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Home Explore SCI First 90 Days

SCI First 90 Days

Published by Sam Maddox, 2017-05-02 15:23:35

Description: SCI First 90 Days

Keywords: spinal cord injury,rehabilitation


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GETTING MOBILEto help load the chair. ing folk, and able to reach things, can Choices for wheel-mounted units be very beneficial at home, school or workplace. Standing has physi-include e-motion ( cal benefits, and is often medicallyand Quickie Xtender (sunrisemed- justified for insurance purposes. Attachable power as- helps to prevent pressure sores, im-sists are available from SmartDrive proves circulation and range of mo-­( or Zx-1 (spinergy. tion and, for some people, reducescom). The companies that sell power spasms and contractions. Checkassist products will help you figure out,,out the medical necessity paperwork. ­primeengineering.comBasically, if you lack physical strengthto push a manual wheelchair all day Even if you don’t want or need along, or if you have arm, wrist or chair that stands, a standing frameshoulder pain, you can make a case may be a good idea. You can buy afor reimbursement. frame or even make one at home (see how-to videos on YouTube).KIDS’ CHAIRS CHAIR RESOURCESBecause children’s bodies are grow-ing and changing, their wheelchairs WheelchairJunkie is a resourcefulmust be adjustable, and must also be and opinionated website with lotsreplaced more often than an adult’s of wheelchair chatter and reviews,chair. The market has added some operated by self-described “powerfun to pediatric chairs. Colours of- chair gonzo” Mark E. Smith (wheel-fers the Little Dipper, or the Chump­( Likewise,the Zippie ( and Shop around. LA-based filmmakerthe Orbit ( are made Jenni Gold, herself a powerchair user,for younger wheelers who want to made a series of videos for the Reeveride with a bit of style. Foundation on sourcing either man- ual or power chairs. Good info. (ToSTANDING find the videos go to christopher-, search for Jenni Gold).A standing chair, whether manual orpower, looks like a normal chair but The CareCure community Equip-can rise to put the user in a standing ment Forum offers a very lively andposition. Being eye to eye with walk- nerdy discussion about gear and sup- plies ( 90 139

GETTING MOBILEUROLOGICAL SUPPLIES make them super slick, thus heading off damage to the urethra; there isMost people with SCI are taught clean also some evidence in the medicalself-intermittent catheterization; that literature that hydrophilic units, suchmeans you insert a plastic tube called as Lofric ( or Speedi-a catheter through your urethra and Cath (, reduce bladderinto the bladder each time your blad- infection. There are also self-cathsder is full. If you lack hand dexterity that are infused with nitrofurazone,to self-cath, you’ll likely be fitted with an antibacterial, or with a silver coat-a catheter that stays inserted in your ing, intended to make them morebladder, known as an indwelling, or hygienic; those cost nearly double aFoley. Either way, your doctor will regular one-time use cath, so you andprescribe size and style of catheter. your doctor will have to document medical necessity. You will usually have some discre-tion for the brand of cath you choose, Medicare changed the rules teneven though there may not be a sig- years ago (with private carriers fol-nificant difference in function or pric- lowing suit) allowing users up to 200ing for urological products. catheters a month. It used to be you got four, and had to wash and reuse Catheter companies offer vari- them, over and over again.ous incentives, including these: ABCMedical ( provides You may hear about so-calledlots of resources for sports and ac- closed or touchless systems; all thetive living. Coloplast ( companies make them. In this case,offers a personal advice program sterile gloves are used; the catheterfor urology and ostomy users. Cure itself is never exposed outside ster-Medical ( catheter ile packaging. The cath features anproducts are carried by many sup- introducer tip, bypassing the partpliers; the company, founded by a of the urethra exposed to the fairlyquad in Newport Beach, donates 10 germy perianal area. This is designedpercent of its net income to SCI cure to prevent contamination of the cath-research. Shield Healthcare (shield- eter, blocking bacteria from getting offers SoCal news, ride into the bladder. The urine drainslifestyle blogs and resources. into a self-contained bag and the whole unit gets disposed. There are several kinds of inter-mittent caths on the market, some Closed or sterile catheter systemswith special hydrophilic coating towww.SCI.first 90 140

GETTING MOBILEhave been shown to reduce but not HOME MODIFICATIONprevent UTI; people who use ster-ile caths still get infections. Closed Is your home going to work for you?systems cost about eight to ten First, of course, can you get in thetimes as much as straight catheters, front door? And then, importantly,roughly $1000 a month, which over can you use the bathroom? Beforemany years is a lot of expense. Not you leave rehab, someone from dis-everyone agrees these systems are charge planning – usually an occu-worth the money, including insurance pational therapist – along with yourcompanies. You can’t get a supply family or friends, must know aboutof closed catheters reimbursed un- access in your home, and what your options are for adapting it, or gettingBefore you leave rehab, someone from discharge planning –usually an occupational therapist – along with your family orfriends, must know about access in your home.less you live in a nursing home, are a something else.woman who is pregnant, or can show The discharge people at the rehaba history of bladder infections. Yes,go figure, you have to get sick so you may be able to suggest a few modifi-can get a product that may prevent cations, and they may also have con-you from getting sick. tacts to suppliers and contractors. Some men who have trouble in- Of course home modification canserting a normal cath use one with be as far reaching as your imagina-a curved (Coude) tip, which makes tion, but if you want to start movingpassing the catheter easier. These walls or adding an elevator, or lower-also require proof of medical need. ing all the kitchen counters six inches, you are going to run up an enormous Some men with bladders that are tab. There are resources that mightalways flexing prefer to void con- help with some basic mods. The fed-stantly, using a condom-like attach- eral Community Development Blockment that drains into a leg bag. Reflex Grant program funds state and localvoiding isn’t practical for women. agencies that in many cases offerwww.SCI.first 90 141

GETTING MOBILEhome modification and repairs. Start pense. You have to agree to restoreby contacting your local community the property to its original conditiondevelopment office. In Los Angeles, when you move, if the landlord re-for example, contact the Community quests. Download a copy of “Califor-Development Commission, nia Tenants—A Guide to Residential Tenants’ and Landlords’ Rights and Some home mods are not too Responsibilities,” written by the CAcostly, such as adding a ramp to the Department of Consumer Affairs of-outside door, or widening a door (32 fice; is the ADA minimum require-ment for a wheelchair). One cool and Note for tax deductions: IRS rulesinexpensive adaptation is installing state that you can deduct medicaloffset door hinges – these swing the expenses for special equipment in-whole door away from the opening, stalled in a home, or for improve-adding two-inches to the width, at a ments, if their main purpose is medicalcost in the $200 -300 range, installed. care for you or your dependent (the caveat is that deductions are offset Transferring from a chair to a by any increase in the value of yourbathtub can be tricky. Grab bars are property). The IRS rules include costsa good idea around the tub (this goes for constructing ramps, wideningfor the toilet area, too). Many varieties doorways, modifying hallways andof shower transfer seats are avail- doorways, installing railings, sup-able. A chair slider system is on the port bars, or other modifications tomarket to transfer you to an existing bathrooms, kitchen modifications,shower stall without major remodel or porch lifts.( Roll-in showers area very handy solution, if there’s room HOME MOD RESOURCES:in the bathroom after taking out thetub. Prefabricated shower floors, The National Resource Center onsome about the same size as a stan- Supportive Housing and Home Mod-dard 5-foot tub, are an option. ification is a national clearinghouse based on the USC campus. The cen- Renters: Can you make any home ter promotes independent living atmodifications if you are a tenant? Yes, home for all ages and abilities, andper the Fair Housing Act, a landlord provides training, education, and in-cannot refuse to let you make reason- formation regarding home modifi-able modifications to your dwelling cation services. Andrus Gerontologyor common use areas, at your ex-www.SCI.first 90 142

GETTING MOBILECenter, University of Southern Cali- some may have funds available tofornia, 3715 McClintock Avenue, Los assist with housing or home modi-Angeles, CA 90089; 213-740-1364. fications. See next page for full list.Lots of good resources on the web-site, Rebuilding Together is a national network that helps to improve and re- Accessibility Advisors is a San Di- vitalize communities. Some 100,000ego firm that helps with access prob- volunteers complete about 10,000lems; rebuild projects nationwide each year. Affiliate offices in Kern County, Accessible Construction is a Los Long Beach, San Diego, San Fran-Angeles-based contractor and prod- cisco, San Gabriel Valley Foothills,uct supplier for barrier-free design; and Southern California Council, based in Irvine. See AARP HomeFit Guide offers ideas, PossAbilities, a program of Lomaand prices (spoiler alert: major homeRenters: Can you make a home modification if you area tenant? Yes, per the Fair Housing Act, a landlord cannotrefuse to let you make reasonable modifications (you pay).mods are very expensive); Linda University Health, offers grants At Home Living Solutions offers or scholarships for members for equipment; teampossabilities.orgdesign and contractor services forhome modification. Based in Mission Triumph Foundation offers con-Viejo, serves all of SoCal. Free evalu- sultation on home modifications ination; the Southern California area, and has a grant program called Keep Moving Handyworker Program provides Forward to help with costs; t­riumph-grants of up to $2,000 for minor fix foundation.orgup or home repairs up to $5,000 forlow-income owners of single-family Catalogs: check these out to find allhomes. Contact the community de- sorts of home modification ­products:velopment office in your county., r­, and Independent Living Centers:www.SCI.first 90 143

GETTING MOBILEINDEPENDENT LIVING CENTERS COMMUNITY HOUSING RESOURCEprovide services for housing, Freedom to Live provides afford-disability rights, ADA compliance, able housing in SoCal for peopleSocial Security, benefits, with SCI and other disabilities.transportation, attendant care, etc.Access to Independence FTL offers qualified recipients(a2i), San Diego, Escondido; subsidized rent based on need. Temporary housing is pro-Communities Actively Living vided in shared, safe living environ-Independent & Free (CALIF), Los ments. Tenants learn adaptationAngeles; skills and gain confidence whileCommunity Access Center (CAC), taking control of their own lives.Riverside; This prepares those leaving an in-Disabled Resource Center (DRC), stitutional setting, or a home whereLong Beach; independence has not yet beenIndependent Living Center of achieved, to move into a permanentKern County (ILCKC), Bakersfield; home in a community setting. domtolive.orgIndependent Living Center ofSouthern California (ILCSC), Van CARS AND DRIVINGNuys, Lancaster; ilcsc.orgIndependent Living Resource Driving is pretty much a SoCal birth-Center (ILRC), Santa Barbara, right. Getting back on the road isAtascadero, Santa Maria, Ventura; certainly possible for many dealing with paralysis, even thoseRolling Start, Inc., San Bernardino, with limited hand and arm function.Hesperia; It’s not really hard but you do haveService Center for Independent to learn new skills, using hand con-Life (SCIL), Claremont; trols and perhaps power optionsSouthern CA Rehabilitation for switches and controls. There areServices (SCRS), Alhambra, also some techy joystick controls forDowney; quads with limited hand function.Westside Center for IndependentLiving (WCIL), Los Angeles, Santa First, get an evaluation from aMonica; driver trainer; this person should be part of your rehab team. If not, search the Association for Driver Rehabilita- tion Specialists ( 90 144

GETTING MOBILEfor a certified Driver Rehabilitation higher risk “street racing” category ifSpecialist. Your evaluation will as- your rig is heavily modified.sess your strength, range of motion,reaction time and general fitness to Funding: vehicles and modifi-handle a vehicle. cations are sometimes reimbursed with private nsurance, workers comp, What car? There are all sorts of voc rehab or the VA. The Californiaoptions, with the key factor being Department of Rehab has a loanwhether you drive from your own program for assistive technology, in-chair or transfer in. If you can transfer cluding the driver’s seat, your best bet isa car with a big door – e.g. a coupe. There’s a robust used accessibleModified vehicles, with lifts and raised vehicle market in SoCal, see disabled-ceilings, etc., are practical but pricey., or Standard hand controls attach to Several car makers offer financialthe gas and brake pedals, usually with assistance programs, including Fiata pull for go and push for stop. There Chrysler (,are some cool controls that mount to Toyota (, Ford,the steering wheel for two-handed (, Volvo,driving (see kempf-usa-com, or gui- Hyundai, and General Be sure and see the Mobility Ven- Joystick technology is expensive, tures cars, designed from the start tobut generally safe and reliable. Lots be fully accessible ( quads who can’t turn a steeringwheel are on the road using mechan- A good resource to researchical systems ( or adaptive vehicles and modificationsdigital systems ( is the National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association ( Insurance: coverage cannot be de- Member companies in SoCal includenied because of disability, and higher MobilityWorks (,premiums are not allowed unless the in Los Angeles, Riverside, Van Nuys,company can prove your are a higher Pasadena, and La Mesa; Ability Cen-risk driver; that’s hard to do because ter ( in Long Beach,drivers with disabilities are generally San Bernardino, San D­ iego, San Luisconsidered to be a lower risk pool Obispo, and Stanton; AERO Mobility,than the general public. Insurance Anaheim (,companies may try to put you in a and Goldenboy M­ obility in San Di- •ego ( 90 145

WAS YOUR INJURY SOMEONE ELSE’S FAULT? SCI Lawyers are skilled, battle-tested warriors to help you reclaim your life.UNMATCHED COMMITMENT STEVEN A. HEIMBERG MEDLAICWAL- MPLAALIPNRTAIFCFTSICE LOS2AN0G1EL7ES, CASe habla español.Call 213-213-1515Visit Free Consultation. Free ConsultationThis does not constitute a guarantee, warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of your case.


YOUR CIVIL RIGHTS YOURCIVIL RIGHTSB ack in 1990, a report from focuses on work, school, transpor- the U.S. Congress noted that tation, public accommodations, and “individuals with disabilities telecommunications. The concept, continually encounter various per Congress, is for the ADA to “pro- forms of discrimination, in- vide a clear and comprehensive na-cluding outright intentional exclusion, tional mandate for the eliminationthe discriminatory effects of architec- of discrimination against individualstural, transportation, and communica- with disabilities.”tion barriers, overprotective rules andpolicies, failure to make modifications Employers, state and local gov-to existing facilities and practices, ex- ernments, employment agenciesclusionary qualification standards and and labor unions are prohibited fromcriteria, segregation, and relegation to discriminating against qualified indi-lesser services, programs, activities, viduals with disabilities in job appli-benefits, jobs, or other opportunities.” cations, hiring, firing, advancement,So they passed a law. compensation, job training, and other aspects of employment. The Americans with DisabilitiesAct (ADA) is that law; it’s a major civil Employers can’t ask job applicantsrights act that covers every person anything about disability, only aboutwith any impairment that substan- their ability to perform specific jobtially limits life activities. The ADA functions. If a job offer is conditioned on the results of a medical examina-www.SCI.first 90 148

YOUR CIVIL RIGHTStion, that same examination must be Department of Transportation, whorequired for all entering employees make the rules the public must similar jobs. ADA RESOURCES An employer is required to makeaccommodations to an applicant or The Disability Rights Legal C­ enteremployee with a disability if it does (DRLC) is a Los Angeles-based pub-not impose significant expense or lic interest advocacy organization“undue hardship” on the business. that champions the civil rights ofReasonable accommodations might people with disabilities (PWD) as wellinclude making existing facilities as those affected by cancer and otherreadily accessible; job restructuring serious illnesses; drlcenter.orgor modifying work schedules; ac-quiring or modifying equipment or Disability Rights California seeksdevices; adjusting or modifying ex- justice for people with disabilities,aminations, training materials, or pol- filing lawsuits on behalf of individualsicies; and providing qualified readers or groups, and investigating chargesor interpreters. of abuse and neglect; visit disability- The ADA prohibits banks, stores,hotels, movie theaters, health clubs, Californians for Disability Rights,doctors’ offices, etc. from discrimi- the oldest and largest membershipnation on the basis of disability. Tele- organization of PWD in California,communications companies must fights for independence, dignity andprovide equivalent services for cus- equality for all; disabilityrights-cdr.orgtomers with disabilities, particularlythose who are deaf or hard of hearing. (To learn more about ADA visit, or The ADA ensures equal accessto what’s called the built environ- SOCIAL SECURITY BASICSment. Federal ADA standards es-tablish design requirements for the There are two main Social Securityconstruction and alteration of both programs that support people livingcommercial and state and local gov- with disabilities: Social Security Dis-ernment facilities. ability Insurance (SSDI) and Supple- mental Security Income (SSI). Apply The U.S. Access Board develops for both SSDI and SSI as soon as pos-ADA Accessibility Guidelines, used sible after becoming disabled. Don’tby the Department of Justice and the wait; it may take months or over a year to get a decision from Social Security.www.SCI.first 90 149

YOUR CIVIL RIGHTS SSDI is based on inability to work. from Social Security, you are auto-This is the safety net for those who matically eligible for Medicare aftercannot be helped by the reasonable 24 months.accommodations in the ADA. Youare considered to be disabled if you Supplemental Security Income is acannot do work that you did before program that provides monthly pay-your injury, and if it is decided you ments to people who have limitedcannot adjust to other work because income and resources. SSI benefitsof your condition. are not based on your work history. To qualify for SSI, you must be able Expect to be denied. A high per- to show you are pretty much broke.centage of initial SSDI claims are re- Says the SS office: “The value of thejected. But don’t give up. There are things you own must be less thanYou are considered to be disabled if you cannot do workthat you did before your injury, and if it is decided you cannot­adjust to other work because of your condition.three levels of appeal; there are law- $2,000 if you’re single or less thanyers that specialize in SS claims (see $3,000 for married couples living to-the referral service at www.nosscr. gether. We don’t count the value oforg). To win a claim, you must pro- your home if you live in it, and, usually,vide medical evidence of a disabling we don’t count the value of your car.”condition that is expected to last atleast 12 months. This evidence needs California adds funds to the fed-to come from your doctor. eral SSI amount; also, SSI recipients in California automatically get Medi-Cal Besides the rules on disability, you coverage for doctor visits, hospital-must have worked long enough, and ization, medications, and other healthrecently enough, to qualify for bene- care costs.fits – at least 5 of the 10 years imme-diately before the disability. Social Security Administration: see, contact the If you are under 65 and are ap- Social Security office nearest you, orproved to receive disability benefits •call 1-800-772-1213.www.SCI.first 90 150

YOUR CIVIL RIGHTSHOW TO SELECTAN ATTORNEY BY STEVEN HEIMBERG, M.D., J.D.If you are reading this, either you entitled to “compensation” – that is, or your loved one has recently repayment for what has been taken suffered a serious spinal cord in- from you. This includes money to pay jury. And, of course, you are deal- for your new care needs. ing with enormously difficult lifeissues that must be addressed: A lawsuit is not a lottery ticket. It is •How will I work and support a means to compensate you for somemyself and my family? of what has been lost. It is your right. •How will I pay my medical bills? There is nothing wrong with holding •If I need help in the future, another accountable for his or herwhere will the money come from? wrongdoing. And there is nothing •If I am in a chair, or worse, is my wrong with seeking money that youcurrent housing situation suitable? and your family need to get by be- •And so on. cause of what has been wrongfully taken from you. If your injury occurred as a resultof the wrongdoing of others, two In practice, however, it is not easythings are true: 1) those wrongdoers to get repayment for what you’veare legally responsible; 2) you may be lost. It’s rare that people (and par- ticularly companies) admit to theirNote: This article does not constitute a guarantee, warranty or prediction regardingthe outcome of your legal matter.www.SCI.first 90 151

YOUR CIVIL RIGHTSwrongdoing in injuries as severe as the evidence your side can presentyours. Insurance companies, employ- at trial. But the rules for preserving,ers or others pressure even honest gathering and using evidence at trialpeople to deny or avoid responsibil- also are complex and require legality, or at the very least, to keep key assistance.information hidden. Even if you could correctly gather In addition to denying their own and synthesize all the evidence infault, the wrongdoers also might try your case, it will be almost impos-to argue that you are responsible for sible to settle for fair value if thewhat you have been through. They other side knows you are withoutwill then say that your portion of fault an attorney. That is because thesemeans you are entitled to less or no experienced companies know wellcompensation. how little chance you have to prevail at trial if you do not have someone The wrongdoers will often have experienced to skillfully present theinsurance companies, corporate evidence and to do so in compliancelawyers and enormous resources to with the many rules of court.fight you and prevent you from get-ting what you deserve. Prevailing in Finally, the seriousness of your in-court against those possessing much jury is potentially very expensive forgreater resources than you possess is the wrongdoer. They are at risk ofdifficult with an attorney, but almost having to pay you for a lifetime ofimpossible without one. This truth is care, lost work and lost enjoymentcompounded by the reality of how of life. Because of their great expo-much you already have on your plate sure, these companies will throwdealing with your injury. large amounts of money and other resources to defeat, or at least mini- Moreover, the laws regarding mize, your case.where, when and how you can bringyour lawsuit are complex. For exam- Therefore, if you decide you wantple, there are severe and strict limits to pursue a case against those whoon the time in which you are allowed harmed you, you will likely need toto bring your lawsuit. There are also hire an attorney. And you should domany other additional technical re- so as soon as possible.quirements with which you must com-ply in bringing and pursuing your case. Next, your case will depend onwww.SCI.first 90 152

YOUR CIVIL RIGHTSHOW TO CHOOSE A LAWYER Does the lawyer have sufficient medical expertise to fully under-If you decide you need a lawyer, find- stand your specific injuries, analyzeing one is easy. However, selecting the facts, and effectively oppose thethe right attorney for your case can many experts that the wrongdoer’sbe difficult. Yet, your success with insurance companies will hire?your case often will depend on howwell you make this difficult choice. Is the attorney and firm involved in consumer organizations or charities If you decide to seek compensa- supporting others in your circum-tion for your injuries, you’ll want to stances?find a lawyer who is well qualified,who will fight for your rights, and Does he or she have sufficient ex-who will care about you and your perience to evaluate and hire expertscase. Find out if the lawyer you are needed to support your case?considering meets the criteria yourequire and is someone you can trust. How many cases like yours has theCarefully selecting your lawyer will lawyer handled? How many has he orincrease your chances of receiving she tried?just compensation for your injuries. QUALITY OF WORK AND All lawyers who take on cases like TRACK RECORDyours are not alike. It is crucial thatthe attorney you select is well quali- In addition to having the proper ex-fied and extremely capable. But how perience, has your prospective attor-do you determine his or her level of ney demonstrated skill in trial worktalent and expertise? Essentially, you and in obtaining settlements for hisneed to ask the right questions. clients?The questions to ask include: What is the attorney’s track record and what are his or her accomplish-KNOWLEDGE ments?Does the lawyer have expertise in How much money did other cli-the type of incident that led to your ents similar to you receive?injury: surgery mishaps, intraopera-tive monitoring, industrial accidents, Does the firm hold any records forauto accidents, road design cases, settlements or verdicts in your typedefective products, etc.? of case? Do the firms’ attorneys handle as many cases as possible, or limit t­hemselves to a smaller number ofwww.SCI.first 90 153

YOUR CIVIL RIGHTScases on which they can concentrate ments sufficiently substantiated totheir efforts? attain recognition from his or her peers as being a superior attorney? Who exactly (assistants, parale-gals, junior or senior attorneys) will What such special recognition hasbe working on your file? the attorney received from his or her colleagues (ask for lists of specificRECOGNITION AND REPUTATION awards and honors).There are many organizations that How has the lawyer been assessedprovide lawyer ratings and rankings, by former clients (ask for referencesindicating the top lawyers in a partic- from previous clients).ular field. For example, the ConsumerAttorney Association of Los Angeles EXPERIENCEselects its Trial Lawyer of the Year;Best Lawyers (in conjunction with Does the attorney you are consider-US News & World Report) selects the ing have substantial trial experience?very best lawyers in a given region, in If not, he or she will not be able toeach specialty area, and also selects deal effectively with the complexthe top firms in each specialty area, procedures of the courtroom. More-including personal injury and medical over, a less experienced lawyer ismalpractice (the two most relevant unlikely to get the respect of op-to spinal cord injury); SuperLawyers posing lawyers and the judge. Like(in conjunction with LA Magazine) sports rookies, new lawyers rarelyselects the top 5 percent of attorneys get favorable calls from the refer-in Southern California from all legal ees (judges) or understand the finefields combined, and then further points of the competition.picks out the 100 superstars fromSouthern California; the American If the attorney has trial experience,Trial Lawyers Association selects the does that experience include yourTop 100 Trial Lawyers in California; specific type of case? For example, ifand LawDragon has a list of the Top you were injured while getting medi-500 Litigators and Top 500 Plaintiff cal care, does the lawyer have experi-(victim) attorneys in America. ence with medical malpractice cases and dealing with the medical system? So, you can inquire as to attorneys Even if the lawyer handles medicalyou are considering: malpractice cases, has he or she pur- sued and tried cases specifically like Are the attorney’s accomplish- yours? This is true for whatever acci-www.SCI.first 90 154

YOUR CIVIL RIGHTSdent, drug or device, or other incident steps were followed. In spinal cordthat led to your spinal cord injury. injury cases it is always useful, and often essential, that your attorney If your attorney is insufficiently ex- have substantial medical expertise inperienced, he or she likely will either: additional to legal expertise.1) do an inadequate job and dras-tically reduce your chances of win- SERVICEning; 2) settle your case to avoid trial;3) use you as the guinea pig to gain Of course the quality of service youexperience; or 4) try the case to an receive is also important. While manyunfavorable outcome, either losing a lawyers will give you a one-time freecase that should have been won, or consultation, not all lawyers are ac-obtaining a verdict that is insufficient. cessible, professional, courteous, and client-oriented, and neither are their Many inexperienced lawyers also offices. It has been said: “Nobodyseek cases only to send them to more cares how much you know until theyexperienced attorneys, and then know how much you care.” Will yourclaim a piece of the pie as a “referral potential lawyer care about you andfee.” Unfortunately, by the time the your case?case is sent to the sufficiently skilledand experienced attorney, the case Finally, ask your network, profes-often already has been mishandled. sionals, other people who have beenThis seriously undermines both your injured, and even other lawyers if thechance of winning and the amount lawyer you’re considering seems likeyou eventually will receive. •the best fit for you. Does your potential attorney havethe background and skills to deal with Steven Heimberg is a medical doctorthe complexities of your particular and personal injury attorney. His firm,case? In spinal cord injury cases, there SCI Lawyers, is based in Los Angeles;are technical medical issues related scilawyers.comto the severity of harm, physical defi-cits and mechanism of injury. In many cases, there are com-plex arguments between opposingmedical experts on how the injuryoccurred, when it occurred, whetherit was avoidable, and whether properwww.SCI.first 90 155

SKILLFUL, CARINGAND COMMITTED Compensation won’t bring back your health, but it can help rebuild your life.WE WILL PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS STEVEN A. HEIMBERG MEDLAICWAL- MPLAALIPNRTAIFCFTSICE LOS2AN0G1EL7ES, CAFree ConsultaHDtrei.iomStnbeve.ergSe habla español.Call 213-213-1515Visit FREE CONSULTATIONThis does not constitute a guarantee, warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of your case.


RESEARCH AND RECOVERYTHE SCI CURE:IS IT CLOSE?I s there a cure on the way for spi- clinical trials, but no one can offer a nal cord injury? Yes, just don’t put reliable timeframe for the arrival of your life on hold waiting for it; it’s new treatments. still going to be a while. There is a major effort in sci- It’s only been since the 1980s thatence labs around the world to de- there was any real hope for restoringvelop treatments for SCI. Researchers function after SCI. The age-old storyhave come a long way in understand- was that damage to the central ner-ing the biology of spinal trauma, and vous system – the brain and spinalwhat might be done to fix or perhaps cord – can’t be fixed. That dogma wasbypass the damage. In some animal put to rest when it was shown thatexperiments, efforts to repair, reroute SCI nerve fibers (axons) are indeedor regenerate damaged nerves in the able to grow and reconnect againcord have had limited success; at this after SCI – but only after the area oftime, however, there is no treatment damage was cleared of toxic debriseven close to being approved for ei- that stopped growth in its tracks. Sci-ther acute or chronic SCI in humans. entists also found it was necessary toThere are some exciting possibilities nurture the repair effort with growthon the horizon, including some in additives. This remains an active area of research; the injury environmentwww.SCI.first 90 158

RESEARCH AND RECOVERYcan be made more hospitable to neu- tion of a barrier, a type of scar, thatrons. A number of molecules have surrounds the area of damage insidebeen identified that either promote the spinal cord. Enzyme drugs haveor repel growth. been employed to digest the scar, allowing axons to cross it. In labora- Turns out, however, that it is not tory studies, animals regained func-enough to culture the damaged area; tion after application of a scar-eatingthe nerve cells themselves may need drug (chrondroitinase). Human trialsa jumpstart in order to regenerate are anticipated once technical andpast the damaged area and make a safety details are ironed out (seenew connection. Scientists believe it s­ possible to reboot genetic coding innerve cells to promote regeneration, Part of the basic dogma abouteven after long-term injuries. The idea SCI held that the nervous system is ais to activate the same programs the single set of wires that, once formed,body used when the nervous system remain locked in place across thefirst formed, when we were infants. lifespan. Not so. The system is “plas-The codes are still there, just dormant. tic,” or capable of being reshaped orThis work takes advantage of power- retrained to take over lost function.ful new screening tools to sort out the Physical exercise, for example, is be-genetic blueprints for the spinal cord. lieved to promote the outgrowth ofScientists then turned off a molecule certain nerves and may be linked to(PTEN) that acts as a brake, and pow- motor function.ered up another molecule (mTOR)that fuels growth. It is complicated, CELL TRANSPLANTATIONbut research has shown that the longnerve axons in the spinal cord that This is an area of research that holdsconnect the brain to the legs (corti- much hope, and much reason forcospinal axons) can regenerate long caution. Several SCI-related cell re-distances if genetically modified. This placement trials have been under-is an important development, but still taken, transplanting various types ofsome time away from the clinic. UC cells, including stem cells.Irvine is active in this line of inquiry(see A clinical trial is currently testing the safety of a nerve support cell Another of the issues with regrow- (Schwann cell) implanted into pa-ing spinal cord axons is the forma- tients at the Miami Project, one of the largest efforts in the U.S. a­ ddressingwww.SCI.first 90 159

RESEARCH AND RECOVERYSCI recovery ( No question, stem cells have greatSeveral trials have tested a cell taken potential. Unfortunately, many peo-from the nose area (olfactory en- ple, highly motivated for recovery,sheathing glial cells, or OEG cells); travel to unregulated overseas clinicsa project in Europe reported recov- promoting stem cell therapies thatery of significant function in a man are offered at great expense andwho got an OEG transplant (see without basis in scientific research.w­ If you are attracted by the message of hope from a clinic in India or Mex- Because stem cells do not yet ico, Thailand or Panama, please un-have a full identity, say as a bone cell, derstand these procedures are nota heart cell, or nerve cell, they can without risk. Stem cells are not fullypotentially become any type of cell. understood. Because these cells canThis suggests that stem cells could continue to grow indefinitely, theyperhaps replace damaged cells. The can cause harm.risk: stem cells can grow too much,forming tumors. Do not become a medical tourist without asking some basic questions: Stem cell trials are ongoing for What is the source of the cells? Whatstroke, diabetes, HIV, ALS and many evidence is there that they work?other maladies. There is one trial now How do they grow the cells? If thefor acute SCI (14 to 30 days post-in- cells are not my own, will my immunejury) using embryonic stem cells (see system be treated to avoid rejection?; this study is now How are the cells delivered, and howrecruiting cervical-injured patients at do you know they will show up at theRancho Los Amigos in LA. right part of the body? There’s a lot of excitement about Be sure and read the science-baseda new type of stem cell called an information at closerlookatstemcells.induced pluripotent cell – this is a org for more on stem cell tourism.normal cell in the body, say a skincell, that is reverse-programmed to Stem cells may pan out, especiallya more primitive state, much like an for acute SCI. But “the cure” is notundifferentiated stem cell. This cell likely to be a single therapy or magiccould come from your own body, bullet. Indeed, most SCI researcherswhich avoids immune rejection and agree that changing the course of SCIethical concerns related to embry- will most certainly require combina-onic stem cells. tions of therapies, perhaps given atwww.SCI.first 90 160

RESEARCH AND RECOVERYdifferent time points after injury. ing program (, search Another thing the research com- locomotor). Several community fit- ness centers offer treadmill training;munity agrees on is that physical ac- see p. 84-89.tivity and a new round of rehab willaccompany all future treatments. Now, taking the idea of waking up spinal circuits a step further, re- The best advice to those waiting searchers have added spinal cordfor cures: Stay informed as you stay stimulation to activity. A small num-active, and stay healthy. ber of patients have had epidural spinal cord stimulators implantedREDEFINING REHABILITATION in their backs, which has produced significant recovery of function,It wasn’t that long ago that rehabil- ­including benefits in cardiovascularitation really meant just learning to health, bladder and sexual function.compensate for lost function, using More human trials are on the way (seedevices and tools. Now we know rehab – in the form of physicaltherapy and activity based training Spinal cord stimulation was pio-– can facilitate recovery, to help the neered at UCLA. These researchersspinal cord below the area of injury recently discovered that it’s possi-to relearn how to control movement, ble to stimulate the spinal cord andwithout input from the brain. Scien- restore some function in patientstists have come to understand that without having an implanted unit.certain forms of patterned activity Clinical trials are continuing in Losawaken dormant nerve circuits in the Angeles, and a company has formedspinal cord, and that this can unlock to commercialize non-invasive stimsome degree of function. (see, or This is the basis for locomotortraining – stepping with assistance on BRAIN MACHINE INTERFACEa moving treadmill. This sort of inten-sive rehab is not widely available but Restoring function with an on/offthere are a few programs in SoCal. switch: Engineers are moving fasterSee for example, NextStep (nextstep- than the biologists. Devices, in Lawndale, part of the brain waves to control computers,Reeve Foundation NeuroRecovery move prosthetics, or even paralyzedNetwork. Cal State LA also has a ther- arms. A quadriplegic woman, usingapeutic exercise and locomotor train-www.SCI.first 90 161

RESEARCH AND RECOVERYher thoughts, piloted a fighter jet sim- motion and flexibility.ulator. A quad in LA, using thought to Gait training involves a lot of work.activate a prosthetic arm, grabbed aglass of beer and drank it. This area is It can be slow and tedious, and notmoving very fast in numerous places, nearly as functional as moving aboutincluding Rancho Los Amigos in LA, in a wheelchair. But it may lead tocollaborating with USC and CalTech some degree of independence for(see some people.SUIT UP WITH AN EXOSKELETON Novice ambulators might start out in a sort of harness that holds part ofThe personal robot suit is available in their weight as they use parallel bars,several area rehabs for training and or step with assistance, on a treadmillexercise purposes; there are some (locomotor training). There are a va-health benefits being reported. The riety of braces available for gait train-FDA has approved the technology; ing, depending on which joints needyou can get one for yourself now (in support. One type of brace called athe $70,000 range). To buy one, see KAFO (knee-ankle-foot orthotic) and Others: enable a lot of paraplegics to get and their feet, even those with complete injuries. This requires a lot of effortGAIT TRAINING and energy; the arms, with crutches, do most of the work.Those with some sensory and mo-tor function below the spinal cord FESlesion, so-called incomplete injuries,have potential to regain walking. Gait Functional electrical stimulation istraining, ambulation using braces or the direct activation of muscle us-other devices, might be part of your ing small electrical pulses. Implantedtherapy plans. While this training may FES systems are being studied fornot make you a full-time community ambulation, hand grasp, trunk con-walker, it may help facilitate minimal trol, bladder control, standing andwalking at home, and it’s likely to be transferring. An FES bladder stimula-good exercise. tion system called Vocare was on the market in the U.S. until about 15 years A physical therapist will make sure ago; it is still available in Europe (seeyou have the strength and balance stand, along with good range of The most widely applied use ofwww.SCI.first 90 162

RESEARCH AND RECOVERYFES is to facilitate exercise, using a, written by Sam Maddox.type of bicycle called an ergome- Unite 2 Fight Paralysis is a cureter. FES bikes apply computer gen-erated, low-level electrical pulses advocacy organization, “the voice ofthrough surface electrodes on the the cure.” Produces an annual sym-skin to leg muscles. This causes coor- posium, Working 2 Walk; u2fp.orgdinated contractions, and thus ped-aling. These systems are available at The Reeve-Irvine Research Cen-some rehabs and fitness centers (see ter at UC Irvine is very active in SCIp. 84, e.g. Project Walk; Challenge research; reeve.uci.eduCenter; Next Step, VIP). UC San Diego features a promi- FES bikes are sold commercially nent SCI regeneration research andfor home use but they are not cheap. stem cell group; see neurosciences.They cost around $20,000 but some plans will cover them (astrong case can be supported for For more on stem cell research,medical necessity). FES bikes pro- see the California Institute on Re-vide a genuine physical workout, generative Medicine, the state stembuild muscle mass, and remain the cell funding agency; option for quads to get anysort of cardio training. The units can For discussions of current SCI re-combine upper extremity stimulation search, see the active “cure” forum atto power an arm ergometer, too. A CareCure; sci.rutgers.edudoctor’s prescription is necessary forFES; those with severe bone loss may See also Spinal Cord Outcomesnot be good candidates. To explore Partnership Endeavor, a U.S.-Ca-FES bike options, see musclepower. nadian effort to track all SCI trials;com or Locomotor training was pio- neered at UCLA; a primary sourceThe spinal cord is enormously compli- of research in this area is now basedcated. Research is not easy to absorb at the University of Louisville. Seebut if you want to follow the science k­, search loco-of regeneration and SCI cure science, motor research; see also the Reevesee the Research blog at christopher- Foundation NeuroRecovery Net- work, To assess the full range of experi- ments and applications for functional electrical stimulation, visit the Cleve- •land FES Center; fescenter.orgwww.SCI.first 90 163

RESEARCH AND RECOVERYKEEPING HOPE: FAITH IN SCIENCE acquired SCI who initially did not receive specialized SCI medicalBy Suzy Kim, M.D. care or meaningful rehabilitation. The reality is that insurance andWhen I started medical school, reimbursement dictate your healthI never could have imagined I care. That means we in the SCIwould be a doctor dependent on community have to advocate fora wheelchair. Wheelchairs are for ourselves and seek out the bestpatients, not for doctors. I was in my care we can. As a medical provider, Ithird year of med school when I hit continue to educate my colleaguesa sand bar while bodysurfing. And and payor sources about the valuelet’s be honest, I had no idea about of specialized SCI medicine. Allspinal cord injury. Neither did my individuals with SCI deserve a fullfamily or friends and unfortunately, quality of life with the hope ofmany physicians who would be functional and neurologic recovery.responsible for my medical care.Did I miss the lecture on how to When I was injured, there wasbe paralyzed? No. There wasn’t very little talk of possible And there was very little But my injury came two yearsinformation anywhere about SCI after Christopher Reeve had hisand how best to treat it. accident; he brought the idea of SCI cure to the mainstream, and So, today, as I reflect on my helped raise awareness about newown “First 90 Days” of living with therapies. Reeve encouraged aa spinal cord injury, I’m grateful I sense of hope in me that I maintaindidn’t end up in a skilled nursing in high gratitude to this day.facility, or a nursing home, as a25-year-old. Knowing what I know I am eternally optimistic; I placenow as a practicing physiatrist my faith in medicine and sciencewith board certification in SCI, I – the very same reasons I chose aappreciate the care I received at career as a doctor in the first place.Rancho Los Amigos in Los Angeles,one of 14 designated Model Suzy Kim, M.D., is MedicalSystems SCI Centers in the U.S. Director for St. Jude Centers for Rehabilitation and Wellness in It’s 2017, and unfortunately I Brea, CA, and Team Physician forsee many individuals with newly the U.S. Paralympic Teams.www.SCI.first 90 164


RESOURCES SPORTS,RECREATION,ACTIVE LIVINGT here is no limit to the activities combating conditions secondary one can pursue from a wheel- to spinal cord injury, such as cardio chair. All the cool recreational health, insulin resistance, fatigue, skin options in SoCal can be made problems, joint issues or spasticity. accessible. Tennis and hand- Physical activity improves health andcycling are excellent activities with stamina, therefore directly affectsyour walking friends. If you want to your level of independence, your par-go big, there are role models aplenty; ticipation in the community, and thesome of the most celebrated wheel- way you operate in the world.chair athletes in the world live andtrain in SoCal. Most cities and college There is evidence that exercisecampuses in California have a recre- and activity also help you stay smart,ation program, and all are inclusive reducing the risk of cognitive decline.of people with disabilities (PWD). Noexcuse not to get out, get active. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends Beyond just being fun, activity is PWD get at least 150 minutes a weekespecially important for PWD, who of moderate-intensity, or 75 minutesare more inactive anyway. A lit- a week of vigorous-intensity aerobictle fitness goes a long way toward activity, plus muscle strengthening at least twice a week.www.SCI.first 90 166

RESOURCES How to find support to stay fit? tennis, track and field, volleyball, golfSee the list of specialized fitness and more; angelcitysports.orgcenters on p. 84. Although the ADArequires all public fitness clubs to be Body Building: hit the weights;accessible, some are accommodat- wheelchairbodybuilding.coming, some not so much. Infinite Flow is a nonprofit wheel- There are good connections on- chair dance company based in LA.line, such as the National Center on IF offers professional performanceHealth, Physical Activity and Disabil- plus many community activities,ity (NCHPAD), a resource center on classes and inclusive dance promotion for people with dis- infiniteflowdance.orgability. NCHPAD offers many videoson fitness, exercise and health pro- Junior Wheelchair Sports Camp,motion; see also a publication called from Cottage Rehab in Santa Bar-“Life on Wheels,” a toolkit from NCH- bara, an annual event for kids 6 to 19PAD to help those new to SCI “nav- years old; includes rugby, basketball,igate this new life and break down tennis, handcycling, volleyball, swim-all the barriers and myths you might ming, kayaking, SCUBA diving, ten-face along the way.” See nis, climbing wall, roller sled hockey, lacrosse and more; Home workout? Look up “wheel-chair fitness” at There Lacrosse: Why not? Based in Sanare quite a few seated aerobic videos Diego. wheelchairlacrosse.comto use in the comfort and privacy ofyour living room. Land Meets Sea Sports Camp is three days of adaptive fun on waterHere are a few of the many (jet ski!) and land (tennis!), producedadaptive sports and rec activities in Long Beach by Casa Colina the Southland: E-mail: [email protected] City Sports produces the Kayaking: Wheels To Water pro-Angel City Games, an annual com- vides adaptive kayaking, for free. LA-petitive showcase for athletes with based founder Andy Janicki, a quad,disabilities, held at UCLA. ACS also says folks with even extreme disabil-offers adaptive sport clinics for ar- ities can paddle along, same as any-chery, swimming, soccer, wheelchair one else. “This serves as an equalizer rarely experienced in everyday life,” he says. Paralympics, when you’re ready to take on the world’s best, summer orwww.SCI.first 90 167

RESOURCESwinter. tivities include powerchair relay, PossAbilities is a free community tennis, football, rock climbing, rugby, handcycling, racing and basketball.outreach in San Bernardino County, ­ Loma Linda University Health,Activities include road cycling, swim- Surfing is cool, almost anybodyming, triathlons, basketball, quad can do it, with help from friends. LA-rugby, baseball, flag football, racing based Life Rolls On offers eventsevents; along the SoCal shore. Sailing: there are several SoCal Triumph Foundation providesprograms to get PWD on the water. adaptive sports, fitness, recreation,The United States Sailing Center, and outdoor adventure opportuni-Long Beach, and Challenged Amer- ties. Activities include handcycling,ica, San Diego, are two of the best; adapted shooting; snow and; ter skiing trips; baseball, and more. T­ riumph hosts a Wheelchair Sports San Diego Therapeutic Recre- Festival in Santa Clarita every spring.ation Services offers lots of adap- See triumph-foundation.orgtive activities, including handcycling,bowling, archery, golf, outings, UCLA Adaptive Recreation rec-social events. See Unrecables, the LA chapter of SCUBA: if you can breathe you can Disabled Sports USA, offers monthlydive. Learn how from Handicapped discounted ski trips to Mammoth. InScuba Association, based in San Cle- the off-season try whitewater rafting,mente since 1981; camping, water skiing, Hollywood Bowl outings, concerts and parties. Skydiving: there are many facili- unrecables.comties that tandem jump, some will ac-commodate PWD, including quads. United States Adaptive Recre-See ation Center offers skiing and water sports in a program based at Big Bear Sled hockey is fast and fun, a Lake; usarc.orgpopular and dynamic Paralympicsport. There’s a team in Riverside WCMX: gravity can be your friend.supported by the LA Kings. Contact Drop in for some extreme [email protected] Check out Aaron Fotheringham, the undisputed duke of chair-flipping and Spinal Injury Games are held an-nually at Rancho Los Amigos. Ac- •WCMX; aaronfotheringham.comwww.SCI.first 90 168

RESOURCES FUNDINGSTRATEGIESF indingthemoneytopayforSCI get to keep all the money raised, but expenses is tough. Friends and reports indicate that most campaigns family will always help, if they do not reach their goal. The ones that can. In the networked world, do hit their goal get money from 50 there are cool new options for or 60 donors – that’s a pretty bigengaging your connections to chip network so your friends and familyin, listed below. base will have to get the word out as widely as possible. There are some grants available toindividuals, though these are usually There are many funding optionsnot large amounts of money. to choose from, some tailored more toward medical/patient needs. Most Even if you’re not tapping your charge fees to donors and to recipi-network for help, friends and family ents. Here are five:want to stay connected. Form an on-line network, see below. Crowdrise offers a robust plat- form for raising money either forCROWDFUNDING individuals or nonprofits. The trans- action platform fee is 5.9% + creditIt’s very common these days to raise card fees of 2.9% plus $.30; most ofmoney through your own networks the time the fees are paid by the do-with crowdfunding campaigns. Youwww.SCI.first 90 169

RESOURCESnor; if not, the recipient pays at most raising details and media support.5%. c­ The big difference between HHL and other online funding agencies is that Give Forward charges a 5% fee, donations are tax deductible to theplus 2.9% and $.30 per transaction for donor and not counted as incomecredit cards. or assets to the recipient. HelpHope- Live holds the money raised through GoFundMe is a popular online campaigns and pays for needs asfundraising platform. Charges 5% they arise; the agency takes a 5% credit card fees of 2.9% plus$.30; GRANTING AGENCIES Red Basket offers a free fundrais-ing platform – no fees to donors, none Be Perfect Foundation offers directto recipients – thanks to financial sup- funds to people with SCI for equip-port from WoodmenLife, a fraternal ment and services, and for schol-society in Omaha; arships to Project Walk, Pomona; YouCaring provides “compas-sionate crowdfunding,” with a no- Challenged Athletes Founda-fee platform. The credit card process tion provides grants and supporttakes 2.9%, plus $.30 per transaction, for ­active lifestyles through cal fitness and competitive sports; c­ hallengedathletes.orgTAX ADVANTAGED FUNDING Gridiron Heroes provides supportHere is an alternative funding source to people with SCI injured playing highthat raises money through commu- school football; gridironheroes.orgnity campaigns but manages thefunds and thus creates a tax advan- HeadNorth, managed by Sharptage for donors: HealthCare Foundation, offers grants to San Diego County residents for HelpHopeLive is a nonprofit that funding equipment and services. Seesupports community-based fundrais-, search for people with unmet medicalexpenses due to cell and organ trans- High Fives Foundation supportsplants or catastrophic injuries and mountain action sports athletes withillnesses. HelpHopeLive coordinators prevention awareness, resources andwork with patients and families to grants for living expenses, adap-establish a volunteer network and tive equipment, and “stoke” (posi-a campaign. HHL helps with fund-www.SCI.first 90 170

RESOURCEStive energy, outlook, attitude). visit­ ThreeSixtyFive Foundation is an Ralph’s Riders Foundation is a Indiana charity that offers grants forspinal cord injury networking com- people in their first year post injury;munity in LA. Grants are available to threesixtyfivefoundation.orgindividuals; Travis Roy Foundation offers a Kelly Brush Foundation provides grant program to people with SCIadaptive sports equipment to qual- for gear, etc.; travisroyfoundation.orgified people living with paralysis;k­ Wheels with Wings is an SCI support group in upstate New York. Road 2 Recovery Foundation is a Grants to individuals are available;non-profit to help professional moto- wheelswithwings.orgIt’s good to keep friends and family informed while you aredealing with SCI trauma, rehab and recovery. You can set upa Facebook or Twitter page, or use a no-cost online platform.cross/supercross riders with financial Triumph Foundation, the So-assistance after career-ending inju- Cal peer network, makes grantsries; in support of people with SCI. See t­ SCI Special Fund offers fundingfor school, therapy, equipment, etc. Walking With Anthony hopes toManaged by the Goodwill Fitness change the SCI recovery outcome byCenter; supporting research and education, and by providing financial assistance; SCORE is a grant program based walkingwithanthony.orgin LA for young people injured insporting events or athletic recreation; KEEP YOUR NETWORK It’s good to keep friends and family Swim With Mike, based in Los An- informed while you are dealing withgeles, raises funds through an annual SCI trauma, rehab and recovery. Youswim-a-thon, $18 million in 36 years in can set up a Facebook page, or usesupport of college scholarships; visitwww.SCI.first 90 171

RESOURCESTwitter, or perhaps one of these no- HIGHER EDUCATIONcost online sharing platforms: If going to college is in your plans, Carepages is a popular Internet don’t stop now. There are nationalcommunity to share the stories of organizations, as well as programspeople dealing with life-changing at the various colleges and universi-health events; ties in SoCal, to help you figure out where to go, and perhaps, what to Caring Bridge is a sharing site to study. Students with disabilities usu-“amplify the love, hope and compas- ally qualify for extra help, includingsion in the world,” says the company. modifications to testing times, earlyNo fees, no ads ; registration for classes; assistive tech- nology; and accessible dorms and Lotsahelpinghands is a place to classrooms.coordinate the good intentions ofothers. Here families can post re- There are dozens of colleges andquests to a calendar function and ask universities in the area. It’s best tofor help with such things as meals, scour the course offerings and visitrides, shopping, errands, etc.; visit­ the schools that seem best. Most col-l­ leges have an office that deals with disability issues. PostHope makes it easy to followyour health and recovery status. The COLLEGE RESOURCESplatform also offers a no-fee crowd-funding platform; Career Opportunities for Students with Disabilities (COSD) gives col-OTHER FUNDING lege students or recent graduates tools and knowledge to secure aCalifornia Victim Compensation ­career; cosdonline.orgProgram (CalVCP) may help if yourinjury was the result of violent crime, The National Center for Collegewhich includes assault and violence Students with Disabilities (NCCSD)but also drunk driving. Maximum is a federally-funded project underpayout is $63,000; the U.S. Department of Education. Provides technical assistance and in- CalFresh is the state food stamp formation to anyone needing infor-program. Eligibility depends on mation about disability and higheri­ncome and family size. You do not education; nccsdonline.orghave to be on welfare to qualify forCalFresh benefits. To get more details DREAM (Disability Rights, Edu-visit 90 172

RESOURCEScation Activism, and Mentoring) cause they’d lose their benefits, sosupported by NCCSD, offers men- why should they? True, the systemtoring and services to higher educa- has long been rigged against peopletion students. “We explicitly include who earn money and who also getpeople who have traditionally been Social Security benefits; make toomarginalized or under-represented much, you lose your health care. Thein the disability or higher education Social Security Administration hascommunities,” says Dream; visit made some attempts to reduce thesed­ built-in disincentives to getting a job. Association on Higher Education One recent program is calledAnd Disability (AHEAD) is a profes- Ticket to Work ( membership organization for It’s necessary to sign up with an Em-those involved in services to meet the ployment Network (EN) or state vocneeds of people with disabilities in rehab office, which works with youareas of higher education; to set a career goal, make a plan, then line up any services you need, Vocational Rehab: the state of such as training, career counseling,California can help qualified students vocational rehabilitation, job place-with career assessment and counsel- ment, or ongoing support servicesing, job search and interview skills, in- necessary to achieve your goal. Ben-dependent living skills, education and eficiaries also can use work incentivestraining and assistive technology; in to maximize their income until theysome cases VR will provide a vehicle, begin to learn enough to supportunless there is an “equally reasonable themselves. The key to the Ticket isand less expensive method, such as that you can go to work without au-public transportation or special tran- tomatically losing disability benefits;sit.” you can set aside money and con- tinue to receive healthcare benefits.WORK AND BENEFITS Also, you are protected from a med- ical disability review.It’s not always easy getting work: thelatest numbers from the U.S. Depart- You can pick any EN. In SoCal thesement of Labor note that only one include the Workforce Developmentin five people with disabilities has Board, City of LA (, ora job, compared to two of three in Goodwill Industries (p­,the general population. Some don’t and several other private because they can’t. Others be-www.SCI.first 90 173

RESOURCESSee for a search tool not affect the $2,000 a year incomeby region or city. rule – you won’t lose benefits eligibil- ity with this savings program. The PASS (Plan to AchieveSelf-Support) is another federal A very important advantage forwork incentive plan that allows you ABLE account holders is that fundsto be employed, set aside income, can be invested, and that any invest-and keep your Social Security health- ment income is not Income in a PASS does not re-duce your SSI benefit. An approved California has not established anPASS, based on a specific, written ABLE program but the law allowswork plan, lets you use your income you to open an account in any otheror other things you own to help you state that accepts non-residents.reach work goals, such as going to Nevada and Oregon, for example,school, transportation, assistive gear, offer ABLE accounts to all U.S. citi-or special training. Search PASS at the zens. The various state programs aremain Social Security site,; also fundamentally the same though feesee structures may differ across ABLE programs. Also, state policies may ABLE Accounts, which came into vary in the way your account canplay in 2016, are tax-advantaged sav- be invested. There is a handy com-ings accounts for PWD and their fam- parison tool at the ABLE Nationalilies. These accounts allow holders Resource Center. See ablenrc.orgto bank up to $14,000 a year (to amax of $100,000 total) to be used WORK RESOURCESfor any expense related to living witha disability. That includes housing, Job Accommodation Networktransportation, personal assistance, (JAN) is a free service that providesassistive technology, and any health information about employability,care not covered by Medi-Cal or work accommodations, and theMedicare. ADA; To get an ABLE account you have Office of Disability Employmentto have been under age 26 at the on- Policy (ODEP) is a federal agencyset of your disability. You are auto- that boosts job opportunities formatically eligible if you are already adults and youth with disabilitiesgetting SSI and/or SSDI. while eliminating barriers to employ- The funds in an ABLE account will •ment; 90 174

SCI: 90FIRST DAYSINDEX www.SCI.first 90 175

Index B Carepages 172A Baker, Aaron 87 CARF 55, 56, 63, 69, 73, 74, 75, 77,AARP HomeFit Guide 143 Bakersfield Rehabilitation Hospital/ABC Medical 140 78, 82, 83Abilities Expo 134 HealthSouth 78 Caring Bridge 172Ability Center 145 Ballard Rehabilitation Hospital 72 cars and vansAbility Tools 99 Barlow Respiratory Hospital 83 financial assistance 145ABLE Accounts 174 batteries, wheelchair 138 used marketplace 145Accessibility Advisors 143 Baylor Institute for Rehabilitation insurance issues 145Accessible Construction 143 joystick technology 145Access to Independence 144 73 hand controls 145acute flaccid myelitis 40 Be Perfect Foundation 87, 170 driver training 145advance directive 45 Big Idea, The (Reeve Foundation) Casa Colina Hospital 73, 86, 167AERO Mobility 145 case manager 52Affordable Care Act 6, 59 161 catheterAlhambra Hospital 78 Bill of Rights 45 hydrophilic 105American Nurses Credentialing bladder management 104 indwelling 105 145 suprapubic 104 Center 69 Bodry, Bill 85 Cedars Sinai Medical Center 17,American Spinal Injury Association body building 167 bone loss 106 72, 97 (ASIA) Impairment Score Botox 109 Center for Restorative Exercise 34 bowel management 105Americans with Disabilities Act Box Wheelchairs 137 (CORE) 87 (ADA) 148 brain machine interface 161 Center of Achievement 90American Trial Lawyers Association C Centers for Disease Control and 154 Cal-Diego Chapter, PVA 10Angel City Games 167 CalFresh (food stamps) 172 Prevention 40anger 46, 94, 116, 117 California Attorney General 45 Centinela Hospital 78urological products California Department of Rehabilita- Centre for Neuro Skills 82 hydrophilic catheter 140 cerebral palsy 39 intermittent catheters 140 tion 145 cervical SCI 32 touchless catheters 140 California Hospital Medical Center cethrin 27antibiotic drugs 31 Challenge Center 85, 163anticholinergic drugs 104 17 Challenged America 168antidepressant drugs 108 California Institute on Regenerative Challenged Athletes Foundation 170antiseizure drugs 108 chaplain 52Aquila 137 Medicine 163 Charbonnet, David 90Arrowhead Regional Medical Center Californians for Disability Rights Children’s Hospital Los Angeles 17Arroyo Grande Hospital 78 149 17, 97ASIA Impairment Scale 20 California Rehabilitation Institute Christopher & Dana Reeve Founda-Association for Driver Rehabilitation Specialists 144 72, 97 tion 3, 11, 25 47, 89, 104,Association on Higher Education California Victim Compensation 120, 121, 129 And Disability 173 chrondroitinase 159Asterias Biotherapeutics 27 Program 172 chronic pain 107, 108atelectasis 109 Cal State LA 90, 161 Citrus Valley Centers for Rehabili-autonomic dysreflexia 7, 23, 34, 93 Cal State Northridge 90 tation 77 what to do 102 CalTech 171, 62 Cleveland Clinic Rehabilitation wallet card 102 cannabis 108 Hospital 73Avery Labs 109 CareCure community 11, 129, 139, Cleveland FES Center 163 clinical practice guidelines 138 163 clinical trial Career Opportunities for Students phases of 26 participating in 26 with Disabilities 172 24 caregiving 128 160 Caregiver Action Network 131 Caregiver Resource Center, Orange 131 Care Meridian 51, 82 www.SCI.first 90 176

Coast Caregiver Resource Center Disability Rights Legal Center 149 G 74, 131 145 gait training 162 Disabled Resource Center 144 Garfield Medical Center 78cognitive behavior therapy 118 distraction 109 Gillums, Sherman 119Coloplast 106, 140 D-mannose 105 Give Forward 170Colours wheelchairs 136, 139 Doogie Howser, M.D. 75 Glasgow Coma Scale 20Communities Actively Living Inde- dorsal root entry zone 108 Glendale Adventist Medical Center DREAM (Disability Rights, pendent & Free 144 78Community Access Center 144 Education Activism, and Glendale Memorial 79Community Development Block Mentoring 172 GoFundMe 170 dual-eligibles 61 Gold, Jenni 139 Grant 141 Ducharme, Stanley 125 Goldenboy Mobility 145complete injury 34, 36 dysphagia 23 Goodwill Industries 173Comprehensive Integrated Inpatient E Gottlieb, Dan 120 Easter Seals 99 Gridiron Heroes 170 Rehabilitation (CIIR) 77 EasyStand 139 HConsortium for Spinal Cord Medi- Eisenhower Medical Center 77 halo vest 20 Eksobionics (exoskeleton) 162 Handyworker Program 143 cine 37, 112, 135, 138 emergency management 15, 19 Harbor-UCLA Medical Center 17Consumer Attorney Association of Emergency Medical Services Au- Hargrave, Hal 86 thority 17 HeadNorth 170 Los Angeles 154 Emory Rehabilitation Hospital 73 Health Maintenance OrganizationalConway, Laquita 87 e-motion (power assist ) 139coping 114 epidural spinal cord stimulation 161 (HMO) 60Cottage Rehabilitation Hospital 17, erectile drugs 123 heart disease 107 Every Body Fitness 90 Heimberg, Steven M.D., J.D. vi, 155 73, 131, 167 Exclusive Provider Organization HelpHopeLive 170CoughAssist 109 (EPO). 60 Henry Mayo Newhall Memorialcounseling 7 exercise 8, 46, 58, 76, 86-90, 109,Covered California 6 135, 159, 161, 162, 166, Hospital 17Craig Hospital 76 167 heparin 22Craig Nursing Advice Line 76 exoskeleton 74, 75, 90, 162 High Fives Foundation 170Craigslist 130 F Hollywood Presbyterian 79cranberry extract 105 Facing Disability 11 home modification 142Cressy. Jeff 119 Family Caregiver Alliance 131 Huntington Memorial 17, 79Crowdfunding 169 Family Voices 99 Hwang, Karen 119Crowdrise 169 FDA 22, 26, 106, 162 hydrocephalus 40CT scan 21 FES (functional electrical stimula- hypotension 16, 20Cure Medical 140 tion) 107, 162 ICushions 137 FES bike 89, 90 immune system 107D Fiesta Educativa 99 incomplete injury 34, 36Dardzinski, Ted 86 folic acid 40 Indego (exoskeleton) 162dating 124 Fornos, Mayra 10 Independent Living Center of Kerndecompression surgery 22 Fotheringham, Aaron 168deep brain stimulation 109 Frazier Rehab Institute 89 County 144deep vein thrombosis 22 Freedom to Live 144 Independent Living Center of South-denial 116 Friedreich’s ataxia 39Department of Defense 25 Frog Legs casters 136 ern California 144Department of Insurance 67 independent living centers 144Department of Managed Health Independent Living Resource Center Care 67 144Department of Veterans Affairs 25 Individualized Family Service Plandepression 7, 109, 117dermatome 32 98Desert Regional Medical Center 17, 78Dignity Health Network 75 www.SCI.first 90 177

Individuals with Disabilities Educa- Loma Linda University Medical Monrovia Memorial Hospital 83 tion Act 98 Center 17, 45, 74 Movement Performance Inst. 90 MRI 21Infinite Flow 167 Long Beach Memorial 17, 51, 75 mTOR 159informed consent 26 long-term acute care (LTAC) 81 multiple sclerosis 40Inland Caregiver Resource Center Los Angeles County Department of muscle atrophy 107 N 131 Health Services 70 National Center for College Studentsinpatient rehabilitation facilities Los Robles Hospital 17 172 with Disabilities 172 (IRF) 68 lumbar SCI 32 National Center on Health, Physical how to select 48-57 Lyme disease 40 rankings 70 M Activity and Disabilityinsurance 59-66 Maddox, Sam 3, 156, 163, 182 (NCHPAD) 167 appeal 64 Magnet certification 69, 72, 75, National Institutes of Health 25intraoperative monitoring 41 National Mobility Equipment Deal-intrathecal baclofen 112 77, 79 ers Association 145Invacare 139 manual wheelchairs 136 National Resource Center on Sup-InVivo Therapeutics 27 Marcus, Bradley 89 portive Housing and HomeIsaacs, Taylor K. 87 Margie and Robert E. Petersen Modification 142J National Respite Coalition 131Jay (cushion) 137 Foundation Rehabilitation National Respite Locator ServiceJob Accommodation Network 174 Center, 97 131Joint Commission 55, 68 massage 109 National Spinal Cord Injury Associ-Jr. Wheelchair Sports Camp 167 Mattel Children’s Hospital 98 ation 11K Medi-Cal 6, 60, 61, 135, 150 National Spinal Cord Injury Statisti-KAFO brace 162 medical error 41 cal Center 53Karp, Gary 119 Medi-Cal Managed Care Office of neuromodulation 27kayaking 167 the Ombudsman 67 neuropathic pain 107Kelly Brush Foundation 171 medical necessity 6, 65, 135, 139, NeuroRecovery Network 76, 89,Kern Medical Center 17 140, 163 161, 163Kessler Institute 49, 73 Medi-Cal pending 62 NeuroRecovery Technologies 27,Kim, Suzy M.D. vi, 72, 164 medical/surgical unit 23, 44 89, 161Kindred Hospitals 83 medical tourism 160 New Mobility vi, 11, 182Kirshblum, Steven M.D. vi, 49 Medicare 6, 60, 69, 83, 135, 140, NextStep Fitness 89, 161, 163KnowBarriers 10 150 Northridge Hospital Medical CenterKouri, Janne 89 nursing home search tool 82 17, 75, 87Kübler-Ross inventory 116 Part A, B 60 OL Appeal 67 occupational therapist (OT) 48, 50,LA County+USC Medical Center, Medi-Medi 61 51, 58, 73, 90, 95, 98, 99, Methodist Hospital of Southern 134, 141 17 California 79 Office of Disability EmploymentLA Kings 168 methylprednisolone 22 Policy 174Lacrosse 167 Miami Project 159 olfactory ensheathing glial cells 160Land Meets Sea Sports Camp, 167 Miller Children’s & Women’s opiates 108lawyer, personal injury 5 Hospital 97 Orange County Global Medical how to choose 153 Mindful Awareness Research Center Center 17Life Rolls On 168 at UCLA 118 Orthopaedic Inst. for Children 143 mindfulness 109, 118, 129 osteoporosis 93locomotor training 89, 90, 95, 161, Mission Hospital Regional Medical outcome expectations 37 Center 17, 77 P 162, 163 Mobility Ventures 145 pain 6, 23, 30, 34, 40, 46, 52, 57, pediatric 94 Mobility Center (Cal State LA) 90 93, 102, 103, 115, 119,Lokomat 89, 90 MobilityWorks 145 120, 139Loma Linda University Health 10, Model Systems Knowledge Transla- tion Center 57 143, 168 Model Systems SCI Center 57, 73, 78, 97, 164 www.SCI.first 90 178

pain management 107-109 Reagan-UCLA 17 sexuality 123Palomar Health Rehabilitation Insti- Rebuilding Together 143 Sharp Memorial Hospital 17, 71, 97 recreation therapist 52, 95 shearing 46 tute 17, 77 Red Basket 170 Shield Healthcare 140Paradigm Outcomes 61 Reeve, Christopher 32, 119, 164 Shriners Hospitals for Children 96Paralympics 167 Reeve-Irvine Research Center 159, sip-n-puff 138Paralysis Resource Guide 3, 11, 120 skilled nursing facilities (SNF) 50,Paralyzed Veterans of America 11, 163 reflex voiding 105, 141 81 112 RehabCare 83 skin care 16, 23, 46, 110Parent Advocacy Coalition for Edu- rehabilitation nurse 6, 10, 46, 50- Skinner, Andrew 10, 58 skydiving 168 cational Rights 99 52, 54, 55, 58, 62, 69, 71, sled hockey 168PASS (Plan to Achieve Self-Support) 73, 75, 95, 117 sleep apnea 110 rehabilitation psychology 49, 52, 58, SmartDrive 139 174 95, 116, 118, 120 Smith, Mark E. 139Patient Advocacy Foundation 67 143 SoCal SCI Hotline 47, 182pediatric trauma centers 96 Rehab Without Walls, 83 Social Security Administration 150peer networks 3, 9-11, 57, 58, 69, Renee and Meyer Luskin Children’s Social Security Disability Insurance Clinic 98 71, 75, 78, 173 respiratory health 109 (SSDI) 149Peristeen (Coloplast) 106 respiratory therapy 46, 52, 57, 69, South Bay Rehabilitation Center 77physiatrist 50, 164 109 Southern Caregiver Resource Centerphysical therapy 46, 50, 51, 58, 88, ReWalk (exoskeleton) 90, 162 rhizotomy 112 131 90, 99, 109, 161 Riverside County Regional Medical Southern California RehabilitationPIE (Pulsed Irrigation Evacuation) Center 17 Road 2 Recovery Foundation 171 Services 144 106 ROHO (cushion) 137 spasticity 93, 111, 112PN 11 Rolling Start 144 speech language pathologist 52PossAbilities 10, 75, 143, 168 Ronald Reagan UCLA 17 spina bifida 39post-acute care 81 Rosalynn Carter Institute for Care- spinal cordPostHope 172 giving 131 function 30power-assist units 112, 138 S repair strategies 158power wheelchairs 137 sacral SCI 32 functional recovery 158Precision Rehabilitation 90 sailing 168 regeneration 158Preferred Provider Organizations Salic, Josh 89 spinal cord infarction 40 San Diego Rehabilitation Inst. 79 spinal cord injury (PPO) 60 San Diego Therapeutic Recreation incidence 30Presbyterian Intercommunity 79 Services 168 pediatric 92pressure wounds 23, 93, 110, 139 Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Spinal Cord Outcomes PartnershipPrime Engineering 139 27, 78probiotic 107 Schwann cell 159 Endeavor (SCOPE) 24,Project Walk 87, 163 SCI-FIT 86 163Promise Hospitals 83 SCI Special Fund 171 Spinal Cord System of Care (CARF)Providence Holy Cross Medical SCI without radiological abnormal- 56 ity 93 Spinal Injury Games 168 Center 17, 77 scoliosis 93 spinal muscular atrophy 40Providence Little Company of Mary scooters 138 Spinalpedia 11 SCORE 171 spinal shock 16 Medical Center 77 Scripps Memorial Hospital 17, 77 spinal tumors 40Providence St. Joseph Medical SCUBA 168 136 seating specialist 52 Spinraza 40 Center 77 Select Medical vi, 73, 97 136psychologist 52 Service Center for Independent Life Sports n Spokes 11PTEN 159 144 Stand-Aid 139pulmonary embolism 22 standard of care 65Q standing frame 112, 139Quickie Xtender 139 Stanford 27, 78, 97RRady Children’s Hospital 17, 97Ralph’s Riders 10, 171Rancho Los Amigos v. 10, 27, 70, 97, 160, 162, 164 www.SCI.first 90 179

stem cells 41, 160 Tustin Rehabilitation Hospital/ ADVERTISER INDEX see HealthSouth 51, 77 ABC Medical 28St. Francis Medical Center 17 USt. John’s Regional Medical Center UC Davis Medical Center 27, 96 Ballard Rehabilitation Hospital 12 UC Irvine Medical Center 17, 79, 79 California Rehabilitation Institute back coverSt. Jude Centers for Rehabilitation 163 UCLA 27, 72, 89, 97, 161, 163 CARF i and Wellness 164 UCLA Adaptive Recreation 168St. Jude Medical Center 71, 131 UC San Diego Center for Mindful- Centre for Neuro Skills (CNS) 113St. Mary Medical Center 17Stohl, Ellen 119 ness 118 Coloplast Corp. 126Strides SCI Functional Fitness 86, UC San Diego Medical Center 17, C.O.R.E. 28 89 27, 163, 79stroke 14, 41, 55, 72, 74, 75, 77, 78, Unite 2 Fight Paralysis 163 Cottage Rehabilitation Hospital vii United Spinal Association 10, 11 102, 160 United States Adaptive Recreation Craig Hospital 42suicide 117SuitX (exoskeleton) 162 Center 168 Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation cover IISunrise Medical 139 United States Sailing Center 168SuperLawyers 154 University of Louisville 163 Cure Medical viii, 132Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Unrecables 168 how to qualify 150 upper extremity preservation 112 Project Walk 80surfing 168 urinary tract infection (UTI) 105,Swim With Mike 171 SCI Lawyers 146, 156, cover IIISynapse Biomedical 109 141Szlachcic, Yaga v USC 71, 142, 162 Shield Health Care 18T USC Family Caregiver SupportTeam of Advocates for Special Kids SoCal SCI Hotline 18, 181 Center 131 (TASK) 99 USC/Keck School of Medicine St. Jude Medical Center iiTepper, Mitch 125tetraplegia 32 27, 79 Triumph Foundation 122Thomas, Mike 86 USC School of Gerontology 131thoracic SCI 32 U.S. Department of Labor 173 United Spinal Association 2ThreeSixtyFive Foundation 171 VTicket to Work 173 Valley Children’s Hospital 96 Wheelie Medical Supply 100tilt-in-space 138 Valley Presbyterian Hospital, 79Tom & Vi Zapara Rehabilitation Variety Children’s Charity 99 Whill x VA SCI Centers 63 Pavilion (Loma Linda) 74 Vasile, Ann M.D. vi, 51, 77 weight shifts 111transcutaneous electrical nerve stim- vasopressor drugs 20 Westside Center for Independent ventilator 109 ulation (TENS) 109 Ventura County Medical Ctr 17 Living 144transverse myelitis 41 vertebrae 31 wheelchair dance 167trauma center, 5, 14, 16, 35, 46, 47, Vertex Pharmaceuticals 27 Wheelchair Junkie 139 Vibra Healthcare 72 wheelchairs 134 48, 72, 74, 75, 78, 95 Vibra Hospital 83 Wheels To Water 167 Level I & Level II 17 VIP (fitness center) 163 Wheels with Wings 171 pediatric 96, 97 vitamin D 106 Wheel to Walk Foundation 99traumatic brain injury (TBI) 15, 57, Vocational Rehab 173 Whill 138 Vocare (bladder stimulator) 162 workers compensation 61 70, 74, 77, 78, 82. 83, 90, Vogel, Lawrence, M.D. vi, 95 Workforce Development Board 173 97, 158 W YTravelers Insurance 61 Walking With Anthony 171 YouCaring 170Travis Roy Foundation 171 Wanstreet, Jason 89 YouTube 139, 167treadmill training, see locomotor WCMX 137, 168 Z training weaning (from vent) 109 Zx-1/Spinergy power assist 139Tri-City Medical Center 79Triumph Foundation 10, 11, 58, 143, 168, 171 www.SCI.first 90 180

ABOUT THE AUTHOR ­numerous magazines, including Time, Money, and People. He is a graduate of am Maddox is former Knowledge the University of Colorado, where he Manager for the Reeve Founda- taught in the School of Journalism. He lives in Los Angeles.S tion Paralysis Resource Center and is currently the principal bio-medical research writer for the Foun-dation. He is author of several books­related to chronic health, neurologicaltrauma and ­paralysis, ­including threeeditions of the Paralysis ­Resource Guide.In 1987 he wrote and published thehighly acclaimed ­resource book S­ pinalNetwork. He is the founder of New Mo-bility magazine. In 1992 Maddox wrotethe first comprehensive history of spi-nal cord injury research, Quest for Cure.Maddox is a former panel member onThe Consortium for Spinal Cord Medi-cine, which develops and disseminatesevidence-based clinical practice guide-lines. Maddox has been a reporter forSOCAL SCI HOTLINE 213-797-0304PATIENT ADVOCACY & NAVIGATION SERVICES FROMFIRST 90 DAYS AND SAM MADDOX Call the hotline or email [email protected]

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–defining strengthStrength can be defined in many ways. At Select Medical, helping our patients regainfunction and rebuild their lives is how we measure success.Our national network of medical rehabilitation hospitals is committed to supportingresidency and spinal cord research programs that provide new hope for the future ofrehabilitation medicine and the patients it serves.Through a partnership with Cedars-Sinai and UCLA Health, Select Medical createdCalifornia Rehabilitation Institute, the largest hospital of its kind on the West Coast.With a team of physician-led, multidisciplinary healthcare experts, our reputation asthe trusted leader in rehabilitation medicine, just like our patients, grows strongerevery day.

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