid3r0sB0luaevaPiulrapblGe7ler4Ge:8er1nip RceodlouL3irm8s0eavWahiiltea 7466 Black SLtiadndcaorldoluidr:s available: Americano (LE9575) & Americano Grande (LE9704) MugsLid coPloinukrs avaPiluarbpllee:Lid cRoGelordiuprscNoaolvonWau-sihrlpsaitielblallveida::ilaYbellleow: 225 2077 2035 White 120 225 2077 2035 White AAqua BBllaacck BBlluuee MMiidd BBlluuee LidGG77r4cr4e88oe11lnours A7a4qvLL6u33ai6ma8m8i0l0eeable: BOlOarrcaaknnggee BAqluuea MiBdBllaBaccluke GBrelueen MLPidiimnBkeelue BluOPeG227r1u0a0r45re7np7p8Ge7gl71leneerGipreceonl22oRLR300iuem833dr055esAqaLuvimaaeilOaWWWbr1hhha5liniieitt8ttegee:BeeOlarcakngeYe1l2lo0wBAqluuea 77446666 BBllaacckk 228808 330000 Bla1c15k588 7248606 Aqua BB3l0aa0cckk Black 72488081 Blue 233280500 Mid MiBdlaBcluke 7466 Black 280 300 7481 7465683 Bla1c5k8 7248606 B3l0a0ck Solid body colours available (Medio): Solid body colours available (Primo): PPiinnkk PPuurrppllee RReedd WWhhiittee YYAeeqllllouoaww MPiBindlkancigkht PMuriBpdlnueieght MRPeinddkBlue PWuGhriprteleen YeRllLeoidmw e WOhriatenge Yellow 222255 22007777 22003355 WWhhiittee 7114226006 2B245la2c6k 20272778408 220233500 Pink W2h077i4t7e81Purple 210230850 2R0eS3d5olWidh1ibt5eo8WWdyhhiittceeol1o2u0rsYA7ea14ql2vl6ou0a6awilableP2: BiS2Bn85illklaa7vAcc7eqkkrua 225 2077 P2u0rB7p2B7ll8uela0eck 2MRP20eii23nd3Bd5k0lBu0elue WPWM2uhiG0hd7r7iipr4ttBee7el8eleu1n Black 288 300 Pink PuArpqluea RBeladck WBhluitee MiYdeBlloluwe Green Lime Orange 7466 Red 2035 225 20774766 2B0l3a5ck W2h8i8te 310200 7481 380 158 Solid body colours available: Solid body colours avSaoillaidblbeo: dy colours available: Pink Purple White Yellow 225 2077 White 120 52 Guide price only - Price includes standard decoration - Excludes set-up costs - Pink Purple Red White Alternative decoration techniques availalbe - Prices may not always reflect the decoration featurAeqduaon theBlpacrkoduct.Blue 25M5id Blue 2077Green 2035 Lime White Solid body*cNoolotPuainrvksaailvaabillaPeburolpelne: all tuRmedbler stWyhleites. Yellow 7466 Black 280 300 7481 380 225 2077 2035 White 120

Family Mug Colour OptionFsamilySolid body colours available: Mug Colour Opdtiroinnskware anoAGmrearnSidcteeapn(4oL-EC(9Lh7oEo09A7s4q46u5e6a)7yMo5u)uBBrllaa&gccgkksrAipmcB2ol8ue0eloruicrM,aid3in0fB0luroeeqGuG7irr4re8aee1nnddeL3im80(e LEO9r1a57n8ge04) Mugs Lid colourGsGrairpvipa:ciOolaulorbAulmer:seriacavnaoilMaebdlieo:and Americano® Primo mugs must be supplied with a grip Grip coloursTyarevGarilipa:ble: InGnraenrde&inHnaernadnldeh(aGndralen: de only): OrangeAqua Black Blue PinkMid BluePurpleGreen Red Lime WhiteOrange Yellow White Black 158 7466 7AA7B4q4ql6u6ua6a6ack BBllaa2cc8kk0 225BB22l8l8uu308ee00 20MM7iid7d B7B4lluu8ee1 20GG3775rr44ee88ee311nn80 WhLLiitimme ee158 O1O2rr11aa055nn88ggee Aqua Blacckk Blue MWid hBiitlueee Green BlacBklacLkime Orange Pink Purple BBllaacckk 330000 538830 7466 BBllaacckk 280 7481 Black 583 158 225 PP222ii22n0n55kk77 W3h00ite Red White Yellow Americano Medio (DR1508) & Americano Primo (DR1509) MugsPP22uu002rr7p7p077ll3ee522RR0W0ee33ddh55iteWWWWhhhhiiii1tttteee2e0 YYee11ll22lloo00ww SS88iill77vv7e7err Pink Purple Red White Yellow Silver 225 2077 2035 White 120 877 Solid body colours available: aconlouarscacveaislasbloe:ry for an extra touch Step 5 – AddLid Grip colours available: Aqua Black Blue Mid Blue Green Lime Orange Aqua Black Blue Mid Blue Green Lime 7466 Black 280 300 7481 380 158 7466 Black 280 300 7481 380 Purple Silver Orange Black Blue Mid Blue Green Lime Orange 2077 877 158 Aqua Black 280 Pink 300 Purple 7481 Red 380 White 158 Yellow 7466 Pink Red White Yellow Pink 225 2077 2035 White 120 225 2035 White 120 225 Inner & Handle (Grande only): Inner & Handle (Grande only): WShpitiell Proof Lid Black Tyre Grip StixToGo Dome Lid Card Packaging PurplWe hite 2R0e3d5Solid boWWBdlhhayiictteekcoloursYe1al2lvo0wailable (Medio): White Black Solid body colours available (Primo): 2077 White Black AmAermicearnicoaPnroimMoe(dA7D4qi6uo6aR1(D5BB0llRaacc9kk1)5M0B28l8uu8e)gs&Mid3A0B0lume erG7r4ie8ce1n anoL3im80ePrimOr1a5no8ge Aqua Black Blue Mid Blue Green Lime 288 300 7481 380 (DR15074966) MugsBlack Grip colours available: Grip colours available: Pink Purple Red White Yellow Lid colours available: 255 2077 2035 White 120 Orange Aqua Black Pink Blue P2u0r7pG7lMeried3e0Bn0lue 2R0e3d5LG7imr4ee8e1n WWhhiOitteerLa3inm8g0ee Ye1l2lo0Owr1a5n8ge Aqua Black Blue Mid Blue Green Lime Orange 158 Aqua Blac7k466 BluBelack 22M5id B2l8u0e 158 7466 Black 280 300 7481 380 158 7466 Black 280 300 7481 380 Pink Pink Purple Red White Yellow Silver Pink Purple Red White Yellow Silver 225 Purpl2e25 Re2d077 Wh2i0te35 YeWllohwite 120 877 White 120 877 2077 2035 White 120 225 2077 2035 Solid body colours available (Primo): Solid body colours available (Primo): Solid body colours available (Medio): Orange Aqua Black Blue Mid Blue Green Lime Orange 158 7466 Black 288 300 7481 380 158 Orange Aqua Black Blue Mid Blue Green Lime 158 Aqua Black Blue Mid Blue Green Lime Orange 7466 Black 288 300 7481 380 7466 Black 288 300 7481 380 158 Yellow Pink Purple Pink Purple Red White 255 2077 255 2077 2035 White 120 Red White Yellow 2035 White 120 Pink Purple Red White Yellow 225 2077 2035 White 120 53

drinkware ESPRESSO AMERICANO® ESPRESSO 250 ML INSULATED TUMBLER Polyproplyene insulated double-walled mug with a secure screw-fix lid. Available in a choice of colour options. Microwave and dishwasher safe. Also available with spill-proof lid. ø 95 x 118 mm Polypropylene PF Model Code: 210092 SPS Code: DR1901 54 Guide price only - Price includes standard decoration - Excludes set-up costs - Alternative decoration techniques availalbe - Prices may not always reflect the decoration featured on the product.

drinkware 21009100 21009101 21009102 21009103 21009104 21009105 21009106 21009107 21009108 21009109 21009110 21009111 BRITE-AMERICANO® ESPRESSO 250 ML INSULATED TUMBLER Polyproplyene insulated double-walled mug with a secure screw-fix lid. Decorated by full colour in-mould labelling. Microwave and dishwasher safe. Also available with spill-proof lid. ø 95 x 118 mm Polypropylene PF Model Code: 210091 SPS Code: DR1902 55

drinkware AMERICANO® 350 ML INSULATED TUMBLER Insulated double-walled polypropylene mug with a secure screw-fix lid. Microwave and dishwasher safe. ø 95 x 155 mm Polypropylene PF Model Code: 210001 SPS Code: LE9575 AMERICANO® PLUS GRIP 350 ML INSULATED TUMBLER Insulated double-walled polypropylene mug with a secure screw-fix lid. Supplied with a silicone grip. Tumbler is microwave and dishwasher safe.  ø 95 x 155 mm Polypropylene PF Model Code: 210002 SPS Code: LE9575 56 Guide price only - Price includes standard decoration - Excludes set-up costs - Alternative decoration techniques availalbe - Prices may not always reflect the decoration featured on the product.

drinkware BRITE- AMERICANO® 21000300 21000301 21000302 21000303 21000304 21000305 21000306 21000307 21000308 21000309 21000310 21000311 BRITE-AMERICANO® 350 ML INSULATED TUMBLER Polyproplyene double-walled insulated mug with a secure screw-fix lid. Full colour in-mould labelling to outside of mug. Microwave and dishwasher safe. Millions of takeout coffee cups ø 95 x 155 mm go into landfill each year. The Polypropylene reusable Americano® tumbler range is the perfect solution to PF Model Code: 210003 SPS Code: DR1413 this global problem. 57

drinkware 21008900 21008901 21008902 21008903 21008904 21008905 SPILL-PROOF LID 350 ML INSULATED TUMBLER The spill-proof lid is a practical alternative to the standard Americano® screw-fix lid. Available wth the original Americano® and Brite-Americano® tumblers. Polypropylene PF Model Code: 210089 SPS Code: DR1702 21008600 21008601 TYRE GRIP STIXTOGO Accessory to our Brite-Americano® tumbler. Lid sealant and drinks stirrer. ø 95 x 155 mm ø 23 x 109 mm PF Model Code: CH0000 PF Model Code: 210086 SPS Code: DR1704 SPS Code: DR1700 TUMBLER DOMED LID CARD PACKAGING Full colour doming to the lid. Accessory to our Americano® tumbler. ø 40 mm ø 496 x 94 mm PF Model Code: CB0000 PF Model Code: 21008700 SPS Code: LE9575LID SPS Code: LE9575CA 58 Guide price only - Price includes standard decoration - Excludes set-up costs - Alternative decoration techniques availalbe - Prices may not always reflect the decoration featured on the product.

drinkware 21000000 21000001 AMERICANO® MIDNIGHT 350 ML INSULATED TUMBLER Double-walled polypropylene insulated mug with a secure screw-fix lid. Microwave and dishwasher safe. ø 95 x 150 mm Polypropylene PF Model Code: 210000 SPS Code: DR1706 MIDNIGHT AMERICANO® MIDNIGHT PLUS GRIP 350 ML INSULATED TUMBLER Double-walled polypropylene insulated mug with sparkle-effect. Supplied with a secure screw-fix lid and silicone grip. Microwave and dishwasher safe. ø 95 x 155 mm Polypropylene PF Model Code: 210082 SPS Code: DR1706 59

drinkware BRITE-AMERICANO® GRANDE 350 ML INSULATED MUG Double-walled insulated polypropylene mug with integrated handle and screw-fix lid. Decorated by full colour in-mould labelling. Microwave and dishwasher safe. ø 95 x 165 mm Polypropylene PF Model Code: 210006 SPS Code: DR1415 GRANDE AMERICANO® GRANDE 350 ML INSULATED MUG Polypropylene insulated mug with double-walled manufacture and integrated handle. Supplied with a screw-fix lid. Microwave and dishwasher safe. ø 95 x 165 mm Polypropylene PF Model Code: 210004 SPS Code: LE9704 60 Guide price only - Price includes standard decoration - Excludes set-up costs - Alternative decoration techniques availalbe - Prices may not always reflect the decoration featured on the product.

drinkware 21009000 21009001 21009002 21009003 21009004 21009005 21009006 21009007 21009008 21009009 21009010 21009011 AMERICANO® CORTADO 300 ML TUMBLER WITH SILICONE GRIP Durable Americano® tumbler made from clear SAN material. Supplied with a clip-on lid and silicone grip. Microwave and dishwasher safe. ø 86 x 127 mm SAN, Polypropylene/HDPE, silicone PF Model Code: 210090 SPS Code: DR1900 The new Cortado tumbler has a modern design and durable manufacture for a stylish promotional gift. 61

drinkware BRITE-AMERICANO® PRIMO 250 ML TUMBLER WITH GRIP Compact polypropylene tumbler with clip-on lid. Full colour in-mould labelling with silicone grip. Top-rack dishwasher safe. ø 86 x 100 mm Polypropylene, silicone PF Model Code: 210011 SPS Code: DR1515 AMERICANO® PRIMO PRIMO 250 ML TUMBLER WITH GRIP Compact polypropylene tumbler with clip-on lid. Available in a choice of colours for mug, lid and grip. Top-rack dishwasher safe. ø 86 x 100 mm Polypropylene, silicone PF Model Code: 210010 SPS Code: DR1509 The compact Primo tumbler has been designed for use with hot drink vending machines; perfect for use in any workplace. 62 Guide price only - Price includes standard decoration - Excludes set-up costs - Alternative decoration techniques availalbe - Prices may not always reflect the decoration featured on the product.

drinkware BRITE-AMERICANO® MEDIO 300 ML TUMBLER WITH GRIP Polypropylene tumbler with gloss finish. Supplied with silicone grip and clip-on lid. Full colour in- mould labelling to mug. Top-rack dishwasher safe. ø 86 x 124 mm Polypropylene, silicone AMERICANO® PF Model Code: 210009 MEDIO SPS Code: DR1514 300 ML TUMBLER WITH GRIP MEDIO Single-walled polypropylene tumbler with silicone grip and clip-on lid. Top-rack dishwasher safe. ø 86 x 124 mm Polypropylene, silicone PF Model Code: 210008 SPS Code: DR1508 The versatile Medio tumbler is a practical size and is available in a great choice of colour options! 63

drinkware The Bottle Collection The H2O Active® and Baseline® bottle collection allows you to choose your bottle, lid style and accessories to create your perfect promotional drinking bottle! Step 1 - Choose your bottle & colour Base® 650 ml Pulse® 600 ml Bop® 500 ml Tempo® 700 ml Base® Tritan Octave® Tritan 650 ml Baseline® 500 ml Baseline® 750 ml Baseline® Grip Baseline® Grip 500 ml 750 ml 64 Guide price only - Price includes standard decoration - Excludes set-up costs - Alternative decoration techniques availalbe - Prices may not always reflect the decoration featured on the product.

drinkware Step 2 - Choose your lid style & colour Dome Flip HH22OO AAccttiivvee®® CCoolloouurr CChhaarrtt Lid Colours (flip and dome) Translucent: LSoidlid:Colours (flip and dome) Trans Colours Solid Colours Translucent: Solid: Aqua Black Blue Green Lime Orange Aqua Blue Lime Pink 7A4q6u6a BBllaacckk 2B8lu8e G7r4e8e1n L5im83e Or1a5n8ge A3q1u2a RBelfulex L3im75e P2i1n4k A7q4u6a6 BBllaacckk B2lu8e8 G7r4e8e1n L5im83e O1ra5n8ge A3q1u2a RBelfuleex L3im75e P2i1n4k 7466 Black 288 7481 583 312 Reflex 375 214 158 Purple Orange Red Pink Purple Red White Yellow 2613 1505 186 225 2077 2035 White 120 Purple Red P2u6r1p3le Orange 1R8ed6 Pink Purple Red White Yellow 2613 O1ra5n0g5e 186 2P2in5k P2u0r7p7le 2R0e3d5 WWhhiittee Ye1ll2o0w 255 2077 2035 White 1505 120 DR1401 Base® Body Colours Solid: DR1513 Bop® BodyBClaocklo/ Wurhsite TDraRns1l4uc0en1t: Base® Body Colours Solid: DR1513 Bop® Body Colours Translucent: Transluscent: Solid: Transluscent: Solid: Spout : OBlunely avCahialracoballe wiCtlhearBaseP®u,rpTleempoR®e,d TritanTBMlacBk ase®Wahnited Octave® TBrliuteanTMC. harcoal Clear Lime Purple White Reflex Warm Grey 10 Clear 2592 186 Black White Reflex Warm Grey 10 Clear 375 2592 White White Blue Charcoal Clear Purple Red Black White Blue Charcoal Clear Lime Purple White Reflex Warm Grey 10 Clear 2592 186 Black White Reflex Warm Grey 10 Clear 375 2592 StepD3R-1C4h0o2osTeemyopuor ®acBcoedssyoCryolours DR1404 Pulse® Body Colours TDraRns1l4uc0en2t: Tempo® Body Colours DR1404 Pulse® Body Colours Solid: Translucent: Solid: Translucent: Solid: Translucent: Solid: Aqua Blue Clear Lime Pink Purple Black White Blue Orange Red Yellow White 7466 Reflex Clear 375 232 2592 Black White Reflex 1505 186 7548 White Aqua Blue Clear Lime Pink Purple Black White Blue Red Yellow White 7466 Reflex Clear 375 232 2592 Black White Reflex Orange 186 7548 White 1505 Fruit InHHDfRu221s6OOe2r7 Accessories Shaker Ball Bottle Collar & Bottle Collar & AShcackeersbsalol -rsioelisd: Jumbo Ad-Loop DR1626 Infuser colours available - transclucLeannty: ard DR1627 Shaker ball - solid: DR1626 Infuser colours available - transclucent: White 65 White White

drinkware BOP® 500 ML SPORT BOTTLE Sports bottle with integrated finger grips down one side. Bottle is made from PET material. Polypropylene lid is available in two styles. ø 73.5 x 175.5 mm PF Model Code: Flip Lid: 210050 PET, Polypropylene with infuser: 210051 PF Model Code: Dome Lid: 210052 with infuser: 210053 SPS Code: DR1513 BOP PULSE® 600 ML SPORT BOTTLE Sports bottle with a curved shape, made from PET material. Supplied with a polypropylene lid in a choice of two styles. ø 79.5 x 205 mm PF Model Code: Flip Lid: 210054 PET, Polypropylene with infuser: 210055 PF Model Code: Dome Lid: 210056 PULSE with infuser: 210057 SPS Code: DR1404 66 Guide price only - Price includes standard decoration - Excludes set-up costs - Alternative decoration techniques availalbe - Prices may not always reflect the decoration featured on the product.

drinkware The Base bottle is available in a choice of colours and with three different lid styles - allowing you to create your perfect promotional bottle. BASE BASE® 650 ML SPORT BOTTLE Ergonomic shaped sports bottle, made from PET material. Supplied with a screw-fix polypropylene lid, in a choice of three styles. ø 73.5 x 224 mm PF Model Code: Flip Lid: 210045 PET, Polypropylene with infuser: 210046 PF Model Code: Dome Lid: 210047 with infuser: 210048 PF Model Code: Spout Lid: 210049 SPS Code: DR1401 TEMPO® 700 ML SPORT BOTTLE Slimline sports bottle made from PET material with polypropylene lid, available with a choice of three lid styles. ø 73.5 x 239 mm PF Model Code: Flip Lid: 210040 TEMPO PET, Polypropylene with infuser: 210041 PF Model Code: Dome Lid: 210042 with infuser: 210043 PF Model Code: Spout Lid: 210044 SPS Code: DR1402 67

drinkware FRUIT INFUSER SHAKER BALL The fruit infuser is designed to fit into the bottle neck of all H2O Designed to mix protein shakes when used with the H2O Active® Active® sports bottles. Dishwasher safe. sports bottle range. Top-rack dishwasher safe. ø 53 x 138 mm ø 50 mm PF Model Code: CD0001 PF Model Code: 21008300 SPS Code: DR1626 SPS Code: DR1627 21008400 21008400 21008401 21008401 21008402 21008402 21008403 21008403 BOTTLE COLLAR BOTTLE COLLAR AND JUMBO AS-LOOP® AND RIBBON LANYARD The bottle collar fits around the neck of the bottle and features a The bottle collar fits around the neck of the bottle and features a branded Jumbo Ad-Loop attachment. branded Ribbon Lanyard attachment. ø 300 x 8 mm ø 480 x 20 mm PF Model Code: 210084 PF Model Code: 210084 SPS Code: DR1507 SPS Code: DR1511 68 Guide price only - Price includes standard decoration - Excludes set-up costs - Alternative decoration techniques availalbe - Prices may not always reflect the decoration featured on the product.

drinkware TRITANTM BASE 650 ML SPORT BOTTLE Ergonomic shaped sports bottle, made from clear Tritan™ material. Supplied with a polypropylene lid in a choice of three lid styles. Bottle is dishwasher safe. ø 73.5 x 224 mm PF Model Code: Flip Lid: 210058 Tritan™, Polypropylene with infuser: 210059 PF Model Code: Dome Lid: 210060 with infuser: 210061 PF Model Code: Spout Lid: 210062 SPS Code: DR1803 OCTAVE TRITANTM 600 ML SPORT BOTTLE Tritan™ sports bottle with high-gloss crystal-like clarity. Available with a polypropylene lid in a choice of three lid styles. Bottle is dishwasher safe. ø 75 x 199 mm PF Model Code: Flip Lid: 210063 Tritan™, Polypropylene with infuser: 210064 PF Model Code: Dome Lid: 210065 with infuser: 210066 PF Model Code: Spout Lid: 210067 SPS Code: DR1701 TritanTM material has lots of benefits, it's incredibly durable, is dishwasher safe and has crystal-like clarity. Plus it is available with a choice of three lid styles. Choose from our flip, domed or spout lid. 69

drinkware The Baseline Collection With the Baseline® Plus range, you get to choose a bottle from our bestselling Baseline® sports bottle range, and then complete your bottle with a choice of flip top or domed lid, available in a wide range of colours. The Baseline® Plus bottles are available in two capacities, which are also available with a functional finger grip moulded into the bottle. All our Baseline® Plus bottles are BPA free and dishwasher safe. Step 1 - Choose your bottle & colour 500 ml 750 ml Grip 500 ml Grip 750 ml Step 2 - Choose your lid & colour Once you've selected your bottle, choose from a flip top or domed lid, available in a wide range of colours. Aqua Black Blue Green Lime Orange 7466 Black 288 7481 583 158 Flip Dome Pink Purple Red White Yellow Step 3 - Choose your brand method 225 2077 2035 White 120 Screen Label Relief Moulded 70 Guide price only - Price includes standard decoration - Excludes set-up costs - Alternative decoration techniques availalbe - Prices may not always reflect the decoration featured on the product.

drinkware +PLUS The Baseline® bottle range offers excellent value for money, and amazing durability for a cost-effective promotional gift. For our full colour range see page 70. BASELINE® PLUS GRIP 750 ML SPORT BOTTLE Promotional sports bottle with finger grips down one side. Bottle is made from LDPE material and is supplied with polypropylene lid in two styles. ø 75 x 230 mm HDPE, Polypropylene PF Model Code: Flip Lid: 210074 PF Model Code: Dome Lid: 210075 SPS Code: 9989 BASELINE® PLUS GRIP 500 ML SPORT BOTTLE Drinking bottle with integrated finger grips down one side. Bottle is made from LDPE material with polypropylene lid in a choice of two styles. ø 75 x 180 mm HDPE, Polypropylene PF Model Code: Flip Lid: 210072 PF Model Code: Dome Lid: 210073 SPS Code: 9988 71

drinkware +PLUS The Baseline® Plus bottle is available with a choice of capacities, plus two standard lid styles. Choose from our flip or domed lid according to your preference. BASELINE® PLUS 500 ML SPORT BOTTLE Popular sports bottle with a classic design. Bottle is made from LDPE material and is supplied with a polypropylene lid available in two styles. ø 75 x 210 mm HDPE, Polypropylene PF Model Code: Flip Lid: 210068 PF Model Code: Dome Lid: 210069 SPS Code: 9986 BASELINE® PLUS 750 ML SPORT BOTTLE Large capacity sports bottle with a classic design. Bottle is made from LDPE material and is supplied with a polypropylene lid in a choice of two lid styles. ø 75 x 230 mm HDPE, Polypropylene PF Model Code: Flip Lid: 210070 PF Model Code: Dome Lid: 210071 SPS Code: 9987 72 Guide price only - Price includes standard decoration - Excludes set-up costs - Alternative decoration techniques availalbe - Prices may not always reflect the decoration featured on the product.

+PLUS drinkware Award-winning Baseline® Plus Relief. Won the 2018 Gold Award for ‘Best Design Product’. BASELINE® PLUS BASELINE® PLUS RELIEF-MOLD SPORT BOTTLE High quality British-made sports bottle decorated by relief-moulding to one side. Choose from two lid styles and mix. Also available with grip. Baseline Plus Relief 500ml ø 75 x 175 mm Baseline Plus Grip Relief 500ml ø 75 x 180 mm Baseline Plus Relief 750ml ø 75 x 230 mm Baseline Plus Grip Relief 750ml ø 75 x 230 mm LDPE, Polypropylene 73

drinkware Solid colours Trans colours 21003700 21003701 21003709 21003710 21003900 21003702 21003703 21003711 21003712 21003901 21003704 21003705 21003713 21003714 21003902 21003706 21003707 21003715 21003716 21003903 21003708 21003717 21003904 21003718 21003905 ARENA DRENCH 375 ML PLASTIC TUMBLER 300 ML PLASTIC TUMBLER Single wall plastic beaker made from durable polypropylene Budget-friendly plastic tumbler in various frosted colours. Made material. Available in glossy solid and translucent colours. from durable polypropylene material. ø 82 x 132 mm ø 75 x 115 mm Polypropylene Polypropylene PF Model Code: 210037 PF Model Code: 210039 SPS Code: DR1301 SPS Code: 8345 BRITE-STADIUM 350 ML DOUBLE-WALLED TUMBLER Double-walled polyproplyene tumbler in translucent colours. Decorated with full colour in-mould labelling. Supplied with screw-fix lid and silicone straw. ø 95 x 140 mm Polypropylene, silicone 74 Guide price only - Price includes standard decoration - Excludes set-up costs - Alternative decoration techniques availalbe - Prices may not always reflect the decoration featured on the product.

drinkware 21002700 21002701 21002702 21002703 21002704 21002705 21002706 21002707 21003100 BRITE-AMERICANO® STADIUM 21003101 350 ML DOUBLE-WALLED TUMBLER 21003102 Double-walled insulated tumbler with full colour 21003103 in-mould labelled decoration. Designed for use with cold drinks. Supplied with flexible silicone 21003104 straw. 21003105 ø 95 x 150 mm 21003106 Polypropylene, silicone 21003107 PF Model Code: 210027 SPS Code: DR1630 STADIUM 350 ML DOUBLE-WALLED TUMBLER Double-walled translucent coloured polypropylene tumbler. Designed for cold drinks. Supplied with a flexible silicone straw. ø 95 x 150 mm Polypropylene, silicone PF Model Code: 210031 SPS Code: DR1201 75

drinkware PREMIUM HIBALL 284 ML TUMBLER This tumbler is made from virtually unbreakable polycarbonate material. (CE marked at half pint). ø 75 x 230 mm PF Model Code: 21003300 Polycarbonate SPS Code: 8787 HIBALL 284 ML TUMBLER Budget-friendly hiball tumbler made from crystal polystyrene. ø 63 x 120 mm Polycarbonate PF Model Code: 21003200 SPS Code: 8107 ECONOMY HIBALL 10 OZ TUMBLER Low cost tumbler made from crystal polystyrene. ø 65 x 125 mm Crystal polystyrene PF Model Code: 21003400 SPS Code: 8801 76 Guide price only - Price includes standard decoration - Excludes set-up costs - Alternative decoration techniques availalbe - Prices may not always reflect the decoration featured on the product.

drinkware ECONOMY HIBALL 12 OZ TUMBLER Large capacity plastic tumbler at a great price. Made from crystal polystyrene. ø 63 x 144 mm Crystal polystyrene PF Model Code: 21003500 SPS Code: 8802 ECONOMY TULIP PINT TUMBLER Budget-friendly tumbler in traditional nonic pint shape. Made from crystal polystyrene. ø 83 x 160 mm Crystal polystyrene PF Model Code: 21003800 SPS Code: 8798 PREMIUM NONIC 12 OZ TUMBLER Classic nonic shaped tumbler, made from durable polycarbonate material. Designed for easy stacking. ø 90 x 132 mm Polycarbonate PF Model Code: 21003600 SPS Code: 8794 77

drinkware 21001200 21001201 The Classic mug is an ultra-durable piece 21001202 21001203 of promotional drinkware. It's 21001204 21001205 available in an extended choice of 21001206 21001207 colours for 2019. 21001208 21001209 21001210 21001211 CLASSIC 300 ML PLASTIC MUG Popular plastic mug with a curved shape. Made from SAN material. Microwave and dishwasher safe. ø 85 x 90 mm SAN PF Model Code: 210012 SPS Code: DR0001 21001400 21001401 21001300 21001301 21001402 21001403 21001302 21001303 21001404 21001405 21001304 21001305 21001406 21001407 21001306 21001307 21001408 21001409 21001308 21001309 21001410 21001411 21001310 21001311 STANDARD SUPREME 300 ML PLASTIC MUG 350 ML PLASTIC MUG Plastic mug with traditional styling. Made from Plastic mug with a modern style. Made from SAN SAN material. Microwave and dishwasher safe. material. Microwave and dishwashwer safe. ø 85 x 85 mm ø 90 x 100 mm SAN SAN PF Model Code: 210014 PF Model Code: 210013 SPS Code: DR0003 SPS Code: DR0002 78 Guide price only - Price includes standard decoration - Excludes set-up costs - Alternative decoration techniques availalbe - Prices may not always reflect the decoration featured on the product.

drinkware 21001212 21001412 21001213 21001413 CLASSIC MIDNIGHT STANDARD MIDNIGHT 300 ML PLASTIC MUG 300 ML PLASTIC MUG Popular plastic mug with a curved shape. Made Plastic mug with traditional styling. Made from from SAN material with sparkle-effect. Microwave SAN material with sparkle-effect. Microwave and and dishwasher safe. dishwasher safe. ø 85 x 90 mm ø 85 x 85 mm SAN SAN PF Model Code: 210012 PF Model Code: 210014 SPS Code: DR0001 SPS Code: DR0003 21001312 21001313 SUPREME MIDNIGHT 350 ML PLASTIC MUG Plastic mug with a modern style. Made from SAN material with sparkle-effect. Microwave and dishwashwer safe. ø 90 x 100 mm SAN PF Model Code: 210013 SPS Code: DR0002 79

drinkware 21002200 21002200 CONTIGO® ASHLAND 720 ML WATER BOTTLE Made from dishwasher safe Tritan™ material. Supplied with angled straw and patented Autospout® button-lock. ø 70 x 265 mm The Contigo® drinkware range is available in a choice of exclusive bottles and Tritan™, Polypropylene tumblers. This drinkware range offers a PF Model Code: 210022 sleek, practical and durable promotional SPS Code: DR1623 gift all year around. Additional colours available upon request. 80 Guide price only - Price includes standard decoration - Excludes set-up costs - Alternative decoration techniques availalbe - Prices may not always reflect the decoration featured on the product.

drinkware 21001500 21001501 21001502 CONTIGO® WEST LOOP 470 ML THERMAL TUMBLER Double-walled stainless steel vacuum-insulated tumbler. Lid is 100% spill and leak-proof due to Autoseal® technology. Lid is dishwasher safe. 82 x 90 x 200 mm Stainless steel, polypropylene PF Model Code: 210015 SPS Code: DR1621 Additional colours available upon request. 21001600 21001601 CONTIGO® HURON 470 ML THERMAL TUMBLER Double-walled vacuum-insulated stainless steel tumbler. Lid has patented Snapseal™ technology making it 100% spill and leak proof. ø 81 x 190 mm Stainless steel, polypropylene PF Model Code: 210016 SPS Code: DR1808 81

drinkware 21002100 21002101 TRACKER 400 ML TUMBLER Insulated tumbler with glossy top-section and textured rubberised base. Includes a secure screw-fix lid. ø 72 x 205 mm ABS plastic PF Model Code: 210021 SPS Code: LE7353 10029600 10029601 10029603 10029604 10029605 19538712 SANIBEL 400 ML INSULATED MUG Double wall mug with twist-on thumb slide lid. Stainless steel exterior, plastic interior. BPA free. ø 80 x 120 x 180 mm Stainless steel, plastic PF Model Code: 100296 195387 82 Guide price only - Price includes standard decoration - Excludes set-up costs - Alternative decoration techniques availalbe - Prices may not always reflect the decoration featured on the product.


homemade BOTTOMS-UP 21050800 21050801 CUSTOMISABLE PLASTIC COASTER 21050802 21050803 Create a custom shaped coaster from as low as 250 pieces! 21050804 21050805 21050806 21050807 21050808 21050809 21050810 21508011 BIT ON THE SIDE COASTER Keep your brand in sight when a coaster is in use, thanks to this extended coaster. 115 x 100 mm 175 x 100 mm Plastic Polystyrene SPS Code: 9807 PF Model Code: 210508 SPS Code: 8994 ELLISON SQUARE AND ROUND PLASTIC COASTER Two-part plastic coaster made from GPPS material. Decorated to paper insert contained inside. Decoration available to both sides at no extra cost. (S) 100 x 100 mm PF Model Code: (S) 21051300 A coaster is a low (R) ø 100 mm (R) 21051400 cost item that can be used in the home or GPPS SPS Code: (R) DE0004 workplace for an effective (S) DE0003 promotional gift. 84 Guide price only - Price includes standard decoration - Excludes set-up costs - Alternative decoration techniques availalbe - Prices may not always reflect the decoration featured on the product.

homemade 21051500 SPLATMAN 21051501 COASTER 21051600 Two-part plastic coaster made from GPPS material. Decoration available to both sides at no extra cost. 21051601 RENZO ROUND AND SQUARE PLASTIC COASTER Solid plastic coasters made from GPPS material. Choose from screen print or full colour digital print to the top of the coaster. (R) ø 100 mm PF Model Code: (R) 210515 104 x 94 mm (S) 100 x 100 mm (S) 210516 GPPS GPPS SPS Code: (R) DE0001 (S) DE0002 PF Model Code: 21051700 SPS Code: 8993 HOUSE HEART SHAPED COASTER SHAPED COASTER House-shaped coaster designed to carry a full-colour digitally Share the love with this heart shaped coaster, designed for printed design. digitally printed designs. 88 x 88 mm 88 x 88 mm GPPS GPPS PF Model Code: 21051200 PF Model Code: 21051100 SPS Code: DE1201 SPS Code: DE1201 85

homemade TERRAN Q-MAT® ROUND AND SQUARE RECYCLED COASTER ROUND AND SQUARE COASTER WITH FOAM BASE Eco-friendly coaster made from 100% recycled plastic. Natural Versatile coaster made from laminated paper on top of a black colour is charcoal/black, to which we add a full-colour digital print. EVA foam base. Decorated to the top of the coaster. (R) ø 100 mm PF Model Code: (R) 21051000 (R) ø 98 mm PF Model Code: (R) 21058000 (S) 100 x 100 mm (S) 21050900 (S) 98 x 98 mm (S) 21057900 Recycled plastic SPS Code: (R) DE1701 EVA foam, laminated paper SPS Code: (R) DE0005 (S) DE1700 (S) DE0006 TYRE BRITE-MAT® BRITE-MAT® ROUND AND SQUARE COASTER ROUND AND SQUARE COASTER Eco-friendly coaster made from 100% recycled plastic. Natural Stunning colour reproduction, non-slip base and manufactured colour is charcoal/black, to which we add a full-colour digital print. using 100% recycled plastics. (R) ø 95 mm PF Model Code: (R) 21052100 (R) ø 95 mm PF Model Code: (R) 21051900 (S) 95 x 95 mm (S) 21052000 (S) 95 x 95 mm (S) 21051800 Recycled palstic, SPS Code: (R) BR0004 Recycled palstic, SPS Code: (R) BR0003 laminated paper, tyre material (S) BR0002 laminated paper (S) BR0001 86 Guide price only - Price includes standard decoration - Excludes set-up costs - Alternative decoration techniques availalbe - Prices may not always reflect the decoration featured on the product.

homemade BRITE-MAT® HARD TOP MOUSE MAT Hard top mouse mat with non-slip base. Decorated by in-mould labelling. Moulded from 100% in-house recycled plastics. Available in round and rectangular shapes. The Brite-Mat mouse mat and coaster (R) ø 200 mm PF Model Code: (Re) 21052200 are now moulded using 100% in-house (S) 240 x 190 mm (Ro) 21052300 recycled plastics, for a more sustainable Laminated paper, SPS Code: (Re) BR0005 choice to display calendars, contact recycled plastic (Ro) BR0007 details, useful charts and much more! The Brite-Mat range uses patented technology, where your decorated message is moulded into the product for a long-lasting effect. 87

homemade TYRE BRITE-MAT® MOUSE MAT WITH TYRE MATERIAL Mouse mat with in-mould labelling.  Made from 99.5% recycled materials, including 40% recycled tyre material, plus recycled plastics and paper. 240 x 190 mm Laminated paper, recycled plastic, tyre material PF Model Code: 21052400 SPS Code: BR0006 BRITE-MAT® LITE 350 micron thickness mouse-mate making it one of the lightest on the market, yet still just as effective. 240 x 190 mm Laminated paper PF Model Code: 21052500 SPS Code: BR0009 BRITE-MAT® PRESENTATION PACK Presentation pack containing Brite-Mat® Mouse-Mat and two matching coasters. Various shape combinations available. Varies by product Laminated paper, recycled plastic PF Model Code: 21052600 SPS Code: BR0010 88 Guide price only - Price includes standard decoration - Excludes set-up costs - Alternative decoration techniques availalbe - Prices may not always reflect the decoration featured on the product.

homemade Q-MAT® RECTANGULAR AND ROUND MOUSE MAT Mouse mat with high print quality, supplied on a black foam base. Available in rectangular or round. 235 x 200 mm PF Model Code: (Re) 21052700 ø 200 mm (Ro) 21052800 EVA foam, laminated paper SPS Code: (Re) DE0008 (Ro) DE0009 Q-MAT® PRESENTATION PACK Presentation pack containing Q-Mat® Mouse Mat and two matching coasters. Varies by product EVA foam, laminated paper PF Model Code: 21053000 SPS Code: DE0010 Q-MAT® COUNTER MAT Hardwearing counter mat with your design printed to 350gsm gloss art board, attached to a black foam base. A2 size as standard. A3 and A4 sizes also available. 594 x 420 mm EVA foam, laminated paper PF Model Code: 21052900 SPS Code: DE0011 89

homemade 21053600 21053601 21053602 21053603 21053604 21053605 21053606 21053607 21053608 21053609 21053610 21053611 21053612 RENZO 15 CM PLASTIC RULER Solid plastic ruler, available in a range of colour options, including four colours containing recycled plastic. 158 x 37 mm GPPS PF Model Code: 210536 SPS Code: RU0002 21053800 21053801 ELLISON 15 CM RULER WITH PAPER INSERT British-made 15cm ruler designed to carry a process printed insert. Clear version available with print to both sides at no extra cost. 159 x 49 mm GPPS PF Model Code: 210538 SPS Code: RU0004 TERRAN 15 CM RECYCLED RULER 15cm ruler made from 100% recycled plastic material. Natural colour is charcoal/ black. Decorated by full-colour digital print to the top. 158 x 37 mm Recycled plastic PF Model Code: 21053400 SPS Code: RU1701 90 Guide price only - Price includes standard decoration - Excludes set-up costs - Alternative decoration techniques availalbe - Prices may not always reflect the decoration featured on the product.

homemade 21053500 21053501 21053502 21053503 21053504 21053505 21053506 21053507 21053508 21053509 21053510 21053511 21053512 RENZO 30 CM PLASTIC RULER Solid plastic ruler, available in a range of colour options, including four colours containing recycled plastic. 312 x 42 mm GPPS PF Model Code: 210535 SPS Code: RU0001 21053700 21053701 ELLISON 30 CM RULER WITH PAPER INSERT British-made 30cm ruler designed to carry a process printed insert. Clear version available with print to both sides at no extra cost. 314 x 49 mm GPPS PF Model Code: 210537 SPS Code: RU0003 TERRAN 30 CM RECYCLED RULER 30cm ruler made from 100% recycled plastic material. Natural colour is charcoal/ black. Decorated by full-colour digital print to the top. 312 x 42 mm Recycled plastic PF Model Code: 21053300 SPS Code: RU1700 91

homemade 21053900 21053901 21053902 21053903 21053904 21054000 21054001 21054002 21054003 21054004 21053905 21053906 21053907 21053908 21053909 21053910 21054005 21054006 21054007 21054008 21054009 21054010 ROTHKO ROTHKO 30 CM PP RULER 15 CM PP RULER Flexible, lightweight 30cm ruler made from colourful Flexible, lightweight 15cm ruler made from colourful polypropylene material. polypropylene material. 313 x 42 mm 159 x 37 mm Polypropylene Polypropylene PF Model Code: 210539 PF Model Code: 210540 SPS Code: RU1502 SPS Code: RU1500 FIRE ENGINE LORRY 15 CM RULER 30 CM SHAPED RULER 15 cm ruler in the shape of a fire engine. Lorry shaped ruler available with screenprint or 180 x 110 mm full colour digital print. GPPS 294 x 64 mm GPPS PF Model Code: 21054200 PF Model Code: 21054100 SPS Code: 8946 SPS Code: 8331 92 Guide price only - Price includes standard decoration - Excludes set-up costs - Alternative decoration techniques availalbe - Prices may not always reflect the decoration featured on the product.

homemade FIDDLE 15 CM AND 30 CM CUSTOMISABLE RULER Create a custom-shaped ruler from only 500 pieces, in 15cm or 30cm sizes. Maximum size: (15cm) 180 x 50 mm Maximum size: (30cm) 310 x 65 mm GPPS SPS Code: (15cm) 9550 (30cm) 9555 LOKI LOKI 30 CM SHAPED RULER 15 CM SHAPED RULER 30cm ruler available in four standard shapes: 15cm ruler available in four standard shapes: lorry, heart, house and circle. lorry, heart, house and circle. Varies by shape PF Model Code: Lorry: 21058200 Varies by shape PF Model Code: Lorry: 21058100 GPPS Circle: 21061300 GPPS Circle: 21061000 Heart: 21061400 Heart: 21061100 House: 21061500 House: 21061200 SPS Code: RU1204 SPS Code: RU1205 93

homemade 21053100 21053101 21053200 21053201 BRITE-CLOCK® RECTANGULAR AND ROUND WALL CLOCK A wall-clock created to display your full-colour design. The clock face is manufactured from in-house recycled plastics. Available in round or rectangular shapes with black or white hands. (Re) 240 x 190 mm PF Model Code: (Re) 210531 (Ro) ø 200 mm (Ro) 210532 Recycled plastic SPS Code: (Re) BR1202 (Ro) BR1203 21054300 MEDIUM 21054301 CUSTOMISABLE PAPER CLIP Create a custom-shaped paper clip. DUKO Available in a range of colours. JUMBO PAPER CLIP Maximum size: 70 x 70 mm Large plastic paper clips with a large decorating area. Polystyrene 140 x 65 mm GPPS SPS Code: 9576 PF Model Code: 210543 SPS Code: DE0013 94 Guide price only - Price includes standard decoration - Excludes set-up costs - Alternative decoration techniques availalbe - Prices may not always reflect the decoration featured on the product.

homemade ROTHKO A4 DOCUMENT FOLDER A4 Document Folder made from flexible, coloured PP material. Supplied flatpacked. 307 x 220 x 20 mm Polypropylene SPS Code: DE1511 ROTHKO A5 DOCUMENT FOLDER A5 Document Folder made from flexible, coloured PP material. Supplied flatpacked. 218 x 156 x 14 mm Polypropylene SPS Code: DE1510 ROTHKO BUSINESS CARD HOLDER Business Card Holder made from flexible, coloured PP material. Supplied flatpacked. 90 x 60 x 10 mm Polypropylene SPS Code: DE1512 95

homemade PEN LOOP A5 AND A6 NOTEBOOK 50 sheets of white 80gsm paper with a polypropylene cover. A Calypso Ballpen in an integral pen loop closes the notebook. Available in A5 and A6 sizes. A5: 170 x 215 mm A6: 127 x 152 mm 80gsm paper, polypropylene SPS Code: PA1202 CURVE A5 AND A6 NOTEBOOK UK-made notebook with a coloured polypropylene cover. The curved shape closes the cover. Contains 50 sheets of 80gsm white paper. Available in A5 and A6 sizes. A5: 148 x 210 mm A6: 55 x 142 mm 80gsm paper, polypropylene SPS Code: PA1201 96 Guide price only - Price includes standard decoration - Excludes set-up costs - Alternative decoration techniques availalbe - Prices may not always reflect the decoration featured on the product.

homemade ROTHKO NOTEBOOK Colourful and budget-friendly notebooks containing 50 sheets of recycled white paper and a polypropylene cover. Available in a range of sizes. A4: 210 x 297 mm A5: 148 x 210 mm A6: 105 x 148 mm A7: 74 x 105 mm 80gsm paper, polypropylene SPS Code: PA1543 CAPSULE NOTEBOOK Capsule shaped notebook containing 50 sheets of recycled white paper with a colourful polypropylene cover. 70 x 144 mm 80gsm paper, polypropylene SPS Code: PA1547 97

homemade DESK-MATE® NOTEPAD WITH WIREBOUND COVER High quality notepad containing 50 sheets of white 80gsm paper with a wirebound 360gsm glossy card cover. Available in a range of sizes. A4: 210 x 297 mm A5: 148 x 210 mm A6: 105 x 148 mm A7: 74 x 105 mm SL: 99 x 210 mm 80gsm paper, 360gsm cover SPS Code: PA0003 DESK-MATE® NOTEPAD WITH WRAPOVER COVER High quality notepad containing 50 sheets of white 80gsm paper with a 360gsm glossy card cover. Available in a range of sizes. A3: 420 x 297 mm A4: 210 x 297 mm A5: 148 x 210 mm A6: 105 x 148 mm A7: 74 x 105 mm SL: 99 x 210 mm 80gsm paper, 360gsm cover SPS Code: PA0002 98 Guide price only - Price includes standard decoration - Excludes set-up costs - Alternative decoration techniques availalbe - Prices may not always reflect the decoration featured on the product.

homemade DESK-MATE® NOTEPAD High quality notepad containing 50 sheets of white 80gsm paper glued to a quality backboard. A2: 594 x 420 mm A3: 420 x 297 mm A4: 210 x 297 mm A5: 148 x 210 mm A6: 105 x 148 mm A7: 74 x 105 mm SL: 99 x 210 mm 80gsm paper SPS Code: PA0001 99

homemade DESK-MATE® NOTEPAD WITH SYNTHETIC COVER UK-made notepad with a 450gsm cover which is tear-proof, waterproof and UV-resistant. Supplied with 50 sheets of white 80gsm paper. A4: 210 x 297 mm A5: 148 x 210 mm A6: 105 x 148 mm A7: 74 x 105 mm 80gsm paper, 450gsm cover SPS Code: PA1542 DESK-MATE® NOTEPAD WITH FROSTED COVER Notepad with 50 sheets of white 80gsm paper and a 500 micron PP cover in frosted clear. A4: 210 x 297 mm A5: 148 x 210 mm A6: 105 x 148 mm A7: 74 x 105 mm 80gsm paper, polypropylene SPS Code: PA0003PP 100 Guide price only - Price includes standard decoration - Excludes set-up costs - Alternative decoration techniques availalbe - Prices may not always reflect the decoration featured on the product.

Excite PM Catalogue 2019

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