What is Hibah 'Umra Hibah ‘umra is defined as a gift during the lifetime of the recipient or giver of hibah on the condition that the property will be returned to the giver in case of death of the recipient. Conversely, if the hibah giver dies, hibah property shall be returned to the next of kin of the hibah giver. it is limited to the lifetime of either the benefactor or the recipient. Hibah umra is one of the forms of donation and it needs that all other forms of donation need, such as offer, acceptance and possession or what replaces it. Umra refers to make something pertinent to the life, derived from the root word ‘umr’ which means life or age. A prominent classical scholar namely Tha’lab said: Umra means giving the house to someone saying that, this is for you subject to your life or mine, whoever of us dies the house will be given to his family (Ibn Manzur 1990; Razi 2008).
Hanafi & Hanbali Schools Still curious and Group Members of Law clueless? NUR HAAFIZHAH BT ABDUL RASID In juristic term Hanafi and Hanbali Schools If you wish to know more about 254689 of law define umra as, to give someone it, come join our Facebook live one's own possession referring to the life of session and do not miss out the NUR AFFIERA ALIA ASMA BT anyone of them. opportunity to ask our beloved AHMAD SABRI 254317 Maliki & Shafi'e Schools speaker, Dr Fauziah! of Law AFAF BINTI AZZAHAR Wait, do we have 255677 Maliki and Shafi’e Schools of law define it Kahoot Session too?! as, to donate someone one's own NUR SYUHADA BT ZULKAPLE belonging referring to the life of the Oh yes! We are having a 254586 beneficiary. Kahoot session too! This is super interesting. By just answering 5 RAIHANAH BT ARIFF Generally Muslim jurists opine that hibah 252815 umra is lawful. simple questions, three lucky winners will get the chance to NUR ASHIEDA SHAMIMI BT The Prophet says, win TEALIVE e-gift card from us! LATANRANG Whoever makes a donation of umra it will be for the beneficiary, whether alive or 253942 dead, and then for his heirs (Muslim 4283). MORGAN PHRASADDHA NAIDU However, Muslim jurists differ in opinions PUSPAKARAN whether hibah umra transfers ownership of 255843 the asset or that of the usufruct.
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