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Home Explore 2021-2022 Annual Report

2021-2022 Annual Report

Published by kathy, 2022-09-29 18:49:00

Description: 2021-2022 Annual Report


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1 Peter 4:8 \"And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins.” 2021-2022 June 1, 2021 - June 1, 2022 Annual Report

PREACHERHEAD MINISTRIES THE VISION OF PREACHERHEAD MINISTRIES IS To spread the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world and provide relief to the homeless, poor, and needy. PreacherHead Ministries is dedicated to growing its volunteerism movement into a global opportunity that offers food, shelter, clothing, and clean water to all those in need. In addition, it offers inspiration by the way of its music ministry and personal uplifting through its biblical tenets

PASTOR STEVIE ROBINSON Pastor Steve explains, “When one gives to the poor, it is the best spiritual and financial security that one could have. This investment ensures that financial well-being is granted by God who gives us all things. It ensures that we will have what we need when we need it. More importantly, the real treasure is getting into God’s government/kingdom, by giving to the needy.” This concept made Pastor Stevie aware that when giving to the poor, we are giving to God Himself. It makes us truly able to wear the title of a servant, which can only come from God to you. The people on the receiving end do not praise you they praise God! God does not dwell in temples made by the hands of men; he lives in us. BROTHER NEHEMIAH OUR GROWTH Brother Nehemiah was born in Akwa Ibom State Nigeria. Today, Preacherhead Ministries (PHM) He is a father, husband, son, author, and spiritual and has grown and continues to do the work biblical counselor. Professionally, he is a business it set out to do in the beginning, which is counselor and real estate investor. He enjoys spending preaching the gospel of the coming time with family and friends, and he is an avid reader. A kingdom and serving the poor and humanitarian and counselor in spirit, his degree in social needy. PHM volunteers see the work and sociology supports his natural care for necessity of the work of caring for the promoting human welfare and helping society improve. poor and needy, and they have grafted Through extensive research and studies, Nehemiah has themselves into this vine of service. seen the power of extraordinarily simple steps and proper understanding of the Word of POWER, while being mentored by some of the world’s best scholars.

PREACHERHEAD MINISTRIES The Development Team Development The PreacherHead Ministries’ Development Committee is dedicated to focusing on the sustainability and growth of the organization's resources by building relationships with those who understand and care about PreacherHead’s relevance to the community. We endeavor to raise funds to support the initiatives of PreacherHead Ministries through grant opportunities, corporate, private, and individual donors. A summary of the work from last year: Giving Tuesday 2021 Total Donations and Funds In an effort to raise funds and awareness of Collected from May 2021 - May Preacher Head Ministries’ mission to serve those in need, we developed a funding campaign and 2022: $67,736.57 launched for Giving Tuesday. We look forward to General $46,094.23 activating a few additional campaigns throughout Poor & Needy $8,088.30 the upcoming fiscal year. Tithes $13,554.04 5 - Recurring/Monthly Donors 184 - Total Donors as of May 2022 May 2021-May 2022 Highlights: Major accomplishments and successes: Committee Was Established in 2021 2021 Giving Tuesday Campaign Launch - Review Existing Operating Budget Establish Funding Goals Raised $2,895 Assess Existing Donors & Volunteers Started Developing Grant Application Quarterly Meetings to Review 2021-2022 Fundraising Goals Process Volunteer additions: Hired a part-time grant writer Committee goals for next year: • Increase private and corporate donations by 30% • Enhance Tracking Capabilities for In-Kind Donations • Develop new community relationships and partner with other non-profit organizations • Increase the amount of recurring donations by 150% by the end of upcoming fiscal year • Develop recurring digital communication tools to share upcoming ways to donate and volunteer • Develop a donor campaign to help raise awareness for the Supernatural Fasting Book Launch • Work with Preacher Head Board of Directors to develop the next phase of the Clean Water Project

PREACHERHEAD MINISTRIES Marketing The Marketing Team The Marketing Team Report for May 2021-May 2022. Our team is made of five strong marketing associates, with exceptional skills in graphic arts, videography, digital marketing, web design and organizational planning. Collectively we are made up of discussions, tasks, projects, programs, and processes, that provoke thought and spark new ideas in hopes of tailoring the right manifestation of energy into kingdom work! The PreacherHead marketing team will amplify the impact of the organization online and off-line that will drive community growth, and gain key insights into audience behavior and their evolving preferences. We will use this data to segment our audiences and create targeted content that increases brand awareness, user Engagement, and that drives our social media. Amandilo Cuzan Steve Butler Kathy Raby Nehemiah Daniels Dacia Anderson Thom Anderson Videographer Digital Marketing Marketing Strategist Board Liaison Business Strategist Graphic Artist Director Committee goals for next year: • In 2022-23, we will focus on promoting and running paid ads for video shorts related to products, events, or fundraising opportunities. • Will shine light on resources that are not producing at full capacity. • For the purpose of branding, we will engage more print material advertising on Pace Bus as well as build new relationships where we can take advantage of showcasing the brand. • Work with our team of marketing experts to craft custom growth strategies tailor- made for the organization's goals.

PREACHERHEAD MINISTRIES CHICAGO'S THE CHICAGO OPERATIONS TEAM O P E RAT I O NS What does the Chicago Operations Team do? PreacherHead Ministries Chicago Operations Team feeds 100 Homeless Poor & Needy each month, 1,200 per year. This monthly outreach program provides resources for the poor and needy in various communities, including food, clothes, toiletries, and housing assistance. What have we done? The team has built a process designed to acknowledged locations that identify as a food deserts, underserved or where heavily populated homeless communities exist. We have acquired larger storage space in Gary IN, through a partnership with Israel the Church of Jesus. This storage space is one of many collaborations the fellow organizations work in partnership on together. Partnerships We are partnered with S.A.G.A. Empowerment Services Coalition NFP; Israel Church of Jesus, Indianapolis, Indiana; PreacherHead in Houston; M25:35 Dallas, Texas. Indiana; House of Jacob, Peoria. Shower-up, Chicago and other organizations that provide services and resources to the homeless in their respective cities. The mobile team has built its monthly outreach to include up to 14 volunteers some months. Our goal for the year is to complete a Policy & Procedure Manual and help to build PHM Clothing & Food Dispensary, establish give-a-way teams in Los Angeles, La Vegas, Atlanta & Belize. This year we will incorporate motivational music into the monthly events and solicit donations items from partnering businesses and organizations. We will be organizing the storage location space, making it operational and sightly during the spring and summer. Our goal is to also conduct two giveaway events per month doubling the number of homeless we serve. Chicago Operations Committee Tamara Claiborne and Stephanie Randell Pn

PREACHERHEAD MINISTRIES PreacherHead Ministries in Houston Conducted three homeless outreach events during the past year. HOUSTON, TX We provided over 100 individuals with food, toiletries, blankets, OPERATIONS and clothes. Filling in the Gaps during Natural Disasters Our team provided emergency supplies for victims of Hurricane Irma. We gave evacuees a hot meal, food, water, and other necessities. We paid for several evacuees' hotel accommodations because they were denied by FEMA and other organizations. Partnerships The Houston Operations Team partnered with Bro Ron Burnett and his students at San Jacinto North to conduct another giveaway. We have a great team of volunteers working with the Houston Outreach Team. Goals The main goal for the upcoming year is to increase the frequency of the outreach we conduct in Houston to at least 6-8 events. We are currently searching to partner with an organization to provide showers for the homeless in our city. Additionally, we will complete the TX tax exempt process so that we can help our dollars go further. We will also build a marketing team to properly advertise our give-away events to the public. Tameka Holcomb Houston Operations Team Leader Pn

PREACHERHEAD MINISTRIES Deuteronomy 15:11 “For the poor shall never cease out of the land: therefore I command thee, saying, Thou shalt open thine hand wide unto thy brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy, in thy land.”

PREACHERHEAD MINISTRIES 1 John 3:17-18 But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.

PREACHERHEAD MINISTRIES There are over 2.4 billion Christians in the world. What the People Think is a platform for Christians to be approached with bible questions with no judgement. We want to know what is on the people’s minds, what do they know and what do they think about the bible. There is no right or wrong answer to the questions we ask. What the people think videos are published seven or eight times a year.



PREACHERHEAD MINISTRIES INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANT’S COMPILATION REPORT Members of the Board of Directors Preacherhead Ministries, Chicago, Illinois We have reviewed the accompanying financial statements of Preacherhead Ministries (a nonprofit organization), which comprises the statement of financial position-modified cash basis as of December 31, 2020, and 2021, and the related statement of activities-modified cash basis, statement of cash flows and statement of functional expenses – modified cash basis for the years then ended, and the related notes to the financial statements. A COMPILATION includes primarily applying analytical procedures to management’s financial data and making inquiries of organization management. A COMPILATION is substantially less in scope than an audit, the objective of which is the expression of an opinion regarding the financial statements as a whole. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with the modified cash basis of accounting; this includes determining that the modified cash basis of accounting is an acceptable basis for the preparation of financial statements in the circumstances. Management is also responsible for the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement whether due to fraud or error. Accountants’ Responsibility Our responsibility is to conduct the review engagement in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services promulgated by the Accounting and Review Services Committee of the AICPA. Those standards require us to perform procedures to obtain limited assurance as a basis for reporting whether we are aware of any material modifications that should be made to the financial statements for them to be in accordance with the modified cash basis of accounting. We believe that the results of our procedures provide a reasonable basis for our conclusion.

PREACHERHEAD MINISTRIES Accountants’ Conclusion Based on our review, we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the accompanying financial statements in order for them to be in accordance with the modified cash basis of accounting. Basis of Accounting The financial statements are prepared in accordance with the modified cash basis of accounting, which is a basis of accounting other than accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Our conclusion is not modified with respect to this matter. GREGORY HOLCOMB Holcomb Accounting and Taxes Chicago, Illinois May 11, 2022

PREACHERHEAD MINISTRIES PREACHERHEAD MINISTRIES December 31, 2021 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTE 1 – SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND PRACTICES (a)Nature of Activities The mission of Preacherhead Ministries, Inc. is to preach the Gospel and care and provide for the needs of the poor. Members, in return, provide financial assistance through monetary donations. (b)Standard of Accounting and Reporting The financial statements of the Preacherhead Ministries are prepared using the modified cash basis of accounting, which is a comprehensive basis of accounting other than generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) in the United States of America. The modified cash basis differs from GAAP in that certain revenues are recognized when received rather than earned and certain expenses are recognized when paid rather than when the obligation is incurred. Shortterm items are recorded when cash levels change, meaning that nearly all elements typically on an income statement are recorded using the cash basis and accounts receivable are not recorded on a statement of financial position. The Preacherhead Ministries does not record depreciation and typically does not capitalize assets outside of major expenditures. (c)Net Asset Accounting Preacherhead Ministries classifies revenues and contributions, expenses, gains and losses into two classes based upon the existence or absence of donor restrictions. Net Assets Without Donor Restrictions are resources available to support operations. The only limits on the use of these net assets are the broad limits resulting from the nature of the organization, the environment in which it operates, and any limits resulting from contractual agreements with creditors and others that are entered into in the course of operations. Net Assets With Donor Restrictions are resources that are restricted by a donor for use for a particular purpose or in a particular future period. Some donor-imposed restrictions are temporary in nature, and the restriction will expire when the resources are used in accordance with the donor’s instructions or when the stipulated time has passed. Other donor-imposed restrictions are perpetual in nature; the organization must continue to use the resources in accordance with the donor’s instructions. When a donor’s restriction is satisfied, either by use of the resources in the manner specified by the donor or by the passage of time, the expiration of the restriction is reported in the financial statements by reclassifying the net assets from net assets with donor restrictions to net assets without donor restrictions.





Tamara Claiborne, Administrative Assistant Tamara has worked with PreacherHead Ministries since 2012. Tamara’s dedication to the success of PreacherHead Ministries continues to exist as the organization grows. Tamara has a MBA in Business Administration and Human Resources. Tamara has over 10 years experience working for Fortune 500 companies. Tamara is a servant leader allowing God’s light to shine in all she does. Tamara is passionate about serving others and catering to the needs of those less fortunate than herself. Nehemiah Daniels, Co-Operationa Manager Brother Nehemiah is a father, husband, son, author, spiritual and biblical counselor. Nehemiah is a co-prime ministering ambassador of the gospels of the Kingdom, and a strategic minister in caring for the poor and needy! He is delighted to serve and looks forward every day to ministering and counseling! Greg Holcomb, Accountant Gregory Holcomb, Accountant, Business Consultant & Coach. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. Attended Corliss High School and graduated from the University of Wisconsin majoring in Business Administration and Accounting. Gregory is dedicated to God, family and community. Gregory promotes business development through the eyes of his own entrepreneurial spirit. Gregory's hobbies include Chicago style stepping, family outings and RV vacationing throughout the U.S. Michelle Rhnea Yisrael, Co-Operations Manager Professor Yisrael has been honored to empower women and children for over 30 years. She has a Master's degree in English from Chicago State University, A Master's in Online Teaching from the University of Illinois Springfield, a soul degree in love, and possesses a passion for nurturing the human soul. She teaches English & Literature at City Colleges of Chicago, Curriculum Developer and a Train the Trainer Professional Development Specialist for Urban EDU Coach and author of I AM Media Books.

In the next two to three years, PreacherHead Ministries will provide services from both a brick-and-mortar location as well as a mobile unit. These two assets will enable the team to accommodate perishable donations as well as increase service delivery to expand our reach. The ideal location will allow PreacherHead Ministries to provide not only food, clothing, and toiletries but also vocational training, personal development, and counseling services for the homeless community. The mobile unit will equip PreacherHead Ministries to support disaster assistance and emergency relief efforts to the homeless population caused by inclement weather in addition to community outreach We will also expand our Executive Board of Directors in the summer of this year.

Preacherhead Publications, L3C will launch its first publication written by Pastor Stevie Robinson with contributing author Michelle Rhnea Boisseau, set to launch on soon. When we become aware of the brokenness, God gives us the supernatural power and ability to move toward repentance of any sin and error we have committed. Upon fasting, He may use us as tools to strengthen and empower others, making us laborers in His vineyard. Fasting is a way to demonstrate to God, and ourselves, that we are serious about our relationship with Him. It is a way of refocusing on ourselves and putting it back on God. Fasting is meant to give us a spiritual breakthrough. The Supernatural Power of Fasting & Prayer provides readers with a tools for spiritual breakthrough. Coming Soon There are two more books waiting in the wings for PreacherHead Publications: • The Problem is Me Even When it is You • The Power of God with the Woman

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