San Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila School Buenmar Avenue Nangka, Marikina City 16th Commencement Exercises GRADE 6 Class of 2021 This serves as your invitation.
San Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila School 16th Commencement Exercises GRADE 6 Class of 2021 “Edukalidad na Tatak Ruiziano: Nagpapatuloy sa Panahon ng Pandemya” May 12, 2021 9:00 AM Via MS Teams
Programme I.Processional Grade 6 Learners SLRMS Personnel II. Invocation Administrators III. Lupang Hinirang Kurt Bryan B. Angeles IV. Address of Petition Arkayea A. Aguilar V. Presentation of Candidates Santino Gabriel A. Lucas Graduates for Graduation Mark Joseph R. Parayno Certification of Candidates Ms. Maricar D. Vinalay for Graduation PK-G10 Principal Confirmation of Graduates Mrs. Maria Teresa O. Chavez Academic Director Mrs. Lydia Cuevas-Vicente President-Founder
Programme VI. Distribution of Certificates and Awards VII. Introduction of the Speaker Ms. Maricar D. Vinalay PK-G10 Principal VIII. Commencement Message Ms. Cindy A. Ferrer IX. Inspirational Message Mrs. Lydia C. Vicente President-Founder X. Tribute to Graduates XI. Address of Thanks Margaux Malaika L. Regalado XII. Pledge of Loyalty Santino Gabriel A. Lucas XIII. SLRMS Hymn Mrs. Ana Marisa A. Traballo Master of Ceremony
Name of Learners GRADE 6 – LOVE Ms. Remy Ruth L. Adane BOYS • ANGELES, Kurt Bryan B. • APO, Richard S. • BAYAN, Calvin Martin A. • BONGOYAN, Don Jake M. • CABAUATAN, Dylan Wayne C. • CREMEN Carl, Matthew N. • CUEVAS, Dwight Andrei B. • DASER, Richard Jose H.
Name of Learners GRADE 6 – LOVE BOYS • ESPIRITU, Shaun Gabriel N. • GARCIA, James Emmanuel N. • HETEROZA, Aldrin John B. • JULIAN, Lordgren Vaughn P. • LUCAS, Santino Gabriel A. • LUNAR, Jacob Andrei T. • MADRILEJO, Luis Emmanuel A. • PARAYNO, Mark Joseph R.
Name of Learners GRADE 6 – LOVE BOYS • PONDEVILLA, John Michael A. • REGIO, Keonne Clark A. • ROMERO, David Joshua P. • SANTOS, John Calvin R. • SINGH, Harshdeep C. • SOLOMON, Mark Lawrence B. • TARROBAGO, Josiah Anthony • VILLAR, Ralph Raven E.
Name of Learners GRADE 6 – LOVE GIRLS •AGUILAR, Arkayea A. •ANGELES, Janelle Beatrice C. •ARABIT, Zoe Abigail P. •BAKER, Francesca Marie M. •BENDIOLA, Faith Anne M. •BLANCAFLOR, Janela Kimi S.T. •CABALHIN, Rihanna Kaye L. •CASTOR, Mia Felicity V. •DACANAY, Danna Neriz B.
Name of Learners GRADE 6 – LOVE GIRLS • MABUNGA, Cadence Marie S. • MANCAO, Monica Samantha Beth V. • RAFOLS, Lois Margareth L. • RAMOS, Kim Rhiane H. • REGALADO, Margaux Malaika L. • SISON, Samantha M. • TABAMO, Rheyenne Renee S. • TEMPLANZA, Ayezha Mary Lane A.
AWARDEES ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE With Highest Honors Margaux Malaika L. Regalado Mark Joseph R. Parayno
AWARDEES ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE With High Honors Arkayea A. Aguilar Kurt Bryan B. Angeles Rihanna Kaye L. Cabalhin Danna Neriz B. Dacanay Shaun Gabriel N. Espiritu James Emmanuel N. Garcia Lordgren Vaughn P. Julian Santino Gabriel A. Lucas
AWARDEES ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE With Honors Francesca Marie M. Baker Calvin Martin A. Bayan Faith Anne M. Bendiola Janela Kimi S.T. Blancaflor Don Jake M. Bongoyan Aldrin John B. Heteroza Cadence Marie S. Mabunga Luis Emmanuel A. Madrilejo Monica Samantha Beth V. Mancao Rheyenne Renne S. Tabamo Ayezha Mary Lane A. Templanza
SUBJECT EXCELLENCE AWARDEES Best in CLE Best in Science Margaux Malaika L. Regalado Margaux Malaika L. Regalado Best in Filipino Best in AP Mark Joseph R. Parayno Margaux Malaika L. Regalado Best in English Best in EPP/Computer Santino Gabriel A. Lucas Margaux Malaika L. Regalado Best in Mathematics Best in MAPEH Mark Joseph R. Parayno Mark Joseph R. Parayno
SERVICE AWARDS Book Lovers Luis Emmanuel A. Madrilejo Music Club Ayezha Mary Lane A. Templanza Junior Ruizians Dance Troupe Cadence Marie S. Mabunga Little Einstein Margaux Malaika L. Regalado
ACADEMIC OLYMPICS CHAMPIONS General Information Kurt Bryan B. Angeles Mark Joseph R. Parayno Math and Science Quiz Bee Aldrin John B. Heteroza
CONDUCT AWARDEE Margaux Malaika L. Regalado
Pledge of Loyalty In thanksgiving to our beloved school, We, Grade School Graduates, Solemnly pledge our loyalty to her Vision and Mission We promise to uphold her standard of excellence, To be caring and sharing leaders of our community And to do our duty as good members of the Ruizian family. We shall continue to use what we have learned and do our best To be God loving leaders and worthy children of San Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila School. So, help us God.
SLRMS HYMN We could start dreaming and it never ends As long as you’re here our beloved SLRMS It’s really great for us to be here We’ve won over the pain and the fear Thru the years you’ve never given up Your vision, mission and goals for us Ruizian, Ruizian, we are Ruizians Faith, Hope and Love beholding we share High we’ll be soaring Far we’ll be going, our spirits will remain We pledge our loyalty to you In God’s light, we could reach for the highest star You’ve taught us that dreams are not too far You’ve shown us the righteous way Of building and molding our lives Our beloved SLRMS, you’re a dream come true (Bridge) Your guiding light our path to excellence
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