carp and cats. Anyway, I switched to boilies and, as if by magic, I againstarted to catch numbers of carp.The next interesting happening was that I started to experiencetwitches as well as full blooded runs. I refrained from striking knowingthat the baits were hard enough or meshed well enough to withstand theravages of the small fish until the carp arrived. This was again the caseduring the early hours of a one night session.I was fishing a new area to find out a bit more about it in order to be ableto offer advice to new anglers. I woke to the bobbin going up and downlike a tart’s drawers but with the line still in the clip.I was convinced that one of the pc’s had hung itself and decided to leaveit until after I had answered the call of nature. I then picked up the rod towind in the offending fish when all hell broke loose. That is a gooddescription of what happened next.The carp in my lake had already gained a name for being extremelyhard fighting fish and I must say thatthey are the strongest carp that I haveever caught. It turned out to be atwenty four pounder which must havebeen hooked for at least fifteen min-utes without ever moving far enough topull the line from the clip. Had thathappened in England I would have putit down to constant angling pressureand the carp’s ability to “learn”. “It knew it was hooked and was trying todeal with the hook.” Well this fish had never been hooked before in itslife so what was happening? Did it continue to feed or did it feel thetension and decide not to pull against it? Whatever the answer, thiswould not turn out to be an isolated case. Almost every angler reportedexperiencing “twitchy” bites which would eventually turn out to be carp.One angler revealed that he had seen his bobbin rise to the rod just intodark one night. He decided that he didn’t want to disturb the baitbecause it would be difficult to get the rod exactly back onto his baited
patch in the dark. He waited for the run to develop but eventuallydrifted off to sleep. His other two rods produced fish during the night butthe original rod remained silent until he wound in for breakfast. As soonas he picked up the rod it exploded into action and he landed a twentyseven pound mirror.That fish definitely didn’t continue feeding and must have lain motionlessall night. How long would it have stayed like that?Does this mean that some fish simply don’t pull against tension and ifthis is the case then any form of being tethered could result in them justsitting there until they die? The experiences that I encountered duringmy “hands on fishery management experience” had produced evenmore questions to be answered.In May 2002 our first guests arrived and despite bursts of feeding activityfrom the pc’s they stuck to their boilie approach and caught sixty threecarp. By this time we were still trying to work out the best presentations.The margins to about twenty yards out are firm sandy clay and acritically balance bait or short pop-up produced the goods.The centre areas are soft clay and silt and despite trying pop-ups overthese areas I have failed to get them to work. In fact, I have watchedcarp move on to baited patches and produce plumes of bubbles wherethey are devouring the bait whileignoring the pop ups.As a test I decided to fishtwo tigers over a big bed of maize,chick peas, pellets and broken boiliesand, low and behold, the first bite thatevening produced a truly gorgeouslooking carp and at thirty one pounds,my first thirty from my own lake.As far as I was concerned I had cracked it. The carp were feeding in thesilt and a pop up was being missed because it was above them.The following week our next group of customers arrived. Out went afluoro pop up while they set up the bivvies and ten minutes later one of
their Delkims went into melt down. After almost an hour long scrap atwenty seven pound mirror slid over the net.The other amazing fact was that it was the same carp that had satmotionless one week earlier. What is it that would make a carp com-pletely change its attitude to being hooked?As the fishing continued through our first summer it became apparentthat previous spawnings had been very successful and we wereoverstocked with double figure fish. We had already planned a “vidange”(emptying) for the autumn and would have no trouble getting rid of theunwanted carp.I remained convinced that, with the fish sorted out, the bigger femaleswould prosper and grow rapidly and to this end we had already stockedeight large catfish in an attempt to keep on top of the fry. In themeantime I decided to catch some of the smaller carp using a float rodand sat happily on the dam wall catching beautiful little fully scaled andzip linear mirrors. The most beautiful of these were placed in a stocktank for future use.This was such a nice and relaxing situation that it became a regularmorning ritual and one Wednesday morning I cast my two fairly hardsplit peas into the area of my two handfuls of freebies and sat back toawait the bite. The next thing to attract my attention was a massive swirlof bubbles around my float and then the float drifted off to my left. Thefloat never actually buried but moved steadily enough for me to realisethat it just needed a firm strike to set the hookI swept the rod round to my right but actually it was only the butt of therod that moved because the tip continued towards the left. It was obvi-ously much larger than the targeted small carp and the only effect of
the strike was to make the fish roll briefly at the surface and thenencourage it to head straight up the centre of the lake. It did speed upslightly but never to the sort of pace that caused panic.It just determinedly headed south and continued to do so. Luckily I hadalready set the clutch before casting out and had also wound on 100yards of new ten pound line. However, the rod remained hooped over infull battle curve and the clutch of the reel maintained a monotonous tickwhile I simply held on to the rod and stared at the slowly spinning spool.The excitement of hooking what was obviously a big carp graduallyturned to realisation that nothing I did had any effect on this fish. Itsimply continued on its original bearing and at its original speed.In horror I watched as the colour of the spool gradually changed as theshade from the backing line began to show through. The next ten yardsor so were going to be crucial but still the fish continued on its way.Then, alongside the ticking of the spool, came the pinging noise as theknot travelled through each rod ring and still the fish continuedrelentlessly on. Suddenly it was gone.The life in the rod died and itbecame just another stick ofcarbon and I felt almost as life-less. I wound in to find that thehook link had parted so the goodnews was that the fish had onlybeen left with a hook and veryshort piece of mono.Then the questions began. Was it a catfish? No, I had seen it roll andknew it was a carp then so why question it now?Was it foul hooked? Possibly but when it rolled it was the head that hadbeen lifted so the hook was somewhere near the mouth.How I wished that I had been using my three and a quarter pound testcurve ESP rods.C’est la vie!
It’s Only Naturalby Simon Pomeroy
It’s Only fishing for me and many enjoy your fishing that isNatural others. The difference what it’s all about at the between catching your end of the day, but for me limit and blanking can be I want to catch and catchWatercraft comes over a very fine line with only consistently. Pallatrax,time, and with simple the slightest change of along with many othercommon sense, but bait pattern or colour causing companies, manufactureselection is a skill on the that trigger to turn the fish boilies and I’m the first today in question. I’ve onto the feed. highlight the success ofalways accepted that The same principle also our boilie ranges, into increase my odds for goes for the successful particular Jungle, but Icatching is to have more match angler, show me would never tell afish in front of me and one who wins matches customer, and thereforethen the skill is to find a consistently but sticks a fellow angler, to stickbait that my quarry will with only one or two with a single bait and toreadily accept above any hook baits – I’ve never only ever to consider manother offering. Another met one!! Or for that fact made baits. From myvital ingredient to add to the pike angler who only previous paragraphs, itthe mix is to try and find uses one lure, just look at just doesn’t add up – carpout at what level the fish all other areas of fishing are no different to otherare feeding. These are where the use and species and will feed oncertainly not great secrets selection of different baits different food sources atand outside of carp is a key part of the different times and atfishing they are angler’s successful different levels.consistently, and strategy.successfully, practised. So, that begs the To compound theThe best example for me question why do so many evidence, though thereis undoubtedly the fly carp anglers limit are other key factors thatfisherman. Here is an themselves to one bait one should also be awareangler who will locate the fished at one depth? of e.g. presentation etc,trout, work out the level Over the years I have met as carp anglers we canthey are feeding at and many carp anglers who spend days and nightsthen will be prepared to a) will select one flavour blanking even though fishtry a multitude of flies of boilie for their year’s are rolling in our swims,before, hopefully, campaign, b) would never our hangers are jumpinghitting on the right consider to use a hook around and alarmspattern. As an avid fly bait other than a boilie bleeping.angler of many years, this and c) only fish with their We can sit there andpractice walks hand in bait pinned to the deck. blame all manner ofhand with many Don’t get me wrong if you things but the onesuccessful days fly are happy with this and fundamental fact is that
for whatever reason the where they are today. unbelievably long,fish aren’t eating the hook Water is one of the key literally numberingbait. It’s not necessarily factors in the birth of life thousands of differentthe case that there is on earth and for us species. To some I mayanything wrong with your anglers where we fish. now be appearing to bechosen bait it’s just more So, what did fish, and for somewhat of an ‘anorak’the case it’s not effective the purpose of this fea- on the subject and maybeat that time. If this was ture carp, feed on before there is some truth in that!the situation presenting the advent of modern I actually find it interestingitself to the fly angler he baits, especially boilies and enlightening to havewould immediately be and made it one of mychanging his fly, yet many pellets? In a nutshell, they missions to understandcarp anglers I’ve met fed on the natural food more of this overlookedwouldn’t consider sources available to them topic for two reasons, Ichanging their hook bait. within their habitat. Food love to understand andMany will say, along the sources which give them thus appreciate alllines, I had a good fish on a rich diet full of nutrients facets of nature and ifit last month or I’ve seen and proteins that they understanding only aa ‘celebrity’ angler catch require, and need, to small amount of thison this DVD, through survive healthily and subject helps me to catchto the fact that they’ve reproduce. more fish I’m onto astill got fifty kilos’ in their Our waters, both still and winner. Outside of thefreezer! If that is your moving, are the breeding experts I’ve met withinmind set fair enough, grounds of thousands of London’s Natural HistoryI’m not here to lecture different species of Museum I’m yet to meetor appear arrogant I just natural food sources for many, if any, who are assee this as one of the fish and it’s an keen on the subject andmany fundamental flaws undeniable fact that carp I know for a fact that thisin modern carp fishing will happily feast on approach is helping mewhich greatly impacts on ‘natures larder’, and in and other like-mindedthe anglers catch rate. many cases, far more anglers to catch more fishThis leads me into the readily than man made when the conditions aremain body of this piece offerings! The number right. Historically it’s beenwhich is to highlight that of these natural foods is all too easy for me to say,there are baits that are incredible, from “There’s a hatch on thenot only completely Burrowing Mayflies lake”, without any under-overlooked but that are through standing what is actuallyalso completely under Backswimmers, Giant hatching or even thinkingrated. Over millions of Casemakers through to on how it may affect, andyears’ fish have evolved Diving beetles, molluscs in many cases, have anon our little planet to to shrimps, the list is adverse impact on my
fishing. hoovering up huge always feel somewhatI think one difficulty is for quantities of a food uncomfortable that myus to easily understand source almost angling instincts willthat a fish such as carp, undetectable to the always impact on thewhich has the ability to eye – a great comparison products that becomegrow to huge weights can and they certainly don’t part of Pallatrax’ssurvive on invertebrates feed on man-made baits! portfolio, thus to thethat in many cases we Just think how many cynics anything I write orcan’t even see. Out of times we see carp portray will always appearsight out of mind but the cruising the upper levels as a flag waving exercise!fact is they do and when on a hot summer’s day All I can ask is that youquestioned I always and refuse to look at any read what I’ve written withhighlight the Basking bait we are to offer them. the knowledge that IShark, this massive fish, It happens time and time totally and honestly believe in what I have tothe second largest fish on again so is it the fact that say!the planet which grows they are only gorging Trying to find the rightto incredible sizes in both themselves on daphnia a quality products that Ilength and weight lives protein packed water flea, hoped would harness theoff our coasts feeding on or another hatch or even natural elements provedmicroscopic plankton. one of many different to be far more of aThis incredible fish with species hatching on that challenge than I couldlengths of over 30 feet day? ever have imagined.and weight into the many So, in appreciating where, Where do you go to whentonnes swim around with dare I say I’ve been going you want a tonne oftheir enormous mouths wrong, how was I going water fly or a few hundredopen wide simply to rectify the situation? I kilos of small snails? But needless to say, I managed to source a range of products which certainly looked to fit the bill. Looking at this new angle emphasised I needed food sources that were high in nutritional value and protein that basically fish would need to feed on, and would want to eat. I wasn’t looking for a flavour or food source base mix,
this was very much a Angling success for me exploding mix ofdifferent scenario will always be the amount naturals, wrapped aroundaltogether. I’ve always of fish that our tactics and my Stonze weight stillloved product baits result in catching, resulted in four carp todevelopment and this so all I can give you is a just over twenty pounds.task proved to be no taste of the angling tales And was it coincidencedifferent. Like com- that have unfolded as a that the other anglermunism it all looked good small group of anglers set fishing exactly the sameon paper, but unlike out to prove things either tactic had several carpcommunism would it way! From there it is including one of thework! I was convinced really down to you to meres biggest residentsthat I was onto a winner, question the fact that at 32lb?the facts surrounded me every day can be a One of Team Pallatraxfrom natural bait fishing learning day and if you members, Rich Shaw,across the angling world, open your mind to was quick to grasp thee.g. maggots, worms, different tactics and baits positives of the Hidrapeeler crabs and sand it can, without doubt, range and especially theeels etc. etc. I also don’t improve your catch rate. Brown Snails. About theclaim this to be a first, Three examples stick in size of your commonthis approach has been my mind, the first from my garden snail these snailsaround for centuries I’ve own personal look more than innocuousjust never really seen it experiences of late. With in their original state, ifpushed as a consistent Pallatrax being bought anything they look awfulway to fool carp. The out this year, and a new until you rehydrate themquestion was without owner installed, my with water. A hot tip isdoubt how effective the fishing has had to take a always to rehydrate in themany products within back seat with the move water you are fishing isPallatrax’s Naturals range into a new factory just as the snail will fill backwere going to be. Without one of the many up with water and withquestion Pallatrax’s dried distractions that have tap water full of chemicalsDaphnia would never be impacted on my chances it is always good to be onas effective as a natural to get out on the bank. the safe side of the fishbloom but ours was as Fishing on a sensing somethingclose to ‘matching the particularly difficult mere, untoward. Rich has fishedhatch’ as possible. And two of us fished with the snails on a numberour dried Hidra range method mixes crammed of occasion and in recentof three different snails with an array of the months broken his pband a water mussels can rehydrated Hidra and three times. The last twonever be the real deal as Dried ranges. Though I were fishing particularlyfresh offerings – or can only managed to squeeze pressured water where hethey? in four hours my caught from the first
complex the largest I persuaded Shaun that – surely a year of blanksresident with a common he should at least give must get you questioningof 42lb and the second a different approach a your approach?complex the largest chance as, basically, heresident, another had nothing to lose. Yes, Back to Shaun, off hecommon at 38lb. every now and again a went with some BrownCoincidence – who can fish may fall to one of the Snails, Small Snails andtell but strange that both traps set but the odds a Stonze weight.the big fish fell to the weren’t exactly looking to Coincidence again –natural baits and not the good! perhaps, but he phonedboilies the other anglers Is it sometimes that we sit me the next day to reportwere fishing on that day! in that comfort zone that he had a stunningWhatever it again proves thinking it will happen as looking mirror in the lowthat the natural tactic isa working, and catching,tactic and something weshould never rule out.My final example, andwithout doubt myfavourite, is one of onlya couple of weeks ago. Imet a friend who I hadn’tseen for some time;Shaun Passmore. Shaunis a really accomplishedangler with some seriousfish under his belt frommany different waters butat the moment he’s beenhaving serious problemscatching from a small it has happened before? 20’s. The fish hadsyndicate lake. They can Here is another prime fallen for the hair riggedsee the fish and have example of anglers pretty Brown Snail over a bedtried all sorts to catch but much all competing for of Small Snails using athe fishery is stuffed full of the same fish with the small Stonze to hold innaturals and the normal same tactics and for the pace. I take my hat off to‘accepted’ practices of a majority of time, the likes of Shaun andboilie and lead approach blanking. I’ve just picked Rich, against the normby the regulars is up this week’s Carp Talk they have put thecertainly not seeing many and there’s a story about accepted practices offished banked. a chap blanking for a year carp fishing on the side
line and fished an my understanding growsapproach that is all too and dare I say my catchobvious but very much rate improves!forgotten and caught! Food for thought…In summary, boilies work, Simon.pellets work but ignorenaturals at your own peril! To take a peek into theI can only confess to world of naturals for baitscraping the surface of take a look at the websitethe natural mystery but as dig that little bit deeper
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Rig Tying Made Simple by Stuart Mellors
HARDCORE CARPER CLOTHINGOur carp clothing as a distinctive logo of a graffiti style logo which has beendesigned and made by carp anglers for carp anglers. Whether it is for comfortor just to part of a recognisable exclusive club for the like-minded carpers oftoday. Hardcore carper clothing is a new company with a small range of prod-ucts which we will be adding to as we start to get recognised. Our clothing andaccessories are not only practical for wearing for hours on end beside the lakes,but are great for every day casual wear too. Our hardcore carper logo is instant-ly recognisable by all who enjoys carp fishing and is a great way to pin pointlike-minded every day carpers. We aim to give our customers a great service andinvite any suggestions how to improve our range of products or services.Many thanks HCC
The only limitation is your imagination
Return to Murphys Lake by Gary May
Return to the rigs set up with a work, but this fish was 6-inch hook length, a very helpful in almostMurphys Lake size 6 micro barbed swimming straight toSo after timing it all hook with a 3 Oz lead my bank and in to the on a very loose lead net once id found it. Awrong back in May and clip I was ready to go. 21Ib common was uphitting the lake a day With the spots chosen on the bank and in myafter spawning season and baited up out went cradle and I washad started, I headed the rigs. happy with an earlyback out to Murphy’s So, Sunday morning result just two dayslake in France on came and not a peepOctober 8th for part but it was still early2 and this time I was with a whole week toarmed with the go so in came two ofFinforce Special fins the rods for a think butbait... after one remained alongdeciding on swims the very appealingwith the other guys road bank. After yetit was time to settle another filling mealinto my bivvy for the prepared for us byweek, with all the gear Michele the eveningsupplied and laid out came and darknessready for us it was fell quicker than a bricksoon time to get the out of a plane so werods set up and out settled down again toin the gorgeous lake see what would in. The rest of thethat’s surrounded by happen. And at 2am night passed and wasmassive woodlands I was awoken by the smothered in silenceand plenty of strange sound of my alarmanimal noises. apart from the crashingSaturday night was ripping off, I struck into of something meatyabout just testing it and it felt a nice fish, down the far end of thethe water getting a school boy lake, the guys over on error resulted in me polar point as it’s beeneverything organised not having a headand ready for what renamed as the sunwould hopefully be torch as it appears you just does everything toa good week. With have to charge them to avoid them swims
the night and then a left and another so right kiting scrap lead after to this fish gliding in losing two in my net and with a the snags I head the size of a decided on cargo ship…. I was dropping the excited. Lifting it out bait and the nearly put my back rig an extra out and yes I know at rod length my age you must be away from careful. So up on the the deadly scales she went and snag to try the dial didn’t stop not tempt them until it hit just over the further out 48Ib mark this mirror and Friday was truly a welcomed lunch time reward for the movewere having a few out resulted in a on the lake. I had abut I was struggling take which felt like if I’d feeling that would beand drawing a blank. let it the fish would haveThere was still a lotof crashing going on towed medown the end so early back to England butThursday morning no! not thisafter a heavydownpour and knowing time I wasthat John my fishing 2-0 downbuddy in the next swim to this swimwas going home today and I wasmade my mind up and looking for abrought about a move comeback sodown to the other end after anof the lake, and after initial stalemategetting settled andafter a few hours I had there waslost one and then in movement
my lot after all the opposite direction you did for us all.smashing my PB so to keep this fish And a massive thankby 18Ib is not to be from reaching its safe you to my sponsorsniffed at, but Pete haven and as I see the Dexy and crew at Bankthe owner of the lake line come away from Tackle for supplyingsaid there would be the corner in my now me with every bit ofmore and should stick powered up head torch the important endat it, so out in the boat I knew the fight was on tackle bits from hooksI went and the trap with another great fish, to swivels, lead clipswas set in the identical after a pretty tough and much more whichplace. fight to begin with the I certainly needed toThe evening passed fish came within rod get these stunningquietly and as length of the bank very monsters in to my net,darkness fell I was easy but then a bit of And to Kieran fromgrowing in confidence a head shake and a Finforce baits foras the signs were stubborn no you’re not delivering me my spe-there that there was netting me moment cial fins boilies just insomething nice in the I fortunately had this time for the trip...area and I was going cracker in to the guard that rod with It appeared that this So all in all to say Imy life, the snags were fine specimen off a arrived back into be avoided and any mirror was just over England very happy istake that was left to 44Ib. Now I’ve got to an would be straight say that even though I never doubt your ownin them. 4am and I was going to a ability and always takehad sat there eagerly water with a lot bigger the risk a swim moveawaiting for that tip to fish than my new PB may work it may notbend round but of 48Ib in I was never but you never know!..nothing so it was to expecting one 40+ fishbe a cuppa and then let alone two of so, stay positive anda few hours’ sleep but Murphy’s Monsters... expect theno…there was a fish So, thank you Pete unexpected.out there with other and Michele for theideas and the rod went opportunity to baginsane I lifted and like these and for the great Gary.a crazy man I ran in food and everything
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Autumn… The Years Last,Loveliest Smileby Danny Smith
As the nights draw in and jackets and hats now around and up trees butthe temperatures begin replace shorts and the NW wind was just tooto drop I find myself in t shirts. Extra section to much and was makingmy element. Autumn is a the sleeping bag is now too much disturbance ongreat time of year to be required for the colder the water. I went with aoutside and enjoying all nights. Now all the gear gut feeling… not a greatthe British woodlands and is sorted it’s time to knock start but it’s all I had tocountry side. The trees up some rigs at home to go off. I decided to set upare vivid colours, reds save time on the bank, on the South bank andand yellows everywhere, the last thing you need got the rods out. One atthe animals are out is to be ill prepared after 19 wraps skin tight to thecollecting food to last finishing work and only far margin and one at 16them over the winter and having a short amount of wraps to a sand bar thatthe rush of the wildlife time to get to lake before was reed lined. Making abrings the place to life. dark. The night before the mental note of night timeThe sun is sleeping in autumnal campaign the markers and the numberlater and later but when gears all ready for of wraps I was good forit rises the sight is breath loading in the van and the night if I got a taketaking, mist drifting alarm clock set. Todays knowing I could get theslowly across the water the day! Up fresh as a rod out bang on theand the shimmering shine daisy and loading the money again. Rod oneoff the dew that covers van. After a days work I was a yellow 365 pop upeverything. Ripples in the finish at 3pm and arrive on a Sharp Tackle sizewater from fish moving up at the lake. The lake is an 4 kurv shank fished stiffto the surface to embrace 8-acre sand pit cut into hinge method. Rod twothe warm sunshine. All the heart of Cheshire with was a pink 365 pop upthese signs mean it’s time a heavy abundance of fished again on a Sharpto prepare for the best weed and nuisance fish a Tackle size 4 kurv shanktime of year for catching lot of the tench residents stiff hinge. I spoddedcarp in their best have reached 8lb+ and 5 medium spombs ofconditions and colours. there is also some chopped formula and 365My preparations begin massive rudd and boilies over the two spotsby ringing up my bait frim hybrids. The main stars and spread a handful withand ordering my Autumn/ of the show are the carp, the stick. That same nightwinter bait. Without doubt lovely dark and scaled at 11pm I was away farmy favourite bait is the mirrors and stunning margin spot took off and365 from the RG baits scale perfect commons. I was into a 22lb mirror. Itstables. That done and I have a walk around kited me right and lockedall in the freezer it’s time and to my surprise only itself into a weed bed butto prepare the gear, ther- one other angler is on. I only just clipped it so Imals, boots jumper, spent a good hour looking applied firm pressure and
luckily it came through. This time I had brought my 5 spombs of chops.Slipping the waders on some particles as well Around 6am I had aas I was playing it I went as boilies to hold them in tighten up on the farout to net the fish. It was the area a bit longer as margin rod so I lifted intoa lovely dark mirror. Few I felt last time they came it, it soon becamepics and a bit of a apparent it was a smallrecover in the sling and it carp and I had a smallwas released back home. common in the net. I sentRod wrapped up 19 times it on its way and quicklyand night got my rod out before itsmarker aimed at I was mates clean me out. 30back in the game. mins later and the sameUnfortunately, there was rod melted off lifting into anothing else that night weight it flat rodded me.and only a tench to The fish began to kite leftaccount for the night and was breaching theafter. Homeward bound water so I knew my leadbut at least I had opened was off. I managed to turnthe account! 1-0 Session it but it came at me like a steam train and wiped mytwo back out again and left rod out. As itarriving after work on a in wiped me out and left. kamikaze dove into aFriday. Quick walk around Leaving me with only one margin weed bed takingand a look about I noticed fish to boot. Same spots my left hand rod with it. clipped and baited but I slipped the waders onfish in the same swim and managed to get its this time with an extra 15 head up and into the net.pushing the far bankagain so I set up on them. spombs of particles over
A lovely 29lb mirror life of me even dropping and found a clear spotwas my prize. Both rods the lead this fish stayed that was like glass as Iback out and within 20 deep and pulled the lead back. 365mins I was into a 3rd fish decided to turn coming wafter on a size 6 Sharpthis time from the left away from a weed bed! Tackle wide gape. Justhand rod on the reeds. It Bonus I thought till it a few handfuls of boilieswas a funny take couple started making its way catapulted over the topof knocks that was it but I towards my other rod. It and that was it because Inoticed the end of the tip hit it bang on and was absolutely shatteredknocking so I lifted into it. managed to roll over the from work. Needless toFish had gone about 10 top of it for good say the next morning Iyards down the margin measure. I was now in woke refreshed butinto a bay but this worked the waders in the dark knowing I hadn’t put thein my favour as I could stuck in a weed bed 3 effort in so there was nonow play the fish in the yards short of my net cord reward. Determined todeeper water. By the time and anchored there from right my wrongs and saveit had finished it was beat my other rig it had buried the session I jumped up aand I skimmed it over the in a weed bed. Stalemate! margin tree and spent aweed margin weed bed I could see the fish was while up there. I was satand into the net. getting distressed and directly on top of my pinkLooking down into the net made a final attempt to try 365 choddy up the tree asI was staring at a to land it but the line gave I watched a fish move in.stunning mirror wood and it was game over. It went straight for it butcarving and it weighed After all the disturbance turned at the last 8 inch.26lb. Rods back out and that was it for the night Something was wrong somore particles and chops the fish had all moved off. I brought it back in andon the spot I was ready Homeward bound but 4-1 stuck a yellow 365 pop upfor the next chance. That up!! Session 3 another on and moved the beadday the tench moved in after work Friday finish back on the leader ofand completely wound and the lake was the Heli rig to get me asme up but I kept the bait hammered only two far as possible from thegoing in and fed them swims left so I jumped in lead. Back out and I handoff. Last night and rods the closest one because I baited this rod from theset and ready. Around was tree with crushed whole3am I get a take from absolutely knackered and chopped formula/365the far side rod it was a from work. I did see fish boilies. The other rod Idead weight felt like I was down my right hand left put as it was such adragging in a snag but margin so I lobbed a smooth spot and from upwith the odd bang down choddy down there on the tree I could see it wasthe line and kiting right. I a 365 pink pop up. The a polished off sand bar. Icouldn’t get it up for the other rod I leaded around stuck a few spombs of
particles and chops on it and swung left straight Choosing to play the fishwith a 365 wafter. That over the bar I was fishing with steady pressure atnight I could hear the fish and into the weed bed far in the safe zone. Bybreaching out in the open on the other side. Locked the time it was finished itand felt I had messed up. solid I wasn’t was knackered. I slippedLate morning and hadn’t hanging around so I the net under a 28lbhad a touch it was looking quickly jumped in me mirror. Homeward boundlike I was waders and started the 6-1!leaving empty handed. 40yrd margin walk goingThe seagulls where now close to the brim of the Session 3 and arrivingdive bombing my margin waders I was scrambling very late at the lake androd for the yellow pop up through silt beds on my only one swim available!and the coots where tip toes. Finally, I hit the Nobody had seen or haddiving on the crushed and sand bar and stepped on a thing so walking downchopped boilies to it. Rod tip out and over to the NW bank to the lastnightmare!! All of a the fish and it came up peg in the corner I wasn’tsudden the right hand like a rising submarine full of beans as you canmargin rod swung around from the depths. Another imagine. To my surpriseand a coot let out a lovely 26lb mirror in true upon leaving the woodsmassive high pitch autumn colours. I stuck to the open peg there 2scream as it spooked the rod back on the bar rods out was an upper 20and fled the scene with but I wasn’t expecting common and smaller onethe seagulls in tow. I was anything after all the just 10 yards to the right!on! The fish powered off disturbance but just 10 That was it adrenalinunder the canopy I could mins later the reel started pumping I stepped backfeel the line to tick off the clutch and into the woods quicklygrating on something the tip was knocking. I sorting the rods out bothmost probably lifted into a weight that on pop up but this timeunderhanging branches. I dumped me straight away formula and plum for theirhoped the fish would pull no messing in a weed less spooky colouring asleft out the canopy after bed. This time it was too there a washed red.its run but it didn’t! It far to wade overbattled me all the way so I slacked off theback through the rod and made acanopy one foot at a brew 10 minstime. My heart was in my later it wasmouth and it began to screaming offplay ball towards the last again and I was10 yards of in contact. Thecanopy. Soon as it came fish went for openout it came back to life water and I let it.
Last thing I wanted was to the margin shelf dropping the bar and margin. Whenchuck a hi vis bait at them out to 7 ft. I managed to I got it in the mat I beganwhile they are already pick the bar up down the removing all the weed. Ithere. Tying up a 360 rig left margin some 15 yards was a 24lb mirror that Iusing Sharp Tackle size 4 and was able to cut back had seen turn its nose upkurvs and QC ring on it. I still couldn’t get the just last week at my pinkswivels I was going as bugger up and now I’d 365 pop up when I wasfast I could and heard been in the drink 20 mins up the tree. As I playeda big fish breach the far and dark was the fish I noticed fishside! Great I thought coming fast. One last bit bolting out the bay andeven more fish I walked of pressure and I was leaving the area fromout of the canopy to see winning only a little bit but all the disturbance andand it breached again a the compressed rod was ultimately that was thedecent mirror but upon slowly straightening. All of outcome for the rest ofentering the swim the a sudden a massive ball the weekend. Homewardcommons that where of weed came up and I bound 7-1there had gone. I decided thought I was done withsome 15 mins later they no signs of a fish. I routed Until next time… tightweren’t going to return through the weed stood I chucked over to the there in my waders andfar side with one rod to knackered when Danny smithwhere the fish breached. suddenly I felt a fish. ThatNice touch down with a was it! everything went infirm donk! Clip on and just the net all the weed theabout to retrieve and the lot I filled a 42inch netrod banged hard on the and waded back alongclip! I was in!!!! Fish onthe drop can youbelieve it. It was a firmthudding action until I wassolid in weed. This endof the lake sees the mostof the weed and it’s likea 5 a side pitch most theyear. I slackened the lineoff and waited but no joy.15 mins later I made anattempt to wade out tothe bar the common wason but it was too deep todirectly walk out to it with
Christmas is Coming...So, there is no denying that Christmas is just around thecorner and just in case any of our wonderful readers arelooking to buy a gift for your favourite online carp magazineeditor.... Here is a solid hint!!For me personally, there is one thing on my Santa list Ireally hope makes an appearance under my tree this yearand that’s a book I still haven’t got my hands on yet.....“Heads Down Tails Up” by Martin Clarke and Friends.This book gives us Martins personal thoughts and insight onmodern day carp angling. It covers a vast array of subjectsfor water and swim choice, fish location, baiting and so on...But even better than that he gives us a peek into marginfishing his way with some great tips and techniques thatcould really give you an edge when you are out there. Addto that the guest chapters and you have some mighty finereading material and a book you will want to read over andover...So, Mrs Dixon, if you are reading this, the book can beordered from or pick up a copyfrom Johnson Ross Tackle, The Tackle Box Kent or BrownsAngling Centre and carries a R.R.P of £28.So, stop hanging about…. Grab yourselves a copy(and feel free to grab me one too?)Brian.
China Lakes 2016 -China Lake is 17 acres in day. They ended their With the temperatures onsize, with depth ranging week with 22 and 25 fish the increase, and fishfrom 2ft to 22ft and fish respectively, with Charlie feeding, anglers seemedstock of 400+ carp. This banking the biggest one, to be catching all overlake is set in 85 acres of a mirror tipping the scales the lake. As always someblissfully quiet parkland at 46lb. It’s fair to say we swims weremaking it a real were off to a flyer, and outperforming others butundiscovered diamond in the subsequent weeks all were producing fish.the French carp-fishing threw up more fish with aworld. surprising amount of 30s July and August and 40s being put on the continued producing fishWith the 2016 season bank. This was a good and saw another 49lbcoming to an end, it’s feeling as we were not stunner tripping up in thetime to reflect on the a 100 percent sure what Private Swim; surely welast few months. What a size fish this lake held. were about to have ourseason it has been! April first 50lb fish very soon.brought us cold nights June came with a veryand wet, rainy days, as welcome 49lb 8oz mirror So into September andwell as our first two previously unknown, and the lake was stillanglers in the shape of what looked like a fish producing, all be it withCharlie Higham and Phil that had never even been some slower weeks. WeSwift, both excellent carp hooked. It was very were still very hopefulanglers who worked really apparent by that point October would throw uphard getting to know this that the fish had a clear the elusive 50lb fish wenew venue. They seemed preference for fishmeal had been waiting on. Withto have sussed the swims boilies and fluoro pink a whole host of beautifulthey were fishing pop-ups, as this commons and mirrorswithin a couple of days combination was fighting like steam trainsand they were catching producing by far the (as one angler put it)3 or 4 fish every single largest number of fish. gracing the banks, all in
First Season Reviewpristine condition, it was of the week. After a long just a little over 50 butyet another surprise in battle he slipped the smashing ourthe shape of a grass carp net under a 49lb mirror, expectations beyond ourthat had us amazed. We just like that his week wildest dreams.had no idea we even had changed and for us it was All in all it has been agrass carp in China Lake. the 3rd different 49lber dream first season with this season. But still no three unknown 49s andThe second week of 50! It was the penultimate a mind-blowing 61lb 2oz.October was upon us and day that would have us Now it’s time to startour hopes of a aghast in disbelief. We preparations for nextfifty showing up this year had just received word season and I am surewere fading quickly. With that John had a big fish some more unknowntwo weeks until the end in the net and that we stunners will be gracingof the season it seemed should get to the swim as the banks of China Lake.unlikely it was to happen soon as possible. Who knows, maybe eventhis year. Charlie Higham Making our way down to a 70??????came for his second visit the swimof the year with 3 of his (at a leisurely pace of If you would like moremates. We had a sneaky course), we peered into information about Chinafeeling these guys would the weigh sling to see Lakes please visit www.have a fair few fish what looked like a pretty and ifbetween them and we big fish. We turned to look you would like to bookwere not disappointed! at each other with eyes your place at thisJohn O’Malley, fishing in like saucers. The stunning venue, pleaseswim 3, was struggling anticipation was just too contact us on 0033 297for three days but he was much. With bated breath 343 572, atdetermined to stick it out. the sling was lifted onto [email protected],At 8am on day 3, alarm the scales, the needle or send us a message viascreaming, he was finally settling at 61lb 2oz. ourfinally into his first fish Finally a fish over 50! Not Facebook page.
DisabledAngling Forum Wins Award
Disabled Angling Forum Wins AwardThe Suffolk Disabled Anglers’ Forum is the proud winner of this year’sCosyfeet Community Award. The charity has won £500 towards the costof equipment and bait.Known as the SDAF, the charity provides the opportunity for peoplewith disabilities to gain access to angling, and runs sessions at Woody’sLake, Barking Tye from May to October. Volunteer helpers and anglingcoaches provide all the necessary skills, experience and knowledge tohelp disabled people to enjoy coarse fishing.The group is 50 members strong and includes a number ofoctogenarians. It comprises wheelchair users, amputees and peoplewith learning difficulties as well as those recovering from strokes.Cosyfeet makes extra roomy footwear for people with swollen feetand has an active policy of giving back to the communities it serves.Launched in 2014, the Cosyfeet Community Award offers aone-off donation of £500 to registered charities or not-for-profitorganisations working on local projects that support and enrich the livesof older people.“I’m extremely proud of what our club means to people,” saysMembership Secretary Wendy Flinter. “Our members get as much fromthe bank-side banter as they do from the coarse fishing. It’s noexaggeration to say that our days out by the lake provide a lifeline forthem.”For more information on the Cosyfeet Community Award
STOP PRESS!!! Who would like to win 24 hours of FREE FISHING FOR YOU AND A FRIEND at Brooms Cross Fishery?? It’s simple to enter: -1) Go to the Brooms Cross fishery Facebook page and give the page a “like”2) Scroll down to the post to enter the competition (pinned to the top of the page)3) Follow the easy steps, this will take you about 20 seconds, and that’s it!!4) You are in the draw to win a fishing session for you and a friend to win some free fishing. Once the Brooms Cross Facebook page hits 2klikes a winner will be drawn from all those that have entered. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE.
Dan Mawdsley 21lb 8ozBanoffee Dave with the Eclipse at 27lbJim Rattray Kris McCullough 23lb 4oz 23lb 10ozTom Pritchard Mikey Baxter 19lb 24lb 4oz
Luke O’Neil P.B. 24lb Mark O’Neil Tony Sumner 19lb 4oz 23lb 30z Paddy Cousins 24lb Matty Baxter 23lb
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