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Published by bsmith, 2016-12-27 14:48:37

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Dealership JANUARY 2017 TM A David Lewis & Associates Publication BSeeVWlnalaielinnunfigdest Upselling Service with ConfidenceWhen Leasing is the Best Way to Go A.I. and the Auto Industry

Publisher’s Note Dealership TM Message from David A David Lewis & Associates Publication 2016 was a great year and certainly JANUARY 2017 one of the most interesting with an election that kept us all on edge and PUBLISHER produced a lot of concerns about the David Lewis future of our country and our industry. Our new President Elect, Donald [email protected] Trump, certainly kept the Detroit auto manufacturers out front reminding us all GRAPHIC COORDINATOR how much our industry has changed and Brian Smith the importance he places on rebuildingour manufacturing processes here in America. With the great influx of [email protected] made cars and the trend toward outsourcing to other countries,the manufacturing power of Detroit is certainly not what it used to be. SALES DIRECTORYet, in spite of all of these things, 2016 was a great year for the retail Mary Mannellaautomotive industry. Sales were better than expected and as we go intothe New Year, we can look forward to even greater opportunities for [email protected] and success. As always, it is important to remember that ourown personal success depends upon how well we plan our work and TRAINING LIAISONhow faithfully we work our plan. This month’s article entitled ‘Start Priscilla Youngthe Year with Clear Goals’ offers insight into how to plan your workto achieve the goals you want to accomplish in your business this year. [email protected], here we are at the beginning of the New Year and it is a time tofocus on the future. Time to set new goals for the year and to do what CIRCULATION / SUBSCRIPTIONSwe can to enhance our skills and organize the plans we have for the Jennifer Pottersuccess we desire to achieve. It is important to monitor our progressand regularly measure the results we are having so we can know how [email protected] get where we want to go.In this issue of Dealership Overdrive we have several articles about the CONTRIBUTING WRITERSfuture of our industry. ‘A.I. and the Automotive Industry’ is a good Dino DeLucaread if you have an interest in what is happening in the field of artificialintelligence. ‘Elon Musk – Tesla’s Mad Scientist’ gives insight into [email protected] world of one of the auto industries forward thinking entrepreneurs.There is also a look back at the past in the article entitled ‘A History of Becky NixonCrash Test Dummies.’For those of you who are Service Advisors ‘Up Selling Service with [email protected]’ is a good article to help you deal with some of the commonthings that can sap your incentive and send you to the comfort zone. Brian ShermanAnd, there are several articles that should be of interest to those of youwho work in sales. [email protected] should be a great year for ramping up your business whether youare just getting started or have been in the business for quite a while. Bill TaylorLast year was a great year for retail automotive and the predictions forthe next 12 months point to another period of growth in our industry. [email protected] we aim high we stand a great chance to have a wonderful year ofsuccess ahead of us. And, don’t forget to sign up for any of the training Dealership OverDrive magazine makes every attempt toyou need to help you reach your goals this year. We now have three ensure the accuracy of all published material. However itDLA training centers offering courses in every aspect of the retail cannot be held responsible for opinions expressed or factsautomotive industry. Sign-up early for the ones you plan to take as supplied herein. Nothing may be reproduced in whole orclasses are already starting to fill up. in part without written permission from the publisher. AllWishing you a great start to the New Year. rights reserved. The publisher encourages you to submit suggestions. Submitted materials become the property ofDavid Lewis - President, David Lewis & Associates, Inc. David Lewis & Associates, Inc. and will not be returned. Send material for publication to 10 Suntree Place, Melbourne,2 Dealership OverDrive FL 32940. The editor reserves the right to edit material; submission of material constitutes permission to edit and publish that material. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is presented with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. From a Declaration of Principles jointly adopted by a Committee of the American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers.

contents 4 Start the Year with Clear Goals 7 Selling Value and Benefit Wins 10 What’s So Special About Your Dealership? 13 Elon Musk: Tesla’s Mad Scientist 16 A History of Crash Test Dummies 20 A.I. and the Auto Industry 24 Upselling Service with Confidence 27 When Leasing is the Best Way to Dealership OverDrive 3

Start theYear withClear Goals“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” - Jim RohnPlanning the New Year is much like closing you have for winning. And, the sooner you get a book that is finished and opening a new started the better off you will be. one you are just starting to read. That in partis why people love the idea of making New Year’s Like New Year’s resolutions that usually don’tresolutions – the thought of starting over with make it past the first couple of months, goals arefresh zeal and new possibilities. It can be very easy to write on paper and just as easy to forgetexciting to look ahead to all the things you want to as time passes. In most cases we don’t make theaccomplish this year. It feels especially good if daily short-term goals we need to accomplish a bigyou manage to reach your goals in 2016. If it priority. Daily goals are the ones you make thatdidn’t happen to go as well as you had hoped, don’t require anyone else to do anything to makemaybe it’s time to examine the steps you took and them happen. If they do happen they happenhow much you applied yourself the reach your because of you. You must take the position – “Ifobjectives. Now is a good time to consider the it’s going to be it’s up to me!”above quote about discipline and what it takes tomake your goals become a reality. What I mean by that is when we think about setting goals what often comes to mind are the dreams weIn the retail automotive business it is a common have for how we want our life to go for the bigpractice to work goals on a month-to-month basis. things we want to accomplish. But daily goals areThat’s why so many sales managers open every the things we make happen by the actions we takenew monthly sales meeting something like this: day in and day out regardless of how we feel or how much we want to do them. These are things“Well last month was good, but what are you going like prospecting, follow-up, and dealing withto do for me this month?” problems that occur and the daily grind often referred to as “hard work”.I’m sure that seems like a good idea at the timefrom a sales manager point of view, but for your Success is not guesswork. It is the consistentown personal goals you need to be more specific actions we take and the real commitment we haveand certainly not depend upon anyone else to to achieving the goals that will make us successful.define where you want to go in this business. Much like putting a storyboard together for aRetail automotive sales offers great success if you presentation, you should envision your goals andcan master the art of setting and working the goals4 Dealership OverDrive

what you want to achieve, and then outline the something special that will entice them to comesteps that will be required to make them come to back in to check it out. If you have their mobilepass. The more you develop a clear vision for phone or email send them a little video messagewhat you want the easier it will be to define the as a way of being a bit different and remindingactions required to get there. them who you are. If you treated them well but they continued to shop, maybe they heard the sameFor instance, suppose you averaged twelve cars a old stuff from every other salesperson they havemonth last year and you want to raise your average spoken to since and by your contacting them withto fifteen this year. That may not seem like a big a text or online video message they may rememberjump for a yearly goal, but think of it like this: If you were different and unique.your average commission was $350 and you soldthree additional vehicles each month that would Your best friend is the contact information youraise your income by over $12,000 this year. And have gotten from Customers. Don’t underestimatethat is not including the bonus money you would the value that information has for you. Alwaysmake or any F&I income you might get in the make it a priority to get the best number, email andprocess. social contact information so you can stay in touch with potential or former Customers.“So how do I get there?” you might be asking.“What do you need to do to make that happen?” It is important today to learn how to use all that the Internet offers in the way of connecting withFirst you need to know what you are doing now your customers. Most people who use Facebook,to make what you are already making. How much Twitter, Instagram and other social networkstime do you invest in raising your skill level let their friends and followers know about thethrough education and staying in touch with the businesses and people they like to deal with.information you need to keep growing yourself These can be powerful resources if you learn howand your business? When you come to the to harness them for your business and how todealership do you know what you’re going to do properly engage with others on those platforms.that day? Have you set clear goals for what youwant to accomplish and how you’re going to do it? If you are not already doing video introductionsIf not, why not? and walkaround presentations you should take advantage of this great resource. Texting orIf you come prepared to shoot from the hip without emailing potential buyers on these communicationa well structured plan you will most likely see only networks really works and if it is not somethingthe walk-in customers who come to the dealership you are tuned in to yet don’t procrastinate anyon their own accord. When you come to work longer. It really doesn’t take anything more than ayou should hit the floor running and already know smart phone or digital camera and a little tripod towho you are going to contact or follow-up to bring mount it on and your business selling cars online.someone in who is specifically coming to speakwith you. Long-term goals are great as are medium and short term goals. But in truth all of them dependCall the people you spoke to recently who did upon the efforts of your daily work habits to bringnot buy and continued to shop after they left those goals fruition. Having clear daily, weekly,your dealership. If they haven’t already bought monthly, quarterly and annual goals and workingsomething chances are they will buy a car within that with confidence and discipline is the best waythe next week or two and you want to be the one to see your lifetime dreams come true. But it’sthat sells it to them. Ask how they are doing in what you do between now and then every day thattheir shopping process and invite them back in for will really make the difference in your level ofanother look. Always be prepared to offer them success in this Dealership OverDrive 5

ReceptionisDtLA•TrPainhingofonr e Operator Administrative Assistant This four-hour class will develop the skill level of your Receptionist or Phone Operator thereby creating a more pleasant environment. Focus in this course is placed on understanding the Customer, creating an environment of comfort and the development of time management. In 90% of the cases your Receptionist or Phone Operator is the first contact your Customers will have with your Dealershiplet’s make it one of the best contacts.For more information please call 800-374-3314 ext. 215 or register online at:

Selling Value andBenefit WinsAlthough most people know Albert Einstein what will benefit them. Before you start selling as a great physicist or scientist, he was to the customer you must find out what it is they indeed a wise philosopher as well. Of the value in a car and what benefits will be importantmany guiding principles he taught through the life he to them. A common mistake is trying to sell thelived, one of my favorites is his advice on success: customer on the things the salesperson values rather than what appeals to the customer. Listen“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” intently and ask the kinds of questions that will narrow the search down so you don’t waste timeThat is tremendous advice for anyone who sells selling them on things they don’t want or need.for a living. There is no one single idea of whatsuccess really is but, in the end, our life is often The very first thing you want to sell to the customerdefined by how we treat and value those around us. is you. When they feel certain you are someoneThis is a good thing to remember in how we view they can deal with they will gladly cooperate withour customers. Great salespeople know that it isn’t your sales presentation. Always remember thatall about selling and telling. In reality it comes down perception is reality and will set the boundaries forto how well we promote the value and benefits of the customers cooperation. Their perception of youthe products and services we have to offer. will determine how willing they are to open up to your process and the way you sell cars.Like beauty, value is in the eye of the beholder.As a car salesperson you must first discover what You must resist any temptation to use pressure andthe customer values before you can know what instead focus on discovering what they want in avalues to sell them. Until you understand what the vehicle. This includes the questions you ask, butcustomer is trying to accomplish you cannot know Continued on next Dealership OverDrive 7

Selling Value and Benefit Wins, continuedalso paying attention to their body language and vehicles and option packages in their categorythe things that perk their interest during your of choice. Let the customer’s interest guide youinitial Meet and Greet and Discovery process. through the process. In most cases they will be drawn to certain colors or styles first and then startToday’s customers have tremendous access to the glancing at window stickers to get an idea of thekind of information that can help them determine price range they are in.what they want in a vehicle. The Internet providesgreat opportunity for them to plan how they are While it is true that buyers often know what theygoing to handle the shopping process. In the want in the way of body style and options, it iscase of that kind of buyer, if they come to your also true that emotion plays a big part in thedealership they probably already know you have buying decision. Be careful not to rely on onewhat they are looking for in a car - at least in a while ignoring the other. It is often the emotionalgeneral sense. So the next step for them is to aspect of the shopping process that will drive thedecide if the salesperson they talk to is someone final decision. The more you come to understandthey want to deal with. Until they solve that the customer’s wants and need, the more likelyquestion moving forward can be a process fraught you are to put them in a vehicle that will appealwith obstacles and resistance. You have to earn to them and inspire perk their emotional desirestheir business by showing them the benefits and as well.value of buying from you. Remember, focus on what is interesting to themSome salespeople don’t have time for that kind and not just what you think is great about theof involvement because they are postured to sell vehicle. If styling, color and sportiness triggersa car today no matter what it takes. When this is their buying emotions, focus on what the car hasthe case they will quickly jump to the lowest price to offer in those things. If they are looking forrather than take the time to apply their skills to something for their growing family, give closeconnecting with the customer. This is especially attention to the space and safety features thetrue at dealerships that constantly advertise things vehicle they are looking at has to ‘lowest price guarantee’, ‘zero percent interestrate’ or ‘push it, pull it drag it’ statements on By selling value and benefits that appeal to yourtrade-in values. If that is the focus of all of your customers you demonstrate that you have theiradvertising it can be difficult to take customers best interest in mind. Since most shoppersbeyond those promises. believe that car salespeople only care about their commission and getting another sale on the board,So what do customers want in a vehicle? The first you will stand out as different and unique frompart of answering that can start with a couple of what they would usually expect. Once youquick and simple, but logical, questions: have solid confidence and affirmation from the customers that you are on the right vehicle for“Mr. Customer, are you looking for a new or used them, begin to sell the value and benefits the of thecar, a Ford or a Honda, a sedan or a coupe?” dealerships service and customer support. Do that well and you will probably not have to deal withThese are non-threatening questions that offer hard pricing negotiations when you get to theno pressure or give the customer any reason to closing table.become defensive. If you start selling before youknow the answers to those questions you may find And oh yes, don’t forget, once you have doneyourself spending hours with shoppers who never everything you can to earn their business, ask forbecome buyers. But once you have a basic idea the sale with these 7 powerful words:of what they are looking for, start walking throughyour inventory, beginning with the lowest cost “Would you like to buy the car?”8 Dealership OverDrive

Grow Your Bottom Line Advanced F&I Courses For today’s business manager who wants to continuetheir education through highly developed F&I concepts.Please call Mary Mannella at 800-374-3314 ext. 215 or visit us at:

What’s sospecial aboutYour Dealership?Industry research has consistently shown that where they work. Regardless of how much car buyers have three priorities when it comes someone likes a certain vehicle you have on your time to purchase a new vehicle. Though most lot, or even how well they get along with thepeople think price is always at the top of the list salesperson who is serving them, unless they havethat is not necessarily true. Of course people confidence that the dealership is there to supportwant to get a good deal whenever they can, but their product and services in a professional andreasonable shoppers know that a business needs to customer friendly way they may choose to gomake a profit and they are more concerned about elsewhere to purchase the vehicle.the quality of product and services they receive.Here are the three priorities that car buyers have The Showroomconsistently said are the most important to them: What about your showroom in general. Is it a place1. The Vehicle that is attractive to customers with an environment2. The Salesperson that draws people to want to do business there?3. The Dealership Are certificates of honor and quality visible to the customers and are the people working thereNumber one and two are fairly obvious to most outgoing and friendly? The atmosphere of apeople, but often car salespeople forget how dealership showroom says a lot to customers andimportant number three is and they don’t take time can play a big part in their purchasing learn how to present the value of the dealership10 Dealership OverDrive

Do salespeople go out of your way to introduce Customers want to know the quality of the peoplecustomers to the sales manager and others who who are going to be taking care of their vehiclewill be involved in the sales process? Some when they need service or maintenance. Theypeople like to know they have access to the people want to see certificates of qualification and hearin charge. It makes them feel important and that about all of the amenities and special treatmenttheir business is important as well. that your dealership provides after the sale has been made.The Service Walk They want to know what to do when it’s time toRegrettably, many salespeople don’t know how bring their car in for maintenance. Should theyto properly present their dealership and depend park and then come in to talk to somebody at thesolely on the first two items on the list to carry service desk or do they drive right into the servicethe sale. They do their vehicle presentation well drive as soon as they come for their appointment?and they connect well with the customer and Does your dealership provide transportation andcreate the perception that they are someone they shuttle service? What is the best time to bringcan deal with. They follow their sales process and their car in and is it better to drop it off or wait inthe proper steps for a professional presentation the service lounge? Who do they call to make anright down to the final vehicle walkaround that appointment and if need be do you have a loanerusually follows the demonstration drive. Then, or rental service available when extensive workwhen they feel the Customer has taken mental is required?ownership of the vehicle, many salespeople feelit’s time to close the deal and they make a quick All of these things are important to customerspass through the service Department right to their and a salesperson should practice the servicesales desk for negotiations. walk until it is like a work of art. Always have good relationships with the managers, advisorsWhen this happens they eliminate from their sales and technicians so they can help the customerpresentation one of the most important steps of the understand how much they appreciate theirsale: the Service Walk. business and the opportunity to serve them.There are few things that provide a salesperson Does your service lounge make a good impressionwith the opportunity to present the dealership on customers and present a good environmentbetter than the Service Walk. This is where the for those who choose to wait there for servicecustomer hears about how the dealership will take to be completed? Do you have a clean area forcare of them after they drive away with a new car. refreshments and plenty of up-to-date readingThis is where they get a chance to formally meet material with Wi-Fi access for those who need toyour service manager or advisor and here about work while they’re waiting in service to be done?how that part of the dealership functions and All of these can make a tremendous impact onto find out from the people who will be taking customers and help them choose your dealershipcare their vehicle and how much they value as a place to buy their new car.the opportunity to protect their investment withgood service. Never underestimate the impact that your dealership can make on customers. As I’ve stated, it is part ofDuring an inspirational sales presentation it is the big three priorities most customers have wheneasy to get the idea that you have wrapped the shopping for a new vehicle. If you leave it out ofdeal tight and all that needs to be done now is sign your presentation you shortchange your customersthe papers. That is a dangerous mindset to adopt and yourself and can jeopardize the sale that youand many great sales presentations end up crashing have worked so hard to earn.on the rocks of a poor or failed service Dealership OverDrive 11

You shouldn’t operatein either room without the proper training.Salespeople • Sales Managers • Internet/BDC Managers • Internet/BDC Staff • F&I Service Advisors • Service Managers • Parts Managers • Body Shop ManagersPHILADELPHIA, PA – MONTVALE, NJ – PITTSBURGH, PAWith 3 locations to serve you, the DLA Automotive Training Centers offer all dealerships the ability to engage in top notch training.For more information regarding available DLA courses, please call 800-374-3314 ext. 21512 Dealership OverDrive or visit us online at:

Elon Musk:Tesla’s MadScientistIn the automotive industry Elon Musk, the degrees in both business and physics before founder of Tesla motors, is certainly someone leaving for Stanford University in California to who is always reaching for the next phase of earn a PhD in energy physics. However, aftertransportation progress. At 45 years of age he has just two days at Stanford he dropped out to takealready achieved things most men would revel in advantage of the Internet boom and started aafter a long and active life of creativity in business, company known as, industry and finance. Whether or not youagree with his version of reality and vision for the Then in 1999, a division of Compaq Computerfuture, no one can deny that he is a pioneer who Corporation bought Zip2 for $307 million in cashby his own dedication and entrepreneurial spirit and $34 million in stock options. Suddenly Muskhas become a highly respected giant in enterprise, was a multi-millionaire with a head full of ideasingenuity and forward thinking. and enough money to settle into a life of ease and pleasure. But retirement to a private island inStarting at the age of ten in his home country of the Caribbean was hardly what Elon Musk hadSouth Africa, Musk purchased his first computer in mind. Later that same year he co-foundedwhich he taught himself to program. By the time an online financial payments company calledhe was twelve, he had already created and sold his which was soon acquired and eventually tofirst software program — a soon to be extremely become the Online Payment Giant Paypal. Paypalpopular video game known as Blastar. was eventually acquired by eBay for $1.5 billion in stock. The rest is history in the making.In 1989, he moved to Canada to attend Queen’sUniversity, though he was only there for three Today, Elon Musk works on the cutting edge ofyears before transferring to the University ofPennsylvania. There he managed to obtain Continued on next Dealership OverDrive 13

Elon Musk: Tesla’s Mad Scientist, continuedsome of the most futuristic technologies in trav- in time we were actually made by a tomato.el on this planet or those where man has yet toventure. Founding his third company, Space-X, Seriously though, we can expect people within 2002, Musk has relentlessly moved toward his that level of intelligence and creativity to spendgoal to build spacecraft for commercial space travel. so much time thinking that they bump into crazyBy 2008, Space-X was well enough on the way ideas every now and then. That in no waythat NASA awarded the company a contract to diminishes the genius of the man himself.transport cargo to the International Space Station,with plans for astronaut transport in the future. Tesla MotorsThis is part of the move to privatize space traveland replace NASA’s own space shuttle missions. As a co-founder of Tesla Motors and someone who is deeply involved in the race for cleanMusk sees space as the next great frontier with a energy sources, the election of Donald Trump tolimitless potential for exploration and colonization. the White House may put a damper on some ofTo support this vision he has founded the Elon’s ambitions. Most of the government supportMusk Foundation, which is dedicated to space for things like climate change, renewable energy,exploration and the discovery of renewable and rechargeable batteries and windmills will probablyclean energy sources. be diverted to rebuilding traditional industries like coal and fossil fuels in order to regainRecently, Mr. Musk raised some eyebrows by energy independence and get people workingsuggesting that the odds are less than one in a again. Some see this as a harbinger of bad newsbillion or more that the world we live in is not for those who support the global warming theory,actually a simulated reality like that seen in the at least for the time being.Matrix movies of 1999 and the early 2000’s.Well, if he is right I hope you can get through this So what lies ahead for Tesla Motors and Elonarticle before whoever is playing the video game Musk? Tesla’s decision to end free charging inwe are in clicks us into another reality before you 2017 and charge small fees at its Superchargerget a chance to finish reading. stations may dampen the enthusiasm of potential customers. Of course they could reverse thatHere’s Mr. Musk’s reasoning behind that theory: decision since Trump was elected, but it remains“The strongest argument for us being in a simulation to be seen how any of these kinds of energyprobably is the following. Forty years ago we had advancements will fare under the newPong. Like, two rectangles and a dot. That was administration. With the launch of the “Modelwhat games were. Now, 40 years later, we have 3” sedan scheduled for 2018 Tesla was planningphotorealistic, 3D simulations with millions of to increase the company’s production topeople playing simultaneously, and it’s getting 500,000 vehicles.better every year. Soon we’ll have virtual reality,augmented reality. If you assume any rate of Regardless of how things work under the newimprovement at all, then the games will become administration for companies like Tesla Motors,indistinguishable from reality, even if that rate you can bet that Elon musk will find a way toof advancement drops by a thousand from what use his creative genius to benefit the human is now.” Whether that takes place here on the ground or in outer space remains to be seen. At forty-five heThat’s like saying that because we have been able still has plenty of time to figure that out and if heto duplicate plastic plants and fruits that look doesn’t like the way things are going in twentyexactly like the real thing we will probably soon years he could still retire to a private island in thebe able to replicate something we can actually eat. Caribbean and become the Captain Nemo of theBecause of that we can assume that at some point 21st Century.14 Dealership OverDrive

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A History of Crash Test DummiesCrash Test Dummies, better known in a test dummy to test how much G-Force the human the engineering word as Anthropomorphic body could withstand and still survive. Over the Test Devices, have played a major part in next eight years Stapp allowed himself to bethe history of the automotive industry for over subjected to high speed tests while strapped to ahalf a century. For the most part the only thing rocket sled traveling at hundreds of miles per hour.the rest of us know about them is what we seein auto industry safety commercials or consumer On December 10, 1954 Colonel Sapps rocket sledproduct review magazines. But to the manufacturers accelerated to 632 mph across the desert sandscompeting for strong safety evaluations for their of New Mexico making him the fastest man onvehicles, crash test dummies are a critical part of earth; this before hitting a sudden water break andtheir test process to ensure the safety of those who instantly decelerating to a complete stop in 1.1drive or occupy the vehicles they sell. seconds. He survived but burst all the capillaries in both eyes and was temporarily blind forHowever, the very first crash test dummy was no several days after. During this test Colonel Stappdummy at all. In 1946 Colonel John Stapp, a U.S. experienced 46.2 G’s, the equivalent of a carAir Force Doctor, became the first person to act as hitting a solid wall at 120 mph.16 Dealership OverDrive

The first artificial crash test dummy was created in in just a few milliseconds.1949 and aptly named the “Sierra Sam” as it wasdeveloped by Sierra Engineering Co. to be used for What scientists and engineers discovered was thatevaluation of U.S. Air Force aircraft ejection seats if they could make the car sacrifice itself and slowand was first tested on high speed rocket sleds. down the process of the stop impact on vehicleThe original “Sierra Sam” was a 95th percentile occupants, it could reduce the potential of themale dummy ― heavier and taller than 95% of impact’s ability to cause major damage to thosehuman males, they were originally modeled after inside the vehicle. This eventually resulted inthe typical size and weight of U.S. Air Force engineered “Crumple Zones” and the creationpilots. These were crude models built of steel and of a protective compartment around the occupantsrubber that merely had moveable parts and limbs known as “The Survival Cell”. The longer itand were primarily used to test for impact damage takes for the front and rear of the vehicle toon parachute jumpers when they hit the ground. crumble the slower the vehicle goes, thus loweringBut in 1956 Colonel Stapp adapted one of these the speed and the level of impact inside theas a test dummy for the domestic car industry. passenger compartment.Though not sophisticated enough to really monitor Today the ‘Survival Cell’ is the key element todamage potentials in a real auto correction test, car safety design. But going even further is theSierra Sam is still considered the grandfather of realization that during a high speed car crashcase test dummies and his initial testing paved the the car stops suddenly but the body is still movingway for the modern crash test dummies that have and hits anything in front of it that has stopped likebeen used ever since. the steering wheel, the windshield, the mirror, etc. And when the body finally stops the organs ofThe key to effective testing is based on what is the body are still moving. In this third phase theknown as Biofidelity: a measurement of the quality internal organs crash against the ribcage or theof being lifelike in appearance or responses which brain crashes against the skull cavity causingoften refers to dummies used in safety investigations internal damage to the occupant. This is knownof motor vehicles or in demonstrations of as the “3 Crashes Principle” that takes place incardiopulmonary resuscitation. In spite of the fact one single accident.that we know them as dummies, they are verysophisticated measuring instruments capable of By the 1960’s cars were getting more powerfulcalculating thousands of specific impact data Dealership OverDrive 17

and more numerous. Vehicle deaths were rising the Sierra and VIP testing to produce a new model,and the industry was looking for greater ways created the Hybrid 1, the father of the modernto protect the occupants inside of the Survival crash dummy. By 1973 a second version wasCell and to keep them from pushing forward introduced known as the Hybrid II. The Hybridor flying out of the car as the vehicle came to a II featured much more realistic human featuressudden stop. Waist level seat belts were installed of flexibility and body structure and had advancedbut were found to cause more damage than safety. calibration capabilities making it possible to measure the results of impact from more diverseThen in 1966 the VIP (very important person) situations and with much greater precision.crash dummy was created and based upon a moreaverage size of 170 pounds: the average size of Finally in 1977 the modern crash dummy that is50% of most adult humans. This more realistic still being used today, the new industry standardsize dummy with an enhanced pelvic design Hybrid III Anthropomorphic Testing Device, cameand rib cage area allowed VIP to be seated in a on the scene. With much greater neck and spinerealistic position behind the steering wheel. The articulation, Hybrid III closely mimics the humanresults of this testing was the foundation for the body’s response to impact in precise detail. Fullymodern seat 3 Point Safety Belt. VIP Became the loaded with sophisticated instrumentation in thefirst crash test dummy written into U.S. car safety head, rib cage and femur areas, he is responsiblemanufacturing legislation. for many of the chain’s affecting safety issues in the modern automobile.The next step in the process was to create a crashdummy that could produce repeatability and After 50 years of crash dummy testing in thereproducibility. Repeatable means the same automotive industry, the ultimate test of theirdummy will perform the same way again and value was put to a trial during a crash testagain. Reproducibility means that a similar dummy involving a 1959 Chevy Bel Air and a 2009of the same design must behave the same way. Malibu. Both were equipped with the latest available crash dummies seated behind the wheelThe VIP dummy and driven at high speed into an actual head on collision. The results were stunning. The dummySuddenly all auto manufacturers realized that car in the ‘59 Bel Air was completely shattered andsafety testing was going to be a critical necessity smashed in every way imaginable, while thefor producing safe vehicles and competing with Malibu dummy suffered minimal damage.other manufacturers on that basis. Today theaverage car crash dummy must endure 5 to With modern digital testing technology we are10 crashes repeated many times before it is now able to replicate even the most dramaticrecalibrated for the next testing cycle. A single vehicle impact and crash situations to finddummy may experience over 1000 crashes before better solutions for seating, airbags and survivalit becomes unusable. cell structures adding even more value for protecting the life of the vehicle occupants.Though the VIP dummy ranked high in Biofidelityit lacked repeatability and could not be calibrated Today’s crash test dummies are certainly a far cryfor more intense testing and reuse. After several from Sierra Sam and from the dangerous humanmajor court cases over safety issues the automobile testing by Col. John Sapp and others who pavedmanufacturers came together and concluded that the way by personal sacrifice. But the resultsthey needed one standard crash testing dummy to are undeniable in today’s modern vehicles whichbe used by all for uniform testing results. are the safest and most reliable in the area of protection than throughout the entire history ofIn 1971 General Motors, using the results from automotive development worldwide.18 Dealership OverDrive

Everything starts with the Customer Internet/BDC TrainingThis complete program for both internet and inbound phone leads. Expert Training from the initial contact with your customer through long term ongoing sold and unsold customer follow-up.For information, please call Mary Mannella at 800-374-3314 ext. 215 or visit us at: Dealership OverDrive 19

AAu.It.oanInddtuhsetryBenjamin Franklin once noted that most the machines, so I guess humans will never be of his inventions came about because he completely out of the loop. was naturally lazy and liked to make lifeas easy as possible. I suppose that is where his Of course, robots are nothing new to the autoidea for the rocking chair was born. If so, we industry. George Charles Devol was a man withall owe him a debt of gratitude for his admitted little former education but he was a consummatelaziness. There’s nothing wrong with spending inventor with over forty patents to his name. Hisa day of hard work if it will produce two or three work led to the development of the first industrialdays of rest as a reward. robot called Unimate. It was first put into use on a General Motors assembly line at the InlandMaybe this is in some way what drives the quest Fisher Guide Plant in Ewing Township New Jerseysome have for artificial intelligence. Wouldn’t in 1961. A self taught engineer with little formalit be wonderful if we didn’t have to do anything education, his Unimate robot arm was a precursorbecause we had machines to take care of all of of the machines that now automate assembly linesthe work for us? Still, someone has to build all over the world.20 Dealership OverDrive

Since the early days of Devols invention, robots driver’s decisions and habits.”have played a big part in the automotive productionprocess for decades. Take a quick visit to the “This information will enable cooperating brandEpcot Center at Disney World or take a tour of any and marketing professionals to “delivermajor auto manufacturing plant and you will be individualized location-based interactions thatamazed at how much is done by robots and other directly impact their target audiences. Companiesforms of artificial intelligence. in retail, fuel, hospitality, media and entertainment, restaurants and travel and transportation and moreAs car builders continue to incorporate more A.I. can use OnStar Go to build individualized mobile,into every aspect of the automotive industry, will in-vehicle experiences for a growing populationthe vehicle of the future be anything like what we of connected drivers that opt in.”know today as a car? With these new innovativetechnologies advancing rapidly into consumer Self-Driving Carsmarkets a revolution is occurring all around theglobe. In the modern world of transportation, With a bevy of auto manufacturers and severalmoving people and products is a primary focus of Silicon Valley tech-firms ramping up for driverlessthose who are involved with the dynamic world car production, many experts still predict thatof artificial intelligence. traffic accidents and fatalities will increase if they ever become a common thing on the road. ThoughToday, however, tremendous efforts are being Apple has dropped out of the competition formade by auto manufacturers to bring the rapid ad- now, Google marches on in spite of several recentvancement of artificial intelligence directly to the setbacks which they claim can be largely attributedconsumers who own and drive the vehicles they to their biggest obstacles: humans. The problemmake. Vehicles that think, self-drive, make their apparently is that driverless cars are programmedown decisions and even repair themselves when to obey the laws but people don’t always do thatthey breakdown, are not that far off in the future and they keep driving into the back of them.if auto engineers have any say about it. And they Apparently driverless cars drive even better thandefinitely do! we humans do.It wasn’t that long ago when power seats with But not all companies in this race are attemptingautomated settings for different drivers amazed all to build driverless cars from the ground up. Awho had those features in their vehicles. In 2017 European startup company named Brightbox isthe industry will introduce smart vehicles that will using video game technology to train the neuralactually sense who is in the car and set their per- networks at the heart of its latest driverless carsonal preferences for a multitude of functions of technology. With a history in automotive relatedefficiency, safety, and personal comfort. products, including their latest creation called Remoto Pilot, Brightbox looks to provideTake the Watson/OnStar Go system, a collaborative automated driving services that can be retrofittedeffort of GM and IBM. Starting this year OnStar to existing cars.Go will be available to some GM drivers givingthem the ability to control nearly every function Their product incorporates stereo vision workingavailable in their vehicle by accessing IBM’s alongside algorithms that are trained on neuralWatson cognitive mobility platform. networks; algorithms that were originally developed for vision technology. Working withAccording to, “With the customer’s high definition maps and global navigationpermission, Watson will be able to learn the satellite systems, Brightbox has a vision todriver’s preferences, apply machine learning andeven sift through data to recognize patterns in the Continued on next Dealership OverDrive 21

A.I. and the Auto Industry, continued that enable automatic online purchasing, money transactions and anything else that requiresmove us further along in the quest for self-driven Internet access.automobiles through equipping existing vehicleswith their products.Using pre-computed video samples and datasets Forward thinking companies like Uber are alreadyfrom a variety of road situations, Brightbox planning a future where artificial intelligence runsutilizes these to train their algorithms. One very their driverless vehicles, including apps usedinteresting aspect of their process is that instead for mass public transportation. Uber is alreadyof using real world footage to train their neural working a similar system for moving freight and innetworks they used footage from games like October of last year the ride-hailing giant teamedGrand Theft Auto to do that job. up with AB InBev to transport Budweiser beer in a self-driven freight vehicle, which they say is theConnected Cars world’s first such commercial delivery.A Connected car is simply one that is equipped So, old Ben Franklin would probably find today’swith Internet access and, in most cases, a wireless world to be a place of his liking since it all startedLAN (local area network). This allows the car to with him flying a kite in a rainstorm while tryingshare internet access with other devices inside to find out what lightning was, and how to harnessthe vehicle as well as those operating from other it for practical use. Who knows what the worldsources outside. A Connected Car is outfitted will look like in twenty years, but once people getwith special technologies that tap into the internet used to living in an automated world they may findvia a wireless LAN giving the driver access to themselves, like Ben and his rocking chair, havingadditional benefits and services. These can be a lot more time to relax and think about the deeperanything from GPS Connections to functions things in life.22 Dealership OverDrive “I meant, how flexible are you on the price?”

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Upselling Servicewith ConfidenceWorking as a Service Advisor can be a the past, you don’t always hear a noise, feel a role with lots of responsibilities and vibration or smell something that identifies that challenges. One of those responsibilities there is a problem. In many cases service advisorsis to inform customers about products or services must rely on what the testing equipment is tellingthat will keep their car running better and help them or what the technician is recommending.maintain its ability to serve them well. One ofthe challenges is that some customers will dispute At times like this a Service Advisor can feeltheir conclusions or advice if they think what they like they are in the bad news delivery business.are recommending is not necessary. Especially when on certain days it seems like the only news they have to deliver is bad news. ItThis can be a common customer response with can be hard to maintain their confidence when thistoday’s vehicles because, unlike automobiles of24 Dealership OverDrive

happens and easy to slip into the comfort zone of the service advisors and technicians. The advisora status quo performance. must have confidence that when they tell the customer they need a cabin air filter per theThis becomes especially dangerous when it comes technician’s advice the Customer isn’t going to say:to up selling products and services to customers.They certainly want to give them what they want “That’s funny! I just had that replaced last monthand need, but as a service advisor their job is to somewhere else”.advise their customers on things they believe willbenefit them and help maintain the value of their They must be confident that the technician’sinvestment. In order to do that they must have diagnosis is exactly what the vehicle needs toconfidence in their own abilities and in the fix the problem right the first time.customers commitment to see that their vehicleis well maintained. Confidence is key, and the advisor needs to realize that when he or she is not confident in theOften preventative maintenance is where an recommended solution, and the issue is theadvisor needs that confidence the most. They technician, the advisor must investigate so theyknow it is the best thing for the vehicle but the can get their head around what is needed in ordercustomer may feel like they are taking advantage to properly serve the customer.of them or selling them something they don’treally need. Customers can read an advisor’s body language and they can sense when an advisor isn’t convincedConfidence is key in what they are saying; they can even sometimes hear it in the advisors voice on the phone. ThisService advisors often get a bad rap because of can cause the customer to lose confidence andsomething that was done somewhere else where possibly seek another opinion somewhere else.the customer was not treated ethically or the workwas poor or way over priced. Many customers When a guy plans a big night out where he is goingcome in with a defensive posture and it’s up to to ask his girl to marry him, he will be betterthe service advisor to know how to handle that prepared and more daring if he has confidence thatin such a way that they diffuse the customer’s he bought the right ring and has confidence thatdefensiveness in order to provide them with the the person who sold him the ring knew what theybest service possible. were talking about in advising him to buy that particular ring. This gives him confidence thatA service advisor must have confidence that the the girl will say, Yes!technician has performed a thorough multi-pointinspection and that everything the vehicle needs Selling is all about confidence, do you think ahas been given to them to present to the customer. batter at the plate can sense if a pitcher is or isAfter all, what is the use of doing such an inspection not confident? If the pitcher isn’t confident, andif you don’t have confidence in both the technician he throws the pitch anyway, who typically comesand the technology? Auto manufacturers have made out ahead?tremendous advancements to vehicles throughdigital technology. But that also means that service Confidence to up sell to customers comes from theand maintenance needs often depend on a computers confidence an advisor has in their own abilities andability to identify problems and prescribe solutions. in the technicians that prepare the analysis to be delivered to the customer. When this is in placeConfidence is key to delivering a successful they can approach the customer with confidencecustomer experience and that confidence often and, in most cases, the customer will respect theircomes through the quality of relationships between advice and have the additional work Dealership OverDrive 25

Overdue for a Fixed Ops tune-up?Increase your Customer Pay! Boost your Service Performance with customized In-Dealership Fixed Ops Training.For information, call 800-374-3314 ext. 215 or visit www.davidlewis.com26 Dealership OverDrive

When Leasing is the Best Way to GoThings have really changed over the last having leasers remorse. 10 years or so when it comes to leasing a car rather than buying one. For car So, when is leasing the best way to go, and howsalespeople it is important to understand how should the salesperson prepare their customer forthis can advantage your customers and how to a lease presentation in the finance department?introduce customers to the benefits that leasing Those are both very good questions for sure.can offer them if they are in the market for a So let’s look at some of the pros and cons ofnew vehicle. leasing in order to get a better picture of how you can equip your customers for understanding someIn the early 90s, when leasing started taking off of the potential benefits of leasing.with non-commercial customers most salespeopleknew very little about the process and would often The Pros of Leasingtry to protect their customers from it if they felt itwas not something they would ultimately be happy #1. Less Commitmentwith. In some cases they would even quietlywarn customers that they might be hard sold on For customers who prefer to drive a new vehicleleasing when they went to F&I to sign the papers. every 2 to 3 years leasing can be a tremendousThis was done in an effort to make sure the deal option. And since most lease programs run fromwent through or, in some cases, from fear the 24 to 36 months, the customer can have somecustomers might blame them if they ended up assurance they won’t get tired of the car before their payment period runs out. However, if they Continued on next Dealership OverDrive 27

Getting the Best out of your BDC , continued #2. Most leasing contracts restrict the number of miles driven per yeardecide they want to keep the car they can buy outthe lease and retain full ownership of the vehicle. Of course if the customer knows they will drive more miles they can pay for that up front, but#2. New car vs. used generally the lease has a 12 to 15,000 mile annual limit.Often the price of buying a new car puts themout of reach for some buyers. Purchasing only #3. Lease finance charges are often higher than charges fora portion of the vehicles life potential by leasing purchasingit can make a new one attainable where itotherwise may not be something they can afford. This is something that can also raise the payment substantially. In leasing terms this is called the#3. Lower monthly payments money factor. This affects monthly payments and is used to calculate the effective lease rateThis option alone can be a selling point for according to the number of months of the lease.leasing. Customers who tend to purchase a carbased on the monthly payment amount can often #4. Wear and tear penalty fees can be added at the end of thefind themselves eager to take the leasing option. leaseSince they are essentially paying only for the timethey will use the vehicle they only finance that If they fail to take care of the vehicle it will usuallyportion of the usage and miles driven instead cost them and the amount could be substantial. Thepaying for the whole thing. lessee should be absolutely clear on how these fees will be calculated when the term of the lease expires.#4. Little or no down payment #5. The customer doesn’t gain ownership equity over the vehicleDown payments on a lease are usually much lowerand sometimes not even required. This can be very When the lease is up they have no equity in theenticing to someone who does not want to come vehicle. It goes back to the finance company toup with a sizable down payment. Trade-ins can be sold as a pre-leased vehicle or sometimes thealso be included in the deal which, if they are fully dealership will buy out the rest of the term andowned by the customer, can make a big dent in add it to their pre-owned vehicle inventory.up front requirements or lower the amount of themonthly payment. As you can see, leasing can be a less expensive way for your customers to get the new car they#5. New car Warranty are looking for. And keep in mind, many things can still be negotiated in a lease. When you areHaving the vehicle covered by the manufacturer’s considering the leasing option with your customerwarranty can be a big incentive to lease. Leasing make sure you don’t commit to something the F&Ican mean no out-of-pocket expenses for normal Department or management will not appreciate.maintenance or repair fees during the lease period. Sometimes a sales manager can be helpful if the customer has questions you can‘t answer andThe Cons of Leasing they would like to speak with someone else before going into F&I.#1. Leasing may require more costly insurance coverage Leasing isn’t for everyone but it can certainly beThis of course is regulated by the various states a tremendous benefit for the right car shoppers.but it can cause an otherwise lower payment to With the percentage of people choosing to leaseclimb. Of course the lessee would be better off vehicles growing rapidly it is definitely somethingwith higher levels of insurance but if they were you should be able to present to your customers asleasing to save money this may take away their a possible option to consider.incentive for leasing. Some insurance companiesrequire more coverage, lower deductibles and/or a www.davidlewis.comdeposit in the amount of the deductible to be heldin escrow in lieu of an accident.28 Dealership OverDrive

UpcomingCourses Philadelphia Training CenterJAN 1/2 Entry Level Sales (Day 1) FEB 2/7 Advanced Sales: Level 1 1/3 Entry Level Sales (Day 2) 2/8 Advanced Sales Program (Day1) Objections: Level 1 1/4 Entry Level Sales (Day 3) 2/9 Advanced Sales Program (Day 2) Leasing for Salespeople (9-1pm) 1/5 Entry Level Sales (Day 4) 2/10 Prospecting & Follow-Up (1-5pm) Advanced F&I Concepts (Day 1) Advanced Sales Program (Day 3) 2/13 Phone-Ups: Level 1 1/6 Entry Level Sales (Day 5) 2/14 Advanced Sales Program (Day 4) Advanced F&I Concepts (Day 2) 2/15 Entry Level Sales (Day 1) 2/16 Entry Level Sales (Day 2) 1/9 Receptionist/Phone Operator (9-1pm) Entry Level Sales (Day 3) Understanding Your Customer (1-5pm) Entry Level Sales (Day 4) 1/10 Advanced Sales: Level 1 Advanced Sales Program (Day 1) 1/11 Objections: Level 1 Advanced Sales Program (Day 2) 1/12 Leasing for Salespeople (9-1pm) 2/17 Entry Level Sales (Day 5) Prospecting & Follow-Up (1-5pm) 2/21 Advanced Service Advisor Techniques Advanced Sales Program (Day 3) Advanced Service Advisor Program (Day 1) 1/13 Phone-Ups: Level 1 2/22 Understanding the Service Customer (9-1pm) Advanced Sales Program (Day 4) Service Advisor Phone Techniques (1-5pm) 1/17 Advanced Sales Management Advanced Service Advisor Program (Day 2) Advanced Sales Management Program (Day 1) 2/23 Effective Service Walk-Arounds (9-1pm) Entry Level Service Advisor (Day 1) Advanced Service Advisor Program (Day 3) 2/27 Entry Level Sales (Day 1) 1/18 Leadership (9-1pm) 2/28 Entry Level Sales (Day 2) Coaching (1-5pm) Advanced Sales Management Program (Day 2) Entry Level Service Advisor (Day 2) 1/19 Advanced Management Negotiations (9-1pm) Hiring/Motivation (1-5pm) Advanced Sales Management Program (Day 3) Entry Level Service Advisor (Day 3) 1/20 Train the Trainer (9-1pm) Leasing for Managers (1-5pm) Advanced Sales Management Program (Day 4) Entry Level Service Advisor (Day 4) 1/23 Negotiations for Salespeople (9-1pm) Common Mistakes Salespeople Make (1-5pm) 1/24 Internet/BDC: Lead Generation (Day 1) 1/25 Internet/BDC: Lead Generation (Day 2) 1/30 Entry Level Sales (Day 1) 1/31 Entry Level Sales (Day 2)For more information call 800-374-3314 ext. 215Scheduled course dates are subject to change without prior notice. Please check for updated class dates and Dealership OverDrive 29

UpcomingCourses NY/NJ Metro Training CenterJAN 1/17 Advanced Sales: Level 1 FEB 2/1 Advanced Service Advisor Techniques Advanced Sales Program (Day 1) Advanced Service Advisor Program (Day 1) 1/18 Objections: Level 1 2/2 Understanding the Service Customer (9-1pm) Advanced Sales Program (Day 2) Service Advisor Phone Techniques (1-5pm) 1/19 Leasing for Salespeople (9-1pm) Advanced Service Advisor Program (Day 2) Prospecting & Follow-Up (1-5pm) 2/3 Effective Service Walk-Arounds (9-1pm) Advanced Sales Program (Day 3) Advanced Service Advisor Program (Day 3) 1/20 Phone-Ups: Level 1 2/7 Advanced Sales: Level 1 Advanced Sales Program (Day 4) Advanced Sales Program (Day 1) 1/23 Entry Level Sales (Day 1) 2/8 Objections: Level 1 1/24 Entry Level Sales (Day 2) Advanced Sales Program (Day 2) 1/25 Entry Level Sales (Day 3) 2/9 Leasing for Salespeople (9-1pm) 1/26 Entry Level Sales (Day 4) Prospecting & Follow-Up (1-5pm) 1/27 Entry Level Sales (Day 5) Advanced Sales Program (Day 3) 2/10 Phone-Ups: Level 1 Advanced Sales Program (Day 4) 2/14 Advanced Sales Management Advanced Sales Management Program (Day 1) 2/15 Leadership (9-1pm) Coaching (1-5pm) Advanced Sales Management Program (Day 2) 2/16 Advanced Management Negotiations (9-1pm) Hiring / Motivation (1-5pm) Advanced Sales Management Program (Day 3) 2/17 Train the Trainer (9-1pm) Leasing for Managers (1-5pm) Advanced Sales Management Program (Day 4) 2/27 Entry Level Sales (Day 1) 2/28 Entry Level Sales (Day 2) For more information please “Becky Nixon was very informative in call 800-374-3314 ext. 215 her presentation on Business Etiquette. Too often we take ourselves and our Scheduled course dates are subject to change without prior notice. clients for granted and may blame the Please check for updated class dates and details. wrong method for the cost opportunity. Taking a step back and embracing30 Dealership OverDrive the right technique or process breeds success. Thank you Becky for teaching me the simple things I personally took for granted.” - Brian O’Callaghan, Sales at Conicelli Toyota

UpcomingCourses Pittsburgh Training CenterJAN1/10 Advanced Sales Management 2/1 Entry Level Sales (Day 3) Advanced Sales Management Program 2/2 Entry Level Sales (Day 4) 1/11 2/3 Entry Level Sales (Day 5) FEB(Day 1) 1/12 Entry Level Service Advisor (Day 1) 1/13 AUTOMOTIVE TRAINING CENTERLeadership (9-1pm) 1/17 1/18 Coaching (1-5pm) 1/19 Advanced Sales Management Program (Day 2) Entry Level Service Advisor (Day 2) 1/20 Advanced Management Negotiations (9-1pm) 1/24 Hiring/Motivation (1-5pm) 1/25 2/6 Advanced Service Manager Concepts 1/26 Advanced Service Management Program (Day 1) 2/7 Management Service Advisor Training (9-1pm) Advanced Service Revenue Creation (1-5pm) Advanced Service Management (Day 2) Advanced Sales Management Program (Day 3) 2/8 Understanding the Service Customer (9-1pm) Entry Level Service Advisor (Day 3) Advanced Service BDC Concepts (1-5pm) Advanced Service Management Program (Day 3) Train the Trainer (9-1pm) Leasing for Managers (1-5pm) Advanced Sales Management Program (Day 4) 2/9 Advanced F&I Concepts (Day 1) Internet / BDC: Lead Generation (Day 1) Entry Level Service Advisor (Day 4) 2/10 Advanced F&I Concepts (Day 2) Advanced Sales: Level 1 Internet / BDC: Lead Generation (Day 2) Advanced Sales Program (Day 1) 2/14 Advanced Sales: Level 1 Objections: Level 1 Advanced Sales Program (Day 1) Advanced Sales Program (Day 2) 2/15 Objections: Level 1 Leasing for Salespeople (9-1pm) Advanced Sales Program (Day 2) Prospecting & Follow-Up (1-5pm) Advanced Sales Program (Day 3) 2/16 Leasing for Salespeople (9-1pm) Prospecting & Follow-Up (1-5pm) Phone-Ups: Level 1 Advanced Sales Program (Day 3) Advanced Sales Program (Day 4) 2/17 Phone-Ups: Level 1 Common Mistakes Salespeople Make (9-1pm) Advanced Sales Program (Day 4) Negotiations for Salespeople (1-5pm) 2/27 Entry Level Sales (Day 1) Pittsburgh, PASocial Media for Salespeople Business Etiquette (9-1pm) 2/28 Entry Level Sales (Day 2) Receptionist/Phone Operator (1-5pm)1/30 Entry Level Sales (Day 1)1/31 Entry Level Sales (Day 2)“Very informative and refreshing to learn somethingnew. Being in the business for just under three yearsthis is the first time I have been taught the properway to handle a phone-up! I look forward to using mynew skills to see how much my sales will rise! I lookforward to more sessions! Thank you!!” - Candace Carney, Scott HondaFor more information please call 800-374-3314 ext. 215 Scheduled course dates are subject to change without prior notice. Please check for updated class dates and Dealership OverDrive 31

Scott Casebeer “Since signing up with David Lewis & Associates Training, our profits haveDealer, Capital Auto Group, Inc. doubled. Our results have been beyond belief. Our volume is up over 60% and my staff loves the sales process we have learned from David and his Trainers.”IN-DEALERSHIP TRAININGSales Training • F&I Training • Internet/BDC • Sales Management • Secondary Finance • Fixed OpsFor more information, please call Mary Mannella at 800-374-3314 ext. 215 or visit us at:

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