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Home Explore Talking Carp Magazine Issue 2 - February 2016

Talking Carp Magazine Issue 2 - February 2016

Published by Talking Carp Magazine, 2016-02-01 18:14:28

Description: Talking Carp Magazine Issue 2 - First Release.

Keywords: talking carp,carp fishing magazine,talking carp magazine,brian dixon,pendle view fishery,carp fishing,north west socials,danny walsh


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Greetings One and All. This month we have plenty for you again. We have Martin Clarke giv-Let me start by giving out a mas- ing us part 2 of “A Chat With…” andsive thank you… a thank you to this month he talks bait and rigs.each and every one of you whocontributed, read, played compe- Scott “Geezer” Grant introducestitions with, added on Facebook, us to “The Pretty One” and you willadvertised in and generally got see exactly how this carp got herinvolved with issue 1 when we name!launched last month. There’s no stopping Lee EnglandThe response has been overwhelm- as he continues catching carp af-ing and Team Talking Carp thank ter carp.each and every one of you. It was ahell of a launch, and the response Ross Hunter shows how he ringshas been fantastic…. Good times!! the changes to turn a blank into a successful trip to France in Decem-First point of business... massive ber.congratulations to angler DeanFletcher on landing The Parrot at a Teekay continues to share to life-new record weight of 68lb and 1oz. time of angling tales with us.I’m sure all the weights and meas-ures criteria will be fulfilled and And more.check out and we will have a newBritish record carp!! We announce the winner of the Ridge Monkey toaster and RigTagWell done Dean. camo toaster sleeve inside! A brand new competition to win the A.C.A carbon throwing stick in this issue… and what a piece of kit this is!! We hope you enjoy this month, and please don’t hesitate to get in touch either via our Facebook page or email directly [email protected] Until next time, Be lucky and stay safe. The Talking Carp Team.

- In this Issue...3 Editorial by Brian Dixon6 A Chat With… Martin Clarke20 Looking Back by Lee Upstone27 On Sunday by Neal Willetts35 Bad Session pt 2 by Ethan Carper42 The Pretty One by Scott “Geezer” Grant51 Dad, Can I Come by Mike Darnill54 Before The Blossoms Pop by Wies Ennekens63 My Way With P.V.A by Ross Hunter69 A Year That Was by Peter Carr81 The Quest For A Twenty by Derek Howie94 Ah, The Scouse That Got Away by Danny Dixon99 1975 And On by “Hookpull”102 Target Fishing by Lee England112 Pulling Power by Scott Rowson114 A Suitable Case For Treatment by Phil Bury126 And So It Began by Ady Fytche129 An Anglers Journey by TeeKay138 Update - Dan Hulme142 Winter Session On Jonchery by Ross Hunter146 A.C.A monthly Update

A Chat With -Mr. Martin ClarkePt 2...

We welcome Martin back tive. Not that there’s what gets the desiredfor some more chat, and anything wrong with results in the times atwith us getting another boilies or particles, our disposal.look into a very experi- the main thing is theenced mind such as his... carp we are fishing I like to cover bothwe can’t help but seek for have got to eat options when fishingout some answers as this the bait if we’re going in the UK for carp,time we talk bait and to get our chance of so I will take boilies catching them whilst and particles when-rigs… fishing over bait. ever I foresee fishing on the bottom. If inQ1) Over the years I think the reason doubt then I’ll have a perhaps why we are different bait, or baitwe have seen the seeing more anglers presentation, on eachbait for carp change using alternative rod and let time anddramatically from baits is the type of results determine fu-maggots, meat and venues being fished, ture decisions.potatoes all those prepared particlesyears ago, through to supplied in jars or One thing I havethe explosion of the buckets and the de- learnt over the yearsboiled paste baits... velopment of spods is that there can bethe boilies… and just and spombs. I could a fine line betweenlately it seems more also add the fact that catching occasionallyand more anglers are many anglers are to catching consist-switching back to getting to grips with ently, and it’s not justnaturals with sweet measuring lines and a case of firing outcorn, maggots, hemp clipping up, therefore boilies or spoddingseed and nuts proving fishing more accu- out a bucket of parti-to be very much in rately. cles every single timevogue at the moment we go fishing. Some-and landing some As anglers we all times fishing singlehuge carp on the seem to want the hookbaits can be verysmallest of baits. same thing, which effective. is convenient baitDo you think the day that gets results andof the boilie for carp doesn’t break themay be numbered as bank account. £20 formore and more an- a sack of Hemp, £35glers look for alterna- for a sack of fishmealtive baits? pellets and another £20 on tins of Sweet-A1) In short, no I corn, or £75 for 10kg of boilies. Obviouslydon’t believe the boil- it can all depend onie days may be num- where we are fishing,bered. Yes, there may the numbers of fish,be a lot of anglers us- and then determininging alternative baits,but then that’s alwaysbeen the case frommy personal perspec-

Q2) As you walk onto sponsored angler, I will on both baits, so de- use what I have faith cided to go in nexta new water for the in and/or use the bait time with just XLR-8,first time... how would I have been asked to like I say there’s onlyyou start your personal use, so in effect I have one way to find outbaiting plan? How do a restricted armoury of sometimes. As luckyou decide which boil- baits at my disposal. would have it XLR-8ie or bait to use? What turned out to be verylittle clues do you look Put another way, an- effective, and funnilyfor? glers that aren’t spon- enough within a short sored in any way can period of time a fewA2) I wouldn’t say I use absolutely any- other anglers also got thing and everything, onto it and we all hadhave any baiting plan do their own thing or many memorable mo-when I walk onto a simply jump on what’s ments including thenew venue. Prior to any doing the runs so to biggest carp in thefirst visit with fishing speak. I have in the pond on consecutivein mind I will usually past teamed up with days.have a walk around a a few friends and allfew times just to fa- used the same boilies, One strange thingmiliarise myself with which has helped as was how certain carpthe venue, it’s swims, it can speed up estab- almost became ad-and hopefully spot a lishing that bait, but dicted to them, withcarp or two. Time of it’s not always neces- me catching anotheryear, on those first few sary and I’m just as specific 40lb plus carpvisits, will determine happy to use some- three times in threewhat I do, also taking thing perhaps the carp months going frominto account of other in that venue have yet 40.02lb up to 43lb as itanglers if there’s many to encounter. gained weight duringfishing. the autumn. As an example, a fewI also think as an- years ago Richworth I’d never caught thisglers our first year on asked me to try out carp before, and evena venue is more of a a new boilie called though we can neverlearning year, unless XLR-8. Previous to this say which carp we loseof course you’re a full I was using a boilie now and again, it obvi-time angler then your called Ultraplex, and ously liked that boilie aexpected to come up catching carp, so I de- lot because if it didn’ttrumps more often cided to fish both baits then it wouldn’t havethan not regardless. side by side, so to graced my net three speak, swapping rods times and avoidedWhich baits or boilies and baits. On the very everyone else’s.I use on a new venue first session I caughtwill be based on a fewthings. For one, being a

Q3) How does your months and it’s usually ing up at the right time localized spots, which is better than baitingbaiting plan change produce the takes, or up at the wrong time,through the year, if at other methods such as so you have to acceptall? zigging or floater fish- that if you stick to one ing. specific time to bait upA3) Well I wouldn’t throughout the entire Wherever we fish I year you will make mis-say my baiting plan think it comes down to takes. Sometimes it’schanges that much our own thoughts on best to bait your swimthroughout the sea- baiting strategies for at first light, some-sons. each venue based on times middle of the weather conditions and day, and sometimesAs regards quantity hopefully carp activity at dusk, the answersthen I probably use in your chosen swim. can only be found outmore in the summer by fishing and observa-months, but not a lot Like a lot of things tion.more than say during with carp fishing, bait-December. January andFebruary can be funny

Q4) Would you care to came out with their you can almost guaran- Krusha, and introduc- tee your hookbait willshare any sneaky little ing this to my spots get sampled.hints and tips with our either included in myreaders that you may spod mix or via funnel I’ve got an ice-creamhave been keeping un- web PVA stick mixes tub with a 50/50 mix ofder your hat to get the has improved results. 2.3mm Fishmeal pel-best out of any bait? lets and blitzed boilies This increase in attrac- specifically for fishingA4) To get the best tion is simply because at medium range and the ingredients and ad- introducing to marginalout of any bait it’s best ditives within the boilie spots.used in the right places are not locked insideat the right time. So as by the skin of the boil- I did something sim-with anything related ie, it’s almost like an ilar many moons agoto actually fishing for explosion of additives, with blitzed Tiger nutscarp it does help if you/ which again can be which proved worthme are on/at the right enhanced with some doing, and I’ve matesend of the pond, lol. liquid stimulus such who’ve done similar as liquid fish protein if with Brazil nuts so I’mLocation of the carp casting out small stick sure the introductionwill put us in good mixes. of the nut particles andstead, after that then juices generates an al-the more intense we In effect with blitzed most instant response.can make them feed boilies we’re creating Might have to give thisthe better. With this in a carpet feed, sending another go this comingmind I started blitzing out all the signals of summer.boilies in a food blend- FOOD, and if they likeer years ago, and on what they can smellthe bank with a handgrinder since Korda

Q5) Let’s say that but as I never go any- Of course with no where without some knowledge or littleyou’ve been given one floaters in my van I’d knowledge of the ven-shot at a water with a have to ditch the pel- ue in question I canreal prize specimen in, lets. only hope I’ve madeand you’re allowed 3 the right choice, inbaits to take with you... If it was just for a day reality we have sometell us what you’re tak- session, then Hemp, idea of the size anding! Sweetcorn and boil- stock of the venue and ies. Can I get away what others have usedA5) Blimey Brian, with different size boil- to good effect, which ies and/or fake hook- can help dictate a lotyou’re not giving me baits, lol. No, oh well of things as far as baiteasy to answer ques- 14mm’s, and just hope goes, not just quantitytions, lol. Well if it was I haven’t got to cast but all the other alter-somewhere in England out far. natives out there.and I could fish for 3days I’d take Hemp,pellets and boilies,

“I’m no expert on the Chod,and I suppose you could sayit’s just a variation of some 80’s helicopter rig...”

Q6) It’s all about hardly moving from rigs were tangled. I the spot, no doubt was using a supplepresentation… sucking and blowing braid hooklink at the to eject the rig. time, and I’m fairlyAnd as good as your certain my rigs hadbait may be…. if it Going back a few at some stage beenisn’t correctly present- years, I can re-call ejected, possibly moreed it can be rejected fishing a marginal than once.without even a hint of spot on one particu-bite… lar venue and I had A very educational carp feeding for a few blank session in myHave you ever seen hours and didn’t even book. There wereyour own rigs rejected get a sniff of a bite. no coated braidedin such a manner that I could sense I was, hooklinks availableyou’ve had to go away or had, been done, or at that time, so nextand completely re- more to the point the time I fished the ex-think your strategy? rigs just weren’t work- act same spot I used ing. So after spooking hooklinks that I’d su-A6) Good question. the carp off the spot per glued straight. by throwing a hand-Yes, presentation is ful of hemp on top of I also ditched the sim-important, and by say- them, ple knotless knot riging rejected without for something else anda hint of a bite what I reeled in both rods didn’t use as muchyou really mean is if and both rigs just Hemp, and simplyand when the hookbait looked a tangled chucked in an extraentered the mouth the mess. Thinking I got handful of 14mm boil-bait was either blown to get my rigs back ies.out by the carp or it on the spot before thesimply fell out as the moment disappeared Didn’t get done a sec-carp moved away with I simply pulled of the ond time, or third orits mouth open, and pop-ups, stuck a fresh fourth time, lol.the hook simply failed pop-up back on one rig most instant re-to enter the mouth and a normal 14mm sponse. Might have toproperly or fell out boilie on the other, give this another goand failed to prick any/ and then swung the this coming summer.or enough tissue for rigs back onto thethe hook to penetrate feeding spot, afterenough to give us having to semi-spooksome form of indica- them off again. An-tion to pick the rod up. other hour of feeding, and still no bites, untilYes, I’ve seen this eventually they drift-happen. I’ve also wit- ed off one by one untilnessed carp trying to the moment had com-rid themselves of rigs, pletely gone. When Iwhich have pricked reeled in again bothflesh with the carp

Q7) It’s not hard to D section and rig ring I know it’s getting off used to attach a pop- the subject of Chods,notice that there’s isn’t up. but just think back toreally anything new the early 80’s and mostin the carp rig depart- The helicopter rigs swivels available werement, just some tweak- being used in the 80’s, bright or shiny, someing and minor changes that I saw in use, were even chrome alter the mechanics more typical six to ten And hooks weren’tslightly of most rigs, inches of either braid much better. Now infor example it’s been or mono hooklinks and 2016 most rig itemssaid that today’s chod normally fished with are black or coloured,rig is just a variation of bottom baits. usually with a dull fin-an 80s helicopter rig, ish.what’s your thoughts Thankfully most as-on this? pects regarding carp The Chod hooks we fishing has improved see today, with shortA7) I’m no expert on over the years, and shank and out-turned almost every year new eyes, weren’t around inthe Chod, and I sup- products enter the the 80’s, and the stiffpose you could say frame, which in turn mono hooklink ma-it’s just a variation of then gets subjected to terials we see today,some 80’s helicopter use by those trying to which can be curvedrig but simply saying improve their results. make it all work so‘just a variation’ could I’ve no doubt some of applied to many us could drag out thir- In reality The Chod rig,things and to me ty-year-old tackle and as we know it today, go out and catch some- is just the end sectionThe Chod rigs we see thing, but sooner or lat- of a stiff hinge rig, fortoday are different sim- er market forces come arguments sake moreply because it’s a very into play and improve- refined than what youshort mono hooklink, ments take place. saw in the 80’s Brian.usually connected to aring swivel with a small

Q8) And just to follow the mouth of any fish. At first I didn’t realise how good it was, as Ion nicely from that, I If I was to compare got side tracked withhave noticed that you it to let’s say using a other rigs, but when Iare a huge fan of the ring on the shank of a started using it again“slip D rig” right now hook, then this rig will with different hooksand rightly so from the get more bites simply and hooklink materi-reports I’m hearing… because it is more ef- als it always seemedwould you mind show- fective and less easy to work. As far as fish-ing us how to tie it, and for the carp to deal ing baits on the bot-explain the strengths with than a ring on the tom go the Slip-D hasand advantages of this shank type rig. outscored everythingrig over other similar else I’ve tried, usedtype rigs? On some fisheries it and tested. Having was twice as effective, also used the sameA8) I could do a step- trust me. You’ve only rigs with pop-ups many got to hold a Slip-D rig timesby-step guide on how in your hand with ato tie up a Slip-D rig, bait, or multiple baits, I have a lot of faithbut it would need a few tied to the rig ring to using it with any baitpages so perhaps an- realise the difference presentation. I get aother time for Talking to that with a ring on fair amount of feed-Carp readers. the shank rig as the back via Facebook, and hookbait has a limited from friends fishingI have written about amount of travel, un- lakes I’m familiar with,it in the past in other like the Slip-D which al- from Slip-D fans andpublications, and go lows far more hook and all seem to be havingthrough the mechan- hookbait separation. some good sessions.ics of the rig in great Based on my personaldetail within my new It was designed for experiences I will nev-book ‘Heads Down with fishing bottom er use a rig ring on theTails Up’, and to be baits, or multiple bot- shank of a hook everhonest perhaps a few tom baits, with the again, but that’s not todecent images will added bonus the same say they don’t work,reveal how it’s tied and rig could/can be used it’s just that my time iswhy it works so well for fishing pop-ups, valuable and Slip-D’severywhere it gets wafters, particles, bits are more effective.used. of meat or anything else you think a carpThe strengths and ad- will sample.vantages of the Slip-Dare in the D section,which should be sup-ple, i.e. un-coatedbraid. The D section ofa Slip-D is not fixed, asis/was with the originalD rig, which in turn al-lows the hookbait andhook to act more inde-pendently once inside

Q9) Would you con- normally when I get Fishing one particular the mixers out it’s not method or style can atsider yourself more for an hour trying to times be time wastedof a “baited area, sit snatch a carp off the and mental feel likeand wait” kind of an- surface. If they’re on your flogging a deadgler, or are you just the top all day, or most horse, and if carp areas happy to catapult of it, then I’m happy to cruising around in thedog biscuits out for an fish into dark fishing on upper layers refusinghour with the hope of the surface. to go down to the bot-snatching one off the tom then it’s down totop or even fish zig rigs Looking back through each an everyone of usat various depths to my records then 2009 to make tactical deci-catch those cruising was one of my better sions, or not.carp subsurface? years when it came down to fishing on the I’ve had more than thir-A9) There have been surface. ty 30’s on my home- made cork cubes offtimes when I’ve adopt- I never fished a single the top, but I also useed the ‘Bait, sit and night before August, them for zig fishingwait’ approach, but one just fished with one rod which again is prob-thing I’m not is a sit April, May, June and ably an under-ratedand wait type of angler July, before I started method in the eyes ofif/when fishing some- doing any 48hr or 72hr some but clearly ef-where with some free- session. fective on some lakesdom to move about. in the right place and Excuse me if I don’t time.I like to think of my- count those underself as an old dog with 30lb, but I had 31 carp Next year we’ll be talk-many tricks up my over 30lb, and 18 of ing about anchoredsleeve, knowing from those were caught fish- floater fishing, and toexperience that there ing with just one rod. some this will be new;is a time and place for 13 off the top, and 5 perhaps if we think ofall different methods to stalked fishing on the a catchy carp name it’llcatch those carp we all bottom. be the next new thingdesire. Brian, lol. I think my shortestYes, there will be times session was less thanI could be fairly static, an hour, just enoughbut there will probably time for a couple ofbe more times in which casts before connect-I’d be extremely mo- ing with an upper thir-bile, stalking with min- ty.imal tackle or floaterfishing with one rod.One thing I am good atis surface fishing, and

Q10) As with all ded- tre cut so it looks more are set at a slight up- like guttering. These ward angle so the rigsicated and enthusias- pipes are then placed, don’t fall out with windtic anglers, given the and left in situ for the pressure on your linechance you will go to session, exactly where whilst you’re walkinggreat lengths to make I want them on the far back to your rods.sure your bait is pre- bank.sented correctly and in All it takes is somethe exact area … and Next step cast two old prep and planning be-if I’m not mistaken, I leads onto far bank fore you see the bene-have heard stories of usually with old mark- fits. I pulled my pipesyou using lengths of er floats attached, and out of a skip so theyplastic guttering to then position the rods cost me nothing, butyour advantage? Tell with the tips high with having used this meth-us the story behind some slip on the reel od on numerous occa-that one!!! clutches, so there’s sions successfully I’d two tight lines going be happy to pay out toA10) The pipe trick, across the water. Then replace them. walk round, armedas I like to call it, is with bait, rigs, scissors Incidentally using leadan extremely effective and spare leads, and weights over 4 ounc-way of fishing the far one rod at a time cut es isn’t detrimental inmargin of a bay with- off the float and tie on any way, perhaps we’llout breaking any rules, your rig and replace touch on this and othersuch as being off your old lead with a good topics next time Brian.rods, unattended so to one and then place the Time for a brew!speak. Yes, we could rig and lead onto theall cast 65 yards, no gutter section of the Martin, thank you forproblem, but it can be pipe. your time and for shar-hard to judge exact- ing your insights, expe-ly where your rigs are Once there’s two rigs rience and knowledgelanding without some- in place at the ready, with us. It’s been ourone on the far bank bait up spots and walk pleasure!!telling you exactly, so back round to youris there an easier more swim with your rods ***********************accurate way to do it in. Then one rod at the That concludes our chaton your own? In my time, tighten up slowly with Martin for now, andopinion it’s just as easy until you pull your rig we hope you found it asusing ‘The pipe trick’, off the pipe letting your enjoyable and interestingand virtually ensures rig drop down to the as we did actually doingthe rig lands on the bottom on a tight line. it. We hope to have Martinsame spot tangle free back with us again verywith far less distur- Using this method al- soon for more questionsbance the area of wa- lows us to use things and answers from a manter you want to fish. we’d struggle to cast with a life time of carp an- to the spot, such as us-I usually use 2 rods, ing 5 or 6 ounce leads gling under his belt. so have two 3-metre with three-inch-longsections of 75mm rain- funnel web stick mix-water downpipe, which es attached. The pipeshave had the last 1 me-

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Looking back - Lee UpstoneWell it’s the start really be quite house fisheriesof a new year! cold and my syn- on the bordersBut looking back dicate and near- of Lincolnshireat 2015 what a ly always shuts and Peterbor-great year it was up shop in win- ough area ap-for me again ter till at least proximatelybanking some early March. about 8 acres inawesome uk size with aboutfish. But same again, 80 carp in, but all depends on some really bigWhilst I am sat the weather. lumps at thehere writing this right time ofthe weather out- A little insight year can pro-side is unbeliev- into where I’ve duce 3 x 50+able for the time been spending carp and backedof year. my time most up by a fair few of this season other big fish.November and is a gravel pitDecember can called White-

Believe it or not, it’s Week days are cer- I was 100% confidentnot an easy place to tainly the best to fish with the bait from Nu-get to grips with for but counts me out trabaits which wassome. straight away due to the big fish mix and working Monday to Fri- the particle side ofDue to the high vol- day so basically I’m a things was buckets ofume of silkweed and weekend warrior! hemp and mixed hempother weed every- from hull particles,where on the bottom My fishing really start- and all the end tacklemaking presenting ed about mid-March, and line was Ashima,hook baits sometimes still quite cold and and have never let mea nightmare. wet, but the members down over the years. were starting to turn To be honest whyIt also seems to be a up all eager just like keep swapping andfour swim kind of ven- myself, changing if it catchesue due to a bar run- fish it catches fish…ning across the middle I knew I had to getand two islands it’s to grips with it quite Simple! Time and timeseems to be proven quickly to bag some again I hear peopleover the years that of the bigger ones as say I’m gunna try this,these swims are defi- they really, like many I’m gunna try that, butnitely more productive lakes, only come out why? When they werethan others and the every so often so had catching before some-lake doesn’t seem to to be on top of my times you just got tolike the pressure at game. hang in there.weekends.

“To be honest at times it can bequite stressful, but that’s life fora sponsored angler but wouldn’t have it any other way”I had sorted all my by closing day June who definitely knowsholidays so I was and not a single bit of how to run a lake.getting every Friday tackle or hook had letoff till June just for me down. I must say I was really pleasedthe chance of a good I have got to praise how everything wentswim. It didn’t work all ASHIMA for their top and totalling 23 carpthe time, but still was notch tackle. from the syndicatehappy with the swims which is really wellI ended up in. Rigs consisted of above average. One size 4 Goliaths, small thing I must stress isI started to catch from Ashima line aligners, that you have got tothe off, really working Groundhog hooklink keep at it.the swims hard and and Ashima putty tofishing to the best of turn the hook straight Things like being upmy ability knowing if away, also using the at dawn, watchingI didn’t then the other drop off lead clip sys- the water for fish,members would get tem with a foot or so finding spots etc. Tothe advantage on this of Ashima dark green be honest at times itlake. I can certain- tubing for a simple can be quite stress-ly say we have some but effective set up. ful, but that’s life for aabove average anglers The lake closed for a sponsored angler butand professional an- month for spawning so wouldn’t have it anyglers at this venue. I had a good rest with other way... don’t for- the family, but eager get effort equals re-The fish were definite- to get back and carry ward!!ly on the bait so I kept on where I left off.piling it in when I was It does help whenthere and baiting up It soon reopened and fellow fisherman arethe spots when I left. I was back into the friendly and approach-I wanted it to be long fishing, not catching able and would like toterm food source for all the time, but near thank those lads... youthem. enough consistent know who you are. managing to bank an-As the season pro- other 2 x40+ fish put- Tight linesgressed I managed ting me up to 5 UKto bank 3 x 40+ and 40s!! Hats off to the Lee Upstone various 30+ carp fish lake owner Phil Greg,

First of the year - Neal Willetts

So the trip wasplanned a week orso in advance for 2nights on a day ticketwater and hopefullythe first carp of theyear.We arrived at thelake in question, Trin-ity waters, nr Bridge-water in Somerset(well worth a visit!)at around 10.30amknowing which pegswe wanted as wepreviously came tothe water to do somehomework but aswith any day tick-et water, you can’tguarantee the peg,and we arrived tofind someone elsefishing where we hadplanned to.So off to look roundthe lake to see whatwas what, we de-cided on a coupleof pegs a bit furtherdown in the corner,which is a basin andcan cover a lot of wa-ter.With that sorted weset up base campand most importantlywe got the kettle on.

My order of boilies after I had talks Carl kindly addedand pellets arrived with Carl the own- a tub of matchingin time, Rolled by er. I decided on pop ups in for methe Weights and the mix that I have with the same fla-Baits company to dubbed the LL1 vour and a mix ofmy own mix of col- after my daughters colours.our, size and flavour Lexie and Lacey.

So with that I began to With the rods out it As it started to getbait up, going for the was time to try out dark with no action forpva bag approach with this Ridge Monkey me or Lee my fishinga mix of pellets onto a toaster I have been buddy, I put out somesimple hair rig, with a hearing so much more free offerings insmall amount of heat about. the shape of boiliesshrink tubing added to whole and halved, andhelp the hook turn and Everything I heard 5 more pva parcels oftake hold. was right and I soon pellet over each rod. cooked up chickenArmed one of the LL1 and chips no problem. Finally, happy with18mm boilies and a Now with my belly full everything, we put thepiece of fake pop up I sat back watching kettle on and had acorn I cast to open the water for signs chat about all thingswater at around 60 of life, but they were fish, but as it was get-yards out. playing it close to ting colder we decided their chest and not it was bed time withOnce the bait was out wanting to give any- that we retired to ourand the rods were fish- thing away. I made up what Icall pva parcels, basi-cally a small pva bagfilled with pellets andgoo tied tight into agolf ball size whichcan then be fed in asneeded with a cata-pult.The trick is to makethe bags tight andthen pop a couple ofholes in them, thatway they sink downinstead of floating onthe surface.

I had just bought a It was a slow take to bang there it was, firstnew sleeping bag so start with as I jumped blood, off the mark inwas keen to get set- up and out the bivvy, my 2016 campaign.tled and try it out. not even putting myOnce settled I found boots on, I grabbed I set about unhookingI was wide awake the rod and was in. the chunky little mir-again. ror, which I must say Fish on!! This was was in stunning condi-These winter nights what I had been wait- tion, as Lee got readyare long!! So the only ing for! The bait I with the camera.thing to do is to get thought up, on the rigsthe tablet out and put that I have tied, now Not a giant by anya film on. with a fish on. means but a very wel- come 11lb 8oz on aHalfway through the Lee too had heard my dark winters and the right hand alarms and was there A couple of photosrod starts to beep. to offer a helping hand and she was safely with landing the fish. back in the water to As it slid over the net fight another day.

I rebaited and got the the tangle was sorted waiting for Lee to comerod back out, got the in the rain, a rebait and to the rescue with somekettle on and the normal get it back out there. light as the fish finallybanter between mates broke the surface underresumed before heading The rain showed no the rod tip.back to bed. sign of letting up as Lee shouts “I’m in!” so round I moved the net intoThe rest of the night I go to his peg where position, as I did the fishpassed quietly, well, on I land a pretty little made a lunge to the leftthe fish side of things it common around the 6lb which took my other roddid. Mother Nature on mark. off the pod and tangled.the other hand had oth- During this the fish goter ideas and at 2:00 ish The fish was quickly enough slack line toit started to rain, and returned and I went to drop the hook, and asmy god did it rain! That get changed as I was this fishery has a bar-set the picture for the soaked through. bless only rule so therest of the day… really hook will come out withwet and windy. A few hours passed, and ease, it did! Not too hap- yes it was still raining, py with the loss but it’sA small window in the and the wind had got one of them things, youweather gave me time up as well now, anoth- just can’t win them rebait and recast the er shout off Lee and herods. was in again. A quick cuppa and I sorted the rods out andBy now another mate By now it was dark got them back ontohad popped down to fish so off I went to land their spots then backthe day, and as it was the fish, another com- to bed. I woke up to noalso breakfast time, our mon, and this one was wind and rain, that’s aorders for each morning weighed and tipped the nice change I thought,was a bacon sausage scales at 10lb on the so we sat and chattedand egg baguette was nose. whilst waiting for thedelivered to our peg by breakfast rolls to arrive.the owners, a lovely With that I went backtouch. to the bivvy decided The rods were all quiet to get my head down so we started to packAs the day passed the again as the wind and things down. Nothingrain got worse, it was rain showed no sign in worse than packingnonstop now, and to the letting up. Around 4am down a wet bivvy ispoint where it was deaf- I was woken up to a there, but needs must,ening in the bivvy. screaming run. I quick- and as normal the rods, ly got my boots on and net and cradle are leftI was cooking my din- hit in to it, and this felt until last.ner and the right hand good one with no intentscreamed off. on stopping anytime With everything packed soon! down and the car loadedWhat a run! I dived out, just a quick look backgrabbed the rod only to The fish stayed deep, round the pegs makingfeel no resistance? Fol- just plodding around as sure all the rubbish waslowing the line, I saw it it got closer, and I was picked up and we hadn’twas my mate Tony who struggling to see where missed anything, andhad somehow managed as my head torch had that just about sums upto cross my line. After packed up, so I was my first trip of the year.

Bad Session - Part 2 Ethan Carper

After 20 minutes sit- always goes through the fish. The challengeting behind my rods your mind when you was now to get itsand watching the wa- know it’s a good fish ‘I head up and get it ater, I was just about to hope this doesn’t come ‘gob full’ of air. Finally,walk over to see if my off’, every scrape on its head came up but itDad had finally got a the line felt like it was was having none of itrod in the water, I was about to come off. and with the flick of itsstopped in my tracks With those thoughts tale it was back downby a couple of bleeps racing through my again.from my left hand rod. head, I went into au-As I turned around the to-mode…!! After another couple ofindicator was right up minutes, the fight wasat the rod. I walk over With the margins on up and I was the win-and picked up the rod this pool being so deep ner as I slipped the netand made contact with (6-7ft) at half a rod underneath it. No mat-the fish. Game on…!! length out, I had to ter what size the fish make sure I kept the that feeling of reliefI got an instant feeling rod tip high to ensure you get when the fishthat I had hit into a de- there was as much line is safely in the net, iscent double, then the as possible between great.instant thought that the tip of the rod and

It looked a decent fish, a double, a nice Com- matched to an 18mmso I couldn’t resist mon of about 11lb. The Beechwood Baits Mus-weighing it and the day was looking better selberry ‘Hard Hooker’scales went 14.8lb…. and better. Boilie and a small cleara nice mid double Mir- ‘dumbbell’ type boilieror on the bank within After going through stop.the first 20 minutes. the same process ofThe day looked promis- baiting up, I got my rod The hair length I tending...! back out on the spot as to use sits the boilie before. just under the curve ofAs the fish was being the hook. I’m not reallyslipped back, the only The rig I was using was sure why I prefer thisrod my dad had in the Fluorocarbon Hooklink but it works well forwater screamed off of about 8 inches long me and gives me confi-and after a short battle to a size 8 wide gape. dence in my set up.he banked a scraper of The hair length was

After another cup of more bait onto the It was now 11am andtea, my dad was finally spots. I got my small I had been fishing forfishing with two rods… pouch catapult which about three and halfand the kettle was on can hold 3-4 16mm hours. The fish move-yet again...!! boilies and with a gen- ment that was in front tle flick, put the bait on of me appeared toWe quickly set up the the spots. have stopped,video cameras in read-iness for another take, I use a small catapult I had been scanningas I like to do a bit of as I am not fishing at the water looking forvideoing for my You- range and want to be signs of any movementTube channel Ethan accurate with where in any other areas butCarper257 and sat I am putting my bait. had not seen anything.back to watch the wa- I also like to feed a This is fairly normalter. slightly smaller boil- for this water so I was ie than the one on the not concerned andAfter 30 minutes and hair. It is something I after the great start, Inot having any bleeps have always done and was sure the next takefrom the alarms, I de- again, I feel confident would be soon...!cided to feed a little with that approach.

My dad’s swim had island which was ap- fish to gain confidencegone exactly the same proximately 60 yards in feeding in that area,and he had not had straight out in front if that’s what theyanother fish since that of me. I left it for a bit were doing.initial take. and kept an eye on that spot and there were This is a tactic I some-I put another hand full still fish moving out times do and have hadof boilies on each rod there on the top and good success with. Iin the hope of stirring also moving the reeds left the spot for aboutthe fish into action. that were just in front forty-five minutes be- of the island. I got a fore putting a hook baitAfter watching the wa- couple of handfuls of onto it along with ater for another hour or boilies and scattered PVA mesh bag of 6mmso, I spotted that there them around the area pellet and another doz-was a bit of movement but I didn’t put a hook en 16mm ‘freebies’.about 3 feet off the bait onto it straight away as I wanted the

I cast my right hand what I can do to get Waggler. This allowedrod to the new spot. a take. When the fish me to be active but are feeding, I am able also got me into theThe reason for mov- to relax a little more ‘proper’ Carp fishinging the right hand rod and just concentrate approach.was that I had not had on feeding the swim…ita single bleep from it was looking like it was Eventually, I was hap-since putting it in the not going to be a day py to sit behind twowater, so it seemed the to relax. alarms. I find the ‘take’logical choice. is the most exciting Confidence is a big rush from all the typesAfter allowing the line thing for me and I am of fishing I have sink, I set the indi- confident in what I do.cator a little ‘slack’ and If I cast and ‘it doesn’t The peace and quietturned on the alarm. feel right’ I will re- being interrupted byMy hopes were high chuck but when I am the sound of a scream-and I was wishing for a happy with the cast, I ing take and hitting’screamer’…! tend to leave it in the into a Carp in what water and not keep seems like millisec-My dad had made yet winding in and re-cast- onds is fantastic andanother brew and ing, I just feed small once you have expe-brought one over to me amounts of freebies on rienced it, you justtoo along with a sau- a regular basis. want to do it more andsage sandwich. We sat more…together for a while This approach hasand had chat about worked many times in Unfortunately, todaypossibly switching to a the past. Sometimes, I was one of the slow‘Zig Rig’ as he had also have had a rod out for days. The lad that wasseen fish in the upper 6 hours or more and fishing round the cor-water. then had a take. It is ner from me, with his this part that some dad, had walked pastHe had flicked out a people find ‘boring’ as a few times during thefew surface baits, the they like to cast and morning and said thatgood old reliable ‘Chum try different spots but they had not caughtMixers’ but the Carp for me, that approach anything, so at least itjust moved past and does not give me con- was not just me.completely ignored fidence and I stick tothem but a Zig with a what has worked in the There was still timefew slow sinking pel- past. and if nothing else, atlets over the top might least I had my ‘Back-just get a bite. I know for Junior An- side, Bankside’…….  glers, the waiting withI find that when the nothing happening can Ethan Carperfishing is slow, I work make them lose inter-harder as I am con- est and that is why,stantly up and down when I started to Carpfrom my chair to ob- Fish, I used to use oneserve the water, my Carp Rod setup andbrain goes in to over- my other rod would bedrive thinking about a Float Rod or Pellet

The Pretty One-Scott “Geezer” Grant

“Nightfall came and was chilly to say the least. With the rods motionless morning was metwith the birds cheeping and thecoots making a right racket...”

With winter coming to Well that put the cat Rig wise was very sim-an end, it was a very amongst the pigeons!!! ple on both the rightcold start to spring. After a lap of the lake and middle I opted for I decided to fish the a critically balancedI decided to fish a ses- opposite end to where presentation and mysion up at my syndi- I fancied. I only saw left rod the ever faith-cate water. The lake 1 fish but that was ful 360!is around 12 acres but enough.tends to flood a couple With the rods out itof times a year. I wasted no time at all was time to take in and got my gear from my surroundings andThis does affect the the car and made my chill!!!fishing after the floods way to the swim.and getting around thelake can be very tricky. The bank was quiteI had a good idea muddy and getting thewhere the fish would gear round to the swimbe from previous sea- was a mission, but Isons and decided that managed it in the end.was the area I was go- The swim fished welling to target. last spring so I was hoping I’ve timed it justI arrived at the lake right.just before sun rise,there was only 1 car With light rain forecastin the car park whichis always a good sign. I decided to have aI grabbed a bucket quick flick about withfrom the car and made the marker then setmy way up to the area the house up. The windI fancied and I had a was pushing in fromgood previous track my right and the pres-record from. sure was 1010.Just as I was getting to With the house up andthe area another mem- gear sorted I turnedber was packing up. He my attention to thewas fishing two swims rods. I found a lovelyback from the swim I hard area for the rightfancied. hand rod at about 70 yards, the middle rodAs every angler asks was fished straight out“had anything”? to at the bottom of a barwhich he replied “no at 60 yards and the leftmate but there were hand rod was fished upa couple that boshed against the snags.last night down to myright”.

Nightfall came and waschilly to say the least.With the rods motion-less morning was metwith the birds cheepingand the coots making aright racket.As I sat there watchingthe water for any signsof life the left hand rodwas away.The fish tried to takeline but as I was fish-ing against the snags, Iwas locked up.The fish put up a goodfight and after a fewminutes a nice plumpmirror lay in the net.It wasn’t one of the Ateam, it was one of thestockies that were in-troduced the previousyear.On the scales she went16lb 4oz not massivebut welcome all thesame, I was delighted.No more fished gracedthe net until early thenext morning and I hadtwo commons in quicksuccession both dou-bles and both stockies.Catching is for me al-ways part of the puzzleand when the piecesslot into place that’swhen the magic hap-pens.

My following session The rods went out and I was starting to thinkwas up at The Dell, I a couple of kilos of the bigger fish wereblanked in style but en- boilies were sprayed either not interested orjoyed my session never around each one. they just weren’t there.the less. Being on the The next morning,bank for me is my es- I also introduced a doz-cape from the hustle en balls of goodness I was up at the crackand bustle of life and around them contain- of dawn, I reeled thework. ing Robertson’s parti- rods in and went for a cles. walk down the otherIt was now the begin- end of the lake.ning of May and it was I didn’t have to waitup to my syndicate wa- long for my first take I sat opposite theter for another crack at at around midday I swim I have fished inthe two A Team mem- landed a plump looking previous seasons atbers I want to catch. common of 12lb. Later this time of the year. that evening I banked I didn’t have to waitI dropped into the another stockie of 10lb long; A few bubblerssame swim I previous- again a common. were present followedly fished. The infor- by a lovely dark mirrormation from my last crashing out!!trip was noted in myfishing log, so findingthe spots was easyenough.

That was it I ran I sat back watching the I was hoping the carpstraight back to my water for any signs of gods would grace mayswim and grabbed what activity once everything net with one of the bigbags and bits I could was sorted and another girls.and made my way down big dark mirror poppedthe other end into the its head out right over Later in the evening aswim the baited area. fish crashed out in front of me but I could seeI should have fished at I was excited to say where as it was pitchthe start of the ses- the least, just waiting black. I retied to bedsion. After a couple of for the rod tip to pull around 22:00 and washours, I was settled into round and my alarm to hoping to get rudelymy new swim and it sing like a bird. Twenty woken up but a scream-felt homely I must say. minutes passed, then it ing take.I cast a bare lead to was an hour and noth-roughly the area the fish ing happened, I started At 04:45 that’s exactlycrashed out from. questioning myself, has what happened the left the fish got away with hand rod was away, II found a very hard spot it, is my rig presented burst out of the bivvyin amongst light weed right, etc etc I think was on the rod like athat will do for me. I we all do this at some whippet!wasted no time in get- point when fishing andting a baited rig out to to be honest when your The fish wasn’t in thethe area, once I had questioning yourself best of moods and putnoted it down in my log. you don’t seem to get up a great fight, whenI introduced a few kilos the answers or support the fish started ploddingof boilies and a couple you’re looking for. about I knew it was aof balls of goodness. I goodun, I then startedfound cleanish areas for Another angler Steve saying to myself “Is itboth my middle and left turned up later in the one of my 2 targets?”hand rods and again the afternoon and went into I then started prayingsame baiting strategy a swim further down to that I didn’t get a hookwas applied. my left. We had a chat pull or lose the bugger. as you do and wished each other good luck. I had one night left and

After 5 minutes or so the fish One”!! She is an old fish butwas lying in the bottom of the what a stunner the old girl, I was so relieved and hap- On the scales she went 33lbpy at the same time. Once in exactly chuffed to bits was anthe cradle I knew what fish it understatement.was, I had landed “The Pretty

The fish was secured in my floatation sling while I sorted the cameraout. Just as I had put the fish in the water Steve came walking pastwith his barrow as he was off to work. I asked Steve if he would dosome photos for me which he kindly obliged and cracking photos theyare too.With the photos done and the fish treated and returned I made myselfand Steve a cuppa. We chatted for 10 minutes or so then Steve left forwork, I sat watching the water grinning like a Cheshire cat, all the ef-fort of moving yesterday was so worth it. I take a lot of gear with meso moving takes a lot of effort. But like a great angler once said EffortEquals Rewards!! In my next instalment I will share with you my verynext session in which I had one of the A team at a lake record weight.Until then enjoy your fishing, stay warm and be positive  Scott.

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