2017–2018Benefit Guide
Table of Contents Welcome Letter................................................................................................................................ 3 Benefits Overview/Eligibility ........................................................................................................ 4 Benefit Enrollment.......................................................................................................................... 5 Medical Benefits.............................................................................................................................. 7 CEBT/Marathon Health & Wellness Centers...................................................................................................................................9 Wellness Program...................................................................................................................................................................................9 Garfield County Gym Access...............................................................................................................................................................9 Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs)............................................................................................ 10 Dental Benefits............................................................................................................................... 11 Vision Benefits................................................................................................................................ 11 Life and Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance ..................................................... 12 Voluntary Additional and Dependent Life Insurance and AD&D Insurance...................... 13 Supplemental Accident Insurance............................................................................................. 13 Supplemental Critical Illness Insurance.................................................................................... 13 Short-Term Disability Insurance (STD)....................................................................................... 14 Long-Term Disability Insurance (LTD)........................................................................................ 14 Employee Assistance Program (EAP)......................................................................................... 15 County Retirement Plans—CCOERA 401(a) and CCOERA 457(b) ........................................ 15 Workers Compensation Insurance............................................................................................. 15 Social Security & Medicare.......................................................................................................... 16 BenefitHub...................................................................................................................................... 16 Vacation Time................................................................................................................................. 16 Sick Leave........................................................................................................................................ 16 Holiday Pay..................................................................................................................................... 16 Employee Contributions for Benefits........................................................................................ 17 Tax Disclaimer....................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Contact Information ..................................................................................................................... 18 Benefits Glossary........................................................................................................................... 18 The employee benefit programs described in the Benefit Guide are for the 2018 Plan Year from January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018. The information in this Guide is a summary of the Garfield County benefits, and every attempt has been made to ensure its accuracy. It does not include all of the terms, coverage, exclusions, limitations, and conditions of the actual contract language. The policies and contracts themselves must be read for those details. Policy forms for your reference will be made available upon request. If there is any inconsistency between the information in this Guide and the County’s formal plans, programs, policies or contracts, or any subsequent change in such plan, programs, policies or contracts, the actual Plan Documents of each benefit program will govern.2 Garfield County, CO
Welcome LetterDear County Colleague,Garfield County is committed to the health and wellness of its employees and their families. We are also committedto educating our employees in managing their personal health and health care options.This Garfield County Benefit Guide is designed to help our employees understand the available benefit options. ThisBenefit Guide offers an overview of the County’s benefits including eligibility, election periods and costs. For acomplete description of each plan, please refer to the complete plan documents available on the County intranet, onthe provider websites, or through the Human Resources Department.The Human Resources Department has designed a Wellness Program that works hand-in-hand with the Countyinsurance sponsored CEBT Marathon Health and Wellness Centers to help ensure barriers are removed from helpingus be the healthiest that we can be.There are a myriad of other benefits outlined in this document. If you have questions, the Human ResourcesDepartment is a resource for you and we are happy to help.Thank you in advance for taking the time to learn more about your benefits and make informed choices about yourbenefits and health.Sincerely,The Garfield County Human Resources Department2018 Benefit Guide 3
Benefits Overview/Eligibility Garfield County is proud to offer a comprehensive benefits package to eligible, full-time and part-time employees. For detailed eligibility information, please see plan documents or speak with Human Resources. The complete benefits package is briefly summarized in this booklet. You will receive plan documents, which give you more detailed information about each of these programs. You may share the costs of some benefits (medical and vision), and Garfield County provides other benefits at no cost to you (dental, life, accidental death & dismemberment, STD, LTD and EAP). In addition, there are voluntary benefits with reasonable group rates that you can purchase through Garfield County payroll deductions. Benefit Plans Offered ■■ Medical ■■ Dental ■■ Vision ■■ Life Insurance ■■ Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance ■■ Flexible Spending Account (FSA) ■■ Short-Term Disability (STD) ■■ Long-Term Disability (LTD) ■■ Employee Assistance Program (EAP) ■■ Voluntary Accident ■■ Voluntary Critical Illness Eligibility You and your dependents are eligible for most of Garfield County’s benefits on the first of the month following your date of hire. Eligible dependents are your spouse, partner, children under age 26, children under age 26, disabled dependents of any age, or Garfield County eligible dependents. Elections made now will remain until the next open enrollment unless you or your family members experience a qualifying event (see page 5 for more information). If you experience a qualifying event, you must contact HR within 31 days and provide supporting documentation within 45 days. Are my dependents eligible for coverage? The following dependents are eligible for medical, dental, and vision insurance: ■■ Your spouse (including those defined as common-law and same-sex legally married) ■■ Your civil union partner ■■ Your domestic partner ■■ Eligible child(ren) under the age of 26, yours or your spouse’s or partner’s ■■ Dependent children of any age who are handicapped or totally disabled prior to age 26 ■■ Child(ren) under your legal custody4 Garfield County, CO
Benefit Enrollment Selecting Benefits New Hires or Qualifying Life Event Changes: ToOpportunities to elect or change benefits select benefits as a new hire or for a qualifying lifeIt is important to choose your benefits carefully event, you must log in tobecause there are limited opportunities for you to www.cebt.org/online-community AND complete thechange your benefits once you have elected them. If change form found on the County Intranet specific toyou do need to change them, these are the the changes in your life. Supporting documentationopportunities you have: must also be provided as proof of any qualifying life■■ The first 30 days of employment with the County as event change. a new hire or re-hire. Most benefit elections are Dependent Coverage: The applicable dependent effective the first of the month following your date documents are required for any newly enrolled of hire. dependents (Examples include: birth certificate,■■ During the Annual Open Enrollment period. During marriage certificate, adoption paperwork, or court this time, any newly elected benefits or changes documentation). made to existing benefits are effective on January 1st of the following year.■■ During the year if you have a Qualifying Life Event.IRS regulations limit when you can make changes toyour benefits during the year. After you have made yourelections during your first 30 days of eligibility, youcannot change your medical, dental, vision care orFlexible Spending Account (FSA) elections outsideannual Open Enrollment (held each year in the Fall)unless you have a qualifying life event that permits youto make benefits changes under IRS rules.If you experience a qualifying life event, you must makechanges within 31 days of the event and provide therequired supporting documentation within 45 daysfrom the date of the event. Contact the HumanResources Department in this case to make sure yousubmit everything in a timely manner.■■ Examples of Qualifying Life Events: `` Marriage `` Civil Union Partnership `` Domestic Partner `` Divorce `` Birth `` Adoption `` Death `` Change in Number of Dependents 2018 Benefit Guide 5
When do my benefits begin?Coverage for some benefits begins immediately. Other benefits follow a specific coverage schedule. You are notautomatically enrolled in all benefits. Some benefits require active enrollment on your part. In the following chart, thecolumn titled “Enrollment Responsibility” will help you know what you, the employee, are responsible for.Who pays for my coverage?Benefit Type Effective Date Enrollment Responsibility Cost Changes Allowed Eligible Employees N/A = Auto Enrolled H = Hire date E = Enrollment required C = County paid FT = Full Time 1st = 1st of the month A = Automatic enrollment S = Shared expense A = Anytime PT = Part Time EE = Employee paid OE = Open Enrollment following hire date FT LE = Life Event FTMedical 1st E C OR S OE & LE FT 1st AC OE & LE FTDental 1st EC OE & LE FT 1st ES OE & LE FTVision 1st AC N/A FT 1st E EE OE & LEVision Buy-up 1st E EE FT OE & LELife 1st E EE FT OE & LEAdditional Life 1st E EE FT OE & LE FT/PTFlexible Spending 1st ES FT/PTAccount 1st AC N/A FT/PT 1st ACOptional Critical H AC N/A FTIllness Coverage N/A FT/PT 1st E EE FT/PTOptional Accident H AC N/A FT/PTCoverage H AC H AC A FTCCOERA Retirement H AC FT/PT401(a) H AC N/A FT/PT H AC FT/PTShort Term Disability H A C/EE N/ALong Term Disability N/A N/AEmployers Assistance N/AProgram (EAP) N/ADeferredCompensation 457(b) N/APaid Days Off (PDO)Major Sick Leave(MSL)BenefitHubWellness ProgramHolidaysWorker’sCompensationSocial Security6 Garfield County, CO
Medical BenefitsAdministered by Colorado Employer Benefit Trust (CEBT)Comprehensive and preventive healthcare coverage is important in protecting you and your family from the financialrisks of unexpected illness and injury. A little prevention usually goes a long way—especially in healthcare. Routineexams and regular preventive care provide an inexpensive review of your health. Small problems can potentiallydevelop into large expenses. By identifying the problems early, often they can be treated at much lower cost.Comprehensive healthcare also provides peace of mind. In case of an illness or injury, you and your family arecovered with an excellent medical plan through Garfield County.Garfield County offers you three different PPO medical plan. All plans are from CEBT and in the UMR/UnitedHealthcare Network.The Colorado Employer Benefit Trust (CEBT) is a multiple employer trust for public institutions providing employeebenefits. Since 1980 CEBT has grown to approximately 33,000 members and over 300 participating groups. The trustis governed by a board of trustees made up of representatives from participating groups.Annual Deductible PPO 4 PPO 3 PPO 2Annual Out-of-Pocket Maximum $1,500 Single/ $4,500 Family $1,000 Single/ $3,000 Family $600 Single/ $1,800 Family(includes deductible) $4,000 Single/ $8,000 Family $3,750 Single/ $7,500 Family $3,500 Single/ $7,000 FamilyCoinsurance 20% In-Network 20% In-Network 20% In-NetworkDoctor’s Office $40 $35 $30Office Visits No Charge No Charge No ChargeWellness Care No Charge (office visit); No Charge (office visit); No Charge (office visit);(routine exams, labs, immunizations, well baby care and mammograms) $40 (blood work) $35 (blood work) $30 (blood work)Diagnostic Test (lab work)*deductible waived for In-Network Office visit & Outpatient Blood Work No Charge (inpatient visit); No Charge (inpatient visit); No Charge (inpatient visit);Imaging (X-rays, MRI, CT, PET and SPECT)*deductible waived for In-Network Office Visit 20% after deductible (outpatient visit) 20% after deductible (outpatient visit) 20% after deductible (outpatient visit)CEBT Health & Wellness Centers Free Free FreePrescription Drugs $20 $20 $20Retail—Generic Drug $40 $40 $40(34-day supply) $60 $60 $60Retail—Formulary Drug(34-day supply) 20% after deductible 20% after deductible 20% after deductibleRetail—Nonformulary Drug(30-day supply) $40 copay per office visit; $35 copay per office visit; $30 copay per office visit; 20% coinsurance all other services 20% coinsurance all other services 20% coinsurance all other servicesHospital Services 20% after deductible 20% after deductible 20% after deductibleEmergency Room 20% after deductible 20% after deductible 20% after deductibleUrgent Care*deductible waived for In-Network office visitsInpatientOutpatient Surgery 2018 Benefit Guide 7
PPO 4 PPO 3 PPO 2Mental Health Services 20% coinsurance 20% coinsurance 20% coinsurance (Preauthorization required) (Preauthorization required) (Preauthorization required)Inpatient Services $40 copay per in-network office visit. $35 copay per in-network office visit. $30 copay per in-network office visit.Outpatient Services 20% coinsurance 20% coinsurance 20% coinsuranceSubstance Abuse Services (Preauthorization required) (Preauthorization required) (Preauthorization required)Inpatient Services $40 copay per in-network office visit. $35 copay per in-network office visit. $30 copay per in-network office visit.Outpatient Services No Charge (Prenatal); No Charge (Prenatal); No Charge (Prenatal); 20% after deductible (Delivery) 20% after deductible (Delivery) 20% after deductible (Delivery)Other Services 20% after deductible 20% after deductible 20% after deductibleMaternity Services May be covered depending on May be covered depending on May be covered depending onAll other maternity hospital/ diagnosis. $40 copay per in-network diagnosis. $35 copay per in-network diagnosis. $30 copay per in-networkphysician services office visit. office visit. office visit.Muscle Manipulation Services $40 copay $35 copay $30 copayPhysical, Occupational andSpeech Therapy Services (prior authorizationrequired)20 annual maximum benefit*deductible waived for In-Network Services8 Garfield County, CO
CEBT/Marathon Health & Wellness CentersEmployees may receive health care, health coaching, wellness programming, chronic condition management,occupational health, and pharmacy services for FREE through the CEBT/Marathon Health and Wellness Centers. Thesecenters offer convenient access to high quality care for free and are often rated as the number one benefit available.There are several centers located throughout the state of Colorado and CEBT members are free to utilize any of thecenters at any time. In Garfield County, we have two CEBT/Marathon Health and Wellness Centers. There is a center inGlenwood Springs in the US Bank building on Grand Ave. next to Safeway and a center in Rifle on the second floor ofthe Rib City building.To schedule an appointment and learn more about what the centers have to offer you can call the followingnumbers:■■ Glenwood Springs - 970.440.8087 - 1901 Grand Avenue, Suite #200■■ Rifle - 970.440.8085 - 707 Wapiti Court, Suite #201The website has a comprehensive array of services, resources and appointment scheduling opportunities. It is alsoavailable to track Wellness Activities. That site is: https://my.marathon-health.com.Wellness ProgramGarfield County is committed to helping employees and their families live healthier lives.In 2018 Garfield County will be promoting wellbeing in three ways:■■ Through Educational Sessions (Lunch and Learns or other educational meetings)■■ With Incentives (Drawings for participation in programs or challenges)■■ From Stipends (Rewarding wellbeing efforts)Garfield County is contracting with WellRight to deliver the 2018 wellness platform. For more details on the WellnessProgram, please see the county intranet or ask the Human Resources Department.Garfield County Gym AccessGarfield County has two gym facilities in the Rifle area and County employees have access to both gyms for free. Oneis at the County Airport and the other is in the basement of the Rifle County Administration building. County gymsare available to employees only.For access to these facilities, please work with your supervisor and complete the necessary waivers.2018 Benefit Guide 9
Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) Dependent Care FSAAdministered by Rocky Mountain Reserve (RMR) Employees who have child care or adult care expenses,With a Flexible Spending Account (FSA), employees can may want to take advantage of the Dependent Careset aside money on a pretax basis to cover medical FSA. Employees can use the Dependent Care FSA to setexpenses, or dependent care (i.e. day care) expenses. aside a minimum of $10 per pay period, up to $5,000Money will go farther as taxes are not paid on these per year in pretax money for child care expensesdollars. Garfield County offers flexible spending incurred while they work. Examples of eligibleaccounts (FSAs) through Rocky Mountain Reserve dependent care expenses include:(RMR). Here’s how our FSA works: ■■ Day care and babysitter costsHealth Care FSAIf employees enroll in the Health Care FSA, FSA dollars ■■ Nursery schoolmay be used to pay for eligible health care expenses,including medical, dental and vision expenses, with ■■ Before and after school programspretax dollars. Employees may contribute up to amaximum of $2,550 in health care dollars for 2018. ■■ Summer day campsEnrolling in the Health Care FSA allows you to haveyour entire pledged amount for the plan year available ■■ Care for spouses or dependents who are physicallyfor use on qualified expenses on the day your plan or mentally disabledstarts, even though your contributions towards thepledge are spread out over the calendar year. Up to The Dependent Care FSA is subject to the same rules as$500 of unused contributions per year may be rolled the Health Care FSA, including the “use it or lose it” rule.over to the following plan year. Important tax rules also apply to the Dependent CareNOTE: If you choose to use a Health Care FSA, plan the FSA. Employees cannot be reimbursed from an FSA forcontributions carefully. Expenses must be incurred any expense that is also covered by a tax credit on yourduring the plan year to be reimbursed from a FSA; federal tax return. Also, unlike the Health Care FSA, thehowever, claims for qualifying expenses may be whole pledge amount for the plan year is not availablesubmitted through March of the next year. Due to IRS on the day the plan starts. For the Dependent Care FSA,rules, any unused funds above $500 at the end of the qualified expenses are reimbursed up to the amountyear are forfeited if they have not been claimed by contributed up to that point in time. As contributionsMarch 31 (i.e. the “use it or lose it” rule). accrue, claims for reimbursement are processed. It’s important to remember that you cannot roll unused dependent care funds in to the following year. To learn more, contact the HR Benefits Administrator. Healthcare Spending Limit $2,550 Dependent Care Spending Limit $5,00010 Garfield County, CO
Dental BenefitsAdministered by Colorado Employer Benefit Trust (CEBT)Proper dental care is an investment in your overall wellness. All employees and covered dependents are automaticallyenrolled in the county dental plan through CEBT. The dental coverage is an indemnity plan meaning you are coveredto see any dentist. Any dentist you choose will be paid as if they were in-network by CEBT. Either you submit the billfor reimbursement or the dentist will need to submit it for you. If a dental provider charges above the reasonable andcustomary (R&C), you may be responsible for the difference between R&C and what is charged. Here is an overview ofthe dental coverage. In-Network and Out-of-Network PPOAnnual Deductible $50 Single/ $150 Family $1,750Annual Benefit Maximum(Tiers I, II, III) 100%Preventive Dental Services 20% after deductible(cleanings, exams, x-rays, fluoride treatment) 50% after deductible*deductible waived 50% up to $2,500 (lifetime maximum)Basic Dental Services(fillings, root canal therapy, oral surgery)Major Dental Services(extractions, crowns, inlays, onlays, bridges, dentures, repairs)Orthodontia ServicesDependent children only (up to age 19)Vision BenefitsAdministered by VSPAll employees and their dependents who are on medical insurance are also enrolled in the base plan vision insurance.Routine eye examinations are important for overall health. Eye exams can lead to the early detection of serious eyeconditions including glaucoma and cataracts, as well as other health issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure andhigh cholesterol.Because early detection is key for treatment, regular eye examinations play a vital role in helping to ensure a healthylife with healthy sight. Garfield County’s vision plan is with VSP and in the VSP network. There are two vision plans tochoose from - the base plan is covered in full by the County. The buy-up option has a pretax premium deducted.Contact your Benefits Administrator with questions.Your coverage from a VSP doctor VSP Direct – In-Network VSP Direct – In-Network (any VSP provider) (any VSP provider) Base Plan Buy-Up PlanEye Exam — once every 12 months $20 copay $20 copayLenses —once every 12 monthsSingle Vision Lenses $20 copay $20 copayLined Bifocal Lenses $20 copay $20 copayLined Trifocal Lenses $20 copay $20 copayLenticular Lenses $20 copay $20 copayFrames — once every 24 months (Base Plan); once every 12 months (Buy-up Plan) $130 allowance $180 allowanceContact Lenses — once every 24 months (Base Plan); once every 12 months $130 allowance $130 allowance(Buy-Up Plan)Anti-Reflective Coating & Tints/ Photochromic Lenses N/A IncludedNo need for an ID card. To take advantage of your VSP vision benefit, simply contact a VSP provider and let themknow you have VSP coverage—they handle the paperwork for you. 2018 Benefit Guide 11
Life and Accidental Death & Dismemberment InsuranceInsured by Colorado Employer Benefit Trust (CEBT)Life InsuranceLife insurance provides financial security for the people who depend on you. Your beneficiaries will receive a lump-sum payment if you die while employed by Garfield County. The company provides basic life insurance of $50,000 atno cost to you. Employees are automatically enrolled.As your age increases, the amount of life insurance reduces as follows: Age Reduction Amount65 40%70 65%75 75%80 80%Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) InsuranceAccidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) insurance provides payment to you or your beneficiaries if you lose alimb or die in an accident. Garfield County provides AD&D coverage of $50,000 at no cost to you. This coverage is inaddition to your company-paid life insurance offered by Garfield County.12 Garfield County, CO
Voluntary Additional and Dependent Life Insurance and AD&D InsuranceInsured by Colorado Employer Benefit Trust (CEBT)In addition to basic life insurance, employees may elect to purchase additional life insurance coverage. Employeesmay buy additional life insurance from a minimum of $5,000 up to a maximum of $300,000 in increments of $5,000.If purchased within 30 days of hire, employees can elect additional life insurance up to $100,000 without providing aMedical History Statement. Completion of a Medical History Statement and physical exam is required if enrollingmore than 30 days from date of hire or in a plan over $100,000.If employees are electing additional life insurance, then they can also elect additional life coverage for a spouse in theamount of $10,000, or for eligible children in the amount of $5,000 per child. These are the only amounts offeredthrough the County for dependent life insurance.Additional life policies for employees and dependents are optional benefits and are paid for entirely by the employeein after-tax deductions. The premium rates are based upon set rates determined by age and tobacco use (except forthe children policies mentioned above).Coverage Amount <40 40–49 50–59 60–64 65–69* 70–74* 75+* 18.13 21.69 24.94 17.46$25,000 2.88 5.63 13.13 36.25 43.39 49.88 34.91 54.38 65.08 74.81 52.37$50,000 5.75 11.25 26.25 72.50 86.78 99.75 69.83 90.63 108.47 124.69 87.28$75,000 8.63 16.88 39.38 108.75 130.16 149.63 104.74$100,000 11.50 22.50 52.50 126.88 151.86 174.56 122.19 145.00 173.55 199.50 139.65$125,000 14.38 28.13 65.63 163.13 195.24 224.44 157.11 181.25 216.94 249.38 174.56$150,000 17.25 33.75 78.75 199.38 238.63 274.31 192.02 217.50 260.33 299.25 209.48$175,000 20.13 39.38 91.88$200,000 23.00 45.00 105.00$225,000 25.88 50.63 118.13$250,000 28.75 56.25 131.25$275,000 31.63 61.88 144.38$300,000 34.50 67.50 157.50*Coverage amounts for ages 65 and over reduce due to age reduction as noted below.*Your amount of insurance will be reduced as follows:Age 65 35%Age 70 50%Age 70 65%Spouse / Child Monthly Premiums Coverage Amount Premium $10,000 / $5,000 2.50****Regardless of the number of eligible children covered.Supplemental Accident Insurance Supplemental Critical Illness InsuranceSupplemental Accident insurance is offered to full time Supplemental Critical Illness insurance is offered to fullemployees effective the first of the month following time employees effective the first of the monthhire, through Allstate. This plan offers cash benefits for following hire, through Allstate. This coverage offersspecific accidents resulting in hospital stays, cash benefit to you or any covered family members ifambulance bills or other accident-related out-of- diagnosed with a covered critical illness.pocket expenses. Additionally, this coverage istransferrable if you change jobs. 2018 Benefit Guide 13
Short-Term Disability Insurance (STD) Administered by Voya Financial The County pays the full cost of Short Term Disability Insurance for full time employees. You are automatically enrolled into this benefit and it is effective the first of the month after your hire date. After 14 consecutive calendar days of disability (called the waiting period), your short-term disability payments will begin. The benefit pays 60% of your weekly pre-disability earnings to a weekly maximum of $1,500. Benefit length is determined based on diagnosis with the maximum benefit period being 26 weeks. Please see Human Resources for more details. Long-Term Disability Insurance (LTD) Insured by Voya Financial Meeting your basic living expenses can be a real challenge if you become disabled. Your options may be limited to personal savings, spousal income and possibly Social Security. Disability insurance provides protection for one of your most valuable asset—your ability to earn an income. The County pays the full cost of Long Term Disability Insurance for full time employees. You are automatically enrolled into this benefit and it is effective the first of the month after your hire date. If you are partially or totally disabled for more than 180 days, the benefit pays 60% of your monthly pre-disability earnings up to a monthly maximum of $6,000.14 Garfield County, CO
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)Insured by TRIADTRIAD EAP offers counseling and educational services on a wide variety of topics. The EAP is a FREE, confidentialservice for all County managers, employees, and eligible family members. This benefit is available 24/7/365.EAPs help employees cope with critical issues. Employees challenged by emotional, financial, and legal troubles areabsent more often, utilize more healthcare benefits, file higher rates of disability claims and grievances, have moreworkplace accidents, create supervisory problems, disrupt their work group, spoil morale, and are more likely toabuse substances.Thus, TRIAD EAP counselors can help with a wide variety of personal issues including:■■ Relationship difficulties ■■ Elder care■■ Drug / alcohol misuse ■■ Job-related problems■■ Depression or anxiety ■■ Workplace conflicts■■ Financial problems/counseling ■■ Adoption and child care■■ Legal problems/counseling ■■ Finding the right public or private school■■ Family & parenting issuesEmployee testimony about the Legal Consultations: “I would definitely recommend the EAP legal service to other. Itwas helpful, convenient, easy and confidential. I was asked a few general questions regarding the nature of my issueand then promptly put in touch with an available attorney. He listened, answered my questions, and provided somesuggestions.”For more information or to schedule an appointment, call TRIAD at 970.242.9536 or toll free at 877.679.1100. You canalso login to their website by going to www.triadeap.com (username: garfield; password: county).County Retirement Plans—CCOERA 401(a) and CCOERA 457(b)Insured by Colorado County Officials & Employees Retirement Association (CCOERA)The County contracts with the Colorado County Officials & Employees Retirement Association (CCOERA) to manageretirement dollars. CCOERA is a non-profit association that is not owned or controlled by any bank, insurancecompany, mutual fund company or any other financial institution. The CCOERA Retirement Plan (401(a)) and theCCOERA Deferred Compensation Plans (457(b)) are Self-Directed savings plans. You may choose how your retirementsavings are invested. For more information, please see www.ccoera.org or speak with the CCOERA representative.CCOERA 401(a) PlanAll regular full-time employees are required to participate in the county’s retirement program. All employees initiallycontribute 5% of their gross earnings pretax to the 401(a) retirement account and Garfield County matches thisamount. The employer contributions are fully vested at five years of credited service. After 10 years of service, theemployee contribution and the County’s matched amount increases to 6%.CCOERA 457(b) – Deferred Compensation PlanThe Deferred Compensation Plan 457(b) is a voluntary retirement savings program offered by the County to allemployees. This voluntary retirement program allows employees to make additional retirement contributions on apretax or post-tax (Roth option) basis. Contributions to a 457(b) plan are not matched by the County. The plan isdesigned to supplement the County’s 401(a) plan and provide additional financial and retirement planning options.You may enroll, increase, or decrease your contributions to this plan at any time. To learn more contact the HRBenefits Administrator.Workers Compensation Insurance 15The county pays your Workers’ Compensation Insurance premiums in accordance with the law. Worker’sCompensation is a state-mandated insurance program that covers lost wages and medical treatment resulting froman employee’s work-related injury or illness. It also covers services needed to help an employee recover and return towork. Garfield County contracts with CTSI (County Technical Services, Inc.) to provide Worker’s Compensationinsurance. 2018 Benefit Guide
Social Security & MedicareThe county pays your Social Security & Medicare (FICA) taxes in accordance with the law. As of 2018, the SocialSecurity tax rate is 12.4% of your earned income and the Medicare tax rate is 2.9% of gross earnings. Half of the tax,7.65%, is paid by the employer, and the employee is responsible for paying the other 7.65%.BenefitHubBenefitHub is a County specific discount program with discounts procured specifically for County employees andtheir families. The Garfield County BenefitHub comes preloaded with thousands of offers from brands you alreadybuy. Garfield County can also add our own exclusive offers at any time. We have discounts on movie tickets, hotels,cell phone plans, electronics, cars, etc. You name it, we have it, and if we don’t have what you want, you can suggestvendors to us and we can pursue them.Check out garfieldcounty.benefithub.com and let your HR Benefits Administrator know if you have questions orsuggestions.Vacation TimeRegular full-time and part-time employees (20+ hours/week) currently accrue paid days off (PDO) after completingcontinuous service as described below:Anniversary Dates Hours Accrued Per Pay Period Maximum Hours Allowed at 100% ValueHire Date 4 hours (for a 40 hours/week schedule) 160 hours2nd Anniversary 5.54 hours (for a 40 hours/week schedule) 200 hours5th Anniversary 6.77 hours (for a 40 hours/week schedule) 280 hours10th Anniversary 8.61 hours (for a 40 hours/week schedule) 360 hoursNOTE: Unused time can be rolled over to max # of hours allowed. Regular, benefits-eligible part-time employees or employees who are not paid their full time rate of pay in a particular pay periodwill accrue PTO on an IRO rated basis.Sick LeaveRegular full-time employees accrue 3.69 hours of major sick leave (MSL) each pay period. Part-time benefits eligibleemployees will accrue major sick leave on a IRO rated basis. These hours accrue indefinitely and roll over year to year.MSL is to provide a source of income in the event of an accident, illness or disability if needed.NOTE: Regular, benefits-eligible part-time employees or employees who are not paid their full time rate of pay in aparticular pay period will accrue MSL on a prorated basis.Holiday PayThe County observes specific holidays of one day or eight hours each for 40 hour per week employees and a pro-rated amount for employees working more than 20 hours but less than 40 hours per week. Typically, those holidaysare:■■ New Year’s Day ■■ Veterans’ Day■■ Presidents’ Day ■■ Thanksgiving Day■■ Memorial Day ■■ Day after Thanksgiving Day■■ Independence Day ■■ Christmas Eve, or the day after Christmas Day■■ Labor Day (depending on the year) ■■ Christmas DayWhen a holiday falls on a Saturday, the previous Friday generally will be observed as the holiday. If the holiday fallson a Sunday, the following Monday generally will be observed as the holiday. A list of days that are designated asCounty holidays will be established by the Board of County Commissioners and distributed to employees annually.16 Garfield County, CO
Employee Contributions for Benefits Benefit Plan BiweeklyPPO 2 Employee CountyEmployee $75.50 $432.00Employee + Spouse $177.50 $998.00Employee + Children $167.00 $947.00Family $202.00 $1,126.00PPO 3 $35.00 $432.00 $83.50 $998.00Employee $78.00 $947.00Employee + Spouse $91.00 $1,126.00Employee + ChildrenFamily $0.00 $432.00 $0.00 $998.00PPO 4 $0.00 $947.00 $0.00 $1,126.00EmployeeEmployee + SpouseEmployee + ChildrenFamily Benefit Plan MonthlyDental Employee CountyEmployee $0.00 $21.00Employee + Spouse $0.00 $42.00Employee + Children $0.00 $47.00Family $0.00 $62.00Vision – Base Plan $0.00 $5.80 $0.00 $9.28Employee $0.00 $9.47Employee + Spouse $0.00 $15.27Employee + ChildrenFamily $6.85 $12.65 $10.97 $20.25Vision – Buy-up Plan $11.12 $20.67 $18.05 $33.32EmployeeEmployee + SpouseEmployee + ChildrenFamilyTax DisclaimerFor federal income tax purposes for non-tax dependents, the employee’s share of the medical and vision buy-uppremiums related to a non-tax dependent must be deducted from an employee’s pay on an after tax basis. Thedifference between employee only coverage rates and the rate with the non-tax dependent is added to theemployee’s gross income and taxed as imputed income. Please contact the human resources office about enrollmentand your financial/tax advisor about your tax implications. 2018 Benefit Guide 17
Contact InformationIf you have specific questions about a benefit plan, please contact the administrator listed below, or your localhuman resources department. Benefit Administrator Phone Website/EmailMedical Colorado Employer Benefit Trust (CEBT) 800.332.1168 www.cebt.orgFlexible Spending Account 888.722.1223Dental Rocky Mountain Reserve 800.332.1168 www.rockymountainreserve.com/Vision Colorado Employer Benefit Trust (CEBT) 800.877.7195 www.cebt.orgLife and AD&D Insurance 800.332.1168 www.vsp.comVoluntary Life and AD&D Insurance VSP 800.332.1168 www.cebt.orgShort-Term Disability (STD) Colorado Employer Benefit Trust (CEBT) 800.955.7736 www.cebt.orgLong-Term Disability (LTD) Colorado Employer Benefit Trust (CEBT) 800.955.7736 www.voya.comEmployee Assistance Program (EAP) 877.679.1100 www.voya.com Voya FinancialCounty Retirement Plan Voya Financial 800.352.0313 www.triadeap.com/ TRIAD www.ccoera.org/ Colorado County Officials & Employees Retirement Association (CCOERA)Benefits Glossary What is the Maximum Out of pocket? The Max Out of Pocket (or Out of Pocket Maximum) isWhat is a premium? the highest amount of medical expenses that youThe premium is the cost of maintaining your enrollment would be responsible for on your own in a calendarin the plan of your choice. For the County’s plans, the year. This amount includes deductibles, copays,PPO4 premium is paid entirely by the county, so there is prescription drugs and coinsurance amounts. Theno premium cost to the employee or the employee’s annual caps are set for individuals and for a family. Thefamily for this plan. If an employee chooses to buy-up amounts differ for in and out of network expenses andto one of the other plans, the additional premium for heavily favor in-network care. Once the out of pocketthose plans is the responsibility of the employee. maximum is met, the insurance covers additional costs at 100%.What are copays?Copayments or copays are fixed amounts you are What is Reasonable and Customary (R&C)?expected to pay for covered health care services such Reasonable and Customary (R&C or Customary, Usualas office visits, labs, prescription drugs, and other and Reasonable) is the maximum allowable fee aspredetermined procedures as defined by the insurance determined by the plan. The maximum allowable fee isplan. Once a copay has been paid, the insurance set by comparing the service to a national database ofcompany pays the remaining costs. All copays count fees. The database is adjusted to the locality where thetoward out of pocket maximums; however, copays do service was performed. Benefits are payable up to anynot go toward the deductible amount. plan maximums on a customary, usual and reasonable basis. If a provider charges more than R&C, theWhat is a Deductible? insurance covers up to the customary amount and theThe deductible is the specified amount you pay out of employee is responsible for the amount over that setpocket before your health insurance plan begins paying point.for their portion of medical expenses. In other words,it’s what you pay before the coinsurance kicks in.What is coinsurance?Coinsurance is the amount that you pay for coveredmedical services after you’ve satisfied any deductiblerequired by your health insurance plan and before youhit the max out of pocket. For Garfield County plans,the coinsurance pays 80% of the charge for a servicerendered by a healthcare provider (you are responsiblefor the remaining 20%). The coinsurance on all medicalinsurance plans is 80/20.18 Garfield County, CO
Notes 2018 Benefit Guide 19
This benefit summary prepared by 18GBS32723A
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