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Home Explore Detailed Competency Guide 2016.06.20

Detailed Competency Guide 2016.06.20

Published by jerry.vanselljr1, 2017-09-28 12:37:26

Description: Detailed Competency Guide 2016.06.20


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Detailed Competency Guide Updated June 20161 of 23 Library ID: #####Cerner Corporation. All rights reserved. This document contains Cerner confidential and/or proprietary information belonging to Cerner Corporation and/or its related affiliates which may not be reproduced ortransmitted in any form or by any means without the express written consent of Cerner.

Overview Detailed Competency GuideOverview To continue to be agile and lead the health care consulting industry, Cerner recognizes the need to equip our workforce to improve health and operational outcomes of the organizations we support. As a result, leadership has identified sixteen core competencies that serve as the road map for ‘evolving our talent capabilities.’ This purpose of this document is to detail these core competencies, their definitions, key skills, and skill descriptions.What is a A competency is the measurable knowledge, skills, abilities andCompetency? behaviors that are critical to successful job performance. Each competency is comprised of a set of skills that represent key responsibilities related to that competency. An associate’s proficiency in a competency is directly tied to his/her competency at each of these individual skills. When you break a skill down into more discrete elements, you get tasks. The Competency Baseline Survey does not ask you to delve into the task level. It focuses, instead, on the overall competency as defined by the high level skills.2 of 23 Cerner Corporation | 2800 Rockcreek Parkway, Kansas City, MO 64117 | 866.221.8877 |Cerner Corporation. All rights reserved. This document contains Cerner confidential and/or proprietary information belonging to Cerner Corporation and/or its related affiliates which may not be reproduced ortransmitted in any form or by any means without the express written consent of Cerner.

Overview Detailed Competency GuideProficiency Scale The following provides definitions for the proficiencies tied to each of the aforementioned competencies Rating DefinitionLearning Focused on growth with variable levels of success with the skill.Proficient Skill is demonstrated, in predictable situations, though with varying Skilled degrees of success. Expert Skill is demonstrated, in all situations, and consistently meets or exceeds the success indicators. In addition, the associate actively teaches others. Skill is demonstrated in all situations and routinely exceeds the success indicators, teaches others, and is viewed as an icon in the community.Keep in Mind As we stretch ourselves to work in new ways, it is possible that you may see unfamiliar competencies, or familiar ones defined in a different way. Consulting Leadership acknowledges that there are many areas in which associates are currently growing their skills versus demonstrating consistent competency. When considering the rating definitions, refer to the “Focus is on…” statements to help differentiate one from another. Note that Learning is distinguished from other ratings not only in ability to demonstrate the skills, but also in the span of skills able to be demonstrated. All other ratings are based on the expectation that most, if not all, of the skills are demonstrated to some degree.3 of 23 Cerner Corporation | 2800 Rockcreek Parkway, Kansas City, MO 64117 | 866.221.8877 |Cerner Corporation. All rights reserved. This document contains Cerner confidential and/or proprietary information belonging to Cerner Corporation and/or its related affiliates which may not be reproduced ortransmitted in any form or by any means without the express written consent of Cerner.

Overview Detailed Competency Guide CORE COMPETENCIESCompetency Name DefinitionBuild Configure software and hardware per design.Change Control Ensure changes are introduced in a coordinated manner (per process) that optimizes cost-effective utilization of resources.Coaching Create deliberate and personalized interactions designed to enhance an individual’s performance against a specific goal or result.Data Analysis Use data to identify actions for improving client outcomes (e.g. quality, safety, cost, end-user experience).Facilitation Apply structure and process to group interactions enabling groups to function effectively and make high-quality decisions.Health Care - Operations* Apply knowledge of departmental operations and metrics to achieve business continuity and targeted outcomes.*As it applies to your area ofexpertise Leverage industry and operational knowledge to partner with healthcare organizations in developing and advancing their long-term vision.Health Care - Strategy Apply knowledge of process and best practices to establish credibility.Health Care - Workflow* Apply a systematic approach to influence motivation and ability in order to achieve organizational outcomes.*As it applies to your area of Apply a systematic, data-driven approach for identifying and analyzingexpertise problems, developing and executing strategies, and measuring and monitoring improvement to increase efficiency and effectiveness.Organizational ChangeManagement Define and prioritize problem(s) and determine solution(s) that align toPerformance Improvement business goals/outcomes. Apply a systematic process for meeting deliverables and requirements.Problem Solving Employ a balance of people skills, process, and expertise with clients toProject Management achieve optimum results while building trust and commitment. Validate software and hardware meet the business and technical(for non-project managers) requirements per design. Transfers knowledge informally and formally to improve proficiency in aRelationship Management skill or task. Resolve issues per process.TestTraining DeliveryTroubleshooting4 of 23 Cerner Corporation | 2800 Rockcreek Parkway, Kansas City, MO 64117 | 866.221.8877 |Cerner Corporation. All rights reserved. This document contains Cerner confidential and/or proprietary information belonging to Cerner Corporation and/or its related affiliates which may not be reproduced ortransmitted in any form or by any means without the express written consent of Cerner.

Overview Detailed Competency Guide CORE COMPETENCIES BY ROLE Consultant Clinical System Enterprise Service Consultant Analyst Architect DeliveryCompetency Name AnalystBuild X X XChange Control X X X X XCoaching XX X X X X XData Analysis XX X X X XFacilitation X X X X X XHealth Care - Operations* X X X X X X*As it applies to your area of X X Xexpertise X XHealth Care - Strategy XHealth Care - Workflow**As it applies to your area ofexpertiseOrganizational ChangeManagementPerformance ImprovementProblem Solving X X X XProject Management X X(for non-project managers)Relationship ManagementTestTraining Delivery XTroubleshooting5 of 23 Cerner Corporation | 2800 Rockcreek Parkway, Kansas City, MO 64117 | 866.221.8877 |Cerner Corporation. All rights reserved. This document contains Cerner confidential and/or proprietary information belonging to Cerner Corporation and/or its related affiliates which may not be reproduced ortransmitted in any form or by any means without the express written consent of Cerner.

Overview Detailed Competency Guide Build Configure software and hardware per design.Skill DescriptionValidate design. Interpret the data to be configured.Communicate gaps. Present findings and evidence (of design or data gaps) to stakeholder.Articulate impact of Describe impact to system and/or workflows. The system includes thedesign decisions. environment, end user, front-end, and back-end. Define and document the specific order in which configuration must occur.Determine buildsequence. Utilize tools per process for configuration. Build reference data from collection or based on Cerner’s recommendation.Use build tools. Build activity data from collection or based on Cerner’s recommendation.Configure referencedata. Capture issues, actions, and decisions identified during configuration. Document key points of discussion.Configure activity Propose improvements to content, process, or methodology, either internal ordata. external that result in gained efficiency.Maintain build Lead configuration project by connecting the work to the desired outcome.evidence. Foster contribution to deliverables. Keep the project group on track towards deadlines.Contribute tocontinuousimprovements.Coordinatedepartmental build.6 of 23 Cerner Corporation | 2800 Rockcreek Parkway, Kansas City, MO 64117 | 866.221.8877 |Cerner Corporation. All rights reserved. This document contains Cerner confidential and/or proprietary information belonging to Cerner Corporation and/or its related affiliates which may not be reproduced ortransmitted in any form or by any means without the express written consent of Cerner.

Overview Detailed Competency GuideChange ControlEnsure changes are introduced in a coordinated manner (per process) that optimizes cost-effectiveutilization of resources.Skill DescriptionAnalyze change Assess the submission in terms of urgency, expected benefits or rationale, andrequest. success criteria.Assess impact ofchange. Detail the quantifiable costs and benefits. Review reasons for change (e.g. legal, regulatory). Estimate impact to project and client in terms of timeline,Define options. resourcing, and the system. The system includes the environment, end user, front-end, and back-end. Detail possible resolution(s) and resulting impacts.Communicate Present recommended option. Response includes status of request, proposeddecision. solution, rationale, timeline, impact, and expiration date for client response as needed.Create plan. Prepare detailed materials to include design, implementation, and roll-backDocument plan. plans.Implement plan.Evaluate results. Capture details per process.Close change Execute roll out plan. Meet targeted timeline.request.Gain agreement from Assess outcomes against success criteria. Test system to ensure nostakeholders. unforeseen impacts. Review feedback from impacted parties. Acceptance gained from client on results of change (or on rejection of change request). Engage stakeholders (both internal and external) at key stages of the process to ensure change is evaluated and approved at the proper authority levels.7 of 23 Cerner Corporation | 2800 Rockcreek Parkway, Kansas City, MO 64117 | 866.221.8877 |Cerner Corporation. All rights reserved. This document contains Cerner confidential and/or proprietary information belonging to Cerner Corporation and/or its related affiliates which may not be reproduced ortransmitted in any form or by any means without the express written consent of Cerner.

Overview Detailed Competency GuideCoaching1Create deliberate and personalized interactions designed to enhance an individual’s performanceagainst a specific goal or result.Skill DescriptionEstablish a Determine requirements for coaching interaction and gain agreement oncoaching process.agreement.Establish trust with Establish common ground rules and relevance with associate in order tothe coachee. maintain a safe, productive, and nurturing environment.Demonstrate active Make a conscious effort to hear the words and understand the message. Uselistening. open body language and verbal prompts. Restate or paraphrase what coachee is saying. Check for understanding.Ask probing Utilize a variety of questioning techniques to evoke discovery, insight,questions. commitment or action.Communicate Use language to communicate opportunities to ensure a positive impact andobservations with celebrate coachee’s successes.directness.Facilitate awareness Help coachee discover for him/herself new thoughts beliefs, perceptions, andwithin coachee. emotions.Engage coachee in Create opportunities for coachee’s ongoing growth during coaching and on-the-actions that promote job situations.learning.Engage coachee in Support coachee in creating SMART goals.goal setting.Foster Maintain focus on coachee’s progress toward established goals.accountability.1This information is based on the ICD (International Coach Federation) Code of Ethics and the ICF CoreCoaching Competencies. Additional information can be found at ICF’s website: of 23 Cerner Corporation | 2800 Rockcreek Parkway, Kansas City, MO 64117 | 866.221.8877 |Cerner Corporation. All rights reserved. This document contains Cerner confidential and/or proprietary information belonging to Cerner Corporation and/or its related affiliates which may not be reproduced ortransmitted in any form or by any means without the express written consent of Cerner.

Overview Detailed Competency GuideData AnalysisUse data to identify actions for improving client outcomes (e. g. quality, safety, cost, and experience).Skill DescriptionArticulate client’s Apply systems thinking to put problem in context of the larger whole. Refineproblem. the scope of the problem statement to ensure correct focus is attained in the analysis.Gain agreement on Reach consensus on variables to include in data to collect.Validate data. Revisit data received to confirm data received meets needs. Refine data request as needed.Deploy techniques Use industry accepted statistical extract meaningfrom data. Remain open to unexpected results throughout the data analysis process.Deploy techniques Make changes as challenge orconfirm Summarize analysis in alignment with accepted industry standards.assumptions.Draw conclusions Validate that client objectives will be met with the techniques employed.from data.Confirm data Determine possible action steps and rationale to track progress against client’sanalysis addresses outcomes. Apply systems thinking to explain impact to seemingly disparateclient problem. systems.Create Outline action steps drawn from conclusions. Articulate reasoning behindrecommendations. action steps to solve client’s problem.Communicaterecommendations.9 of 23 Cerner Corporation | 2800 Rockcreek Parkway, Kansas City, MO 64117 | 866.221.8877 |Cerner Corporation. All rights reserved. This document contains Cerner confidential and/or proprietary information belonging to Cerner Corporation and/or its related affiliates which may not be reproduced ortransmitted in any form or by any means without the express written consent of Cerner.

Overview Detailed Competency GuideFacilitationApply structure and process to group interactions enabling groups to function effectively and makehigh-quality decisions.Skill DescriptionPrepare forfacilitated event. Identify the purpose, desired outcome, agenda, participants, and possible issues for the interaction (i.e., meeting, work session, etc.). Work directly with the meeting stakeholder(s) to gain agreement ahead of time as appropriate.Set the stage. Acknowledge participants as they arrive. Review and gain agreement on purpose, desired outcomes, ground rules and agenda for meeting.Engage participants. Connect each discussion point to the desired outcomes. Apply tools that foster participation and keep the group on track (i.e. agenda, parking lot, and “What do you think?”).Manage physical Is prepared with materials to support agenda and desired outcome before theenvironment. meeting begins. Optimize room set-up before the meeting begins.Manage technology. Confidently uses technology without avoidable issues (i.e. Live Meeting, projectors, and screen sharing).Record relevant Capture issues, actions, and decisions identified in the course of theinformation. interaction. Document key points of discussion.Leverage Organize discussion to draw out relevant information that moves the groupinformation- towards the desired outcome.gathering process.Manage group Take preventative action to minimize dysfunctional behavior. Recognize whendynamics. dysfunctional behavior arises. Actively addresses the cause, proposes a work agreement, and gain agreement for future discussions.Build consensus. Present processes/question for decision-making. Utilize work agreement to gain agreement and communicates decision to relevant parties.Maintain energy. Project genuine enthusiasm for the topics at hand throughout engagement. Recognize the fluctuation of the group dynamics and reinvigorate the group.Manage time. Monitor time against the agenda. Keep the group on track. Gains agreement on priority topics to discuss when time limits don’t allow for every discussion point to be addressed.Manage various Facilitate in any required meeting type: person, virtual or mixed interactions.meeting formats. Adjust approach (i.e. tools and techniques) to maximize outcomes in any setting.Close the Review any issues, actions, and/or decisions. Ensure each identified actioninteraction. has an owner and due date.Follow-up on the Communicate issues, actions, and/or decisions in a timely manner. Helpinteraction. ensure dates are met by following up as necessary before the due-date.10 of 23 Cerner Corporation | 2800 Rockcreek Parkway, Kansas City, MO 64117 | 866.221.8877 |Cerner Corporation. All rights reserved. This document contains Cerner confidential and/or proprietary information belonging to Cerner Corporation and/or its related affiliates which may not be reproduced ortransmitted in any form or by any means without the express written consent of Cerner.

Overview Detailed Competency GuideHealth Care – Operations*Apply knowledge of departmental operations and metrics to achieve business continuity and targetedoutcomes. (*As it applies to your area of expertise.)Skill DescriptionDescribe roles and Identify job function. Define each individual’s contributions to operationalresponsibilities. outcomes.Define reporting Outline the chain-of-command and identify key stakeholders. Describestructure. interdepartmental communications and accountabilities.Identify differences Use information gathered while mapping operational structure and processes tobetween current pinpoint variations from best practice.state operations andbest practice.Diagnose barriers to Apply techniques to identify obstacles and resistances that prevent people fromchange. demonstrating sought after behaviors. Possible techniques include interviews,Evaluate currentperformance focus groups, and surveys.metrics. Identify what client is currently measuring, the process being used to captureRecommend results, as well as the results themselves. Measures may include keyperformance performance indicators, financial, operational, and clinical metrics, and may bemetrics. compared with industry benchmarks.Establish baselines. Propose metrics to measure business continuity and value. Include rationale for the recommendations as appropriate. Key performance indicators and valueAdvise on objectives may include financial, operational, and clinical metrics.operational Capture initial data as a reference point for future measurements. Indicate howreporting. many data points and what timeframe for data capture will establish an appropriate baseline.Provide guidance on Review current reports and compare with available Cerner reports. Identifyvarious industry potential gaps and consult with the client on options to address gap areas.requirements. Identify any differences in current and future state reporting and measurement and consult with the client on how data will be compared with baselines.Create improvement Instruct client on how to access and run reports. Recognize the indicators ofplan. negative or positive trends in data.Connect Recognize decision points that impact compliance. Access enabling resourcesdepartmental via client, industry, and/or Cerner. Utilize resources to make informedoutcomes to recommendations. Industry requirements include governmental, regulatory, andorganizational accrediting agencies.goals. Build project plan to include steps, due date, responsible party, resources, risk assessment, communication plan and quality control. Obtain approval of plan. Explain implications of departmental activities and performance in the areas of patient safety, patient satisfaction, quality, and financials to organizational success and viability.11 of 23 Cerner Corporation | 2800 Rockcreek Parkway, Kansas City, MO 64117 | 866.221.8877 |Cerner Corporation. All rights reserved. This document contains Cerner confidential and/or proprietary information belonging to Cerner Corporation and/or its related affiliates which may not be reproduced ortransmitted in any form or by any means without the express written consent of Cerner.

Overview Detailed Competency GuideHealth Care – StrategyLeverage industry and operational knowledge to partner with healthcare organizations in developingand advancing their long-term vision.This competency is not included in the survey at this time. Skills and skill descriptions will be publishedat a later date.12 of 23 Cerner Corporation | 2800 Rockcreek Parkway, Kansas City, MO 64117 | 866.221.8877 |Cerner Corporation. All rights reserved. This document contains Cerner confidential and/or proprietary information belonging to Cerner Corporation and/or its related affiliates which may not be reproduced ortransmitted in any form or by any means without the express written consent of Cerner.

Overview Detailed Competency GuideHealth Care – Workflow*Apply knowledge of process and best practices to establish credibility and achieve targeted outcomes.(*As it applies to your area of expertise.)Skill DescriptionDocument current Map the complete processes used today with attention to all of the steps andstate workflows. people involved. Capture all relevant scenarios. Use data gathered from first- hand observation of and interviews with end-users, super-users, managers,Recognize common and directors.variations of legacy Identify the process and tools (e.g. “bubble sheets” in billing department, “Tworkflows. sheets” in the emergency department) typically used. Connect legacy process and tools to future state.Identify differencesbetween current Use results from current state mapping to pinpoint variations from best practice.state workflow and Best practices may include Model System, evidence-based practice, clinicalbest practice. guidelines, and care pathways.Articulate therationale for future Explain the “why” by going beyond the lens of system requirements. Rationalestate workflows. may include considerations related to quality, regulatory, key performance indicators, core measures, efficiency, patient experience, revenue, cost, and/orAdvise on impact of availability of information across the continuum of care.future workflow tospecific roles. Help impacted parties understand resulting changes in their role, responsibilities, and related processes; highlighting benefits and training needs.Advise on Identify any new development or changes in policy, procedures, and bylaws.embeddedtechnologies. Provide expertise on how technology will be used throughout the future state workflow. Technology includes Cerner and non-Cerner software, hardware, andArticulate content providers.capabilities ofsolutions. Speak to specific features and functionality. Describe how client can leverage the system to complete tasks and accomplish goals. Highlight marketDemonstrate differentiators (“only Cerner can…”).solutions.Explain integration Navigate through the solution from the perspective of an end-user.points acrossworkflows. Describe how steps in a process impact other roles and/or other departments.Use industry Identify inputs from other roles, processes, and/or departments.acceptedterminology. Employ vocabulary appropriate to the department. Does not use Cerner-isms or Cerner acronyms. Replace “computer-speak” with language familiar to theEnsure compliance end-user (e.g. “order” instead of “click” for a physician).with various industryrequirements. Recognize decision points that impact compliance. Access enabling resourcesDescribe the patient via client, industry, and/or Cerner. Utilize resources to provide guidance.experience. Connect workflow to patient health, safety, and satisfaction. Demonstrate empathy when discussing patient scenarios.13 of 23 Cerner Corporation | 2800 Rockcreek Parkway, Kansas City, MO 64117 | 866.221.8877 |Cerner Corporation. All rights reserved. This document contains Cerner confidential and/or proprietary information belonging to Cerner Corporation and/or its related affiliates which may not be reproduced ortransmitted in any form or by any means without the express written consent of Cerner.

Overview Detailed Competency GuideOrganizational Change ManagementApply a systematic approach to influence motivation and ability in order to achieve organizationaloutcomes.Skill DescriptionEstablishes Clarifies case for change and desired outcomes; facilitates client sponsorshipsponsorship and of expected outcomes; engages stakeholders to build critical mass of support.ownership for changeBuilds involvement Involves people to raise awareness and gathers input on the best course of action; helps clients and change leaders build involvement and ownership inCreates a contract for the change process; helps clients create a communication plan that generateschange buy-in and commitment; facilitates effective two-way communications toConducts diagnostic ensure understanding, commitment and behavior change.assessments Helps clients contract for change, clarify outcomes, and establish realisticProvides feedback expectations for change; identifies boundaries for change; clarifies relationships, roles, and ethical parameters; creates conditions for success.Facilitates strategicplanning for change Determines which data are needed to clarify issues, including stakeholder expectations; collects information to pinpoint initial steps; diagnoses problemsSupports the change as well as perceptions favoring change; assesses current reality againstintervention business/organizational strategy and desired outcomes to define change efforts needed; identifies formal and informal power networks; establishes design requirements for future state. Prepares stakeholders for receiving the results of data gathering and diagnosis; provides feedback to people in position to influence with course corrections on change strategy; articulates what is happening and what needs to happen in a complex system; builds an impetus to support change. Facilitates creation of overall change strategy with sponsor and key change leaders; clarifies what must change, how to minimize the human impact and optimize buy-in; helps identify all technical, organizational, cultural, and people-related change initiatives; shapes the best process and conditions to accomplish results; designs appropriate change process plans to be time- efficient and responsive to needs. Helps clients design, assess impacts, plan, and implement the change effort and strategy; identifies innovative ways to structure the system; creates new approaches or models of programs as appropriate; offers advice and support for managing complex projects as needed; refines change strategy; supports learning and course correction.14 of 23 Cerner Corporation | 2800 Rockcreek Parkway, Kansas City, MO 64117 | 866.221.8877 |Cerner Corporation. All rights reserved. This document contains Cerner confidential and/or proprietary information belonging to Cerner Corporation and/or its related affiliates which may not be reproduced ortransmitted in any form or by any means without the express written consent of Cerner.

Overview Detailed Competency GuideSkill DescriptionEncourages integration Fosters shared mindset in support of change; supports alignment of allof change into systems, policies, and processes of the organization to match and support theorganizational culture change; supports integration and mastery of change effort so that it becomes the norm.Manages Creates strategy to reduce human trauma; manages reactions to the changeconsequences and the unanticipated consequences of the change; surfaces and resolves conflict; helps clients overcome resistance; influences those who react negatively to support the change.Evaluates change Facilitates information sharing during the change to ensure that results matchresults intentions, collects information about the impact of the change; communicates results and best practices to stakeholders.15 of 23 Cerner Corporation | 2800 Rockcreek Parkway, Kansas City, MO 64117 | 866.221.8877 |Cerner Corporation. All rights reserved. This document contains Cerner confidential and/or proprietary information belonging to Cerner Corporation and/or its related affiliates which may not be reproduced ortransmitted in any form or by any means without the express written consent of Cerner.

Overview Detailed Competency GuidePerformance ImprovementApply a systematic, data-driven approach for identifying and analyzing problems, developing andexecuting strategies, and measuring and monitoring improvement to increase efficiency andeffectiveness.Skill DescriptionDefine the problem. Construct problem statement to explain severity and impact of the problem client faces in a concise way. Refine scope of problem as needed.Define voice of the Capture requirements and feedback from customer critical to quality.customer.Create a project Outline business case, problem and goal statement, scope, high-level timeline,charter. and identify key team members and stakeholders. Refine charter throughout project as new information is obtained.Measure impact of Apply tools (e.g. SIPOC, current state value stream map) and statistical modelsproblem. to determine baseline of the problem or related processes.Identify cause(s) of Leverage techniques to analyze data and processes to narrow root cause(s) ofproblem. waste and defects impacting process output(s). Techniques may include 5 why’s, fishbone diagram, process analysis, value mapping, in scope/out of scope, and/or Gage R&R.Validate cause(s) of Apply statistical tools to test hypothesis and verify true root cause(s) ofproblem. problem. Statistical tools may include scatter plot, correlation and regression analysis, chi square, and/or t-test.Create future state Apply root cause findings to outline flowchart of future state that eliminatevalue stream map. waste in process.Prioritize Analyze findings from problem identification and validation to rank solutions.improvement Balance impact of change with return on investment.opportunities.Create improvement Build project plan to include steps, due date, responsible party, resources, riskplan. assessment, communication plan and quality control. Obtain approval of plan.Pilot improvement Test improvement plan to evaluate accuracy and impact of proposed solution(s).Present progress. Track status and share updates during internal and external project gateways.Create a control Craft written summary describing what is needed to ensure improvements areplan. sustained including identification of process owner and validation of benefits achieved.Transition to Review control plan and complete handoffs of all necessary material to processprocess owner. owner.Communicate Share lessons learned and recommendations. Encourage leaders to identifyfindings to other performance improvement opportunities.leadership.16 of 23 Cerner Corporation | 2800 Rockcreek Parkway, Kansas City, MO 64117 | 866.221.8877 |Cerner Corporation. All rights reserved. This document contains Cerner confidential and/or proprietary information belonging to Cerner Corporation and/or its related affiliates which may not be reproduced ortransmitted in any form or by any means without the express written consent of Cerner.

Overview Detailed Competency GuideProblem SolvingDetermine and prioritize problem(s) and identify solution(s) that align to business goals/outcomes.Skills DescriptionLeverage information Apply processes to gather relevant information that provides context forgathering techniques. understanding the problem. Examples of techniques include interviews, observations, focus groups, surveys, 5 whys, cause and effect diagrams, CATWOEs, etc.Define the problem. Write a concise problem statement to include details about the problem and the scope of the problem (i.e. what can reasonably be solved for). Statement includes causes or recommended solutions.Identify the root cause Use results from information gathering stage to identify the driving factors of the problem.Define success for Articulate end result of resolving the problem in measurable terms. Successfuture state measure answers the question, “How will we know we have solved the problem?”Generate possible Identify short and long-term solutions that align with desired future statesolutions. (success measures).Develop success Outline the conditions a solution must meet to be successful. Differentiatecriteria (for the between wants and needs. Include both tangible and intangible costs andsolution). benefits.Analyze possible Outline pros and cons of possible solutions against success Conduct final analysis which provides rationale for solution selected.Select solution(s).Gain agreement from Engage impacted parties to validate problem, solutions, and gain consensus.key stakeholdersthroughout process. Measure outcomes against success measures. Incorporate on-going feedback from impacted parties to drive continuous improvement.Evaluate results.17 of 23 Cerner Corporation | 2800 Rockcreek Parkway, Kansas City, MO 64117 | 866.221.8877 |Cerner Corporation. All rights reserved. This document contains Cerner confidential and/or proprietary information belonging to Cerner Corporation and/or its related affiliates which may not be reproduced ortransmitted in any form or by any means without the express written consent of Cerner.

Overview Detailed Competency GuideProject Management (for non-project managers)Apply a systematic process for meeting deliverables and requirements.Skills Description Detail what deliverables a project will include and exclude. Describe keyArticulate scope. milestones and high level requirements. Detail who is doing what (across both internal team members and eternalArticulate areas of clients).responsibility forproject team Define the purpose of the project using SMART language.members.Set project goals.Establish project Outline the specific requirements the project must meet to be consideredmetrics. successful.Use project trackingsystem. Employ a tool to document and track progress against the plan. Examples ofSchedule tasks. tools include Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Project, and uCern Connect Project.Manage assignments. Map specific activities taking into consideration dependencies and duration estimates.Manage client tohis/her deliverables. Complete tasks per project timeline. Prioritize tasks and adapt to changes inCommunicate project work and timeline.status. Communicate upcoming due dates. Request status updates. Articulate impactIdentify risks. of missed timelines to project.Mitigate risks.Escalate risks. Provide updates per project team communication plan. Update to includeResolve risks. decisions, changes, issues, risks, completed tasks or deliverables, andClose a project. planned tasks. Recognize conditions that may jeopardize the project plan. Identify ways to reduce the probability and impact of the issues. Communicate issue per risk management plan. Track issue to closure ensuring sign-off from relevant stakeholders. Confirm project scope and success measures met. Complete any handoffs of documentation to client, project team, or Cerner services organization. Document lessons learned.18 of 23 Cerner Corporation | 2800 Rockcreek Parkway, Kansas City, MO 64117 | 866.221.8877 |Cerner Corporation. All rights reserved. This document contains Cerner confidential and/or proprietary information belonging to Cerner Corporation and/or its related affiliates which may not be reproduced ortransmitted in any form or by any means without the express written consent of Cerner.

Overview Detailed Competency GuideRelationship ManagementEmploy a balance of people skills, process, and expertise with clients to achieve optimum results whilebuilding trust and commitment.Skill DescriptionProfile client. Leverage a variety of sources to gather client information. Validate findings.Demonstrate Relate well to a diverse population. Build relationships even in highly chargedinterpersonal situations.intelligence.Identify key Describe the role key stakeholder(s) play in decision-making. Identify opinionstakeholder(s). leaders at all levels of the organization.Profile key Describe each individual’s communication style, work style preferences, painstakeholder(s). points, organizational results for which he/she is responsible, and his/her personal/professional goals.Perform consultative Assess situation to determine approach that best aligns with the need. Modifyrole. approach to reflect needs of situational interaction or overall engagement.Create shared vision Gain agreement on and document alignment, purpose, outcomes, scope, andof the relationship. how group will work together.Demonstrate active Make a conscious effort to hear the words and understand the message. Uselistening. open body language and verbal prompts. Restate or paraphrase hat client is saying. Check for understanding.Ask probing Utilize a variety of techniques to uncover a client’s core issue. Allow clientquestions. responses to inform follow-up questions. Gather specific information.Manage objections. Step into the challenge. Maintain composure; seek clarification, and present relevant benefits to neutralize challenge.Gain agreement on Engage impacted parties to confirm value to be gained.solution(s).Contribute value to Apply understanding of the client’s business to help client achieve targetthe business. outcomes.Contribute value to Apply understanding of the client’s organization to help client achieve strategicthe organization. outcomes.Evaluate relationship. Gauge one’s strategic position continuously with the client. Solicit feedback.19 of 23 Cerner Corporation | 2800 Rockcreek Parkway, Kansas City, MO 64117 | 866.221.8877 |Cerner Corporation. All rights reserved. This document contains Cerner confidential and/or proprietary information belonging to Cerner Corporation and/or its related affiliates which may not be reproduced ortransmitted in any form or by any means without the express written consent of Cerner.

Overview Detailed Competency GuideTestValidate software and hardware meets the business and technical requirements per design.Skill DescriptionPrepare for testing Review the data and workflows to be validated. Address any questions withengagement. the team lead or project manager.Use audit tools. Utilize tools per process for validation.Execute testing Capture issues, including manual and automated validation as necessary.procedure.Maintain testing Capture issues, actions, and decisions identified during testing. Document keyevidence for each test points of results. Document test outcome and scores per process.Communicate results. Present findings and evidence to stakeholders. Recommend next action as needed.Contribute to Propose improvements to content, process or methodology, either internal orcontinuous external that result in gained efficiency.improvements.Coordinate Lead validation project by connecting the work to the desired outcome. Fosterdepartmental testing. contribution to deliverables. Keep the project group on track towards deadlines.20 of 23 Cerner Corporation | 2800 Rockcreek Parkway, Kansas City, MO 64117 | 866.221.8877 |Cerner Corporation. All rights reserved. This document contains Cerner confidential and/or proprietary information belonging to Cerner Corporation and/or its related affiliates which may not be reproduced ortransmitted in any form or by any means without the express written consent of Cerner.

Overview Detailed Competency GuideTraining DeliveryTransfers knowledge informally and formally to improve proficiency in a skill or task.Skill DescriptionPrepare for the Identify purpose of session and obtain materials. Rehearse delivery to ensureevent. flow of content.Maintain a safe Establish and communicate clear expectations for learners. Hold learnerslearning accountable to expectations throughout session. Create a level of trust throughenvironment. professionalism and demonstrated respect for audience and their needs.Establish credibility. Maintain a high level of professionalism and demonstrate expertise related to the topic(s). Provide accurate responses. Follow-up on unresolved issues. Relate personal experience to demonstrate expertise on subject.Engage the learner. Establish rapport early in the interaction and connect to motivations of learners. Help participants make connections between training content and their existing knowledge and experience. Maintain a positive attitude, and high energy level.Facilitate structured Handle objections with finesse to safeguard credibility while maintaining safelearning. environment. Make use of agenda, provide instructions for activities, and ensure timely delivery of learning.Manage group Take preventative action to minimize dysfunctional behavior. Take action todynamics. address the cause and gain agreement on future behavior.Create opportunity to Incorporate techniques that foster reflection.process the learningexperience.Provide opportunities Incorporate techniques that facilitate practical application.for guided practice.Deliver feedback. Reinforce and/or correct behavior/performance. Focus on specific behavior. Acknowledge success and opportunities. Determine ideal timing and method of feedback.Promote transfer of Incorporate techniques to connect learning to job duties.knowledge.Monitor learner Incorporate techniques to gauge achievement against learning objectives.progress.Adapt to meet Apply various mitigation strategies to address learners at risk of missinglearner’s needs. performance targets.Evaluate event Asses multiple data points to determine success against targeted measures.results.21 of 23 Cerner Corporation | 2800 Rockcreek Parkway, Kansas City, MO 64117 | 866.221.8877 |Cerner Corporation. All rights reserved. This document contains Cerner confidential and/or proprietary information belonging to Cerner Corporation and/or its related affiliates which may not be reproduced ortransmitted in any form or by any means without the express written consent of Cerner.

Overview Detailed Competency Guide Troubleshooting Resolve issues per process.Skill Description Determine whether item is an issue, design change, non-issue, localizationClassify change request, etc.request. Research relevant resources including Navigator, uCern wiki, etc.Determine if a Define and document the specific order in which troubleshooting must occur.resolution alreadyexists. Implement troubleshooting steps per defined sequence.Determineinvestigationsequence.Execute investigation.Identify resolution. Detail possible solution(s) that meets success criteria.Articulate impact of Explain resulting impact to system. The system includes the environment, endresolution. user, front-end, and back-end.Implement resolution. Execute solution with the support of and in communication with stakeholders.Validate results. Test the update to ensure outcomes meet success criteria.Communicate issue Present solution and evidence of success to stakeholders.resolution.Monitor results. Assess outcomes against success criteria. Review feedback from impacted parties to drive continuous improvement.22 of 23 Cerner Corporation | 2800 Rockcreek Parkway, Kansas City, MO 64117 | 866.221.8877 |Cerner Corporation. All rights reserved. This document contains Cerner confidential and/or proprietary information belonging to Cerner Corporation and/or its related affiliates which may not be reproduced ortransmitted in any form or by any means without the express written consent of Cerner.

Overview Detailed Competency GuideUpdates to Detailed Competency Guide2015.01.13  Corrected misspellings.  Added source information for coaching competency.2015.02.19  Changed name of competency from Change Management to Organizational Change Management.  Deleted “Close change request” skill from Change Management (was included in error, not part of the original competency).2015.04.13  Rearranged competencies back into alphabetical order (resulting from competency name change noted on 2/19/2015).  Reworded a skill under Data Analysis based on feedback from subject matter expert; No change to skill description. o Original skill – “Refine data analysis needed.” o Revised skill – “Confirm data analysis addresses client problem.”2015.07.30  Updated OCM Skills and Descriptions per Melanie Nelson and Miles Coleman.2015.09.02  Added Core Competencies By Role table.2016.04.20  Updated definitions of Learning, Proficient, Skilled, Expert2016.06.20  Removed Training Delivery from Enterprise Architect role23 of 23 Cerner Corporation | 2800 Rockcreek Parkway, Kansas City, MO 64117 | 866.221.8877 |Cerner Corporation. All rights reserved. This document contains Cerner confidential and/or proprietary information belonging to Cerner Corporation and/or its related affiliates which may not be reproduced ortransmitted in any form or by any means without the express written consent of Cerner.

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