CONTENTS 24 18 JULY 2015 4 Editor’s Welcome 18 OH YUM! Phoodie 5 Meet the Experts 20 Men’s Health Mike Campbell 6 OH MY! 21 Women’s Health Nardia Norman 8 Fitness Michelle Bridges 22 Active Ageing Laraine Dunn 9 Exercise Adherence Paul Brown 23 Work/Life Balance Justin Tamsett 11 Emotional Fitness Heidi Di Santo 24 Where OH Where? 13 Nutrition Dr Joanna Top 5 Winter Wellness Escapes 14 OH YUM! Pete Evans 26 What’s New 16 OH YUM! Meg Gillmer 34 Just for Fun 35 Feedback Form & Subscribe11 13 21 202 JULY 2015 ( OH! MAGAZINE )
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FOR OPTIMUM HEALTH THIS MAGAZINE EXISTS,ADD SOME PLAY TO YOUR DAY! THANKS TO THESE COOL CATS:As grown ups, we often forget how to play. And if we haven’t PUBLISHERforgotten how to do it, then we usually forget to actually do it. All Smiles Creative / OH! MagazineSo, think about your typical day and how you feel at the start, in ANALEE MATTHEWSthe middle, and at the end of it. Do you feel excited? Anxious? EditorSceptical? Stressed? Happy? Web: www.ohmagazine.com.au Ph: 0411 314 503Incorporating some fun activities into your every day that willmake you laugh, smile, or even just breathe a sigh of relief, can JACK LEE, JLee Designhelp you enjoy your days even more. Creative Director Web: www.jleedesign.com.auThe activities you choose need not be elaborate or expensive. For Ph: 0466 426 649example: Our Expert Authors• dance around the loungeroom for a song or two (get the kids See opposite to join in, if you have some!) Prize Winners• rug up and head to the beach for a winter stroll or some Congratulations to the winners of our recent giveaways (all of sandcastle making (take the dog, if you have one) whom have been notified and/or received their prize).• get on the air guitar for a track or two Cover photo: Absolute Sanctuary,Thailand (see page 24),• grab one of the new colouring books for adults and indulge courtesy of Health and Fitness Travel. for ten minutes This magazine is supported by • have a go with some play dough• pick up a canvas and some paints, and try your hand as Before trying any new exercise, nutrition or health regimes you should consult an appropriate health or fitness professional for clearance. The information in this Picasso! publication is not a substitute for advice or consultation with any health, medical or fitness professional. The health and fitness industries often provide conflicting –By adding some play into your life, you just might lower your sometimes even contradictory – information; as the reader it is your responsibility tostress levels, get a bit more oxygen in the tank, and smile a safely determine what does or does not work for you. All prices stated are thetruckload more! Have a crack and let us know how it goes. recommended retail prices in Australian currency and may be subject to change. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy, all parties associated with the production andANALEE MATTHEWS publishing of this magazine accept no responsibility for the correctness of any facts andPublisher & Editor the copyright responsibility of all articles lies with individual contributors. [email protected] expressed by the authors in this magazine do not necessarily reflect those of other authors, the publisher or any of its production or publishing team. No material in this magazine may be reproduced without written consent from the publisher. Copyright ©2015. All rights reserved. COMPETITION TERMS & CONDITIONS: Unless otherwise specified, all competitions/giveaways contained in this issue commence at midnight on 1 July 2015 and conclude at 11.59pm on 31 July 2015. Each competition is a game of skill and chance plays no part in determining the winner. The judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. Winners will be selected by Analee Matthews in Metung (Victoria) and will be notified by email no later than 7 August 2015. These terms and conditions apply to all competitions/giveaways contained in this issue, unless otherwise stated. Full terms and conditions can be obtained by visiting www.ohmagazine. com.au/competitions or by writing to: Analee Matthews, OH! Magazine Competition T&C,4 JULY 2015 ( OH! MAGAZINE )
( OH What A Team! )MEET THE EXPERTSWith so much information available online, it can be difficult to know what isreliable and trustworthy. That’s why this magazine is so great! The authors we useare leaders in their field, so you know their info is cutting-edge and trustworthy.Michelle Bridges Joanna McMillan Paul Taylor Pete EvansFitness Expert Nutrition Expert Body/Brain Performance Expert RecipesLaraine Dunn Mike Campbell Justin Tamsett Paul BrownActive Ageing Expert Men’s Health Expert Work/Life Balance Expert Exercise Adherence ExpertGreg Sellar Nardia Norman Heidi Di Santo Lisa WestlakePerformance Coaching Women’s Health Expert Emotional Fitness Expert Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation ExpertToni Krasicki Meg Gillmer Phoodie Anna-Louise BouvierFeatures & Travel Writer Recipes Recipes Mind/Body Happiness Expert ( OH! MAGAZINE ) JULY 2015 5
( OH MY! )FACTS & STATS Papaya and papaw are often overlooked when fruit shopping. But here’s a few reasons why you should pop a few in your basket next time!6 JULY 2015 ( OH! MAGAZINE )
For mums wholove pretty things,style and looking afterthemselves and their family Read it FREE onlinekidmagazine.com.au/magazine ( OH! MAGAZINE ) JULY 2015 7
( Fitness ) MICHELLE www.michellebridges.com.au BRIDGESPA GRUIEDEGTNO EAXENRCCISEYANDMichelle Bridges shares her guide to exercising when you’re sick. I After years of talking to people months I was a bit taken aback frankly. their exercise regimes to the ‘to be about weight and exercise issues, continued’ basket. It’s almost as if theI thought I’d pretty much heard it all. But The short answer was pretty much ‘yes, risk of something going wrong outweighednow and again a conversation really hits why wouldn’t it be?’ but it lead me to the possibility of things going right. Or atme and makes me realize that there is enquire what the current thinking about least better.some pretty crazy thinking going on out exercising while pregnant is out there inthere. pre-natal land. After chats with pregnant There are considerations to be taken into non-exercisers, exercisers and even account when it comes to training whenI was having a chat to a girlfriend who I preggie personal trainers and instructors, pregnant but they aren’t so complex thatgot to know professionally five or six years the common thread became apparent. exercise should be jettisoned altogether.ago. Since then we’ve become friends, Besides, the benefits aren’t just reservedand although we don’t see that much of And that thread was that apart from the for the mother – the child will also beeach other, we have a healthy respect for personal trainers, no-one particularly better off for mum keeping on top of hereach other as both being modern women knew. That there were those who were fitness at probably the most importantwho are getting out there trying to make a gripped with fear at the prospect of lifting time of her life.difference. a finger. Others who knew that there were certain things that they shouldn’t be There is also a bucket load of informationAnd being a modern woman, she was into doing, but they weren’t quite sure what. available to help mothers-to-be puther exercise, a whizz in the kitchen and Some of them muttered something about together safe, targeted training regimespregnant with her first child at thirty heart rate. that will not only assist in an easier birth,something. but also make life a lot simpler when it Of course the end result was that a lot of comes to getting rid of baby weight andWhich is why, when she asked me if it women simply opted out and relegated returning to pre-pregnancy fitness levels.was OK to do a push up on her toes at five Michelle’s Tip Start with your doctor or gynaecologist with planning your pregnancy exercising. From there, enlist the help of a trainer but make sure that they have been specifically trained in pre-natal exercise.8 JULY 2015 ( OH! MAGAZINE )
( Exercise Adherence ) PAUL http://50sports.org BROWNTEAM ACTIVITIES CAN HELPLIFT YOUR GAMEPaul Brown shares his views on the power of teamwork and how everyfitness enthusiast can benefit from participating in team sports. http://youtu.be/J4OKtyqo89E T eam sports and activities are a great supplement to training onyour own in the gym.Being part of a team will help you feelmore accountable to turn up,motivation, readon to train harder,celebrate your success together.Participating in actitivies as part of ateam can help you lift your game andkeep pace with everyone else. ( OH! MAGAZINE ) JULY 2015 9
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( Emotional Fitness ) HEIDI www.heidi.com.au DI SANTOHOW TO STOP FEELINGSAD OR DEPRESSEDHeidi Di Santo shares her tips to stop feeling down and out. I n this article, you’ll find three tips today’s society. Think of the way children reclaiming the parts that have been to help you to stop feeling sad, are educated about emotions. When a traumatised. By the way, trauma doesn’tdown or depressed. I know they can work child feels sad, the adults around say have to be a really bad event, it can be asbecause I’ve been there, and I learned the ‘cheer up’. If a child feels angry, the adults simple as someone being mean to you,hard way what works and what doesn’t say ‘calm down’, or if a child is too excited, someone telling you off or just not gettingwhen it comes to emotional health. I’ve they say ‘settle down’. Children learn to the love that you need! When you’re ablealso worked as a therapist for many years not trust their internal world and shut off to go back and reclaim the part that’s inand have helped lots of people to move from their emotions. Because of this, trauma, you become free to be YOU andout of their dark hole and into the light. So most people have lost touch with their you’re able to leave your sadness andhere are three small tips that can make a internal emotional GPS system! depression behind.big difference to your emotional wellbeing: Most people aren’t even aware that they If you want to know more, have a read of1. Stop judging your emotions and start don’t feel properly because it has become my book ‘I Should Be Happy But I’m Not’accepting them such an ingrained pattern. But, if you find or sign up to my FREE three-part video it hard to relax, are addicted to anything, training series on emotional fitness.When it comes to emotions, there is a feel depressed or anxious, or if you havetendency to judge them as ‘bad’ or major ups and downs, you can virtually be‘wrong’. You might say ‘I shouldn’t be guaranteed that you are in a pattern offeeling like this’ but this non-acceptance non-feeling.of ‘what is’ will create stress and uneasewithin. When you do this, you’re forced to Learning or relearning how to feel involveswear a mask and pretend that everything’s looking within and feeling the emotion inokay when in fact, deep down inside, it’s your body. But the trap that many peoplenot. fall into when they try to feel is that they get busy in their mind and this chatterThere’s nothing wrong with sadness; it’s takes you out of feeling and prevents youjust sadness. And when you allow it to be from returning home to peace!there without judging it, it can actuallylose its power over you. 3. Get help for traumatised parts2. Start feeling your emotions If you’ve tried 1) not judging your emotions and 2) feeling them and you still feel low,Your true nature is peace, love and joy. you’ve probably got a traumatised part.Most people, however, are unable toaccess these emotional states because all Many people stay in a low emotional statetheir unfelt emotions get trapped within because of something that’s occurred intheir body – which doesn’t feel good, by the past. I’ve worked with many peoplethe way! The irony is that you need to feel who have been abused as childrenyour emotions in order to get rid of them. (whether it be sexually, mentally, emotionally or physically), and haveThere’s an epidemic of ‘not feeling’ in helped them to become whole by ( OH! MAGAZINE ) JULY 2015 11
Get fit, get fabulous, get MB ActiveGet fit,get fabulous,get MB Active AvaAilvaabillaebalet BaitgBWig aWndanEdziEbzuibyuy
( Nutrition ) DR www.drjoanna.com.au JOANNASCIENCE SAYS...Dr Joanna summarises key nutritionfindings from around the globe. S cience and the science of nutrition Put it into practice: Good quality, high out detailed questionnaires regarding are forever changing. I try to keep fibre foods such as vegies (cruciferous their diet and lifestyle. The study’s authorwell informed of all the studies that are vegies like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage says that blood flow to the inner earregularly being published all over the and Brussels sprouts are especially good needs to be very well regulated and thatworld – it’s a lot of reading! Often I read for gut health), fresh fruit, nuts and higher fish consumption could helpstudies that have useful, takeaway advice seeds, legumes and whole grains, should maintain this cochlear blood flow andthat can be used immediately. Here’s a be part of your everyday diet. For further protect against hearing loss.quick round-up of studies that I think are information on how fibre makes ainteresting and useful; and hopefully difference to your health in many ways, Put it into practice: There is nothing badyou’ll learn something that you can put in watch this four minute video. about adding fish to your diet. Fishplace today. benefits heart health, brain and now 2. Pesticides may affect sperm quality hearing. I encourage fish eating regularly1. What you eat dramatically affects your A recent study from Harvard University – at least three times a week. Andrisk of colon cancer found that eating foods with a high remember, tinned fish counts!Colon cancer is the fourth most common residue of pesticides might affect spermcause of death worldwide. The rate of quality in men. The study found that men 4. Obesity causes more cancer each yearcolon cancer is much higher in the who ate the most (1.5 servings per day) We’ve known for a while that obesity iswestern world than in Africa or the Far of fruits and vegetables such as bad for us in more ways than one. But aEast. To investigate the role of diet and strawberries, spinach and capsicums that new study has found around 12,000gut bacteria, a team of scientists asked contain a high residue of pesticides, had cancers are caused each year by people20 African American volunteers to swap a 49 per cent lower sperm count and 32 being overweight. The study involveddiets with a group of 20 participants from per cent lower percentage of normal data from five million UK adults andrural South Africa. The volunteers had a sperm than those who ate produce with found that excess weight is linked to tencolonoscopy before and after the tightly lower pesticide residue levels. However, different cancers including cervical,controlled two-week diet swap. At the quitting fruit and veg isn’t the answer. breast and leukaemia. However thestart of the study, half of the Americans The study also found that men who ate strongest link was with cancer of thehad polyps that may progress to cancer, the most fruits and vegetables with low to womb, where excess weight waswhile none of the Africans had these moderate levels of pesticide residue had responsible for 41 per cent of cases. Asabnormalities. After just two weeks the a higher percentage of normal sperm for cancer of the gallbladder, kidney, liverAmerican group had significantly less versus those who ate less fruit and and colon, excess weight was responsibleinflammation as well as reduced vegetables. for 10 per cent or more of these cancers.biomarkers of cancer risk, while in theAfrican group, cancer risk dramatically Put it into practice: If you and your partner Put it into practice: Keeping your weightincreased. are trying to get pregnant, you may want down is essential for long term health. to purchase organically grown produce or Not only does maintaining a healthyAccording to the researchers, the study avoid produce known to have higher weight help your heart health, but alsosuggests that people can substantially levels of pesticide residue. lowers your risk of many cancers. Eatinglower their risk of colon cancer by eating whole, minimally processed foods in themore fibre. Researchers found an increase 3. Another reason to eat fish right balance, as well as balancing yourin the production of butyrate, a by- Women who eat fish twice a week will cut lifestyle is key.product of fibre fermentation by the gut their risk of age related hearing loss. Themicrobiota that has important anti-cancer findings come from the Nurses’ Health Join Dr Joanna’s crowdfundingeffects. Study, which includes more than campaign to investigate the nutritional 100,000 nurses who were asked to fill value of pink Himalayan salt. Find out more by clicking here. ( OH! MAGAZINE ) JULY 2015 13
((OOHHYYUUMM!) ) How to make the aioli: 1. Blend the egg yolks, mustard, vinegar, lemon juice, garlic and some salt using a hand-held blender. As you blend, slowly pour in the oil in a thin stream until the aioli is thick and creamy. Season with salt and pepper.14 JULY 2015 ( OH! MAGAZINE )
PETE www.peteevans.com.au EVANSPETE EVANS’JAMAICAN JERK CHICKENCelebrity chef Pete Evans celebrates the wonderful world ofspices with this crowd-pleasing recipe.We are always looking for ways to ‘jazz up’ (as my beautiful mum would say) our food. I can think ofno better place to start than with the spice drawer. Spices can turn a simple piece of chicken, meator seafood into a culinary delight. This recipe takes its inspiration from Jamaica, with the use of jerkseasoning. Let the flavours make your kitchen the most intoxicating and seductive place to be. Youwill need to start this recipe a day ahead. What you’ll need: How to make it: 1kg chicken drumsticks 1. To make the jerk marinade, combine all the ingredients in 2 bay leaves a food processor and process to a smooth paste. 2 tablespoons coconut oil 2. Transfer the marinade to a large shallow bowl, add the Lime wedges, to serve chicken and bay leaves and turn the chicken to coat. Cover and refrigerate overnight for best results. 1 handful of coriander leaves, to serve Roasted vegetables, to serve 3. Preheat the oven to 200°C. Jerk Marinade 4. Bring the chicken to room temperature 20 minutes before 1 red onion, chopped cooking. 3 spring onions, chopped 6 large garlic cloves, crushed 5. Heat the oil in a large frying pan over medium to high heat. 4 scotch bonnets or habanero chillies, Add the chicken drumsticks, in batches, and seal, basting deseeded and chopped occasionally with the marinade for five minutes, or until 3 tablespoons lime juice browned on all sides.3 tablespoons tamari or coconut aminos 3 tablespoons coconut oil, melted 6. Place the chicken in a roasting tin and roast in the oven for 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar 20 to 25 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked all the 1 tablespoon honey (optional) way through. Cover with foil and allow to rest for five 1 tablespoon thyme leaves minutes before serving. 1 tablespoon paprika 2 teaspoons ground allspice 7. Arrange the chicken and lime wedges on a platter and2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper sprinkle over the coriander leaves. 1 ½ teaspoons sea salt ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon 8. Add a good serving of your favourite fermented veggies. ¼ teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg ( OH! MAGAZINE ) JULY 2015 15
( OH YUM )MEG GILLMER’S APPLECINNAMON BAKED OATMEALThe Wholesome Athlete Meg Gillmer sharesthis nourishing winter warmer recipe.Baked oatmeal is a hearty choice for breakfast, particularly in the coldermonths. I like to make this ahead of time then place it in the oven in themorning. Feel free to play around with spice and fruit combinations. Addingcloves and ground ginger make a lovely touch. How to make it: 1. Preheat the oven to 180°C and grease a four-cup baking dish. What you’ll need: 2. In a large bowl, mix together the peeled and chopped apple, Baked Oatmeal chopped banana, oats, chia 1 apple, peeled and chopped seeds, raisins, pinch of salt, and cinnamon. Stir in the milk, maple 1 large banana, chopped syrup and vanilla. Pour into 1¹∕3 cup regular rolled oats casserole dish and set aside. ½ cup chia seeds 3. Mix together topping ingredients 1 tablespoon raisins in small bowl. Sprinkle over 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon oatmeal. Pinch of kosher salt 2 cups milk (your choice of milk) 4. Bake oatmeal in oven for 25 to2 tablespoons pure maple syrup or rice malt syrup 30 minutes, watching carefully 1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract to ensure it doesn’t burn near the end. Serve immediately with Crunchy Cinnamon Topping some grated apple and maple 2 tablespoons rolled oats syrup. ¼ cup almonds, chopped Note: This keeps well in the fridge. To 1 tablespoon milk reheat simply add a dash of milk 1 tablespoon coconut sugar (raw sugar or your before heating up. choice of sugar works well) Photo courtesy of www.fullofbeansphotography.com 1 tablespoon pure maple syrup or rice malt syrup Pinch cinnamon16 JULY 2015 ( OH! MAGAZINE )
MEGwww.thewholesomeathlete.com GILLMER( OH! MAGAZINE ) JULY 2015 17
( OH YUM )PHOODIE’S ZUCCHINI CHIPSPhoodie shares this delicious substitutefor traditional chips.These ‘chips’ are actually zucchini fingers.They’re lightly coated in good qualityparmesan and Japanese panko crumbs, andthen baked until golden. What you’ll need: How to make them: 2 large zucchini 1. Preheat the oven to 180°C. 2 eggs, whisked 1½ cups panko crumbs 2. Cut each zucchini in half and then each half into¾ cup parmesan, grated finely eight fingers, as per the images below. 1 teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon pepper 3. Whisk the egg in a bowl and set aside. Olive oil spray 4. Combine the panko crumbs and the parmesan, along with the salt and pepper in a bowl and set Makes: 32 aside. 5. Generously spray a baking paper lined oven tray with olive oil spray. 6. One by one, dip each zucchini finger into the egg, then into the panko mix, and then place on the tray. 7. Lightly spray the tops of the chips before placing them into the oven for approximately 25 minutes or until they become dark golden. Note: you may need to change your oven setting to ‘grill’ for the last five minutes of cooking to ensure good and even colour.18 JULY 2015 ( OH! MAGAZINE )
PHOODIEwww.phoodie.com.au( OH! MAGAZINE ) JULY 2015 19
( Men’s Health ) MIKE http://unleashyouralpha.com CAMPBELLSUCCESS IS ATEAM SPORTMike Campbell provides these training tips to help you create some awesome abs. S top thinking you’re so great. I know need help. Maybe not with everything, but You won’t be any less of a man by asking the thought that runs through your to achieve anything of significance or for assistance. No one is judging youhead – ‘Ah, I’ll be right. I’ve got it covered’ value, you will require support and the except yourself. And even if they are, who guidance of others. cares? Does one person’s opinion reallyBut do you? Do you really? matter? The only judging that matters is This can be a tough ask though, right – from you, and how you compare to yourThe thought about us not needing help is admitting that we need help? Probably former self. And then, the opinions ofsometimes a deeply buried belief that we because for many of us, asking for help those you choose to have in your team.can do everything all by ourselves. And makes us feel vulnerable or weak.often this has been ingrained from a very If you continue to be afraid to ask for helpyoung age. As boys society tells us to ‘man So let’s make a pact, right now. A pact to then you will remain stagnant.up’, ‘harden up’, ‘don’t cry’, ‘don’t be a forever reverse that notion. How about we So... who’s on your team?girl’. We see it at school, on TV and in the flip that perspective on its head and startmovies, so it’s understandable how we believing that to be vulnerable is to beabsorb the message on some level. The courageous.result can be a feeling that we need to beable to do everything ourselves and we can We have to take off that mask of fauxnever be vulnerable or ask for help. As we masculinity, drop our ego, get out of ourbecome teenage boys, the pack mentality own way and break what’s comfortable, inthat may emerge during male adolescence order to truly grow and develop.means we soon think two dangerous things:1) that we’re ten foot tall; and 2) that we’re That is being truly vulnerable, and that isbulletproof! And this can be where the ‘I’ll being authentically courageous. In doingbe right, mate!’ attitude can stem from. this, think about what success you can achieve. Ask yourself how it will feel to beBut guess what? You won’t! Because no free to ask for unlimited assistance,man is an island and everyone who is expertise, support and encouragement ofgenuinely content and who achieves true others. Now use that desire to fuel yoursuccess (whatever that means for them) future actions.needs other people along the way! Next, think about how you can make itWhile every man should be able to look happen by identifying the tools andwithin for strength, to succeed in anything resources you don’t have yourself but needin life we have to realise two things: in order to achieve your goals.1. If you could have done this alone, you Then find the expertise. Ask for help, seek would have done it by now. advice, undertake coaching, participate in a mentoring program, seek accountability2. In order to achieve success you must from those who can assist you and keep build a team. you on the path to success. Success will lie in building a team around you who willThe key here, is to get over yourself and help you reach your end-goal.realise that at some point in time you will20 JULY 2015 ( OH! MAGAZINE )
(Women’s Health) NARDIA http://nardianorman.com NORMANEXERCISE AND‘THAT TIME OF THE MONTH’Nardia Norman explains the do’s and don’tsabout exercise during ‘that time of the month’. T he menstrual cycle is not affects how a woman feels and acts. If a woman pays specific attention to something that is widely talked how you feel during the luteal phase youabout, nor is it discussed openly; yet it So the questions need to be raised – why will notice subtle changes (or perhapssits at the core of female health, is it that when it comes to training and not so subtle!) in your energy levels,productivity and wellbeing. working out, we don’t tend to take this mood and hunger. During this phase it is cycle into account? Why do we tend to normal to feel a slowing down in allFor many women (and men), the disregard the hormonal changes of each these areas, so it makes complete sensemenstrual cycle is something that is phase of our cycle, which would enable to adjust your training to reflect thesekept private, mentioned typically only us to work with this cycle instead of changes. Unfortunately, it’s common forwhen making a joke. We’ve all heard it against it? most women to make the mistake ofand laughed about those PMS-related trying to ‘push’ through their naturalsymptoms and the empathy for the poor I use the concept of ‘cycling with her changes during this phase, even thoughpeople who happen to be around those cycle’, when it comes to female clients. their body is telling them not to.‘psycho women who are about to get Put simply, I change the exercise,their period!’ nutrition and mindset components of By adjusting and modifying your training her program depending on what phase of to match your natural hormonal changesBut let’s put the joking aside for a her cycle she’s in. over the course of your cycle you willmoment, and delve into the significance begin to work with your body instead ofof the menstrual cycle. First I’d like to To break it down, a normal menstrual against it. And here’s the best part –make it very clear – just because cycle can be anywhere form 28 to 35 once you learn to do this, you will getsomething is considered ‘common’ does days. The first phase of her cycle is more effective results from your training.NOT make it normal – I’m specifically called the ‘follicular phase’, and it’sreferring to the PMS issues that many, during this time that she is at her As a rule of thumb, when you aremany women experience each month. strongest (physically and mentally, approaching your period, if you feel which is due to an increase in the lethargic and don’t feel like working out,As a coach and personal trainer, the hormone oestrogen). Therefore, these then don’t! Change your approach andrythym of my clients’ menstrual cycle are the ideal two weeks for focusing on instead, do something gentle like walkingand the fluctuations that occur as a strength and hypertrophy-type sessions, or yoga to support your body’s needs.result are an insight into each client’s with some high intensity intervals.overall health. The length of her cycle, Honour your body and give it the supporther associated moods, energy As she passes ovulation (normally it needs and you’ll get more out of it influctuations, physical symptoms and around day 14) and moves into the the long term. You can do this by fuellinghunger all help me to gain a good luteal phase, there is a shift in hormones, it with good nutrition, by listening tounderstanding of her hormonal health which includes a dip in oestrogen levels what it’s trying to tell you, and byand wellbeing. and a rise in progesterone. If an egg has treating it kindly and gently when it been fertilised then the progesterone needs you to.Unlike our male counterparts, women remains high and the process ofare naturally more cyclic in nature – the pregnancy begins. If an egg is not Once you have moved through yourlength of our menstrual cycle determines fertilised then progesterone levels will menstrual cycle and are feeling strongthis, and with each cycle comes a decline, the lining of the uterus sheds and energised again, you can return todistinct change in hormones that directly off, and bleeding occurs. training hard. ( OH! MAGAZINE ) JULY 2015 21
(Active Ageing) LARAINE [email protected] DUNNOPTIMISE MOBILTY WITHMORE ACTIVITYLaraine Dunn explains the valuable role of exercise forenhancing the health and longevity of older adults. • Turn on the radio, turn up the volume and dance or move vigorously for the duration of three songs. • Use your non-dominant hand for as many things as you can, such as personal grooming, opening doors, cleaning, and when reaching for things. • When out walking, use telegraph poles as markers to alternate between brisk and normal walking speeds, longer and normal length striding, stronger and normal arm swings. I ncidental exercise refers to • Know your exercise capacity and • Use snippets of time as opportunities physical activity that you add into stay within those limits. to move. For example, as you wait foryour everyday routine. Essentially, it is an your toast to cook sidestep away andeffective way to increase your physical • Avoid over-exercising, as it may then back to the toaster; do heelactivity and become more mobile without cause injury or illness. raises while waiting for the kettle toreally changing up your routine. boil; sit down and stand up ten • Always warm up and cool down times before sitting down to eat; andIncidental activity may be as simple as before and after exercise. stand and stretch during ad breakslifting your feet and legs while you while watching TV.prepare your breakfast. • Exercise until you are slightly out of breath but can still hold a • When waiting in a queue, do a quickAs we age, our movements become conversation or are mildly perspiring. full body ‘contract and relax’. Clenchsmaller; for example, we may not step out and release the muscle groupslike we did 30 years ago. Similarly, our • Don’t use the automatic dial, use starting at the feet and moving upmovement patterns (the way we move our your brain and remember people’s the body, legs, buttocks, belly,body) are repeated day after day, so phone numbers. hands, neck shoulders, jaw, throat.there’s often limited opportunities for us If it’s a long queue there may beto move our body in new ways. • Stand up while you talk on the even time to include the pelvic floor. phone.By moving more often and in new ways, The more often you can add incidentalyour body will thank you for doing so. • Stand tall, with your weight evenly exercise into your day-to-day activities,Here are some tips to help you stay distributed so as to avoid slouching. the quicker it will become a habit and themobile through incidental exercise: better off your body and mind will be.22 JULY 2015 ( OH! MAGAZINE )
( Work/Life Balance ) JUSTIN www.justintamsett.com TAMSETTPUT A FULL STOP ON THE ENDOF YOUR WORK DAYSJustin Tamsett provides his tip to book ending your day, so you cansuccessfully leave your work at work! F or effective work/life balance you need to ensure you leave your work, at work. So to help you achieve this, apply a ritual to the end of your working days, which can act as a trigger for your mind and body to let itknow that your working day is over.This ritual could be tidying your desk at the end of every day, taking a walk after you leave the office, going andsitting in the park for five minutes on your way home, or changing into casual clothes and placing your workclothes in the dirty clothes hamper when you get home.Whatever you choose, commit to doing it regularly and before you realise, it will be a cinch for you to leave thework, at work.https://youtu.be/L1DqzTc8jlY ( OH! MAGAZINE ) JULY 2015 23
( Where, Oh Where? )TOP FIVE WINTERWELLNESS ESCAPESEscape the winter with these top five getaways,thanks to Health and Fitness Travel. I f your health is in need of a boost adventure. Designed to encourage Cultural Wellness in Turkey: Turkey then take a proactive step and connectivity with the environment and Discover Recoverescape the winter blues on a healthy those around you Aro Ha is the perfectholiday with Health and Fitness Travel, wellness destination for solo travellers Keep active as you submerge yourself inthe leading specialists in wellness who want to experience enhanced vitality. Turkish culture with a choice of tour andholidays worldwide. With a variety of excursions. Explore Istanbul as you viewwellness experiences and fitness Challenge yourself everyday with sweat- the stunning architecture of the Ottomanactivities on offer, their top five winter inducing TRX strength sessions, Vinyasa Empire and stroll through the vibrantwellness escapes are sure to renew your yoga and with the rugged New Zealand bustling Grand Bazaar. Discover themotivation to stay healthy no matter the landscape on your doorstep Aro Ha offers stunning waterfalls of Antalya and theseason! Check them out now. a great base for a hiking holiday. ancient ruins of Hierapolis before soaking up your surroundings and boosting yourKickstart fitness in Australia: In contrast, Aro Ha also uses holistic well-being at the ancient thermal baths.The Vitality Coach Retreats practices with yoga and meditation Recover at a choice of luxury wellness classes that replenish your energy. This is retreats with reviving spa treatments andSet your long term fitness goals with a supplemented with daily therapeutic well-being experiences, from detoxing tobespoke wellness holiday at The Vitality massages, the soothing steam rooms and yoga.Coach Retreats in Australia’s lush Noosa sauna.National Park. Take time out at this Tone up in St Lucia:beautiful getaway and receive Yoga and Pilates in Thailand: The BodyHoliday Fusion Fitnesspersonalised lifestyle counselling and Absolute Sanctuaryfitness programs to tone up your body Kick-off the winter season in peak shapeand refocus your energy on your health This luxury yoga retreat will help you find at this luxury wellness retreat in St.and wellbeing. your balance mentally, physically and Lucia. Nestled amongst tropical jungles, spiritually with dedicated yoga and this stunning beach-front retreat is anRenew your sense of play with fun and Pilates reformer retreats allowing you the ideal escape for a fitness holiday and thechallenging activities like stand up opportunity to tailor your wellness break Caribbean sun will have you forgettingpaddling, surfing, and kitesurfing to to your specific needs. Discover the the cold back home. Work up a sweatname a few. Get the ultimate in VIP various types of yoga with an excellent with a mixture of private cardio sessions,treatment and indulge in massages at the range of classes including Hot Flow, strength and sport workouts, includingspa and fill up with tasty guilt-free meals Ashtanga, Yin, Yin-Yang, Pranayama and kettle bells and golf. Embrace changein Noosa’s top-notch restaurants. Meditation, Hatha, Pilates, Yoga Pilates with mind and body sessions such as and a special introduction to yoga for yoga, before soothing sore muscles at theActive Adventure in New Zealand: beginners all on offer. Take a holistic luxury spa with a sports massage. ThisAro Ha Wellness Retreat approach to wellness and enjoy delicious all-inclusive fitness break comes fresh smoothies and juices alongside complete with a host of fun water sportsEmbrace winter amongst the picturesque relaxing aromatherapy massages on this and land activities, whilst the hostedsub-alpine landscape of the Southern yoga and Pilates holiday to help you feel singles table every evening make thisAlps in New Zealand for a real wellness refreshed and energised. ideal for a solo getaway.24 JULY 2015 ( OH! MAGAZINE )
( Where, Oh Where? ) ( OH! MAGAZINE ) JULY 2015 25
NEWWHAT’S Check out some of our favourite healthy lifestyle products and services, which may help you live a healther, happier and more interesting life! Remember, for a daily dose of What’s New in Fitness, be sure to check out www.whatsnewinfitness.com.au2(X)IST 3M FUTURO SUPPORTSCurrently available across six continents, 2(X)IST has The launch of 3M Futuro’s newest innovation, the herolaunched into the Australian market this month with its Custom Dial Range with leading Boa Technology Inc2015 Collection. Ideal for the fashion savvy man the ‘click to fit’ dials, provides targeted pain assistance with the simple twist of a dial. 3M Futuro™ is the firstcollection includes an assortment of pullovers, hoodies, to incorporate the innovative custom dial technology into its range of therapeutic supports with the launchsweatpants, tanks, tees and more. Additionally, 2(X)IST will of the Futuro™ Custom Dial Wrist Stabiliser and Futuro™ Custom Dial Tennis Elbow Strap. The supportsproudly unveil the provide stability and symptomatic relief of pain for a range of sufferers, from sports enthusiasts to thebrand’s first pure overall ageing population, allowing the user to easily personalise compression levels. The range can be usedperformance line with as a drug free alternative for joint pain or in addition to therapy. www.futurobrand.com.aueach garmentencompassingbreathable tech fabricsand sport-enhancedcuts for serious action.The collection isavailable exclusivelyfrom David Jonesnationally.www.2xist.comACTIVE CREATURESMelbourne-based brand Active Creatures is founded by husband and wifeMelody and Cameron Townsend. The brand is focused on creatingfantastic designs that are comfortable to wear but, most importantly, theyhave a passion for empowering women and celebrating the innate power,confidence and character that is found within each woman’s sexuality.Active Creatures believes that being physically active is the key to feelingsexy and strong – and their gear reflects this with exciting designs.http://activecreatures.com26 JULY 2015 ( OH! MAGAZINE )
( What’s New )COCO JOY COCONUT WATER BOTÁNI ACAI BERRY ACTIVE ANTIOXIDANT SERUMCoco Joy Coconut Water is all Botáni is a holistic brand founded by a caring naturopath who lovesnatural, with no added sugar, people and cares for their skin. Botáni is passionate about treatingpreservatives or concentrates. skin conditions with luxurious products that enhance natural beauty,Coco Joy Coconut Water is also full health and wellbeing. Botáni’s Acai Berry Active Antioxidant Serumof electrolytes, antioxidants, is a power-packed skincalcium and magnesium. It’s vitamin booster and anti-hydrating, fresh tasting and above oxidant, which is specificallyall delicious, making it a healthy formulated to prevent ageingand beneficial companion to your damage and nourish skin.morning meal. For a different twist, The serum ingredientstry incorporating Coco Joy Coconut energise the skin’sWater into a kale and celery rejuvenation process tosmoothie or adding a squeeze of enhance its health, radiancefresh lemon or lime – YUM! and clarity.www.cocojoy.com.au www.botani.com.auBUDERIM GINGER’S CHOLULA HOT SAUCEORIGINAL MARMALADE A hot sauce finally created for taste rather than heat, Cholula HotBuderim Ginger is proud to announce Sauce is one of the fastest growing hot sauces on the market. Thethat their iconic spread, the Original gluten free hot sauce is made from an exclusive blend of Arbol, PiquinGinger Marmalade, has turned 55! peppers and spices ground into a delicate pepper paste. CombinedLike all Buderim Ginger products, the with signature seasonings and natural ingredients, this results in themarmalade is the enemy of bland and perfect balance between heat and flavour. Not only does Cholula Hothas been created from the finest Sauce taste great, but it is believed that chilli peppers have manyginger and natural ingredients, health benefits, particularly for people with pulmonary and respiratorydelivering a flavour hit like no other. problems. Hot peppers are great for asthmatics as it is rich in vitaminThe Aussie staple for over half a A. It also increases metabolic rates, making it easier to burn calories.century is the pride and joy of Buderim Cholula Hot Sauce enhances the flavour in almost any food withoutGinger. The earliest recipe for the overwhelming the palate, including eggs, meats, soups, pizza, seafoodOriginal Ginger Marmalade can be and salads. Cholula Hot Sauce is available nationally in Coles,traced back to 1960, when a Buderim Woolworths and selected IGAs. www.cholula.comGinger employee Mick spent a dayexperimenting in the lab that resulted EMU WATERPROOF COLLECTIONin the spread that we know today. Theoriginal recipe has stood the test of The EMU Waterproof Collection has the functionality fortime and in over half a century the those who want natural style in the rain. Features andingredients have barely changed, benefits include waterproof suede and deluxe Australianculminating in a ginger lover’s dream. sheepskin lining, breathable waterproof membrane withwww.buderimginger.com sealed seams between suede and sheepskin, and superior double stitched seams ensure added strength and durability. The sole is attached using waterproof adhesive and finished with waterproof suede binding, while the soft sheepskin breathes and keeps your feet perfectly warm for winter. The Collection also includes anatomically correct removable sheepskin lined insoles, a moulded suede heel cup and toe cap for a better fit and durable rubber EMU sole with quality EVA for maximum comfort and support. www.emuaustralia.com.au ( OH! MAGAZINE ) JULY 2015 27
( What’s New )LINK™ POWER DRIVEUnlike standalone portable gadgets that either charge mobile devices or back up data onexternal drives, the Link™ Power Drive is a two-in-one drive that is supported by the free-to-download ‘Power Drive LT’ app (from Apple’s App Store), and promises dependability,accessibility and simplicity. Not only does it make organising photos, videos, songs anddocuments easy while waiting for your daily commute, it also ensures that your iPhone® oriPod® touch battery doesn’t run out abruptly in the middle of your favourite track or video.www.imation.comMARC ANTHONY HAIR CARE PAKLITE LUGGAGEAfter 20 years in the industry and building his hair care Paklite’s most stylish collection, StyleAir, featuresrange globally in 20 countries, Marc Anthony has now softer edges and curved lines. Helping people travel inlaunched the Marc Anthony True Professional collection in style and comfort for more than 50 years, Paklite is oneAustralia. From normal to damaged, straight to curly or sleek of Australia’s longest established and most recognisedto voluminous, no matter what the hair type or condition luggage brands. The StyleAir range is the latest in itsthere’s a Marc Anthony True Professional solution. Awarded line of high-quality, innovative and affordable products.World Champion Hairstylist at the age of 19, Marc Anthony The fashion-forward new collection comes in a coolopened his own premier hair salons throughout Canada. His Navy Blue, chic Champagne and modern Charcoal, allprofessional salon experience combined with his work as with a scratch-resistant diamond texture finish, allowingcelebrity stylist at the Oscars, Emmys and Grammys, led him you to explore the world in style. Constructed with anto create the Marc Anthony True Professional haircare line. ultra-lightweight and durable Bayer Polycarbonate andThe range is available from Target and Priceline. fitted with TSA approved combination locks, StyleAirwww.facebook.com/marcanthonyhairaustralia gives you extra peace of mind, knowing your belongings will be safe from destination to destination. www.paklite.com.auSALOMON CITYTRAIL RUNNERSSalomon have just released a new range of runners that are crafted specifically to caterfor the city runners, ideal for fun run season! The technology used is purposely tailoredto those who choose paths such as alleys, roads, up stairs, gravel and any hard surfaces– all of which you could come across in a fun run! Each of the Citytrail shoes has thelatest technology incorporated into them, including Endofit (a Salomon exclusivetechnology that includes an internal fit sleeve designed to hug the forefoot and improvefoot wrapping); Sensifit (a technology moulded into the shoe that cradles the foot fromthe midsole to the lace system which provides a stable, precise, snug fit all around theshoe); and Quicklace (easy-on, easy-off system for a secure and customised fit).www.salomon.com/au28 JULY 2015 ( OH! MAGAZINE )
( What’s New )PINK SUN ACTIVEWEARFusing fashion and function, Pink Sun Activewear is made in Brazil combiningSupplex with innovative sportswear materials that facilitate the maintenance ofform, flexibility, support and comfort. From cross-fit to yoga, wearers benefit from thetemperature stabilising and moisture absorbing garments designed to also flatter thephysique. Pink Sun Activewear garments also uniquely hold their original shape andbright colours despite wear and frequent washes with a quality guaranteed or moneyback promise. http://activewearbrazil.com.auPROSPAN COUGH MEDICINES KUSH HEALTH TRAVEL MISTHealth company, BioRevive last year Easy to use and compact to carry, Travel Mist bylaunched a children’s range of its Kush Health helps hydrate, refresh and relaxpopular Prospan Cough Relief to rave your skin. With hints of lemon eucalyptus andreviews from mums, praising its taste cedarwood, together with a soothing spritz ofand effectiveness particularly in cooling chamomile this Travel Mist will helpdelivering a good night sleep to the promote long lasting moisture to your skin,household. The herbal cough ensuring you arrive feeling and lookingmedicine is not a sedative but refreshed. Of course, many people enjoy thiscontains the clinically proven active Travel Mist every day. At work, a few sprays willingredient hedera helix (ivy leaf hydrate and replace the moisture lost fromextract) which helps liquefy and clear harsh office environments. Plant basedmucus from the airways and relax and preservatives, organic ingredients and compactcalm convulsive coughing. By helping bottle size means a burst of rejuvenation iscalm the cough, children are better never far away. www.kushhealth.com.auable to sleep. The range is available atpharmacies nationally and you should ORGRAN HEALTH & NUTRITION RANGEconsult your pharmacist when treatingchildren under two years of age. Specialising in natural, allergen free productswww.prospan.com.au for better health and wellbeing, Orgran Health & Nutrition is a pioneer and trusted brand for coeliacs and other allergy sufferers. The Orgran range includes alternative grain pasta, baking mixes, crispbreads, biscuits and breakfast cereals. Orgran products are available from supermarkets, independent stores and health food stores nationally. www.orgran.com.au ( OH! MAGAZINE ) JULY 2015 29
( What’s New )SWEETLIFE HEALTHY BAKE MIXESWhen SweetLife founder Carolyn Hartz was diagnosed with pre-diabetes and glutenintolerance, she found a sugar and flour alternative to bake sweets and desserts with – Xylito.She then found a gluten, grain and flour free bake mix alternative to use in baking – anddecided to acquire the patent for Australia and launch her own range of healthy, PerfectSweet Bake Mixes. Available in two delicious varieties – Classic and Chocolate – they not onlycontain almond meal and Xylitol, but also whey protein and psyllium for extra fibre andprotein. They’re low carb, low GI, free from grain and flour and the Classic Mix is 98 per centsugar free. The Classic Mix makes lamingtons, cupcakes and cookies while the Chocolate Mixmakes brownies, cupcakes and cookies and a whole variety of other recipes.www.sweetlife.com.auUNIDEN HANDHELD RADIOS THE NEXT PAIR SHOE SERVICEThe UH35 series UHF two-way handheld radios combine The new e-retailer The Next Pair source premiumperformance, robust design and ease-of-use for better group footwear from around the world and offer them atcommunication. Available in triple and quad packs (UH35-3 affordable prices. The online store also featuresand UH35-4), the UH35 series offers everyone their own exclusive styles that are not available anywhere else indedicated radio to clip on when travelling or exploring the Australia. The Next Pair stocks product from globally-world around them. The ultra-compact, shock resistant and recognised brands such as Nike, Asics, Converse, Vanstemperature tested radios are perfect for hiking, camping, and many more. The Next Pair provides a distinctiveskiing and cycling or just hanging out in the urban jungle. shopping experience, with an optimised website, 30With access to up to 80 channels, Uniden’s handheld radios -day no-hassle returns policy, free shipping over $100,are affordable and reliable, particularly in locations where and a four-hour Sydney Metro delivery service. The sitethere is little to no mobile phone coverage. is stocked full with over 1,500 pairs of shoes, cateringwww.uniden.com.au for all ages, genders and tastes. www.thenextpair.com.auWEET-BIX GOAussie go-getters can now take Weet-Bix wherever they go in the mornings,with new Weet-Bix GO, a delicious breakfast biscuit from Australia’s iconicbreakfast cereal. Weet-Bix GO is wrapped up in single serve packs that areready to take with you when you are on the run. Developed specifically for thosetimes when you’re on the go, Sanitarium’s delicious new Weet-Bix GO is madewith real Weet-Bix, is very high in wholegrains and is a source of fibre. Weet-BixGO scores a health star rating of 3 to 3.5 stars across the range. Weet-Bix GOis now available in Coles supermarkets and will be available nationwide from31 August 2015. www.facebook.com.au/weetbix30 JULY 2015 ( OH! MAGAZINE )
( What’s New )SONY SELFIE SMARTPHONE: XPERIA™ C4The selfie phenomenon is about to kick up a notch with the introduction of Xperia™ C4 – Sony’snext generation PROselfie smartphone, featuring a best in class 5MP front camera, a full HDdisplay and superior performance. Whether you’re running multiple apps, checking Facebook,snapping selfies or listening to the best music – you can do it all at lightning speed thanks toXperia C4’s impressive Octa-core processor. Powered by an efficient 64-bit Octa-core processor,Xperia C4 makes it easier than ever to multitask and switch between your favourite apps, withoutaffecting performance. Ultra-fast connectivity with 4G capabilities means it’s quicker than everto download your favourite audio or video content and surf the web without lag.www.sonymobile.comSPOTIFY & SURFAID BLUNT UNLOSEABLE UMBRELLAIn a world first, SurfAid has partnered Blunt Umbrellas have launched the world’s firstexclusively with well-known music ‘unloseable’ umbrella. The team in New Zealandstreaming service Spotify to create an teamed up with Silicon Valley’s latest sensationalbum featuring relaxing sounds of the ‘Tile’ to create the Blunt + Tile umbrella – a brollysurf. The album is titled ‘Surfify’ and that can be tracked when misplaced! According toevery time a track is played from it, Tile, the average person misplaces more than 3,000Spotify donates a small royalty fee items every year, and spends 60 hours searching forto SurfAid. Playing the album doesn’t them. Unsurprisingly, umbrellas are among the topcost the listener anything, so Spotify five most commonly misplaced possessions. Eachusers are being encouraged to listen Blunt + Tile umbrella contains a ‘Tile’ which canto the Surfify album as many times as then be tracked using the Tile App for iPhone andpossible, and to share it with friends. Android. The team at Blunt have crafted a stylishThe more plays, the more donations to limited edition black trim design, available inSurfAid. In fact, play the album on three colour accents. Available in XS Metro (RRPrepeat overnight and you’ll be literally $99 AUD) and Classic (RRP $124 AUD) styles.donating in your sleep. Even if you’re www.bluntumbrellas.com.auunable to listen, play it on mute andyou’re still raising money. ZERO JAPAN TEAPOTSw w w.sur faid.org / Sur fif y Beautifully designed and individually tested, Zero Japan teapots are perfect for those new to tea drinking – or long time devotees. Zero Japan teapots blend the art of ancient tea drinking with modern designs. Made from porcelain with a stainless steel infuser suspended from the lid rim, there is a design and size for every occasion. The range is available in a classic shape – the Universal teapot – in a range of sizes and colours including the new Artisan Crackle series. For a more authentic Japanese tea drinking experience the traditional range includes the Persimmon, the Kyusu and the Zen teapots. www.haleimports.com.au/stockist ( OH! MAGAZINE ) JULY 2015 31
( What’s New )HICKIES FIRST PRESS COFFEEHICKIES have combined both fashion and function in a First Press Coffee – a Melbourne-based cold drip coffeeresponsive lacing system which turns your favourite sneakers company – are trying to squash the stigma associatedinto a unique slip-on, with a range of vibrant colours and with the daily pick me up. The elaborate process ofsleek basics to choose from. HICKIES are constructed from dripping filtered water through ground coffee beansMemory Fit Elastomer, which maintains a consistent snug fit, over a ten-hour period results in a purer and less acidicwhile allowing just enough expansion for your feet to move coffee that is easier on the palate and on the digestivecomfortably. The HICKIES no-tie design is easy to use, system, and is absent from any preservatives andsimply loop them through the eyelets in your sneakers to the additives. An added benefit of First Press is thedesired fit and secure them into place. Whether you’re convenience of a bottled coffee, so there are nosweating it out at the gym or making a statement with your laborious espresso machines or grinders to contendlatest high-fashion designer kicks, HICKIES is your go-to with. www.firstpresscoffee.comcrossover fitness, fashion accessory for all day comfort andsupport. www.hickies.com.auDINO MEAL GAMEThis hungry Dino has an eggstraordinary appetite! Roll thedie to choose which stolen dinosaur egg to rescue first.Then carefully reach in and take out the egg, but watchout! You never know when this intimidating Dino mightleap out at you for his next Dino Meal. Win the game bygetting the eggs before the Dino gets you. For ages 4 andup. 2-4 players. Requires 2 AA batteries (not included).RRP $34.99.JUMPING JACK GAMEAlso new is Jumping Jack! This super cool bunny hasplanted a carrot garden around his hill. The only way toget him to jump off the hill is to pick the right carrot. Theyoungest player starts by flicking the spinner to see howmany carrots to pull from Jack’s bunny hill. Play willcontinue until pulling out the carrot that makesJack jump. Catch him to win! Suitable for agesfour and up. Two to four players. RRP $34.99.Both games are available from BIG W, Target, Myer, David Jones,Mr Toys and leading toy retailers. www.crownandandrews.com32 JULY 2015 ( OH! MAGAZINE )
( What’s New )GREAT NEWS FORBOOKWORMS!Get your read on with some of our favourite recently released books.Brave, by Margie Warrell 49 Ways To... Nicky Buckley: A Memoir Think/Eat/Write Yourself WellBRAVE is written on the premise that Follow Buckley’s personal journey, as shecourage begets courage. Living your best This series of inpirational books touches on family values, managinglife means living a brave life. This book provide the tools to take control of your parenthood in the public eye, and thewill help you move past the doubts and thinking, eating and emotional habits challenges of business that followedfears that may be holding you back. to enhance your wellbeing. throughout her career.www.TrainTheBrave.com www.exislepublishing.com.au http://newhollandpublishers.com/auDreams, by Rose Inserra How To Survive Anything, The Digestive Health Solution, by Lonely Planet by Benjamin I Brown, NDA fascinating insight into oursubconscious, Dreams helps you With the help of this book, you will prevail This interactive book enables you to haveunderstand why we dream and what we – whether your in-laws are coming to better digestive health – for life! You willcan learn from them. Also Available is dinner, an earthquake is imminent, or explore the mind–body connection, foodthe Dream Journal, to help you record you’re squashed in the middle seat on a intolerances and the keys to a healthyand remember your dreams. long-haul flight! digestive system.www.rockpoolpublishing.com.au http://lonelyplanet.com www.exislepublishing.com.auWhat would you like to read about in a future edition of this magazine? Send us your article suggestions by emailing [email protected] ( OH! MAGAZINE ) JULY 2015 33
( Just for Fun ) HAVE A LAUGH! Giggling is good for your health, so c’mon and get healthy, already!34 JULY 2015 ( OH! MAGAZINE )
THANKS FOR READING! We’d love to receive your thoughts about this issue. So please use the form below or email [email protected] SHARE YOUR FEEDBACK WITH US! Subscribe for FREE and have a new edition delivered to your inbox, every single month. To do so, simply enter your email address below: SUBSCRIBE TODAY AND YOU’LL NEVER MISS AN ISSUE! ( OH! MAGAZINE ) JULY 2015 35
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