DLATArauintoinmgotiveIn-Dealership Programs Salespeople • Sales Managers • Internet/BDC Staff • F&I • Secondary Finance Service Advisors • Service Managers • Parts Managers • Body Shop Managers
About DLA In-Dealership TrainingIn-Dealership WorkshopsDid you know that David Lewis and Associates can bring any of our intensive training programs to yourDealership? Whether it be Sales, Service, Internet/BDC or any of our many courses offered. With our CustomIn-Dealership workshops, your Dealership will receive personalized training designed to meet your specificneeds. Your team will learn new ideas and concepts that will move them to the next level of success.Our intensive in-dealership training programs are typically one to two days, every four to five weeks. Eachmonth the trainer will focus on a different area predetermined in advance by you and your managementteam. Each training day is divided into 2 repetitive sessions to enable everyone to attend. All training is in astructured environment with workbooks and assignments to be completed for the next visit.Sales training topics include: Sales Management topics include:• Sales Processes • Advanced Sales Management Concepts• Phone Ups • Negotiation Techniques• Objections • Leasing for Managers• Negotiations • Used Car Management• Prospecting • Leadership/Coaching• Sold & Unsold Customer Follow-up • Hiring/Motivation• Leasing for Salespeople• Understanding the Customer Fixed Ops topics include:F&I Training topics include: • Advanced Service Management Concepts • Service Advisor processes• Menu Selling • Walk around presentations• Objection Responses • Handling inbound phone opportunities• Bank Relations • The power of Video• Conversions • Understanding the Service Customer• Secondary Credit • Parts ManagementInternet/BDC topics include: Our training is designed to make steady monthly improvements in both your Sales• Basic BDC/Internet sales processes and Service Departments:• Advanced BDC/Internet sales processes• Understanding the Online Customer • Add an additional 4-6 cars per Salesperson• Email & Chat Dialogue • Increase grosses by $300-$500 per car• Inbound Phone skills • Realize an additional 40-60% in Fixed Ops• How to increase the rate of appointments• Internet Sales Service RevenueAll Training is done by DLA Certified Trainers who are employed by David Lewis & Associates. Our Trainers have extensive backgrounds inspecific areas of the Dealership and come from a wide range of Retail Automotive experience. Feel confident that your Dealership willengage in a superior Training Program with a strong curriculum and top-notch Trainers.2
DLA In-Dealership Training CoursesSales Fixed OpsEntry Level Sales (5 Days) Entry Level Service Advisor Prog. (4 Days)Advanced Sales Program (4 Days) Advanced Service Advisor Prog. (2 1/2 Days)Advanced Sales Level 1 Advanced Service Advisor TechniquesAdvanced Sales Level 2 Understanding the Service CustomerObjections Level 1 Effective Service Walk-AroundsObjections Level 2 Service Advisor Phone TechniquesPhone-Ups Level 1 Advanced Service Manager Prog. (4 Days)Phone-Ups Level 2 Advanced Service Management ConceptsLeasing for Salespeople Service Staff RetentionProspecting & Follow-Up Advanced Service Revenue CreationUnderstanding Your Customer Effective & Profitable Express Serv. ProcessesCommon Mistakes Salespeople Make Management Service Advisor TrainingSocial Media Marketing for Salespeople Introduction to Service ManagementSelling In-Service Introduction to Service BDC Advanced Service BDC ConceptsManagement General CoursesAdvanced Sales ManagementAdvanced Sales Management Prog. (4 Days) Business EtiquetteAdvanced Management Negotiations How To Deal with StressAdvanced Used Car Management Winners vs. LosersLeasing for Managers Psychology of SalesLeadership / Coaching How To Avoid NegativityHiring / MotivationTrain the Trainer Secondary FinanceInternet / BDC Introduction to Secondary Finance Advanced Secondary FinanceInternet/BDC Lead Generation (2 Days)Internet/BDC Management Round Tables 3F&I Sales Management SalespeopleEntry Level F&I (3 Days) F&IAdvanced F&I Concepts (2 Days) Internet / BDCF&I Service Contracts Service Advisors Service Managers
Sales Training TopicsEntry Level Sales - 5 Day CourseA five-day course designed for the individual just entering an Auto Sales Career. Students will learn the basic principlesof how a Dealership operates and leave knowing a comprehensive outline on the steps to the sale. Students will learnhow to handle the Customer’s objections and how to effectively respond to them. Extensive role playing and scenariobased situations will be covered, as well as a thorough segment on properly handling Phone-Ups. Each participant willreturn to the Dealership ready to take their first “UP.”Who Should Attend: New SalespeopleAdvanced Sales Program - 4 Day CourseThis four-day course is a complete program for the experienced Salesperson that wants to aggressively speed uptheir training and education. This course includes the material from the Advanced Sales Level 1, Objections Level 1,Phone-Up Level 1, Prospecting & Follow-Up and the Leasing for Salespeople Courses.Who Should Attend: Experienced Salespeople, Sales ManagersAdvanced Sales - Level 1A one-day Level 1 course based on David’s book, “The Secrets of Inspirational Selling.” In this level 1 course, studentswill leave having a strong level of recognition into a valuable Presentation & Demonstration process from the Meet &Greet through the Service Walk. Students will learn how to create a non-defensive posture in each Customer and howto eliminate being lied to by a Customer. The student will learn the importance of spending more time selling theirproduct, the Dealership and their personality, rather than selling the deal. They will learn how to present their productin a manner that will make closing the deal so much easier.Who Should Attend: Dealers, GMs, Sales Managers, SalespeopleAdvanced Sales - Level 2In this one-day level 2 course, the student will take their skill level to the reproduction stage of the learning process. Indepth discussion, advanced word track development and extensive role playing will take place. The goal of this courseis for the student to return to the Dealership with a thoroughly customized presentation that will fit into their individualpersonality and style of salesmanship. A prerequisite to attending this course is the student must have already attendedeither the Advanced Sales Level 1 course or the 5-day Entry Level Sales course.Who Should Attend: SalespeopleObjections - Level 1This one-day level 1 course exposes the student to a 4-step process for overcoming objections. This process is designedto inspire the Customer to have second thoughts as to why they should make their purchase now versus the old schoolmentality of begging, whining and pleading with the Customer. There will be some basic development of individualword tracks and role playing.Who Should Attend: Sales Managers, SalespeopleObjections - Level 2This one-day level 2 course has been developed to take the student to the next step in the learning process, which is thereproduction stage. Time will be spent both developing and critiquing personalized objection word tracks that fit intothe individual Salespersons style of salesmanship. Group discussions and extensive role playing and critiquing will bedone. A prerequisite to attending this course is the student must have already attended either the Objections Level 1course or the 5-day Entry Level Sales course.Who Should Attend: Salespeople4
Sales Training Topics continuedPhone-Ups - Level 1A one-day Level 1 course that will teach each participant a structured process for handling each type of Phone-Up. Basicstructured steps are taught. Each student will begin the development of their own individual word tracks based ontheir personality within those structured steps. Role play and scenario-based situations will be utilized to enhance thelearning process. A must class for anyone who takes a Phone-Up.Who Should Attend: Sales Managers, SalespeoplePhone-Ups - Level 2This one-day level 2 course has been developed for those Salespeople who truly want to master the art of handlinginbound phone leads. Advanced word track development and group discussions will be a focal point of this course.Plus, live critiquing of 10 phone-up calls that will be placed throughout the day to determine if their developed wordtracks will make them sound different and unique when they receive calls, which will greatly enhance their ability tosecure an appointment. A prerequisite to attending this course is the student must have already attended either thePhone-Ups Level 1 course or the 5-day Entry Level Sales course.Who Should Attend: SalespeopleLeasing for SalespeopleThis four-hour course is specifically designed for Salespeople on Leasing. Topics will be the value of Leasing to theCustomer, the benefits to them and the Dealership, the basic fundamentals of a how a Lease works, the basic conceptof how Leases are structured and how to present the Lease with maximum effectiveness.Who Should Attend: Sales Managers, SalespeopleProspecting & Follow-UpA four-hour course designed for Salespeople and E-Commerce/Internet/BDC staff members. The ideas included in thiscourse have been developed and utilized by some of the most successful Salespeople in the country. The student willgain comprehensive knowledge on some of the best prospecting ideas that will create instant traffic and opportunities.Also included will be the most effective ideas for staying in touch with sold Customers that will create a long termrelationship.Who Should Attend: GMs, GSMs, Sales Managers, Internet Personnel, SalespeopleUnderstanding Your CustomerThis four-hour course focuses on the first 10 minutes of a Customer’s arrival at the Dealership. We are all familiar with thephrase“I’d rather get a root canal, than buy a new car.” In this course, the student will learn how to listen to the Customerand how best to approach them in the buying process. This course will reveal how to lower a Customer’s defensiveposture and create a level of comfort that establishes an environment in which the Customer will enjoy spending timewith the Salesperson.Who Should Attend: Sales Managers, SalespeopleCommon Mistakes Salespeople MakeA four-hour course that focuses on the top 30 mistakes that Automotive Salespeople make each and every day. Topicsrange from hygiene and attitude to understanding the Customer. Heavy emphasis is placed on the common mistakesmade during the sales, objection and phone-up process, plus prospecting and social media. The student will be exposedto some great solutions to improve each area.Who Should Attend: Dealers, GMs, GSMs, Sales Managers, Salespeople 5
Sales Training Topics continuedSocial Media Marketing for SalespeopleThis one-day course provides the basic understanding of Social Media. The student will be exposedto the benefits of Social Media and how their individual or Dealership strategies can create brandrecognition and increased sales opportunities. All aspects of Social Media platforms are covered.This course has been designed to provide the individual who wants to understand and start usingSocial Media as a marketing platform and for the experienced person currently using Social Media.Who Should Attend: Dealers, GMs, Service Directors, Sales Manager and SalespeopleSelling In-ServiceThis four-hour course trains the student on the benefits, processes and sales skills for selling cars in service. TheService Customer offers a great opportunity to expand both sales and profits and creating a sales opportunity iseasy once the Salesperson understands how to approach, interact and engage the Customer in dialogue that cancreate these opportunities. Every day Customers visit the Service Department for both general maintenance andrepairs. This course will teach you how to use the data created from this role to easily manage and measure resultsthat will add to a continuous opportunity to sell more cars.Who Should Attend: Dealers, GMs, Sales Managers and SalespeopleManagement Training TopicsAdvanced Sales ManagementThis one-day course is designed to provide an increase in productivity, gross profit and develop an authentic workingculture that will impact your sales and bottom line. Topics will include the theory behind Inspirational Selling, AdvancedNegotiations, Objections, Phone-Ups, Leasing, Prospecting & Follow-Up, BDC, Leadership, Coaching and Hiring concepts.Who Should Attend: Dealers, GMs, GSMs, Sales ManagersAdvanced Sales Management Program: 4 DaysThis four-day Advanced Sales Management course is a complete program for all Sales Managers. Focus is placed onbecoming a Leader and not a Boss. This begins by exposing them to the newest and best practices for leading a salesforce to success. Topics include Inspirational Sales Processes, Advanced Negotiating Techniques, how to be an effectiveCoach, Hiring and Interviewing ideas, plus our DLA Train the Trainer concepts that will develop their skills on how totrain their staff. This course turns Managers into true Leaders.Who Should Attend: Dealers, GMs, GSMs, Sales ManagersAdvanced Management NegotiationsIn this four-hour class, students will learn highly-developed concepts to improve and strengthen their negotiation skillsand how to proficiently implement these skills to create larger grosses. This course does not alter a Manager’s basicnegotiating process, but demonstrates to the student how to enhance those techniques through a better understandingof what the Customer expects during the negotiating stage of the deal. All techniques have a proven track record ofsuccess and fit well with all current negotiating concepts.Who Should Attend: GSMs, Sales Managers6
Management Training Topics continuedHiring / MotivationThis four-hour course starts with Hiring. Students will learn where to find talented people, how to then recruit them andthe interview process that will make them want to work for your organization. Once hired, how you motivate them canmake or break their long term commitment. Students will learn the 10 key elements of successful coaching, from whatto say to how to say it. An unmotivated group of individuals typically become just a group of“Walking Generalities,”thusmaking this course an important one to attend.Who Should Attend: All ManagersAdvanced Used Car ManagementThis four-hour course focuses solely on the ideas and concepts for marketing, buying, selling and increasing revenuein the used car department. The student will learn highly developed concepts to sell used cars. Marketing campaignswill be shared and fresh ideas on where to buy cars will be presented. The student will learn lot layout and vehicleplacement resulting in maximum effectiveness.Who Should Attend: GSMs, Sales Managers, Used Car ManagersLeasing for ManagersThis four-hour course is for Managers. Two areas will be covered. The student will learn how to promote leasing in thenegotiating step and how to use a lease as a form of attracting buyers that are not currently in the market for a new car.This advanced course will deal with real-life leasing scenarios and provide tools on how to train your staff to embraceleasing as an effective alternative means of purchasing a car.Who Should Attend: GMs, GSMs, Sales ManagersLeadership / CoachingA four-hour course designed for anyone within the Dealership that has supervisory responsibilities over others.This course focuses on the understanding and development of the true role of a Leader and Coach. Upon completionof this course, each participant will return to the Dealership with a stronger position as to their role andresponsibility. An organization starts with great Leadership, and succeeds with great Coaching, making thiscourse a mandatory requirement.Who Should Attend: All ManagersHiring / MotivationThis four-hour course starts with Hiring. Students will learn where to find talented people, how to then recruit them andthe interview process that will make them want to work for your organization. Once hired, how you motivate them canmake or break their long term commitment. Students will learn the 10 key elements of successful coaching, from whatto say to how to say it. An unmotivated group of individuals typically become just a group of“Walking Generalities,”thusmaking this course an important one to attend.Who Should Attend: All ManagersTrain the TrainerThis four-hour course teaches the student the art of training. From understanding the impact traininghas on others to training material development. Each attendee will learn how to develop effective salesmeetings, training events and one-on-one coaching sessions. Strong emphasis will be placed on creating anin-dealership training and coaching program and how to effectively support and monitor it.Who Should Attend: ALL Dealership Personnel 7
Internet / BDC Training TopicsInternet/BDC Lead Generation-2 Day CourseA two-day course on effective Lead Generation ideas and concepts. Email, Chat and Phone scripts will be reviewed andexamined. Plus, structured concepts for ongoing sold and unsold Customer follow-up. Time will be spent developingpersonalized word tracks for both inbound and outbound calls, emails and online chats. Role playing and critiquingof live phone calls and emails will be a focal point of the program. This course will demonstrate the importance ofunderstanding how to create valuable contacts and ensure that your Dealership will be the one to attract the Customerfor a visit. This course is a must for anyone directly or indirectly involved with an Internet or BDC Department.Who Should Attend: GMs, GSMs, Internet and BDC Staff Members, Sales ManagersInternet/BDC ManagementThis one-day course is solely for the Internet/BDC Manager that is looking to lead their team to the next level. Ideasfor hiring, training and motivation will be the focal point of this course. Additional topics will include, the differencebetween Internet Sales and a BDC process, verbiage to effectively get the Customer to the Dealership, ideas for internetmarketing and how to make social media work effectively.Who Should Attend: Dealers, GMs, Sales Managers, Internet/BDC ManagerF&I Training TopicsEntry Level F&I - 3 Day CourseThis three-day course is for those students just entering the field of F&I. Focus will be placed on all areas of understandingthe F&I Customer, banking relationships, conversions, sales processes (including Menu techniques) and objectionresponses. This course includes a tremendous amount of role play so that the student will be fully prepared to take anF&I Customer upon returning to the Dealership.Who Should Attend: Inexperienced F&I Managers, F&I Back-Up StaffAdvanced F&I Concepts-2 Day CourseThis two-day course has been designed for the F&I Manager that is ready to take their productivity to the next level.Emphasis will be placed on advanced F&I sales concepts, structured presentation steps and the art of responding tocustomer objections. Topics will include the importance of F&I, understanding the Customer, the Banking process, andthe value of developing control over the delivery process. From the sales perspective of F&I, the student will learn somevery advanced techniques on how to effectively do both cash and credit union conversions, present effective productpresentations, methods for advanced Menu closing concepts, and some new and exciting ways to overcome objections.Extensive role play and group discussion are a big part of this course.Who Should Attend: : F&I Directors, Experienced and New F&I Managers, and Back-Up F&I ManagersF&I Service ContractsA one-day course for experienced F&I Managers who want to increase their service contract penetration. This coursewill teach advanced Menu concepts, objection handling and revenue generating ideas. The concepts presented have atrack record of increasing even the best F&I Manager an additional $200 per unit. This course will give the F&I Managerthe keys essential to deliver products and renew the Customer’s experience.Who Should Attend: F&I Managers8
Fixed Operations Training TopicsEntry Level Service Advisor - 4 Day CourseA four-day course for the individual either just starting their career as a Service Advisor or an experienced ServiceAdvisor who truly needs to get back to the basics of selling service. This course focuses on understanding the ServiceCustomer, structured sales steps in the Service Lane, phone strategies, upsell techniques, objection responses and howto deal with rejection and stress.Who Should Attend: Entry Level Service Advisors, Experienced Service AdvisorsAdvanced Service Advisor Program: 2 1/2 DaysThis two and one-half day course is a complete program for the experienced Service Advisor who wants to take theirproductivity to the next level. This course places tremendous emphasis on truly understanding the Service Customer;both their perceptions of what they expect and how that perception affects the outcome of the visit. New and provenideas will be presented for increasing service sales, how to do effective Service walk around presentations, ways tohandle the Customer on the phone and methods for speeding up the Customer’s entire service visit. Additional topicswill include: How to deal with Customer complaints, becoming a better listener and dealing with the stress of the job.This course is a must for all Service Advisors.Who Should Attend: Service Directors, Service Managers, Service AdvisorsAdvanced Service Advisor TechniquesThis one-day course is an advanced A-Z program on understanding the Service Customer, upselling service repairs &maintenance and how to create a lasting relationship with every Service Customer. Phone strategies, sales processesand objection responses will be covered. This course will include extensive role playing and in depth discussion groups.Who Should Attend: Dealers, GM’s, Service Managers and Service AdvisorsUnderstanding the Service CustomerThis four-hour course provides the attendees with a snap shot of the Customers point of view when visiting theDealership Service Department. Focus will be placed on why the Customer is so defensive, how to lower their defensiveposture, verbiage to increase appointments and service revenue, understanding the power of pictures and video, howto expedite the pick up process and the difference in mood between a waiter and a drop off customer. This course is amust if you want to create a Customer experience they will remember.Who Should Attend: Dealers, GMs, Fixed Ops Directors, Service Managers, Service AdvisorsEffective Service Walk-AroundsThis four-hour course teaches the benefits, process and steps to doing effective Service Walks in the Service Lane. Thestudent will study a Pro/Con balance of consequences of when to do the Service Walk, the value it brings to both theDealership and the Customer and when is the correct time to present an upsell. During the course, emphasis will beplaced on understanding the Customer’s defensive posture and how to lower it so that maximum effectiveness can occur.Who Should Attend: Service Directors, Service Managers, Service AdvisorsService Advisor Phone TechniquesThis four-hour course focuses on how to handle both the inbound Customer call and the outbound upsell servicecall. Concepts will be shared on how to avoid quoting prices over the phone, increasing the rate of appointments andeffective strategies for how to sell the Customer over the phone once their vehicle is already in the Service Center. Thecustomization of word tracks to fit the Advisors personality is a large part of this course.Who Should Attend: Service Directors, Service Managers, Service Advisors 9
Fixed Operations Training Topics continuedAdvanced Service Manager Program: 4 DaysThis four-day course is dedicated to providing experienced Service Managers with ideas, tools and techniques to growand enhance their Service Department. The course is a complete A to Z course for all Service Managers who want to takethe department to the next level. Ideas on team development, increasing revenue through better sales processes, howto track results, effective scheduling, the benefits of a quick lube and quick maintenance department, Service Advisorand technician bonus and pay plans, benefits of a Service BDC Department, the power of video in the up sell processand how to manage service expenses.Who Should Attend: Dealers, General Managers, Fixed Operations Directors, Service ManagersAdvanced Service Management ConceptsA one-day course dedicated to providing experienced Service Managers with ideas, tools and techniques to grow andenhance their Service Department. Ideas on team development, increasing revenue through better sales processes, howto track results, effective scheduling, the benefits of a quick lube and quick maintenance department, Service Advisorand technician bonus and pay plans, benefits of a Service BDC Department and how to manage service expenses.Who Should Attend: Dealers, GMs, Fixed Ops Directors, Service ManagersService Staff RetentionA four-hour course that addresses the ongoing issue of staff retention in the Service Department. Trainingand discussion groups on how to reduce the amount of missed work, minimized productivity and overall staffturnover. Ideas will be presented for bonus plans, group training and motivational concepts. Time will also bespent on ideas for recruiting and training new hires.Who Should Attend: Dealers, GMs, Fixed Ops Directors, Service ManagersAdvanced Service Revenue CreationThis four-hour Management course focuses solely on service revenue creation. Processes will be shared; suchas expense control, staff pay plans and paid labor. This course is designed for the attendee to learn ways tomaximize all Service Department Revenue through effective management operations.Who Should Attend: Dealers, GMs, Service Directors, Service ManagersEffective & Profitable Express Service ProcessesThis four-hour course provides both the Dealership considering an Express Service and those already operatingan Express Service with the newest ideas for success. Focus is placed on marketing, staffing, sales, operationalprocesses and ways for staying competitive in your market. Students will be exposed to practices that makeothers successful and points of failure; so they can recognize them if they occur in their Dealership.Who Should Attend: Dealers, GMs, Service Directors, Service ManagersManagement Service Advisor TrainingThis four-hour course is designed to train the Service Manager on the proper service lane sales techniques.Effective Leadership starts with being able to train and motivate a person or group of people for success. Thiscourse teaches the Service Manager on the most progressive Service Lane sales concepts so they can thentrain their Service Advisors.Who Should Attend: Dealers, GMs, Service Directors, Service Managers10
Fixed Operations Training Topics continuedIntroduction to Service ManagementThis extensive two-day course is for those individuals ready to enter the position of a Service Manager or thoseService Managers who have never had any formal management training. Emphasis in the course begins withunderstanding the role of a Leader and Coach. Practical training will include hiring, training, understandingthe Service Customer, sales processes, upsell techniques, dispatching, understanding the Parts Departmentand the basics of service marketing.Who Should Attend: Entry Level Service ManagersIntroduction to a Service BDCThis four-hour course is for those Dealerships that would like to learn more about the concept of a Service BDCDepartment. Topics will include: the benefits of a Service BDC, department leadership, staffing requirements,training, tools needed and expected results.Who Should Attend: Dealers, GMs, Fixed Ops Directors, Service ManagersAdvanced Service BDC ConceptsA four-hour course for both Service BDC Management and staff members. Appointment topics in this courseare inbound call processing, information gathering, word track concepts, appointment setting techniquesand appointment confirmation steps. Additional training will include post visit follow-up calls, maintenancereminder processes and Customer retention ideas.Who Should Attend: , GMs, Fixed Ops Directors, Service Managers, Service Advisors, BDC RepsGeneral CoursesBusiness EtiquetteThis four-hour course focuses on understanding the importance of a first impression, adult behavioraltechniques and proper business etiquette when dealing with Customers, fellow employees and vendors.Additional topics will include how to eat healthier in the workplace, the importance of daily exercise, the valueover proper rest and how to minimize stress both at home and at work.Who Should Attend: Dealer, GMs, GSMs, Sales Managers, F&I Directors, Service Directors/ManagersHow to Deal with StressThis four-hour course deals with an ongoing issue in Dealerships every day and that is stress. Stress is one ofthe leading factors of fatigue, illness and employee turnover. It creates an environment that dictates negativityand instability. The students who attend this course will be exposed to what creates stress, the signs of stress,and the added illnesses that are exasperated by stress and most importantly, how to deal with stress andeventually minimize and eliminate it all together.Who Should Attend: All Dealership Personnel 11
General Courses continuedWinners versus LosersThis four-hour course is based on David’s bestselling book, “Winners versus Losers.” During this session the stu-dent will learn the difference between what makes most people successful, while others tend to fail. They willunderstand the key elements that motivate people to greatness and how to avoid the common pitfalls associ-ated with negativity and failure. Being a Winner is an option and so is Failure, but success comes with patience,understanding and a desire to be great, which are all learned characteristics and qualities. This course is notindustry specific and deals with both situations within ones professional and personal lives.Who Should Attend: All Dealership PersonnelThe Psychology of SalesThis four-hour course provides the core foundation for a successful sales career. No one wants to fail in sales andmost hate the idea of rejection. This course on the psychology of sales trains the student on how to overcome thefear of sales and instill in them thoughts to better understand the Customer, themselves and how to better presenttheir products in a manner that will produce higher results. Selling for most is a learned skill and talent. Being bornwith the gift of gab is not a sure ingredient for success.Who Should Attend: All Dealership Personnel who Sell to the CustomerHow To Avoid NegativityThis four-hour course is the foundation of being successful. Everyone knows that successful people avoidnegativity. They do not act negative, let negative thoughts into their mind and live with thoughts that are positiveand motivating. This course focuses on how to remove negativity from your thoughts, verbiage and actions. Thestudent will leave this class with a positive mindset and return to the Dealership rejuvenated and prepared forsuccess. Negativity looms in all of us, some are more visual and vocal in the negativity, but everyone can benefitfrom this course.Who Should Attend: All Dealership PersonnelSecondary FinanceIntroduction to Secondary FinanceThis one-day course provides the basic understanding, tools, processes and word tracks for both understandingSecondary Financing and how to effectively sell in the Secondary Finance Department. This course has beendesigned for both the novice just entering the world of Secondary Finance and the experienced SecondaryFinance Manager who just needs to get the department jump started. It is a known fact that approximately 60%of Americans have credit issues, being an active player in this arena can add sales and profits that otherwise wouldhave been lost.Who Should Attend: Inexperienced Secondary Finance ManagersAdvanced Secondary FinanceThis one-day course is for the Secondary Finance Manager who truly wants to take their department, sales andprofits to the next level. Topics in this course include inventory management, where to find inventory and how todisplay the inventory. Heavy emphasis is placed on advanced closing techniques, lender relations and marketing.Operating a Secondary Finance Department is extremely rewarding if done the correct way. If not, minimal resultswill be realized and eventually, the department will die a slow death.Who Should Attend: Dealers, GMs, Sales Manager and Secondary Finance Managers12
Testimonials “Since signing up with David Lewis & Associates Training, our profits have doubled.” “Our results have been beyond belief. Our volume is up over 60%, our profits have doubled and my staff loves the sales process we learned from David and his Trainers.” - Scott Casebeer, Dealer – Capital Auto Group “We have hired numerous training companies over the years and the training with David Lewis & Associates has produced the best results. Our team members are enthusiastic about working with DLA because the ideas they are learning are relevant to today’s industry and the results we are getting have proven that point. This training is now mandatory for the entire team.” - Chris Saraceno, VIce President and Partner of The Kelly Automotive Group “We believe in the David Lewis & Associates curriculum. It works! All new employees must attend the Entry Level Sales course. The curriculum helps the employee understand what our business is all about and includes learning the steps to the sale, overcoming objections, prospecting and phone skills. Our partnership with DLA gives them the start they need to be productive sales associates. Additionally, our management team makes sure that each associate reads David’s book “Secrets of Inspirational Selling” and we read excerpts of the book during sales meetings.” - Bruce Carlino, Sales Manager, Chapman Ford Mazda Lincoln Mercury “As someone who came from the Fixed Ops side of the business, I have an appreciation for what sales is all about that I did not have before. Whether you’re a sales veteran or a rookie like me, there is a ton of value in DLA training. You will not regret it!” – Allen Minch, Sales at Klick Lewis “Before today, I have used the same tired techniques to overcome objections. Going forward, I will use an effective counter story to help close more deals and increase my gross.” – Douglas Theye-Ace, Sales at Bethlehem Ford 13
Included with In-DealershipTraining is access to both DLA Automotive Training CentersSalespeople Sales Managers F&I Internet/BDC StaffService Advisors Service Managers Parts Managers Body Shop Managers Each topic represents a different The DLA Automotive Training Centers offer all DealershipsDLA Trainer who specializes in their the ability to engage in a superior Training Program with a strong curriculum and top-notch training. specialized area of expertise. The DLA Training Centers offer a full range of courses to meet the Training needs of everyone in the Dealership! For more information regarding available DLA courses, please call 800-374-3314 ext. 215 or visit us online at: www.davidlewis.com
ONLINE DEALERSHIP TRAININGIndustry Leading Training Available Any Time on Any Device.Training on Your Schedule What You Will LearnThe DLA Online Training Program is designed to DLA Online was developed by car people who trainlet you train at your own pace. Each training module car people. With a built in, extensive reporting andwalks the viewer step-by-step through the desired certification program, you will know which videosprocess, making learning easy and fun. DLA Online are being watched and comprehended. Our onlineprovides you and your staff access to over 1,000 courses will help your Dealership capitalize on everyvideos and 300+ hours of great material and is opportunity in every aspect of your Dealership. Buildavailable 24/7 on any device. your team and your profits with DLA Online training! • SALES • F&I • SECONDARY FINANCE • INTERNET / BDC • SALES MANAGEMENT • LEADERSHIP • TRAIN the TRAINER • WINNERS vs. LOSERS • SERVICE ADVISORIncluded with our Online Training is access to our state-of-the-art Training Centers, which allows you to sendyour staff away for comprehensive Training in their individual positions. You can send anyone at anytimeto any of our classes for a low member fee.For more information, please call 800-374-3314 ext. 215 15 Visit us online at: www.davidlewis.com
For information regarding course availability, please call Mary Mannella at 800-374-3314 ext. 215 or visit us at: www.davidlewis.com
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