BulletinTHESEARANCH ASSOCIATION MONTHLY June 2016 No. 498 BOARD SUMMARY AND ACTIONS SELECTED GATEWAY FOR SEA RANCH CONNECTSMOn April 23, 2016, The Sea Ranch Association Boardof Directors completed an Agenda that included three As the very informative emails detailing progress onitems of new business and two items of unfinished constructing the Sea Ranch Connect network flow intobusiness. The Agenda packet for this meeting can be our inboxes, it’s clear that we are making good progressviewed on the Association website at: towards providing Sea Ranchers with a state of the art,http://www.tsra.org/news.php?viewStory=2447, high performance and highly reliable Internet service.and the audio file is available at: This service will not only revolutionize Internet accesshttp://www.tsra.org/news.php?viewStory=721. across the entire Ranch: it will also provide the essential 21st century services to improve our real estate valuesANNOUNCEMENTS and make The Sea Ranch an attractive option for the next generation of owners.Board Chair Nybakken reminded Members of votingprocedures and timelines for the upcoming Annual Part of the process of constructing and implementingElection and stressed the importance of achieving the Sea Ranch Connect (SRC) network has been thequorum. He further noted that this would be Director selection of the gateway device that will allow everyMcCalley’s last meeting as a member of the TSRA BOD. home to be connected to the network. Many of youHe conveyed the thanks of the Board together with will recall that when we described the service to youtokens of appreciation. initially, we said that owners would need to purchase a gateway box for around $150 that would provide theREPORTS in-home connection to the SRC service.Board Chair In close consultation with our operating partner,Chair Nybakken reported on the Special Executive Gigabit Now (GBN), we have selected the Calix familySession held on March 13, 2016, for purposes of of gateways, with the model most owners will choosereceiving legal advice regarding management of priced at $156. This model does not have Wi-FiCommons, noting that at that meeting the Board capability. There is a higher end option with powerfulvoted unanimously to suspend activities related to the Wi-Fi capabilities that will be offered at $225. However,Non-Industrial Timber Management Plan (NTMP), to the Calix 716GE-I at $156 will provide a solution thatdissolve the NTMP Task Force, and to explore other will meet all normal needs because many Sea Ranchersoptions for Commons management at a future time. already have Wi-Fi routers for their current Internet service.Chair Nybakken also reported on the Executive Sessionheld prior to the current regular meeting, noting that cont’d on page 5the Board heard updates on the Design Committeemember recruitment process, conducted its annualreview of policy committees (resulting in appointmentof Chris Kenber to the FC, reappointment of RickHansen to the PC, and a one-year term extension ofClarence Korhonen on the UC), approved annualawards to be presented at the Annual Meeting in cont’d on page 20 p. 4
The View From My Window RULES, RULES, RULESOur Board of Directors has been considering some consist of the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws,changes in our rules and will continue to do so our Restrictions (often referred to as CC&R’s), The Seagoing forward. We have new rules governing the Ranch Rules which are different than the Restrictions,flying of drones and home inspections, and several and the Design Manual and Rules which govern whatmore changes are pending. This isn’t a “make-work” gets built and how.exercise; it’s something the Board considered as a partof their action agenda for the past two years. Times By my count that is five different documents thatchange and rule-making is an important function of govern life on The Sea Ranch. If you didn’t want a lifethe Board to help protect your property and privacy. bound by rules, you probably should have considered a life in one of the surrounding areas. At any rate,HOA’s in general and TSRA in specific have lots of rules when we bought here we all pledged our troth to thein various forms that are often described as “governing governing documents and that can sometimes bedocuments.” In my personal world, my governing challenging. The first assumption is, of course, thatdocuments consist of my marriage vows, my bank you have read the governing documents, and thestatement, and the various notes I leave around the second is that the difference between rules, restrictions,house reminding me to do something. In the world design guidelines, and organizational by-laws is clear.of governance (yes, governance is different than While I know that many members have done theirgovernment – TSRA is not the government) TSRA is a homework, I also know that these chores can be easilyfairly complicated place. Our governing documents overlooked or misunderstood. cont’d on bottom of page 3 What’s Inside ... BULLETIN ©Board Summary & Actions - 4/23/2016 . . . pp. 1,20-21 Website posting date: 5/20/2016Selected Gateway for Sea Ranch Connect . . . pp. 1,5 Printed issue date: 5/30/2016The View: Rules, Rules, Rules . . . . . . . . . . . p. 2-3Proposed Rule Change: Member Notification . . . p. 3 The purpose of The Sea Ranch Association BULLETIN is to provideInfoAlert: TSRA BOD Adopts New Rules . . . . . . p. 4 information to Members about the official business and operations of The2016 Fire Season / DCEM: Mowing Sea Ranch Style . p. 7 Sea Ranch Association.PRC 4291: Reducing Fire Hazards . . . . . . . . pp. 8-9Nomination Form: Community Spirit Award . . .p. 10 Published Monthly for Members by THE SEA RANCH ASSOCIATIONVolunteer Voice: A Very Special Award . . . . . . .p. 11 Post Office Box 16 • The Sea Ranch, California 95497Coastal STF: Pigeon Guillemots - Often Unnoticed . . p. 12TSR Archives: Voices from the Past . . . . . . . . .p. 13 Tel: 707-785-2444 • Fax: 707-785-3555 • E-Mail: [email protected] YOU KNOW? Scoters don't like our summer . .p. 13Trails Talk: On the Bluffs with Jules Verne . . . . p. 14 Editor: Frank BellSaturday Hikes: 6/18; 7/2 Historic Ravines Loop ��������������p. 15 Assistant Editors: Janice Bonora, Darrell PaigeNature Walks: 6/11 Grasses; 7/23 Tidepools . . . .p. 15NPC Spreads the Word: Grow Native . . . . . . . .p. 16 Design/Layout/Typesetter: Darrell PaigeWater Co.: Drought Update; Tri Party Agreement . .p. 17Pool Hours during Swim Lessons . . . . . . . . . p. 18 Printed on recycled paper with 30% post-consumer fiber. No part of thisTSRA Resolutions: 423, 424, 425 & 426 . . . . pp. 22-23 publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without theCommunity Swim Lessons - 37th Annual . . . . p. 23 prior, written permission of the Editor, excepting brief quotes used inWebsite Committee Thanks Anne Long . . . . . p. 24 connection with reviews written specifically for inclusion in a newspaper orNeighborhood Parties: Unit 19; Unit 21 . . . . . . . .p. 25 magazine. All materials for the BULLETIN should be submitted electronicallyMeet The Sea Ranch LGBTQ Community . . . . .p. 25 to the Assistant Editor, who can also provide submission deadlines.Informal \"Happy Hour\": 6/11 . . . . . . . . . . . p. 26Forum: Stewarding TSR Landscape - 6/4 . . . . . .p. 26 THE SEA RANCH ASSOCIATION OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED IN OBSERVANCE OF Read the Bulletin online at www.tsra.org! THE FOLLOWING HOLIDAYS May 31 Tuesday Memorial Day July 5 Tuesday Independence Day September 6 Tuesday Labor DayThe Sea Ranch Association Bulletin, June 2016 —— 2
MEMBER NOTIFICATION OF PROPOSED RULE CHANGE Written 30 day Notice of Proposed Change to TSRA Rule 4.2.06 - Lot Consolidation Policy and ProcedureWhen changes to The Sea Ranch Association (TSRA) Rules are proposed, the Association is required to provide advancenotice to the membership so that member comments can be considered by the Board of Directors (CCC §4360).To learn more about these proposed Rule changes, see the following documents: • The Memorandum “Lot Consolidations” by the Community Manager, dated February 17, 2016, and the accompanying documents included in the Board Agenda Packet for the Board meeting of February 27, 2016. This document provides a description of the purpose and effect of the proposed change and can be found on the Association website at: http://www.tsra.org/mod/secfile/viewed.php?file_id=3301 • The text of the proposed TSRA Rule 4.2.06 printed below. PROPOSED TSRA RULE 4.2.06 LOT CONSOLIDATION POLICY AND PROCEDURE4.2.06 Member pays the remaining annual assessment on the lot being consolidated, plus a one-time fee asdetermined by the Board of Directors from time to time as a part of the Association’s fee schedule. Said fee is intendedto partially defray the costs and budgetary impact associated with the lot consolidation. Member also returns thesigned and dated “Lot Consolidation Agreement,” which will be notarized in The Sea Ranch Association’s office andkept in the Owner file at the Office of Design, Compliance, and Environmental Management.A decision on this proposed TSRA Rule is scheduled to be considered as “Unfinished Business” atthe August 27, 2016, Board of Directors meeting. The fee amount has not yet been determinedand will be considered by the Board at the 8/27/2016 meeting.Specific comments on this proposed TSRA Rule may be addressed to the Community Manager, PO Box 16,The Sea Ranch, CA 95497 or by email to [email protected]. To contact individual Board Members by email, go tothe Owners Page on the Association’s website (www.tsra.org) and scroll down to the DOCUMENTS FROM THEBOARD OF DIRECTORS section to find the link. Member comments will also be heard by the Board at theAugust 27, 2016, Board of Directors meeting. — —cont'd from page 2 — Rules, Rules, Rules development,” thus giving boards of directors fairly broad powers to manage the community.Our CC&R’s were written by the developers of The SeaRanch, the group we know as Oceanic Properties. They That’s where the rules come in. Rules are the toolswere written more than 50 years ago and have survived that govern behavior within the HOA. Unlike CC&R’sthe test of time pretty well. The Sea Ranch was formed rules are generally easy to initiate, revise, or repeal, andas a recreational community - owners and guests were fall within the jurisdiction of the Board of Directors.supposed to come here, have a good time swimming, Violations are generally warnings, fines, and in somehiking and riding horses, then go home. Somewhere cases loss of certain membership privilege. In otheralong the way, a number of us forgot to go home. The words, while there are consequences for violating theCC&R’s worked whether the community was second rules, you aren’t going to go to jail.homes or fulltime residences. Additional rules wereadded over time by various boards of directors as more Rules tend to address common problems within thefacilities were developed and more people showed up touse them. Association and those problems may change withOur CC&R’s are deliberately hard to change, usually the times. We didn’t worry about drones in 1965, werequiring a supermajority vote of the membership.That said, they don’t really need changing because they worried about Communists. Today, The Sea Ranch isare written in language that is subject to interpretation.That’s the way it is supposed to be. While there may a very different place than that envisioned in the 60’s.be a tendency to narrowly interpret the governingdocuments to win an argument, state law provides that, I would argue that it is a better place because it is in“… the governing documents be liberally construed tofacilitate the operation of the common interest fact a real community, not just a toy. It is a place that is well governed, well respected and I am proud to say well managed by your staff. It is also home, and with that comes a lot of responsibility and a fair number of Rules. —— Frank Bell Community Manager 3 —— The Sea Ranch Association Bulletin, June 2016
InfoAlert sent April 27, 2016INFO ALERT - TSRA Board of Directors Adopts New RulesYour Board of Directors considered member comments and then approved two new TSRA rules at its April 23 BoardMeeting. This approval came after circulation of the proposed rules to the membership and the second publicreading of each rule. Those new rules are the following:The Sea Ranch is now a “No-Drone Zone” Parcel Conformance ReviewFor reasons of public safety, privacy, and wildlife To reduce the number of design compliance issuesprotection, any use of drones at TSR is now deemed a and disputes that come to light during real estatepresumptive nuisance, and is prohibited. What you transactions, as of January 1, 2017, all Owners offeringneed to know: their homes for sale will be required to request a Parcel Compliance Review (“PCR”) from TSRA prior to escrow.1. Drone flights are prohibited at TSR, even on private What you need to know:lots. TSRA Security will enforce the prohibition.Members who witness violations are asked to call 1. The Rule becomes effective January 1, 2017. TheSecurity immediately. PCR is only required for the sale of improved lots, not vacant lots.2. Owners who rent their homes are responsible forviolations by their renters and guests. Please let your 2. Even without the Rule, sellers and their agents areguests and renters know to leave their drones at home. responsible for disclosing material issues relating to the condition of the property. Even without the new3. Members may ask the Community Manager for a Rule, a new Owner is liable to correct any pre-existingspecial approval of drone/model aircraft use involving nonconforming conditions on his or her new property.a shared community purpose. Such approval is at The PCR makes these existing obligations transparentthe discretion of the Community Manager, with to both seller and buyer, with regard to TSRA designany appropriate conditions and after notice to the compliance matters.membership. 3. The new Rule in no other way changes existing real4. The new Rule does not prohibit otherwise estate law or the associated rights and obligations ofauthorized use of Drones by law enforcement or buyers and sellers. It is akin to all the other inspectionpublic safety agencies, or by TSRA itself for resource requirements common to escrow periods. As with allmanagement programs as approved by the Board and other such inspections and the issues that arise, buyerunder the direction of the Community Manager. and seller are free to determine among themselves how to proceed. While TSRA will not require correction of5. The Rule, and the prohibition, are effective nonconforming items as a condition of sale, correctionsimmediately. will eventually be required. BOARD ELECTION RESULTS 4. All prospective buyers and sellers, and the real estate professionals serving them, will have notice of the PCR HOW WILL YOU KNOW? requirement. The end result should be a far smoother and expeditious experience for both sellers and buyers,If you are unable to attend the Annual Meeting on and far fewer disputes landing in the lap of TSRA’sSaturday, May 28, 2016, when results for the Board of design professionals.Directors election will be announced, an AssociationInfoAlert to be sent after the conclusion of the —— Frank Bell,Meeting will notify you of the newly elected Boardmembers. Election results will also be included in Community Managerthe July Bulletin. On the website, the election resultswill appear in the Announcements section of the Sea Ranch Connect℠Owners Page at:http://www.tsra.org/news.php?viewStory=51If you would like to be added to the Association It’s not your mother’semail alert system (InfoAlerts), please email Member internet anymore…Services at [email protected] or call 707-785-2444. For assistance with the website, please contact: [email protected] Sea Ranch Association Bulletin, June 2016 —— 4
cont'd from page 1 Sea Ranch Connect, cont'dLet’s look at these two devices from a user’s point ofview. Most homes on The Sea Ranch today that have The Calix family of gateways also allows for theInternet service have a router (a small box) already addition of a UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply) thatinstalled that the owners have purchased. Typically, will provide 8 hours of backup in the event of a powerit sits next to the cable modem provided by Central outage, insuring that your telephone service remainsValley Cable (CVC) if you are using their services. This available even if power is not. This is available at anrouter provides both wired and wireless attachment to additional price.the devices you are using in your home. These couldbe desktop or laptop computers, tablets (iPads), smart Part of the decision on which devices to choose also(cell) phones, game consoles, TVs or set top boxes with involved understanding the impact on the two dataInternet capability and so on, including all the devices, centers (at the Del Mar Center and the Associationin fact, that one is likely to find in multi-generation offices) that will be operating the network. It washomes where children and grandchildren are often important to select devices that would operatemore adept than their elders at configuring routers and seamlessly with the network management hardwareInternet connected devices. and software at these data centers. Calix data center equipment allows for much more remote control ofThe gateway you are most likely to install (the in-home gateways, leading to more reliable operation,aforementioned Calix device priced at $156) can be and the ability for SRC to know more about how yourconnected to your devices either by direct Ethernet system is working and provide better support. In ordercable or via the router you probably already have in to use the Calix data center gear, the in-home gatewaysyour home if you are a CVC user. In the case of the needed to be Calix equipment as well.router, wireless connection will be provided essentiallyidentically to the way it is now with your existing All of the decisions we have been making since theservice. But of course at much higher speeds! Because beginning of the SRC project have been focused onwireless capabilities are constantly being upgraded and delivering the most reliable, high performance Internetrouters are inexpensive (often $50 or less), you will be service possible. Finding the right gateway and dataable to change your router to take advantage of higher center equipment has been a key part of delivering thisperformance when it is available without any impact service. We are comfortable that the Calix equipmentto your Calix gateway. However, the one you already decision is the right one for all the reasons given in thishave is likely to be quite sufficient for attachment to article.your new Calix gateway. Sea Ranch Connect has already begun doing home-runsIf you use DSL or a Verizon hot spot for your current from the curb to individual homes, and we expect toInternet service, you may not have a Wi-Fi router start doing the in-home installation of the fiber andinstalled. They are easily available locally as well as gateway as early as the beginning of August.online and typically cost $50 or less. They are easy toinstall and configure and offer you the opportunity to While some of the technical issues leading to thisadd password protection so that your in-home network decision are quite complex, from the point of view ofis secure – at least, more secure than it would be all of you, the future users of the SRC services, therewithout one! Any local consultant can give you advice is no greater complexity in networking your deviceson what you will need. A list of local consultants is using SRC and the Calix gateway than there is with theavailable on the SRC website at: service you are using today. But you will, of course,http://www.searanchconnect.org. get much better performance and reliability than you experience today – and that’s the whole point.The Calix 844GE Home Portal, priced at $225, providespowerful Wi-Fi capability in addition to smart gateway The Sea Ranch Connect Teamfunctionality. This allows the device to “listen”to wirelessly connected devices and optimize theirperformance. This may be of interest to owners withhigh performance requirements, larger homes ormultiple buildings. However, for most purposes, thebasic model and your existing router will be more thansufficient. 5 —— The Sea Ranch Association Bulletin, June 2016
FinanceTHE SEA RANCH ASSOCIATIONFINANCIAL STATEMENTS - MARCH 2016FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - MARCH 2016 THE SEA RANCH ASSOCIATION FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - MARCH 2016GENERAL: These statements represent eleven months INCOME/EXPENSESof fiscal 2015-16. Staff was working on the new budget ALL FUNDS YEAR-TO-DATEimplementation for fiscal 2016-17, Water Company year-end processes, and preliminary year-end tasks. The new REVENUE EXPENSEassessment rate as of May 1, 2016, will be $214.00 per month. ACTUAL 5,776,311 5,286,101As of the end of March and with 92% of the fiscal yearcompleted, we were at 80% of the net budget. Reduction in BUDGET 5,626,469 5,432,334assessment revenues due to the Burbank Housing settlementwill be partially offset by reduction in bad debt expense for BETTER THAN PLAN 149,842 146,233the remainder of 2015-16. Design Review Fees were overbudget. No Director’s expenses were submitted for reimbursement in March. BALANCE SHEET UNAUDITED 3/31/2016Status of Delinquent Accounts: At the end of March,we had three liens on file, one of which just paid in full Item This Month Last Month Changeto avoid moving on to foreclosure by the Association, andone other previous owner paid in full, leaving only four ASSETS 14,215,762 14,254,586 (38,824)lots in small claims collection, with two of those makinginstallment payments. Late assessments totaled $39,179 at LIABILITIES 6,739,279 6,840,182 (100,903)the end of March involving 54 properties. EQUITY 7,476,483 7,414,404 62,079Property Transactions: In March, 13 properties changed ownership, eight houses and five lots, bringing the year-to-datetotal to 30. Last year at this date, 31 properties had changed hands. There were no housing starts so far this year as comparedto one start last year at this time. —— Respectfully submitted, Drew McCalley, TreasurerTHE SEA RANCH WATER COMPANY THE SEA RANCH WATER COMPANY OPERATING FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - MARCH 2016THREE MONTH ENDING 3/31/2016 The attached financial statements represent activity for the REVENUE EXPENSE first quarter of 2016. Staff is absorbed with the fiber-optic installation and Spring projects.ACTUAL 352,282 294,176 Capital projects were being lined up for the water infrastructure for the year per the new budget plan. RevenuesADOPTED BUDGET 374,911 415,027 were slightly under budget, as were expenses. Please feel free to contact us at (707) 785-2444, ext. 227 or send an email toBETTER THAN PLAN 120,851 [email protected] with any questions.WORSE THAN PLAN 22,629 Respectfully submitted, Drew McCalley, Treasurer BALANCE SHEET 3/31/2016 ——ASSETS 15,503,689LIABILITIES 12,478,833STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY 3,024,856The Sea Ranch Association Bulletin, June 2016 —— 6
CAL FIRE/The Sea Ranch Fire Department2016 FIRE SEASONIt finally happened…rain; this winter was a long CAL FIRE employees have started fuel managementawaited return to normal or as close as we have had inspections on portions of The Sea Ranch. Please take ain many years. After the relentless fire events of last good look at your property and don’t wait for a formalsummer following multiple years of drought, having a inspection to start your fuel management. Defensibleslow ramp up to fire season 2016 has been welcomed. space around your home, following Public ResourcesThough the panicked drought discussions have eased Code 4291, is the single most important measure yousome this spring, that in no way means we should can take to increase the survivability of your home andlet our guard down when it comes to fire safety and increase the safety of the firefighters protecting it.preparedness. The timber and larger fuels likely hadsome good moisture recovery because of our rainy If you have any questions about fuels management orseason, but the grass crop will be more abundant than evacuation planning or you would like to request anwe have had in many years. inspection, please call CAL FIRE at 785-2648. You can also find information specific to defensible space andAs spring changes to summer, it will be the daily evacuation planning at the CAL FIRE website:weather that dictates the severity of our fire potential. http://readyforwildfire.org/We cannot control the possibility of a dry lightningstorm, severe wind or low humidity, but we can control Thank You,the ability to modify the fuels around our homes. It isalso important to have a “what you would do and what Shelley Spear, Fire Captainyou would take” plan prior to the need to evacuate as a CAL FIRE/The Sea Ranch Fire Departmentpart of your overall wildfire preparedness. ——Design, Compliance & Environmental Management MOWING – SEA RANCH STYLESpring is here and it’s time to restart the mower. We’ve • Set your mower so it cuts the grass about 4” abovehad close to normal rainfall this winter, and the grassesare coming up. The Department of Design, Compliance grade. This will help avoid the appearance of theand Environmental Management (DCEM) hopes you mowed, “fine” lawn common to urban settings, willwill consider a few ideas that will make the CAL FIRE result in healthier remaining grasses and forbs, andrequired mowing around your home a better fit into may discourage opportunities for unwanted invasiveThe Sea Ranch concept. To achieve that fit, we suggest species to get a foothold.the following: • As you cut, avoid that occasional young Coffeeberry, Coyote brush, or Iris cluster, allowing them to mature. This will add a little native interest and form to the mowed area as well as provide some habitat value near your home. • Most important, please don’t follow your property line if at all possible. Mowing must meet the 30’ CAL FIRE standard from the home, but it is not required to mow lot line to lot line in a rigid rectangle. Try to give the mowed area a natural, sculpted form in the landscape rather than a geometric form defined by the arbitrary property line (see sketch). And, on the windward side of the home, mow a little further than the 30’ standard to enhance defensible space. In dealing with property lines, collaborate with your neighbor and the Association to meet both CAL FIRE requirements and an organic looking shape for your defensible space. If you have a landscape contractor or property management firm take care of your mowing, please pass on the above tips. — Thanks from the DCEM — 7 —— The Sea Ranch Association Bulletin, June 2016
Public Resources Code 4291REDUCTION OF FIRE HAZARDS AROUND BUILDINGSDear Sea Ranch Property Owner: access by firefighters to protect your home if threatened by wildfire. Your property may be inspected forThis notice is to remind you that summer and its threat compliance before and during the fire season. Propertyof wildfires is nearly here. Effective fire prevention and equipment found in noncompliance may be issuedreduces the likelihood of fires starting. Thoughtful and a citation.effective vegetation management by property ownerscould be a determining factor in protecting your property, If you need additional information to determine whethershould a wildfire occur on The Sea Ranch. your property meets the minimum requirements of the state law, please contact The Sea Ranch FireGuidelines adopted in 2006 brought the enforcement Department at 785-2648, and a fire prevention specialistof the 100-foot vegetation management requirement. will be pleased to assist you.Follow the tips on the next page to better understandhow the law affects you. We appreciate your cooperation.Each year the Fire Department inspects properties to CAL FIRE and The Sea Ranch Fire Departmentassure compliance with the law. Fire personnel evaluateeach property based on the clearance it provides for REMOVE SCREEN CLEAN Public ResourcesLimbs within 10 feet 1/2” mesh on chimney All needles and Code 4291 of chimney, dead outlets. To prevent leaves off roof. limbs overhanging smoke damage, buildings. installation should be vertical. REDUCE PROVIDE Flammable vegetation within 100’ of all buildings and Metal container for the disposal of such additional clearance, up to 300’, as may be ashes, placed on a non-combustible surface with 3’ clearance to combustibles. directed. Rake needles and leaves, and cut grass 30’ back from building. Maintain grass at 4” in height or less.The Sea Ranch Association Bulletin, June 2016 —— 8
Public Resources Code 4291VEGETATION MANAGEMENT TIPS FOR FIRE SAFETYThe State Board of Forestry and Fire Protection (BOF) adopted 2. Consider that fuel modification is not clear cutting. Thenew guidelines on February 8, 2006, expanding the defensible goal is to progressively reduce available fuels as proximity tospace clearance requirement from thirty feet to one hundred structures increases. Strategies to accomplish this include fuelfeet. This is because statewide, annual losses from wildfire removal, vegetation reduction, and species replacement.continue to mount. The law is not intended to keep your homefrom burning in a fire; rather it is intended to create clearance 3. Each property is unique. Variables such as your home’sso firefighters can protect your home in relative safety. exposure to the sun, topography, microclimate including wind exposure, and vegetation types will dictate the strategy thatOf issue to Sea Ranch residents is how does one integrate you use to create defensible space.the need for vegetation management into the ideal on whichour community is built. What follows are some tips to help 4. Remember to consult The Sea Ranch Design Committeehomeowners understand how to do an effective job of fuel when contemplating tree removal and/or vegetationmodification. replacement to determine whether a permit is required.1. Become educated about vegetation management for fire. 5. The Sea Ranch has a procedure enabling clearance onCheck out the Fire Safe Sonoma publication: \"Living with Fire adjacent property in favor of an existing home. Contact Designin Sonoma County.\" This publication provides an excellent Committee staff for information on how this might apply to youprocess for developing a management plan that is tailored to in your clearance efforts.your property. The brochure is available in the Associationoffice, at the Fire Department, or on the Fire Safe Sonoma 6. Make sure your plan includes annual maintenance to keepwebsite at: http://www.firesafesonoma.org/ the clearance intact from year to year. State of California To Report Department of Forestry an and Fire Protection and Emergency: The Sea Ranch Dial 9*1*1 Fire DepartmentBusiness Tell: 707-785-2648FIRE HAZARD CHECKLISTFlammable vegetation No limbs within 10 feet of Metal container used for around all structures any chimney or stovepipe. disposal of ashes and reduced, removed or Chimney outlet screened placed on noncombustible replaced to a minimum with 1/2” mesh. surface with 3 feet of of 100 feet or to property clearance to combustible line. Trees within 100 feet Roof cleared of needles vegetation. limbed free of ladder and leaves. fuel and free from dead Address sign clearly branches. Grass cut to No dead limbs over visible from street. a maximum of 4” height structures. within 30 feet. HELP US HELP YOU --- MAINTAIN YOUR DEFENSIBLE SPACE! 9 —— The Sea Ranch Association Bulletin, June 2016
Communication Committee COMMUNITY SPIRIT AWARD NOMINATION FORMI AM NOMINATING: ________________________________________________________for the 2016 Community Spirit Award.AWARD CRITERIA ¾¾A Sea Ranch Member who exemplifies the spirit of volunteerism at The Sea Ranch ¾¾History of long-time community service, both on The Sea Ranch and in the wider community ¾¾Service being honored contributes primarily to the safety, comfort and enjoyment of life rather than to Association governance ¾¾Equal consideration given to individuals who have been quietly working in the background as well as those in leadership rolesMY REASON(S) FOR NOMINATING ARE: (Attach additional sheet if desired)MY NAME: ____________________________________________________________________ NOMINATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED AT THE ASSOCIATION OFFICE BY JULY 16, 2016 Last year's non-recipient nominees will be included in this year's list of nominations. No need to resubmit. Send: ATTN Communication Committee, c/o The Sea Ranch Association 1. Via Mail: PO Box 16, The Sea Ranch CA 95497-0016 2. Email: [email protected] 3. Website: www.tsra.org (Go to the Owners Page under \"Announcements\" to submit the form from the website.)The Sea Ranch Association Bulletin, June 2016 —— 10
Communication Committee The Sea RanchA VERY SPECIAL SEA RANCH AWARD Volunteer ClassifiedsIt’s time to submit your nominations for the sixth annual“Community Spirit Award.” The Award was established by COMMITTEESthe Communication Committee’s Volunteer program andis one of only two Sea Ranch awards nominated by and selected by Sea FINANCERanch members. SERVE IN AN ADVISORY CAPACITY on aWHAT IS COMMUNITY SPIRIT? wide range of financial activities. Review financial statements, annual budgetsThe Award was first presented, posthumously, in honor of Rosemarie and long-range capital planning. Ad-Hocker, who exemplified what is meant by “spirit”…vitalness, essence vise on the management of TSR invest-and soul. The primary focus of the award is to honor volunteer service ment portfolio. Provide counsel to thewhich helps improve the quality of life and well-being of Sea Ranch Board, Community Manager and Watermembers rather than for service on Association committees or projects. Company. If interested in becoming a member, please attend a Finance Com- HERE ARE THE PAST RECIPIENTS, EACH AN EXAMPLE OF mittee meeting the first Saturday of the THIS SPECIAL TYPE OF SPIRIT. month from 9:00 a.m.- Noon at the Del 2011 Honorary Mar Center. See Volunteer Service Form Rosemarie Hocker on TSRA website. 2012 2013 PLANNINGNancy Carter Jeri Taylor ADVISE ON MATTERS OF LAND USE, 2014 WHO WILL 2015 environmental protection, landscapeJim DeWilder RECEIVE THIS Jim Grenweldge management, facilities, transportation SPECIAL AWARD and public services. Serve on several task forces or subcommittees available IN 2016? to those requiring a more limited time commitment. See Volunteer Service IT’S ALL UP TO Form on TSRA website. YOU! UTILITIES Jan Gerst, Volunteer Facilitator Communication Committee PERSON WITH INTEREST IN ENERGY, water, wastewater systems, alternative energy uses and applications, recycling and water leak detection. See Volunteer Service Form on TSRA website.— — The Volunteer Voice is a monthly column produced by the Communication Committee to highlight volunteer needs and opportunities at The Sea Ranch. 11 —— The Sea Ranch Association Bulletin, June 2016
Coastal Stewardship Task ForceLOVELY BUT OFTEN UNNOTICED—PIGEON GUILLEMOTSAs we go into the nesting season there is a seabirdamongst us that you may not have seen. Description:like a small black football, with compact body andsmall wings so that it requires fast wing beats to lift offand fly. Now put on bright red webbed feet! Add whitewing patches. And watch the bird carefully as it opensits mouth; the INSIDE is “vermillion” as well! It opensits mouth as if no sound is coming out; then listencarefully for a high thin whistle. A hearing test forhigh frequencies! The next trick is a nest site: as youwatch, it flies directly at the rock island or bluff faceand then disappears totally inside a rock crevice! Whenone is inside the crevice, incubating or bringing fish,the other of the pair often sits near the opening. www.ruffimage.com Mating behavior © Photo by Craig TooleyRed feet, legs and mouth—unusual and distinctive They feed inshore and dive to the seabed for benthic © Photo by Craig Tooley fish and invertebrates. Seeing a fish carried in is a sure sign of chicks.This is a West Coast bird found from SouthernCalifornia to Alaska. Along The Sea Ranch coast they At GPI there is one regularly used crevice that is at justnest from Bihler Point to Gualala Point Island (GPI). the right angle to see inside when the sun is alignedBihler is a good viewing spot since they often sit on the with it. In some years we have been able to see 2 chicksisland in the center of the quiet cove. From Black Point inside. The chicks stay inside the crevice until it is timeyou usually see several in the water together. to jump to the water and leave with their parents, late in July. Their winter plumage is quite different, with much more white. It looks like a different bird! Few stay around here in winter, and their migration is not well known. This year there is considerable concern about seabird nesting. With the changing ocean conditions (a powerful El Nino, The Blob, warming waters, etc.), the food supply may not be in the usual places. Reports of concern are coming in from Alcatraz, the Farallones, and to Mendocino that Pelagic Cormorants are not nesting, that Brandt’s Cormorants started nests and left. The Pigeon Guillemots seem to be in normal numbers, so I hope you get the opportunity to head to the coast and look for them. Diane Hichwa, Co-chair Coastal Stewardship Task Force ——PiGu brings food to a nest. © Photo by Craig TooleyThe Sea Ranch Association Bulletin, June 2016 —— 12
Archives Committee FROM THE SEA RANCH ARCHIVES… VOICES FROM THE PASTThe little boy in the picture from The Sea Ranch Archives,photographer unknown, is Harold Christensen (1899-1987). The child and his family are being transported on atrapeze chute from or to an offshore ship, circa 1901.He becomes the stepfather of Tom Christensen, the 1973Sea Rancher of the Year.The Archives has an interesting oral interview of HaroldChristensen done by Susan Clark. Oral interviewsprovide an important and fascinating historical record,documenting the life and times of the person beinginterviewed in their own words and voice.The Archives Committee continues to conduct oralhistories of people whose perspectives, contributions andlife experiences have impacted or have just been a part of Sea Ranch history. These wonderful records preserve,in a very personal form, lessons for future generations as they deal with the evolution of The Sea RanchConcept.We welcome suggestions of possible interviewees. Perhaps yourself! Harry Lindstrom, Chair —— Archives Committee 925-831-1567 or [email protected] Website CommitteeDid you know that Scoters don’t like our summer weather?DID The Black and White winged Scoters areYOU never seen here in the Summer, while the Surf Scoter is common except in the summer when it is rarely seen. (Surf Scoter photo courtesy Craig Tooley, www.ruffimage.com) KNOW? Well, the website can tell you all this for over 250 species of birds sighted at The Sea Ranch. The list was updated this year and can be found at:http://www.tsra.org/mod/secfile/viewed.php?file_id=2580.And, that is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to flora © Photo by Craig Tooleyand fauna at The Sea Ranch. Find a comfortable chair and Surf Scoter www.ruffimage.comstart your journey with the TSRA website Seasonal Calendar athttp://www.tsra.org/news.php?viewStory=1046. You canselect a month and see all the flora and fauna common in that month, or you can select a category such asWhales, Forest Birds or Flowers-Shrubs and see when and where. There are even a host of photos and youcan contribute your own as well. —— Jon Loveless, Chair Website Committee 13 —— The Sea Ranch Association Bulletin, June 2016
Trails Committee TRAILS TALK The Green Ray!” cry one and all. But “Oliver and Helena [the lovers] alone had missed the phenomenonGreen Flash at The Sea Ranch © photo by Craig Tooley which had at last appeared after so many fruitless observations. Just as the sun was shooting its last ray ON THE BLUFFS WITH JULES VERNE into space, their eyes met, and all else was forgotten in that glance!”Say “Jules Verne” and most people think: TwentyThousand Leagues Under the Sea. But there is a Sea Sea Rancher Steve Brugler is more level-headed. HeRanch connection, even if it is tenuous. writes: “Though the green flash is usually associated with a setting sun, it can also occur at sunrise. SeveralVerne wrote a piece of romantic fluff in 1882 called atmospheric effects produce the green flash. Our coldLe Rayon Vert – in English, The Green Flash. Verne’s ocean causes a temperature inversion, with warmheroine is a headstrong Scottish lass, Miss Helena air above cold air. Due to the resulting change ofCampbell, who refuses to be wed until she sees The air density with altitude, the low sun’s rays are bentGreen Ray. Miss C has her reasons, as headstrong girls (refracted). The sun’s colors are also bent differentlyin fiction always do: (dispersion) and filtered in variable ways by the atmosphere (extinction). Understanding it all gets “But what Miss Campbell did not tell them was that very complex as light rays become channeled, breaking this Green Ray tallied with an ancient legend, which up and distorting the appearance of the setting sun till now she had never been able to understand. It was and letting the green through. These effects have one among the numerous inexplicable legends of the been simulated and different types of green flashes Highlands, which avers that this ray has the virtue of categorized according to the types of mirages involved. making him who has seen it impossible to be deceived The best reference I’ve seen for these details is in matters of sentiment; at its apparition all deceit and http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~aty/. That site also has falsehood are done away, and he who has been fortunate links to many green flash photographs. Look for the enough once to behold it is enabled to see closely into his flash of green at the last phase of the sunset. You need own heart and read the thoughts of others.” a clear view of the setting sun. It doesn’t have to be aMr. Right shows up, but each time the lovers get in cloudless day, but I have never had any luck seeing aplace to catch the ray at sunset, something blocks the flash when there is a fogbank out there.”horizon: clouds, fog, a ship. No green ray, no greenlight to a wedding. Somehow, our heroine is trapped The next time you walk the bluff at sunset, take Stevein a coastal cave during a hurricane—in Scotland. Our along – or a headstrong Scottish lass.hero rescues her sopping wet.The next day after the rescue, the horizon is perfectly —— Michael Kreylingclear, and our hero makes sure that Miss Campbell Trails Committeeand a handful of chaperones are on the bluffs to catchthe sight. Sure enough, it shows. “The Green Ray! CIRCUMAMBULATION 2016 Start Training! The 19th annual hike around the perimeter (more or less) of The Sea Ranch is scheduled for Saturday, September 3, 2016. The entire course is about 21 miles; do any part of it, or the whole thing. Come join us! Paul Plakos, [email protected] Trails CommitteeThe Sea Ranch Association Bulletin, June 2016 —— 14
Trails Committee SATURDAY HIKESSATURDAY, JUNE 18 SATURDAY, JULY 2 (1st Saturday)Hike: Beginning at Moonraker Pool, we’ll trek Hike: Historic Ravines Loop — This hike will include Hugalwestward to the bluff, northward along the Pacific Ravine, an old orchard, beautiful redwoods, originalto Galleon’s Reach. From there eastward, across growth redwood stumps, old lumberman's camp sites, aHighway One to the Bobcat Connector, southward cemetery and more. We will cross Highway One fromon the Connector to the lower the Ohlson Recreation Center and proceedreaches of the fearsome Bobcat Trail through the Equestrian Center and uphill toitself. Emerging from the Bobcat the ravines and beyond. Dogs on leash areTrail at Moonraker, we’ll recross welcome.Highway One and return to theMoonraker parking lot. Location and Time: Meet at the Ohlson Recreation Center parking lot at 1:00 p.m.Location and Time: Meet at the MoonrakerRecreation Center parking lot at 1:00 p.m. Difficulty: Moderate with some uphill and downhill. Recommend good hiking/walking shoes. Allow about 1½Difficulty: Moderate hours.Hike Leader: Michael Kreyling, Hike Leader: Perk Perkins [email protected] [email protected] or 785-2830Coordinator: Bob Mulford, Coordinator: Bob Mulford, [email protected] [email protected] —— —— NATURE WALKS...learning in our Sea Ranch environs ...learning in our Sea Ranch environsTopic: GRASSES Topic: EXPLORING OUR TIDEPOOLSDate: Saturday, June 11 Date: Saturday, July 23Time: 10:00 a.m. to 12 Time: 8:30 - 10:30 a.m.noon Meet: Ohlson Recreation Center Meet: Ohlson Recreation large parking lot at 8:30 a.m. (no later)Center large parking lot to carpool (or hike) to site.Difficulty: Easy Difficulty: Moderate. Includes balancing and climbing on slippery rocks. Walking stickWhat do Rattlesnake, Crested Dogtail, Velvet, highly recommended. Please, no pets or children under 6.Orchard and Purple Needle have in common?They are just a few of over 49 grasses growing Sea Rancher Bob Van Syoc, Ph.D., Research Fellow at theon TSR. Barbara Rice and Susan Moore will California Academy of Sciences, will once again lead thislead this TSRA grasses nature walk showing us popular nature walk.a variety of grasses that bloom here. This is thefirst time this walk has been offered in a long Bob, a marine biologist specializing in barnacles, will help us findtime so do not miss it! We will carpool from sea stars, sponges, mussels, sea urchins, barnacles, limpets, andOhlson Recreation Center and go to where the much, much more. The tide will be low at 8:30 a.m., so this walkgrasses can be found. starts a little earlier than usual. Do wear appropriate shoes for scrambling on slippery rocks and ones that you don’t mind gettingCoordinator: Marcia Nybakken, wet. A walking stick will provide extra support. [email protected] Coordinator: Marcia Nybakken, or 785-3075 [email protected] —— or 785-3075 — — 15 —— The Sea Ranch Association Bulletin, June 2016
Native Plant CommitteeNPC SPREADS THE WORD: GROW NATIVEAn enthusiastic crowd of more than 70 Sea Ranchresidents and visitors attended the sixth annual NativePlant Fair at the Demonstration Garden just southof the Ohlson Ranch House. The April 23rd eventwas sponsored by TSR Native Plant Committee andcoincided with other statewide activities celebratingCalifornia Native Plant Week.Committee members offered garden tours and The event also provided an opportunity to introduceanswered dozens of questions about vegetative zones, recent Native Plant Committee accomplishmentsplant selection and resources. Information tables were including the installation of QR code codes on gardenchock full of material on native grasses and plants, signs that provide additional online informationvolunteer information and calendars for local and about plants in the Demonstration Garden, and theregional native plant organizations and events, books publication of the DCEM’s newly updated, expandedand publications on landscaping and gardening with and approved native plant lists.natives, information on where to shop for plants, andhow and what to plant in your own backyard. Many thanks to all those who supported this NPC event!Committee member Susan Moore presented a selection Missed the Fair or still have questions? You can always visit the Demonstration Garden to learn moreof native grasses she had grown from seed, including about the plants that grow well in your vegetative zone, and you can also consult the DCEM onlineCoastal Hairgrass (Deschampsia cespitosa ssp. holciformis), resources including the newly-updated plant lists. ForPurple Needlegrass (Stipa pulchra - California state hands-on experience, come join the fun at the Nativegrass), and Meadow Sedge (Carex pansa). She spoke Plant Committee’s monthly work parties (generallyabout her experience incorporating native grasses into the fourth Saturday of each month at 10 a.m.) at the Demonstration Garden and learn more about growingher own yard and discussed techniques for successful and caring for your own natives.propagation of grasses in other home gardens. — — Luisa Finberg Native Plant CommitteeCommons Landscape CommitteeCOMMONS LANDSCAPE COMMITTEE (CLC) STEWARDSHIP PROGRAMUpcoming CLC Stewardship Projects Contact• June 4, Blufftop / meadow management: For more information on the CLC Stewardship Pro- Meet at Fisherman's Close. gram or Stewardship Projects, please contact:• July 9 (2nd Saturday) Sapling removal: Janet MacKinnon at [email protected] Meet at White Fir Wood.CLC Stewardship Projects are typically on the First Saturday of the month, 9:00 a.m., location varies. All volunteers are welcome.The Sea Ranch Association Bulletin, June 2016 —— 16
The Sea Ranch Water CompanyWHERE WE ARE WITH THE DROUGHTIt remains obvious that the wet effects of El Nino have plentiful supplies even during periods of littlehave been felt here in our locale since October 2015. rainfall. The water district representatives advocatedSeveral storms entered our area with significant for increased local control of conservation effortsrainfall causing the Gualala River to rise and thus based on local water supplies, with possible rescissionallowing The Sea Ranch Water Company to exercise of the state’s emergency conservation regulation dueits legal diversion rights at the wells. Currently the to improved drought conditions in some areas. Theseriver is at legal bypass flows, allowing extraction from water providers contend that the stringent statewidethe Gualala River Watershed aquifer to continue. The regulations may no longer be necessary for certain300 acre foot reservoir is at full water storage capacity. areas within California.Additional precipitation is being forecasted whichmight lend to continued use of the wells for some The difficulty arises in requiring customers totime, since supplemental precipitation runoff keeps maintain the 25% reduction when the reservoirsthe Gualala River at permitted bypass flows. are full and the river is running. That said, it is important to realize that the State continues toAcross the state of California, there are some water maintain the 25% conservation number, and tosuppliers in a similar condition, yet in other areas therefore conserve and be mindful of the wastefulof the Central Valley and further south the severe use of water, especially in a fragile environment suchdrought conditions continue. The California as we have here on the coast. We do not know whatState Department of Water Resources, acting upon next year will bring as far as a resupply from the sky.Governor Brown’s direction, has extended (to at leastOctober 2016) its general conservation demands The outcome of the requests by the district waterfor a reduction of 25% to 36% as compared to 2013 managers will be exhibited by the State Water Boardlevels. Some water districts receive more and some when it plans to release new, proposed regulationsreceive less than a 25% conservation requirement by mid-May 2016. Until then, be mindful of wateras compared to water usage of 2013. There are also waste, and stay tuned.water districts that must comply with highly detaileddrought contingency plans. Randy H. Burke, MPH, REHS Director of WorksOn April 20, 2016, at an informational publicworkshop before the State Water Resources Control The Sea Ranch Water CompanyBoard, a coalition of water districts throughout thestate proposed easing the regulations in favor of a ——plan that recognizes that some communities mayTHE TRI PARTY AGREEMENT HAS BEEN ACCEPTEDFollowing almost 10 years of meetings and An article will appear in the upcoming Soundingsnegotiations, the latest agreement involving the describing the details of this important documentprovision for tertiary, recycled wastewater to thegolf course has been signed by members of Sonoma of understanding regarding the vital treatment andCounty Water Agency, Sea Ranch Golf Links, andGualala Community Services District. The title of reuse of wastewater from Gualala and the Norththis agreement is “The Tri Party Agreement,” and itreplaces what had become an aging, problematic, and Wastewater Treatment Plant of The Sea Ranch. Fordifficult to interpret document first signed in 1992between all aforementioned parties. more information, look for the summer Soundings article. Randy H., Burke, MPH, REHS —— Director of Works The Sea Ranch Water Company 17 —— The Sea Ranch Association Bulletin, June 2016
F & R / DCEM ROADSIDE BRANCH COLLECTION & WOOD CHIP DELIVERY SERVICE (Third Week of each Month)Upcoming Roadside Branch Collection and Wood Chip Delivery begin: June 20 & July 18• You must sign up for these services by 3:00 p.m. on the Saturday preceding the collection week.• Please provide name, property street address and UBL when you sign up by one of the following methods: ¾¾ Please call Member Services at the Association Office at 707-785-2444. OR ¾¾ Or submit the online form at the TSRA website: www.tsra.org http://www.tsra.org/webform.php?ViewForm=2Important! Our crews are scheduled to go only to the properties included on the monthly collection list — you must contact the office to be included on this list (see methods above). If your neighbor has a pile of branches for pickup, it does not mean that your branch pile will be automatically picked up. You must request the service for your property too. Please keep vegetable debris piles off the Road Areas. We appreciate your co-operation! Facilities and Resources Member Services DCEM STATISTICS POOL CLOSURE DURING 2016 COMMUNITY SWIM LESSONS• SUMMARY • APRIL 2016 • Preliminary Site Visits (PSV) * 2 *45 Whalers Reach (07-3-005) The Ohlson Recreation Center Swimming Pool will 10 / 8 be closed to public swimming during the following DC Submittals registration and lesson periods of the Community Received / Reviewed 86 / 74 Swim Lessons: Staff Submittals 1/1 Date Time Received / Reviewed 4 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. June 10 2:00 - 7:00 p.m. Design Compliance Issues 1/1 2:00 - 7:00 p.m. New / Resolved June 13 - 17 0/3 Properties w/CC&R Violations 1800 June 20 - 24 Construction Starts 7 Please plan to use the Del Mar Center Pool or the Homes / Additions 475 Moonraker Pool during these times. For more 2282 information, see page 23. Construction Completions Homes / Additions Sea Ranch Connect℠ Total Homes We own it! Homes Under Construction The profits are ours! Total Undeveloped Lots Total Number of PropertiesThe Sea Ranch Association Bulletin, June 2016 —— 18
Safety & Security Services TYPE OF CALL APRIL YEAR TO DATE TOTAL 2016 2015 2016 2015 2015SUMMARY OF CALLS • APRIL 2016 ALARMS 6 4 22 23 68 ANIMAL RELATED 38 37 93 129 498 16 31 54 100 267 ASSISTANCE - LAW ENFORCEMENT 96 91 267 336 1198 ASSIST MEMBER/RENTER 24 15 66 199 ASSOCIATION INITIATED ACTION 58 ** BURGLARY 0 0 3 0 0 116 96 317 1280 * CC&R VIOLATIONS 298 5 0 14 2 13 CHECK THE WELFARE 6 8 9 38 DISTURBANCE - NOISE 6 2 12 32 DISTURBANCE - OTHER 0 0 14 12 FIRE 29 8 0 5 HAZARDS (TREES, WIRES DOWN, ETC) 4 9 0 128 MEDICAL AID 31 22 30 46 MISCELLANEOUS 0 0 21 33 83 MISSING/LOST PERSON 290 237 99 97 324 SEC. DEPT. INITIATED ACTION 87 58 SUSPICIOUS PERSON/VEHICLE 1 1 3 1 6 THEFT 61 28 819 879 3084 TRESPASS PERSON/VEHICLE 2 1 215 201 VANDALISM/PROPERTY DAMAGE 1 3 868 VEHICLE ACCIDENT 43 35 2 2 6 WARNING NOTICES ISSUED 135 95 * Most CC&R violations are resolved daily in the field. 12 485 ** January 2016 - Unit 12 5 25 ** February 2016 - Unit 13, Unit 35A (corrected) 4 7 25 ** Burglary - Sonoma Co. Sheriff’s Dept. jurisdiction 120 116 582 —— Chris Howard Director of Safety & Security Services CLAIMS OF LIEN HAZMOBILE as of May 4, 2016 Household Hazardous U/B/L U/B/L U/B/L Waste Collection 35E-7 (P) 30-2 (P) 4-1-5 Hazardous materials can be dropped off between 5-5-4 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. at The Sea Ranch North Fire 35A-79 35A-114 Station, Highway 1, on the following dates: (P) = Previous property owner The Sea Ranch Association has filed a Claim of Lien 2016 Schedule according to its Assessment Collection Policy on the aboveproperties. Liens are listed as of the date above, and may have Saturday only June 25 Friday-Saturday August 19-20 been cured before the time of publication. Friday-Saturday November 18-19 19 —— The Sea Ranch Association Bulletin, June 2016
TSRA Board Summary & Actions of 4/23/2016 cont'dcont'd from page 1 Design Committee – Director Campbell noted that the field of 11 applications received by close of posting hasMay, conducted the annual performance review of been narrowed to two finalists, with interviews andthe Community Manager, and further conducted the candidate attendance at a Design Committee meetingannual review of Association Legal Counsel services. upcoming. The subcommittee anticipates bringing aThe final agenda item concerning Ethics and Board recommendation for Board consideration at the JuneCommunications was deferred to a subsequent meeting regular meeting.due to time constraints. Facilities – Director Nybakken noted that theCommunity Manager subcommittee has not met since the last regular BoardCommunity Manager Bell provided updates on meeting, but that work continues on the seismic studyactivities of the Commons Landscape Committee of Association facilities and the subcommittee will meet(CLC) since the last Board meeting, and noted further again after findings and recommendations are received.that TSRA was recently notified that three of its fourFire Safe grant applications were successful this year, Investment – No report.totaling approximately $96,000, all funding thatis earmarked for specific projects such as PRC4291 LCP Ad Hoc – Director Nybakken noted that the revisedDefensible Space. CM Bell also summarized progress draft of the LCP is now expected to be released nearto date and upcoming work related to the ongoing Sea the end of summer, later than expected, and that theRanch ConnectSM construction project. subcommittee will meet again at that time.Treasurer Sea Ranch ConnectSM – Director Nybakken reportedDirector McCalley (Treasurer) reported that at the that the subcommittee met twice since February, oneend of March with all but one month of the fiscal meeting focused on marketing and website issues, andyear completed, revenues for the Association are the second meeting that included Cannon and GBNapproximately 2.7% above budget and expenditures representatives to review a wide range of project issues.at approximately 2.7% below budget for an overall The subcommittee settled on two gateway devices thathealthy bottom line. will be offered as options to subscribers.Sea Ranch ConnectSM expenditures now total 61% of Vegetation Management – No report.the total construction contract, the majority of whichrelates to purchase of materials and completion of the Policy Committee Liaison Reportstwo data centers. Permitting expenses to date standat approximately $350,000 and are anticipated to Director McCalley, Board liaison to the Financerise to more than $500,000 by project end due to the Committee, noted that the FC met in early Aprilenvironmental monitoring required by the permit. The to discuss the 5-year plan, review progress towardsubscription rate stands at about 70%, much higher meeting FC yearly goals, receive updates on Sea Ranchthan anticipated, and the financial model continues to ConnectSM, begin analysis of the raw data from thedemonstrate being able to pay off project debt in 10 to salary survey, and to note progress on the seismic study.12 years. He observed further that the salary survey may result in some adjustments but no huge impacts, that anyHe noted that the Association has three liens on file. recommendations resulting from the seismic study areAssessment delinquencies stand at $39,179 on 43 not likely to impact the budget sooner than 5 to 7 yearsproperties. in the future, and the now-inactive NTMP will have no impact on the budget. The Finance Committee isTen properties changed hands in February and another currently seeking new members.13 in March, for a total of 30 sales year-to-datecompared to 31 at this time last year. There have been Director Campbell, Board liaison to the Planningno new housing starts since the last report. Committee, reported that the PC met once since the last Board meeting to focus on the Sea ForestReporting for the Water Company, Director McCalley Trail proposal that is recommended to the Board fornoted that revenues continue to run slightly above consideration and action later in the Agenda underbudget, with expenses coming in significantly under New Business.budget for a healthy bottom line.Board Subcommittees Director Gardener, Board liaison to the UtilitiesAudit – Director McCalley noted that the subcommittee Committee, noted that the UC met in April for amet with auditors in March to review the Water presentation on technology to capture water usageCompany audit for 2015, noting that the audit information that could provide increased capacity forresulted in a clean opinion with no findings and no studying usage patterns and detecting leaks.management letter. cont’d on page 21The Sea Ranch Association Bulletin, June 2016 —— 20
TSRA Board Summary & Actions of 4/23/2016 cont'dcont'd from page 20The UC approved a plan to test the technology by Upon Board motion and following Board discussioninstalling 10 devices at designated properties, and will and Member comment, the following motion passed:review results of the pilot test prior to making furtherrecommendations. She noted that the UC is also • The Five-Year Plan process is authorized toseeking new members. continue as a planning tool for input to the Board’s long-range planning process. The Five-MEMBERS AGENDA – No members spoke. Year Plan Working Group is directed to listen to the audio of today’s board meeting discussionNEW BUSINESS and come back to the Board with suggestions for next steps in the implementation of theConsideration/Approval of Sea Forest Trail process.Director Campbell, Board Liaison to the PlanningCommittee, summarized the proposal for the new Sea • The now-obsolete NTMP pages are to beForest Trail as detailed in the Agenda packet for the removed from the 5-Year Plan and replacedcurrent meeting and requested Board approval. with a new page on CTPZ Management in preliminary non-approved status, and theUpon Board motion, and following Board discussion Ohlson Recreation Center page is to be updated.and opportunity for Member input, the motion passed.ACTION: The motion passed unanimously. • The Board will not revive the NTMP in its current or any future form until and unless itProposed Resolution 425, Authorization for is an agreed-upon outcome of a future publicClaims of Lien for Delinquent Assessments planning process for the CTPZ.Community Manager Bell introduced Resolution425 regarding delinquent assessments. Davis-Stirling ACTION: The motion passed by unanimous vote.requires that this item be brought forward in opensession. Proposed Rule Changes – Second Reading / Consideration of AdoptionUpon Board motion to adopt Resolution 425, and Community Manager Bell summarized the staff reportfollowing opportunity for Board discussion and contained in the Agenda packet for the current meetingMember input, the motion passed. (see page 22) related to new TSRA Rules 3.2.04, Drone Flights, andACTION: The motion passed by unanimous vote. 4.5, Parcel Conformance Review. These proposed rules have gone through the normal rule change processRescission of Resolution 393 required under Davis-Stirling, including receipt andCommunity Manager Bell introduced proposed consideration of Member input.Resolution 426, Rescission of Resolution 393,Vegetation Management Task Force for the Central Upon Board motion to adopt Rule 3.2.04, DroneTimber Production Zone (CTPZ) in The Sea Ranch, and Flights, and following Board discussion and Memberbriefly summarized the staff report contained in the comment, the motion passed. (see page 22)Agenda packet. ACTION: The motion passed by vote of 6.0.1 (Abstain,Upon Board motion to adopt Resolution 426 (thereby Director Chaboudy).rescinding Resolution 393), and following opportunityfor Board discussion and Member input, the motion Upon Board motion to adopt Rule 4.5, Parcelpassed. (see page 23) Conformation Review, and following Board discussionACTION: The motion passed by unanimous vote. and Member comment, the motion passed with a (non- substantial) clarification of wording in one passage,UNFINISHED BUSINESS section 4.5.04. The Board further specified that Rule 4.5 would carry an effective date of January 1, 2017.Consideration of Five-Year Plan ACTION: The motion passed unanimously. (see page 22)Director Blair-Johns summarized the current draftof the 5-Year plan, which has been in development — — Frank Bellfor more than two years and is currently under the Community Managerstewardship of a working group consisting of membersof all three policy committees. Sea Ranch Connect℠ Sea Ranch Connect℠ Movies, music, video, talk… www.searanchconnect.org all in real time 21 —— The Sea Ranch Association Bulletin, June 2016
TSRA Resolution Nos. 423, 424 & 425 RESOLUTION NO. 423ADOPTING TSRA RULE 3.2.04 ̶ DRONE FLIGHTS Adopted on April 23, 2016WHEREAS, the Board of Directors, at their December WHEREAS, the prescribed 30 day period for member12, 2015, Regular meeting, approved draft language of notification and comment has expired,the proposed rule change and authorized proceedingwith the required member notice and comment NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT,period specified in California Civil Code §4360(a) and The Sea Ranch Board of Directors adopts as a rule the§4045(a)(3); and attached Rule 3.2.04 ̶ Drone Flights.WHEREAS, in accordance with §4360 and §4045(a) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, The Sea(3) of the California Civil Code the proposed rule Ranch Board of Directors directs staff to deliver finalchange was posted in the manner specified in the notice of the approval to Members in accordance withAnnual Policy Statement to members; and California Civil Code §4360(c) and §4045(a)(3). RESOLUTION NO. 424ADOPTING TSRA RULE 4.5 ̶ PARCEL CONFORMANCE REVIEW Adopted on April 23, 2016WHEREAS, the Board of Directors, at their December WHEREAS, the prescribed 30 day period for member12, 2015, Regular meeting, approved draft language of notification and comment has expired,the proposed rule change and authorized proceedingwith the required member notice and comment NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT,period specified in California Civil Code §4360(a) and The Sea Ranch Board of Directors adopts as a rule the§4045(a)(3); and attached Rule 4.5 ̶ Parcel Conformance Review, and sets the effective date as January 1, 2017.WHEREAS, in accordance with §4360 and §4045(a)(3) of the California Civil Code the proposed rule BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, The Seachange was posted in the manner specified in the Ranch Board of Directors directs staff to deliver finalAnnual Policy Statement to members; and notice of the approval to Members in accordance with California Civil Code §4360(c) and §4045(a)(3). RESOLUTION NO. 425AUTHORIZATION FOR CLAIMS OF LIEN Adopted April 23, 2016WHEREAS, Section 5673 of the Civil Code requires owner’s inspection rights, the owner’s “meet andthe Board of Directors to authorize, in an open confer” rights, and the owner’s Alternative Disputemeeting, the recording of liens against the separate Resolution rights, andinterests of owners with delinquent assessments; and WHEREAS, these owners remain delinquent in theWHEREAS, more than thirty (30) days prior to the payment of their assessment accounts, exclusive ofdeadline, the Association sent certified letters to the late fees, interest charges, and other collection-relatedOwners of: amounts; 155-270-001 156-100-024 156-510-021 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Association authorizes Allied Trustee Services to placePursuant to Section 5660 of the Civil Code, the a lien on these properties for the delinquent amountletters contained a notice of delinquent assessment, including any late fees, interest charges, and otherwhich included but was not limited to, describing collection-related amounts if the identified responsiblethe Association’s collection and lien enforcement parties have not yet paid these accounts before theprocedures, an itemized statement of charges, the date of authorization.The Sea Ranch Association Bulletin, June 2016 —— 22
TSRA Resolution No. 426RESOLUTION NO. 426RESCISSION OF RESOLUTION 393, VEGETATION MANAGEMENT TASK FORCE FOR THE CENTRAL TIMBER PRODUCTION ZONE (CTPZ) IN THE SEA RANCH, DATED APRIL 26, 2014 Adopted April 23, 2016WHEREAS, Resolution 393 was adopted by the Board WHEREAS, since the Board recently decidedof Directors in 2014 as a part of the development of to suspend the NTMP as well as the activities ofthe Non-Industrial Timber Management Plan (NTMP); the subcommittee, it is appropriate to repeal thisand Resolution;WHEREAS, at the time it was thought the NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT,Community Manager would be the lead in the Resolution 393, dated April 26, 2014 is herebyNTMP development but as the project progressed it rescinded.was subsequently decided by the Board of Directorsto appoint a Board Subcommittee to manage the ——project, such that Resolution 393 was never actuallyimplemented; andAUDIO FILES OF BOARD MEETINGS The Association website (www.tsra.org) offers a feature that provides an indexed digital audio recording of themost recent meetings of The Sea Ranch Board of Directors. A convenient link to these recordings can be foundon the Owners Page of the website (scroll down to the “Documents from the Board of Directors” section to findthe audio links).Please remember that you will need to log on to the website to access this document. For assistance regarding thewebsite or the audio file, contact [email protected]. NOTE: For larger audio files, it is recommended that youdownload them to your computer hard drive or device memory as this can improve your listening experience. Community Information37th ANNUAL COMMUNITY SWIM LESSONSThe Sea Ranch Association will host the 37th Annual Community Swim Program, sponsored by the RedwoodCoast Recreation Center and the Mendocino Coast Recreation and Park District. The local contact for thisprogram will be Eileen Buell, 884-1541.Swim lessons will be scheduled from June 13th through June 24th, 2016 – Monday through Friday, from2:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. Cost of the entire two-week program is $65 per child, with some partial scholarshipsavailable. Each of the lessons will be 30 minutes in length. Lessons are intended for children from infants toage 17.Registration for swim lessons will be Friday, June 10, 2016, from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Ohlson RecreationCenter Swimming Pool. On registration day, children (except for infants) must be dressed to go into the waterfor a short swim evaluation to determine the appropriate class placement.The Ohlson Recreation Center Swimming Pool will be closed to public swimming during the registration andlesson periods. Please plan to use the Del Mar Center Pool or the Moonraker Pool during these times.Once again, The Sea Ranch Association is very proud to help the community in promoting water safety byhosting the Community Swim Lessons Program. —— Lynn Bailey Association Clerk and Recorder 23 —— The Sea Ranch Association Bulletin, June 2016
Website Committee The Website Committee Gives Thanks To Anne LongThe Website Committee would like to pay a tribute to Anne Long. For the last 10 years she has tirelesslydevoted her time in helping to build and maintain the Association website as well as being Chair of theWebsite Committee. She has decided to finally retire from the committee, but she has clearly left her mark.We asked her what her most memorable accomplishments were, and she had this to say:“The Committee, with the help of several Association members, redesigned the site, identified vendors to hostthe site, moved all of the existing material to the new site, and established procedures for posting material fromthe Community Manager without delay. At the same time that the new site launched, three outstanding staffmembers (Janice, Darrell, and Sara) took up roles to post material, provide technical support to members and tothe committee, and to review postings and give guidance to the committee. I am proudest of involving so manywonderful members in the website, as committee members, advisors, contributors, and users. The website canonly get better as more members get involved.”Where were you, in 2006, when Anne began her “career” as Website Committee Chair?Thank you, Anne, for all you have done. —— Jon Loveless, Chair Website CommitteeCOMMITTEE MONTHLY These Committee meetings are open to the TSRA Membership, and all Members are MEETING SCHEDULE encouraged to attend and learn how the committee process at The Sea Ranch works. Please note that a Committee meeting is not a TSRA Board Meeting. These Committees are not authorized to act on behalf of TSRA, but only to advise the Community Manager or the Board. Even if a quorum of Directors happens to be present at one of these meetings, no Board deliberations, decisions, or actions will take place; nor will any individual Board Member announce his or her position or potential future vote on any issue or outcome under discussion. Should the Board choose to consider any recommendation or option arising from these Committee meetings, the matter shall be agendized and fully analyzed, discussed, and decided at a subsequent noticed Board Meeting, with full opportunity for Member review and input at that time. Committee meeting minutes are posted on the Association website: www.tsra.org. Since circumstances sometimes require that meeting dates and times be changed, please contact the Association office at 707-785-2444 for confirmation. Committee Date Time Location Archives 1st Friday 3:00 - 4:30 DMC Room #1 3:00 - 5:00 DMC Room #1 Coastal Stewardship TF Jul 13, Sep 14 Noon - 2:00 ORH 3:00 - 5:00 TSRA Office Commons Landscape 3rd Saturday 9:00 - Noon DMC Room #1 3:00 - 5:00 DMC Room #2 Communication 3rd Friday 2:00 - 4:00 ORH Finance Jun 4, Aug 6 9:00 - Noon ORH Gardens Contact Association Office TBD TBD 9:00 - Noon DMC Room #2 Native Plant May 20, Jul 15 9:00 - 10:30 ORH 9:00 - Noon DMC Room #1 Planning 2nd Saturday 3:00 - 5:00 DMC Room #2 10:00 - 11:30 TSRA Office Security Contact Association Office Solar Array Task Force May 28 (TSRA office), Jul 23, Sep 24 Trails 3rd Saturday Utilities 3rd Saturday Vision Jul 8, Sep 9 Website 1st Saturday DMC = Del Mar Center ORH = Ohlson Ranch HouseThe Sea Ranch Association Bulletin, June 2016 —— 24
Community InformationUnit 19 Party – 2ND EVER Unit 21 Party 28TH ANNUAL Mark your Calendar now! DATE: Saturday, September 17, 2016 TIME: 4:00-7:00 p.m.DATE: Sunday, July 3, 2016 PLACE: One-Eyed Jack’s PlaygroundTIME: 2:00 - 5:00 p.m.PLACE: Seabird Road / Rams Horn Reach It’s always a great party. If you own a home or lot in Unit 21, we All Unit 19 home and lot owners are invited to walk look forward to seeing you. on over, if you're able, to Seabird and Rams Horn for this great opportunity to connect with your The host committee will provide neighbors and make new friends. Houseguests are beverages and picnic supplies. welcome too. Please bring an hors d’oeuvre, main We'll be favored with americana music by course or dessert to share. Huckleberry Jam, a sweet local acoustic quartet playing guitar, dobro, fiddle and bass guitar. A five-dollar contribution per (You'll be given an opportunity to make them feel person would be appreciated to help defray expenses. appreciated!) Committee Chairs: Please bring portable / camp chairs, finger food to share and beverages for your consumption. Picnic Marcia Nybakken [email protected] and paper supplies will be provided. 707-785-3075 For information and any questions, please contact Paul and Charan Van Noord at [email protected]; Mary Visher [email protected] 925-768-3746 or 925-682-8354 or Jill Larsen at 925-876-8104 510-844-2247 See you there! Don German [email protected] Paul, Charan, Jill and Jim 415-461-3558 —— —— Meet The Sea Ranch NeighborhPolaondninUg anit Party LGBTQ Community! in 2016?DATE: Saturday, July 2, 2016TIME: 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. Be sure to submit your notice for listing in thePLACE: Home of Adam, Craig, and Gary Bulletin. Submission deadlines are as follows: 211 Wild Moor Reach Bulletin Issue Deadline July 2016 May 28th Feel free to bring a snack or drink to share. August 2016 July 2nd All members of TSRA and their guests are welcome. September 2016 August 2ndKindly RSVP to Adam at: Email your Neighborhood Unit Party notices [email protected] to [email protected] before the deadline to be included in that issue. —— —— 25 —— The Sea Ranch Association Bulletin, June 2016
Community Information JOIN US FOR AN THE SEA RANCH FORUM INFORMAL \"HAPPY HOUR\" Presents Saturday, June 11, 2016 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Stewarding The Sea Ranch Landscape Del Mar Center House A TSRA-Member PartnershipChat with Sea Ranch committee members seeking to add volunteers to their committee rosters. Saturday, June 4, 2016 Have a glass of wine and find out more about the committees and projects 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. that interest you. Del Mar Center Hall This is an enjoyable way to At this month’s forum, members of the Commons meet new people and gather Landscape Committee will present an overview of information, with no obligation the evolving partnership between The Sea Ranch other than a bit of your time. We Association (TSRA) and its members to manage The Sea urge anyone who is curious about what Ranch commons landscape. committees do at The Sea Ranch to attend. See you there!THE SEA RANCH CLASSIC FILM 2016 SCHEDULEJun 15 Grand Illusion 1937Written and directed by Jean Renoir (son Committee members will discuss current stewardship projects and plans and talk about opportunities forof the Impressionist painter) and starring Jean members to become involved individually or as part of a group in the stewardship of our commons.Gabin, Erich von Stroheim, and Pierre Fresnay, • How we use the commons—views, trails, habitatsit is the story of French officers who are prisoners and moreof war in World War I. Conflicting loyalties • What we mean by \"stewarding\"—what needs to be managed, preserved and cared for?between patriotism vs. social class complicate the • How TSRA staff and volunteers work togetherprisoners’ escape plans. This film is considered • What can I as a member do to help steward thethe ultimate humanistic depiction of how people landscape?who are different from one another discover their For further information about this Sea Ranch Forum,fundamental similarities. please contact Forum Member Nancy Carter atAug 10 7 Men from Now 1956 [email protected] 5 The Well Digger’s Daughter 2011Nov 16 20th Century 1934 SAVE THE DATEAll films are on Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. in the July: No Forum in July 2016Knipp-Stengel Barn (dress warmly). Free admission, August Forum: Disaster Preparednesscoffee, and popcorn to Sea Ranchers and their guests.Sea Ranch Members who would like to be notified by Saturday, August 6, 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. DMC Hallemail of upcoming Sea Ranch Classic Film showingscan send their email address to [email protected]. —— ——The Sea Ranch Association Bulletin, June 2016 —— 26
CALENDAR ONGOING GROUPS/ACTIVITIES CALENDARDEL MAR GARDENERS WOMEN’S GOLFWednesdays – 9:00 a.m. to Noon - DMC Play Days: Tuesday 9:00 a.m., Thursday Casual Golf – 9:30 a.m.Call Dave Osteraas 785-9633 Co-Captains: Sharon Hiles 785-3055, Doreen Arthur 785-1129DEMONSTRATION GARDEN VOLUNTEERS4th Saturday 10:00 a.m. Demonstration Garden, ORC YOGA Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays, 9:30 to 10:45 a.m.Contact Barbara Rice 785-2318, [email protected] DMC Hall, Call Steven Winningham 785-2939DUPLICATE BRIDGE2nd Thursday 1:00 p.m. – DMC HouseCall Carole McQuarrie 785-2198MADRIGAL SINGERS MEETINGS AND EVENTSFor more information call:Marjie Van Gunten 785-3408 ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGS Regular Session(s): 6/25/2016, 8/27/2016MAH-JONGG GROUP 1:00 p.m. at Del Mar Center HallWednesdays – DMC Living RoomCall Lynn Coombs 785-1058 COMMITTEE MONTHLY MEETING SCHEDULE [p. 24]PETANQUE ROADSIDE BRANCH COLLECTION – begins 3rd Mon. [p. 18]Wednesdays & Saturdays – 10:00 a.m.One-Eyed “Jacque’s” MAY SATURDAY HIKE: \"Pomo Trails Hike\" - 5/28 Call George Rathmell 785-2989 1:00 p.m. at the Ohlson Recreation Center parking lot See the May 2016 Bulletin for detailsSENIOR AEROBICSTuesdays - 9:00 a.m. DMC Hall JOINT ANNUAL MEETING - 5/28 Call Denny Gold 785-2208 Voting - 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon at the Del Mar Center Hall Meeting reconvenes at 1:30 p.m. at the Del Mar Center HallSENIOR STRENGTH TRAINING Meeting followed by a reception in the Del Mar HouseMonday and Thursday – DMC HallCall Sue Denevan 785-2597 TSRVFD MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND BBQ - 5/29 12:00 noon - 3:00 p.m. at the One-Eyed Jack's PlaygroundSTRETCH YOUR LIMITSThursdays 12:15 - 1:15 p.m., DMC Hall CLC STEWARDSHIP PROJECT - 6/4 [p. 16] Denny Gold 785-2208 9:00 a.m., meet at Fisherman's Close (Blufftop/Meadow Mgmt.)TEAM SEA RANCH JUNE FORUM: 6/4[p. 26]Bicycling for fun & fitness. Stewarding The Sea Ranch LandscapeCall Michele Chaboudy 785-9209 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Del Mar Center HallTHE SEA RANCH BRIDGE GROUP ANNUAL COMMUNITY SWIM LESSONS REGISTRATIONLast Friday of month 12:45 to 4:45 p.m. – ORH 6/10 - registration is between 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.[p. 23]For reservations call Doris Constenius 785-3260 Ohlson Recreation Center Pool, see p. 23 for more detailsTHE SEA RANCH FLYING SOCIETY JUNE NATURE WALK: 6/11 - Grasses [p. 15]Pilots & Non-Pilots Welcome 10:00 a.m. at the Ohlson Recreation Center large parking lotContact Jim DeWilder 785-2764, [email protected] PROSPECTIVE VOLUNTEERS: Happy Hour - 6/11[p. 26]THE SEA RANCH KNITTING GROUP Have questions? Come chat with other volunteers.Mondays 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. DMC 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. at the Del Mar Center HouseLynn Tuft 785-3392 SEAL DOCENT WRAP UP MEETING & POTLUCK: 6/12 THE SEA RANCH RACQUET CLUB 12:00 noon - 3:00 p.m. at the Del Mar Center HallTennis or Pickle Ball contacts.Tennis: Gary Peterson 785-3049 / Marvis Forst 785-3823 37TH ANNUAL COMMUNITY SWIM LESSONS[p. 23]Pickle Ball: Dave Bess 785-1154 6/13 - 6/17 & 6/20 - 6/24, Monday to Friday onlyTHE SEA RANCH THESPIANS Ohlson Recreation Center Pool, see p. 23 for more detailswww.searanchthespians.comCall Carol Emory 785-2548 CLASSIC FILM: Grand Illusion (1937) - 6/15 [p. 26] 7:30 p.m. at the Knipp-Stengel BarnWATER EXERCISE GROUP – Del Mar PoolMonday through Friday – 7:30 a.m. JUNE SATURDAY HIKE: 6/18 [p. 15] Call Dorothy Stevenson 785-3374 1:00 p.m. at the Moonraker Recreation Center parking lotMon.-Wed.-Fri. – 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noonCall Nancy Carter 785-3504 NEIGHBORHOOD UNIT PARTIES: [p. 25] Unit 19 - 7/3, Unit 21 - 9/17(Note: Since date, time, and location of meetings and events are subject to change, please verify them first with TSRA office.) 27 —— The Sea Ranch Association Bulletin, June 2016
THE SEA RANCH ASSOCIATION Prsrt StdP. O. BOX 16 U.S. PostageTHE SEA RANCH, CA 95497-0016 PAIDAddress Service Requested Permit 125 Medford, OR THE SEA RANCH ASSOCIATION BULLETIN DEADLINE Administrative Offices • 975 Annapolis Road • The Sea Ranch Remember, think ahead! General Information and Member Services Phone: 707-785-2444 The submission deadline for theHOW MAY WE HELP? PLEASE LET US KNOW Tuesday – Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. General Fax: 707-785-3555 July 2016 Bulletin is noon on Wednesday, June 1, 2016. Website: www.tsra.org Email: [email protected] The July issue will be posted on the website by June 17th, and paper copies Ext. Department Contact will be received by Sea Ranchers on 222 • Facilities Reservations Member Services approximately June 27, 2016. 226 • Member Assessments Haidi Calkins Contact: [email protected] 227 • Finance & Human Resources Director Ellen Buechner 232 • Facilities & Resources Director John Prescott 233 • Safety & Security Services Director Chris Howard 234 • Information Technology Director Sara Windsor 236 • Administration & Management Services Director Janice Bonora 248 • Maintenance of Buildings & Recreational Facilities Schus Design, Compliance & Environmental Management Phone: 707-785-2316 • Tuesday – Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m Security Business Phone: 707-785-2444 • Urgent Calls Only: 707-785-2701 The Sea Ranch Emergency Message System To hear Emergency Update Information from our Emergency Message System Phone: 866-716-4911 (provide our organization ID: 8390625#) THE SEA RANCH WATER COMPANY Office Annex • 35600 Verdant View • The Sea Ranch Phone: 707-785-2411 • General Fax: 707-785-9756 Operations: Monday – Friday 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Financial Services: Mary Condon • Director of Works: Randy Burke Urgent On-Call (after hours, weekends and holidays): Cell 707-328-0400 OnSite Wastewater Disposal Zone Phone: 707-785-2756 • Monday – Friday 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. ——
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