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Home Explore 2016.09.07 Execution List

2016.09.07 Execution List

Published by City of El Paso City of El Paso, 2016-09-08 12:31:49

Description: 2016.09.07 Execution List


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Execution Team Agenda 9/6/2016 No. Item Status Responsible ELT Added Done? 1 25 Intersections (East Side) Added from LIT Ted Marquez Khalil Zaied 9/7/2016 no 2 Manor Place ROW encroachment Dr. Noe gave a presentation in Jan. 2016 about 25 intersections that the City is concerned about. Staff 3 Parking Plan for Downtown 4 Legislative Agenda has created a report to determine accuracy of claims and plans to address, if necessary. 5 Economic Development of Manufacturing Jobs Ted Marquez has provided updated chart and documents. Need to ensure all concerns are addressed 6 Dark Sky Compliance or there is a plan to address. Added from LIT Javier Reyes Khalil Zaied 9/7/2016 no Completion work started on May 16. Staff is working on punch list. Andy Goh Landscaping to began and expected to be completed in January. Property owner has submitted vacation application (making its way to ZBA and CPC); a revised legal description is for enroachment should not impact the project. Need to evaluate overall parking plan for Downtown and ongoing projects that will impact parking. Ted Marquez Khalil Zaied 8/24/2016 no Need to make sure Depts. Provide their lists. Sylvia Firth TG 8/24/2016 no (brainstorming: crime control district, ambulance, gas tax, sales tax, manifestos, red light) McAllen Economic Development Corporation is close to announcing thousands of new manufacturing Cary Westin TG 8/23/2016 no jobs for the Rio Grande Valley and Reynosa. Are we working to pursue this type of development. 1. Need to look at planning and inspections process Larry Nichols Cary Westin 8/23/2016 no Ted Marquez Khalil Zaied 2. Need to evaluate subdivision in the Northeast to ensure developer is in compliance with dark sky ordinance. (Twice residents have come to Council during public comment about the dark sky ordinance. This lights are in compliance but they are located at a stepped level so there is no violation. 3. Need to look at our own lights as well in all QOL project to ensure we are in compliance with dark sky ordinance where applicable (e.g., Hike and Bike construction) Page 1

Execution Team Agenda 9/6/2016No. Item Status Responsible ELT Added Done? 7 Disposition List Need to update Council on status of City-owned properties. Jose Carlos Villalba Cary Westin 8/23/2016 no CAD Values v Appraisals Jose Carlos is researching. Last discussion was to brief CC members individually as there may not be any policy action needed at this time. LRC needs to be scheduled to discuss the use of CAD property values or requesting appraisals. Elizabeth Triggs Staff will be looking at best practices and researching options to bring forward for CC discussion Larry Nichols8 Police Officer Staffing Report Quarterly Reports Greg Allen Nancy Bartlett 8/23/2016 no PD updating staffing report by Police Districts and assignments.9 TOD incentive policy Staff needs to brief Executive Leadership Affordable housing TOD policy Overall bike, sun city, TOD, hike & bike trail concept Need to look at ensure that all TOD projects are visible in the master plan and that we are looking at Mathew McElroy Cary Westin 8/23/2016 no other potential TOD options.10 Bike Coordinator and Bike Routes Need to look at it when discussing other improvement opportuntities with the school districts and other entities. Bike Coordinator: Andy Goh Khalil Zaied 8/23/2016 no - Additional duty? 50/50% - make sure we do not dilute the position with too many extra duties Ted Marquez Cary Westin Staff is looking at job specs. Larry Nichols Could be collaboratively with landscaping architect and trails coordinator. Bike Routes: Funding: Reconstruction or resurfacing $ / MPO $ - Add to MPO MTP - Move to MPO TIP Need to identify priority routes Need to identify funding for these routes Need to go back to Council to update Has staff met with District 5 to address concerns on lack of bike lanes in East EP? Overall plan for the city - TOD’s across the city? Timelines? Page 2

Execution Team Agenda 9/6/2016No. Item Status Responsible ELT Added Done? 11 PD Community Rebuild Greg Allen Nancy Bartlett 8/9/2016 no What are we doing to be proactive? Equipment? What is the game plan to engage schools/university/colleges? PIO Staff has completed the video which needs to reviewed by PD and legal.12 ETJ Tentatively scheduled for Sept. 19 Larry Nichols Cary Weston 8/9/2016 no13 Owner's Rep for Multipurpose Cultural and Performing Arts Unrelated: Monica Lombrana Cary Westin 6/22/2016 no Center We also need to make sure that Legislative Agenda is discussed in the LRC for Sept. 19. CC approved 7-0 on Aug. 23. Conference call was scheduled on Sept. 114 There's a Better Way/Addressing Homelessness Staff estimated cost to be approximately 100K Vero Soto Cary Westin 5/31/2016 no15 Riverbend Phase 2 Looking at partnership with Homeless Coalition and Rescue Mission. Need to follow up with Blue Ribbon Committee to evaluate how homelessness is being addressed. Rep would like to see Phase 2 to be activated sooner, no delay if possible. Monica Lombrana Khalil Zaied 5/31/2016 no Utilizing on-call consultant. (TIMELINE?) Rep. upset with dead trees: Trees are being removed and replaced. Page 3

Execution Team Agenda 9/6/2016 No. Item Status Responsible ELT Added Done? 16 Delinquent Tax Collection Services Contract 17 Solicitation for Cohen Purchasing extended the deadline to 7/13/16 to allow the references to respond due to the 4th of July Maria Pasillas Mark Sutter 5/31/2016 no 18 Carolina Bridge holiday. Scores on the RFQ provide in mid-July. 19 Fair Housing Complaint Was scheduled to go to CC on Sept. 6, not on agenda... Cohen RFP was placed on hold in order to review concerns regarding the condition of the facility. Dionne Mack TG 5/31/2016 no Legal said RFP needs to be sent out for all City Venues not just Cohen. However, Cohen must be addressed sooner rather than later because of vandalism concerns. There is a need for a stop gap to address Cohen while staff research/prepare the broaded RFP for all venue facilities. Staff are reviewing the options for RFPs. Construction has commenced; businesses are complaining about construction. Andy Goh Khalil Zaied 5/18/2016 no Tracey Jerome Dionne Mack Public Art team is including this project on the proposed 2017 Public Art Plan with a budget of $100,000. Funding will likely not be enough. Staff need to review cost. Project will need be approved by Council. Added from LIT Vero Soto Cary Westin 5/4/2016 no A complaint has been filed that the City addressed. ADA advocates want 5 percent of Rental Units to be ADA units. State requires only 2 percent (need to verify) and the City has 3 percent requirement (need to verify). Advocates want to make it to 5 percent, but contractors say the 5 percent requirement leaves them with empty rentals and the 5 percent request does not match the actual need and ADA rental facilities remain empty. Meeting with the advocates did not go well. Reaching out to HUD to see how we can close out the complaint even as we are at a stalemate with the local folks. Legal briefed Council in executive session in July. Letter was sent to HUD and should expect a response by the late September/early October. Page 4

Execution Team Agenda 9/6/2016 No. Item Status Responsible ELT Added Done? 20 Bathrooms in the Downtown area Staff have identified a location at 112 Mills (next to Kress). One floor; bathrooms. Included unisex Tracy Novak Dionne Mack 5/3/2016 no 21 Trail Head Project Design and Implementation option. This property is owned by SEAB LP which belongs to Bryan Abraham. 22 Boards and Committees Staff are working on getting cost estimate. There is 700K in the budget. 23 Safe Routes There has been a request to have a Visit EP site, but annual cost is $125. Can we look at having a diorama? A&E Selection will be on Friday. Council approved on 8/9/16. Tracy Novak Dionne Mack 4/6/2016 no Design will be vetted with community, OSAB and BOAC; before going back to CC. Bruce Collins Khalil Zaied Draft report sent to Council on 8/18/16. Vero Soto Cary Westin 2/23/2016 no Rep. Tolbert placed item on 9/6/16 agenda: Linda Thomas Nancy Bartlett Sylvia Firth Need to implement training process for (1) appointees and (2) City liaisons (Sept. 14) Richarda Momsen Video about the purpose of boards and committees is finished and needs review by leadership. Rep. Niland is asking for a safe route to be provide for students traveling from Guillen to Bowie ... Ted Marquez Khalil Zaied 2/10/2016 no Staff have met with TXDOT who initially is amenable to the idea as long as there were no additional Andy Goh costs and if indeed the environmentals are minimal - which staff believe is the case. Sergio Garcia obtaining a drawing that shows the modifications needed on Father Rahm to support 18- wheelers to give to the trolley folks and will then process the CO for the swap of the Father Rahm work for the trail. No issues are foreseen. Waiting on TXDOT for Change Order Truck route funding cost has been resolved. Funds for safe route have been confirmed. Page 5

Execution Team Agenda 9/6/2016 No. Item Status Responsible ELT Added Done? 24 Playgrounds/Canopies at Parks Item was re-introduced and approved by Council on May 17. Tracy Novak Dionne Mack 2/10/2016 no 25 Marketing Wall at Airport 26 Holiday Decorations PO has been cut for replacement. Need an update. 27 Project Manager for Metro 31 Wilderness Park meeting went well. Community has selected a canopy. PARD timeline has created anticipated schedule with 3 groups. -- Grp 1 (completed Dec. 2016): Blackie Chesher, Mundy, Madeline, Franklin, Carolina - Grp 2 (completed Feb. 2017): Pueblo Viejo, Irwing Lambka, Wellington Chew, Colonia Verde - Grp 3 (completed May 2017): Coyote, Ventana Destiny, WWII, Mission Hills, Lincoln, Dick Shinaut, Hawkins, Yucca Reps will be notified when NTP issued and demolition schedule confirmed. On schedule to have wall functional by end of calendar year: December 5 Monica Lombrana Cary Westin 1/13/2016 no The vendor has been selected and there was a meeting on 8/10/16 for content. There will also be a 90- inch screen in the Beacon Room. Will it be connected with Digi Wall? Need to include Sun City Lights. CC appoved decorations. All of CC has been briefed on the timeline and is in agreement. Dionne Mack TG 1/13/2016 no DMD reported that they are not able to move the timeline up by one week, so festivities will remain as Dec. 3. PO for install to be issued. Install starts on Oct. 15. Lights on Independence (formerly Valley of the Lights): Limon is working with CID staff to determine placement of lights? What was approved for the Hike and Bike locations? When will it go to CC? Waiting on Developer. Mathew McElroy Cary Westin 11/18/2015 no Mathew McElroy to by proj. champion. Andy Goh Khalil Zaied Page 6

Execution Team Agenda 9/6/2016No. Item Status Responsible ELT Added Done?28 Financial Audit Report, FY 14 Management Letter, Special Audit CM would like a checklist created from all of the reports given to Council on 11/17/15. CM said he Mark Sutter TG 11/18/2015 noand Grants wants to stress the importance of a regularly scheduled compliance check on our internal controls and Edumundo Caldaron proactive measures to ensure we are correcting throughout the year as opposed to waiting on an annual audit. CM asked BKD to work with Dr. Sutter and come up with a checklist, plan of improvement, and ongoing training throughout the year for our 10 or so departments that are involved with grants of any kind. Also, reconciliation work and certainly internal controls, etc. There was a FAOC oversight meeting on 3/23/16. BKD needs to send the checklist from Oct. 17, 2015. City was waiting on single audit that was due in late April. There was to be a presentation to FAOC in April and a presentation to Council May. FAOC Chair reported audit findings out to Council, and all Council received the written communication from the auditors; auditors were here and did training and check up with Comptroller; grants accounting staff are being consolidated and stood up in City 2 Recruiting for Accountant. Testing and interviewing for position to help address concerns.29 Incentivize and Rezone Transit Path/Areas P/I Dept. will schedule a meeting with Econ Dept. to discuss Planning development strategies. Zoning Larry Nichols Cary Westin 11/10/2015 no revisions will be a topic as well. Jessica Herrera SBR last week. Need to brief Council CC in late Sept. (?) after TIRZ review.30 Food Trucks Ordinance Five ordinances are included. Went to SBR in late June; July will be the internal review month. Elizabeth Gibson Cary Westin 8/19/2015 no Will go to SBR, brief CC individually. First reading tentatively scheduled for Sept. 2031 Downtown Development Work session with Council scheduled for Oct. 3 to be facilitated by Scott Polikov. Cary Westin TG 7/28/2015 no Working to reschedule the work session. Jessica Herrera Page 7

Execution Team Agenda 9/6/2016 No. Item Status Responsible ELT Added Done? 32 Municipal ID Council is asking for the following follow up (very brief summary): Vero Soto Cary Westin 7/14/2015 no - Work with County on a shared services/ shared costs agreement - Work with additional municipalities; such as Socorro, Horizon, Clint, Fabens, San Elizario, Anthony, Vinton. - Get cost estimate of a 3rd party vendor (impacted by liveable wage analysis) - Additional outreach for other services (e.g. private medical provider, Dept. of Public Safety, EPCC, additional School Districts) - Policy changes for the city services identified by Rep. Niland (Public Health: TB, HIV prevention; Library) - MOU/agreement with County ***Limon added that there is a need to have more formal discussion with EPCC and UTEP. Discussion with school superintendents could be through the monthly meeting held by Dr. Aguirre at Region 19 where all supers attend. ***County took action to work with City on implementation of this matter. Working to set up a meeting with County staff now that County has identified the key staff to be involved for 6/16 or 6/20 and an update on that can be provided after the meeting. County is providing funding. Unknown what the funding supports. TIMELINE: Timeline has been added to CM Memo and will be sent to CC. Current timeline has staff performing outreach meetings with local agencies Sept.-Nov., cost analysis and cost-sharing discussion between City & County expected in Sept./Oct., joint agreement legal document drafted (MOU or other) is expected in Sept/Oct, joint agreement finalization expected in Nov., implementation plan drafted is expected in Nov./Dec., present updates to City and County on draft joint agreement is expected in Dec./Jan., and the formal presentation in a joint agreement to City & County for consideration in Jan./Feb. 2017 (tentative).33 Love Road Land acquisition ongoing; cost of acquisition not an issue; however, seller wants rock wall separating Javier Reyes Mark Sutter 7/14/2015 no34 Animal Services (Live Release Rates) parcel in question from property, to be raised – two issues: 1) working with Legal to determine if it’s a Andy Goh Khalil Zaied35 Spray Parks valid cost to be included in agreement and 2) visibility issue – transportation planning evaluating Land appraisal is $4,700. Owner is asking for 5K and for rock wall to be raised. Staff mtg with Terri in legal to review options. new software has gone live (active) Kurt Fenstermacher Mark Sutter 6/25/2015 no secret shopper program underway (ongoing) one veterinarian has left (hiring) freebie adoptions being promoted during these high volume summer months Sue Young open, but need to evaluate cleaning schedule and pumps. Andy Goh Mark Sutter 6/18/2015 no Next: Grandview (Oct. 15, due in part to change order), Hidden Valley (Sept 17) & Pavo Real (Jan) Dionne Mack Khalil Zaied 4 other are in design and will be completed in Spring 2017. Page 8

Execution Team Agenda 9/6/2016 No. Item Status Responsible ELT Added Done? 36 Streetcars 1 - EPE sent a letter asking City to pay for utility relcation, not the RMA. (Need to put this back on EPE Raymond Telles TG 6/16/2015 no and they will likely approve. Need to talk to Raymond). No resolution from Raymond. EPE sent email Jay Banasiak on 5/25/16 regarding utility relocation. How much is needed: 140K for Electricity to Maint. Building. Council approved. CLOSED: 9/6/16 2 - TXDOT MOU needs to be amended, regarding the streetcar crossing of I-10. Meeting on 5/26/16: SM reported that TXDOT proposing to give City a 4-month notification of closure; SM reviewing three options (rubber tire, wrapped bus; future/alternate crossover; reversible unit); City salvagable/replacement materials will be at TXDOT cost (?) Sun Metro and TXDOT reached agreement. Monica and Khalil to review with Jay to get MOU approved by CC. Timeline? 3- UTEP land for power unit. Meeting on 5/26/16. Meeting on 6/23/16 (asking UT system). EPWU provided information needed. Jose Carlos Villalva was to touch base with UTEP.37 TXDOT Reimbursement Ongoing Monica Lombrana Mark Sutter 6/16/2015 no Omar Moreno Khalil Zaied Continuing coordination with TxDOT – will adjust spreadsheet to reflect amount of project costs actually qualified for reimbursement to illustrate true differential, if any, from what we ultimately will collect to what we were eligible. 98 percent approved 72 percent received38 Sun City Lights: City Entry Markers/Destination venue anchored Sun City Lights-team is working to incorporate additional sites including Zoo, also collecting feedback Mathew McElroy Cary Westin 5/30/2015 no Khalil Zaiedentry points re funding sources/availability. Once information complete, timeline can be more fully developed.South El Paso Street Paseo de las Luces is going to TIRZ board in early Sept? Community Design Workshop for Cincinnati Street held on July 9. Council approved amendment to Title 12 to authorize charging parking meter on Saturday in Downtown area with conditions (1) excess funding pays for Plaza debt first, (2) excess funding will be used to pay for Paseo de las Luces, and (3) after Paseo is completed, use excess funding to pay for other Sun City lights projects. Need to prioritize projects Page 9

Execution Team Agenda 9/6/2016 No. Item Status Responsible ELT Added Done? 39 Upkeep of Landscaping and Code Enforcement a. Major Corridors Landscaping codes need to be brought back to Council. Council needs to be briefed first. Elizabeth Gibson Cary Westin 5/30/2015 no b. TxDOT ROW Larry Nichols c. City Properties CM will review and LRC to be scheduled for late Sept/early Oct. Khalil Zaied 40 City Hall Parking Lot Questions remain on Mesa Streets, Transmountain, other TXDOT ROW. Andy Goh Ted Marquez 41 SJP P&I is restructuring the presentation. 42 22 story building 43 Leo Cancellare Renovation/Update Need list of streets that are most traveled. Top 10 by vehicle count (map or list, which ever is easist). Tentatively Oct. 18, Mathew is going to brief CC on RFQ. Mathew McElroy Cary Westin 5/30/2015 no Mathew to meeting with Nancy and Dionne. Related: The sale of the Wyoming lot must remain on hold until a solution for the City 1 lot is Ted Marquez Khalil Zaied no developed. Tracy Novack Dionne Mack Related: Need to create a CIF in order to develop a closing tool. Cary Westin TG 8/23/2016 parking lot PARKING First reading on Sept. 6 O&M RFP out for bid = Sept. 6. Landscaping: CC need to be briefed Open items: Wood panels need to be fixed. Pavers Skateboarding Status? No action needed at this time, need to list to keep track. Leo Cancellare was closed because of motor failure. It is now reopened. Ted Marquez Mark Sutter 4/6/2016 parking lot The pool has been separated from the Westside Pool project. Tracy Novack Dionne Mack Khalil Zaied Page 10

Execution Team Agenda 9/6/2016 No. Item Status Responsible ELT Added Done? 44 Ballpark Need to determine if we can grant the use of the facility the city is granted to non-profits if deemed a Mark Sutter TG 3/22/2016 parking lot public purpose by legal. We don’t use it and more and more there are non-profits that want to come downtown for their fundraisers. The city council could select based on need/requests/ and/or appropriate growth of that non-profit fundraiser. Do we have an opportunity to amend the contract to allow the City to use the ballpark for use by non- Syvia Firth profit entities wishing to host fundraising events, even if it is just a smaller amount: - Komen Foundation Run/Walk - Braden Aboud Foundation Run/Walk - Autism Awareness Foundation Run/Walk - Diabetes Awareness Foundation Run/Walk - Alzheimer’s Awareness Foundation Run/Walk45 Living Wage CC has not voted on addressing contract employees. Closed? Robert Cortinas Mark Sutter 2/23/2016 parking lot46 Vacant Premises Ordinance City employees are budgeted for FY 2017 Nancy Bartlett47 Facilities Conditions Apprenticeship program will be impacted. = mtg being scheduled.48 El Paso Store at the Airport49 Firefighter Bathrooms Final meeting with stakeholders and CMO held on June 23. Larry Nichols Cary Westin 4/6/2016 parking lot Stakeholders are in support of the Ord. Sam Pena Nancy Bartlett Waiting on CC to provide direction. Need to brief Tolbert because he was not in office. Ted got a majority of the facilities listed and is working to develop a report for review. Ted Marquez Khalil Zaied 2/10/2016 parking lot Ted reported that he has identified about $15 million worth of RED item needs. Dr. Sutter needs to review the list with Ted. Need to discuss with CM and vehicle replacement list: include in CM Memo. Location that will be continually updated to promote various City Downtown amenities such as the Monica Lombrana TG 1/13/2016 parking lot Children's Museum and more. Tracey Jerome On hold. Vendor might want to keep the space. Legal needs to provide executive summary report on the Court's direction regarding female restrooms Andy Goh Khalil Zaied 1/13/2016 parking lot in fire houses. It was determined that there were six bathrooms that needed to be addressed. 3 of the Sam Pena Nancy Bartlett 6 will be addressed in the 7-year CIP and 3 are unfunded. Total cost $300K. Need to include this request in the Budget process. Fermin Dorado working on consolidated five-year CIP, which will include fire department requests; however, funding will need to be identified. Page 11

Execution Team Agenda 9/6/2016 No. Item Status Responsible ELT Added Done? 50 ADA Accessibility Funding Council approved the use of funds for the remaining FY16, but directed to find permanent funding for Ted Marquez Mark Sutter 1/13/2016 parking lot 51 Robinson Reconstruction future years (budget line item) … Council approved $500K for ADA accessibility. Julio Perez Khalil Zaied 52 TXDOT CD Lanes Update List and details for first 500k need to be provided by Julio with SaM assistance on the estimates. 53 Mobile Business Upcoming budget has $250k programmed. Future budgets have not been set up 54 Capital Projects Report Project has started. Javier Reyes Khalil Zaied 7/28/2015 parking lot End date: Summer/Fall 2017 Andy Goh 55 Code Amendments Landscaping. Monica Lombrana Khalil Zaied 7/7/2015 parking lot CD lanes will be landscaped and TXDOT will ask City to maintain. Ted Marquez Landscaping issue on Transmountain is also being reviewed. How much will the City need to address all of the landscaping maintenance? Are we looking at other business similar to Uber referenced by Council (i.e., prescription delivery, Cary Westin TG 8/23/2016 yes grocery delivery, etc.) This is generated by private entities. Closed: 8/24/16 Need to post monthly information online. Andy Goh Khalil Zaied 8/11/2015 yes Liza Ramirez-Tobias and Rusty Williams working with IT to develop interactive map with project information for website – live date estimated to be August 1; in meantime, we are uploading the biweekly report that is sent to council Closed: 8/24/16 ICC Building Code adoption – Item has been approved for adoption by City Council on May31. Larry Nichols Cary Westin 8/26/2015 yes Effective Date will be Sept 1, 2016. Recommend this item be removed from Executive and Lit session agendas. Closed: 8/24/16 Page 12

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