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Home Explore The Jakarta Post 2 Juli 2022

The Jakarta Post 2 Juli 2022

Published by UMSIDALIB, 2022-07-02 14:03:28

Description: The Jakarta Post 2 Juli 2022


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SATURDAY JULY 2, 2022 | TWELVE PAGES VOL. 40 NO. 054 | SINGLE COPY RP 9,500 SUBSCRIPTION Features The Jakarta Post @jakpostimages Print & Digital Rp 225,000/month Hotline: +6281280031314 Occult-inspired rock collective @jakpost The Jakarta Post (excluding delivery fee) The Melting Minds talk gothic fantasies 12PAGE New draw World Bank creates fund to respond to pandemics Agence France-Presse Antara/Nyoman Hendra Wibowo Washington The World Bank’s board People visit Panglipuran, a hamlet designated for tourism in Bangli, Bali, on Friday. Panglipuran has been specially designed to welcome the Group of 20 (G20) Summit in November on Thursday approved to promote Indonesia’s quality, sustainable tourism. creation of a fund meant to finance investments tIondhoenlpesbiraomkearypneeaecdetiondUokmraoinree in strengthening the Experts say country has neutral stance but few bargaining chips to stop war fight against pandemics. The fund will support preven- A. Muh. Ibnu Aqil and Russia, they were not the bridge between the two leaders,” trips made by Indonesian presi- that could not be secured, then tion, preparedness and response strongest for Indonesia, Waffaa Jokowi said at a joint press con- dents to zones of conflict as mes- the second objective was to allow (PPR), with a focus on low- and The Jakarta Post/Jakarta said. For a mediator to succeed, ference in Moscow. He did not say sengers of peace. food and fertilizer from Ukraine middle-income countries, the While President Joko “Jokowi” it needs to have a strong relation- what was in the message. and Russia to be reintegrated bank said in a statement. Widodo has offered to become a ship with the parties involved to Andrew pointed out that in back into the global supply chain. “The devastating human, eco- peace mediator between warring succeed, he underlined. The President added that mil- 2019, Jokowi had visited Afghani- nomic, and social cost of CO- Ukraine and Russia, Indonesia lions of people, mainly from devel- stan as part of a peace-building “It’s realistic for us to talk about VID-19 has highlighted the ur- might have a more limited role for “Ukraine and Russia do not oping countries, had been impact- mission, while in the 1990s, then- disrupted supply chains and their gent need for coordinated action actual peace to occur, experts say. distrust Indonesia as we don’t ed by the disruption to the global president Soeharto visited Saraje- impacts as Indonesia’s consistent to build stronger health systems have a veiled interest in them,” food supply chain as a result of the vo during the height of the Bosnian message; it sounds normative but and mobilize additional resourc- The President met with Waffaa said in a discussion on Fri- Russia-Ukraine conflict. War. Indonesia has also consis- also rational,” Andrew said. es,” it said. Ukraine’s Volodymir Zelensky day. “But the sticking points be- tently supported Palestinian in- The World Bank added that and Russia’s Vladimir Putin on tween Ukraine and Russia were “Indonesia does not have any dependence at the United Nations The last tier would be to en- the fund, which it aims to open Wednesday and Thursday, re- out of Indonesia’s control, such interest except wanting for the and served as a facilitator to settle sure that the Group of 20 Summit later this year, was developed un- spectively, in his mission to seek as Ukraine’s wish for security war to end soon and the global conflicts in Southeast Asia. would proceed smoothly. der the leadership of the United an end to the Russia-Ukraine war, assurance or Russia’s wish for food and fertilizer supply chain States, Italy and Indonesia as which has caused food shortag- Crimea to be recognized as a part to be restored. This is about the Jokowi’s visit to Europe was “[The G20 presidency] is the part of their Group of 20 (G20) es and surging commodity prices of Russia.” livelihoods of hundreds of mil- notable as it was one of Indone- power that Indonesia current- presidencies, and with broad around the world. lions and even billions of people,” sia’s roles outside Southeast Asia ly has; a convening power that support from the G20. After attending the Group Jokowi said. in a conflict between a strong brings big powers to a diplo- It will be used in a number of Centre for Strategic and Inter- of Seven Summit at Schloss El- country and a weaker country. matic forum through interna- areas, including disease surveil- national Studies (CSIS) interna- mau in Germany’s Bavarian Alps Speaking alongside Jokowi, tional and regional institutions,” lance, with more than US$1 bil- tional relations researcher Waf- on Monday, Jokowi continued Putin denied Russia was blocking “The location, the asymmet- Andrew said. lion in commitments already an- faa Kharisma said that compared his diplomatic tour to Ukraine, Ukrainian grain exports. ric nature of the conflict and its nounced. to other figures who had been try- being the first Asian leader to strategic impacts have driven up Moving ahead, Andrew said In- “The World Bank is the larg- ing to mediate between Ukraine visit the country during the “The Ukrainian military has expectations of Indonesia’s po- donesia would need to influence est provider of financing for PPR and Russia, Indonesia was in a ongoing war. mined the approaches to their tential and effectiveness as an al- other countries to start dialogues with active operations in over 100 relatively better position because ports,” he said. “No one prevents ternative in contrast to a stale- with Ukraine and Russia. developing countries to strength- of its neutral stance on the war in In Kyiv, he offered to relay Zel- them from clearing those mines mate with Europe,” Andrew said. en their health systems,” World Ukraine. However, it also meant ensky’s message to Putin; in Mos- and we guarantee the safety of This could be done on a mul- Bank president David Malpass that Indonesia had few bargain- cow, he offered to be a bridge be- shipping grain out of there.” Three targets tilateral basis, as Indonesia cur- said in the statement. ing chips to influence the course tween the two. Andrew suggested that rently has such a platform in the The so-called financial inter- of the war. CSIS international relations G20 presidency and the G20 mediary fund (FIF) will provide “I have relayed President Zel- researcher Andrew Mantong said Jokowi’s mission targets may Summit in Bali in November, financing to “complement the While Indonesia had estab- ensky’s message to President Jokowi’s mission of peace had fol- be three-tiered. The ultimate he said. work of existing institutions in lished bilateral ties with Ukraine Putin, and I have conveyed my lowed the precedents set by Indo- goal was to bring about a peace- supporting low- and middle-in- readiness to be a communication nesia’s free and active foreign pol- ful resolution to the war, but if OP-ED p7 come countries and regions to icy doctrine, as well as previous RELATED STORY p9 prepare for the next pandemic,” the World Bank said. The World Health Organiza- tion is a stakeholder in the proj- ect and will provide technical expertise, its president Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said. US President Joe Biden said more than 1 million Americans and millions of people around the world have lost their lives to COVID-19, underscoring the im- portance of boosting investment in pandemic preparedness. “When it comes to preparing for the next pandemic, the cost of inaction is greater than the cost of action,” Biden said in a state- ment late Thursday. “Investing in preparedness now is the right thing and the smart thing to do.” In a separate statement earlier in the day, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen called the fund “a major achievement that will help low- and middle-income coun- tries be better prepared for the next pandemic.” “Even as we continue to work to end COVID-19, today’s deci- sion by World Bank shareholders will help bolster capacity to pre- vent, detect, and respond to fu- ture pandemics,” she said. A spokesperson for the World Bank told AFP that if the COV- ID-19 pandemic is still ongoing when the fund is implemented, it could be used to provide support against the current as well as fu- ture pandemics. Inflation soars more than expected, driven by higher food prices Fadhil Haidar Sulaeman head Margo Yuwono said in a vir- Antara/Asep Fathulrahman Goods with administered pric- sion with the House of Represen- tual press conference on Friday. es, or prices controlled by the tatives, around a week after the The Jakarta Post/Jakarta Flying prices: Residents shop for vegetables at Rau central market government, contributed 0.05 previous upward revision during Domestic inflation has risen fast- The World Bank in a report in Serang, Banten, on Friday. Statistics Indonesia (BPS) has record- percentage points to monthly in- BI’s last governor’s meeting. er than expected by either the published in June estimated that ed June month-to-month inflation of 0.61 percent and year-on-year flation in June, as those goods government or Bank Indonesia Indonesia’s 2022 inflation would inflation at 4.35 percent. were 5.33 percent more expen- The central bank stated that (BI), setting a new record since average 3.6 percent. sive than a year earlier. any change in interest rates June 2017 as food and transporta- [surcharges],” Margo added. key cultivation regions of those would be done in consideration tion prices soar. The expenditure category of The three commodities con- commodities, such as Java Island Core inflation, meanwhile, of core inflation rather than head- food, beverages and tobacco con- and West Nusa Tenggara. stood at just 2.63 percent yoy line inflation. BI’s target range for Statistics Indonesia (BPS) tinued to be the dominant driv- tributing most to annual inflation in June, as it excludes the rapid both overall inflation and core in- announced on Friday that the er of inflation in June, as it alone in June were red chili peppers at “This disturbance in the red rise in goods classified as hav- flation is 2 to 4 percent. consumer price index (CPI) in- accounted for 0.47 percentage 0.35 percentage points, cayenne chili and cayenne pepper produc- ing particularly volatile prices, creased by 4.35 percent year- points of the overall 0.61 percent peppers at 0.1 percentage points tion centers caused crop failure, which were up a whopping 10.07 At the same event, Finance on-year (yoy) in June, marking a mtm CPI increase. Prices in the and red onions at 0.17 percentage so that the supply was disrupted percent yoy. Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati significant acceleration from the category itself were up 8.26 per- points. due to the abnormal weather in concurred with Perry’s new fore- 3.55 percent rate reported for the cent yoy in an increase mainly at- the month of June,” he continued. Margo explained that the rise cast, noting that geopolitical dy- preceding month. tributed to unfavorable weather. Heavy rainfall was recorded in of administered prices had so far namics were changing economic been kept in check by increased constellations around the world. On a month-to-month (mtm) The second-biggest inflation government subsidies on energy, basis, inflation also increased, ris- driver in June, as it had been in noting that the government’s abil- “With the rise of inflation, a ing to 0.61 percent in June from May, was transportation, which ity to sustain this policy would be more coordinated response is 0.4 percent in May, which is still accounted for 0.04 percentage “decisive” for the further devel- needed between fiscal and mon- lower, however, than the 0.95 per- points of the monthly rise. Trans- opment of inflation. etary policy,” she said. cent seen in April. portation prices in June were up 5.45 percent yoy amid a massive He said he expected that, as- Economists from Bank Mandiri At 4.35 percent, the headline increase in global oil prices. suming more favorable weath- stated on Friday that inflation inflation figure in June exceeds er conditions, the supply of food would continue to rise significant- what the central bank had thought BPS data show that Indonesia would increase and potentially ly early in the second half of the would be the peak of inflation this booked a US$1.85 billion deficit reduce inflationary pressure in year, particularly food prices. year, namely 4.2 percent. in oil and gas trade in May, when the next few months. crude oil cost almost 70 percent “We are aware that food infla- Economists at state-owned more than a year earlier. On the same day as BPS an- tion is prone to keep rising amid Bank Mandiri had expected June’s nounced the latest inflation fig- the global food security issues. inflation to be 4.26 percent yoy. “The increase in air freight ures, BI Governor Perry Warjiyo This will drive cost-push infla- rates contributed 0.03 percentage revised upward its inflation fore- tion […] up, raising the inflation- “This is the highest inflation points [to the mtm CPI increase], cast for the full year to the range ary risk of volatile price inflation,” since June 2017, when our infla- because there was a rise in avtur of 4.5 to 5.5 percent yoy in a ses- they stated in a note received by tion was 4.37 percent yoy,” BPS prices, which had an impact on The Jakarta Post.

2 SATURDAY July 2, 2022 HEADLINES Govt offers state universities incentive Going digital for greater financial independence Dio Suhenda allocated to the education minis- dowment fund and learn how to Antara/Dedhez Anggara try — equal to a fifth of state fund- manage it like all other world-class The Jakarta Post/Jakarta ing — that money does not always universities, [so they can] increase A resident shows her electronic ID card at the local civil registry office in Indramayu, West Java, on Friday. Education, Culture, Research trickle down into the rest of the revenue outside of government The Home Ministry plans to introduce digital e-ID cards bearing a QR code. The project is being tested in and Technology Minister Na- country’s education system. assistance,” the minister said. 58 regencies and cities across the country. diem Makarim has announced that the government would start As of 2020, Indonesia’s an- At the same event, Finance IdMneadalotahnysesosiaifanciidntievzteeesnntistgiioanntes annually rewarding Rp 6 billion nual spending for higher educa- Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati (US$402,000) to every state uni- tion averages at around $2,000 said that her office would provide Activists uncover ‘gross mistreatment’ versity that is able to set up and per student, according to min- support for Nadiem’s new pro- manage its own endowment fund istry estimates. In contrast, Ma- gram, particularly since it would beginning this year. laysia spends around $7,000 per help incentivize universities to university student per year, while manage their own finances. The incentive, to be disbursed the United States could spend with the help of the Finance upwards of $20,000. “If we’re talking about why we Ministry and its Endowment need to do this, it’s obvious. In- Fund for Education (LPDP), will “If our [universities] just rely vesting in education provides the be given as seed funding for every on state funding and tuition fees, best returns compared with other new endowment fund successful- we will never be able to catch up,” types of investments,” Sri Muly- ly established, but the sum could Nadiem said. ani said on Monday. change depending on an institu- tion’s academic performance. “We need to [...] put in a lot The incentive comes amid in- more effort so our institutions creasing pressure for more state Speaking at a press conference can also source funds from the universities to self-finance in earlier this week, Nadiem said that private sector and alumni, among the face of declining government investing in higher education in- others.” funding, which faced even more stitutions was the quickest way uncertainty when the COVID-19 to help develop Indonesia, even This additional funding from pandemic hit in 2020. though state universities had large- the government, Nadiem said, ly been lacking financial support. ought to be managed by a univer- The idea of establishing more sity’s endowment fund. The incen- endowment funds for education is “Higher education is the fastest tive would be sourced from inter- driven by the idea that Indonesia gateway to building our economy, est generated by the LPDP’s Rp 7 urgently needs to develop its hu- to build our country. But in reali- trillion fund starting 2022. The ac- man capital and make the most of ty, Indonesia is still a long way off cumulated interest is projected to a “demographic dividend” in the compared with other countries in reach Rp 450 billion for this year productive-age population in order terms of funding for their higher alone, with a further Rp 350 billion to thrive in innovation and tech- education institutions,” he said. and Rp 500 billion to be generated nology, boost economic growth and in 2023 and 2024, respectively. escape the middle-income trap. Despite having the largest share of the annual state budget “We want to encourage [uni- OP-ED p6 versities] to have their own en- aTnjadhPjoDKI-uPmpoolloit,iCciaabni,ndeitems aint 6is4ter Yerica Lai JP/Donny Fernando by Vice President Ma’ruf Amin Yerica Lai The report, based on inter- pointed to an outbreak of scabies at a mosque in the State Appa- views with Indonesian citizens among detainees, during which The Jakarta Post/Jakarta Tjahjo Kumolo ratus and Bureaucratic Reform The Jakarta Post/Jakarta who were deported from Malay- the detainees had asked immigra- Tjahjo Kumono, state apparatus Ministry. The government is looking into sia, focuses on the Tawau Immi- tion officers for aid but were al- and bureaucratic reform minis- extended PDI-P family, we are a report published last week by a gration Detention Center, where legedly told mockingly to scratch ter and a senior politician in the deeply saddened by the passing of “We have lost a good person; coalition of nongovernmental or- the report alleged a pattern of their itches instead. ruling Indonesian Democratic bapak Tjahjo Kumolo,” Puan told someone who served the nation ganizations that found that doz- mistreatment, malign neglect and Party of Struggle (PDI-P), passed reporters on Friday. and the country,” Ma’ruf said. “He ens of Indonesian nationals in violent treatment had emerged. Others allegedly died after be- away on Friday morning follow- continued to work day and night, Malaysia had died due to alleged ing treated violently at the facil- ing weeks of intensive medical “[Megawati] was very sad- taking steps to reform bureaucra- gross mistreatment in detention The death toll cited in the re- ity. Among them was Suardi Bin treatment. dened by the loss of a little broth- cy to build a system and make big centers. port was based on data provided Samsudin, an inmate at Tawau er who had always support- changes.” to the KBMB by the Malaysian who “was beaten by jail officers in The 64-year-old politician died ed [her] and fought beside her. Indonesian Ambassador to Embassy in Jakarta, which re- front of other inmates” and later at Abdi Waluyo Hospital, Cen- [She] urged all PDI-P members Tjahjo was born in Surakarta, Malaysia Hermono told The Ja- ported 2,191 deportations from died from his injuries. tral Jakarta, where he was being to accompany Tjahjo to his final Central Java, on Dec. 1, 1957, to karta Post that he was arranging January 2021 to June 24 this year. treated for an infection that had resting place,” Puan said. Bambang Soebandiono, a lieu- to visit immigration centers in Dinda Nuur Annisaa Yura of spread to his lungs. tenant in the Army, and Toe- the Malaysian state of Sabah in Up to 260 people — including rights group Solidaritas Perem- Megawati instructed all party ti Slemoon. Both had at some the coming week to investigate children — were placed in win- puan commented on the alle- Rahajeng Widyasari, Tjahjo’s members and sympathizers to point served in the House of the allegations. dowless cells about the size of a gations of inhumane treatment daughter, announced his death pay their respects to the deceased Representatives. badminton court, where there by Malaysian immigration offi- later that day at the hospital and by flying the PDI-P flag at half- “I’ve sent a letter to the Malay- were only three toilets, the report cers, saying that it was akin to the asked people to forgive her father mast at party offices across the He enrolled in Diponegoro sian immigration authorities for said. Detainees were often made treatment meted out by colonial- for his past mistakes. country, PDI-P secretary-gen- University’s School of Law and access to see the conditions in the to huddle together while sleep- era guards, wherein detainees eral Hasto Kristiyanto said in a graduated in 1985. Five years lat- centers first hand. Hopefully, we ing due to the cramped space, were “dominated”. “As the eldest child represent- separate statement. er, he was elected leader of the will be given the time next week,” and some even had to sleep in the ing my father, [I] apologize on his National Committee of Indone- he said on Wednesday. toilet areas due to overcrowding. “From here we see a para- behalf for any mistakes he made,” Tjahjo’s character and dedica- sian Youths’ (KNPI) Central Java digm, a perspective that does not Rahajeng told reporters. tion drew admiration from many branch and studied at the Nation- Following a meeting involv- “Unpleasant smells filled sev- see these detainees as human,” party members, including Has- al Defense Body (Lemhannas) ing the Indonesian missions in eral blocks, while the toilets she said during the launch of the Tjahjo’s passing came five days to, who called him “a legendary until 1994. Malaysia, the Sabah Immigra- were extremely dirty,” the report KBMB report. after Rahajeng denied rumors that figure”. tion Authority (JIM), the Sabah said. “There were no beds pro- her father was unconscious and in Tjahjo’s political career began Health Agency (JKNS) and the vided. Each detainee slept on a The Malaysian Embassy in Ja- critical condition, saying that he “He was one of the best party when he joined the ruling Golkar Coalition of Sovereign Migrant hard floor with only cardboard as karta declined to comment, but had improved and was stable. members. Mas Tjahjo was known Party during the New Order era Workers (KBMB), the Foreign a bed.” the Malaysian immigration chief as a leader who cultivated pa- and secured his seat twice in the Ministry reported that a total of recently told local media that the President Joko “Jokowi” Wido- tience and politeness, and dis- House between 1987 and 1997. 18 Indonesians had died while Abu Mufakhir, an activist from allegations in the report were do, who was in Abu Dhabi on an played leadership that full of the being held at Sabah immigration the KBMB, believed the reported “baseless”. international trip, conveyed his spirit of friendship and unity,” Following the fall of Soeharto, detention centers in 2021, while deaths had all been preventable. condolences in a statement post- Hasto said. Tjahjo joined the PDI-P, which another seven had died from During a meeting with Sabah ed on his social media accounts. spearheaded the political oppo- January to June this year. “They had been sick and com- officials on Thursday, the Indone- Airlangga Hartarto, chairman sition against the New Order re- plaining for a while but did not re- sian side demanded that deport- “On behalf of the government, of the Golkar Party who also at- gime, and was elected back into “They died from various dis- ceive prompt medical treatment. ees be swiftly repatriated at the the state and the people, I con- tended Tjahjo’s funeral, remem- the House in 1999. He was ap- eases such as heart ailments, CO- They were only brought to the Malaysian state’s expense, espe- vey my deepest condolences,” bered him as being humble and a pointed deputy speaker of the VID-19 and pneumonia,” Her- hospital when they were in criti- cially now that pandemic curbs said Jokowi, who is also a PDI-P hard worker. PDI-P faction until 2002 and mono said, adding that the main cal condition,” he told the Post on had eased. They also called for member. then faction secretary until 2003. cause of the high mortality rate Thursday. improvements to the detention “I feel a great loss,” Airlangga were delays in the repatriation cells, including better access to The President remembered said. “Before joining the PDI-P, He ran once more in the 2002 process due to pandemic travel Indonesia’s Labor Party pres- health and sanitary facilities. Tjahjo as a youth figure and a pol- pak Tjahjo was in the Golkar Par- election and remained in the restrictions. ident Said Iqbal was quoted by itician who passed away at the ty. He was a mentor for many peo- House, this time as the speaker as saying that he would “For their part, the Consul- peak of his service to the state as ple, including me,” Airlangga said. of the PDI-P faction until anoth- Previously, in a report titled stage protests in front of the ate General and the Consulate in minister. er election in 2009 when he once Like in Hell, the KBMB alleged Malaysian Embassy in Jakarta Sabah will be increasing inspec- Tjahjo was buried at Kaliba- more secured his seat. that Sabah detention officers and seek multilateral means to tions, logistical support for cloth- “May all his deeds be received ta Heroes Cemetery in South showed a lack of concern for the investigate the allegations. ing, food, medical supplies and by Allah and all his families stay Jakarta late on Friday, after his Tjahjo, who was a long-time well-being of detainees, which equipment, as well as providing strong and steadfast,” he said. family held a funeral prayer led loyalist of Megawati, was hand- had led to the deaths of at least 18 “We strongly condemn and re- PCR tests during the repatriation picked by the matriarch to serve Indonesian nationals. gret this incident has happened,” process,” the ministry said in a PDI-P chairwoman Megawa- as the party’s secretary-general he said in a statement on Thursday. separate statement. ti Soekarnoputri conveyed her between 2010 and 2015, replacing condolences through her daugh- Pramono Anung. Meanwhile, the KBMB also ter Puan Maharani, who attend- ed Tjahjo’s wake at his ministe- Tjahjo served as home minis- rial residence in Widya Chandra, ter in Jokowi’s first term before he South Jakarta. was appointed administrative and bureaucratic reform minister. “On behalf of the family of ibu Megawati Seokarnoputri and the In Hong Kong, Xi says ‘one country, two systems’ is here to stay Meg Shen commitments. AFP/Isaac Lawrence tional flag-raising ceremonies on being Chinese,” nationalist tab- and James Pomfret China and Hong Kong reject Friday, with media reporting he loid Global Times, published by In China’s fold: A woman (left) holds the Hong Kong flag and a man stayed overnight across the bor- the Communist Party’s official Reuters/Hong Kong, China the accusations, saying the law (right) holds the Chinese flag to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the der in Shenzhen after arriving in People’s Daily, wrote in an edito- There is no reason to change “restored order from chaos” so city’s handover from the United Kingdom to China, in Hong Kong Hong Kong on Thursday. rial. “The great rejuvenation of Hong Kong’s “one country, two that the city could prosper. on Friday. the Chinese nation is irreversible systems” formula of governance, Xi’s visit to Hong Kong is his first and Hong Kong’s tomorrow will Chinese President Xi Jinping Xi said the “one country, two talent amid some of the tough- nor, Chris Patten, tearfully hand- since 2017, when he swore in outgo- be even brighter.” said on a rare visit to the global systems” formula was successful est COVID-19 restrictions in ed Hong Kong back to China at a ing leader Carrie Lam and stayed in financial hub after swearing in under China’s “comprehensive the world. rain-drenched ceremony in 1997. the city for the duration of his trip. The handover anniversary the city’s new leader, John Lee, jurisdiction.” His overnight whereabouts this has traditionally seen thousands on Friday. Authorities deployed a massive Red lanterns, Chinese and time, and the reasons why he may march to voice grievances over “For this kind of good system, security force, blocking roads and Hong Kong flags, and posters de- have chosen Shenzhen, have not everything from sky-high proper- The United Kingdom returned there is no reason at all to change the airspace around the pictur- claring a “new era” of stability been officially confirmed. ty prices to Beijing’s grip over the Hong Kong to Chinese rule on it. It must be maintained over the esque Victoria Harbour, where decorated districts across the city. city, including during Xi’s last trip July 1, 1997, with Beijing prom- long term,” Xi said. the last British colonial gover- Hong Kong recorded more to Hong Kong. ising wide-ranging autonomy, Xi did not attend the tradi- than 2,000 daily COVID-19 cases unfettered individual rights and “After experiencing wind and on Thursday, levels which would On July 1, 2019, during the anti- judicial independence at least rain, everyone can painfully feel prompt tight restrictions in any government protests, demonstra- until 2047. that Hong Kong cannot be cha- mainland city. China is alone tors stormed and ransacked the otic, and must not become cha- among major countries in choos- city’s legislature. China’s critics accuse authori- otic again [...] Hong Kong’s devel- ing to eliminate outbreaks as ties of trampling on those free- opment cannot be delayed again, soon as they occur, at all costs. No protests are taking place doms, unavailable on the authori- and any interference must be this time, with the most outspo- tarian mainland, with a sweeping eliminated.” Some analysts see Xi’s visit as a ken opposition politicians and national security law imposed by victory tour after Beijing tightened democracy activists either in jail Beijing on the city in 2020 after Xi added China would support its control of Hong Kong. After ar- or self-exile. mass prodemocracy protests the Hong Kong’s role as an interna- riving in the city on Thursday, Xi year before. tional finance and trade hub. said the city had overcome its chal- “It is the end of an era, it is the lenges and “risen from the ashes”. end of ‘one country, two systems,” British Prime Minister Bo- At the swearing-in ceremonies, exiled Hong Kong activist Sam- ris Johnson and United States all officials, including Xi, wore “What happened over the past uel Chu told Reuters from Oslo, Secretary of State Antony Blink- masks and did not shake hands. 25 years has proven that the fu- Norway. “This is a city that is no en said on Thursday that China ture and destiny of Hong Kong longer recognizable.” had failed to meet its handover Former police officer Lee, must be in the hands of the pa- sanctioned by Washington over triots who would cry proudly for RELATED STORY p5 his role in implementing the se- curity law, takes charge as the city is facing an exodus of people and

HEADLINES 3SATURDAY July 2, 2022 Crypto scammers trick gullible investors Many lured by promises of large profits amid desperation of COVID-19 pandemic Deni Ghifari they issued at least three known in Algopacks was probably lost operation and the total number of (KUHP) for fraud, which carries trol the crypto market. He is refer- coins, the large profits investors forever. victims and the money that they a four-year maximum sentence ring to the Trade Ministry Regula- The Jakarta Post/Jakarta received were suspected to come have lost are still largely unknown. upon conviction. tion No. 99/2018, which, albeit not At the peak of the pandemic and from new, unaware investors.     “I was nearly broke. […] Due comprehensive, is already “in  the economic meltdown two years to [profit] withdrawing problems At least 40 people reported Al- Eileen and Rudy said Sulfikar is right direction”. The regulation ago, Bella,  a 59-year-old Indone- The Makassar District Court is that were happening, I held the gopacks for similar cases to the very well-connected and has a lot defines cryptocurrency as a law- sian businesswoman who lives in currently running a trial of Sulfikar, [Rp 5 billion investment] fund,” Makassar Police Department. But of cash compared to the victims. fully recognized futures asset and Australia, saw hope in investing in a leader of Algopacks who  alleg- Bella said, feeling grateful about despite the multitude of reports, as a result, it is overseen by the crypto assets. edly has masterminded the fraud her decision to not invest the Sulfikar’s case was built on a spe- “Sulfikar has countered the re- Commodity Futures Trading Reg- that had caused billions of rupiah in money too hastily. cific report from Jimmy Chan- ports about his crime by report- ulatory Agency (Bappebti). After receiving a large prof- losses to hundreds of people.    dra who lost Rp 5.9 billion in the ing the victims for defamation. it from investing Rp 1.2 billion Franky Harlindong, 59, anoth- scheme. Other cases at the police The victims are afraid, they no Sudaryatmo, a member of the (US$80,200) in crypto-agency Al- Algopacks offered three invest- er victim that had reported Algo- are still under investigation. longer have any money. [...] They Indonesian Consumers Founda- gopacks, she sold her house for Rp ing options — crypto mining, with packs to the police, said he was have debts here and there [due tion (YLKI), said that consumer 5 billion to top her investment.   the minimum investment of Rp lured to join the crypto agency be- “Just from us [40 victims who to the scam] and they’re afraid to protection within the context of 800 million per unit; depositing cause the agency representatives have formally reported], it’s at least stand up against the defamation crypto investment is unique, par- “It’s an investment for the fu- certain amount of money with sounded convincing in pitching [Rp] 15 billion,” said another vic- case,” said Eileen. ticularly due to how the principle ture; you don’t have to do any- a guaranteed 300 percent prof- the investment products. tim, Eileen Sidjaya, 41. The Makas- of “high-risk, high-reward” is dic- thing about it, just let it be and see it over the period of three years; sar resident estimated there are at Abdul Salam, a cyberlaw expert tating the course of the game. the results in 20 years,” Bella told or outright swapping the cryp- “We were taken to meetings in least 200-400 more victims in the from the University of Indone- The Jakarta Post, recounting the to coins they have with the coins fancy hotels and restaurants; they city alone, and there are many oth- sia, said authorities should use the “Losing is a part of investment. moment she got hooked in. Algopacks released. also gave us a neat presentation. […] ers in cities all over Indonesia. Electronic Information and Trans- A loss is only relevant to the con- It was cruel, I knew a victim whose actions (ITE) Law instead of KUHP sumer-protection context when But after three months, the Up until now, the three known parents died because he didn’t have Rudy Wijono, the 53-year-old to charge suspects in crypto cases. there is an indication of false agency, which was introduced to coins launched by Sulfikar are any cash for medical care because victim from Tulungagung, East “[Police investigators can use] Ar- promises. But when it’s caused her by a friend, failed to make prof- listed on  crypto-exchange-portal he spent hundreds of millions on Java, told the Post that there were ticle 28 of [ITE Law], the fine is by market risk, that’s just how it payments, and she cancelled the CoinTiger, namely Bitalgo (ALG), the AI [project],” said Franky. about 3,000 victims in Madu- Rp 1 billion and the maximum im- investment works,” he said. plan to add to her investment. YFA Finance (YFA) and AVCCoin ra, and many more in surround- prisonment is 9 years. This is more (AVC). Sulfikar has also allegedly He said Sulfikar’s followers en- ing cities like Blitar, Malang and powerful than KUHP’s Article 372 He also encouraged people Established in 2018, Algopacks tried to launch other coins, name- couraged people to invest every- Banyuwangi. and 378,” said Abdul. to educate themselves before had offered various forms of cryp- ly YFC, along with several future thing they have in the Algopack investing in crypto assets. to products with enormous re- projects on the way. projects. According to the court website, Crypto expert Prathama Tjo- turns to hundreds of people in Sulfikar is charged under Article eng said the government has  a RELATED STORY p4 an alleged Ponzi scheme. While Bella said her money invested While Sulfikar is already in pris- 372 and 378 of the Criminal Code regulation in an attempt to con- on, the exact scale of the Algopack Cooling down No reason why Israeli soccer players cannot compete, Indonesia says Reuters/Kim Kyung-Hoon A. Muh. Ibnu Aqil Prior to the Foreign Ministry’s tries to compete as long as they response, Youth and Sports Min- qualified for it. Visitors react to water cannons at Tokyo’s Yomiuriland amusement park’s outdoor swimming pool, The Jakarta Post/Jakarta ister Zainudin Amali said that as on its opening day for the summer, as the region around Tokyo was set for its seventh straight day Indonesia has left the door wide a “good host” country, Indonesia “We are still accommodating of temperatures above 35 degrees Celsius and faced a hot weekend on Friday. open for Israel’s national youth was committed to following FIFA’s Israel. That is the agreement dur- soccer team to compete in the rulebook. ing our meeting with the govern- Saudi Arabia walks oil policy FIFA U-20 World Cup that it is ment last year,” Yunus said in a tightrope between Biden and Putin hosting next year, quashing con- “Seeing that Israel is qualified statement on Monday. cerns that geopolitics would seep [to compete in 2023], we have to into the global sporting event. facilitate them to compete in In- Nevertheless, a number of donesia,” Zainudin said on Mon- Muslim groups have reacted Israel qualified for the 2023 day, as quoted by strongly to Israel’s participation competition after securing a spot in the U-20 competition. in the semifinal match of the 2022 The minister’s decision is also U-19 EURO Cup in Slovakia last anchored in practicality, as any Sudarnoto Abdul Hakim, the In- week. The accomplishment set off negative response could potential- donesian Ulema Council’s (MUI) a heated debate regarding poten- ly squander Indonesia’s chances to deputy chairman for foreign af- tial pushback from the host, Indo- host the 2036 Olympic Games. fairs, warned that the government nesia, a staunch ally of Palestine, must be careful of letting Israel which Israel continues to occupy. “If we don’t accept [Israel com- compete in 2023, saying that while peting in the country], it would sports and politics should not But government officials have adversely impact the trust that mix, Israel still has committed said that the Israelis can still com- the world and global sports orga- “genocide” against Palestinians. pete in Indonesia, if only because nizations have placed on us,” he there are clear precedents for explained. “It is the constitutional and their entry into the country. moral duty of Indonesia as a na- Originally, Indonesia was sup- tion to support the struggle of Foreign Ministry spokesperson posed to host the U-20 Youth Palestinians,” Sudarnoto said in a Teuku Faizasyah told reporters on World Cup in 2021, but the event statement on Wednesday. Thursday that Indonesia just hap- was postponed due to the CO- pened to be the host of the compe- VID-19 pandemic. The event is He also urged government of- tition and that the invitation for now scheduled to take place from ficials to listen to the views of civ- Israel to compete was extended by May 20 through June 11, 2023, to il-society groups on the issue, and FIFA, an international entity. be hosted in six cities across the that the event should not “pour salt archipelago. onto the wounds” of Palestinians. He then pointed to a precedent at the Inter-Parliamentary Union Constitutional duty “We shouldn’t let Palestine’s (IPU) meeting in Bali in March, In Indonesia, soccer is among trust in Indonesia dwindle due to where Israeli delegates from the this big event. [Former] president Knesset — the country’s parlia- the most popular sports besides Sukarno has shown us how Indo- ment — attended at the invitation badminton. In domestic compe- nesia must act,” Sudarnoto said. of the world parliamentary body. titions, soccer fans can be exces- sively fanatic, and the organiza- This was likely a reference to “In the case of the U-20 com- tion of the game is heavily steeped the 1958 FIFA World Cup, when petition, it was FIFA who invited in politics. Indonesian players refused to play them,” Faizasyah said at a press against Israel during the qualifi- briefing. But even the Soccer Asso- cation round for the Asian Zone, ciation of Indonesia (PSSI) has as an act of solidarity with Arab He also said the Israeli athletes supported allowing Israel to countries at war with Israel at the that want to participate must still compete at the event. The asso- time. Indonesia was disqualified as fulfil all the requirements for vis- ciation’s secretary-general Yu- a result of this conduct. iting foreigners. nus Nusi said it was fine for coun- EDITORIAL p6 Alex Lawler ing years of Saudi efforts to draw sponse to increasing global eco- Climate activists glue hands to and Maha El Dahan Russia into a production pact. nomic activity and prospects for Van Gogh frame in London gallery OPEC+ was created in 2016 but Ri- higher refinery intake after sea- Reuters/London/Dubai yadh sought to build cooperation sonal maintenance. Agence France-Presse Saudi Arabia’s push for swifter oil between two of the world’s biggest production hikes by OPEC+, which oil producers long before that. In public remarks on a visit to a London AFP were agreed in June, involved be- Russian economic forum in June, A pair of environmental protest- hind-the-scenes diplomacy to en- “It was very important to keep Saudi Energy Minister Abdulaziz ers in Britain on Thursday glued No oil painting: Two activists from Just Stop Oil, a movement sure Russia backed the move that Russia in OPEC+,” one OPEC+ bin Salman described Russian- themselves to the frame of a Vin- campaigning against fossil fuels, glued themselves to the frame of a followed United States appeals delegate said, echoing comments Saudi relations as being “as good cent van Gogh painting on display Vincent Van Gogh painting at the Courtauld Gallery in London on for more supply, two sources fa- by analysts who say Saudi Arabia as the weather in Riyadh”. No- at a London art gallery. Thursday, calling for the government to end new fossil fuel projects, miliar with the discussions said. wants to keep Russia on board to vak said Moscow could cooperate and for art institutions to join them in civil resistance. increase leverage in the oil market with OPEC+ beyond 2022. The stunt, the latest direct-ac- The OPEC+ group of oil produc- rather than for any political reason. tion demonstration by climate ing hangs for the rest of Thursday. lic enemy number one” over his ers made a larger-than-expected Saudi Arabia’s attempts to bring change activists, saw the duo from “We expect The Courtauld direct actions. output increase when its ministers A source familiar with Rus- Russia on board with OPEC stretch the Just Stop Oil group glue their met on June 2, a step welcomed by sian thinking said Moscow gained back to 2001, although it was not fingers to the Dutch master’s Gallery to reopen to the public as In the video from the gallery the administration of US Presi- from being part of OPEC+ at a until OPEC+ was created in 2016 Peach Trees in Blossom. normal tomorrow,” it added in a on Thursday, McKechnie accused dent Joe Biden, who will next time when the West wants to iso- that they began cooperation and statement. the United Kingdom govern- month visit the kingdom for the late Russia over what the Kremlin agreed on output curbs to lift weak The oil on canvas work painted ment of “pushing through over first time since taking office. calls its “special military opera- oil prices shortly after that. in 1889 is part of a Van Gogh col- McKechnie, a former engi- 40 new fossil fuel projects” which tion” in Ukraine. lection hanging at the Courtauld neering student who has already were “like signing our death The backroom diplomacy in- The group agreed record out- Gallery at Somerset House in the been arrested 20 times and spent warrants”. dicates the balancing act Ri- “The Saudis are enjoying high put cuts again in 2020, when the British capital. six weeks in prison, is fast becom- yadh faces as it seeks to improve prices while the Russians need pandemic hammered demand and ing one of the most recognizable “My generation has no other strained ties with the US while guaranteed support from OPEC+ sent prices even lower. The 2020 It comes the day after five faces among Britain’s climate choice but to take this kind of ac- shoring up an oil alliance with in the current circumstances,” deal was encouraged by then-US members of the group, which change activists. tion,” he added. Russia that it has worked to se- the source said. “No one is inter- president Donald Trump. wants a halt to all new UK fossil cure for decades. ested in a market collapse.” fuel projects, were arrested over a In March, he risked the wrath On Wednesday, the UK’s inde- Cuts made in the 2020 deal will similarly disruptive protest at an of football fans when he tied him- pendent Climate Change Com- “The US was pushing for it,” Biden’s Riyadh trip includes be unwound by August 2022, al- art museum in Glasgow. self to a goalpost in the middle of mittee (CCC) warned that the one of the sources, who like oth- meeting Saudi Crown Prince Mo- though Russia’s output has been a match between Newcastle and British government was failing to ers asked not to be identified, said hammed bin Salman, or MbS, the falling because of Western sanc- “We don’t want to be doing Everton. make adequate progress meeting of the accelerated OPEC+ output kingdom’s de facto ruler whose tions, raising questions about the this,” Louis McKechnie, one of targets in its new net-zero strat- hikes that were agreed at the June relations with the US president shape of future cooperation. the pair claiming to have attached He said earlier this month that egy to be carbon neutral by 2050. meeting. “Then, the Saudis had have been strained over issues himself to the Van Gogh work, he was prepared to become “pub- to check with Russia, and they ranging from the killing of a Sau- A second Russian source said told onlookers at the London gal- seemed OK with it.” di journalist in Turkey to the war the way OPEC+ worked was un- lery, according to footage shared in Yemen. Biden also meets other likely to change before US mid- by Just Stop Oil. A second source in OPEC+ also Gulf leaders. term elections in November, when said that Riyadh had consulted Republicans could take control of “We’re here glued to this paint- carefully with Moscow, which is Meanwhile, the Russian source the US House of Representatives ing — this beautiful painting — under increasing pressure from said relations between Russian from Biden’s Democrats. because we’re terrified for our US and other Western sanctions President Vladimir Putin and future,” the 21-year-old added, that were imposed following the MbS were “rather close”. OPEC Secretary-General Mo- noting he and his fellow activist Russian invasion of Ukraine in hammad Barkindo described the expected to be arrested. February. The Saudi energy ministry did OPEC+ partnership in June as not comment for this story. Rus- “a shelter and a beacon of stabil- “If there was any other way of Biden, whose July 13-16 Mid- sia’s energy ministry and the office ity despite any geopolitically-in- getting the change we need, we dle East tour includes Saudi Ara- of Russian Deputy Prime Minister duced turbulence”. He made no would’ve done it — we’ve tried ev- bia, has been under pressure Alexander Novak did not reply to specific mention of Russia. erything else.” from Democrats to press Riyadh requests for comment. to dump Moscow from OPEC+, Veteran OPEC watcher Gary The Courtauld confirmed the which comprises the Organiza- An OPEC+ source said pro- Ross said: “Being involved in at- incident took place mid-after- tion of the Petroleum Exporting duction policy was always based tempts to bring Russia into oil noon and prompted the closure Countries, Russia and their allies. on agreement among all OPEC+ market management for over 20 of the gallery in which the paint- members and the June 2 deal to years, Saudi Arabia is not about But that would mean abandon- accelerate output hikes, as stated to walk away from this important by the group after talks, was a re- relationship.”

4 SATURDAY July 2, 2022 BUSINESS Annual gathering Crypto lending world sways under risk, turmoil AFP/Abdulaziz Ketaz Thomas Urbain founder of Nexo, another cryp- to platform that he said avoided An impromptu livestock market near the town of Maaret Misrin in the rebel-held northern part of Syria's northwestern Idlib province is pic- Agence France-Presse/New York, trouble by following a stricter tured in an aerial view on Friday as Muslims prepare for the Idul Adha (Day of Sacrifice) festival and holiday amid soaring global prices. United States lending policy and “prudent risk Starting with the lofty goal of management.”  Meta slashes hiring plans, competing with traditional girds for ‘fierce’ headwinds banks, cryptocurrency lending gi- Unlike banks, these lenders Facebook parent company braces for leaner second half of 2022 ants and their clients now face fi- were not required to hold cash in nancial ruin due to their appetite reserve against bad loans. Katie Paul pectations and having more ag- The guidance is the latest rough and Instagram in users’ feeds. for risk and a paucity of regulato- gressive goals, and just kind of forecast to come from Meta exec- Interest in Meta’s TikTok-style ry guardrails. ‘Deep need for regulation’ Reuters turning up the heat a little bit, is utives, who already moved to trim A handful of states in the Unit- Facebook-owner Meta Platforms that I think some of you might de- costs across much of the company short video product Reels was Celsius Network, which sus- Inc. has cut plans to hire engi- cide that this place isn’t for you, this year in the face of slowing ad growing quickly, said Cox, with pended withdrawals in mid-June, ed States have opened or expand- neers by at least 30 percent this and that self-selection is OK with sales and user growth. users doubling the amount of had advertised a seemingly diffi- ed investigations into Celsius, and year, CEO Mark Zuckerberg told me,” he said. time they were spending on Reels cult-to-reconcile mix of interest some, including Alabama,  last employees on Thursday, as he Tech companies across the year over year, both in the US and rates, charging just  0.1 percent year ordered the platform to stop warned them to brace for a deep The social media and tech- board have scaled back their am- globally. for loans, but paying more than 18 lending to their residents. economic downturn. nology company is bracing for bitions in anticipation of a pos- percent on deposits.   a leaner second half of the year, sible United States recession, al- Some 80 percent of the growth “I do expect there to be a very “If I had to bet, I’d say that this as it copes with macroeconomic though the slide in stock price at since March came from Face- Weeks later, savings accounts, strong crackdown across the might be one of the worst down- pressures and data privacy hits Meta has been more severe than book, he added. that amounted to US$11.8 billion board,” Malekan said. turns that we’ve seen in recent to its ads business, according to at competitors Apple and Google. in mid-May, remained frozen. history,” Zuckerberg told workers an internal memo seen by Re- That user engagement with “There’s a lot of fodder there in a weekly employee Q&A ses- uters on Thursday. The world’s biggest social me- Reels could provide a key route “Celsius is going bankrupt for governments to go after.” sion, audio of which was heard by dia company lost about half its to bolster the bottom line, mak- one way or another,” said Omid Reuters. The company must “priori- market value this year, after Meta ing it important to boost ads in Malekan, a professor at Columbia Despite the turbulence, most tize more ruthlessly” and “oper- reported that daily active users on Reels “as quickly as possible,” he University. observers expect cryptocurren- Meta has reduced its target ate leaner, meaner, better execut- its flagship Facebook app had ex- added. cies to recover from the current for hiring engineers in 2022 to ing teams,” chief product officer perienced a quarterly decline for “Even if they recoup 98 cents lending trouble and do not believe around 6,000-7,000, down from Chris Cox wrote in the memo, the first time. Zuckerberg told investors in on the dollar for their depositors, this spells an end for loans in the an initial plan to hire about 10,000 which appeared on the company’s April that executives viewed Reels no one would ever want to use it.”  sector.  new engineers, Zuckerberg said. internal discussion forum Work- Its austerity drive comes at a as “a major part of the discovery place before the Q&A. tricky time, coinciding with two engine vision,” but at the time Since then, other operators “It’s not the worst crisis crypto Meta confirmed hiring pauses major strategic pivots: one aimed described the short video shift have faced a similar fate, from has had,” said Charles Jansen at in broad terms last month, but “I have to underscore that we at refashioning its social me- as a “short-term headwind” that CoinFlex to Babel Finance, which S&P Global Ratings.  exact figures have not previously are in serious times here and the dia products around “discovery” would increase revenue gradually also tried their hand at lending and been reported. headwinds are fierce. We need to to beat back competition from as advertisers became more com- had to freeze withdrawals, while Malekan said the situation of- execute flawlessly in an environ- short-video app TikTok, the oth- fortable with the format. Voyager Digital had to limit them. fers an opportunity to weed out In addition to reducing hiring, ment of slower growth, where er an expensive long-term bet weaker firms. he said, the company was leav- teams should not expect vast in- on augmented and virtual reality Cox said Meta also saw pos- These platforms allowed cli- ing certain positions unfilled in fluxes of new engineers and bud- technology. sibilities for revenue growth ents to deposit cryptocurrencies, “During a bear market, you response to attrition and “turn- gets,” Cox wrote. in business messaging and in- and either receive interest or bor- learn which were the projects ing up the heat” on performance In his memo, Cox said Meta app shopping tools, the latter of row digital money by using their that have a core value proposition management to weed out staffers The memo was “intended to would need to increase fivefold which, he added, could “mitigate savings as collateral.  and solve an actual problem, ver- unable to meet more aggressive build on what we’ve already said the number of graphic processing signal loss” created by Apple-led sus which are the ones that were goals. publicly in earnings about the units (GPUs) in its data centers by privacy changes. “It’s a real shame things got to just a pipe dream.” challenges we face and the oppor- the end of the year to support the this point,” said one Celsius user “Realistically, there are prob- tunities we have, where we’re put- “discovery” push, which requires He said the company’s hard- contacted on the Reddit platform, Some, like Trenchev, expect a ably a bunch of people at the com- ting more of our energy toward extra computing power for artifi- ware division was “laser-fo- who claimed to have over $350,000 major consolidation in the sector pany who shouldn’t be here,” addressing,” a Meta spokesperson cial intelligence to surface popu- cused” on successfully launching tied up on with the lender. with healthy operators gobbling Zuckerberg said. said in a statement. lar posts from across Facebook its mixed-reality headset, code- up those that are struggling. named “Cambria,” in the second “Clearly Celsius should have “Part of my hope by raising ex- half of the year. planned for this kind of scenario,” The episode also has raised the user added, speaking on con- awareness of the risks of a lack of dition of anonymity. government oversight.  The devastating sequence “There is a deep need for reg- started with the sharp decline of ulation, which is something that cryptocurrencies, including bit- everybody in the field agrees on,” coin which lost nearly 60 percent said Jansen, whose company is of its value in the past six months. vying to be recognized as risk as- sessor in the crypto world. The plummeting value — which dropped as global inflation In the absence of a specific accelerated and Russia’s invasion regulatory framework market of Ukraine rattled the world econ- watchdog, the US Securities and omy — led to a chain reaction and Exchange Commission (SEC), forced borrowers to provide new has been taking the lead but large- financial guarantees or immedi- ly with punitive steps. ately repay loans. Several bills have been intro- Some borrowers, such as the duced in the US Congress in re- Singaporean investment firm cent months that aim to address Three Arrows Capital, which is the need for closer oversight, but now in liquidation, could not pro- a bipartisan Senate proposal from vide the creditors enough cash to Republican Cynthia Lummis and cover withdrawals and froze cli- Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand has ent accounts. been gaining momentum.  “The majority of these com- The bill has been well received panies had provided uncollat- by the crypto community, espe- eralized or undercollateralized cially because it empowers the loans,” said Antoni Trenchev, co- sector’s preferred regulator, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, over the SEC.  Worth the benefit AFP/Janek Skarzynski Long lines of cars wait near the Polish-Ukrainian border near Korczowa, Poland, on Thursday due to the return of the import tax on vehicles in Ukraine from Friday. As temperatures in southern Poland reached nearly 40 degrees Celsius, thousands of Ukrainians spend days waiting on the motorway to bring cars bought in the European Union to Ukraine and benefit from tax exemptions valid until Friday. Flight trouble: Strained US airlines face July 4 test John Biers Air Lines announced Tuesday it AFP/Getty Images/Mario Tama ble to create a positive custom- for crews should help. would waive change fees for cus- er experience,” said Airlines for “Things won’t change over- Agence France-Presse/New York, tomers to shift one leg of their trip Trouble in travel: Travelers gather in the Delta terminal at Los America CEO Nicholas Calio in a United States to within the July 1-8 period. Angeles International Airport (LAX) on Thursday in Los Angeles, follow-up letter to Buttigieg after night, but we’re on a path towards United States airlines are bracing California, the United States. Flight cancellations and delays are a meeting earlier this month. a steady recovery,” Bastian said. customers for what will probably Pilot shortage increasing ahead of the busy July 4 travel weekend amid airline be another bumpy holiday week- Although federal COVID-19 re- staffing shortages. “Not every air traffic variable is United Airlines expects near- end as the industry struggles to within an airline’s control.”  ly 5.2 million customers over the manage a surge in travel demand lief aid meant airlines did not need Peter McNally. supply problem, airline industry July 4 period, a 24 percent in- that probably exceeds its current to lay off staff, tens of thousands of “There’s no short-term fix,” officials point to other exacerbat- But the Federal Aviation Ad- crease from 2021 and 92 percent capacity.   workers left the industry after car- ing factors, including turbulent ministration pushed back, saying it of its 2019 level. riers urged early retirements. McNally told AFP. “The issue be- weather, increased staff absenc- “acted on the agency staffing issues Yu Su, a computer science pro- comes most pronounced during es due to COVID and insufficient raised by airlines” by adding more “We anticipate the Fourth of fessor at Ohio State University, Today’s industry has about 15 these seasonal peaks.” personnel at flight traffic control controllers in high demand areas. July travel period to be amongst was stranded last Saturday night in percent less staff compared with at some key sites. our busiest travel days of 2022 thus Charlotte, North Carolina after his the pre-pandemic period to handle Airlines say they are working “People expect when they buy far,” said a United spokesperson. connecting flight home never left.  about 90 percent of pre-2020 pas- to address the issue, recruiting pi- Blame game? an airline ticket that they’ll get senger volume, estimated analysts lots and other staff and trimming “The industry is actively and where they need to go safely, ef- United earlier this month an- The airline did not cancel the at Third Bridge, a consultancy. summer capacity by 15 percent ficiently, reliably and affordably,” nounced it was trimming about 8:30 p.m. flight until around mid- compared with earlier plans. nimbly doing everything possi- the agency said. “After receiving 50 daily flights from its Newark, night after numerous delays that Lack of crew was the problem $54 billion in pandemic relief to New Jersey hub.  created “the delusion of hope,” for Crystal Fricker’s latest flight, While acknowledging the pilot help save the airlines from mass said Yu, who never got a clear ex- which was canceled an hour be- layoffs and bankruptcy, the Amer- A company memo cited “many planation for the problem. fore she and two other travelers ican people deserve to have their factors including airport construc- were scheduled to depart Raleigh, expectations met.” tion,” adding that United had suf- Such horror stories are com- North Carolina for Indianapolis.  ficient staff to meet the schedule. mon these days, sparking head- Senator Bernie Sanders, the Ver- lines that warn of airport cha- Unable to find different flights mont progressive, called on Butti- Like United and Delta, Ameri- os over the July 4 weekend and for all three, the group managed gieg to fine the airlines for delayed can Airlines is midway through a drawing scrutiny from US Trans- to track down a rental car — no or canceled flights, blasting the in- recruitment campaign of pilots portation Secretary Pete Butti- small feat — and drove 10.5 hours, dustry for the messy travel season and other staff. The company has gieg and others in Washington.  arriving at 1 a.m. in time for meet- and “outrageously high” fares. hired 800 new pilots this year, ings the next day. chief executive Robert Isom said In recent days, plane tracking Airlines, meanwhile, are trying to earlier this month. sites have reported hundreds of “Pretty much every flight I’ve reset expectations for customers. flight cancelations and thousands been on has had some kind of de- The company’s regional carri- of delays. lay,” said Fricker, president of Pure In a message to frequent fli- er, Envoy Air, is offering pilots tri- Seed, an Oregon seed company. ers on Thursday, Delta chief ex- ple pay for trips next month in an In an effort to steer passengers ecutive Ed Bastian acknowledged effort to avoid disruption, accord- away from “potentially challeng- Pilots are the most acute issue “unacceptable” levels of disrup- ing to reports. ing weekend travel days,” Delta in a broad airline industry labor tion, but said additional hiring ef- crunch, said Third Bridge analyst forts and adding more buffer time American Airlines did not re- spond to AFP questions about the upcoming July 4 weekend.

BUSINESS 5SATURDAY July 2, 2022 GstoeMlCl hIcnaindllaisa’socfGafrrpeplaaltanWnttaoll Aditi Shah boring countries including China, Antara/Muhammad Adimaja making them the first major casu- Reuters/New Delhi/Shanghai, China alty of the move that has held up Going digital: A poster displaying a new app, MyPertamina, is seen at a Pertamina gas station on Jl. Abdul Muis in Central Jakarta on General Motors said on Friday it billions of dollars of capital inflow Wednesday. The state-owned oil and gas firm has required its customers to register their vehicles through MyPertamina website to buy had called off the sale of a shut- in sectors such as automobiles subsidized RON-90 gasoline and Solar diesel. tered Indian plant to China’s Great and technology. Wall Motor after they failed to ob- Ptoekrteaemp itnabasroecnofrudeslvpeuhricchleadseasta tain regulatory approvals, amid a This was part of a broader Registration starts Friday but firm still allow usual purchases tougher stance by New Delhi to- crackdown by India on business- ward investments from Beijing. es with Chinese links amid wors- Vincent Fabian Thomas Pertamina Patra Niaga, told re- owner’s identity card, car regis- the subsidy, thus allowing more ening diplomatic relations. Sep- porters at a briefing on Thursday. tration card and photos of the ve- control over subsidy spending. GM struck a deal in January arately, New Delhi also banned The Jakarta Post/Jakarta hicle as well as details on the en- 2020 to sell the plant to Great more than 300 Chinese mobile Pertamina now requires that cus- “We will not impose restrictions gine capacity. “If all people migrated to the Wall, with the Chinese SUV-mak- apps, including TikTok, over se- tomers register their vehicles during the dissemination period, subsidized fuel, then the [con- er expected to pay up to US$300 curity concerns. on its website to buy subsidized but please do register,” he added. Later, owners of two-wheelers, sumed] volume of subsidized Per- million as part of a broader plan to gasoline or diesel. That way, the as well as those purchasing the talite gasoline could rise much invest $1 billion to establish a pres- The move draws a line under a state-owned oil and gas company The government has decided company’s subsidized 3-kilogram further,” Sri Mulyani warned at ence in India’s growing car market. more than two-year effort by GM seeks to ensure the costly mea- to raise subsidy spending so as to liquified petroleum gas (LPG) cyl- the House of Representatives im- and Great Wall, forcing the United sure is not abused. keep fuel prices low amid soaring inders, will also be required to plying a possible need for a higher The agreement, which was ex- States firm to restart its hunt for a international oil prices amid geo- register, though Pertamina has subsidy budget. tended twice, expired on June 30. buyer while it continues to spend Applications for registration political uncertainty, which was yet to specify whether and when money on maintaining some ma- are accepted on the MyPertamina exacerbated by Russia’s invasion restrictions might apply to LPG She expressed confidence that, “We have been unable to ob- chinery and tooling in the factory. website throughout the month of of Ukraine. purchases. with the new system in place, the tain the required approvals with- July, but Pertamina said it would additional Rp 520 trillion recent- in the time frame of the deal,” Asked if the plant could be used not yet bar unregistered custom- However, noneligible custom- “We will not apply [restric- ly allocated in this year’s budget George Svigos, executive director to make electric vehicles, Svigos ers from purchasing subsidized ers had been benefiting the most tions] yet or in the near future. for subsidies and compensation of communications at GM Inter- said it was suitable for a number fuel, arguing that it was waiting from the subsidy, Pertamina said, The community need not to wor- — the latter payable to Pertamina national, said. of industrial uses, including by for the government’s cue and that adding that around 80 percent ry,” Irto said. and state-owned electricity com- non-automotive companies, and the public needed to be familiar- of subsidized fuel was consumed pany PLN — would suffice, de- “Our strategy in India remains GM would explore all options. ized with the measure first. by the better-off 60 percent of Upon registering their vehi- spite the high oil price, but also unchanged and we will now ex- Indonesians. cles, customers will receive a QR vowed that a possible shortfall plore further options for the GM, which stopped selling cars The company explained that code that can be displayed in the could be passed through to next sale of the site,” he said, adding in India at the end of 2017, has al- the data would be used to deter- Moreover, Pertamina said the MyPertamina app or printed out year’s budget if necessary. the company “hopes to achieve ready sold its other plant to SAIC mine whether a customer was el- current consumption trajectory to be scanned by gas-station at- a price that reflects the value of Motor Corp, where the Chinese igible for purchasing subsidized was pointing to the company ex- tendants. That way, the code can House Budget Committee the asset”. automaker builds cars under its gasoline or diesel and possibly ceeding the full-year quotas for help Pertamina keep track of cus- chairman Said Abdullah on Thurs- British brand, MG Motor. for further analysis in accordance Pertalite and Solar fuel by 21 per- tomers’ fuel purchases. day lauded the government for “Great Wall Motor will keep its with regulatory needs. cent and 15 percent, respectively, making a system to control subsi- attention to the Indian market in This will also send Great Wall with projected consumption of Pertamina has started a trial dy spending. the future and continue looking back to the drawing board on its The policy will affect custom- 23.05 million kiloliters and 14.91 for the QR code usage in five prov- for new opportunities,” the Chi- plans to enter India, which it con- ers of Pertalite, Pertamina’s sub- million kl, respectively. inces: West Sumatra, South Ka- However, he suggested the sub- nese automaker said in a state- sidered an important part of its sidized RON-90 fuel, as well as its limantan, North Sulawesi, West sidy could be more targeted by fo- ment on Friday, while confirming global strategy to break into new diesel fuel Solar. Irto went on to say that the Java and Yogyakarta. cusing on two-wheeler users and the termination of the plant deal. markets like Latin America, Thai- company would conduct the reg- public transportation, as well as land and Brazil. “The registration starts [on July istration in several stages. At first, Finance Minister Sri Muly- those registered in the Integrated The Indian government did not 1], but we will still allow fuel pur- only owners of four-wheelers — ani Indrawati told reporters on Data for Social Welfare (DTKS) immediately respond to emails Last year, Great Wall re-allo- chases to proceed as usual,” Irto whether passenger cars, buses or Thursday that the system would database for poor and vulnerable seeking comment. cated to Brazil a portion of its Ginting, corporate secretary of PT trucks — will be required to regis- make it possible to exclude those families. $1-billion investment earmarked ter their vehicles by providing the who are ineligible to benefit from GM’s deal with Great Wall was for India and reassigned some of agreed just months before In- its staff after delays in winning dia toughened its stance in April government approvals. 2020 on investment from neigh- VR approach Antara/Asprilla Dwi Adha A worker uses a virtual reality simulation device at the BMW Group Training Center in Bumi Serpong Damai, Tangerang, Banten, on Thursday. BMW Indonesia has launched the BMW 5 Touring M Sport variant and opened a training center with attention to sustainability principles, a facility with the aim of offering knowledge to younger generations. Asia’s factories feeble despite China bounce Fresh coconuts Leika Kihara vey showed, as the lifting of CO- economy will pick up after a pe- strike in June. AFP/Nhac Nguyen VID-19 lockdowns sent factories riod of some weakness. But now Separate data showed South Reuters/Tokyo racing to meet solid demand. there’s a risk of slowdown in the A vendor prepares coconuts for sale at a roadside stall in Hanoi on Asia’s manufacturing activity US and European economies,” Korean exports, seen as a proxy for Friday. stalled in June as many compa- The roll-backs of China’s lock- said Yoshiki Shinke, chief econo- global trade because the nation’s nies were hit by supply disrup- downs could ease supply chain mist at Japan’s Dai-ichi Life Re- manufacturers are positioned in tions caused by China’s strict CO- snags, and allow automakers and search Institute. many parts of the world supply VID-19 lockdowns, while sharp other manufacturers to resume chain, growing at their slowest economic slowdown risks in Eu- operations after suffering severe “It will be a tug-of-war between pace in 19 months in June. rope and the United States rein- disruptions. the two, though there’s a lot of un- forced fears of a global recession. certainty over the global econom- On the brighter side, China’s Some analysts, however, warn ic outlook.” Caixin/Markit manufacturing A string of surveys on Friday of fresh headwinds such as grow- PMI rose to 51.7 in June from showed China’s factory activity ing market fears that aggressive The final at Jibun Bank Japan 48.1 in the previous month, mark- bouncing solidly in June though US interest rate hikes to tamp Manufacturing purchasing man- ing the first expansion in four a slowdown in Japan and South down soaring inflation will push agers’ index (PMI) slipped to months. That was well above ana- Korea, as well as a contraction in the country into recession, and 52.7 in June from 53.3 in the pre- lysts’ expectations for an up-tick Taiwan, highlighting the strain weigh on overall global demand. vious month, staying above the to 50.1. from supply disruptions, increas- 50-mark separating contraction ing costs and persistent material Policy tightening across many from expansion. The Caixin survey, which fo- shortages. other economies amid red-hot cused on more export-oriented consumer-price pressures have South Korea’s S&P Global PMI and small firms in coastal regions, China’s manufacturing activ- stoked fears of a sharp global eco- also fell to 51.3 in June from 51.8 follows official data showing the ity expanded at its fastest in 13 nomic downturn and shaken fi- in May, dropping for a second country’s factory and service sec- months in June, a private sur- nancial markets in recent months. month due to the drag from sup- tors snapped three months of ac- ply constraints and a truckers’ tivity decline in June. “There’s hope that China’s HK economy faces uncertain future 25 years after handover Holmes Chan Hui, now the chief executive of Chinese companies made up last few decades, so have tensions Adding to that pressure, the Kongers being complacent and a mid-tier stockbroker with near- around 80 percent of the mar- with Western nations — which tightening of political control has insular,” said Simon Ho, presi- Agence France-Presse/Hong Kong, ly 300 employees, said post-han- ket capitalization in Hong Kong’s has also affected Hong Kong. also meant Hong Kong has stuck dent of the Hang Seng University China dover markets have undergone a stock market this year, up from 16 to mainland China’s zero-COVID of Hong Kong. When Hong Kong transitioned drastic shift, becoming more Chi- percent in 1997. Beijing cracked down on dis- policy. from British to Chinese rule, Ed- na-focused than ever. sent in the city after massive The city’s port, for instance, mond Hui was a floor trader at the And Chinese firms now ac- democracy protests in 2019, Stringent travel restrictions was among the world’s busiest bustling stock exchange, witness- “Before 1997, foreign capital count for seven of the top-10 prompting the US to revoke Hong have kept the business hub cut off for decades but has slipped in the ing the roaring growth of a city at propped up half of the market,” holdings of the benchmark Hang Kong’s preferential trade status both from China and the world rankings after peaking in 2004. the crossroads of the West and Asia. he said. Seng Index, which used to be an- on the grounds that it was no lon- for the last two years, with au- chored by homegrown brands ger autonomous enough. thorities acknowledging it has “The government took a neo- Under a deal signed with the “After 1997, things changed such as Cathay Pacific and Televi- prompted a talent exodus.  liberal, noninterventionist ap- United Kingdom ahead of the gradually until the whole market sion Broadcasts Limited. Washington also sanctioned proach, and there was no blue- 1997 handover, China promised was held up by Chinese capital.” some Hong Kong officials.   But Ip said once restrictions print for developing industries Hong Kong could keep its capi- Hong Kong’s GDP, meanwhile, were lifted, Hong Kong would re- and the economy,” Ho added. talist system for 50 years, an ar- China’s meteoric rise in the past has gone from being equivalent to “Back in 1997, we were able to cover. rangement that helped the city two decades yielded vast benefits 18 percent of mainland China’s in play the role of a very important He said authorities had devot- thrive as one of the world’s top fi- for Hong Kong, which became 1997 to less than 3 percent in 2020. middleman. But now [...] every- “Our extremely advantageous ed resources to sectors such as re- nancial hubs. the gateway for mainland firms to one has more doubts about our geographical location is still search and development, but that raise funds and for foreign busi- Hui greeted this comprehen- background,” Yan Wai-hin, an there,” she said. the results were “half-baked” and Friday marks the halfway point nesses to access what is today the sive shift with a mild shrug. economics lecturer at Chinese not competitive enough when of that experiment, with uncer- world’s second-largest economy. University of Hong Kong, said. “We’re still the gateway to Chi- compared with neighboring tech tainty clouding the economic fu- “It’s just a matter of changing na.” hub Shenzhen. ture of Hong Kong — a city reliant “Hong Kong was sort of a poster who’s boss,” he said. “If a trading partner feels that on an increasingly isolated China, child of free trade and open mar- [Hong Kong] isn’t a neutral mid- ‘Complacent and insular’ “Hong Kong needs to figure out struggling to shake off the reputa- kets,” veteran pro-Beijing Hong “We can only hope that our coun- dleman [...] then the mutual trust Some industries other than fi- its role,” Ho said. tional damage from political un- Kong politician Regina Ip said. try’s momentum will surpass that of might be lost.” rest and pandemic-induced bor- Europe and the United States.” nance, though, have struggled af- “In the past, we didn’t know der closures. But the interlocking of its fate Yan said regional rivals such as ter the handover.  how to complement the main- with China has also led to warn- ‘The gateway to China’ Singapore were looking to capi- land, and in some cases even com- ings about overreliance and com- As China’s economic and po- talize on what they saw as an “In the past 10 years or so, our peted with it. In the long run, that placency. opening to supplant Hong Kong.   GDP growth has lost steam and will only get harder.”  litical power has grown over the I think this had to do with Hong

6 SATURDAY July 2, 2022 OPINION EDITORIAL Residency system root cause of specialist doctor shortage Shalom to Israeli team The Indonesian medical JP/Dhoni Setiawan The government and the Indonesian Soccer Associa- residency system has tion (PSSI) have made the right decision in allowing made medical education Routine check: Health workers check medical equipment at province-owned Pasar Minggu Hospital the Israeli team to compete in the World Cup Un- more exclusive. This will on Jl. TB Simatupang in South Jakarta on Dec. 12, 2015. The hospital employs more than 400 people, der-20 soccer championship that Indonesia will host result in inequality and unfairness including 19 specialist doctors. next year. This is despite the sensitivity of the issue in the pre- regarding access to medical resi- dominantly Muslim country that has no diplomatic relations dency programs that will be of ad- By Fistra Janrio Tandirerung tive conditions. In this case, can- with Israel and has repeatedly condemned it for its occupation vantage to those from higher and didates are unable to pick their of Palestine. privileged social classes. London medical specialty based on their personal preference and pas- As expected, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), known The Health Ministry has just A medical doctor and master’s student at the Institute of sion but on the availability of the for its conservative views of Islam, has called on the govern- announced that it will now pro- Cardiovascular Science, University College London, under scholarships. ment to take into consideration all possible repercussions for vide a funding scheme as financial the Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP) scholarship. allowing entry to Israel’s young soccer players. aid for those who are struggling Another weakness of the with funding issues. While this Unfortunately, this approach cialty. In exchange for their servic- Health Ministry funding scheme Indeed, in the past the government prohibited Indonesian program deserves appreciation, offers only short-term assistance es, the hospitals will pay them. is that it is not a merit-based athletes from playing Israeli sportsmen or women or banned there are reasons to believe that and not a long-term solution. scholarship. The selection of the Israelis from any tournament Indonesia hosted in a show scholarships are not a fit solution General practitioners do not awardees is not based on their ca- of solidarity with Palestine. As a result, Indonesia has received for medical residency inequality Providing a scholarship does have to think about scholarships pacity, intellectual ability, track punishments and fines from international sports organizations. and fairness. not necessarily solve the core to undergo a residency program record or experience but a ladder problem of the Indonesian med- since they are employed and paid of administration and bureaucra- In 1958 Indonesia was disqualified from the World Cup quali- This concern arises from In- ical residency system. The fun- by the hospitals they work for. cy. Hence, to some extent, per- fication after refusing to play home and away matches against donesia’s medical residency sys- damental reason why the Indo- This is where the logical fallacy of sonal connections matter. Israel. In 1962 the government rejected the participation of Is- tem itself, which is managed by nesian residency program has the Indonesian residency system rael in the Asian Games, prompting the International Olympic universities, instead of a hospital- become a privilege not everyone resides. Indonesia’s concern has always Organization to punish Indonesia. In 2006 Indonesia was fined centered system as in other coun- can experience is because Indo- been the same for years. The gap and almost expelled from the International Tennis Federation tries. Thus, the Indonesian resi- nesia adopts an anomalous ap- It is obvious that Indonesia’s between the availability of spe- after withdrawing from the Fed Cup held in Tel Aviv.   dency system is usually known as proach in implementing the med- residency system is the source of cialist doctors and the growing a university-based system. ical residency program. the problem and providing schol- population has been the same old There has been encouraging development of late in the way arships is not a sustainable ap- story. Unfortunately, the problem the government supports and respects the Olympic spirit of In this system, if a general In other countries, resident proach. Scholarships may help will be unaddressed if the same universalism, which knows no political, religious or racial bor- practitioner wants to apply for a doctors are not university stu- some general practitioners who medical residency system re- ders. In 2015, although reluctantly, Indonesia granted a visa to residency position, they need to dents. Therefore, there is no need face financial constraints. mains in place. badminton player Misha Zilbermain of Israel in order to com- apply to the university and pay tu- to pay huge tuition fees each se- pete in the World Championship in Jakarta.   ition fees each semester for four mester. There are also clear regu- However, there are only lim- Indonesia should start think- to five years. The resident doctors lations on work hours as applied ited scholarships available each ing about reforming its medical Sports and Youth Affairs Minister Zainudin Amali said there will remain unpaid throughout to other workers. The same thing year and those choosing this path residency system and not rest on should be no qualms about Israel’s participation in the U-20 the course of study and be unable will not work in Indonesia since will have to go down a highly com- providing funds or scholarships. World Cup as the matter had been discussed and agreed upon to provide a professional medical resident doctors are not consid- petitive road. Our neighbors such as Singapore, by all parties, including Indonesia as the host, since 2019. All service before graduating from ered professional medical service Malaysia and the Philippines teams that qualify for the tournament will be allowed to play university. providers. In the end scholarships do not adopt hospital-based medical on Indonesian turf. help meet the rising demand and residency, while we confusingly With this kind of system, the In most countries across the solve the uneven distribution of maintain a system that has prov- Israel is eligible for the finals to be held from May 20 through resident doctor’s family will be globe, except Indonesia, resident specialist doctors throughout the en to be part of the problem rath- June 11, 2023 after finishing second behind England in Group the one in charge of all the ex- doctors are employed by the hos- country. This situation will likely er than the solution. B and reaching the semifinals of the European Cup recently. penses of their study. Hence, pitals while at the same time they persist if no major breakthrough those who come from a better so- deepen their competency under is initiated. So, what is holding Indonesia The Foreign Ministry, too, does not consider the presence of cio-economic background stand the supervision of experienced spe- back from changing its residency the Israeli team in the country a big deal as the event falls un- a better chance of getting into a cialists in a particular medical spe- Worse, taking a residency system? der the auspices of the world soccer body, FIFA. Spokesman medical residency earlier. through scholarship funding for the ministry, Teuku Faizasyah, said Indonesia’s granting of will require stricter administra- visas to Israeli citizens is not unprecedented. The Immigra- Therefore, considering the lim- tion office gave two Knesset members an entry to participate ited number of providers (mostly in the International Parliamentary Union (IPU) congress In- state universities) and high cost, donesia hosted in Bali in March. The visas were awarded be- Indonesia is still dealing with a cause the invitation to attend the congress came from the IPU, specialist scarcity, especially in not the House of Representatives as representative of Indone- the remote regions since most sia in the IPU. specialist doctors prefer to stay in urban areas, which promise bet- For whatever reason, sports must be separated from poli- ter opportunities, safety, conve- tics. The Olympic movement and the world of sports in gener- nience and higher pay. al clearly denounce all forms of political intervention. In par- ticular FIFA has attempted to keep soccer out of politics, and To date, some government in- ensure each national soccer federation upholds the rule. stitutions, such as the Finance Ministry through its Endowment As a good host, Indonesia is responsible for providing the Fund for Education (LPDP), pri- best facilities that will support all the participating teams, in- vate organizations and founda- cluding Israel, to perform well. Indonesia should also ensure tions have provided some funding the safety of all the players. schemes to assist the prospective specialist doctors who have to cope with financial constraints. Scholarships can transform Low earth orbit satellites: RI into an advanced nation Connecting the unconnected Becoming an advanced na- tion is the dream of all de- By Alexander Koroh As the world transitions to By Brian Lavallée veloping countries. How- a new normal that is in- ever, transforming a developing Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara creasingly dependent on Montreal, Canada country into an advanced one is connectivity and digital servic- truly an arduous process. An analyst at the East Nusa Tenggara provincial es, the need to bridge the digital Senior director, solutions marketing at Ciena government. These views are his own. divide has become ever more Japan and Singapore are quint- crucial. essential developing countries advanced countries are real. it will be important to give more out of fiber-optic network infra- as Telesat’s Lightspeed, SpaceX’s that succeeded in attaining indus- In the Indonesian context, the opportunities to Indonesia’s sons While the internet penetra- structure is not always logistically Starlink, and Amazon’s Project trialized-country status. Unfortu- and daughters to study in devel- tion rate in Asia has doubled over feasible for emerging economies Kuiper. The hype is not lost on nately, most developing countries government has provided LPDP oped countries. Last year, LPDP the past decade, approximately in Asia that face time and cost governments in this region either are digging deep to obtain that scholarships to many  talented awardees totaled 5,842, but only 1.8 billion people across the re- constraints. — plans to improve connectivity status but seem to be struggling. recipients. This program is one 31.9 percent of them pursued gion still do not have access to in underserved areas using sat- Indonesia is one of them. of the instruments used to pro- university degrees in developed the internet. Alternatives, like geostationary ellite technologies are already in duce  superior  human resources countries. The data means that Equatorial Orbit (GEO) and Me- place in the Philippines. Evidence shows that one of for a progressive Indonesia. Indonesia will  attain few brain Needless to say, this can have dium Earth Orbit (MEO) satel- the key elements that signifi- circulation benefits. far reaching implications as con- lites, incur high latency and mod- It is important to remember cantly supported Singapore and Daugeliene and Marcinkev- nectivity is central to sustain- est speed due to their distance that satellite networks only carry Japan in their efforts to join the iciene (2009) in their article The government through LPDP able development and growth to- from the Earth’s surface. a fraction of the data traffic that ranks of developed countries is “Brain Circulation: Theoretical scholarships needs to encourage day. Besides bringing increased powers the internet, and still rely brain circulation; hence, Indone- Considerations” emphasize that as many awardees as possible to growth, productivity and value- Clearly, creating a pathway on terrestrial infrastructure to sia can utilize brain circulation, “in the future, the brain circula- study in universities in developed added employment creation, to high-speed internet is not deliver internet-based services to including through the Endow- tion phenomenon will manifest countries. To realize the benefits of having access to the internet can as straightforward as it seems. end users. ment Fund for Education (LPDP) with  greater power. Countries brain circulation, the scholarships also help to accelerate financial Countries looking to expand net- scholarship scheme. must put all their efforts to stim- should go to at least 70 percent of inclusion and support quality ed- work connectivity and provide in- There is a lot more to consider ulate this process because this is awardees who are admitted to uni- ucation. ternet access in rural areas need a with LEO satellite networks than In the past, when Japan and Sin- the key to countries’ development versities in developed countries. solution that is both economically simply launching as many satel- gapore were still developing coun- and competitiveness as well”.  Governments across the re- viable and easy to set up. lites into space as possible. LEO tries, they sent thousands of their In fact, many advanced coun- gion have taken active steps to satellite networks must seamless- potential students for academic If we consider the benefits In- tries offer scholarships to Indo- increase access to connectivity This is where Low Earth Orbit ly integrate with existing terres- tertiary education in the developed donesia can obtain through the nesian students every year;  for and launched broad-scale digital (LEO) satellites come in. Com- trial networks and data centers to world every year. They studied and LPDP scholarship program, the instance, the British Cheve- transformation strategies. For pared to “traditional” GEO and provide high-performance con- experienced directly the best prac- outcome of studying in developed ning Award, Fulbright, Erasmus, example, in Malaysia, the Jali- MEO satellites, LEO satellites op- nectivity and cloud-based servic- tices of public services there, rang- countries will provide far bigger New Zealand Scholarship and nan Digital Negara (Jendela) ini- erate much closer to the Earth’s es to underserved end-users, hu- ing from drinking water and trans- benefits than studying in Indo- many more. Nevertheless, not tiative was introduced in 2020 surface, which enables them to mans and machines. portation to library service. nesia. The quality of prominent many  students can be facilitated with the goal of providing inter- provide high-speed, low-latency universities in the United States, by those scholarships. net access to every corner of the services. As such, investments in terres- Positive and progressive en- Canada and the United Kingdom country. trial wireline infrastructure be- counters could inspire Indonesian is evidently better than the best In line with this, Indonesia can Additionally, they are typical- tween satellite ground stations, students to apply those excellent universities in Indonesia. emulate the Malaysian govern- Similarly, the Indonesian gov- ly less expensive to manufacture to other communications service experiences  at  home. Upon their ment, which has sent thousands ernment announced plans to ex- and launch, although you need providers, and data centers host- return to  Indonesia, they could In addition, the world-class pub- of its nationals to study in devel- tend the geographic coverage of many more of them, making them ing accessed content, are still es- contribute to the development of lic services and democratic liveli- oped countries. In 2014 alone, 4G services nationwide by the ideal to provide high-speed inter- sential for always on connectiv- the country, which is truly the es- hood in advanced countries will nearly 40,000 Malaysians studied end of 2022. net to rural and remote locations. ity and cloud-based services. It’s sence of brain circulation. help form a positive and construc- in the UK and Australia. a tricky balancing act to manage tive perspective of the LPDP. Cloud connectivity has been Next generation satellite net- cost without compromising on Although brain circulation itself Thus, it is necessary for Indo- typically delivered via a combina- works that leverage software-cen- network performance. is broad in its concept and is not Moreover, the awardees will have nesia to expand the LPDP schol- tion of terrestrial wireline access tric automation are also becoming limited to sending students, work- opportunities to broaden their in- arship program  to send 10,000 and cell towers, feeding traffic more cost-effective and operation- There is no one size fits all ap- ers or experts overseas to work for ternational network through inter- awardees to advanced countries into local, regional, nationwide, ally efficient, further revolutioniz- proach to bridging the digital di- a certain period of time, the posi- actions with students from other every year in order to maximize and global fiber networks. ing efforts to democratize internet vide but one thing is for sure - the tive contributions to the country countries. These are the brain circu- the benefits of brain circula- access in rural areas. growing activity with LEO satel- through the knowledge, experi- lation results that are crucially im- tion, which can contribute to the While fiber technologies are lites is set to be a potential game- ences and expertise they attain in portant in supporting Indonesia to transformation of Indonesia into still the industry standard for fast In recent years, we have seen changer to accelerate these devel- become a developed country. a developed nation. broadband and latency, the roll- a steady stream of satellite con- opments even further. stellation announcements from Considering the great benefits, multiple network operators such Senior Editors : Endy M. Bayuni, Vincent Lingga, Editorial Advisory Board : Endy M. Bayuni EDITORIAL AND GENERAL DEPARTMENT Kornelius Purba Ombudsman : Vincent Lingga, Bregas Aditya Jl. Palmerah Barat 142-143, Jakarta 10270 PUBLISHED BY PT BINA MEDIA TENGGARA SINCE 1983 (62) (21) 5300476, 5300478 ● Fax (62) (21) 5350050, 5306971  [email protected] Board of Directors : Jusuf Wanandi, Judistira Wanandi, Editor-at-large : Ary Hermawan Head of print : Niken Prathivi ADVERTISING AND CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT M. Taufiqurrahman, Maggie Tiojakin EDITORIAL STAFF: Abdur Rahim, Andi Muhammad Ibnu Aqil, Andre Arditya, Dwi Atmanta, Elly Burhaini Faizal, Jl. Palmerah Barat 142-143, Jakarta 10270 & Mikha Ramadewi Hans David Tampubolon, Ina Parlina, Indah Setiawati, Kharishar Kahfi, Michael Hegarty, Mark Lempp, Novan Iman Santosa, Risty Nurraisa, Tama Salim, Wendra Ajistyatama (62) (21) 5360001, 5360003, 68469983 ● FAX (62) (21) 5360008, 5360009 Editor-in-Chief/Guarantor : M. Taufiqurrahman  [email protected] [ADVERTISING] [email protected] [SUBSCRIPTION] Managing Editor : Adisti Sukma Sawitri PRINTING by PT Gramedia Group, Gedung Kompas Gramedia Jl. Palmerah Selatan No. 22-28, Jakarta 10270 Marcel Thee

OPINION 7SATURDAY July 2, 2022 Trump’s lessons for defending the rule of law Anew show currently air- By Antara Haldar Back in 2016, many pundits were University has argued that “moral to be ruled by our baser instincts. ing gives fresh meaning skeptical about Trump’s elec- action covaries with moral emo- The philosopher David Hume ar- to the term reality TV. Project Syndicate/Cambridge, United Kingdom toral prospects, given his lack of tion more than with moral rea- gued that moral sentiment was a Call it “American De- a strategy that they could recog- soning” — or, as he famously put better guide than reason alone. mocracy: Clear and Present Dan- Associate professor of empirical legal studies nize. They searched in vain for it, the emotional dog wags its ra- ger”. It should be required viewing. at the University of Cambridge logic and facts in his incoherent tional tail. We may know that a particular speeches, but missed the emo- action might harm many people, Almost 18 months after the stand down. Trump appeared to as “bullshit”. Trump’s daughter, tional thread in his messages that For many Americans, Trump but unless we care about those Jan. 6, 2021, storming of the be directly encouraging violence. Ivanka, and his son-in-law, Jared bound voters to him. has all but put this dog on a leash. people or about human well- United States Capitol, a House The picture the committee paints Kushner, effectively stated that By contrast, and despite growing being, that awareness does not of Representatives select com- is one of a premeditated attack on they accepted the result (prompt- The psychologist Paul Ekman evidence, most American liber- guide our action. mittee is publicizing the findings democracy, rather than a sponta- ing a vitriolic rant from Trump). identifies six basic emotions: als remain determined to bury of its detailed investigation into neous crowd combustion. Fear, anger, sadness, joy, disgust, emotion and focus on the ratio- With both interest in the the event. The committee has Capitol police officer Caroline and surprise. Trump is to one of nal. That’s like bringing a knife to Capitol riot and perceptions of interviewed over 1,000 witness- Former New York City May- Edwards’ description of “car- those — anger — what Mozart was a gunfight. Trump’s culpability declining, the es and examined 125,000 docu- or Rudy Giuliani and John East- nage” and “slipping in people’s to G Minor. And he seems to have Jan. 6 Committee faces an uphill ments. It has held six hearings so man, a conservative lawyer and blood” was a chilling reminder an innate capacity to transmit his Emotional responses are, by de- task. But by taking a leaf out of far in June, with a view to trying academic, appear to have been that five people died and 140 law- anger to his supporters. That was sign, quick, automatic, and perva- Trump’s book and courting pub- to bring former president Donald the “brains” behind the attempt- enforcement officers were in- Trump’s masterstroke in 2016: sive — and tend to overpower con- lic opinion, the panel has got its Trump to justice. ed coup (cooking up a plot that jured in the attack. substituting feelings for facts. flicting judgments. In his seminal priorities right. The production Trump knew to be illegal), while 1872 work, The Expression of the value of the hearings has been Vice Chair Liz Cheney, the the far-right Proud Boys and Oath The conservative federal judge The debate about the primacy Emotions in Man and Animals, excellent, and instead of relying committee’s senior Republi- Keepers provided much of the Michael Luttig warned that of “feeling” versus “thinking”, Charles Darwin argued that our solely on logical arguments, the can (and one of only two Grand brawn. The focus of their efforts Trump is “a clear and present including a heated and high-pro- affective responses are on a con- committee is creating a compel- Old Party representatives will- was to pressure then-Vice Presi- danger” to American democra- file exchange between the social tinuum from nonhuman animals ling narrative in a multipart docu- ing to serve on it), summed up dent Mike Pence to refuse to cer- cy — a plea addressed to the Re- psychologist Robert Zajonc and and derive from split-second reac- drama that is more likely to elicit the panel’s conclusion: “Presi- tify the 2020 presidential election, publican Party, which continues the psychologist Richard Laza- tions that emerged as existential moral engagement. dent Trump summoned the mob, which Trump lost to Joe Biden. to close ranks around the former rus, was central to psychology in requirements of survival (for ex- assembled the mob and lit the president. House Minority Lead- the 1980s. ample, to escape a predator). About 20 million Americans flame of this attack.” Showcasing There is also evidence of ongo- er Kevin McCarthy is boycotting tuned in for the first hearing, evidence implicating the former ing attempts to coerce officials in the hearings; most Republicans Zajonc made a compelling case As psychologists currently un- similar to the number that watch president more directly in the in- some states to reverse the result. are ignoring them and stonewall- for “affective primacy”, establish- derstand it, “organisms had re- the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Pa- surrection than was previously A shocking revelation from the ing. Trump remains the GOP’s ing that, in many cases, includ- flex-like responses that allowed rade on TV and well above the known, the committee has docu- hearings this week indicates that central figure, retains the support ing in decision-making, affect them to respond to environmen- 4.6 million to 7.6 million who saw mented his failure to call in Na- Trump, himself, sought to join of a majority of the party’s base, (roughly speaking, emotion) ap- tal threats […] and emotional ex- the season finale of Trump’s The tional Guard units or additional the mob. and may well run for the presi- pears to precede cognition, with pressions were residues of these Apprentice. At the moment, the police officers to help at the Capi- dency again in 2024. justifications often being pro- responses”. It is this survival in- score looks like Trump: 0, Rule of tol, and that he ignored his advis- Several former Trump loyalists duced ex post. stinct to which Trump appeals. Law: 1. But the key to this all-im- ers’ pleas to ask his supporters to have testified against him. For- Trump’s political modus ope- portant drama’s success will be mer Attorney General Bill Barr randi contains a lesson about the More recently, the psycholo- But our nonhuman ancestral keeping viewers hooked. dismissed Trump’s election lies power of emotional engagement. gist Jonathan Haidt of New York inheritance does not condemn us High-speed train project not friendly for the disabled By Muhammad Zulfikar Rakhmat The Conversation Indonesia/Yogyakarta Assistant professor in international relations, Indonesian Islamic University (UII) Yogyakarta. Yeta Purnama, a student from UII, contributed to this article, which is republished under a Creative Commons license. The Jakarta-Bandung high- A PT KCIC spokesperson told speed train (KCJB), worth the media the company has al- US$8 billion, has become ways followed Indonesia’s regu- one of Indonesia's most-awaited lations about the construction of mega projects. The 142-kilometer public infrastructure, which had rail line connecting Jakarta with also accommodated the need of Bandung, the capital of West Java people with disabilities. province, is currently under con- What has the project promised struction and aims to start oper- so far? AFP/Saleh Al-Obeidi ating in June 2023. PT KCIC has claimed the KCJB Feed those in need: Poor Yemeni families receive flour rations and other basic food supplies from charities in the province of Lahj, in The KCJB project not only will train will later provide facilities southern Yemen, on March 29, as food prices have doubled since last year and the fact that Ukraine supplies nearly a third of Yemen's wheat imports has heightened fears of a deepening famine. be the first high-speed railway in for people with disability. The true reasons behind Southeast Asia but is also set to The company has promised to the looming global food crisis become China’s most important build special train cars for “pas- Belt and Road Initiative project in sengers with reduced mobility”, Indonesia, if not Southeast Asia. along with a range of supporting Handled by PT Kereta Cepat facilities. Indonesia-China (KCIC), the Under the plan, each train train will be able to travel at up to would feature one special car with 350 km per hour, cutting the jour- improved disability access and a ney time between Jakarta and wheelchair storage area. There Bandung from almost four hours would also be four special priority to just 40 minutes. seats on every other car. We see that today, a num- But besides suffering financial PT KCIC has also promised to ber of countries are trying to accuse Rus- By Alexander Ivanov difficulties with regard to finan- issues, the project has also been design a special toilet for wheel- sia of the looming food crisis and cial and transport services un- hold our country responsible for Jakarta der contracts of food deliveries. criticized for delays, cost over- chair users, equipped with Braille all the negative trends in agricul- In terms of current uncertainty tural markets, gloomy prospects The Russian ambassador to Indonesia farmers doubt if there is a reason runs, potential debt-traps and en- signage and sliding doors for ease in terms of access to food and the to invest in expansion of agricul- huge losses of farmers. The cause tural business. vironmental destruction. of access. of this crisis is widely attributed to Russia’s “actions in Ukraine”. Threats of mass arrests of dry Alongside this, Indonesian The design of the special train cargo ships and disconnection of However, the truth is absolutely percent. In 2020 and 2021 the able energy sources to the det- Russia from the Society for World- think thank The Habibie Center car is adapted from the Trans- different, and it is well-illustrated World Food Program has repeat- riment of traditional fuels, low wide Interbank Financial Telecom- by comprehensive and objective edly warned that as the world was investment in oil and gas pro- munication (SWIFT) contribute to has reported that portation Minis- analysis of the roots and drivers of dealing with the COVID-19 pan- cessing, as well as abandoning disruption of the logistic and finan- this crisis. It is vital to understand demic, it was also “on the brink nuclear energy triggered growth cial chains with the participation of the design and The company has try Regulation No. them properly, without emotions of a hunger pandemic” that could of energy prices. In particular, Russian economic operators. planning stages promised to build 63/2019 about the and political prejudice. lead to “multiple famines of bib- oil prices in 2020-2022 grew by of the KCJB proj- special train cars for minimum service lical proportions”. Peak energy more than 22 percent. Restrictions in the transporta- ect has paid little “passengers with standards for pub- Agricultural production is in- prices were reported in 2021. tion sector (including prohibited attention to the reduced mobility”, lic train, and Chi- deed among the most injured Spot natural gas prices went entry of Russian ships into ports) needs and neces- along with a range of na’s Code Stan- sectors because of global eco- As of March 31, the prices for up in 2021, reaching 3-4 times breach food supplies and made it sity of people with supporting facilities. dard on railway nomic instability. The key point food were the following: wheat at the peak ($1,000 per 1000 cu- impossible to deliver Russian and disabilities. regulations which is that the problems in the global US$375/ton, corn $295/ton, bar- bic meters as of the end of Feb- Belarusian fertilizers to agricul- also regulate the agricultural markets are multi- ley $422/ton, rapeseed $1027/ton. ruary, but during winter 2021-22 tural producers. As a result, the This has raised aspects for disabil- faceted in origin and deep-root- prices jumped to a record high global market is on the brink of an a hesitation of ed in the long-lasting economic The crisis phenomena of re- $2,500). As a result, December inevitable and significant drop in instability. They are linked to a cent years, particularly in the ag- 2021 marked an unprecedented crops around the world. whether the KCJB ity passengers. number of factors, including the ricultural market, are associated, increase in prices for mineral fer- COVID-19 pandemic and related first of all, with miscalculations tilizers: 3-4 times for urea and 2-3 Certain restrictive economic train will accom- Other support- disturbances. and systemic mistakes in the times for saltpeter. measures of the Russian Federa- macroeconomic (including finan- tion, affecting export of agricul- modate the needs of people with ing infrastructure for disabled The current situation in the cial and trade), energy (including Due to restrictions in interna- tural and raw materials, are tem- food markets is not a result of two climate) and food policies of de- tional transportation, breaches in porary and are directed solely at disabilities when travelling be- passengers would include special months of this year, but a steady veloped countries. cargo deliveries and lower cargo minimizing the consequences of trend of at least the last two years. turnover caused by anti-COVID sanctions’ pressure and adapting tween the Indonesia’s two largest escalators and elevators, special Food prices started increasing The COVID-19 pandemic fol- measures transportation costs the national economy and busi- in mid-2020 and reached an all- lowed by the breach of supply and grew enormously. Freight rates nesses to the conditions of exter- cities. officers, priority ticketing facilities time high in February 2022. distribution chains as well as spike nearly doubled. nal restrictions. of freight and insurance rates also KCIC involves less participa- through e-ticketing applications This is a real market shock contributed to this trend. During the period of the “coro- The current situation should caused by high demand and in- na crisis”, Western governments be viewed by all countries tion from disability groups, re- and counters and parking spaces. creasing prices in food, raw mate- In developed countries in “pulled off” scarce commodity through the lens of their vital na- rials and transportation services, 2020-2021, the volume of mon- flows and worsened the already dif- tional interests. All stakeholders port says. Persons with disabilities are fac- including freight in the post-CO- etary support to the economy ficult situation in developing coun- are therefore called upon to voice VID-19 recovery period. sharply increased (to $5 trillion in tries dependent on food imports. their firm position. The report released in Septem- ing their own unresolved challeng- the US, $1 trillion in the European According to the data of the Union and $2 trillion in Japan). The situation was exacerbat- Lifting unilateral coercive ber 2021 by the Habibie Center es in Indonesia. They are still very stock exchanges, the current situ- ed by low levels of food supplies, measures can significantly down- ation in the food market is not a Growing budget deficits, cou- adverse weather conditions (in grade the tensions around trans- has found that PT KCIC has not rarely involved in the development result of two months of this year, pled with ultra-mild monetary particular, prolonged drought in portation-related, logistical and but a steady trend of at least the policy, accelerated demand and North America) and general un- financial aspects, ensure unim- been seen to involve groups of and operational stages of public last two years. The annual growth led to a surge of inflation (includ- derinvestment in the industrial peded deliveries and reverse the rate of wheat prices in 2021 ing food prices spike). sector. Amid rising fuel and fer- economics back to seeking stabil- persons with disabilities in the transportation in Indonesia. amounted to up to 25 percent. By tilizer prices, farmers are reduc- ity of global agricultural, energy February 2022, they exceeded the The trend was aggravated by ing crops areas everywhere. Ev- and financial markets. design, planning and develop- But we may hope better things average prices for 2017-2021 by growing protectionism, trade er-growing demand is not met by 31-62 percent. wars and persistent acute contra- supplies of agricultural products. Mutually respectful and con- ment stages as they are being del- with the involvement of foreign dictions in the regulation of agri- structive dialogue on problems The cost of corn for the years cultural markets, including such Western measures of econom- with global ramifications is re- egated to non-disabled persons. investments. of 2020-2021 increased by 162 issues as government support and ic coercion against Russia exac- quired. If this is not done in an percent — for rapeseed, by 175 subsidies to agricultural produc- erbated already existing negative urgent manner, then the conse- Thereportmentionedthecom- Indonesia has to impose firm tion. As a result, food stocks have trends in the global food market, quences can become catastrophic decreased to hit the lowest level energy and industry. for everyone. pany only have asked for inputs and more comprehensive policies for the last five to 10 years. Payment restrictions and logis- regarding the KCJB construction and regulations related to access The accelerated transition of tical difficulties affected all eco- a number of Western countries nomic operators, including ag- from disabled employees who and services for persons with dis- to “green energy”, reliance sole- ricultural companies, who faced ly on the development of renew- work at the Transportation Min- abilities, and those have to be en- istry. But it did not try to seek di- forced consistently in foreign in- rect opinions from any disability vestments. community. The regulations need to be The report has led to a ques- stated clearly on laws, govern- tion of whether the disabled peo- ment regulations, ministerial reg- ple will be able to enjoy the KCJB ulations and regional regulations. or not. The country also needs to make We should not deny that the sure that all stakeholders in such train has adopted a good, sophis- investments must adopt inclu- ticated design, but some adjust- siveness and prioritize the rights ments may still needed to make of the persons with disabilities. them suitable for the Indonesian The government should initi- people and to make it able to be ate and ask the foreign investors implemented to Indonesia’s in- to together involve civil society frastructure conditions. groups that concern with the dis- The Conversation Indonesia abled in the development plan- has reached out to KCIC but did ning of all projects related to pub- not receive responses. lic transport and facilities. Please send your articles to [email protected].

8 SATURDAY July 2, 2022 WORLD Welcome back ‘fnNaoe.lrKiaeCronObrteoVharIidDbnel-gar1sm9’ es ‘No possibility’ of virus entering the North via leaflets: South Reuters/Mohammed Salem Soo-hyang Choi this year was in late April from the western Gimpo region. Muslim pilgrims circle the Kaaba and pray at the Grand Mosque in the holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, on Friday. Islam’s holiest sites Mecca Reuters/Seoul and Medina in Saudi Arabia are welcoming back pilgrims for the 2022 haj season, after the kingdom barred foreign travelers over the last two North Korea claimed on Friday The North’s first admission years because of the COVID-19 pandemic. that the country’s first COVID-19 of a COVID-19 outbreak came outbreak began with patients months after it eased border lock- India bans many single-use plastics to tackle waste touching “alien things” near the downs enforced since early in border with South Korea, appar- 2020 to resume freight-train op- Bhuvan Bagga Authorities have promised to a machete and serving them to sue was firms “which had in- ently shifting blame to the neigh- erations with China. crack down hard after the ban — customers with a plastic straw, vested huge capital for machines bor for the wave of infections in Agence France-Presse/New Delhi first announced in 2018 by Prime doesn’t know what he will do. that may not be useful” after the isolated country. But it would have been diffi- India imposed a ban on many sin- Minister Narendra Modi — came the ban. cult for Pyongyang to point fin- gle-use plastics on Friday in a bid into effect. Switching to “expensive paper Announcing results of an in- gers at China, said Lim Eul-chul, to tackle waste choking rivers and straws will be tough. I will likely “It is not easy to make differ- vestigation, the North ordered a professor at the Institute for poisoning wildlife, but experts say Inspectors are set to fan out pass the cost to the customers,” ent products from machines and people to “vigilantly deal with Far Eastern Studies at Kyungnam it faces severe headwinds from from Friday checking that no sup- he said in New Delhi. the government could help by of- alien things coming by wind and University. unprepared manufacturers and pliers or distributors are flouting fering some subsidies and helping other climate phenomena and consumers unwilling to pay more. the rules at risk of a maximum “I’ve heard it’ll help the envi- develop and purchase alternative balloons in the areas along the de- “If they concluded the virus fine of 100,000 rupees (US$1,265) ronment but I don’t see how it’ll products,” Doshi said. marcation line and borders”, the was from China, they would have The country generates around or five-year jail sentence. change anything for us,” he added. official KCNA news agency said. had to tighten quarantine mea- 4 million tons of plastic waste per Satish Sinha from environ- sures on the border area in a fur- year, about a third of which is not GlobalData analysts said small mental group Toxics Link said The agency did not directly ther setback to North Korea-Chi- recycled and ends up in water- that “there will be initial resis- mention South Korea, but North na trade,” Lim said. ways and landfills that regularly It is not easy to make different products from tance” as finding replacements Korean defectors and activists catch fire and exacerbate air pol- machines and the government could help by offering may be hard but it was a “very have for decades flown balloons The North has claimed the lution. welcome step”. from the South across the heavily pandemic wave has shown signs some subsidies and helping develop and purchase fortified border, carrying leaflets of subsiding, although experts Stray cows munching on plas- alternative products. “There will be difficulties and and humanitarian aid. suspect under-reporting in the tic are a common sight in Indian we may pay the price but if you’re figures released through govern- cities and a recent study found Industry lobbying packs with plastic straws make up serious about the environment, South Korea’s unification min- ment-controlled media. traces in the dung of elephants Around half of India’s regions 35 percent of soft drinks volumes, this is an important issue that istry, handling inter-Korean af- in the northern forests of Uttara- meaning manufacturers will be needs a concerted push,” he said. fairs, said there was “no possibili- North Korea reported 4,570 khand state. have already sought to impose “badly hit”. ty” of the virus entering the North more people with fever symp- their own regulations but as the One young company trying to through leaflets sent across the toms on Friday, with the total Estimates vary but around half state of rivers and landfill sites “Price-sensitive masses are un- be part of the change is Ecoware, border. number of fever patients record- comes from items used once, and testifies, success has been mixed. able to foot the bill for eco-friend- which makes disposable bio-de- ed since late April at 4.74 million. the new ban covers the produc- ly alternatives,” Bobby Verghese gradable products at its factory According to KCNA, an tion, import and sale of ubiqui- Firms in the plastics industry, from GlobalData added. outside Delhi. 18-year-old soldier and a five- Pyongyang has been announc- tous objects like straws and cups which employs millions of peo- year-old kindergartner who con- ing the number of fever patients made of plastic as well as wrap- ple, say that alternatives are ex- ‘Resistance’ Chief executive Rhea Mazum- tacted the unidentified materials daily without specifying whether ping on cigarette packets. pensive and they have been lob- Jigish N. Doshi, president of dar Singhal said that the appalling “in a hill around barracks and res- they had contracted COVID-19, bying the government for a delay state of landfills and widespread idential quarters” in the eastern apparently due to a lack of test- Exempt for now are prod- to the ban. industry group Plastindia Foun- plastic consumption inspired her county of Kumgang in early April ing kits. ucts such as plastic bags below a dation, expects “temporary” venture. showed symptoms and later test- certain thickness and so-called Pintu, who earns his living job losses but said the bigger is- ed positive for COVID-19. Earlier in the week, North Ko- multi-layered packaging. hacking the top of coconuts with “We’ve seen plenty of bans be- rea said the US was taking advan- fore, but as citizens the power lies The KCNA said all other fever tage of its COVID-19 outbreak by with us,” Singhal said. cases reported in the country un- offering humanitarian aid for po- til mid-April were due to other litical purposes. diseases, but it did not elaborate. North Korea’s foreign minis- “It’s hard to believe North Ko- try said in an article published on rea’s claim, scientifically speak- Thursday that the US’ offer was a ing, given that the possibility plot to water down international of the virus spreading through criticism on its hostile policy to- objects is quite low,” said Yang ward North Korea. Moo-jin, a professor at the Uni- versity of North Korean Studies The ministry criticized the US’ in Seoul. offer of humanitarian aid to be in- sincere amid its recent military The United States Centers for exercises and moves to impose Disease Control and Prevention more sanctions. says the risk of people getting in- fected with COVID-19 through It added that the US, which contact with contaminated sur- failed in its own COVID-19 cri- faces or objects is generally con- sis, should drop its “foolish” offer, sidered low, though it is possible. and take care of its own situation at home. The North also said the first two patients touched the unspec- Washington and South Korea ified objects in the eastern town had offered to provide humani- in early April, but the first time a tarian support, such as COV- defectors’ group is known to have ID-19 vaccines and medical sup- sent balloons across the border plies, to North Korea after its first COVID-19 outbreak since late April, but got no responses from Pyongyang. Japanese asked to save power as country’s east sizzles Too late Yuka Obayashi and Elaine Lies energy supplies will remain tight hara told a news conference. That’s why things got tight,” an of- Reuters/Vina Salazar amid increasing energy prices, The power grid in greater To- ficial at the Economy, Trade and Reuters/Tokyo adding fervor to calls within the Industry (METI) Ministry told re- Filipino activists join a protest during the inauguration of newly The highest temperatures since government to restart more nu- kyo, home to 37 million people, porters on Thursday. elected Philippines President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr, at record-keeping began 147 years clear reactors that have been of- crept perilously close to usage the Plaza Miranda, in Manila on Thursday. Marcos Jr, the son of the ago scorched much of eastern Ja- fline since the Fukushima disas- levels that could have threatened Some manufacturers shortened Philippine ruler overthrown in a popular uprising 36 years ago, has pan for a week as of Friday, with ter of March 2011. power outages on Thursday. The work hours and some companies promised to strive for unity and a better future while praising his late the government asking citizens situation has eased, though, as asked workers to turn off unused father's legacy. to cut power use as much as pos- The city of Isezaki hit 40.3C, measures taken by authorities to appliances earlier this week. A few sible, while still running air con- the highest mark in Japan so far deal with summer peak demand commuter train stations also shut ditioners to stay safe. this year, and downtown Tokyo kicked in with the start of July. off escalators, and an amusement went to 37C. park in Yokohama, a city near To- The region around Tokyo was Japan frequently sees scorch- kyo, turned off the lights on its Fer- set for its seventh straight day of The government warned dan- ing summer temperatures. Last ris wheel and ropeway at night, the temperatures above 35 degrees gerous conditions would persist, year, several events at the Tokyo Nikkei Shimbun reported. Celsius and faced a hot week- again encouraging people to relax Olympics in late July had to be end as well, and the western city the use of masks outdoors, a mes- rescheduled due to the heat. But The heat came with an early of Nagoya was predicted to hit a sage slow to take root in Japan, temperatures in June this year end to the rainy season, which in sizzling 40C. Slightly cooler tem- where mask-wearing was popular have been unprecedented, catch- some parts of Japan lasted barely peratures and possibly rain could even before the pandemic. ing authorities unprepared. two weeks, leaving dams partly bring relief on Monday. empty and some areas calling for “Since it raises the risk of heat- “Due to the record-high tem- water conservation. Authorities issued no warn- stroke, please take off your masks peratures, we had [power] demand ing of a possible power crunch for outside if you are far away from nearly equal to summer peak levels A tropical storm may brush Ja- the first time this week, although others and not speaking,” Deputy in June — before we were able to pan next week, finally bringing rain Chief Cabinet Secretary Seiji Ki- gather sufficient supply resources. and slightly cooler temperatures. Easing off China accuses New Zealand of ‘misguided’ accusations Reuters/Aly Song Agence France-Presse “That allegation is wrong and spokesman Zhao Lijian accused summit, Ardern said that while thus regrettable,” the embassy the two leaders at the time of try- Europe faced tensions caused A woman, wearing a face mask amid the COVID-19 outbreak, walks Wellington said in a statement posted on its ing to “deliberately hype up” Chi- by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, past a poster outside a construction site in Shanghai, China, on Friday. China accused New Zealand website. na’s internal issues and said their the Pacific was also experiencing Beijing said it would slash COVID-19 quarantine requirements and Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern statement “distorts and smears “mounting pressure on the inter- made changes to a state-mandated mobile app used for local travel, on Friday of making “wrong and “It is obvious that such a com- China’s normal co-operation with national rules-based order”. marking a significant easing of rigid curbs that have severely curtailed thus regrettable” statements that ment is not helpful for deepen- Pacific Island countries”. travel and battered China's economy. were unhelpful for keeping the ing mutual trust between the two Concerns were heightened in two countries’ relationship “on countries, or for the efforts made by China is New Zealand’s biggest April when China signed a secu- the right track”. the two countries to keep our bilat- trading partner and Wellington rity pact with Solomon Islands, eral relations on the right track.” has previously sought not to an- raising fears it could open the Ardern attended the NATO tagonize Beijing. door to a Chinese military pres- leaders’ summit in Spain this It is the second time in a month ence in the South Pacific. week, saying in a speech on that China has taken issue with Last year, it distanced itself Wednesday that China had be- comments by Ardern. from statements by its “Five- The Chinese embassy main- come “more assertive and more Eyes” intelligence partners — the tained its goal in the South Pa- willing to challenge international In early June, the New Zea- US, the United Kingdom, Aus- cific was to help island states de- rules and norms”. land leader and United States tralia and Canada — condemn- velop and said Beijing “opposes President Joe Biden issued a joint ing Beijing’s crackdown on the attempts by a small number of The Chinese embassy in Wel- statement expressing concern democracy movement in Hong countries to impose their own lington hit back on Friday that it over the possibility of China es- Kong and its treatment of its Uy- will and so-called values on oth- had taken note of Ardern’s “mis- tablishing “a persistent military ghur Muslim population. ers under the guise of multilater- guided” accusations. presence in the Pacific”. alism”. But in her address at the NATO Chinese foreign ministry

WORLD 9SATURDAY July 2, 2022 Biden gets to end Trump-era immigration rule Supreme Court gives administration green light to end Remain in Mexico policy Agence France-Presse AFP/Chandan Kanna ident, more than 200,000 people attempting to enter the country Washington, DC End of the line: Migrants are transferred on the back of a pick-up truck by the United States Border Patrol after they are apprehended by illegally have been interdicted at The United States Supreme Court Border Patrol and National Guard troops in Eagle Pass, Texas, the US, on Thursday. the border each month and sent on Thursday gave President Joe back, under MPP or a separate Biden’s administration the green “Congress conferred contigu- These states argued that his ruled against the Biden admin- Protocols (MPP), while it pressed COVID-related policy blocking light to end the so-called Remain ous-territory return authority in move violated US immigration istration and the case eventually ahead with its appeal. people at the border. in Mexico policy instituted by for- expressly discretionary terms,” law by forcing authorities to re- ended up before the nation’s high- mer president Donald Trump as the opinion states. lease migrants they had detained est court. From the start of the policy in Illegal border crossings are of- part of his hardline approach to onto US territory. They also said January 2019 until its suspen- ten dangerous, both for the physi- immigration. Biden’s attempt to terminate that Biden officials had not fol- At first, the Supreme Court sion under Biden, nearly 70,000 cal conditions in the region and the policy, instituted by Trump in lowed proper administrative pro- simply refused to freeze the lower people were sent back to Mexico, mistreatment by human traf- Under the policy, some non- 2019, was challenged by a group of cedure. court ruling, forcing the adminis- according to the American Immi- fickers. This week 53 people Mexicans who entered the US il- Republican-governed states led tration to restart the policy, for- gration Council. died after being packed inside a legally across the southern border by Texas. A lower court in August 2021 mally called Migration Protection tractor-trailer truck without air were sent back to Mexico to wait During Biden’s tenure as pres- conditioning that was later aban- while their immigration cases doned in San Antonio, Texas. played out in court, rather than being detained or provisionally The American Civil Liberties released. Union praised the court’s ruling on Thursday. Since the beginning of his term, Biden has been trying to wind “The Supreme Court was right down the policy as part of what he to reject the spurious argument claims is a more humane take on that this cruel policy is statutori- immigration. ly required,” said Judy Rabinovitz of the ACLU Immigrants’ Rights Advocates for migrants said the Project. policy exposed asylum-seekers to dangerous conditions in Mexico In the Mexican town of Ciudad as overwhelmed US courts slowly Juarez, which is just across the work through a backlog of cases. border from Texas, asylum seek- ers who had been returned from Thursday’s ruling in favor of the US as part of the Remain in the Biden administration was Mexico policy cheered Thurs- split 5-4, with Chief Justice John day’s decision. Roberts joining fellow conser- vative Brett Kavanaugh and the Nicaraguan Pedro Antonio court’s three liberal justices in the Rizo, 41, who was staying at a lo- majority. cal migrant shelter said the ruling gave him hope for his future and Roberts, who authored the ma- added that only extraordinary jority opinion, argued that feder- circumstances would force one to al immigration law allows the ex- abandon his home and flee. ecutive branch to return asylum seekers to Mexico, but does not “One does not leave one’s house force it to do so. because one wants to leave,” he told AFP. ICC marks 20th birthday with Ukraine in sights Solemnly swear Danny Kemp and Jan Hennop “If we don’t hold on to the law to- former Yugoslavia in the 1990s The United States, which Reuters/Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States day, I think there is very little hope and the 1994 Rwandan genocide signed the Rome Statute in 2000 Agence France-Presse/The Hague, for anybody’s tomorrow,” Khan also laid the ground for a perma- but never ratified it, has some- Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson takes her constitutional oath of office as Netherlands told AFP in an interview in May. nent court. times been actively hostile, at one an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court administered The International Criminal Court point sanctioning the court over by Chief Justice John Roberts as Jackson’s husband Patrick Jackson (ICC) marks its 20th anniversary “That growing realization has The Rome Statute was signed its Afghan probe. holds the Bible at the Supreme Court building in Washington, DC, on on Friday, with the Ukraine war been rendered more acute be- in 1998 and came into effect four Thursday. Jackson made history as the first black woman on the na- giving the tribunal new impetus cause of the events of the 24th years later, allowing the court to China, Israel, Myanmar and tion's top judicial body while joining it at a time when its conservative after two decades of criticism and of February and the events in finally open its doors. Syria have also steered clear, along majority has been flexing its muscles in major rulings. controversy. Ukraine — and I think it’s long with Russia — which even alleged- overdue.” Yet since then, it has failed to ly sent a spy posing as an intern to Since its founding when the snare any senior government lead- target the ICC’s Ukraine probe. Rome Statute entered force on July The ICC is holding a special ers, and its five convictions so far 1, 2002, the world’s only permanent 20th anniversary conference on have all been African rebels, in- But while there was “deserved- war crimes court has had a poor re- Friday to mark the occasion, with cluding one former child soldier. ly” criticism of the ICC, the court cord of just five convictions. speakers including its current had made a “significant contri- president Piotr Hofmanski and “Contemplating the ICC’s leg- bution”, said Victoria Kerr of the But the Hague-based ICC re- prosecutor Khan. acy in light of its lofty goals, the Hague-based Asser Institute for mains the court of last resort results are negligible,” Thijs Bou- International and European Law. for grave charges such as geno- ‘Lofty goals’ wknegt of the NIOD Institute for cide, crimes against humanity, The court says the event is “an War, Holocaust and Genocide “The ICC is not a panacea, nor war crimes and aggression, when Studies told AFP. should its effectiveness be mea- member states are unable or un- occasion for reflections on how sured solely on its convictions,” willing to prosecute. well the ICC has met expectations”. It had high-profile failures, Kerr told AFP. with former Ivory Coast presi- Russia’s invasion of Ukraine But those expectations have al- dent Laurent Gbagbo being In recent years the court has and the subsequent ICC investi- ways been high. cleared, former DR Congo vice- sought to improve, with new gation into alleged war crimes has president Jean-Pierre Bemba probes into the Israeli-Palestinian made the international commu- The ICC is the successor to acquitted on appeal and Kenyan conflict, Afghanistan, Myanmar, nity realize the importance of the the Nuremberg trials of Nazi war President Uhuru Kenyatta having Venezuela and the Philippines. rule of law, says ICC prosecutor criminals, when the post-war in- charges dropped. Karim Khan. ternational order sought an ideal Ukraine is now where the of global justice. Just as damaging is the absence court has a chance to prove its of key players. credentials. Tribunals into the wars in the High heat Youth street protesters turn sights on climate ‘villains’ Reuters/Ministry of Culture of Peru Jack Graham and Joanna Gill tests more selectively at leaders Berglund, a lecturer at the Uni- States by politicians such as US of major institutions — from gov- versity of Bristol who researches Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez A forest fire burns in Machu Picchu, Peru, threatening to close in on Thomson Reuters Foundation/ ernments to banks — who hold climate protest movements. of New York, “green new deal” the ancient city high in the Andean mountains, in this image released London/Brussels the power to shift both the poli- proposals aim to address climate on Wednesday. The fire, which had engulfed an area about half the Before the COVID-19 pandemic cies and money behind climate- “There's a more specific focus change alongside social justice size of Vatican City, was started on Tuesday by farmers burning grass hit, more than 6 million people wrecking emissions. on the climate ‘villains,’” he said, problems such as inequality and and debris to prepare to sow new crops. flooded into the streets in 2019 adding that many current pro- racial discrimination. as part of mass Fridays for Future Dana Fisher, a sociologist who testers were politicized by the protests, aiming to force govern- studies climate activism at the Fridays for Future movement. Hannah Martin, co-executive ments and companies to act more University of Maryland, said the director of Green New Deal UK, swiftly to slash emissions and shift marks a key evolution in cli- One of the movements making which organizes the movement, curb climate change. mate activism. headlines in the United Kingdom says younger climate activists is Green New Deal Rising. Since “understand the interconnected- But while the protests boost- “What we’ve seen is that a lot launching last August, its volun- ness of these issues,” which is why ed public awareness of climate of climate activists have become teers have sought — and filmed they campaign on a variety of po- threats, the response from insti- really frustrated with the lack of — confrontations with key politi- litical cau ses, including attacking tutions was largely reports, letters progress,” she added, with many cians such as British finance min- the British government’s policy to and “creative accounting”, said now thinking targeted confronta- ister Rishi Sunak. send asylum seekers to Rwanda. German activist Luisa Neubauer, tion and disruption are “the only who with Sweden’s Greta Thun- way forward”. The activists — primarily in The group has surprised UK berg helped organize the strikes. their early 20s — recently dis- parliamentarians at public events Neubauer said her work had also rupted an oil and gas industry and inundated them with persis- Now, with mass climate pro- shifted to trying to call out “green- event in Parliament with loud tent questions, something Martin tests dampened by years of COV- washing” by banks and other com- speeches accusing the companies calls an accessible way for grass- ID-19 restrictions, youth activists panies keen to portray themselves of driving both the climate crisis roots activists to get politicians have been exploring new ways to as acting on climate threats while and higher energy costs. “on the record” about their green hold institutions to account and making little real change. views and actions. accelerate action to avoid the Activists hope to build a multi- worst impacts of a hotter planet. Many young activists are now party coalition of political sup- “At the end of the day, they’re our directly targeting climate pollut- port for more radical and swift representatives and they should be That includes targeting pro- ers and their enablers in politics, climate action. held accountable,” she said. finance and the media, said Oscar Popularised in the United Argentina’s black market dollar trade: Illegal but part of life Sonia Avalos condition of anonymity. and Argentines — also distrust- change pesos even knowing that In Buenos Aires, cafes and shops currency and controlled infla- These days one dollar gets its ful of savings accounts — hoard as they will have to change them display the rate at which they give tion,” Alejandro Bennazar, presi- Agence France-Presse/Buenos Aires much of the US currency as they back again later to pay for certain change for clients paying in dollars. dent of the Argentine Real Estate It is hard to come by but ever- bearer about 236 pesos at the can afford to buy on the streets. goods or services. Chamber, told AFP. present on the mind of average unofficial or “blue rate,” instead The signs are aimed at tourists, Argentines: the United States of 130 at an official currency ex- Goods vendor Marcela Leiron “In bi-monetary societies like Ar- because every Argentine knows Despite the government’s at- dollar, whose value relative to the change. said that “like an ant” collects food, gentina, where the dollar is the ref- never to relinquish dollars in hand. tempts to prevent a dollar flight, feeble peso is a barometer for an she buys dollars, “from $20 to $50 erence and [...] reserve of value, peo- gross foreign reserves dropped economy in crisis. A year ago, the blue rate was per month, as much as I can.” ple save in dollars,” said economist “The trick is to buy, always buy from $41.5 billion at the end of May 170 pesos to the official rate of 95. Andres Wainer of the Latin Ameri- dollars!” said Marcela, who thinks — about the same level as a year “Dollars! Change, change, The 56-year-old told AFP she can Faculty of Social Sciences. and counts in greenback and has no earlier — to $38.1 billion this week. doooolars!” The cries of unofficial The peso is Argentina’s official has resigned herself to living in idea how much her rent is in pesos. money changers follow tourists, currency, but its high volatility dollar dependence “because of It is a double-edged sword: Peo- In recent days, the Central but also locals, down the streets of means that dollar prices are quot- the economic mess that no gov- ple might wish for a strong dollar “The Argentine saves in dollars Bank announced measures to central Buenos Aires’ office district. ed for big-ticket items from buy- ernment can fix.” as it means their savings are worth and when a crisis hits, he sells. He limit certain imports to further ing property or a car to renting an more, but to the detriment of Ar- will never regain confidence in the protect foreign reserves amid a It is illegal, but part of life: apartment or getting an expen- The black market trade, in gentina’s own economy. peso,” another arbolito told AFP. fast rise in food and fuel prices These arbolitos (“small trees,” sive medical procedure. turn, further fuels inflation which partly due to the war in Ukraine. after the “green leaves” they reached 60.7 percent for the year In 2021, economist Nicolas The currency has lost 43 per- sprout) offer a black market rate To prevent a hemorrhage of to May — one of the highest rates Gadano — a former Central Bank cent of its value to the dollar, at the Sociologist Mariana Luzzi, au- about double the official one. foreign exchange reserves and in the world. director — estimated that Argen- official rate, over the last two years. thor of a book on the topic, said the stabilize the peso, Argentines tines held about $200 billion in dollar was for all Argentines, re- “It is a service to the communi- have been prohibited by law since Always buy, never sell banknotes — 10 percent of all the ‘Fewer dollars’ gardless of social class, “a key to in- ty [...] part of the normalcy of the 2019 from buying more than People like Leiron are so des- dollars in circulation in the world “As long as there is this infla- terpret the movements of the econ- country,” one arbolito told AFP on US$200 in greenback per month. and a fifth of those outside the US. omy and politics of the country.” perate for dollars that they pay to tion, it is obvious to operate in This, of course, fuels demand, dollars. We do not have a strong

10 SATURDAY July 2, 2022 SPORTS US to pay $92m Keeping fit to FIFA, other entities in wake of probe Agence France-Presse New York, United States AFP/Anne-Christine Poujoulat FIFA and other entities injured in the global soccer corruption Jumbo-Visma team riders cycle during a training session in Bjerge, Denmark, on Thursday, on the eve of the start of the 2022 Tour de France cycling race in Copenhagen. scheme that exploded in 2015 are set to receive another US$92 mil- Nadal grinds past Berankis lion in compensation, the United into Wimbledon third round States Department of Justice said on Thursday. Off-key Spaniard makes more unforced errors than winners, but still claims the match US officials had said last year Reuters Reuters/Paul Childs It was the second time in two 199 km/h torpedo in the second that FIFA, world soccer’s govern- matches that Nadal had lost the set, the fastest serves so far in the ing body, would receive $201 mil- London Seasoned player’s touch: Spain's Rafael Nadal competes in the third set having won the open- women’s tournament. lion confiscated from corrupt ad- Some days at the office are bit of Wimbledon men’s singles second-round match against Lithuania's ing two, but he responded by win- ministrators. a grind, even if in Rafael Nadal’s Ricardas Berankis at the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet ning 12 of the first 13 points of Gauff, who never faced a break case his place of work on Thurs- Club in London on Thursday. the fourth for a 3-0 lead only to and won 85 percent of her first- Last August saw $32.3 million day was Wimbledon’s sunny but be stopped in his tracks when a serve points, broke the Romanian remitted, and on Thursday the chilly Center Court for a match sets, spend three hours on the strokes and he had to recover a cloudburst forced a delay as the again to close out the first set in a DOJ announced “a further distri- against Ricardas Berankis. court again, that helps.” break of serve in the second set as roof was rolled across the court. brisk 31 minutes on Center Court. bution of approximately $92  mil- he grafted toward victory. lion in compensation for losses The second seed duly won Lithuanian Berankis struck the When play resumed nearly an The 18-year-old slipped and fell suffered by FIFA, the world orga- 6-4, 6-4, 4-6, 6-3 to reach the ball crisply and matched Nadal Berankis broke serve again ear- hour later, 106th ranked Berankis in the sixth game of the second set nizing body of soccer; CONCACAF, third round but his 307th Grand for long periods but gifted away ly in the third set with a sweetly- held serve three times and played but never lost her poise, forcing the confederation responsible for Slam match win, putting him one a scrappy first set when he chose struck backhand and had a point a full part in some eye-catching Buzarnescu into an error in the soccer governance in North and ahead of Martina Navratilova and the worst possible time to hand for a double break and a 4-1 lead. baseline exchanges but Nadal was eighth game to break her serve. Central America, among other ju- fourth on the all-time list, will not over his serve with a bunch of Nadal averted that but could find a man in a hurry and polished off risdictions; CONMEBOL, the con- linger long in his memory. poor errors, when trailing 5-4. no inspiration to recover the the match with his 13th ace. She closed out the affair with federation responsible for soccer break of serve and was forced to an ace, one of 10 across the match. governance in South America; and An off-key Nadal never looked The Center Court crowd prob- do some overtime as an increas- The bottom half of the draw various constituent national soc- in serious danger of having his ably expected Nadal to move ingly confident Berankis held looks inviting for Nadal, with so “I would say growing up I didn’t cer federations.” bid for the calendar-year Slam through the gears then but the usu- serve to love at 5-4. many top seeds already removed, expect myself to be as comfort- wrecked by the world number al fizz was missing from his ground- but Italian 27th seed Lorenzo So- able as I am on the grass and the The funds “were forfeited to the 106, but he knows he will have to nego will provide a test of his form clay,” she told reporters. United States in the Eastern Dis- play much better in the rounds and fitness on Saturday. trict of New York as part of the gov- ahead to claim his third Wimble- “Playing an unpredictable sur- ernment’s long-running investiga- don title. Gauff’s power serves face, [what] I really credit a lot is tion and prosecution of corruption It was an easy day at the of- my speed and my ability to be able in international soccer.” The statistics rather told the to react and adjust. I think that’s tale with Nadal unusually making fice for US teenager Coco Gauff, what you need on these surfaces.” “It is gratifying to know assets more unforced errors than win- who unleashed her mighty serve seized from the criminals involved ners — 39-35. to beat Romanian Mihaela Bu- The win set up a third-round will be distributed to groups in zarnescu 6-2, 6-3 in the Wimble- showdown with compatriot and need of the money, one specifical- “Not the best start honestly but don second round on Thursday. 20th-seeded Amanda Anisimo- ly focused on educating and safe- I finished playing well. The fourth va, who defeated fellow Ameri- guarding football for women and set has been the level of tennis for The Roland-Garros finalist can Lauren Davis 2-6, 6-3, 6-4 on girls,” assistant director in charge me, important improvement. The broke Buzarnescu’s serve in the Thursday. Michael J. Driscoll of the FBI’s rest of the things I have room to fourth game and launched a 196 New York field office said.  improve,” Nadal told reporters. kilometer/hour rocket to win Gauff exploded onto the global the fifth, only to best that with a stage in 2019 when she reached “The silver lining is that some “But, yeah, it’s a victory in four the fourth round at Wimbledon good will come from the rampant at just 15 years old. She advanced greed uncovered in this investi- to the final 16 last year, as well. gation.” Most of the cash comes from US legal actions in the wake of the “FI- FAgate” scandal, which erupted in May 2015 with the dramatic arrest of seven world soccer executives in Zurich and led a few months later to the departure of Sepp Blatter, FIFA’s president since 1998. FIFA has since set up a “World Football Remission Fund” under the supervision of the FIFA foun- dation to use the money to help fi- nance projects with positive com- munity impact. The cases prosecuted in the US centered on bribes and racketeer- ing organized by football officials in South and Central America in exchange for the awarding of TV broadcasting rights for competi- tions, including the Copa America.  They resulted in the sentencing of Paraguayan Juan Angel Napout, a former president of CONME- BOL, to nine years in prison and Brazilian Jose Maria Marin, for- mer head of the Brazilian Football Federation, to four years in prison. tGolorebveittraoltitzeerACrhgeeinktainloaoking Russian ban, Olympic dream prompt Dzalamidze to change nationality Agence France-Presse Philippe Bernes-Lasserre AFP/Geoff Caddick “You have to do the two things London AFP/Glyn KIRK at the same time: prepare for Sat- Natela Dzalamidze, who switched Agence France-Presse/Buenos Aires Person in-charge: Argentina’s urday, but also put layers on,” he from representing Russia to play- Natela Dzalamidze Former Australia coach Michael Australian technical adviser said after announcing his team on ing for Georgia on the eve of Wim- Cheika takes charge of Argenti- Michael Cheika checks out Thursday. bledon, said on Thursday she had not a surprise,” she explained. “I am half-Russian,” she said. na for the first time on Saturday the conditions ahead of the always intended to change her “I play doubles with Russian “I have represented them half when Scotland visits the northern International Friendly rugby “Because we have two plans: one nationality to boost her dreams of my life. I have loved every minute city of San Salvador de Jujuy, as union match between Wales more toward the World Cup, and taking part in the Olympics. girls most of the time anyway.” being on court as a Russian.” the globe-trotting handler begins and Argentina at Principality one to help us win on Saturday.” She added: “I love both Russia Dzalamidze’s build-up to the tricky task of forming a cohe- Stadium in Cardiff, Wales, on The 29-year-old has a Georgian Wimbledon was clouded by test- sive unit out of his eternal exiles. July 10, 2021. Former Australia Cheika has rung the chang- father and Russian mother. Both and Georgia. In my blood there ing positive for COVID-19 three coach Cheika takes charge of es from Argentina’s last match, still live in Moscow. are two different parts.” weeks ago. Having already coached in Ita- Argentina for the first time a humbling seven-try 53-7 rout But a return to the All England ly, France, Ireland, his homeland, when the team meets Scotland in Dublin against an Ireland side She circumvented the ban on Dzalamidze showed no signs of Club has proved the ideal tonic. Japan and even Lebanon — where on Saturday. that had just beaten the All Blacks. Russian players, imposed at the any pressure from her change of “I really enjoy every minute he was in charge of the national All England Club following the in- allegiance on Thursday as she and here, I love playing on the grass,” rugby league side — there was just Lining up at their new clubs, Ar- Four changes in the backs and vasion of Ukraine, by her change new Serbian partner Aleksandra said Dzalamidze, who reached the one continent missing from Chei- gentines have quickly impressed. three in the pack.  of allegiance. Krunic made the second round. second round of the doubles from ka’s CV. qualifying in 2017. Back row Pablo Matera won There is even a return for vet- However, she insisted that as It was her first match since she It is not a totally new experi- Super Rugby with New Zealand eran-hooker Agustin Creevy, on a holder of two passports, the and usual Russian partner Kamil- ence for the former Leinster and Crusaders’ prop Joel Sclavi set the bench for the first time since switch of loyalty was already in la Rakhimova were defeated in the Stade Francais coach, who was an for his debut off the bench against the 2019 World Cup. her plans with the 2024 Olympics first round of the French Open. advisor to his predecessor Mario Scotland, who was European in Paris looming. Ledesma from 2020-21. champion with La Rochelle, and The door remains open to SCOREBOARD hooker Julian Montoya and utili- those left out, though. “I was thinking of doing it by But he has his work cut out to as- ty-back Matias Moroni, who were the end of the year. It was not like Basketball San Diego 4 ARIZONA 0 semble a team that has not played crowned English champions with “It’s always very difficult to I was applying for a new passport at home in almost three years, since Leicester Tigers. pick a team of this level, there are — I have had a Georgian passport WNBA Detroit 3 SAN FRANCISCO 2 a 46-13 thrashing by world-cham- many players who could play,” for a long time,” Dzalamidze said. pions South Africa in Salta. ‘Putting on layers’ said Cheika. Results from the WNBA games on Wednesday SEATTLE 9 Baltimore 3 Cheika has little time to mold a “But Russian players are Since the COVID-19 pandemic “There is good competition in banned and I thought why do I (home team in CAPS) Atlanta 4 PHILADELPHIA 1 broke, the Pumas were forced to team in his image, and he lacks the the team, and this competition have to lose an opportunity to play all their Rugby Champion- advantage his predecessor had in will be rewarded with people get- compete here? CHICAGO 91 Connecticut 83 Boston 6 TORONTO 5 ship matches in New Zealand and the Jaguares club side essentially ting opportunities in the next Australia, while their other games mirroring the national team. games to take their chances.” “I am 29 now. How many more SEATTLE 88 Las Vegas 78 CLEVELAND 7 Minnesota 6 have been away to European sides. years am I going to play tennis?” The 55-year-old wants to get ‘Building for something’ PHOENIX 99 Indiana 78 Miami 4 ST. LOUIS 3 It has not helped; they have lost off to a positive start, but also has There have been few happy Ranked at 45 in doubles by the eight of their last nine test matches.  one eye on the World Cup in 14 WTA, Dzalamidze overnight be- Atlanta 92 NEW YORK 81 (OT) CHICAGO CUBS 8 Cincinnati 3 months’ time. outings since the last World Cup came the new Georgian number- The loss of their club-side Jag- when Argentina bowed out in the one in women’s doubles. Baseball LA Dodgers 8 COLORADO 4 uares’ place in Super rugby was group stage following defeats to another blow. France and England. “I made the decision so I could LA ANGELS 4 Chicago White Sox 1 have opportunities in the future After four years in the competi- But one such highlight was a to compete at the Olympics. I MLB CLEVELAND 5 Minnesota 3 tion, their 2020 campaign was cut first ever victory over New Zea- need to be playing matches for the short by the pandemic. land, 25-15 in November 2020. national team.” Results from the MLB games on Wednesday PHILADELPHIA 14 Atlanta 4 New Zealand and Austra- Cheika has a history in turning Dzalamidze arrived at Wimble- (home team in CAPS) HOUSTON 2 NY Yankees 1 lia then closed ranks and set up things around, and often in little don directly from the Georgian their own domestic competi- time. capital of Tbilisi, where she often Milwaukee 5 TAMPA BAY 3 PITTSBURGH 8 Milwaukee 7 tions while the South African trains. sides joined the European Unit- He took the reins of Australia NY YANKEES 5 Oakland 3 TORONTO 4 Tampa Bay 1 ed Rugby Championship. in October 2014 in the middle of She admitted her parents were a run of six defeats in seven inter- “worried” about the implications Pittsburgh 8 WASHINGTON 7 CHICAGO CUBS 15 Cincinnati 7 Some hasty transfers, mostly to nationals. of her decision to switch but said Europe, at least allowed the inter- her relationship with other Rus- Houston 2 NY METS 0 LA DODGERS 3 San Diego 1 national players to limit their lost But within his first year he had sian players would not be affected. time on the sidelines. guided the Wallabies to victory in KANSAS CITY 2 Texas 1 SEATTLE 8 Oakland 6 the truncated 2015 Rugby Cham- “Most of them knew about my pionship, and to the final of the plan at the start of the year. It was World Cup.

FEATURES 11SATURDAY July 2, 2022 DAPUR An inside look: COKELAT’S The interior of a Dapur Cokelat outlet in Tebet, South Jakarta. FOUNDERS TALK STRUGGLES, INNOVATION AND SURVIVING CANCER Ermey Trisniarty and Okky Dewanto, Dapur JP/Sylviana Hamdani Cokelat’s cofounders, share the ups and downs of 21 years in the pastry business. Sylviana Hamdani That Italian taste Courtesy of Dapur Cokelat “It’s hard to describe,” Okky Contributor/Jakarta Going strong: Okky Dewanto (center, left) and Ermey Trisniarty Pastry shops are heaven for those with a sweet tooth. They usually have cozy said of the pivotal tiramisu when (center right) celebrate Dapur Cokelat’s 21st anniversary at the JW interiors with rows of glitzy glass shelves displaying dainty confectionery in interviewed separately on the Marriott in South Jakarta. various vibrant colors. A fragrant aroma wafts in the air, piquing customers’ same day. “But it had a distinctive appetites for sugary snacks. Italian taste that lingered in my came more intense as they had to by of cooking at home during the mouth.” work together 24/7. pandemic.” Ermey Trisniarty and husband Okky Dewanto, the cofounders of Dapur Cokelat, made clear that behind the powdered sugar exterior, the pastry The two partnered and opened “It’s not always easy to work Dapur Cokelat also set up pick- business could be a story of a struggle. their first store in Kebayoran with your spouse,” Okky said. “But up points to facilitate their deliv- Baru, South Jakarta, in May 2001. we trust each other completely. eries. “We’ve been through a lot of ups and downs,” Ermey said during an inter- And we don’t fight for the lime- view after Dapur Cokelat held a press conference to commemorate its 21st As the couple had agreed, Er- light between us.” “These pick-up points guaran- anniversary at the JW Marriott Hotel in Jakarta on June 2. “Alhamdulillah mey made the cakes and served teed the freshness of our products [thank God], they’ve made us stronger and more trusted by our customers.” customers while Okky dealt with Storms of life and made our delivery costs more finances and suppliers. As Dapur Cokelat expanded, affordable,” Ermey said. Ermey and Okky celebrated the night with 250 loyal customers and sup- pliers, who had witnessed the husband and wife’s long journey in the culi- But things didn’t go as smooth- Ermey discovered a painful lump The company has since rehired nary industry. ly as they had envisioned. in her right breast. The doctor di- the employees they laid off and agnosed her with stage-2B breast improved sales. Chocoholic “We found it hard to even cancer. “I’ve always been a chocoholic,” Ermey said. “When I was a little girl, I breathe for the first four to five Today, Dapur Cokelat operates years,” Okky said. “The diagnosis came as a shock 29 outlets and 45 pick-up points used to keep chocolate umbrellas, crispy chocolate wafers and the famous to our lives,” Okky said. in seven cities in Indonesia. It has cokelat ayam [Jago brand milk-chocolate bars] under my pillow.” During the first few weeks, only a one production kitchen and five handful of people dropped by their After getting a second opinion central kitchens to supply ingre- Growing up, Ermey learned to make chocolate and cakes from her moth- new shop and bought their cakes. in Singapore, the mother of two dients and products to all of its er, who was the cook of the family. decided to have the lump removed. outlets. Okky then made brochures and The surgery was followed by four “Scattered flour, sugar and eggs were a daily scene in our kitchen at distributed them to several public sessions of chemotherapy and 36 The company also has approxi- home,” she said. places in Jakarta, trying to invite sessions of radiotherapy, which mately 1,000 people on the payroll. as many customers as possible to caused her to lose all her hair. Realizing her passion, Ermey studied at the National Hotel Institute in come and taste their cakes for free. Continuing to innovate Bandung, majoring in pastry cooking and management. “It was a difficult and painful At the 21st anniversary cel- The strategy worked. A number process, but luckily she’s a very “I had always wanted to set up my own pastry shop,” she said. of customers came to taste their strong and disciplined person,” ebration, the pastry shop also Afterwards, Ermey worked as a pastry chef in a sports club in Ja- products and then returned with the husband said. “She followed launched a Dapur Cokelat deliv- karta for a few years before deciding to continue her studies at the their friends and families. Sever- all the doctor’s instructions and ery app. Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB). al television channels, magazines willed herself to survive.” One day, a friend tipped her off to a newly opened cake and newspapers followed their “To get ahead, we really have to shop, not far from her campus in Bogor, which was getting visit to cover the cakes. The 47-year-old has been cancer- keep up with today’s technology,” quite famous for its delicious pies. free for more than a decade now. Okky said. Ermey paid a visit and met the shop’s owner, Okky De- By word of mouth, their clien- wanto. tele grew. In the following year, Another big blow in the couple’s The company also plans to add As they had both come from the same alma mater, the Dapur Cokelat opened another life was the COVID-19 pandemic 15 more pick-up points in Greater National Hotel Institute, they quickly became close. shop in Menteng, Central Jakarta. in 2020. As everyone was required Jakarta and East Java by the end “Knowing my dream, Mas Okky always encouraged me to stay at home and public events of the year. to open my own pastry shop,” she said. “But opening a But their competitors began to were canceled, their sales plum- shop is not only about making cakes. There are so many envy their success. Some of them meted and they had to lay off some “It is my dream to establish aspects to manage and consider.” copied their cakes and marketed of their employees. Dapur Cokelat from Sabang to While studying, Ermey also worked as a jour- them as their own. Some others Merauke so that everyone [in In- nalist at a culinary magazine, Selera. poached employees in the hopes Ermey then had the idea to cre- donesia] will be able to taste our Okky was picking her up from the office one of stealing their secrets. ate a pre-mixed formula in small delicacies,” Ermey said. day when Ermey surprised him with a tira- packets for some of their cakes. misu that she had made in the magazine’s “In the culinary business, we With the addition of butter and Ermey also envisions setting up a test kitchen. can’t be cengeng [soft],” Okky said. eggs, customers would be able to culinary school for children coming He was immedi- “We have to be confident in our reproduce Dapur Cokelat cakes in from less fortunate backgrounds. ately captivated. products and our ability to create their own homes. “He said that my them.” “The main goal is to equip them tiramisu was de- “Our customers love it,” Ermey with knowledge and skills to start licious and that I “In the end, the customers said. “[The pre-mixed formula] their own culinary businesses so should definite- will always know what’s best for also caters to their growing hob- that they will be able to support ly start my own them,” he added. themselves and the people around shop,” Ermey them,” she said. said, with a smile. Among the customers’ favor- “He would help.” ites are, according to Ermey, her pralines, tiramisu and Two-Sea- Baking son Cake – the last of which, a time: Ermey combination of dark and white Trisniarty mousse, is a favorite of several top makes a cake. politicians in the country, includ- ing former presidents Megawati Soekarnoputri and Susilo Bam- bang Yudhoyono. “They always order this cake for special occasions,” Okky said. Ermey and Okky got married in 2003. And their collaboration be- Courtesy of Dapur Cokelat Lost in space ASTRONAUTS STRUGGLE TO REGAIN BONE DENSITY Daniel Lawler and Juliette Collen “It’s possible we [will] hit a ‘The silent disease’ ers, the study found. is known as “the silent disease”. steady state after a while, or it’s The new study, which was Deadlifting proved signifi- Canadian astronaut Robert Agence France-Presse/Paris possible that we continue to Astronauts lose decades’ worth of bone mass in space that lose bone. But I can’t imagine published in Scientific Reports, cantly more effective than run- Thirsk, who has spent the most many do not recover even after a year back on Earth, re- that we’d continue to lose it un- also showed how spaceflight ning or cycling, it said, suggest- time in space, said that for him searchers said on Thursday, warning that it could be a “big til there’s nothing left.” alters the structure of bones ing more heavy lower-body bones and muscles took the concern” for future missions to Mars. themselves. exercises in the future. longest to recover after space- A 2020 modeling study pre- flight. Previous research has shown astronauts lose between 1 dicted that over a three-year Boyd said that if you thought But the astronauts — who and 2 percent of bone density for every month spent in space, spaceflight to Mars, 33 percent of a body’s bones like the Eiffel are mostly fit and in their 40s “But within a day of landing, as the lack of gravity takes the pressure off their legs when it of astronauts would be at risk Tower, it would be as if some of — did not tend to notice the I felt comfortable again as an comes to standing and walking. of osteoporosis. the connecting metal rods that drastic bone loss, Boyd said, Earthling,” he said in a state- hold the structure up were lost. pointing out that the Earth- ment accompanying the re- To find out how astronauts recover once their feet are back Boyd said some answers bound equivalent osteoporosis search. on the ground, a new study scanned the wrists and ankles of could come from research cur- “And when we return to 17 astronauts before, during and after a stay on the Interna- rently being carried out on as- Earth, we thicken up what’s re- AFP/NASA/Aubrey Gemignani tional Space Station. tronauts who spent at least a maining, but we don’t actually year onboard the ISS. create new rods,” he said. The bone density lost by astronauts was equivalent to how much they would shed in several decades if they were back on Guillemette Gauquelin- Some exercises are better for Earth, said study coauthor Steven Boyd of Canada’s Univer- Koch, the head of medicine re- retaining bone mass than oth- sity of Calgary and director of the McCaig Institute for Bone search at France’s CNES space and Joint Health. agency, said that the weight- Space explorer: Astronaut lessness experienced in space Kayla Barron is helped out of The researchers found that the shinbone density of nine of is the “most drastic physical in- the SpaceX Crew Dragon En- the astronauts had not fully recovered after a year on Earth — activity there is”. durance spacecraft onboard and were still lacking around a decade’s worth of bone mass. the SpaceX Shannon recov- “Even with two hours of ery ship after she and NASA The astronauts who went on the longest missions, which sport a day, it is like you are astronauts Raja Chari, Tom ranged from four to seven months on the ISS, were the slow- bedridden for the other 22 Marshburn and ESA (Euro- est to recover. hours,” said the doctor, who pean Space Agency) astro- was not part of the study. naut Matthais Maurer landed “The longer you spend in space, the more bone you lose,” in the Gulf of Mexico off the Boyd told AFP. “It will not be easy for the coast of Tampa, Florida, the crew to set foot on Martian soil United States, on May 6. Boyd said it is a “big concern” for planned future missions when they arrive — it’s very dis- to Mars, which could see astronauts spend years in space. abling.” “Will it continue to get worse over time or not? We don’t know,” he said.

12 SATURDAY July 2, 2022 FEATURES OF DEBUT ALBUM Hellraisers: The Melting Minds’ focus on the occult rock subgenre is inspired by the vocalist’s home village in Wonosari, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. Felix Martua Contributor/Jakarta A sinful world: The Melting Minds’ Some bands aim to be different. The Melting Minds, however, debut album Alternate Universe was aims for another level of outlandishness. digitally released on June 3. The band’s debut album, the June-released Alternate Uni- The Wonosari-based verse, is an occult-inspired piece of rock music that finds the sic that “thaws people’s brains. It was actually septet’s debut album seven-piece ensemble singing about magical serpents, witches as simple as that,” he chuckled. Alternate Universe and astral creatures. builds a parallel After a thorough discussion, The Melting between the present “We wanted to push the limits,” said vocalist and guitarist Minds decided to explore the occult rock sub- reality and prophetic Slinky Bones. genre as its sonic direction — a derivation of mythologies. rock music that incorporates supernatural or “Like, how far can we explore [these subjects]? When we occult elements in the act’s lyrics and stage started, we took a standpoint that The Melting Minds is an ex- performances, similar to bands such as Coven periment of the imagination. How far can we bring our fantasy and Black Widow. into the form of music? [The answer was] To the point where our brains would melt.” “Slinky is the key lyricist, and he writes by taking inspiration from the mythology that The wicker men originated from his home village in Wonosari,” said Aamaga. The band was formed by Slinky; a musician who was in- Yafet Yerubyan, the band’s synthesizer player spired to start it after visiting his home village in Wonosari, Gu- who also provides additional vocals, was person- ally interested in The Melting Mind’s unusual nungkidul, Yogyakarta, in late 2019. style — a fascination that gave him the motiva- haven’t tapped into before. Realizing that, de- tion to continue moving forward with the group. spite the world’s rottenness, there are still good His excursion led to a reunion with some old friends. In one things that remain,” he explained. In particular, he took cues from the Austra- of their conversations, Slinky recalled his friend — Aamaga, lian psychedelic rock band King Gizzard & the Moreover, Slinky could not help but feel in- Lizard Wizard. spired by the ancestor’s spirit of building new who would eventually serve as the band’s multi-instrumental- things for a better future. “The Melting Minds “This was completely brand-new stuff for does what my ancestors did, though by pursu- ist — asking him bluntly: “How come you haven’t made an al- me. And I love learning new stuff. It’s been fun,” ing a different path,” he appended. he continued. bum yet at your age?” The lead singles of Alternate Universe, “The The Melting Minds acknowledged that, at Snake” and “Possessing the Witch”, were the Looking back, Slinky remarked that such words were the least in terms of the Indonesian music indus- band’s attempt at “poisoning” the album’s lis- try’s current standard, its occult rock style tener, added drummer, Aswar Syarifuddin. The “punch in the gut” he needed considering at the time, he might come off as too eccentric that it could lyrical content of the songs was inspired by the baffle the contemporary, wider audience. prophetic story of a snake that would lead hu- was feeling disillusioned with a stalling solo career. With manity to the wrong path. “But we’ve got three guitars, two drums and The Melting Aamaga’s assistance, he decided to form a band with his seven personnel. Like, what would the music “The songs’ notations are repetitive, they’re Minds’ debut old pals from scratch, his lack of industry experience sound like? I think that’s what will attract our going in a circle. People might find the songs album Alternate be damned. audience,” opined Marcell Yoga who plays bass. ‘tedious’, but on the other hand, they would, like, get bitten by the snake’s venom. We poison Universe is “I had no skill when it came to how to make a music Season of the witch them by delivering this mind-numbing sound,” The Melting Minds released its debut full- Aswar elaborated. available to record. Eventually, I recorded the album by watching stream. lots of tutorials on Google,” he continued. length album titled Alternate Universe on dig- The septet found an opportunity to deliver ital streaming platforms on June 3. Christian social criticism as well. The album’s seventh The septet soon came up with their pseudonym The Gratia, the septet’s drummer, acknowledged track, the heavily processed “Digitized”, is The that, lyrically, the English-language album Melting Minds’ commentary about how “the Melting Minds. The band’s guitarist, Ahmad Tubagus, ex- found its main inspiration from the folklore biggest problems of our lives are [literally] in stories of Slinky Bones’ home village. the palm of our hands,” he later quipped. plained that it took a “pretty long journey” to come up with “It’s a story of what happened there, once Last but not least, Alternate Universe is the a stage name that represented each member’s spirit and mu- upon a time. The time when the ancestors built band’s musical medium in which it wishes to that village,” he offered. exercise its wildest imaginations. The gothic sicality. and gritty “Vermilion” and “Evil Vermilion” Slinky chimed in, elaborating how the band are based on a story that Slinky came up with; Ultimately, the septet agreed that they wished to create mu- attempted to create a red thread between the the songs tell a story of a Chosen-One type old wives’ tale from his home village and the character who enters the Vermilion Forest Lords of darkness: The Melting present state of the world, which he described where he encounters a devious, astral creature Minds’ unusual style is rooted in the as “ignorant and intolerant”. called Evil Vermilion. band’s desire to “push the limits”. “Lyrically, we ask our audience to wake up “The fight against evil has just begun,” Slink and have their minds wide open. They get to said, dramatically closing the interview. realize different sets of thoughts that they — PHOTOS COURTESY OF BONELESS RECORDS ‘TIGER KING’S’ Motor racing-fashion brand Hugo Boss DOC ANTLE, returns to F1 with Aston Martin OTHERS INDICTED OVER WILDLIFE Alan Baldwin Aston Martin, it’s a similar story.” and they also have commitments TRAFFICKING Hugo Boss was with former to a more sustainable world and Reuters/London races,” he explained. Justice for animals: The United States Reuters/Andrew Kelly German fashion brand Hugo Boss an- champions McLaren for decades Department of Justice headquarters in nounced on Thursday it was returning before moving to Mercedes, the “I think the sport is even more Washington, DC. A federal grand jury in be reached for comment. Antle’s lawyer to Formula One with the Aston Martin dominant team of the last eight relevant than ever and the whole South Carolina found five people guilty of told a CBS affiliate that the indictment team, five years after leaving for the elec- years, in 2015. world is watching and so many wildlife trafficking and money laundering, “was nothing we weren’t expecting”. tric Formula E series. fans are into it and it’s so exciting including Doc Antle, who starred in the In 2017, previous CEO Mark at the moment.” 2020 Netflix series Tiger King, the Justice The indictment also alleged that in The deal, announced at the British Langer told German weekly mag- Department said on Thursday. recent months Antle and Sawyer laun- Grand Prix on Thursday and initially azine Focus that the deal was end- Having three races in the United dered more than US$500,000 in cash running until 2025, will see Boss brand- ing because “Formula E is more States next year was also attractive. Kanishka Singh they believed to be the proceeds of ing on the F1 cars with immediate effect innovative and sustainable” and an operation to smuggle immigrants and the company providing team apparel electric racing was more attractive “I think the balance they found Reuters/Washington across the Mexican border into the from 2023. to a younger audience. now is perfect,” said Griedel. A federal grand jury in South Carolina in- United States illegally. dicted five people on charges of wildlife traf- Hugo Boss Chief executive Daniel Grie- Boss’s partnership with For- He said Hugo Boss was now a ficking and money laundering, including Doc Antle had allegedly used bulk cash der told Reuters the pull of Netflix’s Drive mula E runs until the end of Au- platform with two brands appeal- Antle, who starred in the 2020 Netflix series receipts to purchase animals for which to Survive docuseries, new rules to make gust next year and the company ing to different demographics — Tiger King, the US Justice Department said he could not use checks and planned to racing more competitive and a push for said separately that it remained Boss for millennials between 25 on Thursday. conceal the cash he received by inflat- sustainability were compelling factors. “exciting and innovative”. and 40 and Hugo for the more ing tourist numbers at a wildlife trop- music and art-centered “Gen Z” The indictment alleges that Antle and oth- ical preserve in Myrtle Beach that he A 30-year friendship with Aston Mar- Grieder said Formula One was under-25s. ers illegally trafficked wildlife in violation of owned, according to the indictment. tin’s Canadian billionaire owner Lawrence different, however. federal law, and made false records regarding Stroll, who made his money in the fashion “I think Aston Martin and Boss that wildlife. The animals involved included Antle starred in Tiger King, the true industry before acquiring the sports car “Formula One is also back, bet- are the perfect match here,” he lemurs, cheetahs and a chimpanzee, the Jus- crime series set in the world of private marque made famous by fictional British ter than ever. It’s a global sport [...] said. tice Department said in a statement. zoos and their eccentric owners, which spy James Bond, also played a part. became a worldwide phenomenon Reuters/Thomas Peter The indictment names Andrew Sawyer, 52; when it was aired in March 2020. “We want to become a 24/7 lifestyle Meredith Bybee, 51; Charles Sammut, 61; and brand,” said Grieder. Jason Clay, 42, along with Antle, 62. Antle and Sawyer each face a maxi- mum of 20 years in federal prison for “When you see what Lawrence does with Their representatives could not immediately the charges related to money launder- ing, and each of the five people face up to Back on track: People walk past a store five years for the charges related to wild- of German fashion house Hugo Boss in life trafficking. Beijing, China, on March 27, 2021. After five years with the electric Formula E series, Hugo Boss will return to For- mula One with the Aston Martin team, the brand announced on Thursday.

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