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Home Explore Sunrise Tailoring ERP Features

Sunrise Tailoring ERP Features

Published by sapnagohil2690, 2020-04-03 01:59:19

Description: Sunrise Tailoring ERP Features


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Email: [email protected] Website: Call: +91 9727001838 / 6351978611 Sunrise Tailoring ERP – Most Trusted & Successful Software for Tailoring Shop Management & Retail Business. Features:  Customer profile management (Customer name, contact details, photograph, birthday, etc + Complete measurements)  Computerized customer invoice/bill  Computerized measurement slip for worker/master (Order number & date, customer details, item name & quantity, trial & delivery date, customer measurements, customer notes & styles, design or pattern image/photograph  Automated SMS alert for Order Booking, Upcoming Trials & Deliveries, Due Amount Payment Request, Birthday/Anniversary/Festival Greetings, etc  Worker’s work & workshop management and Order tracking  Easy accounting: Bank/cash transactions, expense booking, journal vouchers, etc.  Dashboard & Reports: Date & item wise new orders, date & item wise upcoming trials & deliveries, pending/not ready items, pending deliveries, outstanding/due amount order list, date & worker wise work done & salary calculation and more Inventory management features:  Sales item master / inventory listing (Item code, barcode, item name, purchase & sales rate, GST or taxation %, item type, item category, item size, item brand/manufacturer, item image, etc.)  Purchase transaction / purchase booking  Barcode printing based on item master or purchase entry  Point of sales / invoice booking  Stock register (Date wise, item wise, type/category/size/brand/manufacturer wise)  Standard & customized reports for purchase, sales, statutory, inventory, etc Why Sunrise Software Development?  Core expertise in customized software solutions for tailoring business, retail business and inventory management  Advance, easy and affordable software solutions  200+ satisfied clients across India and Abroad  100% satisfaction or money-back guarantee  Reliable service & timely support SUNRISE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT | | +91 9727001838

Email: [email protected] Website: Call: +91 9727001838 / 6351978611 Please watch below YouTube presentation to get overview of Sunrise Tailoring Software  Please contact us for Software Demonstration & Free Trial:  Mobile number / Whatsapp / imo: +91 9727001838, +91 6351978611  Email id: [email protected], [email protected] SUNRISE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT | | +91 9727001838

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