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Home Explore ASEAN-Charter


Published by jaruwan_abac, 2017-12-06 21:28:29

Description: ASEAN-Charter


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.ederation of ASEAN Shippers’ CouncilUS-ASEAN Business CouncilIII. THINK TANKS AND ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONSASEAN-ISIS NetworkIV. ACCREDITED CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANISATIONS THE ASEAN CHARTER • ANNEX 2ASEAN Academics of Science, Engineering andTechnology (ASEAN CASE)ASEAN Academy of Engineering and Technology (AAET)ASEAN Association for Clinical Laboratory Sciences(AACLS)ASEAN Association for Planning and Housing (AAPH)ASEAN Association of Radiologists (AAR)ASEAN Chess Confederation (ACC)ASEAN Confederation of Employers (ACE)ASEAN Confederation of Women’s Organisation (ACWO)ASEAN Constructors .ederation (AC.)ASEAN Cosmetics Association (ACA)ASEAN Council for Japan Alumni (ASCOJA)ASEAN Council of Teachers (ACT)ASEAN .ederation for Psychiatric and Mental Health(A.PMH)ASEAN .ederation of Accountants (A.A)ASEAN .ederation of Electrical Engineering Contractors(A.EEC)ASEAN .ederation of Engineering Organization (A.EO)ASEAN .ederation of .lying Clubs (A..C)ASEAN .ederation of .orwarders Associations (A..A) \"%

THE ASEAN CHARTER • ANNEX 2ASEAN .ederation of Heart .oundation (A.H.) ASEAN .ederation of Land Surveying and Geomatics (ASEAN .LAG) ASEAN .ederation of Mining Association (A.MA) ASEAN .isheries .ederation (A..) ASEAN .ootball .ederation (A..) ASEAN .orest Products Industry Club (A.PIC) ASEAN .orestry Students Association (A.SA) ASEAN Handicraft Promotion and Development Association (AHPADA) ASEAN Kite Council (AKC) ASEAN Law Association (ALA) ASEAN Law Students Association (ALSA) ASEAN Music Industry Association (AMIA) ASEAN Neurosurgical Society (ANS) ASEAN NGO Coalition on Ageing ASEAN Non-Governmental Organizations for the Prevention of Drugs and Substance Abuse ASEAN Oleochemical Manufacturers Group (AOMG) ASEAN Orthopaedic Association (AOA) ASEAN Paediatric .ederation (AP.) ASEAN Para Sports .ederation (APS.) ASEAN Ports Association (APA) ASEAN Thalassaemia Society (ATS) ASEAN Valuers Association (AVA) ASEAN Vegetable Oils Club (AVOC) Asian Partnership for Development of Human Resources in Rural Asia (AsiaDHRRA) Committee for ASEAN Youth Cooperation (CAYC) .ederation of ASEAN Consulting Engineers (.ACE) .ederation of ASEAN Public Relations Organizations (.APRO) .ederation of ASEAN Shipowners’ Associations (.ASA) Medical Association of Southeast Asian Nations\"&

Committee (MASEAN) THE ASEAN CHARTER • ANNEX 2Rheumatism Association of ASEAN (RAA)Southeast Asia Regional Institute for Community andEducation (SEARICE)Southeast Asian Studies Regional Exchange Program(SEASREP) .oundationVeterans Confederation of ASEAN Countries(VECONAC)V. OTHER STAKEHOLDERS IN ASEANASEANAPOL.ederation of Institutes of .ood Science and Technologyin ASEAN (.I.STA)Southeast Asian .isheries Development Centre(SEA.DEC)Working Group for an ASEAN Human Rights Mechanism \"'

THE ASEAN CHARTER • ANNEX 3 ANNEX 3 ASEAN FLAG The ASEAN Flag represents a stable, peaceful, united and dynamic ASEAN. The colours of the Flag — blue, red, white and yellow — represent the main colours of the flags of all the ASEAN Member States. The blue represents peace and stability. Red depicts courage and dynamism. White shows purity and yellow symbolises prosperity. The stalks of padi represent the dream of ASEAN’s Founding Fathers for an ASEAN comprising all the countries in Southeast Asia bound together in friendship and solidarity. The circle represents the unity of ASEAN.#

The specification of Pantone Colour adopted for the THE ASEAN CHARTER • ANNEX 3colours of the ASEAN .lag are:Blue : Pantone 19-4053 TCRed : Pantone 18-1655 TCWhite : Pantone 11-4202 TCYellow : Pantone 13-0758 TC.or the printed version, the specifications of colours(except white) will follow those for the colours of theASEAN Emblem, i.e.:Blue : Pantone 286 or Process Colour 100C 60M 0Y 6KRed : Pantone Red 032 or Process Colour 0C 91M 87Y 0KYellow : Pantone Process Yellow or Process Colour 0C 0M 100Y 0KThe ratio of the width to the length of the .lag is two tothree, and the size specifications for the following .lagsare:Table .lag : 10 cm x 15 cmRoom .lag : 100 cm x 150 cmCar .lag : 10 cm x 30 cm.ield .lag : 200 cm x 300 cm #

THE ASEAN CHARTER • ANNEX 4 ANNEX 4 ASEAN EMBLEM The ASEAN Emblem represents a stable, peaceful, united and dynamic ASEAN. The colours of the Emblem — blue, red, white and yellow — represent the main colours of the crests of all the ASEAN Member States. The blue represents peace and stability. Red depicts courage and dynamism. White shows purity and yellow symbolises prosperity. The stalks of padi represent the dream of ASEAN’s Founding Fathers for an ASEAN comprising all the countries in Southeast Asia bound together in friendship and solidarity. The circle represents the unity of ASEAN. The specification of Pantone Colour adopted for the colours of the ASEAN Emblem are: Blue : Pantone 286 Red : Pantone Red 032 Yellow : Pantone Process Yellow#

.or four-colour printing process, the specifications of THE ASEAN CHARTER • ANNEX 4colours will be:Blue : 100C 60 M 0Y 6K (100C 60M 0Y 10K)Red : 0C 91M 87Y 0K (0C 90M 90Y 0K)Yellow : 0C 0M 100Y 0KSpecifications in brackets are to be used when an arbitrarymeasurement of process colours is not possible.In Pantone Process Colour Simulator, the specificationsequal to:Blue : Pantone 204-1Red : Pantone 60-1Yellow : Pantone 1-3The font used for the word “ASEAN” in the Emblem islower-case Helvetica in bold. #!

One Vision, One Identity, One Community

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