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Dealership DECEMBER 2016 TM A David Lewis & Associates PublicationGettingthe Bestfromyour BDCStaying In Tune with Today’s TechnologyIs Digital F&I in Your Dealership’s Future? Does Sales Training Really Work?

Publisher’s Note Dealership TM Message from David A David Lewis & Associates Publication December is the time for great DECEMBER 2016 fun, great family times and great bargains. What that means PUBLISHER to those who make a living in retail David Lewis automotive is Great Opportunities. Those who play their ‘Christmas cards’ [email protected] right can end the year with some bonus money in the bank and a great attitude GRAPHIC COORDINATOR for kicking off the New Year. Brian SmithThat doesn’t mean money is just lying under the tree waiting for you [email protected] open a present and there it is. But, if you are willing to do a littlebit of research and market yourself to both new and old Customers SALES DIRECTORyou can find a way to drum up some interested shoppers and entice Mary Mannellathem to think about getting a new car. [email protected] year-end model closeouts offering big opportunities, it is importantto remember the most powerful tool you have in your bag is YOU. Too TRAINING LIAISONoften car salespeople change their strategy from customer care to an Priscilla Young‘only numbers matter’ philosophy in their efforts to move units as fastas possible before year’s end. But remember, buyers are still looking [email protected] the right person to deal with when they buy a car. That makes YOUan important, if not the most important, part of the equation. CIRCULATION / SUBSCRIPTIONS Jennifer PotterIn this month’s issue, we deal with some of the changes that are takingplace in the way of new technologies in our industry. It can be hard [email protected] keep up with them all as a salesperson, but keep up you must if youwant to be able to help your customers make the right decision for the CONTRIBUTING WRITERSvehicles they purchase. Don’t think they don’t rely on you for real Dino DeLucahelp and suggestions because they really do. If you truly have theirbest interest at heart you will stay in tune with today’s technology as [email protected] of this month’s articles suggests. Becky NixonThe two service department articles entitled “Marketing Service inDecember” and “Selling the Benefits of Wheel Alignments” are very [email protected] if you are a Service Manager or Advisor. These can be veryhelpful for ramping up your Fixed Ops profits this month and closing Brian Shermanout the year with a bang. Both are really helpful to the Customers aswell so I highly recommend reading both articles. [email protected]“Does Sales Training Really Work” is meant to encourage you to Bill Tayloradvance your selling skills with additional training. It is never toolate to upgrade your skill level and after 35 years in the training and [email protected] business, we have overwhelming testimonies from thosewho have experienced tremendous increases in both numbers and Dealership OverDrive magazine makes every attempt toincome from taking our DLA Sales Training Courses. ensure the accuracy of all published material. However it cannot be held responsible for opinions expressed or factsWe have also included an interesting article entitle “Is Digital F&I in supplied herein. Nothing may be reproduced in whole oryour Dealership’s Future” which should interest any of you who work in part without written permission from the publisher. Allin that department or are GM’s or Dealers and want to stay up on some rights reserved. The publisher encourages you to submitof the latest trends in F&I management and operation. suggestions. Submitted materials become the property of David Lewis & Associates, Inc. and will not be returned. SendSo, have a great December and end the year with a bang! 2017 is on material for publication to 10 Suntree Place, Melbourne,the way and it already looks like it will be another record setting year FL 32940. The editor reserves the right to edit material;for the retail automotive business. submission of material constitutes permission to edit and publish that material. This publication is designed toDavid Lewis - President, David Lewis & Associates, Inc. provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is presented with the2 Dealership OverDrive understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. From a Declaration of Principles jointly adopted by a Committee of the American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers.

contents 4 Who are you selling to, your Customers or your Managers? 7 Staying in Tune with today’s technology 10 Is Digital F&I in your Dealership’s Future? 16 Does Sales Training Really Work? 20 Wheel Alignments - Selling the Benefits to your Customers? 24 Marketing Service in December - Not a time for Hibernating 27 Getting the Best from your Dealership OverDrive 3

Who are you selling to, your Customers or Your Managers?You’re at the negotiation table with Mr. a value for the trade-in when suddenly the husband and Mrs. Jones who were walk-up takes on a more resistant posture. Customers. You have already spentnearly two hours going through the inventory “So what is the best price you can give me on thisshowing them several cars and have finally car today?” asks the husband abruptly.narrowed it down to what looks like the right carfor them. So far things have been going well. “Are you saying that you are not happy with theThe husband hasn’t been as friendly as the wife figures we have already discussed?” you reply.but you’ve been through this many times beforeand you recognize he’s just trying to maintain “I’m certainly not going to pay sticker pricecontrol of his decision making process. for this car, and I don’t think you are giving me enough for my trade” he says.You had a decent demonstration drive and theyseemed to like the car and were making positive His wife tries to say something but he shushes hercomments about how it drove and how they liked as though she has no say in the matter.the features that came with the option packagethey wanted. You did well on the walkaround and “I appreciate how you feel about this Mr. Jones”spent 15 minutes in service introducing them to you say. “You obviously have taken good care ofthe advisor and performing a decent Service Walk. your vehicle and it has served you well. But as I showed you from our appraisal, that is the actualSo now you are at your desk with the Customers value of the car right now on the market. Andseated before you. You have once again gone over our Service Department will still have to goeverything to make sure it’s the right car for them over it thoroughly to prepare it for resale. Thatand you have gone over the figures and presented4 Dealership OverDrive

will obviously be an additional cost to us.” scenario and the managers will try to get extra money through moving older units, tradeYour response seems to have little effect on him at negotiations or in F&I.this point. The truth is you can never get a 100% guarantee“I think I can get a better deal than that from that a Customer will not turn out to be harder toValley Chevrolet” says the Customer. “And my deal with than you first thought. Today’s informedtrade is worth more than what you are offering me. buyers have a lot of resources available to themJust give me the bottom line and we will go home and they have a host of people and websites whoand think about it.” warn them about our sales process and make them defensive and suspicious.“What will it take to get you to buy this car today?”you ask as any thought of a reasonable profit takes But if you are planning to build long termwings in your mind and now you just want to get loyal relationships with buyers, teaching yourthe thing over and at least put a sale on the board. Customers and demonstrating value and benefit is a much more reliable way. Selling yourSound familiar? What Salesperson has not gone Managers rather than your Customers is not thethrough a similar situation numerous times in the way to do that. Building trust and confidenceprocess of negotiating with a Customer? during the Sales process requires an ability to inspire the Customers with the whole picture ofIn many cases this is where the Salesperson starts what you have to offer. Give them the sense ofthe back and forth walks between the desk and the the teamwork that takes place in your dealershipSales Managers office to deliver offers and counter and that your managers work with you asoffers from the Manager on behalf of the Customer. advocates to help them achieve their purchasing goals and meet their transportation needs.“They seem to be pretty good folks” he tells theManager. “They have a kid just starting college Of course Customers want the lowest price theyand their money is tight. Why don’t we give them can get and don’t want to get into a three waya break?” haggling match every time they shop for a car. But more importantly most want to deal with reputableThe Salesperson is now negotiating with the people who are going to be there for them afterManager on behalf of the Customers and has the purchase and into the future. Sell that tobecome the defense attorney for them trying to you Customers and you won’t have to sell thesell their case and get the best deal possible for Managers on dropping their prices all the time.them. The Salesperson may go back and forthseveral times in an attempt to plea bargain like a A fair profit is a reasonable expectation for anygood attorney. He may even bring the Closer in business and most Customers understand that. Thefor the final offer. Eventually, if a reasonable deal ability to provide quality Customer Service andcannot be agreed upon, the Customer will leave or support doesn’t happen when you give everythingthe price will be dropped to the very bottom just to away at rock bottom prices. Of course there willmake the deal happen. always be Customers who only shop price and will work you to death for a dime. When they show upIn some dealerships this is perfectly acceptable do what you can to sell them a car. But spend youras long as they sell the car. They work only on best time developing quality relationships withnumbers and if they see this coming they will your Customers and you won’t have to deal withget right to the bottom line as quickly as possible the others as much. since you will be busyto get them out and the next buyer in. Salespeople servicing your loyal Customers and the referralshave very little authority to negotiate in this they send you on a regular Dealership OverDrive 5

DLA Training forReceptionist • Phone Operator Administrative Assistant This four-hour class will develop the skill level of your Receptionist or Phone Operator thereby creating a more pleasant environment. Focus in this course is placed on understanding the Customer, creating an environment of comfort and the development of time management. In 90% of the cases your Receptionist or Phone Operator is the first contact your Customers will have with your Dealership, let’s make it one of the best contacts. Now with 3 DLA Training Locations to better serve you! PHILADELPHIA • NY/NJ METRO • PITTSBURGH For more information please call 800-374-3314 ext. 215 Or register online at:

Staying in Tune withtoday’s TechnologyIf you happen to be one who is having a hard be a challenge; especially if you want to improve time catching up with the rapid pace of high your walkaround skills so you can sell your tech development, don’t feel like you’re alone. products to those who are technology minded.Some of us who are parents and grandparents are Some of us have just learned how to show anjust learning the ropes of the Internet while 8 year engine without using the word ‘carburetor.’ Howolds are building websites and 12 year olds are are we going to explain self driven cars if theycreating apps for mobile technology in their actually hit the marketplace.spare time. One does have to marvel though at the phenomenalFor those who have been in retail automotive for computerized systems of the modern vehicle. And,a long time, staying on top of all the changes can if you’re going to stay in this business, you Continued on next page Dealership OverDrive 7

Staying in Tune with Today’s Technology, continuedto get your technology savvy up to date. Either and earn their business. But, that doesn’t meanthat or see if your dealer will hire your 12-year-old you need to go to technical school to learn howgrandchild to take your place so you can retire to to do your job successfully. In spite of all thea life of golf and fishing and leave your mobile new technologies hitting the automotive market,phone in the car. For those still trying to figure when it comes to the bottom line of selling theout what “The Matrix’ movie was all about, don’t vehicle, you don’t have to be a tech to earn theeven bother. If things really are like that and we Customers confidence.actually are living in a videogame, we couldn’tlearn enough Kung Fu moves to stay alive anyway. According to an August 2015 J.D. Powers report, “Automakers are investing billions in newThe automobile industry has always been at the technology and features, half of which are notforefront of innovation and certainly today’s being used by most vehicle owners.”automakers are proving they still have what ittakes to meet the future head on. Like it or not, The report goes on to say: “At least 20% of newthere are people out there who are seriously excited vehicle owners have never used 16 of the 33about such things. As long as they will buy it, technology features measured in the J.D. Powersomebody will make it and put it on the market. 2015 Driver Interactive Vehicle Experience (DrIVE) Report, which evaluates the owner’sNow, don’t get too nervous and start thinking experience with the features in the first 90 daysyou can’t keep up. Actually you can. With a little of ownership of a new car or truck.”practice, you can become exceptional at presentingthese things whether you really understand them That is eye-opening information for those of youor not. Besides that, most of the people who know who are on the ground selling vehicles to make aabout these new gadgets and have done their living. It might give you some relief to know thatresearch already, know what they are supposed spending too much time astonishing Customersto do. Just focus on whether the vehicle you are with your technological knowledge might not beshowing has what they are looking for and be the best use of a good walkaround. Apparently,able to point out where they are and give a fairly if those things really mattered to the Customer asknowledgeable statement about the benefits they much as you might think they would, use themoffer to the buyer. more than they do.Always be aware of what kind of person you are I’m not saying you shouldn’t spend some timedealing with. Are they a family with children? reading your own product brochures andIf so, they are going to want to know about the promotional materials, but don’t let that take alatest innovations for safety, space, reliability and back seat to inspiring shoppers with your uniqueeconomy. Their kids are going to want hot links to personality and professional approach to Customerkeep their phones or video games charged up and care. Get to know them and connect on a personaldiversions to keep them busy so they won’t get too level as much as possible.antsy during the drive. Of course, they are interested in all of the goodFind out what they like or don’t like about the car things the vehicle has to offer, but while youthey now have. Don’t suggest that theirs is a bad are making your sales presentation, they will becar by any means, but make sure you know what it focusing on whether or not you are the Salespersonis they hope¬¬ to have in the new vehicle that isn’t they want to deal with. If they like you and youin their current one. do a good job presenting your product and your dealership, chances are the fact that you are notThese are the kinds of things that will be important Elon Musk won’t keep them from buying a carto know if you want to get them in the right car from you.8 Dealership OverDrive

F&AdIvCaonucersdesGrow YourBottom LineFor today’s businessmanager who wantsto continue their educationthrough highly developedF&I concepts.Please call Mary Mannella at 800-374-3314 ext. 215 or visit us at:

Is Digital F&I in yourDealership’s Future?The increasingly rapid development of other departments since data communications new processes and systems in technology take place outside of the dealership system has not gone unnoticed by the retail with banks, lenders, legal documentation andautomotive industry. As in-house systems of factory communications.communication and data administration becomemore and more complex, it is critical that the New technologies are being developed for theuse of technology used in your dealership flows F&I function to help dealerships deliver a morethroughout the system. Unless there can be an dynamic and efficient process. These willeffective process of data communication between enable engaging with customers in such a waydepartments within the dealership or organization as to educate them in all the possible choicesgrowth is hindered and work hours can be less available through the F&I Department. Thisefficient and more expensive. will be much like viewing a video game where choices and options are presented to the customerFor the F&I Department in your dealership or to educate them on the possibilities available togroup this can prove even more critical than in10 Dealership OverDrive

them and enable them to make choices in a way If they desire they can access a 360° video walkthat makes it easier for them to decide on what around presentation on a specific vehicle andthey want. Far from taking the F&I Department even have a complete finance presentation whileout of the process, this will in fact make things sitting on their couch holding a smart phone ormore efficient for both the customer and the tablet. It’s one stop shopping at a level that isfinance department and should prove highly more like a drive in restaurant than a normaladvantageous to both. car buying experience.F&I processes are now being developed that are Many dealers are somewhat asleep since EBaybased on videogame technology. These will Motors failed to become the threat so manyallow customers to access information and engage thought it might evolve into. But don’t get toowith computer technologies via online services or comfortable and think the war is over. Ignoringon dealership video kiosks. Buyers will be able the possibilities is too risky. It’s better to keepto shop for F&I features and benefits in powerful your finger on the pulse of new developments andand compelling ways using interactive tools on at least see what can be a useful step for you toa digital screen. take toward the future of a digital business model.For F&I officers this makes it easy to personalize One way to do that is to implement an onlinea digital menu presentation for Customers. By process that engages customers earlier in theautomatic system updates of current products and process and allows for easy and flexible onlineprices it can help eliminate pricing errors and financing options for your Customers. Don’tdescription mistakes on the products they present be found standing in line holding on to yourto their Customers. cassette tapes when everyone else is going to digital music. The internet is here to stay and itIf this sounds extremely expensive and sophisticated will only get harder to catch up if you wait toofor your current dealership, it doesn’t mean you long to engage in the future.need to have NASA build your next F&I computer.But, it is important that your dealership website Though many may ignore these warning signs itis optimized for mobile use and allows online might help to remember what happened to IBMcustomers to use tablets and other mobile devices when they refused to acknowledge the coming tideto access information online. This enables them of personal computers. Their monopoly on theto see what choices are available through your computing industry gave way to a sea of youngsales and finance department and helps reduce and geeky entrepreneur’s loaded with new ideastheir pressure and anxiety. It also educates them and hungry to become pioneers in the new worldto possibilities and benefits that might normally go of technology.unmentioned in a conventional F&I presentation. Here’s the bottom line: Customers want toRetail auto sellers in general are going to be be treated fairly and the more upfront andfaced with a host of new digital competition as transparent you are the more they will want toinnovative technologies bring the sales process bring their business your way. That goes for theright to the customer. Companies like, F&I process as well since many that hold a and are just a few of the against car salespeople have the same sense ofstartups using Silicon Valley technologies to make vulnerability when it come to dealing with thecar buying and financing resemble purchasing a F&I office. The sooner you make the leap to morecar from a vending machine or mall kiosk. advanced technologies to present these products as well, the better off your dealership will be andCustomers can go online or visit a company the happier and less defensive your Customerskiosk or website and view the available inventory. will feel in the Dealership OverDrive 11

Your people are yourmost valuable assetWith 3 locations to serve you, the DLA Automotive Training Centers offer all dealerships the ability to engage in top notch training. Salespeople • Sales Managers • Internet/BDC Managers • Internet/BDC Staff • F&I Service Advisors • Service Managers • Parts Managers • Body Shop ManagersPHILADELPHIA – MONTVALE – PITTSBURGHFor more information regarding available DLA courses, please call 800-374-3314 ext. 21512 Dealership OverDrive or visit us online at:

Cancerous People and how they Affect Your TeamIt seems there are some people in this world about, people who bring these negative traits who are never happy unless they are making into a car Dealership can quickly create a cancer someone else miserable. They seem to thrive that spreads into every area of your business andon gossip, doubt, resentment and innuendo. If they endangers both your staff and your Customers,are allowed to spread their negativity they are like and ultimately your business as a whole.a cancer that eventually kills everything it touches.This is certainly true when it applies to building a That goes for the way they carry out their jobteam of people to work together in your business.Regardless of which department we are talking assignments and the attitude they display to people around them. Continued on next page Dealership OverDrive 13

Having been around the car business for 35 years you should “know those who labor among you.”now, I have personally seen how someone like this That is certainly good advice for those in chargecan infect everything they come in contact with of building a team for success.unless they are dealt with and removed from theoperation completely. Self help author W. Cement Stone understood the power of attitude. In his book ‘Success through aA modern Automobile Dealership employs a wide Positive Mental Attitude’ which he co-wrote withvariety of people from every personality type Napoleon Hill, he said the following: “There ison the planet. Trying to organize these diverse little difference in people, but that little differencecharacters into a highly functional team can often makes a big difference. The little difference isbe like trying to herd cats. Those who manage attitude. The big difference is whether it is positiveto accomplish this goal must keep their finger or negative.”on the pulse of the business to make sure everyperson understands their part and appreciates the A bad attitude is like a clear and tasteless poisontalents and abilities other team members bring in a glass of water. It may seem to go unnoticedto the operation. A well-run Dealership requires to the person drinking it, but eventually its resultconstant awareness of what is going on among the is poor health and sometimes even death. Such isstaff members if they are to create an environment the way of cancerous people. They often producewhere Customers feel welcome when they arrive, the deadliest results in a way that at first seemsand satisfied when they leave. harmless and is often humorous. They talk or joke about other staff members or criticizeWhen negativity and bad attitudes are ignored and management in a negative way in an attemptallowed to enter in and take root, it is not long to diminish their value to others. They createbefore they begin to affect everyone they touch. suspicion and jealousy in order to advance theirLike a tumor that appears as a small spot on the own agenda. To them, a team is only valuable as asurface, but is growing into a life-threatening way to accomplish their own personal goals. Justdisease if untreated, it is not long before as a cancers’ only goal is to consume everything itradical steps must be taken to remove the can to feed its insatiable appetite, so a cancerousdestructive organism from the body of the patient. person gets strength by taking it from those aroundIn the same way that a healthy person monitors them. They care little about enhancing the welland attends to the well-being of their body, being of the other team members.maintaining a healthy business requires no lessattention and care. The health of your Dealership will ultimately depend upon the health and well-being of thoseIt often starts with the hiring process. A chain is who work there. By taking the time to know andonly as strong as its weakest link. When attempting understand the behaviors and attitudes of thoseto build a team of people who work together in who make up your team, you can maintain aharmony to create an environment of success and healthy organization that is built to last and gearedproductivity, those you invite into that process will to help every member accomplish their goals andeither empower or endanger what you are trying objectives. If you tolerate negativity and ignoreto accomplish. It is not enough to know about the how it is affecting the environment you are tryingabilities of people you bring into your business. to create, you may soon find the infection has goneUnderstanding their personality type and attitude too far and a radical surgery is required to removeis equally, if not more important, than their skill it from your business. Preventing a serious illnesslevel. You can teach people almost anything if is always better than trying to cure it after it hasthey want to learn, but if they are not a good fit taken root. Apply these principles to your businessfor the operation, they will eventually resist what and you will save yourself and your employees ayou are trying to teach them. An old proverb says lot of anguish over the long run.14 Dealership OverDrive

The DLA Training Centers are your one-stop trainingfacility for the entire Dealership! Hundreds of students go through our doors monthly. Are you one of them?If not, become a member and join today!When you think Training, Think DLA!w22ww.davDidelaelwerish.ciopmOverDriveDealershwipwOwv.dearDvirdivlewis.co12m5

Does SalesTrainingReally Work?This year David Lewis and Associates of ‘Inspirational Selling’ to dealerships and celebrated our 30th year as a company individuals across North America has been a dedicated to training and consulting for tremendously rewarding experience for allthe retail automotive industry. It is hard to of us and we wouldn’t change a thing.believe it has been that long. The wonderfulexperiences we have had taking the message Starting in the 80’s, as an F&I training company,16 Dealership OverDrive we now offer education for every aspect of the retail automotive business. Along with the many dealerships nationwide that use our live and online training programs, we also have three DLA Training Centers operating in Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey. Students from all over the country attend our DLA Training courses and come to start or advance their skills and careers in the retail automotive business. Our Founder David Lewis and our team of DLA certified trainers travel constantly across North America training Dealers, General Managers, Service Managers, Sales Managers, F&I Managers, Service Advisors and Salespeople alike on “The Art of Inspirational Selling and Leadership.” Together we cover the country providing in dealership and off-site training year round. The results we have seen and the growth of our business has validated our long term goal of transforming the way vehicles are sold and teaching a Structured and Customer focused sales process that produces better results for both buyers and sellers alike. So does Sales Training really work? Absolutely! And as they often say: “The Proof is in the Pudding.” The nation’s highest volume dealerships provide on-going sales and management training to their entire staff. All true professionals who have a long term view of their careers know that continuing education is the key to great success. It is part of the price they pay to become the best they can be. Henry Ford understood the power of ongoing education and often said: “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.” Of the thousands of dealerships we have worked with over the years, DLA training has yielded tremendous results in several areas of the Dealership. Most realize an increase in sales of around 40% in volume and an additional 60% in revenue. In the Service Department, results range from a low of 35% to a high of 70% in increased commissionable revenue. Dealership OverDrive 17

We teach a structured sales process to selling cars can be exciting and enjoyable as it was meantthat is focused on helping the Customer achieve to be.their purchasing goals. Our students are taughthow to set and achieve goals for building a long Customers who find Salespeople and dealershipsand successful career in this business. They learn that treat them this way tend to become loyala proven process that is Customer friendly and sets buyers who return to the same place wheneverthem apart from the competition by being unique, they have a need for another vehicle. They alsodifferent and inspiring. refer their family and friends because they know their Salesperson will treat them the same way.Automobile shoppers have long been treated in away that intimidates and offends them to the point With over 35 years experience in this trainingwhere most people today would rather have a process, we can say without question that salesdental root canal than go to a dealership to buy training not only works, it produces more sales,a car. This places those in our business near the higher profits and more satisfied Customers thanbottom of the list of businesses and people to any other sales process out there. It also encouragesbe trusted; usually just above politicians and Salespeople to stay put and build a long term andlobbyists. The fact of the matter is in large part lucrative career selling automobiles for a living.we’ve earned that ranking by the way we havetraditionally sold our products and services. If you have not yet been through a sales training process and are eager to build a new career in thisThe Internet has changed all that and has allowed business or take your existing career to new levels,shoppers to access information that was once privy our DLA training is for you. We provide the bestto those who work in the business. This has given training in the business and our students standthem a new power and resources that enable them out among those who make their living in retailto obtain the information they need to keep from automotive sales.being disadvantaged when they go to buy a car.That does not mean they don’t have fears or So does sales training really work? Why notapprehensions about having to deal with a sign up for one of our courses and see for yourself.professional car Salesperson that is trained Contact our office and see what we have to offerto persuade. Customers still come to a car in the way of training to help you achieve thedealership with a defensive posture expecting to goals you have for your career. The schedule andhave to battle their way to the finish line and course information you need can be found in thishopefully not be completely screwed in the process. magazine and we encourage you to take advantage of what we have to offer through one of our onlineThis is how many have come to view all car or off-site training courses.Salespeople who sell through the use of pressure,manipulation and control. They come expecting Don’t wait too long as the class schedules areto be treated poorly and are on their guard usually filled ahead of schedule most of theanticipating the worst. time. If you want next year to be even better than this year was for you, taking one of ourThe DLA sales process teaches Salespeople and DLA sales training courses is a good way tomanagers that the Customer is our most valuable make that happen.resource and without them none of us would bepaid. Therefore the Customer should be honored Call our office at 1-800-374-3314 and sign up forand respected and treated with the utmost courtesy. one of our training courses. You won’t regret itBy building a relationship with the Customer that and neither will your friendly and genuinely helpful they will releasetheir defensiveness and the car shopping process18 Dealership OverDrive

Internet/BDC TrainingThis complete program for both internet and inbound phone leads. Expert Training from the initial contact with your customer through long term ongoing sold and unsold customer follow-up.Everything starts with the customerFor information, please call Mary Mannella at 800-374-3314 ext. 215 or visit us at: Dealership OverDrive 19

WheelAlignments:Selling the Benefitsto Your CustomersConsidering the fact that high-quality wheel sell more alignments and the alignment alignment machines costs $25 to $30,000 machines are usually placed in the service drive today you would think that Service where Customers enter for just that reason.Advisors would go out of their way to sell the Service Advisors should take a minute to presentbenefits of a wheel alignment to every Customer this service to Customers knowing that there iscoming through their line. money to be made if they would take the time to know and understand how to sell the benefitsAll dealers want their service departments to of a wheel alignment.20 Dealership OverDrive

It’s really not that hard to do and doesn’t require a Here is a more professional approach to thecollege education to explain the process. To start process that would be more likely to produce awith a simple explanation of just a few things can positive response from the Customer:increase will alignment sales substantially. Hereare a few basic bits of information that Customers “Mr. Customer, our FREE alignment check showswould probably want to know if it was presented that the right front suspension on your vehicle isto them: out of alignment. The reading says the toe is out and what that means is that while the other three 1. What an alignment is tires are rolling straight down the road, this tire 2. What an alignment does is pointing inward just so, like the tire is a little 3. Why and how it benefits the pigeon toed. This right front tire is fighting the other three and they are keeping the car going Customer straight while slightly dragging this tire along 4. What the key measurements with them. are and what do they meanInstead, most advisors will make a simple This quickly scrubs the tread off the tire and putsstatement to the Customer after checking the undo pressure on the suspension wearing on thosealignment that goes something like this: components as well. To save from prematurely replacing tires and doing more damage we can“The printed alignment check says your vehicles correct this by performing an alignment for $100toe is out. To adjust and correct the alignment and have everything completed today by 4pm.”issue will cost $100. Did you want us to take careof that today?” Does that sound like it might be worth a $100 to prevent further damage or wear and tear that couldThe Customer doesn’t know what toe is, and it go into several hundred or more? It certainly doescertainly doesn’t sound like it is worth $100 since to me and it probably would to any Customer whothey don’t necessarily feel and vibrations or was planning to keep their vehicle in good shapehave any steering issues that make such a costly for as long as possible.procdure seem necessary. Continued on next Dealership OverDrive 21

Wheel Alignments – Selling the Benefits to Your Customers, continued successfully you can increase Service Department profitability substantially and will actually beIn years past, it wasn’t a question. Almost everyone doing the right thing for your Customers andknew that an alignment was something you took saving them some of at least once a year in order to protect thetires from excess wear and tear and to prolong the After all, doesn’t the title “Service Advisor” indicatelife of steering and suspension components. Yet it that their job is to advise the Customer on what isseems today that people do not want to deal with best for them and how to maintain the quality andany maintenance as if they expect the vehicle and value of their vehicle for long as possible?components should last forever. One way to do that is to become effective in sellingSome of this may be due to the fact that many of the benefits of wheel alignments to your’s vehicles have sealed components that don’t And there is no better time to do that than duringrequire additional lubrication on a regular basis the winter months. Especially if you happen toand they may think that is how all modern vehicles be in areas where there is snow and the danger ofare being built. driving can be increased by excessive tire wear.The top two reasons for uneven and premature tire So make sure you make selling the benefits ofwear are; wheel alignments to your Customers almost a mandatory process. You are doing a valuable 1. Tires over or under inflated service if your Customer has any need in this area 2. Vehicle suspension out of alignment and once the alignment shop machinist paid for the profits should add substantial revenue to yourTires are much more expensive than they used dealership’s bottom be commonly running well over $100 per tire.By teaching your advisors how to sell alignments22 Dealership OverDrive “Dependable, basic transportation. Guaranteed to drive the ladies wild, especially low-maintenance ones.”

DLA RECRUITING WE RECRUIT:Salespeople, Internet/BDC, Service Advisors and Administrative staff DLA ONERECRUITING Ads placed in your local area in CareerBuilder,, Indeed, Craigslist and your local workforce agencies. WILL: TWO• Find Candidates Recruiters begin reverse resume researching• Screen Prospects and marketing, as well as, resume prospecting• Schedule Interviews throughout your area. THREE Applicants are screened based on your desired hiring criteria. Pre-employment process to include valid driver’s license, drug screen and background check consent. FOUR Phone interviews are conducted to confirm eligibility and skill level for the desired position. FIVE Candidates who meet requirements, are scheduled with a face to face interview with the designated Dealership contact. SIX Once a hire is made, our Training Liasion will enroll the hiree into the appropriate course depending on the position they accepted. For information, please call Mary Mannella at 800-374-3314 ext. 215 or visit us at:

Marketing Service in December :Not a Time for HibernatingDecember is a great time to make sure Many owners consider taking their vehicle to your Service Departments marketing is someone to check for any problems or change the in order. Many Customers travel during oil prior to holiday travel. Also, college kids arethe holidays and at times they run into foul home and often parents want to have their vehicleweather in the process. tightened up before they return to school.24 Dealership OverDrive

December is always a good time to market your Customers. December is a good time to say thanksmulti-point inspection as a comprehensive safety for their business and to let them know you areinspection and to build up the need to bring their there to support them whenever they need servicevehicle to you before any travel. Bundle this and maintenance for their vehicles.with an oil change special in order to drivemore business into your Service Department in Finish the year strong and do a big marketing pushDecember and you have a winning combination to increase parts and service sales in December.that also saves your Customers money. It could And remember what Einstein said about insanity:be presented as a Christmas Special as a way ofsaying thanks to your loyal Customers for their “Insanity is doing the same things over and overbusiness throughout the year. again and expecting different results.”Another good thing is to make sure your website That’s a good thing to keep in mind if you’re goingcoupons are seasonal. Consider things like tire to do anything special to improve your business inspecials, brakes, winter wiper blades and any other December. If you do nothing different than youitems that are suspect to letting you down in cold, did last year, then you will probably finish withfreezing and snowy conditions. the same results again this year. Think outside the box and you may discover great opportunities toSome Customers like to purchase accessories as increase your business throughout the month ofChristmas presents. Why not offer installation December and into the New Year.specials on accessories such as, remote start, allweather mats, Garmin devices and satellite radio.Make your service lounge into a winter showroomthat encourages Customers to think aboutadditional products and services they may needand potential gifts for themselves or people ontheir Christmas list.Christmas is a special timefor ChildrenChildren love Santa Claus and having him visityour Service Department during the holiday cancertainly bring Customers with children in fora visit. It’s a good time to call Customers withChristmas specials and an opportunity to bringtheir children to meet Jolly old St. Nick. If youhave room to set up a special area for such anevent it can be a great way to introduce yourService Department to new potential Customers.For those in warmer climates a snow blowercan be a nice thing to have on hand to bringsome unexpected fun to kids who rarely get toexperience a truly White Christmas.Be creative and fun and go out of your wayto make December a special time for Dealership OverDrive 25

OVERDUE FOR A FIXED OPS TUNE-UP?INCREASE YOURCUSTOMER PAY!Boost your Service Performance with customized In-Dealership Fixed Ops Training. For information, call 800-374-3314 ext. 215 or visit www.davidlewis.com26 Dealership OverDrive

Getting the Best from your BDCIf your dealership is currently operating a connects with your dealership, you have a very BDC, regardless of the method or process short time to catch their interest enough to bring you use or the size of your operation, it’s them in for an appointment. Learning how to useimportant to remember the primary function of that time effectively will be an essential elementa BDC: to develop business for your dealership. of the success of your BDC.If your BDC is not producing profits above andbeyond what was coming in before you opened Of course, it all starts with having properly trainedit, you are certainly not getting the best for people in place to handle the job. Running ayour money. BDC without the staff being properly trained has caused many dealerships to give up altogether onA well functioning BDC can be the heart beat of the idea. A BDC rep does not necessarily need ayour dealership if the people working there are background in auto sales, but they do need wellproperly trained in customer relationships and developed and specific skills when it comes tobusiness development. In today’s rapid paced dealing with customers. In most BDC’s, theirinformation society, when a prospective customer primary purpose is to create appointments and Continued on next Dealership OverDrive 27

Getting the Best out of your BDC , continued contacts or future marketing initiatives.track customer relations; not to spend their time Creating success in today’s digital marketplacetrying to sell cars over the phone or online. The is not only possible; it is a critical learning curveway they develop and create business is by that must be overcome by those who want togetting customers to come in for a professional effectively integrate their business into the newsales presentation by a trained car salesperson. digital world. If your BDC is not carrying itsWhen they can do that well, they are worth their weight and creating new business and new profits,weight in gold. you will eventually do one of two things: ditch it altogether or make the effort to learn what itBut How Much Gold? takes to turn your BDC into a profitable part of the dealership.Structuring the right pay plan that works isextremely important. Most successful BDC’s Management must be on boardhave found a combination of hourly pay or salary, and work well with BDC personneland bonuses paid for a successful appointmentworks best. If you pay strictly hourly, you defeat Stress between sales people and BDC reps hasthe incentive that comes with commissions or probably caused more loss of profits and BDCbonuses. But, if you pay by commissions only, shutdowns than any other single thing. This isyour BDC reps will be selling cars over the another problem that a salary/bonus pay systemphone. In most BDC’s, the reps position is a call can remedy. You don’t want to have to deal withcenter job, not a car salesperson position. Let friction between the two departments. Salespeopleyour car Salespeople do the selling once the who lose their incentive to prospect, can dependcustomer shows up for an appointment, then pay too heavily on appointments coming from thea reasonable bonus to the BDC reps for each BDC and become lazy about doing their ownsuccessful appointment they make. This keeps the work in this regard. This can cause the floorincentive aspect in place but doesn’t create conflict managers to take positions and they will usuallybetween the BDC and the floor sales staff over side with the salespeople. A Team Leadershipsplit commissions. style of management can help remove the disparity in this case. When the salespeople and the BDCThe Call Center Aspect of a BDC reps see themselves as integral parts of the same team, it can make all the difference in the world.The job of answering incoming phone calls andscheduling sales appointments should be a well Although the value of the BDC concept is beingscripted task. Though you want people with challenged today on many fronts, it is more agood personalities and effective phone and question of structure and function than of theinternet skills, it is still best to have them working intrinsic value of the process. Historically, wewith a professional script. This will create a know that those who fail to adjust to the changesconsistency that will produce better results and taking place will eventually find themselvesmore appointments. too far behind to catch up. This need not be the case with the automotive BDC. However yourMaking outbound calls and follow-up carries the dealership organization chooses to deal withsame weight and should also be scripted. They marketing your products online, a BDC is still adon’t want to sound like your typical robotic viable entity that can be extremely effective intelephone sales person selling vitamins. Since producing new growth and profits. If yours isthey will often be contacting previous no-shows not doing that, or if you’ve yet to open a BDC into reschedule and past customers or failed your dealership, give us a call so we can discussbe-backs as well, they need to sound personable the possibilities with you as we offer extensiveand competent and well informed of the reason for training for every area of BDC operation.their call. They should log all customer commentsand update customer changes in the database aswell. This will be extremely valuable for future28 Dealership OverDrive

UpcomingCourses Philadelphia Training CenterDEC 12/5 Internet/BDC: Lead Generation (Day 1) JAN 1/2 Entry Level Sales (Day 1) 12/6 Internet/BDC: Lead Generation (Day 2) 1/3 Entry Level Sales (Day 2) 12/9 Negotiations for Salespeople (9-1pm) 1/4 Entry Level Sales (Day 3) Common Mistakes Salespeople Make 1/5 Entry Level Sales (Day 4) (1-5pm) Advanced F&I Concepts (Day 1)12/12 Entry Level Sales (Day 1) 1/6 Entry Level Sales (Day 5)12/13 Entry Level Sales (Day 2) Advanced F&I Concepts (Day 2)12/14 Entry Level Sales (Day 3) 1/9 Receptionist/Phone Operator (9-1pm)12/15 Entry Level Sales (Day 4) Understanding Your Customer (1-5pm)12/16 Entry Level Sales (Day 5) 1/10 Advanced Sales: Level 1 Advanced Sales Program (Day 1) 1/11 Objections: Level 1 Advanced Sales Program (Day 2) 1/12 Leasing for Salespeople (9-1pm) Prospecting & Follow-Up (1-5pm) Advanced Sales Program (Day 3) 1/13 Phone-Ups: Level 1 Advanced Sales Program (Day 4) 1/17 Advanced Sales Management Advanced Sales Management Program (Day 1) Entry Level Service Advisor (Day 1) 1/18 Leadership (9-1pm) Coaching (1-5pm) Advanced Sales Management Program (Day 2) Entry Level Service Advisor (Day 2) 1/19 Advanced Management Negotiations (9-1pm) Hiring/Motivation (1-5pm) Advanced Sales Management Program (Day 3) Entry Level Service Advisor (Day 3) 1/20 Train the Trainer (9-1pm) Leasing for Managers (1-5pm) Advanced Sales Management Program (Day 4) Entry Level Service Advisor (Day 4) 1/23 Negotiations for Salespeople (9-1pm) Common Mistakes Salespeople Make (1-5pm) 1/24 Internet/BDC: Lead Generation (Day 1) 1/25 Internet/BDC: Lead Generation (Day 2)For more information call 1/26 Advanced Sales: Level 2 800-374-3314 ext. 215 1/30 Entry Level Sales (Day 1) 1/31 Entry Level Sales (Day 2)Scheduled course dates are subject to change without prior notice. Please check for updated class dates and Dealership OverDrive 29

UpcomingCourses NY/NJ Metro Training CenterDEC 12/5 Negotiations for Salespeople (9-1pm) JAN 12/5 Negotiations for Salespeople (9-1pm) Business Etiquette (1-5pm) 12/6 Business Etiquette (1-5pm) 12/6 Advanced Sales: Level 1 Advanced Sales: Level 1 Advanced Sales Program (Day 1) Advanced Sales Program (Day 1) 12/7 Objections: Level 1 Advanced Sales Program (Day 2) 12/7 Objections: Level 1 12/8 Leasing for Salespeople (9-1pm) Advanced Sales Program (Day 2) Prospecting & Follow-Up (1-5pm) Advanced Sales Program (Day 3) 12/8 Leasing for Salespeople (9-1pm) 12/9 Phone-Ups: Level 1 Prospecting & Follow-Up (1-5pm) Advanced Sales Program (Day 4) Advanced Sales Program (Day 3) 12/12 Entry Level Sales (Day 1) 12/13 Entry Level Sales (Day 2) 12/9 Phone-Ups: Level 1 12/14 Entry Level Sales (Day 3) Advanced Sales Program (Day 4) 12/15 Entry Level Sales (Day 4) 12/16 Entry Level Sales (Day 5) 12/12 Entry Level Sales (Day 1) 12/13 Entry Level Sales (Day 2) 12/14 Entry Level Sales (Day 3) 12/15 Entry Level Sales (Day 4) 12/16 Entry Level Sales (Day 5)Scheduled course dates are subject to change without prior notice. Please check for updated class dates and details.30 Dealership OverDrive

UpcomingCourses Pittsburgh Training CenterDEC 12/5 Advanced Service Advisor Techniques JAN 1/10 Advanced Sales Management Advanced Service Advisor Program Advanced Sales Management Program (Day 1) (Day 1) Entry Level Service Advisor (Day 1) 12/6 Understanding the Service Customer (9-1pm) 1/11 Leadership (9-1pm) Service Advisor Phone Techniques (1-5pm) Coaching (1-5pm) 12/7 AUTOMOTIVE TRAINING CENTERAdvanced Service Advisor Program (Day 2) 12/8 Effective Service Walk-Arounds (9-1pm) 12/9 Advanced Service Advisor Program (Day 3)12/12 Internet/BDC: Lead Generation (Day 1)12/13 Advanced Sales Management Program (Day 2)12/14 Entry Level Service Advisor (Day 2)12/15 1/12 Advanced Management Negotiations (9-1pm)12/16 Hiring/Motivation (1-5pm) Advanced Sales Management Program (Day 3) Entry Level Service Advisor (Day 3) Internet/BDC: Lead Generation (Day 2) Entry Level Sales (Day 1) 1/13 Train the Trainer (9-1pm) Leasing for Managers (1-5pm) Advanced Sales Management Program (Day 4) Entry Level Sales (Day 2) Entry Level Service Advisor (Day 4) Entry Level Sales (Day 3) 1/17 Advanced Sales: Level 1 Entry Level Sales (Day 4) Advanced Sales Program (Day 1) Entry Level Sales (Day 5) 1/18 Objections: Level 1 Advanced Sales Program (Day 2) 1/19 Leasing for Salespeople (9-1pm) Prospecting & Follow-Up (1-5pm) Advanced Sales Program (Day 3) 1/20 Phone-Ups: Level 1 Advanced Sales Program (Day 4) 1/24 Common Mistakes Salespeople Make (9-1pm) Negotiations for Salespeople (1-5pm) 1/25 Social Media for Salespeople Pittsburgh, PA1/26 Business Etiquette (9-1pm) Receptionist/Phone Operator (1-5pm) 1/30 Entry Level Sales (Day 1) 1/31 Entry Level Sales (Day 2) “Very informative and refreshing to learn something new. Being in the business for just under three years this is the first time I have been taught the proper way to handle a phone-up! I look forward to using my new skills to see how much my sales will rise! I look forward to more sessions! Thank you!!” - Candace Carney, Scott HondaFor more information please call 800-374-3314 ext. 215 Scheduled course dates are subject to change without prior notice. Please check for updated class dates and Dealership OverDrive 31

The DLA Metro Training Center offers a full range of courses to meet the Training needs of everyone in the Dealership!CCOIMNINCGSIPTNROINNGA20T17I DLA Continues to push the envelope with the announcement of our Fourth Training Facility: The DLA Metro Training Center in Cincinnati, OH Coming in the Spring of 2017! For more information please call: 800-374-3314 ext. 215 or visit

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