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Home Explore Good Health - Medical Directory 2014

Good Health - Medical Directory 2014

Published by jennywu0208, 2015-08-04 04:27:00

Description: Good Health is Australia's favourite health magazine. We've got positive, doable solutions for all aspects of your healthy life - we help you make good health and wellbeing an easy lifestyle choice.

Keywords: Digital Publication, Flip Magazine,Good Health


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Treating you like familyAt Baptist Health Corbin, YOU are our top priority. Our commitment is to alwaysprovide quality healthcare to our patients and their families. We want to be yourchoice for healthcare. Every Patient. Every Time. Let us help you to get back towhat really matters. Baptist Health Corbin is the best choice for healthcare thatyou can depend on. PHYSICIANS SOUTHEASTAt Baptist Health Physicians Southeast, our physicians and staff are dedicatedto providing the same excellent care and compassion that patients have cometo expect at all of the Baptist owned facilities. Baptist Physicians Southeastphysicians are highly skilled and offer “State of the Art” procedures that havenever been offered in this area before.Baptist Health Cardiology Baptist Health Oncology Baptist Health Radiology606-528-5331 Specialists SpecialistsBaptist Health GI Specialists 606-523-1934 606-523-8542606-523-3021Baptist Health Heart Specialists Baptist Health Orthopedics Baptist Health Surgical606-523-9010 606-523-1565 SpecialistsBaptist Health Hospitalists 606-330-4230 606-526-7363606-523-4070 Baptist Health Pulmonology 606-330-4175Baptist Health Primary Care & Critical Care Baptist Health UrologyBarbourville 606-546-6027 606-523-1570 606-528-1172London 606-330-4140 Baptist Health Pulmonary 606-330-4200Williamsburg 606-549-8244 Specialists

You Should HearWhat You’re Missing! 1 Trillium Way FOR HEARING AIDS: FOR THERAPY: Corbin, KY 40701 •Programmable Hearing Aids •Tinnitus Retraining (606) 523-8770 •Digital Hearing Aids (ringing ears) •Assistive Listening Devices •Canalith Repositioning •Repair of Hearing Aids (dizziness) •Buyer Protection Haley Wright, Au.D., CCC-A 800 Oak Ridge Turnpike 109 Independence Lane 1855 Tanner Way, Suite 130 Suite C-101 Suite 300 Harriman, TN 37748 Hear Services and East (865) 882-1600 Tennessee Ear, Nose & Throat Oak Ridge, TN 37830 LaFollette, TN 37766 Specialists have been working (865) 482-1086 (423) 562-9744 together for 39 years as a team for complete Hearing Toll Free 1-(866) 479-HEAR (4327) Evaluations and Treatment E , N & TEAST TENNESSEEHROAT Oak Ridge Office:• Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Jackson Plaza• Sinus Disorders & Allergies AR OSE• Ear,Nose & Throat Surgery SPECIALISTS, PC 800 Oak Ridge Tpke, Suite C-100• Head & Neck Surgery Oak Ridge, TN 37830• Hearing Evaluations & Treatment• Cosmetic Facial Surgery 865-483-2288• Facial Reconstructive Surgery• Audiological Services LaFollette Office:• Pediatric Otolaryngology 109 Independence Ln,• Baha (an implantable hearing Suite 500 aid) and Balloon Sinuplasty LaFollette, TN 37766• Thyroid & Parathyroid Surgery 423-562-9744 Please visit us at to learn more about us. At our website you Harriman Office: may request appointments, prescription refills and have access to all of our patient Physicians Plaza of Roane Co. information forms. 1855 Tanner Way, Suite 130 Harriman, TN 37748 865-882-1600 Corbin, KY Office: 1 Trillum Way Corbin, KY 40741 606-523-8770 Left to right: Fredrick A. Bunge, M.D., Brynae Miley, M.D.; Charles G. Sewall, M.D., Richard L. Schultz, M.D., 2014 Medical Directory 3

Medical Directory INDEX PUBLISHER Topical Listings Mental Health Centers/Services . . . . . . 14 Massage Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Willie Sawyers > [email protected] Adult Care Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 MRI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Audiologists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Nutritional Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 EDITORIAL Bio-identical Hormone Therapy . . . . . . 10 Neurology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Breast Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Occupational Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Carrie Dillard / Managing Editor > [email protected] Cardiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Occupational Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Sue Minton / Lifestyles Editor > [email protected] Cardiovascular Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Oncology/Cancer Centers . . . . . . . . . . .15 Nita Johnson / Staff Writer > [email protected] Chiropractic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Optometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Rob McDaniel / Staff Writer > [email protected] Clinics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Orthopedics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 R. Scott Belzer / Staff Writer > [email protected] Diabetes Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Pediatric Medicine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Diabetic Footwear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Pharmacies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Denis House / Sports Editor > [email protected] Dentistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-12 Physical Rehabilitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Mitch Howard / Sports Writer > [email protected] Oral & Maxillofacial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Physical Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Orthodontist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Physician Referral Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 DESIGN Pediatric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Podiatry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Periodontist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Primary Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 James Marcum Jr./Production Assistant>[email protected] Dermatology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Psychiatric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Drug Intervention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Pulmonology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 ADVERTISING Endoscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Radiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Ear, Nose and Throat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Radiology Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Kathy Jones / Advertising Manager > [email protected] Fitness Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Respiratory Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Louise Parsons / Advertising Sales > [email protected] General Surgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Rheumatology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Health Care Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Senior Citizen Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Julie Rea / Advertising Sales > [email protected] Hematology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Sleep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Gail Forbes / Advertising Sales > [email protected] Home Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Specialty Clinic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Hospice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Speech Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 PRODUCTION Hospitals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Suicide Prevention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Infusion Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Surgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Shari Sevier / Production Manager > [email protected] Internal Medicine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Urology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22James Marcum Jr. / Classified display sales > [email protected] Laboratory Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Urgent Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Medical Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Vascular Surgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 ADMINISTRATION Medical Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Veterinarians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Medical Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Weight Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Judy McCowan / Business Manager > [email protected] Brenda F. Crook / Bookkeeping Advertisers Dr. Kim Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Karen Mills / Classifieds Heartland Rehabilitation . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Air Methods of Kentucky . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Kenney Orthopedic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Earletta Sparkman / Circulation Manager > [email protected] Anderson Oral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Laurel County Health Department . . . . . 9 Harry Fouts / Circulation Assistant Audibel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Lake Cumberland Regional Hospital . . . 30 Baptist Health Corbin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 MD2U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ABOUT THE COVER Chiropractic Health Solutions . . . . . . . . . 5 Saint Joseph London . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Dr. Jeremy W. Allen Family Dentistry . . . 5 The Sentinel-Echo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 complimentary Laurel County Medical Directory | 2014 Helping Parents Prepare For Baby Meeting the Needs of the Uninsured Support for Those Battling the Big \"C\"SEThEeCNHTIONEL Look inside for a full list of medical professionalsdesign by James Marcum Jr. In Memory of Roy House For all police, fire and medical Medicaid Fraud / Patient Abuse emergencies in the City of London Telephone. . . . . . .1-877-228-7384The Sentinel-Echo (USPS 490-600) is published on Monday, Wednesday and Laurel County...and Friday, except for the Christmas and New Year’s Day holidays, by Parent Help & Abuse HotlineCommunity Newspaper Holdings, Inc. Periodicals postage paid at London, Dial 9-1-1 Telephone. . . . . . .1-800-432-9251KY 40741. Postmaster send address changes to: The Sentinel-Echo, P.O.Box 830, London, KY 40743-0830. Laurel Dispatch Center Prevent Child Abuse HotlineSUBSCRIPTION RATES BY MAIL: Laurel, Knox, Whitley, Clay, 503 S. Main St. Telephone. . . . . . .1-800-544-2022Pulaski, Jackson and McCreary counties — $57; elsewhere in Kentucky — London, Ky.$64; out of state — $66. To subscribe or for more information, call (606) (606) 878-7000 Rape Crisis Centers878-7400. Visit us on the Web at Corbin . . . . . . . . .1-606-528-7010 24-Hour Hotlines Spouse Abuse Shelter Child Abuse Hotline Somerset . . . . . . .1-606-679-1553 Kentucky . . . . . . 1-800-752-6200 National. . . . . . . .1-800-422-4453 Suicide Prevention Hotline Telephone. . . . . . .1-800-784-2433 Copyright 20144 The Sentinel Echo UNITE- Treatment Referral Line Telephone. . . . . . .1-866-908-6483

Introducing Back Pain? Neck Pain? Headaches? The Leader in Medical Health Calls Don’t Let Pain Slow You Down! Let Us Help You Get Your Life Back!Primary Care in your home. Chiropractic care provides quick pain relief when needed,Are you or a family member home bound or having a as well as effective preventive care that keeps everyone in difficult time getting to the Doctor’s Office your family pain-free and active. MD2U actually makes house calls and provides primary Call us to schedule your appointment. medical care for chronic and acute illness. MD2U is the perfect alternative for home-bound or home-limited 606-878-0088 patients who have difculty traveling to a doctor’s ofce. With MD2U, patients receive quality healthcare in the We look forward to treating you! comfort of their own homes. Everything from routine checkups to lab work, x-rays, EKGs and ultrasounds are Members of the American Chiropractic Association all provided in-home. Most insurances accepted MD2U providers offer complete care. They are trained Follow us on to work closely with the patient, their family, caregivers, Facebook. home health nurses, therapists and social workers. London Berea McKee Upon request, MD2U will also work with the patient’s existing primary care physician 1750 W. Hwy 192 1048 Ace Drive 35 Hwy 290 For appointment or more information call 1-606-219-4314 Covered by Medicare & most insurance plans$105908 West Fifth Street • London •Convenient Location •Excellent Value a $267 Value NEexpwiresPa12an-3t1di-e14Cn. MtlueEstaxParnesmienngt,CXoruapoyns. •Compassionate Care General & Family Dental Care Preventative • Restorative • Cosmetic Implants • ExtractionsNeed an appointment Tuesday & Thursday 11-7today? Call us! Wednesday & Friday 9-5330-0330 Every other Saturday 9-2w w w. j wa l l e n d e n t i s t r y. c o m 2014 Medical Directory 5

Senior Minister Keith Short is extremely proud of Community Christian Church’s ability to provide primary medical care for uninsured individuals as well as spiritual counsel.6 The Sentinel Echo

By R. Scott Belzer All of the clinic personnel serve on a complete volunteerSentinel-Echo Staff writer basis. This includes licensed physicians, physician assistants, registered nurses, laboratory technicians, pharmacists andCommunity Christian Church in London other various staff members “who believe their God-given offers its own brand of health care in talents should be utilized in order to provide service and addition to providing churchgoers with a promote spiritual awareness,” Short said. lively, memorable experience. Community Christian’s health care Community Christian’s health care clinic is held on the clinic is a local, faith-based non-profit fourth Saturday of each month from 9 a.m. to noon. A largelocated at the church’s building at 723 W. 5th St. It offers free white sign is usually placed on Fifth Street to usher in thosemedical care to Laurel Countians without insurance or the in need.means to pursue care. On any clinic day, about 20 people are involved in some “Our purpose is to provide quality primary medical way throughout the clinic. They are made up of churchgoerscare for individuals who are uninsured,” said Dr. Keith E. and volunteers alike.Short, senior minister at Community Christian Church.“Our approach to obtaining complete well-being includes “We welcome others to come and volunteer,” Short said.addressing not only the medical needs but also the spiritual “After going through a screening process, you will be able toand social needs of our patients. We include prayer and assist in this much needed clinic.”spiritual coaching as an integral part of the healing process.” Church member Doris Martin directs the clinic. She also Uninsured adults are welcome to use the clinic’s free directs the parish nurse program at Community Christian,services and physician visits. Short and the rest of the church which ensures that a registered nurse or physician’s assistantonly ask that patients commit to providing a community is on sight for each service in case of an emergency.service or activity that will promote health and well being.The health care clinic partners with local pharmacies and Services at the clinic are offered on a first come, first serveprograms to obtain prescription medications at reduced costs. basis. The clinic reserves the right to refer patients to any hospital emergency room or urgent care centers. “Additional services are referred to local physicians, Primary services include: comprehension initialdentists, and hospitals at a per-patient, negotiated price,” said evaluations, blood pressure screening and management,Short. cholesterol screening and management, diabetes screening, counseling and management, coronary evaluation and follow up referrals, upper respiratory conditions such as colds, sinus infections, strep throat, etc., allergies and asthma, headaches, skin conditions and many more. Services not included are: physicals including CDL, sports, employment, comprehension care, disability, worker’s compensation, motor vehicle accident exams, and chronic pain management. While immediate pain is treated, Community Christian Church will not provide prescriptions for controlled substance medications. Those who volunteer at the health care clinic at Community Christian Church consider it a blessing to be able to help or assist London residents and Laurel Countians. For more information or any sort of questions, comments and concerns, call Doris Martin at (606) 878-8848. n 2014 Medical Directory 7

By Nita Johnson Pollen can initiate allergies andSentinel-Echo Staff writer asthma, but the widespread obesity andT reating many of the smoking are also major contributors southeastern Kentucky to the problems facing health care health problems is the specialists. The coal and farming industry goal of Saint Joseph are also considered factors in the overall London, and their health picture of southeastern Kentucky pulmonary services are - one that does not always reflect preventative measures. no less concerned. Services offered at KentuckyOneKentuckyOne Health Pulmonology Health Pulmonology Associates include:Associates is one clinic that helps the • General shortness of breathresidents of the area to breathe easier. • AsthmaLiterally. • COPD (Chronic ObstructiveWith board certified specialists such Dr. Muhammad Iqbal Pulmonary Disease)as Muhammad Iqbal, M.D., and Aqeel • Persistent/Chronic CoughMandviwala, M.D., on board to diagnose • Abnormal Chest X-rayand treat lung-related disorders, that goal • Lung Mass/Cancercan become reality. • Pulmonary HypertensionThe two physicians also treat a wide • Pulmonary Fibrosisrange of sleep disorder including sleep • Smoking Cessationapnea, snoring, daytime sleepiness, To assist the people of southeasterninsomnia, narcolepsy, restless leg disorder Kentucky with dealing with theseand other sleep problems. problems, the pulmonary clinic is openBut often the problem is to a critical on Mondays through Thursdays and astage before patients come to the West half-day on Friday to assist residentsFifth Street clinic. in the London area. Another clinic in“Often, by the time we see the patient, Pineville is open on Tuesday afternoonsit is to a serious level,” Mandviwala said. and is located in the Pineville hospital.“There is no routine testing for pulmonary Dr. Aqeel Mandviwala As with most health care specialists,disorders until you have shortness Dr. Iqbal and Dr. Mandviwala urgeof breath or other breathing related residents to take preventative steps toproblems.” avoid long-term damage. Stopping smoking, exercise, aBoth Mandviwala and Iqbal agree that the geographic healthy diet, and checkups can all serve to decrease potentialarea and the lifestyle of southeastern Kentucky residents are risks.definite factors in the issues facing the population. For more information, call 606-864-4030. n8 The Sentinel Echo

ANDERSON ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY P.S.C. Diplomate of the American Board of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Diplomate of the National Dental Board of AnesthesiologySteven A. Anderson, D.M.D.• Wisdom Teeth Extractions Laurel Medical Center • Dental Implants and Bone Grafting• Intravenous Sedation 1675 South Main Street • Corrective and Reconstructive Jaw Surgery London, Kentucky 40741 606-878-6126 2014 Medical Directory 9

ADULT CARE CENTER (606) 330-4175 KentuckyOne Health Cardiology ServicesIndependent Opportunities John Abe, M.D.70 Monty Dr. London Women’s Care Khalid Manzar, M.D.London, Ky. 803 Meyers-Baker Road, Ste. 200 Cristina Pauig, M.D.(606) 864-1459 London, Ky. 1210 West 5th St. (606) 878-3240 London, Ky.AUDIOLOGISTS (606) 878-3100 Imaging Center of LondonAudibel 148 London Mountain View Dr., Ste. 1 KentuckyOne Health Cardiology1501 Main St., Ste. Q London, Ky. ServicesLondon, Ky. (606) 877-2840 Hassan Hamed, M.D.(606) 657-0793 1406 West 5th St., Ste. 303(606)657-0041 Saint Joseph London Digital London, Ky. Mammography (606) 862-9280East Tennessee Ear Nose & Throat 1001 Saint Joseph LaneSpecialists London, Ky. KentuckyOne Health CardiologyHaley Wright, Au.D. (606) 330-6000 Services1 Trillium Way David Keedy, M.D.Corbin, Ky. 181 Old Whitley Road(606) 523-8770 London, Ky. CARDIOLOGY (606) 864-5936Southeast Kentucky AudiologyAngela Morris, Au.D. Baptist Health Cardiology KentuckyOne Health Cardiology1707 Cumberland Falls Hwy. Khalid Chaudry, M.D. ServicesCorbin, Ky. 15 Moonbow Plaza Anantha Krishna, M.D.(606) 528-9993 Corbin, Ky. 215 Trehalft (606) 528-5331 Barbourville, Ky. (606) 545-7227BIO-IDENTICALHORMONE THERAPY Baptist Health Heart Care KentuckyOne Health Cardiology Mohammad Imam, M.D. ServicesLondon Women’s Care 100 Professional Dr. Anantha Krishna, M.D.803 Meyers-Baker Road, Ste. 200 London, Ky. David Keedy, M.D.London, Ky. (800) 928-7588 1500 Cumberland Falls Highway(606) 878-3240 Corbin, Ky. Baptist Health Heart Care (606) 528-2558BREAST CARE Gary Boliek, M.D. Aaron Hesselson, M.D. CARDIOVASCULARBaptist Health Breast Care Tyler Richmond, M.D. SERVICES1 Trillium Way 100 Professional Dr.Corbin, Ky. London, Ky. Baptist Health Outpatient(606) 523-8502 (800) 999-3421 1 Trillium Way Baptist Health Heart Specialists Corbin, Ky.Baptist Health Surgical Specialists Pramod Reddy, M.D. (606) 523-8574Barbara Michna, M.D., FACS John Loventhal, M.D. BaptistHealthCorbin.comDonald Brown, M.D., FACS 45 Moonbow Plaza1 Trillium Way, Ste. 301 Corbin, Ky. Baptist Health CorbinCorbin, Ky. (606) 523-9010 Non-Invasive / Cardio Services606-526-7363 1 Trillium WayAlso, office appointments at: Corbin, Ky.100 London Mountain View Dr. KentuckyOne Health Cardiology (606) 528-1212London, Ky. Services 1001 Saint Joseph Lane10 The Sentinel Echo London, Ky. Cardiopulmonary Rehab & (606) 330-6000 Prevention Center

192 London Shopping Center, Ste. 3 Pittsburg, Ky. London, Ky.London, Ky. (606) 864-2104 (606) 523-1070(606) 330-2361 Digestive & Liver Clinic (DLC) DIABETIC FOOTWEARKentuckyOne Health Cardiovascular Ashok S. Kanthawar, M.D.Services 1360 W. 5th St. Cumberland Foot & Ankle Center1001 Saint Joseph Lane London, Ky. 929 N. Main St.London, Ky. (606) 877-1575 London, Ky.(606) 330-6000 (800) East Bernstadt Medical Clinic 2659 N. Laurel RoadKentuckyOne Health Cardiovascular East Bernstadt, Ky. Thompson Drug SaddlebrookAssociates (606) 843-6195 575 W. Laurel RoadRobert Phillips, M.D. London, Ky.1406 W. 5th St., Ste. 303 Laurel County Health Department (606) 862-6261London, Ky. 525 Whitley St.(606) 862-9280 London, Ky. DENTISTRY (606) 864-5187CHIROPRACTIC Allen Dental Center London Dialysis Clinic 128 London Shopping CenterAdam High, D.C. 775 N. Laurel Road London, Ky.302 Falls St., Ste. A London, Ky. (606) 878-0708London, Ky. (606) 523-1070(606) 878-9300 Dr. Jeremy W. Allen Family Dentistry London Medical Primary Care 908 W. 5th St.Laurel County Chiropractic H.W. Williams, M.D. London, Ky.Anthony DeCarlo, D.C. 1102 S. Main St. (606) 330-0330164 London Shopping Center London, Ky. jwallendentistry.comLondon, Ky. (606) 862-8495(606) 864-3595 Modern Dental Solutions Medical Arts Building Inc. Cynthia Couch, DMDChiropractic and Nutrition 202 W. 7th St. 735 Meyers Baker RoadDonald E. Miller, D.C. London, Ky. London, Ky.2619 County Farm Road (606) 864-2146 (606) 864-1441London, Ky.(606) 862-6986 Ulrich Medical Clinic Dowell Family Dentistry Dennis Ulrich, M.D. 615 Meyers-Baker RoadOakley Chiropractic 1655 Hwy. 3094 London, Ky.Johnathan Oakley, D.C. East Bernstadt, Ky. (606) 877-1466130 Thompson Poynter Road (606) 843-2339London, Ky. William Hast, DMD(606) 864-1444 DIABETES EDUCATION 1106 S. Main St. London, Ky.CLINICS Baptist Health Corbin (606) 878-8632 Formerly Baptist Regional MedicalKentuckyOne Health Surgery Center Dr. Chris Herron Family DentistryAssociates 1 Trillium Way Chris Herron, DMD, PLLCKristin Moore, M.D. Corbin, Ky. 1221 W. 5th St.1406 W. 5th St., Ste. 301 (606) 523-8549 London, Ky.London, Ky. (606) 864-4744(606) Laurel County Health Department Donald Johnson, DMD 525 Whitley St. 1675 S. Main St.Cumberland River Comprehensive London, Ky. London, Ky.Care Center (606) 864-5187 (606) 864-7816915 North Laurel Road London Dialysis Clinic 775 N. Laurel Road 2014 Medical Directory 11

Laurel Dental Care White & Maggard Orthodontics (800) 395-4435Barry Bingham, DMD 200 City Hall Dr., Ste. 101 BaptistHealthCorbin.comShera Newcomb, DMD London, Ky.1303 S. Laurel Road (606) 877-1900 ENDOSCOPYLondon, Ky.(606) 877-2700 DENTISTRY-PEDIATRIC Baptist Health Surgical David J. Lauber, M.D. Kimberly Brown, DMD Barbara Michna, M.D., FACSLondon Dental Center 1368 E. Hwy. 192 Donald Brown, M.D., FACS828 S. Main St. London, Ky. Aaron House, M.D.London, Ky. (606) 864-6680 1 Trillium Way, Suite 301(606) 878-7251 Corbin, Ky. Dr. Alex Mayes (606) 526-7363Dr. Wayne Parrott Family Dentistry Pediatric Dental Specialist Also, office appointments at:Wayne Parrott, DMD 828 S. Main St. 100 London Mountain View Dr.307 N. Broad St. London, Ky. London, Ky.London, Ky. (606) 657-4414 (606) 330-4175(606) 878-9755 BaptistHealthCorbin.comPepperhill Dental Care DENTISTRY- Baptist Health GI SpecialistsMichael J. Trosper, DMD PERIODONTIST Morris W. Beebe, M.D.130 Thompson-Poynter Road 95 Bryan Blvd., Suite 202London, Ky. Commonwealth Periodontics & Corbin, Ky.(606) 877-8700 Implant Center (606) 523-3021 Susan Ballou Gibson, DMDDr. William T. Petrey Family Dentistry Wil E. Carroll, DMD EAR, NOSE ANDWilliam T. Petrey, DMD 1545 S. Main St. THROAT2725 N. U.S. 25 London, Ky.East Bernstadt, Ky. (606) 878-1971 KentuckyOne Health Ear, Nose and(606) 843-6476 Throat Care Robert Wilson, M.D.Premier Dental 1406 West 5th Street, Ste. 1Terri G. Brown, DMD London, Ky.39 Waco Dr.London, Ky. East Kentucky Tennessee Ear, Nose(606) 877-3002 and Throat Specialists 1 Trillium WayDENTISTRY-ORAL & DERMATOLOGY Corbin, Ky.MAXILLOFACIAL (606) 528-1922 Kentucky Dermatology & SkinAnderson Oral and Maxillofacial Cancer Clinic FITNESS CENTERSSurgery Clifton Smith, M.D.Steven A. Anderson, DMD John Roth, M.D. Baptist Health Family Fitness1675 S. Main St. Ragan Davies, APRN Therapeutic MassageLondon, Ky. Angela Ballard, APRN 440 West Cumberland Gap Parkway(606) 878-6126 1750 W. Hwy. 192 Corbin, Ky. London, Ky. (606) 526-0007DENTISTRY- (606) 878-5590 baptistfitness.comORTHODONTIST First Baptist Church Recreational DRUG INTERVENTION Center 804 W. 5th St.Jeffery W. Fisk, DMD, PSC Baptist Health Trillium Center London, Ky.1675 S. Main St. 1 Trillium WayLondon, Ky. Corbin, Ky.(606) 878-6012 (606) 528-121212 The Sentinel Echo

(606) 864-8914 Southern Kentucky Area Health HOSPICEPowerhouse Gym Fitness Center Education Center649 Meyers-Baker Road 201 W. 11th St. Hospice of the Bluegrass MountainLondon, Ky. London, Ky. Heritage(606) 878-0011 (606) 864-1432 1020 Cumberland Falls 1-800-711-0291 Corbin, Ky. (606) 523-3090GENERAL SURGERY 1-877-807-3011 HEMATOLOGY Tri-County HospiceBaptist Health Surgical Specialists Baptist Health Cancer Care 740 E. Laurel RoadBarbara Michna, M.D., FACS Francis M. Domurat, M.D. London, Ky.Donald Brown, M.D., FACS Michael White, M.D. (606) 877-39501 Trillium Way, Ste. 301 Abigail Byrnes, M.D.Corbin, Ky. 1 Trillium Way HOSPITALS606-526-7363 Corbin, Ky.Also, office appointments at: (606) 523-1934 Baptist Health Corbin100 London Mountain View Dr. Formerly Baptist Regional MedicalLondon, Ky. Offering free valet service Center(606) 330-4175 1 Trillium KentuckyOne Health Cancer Care- Corbin, Ky. Two locations (606) 528-1212KentuckyOne Health Surgery Mridula Vinjamuri, M.D. BaptistHealthCorbin.comAssociates Thomas Baeker, M.D.Kristin Moore, M.D. 1708 Forest Dr., Ste. 101 Continue CARE Hospital1406 W. 5th St., Ste. 301 Corbin, Ky. Formerly Oak Tree HospitalLondon, Ky. (606) 528-5000 1 Trillium Way(606) 330-2370 *** Corbin, Azeem Niazi, M.D. (606) 523-5331 Mridula Vinjamuri, M.D.Cumberland Valley Surgical Center 165 London Mountain View Dr. Lake Cumberland Regional Hospital275 Hwy. 770 London, Ky. 305 Langdon St.Corbin, Ky. (606) 330-7900 Somerset, Ky.(606) 526-7874 (606) 679-74411-800-755-5524 HOME HEALTH lakecumberlandhospital.comHEALTH CARE Comfort Keepers Manchester Memorial HospitalFACILITIES 110 Richie Lane, Ste. D 210 Marie Langdon Dr. Somerset, Ky. Manchester, Ky.Baptist Health Corbin (606) 864-0090 (606) 598-5104Formerly Baptist Regional Medical manchestermemorial.orgCenter1 Trillium Way Professional Home Health Care Saint Joseph LondonCorbin, Ky. 2659 N. Laurel Road 1001 Saint Joseph Lane(606) 528-1212 East Bernstadt, Ky. London, (606) 878-0006 (606) 330-6000 saintjosephlondon.orgSaint Joseph London Seton Home Health1001 Saint Joseph Lane 740 E. Laurel Road INFUSION THERAPYLondon, Ky. London, Ky.(606) 330-6000 (606) Baptist Health Corbin Formerly Baptist Regional Medical 13 Center 1 Trillium Way Corbin, Ky. 2014 Medical Directory

(606) 528-1212 Baptist Health Imaging South (Outpatient Diagnostic Center) TRANSPORTATION 60 Bryan Blvd., Ste. 100INTERNAL MEDICINE Corbin, Ky. Air Methods Kentucky (606) 528-8602 443 Waterworks RoadBaptist Health Cardiology London, Ky.Khalid Chaudry, M.D. (606) 877-342015 Moonbow Plaza Medical Arts Building Inc.Corbin, Ky. 202 W. 7th St. Ambulance Inc of Laurel County(606) 528-5331 London, Ky. 420 W. 5th (606) 864-2146 London, Ky.Baptist Health Primary Care London (606) 878-6301Emily Furlow White, M.D. Saint Joseph London100 London Mountain View Dr. 1001 Saint Joseph Lane PHI Air MedicalLondon, Ky. London, Ky. 588 Hal Rogers Dr.(606) 330-4140 (606) 330-6000 London, 1-888-807-0682 MEDICAL PROPERTIESInternal Medicine & Geriatric London Medical Properties MENTAL HEALTHMedicine 400 S. Main St. CENTERS/SERVICESEmmanuel Yumang, M.D. London, Ky.73 Thompson Poynter Road, Ste. A (606) 877-9209 Baptist Health Briscoe ClinicLondon, Ky. 1 Trillium Way(606) 877-1446 MEDICAL TRAINING Corbin, Ky. (606) 523-8521KentuckyOne Health Primary Care Choice MD (800) 395-4435Associates- Three locations 41 Old Pond Road BaptistHealthCorbin.comNancy Morris, M.D. London, Ky.Shelley Stanko, M.D. (606) 877-7788 Baptist Health Trillium Center175 City Hill Drive 1 Trillium WayLondon, Ky. Corbin, Ky.(606) 877-2050 Medical Career & Technical College (606) 528-1212*** 630 Eastern ByPass (800) 395-4435Donnie Bunch, D.O. Richmond, Ky. BaptistHealthCorbin.comLiesel Grentz, D.O. (859) 624-1988Henna Hashmi, M.D. Cumberland River ComprehensiveFarhan Javaid, M.D. Care Center1406 West 5th St., Ste. 201 MedPlus Staffing 915 North Laurel RoadLondon, Ky. 3560 U.S. 27 Pittsburg, Ky.(606) 330-2377 Somerset, Ky. (606) 864-2104*** (606) 677-9690Ashu Joshi, M.D. MASSAGE THERAPY2135 Highway 30, Ste. 1 Nurse Aide TrainingLondon, Ky. 370 Highland Park Dr., Ste. 1-B Baptist Health Corbin(606) 864-2179 Richmond, Ky. Women & Children’s Services (606) 330-0332 Formerly Baptist Regional MedicalLABORATORY SERVICES (859) 624-4068 Center 1 Trillium WayBaptist Health Imaging and Corbin, Ky.Diagnostics (606) 528-1212, ext. 4458100 Professional Dr. BaptistHealthCorbin.comLondon, Ky.(606) 330-4255BaptistHealthCorbin.com14 The Sentinel Echo

Baptist Health Family Fitness London, Ky. ONCOLOGY/CANCERTherapeutic Massage (606) 862-6986 CENTERS440 West Cumberland Gap ParkwayCorbin, Ky. Laurel County Health Department Baptist Health Cancer Care(606) 526-0007 525 Whitley St. Francis M. Domurat, London, Ky. Michael White, M.D. (606) 864-5187 Abigail Byrnes, M.D.MRI 1 Trillium Way NEUROLOGY Corbin, Ky.Baptist Health Imaging South (606) 523-1934(Outpatient Diagnostic Center) KentuckyOne Health Neurology BaptistHealthCorbin.com60 Bryan Blvd., Ste. 100 Associates Offering free valet serviceCorbin, Ky. Alam Khan, M.D.(606) 528-8602 Amjad Bukhari, M.D. Baptist Health Cancer 192 London Shopping Center, Ste. 2 1-855-788-2426 London, Ky. BaptistCancerNetwork.comSaint Joseph London (606) 330-7370Express Medical Imaging Commonwealth Cancer Center192 London Shopping Center, Ste. 1 Spine & Brain Neurosurgical 165 London Mountain View Dr.London, Ky. 189 W. Hwy. 192 London, Ky.(606) 330-6060 London, Ky. (606) 862-6120(606) 330-7360 (606) 877-5454 KentuckyOne Health Cancer Care-Imaging Center of London OCCUPATIONAL Two locations148 London Mountain View Dr., Ste. 1 HEALTH Mridula Vinjamuri, M.D.London, Ky. Thomas Baeker, M.D.(606) 877-2840 Baptist Health Occupational Health 1708 Forest Dr., Ste. 101 and Wellness Corbin, Ky.Kentucky Orthopedic Clinic Formerly BaptistWorx (606) 528-5000Ronald S. Dubin, M.D. 95 Bryan Blvd., Ste. 201 ***1321 Cumberland Falls Hwy. Corbin, Ky. Azeem Niazi, M.D.Corbin, Ky. (606) 526-4590 Mridula Vinjamuri, M.D.(606) 258-0300 165 London Mountain View OCCUPATIONAL London, Ky. THERAPY (606) 330-7900Saint Joseph London1001 Saint Joseph Lane Baptist Health Outpatient OPTOMETRYLondon, Ky. Rehabilitation(606) 330-6000 1400 Cumberland Falls Hwy Suite C 20/20 Eye Care of Corbin, Ky. 930 E. 4th St. (606) 528-2149 London, Ky.NUTRITIONAL (606) 878-7500EDUCATION Baptist Health Rehabilitation East Bernstadt Eye CenterBaptist Health Corbin 1 Trillium Way Teresa Partin Morton, O.D.Formerly Baptist Regional Medical Corbin, Ky. 2647 N. Hwy. 25Center (606) 528-1212 East Bernstadt, Ky.1 Trillium Way (606) 843-6060Corbin, Ky.(606) 528-1212 Eyedeal Eye 1370 W. 5th St. London, Ky.Chiropractic and Nutrition (606) 877-1101Donald E. Miller, D.C.2619 County Farm Road CONTINUED ON PAGE 18 2014 Medical Directory 15

Blankets, books, and clothing are just some of the items available at the Laurel County Life Center for expectant parents.16 The Sentinel Echo

The Life Center has a wide variety of spring and summer boys’ clothing as well as toys and other baby items.By Nita Johnson “The more hours they come in and participate, the moreSentinel-Echo Staff writer points they earn,” said Didi Hallman, director of the center. “Then they can earn points that they can spend in the babyThe news of a pregnancy - especially one room. They make an investment in themselves through their that is unplanned and unexpected - can be time.” scary. While there is still joy in the news, responsibilities can be overwhelming. Some of the offerings for their points include a new baby But for those who find themselves in bed with mattresses, a Pac N Play that includes a removable that situation, help is near by. bassinet, clothing, bedding for the baby - even car seats. The Laurel County Life Center, located on South MainStreet, offers programs that include counseling, parenting “We do not take or give out any used car seats,” Hallmanclasses, assistance with obtaining needed supplies, and overall during what can sometimes be a very trying time. The requirements to participate and earn points to “cash in” The non-profit agency operates on donations from for the equipment is simple - you must be pregnant.individuals, organizations and businesses to provide non-medical services such as parenting classes, proper prenatal If you find yourself in that situation, the Laurel Countycare, and prenatal development while they build a trusting Life Center offers classes to launch your parenting careerrelationship with their clients. with prenatal development, nurturing, and parenting classes. Expectant fathers are more than welcome to attend and One program offers expectant parents, especially mothers, opportunity to utilize the services in a “learn while youearn” format. “We are not a medical facility and we are not licensed counselors,” Hallman said. “What we do here is fill a niche no one else does.” n 2014 Medical Directory 17

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 15 160 London Mountain View Dr. (606) 864-7368 London, Ky.Huffman & Huffman PSC (606) 864-0770 Thompson Drug East Bernstadt502 N. Main St. 1088 Hwy. 490London, Ky. PEDIATRIC MEDICINE East Bernstadt, Ky.(606) 877-1877 (606) KentuckyOne Health Pediatric Associates Thompson Discount DrugKentucky Eye Institute Muhammad Ali, M.D. 810 E. 4th St.Alison Overley, O.D. Khalid Memon, M.D. London, Ky.975 S. Laurel Road, Ste. B Hasson Mahmood, M.D. (606) 878-7713London, Ky. 21 Middleground Way(606) 878-2020 London, Ky. Thompson Drug Downtown (606) 877-3990 803 Meyers Baker RoadLondon Eye Care London, Ky.130 Thompson Poynter Road Parkway Pediatrics (606) 877-1008London, Ky. 809 Meyers Baker Road(606) 878-2012 London, Ky. Thompson Drug Saddlebrook (606) 864-7337 575 W. Laurel RoadProfessionals in Eye Care London, Ky.356 McWhorter St. PHARMACIES 862-6261London, Ky.(606) 877-6585 Baptist Health Pharmacy Thompson Drug South Formerly Baptist Regional Apothecary 975-A S. Laurel RoadORTHOPEDICS 1 Trillium Way London, Ky. Corbin, Ky. (606) 864-6324Baptist Health Orthopedics (606) 526-8334R.K. Belhasen, M.D. Walgreens Drug StoreJoseph W. Pullekines, M.D. CVS Pharmacy 1775 W. Hwy. 192Adam Adkins, PA 2104 N. Main St. London, Ky.Melissa Hale, PA London, Ky. (606) 877-2727446 W. Cumberland Gap Parkway (606) 862-8734Corbin, Ky. PHYSICAL(606) 523-1565 Kroger Pharmacy REHABILITATION100 Professional Dr. 1732 W. Hwy. 192London, Ky. London, Ky. Baptist Health Outpatient(606) 330-4230 (606) 878-1568 1400 Cumberland Falls Hwy., Ste. C Med Mart Corbin, Ky.Kenney Orthopedics 87 CVB Dr. (606) 528-2149148 London Mountain View Dr. London, Ky. BaptistHealthCorbin.comLondon, Ky. 878-1200(606) 862-9003 Baptist Health Plaza Drug Specialty Care 1 Trillium Way 731 N. Laurel Road Corbin, Ky.Kentucky Orthopedic Clinic London, Ky. (606) 528-1212Ronald S. Dubin, M.D. (606) 862-5665 BaptistHealthCorbin.com1321 Cumberland Falls Hwy.Corbin, Ky. Reed Pharmacy Heartland Rehabilitation(606) 258-0300 272 London Mountain View Dr., Ste. 2 Tom Bowden, Physical London, Ky. Director (606) 330-0302 649 Meyers Baker RoadKentuckyOne Health Orthopedic London, Ky.Associates Rite Aid Pharmacy (606) 864-7316Colin Ball, M.D. 839 S. Main St.Patrice Beliveau, M.D. London, Ky.Jean Page, M.D.Alan Oster, M.D.18 The Sentinel Echo

PHYSICAL THERAPY Saint Joseph Connection Baptist Health Primary Care 1-888-645-0013 WilliamsburgBaptist Health Family Fitness David B. Williams, M.D.Therapeutic Massage Crystal Prewitt, PA440 West Cumberland Gap Parkway PODIATRY Paul Henson, PACorbin, Ky. 403 East Sycamore St.(606) 526-0007 Bluegrass Regional Foot and Ankle Williamsburg, Ky. Associates (606) 549-8244 1105 W. 5th St., Ste. 3 BaptistHealthCorbin.comBaptist Health Outpatient London, Ky.Rehabilitation (606) 862-9900 Hoskins Medical Center1400 Cumberland Falls Hwy., Ste. C 1-866-602-9900 Robert C. Hoskins, M.D.Corbin, Ky. Peter T. Rock, M.D.(606) 528-2149 Cumberland Foot & Ankle Center 1120 Reuben 929 N. Main St. London, Ky. London, Ky. (606) 862-6550Baptist Health Rehabilitation (800) 600-67401 Trillium Way KentuckyOne Health Primary CareCorbin, Ky. Associates- Three locations(606) 528-1212 KentuckyOne Health Orthopedic Nancy Morris, Associates Shelley Stanko, M.D. Colin Ball, M.D., D.P.M. 175 City Hill DriveCardinal Hill Pain Institute Patrice Beliveau, M.D. London, Ky.William O. Witt, M.D. Jean Page, M.D. (606) 877-20502050 Versailles Road Alan Oster, M.D. ***Lexington, Ky. 160 London Mountain View Dr. Donnie Bunch, D.O.(859) 367-7246 London, Ky. Liesel Grentz, (606) 864-0770 Henna Hashmi, M.D. Farhan Javaid, M.D.Heartland Rehabilitation Richard E. Skrip, DPM 1406 West 5th St., Ste. 201Tom Bowden, Physical Therapy 1675 S. Main St., No. 5 London, Ky.Director London, Ky. (606) 330-2377649 Meyers Baker Road (606) 878-5474 ***London, Ky. Ashu Joshi, M.D.(606) 864-7316 PRIMARY CARE 2135 Highway 30, Ste. 1 London, Ky.PT Pros-London Baptist Health Primary Care (606) 864-2179Eddie Valentine, PT, DPT Barbourville1690 W. Hwy. 192 Paul Pedersen, M.D. London MedicalLondon, Ky. Sherelene Fortney, ARNP H.W. Williams, M.D.(606) 877-3231 Susan Hodge, PA 1102 S. Main Loretta Wilson, ARNP London, Ky. 602 Knox St. (606) 862-8495Saint Joseph London Outpatient Barbourville, Ky.Physical Therapy (606) 546-6027 Mountain View Family Practice160 London Mountain View Dr. Samuel Kreis, M.D.London, Ky. 272 London Mountain View Dr.(606) 878-7536 Baptist Health Primary Care London London, Ky. Emily Furlow White, M.D. (606) 877-2850PHYSICIAN REFERRAL Tye Prewitt, PALINE 100 London Mountain View Dr. Parkway Medical Associates London, Ky. Jackie Maxey, M.D.Baptist Health Corbin (606) 330-4140 102 Professional Dr., Ste. 2(800) 923-2762 London, (606) 878-9611 2014 Medical Directory 19

PSYCHIATRIC (606) 330-2361 Baptist Health Imaging and DiagnosticsBaptist Health Briscoe Clinic KentuckyOne Health Pulmonology 100 Professional Dr.1 Trillium Way Associates London, Ky.Corbin, Ky. Aqeel Mandviwala, M.D. (606) 330-4255(606) 523-8521 Muhammad Iqbal, M.D. 395-4435 1210 W. 5th London, Ky. Baptist Health Imaging North (606) 864-4030 446 W. Cumberland Gap ParkwayBaptist Health Trillium Center Corbin, Ky.1 Trillium Way RADIOLOGY (606) 523-1565Corbin, Ky. 528-1212 Baptist Health Radiology Specialists(800) 395-4435 Formerly Corbin Radiology Baptist Health Imaging Lonnie Bargo, M.D. (Outpatient Diagnostic Center) William T. Daniel, II, M.D. 60 Bryan Blvd., Ste. 100Cumberland River Comprehensive Harold Reedy, M.D. Corbin, Ky.Care Center 1 Trillium Way (606) 528-8602915 North Laurel Road Corbin, Ky. BaptistHealthCorbin.comPittsburg, Ky. (606) 523-8542(606) 864-2104 Commonwealth Cancer Center Commonwealth Cancer Center 165 London Mountain View Dr.Cumberland Valley Psychiatry 165 London Mountain View Dr. London, Ky.202 W. 7th St. London, Ky. (606) 862-6120London, Ky. (606) 862-6120(606)864-0510 Saint Joseph London Saint Joseph London Express Medical ImagingHealing Journey of Recovery Express Medical Imaging 192 London Shopping Center, Ste. 1Jan Grentz 192 London Shopping Center, Ste. 1 London, Ky.London, Ky. London, Ky. (606) 330-6060(606) 682-5890 (606) 330-6060 (606) 330-7360 (606) 330-7360Mary Jean Lang, M.D. Saint Joseph London449 Keavy Rd. Imaging Center of London 1001 Saint Joseph LaneLondon, Ky. 148 London Mountain View Dr., Ste. 1 London, Ky.(606) 864-0009 London, Ky. (606) 330-6000 (606) 877-2840 saintjosephlondon.orgPULMONOLOGY Saint Joseph London RESPIRATORY SERVICESBaptist Health Pulmonary Specialist 1001 Saint Joseph LaneAbdi Vaezy, M.D. London, Ky. Baptist Health Corbin2 Trillium Way (606) 330-6000 Formerly Baptist Regional MedicalCorbin, Ky. Center(606) 528-0009 1 Trillium Way RADIOLOGY SERVICES Corbin, Ky. (606) 528-1212Baptist Health Pulmonary and Critical Baptist Health CorbinCare Formerly Baptist Regional Medical KentuckyOne Health PulmonologyHussain Imtiaz, M.D. Center Associates95 Bryan Blvd., Ste. 103 1 Trillium Way Aqeel Mandviwala, M.D.Corbin, Ky. Corbin, Ky. Muhammad Iqbal, M.D.(606) 523-1570 (606) 528-1212 1210 W. 5th St. London, Ky.Cardiopulmonary Rehab & (606) 864-4030Prevention Center192 London Shopping Center, Ste. 3London, Ky.20 The Sentinel Echo

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RHEUMATOLOGY East Tennessee Ear Nose & Throat Baptist Health Corbin Specialists Formerly Baptist Regional MedicalLake Cumberland Rheumatology Charles G. Sewall, M.D. Center929 N. Main St. Richard L. Schultz, M.D. 1 Trillium WayLondon, Ky. 1 Trillium Way Corbin, Ky.(606) 862-9020 Corbin, Ky. (606) 528-8547 (606) 523-8770 1-800-923-2762SENIOR CITIZEN BaptistHealthCorbin.comSERVICES Lexington Vein and Aesthetics Center KentuckyOne Health SurgeryBaptist Health Corbin 1055 Dove Run Road, Ste. 150 AssociatesCommunity Health Services Lexington, Ky. Kristin Moore, M.D.1 Trillium Way (859) 268-0082 1406 W. 5th St., Ste. 301Corbin, Ky. London, Ky.(606) 523-8533 (606) KentuckyOne Health Pain saintjosephlondon.orgLaurel Senior Living Communities Management AssociatesLondon, Ky. Munwar Siddiqi, M.D. Cumberland Valley Surgical Center(606) 864-4155 2135 Hwy. 30, Ste. 2 275 Hwy. London, Ky. Corbin, Ky.Older Persons Activity Center (606) 877-4560 (606) 526-7874(OPAC) 1-800-755-5524426 E. 4th St. SPEECH THERAPYLondon, Ky. Spine & Brain Neurosurgical(606) 878-6261 Baptist Health Outpatient 189 W. Hwy. Rehabilitation London, Ky. 1400 Cumberland Falls Hwy., Ste. C (606) 877-5454SLEEP Corbin, Ky. (606) 528-2149 Saint Joseph LondonKentuckyOne Health Sleep Care – 1001 Saint Joseph Lanetwo locations London, Ky.1370 W. 5th St., Ste. 1 Baptist Health Rehabilitation (606) 330-6000London, Ky. 1 Trillium Way 877-1096 Corbin, Ky.*** (606) 528-1212 UROLOGY1708 Forest Dr., Ste. 102Corbin, Ky. SUICIDE PREVENTION Baptist Health Urology(606) 528-8144 Raymond Hackett, M.D. Baptist Health Trillium Center 140 Bryan BlvdSPECIALTY CLINIC 1 Trillium Way Corbin, Ky. Corbin, Ky. Also, office appointments at:Baptist Health Specialty Clinic (606) 528-1212 100 Professional Dr., Ste. 2Formerly Baptist Regional Medical (800) 395-4435 London, Ky.Center Outpatient Clinics (606) 330-42001 Trillium Way BaptistHealthCorbin.comCorbin, Ky. Suicide Prevention Hotline(606) 523-8770 1-800-784-2433 Cumberland Valley 140 Bryan Blvd. SURGERY Corbin, Ky.22 The Sentinel Echo (606) 528-1172 Alpha Surgical Specialists London, Ky. URGENT CARE (606) 878-6633 Baptist Health Express Care Corbin Clinic at Walmart 60 South Stewart Dr.

Corbin, Ky. London, Ky. Baptist Health Weight Loss(606) 528-9770 (606) 864-9120 100 London Mountain View Dr. London, Ky.Baptist Health Occupational Health London Veterinary Clinic (606) 231-8039and Wellness Pat Boland, DVM BaptistHealthCorbin.comFormerly BaptistWorx Michelle Boland, DVM95 Bryan Blvd., Ste. 201 John Alexander, DVM New Weigh Weight Loss CenterCorbin, Ky. Gerald Majors, DVM 1244 5th St., No. 8(606) 526-4590 796 S. Laurel Road Jellico, Tenn. London, Ky. (423) 784-2333Physicians Express Care (606) 878-6965 1-877-895-5377148 London Mountain View Dr., Ste. 4 www.londonvetclinic.comLondon, Ky. Premier Wight Management(606) 878-1181 WEIGHT LOSS Jellico & Harrogate, (866) 563-7553 2B Thin AgainVASCULAR SURGERY 169 Westmoreland St. Why Wait Weight Loss Clinic Lower level 1675 S. Main St.Baptist Health Surgical Specialists Harrogate, Tenn. London, Ky.David J. Lauber, M.D. (423) 869-0004 (606) 862-18001 Trillium Way, Ste. 301Corbin, Ky. Ageless Medical Weight Loss and(606) 526-7363 302 Madison Square London, Ky.KentuckyOne Health Cardiology (606) 330-0002Associates agelessoflondon.comNezar Falluji, M.D.1406 W. 5th St., Ste. 302 If your A Proven LeaderLondon, Ky. business(606) 862-9280 was inad- In Therapy and Wellness! vertentlyLondon Cardiovascular Surgery left out of Therapy for Today...Robert Phillips, M.D. the 20141406 W. 5th St., Ste. 303 medical Physical Therapy:London, Ky. directory, x Orthopedic Injuries(606) 862-9280 please call x Balance & Dizziness CorrecƟon 878-7400 x Industrial RehabilitaƟonVETERINARIANS so we may x TherapeuƟc Weight Management include it x Post Concussion: Return to PlayAnimal House Veterinarian Clinic in our next x Hand TherapyDoug House, DVM edition. x Pain IntervenƟonPhilip Bundy, DVM123 Robinson Road Wellness for Life!smLondon, Ky.(606) 878-5941 Wellness Programs: x Gym MembershipsCopperhead Hollow Farm x TherapeuƟc MassageMarion Pennington, DVM x Personal and Group Training2578 Langly Lane, E. Ky. 80 x PrevenƟon ScreeningsLondon, Ky. x Weight Management Fitness Classes (Nʑɦ)(606) 877-1560 x Therapy Tune-Up (Nʑɦ)Cumberland Valley Animal Hospital Tom Bowden, Physical Therapy DirectorKeaton Smith, DVM 649 Meyers Baker Road110 Lagoon Trail Inside Powerhouse Gym 23 London, KY 606.864.7316 2014 Medical Directory

Dr. Hussain Imtiaz Anyone who has smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for 30 years or longer has thought about24 The Sentinel Echo the specter lurking in the shadows. More than 150,000 Americans die of lung cancer every year, and the five-year survival rate is only 15.6 percent compared to more than 50 percent for many other common cancers. “Lung cancer creeps up quietly with few specific symptoms aside from those every smoker has and there has been no effective screening test,” states Dr. Hussain Imtiaz. Chest X-rays were used several decades ago for screening. Another method previously used was sputum cytology – examining a sample of a smoker’s sputum under a microscope. Both methods were found generally ineffective and eventually abandoned. Without effective screening, lung cancer is often discovered very

late when a cure is highly unlikely. Dr. Imtiaz said, “That may be Most scans take less than 15 minutes. They can findchanging with the emergence of the low-dose spiral computed abnormalities in 20 to 60 percent of smokers and former smokers,tomography screening test, which is performed at Baptist Health but most of these are scars from non-cancerous conditions such asCorbin, taking cross section images or pictures of the lungs using inflammation. These false positives may cause anxiety and lead toa computer, allowing earlier detection of small tumors in the invasive tests that are themselves dangerous. A biopsy can causelung.” part of the lung to collapse, requiring another surgical procedure. The National Cancer Institute’s National Lung Cancer On the other side, a false negative test might make you feelScreening Trial (NLST) enrolled current and former smokers who you are cancer free when, in fact, you are not. Finally, there ishad smoked at least a pack a day for 30 years but had no current the matter of cost, which ranges from $300 to $500 but will besigns of cancer. Subjects were given three annual screening tests covered for most patients at some time during 2014.– half with low-dose CT and half with standard chest X-ray –then followed for five years. Results showed that CT scans were According to Dr. Imtiaz, the best way to prevent lung cancer isconsiderably more effective at detecting early cancer, reducing to stop smoking. 80 to 90 percent of lung cancers occur in personsdeaths by 20.3 percent compared to chest X-rays. who smoke or have been exposed to second-hand smoke. In July of 2013, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force If you are a 30-year smoker, you should talk to your doctor(USPSTF) gave low-dose CT screening for lung cancer a B grade, about whether or not you should be screened with low-doseputting it on the same level as mammography. computed tomography. Don’t wait until you have symptoms; by then, it will probably be too late. Whether the test is positive or Actually, the task force concluded, CT screening is more negative, it is crucial that you quit smoking.effective than mammography, saving one life for every 320 personsscreened compared to one life saved for every 900 to 1,900 The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force estimates thatmammograms. screening could save 20,000 lives a year – a large number but only about 13 percent of the 160,000 lung cancer deaths each year in The USPSTF recommendation means that Medicare, the United States. nMedicaid and most private insurers will soon cover the entirecost for persons believed to benefit from screening as set forthin guidelines of the American Lung Association, USPSTF andother medical groups. At this time unfortunately, few insurancecompanies will pay for the screening. Guidelines include 1) current smokers age 55 to 75 who havea 30-pack-year history of smoking AND are still smoking orhave quit less than 15 years ago OR 2) current smokers age 50 orolder who have a 20-pack-year history of smoking AND have oneof the following additional risk factors for lung cancer: cancerhistory, lung disease history, family history of lung cancer, radonexposure or occupational exposure. To determine your pack-yearhistory, multiply the number of years you have smoked by theaverage number of packs per day you smoke. Some doctors and medical groups may have broader standards;the USPSTF, for example, includes smokers and currentsmokers up to 79 years of age rather than 75. Virtually all groupsrecommend screening only for those with a significant history ofsmoking. Although there is broad acceptance of cancer screening by theAmerican public, it’s important to understand that screening hasrisks as well as benefits. CT scans, like X-rays, involve exposure toionizing radiation, a known cancer-causing agent. The exposurefrom one scan is equivalent to one from a mammogram – smallbut not insignificant. And the lungs are more susceptible thanother parts of the body to radiation damage. If you are at low riskof cancer, there is little reason to expose yourself to the cumulativeeffects of repeated screening. 2014 Medical Directory 25

Susan Liford and Belinda Prichard represented the Tri-County Cancer Coalition during Baptist Health Movie Night last year at the Tri-County Cineplex. dedicated to providing the support, education and advocacy to those who have experienced cancer or are now experiencing cancer. It is their vision to assist cancer patients and survivors in reclaiming their lives by providing compassion, commitment, knowledge and support.By Rob McDaniel Their Mission:Sentinel-Echo Staff writer The Tri-County Cancer Coalition makes it their mission to reduce incidences of breast, cervical, lung, testicular, prostate,Being diagnosed with cancer can be a very skin and other forms of cancer in Knox, Whitley and Laurel traumatic experience. The Tri-County Cancer counties. They do this by increasing access to preventative care Coalition has made it their mission to help and by promoting awareness and education in the community. cancer survivors, cancer patients and their They strive to link people to the services they need while loved ones through support, education and providing community coordination and collaborating with advocacy so that they can work towards agencies and businesses to further their mission of helping thosereclaiming their lives. affected by cancer. The Tri-County Cancer Coalition is a non-profit organization Services and Funding:composed of several health agencies, cancer survivors, patients, The services provided by the Tri-County Cancer Coalitionfamilies, neighbors, friends and concerned citizens. They are are totally free and are provided through a combination of the generous donations made by the public and by a grant from the Lexington Cancer Foundation. “All the money raised stays in Knox, Laurel and Whitley counties and goes towards meeting the need of a patient,” said Kathy Lay of the Whitley County Health Department. “Everyone with the Tri-County Cancer Coalition is a volunteer. None of us are paid for what we do and that allows us to put the26 The Sentinel Echo

One of the fundraisers for the Tri-County Cancer Coalition is Paint the Town Pink. Coalition members Brandi Gilley and Kathy Lay were at last year’sevent to raise money for cancer patients in Laurel, Whitley and Knox to work for the people in our area who need it.” on June 3 at the Corbin Health Department. Grants, private donations and fundraising events help support “Our support groups are a good way for people going throughimportant programs like the Cancer Transportation Fund as well cancer to meet people who survived it,” Lay said. “It’s a goodas many other services. way for them to get support and help each other not be so afraid, because it’s really scary for the patients and their families going “When a person is diagnosed with cancer, sometimes they through cancer.”need money for gas to get to their treatment,” Lay said. “We tryto provide them with gas — a one-time gas allowance of $150 for How to help:in town treatment and $200 for out of town treatment. We’ve “Our organization couldn’t make it without people who help usbought people wigs because they lose their hair during treatment. raise money by participating in our events or making donations,”We really strive to fulfill the needs that cancer patients might Lay said.have.” Donations don’t have to be monetary, although money is accepted and appreciated. Bras, turbans, scarves, wigs and Donations go towards: transportation, wigs, bandanas, turbans, bandanas are gladly accepted as well and can be dropped off at thescarves, lymphedema sleeves, breast prosthesis and bras. Whitley, Knox or Laurel health departments. For more information call the Laurel County Health Monthly Meetings: Department at (606) 864-3486, the Knox County Health In addition to the services that the Tri-County Cancer Department at (606) 546-3486 or the Whitley County HealthCoalition provides, they also arrange and encourage monthly Department at (606) 549-3380. They can also be found onmeetings. The Knox County cancer support group has a ladies Facebook. nnight out for cancer survivors and their families. It’s held thelast Monday of every month at 6 p.m. at Tammy’s Gate inBarbourville. The Tri-County Cancer Coalition meets on the firstTuesday of every other month at noon. Their next meeting will be 2014 Medical Directory 27

By R. Scott BelzerSentinel-Echo Staff writerFor more than 80 years, London and Laurel County residents have received worthwhile but little known services from the Laurel County Health Department. On any Monday through Fridayfrom 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., the health departmenthas offered public services in the areas of healtheducation, preventive health care, and environmentalprevention.Programs like the Women’s Cancer ScreeningProgram, Cardiovascular Services, DiabetesPrograms, Health Education, EnvironmentalInspections, STD/HIV Services, Home Visitations,Immunizations, Lead Screenings, Maternaland Child Health, Medical Nutrition Therapy,Preconception Health Care, EPSDT Screenings, TB Mark Hensley is the director of the Health Department and has been for 12 years. HePrograms, Tobacco Dependency, Family Planning follows a tradition of excellence in the medicinal field that began in 1931.Programs, Grief Counseling, HANDS, WIC, PublicHealth Preparedness and School Nursing reach areas evaluations, education, and case management. Expecting mothersof Laurel County that few stop to think of – schools, restaurants, have a chance to improve their physical and socio-emotionaland even the workplace. health as well as their safety through preconception health care. The Laurel County Health Department also provides a late The HANDS program also gives expecting and recentlyclinic one evening per month from April to October. The clinic, pregnant mothers and families a chance to learn more about theproviding basic health services, stays open until 6 p.m. during this pregnancy process as well as what to expect after giving birth.time. “We try to be as accommodating as we can,” said Beth Smith, According to its website and literature, the health department HANDS coordinator at the Laurel County Health proud to boast such values as recognizing and affirming the “The program is completely voluntary. Under no circumstances douniqueness and intrinsic worth of each individual and respect for we tell parents what to do – we encourage them. We’re all abouttheir confidentiality. self-sufficiency and goal setting.” They also vow to treat all citizens with compassion and Grief counseling is also available at the health department forkindness, valuing such aspects as honesty, integrity and fairness. any parent or family who has experienced an infant/child loss through the age of 17. The Laurel County Health Department has many programstargeted specifically for women. In its Cancer Screening The Family Planning Program gives low-income families aProgram, females are provided adult preventive visits, diagnostic completely confidential chance to obtain health care without28 The Sentinel Echo

Department is responsible for environmentally protecting London residents and other Laurel Countians through health inspections at restaurants, retail stores, hotels and motels, gymnasiums, wells providing water, schools, day cares, mobile home parks and youth camps. Diseases and safety hazards are eliminated through sanitation inspections at public facilities. The department also handles sending nurses to schools throughout the county, making sure students are kept healthy as well as educated on nutrition and daily preventive measures. These measures are extended to the public on a daily basis through Medical Nutrition Therapy and Health Education programs for all age groups. Those seeking to quit smoking for good shouldCarolee Epperson, Laurel County Health Department nursing supervisor, is pictured look no further. Tobacco Dependence, Treatmentreceiving her annual flu shot, which was administered by Deborah Hacker, a nurse and Counseling Prevention services are intendedpractitioner. Epperson said she makes sure to get her flu shot every year. to educate regarding the drug’s effects as well asdiscrimination. This also coincides with the WIC program, which cessation effects.provides specific nutritious foods and nutritional education to low The Laurel County Health Department isincome families and at risk families at no cost. located at 525 Whitley St. in London. For more information, call One may not realize it, but the Laurel County Health (606) 864-5187 or visit nDr. Kim Brown Pediatric Dentistry Infants, Teens & Special Needs 606-864-6680 2014 Medical Directory 29

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oneChoose theproviding exceptional Heart Care in London. As part of KentuckyOne Health, Saint Joseph London continues to provide advanced cardiac services,including cardiac catheterizations (elective and emergent interventions) and electrophysiology services. In addition,our outstanding cardiovascular team offers thoracic and vascular services as well as care in our Chest Pain Accredited Emergency Department. You can rest assured that Saint Joseph London continues to provide exceptional heart care. KentuckyOne Health Cardiology Associates 1210 West 5th Street · London, KY 40741 · 606.864.4040 Oluwole Abe Cristina Cabral-Pauig Khalid Manzar Lekshmi Seemanthini MD, FACC, FHRS MD, MPH MD, FACC MD, MPH, FACC181 Old Whitley Road 1406 West 5th Street, Suite 303 1500 Cumberland Falls Highway KentuckyOne Health London, KY 40741 London, KY 40741 Corbin, KY 40701 Cardiovascular and 606.864.5936 606.862.9280 606.528.2558 Thoracic Surgery Associates 1406 West 5th Street, Suite 303 London, KY 40741 606.862.9280 David Keedy Hassan Hamed Anantha Krishna Robert PhillipsMD, FACC, FACP MD, FACC, FSCAI MD, FACC, FACP, FCCP MD, MBA, FACS Anyone experiencing chest pain or who thinks they may be having a heart attack is always urged to call 911 and go to the nearest emergency department.32 Pub:The SenSteinnetlinEeclhEocho Client: KentuckyOne Insert: Job No: KYLX-44727

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