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Home Explore Colorful Cream Floral Creative Trifold Brochure

Colorful Cream Floral Creative Trifold Brochure

Published by Affiera Alia, 2020-11-18 14:39:39

Description: Colorful Cream Floral Creative Trifold Brochure


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What is 'Umra 'Umra refers to a gift in the life of donor or beneficiary subject to the asset being return to the donor after demise of beneficiary. It also denotes a transitory provision which refers to the life of any party of hibah arrangement, either the hibah giver or the receiver.

What is Hibah 'Umra Group Members Hibah ‘umra is defined as a NUR HAAFIZHAH BT gift during the lifetime of the ABDUL RASID 254689 recipient or giver of hibah on the condition that the NUR AFFIERA ALIA ASMA BT AHMAD SABRI property will be returned to 254317 the giver in case of AFAF BINTI AZZAHAR death of the recipient. 255677 Conversely, if the hibah giver NUR SYUHADA BT ZULKAPLE dies, hibah property shall be 254586 returned to the next of RAIHANAH BT ARIFF kin of the hibah giver. 252815 It is limited to the lifetime of either the benefactor or the NUR ASHIEDA SHAMIMI BT LATANRANG recipient. 253942 MORGAN PHRASADDHA NAIDU PUSPAKARAN 255843

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