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Home Explore Employee Code of Conduct and Ethics

Employee Code of Conduct and Ethics

Published by joeygraphix, 2016-02-25 04:55:06

Description: Employee Code of Conduct and Ethics


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1 EMPLOYEE CODE OF CONDUCT AND ETHICS1.1 The Code provides a guideline as to what is expected from employees in performing their daily tasks, in their relationships with other similar organisations and the public, as well as providing a common ethical basis for individual conduct.1.2 The Code provides only a guideline while many of the disciplinary offences listed are described in the Disciplinary Policy. Purpose of this Code1.3 This Code serves as a guideline to employees as to what is expected of them from an ethical point of view, both in their individual conduct and in their relationships with others. Compliance with the Code can be expected to enhance professionalism and help to ensure service confidence in the sector.1.4 The primary purpose of the Code is a positive one, viz. to promote exemplary conduct. Notwithstanding this, an employee will be guilty of misconduct and may be dealt with in accordance with this Code of Conduct agreement if s/he contravenes any provision of this Code or fails to comply with any provision thereof.1.5 The work of a public entity, such as the W&RSETA must not only be fair and equitable, but must be seen to be such. W&RSETA employees are therefore required to display loyalty to the country's Constitution, and place all relevant legislation above personal gains. Status of the Code1.6 Except where otherwise stated, this code is a condition of employment for all employees of the W&RSETA, whether on a permanent full-time, part-time or contractual basis.1.7 The spirit of this code is at least as important as all the relevant legislation and a breach of, or failure to observe any of the provisions of the code may be considered as improper conduct. Such behaviour will, for employees, be dealt with in terms of the W&RSETA's Disciplinary Code and Policy and Procedures. Responsibilities of the W&RSETA as Employer1.8 The W&RSETA will furnish (new) employees, against signature, on his/her employment, with copies of the W&RSETA's Code of Conduct and Ethics for employees as well as its Constitution. Obligations1.8.1 The W&RSETA will satisfy, in good faith, all its obligations.

1.8.2 . The W&RSETA will create a climate and the necessary procedures conducive to openness and transparency, also for the equitable processing of any breach of this Code.1.8.3 Protection of whistle-blowers. The W&RSETA will acknowledge the rights of employees who disclose information on the contravention of this Code or any other rule or regulation of the W&RSETA, in accordance with the stipulations of the Protected Disclosures Act (26/2000). Responsibilities of the W&RSETA concerning this Code1.9 Duty against Bias;1.9.1 Employees have a duty to act fairly to all persons or stakeholders who have an interest in all functions of the W&RSETA and should not act in a way, which is unreasonable or discriminatory.1.10 Integrity of the Administrative Process1.10.1 In order to protect the integrity, impartiality and independence of the W&RSETA, all activities should stand up to the closest public scrutiny.1.11 Acting according to the Law Employees need to understand the Act and other relevant legislation pertaining to their function as W&RSETA employees.1.12 Properly exercising powers Employees implement Board and other delegated decisions in line with the provisions of the Act.1.13 Employee responsibility and conduct Acceptance of Gifts The Basic Rule:1.13.1 employees of the W&RSETA may not accept or solicit any gift, hospitality or other1.13.1.1 benefit that could influence, be seen to influence his/her judgement, integrity and independence. This will pertain if the gift/benefit comes from any person or organisation that: seeks official action by the W&RSETA;

. conducts business regulated by the W&RSETA; has an interest that may be substantially influenced by the performance or non-performance of W&RSETA employees; gives the gift/benefit because of the employee's position at the W&RSETA; An employee may not accept gifts from the same source or different sources on a basis so frequent that a reasonable person could be led to believe that the W&RSETA employee is using his/her position for private gain;1.13.2 Exception to the Basic Rule1.13.3 Acceptance of gifts, hospitality or other benefits are not prohibited if they are incidental to an employee's official duties and; are a normal expression of courtesy or within the normal standards of hospitality; are not such as to cause suspicion of the W&RSETA employee's independence and integrity;' would not compromise the independence and integrity of the W&RSETA. In all instances the appropriateness of a gift, hospitality, or other benefit, must be discussed by the employee with his/her Manager or CEO (CEO). Should the CEO be in any doubt the matter should be referred to the Executive Committee of the Board.1.14 Confidentiality of Information An employee must:1.14.1 honour the confidentiality of matters, documents and discussions, classified by any1.14.2 Stakeholder as being confidential or secret;1.14.3 not use or disclose any official information for personal gain or the gain of a third party; and not use or allow to be used privileged W&RSETA's information to further their own private interests or the private interests of others. lf an employee has doubts about the privileged status of any information, this should be discussed with the relevant Manager or CEO, who may refer the matter to the EXCO for guidance.

.1.15 Outside Employment1.15.1 An employee may not: undertake remunerative work outside his/her official duties; or use office equipment for such work, without the explicit and express approval of the CEO; use office equipment for any activity outside the W&RSETA, whether or not for compensation.1.15.2 No employee shall, whether directly or indirectly and for reward or otherwise, become engaged in the performance of any services outside of their performance of services in respect of the W&RSETA, without the prior written consent of the W&RSETA.1.16 Financial Interest1.16.1 A W&RSETA employee may not: engage in any transaction that is in conflict with or infringes on the execution of1.16.1.2 his/her duties; involve him/herself with an official action which may result in improper personal1.16.1.5 gain. This must be properly declared by the employee; use his/her official position to obtain private gifts or benefits for him/herself or a1.16.1.7 third party; accept gifts of benefits when offered, that may be construed as bribes; have direct or indirect financial interest , nor should s/he perform any management function for any of the W&RSETA's stakeholders or its subsidiaries; be dishonest in dealing with the funds of the W&RSETA; be involved in relationships or interests, whether direct or indirect, which could adversely influence, impair or threaten his/her capacity to act with integrity and objectivity; use W&RSETA property and other resources ineffectively or for personal gain; withhold the submission of a \"Conflict of Interest\" questionnaire, when required to do so; use W&RSETA funding to pay for any accommodation or travel of anyone not directly involved in an authorised W&RSETA purpose, including a spouse or an immediate family member.1.16.2 Any employee who may have a financial interest in accordance with this clause, must make a declaration of interest in accordance with the declaration of interest .1.17 Personal Conduct A W&RSETA employee will:1.17.1 dress and behave (during official duties) in a manner that enhances the reputation of the W&RSETA;1.17.2 act responsibly (during working hours) as far as the use of alcoholic beverages or any other substance with intoxicating effect is concerned (Unbecoming conduct outside of working hours is strongly discouraged and may lead to disciplinary action if it negatively reflects on the W&RSETA, e.g. drunkenness, public disorder, etc.);1.17.3 be honest, truthful and conscientious in his/her approach to and in the performance of his/her duties;1.17.4 conduct him/herself with courtesy and consideration towards all with whom s/he comes into contact during official duties;1.17.5 observe and promote a human rights culture as guideline for behaviour especially when undertaking W&RSETA business.1.18 Relationship with Sector Role Players A W&RSETA employee will:1.18.1 put the sector's interests first in the execution of his/her duties;1.18.2 strive to be familiar with and abide by all statutory and other instructions applicable to his/her conduct and duties;1.18.3 co-operate with public institutions established under legislation and the Constitution in promoting the sector's interests;1.18.4 serve the sector in an unbiased and impartial manner in order to create confidence in the work of the W&RSETA;

.1.18.5 be committed to the development and upliftment of all South Africans;1.18.6 not discriminate unfairly against anyone on account of race, gender, ethnic or social1.18.7 origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, political persuasion,1.18.8 conscience, culture, belief or language or any other arbitrary ground;1.18.9 not abuse his/her position in the W&RSETA to promote or prejudice the interest of any political party or interest group; respect and protect every person's dignity and his/her rights as contained in the Constitution and; recognize the sector's rights of access to information, excluding information that is specifically protected and designated as such.1.19 Relationship between employees A W&RSETA employee must:1.19.1 co-operate fully with others to meet the goals of the W&RSETA and not get bogged down in process or procedure;1.19.2 conduct him/herself in a manner which will promote co-operation and good relations between the employees of the W&RSETA;1.19.3 assist his/her colleagues in complying with this Code and co-operate with appropriate disciplinary authorities in applying this Code;1.19.4 irresponsibly criticise the professional work or attainments of others but rather focus on the value of the support and assistance they provide to all structures of the W&RSETA. Individual contribution should be acknowledged in a meaningful way;1.19.5 execute all reasonable instructions in their official capacity provided that these are not contrary to the provisions of the W&RSETA Constitution, this Code and/or any legislation;1.19.6 refrain from favouring relatives and friends in work-related activities;1.19.7 never abuse his/her authority or influence over another employee, nor allow him/her authority or influence over another employee, nor allow him/herself to be influenced to abuse his/her authority;

1.19.8 . use the appropriate channels to air his/her grievances or to direct representations;1.19.9 commit to the optimum development, motivation and utilisation of any sub-ordinates and the promotion of sound labour and interpersonal relations;1.19.10 deal fairly, professionally and equitably with other employees, irrespective of race, gender, ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, political persuasion, conscience, culture, belief or language; and1.19.11 refrain from party political and religious activities in the workplace.1.20 Performance of Duties An employee must:1.20.1 strive to achieve the objectives of the W&RSETA cost-effectively and in the sector's interests;1.20.2 recognise his/her fiduciary relationship to the W&RSETA;1.20.3 be creative in thought and in the execution of duties, seeking innovative ways to solve problems, and enhancing effectiveness and efficiency within the context of the law;1.20.4 execute duties in a professional and competent manner;1.20.5 accept responsibility to avail him/herself of on-going training and self-development throughout his/her career with the W&RSETA;1.20.6 promote sound, efficient, effective, transparent and accountable administration;1.20.7 in the course of his/her official duties, report to the appropriate authorities, any corruption, fraud, nepotism, misadministration or any other act, which constitutes an offence;1.20.8 not permit others to carry out on his/her behalf either with or without remuneration, acts which if carried out by him/herself, would constitute a contravention of this code;1.20.9 make no unauthorised commitments or promises of any kind purporting to bind the W&RSETA.1.21 SETA Values1.21.1 All employees will subscribe to the W&RSETA values set out herein.

1.21.2 All W&RSETA employees (full-time; fixed-term contract; temporary) agree and commit to the below-listed agreed and shared values: We place high value in the members of the W&RSETA team. We continually treat each other with dignity and respect.1.21.7 We support each other in action, word and behaviour.1.21.8 We epitomize strong ethics, integrity and trustworthiness. We care for each other and are sensitive about each other's feelings, concerns,1.21.11 frustrations and limitations.1.21.12 We are honest with each other and are prepared to engage openly and frankly on differences. We thrive on positive and constructive feedback.1.21.15 We are zealously co-responsible and accountable for the W&RSETA team's efforts.1.21.16 We respect the unique contribution that each individual makes and recognize I cannot be fully \"me\" without \"you\". We give each other space and accept the responsibility for the impact of our actions in the team. We positively affirm our confidence in each individual's ability to deliver excellently. We make time to regularly interact and reflect meaningfully on what is really important. Our vision is that we are the premier skills development authority in the wholesale and retail sector, exceeding our stakeholder expectations and contributing to economic growth. The Vision Achievement Plan document, which articulates how the W&RSETA employees have committed themselves to improved customer-service delivery to W&RSETA stakeholders, is accessible in the W&RSETA QMS Website. Staff members are urged to access this document and familiarize themselves with it.

1.22 Dress Code:1.22.1 Monday to Thursday = Formal office wear — Fridays = smart casual. Should a staff member be having an appointment with stakeholders then he/she should be in formal wear on that particular Friday.1.23 Enforcement of the Code of Conduct and Ethics1.23.1 This code applies to all employees of the W&RSETA and is supplementary to the Protected Disclosures Act, Skills Development Act, the Labour Relations Act, the Basic Conditions of Employment Act and all other applicable legislation. All persons subject to this Code are expected to comply fully and promptly.1.24 Remedial Action1.24.1 Any violation of any part of this code of conduct may be cause for appropriate disciplinary action in terms of the Disciplinary Procedure.1.24.2 This code is not intended to be exhaustive and may be amended from time to time. Part 13: Disciplinary Procedure, Schedule of Offences and Disciplinary Action.

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