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Home Explore 3d Phonics book

3d Phonics book

Published by purewsuren odongerel, 2020-02-04 22:01:19

Description: Англи хэлийг анхлан суралцагчдад зориулсан авиазүйн ном

Keywords: odnoo


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Consonants, Hard and Soft c and g UNIT 1 Theme: Celebrations Unit Opener: Read Aloud, Hard and soft g: Sound to symbol ……………14 “Chinese New Year”…………………………….. .5 Home Letter ……………………………………6 Hard and soft c and g: Words in context/ Initial consonants: Sound to symbol ………… 7-8 Word meaning ……………………………...15-16 Medical consonants: Sound to symbol/ Review consonants: Phonics & Spelling..……17 Words in context ……………………………… 9-10 Review hard and soft c and g: Final consonants: Sound to symbol/ Phonics & Writing: Journal Entry …………….18 Words in context ……………………………...11-12 Take-Home Book: “Cook Celebrate!” ……19-20 Hard and soft c: Sound to symbol ………….. …13 Unit Checkup: Initial, medial, and final consonants/Hard and soft c, g …………… 21-22 Short and Long Vowels UNIT 2 Theme: Friends and Family Unit Opener: Read Aloud, poem “A Friend” Long and short vowel I: Sound to symbol…………39 Long vowel a, i: Words in context ………………….40 by Beatrice Schenk de Regniers …………. ….. 23 Long and short vowel u: Home Letter …………………………………... 24 Words in context …………………...…………..41 Short vowel a: Phonemic awareness/ Review long vowels a, i, u: Sound to symbol ………………...…..… 25-26 Sound to symbol ………………………….…... 42 Short vowel i: Sound to symbol, Rhyme………. 27 Long vowel o: Sound to symbol ………….………... 43 Review short vowels a, i: Sound to symbol ….. 28 Short vowel u: Words in context …………….... 29 Review long vowels a, i, u, o: Review short vowels a, i, u: Spelling .……...... 30 Phonograms, rhyme ……………...……….…... 44 Short vowel o: Sound to symbol ………….. .. 31 Long vowel e: Words in context ……………….…… 45 Review short vowels: a, i, u, o: Words in context ……………………………… … 32 Review long vowels a, e, I, o, u: Sound to symbol …………………..…….…….. 46 Short vowel e: Sound to symbol ……………… 33 Review short vowels a, e, I, o, u: Sound Review short and long vowels: Phonics & Spelling …………….………….…… 47 to symbol ………………………………….. 34 Review short vowels: Phonics & Reading …… 35 Review short and long vowels: Phonics & Writing: A list …………………….… 48 Review short vowels: Phonics & Writing: Descriptive Paragraph ………..........…….. 36 Take-Home Book: “Animal Homes” ………….... 49-50 Unit Checkup: Short and long vowels …….... 51-52 Long vowel a: Sound to symbol/ Words in context ……………………….. 37-38

Compounds, Syllables, Blends and Digraphs, Y as a Consonant and Vowel, R-controlled Vowels UNIT 3 Theme: What an imagination! Unit Opener: Read Aloud, poem Syllabus: Phonological awareness/ Words in context ……………………….. 75-76 “The Spangled Pandemonium” By Palmer Brown ……………………................ 53 Review consonant blends and digraphs: Home Letter …………………………………. 54 Phonics & Reading …...………...……….. 77 Compound Words …..………………...……. 55-56 Review consonant blends and digraphs: Syllabus ……………………………………… 57-58 Phonics & Writing: A report …………………….…... 78 R Blends: Sounds to symbol/ R-controlled vowels: ar, er, ir, or, ur, Words in context …………………... 59-60 Sound to symbol/ Word meaning ……........ 79-80 L Blends: Sounds to symbol/ R-controlled vowels: ar, er, ir, or, ur Words in context: ………………….. 61-62 Sound to symbol ………….…………….….. 81-82 S Blends: Sounds to symbol/ R-controlled vowels: Syllabus, Words in context …………………... 63-64 Sound to symbol …………………..…….…….. 83 Final Blends: Sound to symbol ………… …… 65 R-controlled vowels: Syllabus, Word meaning …..…………….………….…… 84 Review consonant blends: Phonograms, rhyme …………………... 66 Review r-controlled vowels: Phonics & Spelling …….…………………….… 85 Y as a vowel: Long i, Sound to symbol ….….… 67 Y as a Vowel: Long i and e, Review r-controlled vowels: Phonics & Writing: Words in context ……..………………… 68 A Narrative Paragraph ………………………… 86 Y as a Vowel and as a consonant: Take-Home Book: Sound to symbol ………………………. 69 “They Had an Idea!” ………………………. 87-88 Review Y as a vowel and as a consonant: Unit Checkup: Consonant blends and Sound to symbol ……………………….. 70 digraphs, r-controlled vowels, Consonant digraphs: Sound to symbol/ compounds, y as a vowel …………………. 89-90 Words in context ……………………. 71-72 Consonant digraphs: Words in context/ Sound to symbol ……………………. 73-74 Contractions, Plurals, Suffixes UNIT 4 Theme: A Working World Unit Opener: Read Aloud, “The Dinosaur Contractions: ‘t, ‘s, ‘ve, ‘m, ‘re, ‘ll, ‘d …...………… 95 Hunters”…………………………………………... 91 Review Contractions ……………………………… 96 Home Letter ………………………………… 92 Contractions: ‘t, ‘s, ‘ve ……………….…….…… 93 Plural Endings: -s, -es, Sound to symbol ….......... 97 Contractions: ‘t, ‘s, ‘ve, ‘m, ‘re, ‘ll ……………… 94 Plurals: Words ending in ss, x, Ch, and sh, Plurals: -s and -es with words Words in context ……………………………... 98 ending in y ……………………………….. 99-100 Suffixes: -y, -ly, -ness, -ful, -less ……………. 113-114 Plurals: -es, with words ending in f and fe, Suffixes: -ion, -ment ……………………………..… 115 Suffixes: -en, -able, ible, Word meaning ………… 116

Words in context/Word meaning …….. 101-102 Review suffixes: -en, -able, -ible, Inflectional Endings: -s, -Ed, - ing ……………... 103 -ion, -ment …………………………………... 117 Suffixes: -er, -est, Words in context ………….. 104 Syllables: Words with suffixes Suffixes and endings: Doubling the and endings ………………………………… 118 Final consonant ……………………….. 105-106 Syllables: Words with suffixes Suffixes and endings: and endings ………………………..……. 119-220 Words ending in e …………………….. 107-108 Review plurals, suffixes, and endings: Suffixes and endings: Words ending Phonics & Writing: A News Story …………... 121 in e, Words in context ……………….. 109-110 Review contractions, suffixes, and endings: Review suffixes and endings: Phonics & Readingv ………….…………... 111 Phonics & Writing: A News Story ………….. 122 Review suffixes and endings: Take-Home Book: “Working in a Zoo” 123-124 Phonics & Writing: Dairy Entry …………….…... 112 Unit Checkup: Contractions, plurals, suffixes, endings ………………….…. 125-126 Vowel Pairs, Digraphs, Diphthongs UNIT 5 Theme: By the sea Unit Opener: Read Aloud, Review vowel pairs and digraphs: Phonics & Writing: A Friendly Letter ……….. 140 “The horse in the sea” ………………….... 127 Diphthongs: Words in context …………..…......... 141 Home Letter ………………………………… 128 Review diphthongs: Sound to symbol ……...…… 142 Vowel digraphs: Syllables ……………………...… 143 Vowel pairs: Words in context …….…..…129-130 Words with diphthongs: Syllables …. 14 4 Vowel pairs: Words in context ………….. 131-132 Vowel digraphs oo, ea: Sound to symbol …….133 Review vowel pairs, digraphs, diphthongs: Vowel digraphs ea, ei: Words in context ……..134 Phonics & Spelling ………………….….…… 145 Vowel digraphs aw, au, ei: Review vowel pairs, digraphs, diphthongs: Sound to symbol …………………………..135 Phonics & Writing: Informative Paragraph …………...………… 146 Vowel digraphs oo, ei, ea, aw, au: Sound to symbol …………………………..136 Take-Home Book: “Octopuses” ………….... 147-148 Vowel pairs and digraphs: Word meaning ….,, 137 Unit Checkup: Vowel pairs, digraphs, Review vowel pairs and digraphs ……….…… 138 diphthongs ……………………………….… . 149-150 Review vowel pairs and digraphs: Phonics & Reading ……………….……… 139 Prefixes, Base Words, Suffixes, Syllables UNIT 6 Theme: Taking Care of Our Earth Unit Opener: Read Aloud, Syllables: v-c-v words ………………...……… 169-170 “The Bottle Houses” …………………….... 151 Syllables: v-c-v words ………………...……… 171-172 Home Letter ………………………………… 152 Syllables: Words with a vowel

Prefixes: I’m-, in-, dis-, mis- … …….…..…153-154 sounded alone ……………….…….…… 173-174 Prefixes: ex-, de-, re-, pre- …………………….. 155 Review prefixes …………………………………..156 Syllables: Words with two vowels together that are sounded separately ……….…. 175-176 Prefixes, base words, suffixes, endings ……………………… 157-158 Syllables: Words with me …………….…….. 177-178 Syllables: Words with prefixes, suffixes, Review prefixes, base words, suffixes and and endings ………………………………... 159 endings, syllables: Phonics & Spelling ……. 179 Syllables: Compound words …………………….160 Review prefixes, base words, suffixes and endings, syllables: Phonics & Writing: Review compound words: Letter to the Editor ……………………... 180 Phonics & Reading ……….……………….. 161 Take-Home Book: Review compound words: “David’s Wonderful Idea” …………….. 181-182 Phonics & Writing: A Postcard …….……. 162 Unit Checkup: Prefixes, base words, Syllables: Words with suffixes ……………. 163-164 suffixes and endings, syllables ……………. 183-184 Syllables: Words with prefixes ……………. 165-166 Syllables: Words with two or more Consonant between two vowels ……. 167-168 Synonyms, Antonyms, Homonyms, Homographs, Dictionary Skills UNIT 7 Theme: Express Yourself Unit Opener: Read Aloud, poem Dictionary: Guide words ……………...……… 169-170 Dictionary: Locating words ………...……...… 171-172 “Changing” by Mary Ann Hoberman ……. 185 Homographs: Words with multiple meaning Home Letter ………………………………… 186 multiple meaning ……………………….…. 201-202 Synonyms: Words in context/ Review synonyms, antonyms, homonyms: Word meaning ………………………. 178-188 Phonics & Spelling …………………………….. 203 Antonyms: Words in context/ Review synonyms, antonyms, homonyms: Word meaning ………………………. 189-190 Phonics & Writing: An e-mail Message ……... 204 Homonyms: Words in context ……..……. 191-192 Take-Home Book: Review homonyms: Phonics & Reading …….. 193 “A Little Imagination” …………………..… 205-206 Review homonyms: Phonics & Writing: Unit Checkup: Synonyms, antonyms, A Narrative Paragraph …………………... 194 homonyms, dictionary skills …………….. 207-208 Dictionary: Alphabetical order/ Guide words …………………………. 195-196

UNIT 1 Consonants, Hard and Soft c and g Theme: Celebrations Colorful dancing lions and dragons weave down the street. There is music and dancing. People wave and cheer. It’s Chinese New Year! People celebrate Chinese New Year for 15 days. It is a time to wish their friends and family good luck. Part of celebrating Chinese New Year is eating a special meal. People wear the color red to bring happiness. They also decorate their homes with special flowers to bring good luck. Maybe the best part of Chinese New Year is lucky money. Money is placed into little red packets. A good luck message is written on the front. Then the packets are given to children. What part of Chinese New Year would you like the best? Why? • Unit 1 Introduction Critical thinking

Sound to Symbol Name ………………………………………………………………………… Say the name of each picture. Write the capital and small letter for the beginning sound of each picture.

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