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Home Explore RAFAC - STEM Activities booklet

RAFAC - STEM Activities booklet

Published by Nicky Weston, 2020-03-24 17:38:32

Description: RAFAC - STEM Activities booklet


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3 Foreword Wing Commander Nicky Weston GCGI MInstLM RAFAC Corps STEM Coordinator This booklet aims to provide readers with So whether you are interested access to, and inspiration for, STEM in making rockets, coding, design activities that can easily be done at home logistics, aviation, engineering, (individually or with family members) or at or even just playing with paper planes Squadron and School level. This is by no and LEGO… there is plenty here to get means an exhaustive resource, but you started on your STEM journey! hopefully one whereby it gives easy and convenient access. No doubt you will Keep updated on social media: know of, or be able to find more any Twitter @CorpsSTEM resources, should STEM be something Facebook @CorpsSTEM that really inspires you! Consider this a starting point. All of the activities in this booklet are practical and can help learn about STEM subjects in a fun manner. Some are very quick and simple to run and require very little equipment; others are a bit more involved and only require items that are often found around the house. Subjects cover each of the STEM areas: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (and Design). Have a scan through these activities and the numerous links – maybe you’ll find something that really grabs your attention and interest. And who knows where this will lead to in the future?

4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5 The Hour of Code started as a one-hour introduction to computer science, designed to demystify \"code\", to show that anybody can learn the basics, and to broaden participation in the field of computer science. Coding is now more important than ever, especially with the RAF’s ASTRA directive – part of which aims to recruit many coders. Here you can learn how to create code to make you own Google logo, Star Wars galaxy, Minecraft world and much more! 6




10 The RAF Youth & STEM offer a wide range of courses and camps – but you can also use their excellent website to experience a wide selection of STEM activities ! The following has been reproduced with their kind permission. Twitter: @rafyouthengage Facebook: @rafyouthengage 11 lancaster/`1 A bit more exciting than your basic paper plane! Use the link above to print the templates, or find them on the following pages. Need tips on how to fold them correctly? Watch the video at this link (learn here!) or click the picture below. 12

 The aim of this resource is to give students the opportunity to investigate the STEM behind aircraft design. Students will explore the forces acting on an aircraft during flight and use the iterative design process to design and improve the perfect paper aircraft. The aim of this resource is to give students the opportunity to investigate the impact of STEM on radar technology. Students explore the how to build structures, then design and build their own radar tower. The aim of this resource is to give students the opportunity to investigate the STEM behind travelling at speed. Students will explore the maths and science of calculating speed before investigating vortices created by wing tips. The aim of this resource is to give students the opportunity to investigate the STEM involved in designing ejection seats. Students will explore the impact of ejecting from an aircraft on the human body and design an ejection seat for a bottle rocket. The aim of this resource is to give students the opportunity to investigate the impact of STEM on code breaking and security using the Cold War and espionage as a hook. Students make their own code wheel based on the Caesar cipher and explore the maths behind codebreaking. The aim of this resource is to give students the opportunity to investigate the STEM behind satellite communications. Students will take part in an interactive demonstration of a satellite network and use scientific investigation to learn how the law of reflection is used in a satellite receiver. The aim of this resource is to give students the opportunity to investigate the RAF use STEM skills when delivering humanitarian aid. Students will design and make a lander for aid delivered by aircraft. i The aim of this resource is to give students the opportunity to investigate how the RAF use STEM skills when planning a mission. Students will use maths to work out how to pack an aircraft effectively. The aim of this resource is to give students the opportunity to investigate the use of STEM when controlling Remotely Piloted Air Systems. Students will use computing and maths skills to create a flight plan for RPAS. The aim of this resource is to give students the opportunity to investigate the impact of STEM on the development of stealth vehicles. The object of this activity is to introduce engineering and logistics principles of value to a ‘rescue’ challenge The object of this activity is to introduce science and physics principles of forces, motion and engineering. A series of STEM activities developed by Dr David Wilkinson that are linked to the subject of Airports and Airfields. The booklet includes background teaching material to support delivery of a number of activities, all of which relate to discovering how airports and airfields work. The activities can be performed individually or as a series. A series of STEM activities developed by Dr David Wilkinson that are linked to the subject of Airports and Airfields. The booklet includes background teaching material to support delivery of a number of activities, all of which relate to discovering how airports and airfields work. The activities can be performed individually or as a series. A series of STEM activities developed by Dr David Wilkinson that are linked to the subject of Weather. The booklet includes background teaching material to support delivery of a number of activities, all of which relate to discovering how weather works. The activities can be performed individually or as a series. A series of STEM activities developed by Dr David Wilkinson that are linked to the subject of Communication and Codes. The booklet includes background teaching material to support delivery of a number of activities, all of which relate to discovering how communication and codes work. The activities can be performed individually or as a series. A series of STEM activities developed by Dr David Wilkinson that show you how to make your own aircraft. The booklet includes background teaching material to support delivery of a number of activities, all of which lead to creating your own aircraft. The activities can be performed individually or as a series. A series of STEM activities developed by Dr David Wilkinson that explore how aircraft fly. The booklet includes background teaching material to support delivery of a number of activities, all of which relate to discovering what makes an aircraft fly. The activities can be performed individually or as a series. The object of this activity is to illustrate how science and technology mimic nature in its design. The object of this activity is to introduce science and engineering principles linked to construction. Learn about the basic principles of flight, how to control planes and helicopters and see inside a jet engine at work. Collect aircraft from real time formations that have displayed at previous RAF Flypast events around the country. Watch aircraft come to life and fly around your environment to reveal stories, specifications, real footage and interactive 3D visualisations Unlock detailed specifications and technical information about your aircraft. Discover historic stories, photographs and video to find out about the people behind each aircraft. Take photos and share your own flypasts with friends. Available for IOS or Android. At the start of the First World War in 1914, people had only been successfully flying aircraft for ten years. Aircraft design was still in its infancy. The introductory video ‘Early Flight’ shows how the role of aircraft changed as the war progressed. In the history activity students explore how aerial technology made a difference during the war leading to the formation of the RAF in 1918. In the STEM activity students build and test a glider to explore one of the challenges facing early aircraft designers: how to keep an aircraft steady in flight. As an extension they can make control surfaces for their glider and explore how these can be used to change the orientation of an aircraft in flight. The Battle of Britain was one of the most important Allied victories of the Second World War. Radar played a vital role as an early warning system for incoming German bombing raids. The introductory video ‘Battle of Britain’ shows how this pivotal four- month battle could not have been won without the early warning from radar and the diverse men and women of the RAF. In the history activity students examine the role of radar in British strategy and the importance of the Battle of Britain to the UK in 1940 and the diversity of those involved. In the STEM activity students build a ping pong ball model of a radar station to explore how the position of targets that they cannot see can be found. As an extension they can follow some of the steps that radar operators undertook in order to process the data. For centuries, organisations and governments have wanted to send information secretly. The Second World War saw the first large-scale deployment of electronics for encryption. The introductory video ‘Codebreakers’ explores how people based at Bletchley Park broke the German Enigma encryption during the Second World War. In the history activity students explore the role and impact of secret messages and codebreaking during the war. In the STEM activity students build a circuit and a scrambler and use it to send encoded and encrypted messages. As an extension they can try their hand at codebreaking. In 2018 the RAF expertise in airdrops has been vital for getting supplies to areas of the UK affected by terrible storms. The success of any relief operation depends on the precision and accuracy of delivery. The introductory video ‘Airdrops’ explores the role of the RAF in relief operations and their importance for the UK’s international role. In the history activity students explore the role of airdrops in Burma, the Berlin airlift and the relief operation in Ethiopia. In the STEM activity, students make an airdrop model using paper, string and paperclips and use it to explore precision of delivery. As an extension they can explore projectile motion. Historical events and needs have driven aircraft design, and new aircraft technology has in turn had an impact on historical events. The introductory video “Jet Age and Helicopters” explores the development of engines over the last 100 years and how helicopters have allowed the RAF to reach mountainous regions and revolutionised sea rescue. In the history activity, students explore the development of aeroplane technology and helicopters and examine how needs and events have driven aircraft design and usage over the last century. In the STEM activity, students compare thrust forces produced by propellers with different designs and investigate how blade angle affects a helicopter rotor’s performance. During the 20th century, intelligence-gathering was one of the most important aspects of fighting a war. Analysis of aerial photographs played a crucial role in the Cold War. The introductory video “Reconnaissance: The Cold War” looks at how the UK used aerial photography and other forms of surveillance to help prevent the Cold War developing into full-scale armed conflict. In the history activity, students explore the development of the intelligence-gathering techniques used both during the Second World War and the Cold War. In the STEM activity, students investigate camera design and how stereo photographs allow 3D viewing. Long-range missions by RAF Vulcan bombers played a vital role in the 1982 Falklands conflict. Both navigation and re-fuelling were a major challenge. The introductory video ‘Operation Black Buck’ explores how the RAF planned and carried out what was at the time the longest bombing raid in history. In the history activity students explore the Falklands military campaign and how the RAF overcame the huge geographical challenges involved. In the STEM activity, students explore how the navigator needed to take account of wind to stay on course to the Falklands. The last 100 years has seen major developments in battlefield medicine. Aeromedical evacuation has played a vital role in rescue and rehabilitation. The introductory video “Medical Evacuation” explores the role of the RAF in in bringing injured soldiers, at land or sea, to medical help. In the history activity, students explore medical treatments during times of conflict and the impact of new medical techniques over the last 100 years. In the STEM activity, students design a sea rescue light. As an extension, they can research prosthetic rehabilitation and design their own prosthesis.

STEM Learning is the largest provider of education and careers support in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). We work with schools, colleges and others working with young people across the UK. Supported by a unique partnership of Government, charitable trusts and employers, they are dedicated to raising young people’s engagement and achievement in STEM subjects and careers. This website is home to thousands of free-to-access, quality-assured resources to support the teaching and learning of science, technology, engineering and mathematics subjects. Hand-picked by subject specialists, these resources have been specifically chosen to give you inspiration.

Time to storm the castle with a homemade catapult that explores many parts of STEM and that is entirely playful. The kids will come back to this one over and over again. We have several popular versions of the homemade catapult, the best being made out of craft sticks and rubber bands. POPSICLE STICK CATAPULT PENCIL CATAPULT MARSHMALLOW CATAPULT LEGO CATAPULT

All you need is a box of toothpicks and a bag of mini marshmallows, gumdrops, or styrofoam balls. Turn it into a challenge to build a certain style of a bridge, a famous monument, or simply an abstract creation. GUMDROP STRUCTURES

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