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Home Explore Ibn Roshd Newsletter 2021 Term 1

Ibn Roshd Newsletter 2021 Term 1

Published by Maryam Shahzad, 2021-11-24 08:45:04

Description: Ibn Roshd Newsletter 2021 Term 1


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NEWSLETTER OCTOBER 2021 IBN ROSHD AL JAZIRAH Table of Contents 1 School Survey 2 Kindergarten Activities 5 Kindergarten e-portfolio 6 Elementary School Activities 10 Open Day 11 Middle School Activities 15 Teachers Day 16 Breast Cancer Awareness 17 Parent Teacher Meeting 18 Classera Active Teachers 19 Exams 20 Teacher Corner 21 Highlights of Next Term PAGE 2 NEWSLETTER

IBN ROSHD AL JAZIRAH SCHOOL Survey Ibn Roshd Al Jazirah school did a survey in order to help gauge the representativeness of individual views and experiences about the school staff. The goal of this survey was to collect and understand parent opinions, perspectives, attitudes, and perceptions towards the school, their students, and education in general in order to improve the learning environment in general or specific ways. By assessing both parents’ current thoughts on the climate of the school and staff feelings about parent involvement, Our school can get a better idea of how they need to improve. Survey Analysis PAGE 1 NEWSLETTER

IBN ROSHD AL JAZIRAH KG ACTIVITIES Importance of kindergarten education & activities Ibn Roshd Al Jazirah School provides our kindergarten students with an opportunity to learn and practice the essential social, emotional, problem-solving, and study skills that they will use throughout their schooling. The development of self-esteem is one of the important goals of kindergarten. Ibn Rohd Al Jazirah School Kindergarten classes are designed to expand your child’s development in key areas. Children have a strong sense of wellbeing by being involved in physical activity, learning practice and resilience and being provided with opportunities to strengthen decision-making skills. Children are confident and involved learners where they are challenged and inspired to explore. Children are effective communicators where children are immersed and involved in language with a range of contexts and materials. PAGE 2 NEWSLETTER

IBN ROSHD AL JAZIRAH KG 2 ACTIVITIES Letter C craft English The purpose of this activity is to provide students with fun opportunity to learn and improve their skills. 5 Senses Science The purpose of this activity is to teach fives senses sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell which help us to perceive and maneuver the world around us. Triangle Breakfast NEWSLETTER Math In this activity , Students were able to identify a Triangle by making a special breakfast in Triangle shape. Students were instructed only to use only triangle shape ingredients for their breakfast. ‫حرف الجيم‬ ‫اللغة العربية‬ ‫هو خامس حروف الابجدية العربيه ويتكون حرف‬ ‫ الرأس والتدويرة والنقطة‬:‫الجيم المفرد من جزئين‬ ‫فى منصف الحرفز‬ PAGE 3

IBN ROSHD AL JAZIRAH KG 3 ACTIVITIES Words family book English Word families are groups of words that fit into a certain set of letter patterns with the same root words. Apple popsicle English The purpose of this activity is to provide students with fun opportunity to learn and improve their skills. It is a kid friendly activity that is SUPER simple for kids to try at home and learn about A alphabet. Scavenger Hunt English The purpose of playing scavenger hunt is to make students practice problem- solving in a tangible way. It also helps students to reinforce and cutout methods they have been taught in a physical way. ‫أحرف العربية‬ ‫اللغة العربية‬ ‫كتابة الأحرف العربية و تزيينها بالألوان الزيتية‬ ‫يزيد هذا النشاط من تعلق الطلاب بالأحرف‬ ‫العربية وممارسة ممتعة للكتابة‬ .‫يتم تزويد الطلبة بأوراق‬ ‫أقلام و ألوان زيتية مفضلة‬ PAGE 4 NEWSLETTER

IBN ROSHD AL JAZIRAH KG EPORTFOLIO Ibn Roshd Al Jazirah have used \"Fresh Grade\" which is used to create connections with next- level digital student e-portfolios. In \"Fresh Grade\" we have teacher, student and parent account. Once the student has created their account, you will see that their access code has been replaced with their username. From their Profile view (Click 'Edit') you can revoke access to this portfolio if you need to. Clicking the button will issue a new \"pending\" ten-digit access code, which you can distribute to the student if you'd like to give them access again. Fresh Grade Resources NEWSLETTER REMOTE, IN-CLASS, OR BOTH Build lessons, add dynamic resources, use filters and tagging. AN ENDLESS TOOLSET Built for you in mind, with everything you need to connect your students to learning. GET FAMILIES ENGAGED Empower students and parents for active conversations. ASSESS YOUR WAY Guide student growth and connect to your curriculum standards. PAGE 5

IBN ROSHD AL JAZIRAH GRADE 1 TO 6 Importance Ibn Roshd Al Jazirah School objective of elementary school to make the students to be Elementary Education has critically literate so that they can fuse information, certain targeted roles to play make informed decisions, and communicate in a student life such as capably to prosper in an ever-changing world. enabling students to learn As we know Education is a learning process. It reading, writing, arithmetic helps the students to develop cognitive abilities, and creativity along with physical abilities and establish values a​ nd beliefs. character building, critical Walkertown Academy and many such schools thinking, logical judgements, acknowledge the importance and provide the communication and students a firm foundation of basic skills to use in socialization skills, higher education. During the initial years, the behavioral, social, cultural, growth and learning of the child’s brain are rapid, cognitive, physical and and hence elementary or primary education emotional development. becomes important. PAGE 6 NEWSLETTER

NEWSLETTER OCTOBER 2021 English A different language is a Learning a foreign language enhances your cognitive and different vision of analytical abilities. Learning a new language can be life.\" difficult and it involves a lot of mental exercises. Federico Fellini Research from a 2012 Swiss Study shows that learning a new language changes the brain structures, impacting the parts of the brain responsible for memory, conscious thought and it can make you more creative. In the long term, bilingualism can keep the brain strong and healthy into old age and supports concentration and memory skills. On an individual level, it improves personality and increases sense of self-worth. In simple words, learning a foreign language makes the brain stronger and more versatile. PAGE 7 English projects The purpose of doing English projects is to empowering students by allowing them to experience success in using real language, giving them a voice outside the classroom, and giving learning a meaningful context. Besides, joining classroom projects with literature bring cultural enrichment, language enrichment and personal involvement. NEWSLETTER

NEWSLETTER OCTOBER 2021 IBN ROSHD AL JAZIRAH READING LIBRARY GRADES 1 TO 6 Ibn roshd al jazirah consider the use of digital books in the classroom. This focus is driven by the aim to support children’s communication and language skills and digital literacy. The use of digital books is also connected to the school curriculum. Reading libraries are the initial thing that will help the child imbibe the goodness of technology in life. With a digital library, every info he or she searches will be available at the fingertip. Since it is a colorful and interactive world, unlike a physical book, it is easy to capture the student's connection. Ibn Roshd Al Jazirah have introduced Oxford Owl eBook library which provides 130 books completely free but you can upgrade to up to 550 books by choosing from three options (whole-school, infant-only, or junior-only). PAGE 7 NEWSLETTER

NEWSLETTER OCTOBER 2021 Math Mathematics is a fundamental part of human thought and logic, and integral to attempts at understanding the world and ourselves. Mathematics provides an effective way of building mental discipline and encourages logical reasoning and mental rigor. In addition, mathematical knowledge plays a crucial role in understanding the contents of other school subjects such as science, social studies, and art. Science Introducing students to science at a young age assists in their brain development. Doing science experiments helps to develop a child's resourcefulness, particularly their skills at goal- setting, planning, and problem-solving. It also nurtures intellectual curiosity, helping children acquire new ways of asking questions and understanding the world. PAGE 8 NEWSLETTER

‫‪NEWSLETTER OCTOBER 2021‬‬ ‫اللغة العربية‬ ‫الحمُد لله الذي َجَع َل الَع َرِبَّيَة َلنا ِلساًنا‪َ ،‬و زاَد ها َش رًف ا وَجماًال َو َبياًنا‪َ ،‬أنَزَل ِبحروِف ها الِّذكَر ُق َرآًنا‪،‬‬ ‫َكَّرَم الإنَس اَن ‪ ،‬وَه داُه بالُق رآن ‪ ،‬وعَّلمَه الَبياَن ‪ ،‬وبعث َس ِّيَد نا ُم حَّم د َأفَص ُح الَّناِس ِلَس اَنًا‬ ‫وأجَم ُلهم َبياَنًا صلى الله عليه وسلم ‪ُ ،‬لغة تمتاز ِبَجمالها وُحسنها ‪ ،‬هي ُأم اللغات ُلغة البلاغة‬ ‫والبيان ‪.‬‬ ‫‪PAGE 9‬‬ ‫‪NEWSLETTER‬‬

IBN ROOSHPEDNADLAJAYZIRAH Ibn Roshd Al Jazirah School Open day was a fun day with activities and many more! Students had fun and learning together. Students met their teacher with lots of surprises and games. Our teachers made sure that all the students had memorable time in their school. Face Painting Corner Photo Booth Arabic Corner Math Corner English Corner Islamic Corner Science Corner Food Corner Arabic Corner PAGE 10 NEWSLETTER

NEWSLETTER OCTOBER 2021 IBN ROSHD AL JAZIRAH MIDDLE SCHOOL Grade 7 to 10 Ibn Roshd Al Jazirah IMPORTANCE Middle School It is certainly not easy to grow up in this day and age, Ibn Roshd Al Jazirah purpose is having a a more in-depth but with proper guidance understanding of students and their academic, as well as and support, our students social-emotional needs, can lead to increased student can overcome the achievement, close learning gaps, and help students challenges presented to develop higher-level thinking skills. them and become well- It is important for students to develop good study habits rounded people. during their middle school years. This can be beneficial Preparing our students for to students in high school and beyond. As the content the future beyond middle gets harder, and studying becomes unavoidable, school is so important. students need to learn the study habits that will best Class meetings are an suit their needs. excellent way to dive into Middle school is the time in a child’s life that is so social-emotional important in developing an appreciation for learning and components of learning, as to value education in general. This can be the turning well as to prepare students point for many students in a positive direction. for meetings in the career Ibn Roshd Al Jazirah School is maing sure to Prepare all world. these students for the future beyond middle school. NEWSLETTER PAGE 11

NEWSLETTER OCTOBER 2021 English Literature has always been the fuel of the growth of mindset. Art is the fertilizer of imagination and creativity. Our brilliant students achieve both by their creative, intellectual project \"The Raven\" and \"The writing on the wall\". Grade 9 Grade 8 Grade 10 Grade 7 Students from grade 7 and 8 spent a pleasant time to do the NNEWEWSLSELTETTERER creative English activities which was astonishing. Useful learning activities are ones where the student is able to take what they have learnt from engaging with the activity and use it in another context, or for another purpose. Assigned Novel Ibn Roshd Al Jazirah teachers assigned novels to middle school students to enhance critical thinking. A good novel builds vocabulary. As children read, they see words in context and over time fully internalize the meaning of those words as well as proper usage. This is a gentle and fun way for them to gain essential knowledge. Words are the foundation of our communication with others and having a strong vocabulary makes that communication easier, deeper, and more meaningful. PAPAGGEE6 12

NEWSLETTER OCTOBER 2021 Math Based on our belief in the important of discovering and developing a generation of talented students. Our Brilliant Students from Ibn Roshd Al Jazirah are relating the Geometry to the real life. Physics NNEWEWSLSELTETTERER In this project, students have used hydraulic lift which is a device for moving objects using force created by pressure on a liquid inside a cylinder that moves a piston upward. Incompressible oil is pumped into the cylinder, which forces the piston upward. When a valve opens to release the oil, the piston lowers by gravitational force. Our students did an amazing job in making hydraulic lift project successfully. PAPAGGEE6 13

‫‪NEWSLETTER OCTOBER 2021‬‬ ‫الدراسات الإسلامية‬ ‫أهداف دراسة مادة الدراسات الإسلامية‬ ‫تمكين العقيدة الإسلامية في نفوس الطالبات‪ ،‬وجعلها ضابطة لسلوكهم وتصرفاتهم‪ ،‬وتنمية محبة الله *‬ ‫‪.‬وتقواه وخشيته في قلوبهم‬ ‫تنشئة الطالبات على محبة دينهم والاعتزاز به وعلى حب الأمة الإسلامية والانتماء إليها وتقوية الموده *‬ ‫‪.‬والتراحم بين أفراد المجتمع‬ ‫تربية الطالبات على أن الغاية من تدريس الدين ليس مجرد درجه‪ ،‬وأن الدرجة في جميع المجالات *‬ ‫الدراسية دليل فهم واستيعاب‪ ،‬أما في الدين فهي ليست مقياس تدين‪ ،‬وإنما التدين الصادق هو السلوك‬ ‫‪،‬الفاضل المدرك لمعاني الإسلام في واقع الحياة‬ ‫‪.‬تحفيز الطالبات على الانتفاع بأوقاتهم في القراءة المفيده‪ ،‬واستثمار أوقات فراغهم في الأعمال النافعة *‬ ‫‪PAPAGGEE6 14‬‬ ‫‪NNEWEWSLSELTETTERER‬‬

NEWSLETTER 2021 IBN ROSHD AL JAZIRAH TEACHERS DAY Ibn Roshd Al Jazirah celebrated Teachers’ Day on Oct. 5 to acknowledge educators’ efforts in preparing future generations and in building civilization throughout history, according to Saudi Minister of Education Dr. Hamad bin Mohammed Al-ASheikh. This year’s theme is “Young Teachers: The Future of the Profession.” It aims to attract the brightest minds to teaching and ensure the professionalization of the job, and to build an education system based on solid foundations. In a speech to educators Al-ASheikh said: “Education is the sole key for states’ development and progress, which cannot be achieved without great and dedicated teachers.” Hamad Al-Asheikh: Dedicated teachers play a key role in preparing citizens to achieve their nation’s Vision 2030 and build a vital society, a prosperous economy and an ambitious nation. PAGE 15 NEWSLETTER

BREAST CANCER AWARENESS IMPORTANT BREAST CANCER AWARENESS October is Breast Ibn Roshd Al Jazirah School is focused on accelerating Cancer Awareness research and providing vital support, every way it can, all Month, an annual year round. campaign to raise This month, Our school is committed to showing you that awareness about no matter who you are, whatever your experience of breast the impact of cancer, our school is always with you. breast cancer. breast cancer is the most common cancer among women. Join us as we RISE Mammograms are the best way to find breast cancer together to help early, when it is easier to treat and before it is big enough uplift women in to feel or cause symptoms. need. PAGE 16 NEWSLETTER

IBN ROSHD AL JAZIRAH PARENT TEACHER MEETING Parent teacher meeting NEWSLETTER Ibn Roshd Al Jazirah organized a meeting between parent and the teacher to talk about their child's learning and progress. Our main objective for parent teacher meetings is usually to identify their child's current strengths and weaknesses in the school. Parent teacher meetings provide parents, teachers, and students with an excellent opportunity to communicate and, if all three make an effort to engage in the process, this communication can lead to clearer goals and more active and successful learning. PAGE 17

Ibn Roshd Al Jazirah truly thank all teachers for their amazing job. However, it is important to note that uploaded content is scanned periodically-by our school and a special committee-for any cases of misuse of the scoring system such as uploading empty files or repeated uploads of the same content. Such uploads will have their scores deducted from the teacher's score automatically. Moreover, If it becomes clear that such an act is intentional, it will result in resetting the teacher's score to zero for the whole semester or year. We know that these cases are rare, but it had to be noted in order to make the system fair for everyone. With the Score System, Learning is full of entertainment and fun. For the first time, your interaction with different school activities will give you rewards, discounts, and exclusive offers for our members in many famous places and shops. PAGE 18 NEWSLETTER

END OF TERM IBN ROSHD AL JAZIRAH OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER Exams Ibn Roshd Al Jazirah wishing their students Good luck for their Exams. May our students efforts and hard work be decorated with the beautiful and vibrant colors of the rainbow. Hope this examination will be a great opportunity for our students to really shine. Hard work always pays in life. You can reach every aim you want. I wish you all the best to all students for their hard work. School Goal Ibn Roshd Al Jazirah provide a distinctive quality of learning with global standards in an educational environment that is attractive and stimulates creativity in order to prepare a learner who is effectively capable of coping with the requirements of modern times and preserving his Islamic identity, homeland and values. PAGE 19 NEWSLETTER

IBN ROSHD AL JAZIRAH SCHOOL TEACHERS CORNER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (WORKSHOPS) Ibn Roshd Al Jazirah school is committed to the improvement of practice and this is the reason our school have organized different workshops for professional development for our school teachers. Professional development refers to continuing education and career training after a person has entered the workforce in order to help them developing new skills, stay up-to-date on current technology and techniques in teaching, and advance their career. Workshops names that have been organized by Ibn Roshd Company for professional development Growth Mindset by Mr Louis The well adjusted personality by Mr Louis Different Forms of Assessment-Rubrics by Mr Louis KG Teaching and learning strategies by integrating digital resources by Mrs Kanwal Raei ELEOT Cognia by Mrs Kanwal Raei Using Microsoft Word Effectively by Miss Maryam Writing workshops by Mrs Kanwal Raei Motivating students by Mrs Kanwal Raei ELEOT NEARPOD ELEOT's purpose is to identify Nearpod offers rich hybrid learning by observable evidence of classroom making it easy to combine media, and also environments that are conducive provides assessments tools. to learning. ELEOT was developed Nearpod is an online tool that allows teachers for use by the External Review to use slide-based teaching both in the Team while on-site and replaces classroom and remotely thanks to a hybrid the former classroom observation layout. walk-through instrument. Teachers can create lots of different The simplest way to understand interactive learning resources that allow the concept of learning students to engage and learn via their device environments is first to consider a or a single screen in the room. It's also broad definition of environment as possible to add in question points along the a condition or setting. For way and have the students take part as you purposes of using ELEOT, learning go. environment means the context in Nearpod is also useful as a formative which student learning occurs with assessment tool and can output student a particular thematic overlay, e.g., efforts in easy-to-analyze graphs and charts an Equitable Learning for a clear snapshot of progress. Environment, High Expectations Environment, etc. PAGE 20 NEWSLETTER

NEWSLETTER OCTOBER 2021 IBN ROSHD AL JAZIRAH OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER Highlights of next Term Ibn Roshd Al Jazirah is introducing new technologies in the next term that will create a more engaged environment and it can help to improves Collaboration, Differentiation and Automation. Map Testing Khan Academy (KG to 2) BYOD (Bring your own device) Integrating Digital Resources. NearPod Thinglink Classkick Ibn Roshd Al Jazirah Roles & Responsibility Student committee Ibn Roshd Al Jazirah student committee primary role is to develop student voice within the school, and to work out how to inspire, engage and involve the whole student body in embracing the creative ideas. Parents committee Ibn Roshd Al Jazirah parents committee primary role is to engage families in the education and development of their children, promote positive change at the school, develop collaborative networks and work together to deliver a calendar of social and school events. Teachers committee Ibn Roshd Al Jazirah teachers committee primary role is to manage teaching activities by coordinating with teachers and to ensure that teaching on school days for all classes are maintained. They also set the school curriculum for each class and maintain the appropriate standard and to ensure that appropriate teaching materials are used and bought. PAGE 21 NEWSLETTER

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