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Home Explore Hazel Florist & Gifts Deepavali 2017

Hazel Florist & Gifts Deepavali 2017

Published by Hazel Florist & Gifts, 2017-09-06 23:48:58

Description: Hampers • Pyramid Hampers Click here to order:

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To order, you may call 6286 6772 or fax 6286 6742 DHR1 > $50 w/ gst $53.50 Danish Butter Cookies 70g. Hot & Spicy flavoured Snack 55g. PMN Coconut Cookies 100g. TSF Yam Cookies 90g. Sesame Crisp Cookie 80g. Sparkling Juice. A $5 w/gst $5.35 delivery charge is applicable for this order *Hazel reserves the right to replace any products and/or flowers with another products and/or flowers of the equivalent price or even higher value. < DHR2 $60 w/ gst $64.20 Moore Hazelnut Chocolate Chip Cookies 50g. Tropicana Peanut Cookies 63g. Seasons of Love Chocolate Bar 120g. Sparkling Juice. Daiana Almond Chocolate. TSF Nyonya Pineapple Cakes 200g. A $5 w/gst $5.35 delivery charge is applicable for this order > DHR3 $80 w/ gst $85.60 Royal Challenge Whisky 375ml. Cookies in a can 130g. Choco Chips & Raisin Cookies Box 130g. Hawaiian Delight Macadamia Nut Cookie 120g. Danish Butter Cookies with Strawberry Jam 160g.02 | Email: [email protected]

HAZEL FLORIST & GIFTS | DEEPAVALI 2017 < DHR4 $80 w/ gst $85.60 Cella Lambrusco Italian Red Wine 200ml. Chocolate Delight 100g. TSF Nyonya Pineapple Cakes 200g. Yamazaki Almond Biscuits 160g. Aaist Whole Hazelnut Milk Chocolate Tin 150g.> DHR5$100 w/ gst $107.00Saint Jean Beaulieu2014 French Red Wine 75cl.Blackcurrant Butter Cookies 100g.Butter Cookie 120g. Basilur EnglishBreakfast Tea 40g. Cheese SticksGourmet Snack 120g. CadburyChocolate. Daiana Tiramisu AlmondChocolates. Layer Cake 120gx3pkts360g. < DHR6 $100 w/ gst $107.00 Chivas Regal 12 Years 20cl. PMN Coconut Cookies 100g. Chocolate Delight 100g. Yamazaki Almond Biscuits 160g. Aaist Whole Hazelnut Milk Chocolate Tin 150g. FREE DELIVERY for every $63 with gst $ 67.41 and above purchase. | 03

To order, you may call 6286 6772 or fax 6286 6742 < DHR7 $120 w/ gst $128.40 Highland Gold Scotch Whisky 70cl. Choco Butter Cookies Checkerboard 120g. Oat Cookies with Chocochips 100g. Chocolate Delight Butter Cookies with Chocochips 100g. Basilur English Breakfast Tea 40g. Snack Stick Pizza Flavour 120g. Daiana Almond Chocolate. > DHR8 $150 w/ gst $160.50 Bushman’s Gylly Shiraz Cabernet 2011 - Australia Red Wine 75cl. Dewar’s Finest White Label Scotch Whisky 75cl. PMN Coconut Cookies 100g. TSF Yam Cookies 90g. K Harrodson Traditional Blueberry & Almond Butter Cookies 180g. Cookies in a Can 130g. Daiana Tiramisu Almond Chocolates.04 | Email: [email protected]

HAZEL FLORIST & GIFTS | DEEPAVALI 2017> DHR9 *Hazel reserves the right to replace any products and/or flowers with another products and/or flowers of the equivalent price or even higher value.$500 w/ gst $535.00Moet & Chandon Brut ImperialChampagne 75cl. Bollinger SpecialCurvee Brut NV 75cl. The MacallanHighlandSingle Malt Scoth Whisky 12Years Old 70cl Danish Butter Cookie70g. Hot & Spicy Flavoured Snack55g x 2. PMN Coconut Cookies 100g.TSF Yam Cookies 90g. SesameCrisp Cookies 80g. Oat Cookieswith Chocochips 100g. YamiBlackcurrant Butter Cookies100g.FREE DELIVERY for every $63 with gst $ 67.41 and above purchase. | 05

To order, you may call 6286 6772 or fax 6286 6742*Hazel reserves the right to replace any products and/or flowers with another products and/or flowers of the equivalent price or even higher value. < DHR10 $300 w/ gst $321.00 De Valier Rosso VDT (Veneto) Italian Red Wine 75cl. Dessaix Brandy XO 70cl. Johnnie Walker Black Label 12 years old Scotch Whisky 75cl. Hot & Spicy Flavoured Snack 55g. Cheese Sticks Gourmet Snack 120g. Cadbury Chocolate. TSF Nyonya Pineapple Cakes 200g. Yamazaki Almond Biscuits 160g. Layer Cake 120gx3pkts 360g. Aaist Whole Nut/ Fruit & Nut Milk Chocolate Tin 300g.06 | Email: [email protected]

HAZEL FLORIST & GIFTS | DEEPAVALI 2017 < DHR11 $200 w/ gst $214.00 Dewar’s Finest White Label Scotch Whisky 75cl. Marshall Scoth Whisky 70cl. PMN Coconut Cookies 100g. TSF Yam Cookies 90g. Oat Cookies with Chocochips 100g. Yami Blackcurrant Butter Cookies 100g. Yamazaki Almond Biscuits 160g. Layer Cake 120gx3pkts 360g.> DHR12$150 w/ gst $160.50Famous Grouse Whisky 8 years 75cl.Danish ButterCookie 70g. Choco Butter Cookies Checkerboard120g. Yami Blackcurrant Butter Cookies 100g.Chocolate Delight Butter Cookies with Chocochips100g.TSF Nyonya Pineapple Cakes 200g. YamazakiAlmond Biscuits 160g. Layer Cake 120gx3pkts 360g.Daiana Rocky Choco. FREE DELIVERY for every $63 with gst $ 67.41 and above purchase. | 07

To order, you may call 6286 6772 or fax 6286 6742 < DHR13 $100 w/ gst $107.00 Royal Challenge Whisky 375ml. Sesame Crisp Cookie 80g. Tropicana Peanut Cookies 63g. Cheese Sticks Gourmet Snack 120g. Cookies in a Can 130g x 2. Dan- ish Butter Cookies with Strawberry Jam 160g. Sparkling Juice. TSF Nyonya Pineapple Cakes 200g. > DHR14 $80 w/ gst $85.60 Bijoux De La Couronne 2014 FrenchRed Wine 75cl. Danish Butter Cookie 70g. Moore Hazelnut Chocolate Chip Cookies 50g. TSF Yam Cookies 90g. Tropicana Peanut Cookies 63g. Oat Cookies with Chocolate Chips 100g. Butter Cookies 120g. Basilur English Breakfast Tea 40g. Yamazaki Almond Biscuits 160g.08 | Email: [email protected]

HAZEL FLORIST & GIFTS | DEEPAVALI 2017*Hazel reserves the right to replace any products and/or flowers with another products and/or flowers of the equivalent price or even higher value. < DHR15 $80 w/ gst $85.60 Jacob’s Creek Shiraz Cabernet Australia Red Wine 187ml. Tropicana Peanut Cookies 63g. Choco Butter Cookies Checkerboard 120g. Butter Cookie 120g. Chocolate Delight Butter Cookies with Chocochips 100g. Basilur English Breakfast Tea 40g. Daiana Rocky Choc 100g. Danish Butter Cookies with Strawberry jam 160g. Sparkling Juice. Daiana Almond Chocolate.> DHR16$60 w/ gst $64.20Danish Butter Cookie 70g. PMNCoconut Cookies 100g. TSF YamCookies 90g. Sesame Crisp Cookie80g. Oat Cookies with Chocochips100g. Yami Blaccurant Butter Cookies100g. Basilur English Breakfast Tea40g. Sparkling Juice. Yamazaki AlmondBiscuit 160g. A $5 w/gst $5.35 delivery chargeis applicable for this order FREE DELIVERY for every $63 with gst $ 67.41 and above purchase. | 09

To order, you may call 6286 6772 or fax 6286 6742 Hazel Florist & Gifts Pte Ltd Telefax Order Form 8 New Industrial Road LHK 3 Building Singapore 536200 NEW FAX (default) REFAX AS SPOKEN TEL: 6286 6772 FAX: 6286 6742 EMAIL: [email protected] by / Bill To:Number of Pages: ofAttn: Date:Customer Account No.: (if any)Personal Order Company OrderCompany / Name:Billing Address:Postal Code:Tel: (O) (H) (Mobile)Contact Person: Signature / Company’s StampDelivery Instruction:Product Code No.: Quantity:Unit Price (S$):Order Remarks:Deliver to (Name):Recipient’s Address: Postal Code:Tel: (O) (H) (Mobile)Delivery Date: (From) (To)From (Name):Message (if any):Payment InstructionsTotal amount of order: S$ to be paid by: ATM Fund Transfer or Internet Banking: • Transfer amount into our DBS Current Account:Check/Cash American Express Hazel Florist & Gifts Pte Ltd a/c: 070-900017-7Master Card Visa • Fax deposit slip with invoice number to us atCash collection at: 6286 6742 or Email to [email protected] • Orders will be sent upon receipt of deposit slip.Payment Remarks:Credit Card No.: Card Member’s Name Card Member’s SignatureExpiry Date:1. All prices are in Singapore Dollars and are Notes 5. Please do not fax same order more than once.subjected to GST. Surcharge of $10 will be applicable for orders to be2. Free delivery for purchase $63 (w/gst $67.41) and 3. Please do not send cash, cash payment should be redirected after first delivery.above to all parts of Singapore except Sentosa, made in person or collected by an authorised Hazel 6. Any cancellation should be notified not lessJurong Island and restricted areas such as Airport employee with a Hazel receipt. All cheque/ money than 24 working hour prior to date of delivery andPassenger Terminals, Airport Cargo Complex, PSA order should be crossed &made payable to surcharge of 50% will be imposed.ports and military camps, a delivery surcharge of Hazel Florist & Gifts Pte Ltd. 7. We reserve the right to replace any item withSGD20 (w/gst $21.40) will be imposed. A delivery another of equivalent value depending on availability.charge of SGD5 (w/gst $5.35) is also applicable for 4. Confirmation of your Fax Order will be madepurchase that is $62 (w/gst 66.34) and below. via the telephone. If you do not hear from us one working day after you have faxed, please contact us at 6286 6772. © Copyright 2017 Hazel Florist & Gifts Pte Ltd

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