........ IN THIS ISSUEMessage from Marketing and Communications Message from M&C.........1 Informal Traders certificated through ITUP....2 W&RSETA at SABC Career Indaba.........4 Apply Now Campaign........5 Contracts System.........7 From HR Desk.........8 Upcoming Events.........8 Birthday Wishes.........9We are about two weeks to the financial year-end – the most M&C, Career Guidance departments and the Gauteng Southcritical period for us as we all work round the clock to bag Regional office could have been prepared for the hectic two-in those outstanding targets. It really is crunch time! Most days that we went through during the 2016 Career Indaba. Thesignificantly, this particular financial year marks the 16th year gratifying part of this event was reaching out to more than 10of the W&RSETA and the other SETAs that were established in 000 learners and youth to provide them with information thatMarch 2000. All hands are on deck to ensure that we finish they desperately need to advance their education. The teamstrong. did a sterling job and thanks to Woolies for the opportunity toThe M&C Department is currently implementing one of the most partner on this initiative.exciting initiatives for the Sector; the second Good PracticeAwards (GPA). Introduced in 2012, the objective of the Awards Enjoy the read…until next time!is to promote excellence by recognising companies, trainingproviders and learners that make exceptional contribution toskills development in the Wholesale and Retail Sector. Thefirst Awards gala event was held in April 2014. We will beimplementing a marketing and communications strategy toensure maximum participation of all stakeholders and willrely on you to help us spread the word. Look out for variousactivities that we will embark on in the next few weeks.We look forward to the beginning of the 2016/17 financialyear which we will start on high note with the graduation ofthe 2015 RMDP Class of 331middle managers. Graduationceremonies will be held in Gauteng, Western Cape andKwaZulu Natal during April.We continue to celebrate the efforts of our colleagues in the M & C Team at the SABC Career IndabaSME Department for the successful implementation of ITUP; aproject that has demonstrated its impact onchanging the livesof ordinary citizens and restoring dignity ofinformal tradersacross the country. Certification ceremonies were held inNelspruit, Mpumalanga and Kimberley, Northern Cape on 4thand 11th March, respectively. Big up to the team!Issue 08 |March | 2016 1
ITUP certification ceremonies ITUP certification ceremonies successfully conducted in 8 provincesThe SETA hosted certification ceremonies for the ITUP beneficiaries in Mpumalanga and Kimberley collectively. On 4 March,116 informal traders received certificates at the Mbombela Stadium and the recent ceremony was held at the Mittah SeperepereConvention Centre in Kimberley for 73 beneficiaries.In November 2015, the SME Department with the Department of Small Business Development started the national certificationceremonies to recognise the 992 informal traders that have completed training programmes through the ITUP.Whilst the beneficiaries; ranging from young men and women to abo gogo and bomkhulu were ecstatic to receive certificateswhich was a big milestone for those who had never set a foot in a classroom before or in a very long time; the highlight for themwas receiving equipment to support their businesses. Infrastructural support is part of the unique aspects of this project aimedat providing holistic support to the informal traders. Speaking during the ceremony at Mbombela, the Acting Municipal Manager and MMC for Local Economic Development, Cllr BA Zulu said informal traders are key contributor to local economy within province. “ITUP will assist the municipalityto establish informal businesses who will in the long run contribute to the local economy of the province. This programme will also assist in a fight for inequality and poverty eradication within the Mpumalanga province,” said Zulu. A group of beneficiaries from the Mpumalanga ceremonyGenius Molobela who spoke on behalf of the beneficiariessaid the programme brought much needed support to theirbusinesses as he is now able to operate his outlet efficiently.In Kimberley, the ceremony was attended bya few BoardMembers, Northern Cape Department of EconomicDevelopment and Tourism Senior Officials and Sol PlaatjieLocal Municipality Officials.Issue 08 |March | 2016 Genius Molobela speaking on behalf of the beneficiaries 2
Addressing the guests at Kimberley, the Director of Informal and Chamber Support at The (dsbd), Mr Stephen Umlawassured the Informal Traders that the Government will continue to support their businesses to ensure sustainability of their businesses as part of the comprehensive strategy of the Department. Speaking on behalf Board, Mr ThamiSkenjana commended all partners who were instrumental during implementation of the first phase. The (dsbd) Acting Chief Director, Mr Nkabinde, Ms Dludla and Mbombela Municipality LED MMC Mr Zulu with one of the beneficiaries“As the W&RSETA Board, we are pleased that ITUP was notjust about a tick box type of the project but a life changing onewhich will restore the dignity of our Informal Traders. I wouldlike to urge more partners to come on board and contribute tomake a difference in our townships as we about to roll out thesecond phase of the project,” Mr Skenjana explained. A group of ITUP beneficiaries from the Northern Cape SME Executive Manager, Sindiso Malaku addressing guests at MbombelaIssue 08 |March | 2016 The grand finale of the certification ceremonies which will include the launch of the second phase of the project will be held in Gauteng at a date to be confirmed. Our colleagues from the SME Department are already working around the clock in preparation of the second phase of the project. With the announcement of the approval of ITUP II, our colleagues in the SME Department will be working tirelessly to deliver another successful project. 3
W&RSETA at SABC Career IndabaW&RSETA interacts with thousands of learners at the 2016 SABC CareerMore than 10 000 learners flocked toSandton ConventionCentre for the 2016 SABC Career Indaba on 7-8 February2016. The SETA partnered with Woolworths as this year’splatinum sponsors of the Indaba. The Career Indaba is aimedat exposing learners to various career opportunities to helpthem make informed decisions about their careers and targetsschool learners, graduates and post matric learners. The M&Cand Career Guidance Departments teamed up for this eventand interacted with learners, students, graduates, parents andteachers on post-school opportunities in the Wholesale andRetail Sector. Woolworths collected CVs and registered visitorsfor various opportunities that they offer.As part of the sponsorship package, the SETA was allocated Eva from Career Guidance interacting with learnersa workshop session to address a broader audience on careeropportunities in the Sector. The M&C Manager, Martha, “I did not become a Chief Executive Office overnight; it wasconducted the workshop which featured three members from through hard work and dedication. I started my career asthe ILDP Alumni. The Alumni included the first black owner Packer at Makro, but because I was dedicated and determinedand CEO of Furniture City, Velaphi Fisher; Builders Warehouse to succeed I stayed the course and used every opportunity IRegional Manager, Shaheed Nordien and Pick ‘n Pay could find to develop myself. There is plenty of opportunities inFranchisee Denzil Colbert. They addressed the audience ontheir remarkable journeys in the Sector to encourage learners Retail and you too can make it if you work hard,” said Fisher.to consider wholesale and retail as a career of choice. Thank you to the GPS team Tebogo, Nola and Godfrey for assisting at the Expo. The learners really kept us very busy for those two days. One learner at a time; we are positioning wholesale and retail as a career of choice! Moshawa from HR conducting an interview at Lesedi FM at the Career IndabaILPD Alumni: Velaphi Fisher, Shaheed Nordien and Denzil ColbertIssue 08 |March | 2016 4
The Deputy Minister had also advised learners from grade 8 and 9 to choose their subjects wisely as early as grade 10. is irresponsible for learners in Grade 12 not to know what course they should apply for at institutions of higher learning. overnment has made provision of South Africa’s top 100 list of scare and critical skills and these lists are available at libraries r learners to familiarise themselves with it,” he said. Apply Now Campaign 2016 Apply now Campaign kick startsinEdumbe Municipality, Vryheid The Career Guidance Department supported by the KZN regional office and M&Cjoined the Department of Higher Education and Training inlaunching the2016 Apply Now campaign at Edumbe Municipality, Vryheid, KwaZulu Natal on 4 March 2016. The Deputy Minister, Mr. Mduduzi Manana is the champion of this campaign which is aimed at providing learners with information to enable them to make informed career choices. The campaign covered three different local schools, KanyeKanye, Kwasa and Muziwesizwe High. Senior Government Officials, SETAs and Officials from Local Municipality including the Vryheid Municipal Manager, Mr W Du Plooy, Edumbe Municipal Mayor, Cllr B Nxusa and Edumbe Royal Chief, Mr Dlamini attended the event. The Deputy Minister with officials at the Kwasa High School Deputy Minister of Higher Education The Apply Now Campaign was launched in 2012, focusing and Training, Mr. Mduduzi Manana mainly on previously disadvantaged schools and rural areas with limited access to information relating to career guidance. addressing Learners Its primary objective is to encourage learners to apply on time for admission to post-school intuitions to avoid the challengesThe Deputy Minister had also advised learners from grade 8 encountered by institutions and learners at the beginning ofand 9 to choose their subjects wisely as early as grade 10. an academic year.“It is irresponsible for learners in Grade 12 not to know what The Deputy MinisterurgedGrade 12 learners to be proactivecourse they should apply for at institutions of higher learning. and applyon time at the institutions of higher learning to avoidGovernment has made provision of South Africa’s top 100 unnecessary stampede during the beginning of the year. Helist of scare and critical skills and these lists are available at further encouraged learners to make use of the Government’slibraries for learners to familiarise themselves with it,” he said. Central Application Office (CAO) system to apply.Assuring Government to support learners with their studies wasCllr. MajubaMavuso, who was also ecstatic to announcethatKwasa High School will be converted to a Technical Schoolin the next two years. “The Edumbe Municipality is going todonate uniforms and scientific instruments to learners who arein need,” said Mavuso. Cllr Majuba Mavuso addressing the learnersIssue 08 |March | 2016 5
Contracts SystemManual management of projects will soon be a thing of the past!In keeping up with best practice and addressing some of the project management challenges, the SETA started a process ofautomating the contract management about a year ago. The process has been long and has had various challenges. It is withgreat pleasure to announce on behalf of the Steering Committee which comprises IT and various business units that the endis near.This project has focused on developing aProject and Contract module on the Dynamics AX in order to automate the commitmentschedule and the Discretionary Grant payments. This means that all contracts will be managed electronically thus easing theburden of manually managing the huge volumes of contracts within the Organisation.The Contract System will be integrated to AX which feeds from PPO to generate all project budgets and effect paymentsautomatically.This system is designed to synchronise project expenditure to PPO providing real time information on projectsAll learners that are loaded on the Indicium (Learner Management System) will be linked to projects and the relevant contractsrecorded on AX. The learners will then be associated to the Discretionary Grant allocations and processed from Indicium intoAX for payment.The W&RSETA is busy with data clean up in order to import all invoices linked to contracts into the system to generate acommitment schedule. The user acceptance testing on the modules has started to integrate with the PPO system. Training onthe PPO, AX and Indicium will be conducted to capacitate all users on the process.This is a great milestone which is set to transform the way we run our projects. It will undoubtedly make many people’s liveseasier and increase our efficiency.We look forward to the completion and implementation of this exciting project.Issue 08 |March | 2016 7
From the HR DeskAppointmentsPlease join us in welcoming the following members who joined us from 1 March 2016 to the W&RSETA family.Permanent Appointments:• Membry Mmolotsi - Project Officer: North West Regional OfficeFixed-Term Appointments:• Khayakazi Mabona - QQA Administrator: WC Regional Office• Doris Mchunu - QQA Administrator: FS Regional Office• Londi Magagula - Finance Administrator: Head OfficeColleagues, you are most welcome, feel at home! You join the SETA at a critical time when we are focusing on achievement ofthe outstanding SETA targets and we hope that you will hit the ground running!Resignation:• Makhosazana Sithole, the Regional Coordinator in KZN, has resigned. She is serving her notice until 31 March 2016. We wish her well in her new endeavours and we hope she leaves the SETA more empowered.Upcoming Events• 29 – 30 March 2016 – HRDC Summit at Gallagher Convention CentreIssue 08 |March | 2016 8
Birthday Wishes!!! Best wishes to the following employees who are celebrating their birthdays during the month of March. May your birthday and every day be filled with the warmth of sunshine, the happiness of smiles, the sounds of laughter, the feeling of love and the03 March- Ingrid (Head Office) 03 March - Mahlatse (Head Office) 03 March - Philani (KZN)05 March - Unathi (EC) 06 March- Lerato (WC) 07 March - Advocate Rampai (Head Office)08 March - Twanano (Head Office) 10 March - Maumela (GPS) 11 March - Tinyiko (WC) 14 March - Bongiwe (EC) 15 March - George (Head Office)Issue 08 |March | 2016 9
Call Centre: 086 270 027 Web: www.wrseta.org.zaIssue 08 |March | 2016 10
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