Dealership JULY 2015 TMFamily A David Lewis & Associates Publication And The Griswold Queen Family TrucksterThe Five Essentialsof Leadership, Part IIIWho Is StealingOur Service Work?
Publisher’s Note Half Way thru the year are Dealership TM you having a great year? Well, we just passed the A David Lewis & Associates Publication halfway mark in 2015 and sales are up nationally as the JULY 2015 automotive industry rebounds from what many just a few years ago thought could PUBLISHERbe the end of the car business as a good career. Yet, the average David LewisAmerican still depends heavily on their vehicles to move themfrom place to place as they carry on with the life they want to live. [email protected] means there are a lot of reasons to be optimistic about thefuture of our business for the rest of this year as well. GRAPHIC COORDINATOR Brian SmithHere at David Lewis & Associates, it has already been a great yearas we have added a number of new areas to our training programs [email protected] curriculum. The new website is much more user friendly andinteractive helping us to expand our services to reach new levels SALES DIRECTORand deliver new and better services to our dealer families. With our Mary Mannellanew Dealership Overdrive Magazine, our DLA Blog and the hotnew DLA Live coming on line, there is a lot to look forward to for [email protected] who want to excel in their career and strive for excellence. Mynewest book, ‘Winners vs. Losers’ is now available to help those TRAINING LIAISONwho want to take themselves and their career to new heights. Priscilla YoungHow about you? I hope you are having a great year and getting [email protected] about closing out the second half of 2015 with big numberson the board and enthusiasm for the future. We are pressing on CIRCULATION / SUBSCRIPTIONSwith full expectations of even greater things to offer our dealer Jennifer Potterfamilies and students who come to our training programs. Ournew live-action broadcasts on DLA Live are our effort to give [email protected] assistance to our trainees in areas where they needa quick response. This is not being done anywhere else in this MEDIA LIAISONbusiness and we fully expect tremendous results for those who Molly Parkjoin us and take advantage of the live interactive trainingprograms with our DLA certified professionals. [email protected] success only comes when those we train and consult with are CONTRIBUTING WRITERSexperiencing success as a result of doing business with us. Our Dino DeLucagrowth and our history of success show us that we are on theright track for having a great year and a great future helping our [email protected] achieve the success they are looking for. At David Lewis &Associates, we strive to see that everything we do here produces Ben Jenkinsgreat benefits for those of you who hire us to help you reach thesuccess you aspire to achieve. So let’s press on together and make [email protected] a year to remember for all of us. Becky NixonDavid Lewis [email protected], David Lewis & Associates, Inc. Brian Sherman2 Dealership OverDrive [email protected] Dealership OverDrive magazine makes every attempt to ensure the accuracy of all published material. However it cannot be held responsible for opinions expressed or facts supplied herein. Nothing may be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved. The publisher encourages you to submit suggestions. Submitted materials become the property of David Lewis & Associates, Inc. and will not be returned. Send material for publication to 10 Suntree Place, Melbourne, FL 32940. The editor reserves the right to edit material; submission of material constitutes permission to edit and publish that material. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is presented with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. From a Declaration of Principles jointly adopted by a Committee of the American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers.
contents 4L 7W 10 T 12 F 14 S 16 U 21 D 24 W 26 D 28 N Kick Start Your Work Week with David Lewis’ Monday Morning Sales MeetingSign Up For Free at Dealership OverDrive 3
Who isStealing OurService Work?If you’ve noticed a drop in your service department business in recent years it is certainly something to take seriously. Research has shown an average of 124 Secondary Repair Facilities nowoperating within a 10 mile radius of most new car dealerships, andwe are not talking about shade tree mechanics or one man shops.Many of these are full service repair and maintenance franchisesthat can compete with our service departments on many levels, andthey are spending a lot of money to improve the quality of theirappearance and services and will continue to do so as the advancein auto technologies increases. Continued on next page4 Dealership OverDrive
Who is Stealing our Service Work?, continued has been convinced that dealership service department’s charge higher prices for parts andIf your service department business is not thriving hourly labor rates, and even though that is notand growing, this is something you need to take necessarily true, unless they learn otherwise theya serious look at before it’s too late. Dealerships will continue to accept the popular opinion ascan no longer take for granted that the customers fact. What they often do not understand is thatwho buy their brand will come to their shops dealerships sell factory original equipmentfor maintenance and repairs when they need replacement parts while secondary repairthem. The old adage that competition is good is facilities usually use aftermarket products oftencertainly true, but only if you are doing your part made in countries with less stringent specifica-to earn your share of the business that is out there. tions and made from lower quality steel. While it isYou can be certain that the secondary facilities are true that most secondary shops offer originalserious about recouping their investments by equipment parts when they are requested, in thatgrabbing up all the business they can from case they are usually getting their parts fromDealerships and other shops that are operating in dealerships and then adding their markup as well.the same area they are. So if you are wonderingwho is stealing your business, you won’t have We should not have to fear the competition if weto look very far to find out if you really want are doing our part to service our customersto know. and stay in contact with them to keep earning their business. We can noWith current industry research longer live in the comfort zoneshowing that brand loyalty is high thinking that our customerswith most manufacturers, it stands will just come to us withoutto reason that we should not be checking on what othersseeing so many customers have to offer first. This isfleeing to the competition of especially true when yousecondary repair facilities. combine a challenged economyWe are the experts right? We with the easy access availableserve the manufacturers who on the Internet for thosemake the cars we sell and our who are looking to save money.technicians are specificallytrained to handle the service and If we fail to give due diligence to ourrepair needs of those brands and marketing and promotions and are notothers as well. We sell original factory parts inspiring our Customers to come to us for theirand service the warranties and recalls, as well as service needs there is always someone just aroundthe regular maintenance suggested by the factory the corner who will be glad to take our businessfor keeping their vehicles in tip-top shape and away. In the end we may find out that they are notrunning smoothly. So, it stands to reason that our stealing our business as much as we are handingCustomers should come to us whenever they have it over to them without putting up any fight.a need for service, doesn’t it? Then why wouldour customers feel a need to go somewhere else tohave their cars serviced?In many cases it can be something as simple as If we are not doing the job we need to in a waythe fact that we are not chasing the business that keeps our Customers satisfied and makesand giving our customers reasons to come to it easy for them to keep coming to us for theirthe dealership. If you are not out there in the service and repair needs, we may as well face thatmarketplace promoting your services and what fact our business will continue to bleed profits andyou have to offer the customer, you need to know lose Customers to the Secondary Repair Facilitiesthat somebody else is doing just that. The public around Dealership OverDrive 5
TWWrahieno:What Drives You?AVAILABLE MULTI-DAY COURSES AT OUR TRAINING CENTER OR IN YOUR DEALERSHIP• Salespeople • Managers • Service Advisors• Sales Managers • Internet/BDC Staff • Service Managers• F&I Managers • Secondary Finance • Parts Managers• Internet/BDC • Managers • Body Shop Managers Please Call 800-374-3314 ext. 215or visit us online at: www.davidlewis.com6 Dealership OverDrive
Who Is TrainingYour StaffPart IIHow to Train for SuccessThis is the 2nd Part of our series on the subject of staff training. If you have not yet read the first installment from last month’s issue of ‘Dealership Overdrive,’ I recommend that you do thatfirst by visiting our website at and pulling downthe tab marked ‘Magazine’ where you can find Part 1 of this series inthe June issue.As I mentioned in the previous article, utilizing the the bar and creating new growth. In fact, if yououtdated sales training methods that have been used believe Einstein’s definition of insanity, doingfor decades in this business can be a great hindrance things the same way over and over and expectingto the production levels of all your sales staff. different results is an effort in futility. That doesDoing things just because “that’s the way we’ve not mean that you should not do any in-housealways done it,” is never a good solution for raising training of new hires that have attended Continued on next page Dealership OverDrive 7
Who Is Training Your Staff?, Part 2, continuedclasses, it just needs to be an extension of your process over and over until it becomes natural tototal training program. Once we have trained them. This can be done effectively using only 15your new and existing Salespeople with the minutes a day for rehearsing and role-playing whatfundamentals of our proven Inspirational Sales they have learned in the classroom. Working withtechniques, continuing that training back at the several Salespeople at the same time is the mostDealership becomes the cement that solidifies and effective way because they are learning from eachreinforces the preparation we have provided. other and everyone involved benefits from the experience. This can be both valuable and funTaking knowledge and putting it into action and is helpful for creating the type of workingthrough role-playing is the most effective way relationships in your sales team that will leadto develop skills that will become a natural part to greater success in the entire productivity ofof the trainee’s sales process. Without change, your dealership.growth does not take place. Change requiresmore than just new information to be effective for The idea is to role play the same topic every daycreating growth. It is the repetitive practice of for 15 minutes until you are convinced the idea,new methods and strategies that make the training process or verbiage has become a natural habit.material become natural to the student. Of course, Once this has been accomplished then attackall of our training programs include role-playing as another technique, process or response.a part of the process. However, just role-playingonce or twice during a training session is not Success is grown best in an environment whereenough to give the maximum effect and get the action is a regular part of the daily process. Whenfull potential of our curriculum. Here is where Management and Salespeople work togetherDealership Management can contribute the most as a team, they not only create a better workto the In-House aspect of their Sales Training environment, they also enhance the CustomersProgram. This is especially true if the Sales experience for those who come to your DealershipManagement Team has been through our advanced to shop for a vehicle. The best way to get on thetraining in both sales and management and has same page is for everyone to work together indeveloped the confidence to adopt what they have the process of training for success. That is whenlearned into the sales process of their Dealership. change and growth become a daily experience that empowers your people for their highestRepetition is the most effective way to develop performance levels. When that begins to happen,new skills and make them become natural to it can ignite a fire in every area of your dealershipwhatever process you are trying to develop. This and dramatically increase the level of youris true whether you are talking about learning to success. This will set you apart from theplay music, golf or flying an airplane. It is the competition as the place to do business whensame with sales training and learning how to someone is looking to buy a new car.develop new skills for dealing with Customers.To use an old adage: “practice makes perfect.” Success is grownThe more you do something the easier it becomes best in an environmentto do it well. where action is a regular part ofOnce your trainees have returned to the Dealership the daily process.each manager should take four students androle-play through the different processes they - David Lewislearned in their training. It’s not enough to tellsomeone this is how you do a good Meet andGreet, or to give them a list of ways to overcomeobstacles and objections. They need to practice the8 Dealership OverDrive Dealership OverDrive 9
The Five Essentialsof LeadershipPart IIILeadershipis a Verb,Not a NounWelcome back to the third part of our se- on a Leadership role. When we understand ries on the Importance of Leadership. In Leadership in this way, anyone can be a Leader part three, we are going to discover that regardless of the position they hold in theLeadership is not a stagnant quality trait, but is organization. Every sales team has someone thatexpressed by our actions. Leadership is a verb and works in their department who is recognized asnot a Noun. It is the ability to take action when a Leader by their co-workers. The same is trueneeded and to direct others in effective ways in almost any department of a multi-employeeto solve a problem or accomplish a goal. It is a business. They may or may not be the Managerbased on the qualities of a person, not the title on or Assistant Manager, they may not even hold athe door of their office. different pay grade from those who consider them a Leader, but when something needs to be done, theyHaving a Leadership position is different from taking are the ones who step up and make things happen.10 Dealership OverDrive Continued on next page
The Five Essentials of Leadership – Part 3, continued country we live in. When the automobile industry is not flourishing, you can see it in every aspect ofLeaders are action oriented people who will our society. Just a few short years ago Americanever settle for the status quo when it comes to went into a deep economic recession that causedperformance or results; their own or performance many to wonder if this industry would evenof those under their supervision. They do not do survive. Detroit had become a ghost town andthings just because ‘that’s the way we have always many Dealership organizations across the countrydone it.’ They are innovators and they inspire closed their doors and went out of business.others to rise to new levels of achievement in However, last year we saw great increases in saleswhatever it is that they do. Leaders inspire othersto achieve by the way they deal with theproblems and challenges of their job. They are goal as America fought its way back and people startedsetters and they understand and accept the idea buying cars again and regaining their hopes forthat, “if it’s going to be, it is up to me.” They do the future.not look for the easy way unless it is the best way.To a Leader, the goal and the process are of equal Although no single person can take credit for thisimportance and both bring new understanding return to prosperity, you can certainly believe itand new vision for the next step toward reaching was Leadership that came into play and refused totheir objections. give up. Leaders from every area of our economy and industry stepped up to the plate and faced theLeaders know themselves and they are always problems, bringing new solutions which, by theireager to learn new ideas and methods that will actions, created new opportunities that got usimprove their skills and their abilities to rise to the back on a better path. That is what Leaders Thomas Jefferson believed the best way to They lead!understand yourself was to act on what you believeabout yourself and your purpose. He wrote, “Do As we delve deeper into the importance of beingyou want to know who you are? Don’t ask. Act! a Leader over these next several issues, it isAction will delineate and define you.” important that you consider your own self and the things that you must do to call forth the LeaderThese are wise words for anyone wanting to that lives inside of you. You don’t have to ownbecome a Leader in a world where Leadership the business or even sit behind a desk in theis always in high demand. It is the presence of Manager’s office to be a Leader. Regardless ofLeaders and the decisive actions they take that whom you are or what background you came from,advance us on the road to progress and create you can become a Leader by applying certainopportunities for change and growth. Without principles to your life and your actions.those who are willing to take a risk and expandtheir horizons the world would be stuck in the In next month’s issue of our Dealershipmud of mediocrity going nowhere fast. Overdrive magazine, I will show how Leaders ‘Create Change and Facilitate Growth.’ So, beIn many ways, an American Automobile sure to stick with me as we delve deeper into ourDealership is like a microscopic picture of the series on ‘The Importance of Leadership.’ Dealership OverDrive 11
Is Your F&I “TO”Policy WorkingFor You? Part IAlmost all car dealerships have certain a Salesperson fails to do this, but it can bring policies in place which they consider them under a little more scrutiny if they fail to critical to the way they do business. keep that policy.Some Sales Managers require all customers tobe introduced to a Manager before leaving the When it comes to the Finance Department, mostDealership. It is not usually a firing offense if dealerships have the policy of 100% “TO” to the12 Dealership OverDrive Continued on next page
Is Your F&I “TO” Policy Working For You? - Part I, continued no opportunity to create additional profit in the deal through the Business Office.F&I office. However, if they leave theinterpretation of that policy up to the Salesperson, This is often happens due to the lack of knowledgethey will usually follow the path of least resistance on the part of the Salesperson in knowing how thein order to make sure they do not put any pressure finance department works and what their purposeon the Customer before the deal is sealed. This is within the sales process. If Salespeople areoffers too many loopholes in the process and given the ability to interpret the 100% “TO” Policyoften leaves a lot of money on the table that could their own way, you can surely bet they will takehave been additional profit coming through the the path of least resistance in order to protect theFinance Department. Customer from things they think could cause them to back out of the deal.In other words, once the sales process has beencompleted, they may fail to “TO” the Customer They may think things like additional warranty protection or other products are something the Customer would not be interested in so they take it upon themselves to make a determination on what’s best for the Customer, leaving the F&I department with little or no chance of presenting what they have to offer in the way of rates, incentives and additional that time, and instead, wait to do so when There is nothingthey come back to pick up the vehicle. Say more frustratingthey sold a car on Tuesday, completed all of the to an F&I Managernegotiations, and got a deposit, but the Customer than a missedwas not coming in until Thursday to pick up their opportunity. Consider this: if your dealership sellsnew car and finish the paperwork. Now, Thursday 100 cars per month, and you average $1200 percomes around and the Customer shows up with a unit in F&I, but only see 80% of those customerscheck from their bank or credit union for the full at the point of sale, your lost revenue is $24,000.amount. There are few things more frustrating That sure is a lot of money. Money that we wantto a Finance Manager than to have the Customer and need.“TO’d” to them carrying a check and giving them Next month, I am going to share with you a “TO” policy that will clearly increase the rate of opportunities, eliminate all loopholes in the “TO” policy and create the ability for more Dealership OverDrive 13
IwNiTtEhRVIEWCScaostetbeerThe other day, I had the chance to sit down with Scott Casebeer, Dealer Principal at Capitol Auto Group in Salem, Oregon. The following are some questions from our conversation:What franchises do you represent? for us to achieve and I work every day atWe currently represent 5 franchises under 3 convincing our team that we can. We have been arooftops. We have Chevrolet and Cadillac in one Great company for years…now it’s time to makefacility, Toyota and Scion in another facility, and it a Remarkable company.Subaru in a third facility. What is the business cultureWhat are the biggest challenges here at your Dealership?that you face every day? Our culture has shifted over the last fewI think the biggest challenges we face are letting years. We want our Customers to feel likeour team know that we can still continue to grow. they are walking into a business focused onWe have been very successful over the last 10 hospitality more than anything else. Weyears and have surpassed our yearly goals increased Dealership-wide communicationsconsistently. We knew that reaching these goals through what we call Daily Lineups, and ourwould be attainable, but I think many now feel focus in everything we do is customer-driven,we may have peaked. I still believe there is more respectful, and innovative along the way. Culture“Since signing up with David Lewis & Associates Training, our profits have doubled.” Scott Casebeer, Dealer – Capital Auto Group Continued on next page14 Dealership OverDrive
Interview with Scott Casebeer, continued I have a ‘hands off’ management style, I am always pushing my Managers to look for littleis a tough thing to change, but we have been things they can do to mix it up and keep growing.successful in creating hospitality and service We belong to a few 20oriented culture that sets us apart from Groups, and I thrive fromeveryone else. talking to Dealers from other markets andWhat are Capitol Pancakes? hearing what theyI was in an Alaska Airlines airport lounge a are doing differentlyyear or two ago and noticed this machine that and successfully.pops out two pancakes with the push of a button.I asked about it and decided we had to have one. What results have youSo now we put out our pancake machine in our receivedCustomer Lounges for those who want to enjoy from the DLA Training?breakfast; Chevrolet has it Mondays, Toyota on Our results have been beyond belief. Our volumeWednesdays, and Subaru on Fridays. We found is up over 60%, our profits have doubled andthat some Customers even strategically plan their my staff loves the sales process we learned fromservice visits around the pancake machine! David and his Trainers.How would you describe How long did it take before youyour managerial style? starting realizing these results?I am very in tune with everything that goes on in Immediately! We actually realized results duringour Dealerships, but do so in a more hands off the initial visit. Our team learned concepts thatstyle. I have some of the best Managers in the they put to use immediately and executed thoseindustry and I allow them to run and manage their ideas that same day.departments in the manner they see fit. I look atmy role as more of an advisor or consultant. If Other than the increase in sales,they have concerns and need advice, they will have you experienced any other results?come to me and I will help, but for the most part, I have noticed that our Salespeople have a muchI let them do their jobs. better understanding of the Customer, which allows for them to build stronger relationships.What made you contact DLA for training? Plus, we have seen a dramatic decrease in bothIronically, I walked into the wrong session at the Salesperson and Manager turnover.2012 NADA Convention. I took a front row seatand after a few minutes realized that this was What are you doing to ensure that your Dealershipnot the session I wanted to see. Fortunately, it continues to grow and maintains success?only took me that same amount of time to realize We have made David’s program the foundationthat the speaker, David Lewis, was making some of our sales process and that will not change.points that were very interesting. His philosophy We will continue to have his Trainers visit ourtowards car sales mirrored want I had always Dealership so our growth will continue.thought and wanted to implement. Over thenext 90 minutes, I just learned so much. Upon What advice would you give someone thinkingreturning to the Dealership, I contacted David about participating in the DLA Training?and asked him to come and spend two days with Train with DLA! Their approach, ideas andmy staff. That was 3 years ago and we still train method of training works. Your Customers willwith DLA. love the process, your Salespeople will enjoy the training, you will sell more cars and your grossesWhat keeps you awake at night will increase. Is there any better reason than that?when you think about your dealership?I am always looking for ways to improve. While Dealership OverDrive
Family And TheGriswold Queen Family TrucksterFor those of us who grew up in 1950s and 60’s inAmerica, the family road trip was an important part of life for most of us. Taking to the road on weekends or for summer vacations in any of the big stationwagons that traveled the countryside was a highlight of the year backthen. Vacation trips to places like Disneyland, Yellowstone NationalPark, Washington D.C. or the Appalachian Mountains were whatmany families did when school let out for the summer. It was a greattime for families and a great era for the American way of life.16 Dealership OverDrive
Some of the best memories that many of us have movie was national Lampoon’s version of thewere made back then sitting in the back of a big family road trip where Chevy Chase tried tostation wagon with our brothers and sisters while convince his family about the virtues of adad steered us onward to the next stop on our summer vacation road trip to ‘Wally World’ insummer road trip. Classic wagons like the Ford the big new Metallic Pea colored Wagon QueenCountry Squires, Olds Fiesta Super 88 Wagons Family Truckster he had custom ordered from theand Chrysler Town & Countries crossed the U.S. factory. When it finally arrived at the Dealership,looking for the next filling station or roadside diner the wagon was nothing like he had ordered and hewhere families could stop and take out the map to refused to accept it. By then, however, the Dealerdecide what would be their next leg of the trip on had already crushed his trade into about 12 inchesthe way to their final destination. of steel and glass ready to go to the junkyard.Sundays were also a day for fun and relaxation For one American family seeing the Lampoonback then. Many families would load up the Vacation movie was a life-changing event. Thestation wagon, go to church and then head out real Griswold family from Canton, Georgiato Grandma and Grandpa’s house for the day, or decided they would recreate the adventure seenjust take a nice drive in the country before going in the movie. They built a close copy of theback to school and work on Monday. Many states Family Truckster and set off on their own familyhad Blue Laws back then and Sunday was a day vacation from Atlanta to Los Angeles, stopping atwhen most stores or businesses were closed. That all the major places visited by the Griswold’s inwasn’t a problem though as you could always load the movie Vacation.up a big picnic basket and spend the whole daydriving with an occasional stop at one of the Building a reproduction of the Wagon Queenpicnic areas that dotted the sides of the roads in Family Truckster was no easy feat for sure. Themost states. car in the National Lampoon movie was a 1979 Ford LTD Country Squire that had beenYou may be too young to remember those days, modified by Warner Brothers. The copy built bybut for those of us who never had the opportunity, the new Griswold family started as a 1984 FordNational Lampoon released their infamous 1983 LTD Country Squire. To get started they had tomovie ‘Vacation’ starring Chevy Chase, Beverly take a perfectly good Ford wagon, smash out theD’Angelo and Randy Quaid. The screenplay was back windows and remove all the trim from thewritten by John Hughes, based on his short story sides. The front end also needed to be removed“Vacation ‘58” which appeared in National and remade out of fiberglass. This allowed them toLampoon Magazine. The original story is a make room for the 8 headlights that would later befictionalized account of his own family’s ill-fated installed and the bumper that would be lowered totrip to Disneyland when Hughes was a boy. The look like the car in the movie. Continued on next
The LTD they bought for the conversion had those turned their experience into a side business wheregreat pop-up back seats that all kids love that could they help others plan great vacations and theyfold back down into the rear compartment if they still video tape their own road trips in the Greenneeded to carry things other than people. That Pea Truckster so people can follow them onwas one of the great things about the old station social media.wagons: they had lots of extra space if you foldedthe seats down to use it for carrying cargo. When Things have changed a lot in America since then,the rear passenger seats were up they were but the memories remain of good times when lifesideways giving the kids in the far back a sense seemed a lot less complicated and families weren’tof having their own private area not facing the so spread out. The great old station wagons havefront of the car. The leg space was a little tight for been replaced by minivans and SUV’s and theadults, but perfect for younger kids and teenagers. weekend road trips where families used to get away for a little fun and adventure are pretty muchWith help from some local tire guys and an a thing of the past. Still, it’s great to look back onartisan who helped to recreate the famous crown those happy days that many of us will rememberhood ornament from the film, what they ended as the best years of our life. It was a great timeup with was a pretty good copy of the original. It for families and a great time for the Americancertainly caught the eye and brought a lot of fun auto industry as well. Thanks to people like theand surprise to those who saw it rolling down Griswold’s in Georgia those of us who want tothe highway. When all was said and done, the revisit those days for a brief journey into the pastGriswold’s had a great summer road trip vehicle can relive some of the fun that was a big part ofthat pretty much duplicated the Green Pea life in mid 20th century America.Truckster from the movie. Since then, they have18 Dealership OverDrive
Be a part of the conversation, Monday through Friday!Upcoming Schedule July 1: Customer Perception of Us July 2: The Concept of Inspirational Selling July 3: Prospecting in Service July 6: The Pros and Cons of Goal Setting July 7: Qualifying the Customer into the Right Car July 8: Characteristics of a Strong Leader July 9: BDC: The Importance of Dialogue July 10: The DLA Objection Steps July 13: The 3 Ingredients to Being a Successful Coach July 14: F&I: Objection – The Price is too High July 15: What to Demonstrate During the Service Walk July 16: What is an Internal Presentation and How it July 17: Increases the Rate of Demo Drives July 20: Common Motivational Mistakes July 21: The 7 Most Important Words to Closing a Deal July 22: BDC: All I Want is a Lease Payment July 23: Sales Management: The Trade Pendulum Effect July 24: The Demonstration Drive Route July 27: How to Coach an Uncoachable Person July 28: F&I: The Pros and Cons of Menus July 29: The Goal of the Inventory Walk 8F0or0eplx.me3tao.7rs42ee1.d35cae3tll1a4ils July 30: BDC: Email Etiquette July 31: Goal Setting for Success The Definition of Success Dealership OverDrive 19
TrTahRaintesiGunlegttss!InteLrenaedt /GBeDneCrationThe Internet/BDC Lead Generation course is available forIn-House Training or at our DLA Philadelphia Training Center!This two-day course is a complete program 800-374-3314 ext. 215on effective Lead Generation ideas andconcepts for both the internet and inbound Or register online at: www.davidlewis.comphone leads. Email, Chat and Phone scriptswill be created, reviewed and examined, aswell as a structured concept for ongoing oldand unsold Customer follow-ups.20 Dealership OverDrive
comments “We believe in the Philadelphia Training Center’s curriculum. It works! All new employees must attend the Entry Level Sales course. The 5 days of uninterrupted curriculum helps the employee understand what our business is all about and includes learning the steps to the sale, overcoming objections, prospecting and phone skills. Our partnership with DLA gives them the start they need to be productive sales associates. Additionally, our management team makes sure that each associate reads David’s book “Secrets of Inspirational Selling” and we read excerpts of the book during sales meetings.” Bruce Carlino, Sales Manager, Chapman Ford Mazda Lincoln Mercury “I have enjoyed myself this week! I feel as though it was highly inspritational and different than anything I even imagined. I think I will be able to take a lot of this material back to the dealership and be successful implementing it in my daily life. I am excited to shove my new knowledge with fellow coworkers and hopefully start a new culture of sales people at I.G. Burton! Thank you all for putting up with the I.G. Burton crew this week...We can be a handful!” Mary Helen Waltjen, Sales at I.G. Burton Mercedes – Benz “The Internet/BDC Class was awesome! It was a great experience and I learned a lot of new things that we will definitely use at the Dealership. I would definitely attend another class and recommend these classes to others.” Mehraan Moosa, Internet/BDC Manager, Brenner Nissan Dodge “I have been in the car business for 16 years and have attended many F&I training classes. This F&I course was the most informative I have ever attended. I learned more in 2 days than I have in all the others I have attended combined. This course will now be mandatory for all of our F&I Managers.” Sandy Adams, Finance Director, Mike Piazza Honda “The Advanced Sales Class was the best sales training class I have been too. I am convinced that the things I learned will help me raise my personal income another $20,000. I thought I was good at selling cars, but now I know I will be great.” Lauren Potchak, Conicelli Honda“Why would you not take the time? Whether you’ve been doing this one week, one year or ten years– customer expectations is an evolution. Having a partner like David Lewis to support your businessis monumental!” Carolyn Shoop, BDC Director at Bergey’s Dealership OverDrive 21
LIKE US. WATCH US. FOLLOW US.NOW AVAILABLE! WINNERS vs. LOSERS The fifth book written by David Lewis With over 30 years of training experience, David Lewis is a distinguished industry expert. David is the President of David Lewis & Associates and travels the country training and educating dealership personnel on all areas of dealership operations.22 Dealership OverDrive David’s books are available through and
SALES TRAININGDLA PHILADELPHIA TRAINING CENTER5-DAY ENTRY LEVEL SALES COURSE DATESA five-day course designed for the individual just entering 5-DAY ENTRYan Auto Sales Career. Students will learn the basic LEVEL SALESprinciples of how a Dealership operates and leave havinglearned a comprehensive outline on the steps to the sale. June 29 - July 3Students will learn how to handle the Customer’s July 13 - 17 & July 27 - 31objections and how to effectively respond to them. 4-DAY ADVANCED SALES4-DAY ADVANCED SALES July 21 - 24 4-DAY ADVANCEDTo develop within the experienced Salesperson an SALES MANAGEMENTunderstanding of the Customers thought process when July 14 - 17shopping and purchasing a car. To train the Salespersonon a sales process that will be unique and different fromwhat the Customer will expect, which will set thatSalesperson apart from all the other Salespeople theCustomer has or will speak with during theirshopping process.4-DAY ADVANCED Call 800-374-3314 ext. 215 orSALES MANAGEMENT register online at: www.davidlewis.comThis four-day Advanced Sales Management course is acomplete program for all Sales Managers. Focus isplaced on becoming a Leader and not a Boss. We beginby exposing the newest and best practices for leading asales force to success. Topics include Inspirational SalesProcesses, Advanced Negotiating Techniques, how to bean effective Coach, Hiring and Interviewing ideas, plusour DLA Train the Trainer concepts to develop the skillsnecessary to train a winning sales staff. This courseturns Managers into true Dealership OverDrive 23
WINNERS:Translate Dreams into Reality LOSERS:Translate Reality into DreamsAs I have already mentioned, fate does not most susceptible to what you saw, heard and determine your destiny, but faith does. experienced in your life. These are called the I am not talking about your religious formative years because it is during this time thatbeliefs, although they are certainly important. I am you begin to develop your own opinions andtalking about the system of beliefs that you hold in beliefs about life.your mind. Though you may never have taken thetime to assess your beliefs, I assure you everyone Tragically, some people grow up in anhas their own belief system, whether they know environment hostile to positive thinking and or not. It may have been constructed by strong If that happens to have been your own experience,ideas and concepts passed to you from others, but do not despair. Anything that is learned canif you act on them they will eventually become eventually be unlearned by a determinedyour belief system. commitment to change and growth. Your mind is like a computer or recording system, and theYour beliefs are created by the thoughts, ideas and programs can be erased and replaced by better onesactions you have been exposed to in this life. The if you are willing to do what it takes to make thatthings that you see, hear and experience form the happen. Basically, you have to have faith inbasic belief system that you operate from. This is yourself and believe that you can have a bettertrue for every one of us. This process starts at a life than the one you have now or the one that youvery young age, which is when you were the experienced in the past.24
Someone once defined faith as, “Seeing those voices you listen too. Mr. Disney experiencedthings that are not as though they were.” That is many challenges and even failures along the roada great description of what it means to believe in to success, but he overcame them by believing inyour dreams. When you can see things that are not his dream and his ability to make it become reality.already here, as though they were here, you canmake those things become reality. You have the Winners pursue their dreams and make them comepower to translate your dreams into reality by the true; they do not wait for them to come true bythings that you believe and act on. This is a themselves. Their attitude is not, ‘Let’s just seeprimary difference between Winners and Losers. what happens.’ Instead they say, ‘Let’s go make that happen.’ What may start out as only a distantWinners choose to believe, and their dreams are vision or idea can become a genuine reality whenexpectations that have just not come to pass yet. it is formed in the mind of a Winner. Winners doLosers never experience their dreams coming true not just assume that it will come to pass, theybecause they see them as fantasies and not as pursue it with their whole heart and put forth thevisions and ideas thatcan guide them effort required to maketoward what they want it achieve. ForLosers, reality consists How do you view yourof what they can see dreams? Are theyand touch and their something that guideslives are determined you on the path ofby the natural world life or are they justaround them. Faith phantoms that give youcalls you to a place that a momentary breakyou cannot see from the mediocrityexcept in your mind of your existence?and in your heart. How you answer thatHowever, when you question is what willdirect your thoughts determine the ultimateand energies toward value of the dreamsyour objective or goal, you have for your will find that youhave confidence and Walt Disney’s life isa belief that begins to a treasure chest ofgrow in you and faith. His dream hasencourages you to keep moving forward. empowered millions of people from every walk of life to believe that theirHollywood visionary Walt Disney was a Winner wishes can come true. Though he is gone now,by anyone’s definition. He once said, “All our his dream lives on in the movies he has createddreams can come true if we have the courage and the theme parks that his vision inspired andto pursue them.” As an expert on dreams and brought to life all around the world. Even more,success, I would have to say that he is someone they live on in the lives of those he influenced asworth listening to. There are a lot of voices that one of the greatest visionaries in the world ofyou can choose to hear. It is up to you which family Dealership OverDrive 25
Are YouPrepared ToOutrun YourCompetition?We talk a lot about other Dealerships or the very thing that motivates you the most in your Salespeople when we use the word attempt to rise to the top and become excellent in competition in our training curriculum your career. When the status quo will no longerand programs. Certainly, the other Dealerships in suffice, you have to be ready to kick in the Jetsyour area represent your closest competition when and take on the competition if you want to win theit comes to those vying for the same customer prize. That is not only the reality of the businessbase. But in any sales oriented business where wherein, it is actually one of the things that canthe amount of money in your paycheck depends contribute to the fun of selling cars for a living.upon successful productivity and sales, sometimes Keeping up with the competition that is down theyour competition is on your own team. That’s not street is one thing. Trying to win your share of thea bad thing; it is just the normal way of life for business in the house is another thing altogether.people who make their living on a car dealershipsales floor. With that in mind I’d like to ask you this ques- tion: Are you prepared to outrun your competition?Motivation comes in many forms and when Whether that is the Dealership across the streetyou work on a commission basis, you find it or the other Salespeople who work in yourwherever you can. That does not mean you do not Dealership. When push comes to shove what are youappreciate the quality and expertise of the other willing to do to win the prize? Continued on next pagepeople on your team. In fact, sometimes that is www.davidlewis.com26 Dealership OverDrive
Are You Prepared To Outrun Your Competition?, continuedIt reminds me of the story of two friends who backpack. As he hurried to put the shoes on, hisused to go hunting together on occasion. They panicked friend stood there with a frenzied look onlived in an area where there were lots of forests his face.and hills, and in those forests there were bears.Every week, the two friends would meet at the “You must be out of your mind,” he said. “Haveedge of the forest and set out on their normal trek you seen the size of that bear? You don’t think youto hunt for small game. They generally prepared can outrun a full-grown bear do you?”for several hours of relaxation and exercise soeach carried a small backpack filled with anything To this the other hunter replied, “I don’t need tothey might need for the hunt and to make the day outrun the bear. I just need to outrun you.”more enjoyable.On this particular day, one of the men happened There is a lesson to be learned here for all who sellto look behind him and noticed that there was for a living. Do not lose sight of what it takes toa bear coming down from the hillside headed excel in this business. Sometimes to be on top yourapidly in their direction. Upon seeing the bear, do not need to outrun everybody, you just have tohe turned to his friend in a panic to let him know stay ahead of the people on your own team. Thatthat a bear was getting dangerously close and that is part of what makes this an exciting business tothey were probably in real trouble if they did not be in. It is also a part of what motivates winnersfigure something out quick. To his surprise his to keep excelling in their skill so they can stay onfriend took quick notice of the bear and then knelt top and reach the goals they have set for themselvesdown to remove a pair of running shoes from his and their family.IN-DEALERSHIPSERVICE TRAININGCapitalize on your Service Sales and Revenue for Immediate Results!• Entry Level BooPsetrfYoorumraSnercveice• Advanced• Management For More Information Call 800-374-3314 ext. 215 27 Or visit us online at:
NEW by Center Director Brian Sherman ! from the BECOME APhiladelphia Training Center JOFriends, the summer has finally arrived and and Service Management. IN TO DAY the auto business in the Philadelphia area is booming. It has been a great year at the DLA As our Dealer base grows, our commitment toTraining Center and we are excited about the new you is to offer the finest training availableDealer Groups contacting us almost daily requesting anywhere so you can compete at the highest levelsour class schedules for enrollment. As Director of the retail automotive business. As we prepareof the Training Center, it is so exciting to see our students to adapt to the rapid changes inthe impact we have made in this area since our today’s marketplace, we are seeing them set highopening just two years ago. goals and reach new levels of success through the things they are learning in our training programs.Our new course on Understanding Social Media,sold out quickly and has garnered rave reviews Soon, we will be adding a 2nd training center tofrom those who attended. If you have not yet service the New York Metro area, located justsigned up for this course, I highly recommend you outside the city, in Montvale, NJ. We expect todo as soon as possible. This course is a for selling start classes on October today’s Internet-savvy Customers. We havealso had great success with our Fixed Operations If you have not seen the Philadelphia TrainingTraining and are currently offering 15 different Center yet, please feel free to call me directly toclasses ranging from Understanding the Service schedule a tour of this beautiful facility.Customer, Advanced and Entry Level ServiceAdvisor Techniques, to Phone-Up Techniques All the best, happy selling, and enjoy the summer!28 Dealership OverDrive Continued on next page
News from the Philadelphia Training Center, continued DLA Training Courses“Becky Nixon was very informative in her Salespresentation on Business Etiquette. Too oftenwe take ourselves and our clients for granted Entry Level Sales (5 Days) • Advanced Sales Program (4 Days)and may blame the wrong method for the Advanced Sales Level 1 • Advanced Sales Level 2 cost opportunity. Taking a step back and Objections Level 1 • Objections Level 2 • Phone-Ups Level 1embracing the right technique or process Phone-Ups Level 2 • Leasing for Salespeoplebreeds success. Thank you Becky for Prospecting & Follow-Up • Understanding Your Customerteaching me the simple things I personally Common Mistakes Salespeople Maketook for granted.”Brian O’Callaghan, Sales Management“David taught us how to take objections Advanced Sales Managementthat you don’t want to deal with and turn Advanced Sales Management Program (4 Days)them into something that you can really be Advanced Management Negotiationscomfortable with answering. That’s the kind Advanced Used Car Management • Leasing for Managers of unique training they have to offer here.” Leadership / Coaching • Hiring / MotivationMarc Pullman, Dir. E-Commerce Fixed Ops“This is a fantastic Training Center with allthe amenities. The important thing I took Entry Level Service Advisor Program (4 Days)away from the classes was understanding the Advanced Service Advisor Program (2 1/2 Days)fears and anxieties that Customers bring to Advanced Service Advisor Techniquesthe Dealership and being able to approach Understanding the Service Customerthem and bring down those barriers.” Effective Service Walk-AroundsCasey Posner, Salesperson Service Advisor Phone Techniques Advanced Service Manager Program (4 Days)“Before I attended a David Lewis class I Advanced Service Management Conceptswas averaging 14 cars per month. Since Service Staff Retentionattending the Sales and then the objections Advanced Service Revenue Creationclass I have averaged 19 cars per month Effective & Profitable Express Service Processesover the last 3 months.” Management Service Advisor TrainingBob Gilchrist, Salesperson Introduction to Service Management Introduction to Service BDC“I have been to every F&I training class there Advanced Service BDC Conceptsis. I learned more new ideas at this 2-dayAdvanced F&I Course than I have in all Internet / BDCthe others combined. If you want to be asuperstar in F&I, this is the class to take.” Internet/BDC Lead Generation (2 Days)Stephanie Martin, F&I Manager Internet/BDC Management“I have been a Service Advisor for 20 years F&Iand I only wish this training was availableto me when I first started. The ideas are so Entry Level F&I (3 Days)logical and exciting. I cannot wait to get Advanced F&I Concepts (2 Days)back to my Dealership to utilize them.” F&I Service ContractsJeff Mullins, Service Advisor General CoursesClasses are held every day. For more informationplease call 800-374-3314 Ext. 215 or visit our Business Etiquettewebsite at Train the Trainer Social Media Marketing for Salespeople Round Tables Sales Management • Salespeople • F&I Internet / BDC • Service Advisors • Service Managers Dealership OverDrive 29
UpcomingCourses Philadelphia Training CenterJUL 7/1 Entry Level Sales (Day3) AUG 8/3 Advanced Sales: Level 2 7/2 Entry Level Sales (Day4) 8/4 Advanced Sales: Level 17/3 Entry Level Sales (Day 5) Advanced Sales Program (Day 1)7/7 Advanced Service Manager Concepts 8/5 Objections: Level 1 Advanced Service Management Program (Day 1) Advanced Sales Program (Day 2)7/8 Advanced F&I Concepts (Day 1) 8/6 Leasing for Salespeople (9-1pm) Management Service Advisor Training (9-1pm) Prospecting & Follow-Up (1-5pm) Advanced Service Revenue Creation (1-5pm) Advanced Sales Program (Day 3)Advanced Service Management Program (Day 2) 8/7 Phone-Ups: Level 1 Advanced Sales Program (Day 4)7/9 Advanced F&I Concepts (Day 2)Understanding the Service Customer (9-1pm) 8/10 Entry Level Sales (Day1) Advanced Service BDC Concepts (1-5pm) Advanced Service Management Program (Day 3) 8/11 Entry Level Sales (Day 2)7/10 Social Media Marketing for Salespeople 8/12 Entry Level Sales (Day 3)7/13 Entry Level Sales (Day1) 8/13 Entry Level Sales (Day 4)7/14 Entry Level Sales (Day 2) Internet/BDC: Lead Generation (Day 1) Advanced Sales Management Advanced Sales Management Program (Day 1) 8/14 Entry Level Sales (Day 5) Internet/BDC: Lead Generation (Day 2)7/15 Entry Level Sales (Day 3) Leadership / Coaching (9-1pm) 8/17 Objections: Level 2 Leasing for Managers (1-5pm) Social Media Marketing for Salespeople Advanced Sales Management Program (Day 2) 8/18 Advanced Sales: Level 17/16 Entry Level Sales (Day 4) Advanced Sales Program (Day 1) Advanced Management Negotiations (9-1pm) Entry Level Service Advisor (Day 1) Hiring / Motivation (1-5pm) Advanced Sales Management Program (Day 3) 8/19 Objections: Level 1 Advanced Sales Program (Day 2) Entry Level Service Advisor (Day 2)7/17 Entry Level Sales (Day 5) 8/20 Leasing for Salespeople (9 - 1pm) Train the Trainer (9-1pm) Prospecting & Follow-Up (1 - 5pm) Advanced Used Car Management (1-5pm) Advanced Sales Program (Day 3) Advanced Sales Management Program (Day 4) Entry Level Service Advisor (Day 3)7/20 Business Etiquette (9-1pm) 8/21 Phone-Ups: Level 1 Understanding Your Customer (1-5pm) Advanced Sales Program (Day 4) Entry Level Service Advisor (Day 4)7/21 Advanced Sales: Level 1 Advanced Sales Program (Day 1) 8/24 Phone-Ups: Level 27/22 Objections: Level 1 Common Mistakes Salespeople Make (9 - 1pm) Advanced Sales Program (Day 2) 8/25 Business Etiquette (1 - 5pm)7/23 Leasing for Salespeople (9-1pm) 8/31 Entry Level Sales (Day1)Prospecting & Follow-Up (1-5pm) Advanced Sales Program (Day 3)7/24 Phone-Ups: Level 1 “The Internet/BDC Class was awesome. It was a great experience and I learned a lot Advanced Sales Program (Day 4) of new things that we will definitely use at7/27 Entry Level Sales (Day 1) the Dealership. I would definitely attend7/28 Entry Level Sales (Day 2) another class and recommend these7/29 Entry Level Sales (Day 3) classes to others.” - Mehraan Moosa7/30 Entry Level Sales (Day 4) Internet/BDC Manager,Brenner Nissan Dodge7/31 Entry Level Sales (Day 5) For more information please call 800-374-3314 ext. 215Scheduled course dates are subject to change without prior notice. Please check for updated class dates and details.30 Dealership OverDrive
IN-TDREAAINLEINRGSHIPSales Training • F&I Training • Internet/BDC Sales Management • Fixed OpsOur intensive in-dealership training programs are typically one to two days, every fourto five weeks. Each month the trainer will focus on a different area pre-determinedin advance by you and your management team. Each training day is divided into2 repetitive sessions to enable everyone to attend. All training is in a structuredenvironment with workbooks and assignments to be completed for the next visit.“Since signing up with David Lewis & A “I endorse the DLAmethodology because it’s a logical and tactful approach to aprofession chalked full of challenges. Why DLA? Becausethey’re the best!” Chris Oliver, Sales at Piazza Honda800-374-3314 or Visit us at: www.davidlewis.comTraining Staff - All Training is conducted by DLA Certified Trainers who are employed by David Lewis & Associates. Our Trainershave extensive backgrounds in specific areas of the Dealership and come from a wide range of Retail Automotive experience.Feel confident that your Dealership will engage in a superior Training Program with a strong curriculum and top-notch Dealership OverDrive 31
TraiGneitnsgRTehsautlts!Salespeople Sales Managers F&I Internet/BDC StaffService Advisors Service Managers Parts Managers Body Shop Managers DLA Continues to push the envelope with theannouncement of our Second Training Facility: The DLA Metro Training Center Coming October 5th, 2015!The DLA Metro Training Center offers a full range of courses to meet the Training needs of everyone in the Dealership!View Class Schedule at: or call: 800-374-3314 ext. 215
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