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Home Explore Comprehension Level 9 (Sample)

Comprehension Level 9 (Sample)

Published by Lillian Fawcett, 2021-01-10 01:40:24

Description: Comprehension Level 9 (Sample)


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CONTENTS PAGE Instructions 2 • Vocabulary …………………….…….…………………….……... 2 • Short Reading Exercise ………………...…………...…….……… 4 • Cloze………………………….…………………………….…….. 4 • Main Idea………………….……………………….……….…….. 6 • Sequencing …..………………….…………….………….….…... 6 • Following Directions …………………………………………….. 6 • Critical Reading …………………….……………………..……... 8 • Extended Reading ………………………………………………… 8 • Reading for a Purpose ……….…………………………………… 8 • Dig Deeper .……………………………………………………….. SAMPLE Week 1: ………………….……………..………………………....…. 10 Week 2: ………………..…………..………….………………..……. 26 Week 3: …………………...…………………..………………..……. 42 Week 4: ………………………………………………………...……. 58 Week 5: …………………..…………..………………………...……. 74 Week 6: ………………………………………………………...……. 90 Week 7: …………….………………………………………...……… 106 Week 8: ……………….………………………………………..……. 122 Week 9: ……………..………………………………………..……… 138 Week 10: …………….………………………………………..……... 154 References: ….…………………………………………………..…… 170 Comprehension Level 9 p. 1

WEEK ONE VOCABULARY VOCABULARY Read Meaning TEACHER USE ONLY 1st 2nd 3rd suffragette (woman protesting for the right to vote) suffrage (the right to vote) temporarily (for a short time) heckle (interrupt nastily) militant (using violence) inflammatory (provoking angry feelings) custody (protective care or imprisonment) discreetly (not noticed) rosette SAMPLE(rose-shaped decoration) conspire (make secret plans) incite (encourage unlawful behaviour) purity (innocence) aligned (in agreement) torture (cause pain or suffering) deteriorate (become worse) appalled (horrified) epidemic (widespread) penal servitude (imprisoned with hard labour) stereotypical (over-simplified idea) policies (guide to course of action) GOALS: • Read the words in 20 seconds • Know the meanings of the words PLEASE RECORD YOUR BEST TIME FOR EACH DAY Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Comprehension Level 9 p. 10

DAY ONE: SHORT READING EXERCISE Read the story. Circle the correct answer for each question. Write a title that reflects the main idea. Write a nutshell sentence. TITLE:____________________________________ PURPOSE: Entertain Inform Persuade Instruct TENSE: Past Present Future (1)1867: Women's Suffrage Committee formed to secure women’s right to vote. (2)1968: First public meeting on the subject of women's suffrage was held in the UK. (3)1881: Women on the Isle of Man, owning property, given the right to vote. (4)1903: Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU) established. Members of this militant union heckled politicians, chained themselves to railings, smashed windows, set fire to post boxes and set off bombs. (5)1906: The word ‘suffragette’ first used to describe activists in the women’s suffrage movement. (6)1914: UK Suffragette campaign temporarily suspended during World War I. (7)1918: UK Women over the age of 30, owning property, given the vote. (8)1919: First UK woman elected to be a Member of Parliament. (9)1928: At age 21 years all UK women could vote. SAMPLE Find the facts by looking back in the text. Infer by making connections. 1. The first UK women given the right to 4. Suffragettes probably didn’t campaign vote were during WWI because a) land owners. a) many women were serving in the army. b) over the age of 30. b) they were supporting the war efforts. c) members of parliament. c) they had already obtained suffrage. 2. Suffragettes campaigned for 5. In 1918, _______ women would have a) women’s rights. been able to vote. b) the right of women to vote. a) the majority of c) women to be elected. b) young c) few 3. WSPU members did not a) own property. Evaluate by connecting to your own knowledge. b) vandalise property. c) campaign during WWI. 6. What is an important issue we are facing in today’s society? To what extent would you campaign? Why? NUTSHELL SENTENCE: _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Comprehension Level 9 p. 11

DAY TWO: CLOZE Read all the words in the box. Read the story. Try to fit the words from the box into the spaces. Put a line through each word in the box as you use it. If you don’t immediately know the answer, leave it out and move to the next word. When you have finished, circle all the words you haven’t used in the box. Now read the story again and see if you can fill in the words you missed the first time. 1867: Women's Suffrage _________ formed to secure women’s right to (Women’s Suffrage what? Need a noun.) vote. 1968: First public _________ on the subject of women's suffrage was (First public what? It is the subject of the sentence. Need a noun.) _________ in the UK. (Was what? Need a verb.) 1881: Women on the Isle of Man, _________ property, given the right (What did the women do? Need a verb.) to vote. SAMPLE 1903: Women’s Social _________ Political Union (WSPU) established. Members of the un(Nieoedna c_on_jun_ct_ion_jo_in_ing_s_ociapl too ploilittiiccal.i)ans, chained themselves to railings, ______(W_h_at d_id wmeminberddoo two thse ,posliteicitanfs?iNreeedtaoverpb.)ost boxes and set off (What did they do to windows? Need a verb.) _________ . 1906: The(Set off what? Need a nwouno.)rd ‘suffragette’ first used to describe _________ in (Used to describe who? Need a noun.) _________ women’s suffrage movement. (Need an article referring specifically to these women.) 1914: UK Suffragette campaign _________ during World War I. (What happened to the campaign during WW!? Need a verb.) 1918: UK Women over the _________ of 30, owning _________ , (Over what? Need a noun.) (Owning what? Need a noun.) given the vote. 1919: First UK woman elected to be _________ Member of Parliament. (Need an article referring generally to members of parliament.) 1928: At age 21 years all UK _________ could vote. (Who in the UK? Need a noun.) the property committee owning and women held smashed suspended a meeting heckled bombs age activists * verb=be, do or have word * subject=who or what the sentence is about * noun=naming word * conjunction=joins words, phrases or sentences * article= used in front of a noun to tell us if it is something specific (the) or something general (a/an) Comprehension Level 9 p. 12

SAMPLEDAY THREE: MAIN IDEA & SEQUENCING MAIN IDEA Find the two main ideas and the six supporting details for the first main idea and the two supporting sentences for the second main idea. The main idea is the big idea or key point. The supporting details provide extra information. Highlight the main idea. Circle the number at the beginning of the sentences which provide supporting detail. (1)Prior to 1893, women were not permitted to vote in elections to determine who should govern a country. (2)Women's suffrage is the right of women to vote in elections. (3)A suffragette was a member of a militant women’s organisation who fought for the right to vote. (4)In 1893, New Zealand women were the first women in the world in a self-governing country given suffrage. (5)However, they were not permitted to be elected. (6)In 1902, Australian non-indigenous women were given the right to vote and also to stand for election. (7)In 1906, Finnish women were permitted to both vote and be elected and they were also the first women in the world to have a female member of parliament. (8)The last country to give women suffrage was Saudi Arabia in 2015. (9)However, there are still around 100 countries that do not hold elections and consequently neither men nor women have a vote. (10)It is not only women who haven’t always had a vote. (11)For example, in Canada, indigenous men and women did not have the right to vote in all provinces until 1960. (12)In Australia and the United States indigenous people weren’t given the right to vote until 1962 and in the United States African Americans were effectively denied voting rights in numerous Southern states until 1965. Ask: • What are the two key ideas discussed in this passage? • What did the passage tell you about women’s suffrage? • Highlight the key word(s) in each sentence that show(s) this in red. • Which is the one sentence that provides an overview of all of these ideas? This is the first main idea. Highlight this sentence in yellow. • What did the passage tell you about other people who can’t vote? • Highlight the sentence showing the second main idea in orange and highlight the key words in the two supporting sentences in green. • Which are the two sentences that do NOT specifically provide information about either of these two key ideas? Place a cross through the numbers in front of these sentences. • Which are the sentences providing supporting details for each main idea? Comprehension Level 9 p. 13

SEQUENCING Read the sentence, circle the clue word that will help you decide the answer and then choose the correct statement. 1. After the suffragette heckled the politician with inflammatory comments, she was arrested. The clue word is: a) heckled b) after c) with d) inflammatory SAMPLE i) The suffragette heckled the politician first. ii) The suffragette was arrested first. iii) Both happened at the same time. 2. While in custody, the suffragette’s health deteriorated. The clue word is: a) while b) custody c) in d) deteriorated i) The suffragette was in custody first. ii) The suffragette’s health deteriorated first. iii) Both happened at the same time. 3. That woman has been discreetly wearing a white, purple and green rosette since joining the suffragette movement. The clue word is: a) been b) since c) has d) joining i) The woman wore a rosette first. ii) The woman joined the suffragette movement first. iii) Both happened at the same time. 4. Before being imprisoned, the suffragettes were charged with conspiring to incite violence. The clue word is: a) before b) being c) incite d) charged i) The suffragettes were imprisoned first. ii) The suffragettes were charged with conspiracy first. iii) Both happened at the same time. Comprehension Level 9 p. 14

DAY FOUR: DIRECTIONS & CRITICAL READING FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS Use the following information to complete the table and to determine the location of each of the suffragettes and the colour they were wearing. The first one has been completed as an example of the process. 1. Emmeline was making inflammatory speeches under the shade of a tree. 2. Beatrice discreetly wore a rosette on her white cardigan. 3. The suffragette wearing brown had been taken into custody. 4. Ada hated the drab colour of her garment. (Hint - you now also know Ada’s location.) 5. The official caught a glimpse of white as a suffragette smashed a window. (Hint - you now also know the location of Dorothy.) 6. Emmeline was wearing a colour more often seen in nature than the colour Dorothy was wearing. White Purple Green Brown Park Jail Post box Building  x x x Emmeline SAMPLE x Beatrice x Ada x Dorothy Name Colour Location Park Emmeline Park Jail Beatrice Post box Ada Building Dorothy CRITICAL READING Determine the relationship between the first two words in bold. Select a word from the list that shows a similar relationship to the third word in bold in each sentence. Make sure the student understands all the words in the box before beginning the exercise. Do the ones the student finds easy first. temporarily discreetly corruption appalled torture heckling suffragette conspire deteriorate rosette 1. Incite is to inhibit as purity is to ____________. (Opposite meaning – antonym) 2. Football is to fouling as speech is to ____________. (Negative action related to activity) 3. Support is to align as secret is to____________. (Description related to activity) 4. Hunger strike is to protesting as whipping is to ____________. (Example) 5. Militant is to peaceful as improve is to ____________. (Opposite meaning – antonym) 6. Custody is to imprisonment as unnoticeably is to ____________. (Similar meaning - synonym) 7. Paper is to bag as ribbon is to ____________. (Material of object) 8. Refuse is to decline as horrified is to ____________. (Similar meaning - synonym) 9. Masculine is to feminine as permanent is to ____________. (Opposite meaning – antonym) 10. Praying is to priest as protesting is to ____________. (Action associated with person) Comprehension Level 9 p. 15

DAY FIVE: EXTENDED READING As the student is Tuesday, February 25, 1913 reading, ask some of the MRS PANKHURST ARRESTED following questions. SAMPLEPolice arrest Pankhurst at be carried out. If they send me for Discuss the WSPU Offices 5 years, 10 years or 20 years, I reasons shall not stay. I shall at once underlying the London, UK hunger strike. If they torture me answers. with force feeding, that cannot last (1)Shortly after 11 o’clock very long. They cannot keep me • What is the genre yesterday morning, police entered alive very long and they will have of his text? the offices of the Women’s Social to let me die or let me go. If I drop Why? and Political Union (WSPU) and out of the fight, hundreds will take arrested the leader of the my place.” • Based on the movement, Mrs Emmeline picture and the Pankhurst, and five other (3)Last March, Mrs Pankhurst and headline, what suffragettes. All defendants have other WSPU suffragettes were do you think this been charged with conspiracy. imprisoned for smashing article is windows, chaining themselves to reporting? (2)The previous week there had railings, setting fire to post boxes, been an explosion from heckling politicians and Note: Questions gunpowder and an explosive organising rallies in which they in shaded boxes substance. The explosion caused made inflammatory speeches. refer to the text in minimal damage, however it is the second believed that WSPU members (4)For these crimes, the women column. were responsible. The next day, were imprisoned for 9 months in Mrs Pankhurst publicly stated, “I Holloway Prison. While in prison, • Discuss the have incited, I have conspired, Mrs Pankhurst staged her first meaning of and I say this – that the authorities hunger strike in an attempt to Pankhurst’s need not look for the women who improve conditions for other quote. have done what they did last night. suffragettes in nearby cells. In I accept responsibility for it. If response, doctors were instructed • Locate London tomorrow I am arrested for what to force-feed the women. on a world map. happened and sent to penal servitude, I shall prove in my own (5)“It was a sickening scene of • Why had the person that the punishment cannot horror and torment,” claimed Mrs women been Pankhurst. “I shall never forget the imprisoned last suffering and the cries of the year? women ringing in my ears.” • What (6)When prison officials tried to conditions enter her cell, Mrs Pankhurst might they raised a clay jug over her head and have had to announced, “If any of you dares so suffer? much as to take one step inside this cell, I shall defend myself.” As a • How did result no further attempt was made Pankhurst defend herself? • Describe Pankhurst’s personality. Comprehension Level 9 p. 16

• Describe why SAMPLEto force-feed her. Pankhurst founded the Women’s Pankhurst is Social and Political Union to help being continually (7)Mrs Pankhurst was released women win the right to vote in released and then early before serving her 9 month parliament. She established the reimprisoned. sentence because of her ill-health organisation because she believes resulting from her hunger strike. that it is the only way to change the • Why did She has subsequently been terrible conditions suffered by Pankhurst believe arrested and imprisoned numerous many women and children. that giving times, but then released because of women the vote her deteriorating health due to her (13)While working as a Poor Law would change tactic of starving herself as a Guardian, she was appalled by the their living protest against her arrest. conditions she witnessed in the conditions? poor workhouses. These (8)The British Government has workhouses were designed to offer • Why was the now enacted the ‘Cat and Mouse accommodation and employment term ‘cat and Act’. This act allows suffragettes to those who couldn’t support mouse’ used to to be temporarily released from themselves. describe this act? prison when their health deteriorates due to refusing to eat. (14)Mrs Pankhurst was appalled to • In your own However once they regain their see girls as young as 7 and 8 years words, describe health, they are re-imprisoned to of age spending hours on their why Pankhurst finish their sentence. knees scrubbing the long corridors was appalled. of cold stones. Pregnant women (9)This act prevents the British were required to do the hardest • Why did Government being blamed for any kinds of work and bronchitis was Pankhurst death or harm arising from the epidemic. Mrs Pankhurst wanted establish the suffragettes’ hunger strikes. It to stop women suffering and give WSPU? also ensures that the suffragettes them equal opportunities and are too weak or ill to participate in power. • What do you demonstration activities while not think Pankhurst in custody. (15)Although Mrs Pankhurst had might say at her previously belonged to other trial? (10)Given that it is Mrs Pankhurst’s organisations promoting women’s practice to refuse food while in suffrage, she believes their custody, it is expected that she moderate speeches and policies of will be released in the not too patience are not effective. The distant future and that she will motto of the Women’s Social and return to the ‘fighting line’. Political Union is ‘Deeds not words.” She believes that it is only (11)Mrs Pankhurst told a press through militant actions that representative that she had change will occur. expected her arrest. “You know that I was engaged to speak at the (16)The WSPU regularly publishes Pavilion this afternoon when I a newsletter called ‘Votes for might have had something Women’ and they have recently startling to say, but that will keep published a board game called now until my trial.” “Pank-a-Squith’ in which players are required to lead their (12)It is well known that Mrs suffragette figure from their home Comprehension Level 9 p. 17

• How did women to parliament, passing many (18)As a growing number of women show their obstacles on the way. support of the join the organisation, it is WSPU? (17)It is easy to distinguish women who are aligned with the WSPU as becoming increasingly • Why did they wear the colours of the Pankhurst want organisation – purple for loyalty fashionable for women to identify to present a and dignity, white for purity and feminine green for hope. Many fashionable with the cause by wearing the image? shops, including Selfridges and Liberty sell ribbons for hats, colours, sometimes discreetly in a • Discuss the rosettes, badges, belts, underwear, structure of a handbags, shoes, slippers and even small piece of jewellery. Mrs newspaper article soap in these three colours – main details combined. Pankhurst believes it is important first and then less important for suffragettes to present a information at the end. fashionable, feminine image to • Why do they offset the stereotypical image have this structure? portrayed in newspapers of women in masculine clothing. SAMPLE PURPOSE: Entertain Inform Persuade Instruct TENSE: Find some paragraphs written in each tense Past: ______________________________ Present: ___________________________ Future: __________________________________ Comprehension Level 9 p. 18

SAMPLEREADING FOR A PURPOSE Reading for detail. 1. How many suffragettes were arrested? a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 Making connections. 2. On what day were the suffragettes arrested? a) 24th February, 1913. b) 25th February, 1913. c) 26th February, 1913. Cause and effect. 3. Female prisoners went on hunger strikes a) to improve the conditions of female inmates. b) to protest for women’s suffrage. c) to avoid being force-fed. Use synonym knowledge. 4. The WSPU attempted to obtain women’s suffrage a) through peaceful negotiations. b) by engaging in violent actions. c) by bribing officials. Figurative language. 5. The ‘Cat and Mouse Act’ really refers to the a) fact that cats often torment mice. b) interactions of the suffragettes and officials. c) militant actions of the WSPU members. Making connections. 6. Why were workhouses a problem? a) They supplied accommodation for homeless people. b) They provided employment for women who couldn’t support themselves. c) Pregnant women and children worked in appalling conditions. Infer. 7. The board game Pank-a-Squith made players aware of a) the powerlessness of women. b) the appalling conditions faced by many women. c) the importance of hunger strikes. Infer. 8. Which of the following would indicate support of the WSPU? a) Wearing a purple, white and green belt. b) Wearing a white ribbon on your hat. c) Wearing a purple rosette with green leaves on your jacket. Comprehension Level 9 p. 19

DIG DEEPER A. Put the events in the correct order that they occurred in Mrs Pankhurt’s life. A. Arrested for conspiracy. B. Imprisoned for smashing windows. C. Threatened prison official with a clay D. Founded WSPU. jug. E. Worked as Poor Law Guardian. F. Set off an explosion. SAMPLE B. Cross out one of the following traits that could NOT be attributed to Mrs Pankhurst. We can determine a person’s traits by their behaviours and speech. Match the behaviours and speech to the relevant trait. Traits Behaviours and speech Determined 1. “I shall never forget their suffering and cries.” Compassionate 2. Set fire to post boxes. Law abiding 3. “I shall at once go on a hunger strike.” Rebel 4. “They can send me to prison for 5 years, 10 years or 20 years.” 5. Made inflammatory speeches. 6. Appalled by workhouse conditions. 7. Founded the WSPU. 8. Chained herself to railings. C. Finish these sentences based on the information in the report. 1. Emmeline Pankhurst wanted women to have equal rights, because (explain why) _______________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Emmeline Pankhurst wanted women to have equal rights, so (explain what she did) _______________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. Emmeline Pankhurst wanted women to have equal rights, even though (explain a consequence) ______ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Comprehension Level 9 p. 20

On the front of the card find an antonym, a synonym or an example of a type for each word as directed and on the back write a sentence using the word. inflammatory suffragette Root word: _________ Suffix ‘ette’: _________ custody suffrage Antonym: _________ Latin meaning: _________ SAMPLE discreetly temporarily Synonym: _________ Synonym: _________ rosette heckle Root word: _________ Synonym: _________ conspire militant Synonym: _________ Antonym: _________ Comprehension Level 9 p. 21

(woman protesting for the (provoking angry feelings) right to vote) Sentence:___________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ (the right to vote) (protective care or imprisonment) Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ SAMPLE (for a short time) (not noticed) Sentence:___________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ (interrupt nastily) (rose-shaped decoration) Sentence:___________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ (using violence) (make secret plans) Sentence:___________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Comprehension Level 9 p. 22

appalled incite Synonym: _________ Synonym: _________ epidemic purity Antonym: _________ Antonym: _________ SAMPLE penal servitude aligned Root word: _________ Part of speech: _________ stereotypical torture Part of speech: _________ Synonym: _________ policies deteriorate Root word: _________ Antonym: _________ Comprehension Level 9 p. 23

(encourage unlawful (horrified) behaviour) Sentence:___________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ (innocence) (widespread) Sentence:___________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ SAMPLE (in agreement) (imprisoned with hard labour) Sentence:___________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ (cause pain or suffering) (over-simplified idea) Sentence:___________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ (become worse) (guide to course of action) Sentence:___________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Comprehension Level 9 p. 24

WEEK 1 ANSWERS SHORT READING EXERCISE 1. A Purpose: Inform 2. B Tense: Past 3. C Nutshell: ‘(Title)’ provides a timeline showing the main events leading 4. B to women’s securing the right to vote in the UK. 5. C 6. Students should identify a relevant issue and provide appropriate reasons. MAIN IDEA Main Idea 1: 2 Supporting details: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 Main Idea 2: 10 Supporting details: 11, 12 SEQUENCING SAMPLE 1. B i 2. A iii 3. B ii 4. A ii FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS White Purple Green Brown Park Jail Post box Building  x  x x x Emmeline x x x x x x  x  x  x Beatrice  x x x x  x x x x Ada x x x   Dorothy x  x x Park xx x x x Jail x x Name Colour Location Emmeline Green Park Post box x  Beatrice White Building Ada Brown Jail Building  x Dorothy Purple Post box CRITICAL READING 1. corruption 4. torture 7. rosette 10. suffragette 8. appalled 2. heckling 5. deteriorate 9. temporarily 3. conspire 6. discreetly READING FOR A PURPOSE 1. B 5. B Purpose: Inform 2. A 6. C Tense: Past: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 13, 14 3. A 7. A 4. B 8. A Present: 8, 9, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18 Future: 10 DIG DEEPER C (Example answers) AB 1. …she wanted to stop their suffering and give 1-E Law abiding them equal power. 2-D 2. …she established the WSPU. 3-B Determined – 3, 4, 5, 7 3. …it resulted in her going to prison 4-C Compassionate – 1, 6 5-F Rebel – 2, 5, 8 6-A Comprehension Level 9 p. 25

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