A Newsletter by Euroschool North Campus 13 September 2020, Yelahanka Bengaluru - 560064 THE TIMES OF EUROSCHOOL NORTH CAMPUS A little progress each day adds up to big results From the Principal's Desk : The Academic Year 2020-21 has indeed been a mysterious year which has brought with it a plethora of new experiences and learning. The unprecedented circumstances brought about a whole lot of new thinking and the courage and confidence to face all odds with poise. The contribution from the education sector in this pandemic is insurmountable. It is overwhelming that the teachers, students and their parents have been able to adapt to the new normal in no time! It is indeed a pleasure to connect with you all through this newsletter and take you through the enormous efforts which are going in for ensuring uninterrupted learning for our Dr. Vandana Gupta, Principal Euroschool North Campus children. I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think\"- Socrates. Open mindedness, a multicultural orientation, independence, a global outlook, multiple intelligences and abilities – these are the premium qualities needed today. As a 21st century organization, the school desires to set an approach to learning that incorporates inquiry, research, analytical thinking and an ethical approach that becomes a lifetime habit. The students are helped to focus on confidence building, while nurturing a strong sense of social and environmental responsibility through academic and co-curricular activities as we believe, “It is not the will to win, but the will to prepare to win that makes the difference”.I strongly believe that education is a collaborative effort that involves professional administrators, committed teachers and motivated students. We dedicate ourselves as professional administrators in creating a dynamic education programme empowering the students in a global perspective.We are a group of diverse experiences and outlooks, committed to excellence in preparing learners for enriched opportunities worldwide. In short, learning at EuroSchool North Campus is a wholesome package of attitude, challenge and opportunity. -- Dr. Vandana Gupta, Principal, Euroschool North Campus
A Newsletter by Euroschool North Campus 13 September 2020, Yelahanka Bengaluru - 560064 Teacher's Day 2020 Wishes From Grade 3 : On the occasion of Teacher's Day, students made beautiful cards and remembered their teachers with love and fondness. The gesture shown by the students made our day special. Students shared a unique bond, which has deep impact on our lives. Teacher's Day Celebrations in Euroschool world Page 2
A Newsletter by Euroschool North Campus 13 September 2020, Yelahanka Bengaluru - 560064 Yours Truly, Your Students From the Student Council : Seeing your teachers smile has a great satisfaction to it and not being able to have that satisfaction on teacher’s day would be pretty pathetic. But, we didn’t commit that sin here at our school. In fact, it was quite the opposite. I have major respect for our council members who managed to work a delightful miracle with a minute time period and totally virtual communication, even taking care of the littlest minutiae. I entered the meeting before the event began to see my teachers waiting in anticipation, and after a beautiful show of talent, a freakishly hilarious skit, and the tenth graders’ moving words of affection towards those that had guided them since when their milk teeth were still around, I am positive that they were not disappointed. In the end, our teachers even spoke with extreme pride and gratitude, so we could see that they loved what their kids had created for them. Over virtual platforms, we’re a little low on connection with each other, especially our teachers, and it’s pretty sad. However, a single Zoom meeting that’s this good, does quite well at making up for it. Next Teacher’s Day, it’s going to be hard to match up to the love and connection that lingered throughout this one and to mark this memorable celebration, let’s title the event: Yours Truly, Your Students. Page 3
A Newsletter by Euroschool North Campus 13 September 2020, Yelahanka Bengaluru - 560064 Grandparents' Day Celebration From Pre-Primary : Grandparents are a family’s greatest treasure, the founders of a loving legacy, The greatest storytellers, the keepers of traditions. Grandparents are the family’s strong foundation. Through their special love and care, grandparents keep a family close at heart. To honour them EuroSchool North Campus – Preprimary Section celebrated Grandparents Day on 12th September 2020. The function started with welcoming the grandparents followed by Prayer and EuroAnthem. The tiny tots anchored the show. After this, the Principal addressed the gathering with heartful wishes. Pranamaya of senior kg sang a beautiful welcome song. A surprise dance performance was dedicated to their grandparents by the tiny tots. To balance the tone set by the events thus far, we had organised various activities for grandpas and grandmoms in which they participated with great zeal. Grandparents even shared their experiences. At last, we concluded the event with National Anthem. Indeed it was a successful event. Page 4
A Newsletter by Euroschool North Campus 13 September 2020, Yelahanka Bengaluru - 560064 Rabbit Day From Grade 1 : Rabbits are small mammals with fluffy, short tails, whiskers and distinctive long ears. They are social creatures and interesting fact about rabbits is that their teeth never stop growing! The children of Grade-1 had “Rabbit Day”. Here some children came dressed as rabbits, some wore rabbit masks and some even made crafts as well. Their day was filled with joy, happiness and were delighted to share some interesting facts about rabbits. FUN FACT! Happy rabbits practice a cute behavior known as a “binky:” they jump up in the air and twist and spin around! Page 5
A Newsletter by Euroschool North Campus 13 September 2020, Yelahanka Bengaluru - 560064 National Nutrition Week From Grade 2 : National Nutrition Week is observed to make the people aware about nutrition and its importance for the human body. It is celebrated from the 1st of September to the 7th of September to make the people focus on nutrition for better health.An activity was conducted to create awareness about healthy food in a fun way. Children made a ‘vegetable or fruit character’ using real vegetables and fruits. Children used toothpicks to make their creation stand up and be three dimensional. They also mentioned the benefits of the vegetables and fruits that they used. PROPGGUERPNAPIMUEMSTING PORFOPWEARTTEIERS From Grade 1 : Activities develops higher level thinking skills, increases student retention, enhances student satisfaction with the learning experience. It also promotes a positive attitude toward the subject matter. In this regard, an activity was conducted for Grade 1 students to learn about the ‘Properties of water’. Students were eager to perform the activity and elicit the different properties of water. Pukkella Manyath of Grade 2 D Page 6
A Newsletter by Euroschool North Campus 13 September 2020, Yelahanka Bengaluru - 560064 Water Purifier The science into the real world From Grade 2 : A hands on activity was done in the class room to demonstrate how to purify water by using water purifier. Teacher explained things to use in the purifier. Children displayed a model of water purifier and got know the importance of water in their life. They enjoyed thoroughly. Sudoku Challenge How to play Sudoku? The goal of Sudoku is to fill in a 9×9 grid with digits so that each column, row, and 3×3 section contain the numbers between 1 to 9. At the beginning of the game, the 9×9 grid will have some of the squares filled in. Your job is to use logic to fill in the missing digits and complete the grid. Don’t forget, a move is incorrect if: Any row contains more than one of the same number from 1 to 9 Any column contains more than one of the same number from 1 to 9 Any 3×3 grid contains more than one of the same number from 1 to 9 Page 7
A Newsletter by Euroschool North Campus 13 September 2020, Yelahanka Bengaluru - 560064 Our Vocab Champ From Grade 5 : Having a refined vocabulary and diction is like an eternal, ever-dazzling, pervasive and ingenious asset for someone. And when a little mind is honed to excel in it, it works wonders! Certain challenging words that add on to the beauty of command in English are often difficult to remember, but when such words can be enacted, they are deeply etched in your heart and mind. The children of grade 5, along with the teacher, fabulously enacted a few difficult words from their class Thesaurus! To name a few; Astonished, Baffled, Pondering, Furious and Delighted!! This activity not only enables the children to substitute simple words like surprised, confused, thinking, angry and happy, but also enhances their intellectual database of outstanding vocabulary; Eventually resulting in a bar raised in the individual communication skill of each student! To add an icing on the cake, is the unlimited fun they had performing this activity… Learning is always more ATONISHEDeffective when it’s fun!! PONDERING DELIGHTED FURIOUS BAFFLED Page 8
A Newsletter by Euroschool North Campus 13 September 2020, Yelahanka Bengaluru - 560064 Global Warming From Grade 5 : Throughout its long history, Earth has warmed and cooled time and again. Climate has changed when the planet received more or less sunlight due to subtle shifts in its orbit, as the atmosphere or surface changed, or when the Sun’s energy varied. But in the past century, another force has started to influence Earth’s climate: HUMANITY! How does this warming compare to previous changes in Earth’s climate? How can we be certain that human-released greenhouse gases are causing the warming? How much more will the Earth warm? How will Earth respond? Answering these questions is perhaps the most significant scientific challenge of our time. Grade 5 students were asked to do some research work on this, they portrayed their work in form of power point presentation here are few glimpse of it. ICT NEWS From Grade 5 : Students learned the tools like Word art, Clip art, applying Watermark, Use of Format tab for giving style effects to text and shapes, etc, page layout settings etc. They designed beautiful posters on the theme of \"Birthday party invite\" and prepared word documents by inculcating all the different features. They love to use all their creativity and brilliant ideas on Documents. Page 9
A Newsletter by Euroschool North Campus 13 September 2020, Yelahanka Bengaluru - 560064 Flip Class Pollution of Air and Water From Grade 8 : A flipped class was conducted for Grade 8A on the topic Pollution of Air and Water. Students worked in groups and presented on different sources, effects and prevention of air and water pollution. Some of the groups also presented case studies on Ganga, Yamuna action plan and Bhopal gas tragedy. It was a great learning experience for students. Page 10
A Newsletter by Euroschool North Campus 13 September 2020, Yelahanka Bengaluru - 560064 Teacher Achiever From EuroSchool Family : We’re delighted to share a special announcement with you! Over the last weeks our staff and students across the EuroSchool network have STEPPED UP to RUN FOR INDIA! We are excited to share the proud participation of all our 11 EuroSchools in the India Run As One Event. 11 participants, one from each of the EuroSchools across India have come together as a group in the name of EuroSchool India and have together pledged to run/ walk a total distance of over 1500 km towards this cause. Proceeds from these registrations go to NGOs working with rehabilitation of people whose livelihoods have been affected/ lost due to the pandemic. Introducing the warrior of EuroSchool North Campus, Mr. Deepak. S, who pledged to complete a distance of 200kms wholeheartedly! Page 11
A Newsletter by Euroschool North Campus 13 September 2020, Yelahanka Bengaluru - 560064 Parents' Pep-Talk Work is Worship From Parents : All kids were excited to hear their parents speaking about their work their 'Profession'. Human language enables us to convey meaning to one another but when they don't seem adequate to express what's on the mind, we travel to get creative to express ourselves. Parent discussed about their profession to the kids and expressed how important is every work that we do. We had with us doctors, lawyers, packing department personnel, banker, airport operation officers, security operation officers, teacher, dancer, librarian, baker, interior designer etc. Overall kids enjoyed and had a lot of fun. Page 12
A Newsletter by Euroschool North Campus 13 September 2020, Yelahanka Bengaluru - 560064 Argus Junior Launch From EuroSchool HO : ARGUS Junior is an app designed by EuroSchool for parents and students to complete the learning cycle. It was launched on 5th September 2020. ARGUS Junior will help students continue their learning when at home. It is ecosystem where students and parent will be engaged with a stimulating and digitised learning environment with the help of teachers’ collaboration. The app provides an enriching experience as students learn from a highly interactive digital book, made alive with concept map, interactive images and videos. It helps the students to review the day's work through recap cards and subsequent digitally enhanced quizzes. ICT NEWS From Grade 4 : Students enjoyed the activity of writing on \"Uses of internet\" in Word document and applied different formatting tools to beautify their doc. It enhances their creativity and innovation. Page 13
A Newsletter by Euroschool North Campus 13 September 2020, Yelahanka Bengaluru - 560064 ‘Let us keep alive the child’s inborn sense of wonder, let us arouse their curiosity to discover the mystery of the world we live in!’ As they do, the experiences simultaneously fuel emotional, social, intellectual, physical, and ethical development! At EuroSchool North Campus we enjoy this journey with our children, reliving and rediscovering the magic of learning. We are aligned with the thoughts of Buddha: ‘Each morning, we are born again.What matters the most is whether we have given our best today.’ Page 14
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