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Home Explore Human Body Systems

Human Body Systems

Published by Shreya Sachan, 2020-09-21 16:23:56

Description: Human Body Systems


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HUMAN BODY SYSTEMS Health Science 2B Pickett Shreya Sachan

:) Table of Contents I. Integumentary System II. Musculoskeletal System III. Nervous System IV. Special Senses V. Cardiovascular System VI. Respiratory System VII. Digestive System VIII. Urinary System IX. Reproductive System

Integumentary System Function Protection; Body temperature maintenance; Excretion; Perception of Key Terms Healthcare Careers 1 derm/o-skin Dermatologist-physician who diagnoses stimuli kerat/o-hard and treats conditions and diseases of the xer/o-dry skin, hair, and nails Vocab xanth/o-yellow Nurse Practitioner-prescribe certain Epidermis-outermost layer of skin; densely erythr/o-red medications, order lab work, and perform packed cells and constantly being replaced procedures with new cells pedicu/o-nail Melanin- responsible for skin pigmentation onych/o-nail and protection against harmful ultraviolet myc/o-fungus rays from the sun pil/o-hair Basal layer- deepest layer of epidermis and lip/o-fat pushes old cells to the surface as new ones rhytid/o-wrinkle are made albin/o-white Dermis-made up of connective tissue, vessels, nerve fibers, hair follicles, and glands Diseases/Disorders Subcutaneous Layer-deepest layer of skin; connects skin to surface muscles Acne-inflammatory Lipocytes-cells that manufacture and store disorder of the sebaceous fat glands that produces Sebaceous Gland-dermal later and secrete an pimples on the skin oily substance called sebum Burns-injuries to skin Sweat Gland-located in dermis; secrete sweat tissue caused by heat through pores on the skin’s surface contact Hair-fibers composed of dead protein cells Lesions-an area of Nail-hard keratin; nail plate, cuticle, nail root malignant tissue Ulcer-an open sore or an erosion of the skin

Musculoskeletal System Function Support, Protection, Mineral Storage, Blood cell Key Terms Healthcare Careers formation, Anchoring and Movement 2 my/o-muscle Physical Therapists-work with patient’s Vocab myel/o-bone marrow doctor to develop a plan for restoring Axial Skeleton-bones along the axis; skull, thoracic oste/o-bone and maintaining the patient’s maximum cage, and vertebral column cost/o-rib movement and functional ability Appendicular Skeleton-126 bones that attach to the crani/o-skull Certified Fitness Trainer-instructor in axial as appendages; arms, legs, pelvic girdle, -pexy-surgical fixation exercise programs and help people shoulder girdles chondr/o-cartilage maintain healthful lifestyles Thorax-rib cage; sternum, ribs, and thoracic arthr/o-joint vertebrae -plegia-paralysis Skull-cranial protects brain and consists of frontal, kinesi/o-movement parietal, occipital, temporal, sphenoid, ethmoid Vertebral column-spine; made up of 26 bone Diseases/Disorders segments; surround and protect the spinal cord Skeletal muscle-striated muscle; attached to bone Arthritis-inflammation and can be contracted or relaxed through conscious of joints control Fracture -a break in a Involuntary muscles-muscles that cannot be bone controlled consciously; cannot be forced Flaccidity-muscles are Smooth muscle-surround internal organs and move flabby, relaxed, or contents through body systems absent tone Cardiac muscle-found in the heart, pumps blood from Hemiplegia-total the heart into blood vessels paralysis on one side Fascia-a band or sheet of fibrous tissue and encloses of the body a muscle or group of muscles

Nervous System Function Sensory input, integration, motor output Vocab Diseases/Disorders Neurons-nerve cells; conduct electrical impulses 3 Key Terms throughout the body in response to external or near/o-nerve Bell’s palsy-one-sided paralysis of the internal stimulus Neuroglial cells-provide protective insulation for encephal/o-brain nerves that control the facial muscles the neurons myel/o-bone marrow Brain tumor-intracranial mass that CNS- made up of the brain and spinal cord may be neoplastic, cystic, or PNS- made up of nerves that reach into and ambul/o-to walk extend from the brain and spinal cord; is a inflammatory connection between CNS and the rest of the body -esthesia-feeling Cerebrum-cognitive functions such as language, Cerebral Palsy-affects movement and reasoning, planning, memory , and sensory mening/o-meninges muscle tone; caused by a defect in, or integration; consists of frontal lobes, parietal, psych/o-mind occipital, and temporal lobes trauma to, the brain before birth concuss/o-shaken Concussion-loss of brain functions together from a blow to the head or violent Healthcare Careers shaking of the head Physician anesthesiologist-a Cerebellum-controls body’s sense of balance and dministers general equilibrium anesthesia or an Diencephalon-site of three glands of the endocrine anesthetic to system; thalamus, hypothalamus, pineal gland patients before Brain stem-connects cerebrum to spinal cord; surgery governs respiratory rate, cardiac rhythm, body Neurosurgeon-phy temperature and sleep patterns sician who Spinal column-support for the body; connects CNS specializes in to organs; equilibrium treating diseases Parasympathetic nervous system-counteracts and conditions of the adrenalized response generated by the the nervous sympathetic nervous system during the system fight-or-flight response

Special Senses Function Sensory input; neural receptors are 4 Key Terms Diseases/Disorders activated and transmitted to the brain irid/o-iris Nystagmus-repetitive, involuntary movement of Vocab -cusis-hearing one or both eyes that results in limited visual acuity Cornea-protects the iris and pupil and provides most of the optical power of the eye -opia-vision Astigmatism-defective curvature of the cornea that Photoreceptors-light-sensitive cells that receive images from the environment and condition produces blurred vision convert them into nerve impulses Lacrimal apparatus-consists of the ot/o-ear Myopia-light rays focusing in front of the retina structures that produce, store, and drain tympan/o-tympan rather than directly on it; causes blurriness Strabismus-misalignment of the eyes caused by ic membrane weakened eye muscles;crossed eyes opthalm/o-eye tears Tympanic membrane-eardrum;separates the -metry-process of outer and inner structures of the ear and measuring transmits sound waves through vibrations Healthcare Careers Labyrinth-houses delicate structures that control balance and equilibrium in the body Optometrist- Olfactory receptor cells and hairs-when responsible for stimulated by odor molecules dissolved on the mucous membrane, they generate neural performing eye exams impulses Mastication/Deglutition-Chewing/Swallowing and diagnosing any Papillae-small, raised areas that contain taste injuries, impairments, or buds diseases of the eye Taste buds-tiny, sensitive, bulb-like structures Audiologists- works that allow you to distinguish different tastes with hearing, balance, and textures as food moves across your and related disorders;test patients tongue Gustatory sense-sense of taste and for hearing loss ecompasses five basic taste sensations: sweet, sour, salty, butter, umami

Cardiovascular System Function Circulates oxygen-rich blood throughout the 5 Key Terms Diseases/Disorders body cardi/o-heart Sickle-cell anemia- the body manufactures Vocab angi/o-vessel red blood cells that are shaped like a Septum- divides the organ into the right heart hem/o-blood crescent instead of the normal disk and left heart, creating a double pump Epicardium-serous thin layer that forms the brady-slow Aneurysm-balloon-like dilation of a blood innermost layer of the pericardium Myocardium-layer of cardiac muscle that makes tachy-fast vessel up the middle layer of the heart Endocardium-innermost layer that lines the thromb/o-clot Cardiac tamponade-excess fluid four chambers and covers the valves of the heart -emia-blood condition accumulates in the pericardium Pulmonary circulation-blood in pumped from leak/o-white Endocarditis-inflammation of the inner layer erythr/o-red of the heart muscle arteri/o-artery the heart to lungs and then back to the heart Healthcare Careers Systemic circulation-the heart pumps blood to all part and systems of the body and returns to Cardiologist-diagnos the heart via the lungs is and treatment of SA node-pacemaker of the heart; when heart disease and electrical impulses affect the SA node, the atria conditions contracts Telemetry Purkinje fibers-when electrical terminates in the nurse-monitors fibers, the ventricle contracts patients’ heart Erythrocytes-red blood cells transport oxygen rhythm using and carbon dioxide throughout the system sophisticated Leukocytes- white blood cells digest infectious equipment microorganisms

Respiratory System Function Inhaling fresh air, exchanging carbon 6 Key Terms Diseases/Disorders dioxide with oxygen, exhaling old air bronch/o-bronchus cyan/o-blue Apnea- temporary interruption of breathing Vocab laryng/o-larynx Stridor-harsh, high-pitched sound during -oxia-oxygen respiration that indicates an airway Pharynx- passageway through which air, pleur/o-pleura obstruction food, and liquids travel pneum/o-lung; air Bronchitis-inflammation of the mucous Larynx- voice box pulmon/o-lung membranes of the bronchial tubes Epiglottis- closes the opening to the larynx thorac/o-chest CF- chronic respiratory infection, pancreatic when you swallow food and liquids trache/o-trachea insufficiency, and heat intolerance Trachea- windpipe; halfway down, it divided into two branches at the site of the carina Bronchi-major air passages that branch off from the trachea into the five lobes of Healthcare Careers the lungs Bronchioles-tiny airway branches that Respiratory therapist- receives air from the bronchi cares for patients who Alveoli-located in the alveolar sacs and gas suffer from health exchange occurs here; encased by a conditions and disease network of capillaries and affect breathing Diaphragm- contracts to increase thoracic Perfusionist- manages volume and inflates the lungs the heart-lung Vestibular region- contains coarse hairs machine during that act as a first line of defense against operations when a infection patient’s heart must Paranasal sinuses- protects the nose and be stopped respiratory tract from potentially harmful microorganisms

Digestive System Function Ingestion, digestion, absorption, elimination 7 Key Terms Diseases/Disorders Vocab cholecyst/o- Cholelithiasis- abnormal condition of stones in Oral cavity- contains mouth, tongue, teeth, gallbladder the gallbladder salivary glands, and pharynx Pharynx- swallowing occurs; food is moved enter/o- intestines Colon cancer- malignant tumor of glandular down the pharynx by a propulsive muscular action col/o- colon tissues in the colon Esophagus- connects pharynx to stomach; runs through thoracic chest and past the hepat/o- liver Gastroenteritis- inflammation of the stomach diaphragm to the stomach Stomach- produce gastric fluids that aid in gastr/o- stomach and intestines the digestion and form a protective lining for the stomach or/o- mouth Hepatitis- inflammation of the liver; usually -pepsia- digestion caused by viral infection chol/e- gall; bile proct/o- rectum Healthcare Careers Small intestine- starts the absorption of nutrients Registered dietitian- Colon- connects ileum to the anus; lined with supervises the goblet cells that secrete mucus as fecal preparation and matter passes through the colon serving of food in Gallbladder- stores bile which is a fluid that any of a variety of aids in the digestion of fatty foods settings Anus- opening at the lower end of the Dentist- diagnosis, digestive tract where fecal waste is prevention, and eliminated treatment of Liver- stores nutrients, filters chemicals, conditions and converts carbohydrates to glucose diseases of the Pancreas-produces many enzymes that aid mouth and gums in the digestion process.

Urinary System Function Cleanses the blood of metabolic waste by flushing 8 Key Terms excessive fluids from the body -cele- hernia -lysis- breakdown Diseases/Disorders Vocab cyst/o- cyst nephr/o- kidney Dysuria- difficult or painful urination Kidney- filter metabolic waste products, ions, and ren/o- kidney Enuresis- involuntary discharge or excess water from the blood and forms urine -uria- urination urine Renal cortex- outer layer of the kidney; filtration, -pexy- surgical Polyuris- condition of excessive urine reabsorption, and secretion fixation production Renal medulla- inner region of the kidney; carry -ectasis- dilation Cystitis- inflammation of the bladder urine from renal cortex to the renal calyces pyel/o- renal pelvis Renal pelvis- upper part of ureter; tube that urine flows from the renal calyces to the urinary bladder Ureters- two narrow tubes, transport urine from Healthcare Careers renal pelvises of the kidneys to the urinary bladder Urologist- specializes in Urethra- tube that transports urine from the diseases of the urinary bladder to the outside of the body system and the male’s Renal calyces- cup-like cavities that collect urine reproductive tract Glomerulus- cluster of capillaries in the shape of a Dialysis technician- knot that allow water, salt, sugar, and urea to operates machines leave the bloodstream that remove metabolic Urea- waste product of proteins broken down by waste products and the liver excess fluids from the Reabsorption-the blood reclaims useful blood of patients substances from the filtrate that flows through whose kidneys are not the renal tubules functioning properly

Reproductive System Function To produce egg and sperm cells, to transport and sustain these cells, to nurture 9 Key Terms Diseases/Disorders developing offspring, and to produce cervic/o- cervix hormones salping/o- Eustachian Anorchia- congenital absence of one or both testes Phimosis- the opening of the foreskin of the Vocab tube Testes- sperm development occurs here; also functions as endocrine glands and ov/o- ovum penis is so narrow that it cannot be produce testosterone orchid/o- testis retracted to expose the glans penis Epididymis- a large tube that support the oophor/o- ovary Cystocele- hernia of the bladder that testis and holds the sperms men/o- menstruation protrudes through the vaginal wall mamm/o- breast Menorrhagia- excessively heavy menstrual Penis- carries urine and semen out of the gynec/o- female bleeding and may lead to anemia body Ova- female gametes, sex cells, located in the colp/o- vagina ovaries Follicles- fluid-filled sacs that keep the ova prostat/o-prostate gland Healthcare Careers safe until they mature Oncologist- physician Fallopian tubes- extends from the lateral ends of the ovaries to the top of the uterus who specializes in where the ovum is released and led to the patients who have uterus been diagnosed with Uterus- hollow, muscular organ nestles cancer between the bladder and contains thick, Doula- been trained muscular wall the certified to assist a Greater vestibular glands- secrete a mucus birthing family before, that lubricates the vaginal opening during, and Vagina- opening to the cervix and contains a mucous membrane lining immediately after the Vulva- outside of the body; external genitalia birth if the baby Lobules- located in the lobes and produce milk for a newborn

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