........ IN THIS ISSUEMessage from M&C • Message from M&C........12016 here we go!! Welcome message from Acting CEO..........2It has only been two weeks since we returned from holiday, From the HR Desk.........3but it already feels like we never left. We have hit the groundrunning indeed! Staff Announcements.........4Colleagues, a hearty welcome to everyone and we wish you a Birthday Wishes.........5truly magical 2016! As we begin the year, there are some exciting projects that weWe hope that you had a relaxing festive season and that you will be implementing which require our commitment. Thesehave come back energised and rejuvenated to accelerate our include the highly acclaimed Retail School of Excellence whichefforts in moving the Wholesale and Retail Sector forward was piloted in KZN in 2014. The project will be implementedthrough skills development. in Gauteng and Western Cape as part of the national roll out.January is a 45-day long month, the most difficult and Other projects to look out for include the Good Practicestress-evoking . Many of us are happy to see this month end Awards (GPA) and the Informal Traders Upliftment Project IIas we have had more month at the end of our money :-) (ITUP).We wish you a speedy recovery from the festive buying sprees We have also been working very hard to host the graduationthat we indulge in during the joyous season and that we can of the 2015 ILDP Class. Graduations for the RMDP will alsostart planning for the year ahead. follow at a later stage.Be encouraged to do even better this year. You can walk on We would like to leave you with the wisdom from the story ofwater; it is possible. The only way to get ultimate job satisfaction a pencil maker. A pencil maker taught a pencil 5 importantand outstanding performance by being passionate in what lessons:you do. Set yourselves goal to exceed expectations and youare well on your way to excellence. 1. Everything you do will always leave a mark 2. You can always correct the mistakes you makeWe are very excited for the year ahead which promises to be 3. What is important is what is inside youfilled with challenges to motivate us and opportunities for us 4. In life you will undergo painful sharpening’s which willto excel. make you a better pencil 5. To be the BEST pencil, you must allow yourself to be held and guided by the HAND that holds you. May you have a rewarding and exciting year ahead both professionally and at a personal level. Let us draw lessons from the pencil maker to become the BEST pencil in the W&RSETA drawer in 2016. Until next time, cheers!Issue 05 | January | 2016 1
Welcome message from the acting CEODear W&RSETA StaffI wish to welcome you all in the New Year 2016 and hopingthat it’s going to be a year of success with GOD’s Blessings.I would like to invite all to consider this question: “What if weconsidered that the area we exist within is a joy to be in, anopportunity for improvement, an opportunity for positivity, andwe could be in the now and work in the now”In this state of mind we have no prejudices, no preconceptions,no fears, no insurmountable actions that are impossibleto complete – just the joy of being here, of being able toparticipate and be of service. We are at peace.May we all regain strength, positiveness and remain focusedtowards achievement of our organisation goals to the highestlevel of success.“GOD BE WITH US ALL”Issue 05 | January | 2016 Andile Sipengane – Acting CEO 2
From the HR DeskHR Policy Review Resignation:Following the 2015 HR policy review process, the revised HR Mameetse Sebesho, the Data Capturer in the ContractsPolicy has been finalised. Department, has resigned from the SETA. We wish her well in all her future endeavours.We are pleased to report that most of the proposals thatwere submitted to REMCO were approved. The final version Bereavementsof the Policy was circulated in December and colleagues are We convey heartfelt condolences to our colleagues who lostencouraged to please familiarise themselves with the Policy. loved ones during the holidays and earlier this year. May you continue to be strengthened and remember that we are withAppointments you in your time of grief.Please join us in welcoming the following members who joinedus on 6 January 2016 to the W&RSETA family.Permanent Appointments:• Precious Molosiwa - Regional Administrator: North West Regional OfficeFixed Term Appointments:• Boitshoko Motshwari - Coordinator at Taletso TVET College,North West Region• Tebatso Tsintsing- Project Coordinator: Bursaries and Placements, Head OfficeColleagues, feel at home! You have made the best decisionfor your careers by choosing the employer of choice.Issue 05 | January | 2016 3
Staff AnnouncementsDeadline for ILDP and RMDP applications ETDP SETA Bursary applicationsOne of the perks of working for an organisation that The HR department recently met with ETDPSETAis a trailblazer in its field is that we get to benefit from its to discuss the outcome of the applicationinnovations. for the 2015/16 PIVOTAL programmes.The SETA has once again provided for staff to participate intwo of its flagship programmes; the International LeadershipDevelopment Programme (ILDP) and Retail ManagementDevelopment Programme (RMDP). The Board has approvedparticipation of 5 employees per Programme for 2016.Nominations for the 2016/17 Programmes were opened inNovember and the deadline has been extended to 29 January2016.Interested staff members, with the endorsement of their linemanager, must submit manual applications to the ProjectManager, Pearl.HR will have conversations with Departments and Regions thathave more than one employee who would like to go on to theProgrammes simultaneously.Application forms are available from the website. Please notethat the declaration forms are going to be revised to customisefor the SETA’s candidates.The HR Exec has requested that the department be informedof your interest to apply for any of the Programmes in 2016 toensure proper coordination.You can contact Pearl for more information on the ProgrammesIssue 05 | January | 2016 4
Birthday Wishes!!!Best wishes to the following employees who are celebrating their birthdays during the month of January. May your birthday andevery day be filled with the warmth of sunshine, the happiness of smiles, the sounds of laughter, the feeling of love and the sharingof good cheer.02 January- Kholofelo (Head Office) 08 January - Bridgette (HO) 09 January - Andisiwe (WC) 10 January - Grant (NC)11 JAnuary- Lebogang (GPN) 17 January - Karabo (Head Office) 17 January - Peggy (Head Office) 20 January - Maikaelelo (NC)21 January - Melanie (WC) 21 January - Khunjulwa (WC) 24 January - Kerileng (FS) 29 January - Lieza (WC)29 January - Zandile (WC) 29 January - Aphia (HO) 29 January - Akhona (WC) 30 January - Martha (Head Office)30 January - Luleka (WC) 31cJanuary - Matlhohonolo (NC)Issue 05 | January | 2016 5
Call Centre: 086 270 027 Web: www.wrseta.org.zaIssue 05 | January | 2016
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