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Home Explore Being Safe

Being Safe

Published by CCA, 2018-09-04 12:32:37

Description: Being Safe


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Being Safe

Know Names and NumbersYou should know your full name.You should know the names of your parents or guardians.You should know your phone number.You should know your address.Knowing where your home is and a nearby landmark is helpful too!Take time to practice this now.

Do Not  Talk to StrangersDo not talk to strangers, take anything from them, or goanywhere with them.

Do Not Play With FireDo not ever play with a lighter or matches.You can easily start a fire or get burned!

Crossing the Street Always look both ways before crossing the street.Make sure no cars are coming before you cross.This will keep you safe while walking on the street.

Wear a HelmetYou should wear a helmet when you ride a bike, a scooter, orwhen you skate.

Play SafeAlways play safe on the playground.There should be an adult watching you on the playground.Wait for your turn before climbing on the equipment.Take turns, never push or shove others.Make sure you only use the equipment the way it is supposed to beused.

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