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Reading for Comprehension Level 7 (American Version) Sample

Published by Lillian Fawcett, 2018-11-12 03:35:47

Description: Reading for Comprehension Level 7 (American Version) Sample


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CONTENTS PAGE Instructions 2 • Vocabulary …………………….…….…………………….……... 2 • Short Reading Exercise ………………...…………...…….……… 4 • Cloze………………………….…………………………….…….. 4 • Main Idea………………….……………………….……….…….. 6 • Sequencing …..………………….…………….………….….…... 6 • Following Directions …………………………………………….. 6 • Critical Reading …………………….……………………..……... 8 • Extended Reading ………………………………………………… 8 • Reading for a Purpose ……….…………………………………… 8 • Dig Deeper .……………………………………………………….. Week 1: ………………….……………..………………………....…. 10 Week 2: ………………..…………..………….………………..……. 26 Week 3: …………………...…………………..………………..……. 42 Week 4: ………………………………………………………...……. 58 Week 5: …………………..…………..………………………...……. 74 Week 6: ………………………………………………………...……. 90 Week 7: …………….………………………………………...……… 106 Week 8: ……………….………………………………………..……. 122 Week 9: ……………..………………………………………..……… 138 Week 10: …………….………………………………………..……... 154 References: ….…………………………………………………..…… 170 Comprehension Level 7 p. 1

WEEK ONE VOCABULARY TEACHER USE ONLY VOCABULARY Read Meaning 1st 2nd 3rd convict (criminal, prisoner sent to another country) plight (difficulty) desperate (serious, worried) fleet (group of ships or cars) abscond (escape) cove (protected natural harbor) companion (friend, colleague) appeal (ask for help) surly (unfriendly, mean) SAMPLE corporal (position in the army) plunge (dive in) manned (operated) flounder (move about helplessly) toiled (worked hard) stroke (rub, row) mutinous (rebellious, disobedient) beck (abbreviation for beckon- signal to come forward) etch (scratch out, sketch) bid (offer, attempt) no quarter (no mercy) GOALS: • Read the words in 20 seconds • Know the meanings of the words PLEASE RECORD YOUR BEST TIME FOR EACH DAY Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Comprehension Level 7 p. 10

DAY ONE: SHORT READING EXERCISE Read the story. Circle the correct answer for each question. Write a title for the story that reflects the main idea. Write a nutshell sentence. TITLE:____________________________________ PURPOSE: Entertain Inform Persuade Instruct TENSE: Past Present Future (1)Between 18th and 20th January 1788 a fleet of eleven ships arrived at Botany Bay on the east coast of Australia. (2)The fleet, consisting of two Royal Navy vessels, three store ships, and six ships containing around 1,500 desperate convicts, marines, seamen, civil officers, and free people, had departed Portsmouth in England eight months prior. (3)Commodore Arthur Phillip was in command of the fleet and the establishment of the first European settlement in Australia. (4)The convicts had committed a variety of crimes ranging from petty theft to forgery. (5)Their punishment varied from being sentenced to seven years in the penal colony in Australia to the term of their natural life. (6)These convicts had no choice but to accept their plight or abscond. SAMPLE Infer by making connections. 4. It is likely that most convicts a) returned to England. 1. Which month did the fleet leave b) stayed in Australia. England? c) absconded. a) January. b) May. Connect sentences 1, 2, and .5 c) August. 5. Who would most likely have Connect sentences 1 and 2. received a life sentence? a) poachers. 2. Free people were b) violent highway robbers. a) people who were not convicts. c) pickpockets. b) people given free passage. c) convicts who had been freed. Connect sentences 4 and 5. Connect to sentence 2. 3. Most of the barrels of flour and salted Evaluate by connecting to your own knowledge. pork would have been carried on the a) Royal Navy vessels. 6. Do you think being transported to b) convict ships. Australia was an appropriate c) store ships. punishment? Why? Connect to sentence 2. Connect to sentences 6 and 7. NUTSHELL SENTENCE: _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Comprehension Level 7 p. 11

DAY TWO: CLOZE Read all the words in the box. Read the story. Try to fit the words from the box into the spaces. Put a line through each word in the box as you use it. If you don’t immediately know the answer, leave it out and move to the next word. When you have finished, circle all the words you haven’t used in the box. Now read the story again and see if you can fill in the words you missed the first time. Between 18th and 20th January 1788 a fleet of eleven ships __________ at Botany Bay on the east __________ of Australia. The fleet,(What did the ships do? Need a verb.) consisting of two (East what? Need a noun.) three Royal Navy vessels, store ships, and six ships __________ around 1,500 desperate SAMPLE (What did the ships have? Need a verb.) convicts, __________ , seamen, civil officers, __________ free (Need a conjunction to join the nouns.) people, had __________ Portsmouth in England eight(Need another noun to add to the list of people.) ________(_Whapt driditohersh.ipCs doo? Nmeedma veorb.d) ore Arthur Phillip was in command of the(Eight what? N_ee_d a_n_oun_.)_____ and the establishment of the first European (In command of what? Need a noun.) settlement in Australia. __________ convicts had committed (Need an article linking to convicts.) __________ variety of crimes ranging from petty theft to major (Need an article linking to crimes.) _________ and manslaughter. Their _________ varied from (Their what? Need a noun.) (Major what? Need a noun.) being sentenced to seven years in the penal __________ in (The penal what? Need a noun.) Australia to the term of their natural life. These __________ had no choice but to accept their plight _________(_Whoahbadsnocchooince?dN.eed a noun.) (Need a conjunction linking plight to abscond.) and or arrived the coast a fleet fraud convicts departed punishment months containing colony marines * verb=be, do, or have word * subject=who or what the sentence is about * noun=naming word * conjunction=joins words, phrases, or sentences * article= used in front of a noun to tell us if it is something specific (the) or something general (a/an) Comprehension Level 7 p. 12

SAMPLEDAY THREE: MAIN IDEA & SEQUENCING MAIN IDEA Find the one main idea and three supporting details in the following passage. The main idea is the big idea or key point. The supporting details provide extra information. Highlight the main idea. Circle the number at the beginning of the sentences which provide supporting detail. (1)Encounters between local Aboriginal people and the First Fleet colonists were recorded in journals and oral histories. (2)The Cadigal people of the Botany Bay area witnessed the fleet arrive. (3)They also watched two ships commanded by the French explorer La Perouse sail into the bay. (4)The fleet subsequently moved to Sydney Cove because it was more appealing for establishing a colony as it had fresh water, shelter, and fertile soil. (5)The Bidjigal clan lived in the area around Sydney Cove. (6)Although the official British policy was to establish companionable relationships with the Aboriginal people, it was not long before conflict arose. (7)Between 1790 and 1810, the Bidjigal clan fought against the colonists. Ask: • What is the story about? • What did the story tell you about encounters between the Aboriginal people and people on the first fleet? • Highlight the key word(s) in each sentence that show(s) this in red. • Which is the one sentence that provides an overview of all these ideas? That is the main idea. Highlight this sentence in yellow. • Which are the three sentences that do NOT give you information about the encounters between the two groups? Put a line through those three sentences. • The sentences that are left are providing supporting detail. Put a circle around the number next to those sentences. Comprehension Level 7 p. 13

SEQUENCING Read the sentence, circle the clue word that will help you decide the answer, and then choose the correct statement. 1. The convict absconded after the surly corporal turned to talk to the commodore. The clue word is: a) absconded b) after c) turned d) to SAMPLE i) The convict absconded first. ii) The surly corporal talked to the commander first. iii) Both happened at the same time. 2. While the surly convicts toiled, the corporal kept guard. The clue word is: a) while b) surly c) kept d) toiled i) The convicts toiled first. ii) The corporal kept guard first. iii) Both happened at the same time. 3. The corporal floundered helplessly once he plunged into the water. The clue word is: a) floundered b) once c) plunged d) into i) The corporal floundered first. ii) The corporal plunged into the water first. iii) Both happened at the same time. 4. Before the convicts were chosen to man the boat, they had to prove they could stroke in rhythm. The clue word is: a) before b) stroke c) chosen d) prove i) The convicts were chosen first. ii) The convicts proved they could row first. iii) They did both at the same time. Comprehension Level 7 p. 14

DAY FOUR: DIRECTIONS & CRITICAL READING FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS The following passage is from a dictionary. Use the information to decide the meaning of the entry word used in each of the following sentences. Write the number of the definition at the end of the sentence. A. After my companion lost his case, he made an appeal to the high court. __ B. I will appeal to my mother to let us explore the cove. __ C. That flower really appeals to me. __ Pronunciation Entry guide Part of speech Definitions Appeal [apeel] v 1.make an earnest request; ask for a favorable decisions; 2. refer to as supporting evidence; 3. call upon a higher court of justice to reverse a decision; 4. be attractive, pleasing to touch. I appeal to you to let me leave. SAMPLE Sentence using the entry word appeal n 5.earnest request; call to an authority for a decision; 6. call to a higher court of justice to reverse a decision; 7. power to positively change a person’s feelings. My appeal to leave was refused by the surly corporal. CRITICAL READING Determine the relationship between the first two words in bold. Select a word from the list that shows a similar relationship to the third word in bold in each sentence. Make sure the student understands all the words in the box before beginning the exercise. Do the ones the student finds easy first. bid etched fleet toiled mutinous corporal companion plunge abscond beck 1. Pleasant is to surly as obedience is to ____________. (Opposite meaning – antonym) 2. Meet is to encounter as escape is to ____________. (Similar meaning – synonym) 3. Meeting is to vote as auction is to____________. (Action related to activity) 4. Company is to director as army is to ____________. (Position in organization) 5. Bee is to swarm as car is to ____________. (Collective noun) 6. Tourist is to relaxed as worker is to ____________. (Action associated with person) 7. Desperate is to serious as colleague is to ____________. (Similar meaning – synonym) 8. Air is to swoop as water is to ____________. (Movement through/into) 9. Revive is to slaughter as dismiss is to ____________. (Opposite meaning – antonym) 10. Rower is to stroked as artist is to ____________. (Action associated with occupation) Comprehension Level 7 p. 15

DAY FIVE: EXTENDED READING BID FOR FREEDOM As the student is reading, ask some of the following questions. Discuss the reasons underlying the answers. • Locate England SAMPLE and Botany Bay in (1) T’was Captain Phillip who sailed from England Australia on a in 1877. world map. With hundreds of convicts and crew crammed • Discuss the crimes into a fleet of eleven. the convicts might have committed. They braved fifteen thousand miles of sea to land in Botany Bay. • Why did they ‘brave 15,000 Exploring northwards in rowing boats, miles of sea’? they found a place to stay. • What type of (2) Men toiled all day in Sydney Cove, cargo do you unloading tons of cargo. think they were unloading? Small boats moved back and forwards, manned by convicts who could row. • Why do you think the men T’was the last trip of that day, four convicts stroked, weren’t talking? they didn’t talk. • Why was the Their boat was loaded to the brink, pork salted? with flour and barrels of salted pork. • What would make (3) Big Carstairs, a dangerous crim, someone a ugly, surly, big, and strong, dangerous criminal? Sat at the stern to row and steer. He was one you didn’t wrong. • Where are the stern and bow located on Corporal Jennings at the bow, a boat? was the soldier in command. • Why do you think “Stroke faster!” he yelled in fear Jennings was of the convict and his mutinous band. scared? Comprehension Level 7 p. 16

• Why would it be a SAMPLE(4) Through the wooden boards, water seeped problem if the dampening the flour bags in the stack. flour got wet? “Help me move them,” he commanded, • Discuss the “Or you will all see the rack.” meaning of ‘rack’. One convict tried to grasp a bag. • Discuss the His oar slipped from its lock. meaning of an oarlock. Jennings lunged forward to catch the oar, causing the boat to rock. • Why was Jennings scared? (5) He lost his balance, arms whirled wild, he fell headfirst, and was given no quarter. • Why didn’t any of the convicts reach The convicts amused, laughed out loud, out to help him? as his dripping head broke through the water. • Why did Jennings Jennings’ face was etched in fear, disappear from as he floundered helpless, then sank lower. sight? Smiles faded slowly from each convict’s face, • What horrors was but none reached out to the desperate soldier. the convict referring to? (6) With one last desperate appeal for help, his wide-eyed face disappeared from sight. • Are you surprised that Carstairs The convicts sat statue quiet, rescued Jennings? not one word was spoken about his plight. Why? Suddenly, big Carstairs rose, ready to help. • Imagine this scene “You’re a fool,” the other convicts spat. and describe this scene in your own “Remember the horrors of our journey out here? words in detail. Thirty of us died and he didn’t give a rat.” What can you see, hear, and smell? (7) Carstairs shrugged and plunged into the sea. Time passed slowly before his head did appear. He lifted Jennings’ face from the water, while others reached and hauled him in at the rear. Jennings lay lifeless, he seemed to be dead. He coughed, then spluttered. He wasn’t going to die. Beside him, Cartairs sat in his sodden clothes. Jennings realized this man had saved his hide. (8) He turned his white face and watched the men, as they stroked towards a distant tree. The settlement lights faded and dimmed, as the convicts took the chance to flee. One desperate convict snatched Jennings’ gun and plunged it savagely into his neck. Three more dragged the boat onto the beach. They had everything and freedom did beck. Comprehension Level 7 p. 17

• Why do you think (9) For a moment, Carstairs paused, Carstairs decided studied his companions, then did declare, not to escape with the other convicts? “I’m returning to the settlement with Jennings now. The goods in the boat are yours to share.” • What do you think you would have A mutinous silence met his words. done? Why? The rifle was swung and aimed at his chest. • Why did the “Think again, my friend,” the convict snapped. convict want to He cocked the gun, the trigger ready to press. shoot Carstairs? (10) Jennings plunged forward and forced the gun down, • Why do you think just as the man was ready to fire. Carstairs left the rifle for the other Carstairs wrenched the weapon from the convict’s grasp. convicts? “It’s my decision if I abscond,” he said on a sigh. • Why did he leave “But, I’ll leave you the rifle, down away,” and he strode off it down the beach with Jennings along the sand. and not give it to them? Two hours later, they arrived back at camp, and Carstairs’ reward was a free grant of land. • What do you think SAMPLE Carstairs did with his land grant? PURPOSE: Entertain Inform Persuade Instruct TENSE: Past Present Future Comprehension Level 7 p. 18

SAMPLEREADING FOR A PURPOSE Infer. 1. Phillip probably explored northwards from Botany Bay because a) he was in need of water for his men. b) Botany Bay was not a suitable place to set up a settlement. c) he was filling in time waiting for the remainder of the fleet. Cause and effect. 2. Jennings fell overboard because a) the rocking boat caused him to lose his balance. b) the oar he tried to catch slipped into the water. c) he tried to move the flour bag to stop it getting damp. Figurative language. 3. Jennings was ‘given no quarter’ because the convicts a) didn’t have any money. b) didn’t like him. c) took over the remaining quarter of the boat. Make connections. 4. The convicts didn’t help the corporal when he fell overboard because a) none of them could swim. b) they thought Jennings could swim. c) it gave them an opportunity to escape. Draw conclusions. 5. Jennings realized that Carstairs must have rescued him because a) he was the only convict with wet clothes. b) the other convicts indicated that he was a fool. c) he was the only convict strong enough to lift him. Sequence of events. 6. The convicts took control of the boat when a) Jennings was unconscious. b) Carstairs was in the water. c) one of them found Jennings’ rifle. Predict. 7. The other convicts wanted to kill Carstairs because a) he had saved Jennings. b) they thought he was a traitor. c) they knew he would be rewarded with his freedom. Predict. 8. The good turn Carstairs did rescuing Jennings a) made him a hero among the other convicts. b) opened up a new life for him. c) was not mentioned to Captain Phillip. Comprehension Level 7 p. 19

DIG DEEPER A. What does it really mean? A. no mercy. B. not moving. 1. etched in fear (5) C. kept alive. 2. sat statue quiet (6) D. chance to escape. 3. see the rack (4) E. scared. 4. no quarter (5) F. not caring. 5. didn’t give a rat (6) G. tortured. 6. saved his hide (7) 7. freedom did beck (8) B. Find the behaviors that show these characters have the listed traits. Character TraitsSAMPLE Behaviors Jennings scared courageous Carstairs brave thoughtful C. Finish these sentences based on the information in the story. 1. The convicts didn’t want to help Jennings because (explain why) _____________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 2. The convicts didn’t want to help Jennings, but (explain something else that happened) ___________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 3. The convicts didn’t want to help Jennings so (explain the result) ______________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Comprehension Level 7 p. 20

On the front of the card find an antonym, a synonym, or an example of a type for each word as directed and on the back write a sentence using the word. cove convict Part of speech: _________ Synonym: _________ companion plight Base word: _________ Synonym: _________ SAMPLE appeal desperate Antonym: _________ Add a prefix and a suffix: _________ surly fleet Synonym: _________ Homonym: _________ corporal abscond Another rank: _________ Synonym: _________ Comprehension Level 7 p. 21

(criminal, prisoner sent to (protected natural harbor) another country) Sentence:___________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ (difficulty) (friend, colleague) Sentence:___________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ SAMPLE (serious, worried) (ask for help) Sentence:___________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ (group of ships or cars) (unfriendly, mean) Sentence:___________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ (escape) (position in the army) Sentence:___________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Comprehension Level 7 p. 22

mutinous plunge Antonym: _________ Homonym: _________ beck manned Homonym: _________ Synonym: _________ etchSAMPLE flounder Part of speech: _________ Synonym: _________ bid toiled Synonym: _________ Antonym: _________ No quarter stroke Antonym: _________ Homonym: _________ Comprehension Level 7 p. 23

(dive in) (rebellious, disobedient) Sentence:___________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ (operated) (abbreviation for beckon – signal to come forward) Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ SAMPLE (move about helplessly) (scratch out, sketch) Sentence:___________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ (worked hard) (offer, attempt) Sentence:___________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ (rub, row) (no mercy) Sentence:___________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Comprehension Level 7 p. 24

WEEK 1 ANSWERS SHORT READING EXERCISE 1. B Purpose: Inform 2. A Tense: Past 3. C Nutshell: ‘(Title)’ is about the people on the first fleet to arrive in 4. B Australia. 5. B 6. It is important that student provides a reason for the opinion given. MAIN IDEA Main idea: 1 Supporting details: 2, 6, 7 SEQUENCING SAMPLE 1. B ii 2. A iii 3. B ii 4. A ii FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS A. 3 B. 1 C. 4 CRITICAL READING 1. mutinous 4. corporal 7. companion 10. etched 8. plunge 2. abscond 5. fleet 9. beck 3. bid 6. toiled READING FOR A PURPOSE 1. B 5. A 2. A 6. A Purpose: Entertain 3. B 6. B Tense: Past 4. C 8. B DIG DEEPER C AB 1. … they had been treated 1. E Jennings poorly by other soldiers and/or 2. B Scared – yelled in fear, floundered helplessly, they wanted to escape. 3. G wide-eyed face 4. A Courageous – forced rifle down 2. …they didn’t like watching 5. F him die (or acceptable 6. C Carstails alternative). 7. D Brave – plunged into the sea, lifted Jennings 3. … they sat not moving. face from the water, wrenched weapon from convict’s grasp Thoughtful – left the goods in the boat for the other convicts, left the other convicts the rifle Comprehension Level 7 p. 25