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Home Explore Romanian Legends Alphabet

Romanian Legends Alphabet

Published by annaseverchuk, 2022-06-30 09:28:43

Description: Romanian Legends Alphabet

Keywords: lizuza,annaseverchuk,alphabet,drawings,romanian,legends,creatures,myth


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Legende românești Apa Sâmbetei—the World Ocean Balaur—dragon with seven heads Calulnăzdrăvan—pegasus Dhampir—vampire+human child Poveste epică Fata Pădurii—forest girl Greuceanu—Sun and Moon hero Hultan—wizard Ielele—faeries Jidovi—kind of gentle giants Krim Roșu—eternal man Luceafăr—stars and planet Venus Moroi—type of a vampire Nefârtaul—the devil Omul Spân—bad guy Priolii—werewolf or demon Rahmans—rat-headed Strigoi—vampire or zombie Tărâmul Celălalt—Hollow Earth (the other realm) Ursitoare—three Fates or Moirai Vârcolac—werewolf Xilofon—melosie populară Zmeu

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