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Home Explore 1stClass issue twenty five interactive

1stClass issue twenty five interactive

Published by CVH 1st Class Magazine, 2018-02-01 11:36:00

Description: 1stClass issue twenty five interactive


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issue twentyfive c1vsht Class group© Bob DelgadilloExcMluesl iNvoevak MEHRARPYPYACNHNDREIWASTYMEAASR

featu Mel Novak - page6 Alex Cole - page10 Kenn Gray - page142

ures Kenny Lombino - page18 Anne Mason - page22 Margie Tor - page46 3

contents 06 Mel Novak 10 Alex Cole 14 Kenn Gray 18 Kenny Lombino 22 Anne Mason 28 Dr Robert Lugiani 30 Vincent Anthony Chavez 34 Christmas in Hollywood 36 Ask Françoise38 Sandwich Angels Christmas Style 40 This Special Time of Year 41 Pole Bank Park 42 Straight From The Oven 45 Samantha Parry 46 Margie Tor 50 Mark Hoadley 54 Meals on Wheels 56 Sue Gittings - Canine Art 58 Mailbag 62 Ask PC Kevin 64 Angel ExperiencesON THE COVER: Mel Novak © Bob DelgadilloWE ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY PHOTO’S OR ARTWORK WITH COPYRIGHTS THAT ARE SUPPLIED TO US BY INDIVIDUALS FOR THEIR FEATURES 4

Letter from EDITOR The Editor Christina Howard | +44 (0)7713 973640 [email protected] Hello Everyone MARKETING/PRODUCTION/ Hello Everyone and Merry Christmas. DESIGN Whether you celebrate this festive season or not, we wish you a safe, caring, unselfish, time for Christina Howard helping and remembering others past and present. This festive season is a time of both joy and tears SOCIAL MEDIA depending on your situation. Many people are in mourning or missing loved ones, wile others Bob Alston are ill, depressed or lonely. A simple smile and a warm greeting cost nothing and may lift someones EDITORS PA spirits. From all at CVH 1st Class Media we wish you a Stan Dwight Happy Holiday. EDITORIAL SECRETARY Christina V Howard Sandra Boyce Editor Christina V Howard Profile - Journalist, Radio Correspondent, PR/ CORRESPONDENTSMarketing, Events Organiser, Fashion Style Coach, Theatre Producer, Antonella A Commatteo Former Textiles Lecturer, Fashion Catalogue Designer. Enjoys Carole Gray & Cerdan A Smith Science, Technology, Classic Cars, Singing, Cooking and Animals. Tammie Starr Jamaal Lewis Charity helper and a strong Humanitarian. Jody Du Priest Gail Carson Nancy Fike Dr Gareth Presch Hedi Elizabeth Hansen Stanley Goodrich Dr Nancy Fike COLUMNISTS Dr Kailash Chand OBE PC Kevin McEvoy Dr Amir Hannan Francoise Pascal Angela Brown Prince Jordan Tyson MAGAZINE DESIGN, PRO- DUCTION & PHOTOGRAPHY Bob Alston - RAPhotograhy [email protected] WEBSITE Stephen Kimber | stevek100@yahoo. co.ukCVH 1st Class is a Not-for-Profit organisation QUESTIONS, FEEDBACK AND SUBMISSIONS (As a family magazine we reserve the right not to print unsuitable material) [email protected] Phone: +44 (0)7713 973640 Statement of Copyright: CVH 1st Class magazine is owned and published electronically by CVH 1st Class Group. ©2015 all rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the prior consent of CVH 1st Class Group. Requests for permission should be directed to: [email protected] 5

Mel Novak Hollywood Legend by Christina V Howard Legendary Mel Novak known as the Hollywood King of movies is an Actor well known for his villainous roles in An Eye for an Eye, Black Belt Jones, and Games of Death. He is known for doing all his own stunts and fighting scenes. Mel is inducted into five various Martial Arts Halls of Fame. He has been bestowed with numerous awards for his acting work as well as his Humanitarian awards for all his numerous charitable works. He has been volunteering on Skid Row for over 30 years and has counseled prisoners at the most dangerous prisons in the county a humble ordained Minister and has also volunteered with the Special Olympics. Here Mel chats to us about his life and incredible miracles.Q&A inch scar and I was crippled for 5 years. Everything career, scholarships and suddenly crippled. It was a difficult time for me, but I never did drugs or ever drank alcohol. I did NOT comeMel, you have always been a family man and you to LA to pursue acting. I needed to get away fromhave a lovely family, was it difficult in the early people who kept telling me “you should have goneyears being a single father? to college to play pfoaointbfaolrl.y..enaorws.”you are a cripple”. I have had intense“I raised my 2 precious daughters, Nikol and Leawhen their mother left. I quit acting for over 2years to go through a healing process, and be there Were any of your family involved in thefor them, as divorce is a destructive force against entertainment industry?children, They were 7 and 10 years old. I have a “bNusoibnoedssy.”in our family was in the entertainmentmost wonderful relationship with them and theylove me so much .my daughters call me Tata, whichis dad in Serbian. I am so blessed that I was therefor them, loved them unconditionally, listened Are there any past and present actors and actressesand encouraged thhaermdl.yYeoxuissteset,oidnamy.”y country, the who were your favourite ones?family structure “I loved and wadrmiteiraebdomuta.”ny actors and actresses... too many toYou’re also a grandfather and greatly blessed.“Yes. Lea has 3 children that I adore, Elijah, Ali Did you, as a child, dream of becoming an actor?Mae & Ryan. They call me Jedo, which is granddad “I always loved movies but never dreamed that Iin Serbian. Ali Mae is 7 & Ryan is 5. Ryan said that would ever be a working actor. Now I have metwhen he grows up, he wants to be a Pastor like countless numbers. I have been to the AcademyJedo. They tell me that they love me “infinity”. I Awards 7 times. I have dated some stars. Alsohave a large box full of cards & letters of their love played softball in the actors’ league. I have beenfbolersmseedtmhaatnI.’”ve kept all these years. Yes, I am a to many Red Carpet premieres. This is amazing coming from a small town, Wall, which did notTell us about your background. have a traffic signal, but had so many wonderful“Christina, my given name is Mi’lan Mrdjenovich Serbians and relatives. The odds for this to happenof Serbian decent, I am from a Pittsburgh, Pa. are astronomical.suburb...born in Wall, went to Wilmerding High & “My mom, Anna, dad Daniel and brother Robertlived in Turtle Creek. When I graduated from high gave me a lot of love and support. I was blessed toschool, I had 60 football scholarships to major thoagveetahewr.o”nderful loving family. We went to churchuniversities scholarships in basketball & track, but As a child, who was your unsung hero?signed a Pro Baseball contract with the Pittsburgh “When I was 7 years old, the doctor wanted toPirates. They said I was a ‘can’t miss power hitting amputate my left leg...or I would die within 123rd baseman-shortstop’. Well, I never was hurt infootball, but had a massive rotator cuff tear thatrequired surgery. They took my arm apart...18-6

Exclusive © Bob Delgadillo1st Clcasvs Mhagwww.cvh1stclass.comazine 7

hours. My mother said NO! She prayed. I have my Martial Arts Hall of Fame Awards, how does it feelleg. I played football (I had 60 scholarships from to have achieved all this?major universities...also in basketball.) I ran a 100dash in 9.6 seconds. THANKS mom for being a “It has been overwhelming these awesome awardspraying mom. Both of my parents are home with that I so appreciate. Another prestigious accoladebthreotLhoerrdc.oIuhldavheatvhee.”greatest brother Robert that a was 3 different ‘Living Legend’ awards. This wasYou’re a living miracle. Will you tell us more? awesome, as I never dreamed that I would ever“When I had 10 throat surgeries in 10 years, mom get any of these. When I received the 4th Martialpinrvaaydedes&thfeasitmedpofossrib7lyee.”ars. God healed me. Prayer Arts Hall of Fame & Living Legend Award, before IWhen did you get your lucky acting break? gave my acceptance speech, the MC said, “You have“After I moved to LA I got a job with an insurance received awards in the Motion Picture Industry,company. One of the gals who worked there said Martial Arts, and even your Skid Row and PrisonI looked sharp in clothes, that her cousin was a Ministry, what is your favourite award?” I said thatmodelling agent and would I like to meet her? I was a single dad raising 2 daughters and I wasSo I did. The agency signed me and I did a lot of voted Mother of the Year at the Brownies (beforemodelling, then they had me go to some excellent Girl cSlcaopuptisn)g. .T”he 300 people there were screamingacting classes. I did a lot of TV and finally movie androles.“The Mannix co-star role as a hit man opened Where did you learn your Martial Arts?me up to play villains...which I love to do. MikeCthoantnIohrasv,eMaavninlliaxi,nw’safsacaeg.”reat guy and people say “I learned Martial Arts from Pat Johnson, BobHow many movies have you done? Wall and 5 others. I always hung out with the stunt“I have done over some 50 movies & 36 were guys...learning & doing stunts while filming. Instarring or co-starring. I have been fortunate to The Ultimate Warrior (Starring Yul Brynner), I didhave worked with some incredible action stars. the 2nd toughest stunt in the whole film. BobbyBruce Lee...Steve McQueen...Yul Brynner...Max Bass of The Stuntman Association made me anVonSydo...Chuck Norris...Jim Kelly…Christopher Honorary Stuntman, which was cool. While SteveLLaeue.r..eRniechLaarnddRono…unadntdreme..a.nWyimllioarme.”Forsyte... McQueen was one of my all time favourite actors and person. He gave his life to Christ 7 months before he passed. Pastor Greg Laurie and fantastic writer (novels & biographies) wrote a book...’Steve McQueen, Salvation of an American Icon’. I am in page 225 thru 230. The Documentary on Steve has been released in 1000 theatres and I am in it. Yul mBraynnynoetrhwerass.”another favourite...but there are so If you didn’t become an Actor what other career would you have chosen?Who was your favourite director? “If I wasn’t in show business, I would be doing“Has to be Robert Clouse as my favourite director, what I have been doing for 35 years...ministeringhe did 4 major studio movies for him, doing my in the Skid Row Missions & Prisons all overown fights and stunts, which is rare for an actor. the country, as I have ministered in level 4My first big role with Director Clouse was Black penitentiaries, which are the worst and dangerous.Belt Jones. Then he cast me as Stick the assassin “I have to sign a paper that if I am taken hostage,in Game of Death; The Ultimate Warrior; & no deals are made. I have done over 8300 servicesForce Five. Gregory Hatanaka who has signed and led over 160,000 in the Salvation for 3 other films, signed me to co-star for I counsel to the downtrodden and the brokenhim in Samurai Cop; Deadly Vengeance & Holy walking wounded.Terror. Both were released. Also another favourite “Sometimes I come home and cry. I have seenDirector-Writer-Actor, multi-talented, is Thomas people shot, stabbed in the prisons. They call meChurchill whom I co-starred for in Check Point the “Mayor of Skid Row.” I get a lot of love fromand 2 wonderful Music Videos. Thomas also tohnoSskeiwdhRoolwivaenthdePrrei.sIoanms.”transparent with thoseco-starred in my above the title billing role in You have had many miracles, will you tell us?‘Syndicate Smasher’. My star role in Tales of “You see I should have died 7 times...I have had 28Frankenstein, directed by Don Glut, will be surgeries...(10 on my throat in 10 years)...crippledreleased on Frankenstein’s anniversary. I played for 5 years...had a wife walk out of our marriage...a Mad Scientist. I enjoyed starring in 2 Suspense (I raised my 2 wonderful daughters, Nikol anddTiheeda2tr3etpimroegsrianmfsil,mdise!”d in both actually; I haveMel, you have been honoured to be inducted in 48

Lea), and lived with intense pain for many years. In Psalm 91; 23; 34; 107 & scores of others.”my lifetime I have had 28 surgeries and know Godhealed me. Who were your career mentors?“The Lord healed my throat after having 10 failed “I have had some wonderful career mentors...surgeries in 10 years and again healed a serious Actor and friend Michael Harracka, Corey Allen,injury to the eye, a torn cornea, only hours before Stacy Harris, and Michael Pate and others. I hopesurgery. During Easter of 1983, I was spared from I did not offend someone I may have left out. Mydeath after serious haemorrhaging from surgery. biggest mentors Jesus Christ; the Holy Spirit;On March 14 19998, I almost died from peritonitis Pastor - Dr Jack Hayford; Pastor Jim Tolle &caused by an anti-inflammatory prescription Pmaesntotorr-sD.”r Charles Stanley have been my spiritualmedication. Following this I had got ProstrateCancer for 7 years, until God healed me without What are your latest acting projects?need for chemo or radiation. Than in Jan 22, 2013I almost died for the seventh time with a bout “I am signed for a TV series called ‘Scorpion Girl’,of double pneumonia, which hospitalized me. a very exciting project. I play a suave corruptEach time a miracle which shocked doctors and attorney. We have one more day to finish the trailersurgeons for Netflix. Scorpion Girl will introduce the first Latina super hero. She searches for her sister who“I just don’t walk into services as an actor...I go is a victim of human trafficking. Then she facesas one who had many afflictions and adversities... the most nefarious criminal in LA, a German NaziBut overcame them. That encourages them. Yes, I leader with plans to revive Hitler from the grave.have done many great films, received awards, but Feto Rivera, Producer-Director-Writer also signedSuccess to me is fulfilling & serving in what God me in a star role to be filmed in Columbia (3called me to do. I am a blessed man.. God gives me weeks) and LA. Exciting script.favour with inmates...lifers, and most have seensome of my movies. There were some who weregoing to commit suicide, and I helped them NOT “There is a personal project that I’ve written a longto do it. I teach & preach on Spiritual Warfare & treatment for called ‘Vengeance is Mine’. I playhave given over 200,000 Arsenal prayers the can be twins a tough, mean detective and my twin is adownload from my Website, minister at the Fred Jordan Mission, with long hair...dresses you from the daily battles with Satan. (wig) and round glasses. It is an exciting projectI was invited by the Union Rescue Mission as a that I have gotten great feedback. I am raising thecelebrity and the CEO watched me ministering $, and will co-produce. I also just completed ato about 25 people. He asked me to do a service... co-star role in “When it Rings” with co-star, Sallythen The LA Mission, Fred Jordan Mission & Kirkland, who was an Academy Award nominee &Long Beach Mission all followed. That was my Emmy winner. No, I did not kill anyone nor did Icalling 35 years ago. Prisons followed. Pastor die in the end. I did cry because I missed my wife &Mark Maciel, who spent time in San Quentin, 2 children who died in atofihree.aAr isfIIwgroitteth, tehreorlee.a”re 2was a Chaplain at LA Co Jail. An ex inmate from films that I am waitingthe Spiritual program called Mark, who was a bigfan of Bruce Lee, and said, “Stick from Game of Have you anything to say to our worldwide readers?Death is preaching on Skid Row.” That started meministering all over the country...& every level 3 “Please visit my website which& 4 in California. I have been to the worst on 10 has a great deal of info. I also do a 2-hour Internettimes...Pelican Bay Penitentiary. My ministry is Show twice a month...Omega Man that goes to 167my legacy. Yes, I am grateful that I have done all of countries. Go to to listen tothese movies with wonderful talented actors...but past shows. Some inmates have asked me if I havemy heart is with those who are broken vessels. The pets. I had one dog growing up in Wall, Pa. (Steelerpeople on Skid RRooww’.l”ove me and some call me the Nation), a gorgeous white Eskimo Spitz named‘Mayor of Skid Snowball. When he was hit & killed by a truck, I never had another pet. I did buy Nikol & Lea aIf you had 3 wishes to time travel back, where would Shih Tzu, Scruffy 1 & 2. Now I have Tropical fishyou go and who would you like to meet? that I enjoy. My mineral collection is incredible. I chill out by seeing movies. I have a pass to“It would be back into Jesus lifetime, I would have MthredPjeanciofvicicThhAeaKtAresMGeol dNobvleasks..y.”ou all...Mi’lanloved to have witnessed 3 great events. Of course,the Crucifixion and Resurrection when He fed over CVH 1st Class wish R Barri Flowers every5000 with a couple of fish & bread...& the Sermon continued success.on the Mount and scores of others. I give theparable in Luke 16:19-31 in my services. Rich manand the crippled beggar... Salvation like everythingis a choice. NOBODY is turned away. (2 Peter 3:9& 1 Tim 2:4) I love the Psalms & quote them often. 9

Alex Cole © Cornelia Kurtew ExclusiveDr Nancy Fike is a It was a late night in California, the weather was perfect the moon was full. Astrue humanitarian, knew it was Alex Cole in front of me. Not because I noticed him, but because devoted to Inner Alex’s music is so amazing. I wanted to know more about the guy who has been playing all around LA and City Youth and tells me he has only been in the states for 3 years, wow! He is a recording artist organizations Music Group. When you listen to his music one of the amazing things about hhelping Americas I hear an accent when you sing?” as you can hear his accent when you speak w Youth from such as AC/DC, Elvis Presley, Deep Purple, Foghat, Ted Nugent, Stevie Ray Va being bullied has! But I must say, Alex Cole is not a cover band or trying to emulate their so and fighting makes his fans go crazy for him! hunger. She likes Alex told me how he started in the music industry. His parents listened to a lo motorcycles and first he became a singer. One day, while recording a vocal track, his mentor En speedway tracks the beginning of Alex’s love for playing the guitar. He incorporated his singingwhile dedicated to When I asked Alex why he came to America he said: “I was inspired to come t come from America. I want to be here to work with those who understand and family.

by Nancy Fike1st Clcasvs Mhagwww.cvh1stclass.comazines I walked up to the Viper Room, a popular hangout for all Rock and Rollers I the energy he has was bigger than life and his smile could light up Los Angeles. d Hollywood, and how this native from Milan Italy landed in California. Alex t, who writes and performs Retro-Rock music and signed with Allied Artistshis sound is, you can’t hear any signs of an Italian accent. I asked Alex: “Why can’twith him in person. Alex Cole replied: “I have listened all my life to Rock Legendsaughan and ZZ Top to name a few, and I have mastered the dialect.” and that heound! He has his own voice with his own sound, which is EPIC for sure, and thatot of American music, which lead Alex to listen to music from a very early age. Atnrico Santulli gave him a guitar and suggested he learn an instrument. That wasg, with the talent of playing guitar, to create his own style of Retro Rock America because the sound of music I love, and the Iconic Artist I admire, d know how to record the Rock- N- Roll music I write.”

Our Youth today are part of why Vinyl 1st Clcasvs Mhagwww.cvh1stclass.comazinerecords are coming back. People arepurchasing records for the sound, look,cover design and feel that we grew up with.Alex replied: “Yes, Vinyl is coming back andI’m excited about that. I want to share withpeople the music I love. I want them to enjoythe Classic Rock sound and know that’s trueRock!” Alex has a very unique and fantasticsound. Alex tells me that part of the soundcomes from a custom guitar pick-up called“Nuge Sonic Baptism Paf-Plus Humbucker”created by Bob Mizek, which brings the realsound from the 70’s.I asked Alex “what do you have currentlygoing on, any new music?” Alex replies: “I’mrecording my second album “Unleash TheBeast,” I’ve written ten new song and I’mlooking forward to going into the studio torecord them. I’m looking for other bands tojoin me on a tour. I will be performing at theViper Room again. Check out my website formy new music and performance schedule:www.alexcole.rocksThank you Nancy for taking the time tocome and see me at the Viper Room inHollywood California I look forward hearingfrom CVH 1st Class Magazine readers. Iinvite everyone to follow me on social media:Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter andLinkedin.Alex has a constant fan support that inspireshim every day to continue on his path and tocontinue to compose Retro Rock music. CVH1st Class wish Alex Cole every continued success.12

© Dano Sol 13

Kenn Gray by Anotonella A Commatteo Exclusive lcasvs 1st C azine © Erol Colandro An International Legendary Kenn Gray is an Art & Design Director at Style Fashion Week. Owner/ Award-winning, Designer at Kenn Gray. Host ( events ) and starred on 14 episodes of Travel Spies and California’s on The Travel Channel. Former TV Show host of “ Shades of Kenn Gray” on The Designer of the Spiel at Fox 23. Studied at the Otis Art Institute/ Parsons School Of Design. Lives Year, Antonella is in Palm Springs, California Here he chats to us. a native of Wales born fashionista, Q&Awhose designs areuniquely inspiredand represented bylife and its journey. Tell us about Kenn Gray. “I am many things and wear many hats. Mostly I am a southern boy with BIG dreams! Growing up in Booneville, Mississippi was a challenge for me to be sure, yet I always had a penchant for the creative and ‘out of the box’. I left the south at 18 years old and moved to Los Angeles to attend the prestigious Otis/Parsons School of Art & Design studying fashion design. I didn’t realize at the time that my career wofomulyditnaakbeilaitdyiftfoerseanytNtuo.r”n and so many doors would open up for me as a result14

1st Clcasvs Mhagwww.cvh1stclass.comazine© Erol Colandro 15

Where do you reside now? What is design about for you?“I have lived in Los Angeles, New York City, “Design for me is about lifting up a person andBoston, Kentucky, and now Palm Springs CA. I their family through their environment. My hopehave an interior design firm, ‘Kenn Gray Home’, is that the spaces I create with my clients becomehave a line of custom fabrics, custom rugs and an inspiration for them and help them reach afurniture. I owed the largest art gallery in Boston pqureasleitnyt.o”f life and love that would not otherwise beand have been on many TV shows, my favourite You’re a Columnist for ‘Designing Your Life’ can youbCehianngnaesl,ewrihesicchalIlehdosTtreadv.”el Spies on the Travel tell us a little about it? “This is one of the things I am most proudYou’re very busy and in high demand, tell us about of actually. I have lived my life out loud...your work. transparently, with the hope of inspiring others“At this point I am busier than ever, with my to do the same. This column is a very poignantinterior design firm and many other businesses moment of teaching to those who read it, as Iincluding Cosa Salvaje Tequila, which i am a use my own life story as it unfolds each weekpartner with Elle France, Art & Design Director to hopefully inspire others to step outside theirfor Style Fashion Week global, Creative Director boxes, and to also live their lives with grace andfor recording artist Amanda Holley, Creative integrity. Live magazine is such a great platformFashion Director for Bahmardi clothing line ofovrerthwihseclomluinmgn.”and the response has been quitewhich will launch in NYC at Style Fashion Week, What impact do you think that fashion combinedOwner of D’Gray Model & Talent Management, with home décor has on today’s culture?Creative Director and PR coordinator for www. “Now this is at the root of everything I do really. I‘sUhenlcloeynwdiitlliioanmals’..”com and her new fragrance, have always talked about the influence that fashionYou are also involved in a lot of Charity work. has over Interior Design and vice versa. Such a“Yes. I am involved in countless other projects and close and unique relationship the two have. I lookphilanthropic efforts in my community. Having at it like this.... We wear clothes on our bodies andfounded two 501-C3 non-profit organizations most of us take a lot of time to get that just right tomgivyeseblfa,cikt.i”s a very important aspect of my life to feel good and/or to impress or whatever the reasonWhat has been your proudest moment in your life? might be. Our homes should be no different. In“All the awards and numerous successes of these fact, our environment is so important to our dailyachievements are proud moments for me and I am mood, productivity and self-confidence. With thatthrilled to have such opportunities but my greatest in mind, I very much equate and glean inspirationsuccess is hands down the amazing human that I fwroormk.b”oth interior design and fashion in all of mybrought in to the world with Bunny Jo Gray. Our Your personal aesthetic is the modern andson Fynnton is a magical person, full of promise, contemporary angle, is that for both your fashiontmaleeanstuaren.d..eisnpsepciriaaltliyonfotrhaat7ayreeawr oayldb.”eyond and home décor?When and how did you first become interested in “Absolutely correct for the most part, however,design? I do have a love for historical costume as well as“I have always been interested in some form of dpeossisgibnlae.n”d take inspiration from both wheneverdesign. My mom used to let me redo rooms in our What do you feel that you bring to the industryhome and even redesign the gardens and it gave me that’s unique?a real foundation for not only design, but also the “My approach to all of the work that I do is veryvfaiactbltehaotpIticoonuflodremxcee.l”in this field and that it was a unique. I have always had a problem saying noWhen did your lucky break come? to any opportunity, which I found to be creative,“Lucky Break.... do people really get those? LOL. interesting, and especially that had an elementWell, I think I have always worked hard for my of charity. Therefore, I have found myself, as Iolupcpkoyrbturenaitki!e”s. Maybe I am still waiting on my mentioned before, a part of many businesses. I always wondered how all my efforts could be parlayed into working together and now that is completely happening. Most of the businesses that I am involved in are in the creative spaces but16

© Erol Colandro1st Clcasvs Mhagwww.cvh1stclass.comazine Fynntoneven those that are not now benefit from my vast Your son Fynnton is becoming known as a model/iesxfpuelrliceinrcceleannodwg.o”lden rolodex! Everything really actor around the industry. Is that something heWhat are your plans for the future? chose at a young age, wanting to follow in his dad’s“I love this question. It has been asked of me many footsteps? Or does he have a genuine interest in histimes, and to be honest, it is always a catalyst for own, and where did it come from?goal setting. I plan to be happy. My answer used to “Fynnton has always been a clear candidate forbe very materialistic and such but now that I have greatness. He is a crystal child and has gifts mosthad and lost and gotten all that again, my thoughts of us could only dream of. His clear aptitude foron what are important have changed dramatically the camera and runway and all of those things hasand my trajectory is one of helping as many people been apparent always. He is seven years old andwith my resources as I can and committing to a loves when he is involved in such things but wesecure and healthy future for me and my family.” are trying to keep him a kiddo as long as we can as well, while giving him all the opportunities we possibly can.”Do you have any advice to give on those looking to Where can our readers find you?follow in your footsteps? ““YES! My biggest regret is not getting a good Also at ‘kenn gray home’ on all social media.”background in business. I had to learn how toproperly structure all my business affairs all by CVH 1st Class thank you Kenn Gray and we wishmyself with a lot of trial and error...and to be you continuing success.honest; I still don’t have it perfect!” 17

Kenny Lombino by Jamaal Lewis Kenny Lombino, known as Kenny, is the Senior Vice President atMerril Lynch and the Chairman of the board of the ‘Ferrari Club of America’. He studied Business Management at Fairleigh Dickson University, Teaneck, New Jersey. Kenny is well known for his magnificent motor collection.Here he describes his life and his passion for his vehicle collection. Exclusive Q&A Jamaal Lewis Kenny, what was your first car? is Celebrity r“oMaydfsitresrt.”love was a proper English sports car. A British racing green 1964 MGB photographer and outside of What was your childhood favourite car? this works at “Another proper British sports car, the iconic Jaguar E-Type. I swore at 8 years Sheer Strength soeldent.h”at one day I would own one, as it was the most beautiful car I had everLab and a model at Smart Model Did you ever get one? Management. “Bought a model of one and I still have it. A model of the E-Type has been in my From Colorado home and office ever since. Then in 1999 I bought my first one and I’m happySprings he lives in to say I own two now, a ‘65 roadster and a ‘67 coupe set up as a racecar. I went to Los Angeles. tchoeupcleaisnsitcoraacreasceactaSri.”lverstone in 2011 and when I came back I converted the 67 Which do you prefer classic or modern vehicles? “Both. As I mentioned I have two classic Jaguar E-Types, I also have two modern Ferrari’s, a new Porsche 911 GTS coupe, a new Shelby Corbra GmTea3s5u0r,ea!”Maserati, and a couple of other cars (Jeep & Fiat) and a Harley for good18

1st Clcasvs Mhagwww.cvh1stclass.comazine 1st Cl zine © Jamaal Lewis © Jamaal Lewis 19

How would you describe your childhood?“Simple. Kenneth (Kenny) P. Lombino wasconceived in Brooklyn, New York, but born inTeaneck New Jersey (3 miles from Manhattan) to ablue-collar dysfunctional family.Moving on – my mother used to torture me and tieme to a pole then beat me with a belt. I went to acatholic school then transferred to a public school.hI ihgahdspchotoeonltciaelr,tbifuictadteidenquotivdaolewntelol.fAatdtaipinloemd aa.”Tell us about your teenage life. 1st Clcasvs Mhagwww.cvh1stclass.comazine“I went to college but dropped out to pursue acareer in rock ‘n’ role. I was a drummer, but really All photos © Jamaal Lewisnever went anywhere with a music career, thenI became a truck driver. In 1971 I read the book‘Think and Grow Rich’ by Napoleon Hill andistucchceasnsgiendbmusyinliefessw.”hen I started my quest forYou were telling me you went through a tough time.“Oh yes, I started taking drugs at 15, which wenton until I was 30 when I had become an addict. Ifailed at everything I attempted, mostly becausesIuqcucietsesv.”erything I started if I didn’t have instantWhen was the turning point of your recovery?“Right after my 30th birthday. I woke up, hadan epiphany and got sober through a 12-stepprogram. I have been sober since that first day on3rd September 1983. The first 4 years of my life gotworse and at 11 months sober I watched my Fiancédboiethinskfryodnivt eorfsm.” e in a skydiving accident, we wereYou went through a dark period of suicidaltendencies.“Yeah. For 2 years I tried to commit suicide,because I knew I was a loser and always would be.I did not have the guts to pull the trigger. Thenat year 3 I tried to join the Army Services, so thatmaybe I would have a chance at learning a trade.They rejected me because they said I was a quitter.Depressed and fed up with life, I still fought onthen at 41 years old I almost turned to the demondrink again - I was severely tempted, because Ithought I had lost the battle and would be destinedfor a losers life. I then had another epiphany andrealised that life was a gift, that my purpose was tohelp others, so I gave up the quest for success. I wasbroke, but didn’t caalcroe.hIojluicsst.”knew I wanted to helpdrug addicts andTell us about the turning point in your life?“Self-evaluation on my life and analysing why I hadfailed at everything I attempted (except sobrietyof course). Through this self-evaluation I came to20

1st Clcasvs Mhagwww.cvh1stclass.comazine1st Clcasvs Mhagwww.cvh1stclass.comazine realise that I wanted to work on aWffaalilrSs.t”reet and help people with their financial You’re now very successful. “Fortunately Yes. I have been doing the same job MnoewrrfiollrL3y0nyceha.”rs and I am Senior Vice President at When was your lucky break? “uccess came when I gave up looking for it!” What’s life been like since? “Great. I got married, got divorced, no kids. I now have a house in the hills, a car collection, and 1st Clcasvs Mhagwww.cvh1stclass.comazine money in the bank. I became an actor 10 years ago, (see IMDB if you’re interested). I am a past present of the Ferrari Club of America, and now Chairman of the Board. Also, a past board member of the Rolls Royce Owners Club (sold the Rolls now), past board member of the Jaguar Owners Club, past board member of my church, and I was a mentor for 5 years. Life has been good to me so far. I could elaborate on these facts and of course there are more. This should give you an idea mofan.” what my life has been like. I am one grateful Kenny, you deserve all this success and we at CVH 1st Class wish you every future happiness. 21

Anne MasEoxnclusive by Robert Alston1st C azine As an explorer, entrepreneur, philanthropist, lcasvs and author, Anne Mason’s life reads like an extraordinary adventure book. Her journey began as a young girl traveling and studying throughout Europe, especially England, where she developed her love of teddy bears. In the following years, she took to exploring new heights, literally, as she scaled the frigid ascent to Mt. Everest’s Base Camp (17,600 ft). From there she appeared as a principal actor in the 2009 adventure documentary film, Journey to Everest, wherein the American team narrowly escaped an icy fate after they were bumped from a flight at Lukla airport that would later crash in the mountains. Back in the States, while recovering from a serious illness that suspended her traveling adventures, she took to exploring the confines of her own imagination. It was through this inward self-discovery that Anne first combined her passion for the teddy bear and her love of children to create the world of the delightfully wonderful “Mr. Biddle”. Through a single teddy bear and his forest friends, Anne began her recovery and built up a world that would allow others to experience the profound importance of friendship, adventure, learning and gratitude that she had learned throughout her own travels. Anne invites you to join Mr. Biddle in the Forest of Leeds to explore the bits and bobs that make up all of us, and to experience the story you’ll be retelling for years to come. Here we delve a little deeper into this extraordinary woman and author.Q&AWelcome to CVH 1st Class Anne and will you explain how you got into writing books for children?“Unable to have children of my own, I wanted to do something remarkable to touch and inspire the livesof children— so iImseatgoinuatttiovecrweoarteldewntiethrttahineiirngpalirteenratst.u”re that would allow them to enjoy learning abouta delightful andHas writing books been an ambition you have had since you were a child?“I grew up surrounded by books as my Mum loved reading. During my primary school education, Irecall having a penchant for writing short, imaginative stories. In fact, one of my stories was selected asa winner in a writing competition at the Young Authors’ Conference held at the University of Michigan,Ann Arbor. The contest was open to students in grades three through yfiovuenagndagIee.”arned a first-placeaward in the third-grade category—this was quite an honour at such a22

1st Clcasvs Mhagwww.cvh1stclass.comazine Book Cover 23

Where were you born and tell us about your “After several years of surgical treatment, whichparents? led to improved health, I set off on a dangerous“I was born on 29 December 1959 at Baylor expedition that would forever change the way I seeUniversity Medical Centre in Dallas, Texas. My the world.father, Alvin Pridgeon, served in the U.S. Navy “Behind the majestic snow-capped peaks andduring World War II and was a global advertising spectacular scenery of the Himalayas, lies anexecutive with Ford-New Holland. My Mum, Joan, extremely inhospitable place— Mount Everest.was a highly regarded interior decorator. In 1966, Trekking the world’s highest mountain hasmy father moved our family from Dallas to the associated risks such as: hypothermia, cerebralBirmingham-Bloomfield area in south-eastern and pulmonary edema, rock slides, moving iceMichigan. crevasses and frequent avalanches.“At the age of 50, my father began soaring in the “During my first attempt to trek to Everest BaseSwiss Alps and continued his European gliding Camp at 17,600 feet, our team narrowly escapedpassion for almost a decade. Sadly, in January a small plane crash which killed 18 passengers.1991, his picturesque adventures drew to a close At an elevation of almost 12,000 feet, I sufferedwhen he succumbed to a serious lung disease. It a severe bout with pulmonary edema whichwas his great appreciation of natural woodlands, prevented any further ascent on the mountain.especially in the United Kingdom, that inspired Not to be defeated, one year later, I returnedme to create the Forest of Leeds— the home of Mr. to the place that nearly took my life and madeBiddle. a successful trek to Base Camp. Unbelievably,“The passing of my Mum in February 2015, we experienced oynetbaonaortdhemriprlaacnuelocuraslsyhsounrvtihveed.”was quite devastating, and still is to this day. mountain— allThe memory of her loving and giving natureis reflected through the stories of Mr. Biddle’s What is it that you enjoy about children’s writing?padervseonntuartehsa, tahned itmhepawratrsmup-hoenarhtiesdr,enaduertrus.r”ing “One of the fondest memories of my childhood wasYou appear to have been well travelled since a child. spending time with my parents and reading classicWhy is this? picture books together. Sharing stories with your“Throughout my childhood, my father’s position children is a valuable way to get them on the pathwith Ford-New Holland (Europe) provided to loving books. This concept is what inspires meour family with extraordinary opportunities to to write— creating engaging and edifying storiestravel overseas, several times a year. Some of my tahnaotthfaemr ailniedsrcea-nteellninjogytrheraoduignhgoaumt othnegsyteaornse.”favourite memories came from our trips to: centralLondon, Castle Combe in Wiltshire, the Lake What other books have you written and whatDistrict around Zurich, and Liechtenstein. inspired you to do so?“As an International Relations major at Sweet Briar “I have only one other published book, entitled,College, I elected to study the European banking “Mr. Biddle’s Great African Safari”, which wasand finance industry in London, Paris, Brussels also illustrated by Jim Zuckerman. I was inspiredand Frankfurt. It was a remarkable journey for bwyiltdhleifeb.e”auty of Jim’s photographs of Africanmtraenmsoforriems.a”tive experiences and creating lifelong Will you give us a brief outline of your first and subsequent jobs?You have faced some challenges in your life “After graduating from Sweet Briar College inincluding your health. Will you tell us about them? Virginia, I commenced work in Boston in the“In all aspects of life, there are periods of adversity investment industry, primarily, composing andthat present themselves. There have been several editing interoffice brochures and correspondence.occasions in which I have encountered seemingly In the ensuing years, I travelled back to my homeinsurmountable obstacles. state of Michigan and worked for General Motors,“The most difficult hardship that I have endured where I successfully developed, proofread andwas my journey with endometriosis— an invisible, edited training manuals for online databases. Stillpainful, and infiltrating disease... there is no cure. rinelMateicdh, iaguatno,mI odbeivleelobpuesidnmesas.r”keting materials for aIt was during this long period of struggle that Ibegan to plan out the series of Mr. Biddle books.24

1st Clcasvs azine Map of the Forrest of Leeds - home of Mr. Biddle1st Cazine lcasvs Mhagwww.cvh1stclass.com1st C lcasvs Mhagwww.cvh1stclass.comazine Jonathan Friends of Mr. Biddle Nigel 1st Clcasvs Mhagwww.cvh1stclass.comazine 25

Has any particular person or group inspired you in Does Mr. Biddle have any friends? If so, tell us a your life so far? little about them. “I am incredibly thankful for my parents loving “The squirrels are quite different, one is free support and inspiration that encouraged the spirited and musically inclined, whilst the other pursuit and development of my creative abilities. is an “absent minded professor”.... Nigel is a wise Through my travels, I often draw strength bird and Alexander may bLeeesdloswH, ibsutotrhieanlo.”ves to tell and inspiration from meeting caring people tales. He is the Forest of doing extraordinary things— volunteers, good neighbours, teachers, community organizers and Has Mr. Biddle met the Queen yet? Is this one of his providers of animal welfare; unsung heroes whose ambitions? quiet dedication makes them special. Their selfless “bNuto,dIe’smireasfrtaoidmteheattHheerhMasanjeosttyh.”ad the pleasure, udesvaollt.i”on and generosity of spirit is an example to Mr. Biddle is surely a quintessential English bear What are your future plans for Mr. Biddle? that lives in a forest in Leeds, England, UK. Why “thWreo’ureghexopultohriisngglmobaanlytraavveenlus.e”s for Mr. Biddle did he choose to live there and can we expect more adventures from him in the future? “Mr. Biddle chose the Forest of Leeds, as he liked How do you relax Anne? the majestic trees and the diversity of the flora and fauna. There wtuinllebde!”many more entertaining “I have an array of activities that I use to release adventures… stay stress including; beach walking at sunset, listening to beautiful mlivoetliyocnopnivcetrusraetisoonunwditthracclkosseanfrdiends.” engaging inMr. Biddle relaxing at home1st C www.cvh1stclass.comazine lcasvs Mhag26

Do you drive? If so, what do you drive now, whathas been your favourite drive and what would youlike to drive in the future?“Yes, I do drive. It’s quite delightful to set off inmy Range Rover on a scenic, oceanside adventure.I can say with certainty, that I will continue myffuastcuirnea…tio. hnowpietfhutllhyetRhoansegeofRaonveerwmerovdienltsaigne.t”heTell us about the favourite things you like to dowhen you are not writing.“I enjoy nature and various outdoor activities.I am a great sous chef, and have pals who takecharge… Otherwise, I enjoy casual dining,especially with friends, a high priority forndoewwnctitimiese,.oInliskheotrotbneostipcoen.”taneous and travel toDo you have any ambitions left to fulfil and is theresomething left on your ‘Bucket List’ that is withinreach?“I am “done” climbing mountains physically, butdo enjoy climbing the everyday literary hills andvalleys, as does, every author. Ideally, with Mr.cBhidilddlree’sna.”ssistance I hope to encourage literacy inThe English are well known for drinking tea. Whowould you like to meet and have tea with? And why?“Sir Edmund Hillary would be my first choice— ”his sense of adventure mirrors that of Mr. Biddle. Thank you Anne for taking the time to chat with us and we wish you every success for the future,and make sure Mr. Biddle doesn’t get into too much mischief as he explores other parts of England and the world!(All book illustrations © Jim Zuckerman) 27

Dr Robert Lugliani soldiers. According to Dr Lugliani it was the birth of his calling. He said “ I was just old enough to witness horrors of human suffering, what the doctors were doing to save them, so that they could fully recover, that was my first experience as to what doctors do; and how they help others, I never had a doubt it was my calling” Completing his residency at Harbor General Hospital in Harbor City, California; in 1972; Dr. Lugliani indoctrinated a reputation for the expert, and compassionate care he gives to each patient; emotionally as well as physically.1st Clcasvs Mhagwww.cvh1stclass.comazine A leading pioneer in new developments; his extensive career includes medical research ranging from Lung Disease, the Cardiovascular System, and Hyperventilation; his specialty is Internal Medicine, and Pulmonary Disease at St. Mary’s Medical Centre in Long Beach, California. In the calm of a sunny autumn day during the month of October; in the Dr. Lugliani believes and expresses “ there is a great country of Italy, there tremendous amount of additional demands placed was born a man of noble upon the physicians; and we have to go into another calling somewhat like fine direction to make medicine survive. His best advice wine in the hills where is for doctors to spend less time with medical vineyards encompass with records; and more time paying attention to their a beauty of ripened grapes patients. Carole Gray and with promises of rich soil Proliferation of humanity reflects the brilliance of a Cerdan Smith, and natural nutrients that dream that galvanizes faith; charging the world for Hollywoods piously preserve a world the good of life; preserving wisdom, understanding; Golden Media community emerged a gifted and a legacy of great men down through the Couple. Carole humble man; Dr. Robert annals of medical history; engraves it’s signature Lugliani. on a generation of doctors yet to come in the herself is a Immigrating to the United entertainment capitol of the world. renowned States Dr. Lugliani received Celebrity, Co- his medical degree at Tufts Honours and Awards include: Host, Vocalist, University in Massachusetts International Award Winning Doctor by the Italian Singer and and has dedicated his life Songwriter. for more than fifty years Culture Cerdan is a mentoring generations of Lifetime Achievement Award (2010) -St. Mary Celebrity Media interns and teaching at the Host and a David Geffen School of Medical Centre renowned artist. Medicine; Certificate of Recognition (2010) - Senate of Both enjoy The inspiration to savesocialising, healthy lives was embedded when California-Presented food and music. he was a child at the end by Senator Alan S. Lowenthal of World War 2 there was Certificate of Special Recognition (2010) - U.S. a field hospital based in House of Representatives - Presented by Member of Congress - Laura Richardson his hometown; where he witnessed first hand the harsh realities of doctors treating injured, and dying CVH 1st Class wish Dr Robert Lugliani continued successCerdan Designs Art Entertainment MediaAmbass2a8dors for Peace, Universal Peace Federation

by Carol Gray & Cerdan A Smith lcasvs 1st Cazine1st C azinelcasvs 29

Vincent Anthony Chavez by Tammie Starr Top Photographer Vincent Anthony Chavez was born in Los Angeles, California. His family is Hispanic/American and siblings include 2 older sisters and 3 younger brothers. The spirit of the arts has always been in the family, mainly music and photography. Here he chats about it. First CVH Curvy Q&A Ambassador; Corespondent; Vincent, you’re a musician, when did you first play? Professional “I began playing music at the age of 6, using a tambourine to play along with my Model; Singer; Dad and Uncles favourite music of the time. Drums became of great interest after listening to soul music and later, rock music. I officially became a drummer at theStarr Productions; age of 15 when I acquired my first set of drums. I have never-stopped playing andShiningGraceHost! continue to play today both in a band called “Woodstock Mud,” and on my own.” Curvy Wonder When were you fascinated with cameras?Woman with many “My Dad introduced us to a camera called, “Polaroid” back in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. I found it fascinating, I was immediately intrigued and wanted to learn talents! more. Soon after, I was asking many questions every time I saw an interesting photo. Positive Role The first photos I took a great interest in were Sports. How did these people capture Model for the all of the great moments that took place on the field, the court and the diamond My Women in the Dad was able to answer a lot of questions. (It wasn’t until after he passed away that I learned just how much of a shutterbug her really was, even having his own darkroom world! for a time!) Even though we never formally discussed the inner workings of cameras, it would not take long for me to learn how to use one and what all of the controls were meant to accomplish. Growing up, there was never really any one person that I admired greatly or said, “I’m going to be like him.” It just didn’t seem fair to me with all of the adult males that were a part of my life at that time. It changed temporarily after I watched my first Bruce Lee movie. Then, I saw Muhammad Ali fight Joe Frazier - too much for a young lad. Right before I officially became a teenager, music took over. I wanted nothing more than to be a drummer in a rock band! However, all throughout high school, I was taking photos with many different types of cameras. The main reason that I never took classes on photography while in school was because I didn’t want someone else telling me how to be creative. These teachers, (who are probably following procedure) like to give you a camera with everything all set up and then tell you what to go out and photograph, I did not see where the learning came in. My basic attitude and primary goal has never changed - “I will always do my best, to take the best photo I can, no matter what the given situation.” When did you start photography as a career? “I enjoyed photography and eventually, adulthood and personal responsibility took over and I had to find steady work. While I was working at my last regular job, an old friend from high school posted a message on Face book about needing a photographer. She had been placed in charge of a high school football website and was given no budget. I told her, “If you cannot find anyone else, let me know and I will do it.” A week later, I was taking photos at a scrimmage football game, not really knowing what to do. However, determination, along with other factors, would come into play and accelerate my learning. First, I purchased a better camera so I would not look so out-of-place with the football team.”

1st Clcasvs Mhagwww.cvh1stclass.comazine © Vincent Anthony Chavez

1st Clcasvs Mhagwww.cvh1stclass.comazine © Vincent Anthony Chavez

1st Clcasvs Mhagwww.cvh1stclass.comazine© Vincent Anthony Chavez Was that your first assignment? “Yes, the first assignment was to shoot the game along side with the student videographer. We were stationed at the top of the bleachers. What a learning experience. During my first season with the team, I lost my long time, regular job I made a major decision that I would become a full time photographer. That first year was incredible! I was photographing high school sports and DJ’s in nightclubs. I spent every Friday and Saturday night, photographing in nightclubs for 7 months straight. It was during that time that I began posting on social media - Integra and Face book. Soon after, I began to get offers to photograph many other events. The first real introduction to Hollywood was all about being a personal photographer for a social media bringing magic to the spotlight, making whomever I shoot with my lens to shine.” CVH 1st Class wishes Vincent A Chavez every continued success.

Christmas in Hollywood Prince Jordan Entertainment in Hollywood has always been rated Tyson is an the Best in The World! And especially at Christmas Time People snuggle up to their warm, cosy fireplaces Award winning and treat each other to delightful deserts and delicious Hollywood Artist drinks topped with a special serving of their favourite Talk-show Host, TV shows and this year is no different, with the Actor, Comedian, entertainment box office attendance at an all timeSinger, and Dancer. high, its no surprise that candy coated dreams are allHis family heritage over town and Santa’s good list is especially tasteful this year! is European Golden Rule in Hollywood: Royalty. “Treat everyone as if they are Millionaire” “Treat everyone as if they are made of Gold”. 34 Why? Because they probably are and if they are not they just could be tomorrow. Yes, dreams do happen and can change your life like the magic at Disneyland overnight. One moment you are sweeping carpets the next you’re a Billionaire in a Mansion. Christmas in Hollywood is especially sweet for some and sour for others. “Bah Humbug!” says: Ebenezer Scrooge whose European accent has graced us since the beginning of time. But did you know that most Americans and people are actually clueless when it comes to common courtesy? Even something as simple as a Christmas Card. almost 14 Million Americans in LA do not exchange. Why? Because it’s not the norm. It’s not the protocol. It’s not what people do in LA, but alas, some fortunate souls do get it and some do give gifts and follow the golden rules. In fact some of Hollywood’s most Legendary performers and Actors in the 1950’s made a production of sending out thousands of Christmas cards each year to thank all who have blessed them in their lives.

by Prince Jordan TysonToday? Almost nobody does that! But as for this reporter I’m sending1 million people a Christmas card in the form of this little story. SoMerry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all and may all of yourlives be filled with Happiness, Rainbows, Unicorns and Love.Real Winter Wonderland:White lights, cream-topped hot chocolate, horse-drawn sleighs, andjingle bells, such romantic holiday treats are only found in the trueWinter Wonderland. And To help us get into the holiday spirit, wewent in search of the nation’s most fun and festive towns and foundtwo of the most romantic towns for the holidays. Whether throughlight shows, festivals, or unique traditions, these small towns knowhow to take holiday celebrations, and they take them very seriously!Nestled in the Rocky Mountains, the picturesque towns of Steamboatand Craig, Colorado are like something out of a magical Christmasmovie. Besides skiing and snowboarding at any of the nearbywinter resorts, most of the holiday cheer can be found in the quaintdowntown.Take a leisurely stroll down Main Street to partake in everything fromcookie stores, to Gourmet Meals, to meet-and-greets with Santa andhis elves. Even a Real live, Christmas Camel who walks around towneach year!Holiday lovers will have a blast in the celebrity ski cities of Steamboatand Craig, Colorado — a true winter wonderland. Every December,just as the local ski season kicks in, the town hosts several manyfun annual events that includes live concerts in the snow, plus a treelighting.Oh and one more important fact: These Cities extended Christmas for3 weeks after Christmas to give lovebirds a chance to enjoy Christmas.(In case you didn’t know) a lot of people are working on Christmasand fly to Steamboat and Craig, Colorado to Celebrate because theykeep it Christmas for three weeks after. You’ll never miss Christmasagain.If you can, stick around for New Year’s Eve, a parade of skiers carrytorchlights down the mountains and the whole sky is lit up withfireworks, a great time for all!HO HO HO from Santa Claus. 35

1st C lcasvs Mhagwww.cvh1stclass.comazineAsk Françoise with Françoise Pascal Dear Readers, I understand the pain that you go through, as I go through the same as you each time I think of my life in the past. www.franççoise Pascal radio show on Sundays at 4.00pm - 6.00pm.çoise Is Husband Cheating? and get him to trail him.Pascal Profile “Bisous and good luck and have aBorn on the Island Dear Françoise, Merry Christmasof Mauritius, she What are the tell tale signs of a cheating Françoise xxx”was educated husband? My husband of 25 years is a CEOin Paris and of a major food company and he never used Mean ParentsLondon a former to dress up as he was reared on a ranch inmodel, dancer Dallas, Texas and always has worn jeans Dear Françoise,and became and dressed casual, even into the office. My parents don’t buy me anyone of Europe’s Suddenly he’s preening himself in the mirror, Christmas presents as they saybiggest stars of taking extra care with his appearance and I have enough. I’m 16 years oldthe seventies one has started wearing shaving cream and and live at home. Yet my olderof the greatest coming home late from the office. He rarely brother and sister have childrenbeauties of her rings home and he used to always. Once we the same age as me and everytime a sitcom were so close now strangers. time its their Birthday partiesstar popular on Bianca or Christmas presents my momtelevision and Manhattan doesn’t include me. Dads veryfilms . Nowadays New York generous and gives mom lots ofFrançoise is an USA cash to spoil everyone. She thinksauthor, actress “Hello Bianca of everyone except me. From theand enjoys quality Wow! That has happened to me so many postman to the milkman, yet I’mtime with her times and a long time ago that I almost forgot ignored. To give you an examplefamily she loves but I will remember for you as it is important she even asks me to choose theirgardening and to note that I despise cheating husbands and I gifts and to wrap them, shepets. will tell you. spends ages carefully choosing “(1) If he is hesitant in kissing you, it means their cards. Everything has to he has someone on the side. be perfect. Just imagine having (2) He is late coming home or gives you as a birthday and no card or gift many excuses why he will not be home early from parents. Repeated again or he says he is working very late. none for Christmas and if that’s (3) He can be very distant not bad enough my birthday is (4) He could not care what you say as well as Christmas Day but I get none. Its making you feel inferior. very embarrassing when friends “That is all I can remember from my ask me what did I get? They seem experience. I could not tell you whether your to think that I get double presents. husband is having an affair. I would suggest I already talked to mom and she you put a private detective on his trail and doesn’t see any problem and says find out for yourself whether it is a mistress what do I want presents for? I’m that he has or maybe he likes gambling that living in a big house, got nice is why he dresses up and not come home at clothes what more do I want? I night and do not ring you either because he is said a simple card or a hug. She busy gambling your/his money. Watch your laughs and ridicules me. bank account if I were you. I am no expert Clarissa Bianca, I really suggest you find a detective Lymington Hampshire UK36

“Hello Clarissa out and started meeting people Help, I Lied About MyI am sorry your mother has been in bars, concerts, Museums etc. Circumstancesfeeling this way about you. Talk to so you see it is not that difficult.her again and ask her why is the Make yourself available to go out Dear Françoise,love between mother and child and have some fun this Christmas. I am a lonely widow and todoes not exist with you and her. “Good luck, Bisous and a Merry shy I’m in a pen pal romanticNow I am no psychologist but Christmas. friendship with a handsomeit seems to me that she is hiding Françoise xxx” Canadian and I sort of liedsomething that is bothering about my house the garden andher and has been bothering her Scared To Tell Wife I Lost swimming pool. I only live in afor a long time. Christmas and My Job two up two down house in a poorBirthdays are a very special time area. Now Blake insists on comingfor a mother to her child. She Dear Françoise, over for a week and I don’t knowmust realise this. A bonding Lately I feel life is passing me by, how to stop him,time. Talk to her again, if not I I’m a divorced gentleman recently Janetreally suggest that you go to a lost my job as the firm went into HattersleyPsychiatrist and get your mum to liquidation I haven’t told my wife Hydejoin you too until this is resolved. yet as she will go furious. She “Dear JanetThis cannot continue. Please do has our extravagant Christmas Lying is really not a great thingthat. It must be awful for you to party all planned with family and to do. Tell him the truth and I amlive under the same roof without friends, sadly this year we cannot sure he will not mind; tell himlove or understanding of the afford it. I’m anxious to gently where you live and the truth aboutlove that you crave from your word it to her. My friend says its the poor area you live in. You willonly mother, whether living in simple, tell her your broke and she also then know how good thisa big house or not. She sounds will understand. But he doesn’t man is and how sincere he is aboutmore like a control freak to me. know my wife’s temper your relationship. That entireRemember the film Now Voyager Clive materialistic thing does not matterwith Bette Davis, watch it, if you Aldeburgh when you love each other. Youhave not done so, it might give Suffolk know I use to do the same aboutyou some ideas. Good luck dear “Hello Clive my mother; she lived in a poorClarissa, Her Temper! Gosh I would tell her area, in a council flat. Whenever“Gros Bisous and have a Merry to go and jump in the lake, if you I had a boyfriend and I live inChristmas are broke, she should understand Chelsea, they wanted to meet myFrançoise xxx” that you have lost your job, when mum, I would then have to tell you let her know make sure that them the truth where she lives andLonesome Christmas she knows that the world does they would be annoyed with me not revolve around her alone… by saying why did you lie. I wouldDear Françoise, She needs to curb her spending reply because I was embarrassedI’m lonely for Christmas and fed and as money is now short, it will where she lived. They would thenup of seeing everyone happy I be difficult until you get a new reply that lying is not the in marketing and have put job and perhaps she can resume Be truthful at all time, it is muchon a bright smiley face and its her Christmas bash next year. It more appreciated as a lie getsjust one big act as I’m miserably is never simple to tell a wife that caught up with you in no time atlonely, any advice. I’m pretty, there is no money. It only exists all and causes more trouble thanvery successful yet its all seems to in the movies. A woman always you would ever from bed to work’ wants to be looked after when “Tell him the truth and say you they marry, and when this security were embarrassed about whereSarah is threatened they get angry but you lived because you knew thatPdstow until you tell her that that security in Canada there are super areasCornwall will be given to her again then and house that one can live in and“Dear Sarah she will understand. Make sure you did not have that here. AlwaysOh dear. Loneliness is a depressing that you keep your promise in tell the truth.thought to me. Why should you searching for another job because “Good luck, Bisous and a Merryfeel lonely? Go out there, make it will make her more secure in Christmas.friends. If you feel miserable your marriage. Be courageous and Françoise xxx”and lonely it is because you have take the bull by the horn. Temperchosen to be like that without or not!thinking. You sound like a “Good luck, Bisous and Merryworkaholic; I was once in that Christmas.situation. I woke up one morning Françoise xxx”and told myself that it was my ownfault and no one else. So I went 37

Sandwich Angels at ChristmasSandwich Angels were from skip hire, to roll on roll suppliers who are the backbone ofwonderfully surprised when Craig off containers, Euro bins and our ability to gift sandwiches.Perry of Premier Waste Services hazardous waste management, 3rd Gee Cross Beavers are the(UK) Limited donated 30 sleeping with nationwide distribution and youngest end of the scoutsbags, tents, flasks and to top it coverage. association. They have beenall gave the ladies and gentlemen At Premier Waste Services we learning about warm jackets. Which we aim to progressively improve There young hearts are eager andare very grateful for as out and segregation methods and recycling compassionate to help. In theirabout they keep us nice and warm rates by regularly educating staff innocence they have asked whyand proudly wear, here are our and customers, using proven we give bottled water to them.sponsors. techniques and systems of They thought everyone hadPremier Waste Services (UK) recovering and recycling waste drinking water. They ask why materials. We aspire to propel have they no food when so many restaurants and throw food away these systems out onto by destroying it? We adults cannot construction and project explain to children that life is sites, encouraging often cruel. However their young customers to be aware of hearts are blessed with caring the impact of recycling at natures and we thank them for all source. the wonderful hampers they gave. Our continued thanks to Craig Perry says “Premier Morrison’s Hyde Staff who are waste services is very our ever dedicated supporters happy to be supporting these workers out of their own the sandwich Angels money have a collection box helping the homeless and themselves buy food for our in the Manchester area, sandwich fillings and also give as a local and family run business we feel Carol Ann Jones with the 3rd it’s important to show support and help our lcasvs community, its truly amazing, the time and lcasvs effort people put in to help others in need if everyone done a little it would make a big 1st C 1st C azine azineCraig Perry and Christina Howard difference.”Established in 1996, and with CVH 1st Class salute andover 25 years of experience and respect Premier Waste Servicesknowledge of the waste industry, (UK) for their continuingPremier Waste Services (UK) support of our SandwichLimited offer a unique recycling Angels.and waste management service Beavers Help Sandwichthat enables waste producers from Angelsall industrial and business sectors Words are powerless to expressto manage and report their waste. our gratitude to all who helpWith a fully trained and us. We owe thanks to manyknowledgeable team of waste people, it’s so difficult to thankhandlers, drivers and office everyone while trying not tocoordinators, we are able to offer miss out so many people. Wean extensive range of services, thank our new contributors, remembering our regular38

fruit and vegetables for the Soup 1st C by Carol Ann Jones azine Kitchens we share out with. Food For Thought lcasvs Well no one can deny that winter has hit us here in Britain, snow Soup Kitchens who tirelessly go in and unbearable icy cold. Our search of them, during this crisis. entire house heating on in every Elderly Neighbours room can’t warm our houses and The homeless are not the only we feel cold, imagine how helpless ones at risk of hypothermia. Our and vulnerable the rough sleeper older generation and the infirm, is. So many suffer hypothermia they too are at risk, they may have leading to death. The Outreach a roof over their heads, food in teams and Soup Kitchens we help their stomachs, but perhaps not they are out in force with warm able to take care of themselves. drinks, and food. Sometimes they Dementia setting in and unable to have to walk miles and miles to recognise the need for heat. Have find them down ginnels and alley they got their heat on? Do they ways as they are frequently moved look warm? Is someone looking on so as not to offend Christmas out for them? Can they get out for Shoppers and this makes it provisions? You are not being a difficult for Outreach Teams and nosey neighbour, you are being a caring neighbour and you mightGee Cross, Scout Group just save a life 39

This Special Time of Year by Dr. Kailash Chand OBEDr Kailash Chand Christmas is a time for joy, celebration and bringing together family and friends to OBE was a GP share this merriment. While taking nothing away from this much-needed festivity, in for over 30 spare a thought for those who are less advantaged – particularly those with mental years, alongside health problems. being chair of Mental illness transcends all ages and backgrounds. Almost one in four adults have a local NHS a mental illness at some point in their lives, such as stress, anxiety, depression or trust. He actively psychosis. campaigned on An individual’s emotional health can also have a great impact on physical health, NHS and public and poor mental health can lead to problems such as alcohol and drug abuse. An health issues. ageing and more transient population, and changes to the way we make social connections, are responsible for more lonely people than ever before. But even forCurrently he is the the most experienced among us, the pang of loneliness and isolation is often neverdeputy chair of the more pronounced than it is at Christmas and so, at a time when the rest of the nation is busy celebrating, there are many who just cannot, rather than will not, be British Medical able to do so because of their mental ill health. Indeed their inability to join in on Association the fun can exacerbate their isolation. and chair of The environment we live in plays a crucial role in the genesis of mental illness. Healthwatch Austerity is certainly not good for mental health; it affects those in lower income Tameside. He brackets, and those at particular risk of mental disorders, the hardest. Public spending cuts have hit some of the most vulnerable sections of society – those in was awarded an receipt of social care or on pension credits, and disabled and unemployed people. OBE in 2010 for Though this is a challenging time for those with mental illnesses, statutory and services to the voluntary organizations are there to support these individuals and therefore it is vitally important to ask for help. NHS. Despite the pressures on the system, services are there for those who need urgent help or are facing a crisis – the doors won’t close to them. And for those with less serious issues, there are measures that can be taken without resorting to statutory and voluntary services. Family, friends and individuals can watch out for abnormal behaviour, such as panic attacks, and try to restore calmness by getting away from noisy, busy places and doing breathing exercises. Avoid having an argument; the tension will almost certainly ease. Finding a place for shelter, a warm meal, and ensuring youngsters are protected are not impossible goals, though at times it might seem like that. Depression and stress can make one unnecessarily pessimistic, although simple measures such as not indulging in alcohol and drugs or spending within means can reduce the plight of those who are not in a good place. An uplifted spirit will bring back that joy and hope, and trigger off a feel-good factor that can be the springboard to happiness. Good mental health brings with it a whole lot of goodies in Santa’s stocking, because after all, physical fitness and wealth are meaningless without it. Let’s hope Santa has something for struggling mental health services, this Christmas and at a time of year when most people are enjoying themselves there are many who cannot join in, but despite the challenges services face, help is available. ‘Merry Christmas’40

Pole Bank Park by Karen BushleeJust like out of a fairytale book or the magical secret gardens, thereexists in Cheshire the beautiful scenic Pole Bank Park.Originally the grand gardens of the Pole Bank Hall was once thefamily home of Mill Owner Samuel Ashton. The Ashton family builtmany Mills around Hyde and brought work to the local people.Pole Bank was sold to the Beeley family next then rented for a whileand eventually bought by George Byrom, who, on his death in 1942,bequeathed the property to the people of Hyde. His wife died in 1945and ownership of the estate was transferred to the then ‘Corporationof Hyde’ a small town in Cheshire.Today Pole Bank is a care home for the elderly but all can still enjoyits grounds. My family lived in one of the cottages next door to theHall over 65 years ago, and my Mum remembers playing in thegrounds with her siblings. They explored the woods and the kitchengardens and had picnics around the pond enjoying the splendour ofthis little beauty spot.This picture is a typical view of the grounds, the autumn colours andreflections make it a stunning view and I will be returning to walk my dog another day in this little piece of paradise that’s timeless beauty of the past and present is still enchanting.1st Clcasvs Mhagwww.cvh1stclass.comazine 41

Straight from the OvenAngela Brown with Hello Again Everyone Firstly may I wish all our readers a very Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year. Christmas is the one time of the year that is full of tradition, every house or individual has there own things that they do every year that just makes it special, it can be wearing that daft sweater, putting up those decorations that have been with you since childhood, rushing round 5 minutes before the shops shut etc. but for our house it starts with buying the largest real tree we can find then struggling it into the living room after moving stuff round to accommodate the massive beast) and then spending a pleasurable afternoon decorating it and the rest of the house. We live in an authentic Vintage house with 1940s authentic furniture so its really special. Next thoughts turn to the food, again tradition dictates that Christmas dinner has to be turkey with all the trimmings, then for me Christmas pudding and brandy cream has to follow. There are certain things I cook at Christmas and only at Christmas which got me thinking that I should pass onto you a dessert I do, which hope you will add to your Christmas traditional list...this has to be made at least a day ahead of when you want to eat it so it is perfect at this busy time of the year as it can be made and stored in the fridge till needed then just decorated at the last minute. This is perfect for New Year as well; I decorate it with edible glitter, which is now easy to get online or at supermarkets and really gives it that festive finish. It is also very, very, very rich so you only need a small slice this will therefore serve about 16 guests. Off into the kitchen with you ……………….. Angela Brown Luxury Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheesecakehas been carrying out her passion Ingredients (base) - 200g (7oz) Plain Digestives (Graham Crackers) 50g (2oz) Salted Butter At Room Temperature (soft) of baking since 50g (2oz) Salted Peanuts she was a young 100g (3 1/2 oz) Milk Or Dark Chocolate Drops girl. She is self-taught having had Ingredients (filling) - 500g (1 lb 2oz) Cream Cheese impiration from 3 Whole Eggs + 3 Egg Yolks (Save the whites and make her mother. All her some meringues) recipes are tried 200g (7oz) Caster Sugar and tested in her 125ml Sour Cream (You can make your own using own home. She is a cream & a tspn Lemon Juice)collector of vintage 250g Peanut Butter (Either Crunchy or smooth) costumes andlives in an original Ingredients (topping) - 250ml Sour Cream 1930s house with 100g (3 1/2oz) Milk Chocolate Dropsvintage furniture. 30g (1oz) Soft Brown Light Sugar She takes part in displays, cookery Decora te - WEdhibiplepGedliCttereraemtc,. Chocolate Buttons or Curls, Nuts, demonstrations and teaches in pITcaauhtrscicsehhdmmaanaekyrnoedtus.rniYitpdoesuaLasownieodirlsleataoBclsogoouetttnpotlemeheedoOfcahsrhbeSaeepsekretiisncnagogkfsefkhooiertuemctht.tetBoinnuprt2uot3etllrcttmhtohisea(9obt”nisn)o—rDablnii.andmeliewnteietrhw(ipt4ah”r)bcdhaemkeinepng. t to schools about theway we lived in the 1930s & 1940s.42

Method:-Pre-heat oven to 170c / 150c Fan / 325f / Gas 3.Grease and line the base and sides of your baking tin with baking parchment if you haven’t already done so.Break up your digestives and throw into the bowl of your food processor fitted with the blade, then throw inthe peanuts and chocolate drops and the soft butter. Blitz until it starts to clump together. Pour this into yourprepared tin and level, press down with the back of a spoon to make an even crunchy crust.(If you don’t have a food processor then put the biscuits, nuts and drops into a “Sturdy” plastic bag and beatthe hell out of it with a rolling pin till all combined, pour into a bowl, melt the butter and stir this through themix then proceed as above.)Put this into the fridge to chill while you make the filling.Wipe out the food processor bowl and clean the blade (or clean out the bowl you have just used). Place all thefilling ingredients into the bowl and blitz till well combined or if using a normal bowl whisk together usingan electric whisk. Once done next pour this mix onto the crumb base and level the surface. Place this ontoyour prepared baking sheet and into your warmed oven.Bake for 50 minutes then check, only the top should feel set and dry and the middle should have a wobble.This cake can take anything from 50 minutes to just over an hour depending on your oven. So keep an eye onit.Leave out of the oven while you make the topping.Put all the topping ingredients into a small pan and stirring warm gently till combined. Pour this onto thecheesecake and gently smooth out to cover all the surface till as even as possible—be very careful so not tocrack the surface—don’t worry if you do it will just mix in a bit!Return to the oven for another 15 minutes.This should finish the cheesecake off and once done remove from the oven, Leave in the tin and put on a 43

cooling rack and leave till cold. Cover with cling film (still in the tin) and chill at least overnight or a coupleof days.When you want to serve remove the cake from the tin, remove the baking parchment and decorate as youwant with whipped cream, chocolate buttons, curls, chopped nuts, glitter—let your imagination go wild—well it is a special occasion. This will store in a tin for about 3 days (as long as well hidden!!!!).Please also ask you to think of those at this time of year who may be lonely, struggling, homeless, or lessfortunate than yourselfSEE YOU ALL NEXT ISSUE AND AS ALWAYS— Happy Cooking & Reading and lots of that specialLOVE…OI dnoehlaosptewyoorudall have a wonderful time and I look forward to our continued food journey next year. If youcan please also share a thought for those less fortunate than ourselves at this time of year, a kind gesture goesa long way—it doesn’t have to cost anything, just maybe a little of your time to call someone, or call on thatperson that might be lonely and just need a chat, do someone a good turn or even just SMILE its amazinghow that can make someone’s day.I regularly hand out my bakes to friends and neighbours and at Christmas this is extra special. Food bringspeople together—let it do its magic.ANGELA XXXXXXXXX 44

Samantha Parryby Tina NicholasIt’s beauty, brains and talent that Much like many teenagers,young Samantha Parry has in Samantha enjoys pop music,abundance and adds to this her especially singers such as Edmartial arts skills. She trained Sheeran and Stormzy. Growing upat The Jason Bairds Black Belt she enjoys reading lots of booksAcademy (JBBBA) the club especially the trilogy being oneis based in Broadstone Mill, of her favourites. Her favouriteReddish, Stockport and Samantha actress is Jennifer Laurence. Shewho lives in Bredbury. She first loves listening to local bands andjoined the club in 2011 and set her such as The Blossoms, becausesight on getting her Black Belt (1st she spends so much time trainingDan) and dreamt of achieving her Samantha constantly wears sports1st World Title. leggings and tracksuits, howeverSamantha gained her 1st World she does enjoy dressing up asTitle in Paris, France 2012, which much as anyone else.she was over the moon because Liam Parryas she was being presented with Samantha’s brother Liam is 14her world medal award the British years old and he has been doingNational Anthem was playing, a Martial Arts since 4 years old. Hefew tears were shed, which was says when he was that young agea proud parents, then, she has an instructor at a different Clubgained major titles not just in told him that he would never getEngland but internationally. a past his first belt and that heEver since she started competing would never succeed to anything.competitively, Samantha hasturned her eye to the American Since his parents made thecompetition scene. After watching right decision and sent himmany videos online, she is to the Jason Bairds Blackgreatly inspired by a martial Belt Academy.arts competitor called Jackson Today Liam is a black beltRudolph. Ever since discovering and a World ChampionshipJackson, she has watched him holder in the bio staff and heat multiple events and trained has numerous medals andwith him on multiple occasions trophies. Some of his othertoo. Alongside Jackson her hobbies include listening tocoach Jason Baird has been Emo music; some personalwithout doubt the largest favourite bands include Blackinspiration to her during her Veil Brides. His hobbies aremartial arts career. drama and he enjoys his theatre classes every week atJason Baird has competed for NK Theatre Arts.many years and has obtainedcountless World titles. CVH 1st Class wishes bothHaving such an inspirational Samantha and Liam Parrycharacter as Jason so close every success in their martialto home really has been arts and the best of luck.the key to her success .Thehard work, dedicationand disciplined strongcoaching from him has hermother says is wonderfulto see. Samantha won the Samantha, Mom Heather and Liam Parryprestigious Irish open shecan home with two silvers. 45

The Very Special GiftsMargie Tor is the CEO of Mirrorphoto Productions LLC and she zineis a veteran of Television Entertainment from beginning at ABCTelevision Network in New York City as a young intern and after © Michelle Reed Photography ten years left as a Sr. Assistant in the News Division.As a young child I was always she loved me but I never truly 1st ClcassvMhagawww.cvh1stclass.comin the care of my very special knew nor did she rarely show it.Auntie…Auntie Mary. She was I love her and always will. Her with the anticipation that thejust like the grandmother I had existence here on earth remains next hours there would be happy,never met since Margie, the a mystery to me and I pray for funny, fulfilled and loving. Herelder, died before I was born and her all of the time. I never love was one like no other and sheAuntie Mary was her younger knew what ever made her so was truly a woman of very fewsister. However, I was named after very cross and angry. words.Grandma Margie, as Margaret At this 11th Christmas of my life I Also this Christmas season wasRose (my maternal grandmother was spending a great deal of time spectacular since Auntie Maryfirst name and Rose was my with Auntie Mary. My mom had loved Christmas so very much. Itmother’s sister)….I never fancied been working extra amounts of was her favorite time of year andthe name but I do now. My time and I was happy because for she was a New Year’s Eve baby.mother used to tell me that I had me it meant spending more time She was born on December 31stthe name of a princess, however with Auntie Mary who lived in the 1902 !!!!! She talked about thoseall of my life I never felt like one. warmest and coziest home only 5 years in America often and I wasAuntie Mary always loved me in minutes drive away from our one wide eyed with wonder aboutquite a special way. Although she bedroom apartment. a time in America during thewas not extremely cuddly or kissy, Once inside this one story home “Roaring 20’” I could only imagineshe loved from her eyes and her the kitchen always a flutter with what a beautiful young womanheart. The lessons and gifts she homemade soup simmering on she was. And she had tragedies ingave were life changing and is with the stove that filled your senses her life. She had too much classme until today. The are ways in with smell as you entered the and style to ever show her hurtwhich you remain humble, kind, home and gave you hunger pains. but I loved her so very much I sawgenerous and forgiving. She was The television always blasting pain and joy inside of her eyes.a true Angel from Heaven and since Auntie Mary was extremely At a young age she lost both heruntil today whatever I do I carry a hard of hearing. mother and father. When she lostphoto of her near to me. She has I loved the television blasting and her sister, my grandma Margie, abeen gone for more than 40 years always wondered why no one truly light went out in her. That is whatand her messages to me now are complained about the noise level. she told me, although I could notlouder and clearer. It was years later that I found out imagine how much brighter herLet me take you back to one very anyone who had a complaint with light would have been. If it werevery special Christmas was I was Auntie Mary would be quite wise any brighter she would blind theonly 11 years old. My mother was to voice it carefully or soon you sun!!divorced so I knew no man as a would find yourself on the wrongfather of the house. It was just side of her list!! Certainly a placemyself and my mom. She worked you did not want to be.all the time and she was a very Her smiling eyes usually met thecranky woman. She fussed at me door when I rang her doorbellall the time and I felt as though Icould never please her. Perhaps46

of Christmas… by Margie Tor Executive Producer & Founder of Mirrorphoto Productions #movieswithamessageHowever, my actually namesake, only I could peek into the past for He was special because he hadGrandma Margie, I am told was five minutes. Down’s syndrome but we justthe life of the party. She was This Christmas time night Auntie called it his condition. It was not athe reason to exist. She had no Mary’s house was all decorated big deal to us. We loved everyonemoney. and her tree was always the all the same and we were allShe owned nothing but the entire most full. I would rush in as taught no matter what we are weworld loved and respected her. a young child to stare at the are loved the same and we are allAlthough I never knew her this exquisite tree and especially the equal according to God.lady, I imagined she must have hand built mantle in her living Artie was the love of my love. Hebeen quite special. This was a room which was stacked with was my cousin and I loved him.time with no television and when wrapped presents to the tippy top He was 15 years older than me sopeople, both friends and family, all beautifully wrapped by her he was like my very special bigall lived on one or two blocks and daughter, my cousin Gloria and brother. He loved Auntie Marythey would walk to each other’s Gloria’s husband Sonny, both now so much that he would alwayshomes to spend the evening. It are gone. However as of 5 years annoy her by hugging and kissingseemed to me that no one was ever ago they were both a critical part her repeating this over and overlonely. They would sit around of my childhood. again!!! It was so funny we woulda large table with coffee, tea and Auntie Mary also had an roll with laughter when in got intodifferent cakes and always laugh extremely special son, Arthur a bit of trouble by disturbing her.and tell stories of fun, mystery and Joseph, we just called him Artie. Their little fights were hilariousadventure. I wish for one time to the family because they always1st Clcasvs Mhagwww.cvh1stclass.comazine

were so innocent and ended in was Auntie Mary telling Artie and Mary allowed Miss Lee to livesuch a loving way!!!! me that she was giving the family comfortable in that home atAs my mom dropped me off and country home in Rocky Point to Rocky Point so many years ago.sat in the kitchen with Auntie the old woman, Miss Lee, our The family thought Auntie MaryMary to discuss her personal neighbor in the country. Miss Lee was being too generous and theybusiness…. this was a known “Not was an old lonely black woman fought with her and asked her toto disturb” moment, I would stare with no one to care for her. We sell the tree in the living room and loved Miss Lee very much and However, I will tell you the truthI would try to find the gift with Auntie Mary cared for her in so Auntie Mary not only gave Missthe name “Margaret Rose” on it. many ways. Lee the Rocky Point home butSometimes I found it and this year She went on to tell us that the she sent her money every singleat 7 I found it right away!!!! Just to town of Rocky Point would no week so she did not suffer or needsee it excited me so much that my longer allow Miss Lee to live in anything at all.heart would skip a beat!! her own big home because her Since I spent so much time withAfter my mom left Auntie Mary’s taxes were overdue and Miss Lee Auntie Mary, I would overhearhouse we went to Artie’s bedroom had to way to pay them. the two of them speak at night.for the nightly ritual of watching I asked Auntie Mary, “How can Auntie Mary so patient listeningour television shows. This is you just give the home to her?”. to all of Miss Lee’s problems andwhere my love for television Auntie Mary replied, “It is very always would send extra money inbegan. In the dark and very loud simple, we have another home and the envelope that week. She nevertelevision blasting, I loved the she has no home right now. We are told anyone. But I felt specialsound and the idea of watching not going to use it anymore and I because I knew Auntie Mary wasimagination come alive on the will never be a greedy woman and a giant. And she never cared whatscreen. If I only knew then that I would never leave our beautiful others thought. She only did whatI would go on to love this art so Miss Lee to the street. So she will was true inside of her heart. Anddeeply that I would devote my life live there and I will make sure she I saw her Auntie Mary send thatto working in the arts! is comfortable”. envelope neatly addressed andHowever, it wasn’t television we This was my first Christmas mailed each week with a diligencewere talking about this year. It lesson - It is so much better to like no other and she told me give than to receive. And Auntie that very cold Christmas Season the 10th Year of my life, the only gifts of Christmas is to GIVE and never stop. And she made me promise all those years ago that I would. She said the only gifts that matter are the gifts we have inside of our heart. And if we cannot give money, then we must give our time. And if we cannot give our time we must give our understanding and heart and we must always forgive others. 1st Clcasvs Mhagwww.cvh1stclass.comazine I share with you this now 65th Christmas of my life the lessons of the Gifts of Christmas that I learned more than 50 years ago and I love all of you so very much each and every day. God Bless you and Happy Christmas to all of you wherever you are!!!48

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Mark Hoadley by Stanley GoodrichExclusive Mark Hoadley’s road to Film Stardom was filled with many bumps, twists a turns. For Hoadley, however, these were part of his Kung Fu training. He takes great pride in being an inductee into several Martial Arts Masters Hall of Fame.Stanley Goodrich 2012, Hoadley was inducted into The Martial Arts Masters Hall of Fame. lives in Laguna, 2013, Hoadley was an honouree of The Martial Arts History Museum.Niguel, California. 2014, Hoadley was inducted into the World Wide Martial Arts Council. Public Relations 2016 Hoadley was inducted into the USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame. Manager | Finally, October 21st 2017, Mark Hoadley, received an induction for Mark HoadleySYSPRO - United Day, at The Martial Arts History Museum... However, Hoadley is now viewing theStates. One of the highly prestigious membership as a possible yellow brick road to Hollywood stardom. first to introducesoftware producers Mark being from a small Midwestern town, he viewed Hollywood as a planet away, but, as he said, “If it required interplanetary travel, he was ready to book a seat on the to introduce next spaceship”. This not-so-unique Midwestern perspective of Hollywood as its own Enterprise magical planet permeates the area. Hoadley knew at a young age that making moviesResource Planning was his calling. The question in his mind was how to reach the magical “Wizard of software. As well Oz” who can whisk one to Hollywood and stardom. However, while Hoadley didn’tas Co- host of ‘Eye know the when and how to achieve his Hollywood ambitions, by golly, he knew oneOn Entertainment’ day he’d be on the big screen and that nothing was going to get in his way. TV, shown on the Time Warner Hoadley didn’t need a magic carpet, ruby slippers or a wizard. He made it to Channel. Hollywood on his own and not only entered an acting school, but also began training with Grandmaster, Dr. Kam Yuen, who taught the very rare and unique art of Tai Mantis Kung Fu. While other wannabe stars took dancing and acting lessons, Hoadley decided his path to fame would be via Kung Fu mastery. Great luck it just so happened that Sifu Kam Yuen was also the consultant and choreographer of the David Carradine Kung Fu television series in the 1970’s and continued with Scott Cohen, Master Kam’s top student. Hoadley eventually received his ranking as a Sifu (expert) in the Northern Shaolin, Praying Mantis Kung Fu. And on September 7th 2013, Hoadley became an honouree in The Marital Arts Museum, an award he humbly accepted, realising it placed him among the very select group of the great martial artists, but more importantly, it just might possibly open the door to a Hollywood studio. Hoadley was indeed prophetic, and the honour did bring him to the attention of Hollywood producers. Ultimately, he was chosen to be a cast member in the film Mark of the Cobra. Since then, Hoadley has been involved in numerous independent films productions. He has also worked as a Stunt Coordinator on various films, as well as appearing in many television shows and commercials. Hoadley, however, now solidly a Member of the Hollywood acting set, wanted to display his other sublimated talents and subsequently turned to screen writing. To date, Hoadley has written two screenplays, the second of which, “Mark of the Cobra,” is currently in development/pre-production.50

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