Name: Section : Class: بموجب حقوق النشر يمنع نسخ أو تصوير هذه الدوسية QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0 Zedny Elman Academy 0
Action Pack 5 -Fifth Grade أعزائي الطلاب هذه الدوسية عملت من أجل تسهيل الدراسة عليكم خلال السنة الدراسية. تحتوي هذه الدوسية على جميع معاني وحدات الكتاب وشرح للقواعد وتمارين خاصة بكل وحدة يرجى احضار هذه الدوسية معكم كل يوم وعدم تركها بالبيت . *المطلوب من طلابنا الاعزاء من هذه الدوسية * -1حفظ المعاني -2فهم وحفظ القواعد -3حل التمارين المرفقة بكل وحدة. مع التمنيات لكم بالنجاح والتوفيق. Good Luck Teacher: Neda Hmaid Zedny Elman Academy 1 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Review Affirmative المثبت Subject + verb (simple past) Sandy travelled to the UK. We read an amazing novel. Negative النفي . قبل الفعلdid not ( didn't ) يكون النفي باستخدام ( v 1 ) الفعل يعود إلى حالته الأولى Subject + did not + (infinitive) Sandy didn’t travel to the UK. We didn’t read a novel. Interrogative السؤال ( v 1 ) ( مع ارجاع الفعل إلى حالته الأولىDid) عند السؤال نستخدم Did + Subject + (infinitive) Did Sandy travel to the UK? Did you read a novel? Zedny Elman Academy 2 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Regular الى الفعل الأصليed يكون بإضافة المقطع.1 Play played فقطd نضيف حرفe الافعال التي تنتهي ب.2 arrive arrived ed ثم تضيفi إلىy نحول حرفy + الافعال التي تنتهي بحرف ساكن.3 Carry carried ed حرف ساكن فإننا نضاعف الحرف الساكن ثم نضيف+ حرف علة+ اذا انتهى الفعل بحرف ساكن.4 Stop stopped yesterday – ago - once - once upon a time last + time ( last week - last month - last year( - in (1980s / 1985 ) Zedny Elman Academy 3 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
المعدود Countable : الأسماء التي يمكن عدها و تقبل دخول sالجمع غير المعدود Uncountable: الأسماء التي لا يمكن عدها ( لصغر حجمها) و لا تقبل دخول sالجمع Zedny Elman Academy 4 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Are there any lentils? P.40 حفظ المعاني التالية غيبا Word Meaning Word Meaning ال make يصنع cupboard خزانة غ Mujaddara بهارات herbs مجدرة spices مكسرات Shopping list أعشاب nuts طحين rice عدس Some/ any قائمة تسوق flour salt lentils ثلاجة pepper أرز زبدة lettuce بعض fridge لبن ملح butter بصل فلفل أسود yoghurt خس onions English – English meanings: E- E Meanings 1 list: a number of connected items 2 cook: stew. 3 lettuce: a plant with leaves that are a usual ingredient of salad. Zedny Elman Academy 5 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Zedny Elman Academy 6 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Grammar: any some -‘any-’ is more often used in negative statements and questions. Some : البعض من تستخدم في الجملة المثبتة ( لا . او سؤالnot تحتوي Any: أي/ البعض من تستخدم في النفي او السؤال Zedny Elman Academy 7 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
بمعنى كي (بسبب) و ياتي بعدها فعل مجرد to جمع مفرد Zedny Elman Academy 8 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Look and say p. 41 1. There are some eggs in the fridge. 2. There -------some yoghurt in the fridge. 3. There -------- some meat in the fridge. 4. There -------some butter in the fridge. 5. There ------some salt in the cupboard. 6. There ------ some flour in the cupboard. 7. There ------ some pepper in the cupboard. 8. There ------some nuts in the cupboard. 9. There ------some onions in the cupboard Zedny Elman Academy 9 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Ask and Answer p. 41 1. Is there any flour?-------------------------------------------- 2. Are there any nuts?------------------------------------------- 3. Are there any herbs?------------------------------------------ 4. Are there any spices?------------------------------------------ 5. Are there any onions? ----------------------------------------- 6. Is there any pepper?------------------------------------------- 7. Is there any yoghurt?------------------------------------------ 8. Are there any eggs?-------------------------------------------- Zedny Elman Academy 10 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Reading p.42 Read the letter below then answer the questions: Word Meaning Word Meaning Special meal وجبة خاصة plate طبق Special days On the top في الأعلى )أيام خاصة ( مميزة enjoy يستمتع sauce مرق/ صلصة Mansaf is a very special meal in Jordan. People eat mansaf on special days. They also eat mansaf when family and friend visit. In mansaf, there is bread, rice, meat, sauce and nuts. People usually eat mansaf from one big plate on the table. At the bottom of the plate, there is some bread. On top of the rice and bread, there is some meat, some sauce and some nuts. People enjoy eating mansaf together. The meal is delicious! 1. When do people in Jordan eat mansaf? ------------------------------ 2. What are the ingredients of mansaf ?------------------------------- 3. How do people usually eat mansaf ? --------------------------- 4. Where do they put the nuts?-------------------------------------- 5. Do they enjoy the meal?----------------------------------- 6. Find out : Noun -------------- verb (present)-------------countable-------- Adjective---------- preposition ---------------uncountable---------------- Put or ) 1. Mansaf is a very special meal in Jordan. ( ) 2. People eat mansaf every day. ( ) 3. People usually eat mansaf frome one big plate . ( Zedny Elman Academy 11 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Going to + verb (base form) We use “Going to” to talk about intentions and future plan. . للتحدث عن النية او عن خطط مستقبليةgoing to نستخدم Forming Sentences Using Going to Affirmative المثبت Subject (she/ he/ it) + is + going to + verb (base form) Omar is going to decorate his room tomorrow. Subject (They/ We/ You) + are + going to + verb (base form) The students are going to submit their papers next week. Subject ( I ) + am + going to + verb (base form I am going to water the flowers this evening. 1. I'm going to --------------------------------to --------------------------- 2. I'm going to ---------------------------------to--------------------------- Zedny Elman Academy 12 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Phonics: الأصوات /b/ butter – rubber- cupboard Rewrite: butter rubber cupboard Zedny Elman Academy 13 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
The meal tastes delicious! P.44 حفظ المعاني التالية غيبا Word Meaning Word Meaning first أولاا next ثم/التالي يقطع الmix يخلط cut feel يشعر then بعد ذلك أخيراا Frying pan مقلاة Finally يقدم taste serve وعاء wash طعم bowl صوت saucepan يغسل sound مزعج hear noisy قدر يسمع English – English meanings: E- E Meanings 1 cut: divide into pieces. 2 Frying pan: a shallow pan with a long handle. 3 saucepan: a deep cooking pan made of metal. 4 mix: blend. Zedny Elman Academy 14 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Write: mix- serve – cook- cut- put- wash Zedny Elman Academy 15 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Look and complete: p.45 1. First, cut the banana and -------it in a big bowl. 2. -------, put some ice cream and some milk in the bowl. 3. -------, -------theme all together. 4. Finally, ---------the drink in glass. Zedny Elman Academy 16 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Reading p.46 Read the paragraph then answer the questions: Word Meaning Word Meaning food طعام plants نباتات Comes from On the top في الأعلى grow يأتي من Give us يعطينا valley يربي/ينمي sides جوانب وادي 1. most of our food comes from------------------and-------------------- 2.They grow plant and keep animals to ------------------------------- 3.-------------------------------------------------------- 4. Eggs come from ------------------------------------------ 5. You can see ------------------------------------------------- 6. The olive trees grow --------------------------------------- 7. -------------------------------------------------------------- 8. find: Noun--------------------verb----------------Adj.---------- Singular----------------plural-----------------direction------------prep.-------- Zedny Elman Academy 17 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Ask and Answer p.47 Taste delicious مذاقه لذيذ Looks beautiful مظهره جميل Sounds noisy صوته مزعج Feels hot يشعر بالحرارة Smells good رائحته جيدة Zedny Elman Academy 18 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Phonics: الأصوات /u:/ food blue June Rewrite: Food blue june Zedny Elman Academy 19 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Why is Kareem excited ? P.48 حفظ المعاني التالية غيبا Word Meaning Word Meaning Why? نسر excited لماذاeagle نعامة project Arabian Oryx متحمسostrich بري باكراا surprise مشروع wild طيار national because ا غزال المهاearly Nature Reserve العربي مفاجأة climb يتسلق برج وطنيtower منظر ثعالب بسببview محمية طبيعيةfoxes English – English meanings: E- E Meanings 1 surprise: an unexpected event 2 wide: animal or plant that live or grow in nature. 3 tower: a tall building . 4 view: sight. Zedny Elman Academy 20 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Ask and Answer : p.49 why? للسؤال عن السبب نسأل بـ .وتعني لماذا because الجواب يكون باستخدام )و معناها لأن ( بسبب a. Why is Issa wearing his football boats? Because he's going to play football. b. Why is Abeer excited? ----------------------------open a -------. c. Why are Abla and her mum at the baker's ? they are going to ………………………………… d. Why is Raed carrying water? --------------------------------------------------- Ask and Answer : p.49 b. Why is Nada looking at a picture? She's looking at the picture because------------------- ------------------------------- c. Why is Zaid carrying a ball? He's carrying a ball because -------------------------- d. Why is Aisha going to the post office? She's going to the post office because ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- Zedny Elman Academy 21 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Reading p.50 Read the paragraph then answer the questions: Word Meaning Word Meaning Sinai نوع من الطيور soil تربة rose finch وردي wild بري Black iris السوسنة السوداء مشهور Countryside الريف famous مشابه same 1. What is the name of Jordan's national bird? . --------------------------------------------------- 2. How the Sinai and Petra are the same? ---------------------------------------------------- 3. What is the name of the national flower of Jordan? 6. Where does it grow? Why?-------------------------------------------------------- 7. Find: Noun-------------- verb-----------possessive--------- --------- adj----- Zedny Elman Academy 22 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Phonics: الأصوات / : / Jordan sauce walk Rewrite Jordan sauce Zedny Elman Academy 23 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Look and say p. 52 : 1. I'm going to the market to ………………………………………………. 2. I'm going to the ……………………to …………………….some bread. 3. I'm going to the butcher's to ……………………………………….. 4. I'm …………………………………………… buy a blouse Look, and write Pupil 1 : Is there any salt?--------------------- Is there any bread?------------------ Are there any nuts?------------------ Pupil 2 : Is there any butter?------------------------ Are there any eggs?--------------------------- Zedny Elman Academy 24 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Is there any yoghurt?------------------------- Write the missing letter: ------utter cu-- -- oard f-- --d J-- --dan Bl-- -- J--n-- Zedny Elman Academy 25 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
You should play sports P.56 حفظ المعاني التالية غيبا Word Meaning Word Meaning Talk about الكثير من يتحدث عنA lot of مشروبات غازية health يتأخر important صحةFizzy drinks طاقة لذلك poster مهمlate بسبب should Shouldn't ملصقenergy يجبso لا يجبbecause English – English meanings: E- E Meanings 1 health : the state of being free from illness. 2 poster: a large printed picture used for decoration. 3 fizzy: containing bubbles of gas. 4 energy: power. Zedny Elman Academy 26 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Zedny Elman Academy 27 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
look and say p. 57 should / shouldn't 1. you -------------play sports. You ------------ watch a lot of television. 2. you -------------go to bed early . You ------------ go to bed late. 3. you -------------eat salad. You ------------ eat a lot of ice cream. 4. You ------------drink water. You -------------drink a lot of fizzy drink. Grammar : تربط جملتين احداهما سبب للأخر ُى حيث تأتي قبل جملة السبب كالآتيbecause: كلمة و النتيجة غيابها عن المدرسةbecause لأن النتيجة\" هنا مرضها سبب وذكر بعدbecause السبب Soha didn't go to school because she was sick : قبل جملة النتيجة كالآتيso تربط جملتين احداهما نتيجة للأخري حيث تأتيso : كلمة لذلك السببso النتيجة Soha was sick so she didn't go to school. Zedny Elman Academy 28 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Zedny Elman Academy 29 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Talk about you p. 57 so / because 1. I play sports,-------------I am healthy. 2. I eat fruit and vegetables,------------I am healthy. 3. I am not tired ----------- I go to bed early. 4. I have a lot of energy, ------------ I play sports. Zedny Elman Academy 30 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Reading p.58 Word Meaning Word Meaning good at جيد بـ exercise تمرين running ركض muscles Olympic Games العضلات strong ألعاب الأولومبية harder بجد قوي heart قلب 1. Who's Methkal Abu Dhrais?-------------------------------------------------- 2. Where is he from?------------------------------------------------------------ 3. When did he run?------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Is he strong and healthy?---------------------------------------------------- 5. What is the benefit of the exercises?-------------------------------------- 6. Why should you do some exercise every day?------------------------------- 7. Find out: Noun---------------verb--------------Adj.-------------------------- Prep.--------------Article------------ pro.------------------------ Zedny Elman Academy 31 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
look and write: p. 59 1. He's got a stomachache. He -----------eat a lot of cake. 2. He -----------drink a lot of fizzy drinks. He ---------- drink water. 3. She's got a toothache. She ---------------go to the dentist's. Phonics: الأصوات /z/ zoo fizzy clothes exercise Rewrite 32 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0 Zedny Elman Academy
zoo fizzy Clothes exercise Zedny Elman Academy 33 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
There was a great celebration P.60 حفظ المعاني التالية غيبا Word Meaning Word Meaning enjoyed ألعاب نارية Independence Day استمتعFireworks بانتباه crowds ملون يوم الاستقلالcarefully عرض laugh عظيم G national flags حشودcolourful احتفال ممتع wave يضحك display يطرق noise دواء band أعلام وطنيةgreat National song يلوحcelebration ضجيجInteresting فرقةknock أغنية وطنيةmedicine English – English meanings: E- E Meanings 1 crowds: a large number of people gathered. 2 wave: move one's hand . 3 band: a group of people who have a common purpose . 4 fireworks: a colorful flames in the sky. Past Continuous الماضي المستمر Zedny Elman Academy 34 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Uses الاستخدامات 1. We use past continuous to describe a background of a story written in the past. سرد أحداث قصة حصلت في الزمن الماضي \"She was looking for her baby\" 2. We use past continuous to describe an unfinished action in the past which was interrupted by another action. حدث طويل حدث في الزمن الماضي قطعه حدث آخر “While he was typing his homework, the lights went off.” ) بينماكان يطبع واجبه( الحدث الأول) انطفأت الضواء ( حدث ثاني قام بقطع الحدث الأول Forming Past Continuous Affirmative المثبت Subject (she/ he/ it/ I) + was + verb (ing) Carol was mending her car. Subject (They/ We/ You) + were + verb (ing) The teachers were preparing for the graduation party. Negative النفي Subject (she/ he/ it/ I) + was not (wasn’t) + verb (ing) Carol wasn’t mending her car. Subject (They/ We/ You) + were not (weren’t) + verb (ing) The teacher weren’t preparing for the graduation party. Zedny Elman Academy 35 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Interrogative السؤال Was + Subject (she/ he/ it/ I) + verb (ing) + verb (ing) Was Jill making a cake? Were + Subject (they/ we/ you) Were the students doing an exam? Examples Last night at 6 PM, I was eating dinner. I was studying while he was making dinner. كنت أدرس بينماكان يعد العشاء What were you doing while you were waiting? ماذا كنت تفعل بينما كنت تنتظر look, and correct: p. 61 1. Last week, people ---------(be/wave) flags. There --------(be) planes in the sky. There --------(be) a band. There --------(not/be) many cars. It ----------(be) sunny. The sun------(be/ shine). 2. There--------( not/be) crowds today. There ------(be) four people . two people ------------(be/ talk). A man -------(be/ride) a bike. A different man ----- --------(be/talk) on the phone. There --------(be) a lot of cars in the street. There ---------(be) birds in the sky. It ------------(not/be) sunny. Zedny Elman Academy 36 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Read, and answer: p. 62 Word Meaning Word Meaning celebrate يحتفل Hashemite Kingdome od Jordan المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية Independence Day يوم الاستقلال Majesty جلالته enjoy يستمتع married متزوج 1. 2. 3. 1. We celebrate Jordan's independence on --------------------------- 2. On this day, people----------------------------- ---------------------- 3. The first Independence Day was on--------------------------------- 4. The first King of Jordan was ---------------------------------------- 5. He became King in---------------------------------------------------- 6. He has ---------------------------------------------------------------- 7. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Give me a : Noun---------verb1 -------------verb2--------- Adj----- ------article------------- pro.----------- Zedny Elman Academy 37 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Phonics: الأصوات /n/ national - tennis- k×nock - medicine Rewrite national tennis knock medicine Zedny Elman Academy 38 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Life will be different. P.64 حفظ المعاني التالية غيبا Word Meaning Word Meaning life الحياة meal وجبة will scientists علماء سوف invent يخترع different مختلف Flying car hundred مائة astronaut سيارة طائرة I think أنا أظن discover رائد فضاء everyone كل شخص planet يكتشف skyscraper ناطحة سحاب architect رجل آلي design كوكب robot يحضر مهندس معماري prepare يصمم English – English meanings: E- E Meanings 1 different: not the same. 2 skyscraper: a very tall building of many stories. 3 invent: create. 4 discover: find out. 5 architect: a person who designs buildings. Zedny Elman Academy 39 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Will predictions التنبؤات We can use ‘will’ or ’ll to talk about the future and make future predictions. تنبؤ شيء ما في المستقبل I’ll live in a big house when I’m older. For the negative, we can say ‘will not’ or ‘won’t’. في النفي تصبح - I won’t go to school. Offers (will) عرض او تقديم مساعدة We can use ‘will’ or ’ll to make offers. Sue: I can’t move these heavy boxes Rosa: will I help you? _______ Teacher: Someone left the door open. Student: I will close it. Promises الوعود We can use ‘will’ or ’ll to make promises. We can also use ‘will not’ or ‘won’t’. Jack: It is a secret. Ben: I won’t tell anybody. _______ Zedny Elman Academy 40 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Choose: offer, promise or prediction 1. Come on, I’ll help you with those bags. (offer, promise, prediction) 2. I will always be by your side. (offer, promise, prediction) 3. Will you solve this problem alone or will you need some help? (offer, promise, prediction) 4. I think that the weather will be worse by night. (offer, promise, prediction) 5. He will get ill if he doesn’t eat properly. (offer, promise, prediction) 6. I promise I won’t ever do it again. (offer, promise, prediction) Fill the gaps with (will). I .................. be twelve next Monday. .................... I help you? I ..................... never finish studying by time. My parents .................... visit my uncle next week. ........................ you come with me? ...................... I close the door? Zedny Elman Academy 41 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Look and complete: p.65 1. In a hundred years, I think that people ------ -----(live) in skyscraper. 2. In a hundred years, I think children---------- --------(have) school trips to the moon. 3. In a hundred year, I think that scientists ------------(invite) roads in the sky for flying cars. 4. In a hundred years, I think that astronauts -----------(discover) new plants. 5. In a hundred years, I think that robots -----------(wash) cars. Read, and answer: p. 66 Word Meaning Word Meaning buildings بنايات مهندس معماري طوابق architect يصمم floors فراغ design مكتب space office Zedny Elman Academy 42 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
1. How were the buildings in the past in Amman? ) --------------------------------------------------- ) 2. How will the architects design buildings? ---------------------------------------------------- 3. How many floors will the buildings have in Amman? ------------------------------------------------------ 4. Find : Noun--------- simple future---------- Adj.-----------------prep.--------------- city------------ Put or 1. Kareem thinks that architects will design taller building. ( 2. The new buildings won't be the taller than 35 floors. ( look and complete: p.67 1. I think that Ahmad -----------------(be) an astronaut. I think that he ----------------(discover) new places. 2. I think that Omar -------------(be) an architect. I think he ----- (design) buildings. 3. I think that Mariam ---------(be) a teacher. I think that she --- -------( teach) English. 4. I think that Zeinab ----------(be) a scientist. I think that ------- ( invent) something. Zedny Elman Academy 43 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Phonics: الأصوات /aI/ × bike × skyscraper firefighter climb Rewrite firefighter skyscraper Zedny Elman Academy 44 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Have you ever climb a mountain? P.68 حفظ المعاني التالية غيبا Word Meaning Word Meaning map خارطة port ميناء Nature Reserve يبحر north-east محمية طبيعية sail Have you ever? شمال شرقي Red sea البحر الأحمر highest هل سبق وأن؟ Dead sea البحر الميت أعلى lowest أخفض English – English meanings: E- E Meanings 1 port: a town where ships load. 2 sail: travel in a boat. 3 map: a picture of an area pf land or sea. 4 lowest: of less than average.. Zedny Elman Academy 45 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Present Perfect المضارع التام The present perfect is used to indicate a link between the present and the past. The time of the action is before now but not specified, and we are often more interested in the result than in the action itself حيث ان زمن الفعل قبل الوقت الحالي ( غير محدد) ويكون.يشير إلى الرابط بين الحاضر و الماضي .التركيز على نتيجة الفعل اكثر من الفعل نفسه Uses: الاستخدامات 1. An action or situation that started in the past and continues in the present. حدث بدأ في الماضي و استمر للوقت الحاضر I have lived in Bristol since 1984. 2. A repeated action in an unspecified period between the past and now. حدث متكرر في وقت غير محدد في القترة ما بين الماضي و الآن We have visited Portugal several times 3. An action that was completed in the very recent past, expressed by 'just'. ) حدث اكتمل مؤخ ًرا ( للتو I have just finished my work. Zedny Elman Academy 46 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Forming Present Perfect Affirmative المثبت Subject he / she / it have / has past participle (v3) they/ we / you/ I has visited. Negative have Subject past participle(v3) he / she / it have/ has + not visited. they/ we / you/ I has not (hasn't) Interrogative have not (haven’t) past participle(v3) Have / Has visited? Has subject Have he / she / it they/ we / you/ I Keywords Just – Yet – Already Lately – Recently Ever - Never Examples • We have just done our homework. • I have already read this book. • I have recently met her in the library. • I have never been to France. • Have you found the book yet? • Have you ever been to Egypt? • Lately, I have bought a new car. Zedny Elman Academy 47 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Correct the verb between brackets , using present perfect tense. 1. He ....................................................... ( just/ find) a title for his 2. We ....................................................... ( never/ come) late. 3. You ....................................................... ( finish/ not) eating yet! 4. I ....................................................... ( just/ see) an eagle. 5. He ....................................................... ( already finish) reading the story. Have you ever? 1. Have you ever been to Amman international Stadium? Yes, I have No, I haven't 2. Have you ever ----------------(swim) in the sea? ------------------------------------ 3. Have you ever ------------(be) to a football match? ---------------------------------- I have = I've / they have = they've / we have = we've He has = he's / she has = she's Zedny Elman Academy 48 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0
Ask and Answer: p.69 1. Have you ever--------(visit) a nature reserve? 2. Have you ever--------(visit) a castle. 3. Have you ever----------(sail) from a port? 4. Have you ever----------( climb) a mountain? 5. Have you ever---------( play) table tennis? Zedny Elman Academy 49 QFD-01 Issue 1 Rev 0