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Home Explore Comprehension Level 2 (Sample)

Comprehension Level 2 (Sample)

Published by Lillian Fawcett, 2019-04-14 00:30:40

Description: Comprehension Level 2 (Sample)


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CONTENTS PAGE Instructions 2 • Vocabulary …………………….…….…………………….……... 2 • Short Reading Exercise ………………...…………...…….……… 4 • Cloze………………………….…………………………….…….. 4 • Main Idea………………….……………………….……….…….. 6 • Sequencing …..………………….…………….………….….…... 6 • Following Directions …………………………………………….. 6 • Critical Reading …………………….……………………..……... 8 • Extended Reading ………………………………………………… 8 • Reading for a Purpose …………..………………………………… 8 • Dig Deeper ………………….…………………………………….. SAMPLE Week 1: ………………….……………..………………………....…. 10 Week 2: ………………..…………..………….………………..……. 26 Week 3: …………………...…………………..………………..……. 42 Week 4: ………………………………………………………...……. 58 Week 5: …………………..…………..………………………...……. 74 Week 6: ………………………………………………………...……. 90 Week 7: …………….………………………………………...……… 106 Week 8: ……………….………………………………………..……. 122 Week 9: ……………..………………………………………..……… 138 Week 10: …………….………………………………………..……... 154 References: ..……………………………………………………..…… 170 Comprehension Level 2 p. 1

TEACHER USE ONLY VOCABULARY Read Meaning 1st 2nd 3rd spider (8 legged creature) attach (join onto) catch (get hold of) float (drift on air or water) centre (middle) sandwiches (bread and filling) wag (move backwards and forwards) stumpy (short, cut off) tired (sleepy) SAMPLE worms (live in the ground) friend (pal, mate) delicious (very tasty) disappeared (vanished) continued (kept going) bark (dog noise, part of tree) shallow (not deep) poke (jab) exclaimed (called out in surprise) frightened (scared) touch (put your hands on) GOALS: • Read the words in 20 seconds • Know the meanings of the words PLEASE RECORD YOUR BEST TIME FOR EACH DAY Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Comprehension Level 2 p. 10

Read the story. Circle the correct answer for each question. Write a title for the story that reflects the main idea. Write a nutshell sentence. TITLE: ____________________________________ PURPOSE: Entertain Inform Persuade Instruct TENSE: Past Present Future (1)How do you make a sturdy spider’s web? (2)First, you need to spin a short thread and let it float through the air. (3)Wait until this thread attaches to a twig. (4)Then spin some longer threads. (5)Join the threads SAMPLE together so the web looks like the spokes of a wheel. (6)Make sure you leave a hole in the centre. (7)This allows the wind to blow through the web. (8)You can use the web as a trap to catch moths and flies. Find the facts by looking back in the text. Infer by making connections. 1. The spider uses its web 4. If it was windy a) as his home. a) the spider would leave. b) to trap flies. b) it would break the web. c) to move from leaf to leaf. c) the web would not break. 2. The first thread sticks to Connect sentences 1, 6 and 7. a) a fly. b) a stick. 5. The spider’s thread is c) the ground. a) like a wheel. b) heavy and strong. 3. The long lines of thread c) light and sticky. make the web look like a) a fly’s wings. Connect sentences 2 and 3. b) the spokes of a wheel. c) a large green leaf. Evaluate by connecting to your own knowledge. 6. Why might it be a good idea to leave a spider’s web in the kitchen? Connect to sentence 7 and your knowledge of flies and food. NUTSHELL SENTENCE: _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Comprehension Level 2 p. 11

Read all the words in the box. Read the story. Try to fit the words from the box into the spaces. Put a line through each word in the box as you use it. If you don’t immediately know the answer, leave it out and move to the next word. When you have finished, circle all the words you haven’t used in the box. Now read the story again and see if you can fill in the words you missed the first time. How do you __________a sturdy spider’s web? First, (‘you’ is the subject - next word will be a verb.) you need to __________ a short thread ______ let it (Needs to be a conjunction to join the two ideas together.) (To do what? Needs to be a verb.) float through __________air. Wait until this thread SAMPLE (Air is a noun – what do you put in front of nouns?) sticks to __________ twig. Then spin some longer (Twig is a noun – what do you put in front of nouns?) __________. Join the threads together _________ the (Needs to be a conjunction to join the two ideas together.) (Longer what? Needs to be a noun.) __________ begins to look like the spokes of a (‘the’ is used in front of nouns. What is the story about?) __________. Make sure you leave a __________ in (‘A’ is used in front of nouns. What might be in the centre?) (‘A’ is used in front of nouns. What might have spokes?) the centre. This allows the __________to blow (‘The’ is used in front of nouns. What might blow?) through the web. You can use the web as a __________ to catch moths and __________. (‘A’ is used in front of nouns. What do hunters use to catch (What might the spider catch?) hole a and so web make flies wind spin trap wheel the threads * verb=doing word * subject=who or what the sentence is about * noun=naming word * conjunction=joins words, phrases or sentences * articles=are used in front of a noun to tell us if it is something specific (the) or something general (a/an) Comprehension Level 2 p. 12

SAMPLEMAIN IDEA Find the one main idea and three supporting details in the following passage. The main idea is the big idea or key point. The supporting details provide extra information. Highlight the main idea. Circle the number at the beginning of the sentences which provide supporting detail. (1) Spiders are very interesting. (2) They are all shapes and sizes. (3) Some spiders are poisonous. (4) Spiders spin webs that look like shiny, silver nets. (5) Spiders catch flies in their webs. (6) Often people don’t see the webs. (7) The webs attach to people’s clothes. Ask: • What is the story about? • What did the story tell you about spiders? • Highlight the key word(s) in each sentence that show(s) this in red. • Which is the one sentence that provides an overview of all these ideas? That is the main idea. Highlight this sentence in yellow. • Which are the two sentences that do NOT give you extra information about spiders? Put a line through those two sentences. • The sentences that are left are providing supporting detail. Put a circle around the number next to those sentences. Comprehension Level 2 p. 13

SEQUENCING Read the sentence, circle the clue word that will help you decide the answer and then choose the correct statement. 1. Mike put his sandwiches into the basket before he went fishing. The clue word is: a) put b) into c) went d) before SAMPLE i) Mike put his sandwiches into the basket first. ii) Mike went fishing first. iii) Both happened at the same time. 2. I patted the puppy as he wagged his stumpy tail. d) puppy The clue word is: a) wagged b) licked c) as i) I patted the puppy first. ii) The puppy wagged his stumpy tail first. iii) Both happened at the same time. 3. When she got home, Jill told her mother she saw a spider. The clue word is: a) had b) when c) told d) at i) Jill got home first. ii) Jill saw the spider first. iii) Both happened at the same time. 4. After we got tired, we went to sleep. d) and The clue word is: a) after b) jumped c) we i) We got tired first. ii) We went to sleep first. iii) Both happened at the same time. Comprehension Level 2 p. 14

FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS Read the passage and follow the directions. Three words have two little words inside. Draw a box around each of the two little words that make up each big word. Put a circle around the word that is NOT made from two small words. Spiderman bookworm vanishing flagpole SAMPLECRITICAL READING Determine the relationship between the first two words in bold. Select a word from the list that shows a similar relationship to the third word in bold in each sentence. Make sure the student understands all the words in the box before beginning the exercise. Do the ones the student finds easy first. attach disappear centre sandwich continue touch friend tired delicious butterfly 1. Fat is to thin as enemy is to ____________. (Opposite meaning – antonym) 2. Boy is to girl as untie is to ____________. (Opposite meaning – antonyms) 3. Above is to over as middle is to____________. (Same meaning – synonym) 4. Little is to small as sleepy is to ____________. (Same meaning – synonym) 5. Big is to large as vanish is to ____________. (Same meaning – synonym) 6. Flower is to rose as insect is to ____________. (An example of that category) 7. Lips are to kiss as hand is to ____________. (Action associated with object) 8. Sit is to stand as horrible is to ____________. (Opposite meaning – antonym) 9. Furniture is to chair as food is to ____________. (An example of that category) 10. Dirty is to clean as stop is to ____________. (Opposite meaning – antonym) Comprehension Level 2 p. 15

As the student SAMPLEMY BEST FRIEND?? is reading, ask some of the (1) Shane woke up and looked out following the window. “What a fine day to questions. catch some fish. I’ll get my fishing Discuss the pole, make myself a few sandwiches and ride down to the reasons river. underlying the answers. (2) As soon as he opened the door, Sooty, his pet dog, rushed to meet him. He barked with joy and licked • Who is a boy’s Shane’s toes. best friend and why are there (3) Shane walked to the shed. His fishing pole was question marks covered in spiders’ webs. Then he went to the bottom of at the end of the garden and dug up a few worms. Sooty poked around the title? in the ground too. “Stop poking your nose in the ground or you will frighten the worms and make them • Where was disappear,” exclaimed Shane. Sooty stopped poking, Shane when he but started licking Shane’s face. looked out the window? (4) Next, Shane made some delicious sandwiches. Sooty wagged his stumpy tail. “You’d like to come too, would • What did he see? you my friend?” asked Shane. Sooty continued to wag his stumpy tail even faster. “I’ll let you to come if you • Picture this scene and describe it. • Ask questions to develop a detailed picture of Shane and Sooty (e.g., What colour is sooty? What type of dog?) • When do you think Shane last use his fishing rod? • Why is Shane digging up worms? • Do you think Sooty is curious, helpful or scared? Why? • Picture and describe the sandwiches. • How do you know Sooty was excited? are good,” exclaimed Shane. Comprehension Level 2 p. 16

• Picture and (5) Shane put his sandwiches and worms in the centre describe the of the basket on his bike and rode off holding the fishing spot Shane pole in one hand. Sooty ran beside the bike. found. (6) Shane found a quiet, shady spot next to a shallow • Ask questions part of the river. He took out the fishing pole, attached to develop a a worm to the hook and threw the line into the water. It detailed picture floated through the air and landed with a plop in the (e.g., How water. Shane sat down to wait for a bit and Sooty lay wide was the down tiredly beside him. Fishing did not interest him. river? What SAMPLE was next to the river? Who else was at the river? • Predict how many fish Shane will catch. • How will (7) Suddenly, Sooty saw a few rabbits. He barked Sooty’s barking loudly and chased after them. He didn’t touch them, but affect Shane’s they were very frightened and disappeared down a fishing? hole. “Shhh,” exclaimed Shane. “I’m trying to catch some fish!” • Do you want to change your prediction? • Picture and (8) Above them a butterfly floated in the breeze. Sooty describe this jumped up and barked loudly trying to catch it. He scene. continued barking until the frightened butterfly disappeared into the centre of a bush. “Shhh!” • Ask questions exclaimed Shane. “I’m trying to catch some fish!” to develop a detailed picture. • Why did the butterfly go into a bush? • How do you (9) Then Sooty saw another dog. He ran up to it know Sooty wagging his stumpy tail. The two dogs started chasing wanted to be each other, running in and out of the shallow water. friends with the other dog? Comprehension Level 2 p. 17

• How will the (10) “Get out of the water! I’m trying to catch some dogs’ game fish!” exclaimed Shane. However, they just continued running in and out of the shallow water until they were affect Shane’s tired. fishing? • Why did the (11) Tired out, Sooty lay down behind Shane to rest. sandwiches His nose touched the packet of sandwiches. They disappear? smelled delicious. Sooty poked his nose into the paper and licked one. Yes, they were delicious. The • What do you sandwiches quickly disappeared, one after the other. think Shane SAMPLE will do? • Why is a dog (12) “What are you up to, my friend?” exclaimed considered a Shane, turning around. He was too late! The last ‘boy’s best sandwich was just disappearing. friend’? (13) “Well!” exclaimed Shane, “and they call a dog a • What did Shane ‘boy’s best friend’. You barked at the rabbits and mean when he butterfly and played in the water, frightening away the said, “With a fish. Then, you ate all my delicious sandwiches. With friend like you, a friend like you, who needs enemies? who needs enemies?” • Do you think Shane will take Sooty with him next time he goes fishing? Why? PURPOSE: Entertain Inform Persuade Instruct TENSE: Past Present Future Comprehension Level 2 p. 18

READING FOR A PURPOSE Draw conclusions. Think about why Sooty and Shane went to the river and what happened. 1. Choose the right word to complete this sentence a) Shane enjoyed his time at the river. b) Sooty Infer. Think about what you do on the different days of the weekSAMPLE 2. Shane probably went fishing on a) Monday. b) Wednesday. c) Saturday. Figurative language. What does it really mean? 3. The sandwiches disappeared because a) it was a magic trick. b) Sooty ate them. c) they dissolved in the hot sun. Draw conclusions. Look at the last sentence in paragraph 6. 4. Sooty barked at the rabbits and butterfly and played with the dog a) because he was bored. b) because he couldn’t sit still. c) he didn’t want Shane to catch any fish. Cause and effect. Think about what Sooty did down at the river. 5. Shane caught a) no fish. b) a few fish. c) lots of fish. Comprehension Level 2 p. 19

DIG DEEPER A. Use the story to complete this table. Key characters Setting Problem Shane’s reaction SAMPLE B. Match the characteristics to the characters. Write the behaviours that support your answer. Character Characteristics Behaviours Shane mean Sooty annoying patient lazy energetic C. Find the words to complete this puzzle. Remember to use the 4 clues: meaning, first letter, length and paragraph. 1. Worms are good bait for this • F _ _ _ _ _ _ (1) 2. Sooty went to chase one 3. A feeling of wanting to know • R _ _ _ _ _ (7) 4. Chew and swallow food 5. A dog sniffs with this • I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (6) 6. Very nice • E__ (13) • N___ (11) • D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (4) A pal or mate: _ _ _ _ _ _ Comprehension Level 2 p. 20

On the front of the card find an antonym, a synonym or an example of a type for each word as directed and on the back write a sentence using the word. spider sandwiches Type: _________ Type: _________ attach wag Antonym: _________ Synonym: _________ SAMPLE catch stumpy Antonym: _________ Antonym: _________ float tired Antonym: _________ Antonym: _________ centre worms Antonym: _________ Type: _________ Comprehension Level 2 p. 21

(bread and filling) (8 legged creature) Sentence:___________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ (move backwards (join onto) and forwards) Sentence:___________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ SAMPLE (short, cut off) (get hold of) Sentence:___________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ (sleepy) (drift on air or water) Sentence:___________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ (live in the ground) (middle) Sentence:___________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Comprehension Level 2 p. 22

delicious exclaimed Antonym: _________ Synonym: _________ continued frightened Antonym: _________ Synonym: _________ SAMPLE friend shallow Type: _________ Antonym: _________ disappeared poke Antonym: _________ Synonym: _________ bark touch Synonym: _________ Antonym: _________ Comprehension Level 2 p. 23

(called out in surprise) (very tasty) Sentence:___________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ (scared) (kept going) Sentence:___________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ SAMPLE (not deep) (pal, mate) Sentence:___________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ (jab) (vanished) Sentence:___________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ (put your hands on) (dog noise, part of a tree) Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Comprehension Level 2 p. 24

SHORT READING EXERCISE 1. B Purpose: Instruct – it tells you how to make a spider’s web. 2. B Tense: Present 3. B Nutshell: ‘(Title)’ is about how spiders spin webs to catch flies, but the 4. C webs can’t be destroyed by the wind. 5. C 6. Webs would catch blowflies so they don’t lay maggots on the food or aren’t annoying. MAIN IDEA Main Idea: 1 Supporting details: 2, 3, 4, 5 SEQUENCING SAMPLE 1. D i 2. C iii 3. B ii 4. A i FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS spider man book worm vanishing flag pole CRITICAL READING 1. friend 6. butterfly 2. attach 7. touch 3. centre 8. delicious 4. tired 9. sandwich 5. disappear 10. continue READING FOR A PURPOSE 1. B Purpose: Entertain 2. C Tense: Past 3. B 4. B 5. A DIG DEEPER B C A Shane: patient - didn’t 1. fishing Key Characters: Shane & Sooty yell at Sooty, waited 2. rabbit Setting: River for fish to bite. 3. interest Problem: Sooty was annoying 4. eat Shane’s Reaction: Kept explaining to dog Sooty: energetic - kept 5. nose that he was trying to catch some fish and running around, 6. delicious that he wasn’t much of a friend. annoying - frightened everything away, ate friend sandwiches, etc. Comprehension Level 2 p. 25

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