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Dealership SEPTEMBER 2015 TM A David Lewis & Associates Publication An Interview with Bill Kassner Sales Obstacle: What is your best price on that car over there? Safety Walk Around PresentationLEADERSHIP The Five Essentials of Leadership Part V Leadership Deals with People and their Dynamics

Publisher’s Note Dealership TM The Best is yet To Come! A David Lewis & Associates Publication 2015 has already been a SEPTEMBER 2015 tremendous year for David Lewis and Associates with the PUBLISHER introduction of our new website, our David Lewis Dealership Overdrive Magazine, the DLA Live broadcasts and the addition [email protected] of so many new members joining our family of Dealerships who use our GRAPHIC COORDINATORtraining programs and materials. With the success of my newest Brian Smithbook, Winners vs. Losers which was published this year and ournew video training series for Service Advisors; we are stretching out [email protected] every area of the retail automotive business to help improve theservices our family of Dealerships deliver to their Customers. SALES DIRECTOR Mary MannellaThe tremendous response we received since opening our DLAtraining center outside of Philadelphia motivated us to open our [email protected] center in the Metro New York area which will start classeson October 5th. Make sure you read the article in this month’s TRAINING LIAISONissue and make your plans to sign up for the courses you need as Priscilla Youngseats are already going fast for the many courses that will beavailable when we open in October. We are already looking ahead [email protected] other geographical locations for the future as the response fromDealerships and students who have attended classes has been CIRCULATION / SUBSCRIPTIONSoverwhelmingly positive. Jennifer PotterThis means that our vision for transforming the retail automobile [email protected] industry into a Customer focused system has been worthall the effort we have given to the process. Starting in 1986 MEDIA LIAISONwith a vision to equip car Salespeople with better and more Molly Parkproductive Customer focused methods, David Lewis and Associateshas become the industry leader in every aspect of professional retail [email protected] training. Our goal to give Dealerships and Customers aprocess that offers a win-win solution for the car sales business has CONTRIBUTING WRITERSproven to be widely accepted and is gaining a growing appreciation Dino DeLucafrom the industry and the car buying public as well. [email protected] this means to the retail automotive industry is that as salescontinue to increase at their current pace, our training programs Ben Jenkinswill be there to help our dealers and trainees capitalize on theresurgence and revitalization of the car industry in America. As [email protected] recovers from the recent economic downturn, it isimportant to recognize the part that the automotive industry has played Becky Nixonin making this the greatest nation in the world. We believe ours is avaluable contribution to this effort and will continue to support the [email protected] with the highest quality training programs available on themarket today and in the future. Brian ShermanDavid Lewis [email protected], David Lewis & Associates, Inc. Dealership OverDrive magazine makes every attempt to ensure the accuracy of all published material. However it2 Dealership OverDrive cannot be held responsible for opinions expressed or facts supplied herein. Nothing may be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved. The publisher encourages you to submit suggestions. Submitted materials become the property of David Lewis & Associates, Inc. and will not be returned. Send material for publication to 10 Suntree Place, Melbourne, FL 32940. The editor reserves the right to edit material; submission of material constitutes permission to edit and publish that material. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is presented with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. From a Declaration of Principles jointly adopted by a Committee of the American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers.

contents 4 Fixed Ops: Turning Service Loss Leader Mailers Into Profit Producers 7 Who Is Training Your Staff, Part III 10 The Five Essentials of Leadership, Part IV Leaders Create Change and Facilitate Growth 12 Is Your F&I “TO” Policy Working For You?, Part II 14 “Immediate Results” - An Interview with Steve Bierwirth 16 The 4 Rules of Sales Success, Part I 24 What Stops Success? 26 Mad Max Rides Again! 28 News from the Philadelphia & NY/NJ Training Centers Kick Start Your Work ADVANCED Week with David Lewis’ SERVICE ADVISOR Monday Morning PROGRAM Sales Meeting Sept. 22 - 24 wSwigwn.dUapvFidolrewFrise.ecoamt A three day course dedicated to provide experienced Service Manager with ideas, tools and techniques on how to grow and enhance their Service Department. Call 800-374-3314 ext. 215 3 Dealership OverDrive

SALESThe Safety Walk Around PresentationAgreat tool that is usually overlooked tempered laminated glass. Ironically, this type during the car process today is the Safety of glass is federally mandated to be in all cars. Walk-around presentation. It is not Herein lies the question, have you ever shared thisuncommon for car Salespeople to do a tremendous information with your Customers as a valuablesales presentation and demonstration drive, yet part of your Safety Walk-around Presentation? Itfollow up with a mediocre walk-around that leaves certainly is an important feature of your vehicleout so many of the things that can win your and when you present it during your walk-aroundCustomers business. Though it may sound and nobody else does, you will stand out asstrange to think of doing a Safety Walk-around unique, well-informed and inspiring to yourPresentation, the truth is this is your best Customers. Many may think that this feature isopportunity to be different and unique to your only on your car.Customers. The Safety Walk-around gives youthe opportunity to present features and benefits the There are many objects that are standard featuresCustomer very likely has never heard about from in all modern vehicles, yet they have never beenany other Salespeople. When done well, it can properly presented to the potential Customer tomake you sound like a technical wizard, even demonstrate the value and benefit they offer inthough these are very common things that are the way of safety. This is an oversight that costsgenerally required by law in every vehicle Salespeople deals every day that could have andmanufactured today. would have been won if they had taken the time to present them to the Customer. They overlookFor instance, when was the last time, if ever, these things because they wrongly assume thatthat you told your Customers about the safety everybody already knows about these commontempered glass that makes up their windshield features in cars today. Though that may be true,and the surrounding windows of their vehicle. it is very unlikely that any Salesperson has everEveryone fears the thought of an accident. What taken the time to explain it to them. If you do, youif the glass shatters? What if I am ejected from will stand out as unique and different from thethe car? Both of those possibilities have been competition. Though that may be true, it is verygreatly reduced by the invention of safety unlikely that any Salesperson has ever taken the4 Dealership OverDrive

time to explain it to them. If you do, you will stand impact air bags for front-seat passengers are nearlyout as unique and different from the competition. universal now and some manufacturers offer side bags for rear-seat passengers, as well. Side air bagsVehicle rollovers have been such a big topic of are fairly small cushions that pop out of the doorsafety in the industry over the past two decades trim or the side of the seatback. Does your vehiclethat the National Highway Traffic Safety have those? Are you telling your Customers aboutAdministration (NHTSA) developed a system of them? If not, why not? Nearly all new modelsStatic Stability Factor (SSF) measurements that today include additional “side curtain” bags thatindicate rollover risks in single vehicle crashes. deploy from above the windows and cover bothStart talking about the ‘Rollover Resistance’ or front and rear side windows to prevent occupants‘Roof Crush Resistance’ of your vehicle during the from hitting their heads and to shield themSafety Walk-around and see how your Customers from flying debris. Curtain bags stay inflatedlight up. Both of these are standard government longer in most cases as well. This can help keepregulated features now in vehicles, but your people from being ejected during a rollover or aCustomer may not know that, and your high-speed side crash.competition probably is not telling them aboutit. ‘Electronic Stability Control’ became standard If you have ever had a chance to read my firston all vehicles in 2012, but every manufacturer book: ‘The Secrets of Inspirational Selling,’has a different name for their system. Talk about you may remember my opening story about theyours with your Customer. What are the chances Mercedes Salesman who sold my wife and methat they have a clue it is standard equipment for a new car. After the purchase was finalized, Ivehicles today? became aware that he knew who I was and what I did for a living, yet it did not deter him fromWhat about front and rear bumpers in modern making his presentation and highlighting some ofpassenger vehicles? The government established the most standard features of modern automobilesspecific requirements for the impact resistance of in his Safety Walk-around Presentation. My wifevehicles in low speed front and rear collisions as was totally taken with the new information aboutfar back as 1979, but most people do not know the incredible safety features of the Mercedesthat. The purpose of this is to reduce physical da she was looking at, even though both I and theage to the front and rear ends of a passenger motor Salesperson new they were common and requiredvehicle from low speed collisions. Isn’t that in all modern vehicles. It was not the informationsomething that would interest your Customers that was so incredible, but the fact that he presentedknowing the cost or replacements and repairs each feature and benefit as though there was notoday? I think so. other car that offered such incredible amenities as the Mercedes he was presenting to my wife and I.Did you know that Adaptive dual-stage front airbags became standard by the 2007 model year? As you can see, there is plenty of ammunition outIf you do not, then what is the chance that your there for making a dynamic and impressive SafetyCustomer does? Most air-bag systems can now Walk-around Presentation that will present you asdetect the presence, weight, and seat position of unique and inspiring to your Customers. Thoughthe driver and front passenger. This allows the these are mostly standard features in today’scomputer to deactivate or de-power front air bags vehicles, the likelihood that your Customer hasin an appropriate manner in order to minimize the ever heard about them from another Salespersonchance of injury to drivers positioned close to the is indeed small. If you take the time to do it, youwheel, out-of-position occupants or children sitting will distinguish yourself from the competition andin the front seat. raise your chances of earning both their business and their respect as a professional.How about side air-bags? Torso protecting Dealership OverDrive 5

SENALTRESY CLEOVUERLSEA five-day course designed for the individual DAY 1just entering an Auto Sales Career. Students • Why the Automobile Industry?will learn the basic principles of how a • What Makes a Salesperson Successful?Dealership operates and leave having • Customer Attitude Toward Salespeoplelearned a comprehensive outline on the steps • Salespeople Attitude Toward Customersto the sale. Students will learn how to handle • Four Rules of Salesthe Customer's objections and how to • Basic Process Revieweffectively respond to them. • Step 1 - Meet & Greet DAY 2 • Characteristics & Perceptions • Attitudes & Feelings • Industry Myths • Four Basic Buyer Questions • Step 2 - Qualification • Step 3 - Inventory Walk • Step 4 - Vehicle Selection DAY 3 • Step 5 - Internal Presentation • Step 6 - Demonstration Ride • Step 7 - External Presentation • Step 8 - Service Walk DAY 4 • Handling Objections • Basic Negotiations • Sold Customer Follow-Up DAY 5 • Handling Phone Ups • Goal Tracking Extensive role playing and scenario based situations will be covered, as well as a thorough segment on properly handling Phone-Ups. Each participant will return to the Dealership ready to take their first \"UP.\"Please Call 800-374-3314 ext. 215 or visit us online at: www.davidlewis.com6 Dealership OverDrive

Leadership Deals with People and their Dynamics The Five Essentials ofLEADERSHIP Part V“Leadership is lifting a person’s vision to high sights, the raisingof a person’s performance to a higher standard, the building of apersonality beyond its normal limitations.” - Peter DruckerThe Fourth item on our list of Essentials for they lead. They rejoice in the shared success of Leadership is the aspect that Leadership their team and are not driven by the need to always deals with people and their dynamics. If you have the prize for themselves.are in a supervisory position in your Dealership,your success will often depend upon your ability Everyone has talents and abilities that are uniquelyto recognize and enhance the qualities and natural their own, however, Leadership is often necessarytalents of those who work with you. In order to to help that person achieve their highest potential.understand how best to guide them to higher The Business Coaching Industry is flourishingsuccess, you must get to know them and be willing right now because so many people want to succeedto share the knowledge you have learned in order and have the ability to do so, but they don’t knowto advance their skills and opportunities. True just what to do.Leaders find their success in the victories of those Continued on next Dealership OverDrive 7

The Five Essentials of Leadership – Part 5, Leadership Deals with People and their Dynamic, Part V, continuedThis is where Leadership comes in and is so least resistance when it comes right down to it.important today. Without Leaders, things rarely That is why Leaders stand out when you see them.get done and people often fail to accomplish There aren’t that many to go around.all that they could. This is especially true in abusiness environment where strong Leadership What many don’t understand is that Leadershipis absolutely essential. becomes natural after you have developed it in your life. In fact, most Leaders expend lessThere is a famous Thomas Edison quote that effort doing what they do than those who refusesays, “Success is 10% inspiration and 90% to make the commitment to rise to the top. Thatperspiration.” When it comes to Leadership, is why those in charge are often accused of gettingsuccess is often the reverse of that. Leadership is favored treatment by others who struggle at theira talent that requires the ability to inspire others jobs just to get by. Once they learn to becometo perspire. It’s about putting the right person on strong Leaders, they make it look easy and thisthe right task and convincing them that they have can sometimes invoke resentment in those whothe ability to do what needs to be done. To do this, don’t understand the price they paid to get whereyou must know your people and their personalities they are.enough to have confidence in what they arecapable of achieving. In his bestselling book, ‘The Road Less Traveled,’ M. Scott Peck had this to say about overcomingLeaders are not motivated by self recognition, but the struggles of life. “Once we truly know that lifeby the joy they get from seeing those they lead is difficult — once we truly understand and acceptbecome recognized and rewarded. Their success it — then life is no longer difficult. Because onceis realized when the goals of those under their it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult nosupervision are achieved. They thrive on knowing longer matters.”that their efforts are being fulfilled in the lives theyguide and inspire. They want to know more so That is a powerful thing to remember that fewthey can help others see what they have not seen really grasp in their desire to be successful.and learn what they have not already learned. To become a Leader you must realize that overcoming the struggles and difficulties of theIf you watch an Olympic athlete coming off the ice human experience is part of what is required.or the gymnastics floor after a performance, you Recognize that you are not the only one who haswill notice that the first one there to congratulate faced the challenges confronting you and acceptor console them is most often their coach. them as the resistance that stands between youLeaders are always first to cheer their students for and what you want to become in life. Once youtheir performance or to encourage and console have done that and accept the reality that confrontsthem through the tough moments when things you on your way up, others will gladly followhaven’t gone as they had hoped. Leaders don’t you being confident that you won’t turn backquit just because they have experienced a until you reach your ultimate goal. When you cantemporary failure or setback. view the battleground as the place where victory is won then you can Lead others and instill inNearly everyone has the ability to lead others at them the courage to do what it takes to becomesome level. It’s whether they want to deal with Leaders themselves.the effort and commitment it takes to become aLeader that often makes the difference. Some are Join me again next month for the final part of thisnot interested in the responsibility of Leadership series on ‘The Importance of Being a Leader’and will settle for the status quo if it looks where I will share the fifth essential element oftoo challenging to do otherwise. In fact, in all true Leadership which is How Leadership is abouthonesty, most people choose to take the path of advancing others and not yourself.8 Dealership OverDrive

ONLINE DEALERSHIP TRAININGIndustry Leading Training Available Any Time on Any Device.Training on Your Schedule What You Will LearnThe DLA Online Training Program is designed to DLA Online was developed by car people who trainlet you train at your own pace. Each training module car people. With a built in, extensive reporting andwalks the viewer step-by-step through the desired certification program, you will know which videosprocess, making learning easy and fun. DLA Online are being watched and comprehended. Our onlineprovides you and your staff access to over 1,000 courses will help your Dealership capitalize on everyvideos and 300+ hours of great material and is opportunity in every aspect of your Dealership. Buildavailable 24/7 on any device. your team and your profits with DLA Online training! SALES • F&I • SECONDARY FINANCEINTERNET / BDC • SALES MANAGEMENT LEADERSHIP • TRAIN the TRAINERWINNERS vs. LOSERS • SERVICE ADVISORIncluded with our Online Training is access to our state-of-the-art Training Centers, which allows you to sendyour staff away for comprehensive Training in their individual positions. You can send anyone at anytimeto any of our classes for a low member fee.Call 800-374-3314 ext. 215 or visit: Dealership OverDrive 9

SALES OBSTACLE:What is your best priceon that car over there?When salespeople come for sales If you respond to this obstacle by immediately training at our Philadelphia DLA giving them what they are asking, they will want Training Center, one of the topics that to start negotiating right there and may actuallygenerates the most excitement and always gets a walk you to several other vehicles asking the samepositive response from the students is the course question about them. This will take you nowhereon overcoming sales obstacles. Many of our and if you were persuaded to give them a bottomstudents come in with the idea that the number line price, you are then left with nowhere to go inone priority of all Customers is the bottom line the negotiations. This is an effort in futility andprice. Once they learn that this is not true they can eventually they will go to another Dealership andbegin to see obstacles that Customers give them as use your price to motivate them to drop their pricetremendous indicators of how best to understand below yours. That has no value to either you orwhat they are really looking for when they come to the Customer.a Dealership. This does not mean you just ignore their request orThe particular obstacle, what is your best price on laugh it off and insult the Customer. You certainlythat car over there, is one that is commonly faced do not want to do that. Yet, how you handle thisduring the Meet and Greet with a new Customer. obstacle, will make all the difference in yourThis is a clear indicator that the Customer is in a ability to diffuse their defensive mechanisms anddefensive posture and knowing that can help you overcome the obstacle at the same time. Whenunderstand how important it is to ease their you can recognize this as an expression of fear ordefensiveness and remove any sense of pressure nervousness on the Customers part, you have whatthey may feel before you can go forward with an you need to start easing their tensions to starteffective sales presentation. making them comfortable in dealing with you.10 Dealership OverDrive

It is normal for Customers in a defensive posture happy to find that out for you. Let’s walk over toto feel threatened and do their best to avoid any the car so I can get the stock number and get thatquestions where the Salesperson can trap them price from my Manager.and pressure them into buying something differentfrom what they want or need. This is the number Goal #2: Get the Customer into the fear that car Customers have when coming toa Dealership. Unless you can effectively eliminate Salesperson: My Manager is just finishing up withthat fear with the Customer, you will not get another Customer and said he will be right outmuch further than the initial question about the with that price. While we are waiting, I broughtlowest price. the keys out and thought you might like to sit in the car.When a Customer approaches you with thisobstacle, you must avoid the temptation to get Goal #3: Get the Customer to drive the car.aggravated by this initial request. In most cases, itis just a nervous reaction to the defensiveness they Salesperson: It appears he is going to be a fewfeel when talking to a Salesperson. It is their way more minutes, while we are waiting would youof trying to control the situation so you cannot go like to take the car for a short ride. I am sure thatforward with your normal process and maintain once we return, he will be finished and havethe control for yourself. This Customer just wants that cut to the chase and you must be careful not toyield or become combative when they try to do With this Customer, you need to change your salesthis. It could be that they have already been to presentation to meet their request. Since they doanother Dealership and are just trying to get a not want to initially cooperate with your normallower price from you and you are just another stop procedure, adapt your presentation to make themalong the way. Your ability to be different from feel as if they are in control and you will get themwhat they expect and catch them pleasantly off exactly what they are asking for.guard is the key to releasing their defensivenessand differentiating yourself from the competition As a professional car Salesperson, you must keepby being unique, different and inspiring. in mind that the Customer is not necessarily tryingYou have to break your responses down intoindividual goals. to be offensive. They are just trying to avoidGoal #1: Get them over to the car. being taken advantage of and this may atCustomer: What is your best price on that blue first make them seem overly aggressive andHonda Accord over there on the corner? demanding. By catching your CustomerSalesperson: I really do not know, but would be pleasantly off guard, you come across as different and unique. This will help you to eliminate the negative emotions that may be driving their defensiveness and give you a chance to open them up to your full presentation once they feel comfortable dealing with you as their Dealership OverDrive 11

F&I: Does your F&IWhen car Customers are asked what they fear most about going to an automobile Dealership, their first answer is usually that they will be pressured into buying something they do not really want or need.This also applies when it is time to go into the Customers, but you want keep the atmosphereF&I Office to sign papers and finalize the deal to light and pressure free as much as possible. Apurchase their new vehicle. Whatever happened pleasant atmosphere that does not intimidate theduring the sales process that allowed the Customer Customer is best as it adds to the excitement ofto feel comfortable, can quickly go out the window the purchase they are making and does not createwhen they enter the F&I office to sign the paperwork. pressure or make them feel like they are doing something they will later regret. You accomplishThe atmosphere and appearance of an F&I this by avoiding anything that says you are sellingoffice should be primarily designed to make the something and by getting right to the deal thatCustomer feel relaxed and comfortable. If they brought them into your office in the first place.sense that you are there to sell them something,they will automatically go into a defensive posture In a sense, going to the F&I Office is often seen asand resist whatever they think you are trying to the last hurdle to jump over from the Customer’saccomplish. The Customer has come to finalize perspective. If they feel comfortable with the dealthe sale and sign the basic paperwork and that is they got from the Salesperson, you do not wantwhat your focus should be on if you want them to them to think they now have to survive the financerelax and become comfortable with your part of experience without getting taken to the cleanersthe business transaction. Once that is complete, on interest rates, additional warranties or otheryou can start offering additional products and products that will cost them a lot of money andpresenting the benefits that they can bring to make the deal less appealing. Your office shouldthe Customer. be a neutral zone when it comes to promotional plaques or posters trying to sell Customers onIt is important to offer a sense of privacy to your special rates or additional products.12 Dealership OverDrive

Office Spell SELL?If you have them on the walls or your desk, they Perception is always reality. How the Customerwill see that as a definite effort to pressure them perceives you, and the way you handle your part ofinto spending money on things they do not want or the business will have a lot to do with the comfortneed. Once they set up a defensive barrier against level they feel when they are in the Finance Office.that, it is hard to get past it with your additional The more Customers perceive that they are dealingproduct presentation. with someone of experience who is recognized for the quality of their work, the better they will feelOne of the biggest mistakes displayed in most F&I about the F&I process and the person who isOffices are brochures. The Customer sees these making the presentation.brochures and immediately thinks to themselvesthat a sales pitch is coming. Sure, every once in a Go out of your way to make your office cleanwhile someone will pick one up and start to read it, and presentable, organized and comfortable. Yourbut those are far and few between. Customers will definitely appreciate it and it will be much easier to present what you have to offerAn F&I Office should always appear organized if you eliminate stress and pressure from theand well ordered. Customers do not feel appearance of your office and yourself. Thiscomfortable dealing with money issues or goes for the method with which you present yoursigning their name to things when the atmosphere products and services during the delivery processis scrambled or disordered. Paperwork should as well. Never seem desperate and always presentbe organized in a step-by-step process before the the benefits of what you have to offer in a positiveCustomer comes into the business office. Having light. When you can do this, the Customer willa well-structured F&I process is half of the battle. be glad to take the time to listen and give genuineHaving to dig through piles of paperwork to get consideration to what you have to offer.the forms and copies necessary to handle theirtransaction can give the Customer a negative And remember, remove anything in the Customersperception and may cause them to feel view that spells SELL! You will be glad you did.uncomfortable and Dealership OverDrive 13

IKBwNiTiatElhlsRVsInEWer CGheanpermaal nMFaonBradgieLlrlin&KcoPlanasr/MtsnnaezredorafWe had a chance to sit down recently with Bill Kassner of the Chapman Auto Group in Philadelphia. Bill is the GM/Partner of the Chapman Ford Lincoln Mazda store located in Egg Harbor Township, NJ.Tell me about the Chapman Automotive Group?Automotive Group. I chose Chapman Automotive because theyWe were founded in 1975. We have 7 Dealership are known to offer opportunities to buy into acampuses and 11 franchises that are located partnership for those employees who are able tothroughout Philadelphia and our store in Egg prove themselves. I held various managementHarbor Township, NJ. We are currently ranked positions within the organization and was able to97 of the Top 100 Dealerships in the country. gain a partnership within four years. I have been with my store since 1996 and truly love what I doHow did you get your start in the and the people I work with.automotive industry?Many years ago I was in the pet supply business. What are some significant changes you haveI had a client that frequently visited our stores for seen in the industry over the years?fish supplies. We established a great rapport and There have been many changes through the day, he told me about the automobile industry. The most significant changes over the past 5-6He was a sales associate himself and encouraged years include the multiple facets of the internet,me to consider a career in Auto Sales. It sounded outside vendors trying to pass off as consumer-like a good fit and after only 14 months in sales, I friendly entities and our customers have morewas promoted to a management position. information up front before ever considering stopping by for a visit.Why did you choose to work for Chapman14 Dealership OverDrive

We know the Chapman Automotive Group There are slight differences. Some may have ahas one of the largest BDC departments in the very strong phone presence while others may becountry. How has the Business Development more personable physically. Some may be moreCenter benefited your group? comfortable with data entry. But, I must say, theThe implementation of our BDC has been the key skills acquired while attending the David Lewisto our success. I personally opened our BDC over Training has enabled us to create positions for12 years ago. During the recession many other everyone. Whether an employee is assigned to theBDC departments disbanded, but we believed floor or the BDC, each associate is cross trained tothere was value and kept moving forward. handle both roles.Every campus has their own BDC and allcommunications filter through this area. We have Do you believe that social media has an impacta BDC Director who oversees each location. Our on Customer relationships, and why?BDC staff handles all leads to include outbound Yes, absolutely. I believe it must be controlledand inbound emails and calls. Additionally, two and professional. I have aggressively focused onof our locations have a Service BDC that has Social Media in recent years. Online reviewsbeen in place for the past 4 years. have a huge impact on our success. We currently have 200 Google reviews, 140 Dealer RaterDoes your BDC sales staff take care of the reviews and 14-18 Yelp reviews. I have hadCustomer start to finish or do they transfer clients tell us they travelled distances to ourthe lead to a sales associate? store to make their purchase due to onlineOur BDC sales staff handles the Customer reviews. Each of our sales associates has athroughout the entire process. We are able to business Facebook page and it has provided greatprovide online appraisals and 30 second credit opportunities for them.approvals. We also utilize an available salesassociate to provide a one minute video What do you think the future holds for thepresentation that the BDC associate will email automotive industry and how will you preparethe customer. When the Customer arrives to the for it?Dealership, they are greeted by a key person who First of all, we have to listen to our customershandles all the clients that were generated by the intently. I believe there will be less negotiatingBDC face-to-face. This allows our BDC area to and Salespeople will need to be better prepared tocontinue to work all current leads. succeed. The training we are provided by DLA allows us to be prepared for this industry change.Do you feel some employees are better suited for The DLA concepts teach us to be engaged withthe BDC department versus working the floor? what the Customer wants. DLA teaches us to Continued on next Dealership OverDrive 15

focus first on lowering the Customer’s already The employee feels important and knows withoutdefensive posture, which allows us to make a much a doubt that we are fully invested in their success.better presentation. We find that by doing this, the Although we reimburse their hotel and expenses,Customer is so much more relaxed when it comes it is a small amount to get the end result we are alltime to actually negotiate and make the purchase. looking for. Not only are they fully trained on the steps to the sale, but they are thankful for theWe know business is good and Dealerships are opportunity to be the very best they can be.hiring more Salespeople now more than ever.How do you inspire candidates to come work Sometimes managers worry about beingfor you at Chapman Ford Mazda Lincoln? short staffed due to sending employees toWe invest time in the hiring process. I take the training. What would you say to thosetime to personally interview all candidates. I feel managers who don’t invest in theirit shows the candidate that we care about them employees’ continued education?by taking the time to properly conduct a thorough I’ve always said “Go cheap, get cheap results.interview. After the candidate is selected for hire, Make an investment and you have a better chancewe invest time and money by following a process at success.”that has allowed us to have minimal turnover.Each new Salesperson spends 2 weeks shadowing Your team views DLA online training videos onin various departments and then they spend 5 Days a consistent basis. Do the employees set theirat the DLA Training attending your Entry Level own schedules for viewing videos or doesSales Class. We actually have a current sales management set an expectation and holdassociate with no prior sales experience who recently them accountable?attended the DLA Entry Level Sales course and We set an expectation to view 8 videos sells 20 cars per month. This process works! Each week, I review and print each DLA Report Card which highlights those employees whoChapman Automotive partnered with David have exceeded their goal and those whom mayLewis & Associates (DLA) when we opened the be lacking. We share this information during ourPhiladelphia Training Center in 2013. How has weekly sales meetings.this training benefitted your team overall?We have used many trainers in the past, but we You often request David’s books to share withfeel the training provided by David Lewis and his your staff. Which book has produced the mostteam of trainers is so much better than others. We feedback from your team?like the idea that our staff gets trained away from I have read all 5 of David’s books and my staffthe Dealership and the DLA Training facility is has done the same. Twice monthly, during a salesless than 100 miles from us. There are courses meeting, we read excerpts from David’s books.for every area of our Dealership and the DLA We are currently four chapters shy of finishingonline training system is user friendly and “Common Mistake Salespeople Make.” Eachcompletely reinforces what the students learn in new hire begins with “The Secrets of Inspirationalthe classroom environment. Selling,” which has been a key to our success.We have enjoyed training your new hires when With all the training programs available to you,they attend our Entry Level Sales course. Why why do you trust DLA for your training needs?do you feel it’s important to send them to this5 Day Program? DLA Training is the best “bang for our buck.” The DLA ideas are logical and my staff enjoys theOur decision to invest time and money in our new training. We don’t agree with every philosophy,employees is simple. It sets the foundation for but we use 80-85% of the DLA methods daily.what to expect when gaining employment with us.16 Dealership OverDrive

Internet / BDC Lead Generation This two-day course is a complete program on effective Lead Generation ideas and concepts for both the internet and inbound phone leads. Email, Chat and Phone scripts will be created, reviewed and examined, as well as a structured concept for ongoing old and unsold Customer follow-ups. Next Class: October 15 - 16Call 800-374-3314 ext. 215 or register online at www.davidlewis.comADVANCED F&I CONCEPTSThis two-day Advanced F&I sept. 10 - 11course has been designed forthe F&I Manager that is readyto take their productivity to thenext level. Emphasis will beplaced on advanced F&I salesconcepts, structured presentationsteps and the art of respondingto customer objections. 800-374-3314 ext. 215 Dealership OverDrive

Rules to a Great FirstImpression in ServiceAs a Service Advisor, first impressions are extremely important when it comes to connecting with the Customer. There are 8 specific rules that, when followed, can help release the Customers anxieties and make iteasier for them to feel comfortable. Each of these should be practiced until theybecome a natural part of your dialogue and interactions with your Customers.18 Dealership OverDrive

Rule #1: Be YourselfLearning how to be comfortable and confident with oneself is important for anyone working with ser-vice Customers. A friendly and confident face can go a long way toward helping them feel a little lessanxious about what to expect when they come to you for help. A Service Advisors job can be a veryrewarding and fun experience and the more real you are with your Customers; the easier it will be forthem to have confidence in you. Just be yourself and learn to enjoy the people you meet. When you cando that, it will make the work you do a much better experience for both you and your Customers.Rule #2: Present Yourself AppropriatelyA Service Advisor is both a Salesperson and a Consultant for the Service Department. Everything theydo should say ‘professional’ to the Customer. There’s no excuse for sloppiness and when the ServiceAdvisor approaches the Customer, it should be in a way that lets them know at first glance: ‘I am hereto help you and I will do everything I can to assist you in getting your vehicle back on the road in tip topcondition.’As a Service Advisor, you represent the Dealership as a whole and your appearance should always beprofessional, confident, neat and organized. Your personal appearance and attitude speaks volumes toyour Customers, so make sure that what they perceive about you is what you want to say to them.Rule #3: SmileYou never know the good that a simple smile can do for someone in a stressful situation. There are fewthings that can be more frustrating than having to deal with car repairs when you already have a busyschedule and things to do. At times like this, seeing a friendly face can make all the difference. A smilingface instills confidence in people and the more confident you look, the more confident the Customer feelsabout your ability to help them. A smile can make even the biggest concerns seem a little easier to dealwith so smile at your Customers and watch how many smile back. You might be surprised by how muchit helps both them and you feel better about dealing with the situation.Rule #4: Be ConfidentAre you confident enough in your skills as a Service Advisor to have fun at your job? Legendary Quarter-back Joe Namath said: “When you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun. And when you have fun, youcan do amazing things.” What could be more fun than helping someone with problems that are causingthem a lot of stress and anxiety? It is a great feeling to know you are making a difference in someone’sday by the way you do your job.Too often people think that self-confidence is just another word for arrogance but it is not. It is not ar-rogant to have confidence in your abilities if you have put forth the effort to advance your skills as a trueprofessional. When you have done that, you have earned the right to boldly say: ‘I can help you with thatproblem.’Rule #5: Be PositiveAs a professional Service Advisor, you are part of a medical clinic for cars. Your position is a very im-portant part of the clinic because you check the patient in and make the initial diagnosis of the problem.Have confidence in yourself and present yourself and your Service Department in a positive way andyour Customers will be more willing to go along with your opinion when it is given. Negativity benefitsno one. It is a sure fire way to make any outcome worse than it has to be. Get rid of negativity if it Dealership OverDrive 19

to be a part of your natural temperament. Learn to be positive and carry yourself in that way with all ofyour Customers. If you do, you will be a valuable asset to your Dealership, yourself and your Customers.Rule #6: Be CourteousBusiness courtesy is something that is harder to find than it used to be, but it can go a long way to mak-ing your Customers feel good, and your job a little easier. Manners can be a real help when you aredealing with someone who is having a bad day, and there are certainly a lot of opportunities to meetfolks who are experiencing problems in your business. However, problems do not seem quite as bigwhen the person helping you is courteous and understanding.IBM Founder Thomas Watson wrote, “Really big people are, above all else, courteous, considerate andgenerous - not just to some people in some circumstances - but to everyone all the time.”Those are good words for a Service Advisor to remember. There are a lot of opportunities in this busi-ness to meet people who are not exactly happy about having to come to you for help. How you respondto them can play a big part in defining how good you are at your job.Rule #7: Make Eye ContactA person’s eyes play a significant role in the non-verbal signals they send to others. With Customers,it is especially important to make good eye contact. Not a piercing staring type of contact, but one thatsays: “Welcome to our Service Department. How can I help you?”Few things are more inviting than a smiling face and happy eyes. The eyes have an incredible ability totransfer emotions, and how we look at Customers when they are talking to us can tell them a lot aboutwhether or not we are paying attention. Looking them in the eyes when you are explaining the servicesyou will provide and how long it will take is very important as well. People listen better to someonewho has given them good eye contact. It makes them feel like they are important and lets them knowyou are aware they are there.Rule # 8: A Firm HandshakeA firm but friendly handshake is an important part of proper business etiquette. Wait until the personis out of their vehicle before offering a handshake as some people do not know what to do next if youshake their hand while they are sitting down. Consider someone’s age and gender before offering themyour hand. Elderly people and women do not usually like a really firm handshake and it can make a dif-ference in how they respond to you. Take note of any rings the Customer is wearing. Some people wearbig ones with significant stones or ridges in them. Make sure you are aware of that when you shake theirhand as this can be a problem if you grip too firmly.Though things have changed in our world today, most people still appreciate a handshake from someonethey are just meeting. A good introduction with a friendly handshake can bring a sense of relief to some-one who is coming to you for service on their vehicle.Keep these 8 rules to a first impression in your mind at all times and you can never go wrong with yourCustomers.20 Dealership OverDrive

NFixEeWd OSpefrroamtionsTraining by Becky Nixon Director of Fixed Operations TrainingIt’s halfway through 2015 and this is turning out exciting to watch our David Lewis trained advisors to be an incredible year for sure. Look at some showing enthusiasm to use this important tool of the new technology that has or will launch and leave class with the anticipation of puttingthis year. Samsung has bendable phones, Apple this into practice. The feedback I am receiving hasnow has the Apple Watch and let’s not forget the been 2-in-1 laptop/tablet combinations. I believe every advisor can be a top performerNot to be outdone, automotive dealer parts and through training and putting to use the skillsservice departments across the US are starting to learned. Technology is ever changing, no onestep into the new millennium and take advantage would think about dialing a rotary phone today andof some of the very inexpensive ways to boost the same goes for Service Advisors selling usingsales as well as build Customer retention. the same presentation processes of the past.DLA has added some new material to both our Over half the year has come and gone, howeverEvery Level and Advanced Service Advisor I look forward to continuing to teach ourtraining classes on the use of such technology Dealerships service staff the need and how to uselike video and pictures to help the Customer todays’ technology to better earn their Customersunderstand and fully grasp the needs of their trust as well as their present and future business.vehicle. ‘Seeing is believing’ and it has Dealership OverDrive 21

Get aFREEcopy ofDavid’s books! To take advantage of this offer, please email David directly with your request to: [email protected] Dealership OverDrive

TSRAALEINSING5-DAY ENTRY LEVEL SALES COURSE DATESA five-day course designed for the individual just entering 5-DAY ENTRY LEVEL SALESan Auto Sales Career. Students will learn the basicprinciples of how a Dealership operates and leave having Aug. 31 - Sept. 4, Sept. 14 - 18,learned a comprehensive outline on the steps to the sale.Students will learn how to handle the Customer’s Sept. 28 - Oct. 5, Oct. 12 - 16objections and how to effectively respond to them. and Oct. 26 - 304-DAY ADVANCED SALES 4-DAY ADVANCED SALESTo develop within the experienced Salesperson anunderstanding of the Customers thought process when Sept. 8 - 11, Sept. 22 - 25,shopping and purchasing a car. To train the Salesperson Oct. 6 - 9 and Oct. 20 - 23on a sales process that will be unique and different fromwhat the Customer will expect, which will set that 4-DAY ADVANCED 23Salesperson apart from all the other Salespeople the SALES MANAGEMENTCustomer has or will speak with during theirshopping process. Sept. 15 - 18 Dealership OverDrive4-DAY ADVANCEDSALES MANAGEMENTThis four-day Advanced Sales Management course is acomplete program for all Sales Managers. Focus isplaced on becoming a Leader and not a Boss. We beginby exposing the newest and best practices for leading asales force to success. Topics include Inspirational SalesProcesses, Advanced Negotiating Techniques, how to bean effective Coach, Hiring and Interviewing ideas, plusour DLA Train the Trainer concepts to develop the skillsnecessary to train a winning sales staff. This courseturns Managers into true Leaders.Call 800-374-3314 ext. 215 orregister online at:

PSaOlesR&TSeErRvicSeWhen you have been around the you would know just what I mean. Moving the retail automotive business as long as inventory around every day to keep things I have, you learn to appreciate what ordered and getting cars ready for delivery to theit takes to own and operate a successful car Customers can take a lot of time and energy.Dealership. The incredible investment of time and When you are already busy trying to sell or serviceresources required to build a successful business vehicles, it is not something that you look forwardcan be mind boggling, and putting together the to having to do yourself.right team to handle all that has to be done on adaily basis can seem like a never ending battle at In small to mid-sized Dealerships, a Porter’s jobtimes. Hard work, long hours and the constant may take them through every area of the lot onchanging faces of people and inventory is the a daily basis handling anything from washingnormal daily reality of those who work in car vehicles coming in or going out, going to thelots. With all that going on, some of the most gas station to fill up cars for delivery, or evenimportant people that make up the team can get driving to another city to pick up a vehicle when athe least amount of recognition for the things dealer trade is required. Porters drive cars to andthey do every day. from the mechanics bay and in some Dealerships they wash them for service Customers as aSales and Service Porters often go unrecognized courtesy. If a Customer needs a ride to work orfor all they do to make life easier for the home while their car is in service, it is often a taskSalespeople and those working in the Service given to the Porter, and when the work is finished,Department. If you have ever worked in a they may go pick them up and bring them back toDealership where they did not have a Porter, the Service Department to get their vehicle.24

In larger Dealerships, a Porter may work for Dealership OverDrive 25just one department or be assigned to a specificManager to handle the tasks they need done.They must be able to drive any size or type ofvehicle including those with automatic or manualtransmission, and be able to park them in closeproximity to others when they are rearrangingthe lot or putting a car back in line after ademonstration drive. Phew! I’m getting tiredjust writing about all they do.Dealerships that operate a separate Internet/BDCmay use Porters to help work the camera for avideo walkaround when needed, and they may dothe same for a Service Tech who wants to shoota video to show a drop off Customer additionalwork that needs to be done. They may be asked tomake a pizza run or pick up donuts for the ServiceLounge or Sales Meetings that take place everyweek. Think of something that needs to be doneon a car lot that others are too busy to do or just donot want to do and you will usually find a Portertaking care of business for them.The sad part is that with all of the responsibilitiesthat Porters have, most are only compensated ata rate of, or close to, minimum wage. Findinga person who will take on such a role, withunfortunately a minimal wage is very hard to find.Keeping the good ones must be our priority.So, with all that in mind, let me ask you aquestion: have you hugged your Porter lately?In my experience, they often go unnoticed for allthe work they do. Most of them carry out theirtasks without a lot of fanfare and they are thankfulfor the job they have. If you appreciate what theydo at your Dealership, you might want to let themknow occasionally and thank them for the thingsthey do that make it easier for you to do the jobyou have. I am sure they will appreciate it, justlike all of us do when we are recognized for thethings we do that often go

The Flyin’ Tomato of Starsky & HutchFor those of you who were avid fans of the seats which Glaser spoke about in 1999, saying, “It television series Starsky & Hutch, it must took us a year to get them to put bucket seats in be great to know that re-runs can be found it so David wouldn’t slide all over the placeon most Cable networks today, along with many whenever I took a corner.” When the pilot wasof the other great TV series that ran during the late successful, Spelling-Goldberg ordered two new‘70’s. Starsky & Hutch featured two Southern 1975 Torino’s for the first season. These cars wereCalifornia police detectives. Dark-haired David powered by 400 Modified V8s, because extraStarsky, played by Paul Michael Glaser, an Army power was going to be needed for additional stuntVeteran from Brooklyn was a mixture of a street driving scenes.wise tough guy often mixed with a moody inwardinnocence. His partner, Kenneth “Hutch” From the second to fourth seasons, three 1976Hutchinson, played by actor David Soul, was the Torino’s powered by 460 Lima V8s were used.blond mid-westerner from Duluth, Minnesota. The 460 Lima’s were the biggest, most powerfulHe had a more reserved and intellectual approach engines available from Ford at the time, but theyto police work. Together, they were known for still had only 202 net horsepower. You couldtearing up the streets of fictional Bay City, get an extra 22hp out of them with the optionalCalifornia in their tomato red Ford Gran Torino factory dual exhaust package. Due to thewith a wide white stripe going down both sides success of the series, Ford produced 1,000 “limitedand across the roof in a uniquely 70’s style. edition” replicas of the Starsky and Hutch Torino from March to May 1976 at the Chicago assemblyThe cars chosen for the pilot were two 1975, plant. Spelling-Goldberg leased one for a backup351ci, Windsor, two-door Gran Torino’s with vehicle; it was known as “Unit 129.” During the3-speed automatic transmissions. They came from series’ run, several Gran Torino’s were usedFord Motor Company’s Studio-TV Car Loan as stunt cars to minimize damage to theProgram which was the lease supplier for the main vehicles.series production company Spelling-Goldberg.The distinctive white “vector” stripe was designed When they acquired the new cars, the producersby George Grenier, who was Spelling-Goldberg’s had the design of the white stripe improved sotransportation coordinator. Both cars originally that the section of stripe that runs across the fronthad body-side moldings along with a black interior wheel opening was curved up and around thewith vinyl bench seats. opening. The original cars in the pilot movies had the bottom horizontal edge of the stripe about anOnce the series got started, the cars changed and inch or so above the mid-body character line thathad no body-side moldings, but did have body- ran along the car. This was apparently done so thatcolored sport mirrors, and cloth split-bench seats. the section of the stripe that passes above the frontThe bench seats were later replaced with bucket wheel opening would not be cut off by the wheel26 Dealership OverDrive

opening. The stripe was also made thicker The viewers liked him so much that they later triedon the roof section and horizontal black ‘rub- to give him a series of his own co-starring Cliffstrips’ were added on both bumpers that Robertson, but it never caught on and was ditchedwere not included on the pilot movies cars. after a few runs.The rear ends of the cars were lifted by air shocks, The odd thing about the Starsky and Hutch Granand had “U.S.” brand 5-slot mag wheels added Torino is that pretty much everyone who collectswith larger rear tires. Supposedly, the original classic vehicles think it is a terrible car; certainly2.75:1 ratio rear axle gearing, which was standard not something that would normally find its wayon non-police Torino’s from 1975 onward, was into a muscle car type television series that becamereplaced with higher ratio gears so they would world famous. It was everything but a musclehave better acceleration during stunt driving car and pretty ugly to boot with its massive rearscenes. During a 1999 interview, Glaser told the bumper and pretty mediocre styling comparedreporter that they finally had to get a new rear end to other available hot rods at the time. After theput in it so that at zero to sixty it would have a series ended, Ford switched the model name tolittle more pop. This meant that for at least one LTD and the Gran Torino became a piece of filmof the second-season cars they attached a label to history legend.the dashboard which read “DO NOT EXCEED50 MPH.” Supposedly, the revised gearing could To this day Glazer still hates the car and, excepthave caused the engine RPM to go to a higher for a few brief promotional shots for Starsky &level, which could possibly have damaged Hutch buffs, he has turned down many requeststhe engine. to even sit in one let alone own one. He actually had a lot to do with the series losing itsOriginally, one of the creators of the series, following because of his growing dislike of theWilliam Blinn, wanted to have Starsky drive a extreme violence that was involved in nearly everyconvertible Chevrolet Camaro because he had show in the series at the time. Due to a risingonce owned a green and white one that he really concern in America about violence on TV andliked. However, when production started on the Glaser’s own concerns about the level of violencepilot episode, the producers decided to go with in the series, the writers were forced to replacethe Gran Torino instead. Paul Michael Glazer many of the violent “action” scenes with more(Starsky) never liked the Torino and it is said that romantically and socially themed storylines. At theduring the early stages of production of the pilot, same time, the lead actors ‒ Glaser in particular ‒the producer, Spelling took him outside to show became jaded with the general theme of the series.him the Torino they had chosen. Glazer took an These and other factors contributed to the showsimmediate dislike to the car, and still does not like fading to this day. Whether or not you liked the Starsky & HutchThe 2004 movie ‘Starsky & Hutch,’ starring Ben series or even the Gran Torino, Paul MichaelStiller and Owen Wilson, received mixed reviews Glazer and David Soul drove into televisionalthough it was still relatively successful because history, like all popular shows from the past,of the chemistry that existed between Stiller and Starsky & Hutch and the tomato red Gran TorinoWilson, taking in a little over $170 million in Ford still have a great throng of admirers and fansreceipts worldwide since its release. Both Glazer around the world. People are still paying topand Soul had small parts as the original stars dollar for replicas wherever they can be foundand there was also quite a cast of comedy greats and the re-runs are popular enough so that we canincluding Vince Vaughn, Will Ferrell and Amy expect to be able to reminisce for a long time onSmart. Snoop Dogg played ‘Huggy Bear Brown’ the classic show that kept American and foreignthe jive talking street wise confidential informant viewers glued to their television sets during thoseplayed by Antonio Vargas in the original series. four years from 1975 to 27

NEW ! from the BECOME APhiladelphia JOTraining Center IN TODAYHello again from the DLA Philadelphia Training Center. We have had a great Customers. YOU get better based on what you do turnout of students throughout the in between Customers!summer months with 340 students attendingclasses at the DLA Philadelphia Training Center At the Philadelphia Training Center, our studentsI am especially proud of the Dealer turnout not only learn sales skills, but we reinforce theover these last few months. In fact, between July proper way to train and practice through readingand August, we had over 24 Dealers visit and exercises and word track and we show salesparticipate in classes. professionals and managers how to set up dailyAs I reflect over the many conversations I have had training routines. Remember, training is notwith the students, one key factor in personal and something you do sometimes, or when businessprofessional development that remains constant is is slow, it is part of a daily routine.the “Power of Practice.” Here is a great quote for the Leaders out there, “If you’re not leaving people better than you found themIt only makes logical sense to always be trying to ……YOUR NO LONGER LEADING.”better ourselves. As the old saying goes, “Practice If you are interested in learning more about beingmakes perfect.” Unfortunately, we are in a business a great Leader, then I urge you to sign up for ourthat most of us show up ONLY on game day. We either our advanced Leadership & Coaching classcome to work and practice on our live Customers. or our Train the Trainer class.Why? Well, I believe some of it is the lack of I look forward to seeing all of you at the centerindividual drive and attitude. Other reasons are over the next couple of months!management’s failure to hold others accountable.I believe the #1 reason we do not practice is Good selling,because we just don’t know how or what to Brian Shermanpractice. We need to turn our DOWNTIME into Philadelphia Training Center DirectorPRIMETIME. You do not get better practicing on28 Dealership OverDrive

NEW ! from the A BECOME JO IN TO DAYMetro New York/New Jersey Training CenterThere is a lot of excitement brewing as we tremendous surge of growth and prosperity in new prepare for the October 5th opening of the car sales. However, if we continue to do things the new DLA Training Center in the Metro way we have always done them, we could lose theNew York/New Jersey area. Spring boarding off of opportunity to turn the negative public image ofthe tremendous success of our Philadelphia center, our industry around.we are going forward with the same principlesand amenities that has made that center such a This is where our DLA Training Centers have sotremendous success and we are adding even more much potential to impact the way cars are soldclasses and activities for those who attend classes in this country. Our proven techniques producein our new facility. higher profits, bigger commissions and moreThey say that ‘all work and no play make Jack a dull loyalty and satisfaction with Customers whoboy.’ Those who come to one of our DLA Training buy from the Dealerships that use our trainingCenter’s to advance their skills in the automotive methods. As Einstein put it, “doing the samebusiness will leave having had both a great learning things over and over again and expecting differentexperience and a fun and relaxing time as well. We results is the definition of insanity.”have designed our training to be fun and excitingas well as motivating to those who attend. As the center director of our newest facility, I lookThe recovery that is being experienced currently forward to working with all of the Dealerships inin the retail automotive sales business is the greater New York / New Jersey area to helpunprecedented over the last several decades. There you build the best sales environment.were many who thought the car business could notrecover from the financial downturn of the recent Classes start October 5th!past, yet we survived and are now experiencing a Dino Deluca Metro New York / New Jersey Center Dealership OverDrive 29

UpcomingCourses Philadelphia Training CenterSEP 9/1 Entry Level Sales (Day 2) OCT 10/1 Entry Level Sales (Day 4) 9/2 Entry Level Sales (Day 3) 10/2 Entry Level Sales (Day 5) 9/3 Business Etiquette (9-1pm) 9/4 Entry Level Sales (Day 4) 10/5 Commom Mistakes Salespeople Make (1-5pm) 9/8 Advanced Sales: Level 1 9/9 Entry Level Sales (Day 5) 10/6 Advanced Sales Program (Day 1) 9/10 Advanced Sales: Level 1 10/7 Objections: Level 1 Advanced Sales Program (Day 1) 10/8 Advanced Sales Program (Day 2) 9/11 Objections: Level 1 Leasing for Salespeople (9 - 1pm) Advanced Sales Program (Day 2) 10/9 Prospecting & Follow-Up (1 - 5pm) 9/14 Leasing for Salespeople (9 - 1pm) Advanced Sales Program (Day 3) 9/15 Prospecting & Follow-Up (1 - 5pm) Phone-Ups: Level 1 Advanced Sales Program (Day 3) Advanced Sales Program (Day 4) 9/16 Advanced F&I Concepts (Day 1) Entry Level Sales (Day 1) Entry Level Sales (Day 2) 9/17 Phone-Ups: Level 1 10/12 Entry Level Sales (Day 3) Advanced Sales Program (Day 4) 10/13 Entry Level Sales (Day 4) 9/18 Advanced F&I Concepts (Day 2) 10/14 Internet/BDC: Lead Generation (Day 1) Entry Level Sales (Day 1) 10/15 Entry Level Sales (Day 5) Entry Level Sales (Day 2) Internet/BDC: Lead Generation (Day 2) Advanced Sales Management 10/16 Social Media Marketing for Salespeople Advanced Sales Management Program (Day 1) Advanced Sales: Level 1 Entry Level Sales (Day 3) 10/19 Advanced Sales Program (Day 1) Leadership/Coaching (9-1pm) 10/20 Advanced Service Manager Concepts Leasing for Managers (1-5pm) Advanced Service Management Program (Day 1) Advanced Sales Management Program (Day 2) Phone-Ups: Level 1 Advanced Sales Program (Day 2) Entry Level Sales (Day 4) 10/21 Management Service Advisor Training (9-1pm) Advanced Management Negotiations (9-1pm) Advanced Service Revenue Creation (1-5pm) Hiring/Motivation (1-5pm) Advanced Service Management Program (Day 2) Advanced Sales Management Program (Day 3) Entry Level Sales (Day 5) Train the Trainer (9-1pm) Advanced Used Car Management (1-5pm) Advanced Sales Management Program (Day 4)9/21 Business Etiquette (9-1pm) 10/22 Objections: Level 1 Social Media Marketing for Salespeople Advanced Sales Program (Day 3) 10/23 Understanding the Service Customer (9-1pm)9/22 Advanced Sales: Level 1 Advanced Service BDC Concepts (1-5pm) Advanced Sales Program (Day 1) 10/26 Advanced Service Management Program (Day 3) Advanced Service Advisor Techniques 10/27 Leasing for Salespeople (9-1pm) Advanced Service Advisor Program (Day 1) 10/28 Prospecting & Follow-Up (1-5pm) 10/29 Advanced Sales Program (Day 4)9/23 Objections: Level 1 10/30 Entry Level Sales (Day 1) Advanced Sales Program (Day 2) Entry Level Sales (Day 2) Understanding the Service Customer (9-1pm) Entry Level Sales (Day 3) Service Advisor Phone Techniques (1-5pm) Entry Level Sales (Day 4) Advanced Service Advisor Program (Day 2) Entry Level Sales (Day 5)9/24 Leasing for Salespeople (9-1pm) “I was worried training was going to be tedious Prospecting & Follow-Up (1-5pm) and I was very wrong. It was upbeat ad made me Advanced Sales Program (Day 3) excited to come in everyday and learn. It was the Effective Service Walk Arounds (9-1pm) most exciting job training I’ve ever had! I can’t Advanced Service Advisor Program (Day 3) wait to come back and take another class.”9/25 Phone-Ups: Level 1 Advanced Sales Program (Day 4)9/28 Entry Level Sales (Day 1)9/29 Entry Level Sales (Day 2)9/30 Entry Level Sales (Day 3) – Steven Gartner, Jr., Sales at Brenner Chrysler Jeep For more information please call 800-374-3314 ext. 215Scheduled course dates are subject to change without prior notice. Please check for updated class dates and details.30 Dealership OverDrive

Call 800-374-3314 ext. 215 DLA Trainers are available foror visit us at: you Monday thru Friday 8:30 AM to 5:30 Sales Meeting On Demand brings the training live into your Dealership for personal and customized training. Pick your topic, schedule the sales meeting and our DLA Trainer will conduct the meeting live via Skype. Sales Meeting On Demand Topics for: • SALES • F&I • SALES MANAGEMENT • LEADERSHIP Dealership OverDrive 31

AUTOOGCPRETA.N5NINTDHG!TER OMOTIVE TRAINING CEN PARAMUS, NJ Salespeople • Sales Managers • Internet/BDC Managers Internet/BDC Staff • F&I • Service Advisors • Service Managers Parts Managers • Body Shop Managers For more information regarding the course at the NY/NJ Metro Center, please call 800-374-3314 ext. 215 or visit us online at:

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