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Home Explore Basic Artcam Pro9 Manual

Basic Artcam Pro9 Manual

Published by panmaneecnc, 2015-10-05 00:51:44

Description: Artcampro9 สำหรับผู้เริ่มต้น

Keywords: artcam


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Basic InARTCAM Getting Started1. Artcam pro FF2. F F Getting Started Create New Model3. Size For Model 150 F 150 ( F F )Fˈ FOK ( F F ˈ Origin F) BY VORACHET SIMTRAKUL2 PANMANEE HOUSE CO.,LTD ,


Basic InARTCAM Drawing tion Square or Rectangle F 1. Side Pages 100 F ˁ Create ˁ Close FF (Rectangle Creation) F Vector Editing F F Rectangle Crea- Square Height F BY VORACHET SIMTRAKUL4 PANMANEE HOUSE CO.,LTD ,

Basic In ARTCAM 2. Side Pages F F F Position Size Center In Pages F F PageAlign Vectors F FF BY VORACHET SIMTRAKUL 5 PANMANEE HOUSE CO., ,

Basic InARTCAM 3. F F F Offset Vector Offset Didtance F 10 Offset Direction Inwaeds / Left ˁ Off- set ˁ Close BY VORACHET SIMTRAKUL6 PANMANEE HOUSE CO.,LTD ,

Basic In ARTCAM4. (Circle Creation)F Vector Editing CircleRadius F F F 25 Fˁ Create FF 2. BY VORACHET SIMTRAKUL 7 PANMANEE HOUSE CO., ,

Basic InARTCAM5. F F F F FF ˈ F F F FF F 4 Circle Radius F F F 5 ˁ Create6. F , F FF F5 F Circle Creation ˁ Close Offset7. F FFˈ FFF4 FF ˁ De-lete Keyboard BY VORACHET SIMTRAKUL8 PANMANEE HOUSE CO.,LTD ,

Basic In ARTCAM Toolpaths F Toolpaths F F Drawing FF 3 Side Pages F F FProject , Assistant , Toolpaths FF F Toolpaths F ToolpatsToolpath Operations FF F2 F Toolpath F2D Toolpaths FF Toolpath3D Toolpaths FF Toolpath 3Tool Path Simulation F Toolpath BY VORACHET SIMTRAKUL 9 PANMANEE HOUSE CO., ,

Basic InARTCAM F Tools DatabaseF Toolpath Operationsˁ Tool DatabaseF Tools F FTools & Groups F ˈ ˁ Add Tool.. F F Edit Tool BY VORACHET SIMTRAKUL10 PANMANEE HOUSE CO.,LTD ,

Basic In ARTCAMDescription F F Fˈ F EndMill 3 mmTool Type ˈFTool NumberTool Units F F Slot DillRats Unit Fˈ 1Diameter (D)Step down F F F F ˈ mm ( )Step over F F F ˈ mm/min ( F F Control F F ( Panmanee (*.PAN)) Kcam ( PanmaneeKcam (*.gc)) FF F F ˈ 3 mm F ( Z) F F 2 mm F FF F F F F F F 50% FSpindle Speed ˈ F F F FF F F 0Feed Rate ( Spindle F F Control F )Plunge Rate X,Y Z (F Control DOS Fˈ F F 100 % , F F KCam F Feed Rates Setup Table Setup F F F ) Z( F Control DOS Fˈ F F 100 % , F F KCam Setup F F F F Feed Rates Setup Table ) BY VORACHET SIMTRAKUL 11 PANMANEE HOUSE CO., ,

Basic InARTCAM F Toolpaths Drawing Drawing FF 2 F 2D Toolpats 2D Profiling F F Vector1. Drawing F2. Profile Side FF F Drawing , Outside F FFF , Inside F FFF F Outside3. Start Depth F ( Z = 0) F ˈ0 ˈ3 F Fˈ4. Finish Depth FF F ˈ05. Allowance F Vector F ˈ 0.016. Tolerance F FF7. Final pass thickness , Final Pass Allowance FF F, F Vector F F8. Machine Safe Z Z BY VORACHET SIMTRAKUL12 PANMANEE HOUSE CO.,LTD ,

Safe Z Z Basic In F FF F 3 mm ARTCAMHome Position F Home 13 F F XF 0,Z F 3 0,Y F9. Profiling Tool F Toolparthˁ Select F Endmill 3 mm (F Tool F Tool Database) ˁSelect Tool F Tool( Endmill 3 mm ) UndefinedFˁ ˁ Stepover , Stepdown , Feed Rate , Plunge Rate , Spindle Tool Number F ( F F Tool Tool Database )10. Cut Direction (Climb Mill) (Convertional) F F11. Add Lead In / Out Moves F F12. Add Ramping Moves F F BY VORACHET SIMTRAKUL PANMANEE HOUSE CO., ,

Basic InARTCAM13. Material ˁ Setup Material Thickness FF FF F F 3 mm Model Position In Maetrial F Material Z Zero F F F Fˈ F ˈ 0.0 ˁ OK F Top Offset14. Toolpath F F FF Name Toolpath F F F F Calculate Later Toolpath F Now F Tool- path F ˁ Now F15. Close ʽ F F 2D Profiling BY VORACHET SIMTRAKUL14 PANMANEE HOUSE CO.,LTD ,

Basic In ARTCAM2D Area Clearance ( FF F ˈ ʽF )1. F F2. Start Depth F F ˈ03. Finish Depth FFF ˈ 1.5 F F ˈ4. Allowance F ˈ05. Final Tool Allowance F ˈ06. Tolerance F ˈ 0.017. Machine Safe Z ZSafe Z ZF FHome Position F F 5 mm FX F Home F F 0,Y F 0,Z F8. Tool List F Toolpath ˁ Add F Endmill 3mm ( F Tool F Tool Database) ˁ Select Tool F Tool (Endmill 3 mm) Undefined FˁˁStepover , Stepdown , Feed Rate , Plunge Rate , Spindle Tool Number F( F F Tool Tool Database) BY VORACHET SIMTRAKUL 15 PANMANEE HOUSE CO., ,

Basic In 9. Tool Clearance StrategyARTCAM Rester 16 F Raster Angle ˈ Offset Cut Direction (Climb Mill) (Convertional) Start Point F (Outside) F (Inside) Independent Finish Depth F F 10. Add Ramping Moves F F Material ˁ Setup Material Thickness F FF FF F 3 mm Model Position In Maetrial F F ˈ F Material Z Zero F F F Top Offset F ˈ 0.0 ˁ OK BY VORACHET SIMTRAKUL PANMANEE HOUSE CO.,LTD ,

Basic In ARTCAM11. Toolpath F F FFName Toolpath F F F FCalculate Later Toolpath F Now F Tool- path F ˁ Now F12. Close ʽ F F BY VORACHET SIMTRAKUL 17 PANMANEE HOUSE CO., ,

Basic In F F)ARTCAM Drilling (1. 42. Start Depth F F ˈ03. Finish Depth FFF ˈ3 F Fˈ4. Machine Safe Z ZSafe Z Z F F F F 3 mmHome Position F Home F F X F 0, Y F 0, Z F 35. Tool F Toolpath ˁ Select F Endmill 3 mm( F Tool F Tool Database) ˁ Select Tool F Tool (Endmill 3 mm) Undefined F ˁˁStepdown , feed Rate , Plunge Rate , Spindle Tool Number F ( F F Tool Tool Database) BY VORACHET SIMTRAKUL18 PANMANEE HOUSE CO.,LTD ,

6. Drill Center Of... F Basic In ... ARTCAMCircular Vectors F F (F 19All Vectors FFAll Vector Nodes ˈ) F F F Node F Vector7. Drilling Strategy F StepdownUse Peck Drilling F FRetraction Z F FZ BY VORACHET SIMTRAKUL PANMANEE HOUSE CO., ,

Basic InARTCAM8. Material ˁ Setup Material Thickness F FF F F F 3 mm F Mate- Top Model Position In Maetrial F Fˈ ˁ OK rial Z Zero F FF Offset F ˈ 0.09. Toolpath F F FFName Toolpath F FF FCalculate Later Toolpath F Now F Tool- path F ˁ Now F10. Close ʽ F F Machine Vectors Profiling F F F Vector 2D F Offset F F( F F 2D Profiling ) BY VORACHET SIMTRAKUL20 PANMANEE HOUSE CO.,LTD ,

Basic In ARTCAMToolpath SimulationF Toolpath Simulation F Save Toolpaths FToolpath F ˁ Fˈ ˁSimulate ToolpathToolparth FSimulate ToolpathToolpaths F ˁ FF ˁ Reset Simulation Delete Simulation FF F BY VORACHET SIMTRAKUL 21 PANMANEE HOUSE CO., ,

Basic InARTCAM Toolpath Operations Save Toolpaths Save Toolpaths Toolpats FF F F Fˈ G-Code F FG-Code F ʽF FF CNC G-Code F1. Toolpath F ˈ2. F Toolpath Operations ˁ Save Toolpaths BY VORACHET SIMTRAKUL22 PANMANEE HOUSE CO.,LTD ,

Basic In ARTCAM3. Calculated toolpaths ˈ Toolpaths F F F ToolpathFF F FF Toolpath F4. Toolpaths to save to a single file ToolpatF (Drilling , AreaClear , Profile )5. Machine output file is formatted for Post ProcessorF (F F F F Panmanee(*.PAN) F Kcam F Panmanee_KCam (*.gc))6. ˁ Save F F Save file Save in Destop (Folder F File ) File name F Test ( File Save )ˁ Save ˁ Close ʽ F FToolpath F F Toolpath F ˈ ˁ BY VORACHET SIMTRAKUL 23 PANMANEE HOUSE CO., ,

Basic In Test.gcARTCAM Test.panFile F Save Toolparths F ˈ Text File ʽ F Post-File F F Word Processor File F Fprocessor Panmanee (*.PAN) F File PAN F FilePostprocessor Panmanee_KCam (*.gc) F File gc BY VORACHET SIMTRAKUL24 PANMANEE HOUSE CO.,LTD ,

Basic In ARTCAMEdit Toolpaths F Toolpath Toolpath FF F Edit Toolpaths F F FF FDelete Toolpaths Toolpath F F Toolpath F ˈ ˁDelete Toolpath BY VORACHET SIMTRAKUL 25 PANMANEE HOUSE CO., ,

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